Repairs Design Furniture

Children's design in a private house. Options for the design of a children's room in a country house. Children's rooms in cottages and townhouses. The location of the children's room in the house

Children's arrangement requires increased attention. This is a room in which a child can retire, engage in favorite games where friends will invite. Creating an interior of a children's room in a country house, it is important to take care of the attractiveness, security, comfort and practicalness of the situation.

Children's room is a special, child's own world. As a result, issuing interiors of children's rooms in a country house, It is important to consider each detail with maximum thoroughness. It should be remembered that this room is intended for a small inhabitant. Only environmental, natural materials are recommended as finishes. As a lamps, it is worth using products from unbreakable glass, choose special furniture. High-quality interior items for children are distinguished by ergonomics, convenience, a special form that reduces the risk of injury, bruises. Give comfort, the heat of the atmosphere of the room will help competent textile design: curtains and curtains, carpets, as well as bedspreads, a blank, soft toys. The color decision must correspond to the taste, the nature and sex of the kid. Traditionally, girls for girls are decorated in a pink tone, for boys - in blue. Strictly adhered to the presented stereotypes optionally, the excellent solution will be other neutral, pastel colors: light green, beige, yellow. Give brightness will allow catchy decorative elements: pillows, paintings, prints on the walls, toys.

A special approach to creating a design - a children's room in a country house

Insofar as children's room in a country house It serves both the sleeping, living room and the game zone for the small owner, it is important to take care of creating a multifunctional interior. A successful solution will be the zoning of the room. This technique helps to highlight the free space in the central part, to ensure the ability to actively, create a feeling of space.

Planning country House Design Country Houseshould take into account the age of the child. The main components of the interior of the premises for newborns will become a closet, cradle or cot, a changing chest of drawers, a comfortable armchair for mom. The setting of the children's room for the kid from the year to three years is complemented by a small table for creativity, drawing board. The isolation of the sleeping zone, made in calm, light colors, and colorful, bright game territory, promoting harmonious, active development.

In the setting of the children's room for a child of three - six years, you must add a desk, a spacious wardrobe, a bed. An excellent solution will be the special furniture-transformer, the mechanisms of which allow you to increase the height, the width of the products with the age of the child. The useful element of the interior will be special drawers for toys, located within the reach of the baby. This option provides a child with an independent game, maintain order in the room. As decorative elements, you can use bright pictures with images of your favorite heroes or drawings of the kid himself.

Creating an interior for school-age children, a teenager needs to highlight an additional study area. Writing table, height-adjustable chair, table lamp, bookshelves - fundamental objects of this corner. Nice and exciting time to spend time with children will allow the home theater in the country house. The living area can be supplemented with sofas, poufami, armchairs, a music center or a TV - attributes that make it possible to communicate with the whole family in a cozy atmosphere.

As the child grown an interior design of a children's room in the house will vary depending on its nature, taste, hobbies. As a result, it is important to consider the initial, general concept of interior design. In the future, it is possible to make changes with the help of new furniture, replacing decorative elements, while retaining the overall look of the room. Pick up the most attractive style setting solution will help stock Foto Children's room of country housepresented on the site. Original projects of talented designers will help create an amazing world, a close to the heart of the child.


Residence in the Middle East (43 photos)


The team of architects under the leadership of Olga Kushnareva-Leon designed a scale in terms of volume and the task of mansion in the Middle East, connecting the features of the classic European Chateau and the Eastern Palace. And it did it with an extraordinary brilliance and elegance, the workshops organized a space of 6000 square meters. M and filled life and genuine beauty every centimeter.

The company's experts joined the project long before the end of the construction of the main house and related buildings, therefore it was possible not only to work on the design project of interiors, but also to make adjustments to architectural solutions, which as a result had a positive effect on the appearance of residential premises. "Work on the interiors occupied three years, more than 70 people participated in the design, configuration, decoration process. The geography of the masters was the broadest: Local Masters worked with a stone (and worked simply filigree!), Wooden products made Europeans, furniture, textiles and accessories Supplied the best world manufacturers ... The work was unusually tense, but the result was impressive: the main authentic interior With palace scope, "says Olga Kushnareva-Leone.


The Projector Bureau Team under the leadership of the architect Tatiana Levina designed and built a two-storey house that exists in complete harmony with nature. This house themselves called Sunlight because the leading role in the project is played by sunlight.

First, panoramic windows allow not only to erase the line between the interior and the exterior, to plunge into the surrounding greenery around the house, but also fill the entire first floor with the sun. At the second level in the zone bedrooms, high narrow windows, on the contrary, work on protected and comfort. Light there is soft, comfortable for rest. Secondly, the house is built with the parties to the Light. The living room is located in the northeast to meet the first sun rays in the morning, and the entrance group and the kitchen area - in the West to enjoy the evening sunset. The technical premises are addressed to the south, they protect the residential volume from the scorching midday sun. Sports from the south side on the second floor and gives a deep shadow at all and forms a comfortable microclimate ... As a result, the logic of the location of the premises is completely subordinated to the solar movement, and the rooms are uniformly illuminated.


Architects Elizabeth Golubsyova and Marina Biryukova (Bigo Architectural Group) issued a house in Barcelona for a family with three children. With the owners of the house - blogger Tatyana Rodionova and businessman Andrei Rodionov architects have been working for a long time, they designed a house for them in the Moscow region.

"From an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters near Moscow. M Family moved to a modern Spanish townhouse with an area of \u200b\u200b370 square meters. m. Before us was the challenge so to plan the space so that the decrease in the metabolism did not affect the life of the family and her comfort, "the authors of the project tell. As a new place for permanent residence, customers have chosen a house in a quiet suburb of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bgood, but without delights. It was built more than 10 years ago and to ensure that the level of comfort, to which the family got used to, demanded fundamental changes. "Construction work we conducted the forces of an international team: Local specialists were engaged in engineering, local specialists were engaged in engineering, the individual goods made from the tree," the architects say. As a result, an eclectic house with a relaxed atmosphere, a southern flavor, a multicultural design and European antiques was turned out.


Designers Daria Miavura and Dmitry Karpenok reconstructed a three-storey house for a creative family and created a picturesque interior from a patina and a collection of artifacts. Customers with three children bought a house of 600 square meters. m in one of the prestigious village villages more than five years ago, the first time calm modern interior satisfied them, but soon I wanted to add paints, connect different styles and eras, create housing in which it will be fine for everyone.

"Customers love to travel, they impress American interiors, as well as the French classics, the style of Provence," the authors of the project tell. "Therefore, we suggested instead of a boring interior to make a spectacular stylization, full quotation and reference to history." The work on the project began with one room, but the result was so much like the owners that they went into an adventurous experiment on updating the entire house. The difficulty was that the reconstruction should have been carried out with the most gentlemen in the preservation of the initial volumes and background finishing materials. Therefore, the authors of the project attracted a large team of restorers, which were exceptionally decorative methods over full updating at home.


Before the architects of the Taupehome Bureau, under the leadership of Natalia Semenova, the task was set not just to issue an interior of the house in the historical suburb of St. Petersburg, but to create a present "generic nest", convenient for living a large family. The customer is a successful business woman and the head of the family - acquired a ready-made two-storey cottage with an area of \u200b\u200b250 square meters. m near the royal village, she planned to live in it along with children and grandchildren.

The interior stylist was largely influenced by the location, the neighborhood with the palace ensembles of the Romanov family, as well as the love of the customers to the elegant classical style.


Yulia Voronezh decorator customers bought a house with a finished finish, which did not quite tired them, they wanted to repaint the wall, maybe replace the floor and add a few bright strokes that would attach individuality space. But it ended with the global repair and creation of a dream house, where everyone will be fine and cozy.

"Although the house was a typical construction with repairs, he had a lot of advantages: a large number of windows, a front entrance to the site, access to the garden from the living room, age-old pines on the site, which in the amount worked on the image of an open and positive interior. On the other hand, there were also disadvantages: a small height of the ceilings, not a completely successful arrangement of communications. These moments should take into account when reconstructing an object to emphasize the dignity, "says the author of the project. Together with the house, the garden has changed, it has become more well-groomed and picturesque.


For a restaurant from Moscow, designer Elena Passaya was designed by Villa in Cyprus, when creating interiors, she was inspired by refreshing sea landscapes and bright Cypriot sunsets. The modern villa is located in the village of Korel Bay (Coral Bay) and is a two-storey building with large panoramic windows and a street pool with a terrace facing the sea.

"At the facility I was only three times: the first time at the stage of the concrete empty box, the second time - after the completion of the final repair, before the placement of furniture and the third time - with the final decoration and photography, - says the author of the project. The local company was engaged in construction work, therefore remote communication was the main complexity, it was not easy to adapt to the rhythm of the life of Cypriots. On the island, no one hurries anywhere, does not upset over trifles and not too pedantically refers to the quality of work and their compliance with drawings and technical assignment. Therefore, the process was accounted for especially thoroughly by photographs in messengers in Online mode. "


Architect Oleg Klodt and designer Anna Agapov created an interior in which the past and the present so closely intertwined that a complete sense of time travel was created. Customers acquired a modern house on Rublevo-Assumption Highway, they dreamed of a real "family nest" in the spirit of European mansions, full history and traditions.

Oleg Claude and Anna Agapova offered to issue a space of 1000 square meters. M in the style of modern Flemish interiors, natural materials with live textures, lightweight patina and gray-golden color palette in the spirit of painting Flemish masters became the basis of a detailed, worked out to the smallest details of the interior. Inspiration for the creation of the interior was the unique family collection of works of art - the picturesque web of the XVIII-XIX centuries. and antique books. During the work on the main house on the site, a guest house was built, which is used as a spa complex and a recreation area with Caine. It is made in Alpine style and configures on vacation.

Discussion (1)


The architects of the D-IEAS studio under the guidance of Jana Malygina reconstructed a three-storey house overlooking the mountains located near Alma-Ata, turning it into a complex, eclectic object, which themselves called the "modern castle". "The housewife of the house was initially for minimalism and natural materials with honest textures," the authors of the project tell. - Used in the finish stone, wood, concrete, glass and metal, we offered to add complex decorative elements in the spirit of the era of the knighthood. "

The house was built about 20 years ago and needed complete reconstruction. Having retained the original proportions, fittings and towers, the designers significantly changed the appearance of the facade and the architecture of the building: attached two wings, increasing the useful living area, made a canopy over the entrance, attached to the construction of a classic mansion.


For a large family, Designers Dmitry and Daria Grigoriev have made a two-storey country house, turning it into an ultra-modern minimal chalet, filled with natural materials and textures: alive and real.

"The architecture of the house is made in a modern key in the spirit of the works of Frank Lloyd Wright - simple volumes, strict forms, large panoramic windows, a lot of air, - tell the authors of the project. - However, the interiors did not see the customers so radical. They travel a lot and love the stylistics of the alpine chalet with an abundance of a tree, a brutal stone, coarse plasters. We offered to combine the traditional chalet with minimalism and make a bet on nontrivial natural materials: graphite, quartzite, oak with complex processing. "

  • last

Person heading "Architect of the Month" - Tatyana Bozovskaya, founder and head of his own Boyov's Exclusive Interior Studio Bureau ", one of the most authoritative architectural and interior bureaus of Russia. About the work, favorite interiors, designers, trends of the changing market of interior and architecture - in an interview with the Archevia portal.

Every loving parent tries to make the life of his little children as comfortable as possible, safe and happy. It is no coincidence that it is precisely a children's room in the house is often furnished and repaired better than any other. It is worth noting that it is often quite difficult to do this. Therefore, if you do not want to use the services of professional designers, approach this business is as serious as possible and responsible. What should I start in such a situation?

Children's room from designer

One of the most complex elections at the arrangement of the children's room is the choice of this room itself. Some experts recommend to allocate under the children's room not too much room on the first floor. This is motivated by the fact that a small child, not very well able to stand on his feet, will not get injuries if the parents are distracted for a minute, and he, in search of adventures, will crawl through the house and fall from the stairs. However, this can deliver extra hassle to parents.

Indeed, in most cases, bedrooms are located on the second floor. And run in the middle of the night due to the fact that the child cried in a dream, from the floor to the floor - not too comfortable occupation. Therefore, it will be more practical to arrange the baby's room in close proximity to the bedroom of the parents.

Sample bedroom parents combined with children's

Injuries associated with a drop from the staircase can be avoided quite easily - just put a special barrier at the exit from the children's room or on the approach to. To do this, you can use both a special barrier sold in children's stores and a regular heavy box or another object, reliably overlapping the road to the child and providing its safety.

It is desirable that parents have quick access from their bedroom in a nursery, that is, the doors must be located in close proximity. However, it is not at all necessary that the rooms are neighboring. Between them can be a bathroom, storage room or another room. On the one hand, this will allow you to quickly get into the right room, and on the other, it will provide a maximum of freedom to parents, without interfering with them to lead the usual way of life.

Sample plan of an apartment with a children's room

Everyone knows how important for the correct and healthy development of the child is sunlight.

Therefore, it is best to highlight a room for a child, the windows of which goes on the sunny side of the house.

Good light illumination is a guarantee of the lack of a number of diseases and maintaining a healthy microclimate in the children's room.

Design for children's room

Another difficult task that stands in front of the parents is a properly designed design of a children's room in the house. Of course, it is best to entrust work to specialists. They will definitely develop a suitable project quickly and efficiently. But if you do not want or can not afford to spend a decent amount for payment of services of professionals, it is worth studying the theory of children's room design. So, what will be useful to remember?

  1. Color spectrum. Most adults believe that the white color prevalent in the design of the premises is the most appropriate: it is attractive, allows you to make a room as light as possible and at the same time does not tire the eye.
    But here it is worth considering the difference between the children's and adult perception of the world. Often, the fact that the adult seems calm and moderate, the child is perceived as frankly boring and dull. Therefore, nine white walls are not the best choice for the children's room. It is better to give preference to moderate, pastel colors - for the girl an excellent choice will be a pink color, and for a boy - blue or green. Of course, it is not worth thinking about the possibility of using bright, catchy colors: they tire of a person. But soft, pastel tones will become a truly successful choice in such a situation.
  2. The presence of additional interior details. You should not leave the walls clean. As mentioned above, they are perceived by children as extremely boring and dull objects. They simply tire the child, the mind of which seeks to know all new and new objects, exploring the amazing world around. Therefore, the more small interior objects in the room, the better. But here you should not forget that various decorations can be broken as a result of children's games. So a good choice can be called various stickers for furniture and walls. Stick up one style, and you can turn the children's room into a real masterpiece and the perfect playground.
  3. An excellent choice can be photographic. In this case, you do not have to break your head over what color paint the walls of the children's room. Of course, you should choose the photo wallpace as much as possible. They must be bright and attract child attention. That is, classic landscapes of forests, flowering gardens and mountains can not be called a good option. It is better to choose wallpaper with your favorite children's cartoon characters. A successful option can be called wallpapers, on which small details are present in large quantities: the child studies them, the usual to concentrate attention and master the world around. Of course, too bright and pedry wallpaper should be avoided.

    Wallpaper Example for Children

  4. It is better to avoid complex design elements. Of course, thanks to multi-level suspended ceilings from drywall, niches with built-in illumination and other decorative techniques, a children's room in a wooden house will look very elegant and sophisticated. However, the child simply will not appreciate all this. As a result, you will spend many tens of thousand rubles for useless details. Therefore, it will be better to save them to design a living room or a bedroom.
  5. The arrangement of the room in accordance with the wishes of the child. Many parents trying to please the child when repairing all his wishes take into account. For example, decorate a children's room in a pirated style, cosmic or some more. And subsequently seriously regret it. Still, there are a lot of time and time on the thematic arrangement of the room. But interests in children change rather rapidly. It will not pass and half a year, as the theme of the pirates will be bored with the child. It switches to dinosaurs, football or pop music.
    And, feeling slack from the parents, immediately will require a fully rejuvenate the room in the style of it. As a result, you will have to either spend big money for repairs, which did not plan, or go to the conflict with the child. So it is better to make a room with a small-scale child with small details of the interior, but at the same time keep the style of the room rather neutral.

Of course, in fact such rules are much larger. And to tell about them about everyone, I would have to write a whole book on the design of the premises of children's rooms. But if you remember these simple rules, they will allow you to create a room for your child.

Furniture for children's room

Of course, if you need a cozy and comfortable children's room in a panel house, you should not forget about the furniture. And it should be approached very and very seriously. Often parents (first of all in order to felt their pride and demonstrate consistency in front of acquaintances) buy the most expensive furniture for the children's room. Italian bed, french table, Dutch cabinet and much more.

But children are simply not able to appreciate it, because they are not accustomed to the stereotypes of the adult world. And appreciate the Italian bed for a thousand euros they will be no longer more than the ten thousand rubles made in the nearest workshop. Therefore, scandals are often brewed between children and parents. During them you can hear: do not jump on the bed! Do not scratch the table! Do not blur wallpaper!

It is quite clear to the desire of parents to preserve the room, the repair of which did not cost one thousand dollars, and in primeval form. But it is worth understanding and children who want to develop, and for this they need to create (and sometimes to destroy), explore, redo. Without this, the child simply will not be able to turn into a steady adult.

So if the purchase of an expensive furniture is a tangible blow to your budget, it is better to give preference to the cheapest samples of furniture and finishing materials.

Children will also run around the room, draw markers on the wallpaper, break the doors of the cabinets and much more. But you will do it ten times cheaper.

Another mistake of parents is an attempt to force the entire children's room with furniture. What about? After all, the child needs a spacious bed, two or three cabinets for things, book rack, computer desk, desk, a few chairs and a small sofa, which can be sought during the day.

An example of a small sofa in the children's room

As a result, the entire children's room in a country house with its spacious premises is simply washed with furniture, and only in the middle of the room there is a block of a free space of one square meter.

But children need space! They want to run, jump, crawl, climb and not sit in one place. How can a child normally develop in a warehouse in which his parents have turned the children's room? So, try to use a reasonable planning for children and cost the minimum furniture: a small bed, one table (preferably without a computer) Couple of chairs and one cabinet, in which they will easily fit both toys and clothing. But the room itself will be amazingly spacious and perfectly suitable for the games of the child.

Create a cozy and interesting room for your baby is one of the main tasks for parents. After all, this is the place where he spends most of his free time. For this reason, to the issue of arrangement of the premises, parents are suitable with great trepidation and special attention, in order to their child, it was comfortable, cozy, and the main thing is nice there. To pick up a suitable design of the design of a children's room, loving parents resort to a small trick - viewing a photo with children's interiors on the Internet. And, as often shows the practice, not in vain. It is the photos that help adults to decide what exactly they need and what they would like to see the room of their baby.

Combination of colors and effects of color gamma on a child's condition

As they say "Taste and color, no comrades," Nevertheless, the design of a nursery is exactly the process that when choosing a design project, requires adhere to basic rules and basic principles when creating an interior.

Selecting the color palette, you need to rely on the age and wishes of your baby, and also take into account its special character. By the way about characters. All are known four main types of human character:

  1. Melancholic;
  2. Phlegmatic person;
  3. Choleric;
  4. Sanguine.

Each of them is inherent in various colors and shades. For the first receiving a blue color, the second does not seem to be a life without shades of green, others love red, and the latter like yellow.

Given the above, parents are very important to correctly pick up the wallpaper, the design and range of furniture upholstery, so that they all together harmoniously fit into the overall interior and did not give a child to the psyche.

There is still such an opinion, it even adheres to experienced psychologists that wallpaper or color of the walls need to be chosen in those tones that are suitable for your child in time of the year.

  • Those who were born in winter, like cold colors, for example - blue;
  • For born in autumn, warm shades of red are more suitable;
  • Those who appeared in the summer will be delighted with green and gentle blue;
  • Well, the born in the spring will not remain indifferent to the shades of yellow.

Of course, it is not worth a particular focus on these assumptions, they only serve as a small tip for parents and can slightly emphasize the individuality of the interior style. After all, no one knows his child as his own parents know, so the last word will naturally be behind them.

Specialists in color strongly recommend painting the walls in the room in too dark colors, it can negatively affect the psyche of the younger kid. They also do not advise you to buy wallpaper with caustic, acid shades. Soon, they simply begin to annoy him, especially if this is a teenage baby.

If the baby is still a crumb, then try to choose brighter and quiet colors, such as white, pink, turquoise, gauge, soft blue and so on. And if the character of a child with adulthies will begin to change, then not necessarily change the wallpaper or color of the walls. To refresh the look of the room, you can simply hang the curtains of the shade you need or something like that.

Planning a children's room

To create a comfortable children's room, you should, first of all, learn about the preferences of your child. What he is most interested in what dreams of. It should be a room in style, bright and, if possible, divided into three zones: sleeping, game, training (creative).

To emphasize the special style of the room, use various decorations. They can be self-adhesive children's pictures that can decorate walls and, bright butterflies, flowers, stars, soft toys, posters with favorite cartoon characters and other crafts made with their own hands. The main thing is that all this liked your baby and he was with great pleasure in his favorite room.

Do not climb the room. In the nursery should be convenient, freely and practical. So that the child could relax from the accumulated fatigue. Also, parents are desirable to refrain from buying expensive wallpapers. Small children will definitely draw them, and adolescents will rely on them various posters of their idols.

There should be a calm attitude in the bedroom. Over the bed you can hang a nightlight depicting your favorite fabulous character of a child. Nearby should put a table and a chairs, on the floor lay a small rug, in order to, waking up, the baby did not get up on the cold floor.

Small tricks for the smallest

Children love when there are toys, balls and so on. They are comfortable to play on the floor. Put the designer there, put big soft toys and dolls, leave a place for machines and some more little things.

Toys should not be a lot. Than they are less, the more interesting the game. Just need to periodically remove one and give another. A place near the window is better not to take anything immediately. While the child does not go to school it is not functional. Easier, and psychologically more correct, leave free territory.

Experiment with the interior, do not be afraid to make a mistake, because the child is essentially anyway where his favorite toys will be kept and where his shelf will hang. And this experiment will only benefit to you. You can apply the accumulated experience at the next repair, which believe me no longer around the corner.

Children's rooms for girls

The design of a nursery for the girl is associated with a focus on knitting. After all, it is textiles, its cut and tailoring, determine the main features of the stylistics of the room, indicate the special character of a little princess and emphasize her taste. At the same time, children's furniture, if possible, should be simple and practical, and if your child is still completely small, then you can forget about unnecessary items in the interior.

Create a special atmosphere of the holiday and freshness along with beautiful fabrics, various ruffles and lace will help. Also experienced designers advise to look at the new interior design trend - Velvet, Plush and Drap. They will help create a truly luxurious and royal interior.

The current direction of design design for a small lady is characteristic of the placement (preferably wooden) on a dark background. White color is unique, it is perfectly combined with any shades, ranging from light beige to a chocolate wenge.

Children's room for a boy

The first thing to pay attention is the age of kid. From this parents and should be repelled, creating the perfect design room for the boy.

For young angels you need to divide the room in such a way that there is more free space for their pranks. Visually, the shirmochka will help on the sleeping and gaming zone. She should not pass through the entire room, quite a small space and the child will understand what the screen is all different.

There is convenient to be a folding chairs and a table that you can fold after the game. Above him, on the shelf, put a stand with pencils, put paper, tassels and paints. The height of the shelf must be convenient for the child. Otherwise, he will lose interest in her.

If your boys have grown to school age, then you need to take care of the allocation of the classroom for them, where they can not only do lessons, but also engage in various creativity.

In addition, it is important to remember that the periodic change of mental activity on physical, will help your child grow not only smart, but also healthy. Therefore, a free place for physical classes, the room must also be present. Installation of a folding horizontal bar or bars will be sufficient to fulfill the main techniques of physical education.

Classic combination of black with white. You can confidently declare that this tandem is tested for years, so you can be absolutely sure - such an interior will never bother you

The color gamut for the walls is best to choose from neutral shades. It will be pleasant to look white in combination with gray, blue, blue or purple. In addition, without these colors, it is not necessary to create an interior in the maritime themes that the boys love so much.

The main thing is not worry for the fact that the room will turn out too cool, dilute the interior will help the upholstered furniture and a different decor.

Strong sleep on a comfortable bed - a guarantee of good health and excellent well-being in the morning

The thematic interior of the children's room in a teenager will constantly change. Favorite characters from cartoons will gradually replace invincible heroes from comic and movies. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that before the adulthood update the interior will not have once.

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  • Design of interiors of children's rooms - Schelkovo, Korolev, Mytishchi, Moscow, Balashikha, Reutov, Ivanteevka. In the houses "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" design of interiors of children's rooms - Schelkovo, Korolev, Mytishchi, Moscow, Balashikha, Reutov, Ivanteevka. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" The design of interiors of children's rooms - Schelkovo, Korolev, Mytishchi, Moscow, Balashikha, Reutov, Ivanteevka. in houses "\u003e

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  • Design of apartments and houses: Moscow, Voronezh, Korolev, Balashikha, Schelkovo, Jubilee, Mytishchi, Pushkino, Lyubertsy in houses "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Design of apartments and houses: Moscow, Voronezh, Korolev, Balashikha, Schelkovo, Jubilee, Mytishchi , Pushkino, Lyubertsy in the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Design of apartments and houses: Moscow, Voronezh, Korolev, Balashikha, Schelkovo, Jubilee, Mytishchi, Pushkino, Lyubertsy in houses "\u003e

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    Design of apartments and houses: Moscow, Voronezh, Korolev, Balashikha, Schelkovo, Jubilee, Mytishchi, Pushkino, Lyubertsy

    06. 2018
  • in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" in houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    06. 2018
  • Design of apartments and houses: Moscow, Voronezh, Korolev, Balashikha, Schelkovo, Jubilee, Mytishchi, Pushkino, Lyubertsy. In houses "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Design of apartments and houses: Moscow, Voronezh, Korolev, Balashikha, Schelkovo, Jubilee, Mytishchi, Pushkino, Lyubertsy. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Design of apartments and houses: Moscow, Voronezh, Korolev, Balashikha, Schelkovo, Jubilee, Mytishchi, Pushkino, Lyubertsy. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    06. 2018
  • Baby design for a boy and girl. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-text \u003d" Design of a nursery for a boy and a girl. In the houses "Data-Tweet-text \u003d" the design of a nursery for a boy and a girl. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Baby design for a boy and girl.

    10. 2017
  • Baby room design for boy and girls in bright rich colors. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Design of a children's room for a boy and a girl in bright rich colors. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" design of a children's room for a boy and a girl in bright rich colors. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Baby room design for boy and girls in bright rich colors.

    10. 2017
  • Design of a nursery for a boy and girls with zoning on personal territory and zone for games. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Design of a nursery for a boy and a girl with zoning on a personal territory and a zone for games. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" a children's design for a boy and a girl with zoning on personal territory and a zone for games. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Design of a nursery for a boy and girls with zoning on personal territory and zone for games.

    10. 2017
  • General for children for a boy and a girl - a project. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Common Children's for a boy and a girl is a project. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" the common for a boy and a girl is a project. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    General for children for a boy and a girl - a project.

    10. 2017
  • Common nursery for different children, photos. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Common Children for Miscellaneous Children, photos. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Total children's for all-choice children, photos. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Common nursery for different children, photos.

    10. 2017
  • The design of the children's room with zoning for two diverse children. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Design of a children's room with zoning for two singular children. In houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Design of a children's room with zoning for two different children. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    The design of the children's room with zoning for two diverse children.

    10. 2017
  • Zoning a nursery for a boy and a girl. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Zoning a nursery for a boy and a girl. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Zoning a nursery for a boy and a girl. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Zoning a nursery for a boy and a girl.

    10. 2017
  • Zoning a children's room for a boy and a girl. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Zoning a children's room for a boy and a girl. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" zoning of a children's room for a boy and a girl. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Zoning a children's room for a boy and a girl.

    10. 2017
  • Design of children's rooms with blue wallpaper. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Design of children's rooms with blue wallpaper. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" design of children's rooms with blue wallpaper. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Design of children's rooms with blue wallpaper.

    10. 2017
  • Blue Children's room - a project in 3d. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Blue Children's Room - a project in 3D. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Blue Children's room - a project in 3d. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Blue Children's room - a project in 3d.

    10. 2017
  • Children's room design on attic for baby. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" of the children's room on the attic for a baby. In the houses "Data-Tweet-text \u003d" The design of a children's room on an attic for a baby. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's room design on attic for baby.

    05. 2017
  • Gentle lavender children's for the girl - the interior of 2017. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Gentle Lavender Children's For Girl - Interior of 2017. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Gentle lavender children's for the girl - the interior of 2017. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Gentle lavender children's for the girl - the interior of 2017.

    03. 2017
  • The design of a children's room in a lavender is a gentle children's (3d 2017). in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" The design of a children's room in a lavender is a tender child (3d 2017). In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" The decoration of the children's room in a lavender is a tender child (3d 2017). in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    The design of a children's room in a lavender is a gentle children's (3d 2017).

    03. 2017
  • Children's for a girl with photo wallpapers - project 2017. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's for a girl with photo wallpapers - project 2017. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's for a girl with photo wallpapers - project 2017. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's for a girl with photo wallpapers - project 2017.

    03. 2017
  • Baby with phoboboises - Design project 2017. In homes

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children with Foboboises - Design-Project 2017. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children with Foboboobov - Design project 2017. In the houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Baby with phobobics - Design project 2017.

    03. 2017
  • Children's interior design with photo wallpapers and white furniture. in houses

    Children's room for a girl with photo wallpapers - photo of 2017.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" An interior design of a nursery with photo wallpapers and white furniture. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" The design of the interior of a nursery with photo wallpapers and white furniture. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's interior design with photo wallpapers and white furniture.

  • Children's room for girls with photo wallpapers - design project 2017. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's room for a girl with photo wallpapers - design project 2017. In houses "Data-Tweet-text \u003d" Children's room for a girl with photo wallpapers - Design project 2017. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's room for girls with photo wallpapers - design project 2017.

    03. 2017
  • Children's room - photo of design. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's Rooms - Design Photo. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's rooms - photo of design. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's room - photo of design.

    02. 2017
  • Design of children's room photo. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Design of the children's room photo. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Design of the children's room photo. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Design of children's room photo.

    02. 2017
  • Spectacular interior design of the children's room. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" The spectacular design of the interior of the children's room. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" The spectacular design of the interior of the children's room. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Spectacular interior design of the children's room.

    02. 2017

  • Interior design Children's Moscow. in houses

    Actual ideas for the design of the children's room in 2017.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Interior Design Children's Moscow. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Interior design of children's Moscow. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    02. 2017
  • Sea style - children's. in houses

    Design of children's rooms - Photo Gallery.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Sea style - nursery. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Sea style - children's. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    12. 2016
  • Sea child. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Sea Children's. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Sea Children's. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    12. 2016
  • Children with a world map and ships. in houses

    Interiors and design of children's rooms - Photo Gallery.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children with a map of the world and ships. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's card with a world map and ships. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    12. 2016
  • Children's marine style with photo wallpapers and complex ceiling. in houses

    Interior design of children's rooms - Photo Gallery.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's in maritime style with photo wallpapers and a complex ceiling. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's in maritime style with photo wallpapers and a complex ceiling. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    12. 2016
  • Children's marine style with a chest. in houses

    Interior-projects of children's rooms - Photo Gallery.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's marine style with a chest. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's in the marine style with a chest. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    12. 2016
  • Baby with a model of an old ship in the interior. in houses

    Interiors of children's rooms - Photo Gallery.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children with a model of an ancient ship in the interior. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children with a model of an ancient ship in the interior. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Baby with a model of an old ship in the interior.

  • Sea Children with photo wallpapers "\u003e

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Sea Children with photo wallpapers "Lighthouse". In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Sea Children with photo wallpapers "Lighthouse". in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Sea Children with photo wallpapers "Lighthouse".

    12. 2016
  • Children's for a boy with a sofa and a bed - marine style. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's for a boy with a sofa and a bed - marine style. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" a children's for a boy with a sofa and a bed - marine style. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's for a boy with a sofa and a bed - marine style.

    12. 2016
  • Sea child with rescue circles and fishing grids in the interior. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Sea Children with rescue circles and fishing grids in the interior. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Sea Children with rescue circles and fishing grids in the interior. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Sea child with rescue circles and fishing grids in the interior.

    12. 2016
  • Children's room in marine style with green carpet. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's room in marine style with green carpet. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's room in the marine style with a green carpet. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's room in marine style with green carpet.

    12. 2016
  • Game children's climbing. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Game Baby with a climbing. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" game children with a cliffder. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Game children's climbing.

    12. 2016
  • Game room for children for climbing. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Game room for children for climbing. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" game room for kids for climbing. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Game room for children for climbing.

    12. 2016
  • Skalodrom in the children's playroom. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" by a climbing room in the children's playroom. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" a clodder in the children's playroom. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Skalodrom in the children's playroom.

    12. 2016
  • in houses
    "Sea Children's" with photo printing on furniture.

    12. 2016
  • Children's room for climbing. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's room for climbing climbing. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" a children's room for climbing climbing. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's room for climbing.

    12. 2016
  • Game children's room with photo wallpapers in the cottage. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Game children's room with photo wallpapers in a cottage. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Game children's room with photo wallpapers in the cottage. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Game children's room with photo wallpapers in the cottage.

    12. 2016
  • Children's room with the name of the child in the interior. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's room with the name of the child in the interior. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" a children's room with the name of the child in the interior. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's room with the name of the child in the interior.

    12. 2016
  • White and olive children's room. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" White-olive children's room. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" White-olive children's room. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    White and olive children's room.

    12. 2016
  • Laconic interiors of children's rooms - Portfolio. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Laconic interiors of children's rooms - Portfolio. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" laconic interiors of children's rooms - Portfolio. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Laconic interiors of children's rooms - Portfolio.

    12. 2016
  • Children's room on attic - white and olive colors. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's room on attic - white and olive colors. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" a children's room on the attic - white and olive colors. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's room on attic - white and olive colors.

    12. 2016

  • Baby (in houses) - Design of the interior of children's - in the houses

  • "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's on the attic - interior design services. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's on the attic - interior design services. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    10. 2016
  • Children's on the attic - interior design services. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's on the attic - interior design services. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's on the attic - interior design services. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's on the attic - interior design services.

    10. 2016
  • Children's on attic. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's on the attic. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's on the attic. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's on attic.

    10. 2016
  • Dear interior design - portfolio, designer services. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Dear Interior Design - Portfolio, Designer Services. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Dear Interior Design - Portfolio, Designer Services. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    10. 2016
  • Children's for a girl - attic. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's for a girl is a mansard. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's for the girl - attic. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's for a girl - attic.

  • "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Mansard Design - Children's For Girl. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Mansard design - a nursery for a girl. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    10. 2016
  • Mansard design - nursery for the girl. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Mansard Design - Children's For Girl. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Mansard design - a nursery for a girl. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Mansard design - nursery for the girl.

    10. 2016
  • Mansard design - nursery for the girl. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Mansard Design - Children's For Girl. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Mansard design - a nursery for a girl. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Mansard design - nursery for the girl.

    10. 2016
  • Children's nursery - interior, design. Children's loft style. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's mansard - interior, design. Children's loft style. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's nursery - interior, design. Children's loft style. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's nursery - interior, design. Children's loft style.

    08. 2016
  • An interesting solution to the inclined ceiling in the nursery. Loft-children's interior. in houses

    Interior design of the children's room in Moscow.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" An interesting solution of the inclined ceiling in the nursery. Loft-children's interior. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" An interesting solution of the inclined ceiling in the nursery. Loft-children's interior. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    08. 2016
  • Children's in style of Haytech and Loft - design, interior. in houses

    Interior design of the children's room Voronezh.

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's in the style of high-tech and loft - design, interior. In houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's in style of Haytech and Loft - design, interior. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    08. 2016
  • Children's room for young princess - project. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's room for young princess is a project. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's room for young princess - project. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    08. 2016
  • Pearl-pink nursery on the attic. in houses

    interior Design Studio Moscow

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Pearl-pink children's nursery on the attic. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Pearl-pink children's nursery on the attic. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    08. 2016
  • Baby with birds - project. in houses

    interior Design Studio Moscow

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Baby with birds is a project. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" a children with birds - a project. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    08. 2016
  • Children's stylist - design project. In the houses "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children in the sailor stylist - design project. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" Children's in sailor stylist - design project. in houses "\u003e

    in houses

    08. 2016
  • Sailor style in the children's room - project. In the houses "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" The sailor style in the children's room is a project. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" The sailor style in the children's room is a project. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Sailor style in the children's room - project.

  • Children's sailor style - portfolio. in houses

    "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's Sailor Style - Portfolio. In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" children's sailor style - portfolio. in houses "\u003e

    in houses
    Children's sailor style - portfolio.

    08. 2016
  • Children's project in the marine style (Jung and sailors). In the houses "Data-Pinterest-Text \u003d" Children's project in the marine style (Jung and Sailors). In the houses "Data-Tweet-Text \u003d" a children's project in the marine style (Jung and sailors). in houses "\u003e

Development of design projects interiors

Design project

6500 rub. / M 2

Design project

7500 rub. / M 2

Design project
"5 stars"


Design project "Gift"

Book a complete set in the studio Angelica Prudnikova, and we will refund you 50% of the cost of design project of equipped premises! Thus, the design project from the prestigious package will cost you 2 times cheaper. Following the work, you will receive a complete project in the form of a complete color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of premises. Time execution 7-8 weeks. Design project design:

Design project "Comfortable"

The main advantages of the "comfortable" design project. You get a complete project in the form of a complete color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of premises. Time execution 7-8 weeks. Comfortable design project consists of:

  • 1. Size size of premises included in the object.
  • 2. Offer sketch of the planning plan of the planning and / or redevelopment of the object (1 option).
  • 3. Sketch of the construction plan of the construction installation (dismantling), if coordinated and written in writing).
  • 4. Sketch of the ceiling design plan scheme.
  • 5. Sketch of the lighting plan scheme.
  • 6. Sketch of the circuit-plan layout of switches.
  • 7. Sketch of the scheme plan for the placement of electrical sockets and electrolyts.
  • 8. Sketch of the floor plan, layout of floor materials.
  • 9. Sketch of wall nameplaces scheme.
  • 10. Sketch of the layout plan of the lamps.
  • 11. Sketch of the wall scanning scheme (if coordinated and written provided).
  • 12. Sketch of the layout of the layout of the walls along the walls (if the tile stand will be provided).
  • 13. 3-D Visualization of the Interior Design in a given program, developed following the results of the 1st stage, is issued in printed form.

Design project "Prestigious"

The main advantages of the "prestigious" design project. You get a complete project in the form of a complete color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of premises. Time execution 7-8 weeks. The prestigious design project consists of:

  • The scheme of the size of the premises included in the object;
  • Offering sketch of the planning plan of the planning and / or redevelopment of the object (if coordinated and written in writing);
  • Sketch of the construction planning scheme (dismantling), if coordinated and written in writing);
  • Sketch of the ceiling design plan;
  • Sketch of the layout plan scheme;
  • Sketch of the layout plan of switches;
  • Sketch of the plan for the placement of electrical sockets and electro
  • Sketch of floor plan, floor layout layout;
  • Sketch of the plan of plumbing and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch of the scheme plan for the placement of doorways;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan name of walls;
  • Sketch of the layout of floor heating layout with a controller binding (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the layout scheme of lamps;
  • Sketch of electrical equipment plan;
  • Sketch of furniture plan and its size;
  • Sketch of the scheme plan for decorative materials;
  • Sketch of the wall scanning scheme (if coordinated and written in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan layout of kitchen equipment (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the layout layout of the tile layout along the walls (if the laying of the tile) will be provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the design project sketch;
  • 3-D visualization of the interior design in a given program

Design project "5 stars"

The main advantages of the design project "5 stars". You get a complete project in the form of a complete color album with all the necessary drawings and photographs of computer visualization of premises. Time execution 7-8 weeks. 5 stars design project consists of:

  • The scheme of the size of the premises included in the object;
  • Offering sketch of the planning plan of the planning and / or redevelopment of the object (if coordinated and written in writing);
  • Sketch of the construction planning scheme (dismantling), if coordinated and written in writing);
  • Sketch of the ceiling design plan;
  • Sketch of the layout plan scheme;
  • Sketch of the layout plan of switches;
  • Sketch of the plan for the placement of electrical sockets and electro
  • Sketch of floor plan, floor layout layout;
  • Sketch of the plan of plumbing and kitchen equipment;
  • Sketch of the scheme plan for the placement of doorways;
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan name of walls;
  • Sketch of the layout of floor heating layout with a controller binding (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the layout scheme of lamps;
  • Sketch of electrical equipment plan;
  • Sketch of furniture plan and its size;
  • Sketch of the scheme plan for decorative materials;
  • Sketch of the wall scanning scheme (if coordinated and written in writing);
  • Sketch of the scheme-plan layout of kitchen equipment (if necessary);
  • Sketch of the layout layout of the tile layout along the walls (if the laying of the tile) will be provided);
  • Specifications of recommended materials according to the design project sketch;
  • 3-D Visualization of the Interior Design in a given program, 3D Panorama of the Parade Zone