Repairs Design Furniture

Divorce in your own apartment. How to cheat when repairing housing? Poor quality apartment renovation. The brigade of the finishes deceived. What to do? How to cheat on the repair of the apartment

One of the laws of the Murphy says: "Usually we only understand after work, why it was necessary to start." Not so long ago, we stumbled upon a curious selection: ordinary people who have made repair on their own share their recommendations and a variety of errors that they allowed in the process. All comments are based solely on personal experience and express the personal opinion of people who survived the repair.

We are confident that I will familiarize yourself with the selection, you can avoid many standard errors when repairing your apartment.

"So, why would I never repeat if repairs started again:

1. Linoleum is terrible, and the ceiling is doubly stupid.

2. I do not trust the repair of my wife. Let her do it under the direction of the designer. And then most of the apartments of my friends do not differ from each other - copy each other where it is necessary and not necessary.

3. In the kitchen it is better to provide a box under the corrugation for an exhaust.

4. Never separate a cutting area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen with a cookbook!

5. I will never use carpet!

6. Never hover upper kitchen cabinets above eye line!

7. It would not be in the kitchen to lay a laminate or parquet board. The first leakage - and all sank ...

8. In vain, the kitchen furniture was put along the entire wall in the rectangular kitchen, it is much more convenient to arrange an angle.

9. I will not save on the plumbing and tile: then it will be slamming to look for several years, and you will not get redoing.

10. In vain, made a small dressing room, so that more space remains in the room. This half-meter will not save the room, and when the dressing room is broken by a bit, you will not build another.

11. Based on the stuffed cones, it would not have done a wiring of electricity around the apartment, without making a pre-plan for the placement of furniture.

12. Many open shelves with a bunch of souvenirs. This is a real dust collector!

13. Do not install sockets "to the floor". Very uncomfortable, constantly open, dust will be copied and it is impossible to wash the floor normally.

14. Do not forget to install sockets directly in the bathroom for a hair dryer, an electric set for manicure and razor. One can one, but then select the mirror in which the sockets are also built into the extension manner.

15. Provide referee (dimmers) in the child's bedroom, so that the light is not inclusive, and slowly.

16. Make a warm floor. In principle, at first it can not even be included, but it is better to do it right away.

17. Halogen light bulbs are better to choose with an inclination angle, and not rigidly fixed.

18. If the wiring is old - to completely replace. By the way, it would be nice to write down (or take a picture with measurements) its location, and then it is in the wiring and you will not fall.

19. Provide entrance to the apartment for all possible cables (wide cable channel).

20. Switches All "Euro" (at an altitude of 80-90 cm) - so that the children can turn on the light without jumping.

21. Light and outlet on the balcony just in case.

22. Illumination in the kitchen above the working surface (built-in lamps in the visor of the kitchen is beautiful, but not functionally).

23. Use two switches / switches - at the entrance and in the bed in the bedroom, so as not to get out of bed, wanting to turn off the light. The same goes for a long corridor.

24. The floors are warm necessarily with the timer, or even if you turn on in the morning, it warms up in 2 hours.

25. Place under the counter to choose in advance. And then the hallway now do not attach normally. The counter unsuccessfully hangs, and over it to drill the wall scary - wires.

26. The doors with a glass insert broke out: if the child falls asleep in the room, the light in the corridor selects.

27. Refractory materials should be placed near the hot surfaces. We have a polypropylene finish near the fireplace tube of glass on the wall - melted.

28. Batteries do not need to sew too much, you need to leave access to their overlapping.

29. If you are going to make built-in wardrobes or dressers to order, be sure to smoke the walls!

30. It is necessary to think over the little things in advance. Already after the repair, we bought a water heater for 80 liters, we decided to put in the toilet, it took a socket - I had to stick on new wallpaper.

31. When installing the bathroom, borders were not laid on the wall, where it puts on with a tile, and simply wicked with silicone sealant ... Better: In the corners there is always water.

32. We have a very beautiful Spanish tile in the kitchen, one minus - very deep chamfer, there every dirt quickly accumulates and is poorly washed away. It was necessary to choose absolutely smooth, but not glossy and that the champers were almost not.

33. With sockets trouble. They need much more than it seems, especially in the kitchen. It is better not single, and double: at the price of the same thing, but then do not redeem.

34. When installing the bath, you follow the tilt of the bowl of making to the plum, and then water almost does not leave if you put the bath in the level.

35. Do not forget about the heated towel rail!

36. The sewer pipe is very coherent when the neighbors use the toilet to the top. All are good plastic pipes, but they are awesome pretty, so do sound insulation - turn the pipe with something.

37. Stretch ceilings are super! Do right away in the whole apartment and trample in the firm where you will order.

38. I would never have done an angular dryer in the kitchen - very not comfortable.

39. Do not use a white grout for tiles in the kitchen - will look dirty.

40. Warm floors everywhere where there is a tile, you need.

41. When the interior doors were installed, it never even came to mind that the switch should be near the handle operating the door. And we hung them so that the switch was from the loop side.

42. If there is at least some place that you can donate in favor of the storage room, do it! Vacuum cleaners, rollers, sledges, skiing, Christmas toys, mops, pelvis, buckets, household appliances that do not use every day, everything is there.

43. We have a dark parquet Merbau. It looks very nice, but on such a dark floor, especially on a sunny day, each dusty is visible, so you have to clean every day.

44. In the toilet, bathroom (and wherever a lot of moisture) necessarily need a stretch ceiling. Beautiful, nothing swells, not falling off, but most importantly - if the neighbors flooded you, the water does not bloom widely in your apartment, but is going to the ceiling itself. We saved us 2 times. Then they called the masters, they filmed a part of the ceiling, drained the water and the back it was installed.

45. In the bathroom, the outlet should be moisture-proof (with a cover) - washing machine, hairdryer, razor and electric toothbrush are simply vital.

46. Need a forced extract in the bathroom.

47. Make hidden storage sites (for example, buckets, rags, chemistry and other hostels).

48. I would have won the designer to immediately see the whole picture! Many things do not like exactly because of the unprincipled.

49. Door handles with sharp corners - periodically someone hurt their hand or something else, it hurts and clothing rushes.

50. I will never glue into the children's "fluffy" wallpapers that can be pulled off in the process of falling asleep. Children all the time they pick themselves with her finger - they hated everything near the bed.

51. All accurate dimensions of the furniture would have learned before repair. In the kitchen, the sofa, which we want to buy, has a backrest height 90 cm - the switches for the sconce begins from a height of 86 cm. I got straight into the back.

53. We experienced overhaul and realized that most importantly - do not save on materials: wallpaper, paint, glue - everything should be a good quality!

54. In the kitchen I have a lot of unsuccessful moments. For example, a small sink of a porcelain stoneware: now I have a mountain dishes next to her waiting for a queue in the dishwasher. Little ordered extending mechanisms - it seemed expensive, but it was necessary to do. In vain ordered glass translucent doors - everything that lies on the shelves. "

Brief summary of this long list

  • Carefully think over everything in advance, whenever possible, create a full-fledged design project, including plans for electrics, sockets, warm floors, furniture arrangements.
  • Do not save on high-quality materials and plumbing - the difference will be tangible.
  • The secret of creating a functional and convenient interior: warm floors, a large number of outlets and storage spaces.

This article, we publish at the request of many of our customers who have faced a deception and unscrupulous builders when repairing their apartments. We think that this will help you to avoid similar incidents and save your money and nerves.

In recent years, calls from customers who complained about deception in relevant, both from non-existent firms and rather "large companies" who have disappeared after two to three weeks, along with their website and customer's sites have come to our company.

We are asked to remake or finish the repair, although units are engaged in such work. Usually we do not refuse help if we have the opportunity, and we also explain to people simple, at first glance, things that the victims knew how to deceive the builders of gullible citizens of Moscow.

In order not to repeat again and again, it was decided to publish a detailed article on how not to contact fraudsters, because it is fraught with loss of time, money and considerable amounts.

The most common tricks and deception during repair

1. Single-sided instead of a full-fledged site

If you are looking for a contractor for repairing the Internet, then the abundance of single-page sites and (Landing) could notice. Of course, you should not suspect all owners of these web pages in unscrupulousness, however, do not lose vigilance.

As practice shows, fraudsters cheating customers with the repair of the apartment, do not create multi-page sites, but the "kuts" landing pages. Such a page may have the loud and beautiful name of the non-existent company or " fake twin»Existing firm.

Here are a few signs that you can be in a virtual trap:

  • on the target page, you "pursue" the form of feedback, where not press - everywhere they ask you to leave your phone number;
  • contacts are written, but most often there are no addresses or they are fictitious;
  • telephone numbers - mobile operators;

There were a lot of scams at all times. They are looking for easy ways and light money, they are looking for a sacrifice for cheating. Recently, the owners of apartments that order are becoming increasinglyrepairs . If K. redeems can still be made independently, then with the overhaul or finishing of the new apartment will not cope with their own. Yes, and it is not always justified to make repairs yourself, without having sufficient skills, equipment and materials - to itself more expensive. There are a lot of proposals in the construction services market, but also a deception from unscrupulous masters is often found.

In order to protect yourself from scammers when repairing an apartment or house, you need to remember two basic principles.

The first "law" of such protection is reading - "cheap cheese only in a mousetrap." In practice, its application looks like this: if you are offered to do work fast, efficiently and is very cheap (!), Then it's time to alert.
Agree that any self-respecting master who is able to make repairs at a decent level, it is unlikely to take a low payment for this: today there will be little people who do not need money at all. Therefore, most likely, a person who offers such "fabulous" conditions to you, in something Idouvit: Think several times before agreeing with such a proposal.

From this, the rule flows smoothly and the second condition that it will be difficult for you to deceive when repairing the repair: work only with proven by the company and individuals. If you yourself do not have such people, then contact your friends and they will certainly tell you the desired phone.

The advantage of such a "protection" is the guarantee that if a person (or firm) has long been repaired by the premises and has a good reputation, then it is very doubtful, that for several thousand rubles he will lean himself for a long time and will lose work. In addition, if you give such a person an advance or money to buy materials, it is unlikely that it will disappear with them (as fraudsters often do), you know where to look for it. But, nevertheless, even in this case, you can progress yourself and ask the employee who certify the identity and rewrite their numbers and other distinctive "signs"

Repair business scammers Place an ad in which they promise to make the repair quickly, efficiently, inexpensive. In negotiations with customers, they really call a small amount of payment and designate a short time of work. The brigade asks a small advance, the estimate is drawn up, stipulates who will buy for building materials (customer independently or contractor). Further events are developing in several possible scenarios.

Often, after the first meeting, on which the estimate is made and the advance is passed (often together with money for building materials) Contractor simply disappears with money. It is impossible to reach him, where to look for him - it is unknown, no contract or receipt in receipt of money from the victim in his hands is not.

The unfinished contractor can really start repairs. But he will not do it, not observing technology. Instead of embedded in the estimate, expensive quality materials will acquire cheap low-quality, putting the difference in his pocket. After the completion of the work, such a contractor disappears, stops responding to phone calls, or responds, but dismissed from all complaints.

And the Customer's claims accumulates many already in the first weeks after repair, when wallpapers and tiles begin to fall off. It is almost impossible to force the contractor to dispel your halica. As a rule, it is not possible and returning their money as the unfailed contractor paid to the dismantling, and spent on dismantling the disgrace left them and rewarming.

To avoid such situations, do not look for cheap and fast repair. Remember the saying about free cheese and at the same time at least superficially examine the timing of certain works. For example, a concrete screed on the floor will dry for about three weeks, during which in this room in no case other work cannot be produced. And if the brigade of repairmen claims that they will finish the overhaul of the entire apartment for a month, it is better to give up cooperation at once, which then redo.

Do not transfer any advance before the conclusion of the contract. Giving an advance or money for building materials, demand a receipt from the contractor. Carefully monitor the acquired building materials for their conformity to consistency (first of all should match the name and quantity).

What is the deception?

If we are talking about the repair of a new apartment or overhaul, there can be money on the challenges to disappear along with expensive building materials. If you started partial repairs, for example, in the same room, then in one terrible day you can be in front of the bitter reality - there are no more valuable things in the house, as well as builder's chambers.

What need to do?

First, share the apartment on the zones. Tu zone in which builders will dwell, completely clean from their own things. Believe me, this is a reasonable precautionary measure. Still, builders are strangers and you do not know them. You will be nice to enter the renovated bathroom and, noticing strange prints on your toothbrush, think who and what did you do with it? Most probably not. Therefore, it is better to work hard and remove all your things (not only valuable) away from other people.

Pure builder - good builder

It is clear to everyone that the construction glue, putty and other building materials are difficult to dispense. In a white coat, the builder will not come to you. But if he does not smell, he has clean hair, there is no three-day bristles and smell from mouth - you can relax a little. Of course, it may turn out that this clean sinister today began to play this role for the first time, but usually pure builders are good builders. The same applies to their speech. The obscene vocabulary does not add a man to a man. If the builder has been lit in your home without permission, you can safely kick it out.

How to avoid deception?

As already mentioned, choose to repair the repair in the apartment only proven companies or masters on the recommendation of acquaintances. Ask the company's office about the work performed, ask for photos. Pay attention to the builders themselves, sometimes a lot can be said already in appearance and sobs of a person.

In any case, if you have used the services of a serious company or still decided that the repair in your apartment will do a master individual or an independent team, try to comply with a number of rules that can help complete repairs without excess waste of nerves:

1. Try to conclude a written contract for the implementation of repair work. Although, alas, in the case of private traders it can be done extremely rare.

2. If you do not repair not in a new building, do not master the keys to your apartment.

3. Make a photocopy of passports of people you hired for repair.

4. Do not give any prepayment and, especially, in no case do not blame the work. For the purchase of materials for repair, go to the construction market or to the store along with the master or brigadier.

Work only with proven professionals! Do not fall on the tricks of the scam!

Recently, the complaints of customers for deception when repairing apartments from unfair competitors. There are several ways to deceive customers. Consider the main.

Method first - fraud

The construction team takes from the customer an advance and simply hidden, turning off phones or changing mobile numbers and one-day sites. Those. The brigade was originally intended to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement, which is an ordinary fraud.

If you are not sure about the company's reputation, do not pay advances for work. Normal practice is considered to pay for work on the fact of their execution. Prepayment is possible only for materials.

In the GK "Fundam" payment for both the development of a design project and for repair and construction work is made upon execution and acceptance by the customer of each stage. As an exception, for confident in the GC "Fundam" of customers, a bonus in the amount of 10% discount for a complete prepayment and confidence in the company is provided.

According to statistics, the "Fundam" Civil Code of Just 45% of customers are ready to pay the whole amount immediately.

The method of the second is not professionalism

Taking an advance from the customer, the brigade performs the works poorly and unprofessional, which leads to a termination of the contract with this brigade, and not small funds for materials are already spent.

As statistics shows, such companies do not return advances and compensate for spoiled materials. On the contrary, constant threats are beginning to customer.

If you are still ready to pay an advance, but you work with the company for the first time, then you do not need to make large sums. Let there be several small advances on 20-50 thousand rubles. After the workers perform work on an advanced amount - the next small payment is made, etc.

In the "Fundam" GK, work with partial advancement is not practiced at all.

The third way is the low salary of workers

Keeping the customer low cost, the unfair company hires unqualified workers who are not able to perform quality repairs. At the same time, most often the workers simply live in the apartment of the customer, but repair somewhere in neighboring apartments. As a result, the customer loses time and money.

If the company offers a low cost of repair, ask the company how many workers will perform repairs and what time it takes to carry out the entire repair.

If you are offered to make the apartment repairs with an area of \u200b\u200b80 sq.m. With a guarantee from the company in just 5000 rubles. per sq.m. - This is the reason to be alert and take the calculator. The company usually pays a working from 50% to 70% of the cost of work. The rest of the money goes managers, prohibits, etc. Even if you count the maximum, then 70% of 400 thousand rubles, it is 280 thousand rubles. Repair with compliance with all technologies will be performed about 3 months by a brigade of three. Total every worker will earn a month on average 31 thousand rubles. Given the fact that rarely, when small companies can afford to pay 70% of the working contract, the real wage will be significantly less. Qualifications of workers and the quality of the repair will be appropriate.

Remember that for the 4th quarter of 2013, the minimum wage qualified worker may not be less than 50-60 thousand rubles. per month.

Four Method - Extorting Money

After signing the contract, the foreman begins to extort money from the customer - for the food or passage of workers, to the instrument, on consumables, etc. As practice shows, repairs with such brigades do not end up.

If the contract is already concluded and similar conversations begin, we recommend that such contracts immediately dissolve, and if they refuse to return an advance - to write an application to the police on fraud and extortion.

In the GK "Fundam" prohibits, it is generally forbidden to take funds from customers. All payments are made on payment documents in the office or through the bank.

Fifth method - subcontractors

The contract for repairs indicates a completely different company, not the one that is indicated in the name of the official site. Most often it is just a subcontractor, which for remuneration (or "rollback") passed the customer. This subcontractor has nothing to do with the company indicated on the site and to photographs published on the site.

In case of low-quality repair or spoiled materials - it will not be possible to find the guilty, because A legally contract is concluded not clear with whom.

Before the conclusion of the contract, it will not be prevented to visit the company's office, the address of which is listed on the site, see who works in it and whether it works at all, or all employees - on the subcontract. It is better to come to the office without a prior call - it will allow you to see you by the real office of the company "without bill."

Often, it is written on the site that visiting an office for a preliminary recording is rather means that at best the office has 1-2 people who can go for lunch, and at worst - the office will be rented for an hour specifically for the "performance" to your parish.

GK "Fundam" is located in a large and bright office in the center of Moscow, which you can come at any time without warning and see most of the employees. Pre-recording is required only for visits on weekends and holidays.

Method of the Six - Understanding Cost

This is the most popular and relatively legitimate way to deceive customers.

Often for customers when choosing a contractor, a key factor is not a reputation and name of the company, but pRICE REPAIR. These most often use unscrupulous builders.

At the conclusion of the contract, unscrupulous builders deliberately underestimates the cost of work and materials on the estimate, so that the choice of contractor fell on their company. And after the conclusion of the contract and the implementation of the work, it turns out that in the estimate there is no large number of necessary and very expensive works or materials for which it is necessary to pay extra. As statistics and customer reviews shows - the final cost of repair on its completion increases several times.

A non-specialist is difficult to prevent this fraud method and best to prevent it to be included in a large company named.

On the website of the Fundam Group of Companies, how to choose the right designer or construction company and not get caught on the fishing fraudsters.

Contact "Fundam"!

1. "Workers" in new buildings

Each new building is a huge number of residential areas without finishing, and therefore, an excellent way to make money on the newly minted hosts. Migrant workers impose their services directly at the entrances of houses, grabbing potential victims.

In no case, it is impossible for a second to be interested in their "favorable offers", which they will begin to announce by infever, showing photo of apartmentsin which they allegedly made a finish.

Ultimately, such cooperation ends with loss of time, means and nerves, but does not lead to the desired result.

2. Firms one-day

In recent years, many such organizations have appeared on the Internet. Beautifully designed site, big discounts, low prices, guarantees 5-7 years, "real" reviews and a large number of certificates for every taste and color. All these are faithful signs of deception.

When calling this company, you will be offered the most tempting conditions and will not retain until you agree to the signing of the contract.

Check the legal address of the organization, contact their office, as the obvious sign of the one-day company is an endless move to a new room and the lack of people in the workplace. Such an office has no actual address, and the page on the Internet may disappear at any time along with your money.

3. Single-page sites

Landing is the most popular type of fraud today. The owner of such a page is interested in obtaining personal data and sell them to third parties. Also, some single-alternates work with specific organizations and receive percentage of orders.

Not all Landingi are fraudulent, but there are signs for which you can recognize the unscrupulous contractor:

  • Pop-up windows offer to leave your number.
  • Gifts, promotions and other tempting offers.
  • Obtaining estimates by SMS.
  • Passage of tests and filling of fields with personal information to receive a discount.
  • Only mobile numbers and the lack of actual address.
  • Long warranty on services rendered.

4. Favorable offers from the Criminal Code and HOA

The new owners often offer a "verified" company from the Criminal Code or HOA. But you should not be happy to quickly found masters. People offering such services have a percentage from each concluded contract. This means that at best you overpay this percentage, at worst - funds will be saved on quality, and it is up to 25% of the total cost.

5. Not finished repair and disappeared builders

Often they are requested to come up - to finish the starting renovation of living spaces.

This is mainly due to the fact that the previous "masters" disappeared alone and no longer came into contact.

How does this happen.

A potential client finds such masters through ads disclosed on information boards at the entrance or in the elevator. A distinctive feature of such frames is the frequent absence of the necessary tool. So be prepared to buy it for your money.

In the first days of "professionals" show violent activities, black works are actively doing, which are less labor and most profitable. After that, asked to pay a payment in the amount of 50% or more of the total amount. After receiving the money, they disappear, possibly with purchased tools.

The reason is simple - After the draft work there is a decoration. This is a painstaking and time-consuming process, which is not able to such workers or not interesting, because during this period they will have time to deceive 2-3 gullible people.