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What to feed peppers after landing to the greenhouse. What to feed peppers after disembarking to the greenhouse for growth. Related pepper nutrients

It is almost impossible to grow a good crop of peppers without help. This vegetable culture is considered a capricious and sharply reacts to the smallest shortage of trace elements in the ground, so plants require additional nutrition.

From additives use various mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as folk remedies. To start feeding the seedlings of peppers and further collect a rich harvest, you need to study the composition of fertilizer and its properties.

Each feeder has specific features and is used only at a certain time interval. It is determined depending on the phase of the development of pepper: the growth of green mass, the development of shoots, flowering or fruiting. For example, nitrogen is used at the initial stage of cultivation, potassium and phosphorus - during the formation of stocks and fruits. There are fertilizers that have a universal action and are applied regardless of growth (complex additives, folk remedies).

Mineral fertilizers

Minerals are one of the most important components that affect the quality of fruits, as well as their number. Mineral components include:


It needs peppers for a set of green mass, the formation of zinc, ensures the growth of stems.


The element contributes to the development of the root system, is responsible for the formation of fruits and their maturation.


This connection is considered a fundamental component for the appearance of pepper. Potassium affects the intensity of the color, the correct shape and size of the vegetable.


The substance is an additional power source for the root system, and also helps maintain a mineral balance in the ground.

Feeding spring after transplant

When the peppers are already transferred to the ground, after 2 weeks begin to underk land. First introduce nitrogen fertilizers. These include urea and ammonium Selitra.

Urea feeding

In 10 liters, 10 grams of urea are divorced, overflow the solution into the watering can and water the root pepper. The rate of consumption on one plant is 0.5 liters.

Urea can irrigate the leaves and peppers stem. The plant is well perceived by extractive feeding. Fertilizer can be used in a dry form, it is enough to distribute it on the subtle layer's moistened with a thin layer near the stem and in the aisle. The square meter of the soil accounts for 7-8 grams of powder.

Ammonium nitrate

Another, no less efficient, fertilizer for culture is ammonia nitrate. By chemical properties, the nitrate is more aggressive than urea. It is rarely used in dry form, more often in the diluted state and for root feeding. Breakdown on the bucket of water a tablespoon of substances and water peppers 2-3 weeks after planting to the greenhouse. Treatment is repeated after 10-14 days.


The feeder is carried out only in the morning or in the evening. In the afternoon, watering is not carried out, since there is a possibility of getting a burn.

During the flowering and formation of uncess

When the peppers will already turn green foliage, and the stems will become powerful, the second phase of cultivation occurs. According to importance, it is more important than the first, since it is during this period that there is a bookmark of the future harvest. Starting from the second half of June, the feeder is carried out using phosphoric and potash additives. Prepare nutritious solution: mixed in a bucket of water across the tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulk acid. Water by the resulting plant solution 1 time every 10-14 days 2 times: the first time before the start of flowering, the second time during the formation of the barring.

Humat potassium is also great for this period of active pepper growth, as it increases the fertility of the soil. 3 grams of humate dissolve in 10 liters of water and irrigated with a solution of shoots. Humat is not recommended to combine with phosphoric fertilizers. Processing is carried out 3 times over the season: before the onset of flowering, during the formation of zinc and during the period of fruiting.

During fruiting

During fruiting for the rapid ripening of fruits, it is recommended to use potash feeding in combination with nitrogen fertilizers. Potassium Selith is the substance that contains in itself and potassium and nitrogen. It is bred in the amount of 15 grams of 10 liters and there are already adult plants under the bush. Potassium spit is suitable for foliage irrigation, the effect is the same as with the root feeder.

Ammonium sulfate will fill the lack of nitrogen in the soil, and the sulfur will extend the period of fruiting and improve the taste quality of fruits. The substance can be added to mulch (40 grams per meter of the Earth). The feeding is completely safe for peppers, all components are quickly distributed in the soil, without the formation of toxins and by-products.

Organic substances

The addition of natural organic composition is a special value for pepper seedlings. To obtain a harvest of high quality, it is enough to use organic feeding for the entire season 3-4 times. Organic fertilizers, like mineral, are brought at a certain time, as their composition varies.


The universal product is used as the pillars of the majority of pasty crops, including peppers. Fertilizer consists of a large amount of minerals (nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus). Finding into the ground, it increases the level of humus, which determines the fertility of the Earth. The optimal time for feeding cow dung occurs at the end of May. During this period, peppers need a powerful growth stimulator and strengthen immune abilities. On 5 parts of the water, 1 part of the cowboy takes the mixture of 5-6 days. During fermentation, gas is distinguished, and the color of the fertilizer changes with brown to light yellow. Diluted the solution is still 5 times and proceed to watering. The cowper is watered under the root, but extractable feeding is possible and a similar solution. The processing of a cow is repeated 2 weeks after the first subject.


To neutralize the unpleasant smell of a cowboat, a teaspoon of copper mosper is added to the freshly prepared solution.


Since the ash contains a large amount of minerals, it is often used as a fertilizer. Begin to feed the fertilizer from the transplant of peppers. A glass of ashes are diluted in a bucket of water and watered plants a few days after the transplant. Alast to flowering can be applied to leaves and stem. It protects peppers from the attack of pests and insects, and also prevents the occurrence of fungal diseases. Such a fertilizer can be added to mulch and sprinkle it from time to time.


The substance has antibacterial properties, and also affects the taste of the pulp and improves the quality of the fruit. Iodine is used at the beginning of growing peppers. 3-4 drops of iodine solution are added to the liter of water and they are applied to shoots and leaves. The iodine leads to the death of pathogenic microflora, prevents the attack of insects. The substance can be used up to 4 times for the entire season, with an interval of 2 weeks.

Shell from Yaitz

The source of calcium for peppers can serve a crushed shell. The shell from boiled eggs is dried and crushed with an attacker. The chopped powder falls asleep in the aisle, regardless of the time of growing seedlings. You can prepare a liquid fertilizer for watering: mixed with water in proportions 1: 3. Peppers are watered during flowering and fruiting under the root. Calcium is easily washed away from the soil with every watering, so the need for the element arises constantly. The shell can be added to the mulch, as well as before planting peppers.


Finding into the ground, yeast begin to process organic components, as a result of which nitrogen and potassium are released. A yeast feeding will especially be relevant immediately after the transplant of peppers to a permanent place. For 10 liters of warm water take a bag of dry yeast and a tablespoon of sugar. All ingredients are mixed and leave for 2-3 hours in a warm place. After the time expires, the resulting mixture is 5 times and watered under the root. To enhance the growth of peppers and rapid formation, the additive is used 3 times: 1 time after landing, 2 and 3 times after flowering and before fruiting.


Yeasts are a good additional product with feeder, so applied in alternation with mineral or complex fertilizers.

Comprehensive feeding

The complex is a complex mixture, which includes mineral substances in a certain proportion. They have a wide range of action and instantly feed the soil, igniting its mineral balance. Complexes are easy to use, soluble in aquatic environment and are used throughout the time of cultivation of seedlings: from landing to fruiting.


The additive is popular with a large part of the garden. It does not have poisons, it is safe for plants and fruits. Its action is aimed at accelerating fruiting, an increase in yield. For the entire season, 3-4 feeders are carried out with an interval of 2 weeks. 25 grams of substances are stirred in 10 liters of water and water seedlings, starting from 3 weeks after a transplant to a greenhouse.


The fertilizer contains phosphorus and potassium in the composition, more suitable for use in the second phase of cultivation - during flowering and formation of obscenities. The main purpose of the product is an extraordinary feeder. The solution is prepared by mixing 2 tablespoons of a bulk mixture and 10 liters of water. Effects are used no more than 3 times for the entire season.


The fertilizer is mainly used at the beginning of growing seedlings, since it is intensively nourishes the root system, ensures early flowering. Baikal is divorced in an aqueous medium in a 1: 1000 ratio. Watering spend a couple of weeks after planting the peppers. Greenhouse or greenhouse. Repeat processing after 14 days.

The main rule in the successful cultivation of peppers is the correct use of fertilizer. So that it really worked, it is bred in the desired proportion and is used for watering or irrigation at a given time interval. If seedling in itself develops in itself and grows well, it is not necessary to apply feeding. Excess minerals in the soil leads to fading and death of culture.

Representatives of the Family Family are very demanding on the conditions of content, so the feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is made with jewelry accuracy. The rate is made on fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium. It should always be remembered about the degree of soil acidity. Taking into account this factor, choose the optimal composition of the nutrient mixture and determine the regularity of the feeding.

In addition to nitrogen and potash fertilizers in gardening, chlorine-based feeding is actively used. It is necessary to apply it with great care. On the one hand, they allow us to normalize the chemical composition of the acid soil. On the other hand, peppers poorly carry even a minor quantity of chlorine. In this regard, this substance is necessary in minor quantities.

Continuing the topic of the physicochemical composition of fertilizers, it is necessary to dwell on a number of other significant factors:

  • Grained vegetables;
  • Minimum and maximum temperature in the region;
  • The age of the seedlings used;
  • The number of bones that appeared;
  • Characteristics of binding appeared.

Food crops falling in a greenhouse from polycarbonate need permanent fertilizer. Before you do, you need to find out the chemical composition of the soil and the characteristics of the selected grade of the grained crops.

The goal determines the means: fertilizer for pepper in the greenhouse

The basis of any action is needed by the need to achieve a certain result. In the middle lane, fertilizers are made to normalize the development and growth of seedlings. This is done from the moment their land appeared the first sprouts.

The end point in time when fertilizers are no longer required, the formation of basic fruits is considered. Phosphoric feeders are used as the main nutrient.

In some cases, it is necessary to feed the seedlings in the greenhouse by calcium and the jam. It is done to accelerate the process of formation of the barriers.

If we talk about other practical councils, they look like this:

  • Long rains outside the window - reason more often feed pepper with potash fertilizers;
  • The reverse council is given in the case when the vests are larger;
  • The greater the risk of various diseases in the seedlings, the less nitrogenous feeding should be made.

The work of the gardener is largely coincided with the work of the sapper. Each step in both cases should be repeatedly turned out. Making any feeding starts from the moment of disembarking and before the start of flowering. The composition of the nutrient mixture is determined by the climatic conditions and requirements of the selected variety of pepper.

Cooking the ground for planting: how to water the pepper in the greenhouse

The correct ratio of water and feeding is the key to getting a good crop. All work begins at the moment when the temperature frame has become stably positive. Depending on the resources available, the gardener can water the ground with a ready-made feeder bought in the store, or make it yourself. The second option is preferable when it comes to a sufficiently large greenhouse.

The recipe of a proper cooked nutrient solution for peppers is as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate;
  • 1 spoon dining room superphosphate;
  • ½ bucket of commercial excerpts;
  • 1 Full glass of wood ash.

This quantity is enough for 1 meter square square. In order to determine the actual number for a separate greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out simple mathematical operations. The preparation of the soil takes no more than 3-5 days before the start of active field work. The procedure begins at the beginning of spring, as soon as the weather outside the window normalized.

Food and watering peppers in a greenarbonate greenhouse

Healthy food for peppers is always complemented by a proper amount of liquid. In this case, not every dachnik is able to determine the optimal volume of irrigation.

Regardless of the sowing material, it is necessary to comply with the balance. The lack of water will lead to the weakening of the pepper structure and its fading.

If there is too much fluid, then the appeared rot will put the cross on the future crop.

To determine how often it is necessary to supply seedlings to the life of moisture, the following recommendations will be helped:

  1. The automatic system is used in large greenhouses. It is based on the operation of the sensors, which in real time monitors the level of moisture concentration in the soil.
  2. The manual method is suitable for those cases when the greenhouse is small and the amount of planting of pepper is strictly limited.
  3. Mechanical - transitional option between the automatic and manual method of supplying seedlings with water. It is useful in cases where a high greenhouse is used seasonally.
  4. Time for watering is chosen in such a way as not to be too hot or cold.

The volume of the injected fluid is determined solely by the characteristics of a particular variety. More precisely, the dacnik familiarize himself with the data on the packaging with seeds, the less problems will have.

Peppers watering nuances in greenhouse: how often at what temperature

Continuing the topic of the right sediment care, it is necessary to dwell on the developed recommendations regarding care issues. First you need to remember that nutrients are made no more than 1 times every 14 days.

Regardless of the type of fertilizer, it is necessary to feed substances divorced exclusively in heat solution (+ 25c).

To begin with, the plant does not rush to heat water and only then the feeding is made.

In addition, there are some other nuances:

  • Within one month, the ½ time are organic fertilizers and ½ time - mineral;
  • Water is entered in small quantities - a drip irrigation system has proven itself;
  • For irrigation, it is possible to use collected rainwater, but only after pre-cleaning.

What to feed peppers in the greenhouse (video)

Ensuring normalized nutrition and watering seedlings - a guarantee of a good crop. Characteristics of varieties and soils, climatic features of the region, the types of fertilizers - all this needs to be taken into account before the start of any action. Even a minor error will lead to a slowdown in seedlings or just to crop death. In addition, it is worth remembering the need for regular normalized irrigation.

Pepper, like most Parenic, belongs to those vegetables that do not tolerate low temperatures. Grow a decent harvest is a real problem for cold climatic zones. Experienced gardeners and gardeners lovers know that for growing pepper Must have greenhouse (or greenhouse) and good fertilized soil. The soil must be saturated with the necessary substances and mineral additives for optimal growth and development of peppers seedlings. It is necessary to monitor the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in the ground, because these substances are fundamental for the development of the root system and the formation of fruits. Nitrogen has the property to wash out due to frequent irrigation, so it is added more often. There are a lot of money and recipes, than you can feed pepper in the greenhouse. We will talk about them in this article.

Perecorchi Perepsev

Follow the mode of making feeding - a prerequisite for the cultivation of peppers.

For the first time, feeding for peppers are brought 1 month after landing, then - regularly every 10 days.

For the first dressing, a mixture of cow litter and water is suitable in a ratio of 1 to 8. It is possible to add to the "korovyan" weakly concentrated mineral-containing fertilizers, in which case the proportion varies and is 1 to 6.

Once every 4 weeks spray plants with 0.12% calcium nitrate or phosphorosophone potassium 0.1%. Spraying is carried out during the ventilation of the greenhouse to avoid the thermal burn of the leaves.

Pepper feeder recipe in greenhouses

The recipe of our grandmothers is irrigated by navigasy - is also effective and able to create competition with industrial fertilizers. The recipe is simple:

  • 4 medium cow pellets wept with warm water of 24-27 degrees in a 12 liter bucket (you can use buckets from under putty). The ratio of a cowboy in relation to water should be 1:10. We close the lid and insist the day in warmth. Two bucket of the resulting null concentrate is added when watering on a five-liter bucket. You can also add double superphosphate (50 grams per 10 liters of the finished solution). Watering peppers with a root with a solution. Consumption: 1 liter of solution on 1 plant.

When the first colors appear and before the formation of zins in the greenhouses, we continue to feed the plants.

Methods of subcord

Shopping fertilizers contribute in accordance with the instructions on the packaging, the fir-handed fertilizers - in accordance with generally accepted doses. It is possible to adjust the amount of fertilizer according to the individual conditions of plant content in the greenhouse.

To shop fertilizers, useful for peppers, belong:

Ammonophos or nitroammophosphate;
ammonium nitrate;
potassium chloride.

From the primary fertilizers for peppers allocate:

Bariums manure;
chicken litter;
Organic fertilizers - nettle, ash, oph.

If a cow manure is familiar with almost every gardener and it can be used to any beginner agronoma, then chicken and barbies manure should be made very neat.

Chicken dry litter contribute only to a heater to prevent the "combustion" of the root of the plant.

On acidic soils except for feeding, ash and sawdust.

Passive feeding of peppers

In addition to the active feeding of peppers, it is possible to use the passive way to enrich the soil by nitrogen. Thanks to the root system of legumes, the nitrogen content in the soil increases by 10-15%. To do this, sit in peas or beans on vacationer soils before planting peppers. You can use straly varieties, they can be planted during the flowering period of peppers between the landing wells.

Despite the many nuances if feed peppers in greenhouse On time, do not forget about abundant irrigation and take care of seedlings from drafts, excellent harvest is guaranteed!

Depending on the natural conditions, the appointment of vegetables, such as the soil on the site, you need to pick up a suitable variety. There are such plants that will feel good and on heavy clay soils, although peppers fits more soil with an admixture of sand or peat.

You can choose at the boom, color scheme, yield.

Some cultures constantly bloom and tie new fruits to the autumn itself. But to constantly receive a harvest you need to know what to bite peppers during fruiting. And not only know, but also hold regular events in the garden. All kinds of peppers are from America, where the air temperature is higher.

Therefore, the greatest results for the cultivation of pepper crops can be achieved only by the elaborate method in the conditions of greenhouse, where it is easier to control the process. Pepper feeding in the greenhouse is slightly different from the soil. Need to observe the mode of daylight: oddly enough, but plants are better fruiting when the day lasts less than 12 hours.

Features of care

Care should be attributed to:

  • formation of the crown of plants so that all branches receive the same amount of light;
  • cutting long stems;
  • mulching;
  • watering;
  • defrasting the soil before planting;
  • fighting pests and fungal diseases.

And, of course, feeding - root and extractive.


Seeds before landing need hold in warm water 5 - 6 hoursso that they are swollen. The water temperature is 50 degrees. Next is preparing a container, on the bottom of which the wet cotton fabric is placed.

Seeds must sneak 2 - 3 days For the formation of seedlings, after which they can be transferred to the ground - separate pots. Pepper seedls poorly tolerate pickup, so it is better to use the pots of medium size, 8 cm in diameter. It no longer makes sense, since the root system grows slowly and will not have time to fill the entire volume.

Preliminary germination allows you to get searches for 2 - 3 day after planting in pots. It is advisable to pour them and cover them. When the sprouts appear, you need to control the temperature: day It must be 26 - 28 degrees, at night 10 - 15.

Preparation of soil

To achieve a good absorption of nutrients, peppers must grow in a loose ground, which is mixed in the following proportions:

  • compost - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • soil - 1 part.

Such a mixture is usually added furnace ash to provide phosphorus and potassium seedlings to form the root system. Enough 1 spoons of wood ash per 1 kg of a mixture. With the advent of the first large sheet, you can make a little nitrogen feeding so that the plant gains green mass.

Transplant in soil

Based on the principles of crop rotation, pepper precursors should be:

  • bakhchy cultures - pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage.

Pepper feeding in the greenhouse should begin with the disinfection of the soil copper vitrios - 1 tablespoon on the water bucket. Another important point is regular ventilation over the entire period of flowering and fruiting. What to feed the pepper in the greenhouse - to solve the owner.

You can use both mineral mixtures and the organic, if it is available in sufficient quantity. Suitable manure, chicken litter, wood ash, various food waste with kitchen, green nettle.

After transplanting to an open soil or to a greenhouse, which should be carried out carefully, without damaging the roots, you need to wait two weeks before you begin to make nutrient mixtures. When plants adapt, the first thing can be done by watering the expectation of manure:

  • in bucket put dung on 1/3.;
  • to fill with water;
  • wait 5 - 7 days, sometimes stirring;
  • dilute All the amount of substance is still 10 buckets of water, that is - 1/10 .

Water under the root, watching the liquid does not hit the leaves. The soil must be wet. For young seedlings, 1 liter of the nutrient solution is enough.

Fertilizers for feeding peppers - dosages, folk recipes

In order for the ovary to have formed in large quantities, you need to make a sufficient number of potassium. But in order for potassium to be learned, phosphorus is needed, as it directly affects the formation of a strong root system.

These two trace elements are added simultaneously.

Pepper feeding during flowering and fruiting is made by any available substances - mineral or organic. You can combine - it is even better. Mineral mixtures apply complex, containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Dosages are calculated according to the instructions. It is impossible to exceed the norms, as this may cause damage to the roots and the death of the plant. The principle is always alone - it is better to underminate.

Organic fertilizers

The best organic fertilizer for feeding peppers during flowering and fruiting is all types of manure:

  • cattle;
  • horse;
  • sheep;
  • bird litter.

But the fresh substance is dangerous to add to the landing itself, since a large amount of ammonia can burn roots. Manure is added overwhelming or composed, which is even better.

Video: feeding peppers during fruiting

Experienced gardeners, who specializes in the cultivation of various varieties of peppers, are recommended to drag fresh manure with earth with autumn soil preparation. For the winter, soil bacteria managed to recycle the substance. By the spring, it enters the form available to power plants.

Pepper feeding during fruiting can be made of fresh manure or litter, provided that it will be presented a week on water and diluted:

  • manure cows 1/10;
  • chicken litter 1/20.

Chicken litter is very concentrated, so on the bucket of tincture you need to add 20 buckets of water.

The disadvantage of manure is the absence of phosphorus. It must be added separately in the form of superphosphate or ash. But ash can not always be found, as it should be burned to burn a lot of wood or coal.

A spare option may be the introduction of bone or fish flour, which is also very expensive if vegetables are grown for sale. Although the use of organic substances makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly products that are not oversaturated with chemical components.

A simple tool than feeding peppers for ripening is a green infusion of grass-weeds or nettle. For this you need:

  • grind grass and pour water to insist. Approximately one third of the grass buckets, the rest of the water.
  • insist 3 - 4 days;
  • strain.

Water under the root 1 liter on one bush. You can also carry out extra-root spraying with green fertilizer, just follow so that there are no drafts in the greenhouse. In the open spraying, the spraying is carried out in the early morning or in the evening when the sun is completely sees.

Important! Pretty peppers during flowering and fruiting is carried out 2 - 3 times a month. If necessary, you can conduct therapeutic activities for bushes, so as not to hurt and did not drop flowers and maritime

When using the organic, it disappears the need to apply feeding microelements, as they are in the manure.

Mineral mixes

So that the fruits were fleshy and sweet (as far as possible with pepper), greenhouse plants and plants in open soil required potassium and phosphorus. You need to enter these elements before landing under the step and add during the flowering period to save the number of uncens.

Important moment than feeding peppers in August. In the greenhouse plants be fruit to late autumn. When they scored a green mass and moved into the flowering stage, dosages of nitrogen mineral fertilizers should be reduced to a minimum in order not to stimulate the growth of shoots to the detriment of crop. From the middle of the summer and until the end of autumn, phosphorus and potassium will be the main mineral feeders.

Caution! Pepper does not endure potassium chloride - it is very toxic and causes a stop of the movement of juices in shoots

Potassium sulphate should be used (sulfate potassium), superphosphate. For watering on bucket of water need to:

  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.

If the mineral fertilizers are not enough, the plants show it through.

Golovin D.S.

Tell me, can the pepper in the greenhouse do without fertilizers? And without any feeding to grow a crop will not succeed?

Get good and not to make any feeding almost impossible, because the pepper is very demanding to the soil, and if it is not fertile enough, then this vegetable in it will simply refuse to grow and be fron.

The composition of mineral fertilizers directly depends on the deadlines of the application, the plant variety and even from the weather.

So, during the active growth of stalks and leaves, peppers are simply necessary nitrogenBut as soon as it was formed and it was time to bloom and form a ovary, excess nitrogen only harms the plant. If the pepper continues to increase the stems and leaves at a loss of flowering and barring, it is necessary to make a bushes with a solution of superphosphate with a solution and significantly reduce the dose of nitrogen.

And here phosphoric fertilizer It can be made throughout the entire period, from the first seedlings of pepper seedlings to the very ripening of fruits, because this substance has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, and accelerates the growth and development of fruits.

As well as phosphorus, the whole period is equally important and magnesium with calcium. But the number of potassium must be adjusted with a loaf on the weather. In warm sunny days, the dose must be reduced, and to zoom in rainy and cloudy.

And here organizaUnlike mineral feeding, it is always welcome, regardless of the speed of the bush, weather, and something. The main rule is to make a body with small doses and never apply fresh manure that can burn pepper bushes.

In the fall in the prepared beds for pepper, manure or compost is made at the rate of 5 kg for each meter square of your greenhouse. And immediately before falling down pepper makes humus.

In two weeks produce first feeder. The first is better to bring the organicity - bird litter or manure, divorced in water. It will be nice to add wood ash there. The concentration of manure 1: 5 should be observed, the litter is 1:10.

If you do not have the opportunity to make a body, then a complex mineral fertilizer should be applied. Or such a solution:

  • selith Ammoniac - up to 20 g;
  • potassium sulphate - up to 30 g;
  • superphosphate - up to 40 g;
  • water - 10 liters.

In two weeks spend second subcord Corving solution with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

IN third time Root feeding is carried out after the first fruits will be collected. According to the composition, the third feeding is similar to the second.

If peppers lack some special elements, they are fed additionally. What exactly the deficiency, the pepper will tell you himself:

  • if the edges of the leaves began to curl - the pepper signals a potassium deficiency;
  • purple tint of the sheet of sheet - phosphorus deficiency;
  • gray - lack of nitrogen.

As ambulance, you can make an extra-corner feeder, because the overhead pieces of pepper are able to absorb useful substances much faster than roots. So the spraying of the plant with a solution of the desired item is much more effective in emergency situations.

For the most part, additional feeders are aimed at stimulating specific processes, such as flowering, formation of uncess, growth and ripening of fruits. They are able to speed up or improve certain processes, but do not replace complex organic and mineral feeding.

Undercaming of greenhouse pepper: video