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A botanist returning from the southern latitudes. Lyrics of the Russian soul


(Lyric ballad)

The botanist returning from the southern latitudes
He told us with ardor
About rare plants of mountain heights,
Run up to the clouds.

They stand proudly, crystal clear,
Like light caps of snow.
Children of Desperate Heights
And the wild singing of the winds.

In the palms of the botanist - burning blue,
Blinding sun and eternal coldness
They swing importantly, sternly.
The names are flashing - solid Latin -
One is more incomprehensible than the other.

At the end he said: - And here is edelweiss,
Reigning almost in the clouds.
A risky voyage was taken after him,
And now he is in my hands!

Take a look: it gleams like mountain snow,
But that is not just a flower.
About him the legend for centuries
The ancient keeps the East.

This is a wizard. Flower mascot.
Who will take possession of it,
Will easily destroy any deception
And we will keep from troubles.

And most importantly, this flower conceals
Sweet and hot captivity:
The one who will hand it to his girlfriend,
The heart will take in return.

He finished, adding playfully: - Well,
Science denies this,
But if the legend lives for centuries,
Who knows, after all? ..

Botanica clapped on the shoulders
The cabinet hummed with jokes:
- Now at least pass the exam by color!
You're not a scientist - a poet!

And I kept thinking to the hum and laughter:
What will she say now?
The one that is more beautiful and thinner than everyone
But it's always so cold.

So cold that I don't know
Is it happiness or trouble?
She smiled: - This, friends,
Nice, but nonsense ...

In the night above the gardens, the stars lit up,
And in the river it is dark, dark ...
The stars are pushing and falling down
With a hiss they go to the bottom.

The wind sweeps the poplar snow
Mint smells like weeds ...
Of course, it's stupid: the atomic age -
And suddenly a flower talisman!

Let it be so! And love? After all, her sometimes
You can't find it without a miracle!
And is there such a scientist
To open the way to the heart ?!

Edelweiss flower ... aching sadness ...
Legend ... Grizzly East ...
What if I suddenly take it and come back
And beg for that flower?

Will I be ridiculed? Agree. Let be.
I will get it at any cost!
Does not believe? Do not! But I will be back
And I’ll give her that flower!

Go ahead! Here is his house ... turn ...
I extinguish the light of a cigarette butt
And suddenly to meet me from the gate
Swift figures!

She saw, flushed with joy: - You!
There is, then, a secret power.
You know he has a passion for flowers
But I was able, I begged ...

Now you will understand everything ... I am not against miracles,
No, I'm not saying that ... -
And suddenly she handed me an edelweiss! -
Here ... Accept ... I give!

The heavens flashed like stars
Night in a glowing fire ...
People, there are miracles on earth!
People trust me!

Tags:Eduard Asadov, poems by Eduard Asadov, sad poetry, main line of poems.

Eduard Asadov: A few words about myself

Eduard Asadov, 12 July 1971

A few words about myself. Was born on September 7, 1923 in Turkmenistan. I am Armenian by nationality. My parents were teachers. My father fought in the civil war with the Dashnaks in the Caucasus. He was the political commander of the company. My first childhood impressions forever included the narrow dusty streets of a Central Asian town, colorful noisy bazaars and a camp of pigeons over flat, hot, whitish roofs. And there is also a lot of golden-orange color: sun, sands, fruits.
After the death of my father in 1929, our family moved to Sverdlovsk. Here lived my second grandfather, also an Armenian, a doctor by profession, Ivan Kalustovnch Kurdov. This grandfather was to some extent a "historical" personality. In his youth, for two years he was Chernyshevsky's secretary in Astrakhan after Nikolai Gavrilovich returned from exile. This acquaintance had a decisive influence on the formation of the youth's spiritual world. And throughout his life my grandfather retained an ardent, almost enthusiastic love for Chernyshevsky.

In Sverdlovsk, my mother and I both "went to first grade." Only she is a teacher, and I am a student. All my childhood passed here in the Urals. Then I joined the pioneers, here at the age of eight I wrote my first poem, ran to the Palace of Pioneers at the rehearsal of the drama club; here I was admitted to the Komsomol. Ural is the country of my childhood! Many times I have been with the boys in the Ural factories and I will never forget the beauty of labor, kind smiles and the amazing cordiality of a working man.

When I was fifteen, we moved to Moscow. After the calm and businesslike Sverdlovsk, Moscow seemed noisy, bright and haste. He plunged into poetry, arguments, circles. He hesitated where to apply: to the Literary Institute or the Theater Institute? But events changed all plans. And life dictated a completely different statement. The graduation party in our 38th Moscow school was on June 14, 1941, and a week later - the war! The call swept across the country: "Komsomol members - to the front!" And I went with a statement to the district committee of the Komsomol, asking to send me to the front as a volunteer. I came to the district committee in the evening, and in the morning I was already in a military echelon.

Throughout the war I fought in the units of the guards mortars ("Katyusha"). It was a wonderful and very formidable weapon. First he fought near Leningrad. Was a gunner. Then as an officer, he commanded a battery on the North Caucasian and 4th Ukrainian fronts. He fought well, dreamed of victory, and in between battles he wrote poetry. In the battle for the liberation of Sevastopol on the night of May 3-4, 1944, he was seriously wounded. Then - the hospital. Poems between operations ...

In 1946 he entered the Gorky Literary Institute. My first literary teachers were: Chukovsky, Surkov, Svetlov, Antokolsky. He graduated from the institute in 1951. It was a "fruitful" year for me. This year, the first book of my poems, "Bright Roads", was published, and I was accepted as a member of the Party and a member of the Writers' Union.

So far, I have published eleven collections of poetry. I take themes for poetry from life. I travel a lot around the country. I visit factories, factories, institutes. I cannot live without people. And I regard serving people as my highest task, that is, those for whom I live, breathe and work.

Asadov E. Kindness. - M., 1972, p. 4-5.


(Lyric ballad)

The botanist returning from the southern latitudes
He told us with ardor
About rare plants of mountain heights,
Run up to the clouds.

They stand proudly, crystal clear,
Like light caps of snow.
Children of Desperate Heights
And the wild singing of the winds.

In the palms of the botanist - burning blue,
Blinding sun and eternal coldness
They swing importantly, sternly.
The names are flashing - solid Latin -

One is more incomprehensible than the other.
At the end he said: - And here is edelweiss,
Reigning almost in the clouds.
A risky voyage was taken after him,
And now he is in my hands!

Take a look: it gleams like mountain snow,
But that is not just a flower.
About him the legend for centuries
The ancient keeps the East.

And most importantly, this flower conceals
Sweet and hot captivity:
The one who will hand it to his girlfriend,
The heart will take in return. -

He finished, adding playfully: - Well,
Science denies this,
But if the legend lives for centuries,
Still, who knows? ..

Botanica clapped on the shoulders
The cabinet hummed with jokes:
- Now at least pass the exam by color!
You're not a scientist - a poet!

And I kept thinking to the hum and laughter:
What will she say now?
The one that is more beautiful and thinner than everyone
But it's always so cold.

So cold that I don't know
Is it happiness or trouble?
She smiled: - This, friends,
Nice, but nonsense ... -

In the night above the gardens, the stars lit up,
And in the river it is dark, dark ...
The stars are pushing and falling down
With a hiss they go to the bottom.

The wind sweeps the poplar snow
Mint smells like weeds ...
Of course, it's stupid: the atomic age -
And suddenly a flower talisman!

Let it be so! And love? After all, her sometimes
You can't find it without a miracle!
And is there such a scientist
To open the way to the heart ?!

Edelweiss flower ... Nagging sadness ...
Legend ... Hoary East ...
What if I suddenly take it and come back
And I will beg for that flower ?!

Will I be ridiculed? Agree. Let be.
I will get it at any cost!
Does not believe? Do not! But I will be back
And I’ll give her that flower!

Go ahead! Here is his house ... turn ...
I extinguish the light of a cigarette butt
And suddenly to meet me from the gate
Swift figures!

She saw, flushed with joy: - You!
There is, then, a secret power.
You know he has a passion for flowers
But I was able, I begged ...

Now you will understand everything ... I am not against miracles,
No, I'm not saying that ... -
And suddenly she handed me an edelweiss.
- Here ... Take ... I give!

The heavens flashed like stars
Night in a blazing fire ...
People, there are miracles on earth!
People trust me!

1963 g.


Oh, how I loved trains as a child,
Mysteriously festive, green,
Cheerful, noisy, dusty,
Always hurrying here and there!

Adults are sometimes strange.
They are, if possible (funny!)
The upper shelves do not occupy,
Why is it so nice to look out the window!

Alas, they do not like to wake up early,
Will not pop out somewhere for a pie
And they don't fly like monkeys
From shelf to shelf in one jump.

In boring conversations, souls are taken away,
They grumble and scold you every hour
And almost in fear they look at pears,
For roach, for seeds and for kvass.

Original post by Madeleine_de_Robin

Leontopodium is the scientific name of the flower, which means "lion's paw" from the Greek words leon - lion and podion - paw).

The Russian generic name Edelweiss, translated from German, means noble white. (Transliterated from German Edelwei, from German edel - noble and German wei - white.)

According to legend, edelweiss descended from a young lady who found her husband dead on the slope of an alpine mountain.

Desperate, she decided to stay there forever. A white Edelweiss flower was born from her body.

This romantic legend could explain both his beautiful, fragile appearance, like the white sculpture of Mother Nature, and his vitality.

In France, edelweiss is called the Alpine star because the rocks on which it grows seem to be strewn with stars, in Italy - the silver flower of the rocks.

In the Carpathians, locals call the plant a silk flower, since the flower is smooth and silky to the touch. Modern research shows that this silkiness is an adaptation that ensures survival in the harsh conditions of the highlands.

The reason is in the tiny hairs that cover the perianth, the thickness of which is close to the wavelength of ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the radiation harmful to the plant is completely absorbed, while the visible spectrum necessary for photosynthesis is passed through the natural filter unhindered.

The plant's amazing vitality inspires respect and admiration. A fragile flower is able to withstand daily temperature drops of tens of degrees, from night frosts to daytime sunshine. He does not care about rarefied air and harsh ultraviolet radiation.

Edelweiss is also called "Prometheus flower".

According to legend, Prometheus was chained precisely to the rocks on which edelweiss grows.

It grows in the mountains among the snow,
Where the gorges are cold
The people of the Promethean color
An inaccessible flower is calling.
For being a flower flame
Fine as good news
For being forever rooted
Chained to the edelweiss mountains
S. Krasikov

Alpine edelweiss is distributed in a very limited area, only within the Carpathians, and the number of known localities has recently decreased to 4.

Alpine edelweiss can vary significantly. For example, there are seed-propagating plants that do not grow in similar places, not at the same height above sea level. In many representatives of this species, the inflorescences differ in the shade of the flowers.

Dwarf edelweiss is widespread in China, Central Asia, in the Himalayas. It grows at an altitude of 3000-5000 m.

Edelweiss is covered with a halo of various poetic legends, various magical properties are attributed to it.

Among the inhabitants of the mountains of various countries, edelweiss is considered a flower of happiness, courage, love, a symbol of the mountainous region.

Legends about edelweiss are many and varied.

In one kingdom lived a princess of extraordinary beauty.

It was time to marry her, and, of course, there was no end to the suitors. However, the princess was in no hurry to agree. And so she came up with a condition:

I will marry someone who will bring me beautiful edelweiss!

The girl knew that it was not so easy to fulfill her desire. Edelweiss grows high on inaccessible rocks, in impassable mountains.

The grooms did not give up and went in search of a flower. Someone's courage ended at the first glance at the sharp rocks, someone realized that there were not so few brides, someone began to climb the slopes, but fell down and crashed.

Only one young boy was lucky. Not one week passed before he came to the foot of the mountains, he climbed long and painfully upward. But I got to the edelweiss.

The way back was even more difficult. The young man overcame many dangers, experienced adversity. And so he appeared before the princess. She was delighted:

You are the only one who could fulfill my wish. You are brave and courageous. Be my husband!

But, looking at the princess, the young man was disappointed: after all, while he was walking for a flower, she grew old. Therefore, he refused marriage and left the castle.

It is believed that those who reach for the edelweiss will be filled with courage, he will always be accompanied by good luck. The heart of a girl who will be given edelweiss will always belong to the donor

Once upon a time, on the highest peak of the Alps, lived a beautiful fairy, whom everyone called the Snow Queen. Mountain dwellers and shepherds climbed to the top to admire it, but they all fell from the cliff and crashed into the gorge.

Fate decreed that no mortal could marry the Snow Queen. But, despite this, many daredevils tried to talk to her, hoping that they would be able to achieve her.

Each petitioner was allowed to enter the majestic ice palace with a crystal roof, where the Queen's throne stood. But at that moment, when he began to talk about his love and asked for her hand, thousands of goblins appeared, grabbed him and threw him off the cliff into the bottomless abyss.

The Queen calmly watched this scene, her icy heart unable to feel. The legend of a crystal palace and a beautiful, heartless queen has reached the most distant alpine villages and the home of a fearless hunter. Fascinated by this legend, he decided to try his luck. After leaving his valley, he walked for many days, climbed the peaks covered with snow and ice, in defiance of the piercing wind.

More than once it seemed to him that everything was lost, but the thought of the beautiful Queen gave him new strength and made him go on. Finally, after many days of conquering the summit, he saw an ice palace sparkling in the sun in front of him.

Gathering his last strength, the young hunter entered the Throne Room. He was so overwhelmed by the Snow Queen's beauty that he could not speak. The Queen silently watched and thought, since he did not ask for her hand, then there was no need to call the goblins.

But then, to her great amazement, she found that his behavior touched her heart. She realized that she liked this brave hunter, who was younger and more beautiful than the previous supplicants of her hand. Time passed and the Snow Queen, although she was afraid to admit it, would gladly marry this young man.

Meanwhile, the goblins watched their mistress; at first they were very surprised, and then they became more and more upset. They were very much afraid that their Queen might break the law, and this would incur the wrath of Fate on the Mountain People.

Seeing that the queen was in no hurry to give the order to get rid of the hunter, the goblins decided to take the initiative into their own hands. One evening, when it got dark, they jumped out and grabbed the young hunter. And they threw him off a cliff. The Snow Queen saw all this through the window, but she could not do anything. But the icy heart of a beautiful and cruel fairy melted, and she became a simple loving woman.

A tear fell from her eyes, the first in her life. The Snow Queen's tear fell on the stone and turned into a small silver star.

It was the first edelweiss ... a flower that has since grown only in the highest, most inaccessible peaks of the Alps, on the edge of the abyss ...


I look at the ground from a blue height.

I love edelweiss, unearthly flowers,

That grow far from the usual shackles,

Like a shy dream of reserved snows.

I look at the ground from a blue height,

And with a dumb dream I speak with a soul,

With that invisible Soul that flickers in me

In those hours, as I go to unearthly heights.

And, after a moment's hesitation, I will leave from the blue height,

Leaving no trace in the snow behind you,

But just one hint, a snow-white flower,

It will remind me that the world is infinitely wide.

Balmont Constantine


(Lyric ballad)

The botanist returning from the southern latitudes

He told us with ardor

About rare plants of mountain heights,

Run up to the clouds.

They stand proudly, crystal clear,

Like light caps of snow.

Children of Desperate Heights

And the wild singing of the winds.

In the palms of the botanist - burning blue,

Blinding sun and eternal coldness

They swing importantly, sternly.

The names are flashing - solid Latin -

One is more incomprehensible than the other.

At the end he said: - And here is edelweiss,

Reigning almost in the clouds.

A risky voyage was taken after him,

And now he is in my hands!

Take a look: it gleams like mountain snow,

But that is not just a flower.

About him the legend for centuries

The ancient keeps the East.

This is a wizard. Flower mascot.

Who will take possession of it,

Will easily destroy any deception

And we will keep from troubles.

And most importantly, this flower conceals

Sweet and hot captivity:

The one who will hand it to his girlfriend,

The heart will take in return.

He finished, adding playfully: - Well,

Science denies this,

But if the legend lives for centuries,

Who knows, after all? ..

Botanica clapped on the shoulders

The cabinet hummed with jokes:

Now at least pass the exam by color!

You're not a scientist - a poet!

And I kept thinking to the hum and laughter:

What will she say now?

The one that is more beautiful and thinner than everyone

But it's always so cold.

So cold that I don't know

Is it happiness or trouble?

She smiled: - This, friends,

Nice, but nonsense ...

In the night above the gardens, the stars lit up,

And in the river it is dark, dark ...

The stars are pushing and falling down

With a hiss they go to the bottom.

The wind sweeps the poplar snow

Mint smells like weeds ...

Of course, it's stupid: the atomic age -

And suddenly a flower talisman!

Let it be so! And love? After all, her sometimes

You can't find it without a miracle!

And is there such a scientist

To open the way to the heart ?!

Edelweiss flower ... aching sadness ...

Legend ... Grizzly East ...

What if I suddenly take it and come back

And beg for that flower?

Will I be ridiculed? Agree. Let be.

I will get it at any cost!

Does not believe? Do not! But I will be back

And I’ll give her that flower!

Go ahead! Here is his house ... turn ...

I extinguish the light of a cigarette butt

And suddenly to meet me from the gate

Swift figures!

She saw, flushed with joy: - You!

There is, then, a secret power.

You know he has a passion for flowers

But I was able, I begged ...

Now you will understand everything ... I am not against miracles,

No, I'm not saying that ... -

And suddenly she handed me an edelweiss! -

Here ... Accept ... I give!

The heavens flashed like stars

Night in a glowing fire ...

People, there are miracles on earth!

People trust me!