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How to plant an earthwood. Peanut care in open soil. Peanut Growing Technology

One day, having tried an earthen walnut, many agrarians think about how to grow peanuts in the garden. Despite the fact that the birthplace of culture is South AmericaThe climate of the middle lane in Ukraine is quite suitable for the cultivation of peanuts at home. Especially for this, such varieties were bred as: Valencia Ukrainian, Stepnyak, Krasnodar and others. It is enough to purchase the corresponding seed material and get acquainted with a simple technology.

Planting peanuts

Put peanuts need to warm soilThe germination of seeds occurs at a temperature of +12 +14 ° C, the ideal temperature in +25 +30 ° C, frosts for earthwood are detrimental, so wait for well-minded warm weather. It is usually mid-May after disembarking fringe crops.

Peanut loves intensive lighting and good ventilation, choose for landing open areas without shade.

When growing peanuts in the country, it is necessary to ensure crop rotation, it should be perched after cabbage, cucumbers or potatoes with a flying organic. It is impossible to plant after legumes.

It reacts well to phosphoric fertilizers, it must be considered in the spring preparation in the spring and make a nitroposka at the rate of 50g per 1 m².

Sowing a culture of purified seeds increases the germination. Choose large seeds for sowing, it will also improve the germination and as a result of the harvest.

Sow peanuts B. open soil We need wide rows of 60 cm - 70 cm into width, with a distance between the bushes 15 cm - 20 cm, to a depth of 6 cm - 8 cm.

Caring for crops

Not at all, it will not be superfluous to maintain the soil of loose and wet, you can produce harrowing with light greyes. Further care It is to enlist the plants, the first glue should be carried out 10 days after the start of flowering, a height of 5 cm - 7 cm. In the future, it is for another 2 more - 3 times every 10 days, gradually falling asleep the plants. Each injection is better to spend after rain or watering.


We grow peanuts at all without watering, there is enough moisture in central Ukraine for good height of this culture. Watering can increase yield with a lack of natural precipitation. In the arid regions, it is possible to water throughout the growing season, every 10 to 12 days (taking into account the rains), and after flowering during the formation of fruits, watering can be participated. Watch that the soil is moistened, but not filled with water. The best solution will be drip irrigation, or the use of water heated in the sun. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped.

When to remove peanuts

When the leaves of the plant are yellow, and the seeds are easily caused from beans, it is time for harvesting. But be attentive, do not tighten with the cleaning of peanuts to the cold, because during the freezing the seeds lose the germination and gain bitterness, becoming unsuitable in food.

Cleaning occurs in two stages, first peanuts dig into the surface, fold in rolls and allowed to dry, after the beans separated from the roots and go to the drying and storage. Dry peanut beans at a temperature not higher than 40 ° C with ventilation. Store peanuts is better in the beans at a low temperature in +8 ° C +10 ° C, in a well-ventilated room, on a layer racks no more than 10 cm or in rag bags.

As you can see the cultivation of peanuts, it's not a cunning thing at all and when you can get good harvest That seemed to be an exotic plant on its plot in Ukraine. The main conditions of success: high-quality seeds and adoption of technology.

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Earthwood is peanuts, heat-loving plant Right from South America, brought to Europe since the times of Spanish conquest. This article will not only tell about the earthen nut, but also will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ways of its cultivation - the cultivation of peanuts in the garden in the open soil and at home.

Brief description of culture

By scientific definition, this culture belongs to the family of legumes of peanuts. The correct answer to the question about, peanuts is a nut or bob, there will be a second option, although in everyday life people consider it a nut. In fact, peanut fruits are seeds herbatous Plant. It gained widespread in the world due to its nutritional properties and the presence of many beneficial substances.

Where the peanuts are growing

It is believed that Peanuts came to Europe from South America, from where his Spanish and Portuguese navigators were exported. The Portuguese also brought him to Africa, where this culture was well stuck, then she fell into Europe and later - to North America (southern states).

Peanuts - a heat-loving plant, for its growth, daytime temperatures are required not lower than +20 degrees Celsius, and the night is not lower than +15, it cannot be called a moisthed culture - watering it requires exclusively during flowering.

As for the composition of the soil, the peanuts are growing better in loose and light sandy, lighter or squealed soils.

Similar favorable conditions in the territory former USSR And modern Russia is provided in the southern regions, the republics of the Transcaucasus and Central Asia. IN last years gardeners have accumulated positive experience in trying to grow peanuts on their dacha (in middle lane Russia, in an open or protected soil), as well as in attempts to grow peanuts in the pots of the house.

How peanuts grow

Culture is grown from seeds, the growing period from the moment of sowing to harvest is from 120 to 160 days. After germination of seeds, an overhead part of the plant is formed, which is a branching bush with a height of 50 - 70 cm. How peanuts grow can be seen in the photo.

The main feature of the earthen walnut is the fact that the peanuts blooms at the end of June, just one day during which the flowers should be pollinated for the formation of uncess. Once they have formed, the frozen is lowered under the ground for the formation of seeds (peanut fruits).

1 - fertilized marking, 2 - fertile deepent under the ground.

The peanut planting during the growing season is practically not affected by neither pests nor disease, which makes it a very attractive culture for growing on an industrial scale.

The occurrence of the harvest date is evidenced by the yellowed leaves and shoots of the plant. This is usually the middle - the end of September.

The bushes need to dig with caution, shake out of the soil residues, turn over and dry in the open sky. Modern farmers use special agricultural machines for this, the process is fully automated.

Growing on the nursery

In the open ground of an earthworm in Russia, it is possible to grow, and not only in southern latitudes, but also in the suburbs, and even in Siberia. In this case, the cultivation is suitable ensure and plant protection by observing material.

Seedlings seeded at the end of March - early April immediately in separate containers, of which the transplant in the ground will be carried out. Peanut seeds must first be cleaned from the shell and soak until the roots of the roots up to 1.5 cm long (usually it is 3-4 days, sometimes longer, it all depends on quality seed material). For this, the seeds wrap in several layers of constantly moisturized gauze and keep in a warm place.

The proceeding seeds need to be broken into the ground for several centimeters, but not deeper than 4. Care is in timely watering (when the soil surface is burned in a pot). After the threat of return freezers and the temperature of the soil is not lower than +15 degrees, peanut landing is possible in the ground.

For a culture, you need to choose a warm solar place where the sun shines all day, darkening is unacceptable. Does not love this plant and strong winds. Saplings are planted on ridges with aisle of 0.5 - 0.6 m and withsting distances between plants at 15 - 20 cm.

At first, it will be possible to need additional protection in the form of a streamlined material or film, because At a temperature of +15 degrees, the earthen walnut ceases to grow.

Earth care is quite simple And the main events are loosening and feeding. It is important not to miss the moment of flowering peanuts, the subsequent formation of the barriers and lowering them underground. After that, it is necessary to carry out the gardening of the beds, similar to how potatoes are dipped. This is necessary for the full growth and nutrition of fruits underground.

Watering mode to observe is not difficult - it is produced only during the flowering of an earthwood. During the rest of the time - only with a stable drought. Peanut collection should be carried out in warm dry weather, so that it is possible to dry the fruits on the bushes dug out of the ground for 10 days. Next, the fruits are separated from the tops and lay storage. It is necessary to store peanuts in dry, ventilated rooms, with humidity no higher than 65%.

Thus, it can be concluded that the mass breeding of such culture as peanuts and its cultivation in the middle lane is not an impossible task.

In the southern regions of Russia, you can plant peanuts directly into the ground seedsClimate allows culture to go through the whole cycle of development - from shoots before harvesting. Pre-seeds need to soak and germinate. Sowing is made directly into the ground, closeing them to a depth of 7 cm. In the first days after sowing, before the appearance of strong sprouts, crops need to be stolen from birds, which willingly operate seeds from the ground. The rest of the departure is similar to the seaside method of cultivation.

Earthwood growing at home

This culture can grow even at home, in a pot on the windowsill. Peanuts and its cultivation at home is one of the favorite those flowerflowers who prefer exotic plants On the windowsill. There are several basic requirements when performing at home you can get a good harvest.

    The use of a spacious planting capacity of sufficient depth and diameter (at least 30 - 40 cm in diameter and the same depth). The ground must be structured, loose, necessarily with the addition of sand. In the pot, only pre-grocessed seeds are dried. Pouring must be balanced, it is impossible to allow The convergence of the substrate, as well as its complete drying. temperature mode - not lower than +15 and not higher than +30 degrees Celsius. Periodical feeding with complex fertilizer, no more than 1 time per month. In the hot period, peanut bush needs spraying with water twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Pest control for the appearance of pests. When growing B. room conditions The landing can be subject to attacks of the pests of flowers. The exaggeration of the barrels, which will be too high above the surface of the soil, it is necessary to substitute additional containers from the ground for their bulk, otherwise the wound will die.

In compliance with these simple rules, each bush is able to give from 40 to 100 peanut fruits.

Peanuts - bob culture, exotic for Russia, but, as it turns out, it can be grown even in regions of critical agriculture, such as the middle strip of Russia and Siberia. Attach peanuts in the garden, pre-raising seedlings. Lovers grow exceivers at home on the windowsill also have their own way - to grow peanut bushes in the usual flower pot And get your crop of these delicious and useful "nuts."

The favorite occupation of modern summer residents can with confidence to name experiments with the landing of the most unexpected for the native cultivation of cultures. And the results are sometimes really impressive! Peanut's admirers will probably be surprised by learning that their favorite earthwood, which is actually bean culture, perfectly adapted to growing in the garden next door to other vegetables. Gardeners celebrate the unpretentiousness of peanuts and high yields.

Dates of landing

Peanut seeds in the ground are carried out in mid-May when exterior temperature It will reach + 18-20 ° C, and the soil warms up to + 15 ° C. In case of insufficient heating of the soil, the seeds will be charged.

Sowing seedlings are held in early April, and at the age of 35-40 days the seedlings are ready for transfer to bed. In the middle lane with its unstable climate for peanut beds, it is recommended to provide a removable film shelter to protect against sudden cooling.

Soil processing

Since the ripening of bean-nuts passes in the ground, to the preparation of the landing site should be approached with special care. The best place Peanut growth will be open, solar, well-ventilated platform located on fertile, very loose soils. It is allowed to light short-term half. In accordance with cultural standards, best predecessors For an earthwash are cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, worst - all legumes. Climbing ahead, it is worth noting that the participation in the crop rotation of the cultures of the cabbage family significantly reduces the likelihood of fusarious fading of peanuts. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, pumpkin, eggplants are suitable as neighbors for walnut bushes.

The primary processing of the site is carried out in the fall: the soil is cleaned of weeds and drove with the introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers. Like any representative of legumes, peanuts do not welcome the superior to the active organic, so the use of manure, bird's face And their derivatives are excluded. In the spring, after the snow, the processed section is re-drunk or intensely intense with garden pods. Ultimately, the soil under the planting of peanuts should be soft, water-permeable and well aerated.

Methods landing

In the fertile climatic conditions of the southern regions of the beans of Peanuts are sown in the ground dry, without pre-training. In medium latitudes, the seeds before planting it is advisable to germinate or plant peanuts on a bed of pre-educated seedlings. The last method allows you to get a yield for 2-3 weeks earlier.

Selecting planting material

For the first experience, the landing material may be a handful of other peanuts of the last harvest, bought in the nearest market. When buying, you should give preference to strong high-quality nuts without cracks, stains and mold. The mesh pattern on the shell of selected instances should be clear and textured.

Subsequently, if the experiment brings the desired results, not only market nuts, but also seeds of varietal peanuts can be used to sowing plantation. In the household cultivation, such varieties of peanuts, like Valencia 433, Valencia Ukrainian, Stepnyak, Krasnodar 13, Krasnodar 14 were proven.


High-quality seed preparation is one of the most important conditions for their germination and full-fledged development. It is held in several stages:

  • Pink or raspberry peanut kernels are removed from the shell.
  • The extracted seeds are placed in a microfiber napkin, well moistened with warm water, and laid on a flat plate. The napkin can be replaced with any natural cloth or gauze, folded in 3-4 layers. To speed up the process, the growth stimulator can be added to the water for soaking.
  • As you need, the napkin is systematically moistened, not allowing it to dry.
  • The first roots will appear in 5-6 days, and as soon as their length is 1-1.5 cm, you can start cropping into the ground.

Sustained seeds in this way can be heated in separate containers in seedlings or immediately permanent place Growth according to the scheme: The landing step is about 20 cm with a width of the range of 60-70 cm. After sowing, the garden is preferably covered with a twig before shooting, so that the nuts do not become the prey of birds. It will not be superfluous and a pretty garden scarecrow, frightened by its kind of winged robbers.

Specificity of the shot

Disadvantages for growing peanut seedlings can serve as a peat pot (pills) or ordinary cups from food plastic. Soil can be used in purchased, but before planting it is desirable to mix with a small amount of sand (3: 1). Sowing is carried out as follows:

  • Capacity filled wet nutrient substrate.
  • Sprouted seeds are sowing singly in the center of each pot to a depth of 2-2.5 cm.
  • Cups with crops are in the overall pallet, is covered with food film and leave in warm place. Greenhouse as needed to open for watering, venting and removing condensate.
  • With the advent of the first leaflet, the seedlings free from shelter and exhibit on a warm, well-lit window sill, where the "youth" is actively developing before transferring a bed.

The stubborn seedlings are planted on a garden in a cloudy cool day. The landing scheme is the same as when crops.

Features of care

The most comfortable development of the earth walnut passes at a temperature of from + 25 ° C to + 28 ° C. Too low (below + 15 ° C), as well as too high (above +30 ° C), temperatures are devoted for it. After 40-50 days from the moment of landing, peanuts blooms. The flowering and pollination process takes only one day, after which the guinoforas are formed on the place of yellow-orange inflorescences - growing in which future fruits are formed. The stems down to the ground, the hypodophores are burned into the ground, where at a depth of 8-10 cm and peanut beans are matured. Growth, who did not have time to achieve land, die, therefore, under the guinophores located on the upper branches, it is recommended to pour a slide from the soil.

Today in the project "Ecosad for all" Consider how to grow peanuts in the country. After all, many gardeners love to grow on their panstones Rare for the conditions of the middle strip of the plant. Peanuts to all the well-known and beloved walnut is incidentally found on local beds, although it is easy to grow. If you like to experiment, be sure to try it.

Annolete plant Peanut refers to the legume family. For growth and normal development, it requires a lot of light and heat, because in natural conditions it grows in countries with a subtropical climate. Holy Peanut is considered to be South America, there and now it is grown on large plantations. Another name of peanuts - earthwood. This is due to the fact that its fruits are formed and growing in the ground.

Nowadays there are amateur gardeners who have good to grow peanuts on garden sites In the middle strip. Externally, peanuts is a bush with a stem, which is very branching.

It blooms only one day with small yellow flowers, which for such a short time should have time to pollinate. By evening, the branches lowered low to the ground, and the flowers are buried into it.

In the future, they will ripen nuts, whose kernels are packed in a solid shell.


In the warm regions of Russia, the peanut seeds can be planted immediately into the ground. For the conditions of the middle band, it is necessary to grow first seedlings. It is recommended to do this in the initial number of April, in order to transfer it to the soil in two months. Pre-nuts for planting need to soak in water and wait for them to sproule.

The soil for the plant is required easy, it must be loosened so that the flowers can be buried in the ground, otherwise they will be offended, and the harvest will not. It is recommended to make potash fertilizers in the soil (for example, wood ash), use organic - it is impossible.

Peanut grows well only in wet soil. It also contributes to an injection of flowers to the ground, dry land prevents this process. When planting peanuts, it is required to withstand the distance between the seedle 20 cm.

For landing, the garden must be placed in an outdoor sunny place, it is desirable that potatoes or cabbage be grown there before.

There are many varieties of peanuts and in lately Constantly remove new, increasingly adapted to the conditions of the suburban climate. For landing it is desirable to choose just such a variety.


If the planting of the peanut was carried out correctly, then for successful care It is important for him to comply with the following rules:

  1. provide a plant solar place for successful growth;
  2. try to try to extort the peanuts;
  3. do not forget to gour out;
  4. feed with potash fertilizers;
  5. to water regularly.

Especially active watering is needed by a plant during flowering, and after it blends, watering can be reduced, but droughts should not be allowed.

The more often loose and dip the peanut bushes, the more harvest will be. Peanuts can be grown in a greenhouse. It is recommended to plant it next to tomatoes, then they will receive nitrogen from peanuts.

The moment comes when the trees are starting to wither, it means that nuts are ripe and they can be extracted from the ground. They dig them together with a bush, placed in a dry place for drying. After a week, nuts can be removed from the bush and clean from the remnants of the Earth.

In the suburban conditions, an earthwood ripens at the end of September. A week before harvesting, watering must be stopped to dry. Collect the harvest better in a warm sunny day.

Useful properties of peanuts and contraindications

Numerous earthwoman studies say that it is useful for the body, because it is a whole storeroom containing a large number of vital required substances: Vitamins and trace elements. In addition, it is rich in iron, and therefore, people suffering from the anemia.

Magnesium and vitamins of the B group included in the earthen walnut helps to cope with stress and nervous tension. It is recommended to always have several peanut nuts with you, they can replace snack at work, give strength and energy, will help to remain active until the end of the working day. Thanks to the peanuts man on long years Can save hearing and attention.

Contraindication for the use of an earthwood may be that it sometimes causes allergies. And not the kernel itself, but a brown shell around it. Get rid of it easy: peeled nuts need to be dried in a skillet, then the husk is well separated from the kernel. In addition, thermal treatment will help destroy all sorts of pathogenic microbes and fungi, which may be present on nuts.

Peanuts are often used in confectionery, add it to cookies, candy and chocolate.

Peanut is a very common product and, as you have seen, useful for the body, you can buy it almost in any store. Nevertheless, try on your garden to get your own harvest, as it is completely simple to grow peanuts in the country in the dacha.

Earthworm fruits - tasty and useful delicacycomprising a whole complex of the necessary organism of elements: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants. He is loved by adults and children, he is popular with Dachnikov: planting peanuts on sites for many of them has already become a familiar occupation. It is difficult to believe in it, but get nutritious nuts is possible at home, if you provide the right care in the pot.

Features of culture and choosing a place for her

His origin, peanuts leads from the countries of the South American continent - Argentina and Bolivia. It is from there a culture spread around the world, alternately conquering India, Japan, Philippine Islands, Madagascar, China, Turkey, Africa, Spain, France, USA. In Russia, it is known since the XVIII century. Earthwood is warm and demanding in relation to climatic conditions, but it is still possible to grow it in the open soil. In Eurasian mainland, it is successfully bred in limited territories: in the southern regions of Ukraine, in the North Caucasus, in Transcaucasia, the middle lane of Russia.

For planting peanuts on the garden, you need to choose a bright area that in the spring is quickly freed from snow and smears, and in the summer it is well warmed with sunbeams. It develops best on the hills. Even weak shading does not affect the plant, leading to a significant reduction in yield. Cold winds are also destructive for him, so the plot must be protected from them.

The peanut peculiarity is that its fruits are developing in Earth, they are fed after pollination. Therefore, for the plant, the quality and structure of the soil acquire the key value. This southerner is needed neutral. If the soil on the site is characterized by increased acidity, it will have to prepare it for planting peanuts, making the following components:

  • limestone (normal or dolomitized);
  • limestone tuff;
  • lake Lime (Gaja).

Earthwood prefers rich in calcium and magnesium earth. It is best to develop on the lungs, the maximum loose, well-transmitting water and air soils with a significant admixture of sand. If the ground on the plot is dense and moisture is stored in it, it will complicate the culture of culture. Conduct with adverse conditions for peanuts will help him with a good drainage. Soils with high salts with earth walnut are not suitable. It is reduced by submission special compositions (phosphogyps building plaster), after which the Earth is implanted with organic fertilizers.

Planting scheme

In open soil peanuts planted late spring, Usually in the middle or second half of May. Freezing are destructive for culture, so you need to wait for those days when their probability will become minimal. Plant seeds are placed in well-heated soil. Its temperature should be at least 12-15 ° C. The growing season has a long-term latal, therefore, in areas with a temperate climate, its fruits have time to grow if it is breeding it with a seaside way. The cultivation of peanuts on the plot will be more successful when using seeds of zoned varieties of culture.

It is possible to plant this nut in Bobah. Experienced gardeners recommend that this method of its breeding is recommended. Beans contain many nutritional elements that contribute to the full development of shoots, so sprouts will be thrown through the soil faster and will be stronger and healthy than when planting peanut seeds.

Seed seeds in pre-prepared wells, placing 3-5 pieces in each. Caring for earthenings is close to the agricultural engineering of potatoes and implies periodic dipping landings. In order for his cultivation to not bring hassle, the beds should be made wide - at least 45 cm, and between the rows leave at least 0.5 m of free space. It is from there that the earth will be taken to enhance. The wells make every 25-30 cm. Peanuts plant on the middle depth, the soil layer above the seeds should be 5 cm.

You can sow an earthen walnut and differently. Along the side of the beds, 2 deep (10 cm) of grooves are carried out. At a distance of 8-10 cm, seeds are placed apart from each other. In order for the peanut care is easier, and the plants themselves developed well, the interval between adjacent bushes should be 15 cm. If shoots are more frequent, they are thinned. But it happens not always. Part of the seed does not germinate, part is damaged by insects. Therefore, it is better to progress and sow them more often. When all seeds laid out, the furrows fall asleep soil, aligning the surface of the bed. It is more efficient to use a rake, turning them over with the opposite side.

Earth landing is completed in open ground with abundant irrigation. Spend it with watering or hose, put on them special nozzlenot to blur the soil. Watering landing need slow and weak pressure Waters, carefully moisturizing the entire surface of the bed. It is better to walk on it 2-3 times to saturate the soil with water as much as possible. The signal to the end of watering will be the appearance on the garden of the puddles. If lime or gypsum was made in the soil, after a couple of hours, it can be covered with cracks. This is a natural consequence of the procedures conducted, it will be eliminated by itself after several planned irrigation.

Specificity of the shot

Many gardeners prefer to spend cultural culture through seedlings. The main advantage of this method before sowing the peanut seeds directly to the open ground is to get more harvest. So that the seedlings were strong and healthy, it is important to use high-quality planting material. Saw it better in peat pots. With their absence, plastic or cardboard cups and any other shallow tanks are suitable. Conduct the procedure in April.

Containers for future seedlings are filled with loose and nutritious substrate. It is easy to prepare it at home, it is enough to mix the ground from a plot with a motor and sand, taken in equal amounts. Before planting, seeds are put into the solution of manganese. This will reduce the risk of lesion of gentle sections of disease.

Spagrating the seeds in the pits in a depth of 3-4 cm, they fall asleep to the soil. So that they quickly sprout, the tanks are covered with a film or glass, after which they put a warm place where they do not fall on them sun rays. Care for peanut seedlings at home distinctive features compared to others vegetable crops has no. It will be possible to transplant plants to a permanent place in the garden, when the soil warms up enough, and the first frosts will definitely stay behind. Typically, this time comes 2 weeks after the appearance of germs.

Painting Peanut In room conditions

Peanut is an amazing culture that can bring a harvest even in a pot. It will not be so abundant, as when growing in the open ground, but how much pleasure will bring the fact of its receipt at home. Seeds or beans are planted into bulk pots in the spring, observing the requirements of the culture to the composition and structure of the soil. When using the whole fetus, it is recommended to grind it with his hands so that the shell is slightly cracked.

At the bottom of the pot surely lay a layer of drainage. Place peanuts to a depth of 2 cm, placing seeds or beans in the center of the tank. Thoroughly watering the land in a pot, it is covered with a film in which several holes make a landing to breathe. You can use a cellophane package. For rapid germination of seeds at home it is important that the temperature in the room does not fall below 20 ° C.

The soil in the pot should not rehabilitate, but also the excessive humidity will not be injured. Water-grown walnut is infrequent, about once every 2 weeks. Caring for it implies regular spraying. The appearance of shoots can be expected after 2-3 weeks. Externally, they look like clover. When the sprouts are slightly fixed, they are thinned, leaving 3-4 of the strongest instance.

Rules of agrotechniki

Most comfortable, this walnut feels in warm weather when the air warms up to 20 ° C and above. The temperature in the range of 15-19 ° C does not affect the development of bushes, but the lower stops their growth. Therefore, the cultivation of peanuts will require constant attention to the weather forecast. At the occurrence of cool days it will be needed. The beds are covered with film or special material.

Landing care is easy. It consists of 5 procedures:

  1. regular hyphenation;
  2. timely removal of weeds;
  3. loosening;
  4. feeding;
  5. glaze.

During the growing season, peanuts are 4-5 times. From the frequency and correctness of the procedure, it depends on how much the yield will bring bushes. Time for the first enclosure The plant will tell itself: Its fruitless shoots will be devastated to the soil. This is usually happening on 10 day after the completion of flowering. Him the landing should be high as much as possible. It will make it easy to penetrate the penetration into the soil, and the tiers with nuts peanuts will lay down more. It is better to carry out the procedure after intensive watering.

In the period of bootonization and flowering, the bushes need a lot of moisture. But here it is important not to overdo it, since the soil fever is fraught with reinforcement of peanut roots. At this time, we water the landing maximum twice a week with warm water. They will also need to be presented with complex minerals with elevated phosphorus and potassium content. Fucks spend three times per season. When the earthen walnut swarts, the irrigation rate is determined by weather conditions. If the summer was rainy, it will be enough natural moisture. In arid hot days, watering landings still need, but rare and non-delicate.

So that the peanut fruits are ripe faster, in September, soil moisturizing is minimized, and 2 weeks before harvesting it is completely stopped.

While the nut did not climb his leaves, you need to carefully follow the cleanliness of the beds. Weeds clog out young plants, so they are regularly removed. Under adult well-developed bushes, the excess herb is simply not growing.

The breeding of peanuts on the site is a great way to pamper yourself and close to tasty and nutritional nuts. Its cultivation can not be called labor-intensive and troublesome, the agricultural nature of culture is quite simple, although it will require some knowledge. Landing in competently prepared soil, dipping, watering and fertilizer - compliance with these rules will allow to get a valuable harvest and fully enjoy the surprise and delight those for whom the peanuts are still an exotic guest on store shelves.

Difficulty in the dilution of the earth walnut can only be its exceptional dependence on heat. With his lack of a bush, it will simply stop growing, and they will have to forget about the crop. Therefore, it is not possible to grow it everywhere, but only in those areas where watermelons and melons have time for the summer. But here it will be necessary to closely monitor the thermometer's column and constantly be ready to protect landing from cold.