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Cleaning the hard disk of the computer. Programs for cleaning a computer from unnecessary files

Hello everyone friends!

If you take care of the fast work of the computer, then at least a probe in three months you need to carry out a global cleaning of the system from a variety of garbage. If this does not do the computer will simply slow down.

After a long work of the computer, a lot of garbage accumulates, getting rid of which you can release gigabytes of free space on the disk gesture, clean your garbage disc in three steps. This is an article for beginners. Use it, and really notice the difference before and after cleaning the hard disk. The most interesting thing is that we get rid of the Temp folder more about it:

Step 1) Cleaning the Computer from the garbage - manually

Clearing the system disk "C" in Windows 7 is a pretty simple procedure, but before using programs, we will prepare our computer. To do this, we use standard means of the system. Go to B. "Start" -->"A computer" And we see our discs. We bring the mouse to the C disk, and press the right mouse button. We go to the property and start cleaning the disc.

The cleaning program will start, it will appreciate the volume, and will prepare files to remove.

Attention! If you clean the disk for the first time - it may take a long time, up to several hours. Therefore, for particularly "launched patients" have to be cleaned overnight.

We put a tick everywhere before cleaning. Look in the basket, maybe you have left the files you need.

Do not forget to enter the Advanced tab, there you can delete unnecessary programs and recovery points. Click "OK"--> "Delete Files" Unnecessary trash removed. The preparation of the system is completed, go to "heavy artillery" - we use a powerful program to remove garbage residues.

Step 2. CCleaner - We continue cleaning the disk

We continue cleaning. And in this the cool program of its name CCleaner will help us. This is the most popular utility among garbage cubs. Downloading Portable (Portable version does not require installation) Program. Loading will start automatically. Run the program, click "Analyze" (Analysis) after scanning "RUN CLEANER"(Cleaning). The program language changes so "Options" --> "SETTINGS" --> "Language" --> "RUSSIAN".

You can also clean the registry, I think you will understand - the interface is easierless. Go to the next step.

Step 3. Freespacer - full cleaning of a computer disc from trash

The program is called Freespacer and install it on your computer. I will say a few words about this wonderful program.

Freespacer I use it for a very long time that I like there are no complex settings in it, everything comes down to two actions. Search and removal is distributed free of charge and removes anything superfluous. I also want to say about her effectiveness, my friend she deleted 20 gigs of garbage and this is not the limit.

Run the program and click "Search." No other programs or background applications should be launched in the system.

After a program for cleaning the disk C finish your work click "Delete". After work, the program will show how much gigabyte garbage has been removed.

Do not forget to write in the comments how much you have freesed free space on the disk. It will be very interesting for me to users. Your friends probably also have a lot of garbage, give them a link to this post, they will be grateful to you.

More useful articles:

  1. - New and beautiful browser.
  2. - New program and social network from Pavel Durov.
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The hard disk of the computer is not rubber, and each user can encounter a situation where one or all local disks will be filled out to failure. In addition to the fact that you will not be able to save new files, it can also be reflected in the computer, especially if the C drive is clogged. In many cases, part of the memory occupy completely unnecessary information about which you or just forgotten, or do not know about its existence. Let's deal with how to clean the hard drive from unnecessary files, and do not cause harm to the system.

What files relate to unnecessary?

First of all, this category includes the so-called "Computer garbage":

  • temporary information;
  • data that retains the browser;
  • some records in the registry.

Many programs leave after themselves temporary or backup files that are subsequently never used, but remain on the computer. Browsers also love to keep a lot of unnecessary information about sites that you visited. Well, not a small share of computer garbage make up unused labels, information in the clipboard, the remaining information from remote applications and other. All this over time creates a load on the system disk, which leads to the emergence of lags on the computer.

Unused programs, installation files and much more from the contents of the hard disk only makes that it takes the memory. Therefore, it is worth highlighting the time to guide the order on the computer.

How to get rid of "trash" files?

First you need to post local disks for unnecessary installation information, movies, photos, music and be sure to clear the basket - this can significantly increase the volume of free memory on the hardband.

It is worth noting that the procedure for deleting unused files is not sin to engage in preventive purposes, without waiting for the memory to be abandoned to failure. We will consider the 3 most effective ways to get rid of unnecessary data:

  • removal of programs;
  • use of system agents;
  • using the CCleaner utility.

For reliability, you can consistently apply all the methods listed.

This article will help you burn movies on a DVD -

Removal of unnecessary software

It often happens that you install a program for one-time use and forget to remove it. And in some cases, together with the necessary software, several additional utilities are installed on the computer. With any scenario, it is periodically useful to check the list of installed software, since many of them can not only take a lot of space, but also work in the background, using system resources.

Go to the control panel and select "Delete the program".

Now we start carefully to study the list of installed programs. Many titles may seem unfamiliar, but you should not immediately begin to delete these, since it may be necessary for the Software system or driver. It is better to search on the Internet, for which they are needed, and then to solve their further fate. To delete the program, select it and in the top panel click on the appropriate inscription.

Using system equipment

The Windows operating system provides for the possibility of cleaning from "garbage" files. To do this, select the desired disk and click on it right mouse button. In the context menu, click "Properties".

In the window that opens, click on the "Disk Cleaning" button.

After estimating the amount of memory, which can be released (may take time), you are given the opportunity to choose which types of files should be deleted. You can safely place the checkboxes at all points - if it were unsafe, the system would not suggest to delete them. However, it is better to pay attention to what you celebrate - it may be that you need this data. Preparing the checkboxes, you will see what amount of memory will be released. Click "OK", confirm the removal and expect.

It is so easy and simple to remove unused files from a hard disk without resorting to the use of additional software.

Using CCleaner

The CCleaner program is considered the most reliable tool in terms of cleaning the computer from garbage. It can always be downloaded for free from the official site. It is extremely simple and understandable.

A corresponding tab must be selected for cleaning in CCleaner. In addition, pay attention to the Windows and "Applications" tabs, where you can find out what these or other unnecessary files are. If necessary, we are needed or removing the checkboxes. Press the "Analysis" button.

After analysis, you will see how much memory will be released, and which data will be deleted. Click the "Run Cleaner" button.

In addition, CCleaner can be checked and correcting errors in the registry.


The listed ways to remove unnecessary files are well proven to Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10, however, even to Windows XP, they are also applicable. Remember that such procedures will not only allow to free a lot of memory, but also improve the speed of the system.

Hard disks are becoming more and more, but, no matter what, they somehow always seem to be filled. This is especially true of solid-state drives (SSD), which offer their owners a smaller amount of available memory compared to traditional disks with "mechanical drive". If you chase at the free place, those techniques that we describe below will become very by the way and will help you achieve the desired one. First of all, we will talk about the means and methods for cleaning the PC from garbage, like removing copies of files, deep uninstalling programs, etc.

Windows operating system contains built-in utilities that most of the tasks of an ordinary user can solve. And the disc cleaning is one of these problems where it is not necessary to immediately run to install an third-party application.

To begin with, follow the next instruction, it is quite possible that it will be enough:

  1. Open the conductor on the Computer tab (this one where all the existing discs are displayed).

  2. Right-click on the partition that you think requires cleaning. Select and click on the "Property".

  3. On the "Main" tab, choose "Cleaning the disc." A new window will open. An alternative option may be searching for the Disk Cleanup utility through the Start menu.

  4. Click on "OK" and in the list you will see all "unnecessary" files that can be deleted without damaging the files you need. Arrange the ticks at your discretion and click on "OK". In addition to the usual, you can "Walk" and system sections. To do this, click on the key with the two-color shield "Clear System Files".

  5. After cleaning, a new tab "Additional features" will appear, go to it. On the tab you can do two things: "Delete programs" and "Delete backups". The latter exist in order to reverse the time in the event of not solved problems with the system. Traveling in time or "System rollback" occurs due to the point when the last backup was made.

Important! In other words, remove such files with caution - always leave at least one copy of the operating system.

You safely got rid of congratulations! Now let's move to the removal of programs.

Method 2. Removing programs

Direct continuation of the previous section.

Step 1. On the "Additional Features" tab, click on "Clear" in the "Programs and Features" section. As a result, you will move to the "Delete Programs" window.

In addition, you can get there through the "Control Panel", following the next route: "Control Panel" - "Programs" - "Programs and Components".

Step 2. So, in front of you the window with all the programs installed on your PC. To begin with, you need to form the estimated "execution list". To do this, click on the "Sort" icon in the right corner of the table, next to the question mark. Select sorting in size.

Step 3. Determine for yourself, without which programs you can do it (often it is what you see for the first time). Next, a single click of the left, choose a sacrifice.

Step 4. Right over the list there is a "Delete" button, click on it.

Step 5. In the confirm dialog box, confirm your intention to get rid of the program by pressing the "OK" key.

Step 6. Windows will begin the removal process, after a successful completion, which will give you an information window with an appropriate content. Carefully read the contents and click on "OK" again.

Congratulations, you have successfully used the standard Windows functionality!

If in the desire to free the place on the computer you are ready to go for something more boldly go to the next section.

Method 3. Using third-party applications

Step 1. Analysis of the system. In order to determine what exactly your hard disk is drawn, you can scan systems to identify the most difficult file sections. Here the WinStat program will be a good solution, which quickly analyzes and will tell everything about PC memory.

The program can be downloaded for free on the Internet. After installation, it will immediately offer to start checking. Next, you can continue an execution, both in manual and automatically using other programs.

Step 2. Deleting temporary files. According to a common opinion, the best program for rapidly cleaning the "heavy" sections from the hidden garbage is the creation of the company Piriform CCLEANER program.

You can download it both from the official and third-party sites. In any case, the program is paid. However, there is a sufficiently solid free feature. After loading CCleaner, select a section with the "Cleaner" broom and dispel the checkboxes where you think you need, click on the "Run Clean" key. Next, follow the removal algorithm instructions.

Step 3. Deleting duplicate files. Quite often, the computer's memory contains a huge number of the same files in different places. In order to get rid of this kind of garbage from this kind of garbage, use the Duplicate Cleaner Pro program. The application scans the PC memory and displays all the repetitive files from which it will be possible to get rid of it.

Thus, to exemplate the place of garbage on the Windows 7 operating system, there are both built-in and third-party. You are free to choose and use exactly what you personally have to do with the soul, and what exactly you consider the most convenient.

Video - How to Clean Disc from Garbage

And today I will tell you how to free more space on the system disk C, with windows 7 operating system. First, everything is installed on the desktop everything is associated with the disk of S.

And so in order to make more memory on this disk, it does not need to store any large files on it, it can be music, movies, games, etc. Also periodically need to be cleaned with a basket, which also accumulates a large number of remote user files.

Go ahead. We go to "My Computer" - "System disk with" - go to the "Windows" folder - Temp folder. By the way, on my disk, there are 285 GB of free space, after cleaning the disk, let's see how much to add.

In this folder there are files and folders that need to be deleted, we will be removed immediately by the basket, in order to not be brushing it to the "SHIFT + DELETE".

Go to the next action. Go to "My Computer" into the "Sort" tab - "folder and search parameters" go to the "View" tab go down to the bottom, put the checkbox "Show hidden files, folders and discs", remove the tick "hide protected system system files" , click "Yes," confirm "OK".

Next, we go to "My Computer", "System disk with", "Users", the name of the computer in my case is the name "Max" for each computer it will be its own. This computer name is given when installing Windows 7. We go to the "App Data" folder - "Local" - "temp".

As you can see here, too, there is a huge number of files and folders you do not need. They also delete "SHIFT + DELETE". Some files may not be deleted as already used by any programs.

Next What we need to do. Go to "my computer" - "disk with" and there find the file "Hiberfile.sys".

This file is responsible for the fact that the computer can enter the hibernation mode. For example: you played in some kind of game, or you have some important programs, you need to remove for a while and so that the program does not start again, just go to the "Start" menu - "Completion" - "Hibernation". If you don't need this mode, it can be turned off, it takes 2.95 GB of memory, but maybe more.

And so how to disable this mode. Go to the "Start" menu in the search box we write cmd. And launch this file on behalf of the administrator. This window will appear in which you need to register the following powerCfg Hibernate Off

We turn off this mode to this command. Click "ENTER", everything as you see the file automatically disappeared from the disk S. What can still be done how else can be cleaned C.

We go to "My Computer" click right key, select "Properties" - "Cleaning the disc." Here you need to wait a bit. After that, go to the "Advanced" tab, in the bottom window, the system restores and shadow copying click "Clear" in the "Delete", "OK", "Delete files" in the appeared window. The disk cleaning process will begin. Upon completion of cleaning, click "OK".

All users are divided into two categories. In the first, everything is neatly decomposed by folders and take into account every gigabyte disk space. In the second, the labels are not visible on the desktop, the wallpaper is not visible. However, both users of the user can face with the problem of lack of free space on the disk. Some suitable to it systemically and in advance. Others are involved when the OS is issued a relevant warning. Our tips telling how to free the disk space « C » Windows 10 will suit everything.

Microsoft knows the subtleties of the operating system and its ability to "litter" the hard disk. In Windows 10, several tools are available to the user to remove its "livelihoods" of the user. The first is called "Disk Cleaning" and is available in all versions based on the NT kernel.

Standard method

To start it, perform a given sequence of actions in the "Explorer".

As a result of these manipulations, the properties window will open in the drive system.

So, we got to the cleaning mechanism. All groups of files that are listed in the list that opens can be painlessly deleted. As the checkboxes are ticked, the system calculates the volume of the released place. However, on this capabilities, the utility does not end. Since we have gathered to carry out total cleaning, clean up the system files.

The parameters indicated in the screenshot allow:

  • Delete programs that are not used for a long time. Choosing the first point "Clear"We will move to the standard control menu. As a result, it works as an interactive reminder for especially forgetful users;
  • The second item is much more interesting. If the System Restore function is enabled on the computer, with which the recovery points are created, you can delete them. In a long working system, they can occupy a significant place.

Actions performed when selecting the second item will need to confirm additionally.

Go to the main tab and confirm the choice again.

The system deletes temporary files. The operation time will depend on their volume and type of drive.

New cleaning menu

In addition to the classic method, which we just considered, a new one appeared in Windows 10. To use it, we turn on the parameter menu.

We use the search feature as a universal option suitable for any user.

Select the item selected in the screenshot to go to new system settings.

In the rapid transition menu, located on the left side, select the item "Storage". Click on the stylized image of the system disk displaying the degree of filling it.

Opened statistics for filling the disk space, which shows the size occupied by each file category. We are interested in deleting temporary files, so go to the relevant item.

We celebrate the necessary items and confirm your action. Making that the operation is completed returning back to the section "Storage". In it, we still have another not considered option. Pay attention to the position of the slider in the "Memory Control" section. His position answers the question: why temporary files are not deleted, over time accumulating in the system. By default, it is always turned off.

Move the slider into the included position to allow Windows to automatically clean the temporary files. Open link "Change the way of liberation" And we look at what exactly falls under the actions of the automation.

If you do not use the basket as a storage room for storing unnecessary files, you can leave the slider in the on position. Click on the selected button to make sure that the system does not have "garbage". This cleaning can be considered complete.

Cleaning the system after updating

After another Microsoft update, called Fall Creators Update, Windows 10 received additional settings and first Fluent Design elements. The main changes affected the optimization of the executable code and externally imperceptible. On this good news end. After installing it, the user may encounter the fact that the disk "FROM" crowded.

Let's figure it out where the place has disappeared after the update. For a start, let's see how much it takes Windows 10 after installation. Open the system disk in the explorer.

Pay attention to the selected folder Windows.oLD -we will return to her a little later. We find a directory with the installed OS and call the context menu right-click.

We are interested in the item marked in the screenshot. By clicking on it, we will open the properties of the selected folder.

Now let's go back and check the size Windows.old..

Now you understand how it turned out that the disk is overflowing.

At the time of installing Windows update, makes a complete copy of the previous version so that the user can return back if something does not suit it. Microsoft testing takes 10 days. By their expiration, the copy must be removed automatically. If there is really missing space on the system disk, you need to delete the Windows.old folder before the deadline.

We go to the section in which setting the parameters of automatic cleaning of temporary files.

After installing Fall Creators Update, the appearance has changed somewhat. Added auto-cleaning folder, and the sliders are replaced with checkmarks. We descend down and see additional options related to the passed OS update. To remove the saved copy, you must mark the corresponding item and press the selected button. As a result, we return almost 20 GB of disk space.

OS interaction procedure with RAM

A few more gigabytes can be selected from the system by changing the procedure for working with memory. In the process of Windows, it creates and uses two hidden files with the extension "SYS":

  • Pageffic - the so-called "paging file" or virtual RAM. To use the advantages of RAM at the rate of information processing, it makes caching of irregular data. By default, the size of this file is regulated by the operating system. If the amount of RAM is large enough, from 8 GB or more, it is practically not used. The smaller the RAM value, the larriness reaches the paging file;
  • Hiberfile. - It is intended to store the contents of RAM at the time of transition to "deep sleep" or hibernation. Accordingly, to successfully save the information, it must have a size within 75% RAM.

Using the parameters listed in this part depends on the tasks for which the computer and its hardware configuration is used. The struggle for a free space should not be carried out to the detriment of speed.

Change size Pageffic

To resize the paging file, you will need to open the system properties (Win + Pause / Break).

Select the marked point and move to the additional parameter window.

Go to the desired tab and open the speed parameters.

Again, change the tab and go to the virtual memory management.

We perform the sequence given on the screenshot, first of all, removing a tick with automatic size selection. After that, the remaining items are activated. To determine how much to highlight places for PageFile, we use the recommended value. In this case, I will agree and reduce the size of the paging file by setting it a fixed value. By pressing "OK" There will be a warning about the need to reboot.

I confirm your decision. After restarting, the computer will use the limited amount of disk space for the organization of virtual memory.

Turn off hibernation

Users who, after each working session, prefer to turn off the PC, can safely get rid of Hiberfile.. It is worth warming that at the same time can somewhat increasing the total boot time of the OS. If the tens of seconds are not critical, then we run PowerShell in the administrator mode.

The menu in the screenshot is called by pressing the right mouse button on the button. "Start". If you at one time did not agree to go to a new shell, the command line will be located in this place. PowerShell functionality is higher, but the use of any of these tools will lead to the same results.

Enter the command shown in the screenshot instantly removes the Hiberfile from the hard disk. Replacement « oFF » on the "ON" Returns it to the place. Reboot is not required.

Compressive mode

How and what can be removed from the disk to free the place, while without deleting the program, you already know. Consider another useful feature available in Windows 10. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation, you can use it with success only on computers with a modern configuration. In this case, in accordance with Microsoft Recommendations, the presence of SSD as a drive is implied. According to the technical documentation, the Compact OS function turns on automatically when this does not cause a total drop in performance.

The meaning of her work is the "transparent" compression of system files. As a result, the place required to accommodate the OS on the drive is reduced. Check whether the compression on the computer is valid, you can then with the following command (you need to enter on the command line or PowerShell):

Compact / Compactos: Query

The result of its execution you see on the screenshots placed below.

Now let's see how much space it was necessary to install Windows 10 in both cases.

It can be seen that on the right screenshot, the space occupied on the disk is 2.5 GB less than the actual size of the folder.

The result fully corresponds to the stated. The Microsoft documentation promises savings from 1.5 to 2.5 GB, depending on the bit.

If Compact OS does not start automatically, but you decided to check how it will work in your configuration, it is possible to do this in a compulsory. In the above team after a colon, enter not « query », but "ALWAYS". After some time, which is spent on the compactification, you will see the result.

Check how much the system folder occupies to make sure the effectiveness of the actions performed.

If the result of the OS operation in a compressed state does not suit you, you can perform a reverse process. We enter the command after the colon parameter « nEVER » And return the system to the pristine state.

Third-party cleaning programs

Users who are too lazy to perform work with hands can use third-party programs to clean Windows. At the time of installation of such software, do not forget to read the license agreement.

In it, black in white it is written that the developers for the consequences of the application of the scope of responsibility are not carried.

Reg Organizer.

The product of domestic developers is distributed on a fee basis. The license cost of the personal version is 650.00. However, you can find version 7.52 of September 2016, which is free for non-commercial use.

You can not update the program for free, but you can use as much as you like.

In the screenshot, the main window with the list of features deployed on the left side. You can download the program on its official website.


The most popular utility in the Windows user environment. Developed by the British company Piriform Limited and applies to a conditionally free license. More than 50 languages \u200b\u200bare supported, including Russian. At the time of installation, it proposes additionally install Chrome browser.

As you can see, the program offers quite a lot. Talks marked "safe" items. As inactive looks on the sections showing that you can delete additionally.

In any program intended for automatic cleaning, the main thing is not to overdo it. Do not repeat the error of users who opening the parameters of the OS type parameters, first of all seek to delete hidden files. Mark only those items that are confident.


The reasonable use of the above methods will allow not only to bring one-time order in the computer, but also maintain its stable operation for a long time.


For those users who like visual material, we have prepared a video on the topic.