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Profitable business for the production of peanut paste. Business on the production of nut paste

Today almost everyone large enterprise It has competitors in the form of small private firms. It is possible to enter the market with any idea, but it is better to do it, in a few filled niche, and make a business plan, while it is better to tune in to the release of inexpensive and high-quality products.

In addition to semi-finished or dumping production, it is possible to start your business in the field of food manufacturing, which are available on the market, but only imported production. One of these areas is profitable.

Peanut pasta is products that are not particularly popular in the domestic market. But its not popularity is due to the non-rejection of this product. In Russia, the earthen walnut is not growing, so this product is non-traditional in our market. In addition, peanut paste, Dutch and American origin can scare consumer buyers. Worldwide Peanut paste is used for fast snacks. It is so nutritious to quickly quench the hunger. This product is sold in supermarkets. Business Peanut Paste Business It is a profitable company.

The number of supermarkets is growing. And the more there are more, the greater the likelihood that along with creamy paste or chocolate oil, peanut paste will be popular. Therefore, if you make up good business Plan, then your idea can be promoted in supermarkets.

How to organize production

Peanut paste production is very profitable. Its production costs itself inexpensive, and the paste itself has a long shelf life in hermetic packaging, without a refrigerator.

Business - Paste Production Idea Based on simple principles. For the production of pasta, there is no need to buy expensive equipment. The only minus is the purchase of the earthwood. However, import paste is many times more expensive, and transportation costs for carrying walkers can be quickly recharged. Peanut paste, which can be produced in the domestic market, will cost several times cheaper. So, how is the paste of their peanuts?

Peanut paste is a mixture of a gripped nut, sugar, salt, oil and thickeners. The recipe for such pasta is very simple. Walnut needs to be cleaned from the shell, fry at a temperature of 200 degrees, constantly stirring and shaking. Next, the roasted nut needs to be quickly cooled. Made by industrial fans. Peanut is important to cool, as the nut continues to fry in inertia and can burn from the inside.

Fast cooling will prevent the flow of a valuable product - peanut butter. After cooling, the nuts fall into special installation To remove husk and redirect to the crusher. Further, the production of peanut paste involves the transition of crushed peanut in the mill, where the temperature of 60 degrees is continuously maintained. When stirring into the nut mass add other ingredients and a bit vegetable oil. The prepared mixture is cooled to 38 degrees, and then the apparatus of the paste is dosed in the selected container, which is required to be sealing. Next, the banks are labeled and glued labels. The business idea of \u200b\u200bthe production of paste from peanuts can recoup himself in a short time.

Production costs

Equipment for the production of peanut paste is quite simple. You can buy a finished line, or buy separate aggregates. You can go along the way of savings and purchase the used equipment. You can also buy a similar profile equipment, as for the manufacture of paste, it is possible to use aggregates for the manufacture of other foods. And if there are any problems with the supply of earthen walnut, then in your equipment you can process other raw materials. New peanut Paste Production Line It is quite expensive. The apparatus for roasting costs 200 thousand rubles. Fan - 40 thousand rubles. The apparatus for cleaning nuts, the crusher and mill will cost about 10 thousand dollars. It will be needed by I. optional equipment. All these aggregates must be docked together. Equipment used can cost up to 100 thousand dollars. The difference in the cost between new with used equipment is insignificant.

Equipment for the production of peanut paste is used for the manufacture of other products. In the roasting unit you can cook salted nuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, etc. Production can be diversified by producing a mass of different density and a variety of additives. In the paste you can add dried fruits or solid nuts. Business Peanut Paste Business Allows you to additionally produce pasta of their other types of nuts.

In our country, the production of peanut paste only begins to develop. But manufacturers of peanut paste appeared, intensively promoting their products to the domestic market. It helps it that peanut paste is very useful, it has a wonderful taste, and its manufacture is technologically not too complicated. A peanut paste is produced from finely broken pre-roasted peanuts, followed by the addition of a small amount of plant oils and flavoring additives (salts, sugar, etc.).

The proportion of peanut itself in the natural classical peanut paste ("soft paste") in serious manufacturers of peanut paste reaches 90%. Another major variety of peanut paste is "crispy" with pieces of crushed peanuts. Also, many manufacturers produce peanut pastes with the addition of other components: dried fruits, honey, nuts, chocolate, etc. Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers of peanut paste meet, which are trying to increase yield, using peanut paste in the manufacture of peanuts, various heaving additives: cheap hydrogenated palm oil, artificial flavors, etc. Such a product is cheaper, but does not bring the use of the benefit that completely natural peanut paste brings.

The production of peanut paste production is pretty simple, all difficulties, as often happen, are concluded in the nuances - sharpening knives for crushing, rotational speed of the crusher, temperature and time of roasting, etc. The main stages of production are as follows.

  1. Roasting grains of peanuts. It is carried out at temperatures of order 200 degrees Celsius. Raw materials must be constantly leaning and mixed.
  2. Cooling roasted peanuts. For example, blowing cold air. The faster the grains are cool, the better: with natural cooling, some time after removing the heating, hot grains continue to burn from the inside, losing its oils and other useful substances.
  3. Peeling roasted peanuts. Produced different ways, for example, the crisp of raw materials between the two rubberized ribbons.
  4. Grinding peanuts. Usually includes two stages - preliminary crushing and grinding on the mill.
  5. Mixing peanuts with other components when heated to about 60 degrees.
  6. Cooling the finished product, its packaging, marking and capping into glass or plastic containers.

Nowadays domestic production Peanut pasta is still very young, but already actively developing. The paste from peanuts is sometimes called "peanut butter", although essentially, it is really a paste, differing from liquid and transparent purified oil from peanuts sold in bottles. Pasta in our country is not too popular yet, the main way of its promotion is basic today - through the sphere sports nutritionbecause it contains a large number of Protein and a lot of useful fats, which is very relevant for sports and fitness. Domestic peanut paste producers still operate relatively small volumes, so their products rarely fall into large retail chains, which slows down its promotion to the market.

Another objective difficulty in the production of peanut paste is in the purchase of raw materials. Peanuts in Russia in industrial scale No one grows, so all raw materials are imported. The cheapest raw material is Indian and Chinese, but it is worse by taste. Optimal - Argentinean, but it is obvious reasons worth it. Nevertheless, the production of peanut paste in our country is growing and the situation is steadily changing in the best (for consumers) to the side, ensuring the saturation of the market with products of different manufacturers of peanut paste.

Market Review

Nowadays, a huge majority of manufacturing industries, including one of the most cost-effective and independent market economies

- Food production, represented by firms different sizes: from giant enterprises to small home workshops.
In our country, almost the entire range of food products are produced - from simple bread products to the production of a chocolate factory, which requires the use of high-tech equipment. Therefore, access to the food market is possible either by its separate segments (most often highly specialized and semi-finished), or with high quality and inexpensive products.

Beginner businessmen rarely when considering the possibility of opening a new case in a similar area of \u200b\u200bproduction: here the entry into the market is quite difficult due to high competition. But in fact, in addition to dumping and semi-finished products, there is another alternative to entrepreneurship in this area - this is the production of products that do not have analogues in a country or separately taken region. Such a product will be difficult to find, but with a competent approach to this issue quite feasible.

For example, one of the rather promising entrepreneurial areas is the production of peanut paste. This food product is small in Russia, and its market is represented exclusively foreign (mainly by Dutch and North American) samples. A small popularity of this product is not at all its rejection by the Russian man, but only his little known. Peanut paste is very in demand in English-speaking and Anglo-Saxon countries, in our country, according to, as they say, they simply have not yet proged.

Peanut pastes refer to categories of so-called "snacks" (eng. Snack), i.e. Food produced for quick use, or light dishes that are designed to quench the feeling of hunger between the main meals.
Peanut paste is to focus on the category of the population, which purchases most of the products in supermarkets. The more the role of supermarkets in the life of the population increases, the more rising the demand for snacks. In addition, business for the production of peanut paste is beneficial to the fact that the product is inexpensive and has large time Storage under normal conditions. Well, in addition - to adjust the production of peanut paste, you will not need any high-tech equipment.
The only significant disadvantage of this business will be the fact that raw materials will be supplied from abroad. But still the production of peanut paste is cost-effective business due to the absence of the need to bookmark on the vacation price of the product of transportation costs.

Peanut Paste Production Technology

Peanut paste is a mixture of vegetable oil (peanut, as a rule), ground peeled peanut nut, a certain amount of salt and sugar, as well as a variety of additives that provide a stable consistency of the product in the form of a paste.
Production occurs in the following sequence.
Peanuts are cleaned of the shell and lay in the roasting machine, where it is evenly roasted at a temperature, exposed to constant grinding and regular shaking.

After reaching the peanut, the desired degree of roasting, all of its batch is immediately cooled with the help of special industrial fans having a powerful pulling system to ensure rapid air circulation indoors. The need for this technological process is due to the fact that peanuts heated to such a high temperature continues to be fried and then burning from the inside, therefore it is required to refine immediately. In addition, the cooling process allows you to protect nuts from excessive loss of oil.
Then, with the help of special equipment, the cooled peanuts is subjected to the erase between the rubberized tapes of the installation, which are removed from it the peel (husks). Next nuts enter the crushing machine.

Grinding peanut nuts are cut into mill containers and with constant stirring heated the whole mass to a temperature of 60s. Additional ingredients are added to it: sugar, salt, crushed nuts, as well as some vegetable oil (any). It is also possible to put other various additives here: pastes can be with prunes, and with raisins, Kuragya, etc.
The resulting finished mixture is again passed through the cooling system to achieve a temperature of 38c. According to a special pipeline, the resulting product is automatically displaced in the prepared container, which is clocked, labeled and on which the label is then applied.

Technological Equipment for Peanut Paste Production

Equipment for the production of peanut paste, as we saw, simple. It can be purchased as separate aggregates and nodes and in the complex - the finished line. In some cases (in the absence of large financial resources), food equipment is suitable, used.
In addition, business specifics are such that some units and machine knots can be used for production and other types of products. So, even if suddenly you have interruptions with raw materials, you can do other production at this time.
The cost of used equipment for the production of peanut paste can range from 50 to 150 thousand dollars (its performance will be 0.5t per shift). A new line can be compiled own forceswill come out about the following amounts:
- roasting apparatus - from 200 thousand rubles;
- Industrial fan - about 40 thousand rubles. per piece;
- equipment for cleaning nut - 8 thousand dollars;
- Crushing installation - $ 500-1200;
- Mill - 4.5 thousand dollars.
From here we can conclude that the difference is low. Just need to consider that when buying and booking new equipment you will have to buy conveyor belts and some other auxiliary installations. You will also have to do with the purchase of all aggregates.

Business development prospects

As we have already noticed before, the equipment that is necessary for the production of peanut paste is also easily suitable for use not only in this production, but also in many others. For example, on an industrial iron, you can also make and simply roasted peanuts or salted peanuts, as well as fried salty peanuts (which can be with various flavoring additives). At the same roar, you can also deal with hot sunflower seeds or drying of any other nuts (cashews, hazelnuts and many others.).

As for the range of specifically peanut paste, it can be significantly expanded by obtaining different textures of the paste (except for the traditional peanut paste with a soft consistency, you can make a so-called "crispy" paste with added in the composition of intake-grained small pieces of nuts) and composition (peanut paste can be made With many different taste additives). You can also try to establish unique, unknown to the previously broad public products from peanuts - for example, dried salted peanuts in the peel. Try to offer the buyer and pasta made from other types of nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, cashews.

What is peanut paste, with which they eat and who buys it

Peanut paste is one of the most popular products in the United States, but in Russia it is not too common in Russia. Entrepreneurs from Altai Maria Lozin and Ivan Rudenko did not stop it - on the contrary, they consider the excellent opportunity right now to enter the relatively free niche. Maria and Ivan came up with the brand Nut Land, launched own production - And for the year they sold pasta by 2 million rubles. The task of at least the next year is three times to increase volumes. About how slow but surely the American product becomes in demand from the Russians, the site of the site was told by the founders of Nut Land Maria Lomin and Ivan Rudenko.

Maria Lohsina, 24 years, Ivan Rudenko, 24 years old, entrepreneurs from Barnaul, founders of the company. Both graduated from the Altai State Technical University: Maria - in the specialty "State and Municipal Office", Ivan - "Technologies of machines and consumption". Nut Land produces a peanut pasta that is sold in Barnaul, Zelenograd, Kemerovo, Moscow, Mytishchi, Rubtsovsk, Tyumen, Omsk, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg.

Free niche

Peanut paste was not popular in Russia until they were in fashion healthy image Life and Sport - that is, until recent years. In our country, this product has become in demand as an ordinary food, but as a delicious source of protein for athletes. Still a half or two years ago in the Siberian city of Barnaul, the capital Altai RegionThe sports nutrition market was almost empty. Student technical University Maria Lozin took advantage of this and opened its online store.

"I ordered protein bars and vitamins in the United States and resold here through Instagram," says Maria. - At first bought themselves, as he was fitred, and then found demand from others. Sales went well, the account had about 6 thousand subscribers: everything is "live", a clean target audience. And once I ordered a batch of peanut paste in America. I really liked it, so I tried to make her houses in a blender. Then he thought that it would be great to scale this case, running production. It seemed more interesting to me - to do something yourself, and not just resell. Creating something new and useful inspires in business to this day. "

  • Peanut pastethis is a creamy product from chopped peanut peanut, traditional element US kitchens and some other countries. To give a more spicy and saturated taste in the production of peanut paste, other nuts can be used, candied fruits, coconut chips, various syrups, etc. The paste is used as a naval to toasts, bread, crackers, as well as for the preparation of a variety of dishes.

Maria, together with his friend Ivan Rudenko, opened the company NUT LAND in 2016. For the sake of this project, both left learning in the magistracy. Maria began to develop houses in the kitchen of a peanut paste formulation and set the first samples in your Instagram.

"It was some kind of supere process," she recalls. - We had four tastes - classic, with coconut chips, cinnamon and raisins, chocolate. The most popular remains the first, it takes about 30% in sales. Then they added "KRANCH" - pasta with pieces of peanuts. Recipes are still changing: the classical paste, which we released for the first time, is not at all like the current one. In Coconovo, at first there was no honey. Also, we are differently producing "KRANCH". Previously, separately made a paste and add ready-made pieces of peanuts for her - but it was hard to track the quality of crushed nuts. Now we ourselves do and pieces. "

Ivan, meanwhile, worked on the equipment to establish a serial issue. "The main complexity was that in Russia the experience of producing this product is almost zero, - he states. - Buy the necessary equipment is problematic. No recipes, technologies too. Even in the tax there was no such activity as processing peanuts in the oil and its fractions. Therefore, we all in our business were invented by ourselves. "

Scientific approach

For Ivan, the project was at first scientific work For a magic dissertation. At the Department of his university, he developed the first production technologies. "For pasta, iron and crusher are needed. The snag was in the crusher, "explains Ivan. - Chinese and American equipment that is on the market, grind nuts in a very liquid paste. A cream dense texture is attached to artificial additives. And we wanted to achieve a thick consistency without them: the chip of our paste is that she has only three or five ingredients. "

In the threesome with the supervisor of Ivan, students spent the days and nights in the University laboratories. Nuts tried grovel different ways In crusher-chain, meat grinder, blender and disintegrator (originally intended for a stagger). As a result, Ivan roughly understood what is necessary for the desired result. After that, he was separated from the department with Maria, continuing the project alone.

The first set of equipment was assembled from undergraduated materials almost without investments. But for the documentation necessary for legal production (declaration of conformity, technical conditions, KHASSP), had to pay several tens of thousand rubles. The production itself was placed in the bakery of the relative of Ivan in the Volchikhinsky district of the Altai Territory, thereby saving on rental in Barnaul. There is a firm and worked for your first year.

In addition to technology, Maria and Ivan were looking for, actually peanuts. "We tried to recycle Indian, Uzbek, Chinese, Argentinean, Brazilian nuts," Ivan lists. - Only American did not try. The best was raw materials from Argentina. He has a very nice sweet taste. We are currently purchased from the "Moscow Walnut Company", which carries raw materials directly from Argentina. Its price suits us - about 100 rubles per kilogram. "

"We pinned great hopes on the Indian Peanut, he was cheap ... But it turned out to be terrible," adds Maria. - After frying groin with unrefined oil, and the taste was the same. And the Chinese was about such. "

In the course of work it turned out that even the change of the supplier of the same type of raw materials causes difficulties with equipment - not to mention the change of the producer. Every time the crusher must be configured to work with nuts specified size, humidity, fat content, production countries. This meant a breakfast of knives and search for a new optimal number of revolutions on the crusher. But today Ivan has gathered a set of knives for nuts from each possible country. And also got records that where to twist at work, how much to increase the gap for different raw materials and how much is the temperature of the frying.

"Peanut is pure GMO"

Nut Land products feature not only in the absence of preservatives, but also in pricing policy. Today it is the most inexpensive paste on the market: in retail it costs 250 rubles for 300 grams. Russian competitors sell the same amount for 350-450 rubles, the price of foreign reaching up to 600. "Despite the fact that the kilogram of Peanuts costs 200 rubles, it is strange to see such prices, because the ratio of dry peanuts to the paste is approximately 1x1," Maria notes .

The sane value helps to hold plastic, and not glass, container. The design for the brand also did not have to beat for a long time: he was ordered from a local designer for 10 thousand rubles. "But mostly low-price secret is that our retail surcharge is about 30%, and not 400%, like some competitors," the founders of Nut Land say.

The demand for pasta in Instagram was immediately high. The first official client was the Barnaul network of mini-coffee shop Kennedy's Coffee. At first they took a paste to add to peanut latte, and then they wanted to sell it in retail. But the partners did not come together in the conditions - caffeine owners wanted to sell the product only in glass jars. Then the Altai pasta appeared in another Barnaul network of mini-coffee shops - Trendy. Today, almost all urban coffee shops that boil peanut latte, make it with pasta Nut Land.

In retail paste today you can buy in Moscow and the Moscow region, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Rubtsovsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk. Sales go through specialized networks of the gossip and eco-products (among them "green apple" in Tyumen, Zelsportpit in Moscow, Nutrifit network in Omsk and others).

"We just walked everywhere and offered their product. I wrote to someone "VKontakte", Vanya called someone. And many agreed to work with us, "says Maria. - From a non-specialized retail, we still have the store "Land 24" in Barnaul. To get there, Vanya, again, went and told about our paste. It turned out that there were already looking for us and wanted to take on the implementation. "

To go out into large product networks Ivan and Mary have not yet become. They counted that today there are little experience and volumes are not. But after a year there are such plans.

"For networks, by the way, we thought to develop a paste, as close as possible to the taste of American," says Maria. - As long as we managed to achieve this, only adding palm oil. By the way, the consistency, oddly enough, did not even come out with him, the creamy and tight (as we hoped). But we are not yet sure that we will sell such a product - a bad reputation is on palm oil. Although it is different, and we took a very high-quality view in which there is no harm.

By the way, when it is written on peanut paste that she is "without GMOs," it is strange. Because peanuts are pure GMOs. That nut, which we know, did not exist before - in nature he grew bitter. Then American scientists were modified, and he spread the world. Just as many other plants, there is nothing to fear. "

Coconut and Syrups for the Future

To buy the first professional equipment, the owners of Nut Land took all income from the online store, and also sold something from their technology - laptops, phone numbers. It took about 300 thousand rubles. They bought a brazier, a crusher and a manual seal - to close the cans of foil. All this ordered in China, hoping to finish the devices to their needs. American analogues were too expensive, Russian - designed for too much power.

"Of course, I was very afraid: you never know, this is China. But after the new year everything came, and in preservation. From January there is a refinement, "Ivan said. According to his sketches, work on the alteration of the Chinese crusher goes in the city of Stone-on-Obi on Remezavoda - the necessary specialists were found only there.

New equipment will increase the company's production volumes tenfold (if they used 50 kg of paste per hour, it will now be 500 kg). With the improvement of equipment, unexpectedly helped in Ukraine. "There is a peanut paste market very developed," Ivan told. - I called "Techno-Sesame", which is engaged in the processing of sesame in Halv. And there I was explained technological process: How best to grind nuts. We also went to the American engineering company, but there were aware of the devices only from afar. And so they suggested them just to buy them. Of course, for millions that we do not have. "

Now Nut Land with new equipment moves to Barnaul. It turned out that when producing in the village losses on logistics more than saving for rental in the city. Appropriate production room It was not immediately found, mostly offered too large squares. And small rooms often turned out to be former fish processing enterprises with an appropriate odor. But in the end there was a clean former bakery on 80 "squares".

According to the founders of the brand, their enterprise is ready to jump forward. A month later, they would launch a line of new products: almond paste, chocolate with a hazelnut and coconut manna (pasta from the pulp of coconut). Before the new year, the company produced gift sets with new types of pastes - check demand. Received good feedback and a request for large banks.

Also in plans to sell low-calorie syrups. "We want to popularize peanut pasta in Russia, but to preserve its naturalness. However, producing only the paste and without entering the network, it is very difficult to stay afloat. We need some parallel product so that people have more interest, "the entrepreneurs explain.

Sales without sales

Together with the release of new products, Maria and Ivan are preparing, finally, start selling sales and close to promotion. While they were advertised only through tastings in shopping centersAs well as in Instagram and Facebook. "VKontakte" I do not consider the working shopping area: at the stage of sales of the gossip this social network lost Instagram in all articles, "says Maria. - Now I think that social networks capture not our entire audience. Therefore, now we think to invest in outdoor advertising. There are many senior people who do not sit in social networks, but may be interested in our paste. "

Until now, NUT LAND sales plan was not. Basically because all year all functions in the company found the founders performed together: were manufacturers, managers, workers of the workshop, marketers, etc. Website with the online store started recently, and they also made themselves. Only by January Ivan called to business three former One-logbooks on the post of workers of the workshop and courier service.

In the online store of the company make orders people from all over the country, but in sales, it still gives less than 1%. The main channel implementation is not planned to do, it is more needed as a network representation. Today, the main sales of Nut Land products go through sports nutrition stores.

While the Altai walnut paste is sold too long to assess seasonality. But approximate trends are as follows: in spring and under New Year Sales grow, in the summer there is a decline. Most products managed to sell in this March - about 2 tons. "We are now working until midnight to manage to satisfy demand," says Ivan.

Core of buyers - athletes and vegetarians, young people. "The audience is studied according to the reviews of partners and statistics in social networks, it is very convenient," said Maria. - It is clearly clearly visible to whom your product is interesting. In general, in the 21st century, the technologists are very simplifying doing business. We use a variety of different applications. They allow you to be a round day in the course of sales, accounting, just look into the smartphone. "

Orientation on Russian consumers

Now in Russia about a dozen producers of peanut paste. The largest player is the company Nut Butter, the first enterprise, which began to make a nut paste in Russia. In Barnaul, except Nut Land, there are two other domestic brands in the stores: under the brand Joy Food sell pasta from Novosibirsk, under the brand MR CREME - the paste from China.

Nut Land is the only manufacturers of this product in Altai. The nearest competitor is Vasco in Novosibirsk. Independent rivals are also producers of urbe. But this product is a paste of raw nuts, originally from Dagestan.

Few of the manufacturers of nut paste is presented in the Russian non-specialized retail. "I think, in many ways, because while this is a business on the knee," Maria believes. - Now such a time when more and more new enterprises of our profile appear. But hardly those who do this, purchases expensive equipment. To cooperate with product networks, you need a certain amount and experience. So, such companies as our, while simply did not grow to networks. "

For the year in Nut Land sold pasta for about 2 million rubles. With new production capacity, this volume can be increased in three times. "We try to develop quickly. We understand that someone with money can come to the market, and we will not leave deeds, "says Ivan.

Since the summer of 2016, the Altai paste is sold in Kazakhstan. But there are no plans to enter the international market: it is in Russia that this niche is still a nonponable field. Today, the main sales of NUT Land go to the central part of the country, there the company plans to grow further. For Siberia, the product is still too new and unusual: few local residents managed to understand what peanut paste is and what they eat.

In the US, peanut paste is considered a traditional product. As the recent STATISTA survey showed, this rich food can be found in the kitchen 90% of American families. Within 52 weeks, American supermarkets sell peanut pasta by $ 1.18 billion (the period is taken into account until June 15, 2014). At the same time, more and more consumers are interested in their own preparation of this product, as they want to be confident as the ingredients used.

For the Russian consumer, peanut pasta still remains exotic, although this product responds to an existing request for a healthy diet and the correct lifestyle.

Perfect and packing

"I decided to engage in the production of peanut pasta because it was one of my favorite products, I always bought it for myself and my family," says Maria Maltseva, who founded the company "King Walnut". "But somehow a recipe came to my eyes, and I tried to cook the paste on my own."

Already the first experiments turned out to be successful, because almost immediately Maria began to prepare a product for sale familiar. At first, "production" was limited to homemade opportunities and delivery on their own. To promote Instagram, a thematic page was created. However, at the stage of the first trial, the business existed for long and soon received official status - when a beginner entrepreneur was convinced that the demand for peanut pasta was really high.

Today, the King Walnut manufactures seven main types of pastes: classical, crunchy, soft with various additives. But Maria Maltseva continues to work on new tastes, so that in the near future to expand the range. "As long as we plan to work only with Argentinean and Paraguayan peanuts," Mary's plans are divided. - We even at the very beginning appreciated what raw material is better what worse. Read, watched information on the Internet. That peanuts that comes to us, supply Moscow and St. Petersburg firms, so there are no problems with raw materials. "

The process of production of peanut paste is quite simple and includes only a few stages. First, the purified peanuts are evenly roasted in a special machine, then chilled nuts are cleaned from the peel and immersed in the equipment, where they are shaking to a homogeneous creamy mass, into which additional ingredients can be added at the final stage. The finished product is packaged by banks.

From the point of view of business, a peanut paste is a fairly convenient product. First, the shelf life of pasta is six months. Secondly, it does not require any special storage conditions.

A beginner entrepreneur to launch peanut paste production will be required special equipment To variety of raw materials (at first, you can do and blend), mixing equipment with ingredients, as well as the packing device. "Such equipment imported is quite expensive, so we ordered it at the Russian factory," says Maria Maltseva. - Now you can find many options for Chinese equipment, but there is a big risk with a guarantee and subsequent service. With Russian, of course, it is easier to deal with. "

Confident start

To start your business, Maria Maltsev has enough starting capital in the amount of 100,000 rubles. This money was spent on the purchase of three powerful blenders, site development, procurement of raw materials and containers.

In the fall of 2015, the entrepreneur submitted an application for a grant in the Sverdlovsk Regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund. In financing, it was refused, but Maria, using the case, has passed a series of marketing and sales courses. The Foundation also helped with a business plan.

After that, there was another attempt to get money for the expansion of production - through the Agat Foundation. Thanks to his support, Maria Maltsev was able to get a loan of 600,000 rubles. On the purchase of equipment, rental of the premises and the acquisition of the necessary equipment - refrigeration, mixture and labeling equipment.

To date, the turnoves of the company "King Walnut" are 600 00 - 700,000 rubles. per month. As the main competitive advantage of its products, Maria Maltsev calls the naturalness of the product. It is thanks to this that the company can safely compete with numerous foreign manufacturers, including a lot of products from Japan occupy a lot.

With Russian competitors to share the market more difficult: in latelyDespite the crisis, their quantity is only growing. "When we started in 2014, no one has yet been engaged in such production," says Maria Maltseva. - Now in almost every city there are several firms producing peanut pasta. Serious production is in St. Petersburg and Moscow. "

The main sales channels of the product are fitness centers and shops healthy nutrition. At the trendy recent eco-year peanut paste, also a permanent product among themselves. But the company "King Walnut" intends to break into the shelves of ordinary grocery stores. While constrained only some conditions of cooperation - in particular, delaying money for the goods, which often comes to one and a half months. According to Mary Maltseva, it plans to attract sales manager to work with the stores. While the team employs four people who solve logistics, delivery, production.

Another promising sales channel is joint purchases. It is particularly effective in the case when the company's products are not represented in some cities, from where buyers are coming. "In such cases, people simply combine and on some joint procurement site take in bulk, and then divide it among themselves," Maltseva explains. - For the consumer it is profitable because it buys the product at a wholesale price, with a small cheating. And even taking into account delivery, such a purchase costs him cheaper. "