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Alissaum: Growing from seeds, planting and care. Alyssum Annual: Plant Description. Many years of Alissaum in winter

Beautiful, flowering garden - Dream of any mistress cottage plot. And therefore a huge segment of the warm season goes to its embodiment. A variety of flower beds are created - Rabatki, Rokaria, flower beds, Arabesque, - and each of them should have the perfect set of plants that will bloom all year. You already know about the existence of a set of colors that are ideal for creating a flower garden, but today we will talk about one - Alissum.

Alissaum is an annual or perennial plant, stronger, stretching, with large quantity small flowers, red, pink, white and purple color. Alissaum is a very compact plant, its height is only 20-40 cm. Flowers Alissaum since May and to the deepest autumn, so the plant will be able to delight you the whole season. Most often, the Alissaum landed on the chapels and flower beds, in mixed flower beds and vases. In addition to the cute and original appearance, the flower has a wonderful honey aroma, which attracts not only bees, but also useful insectsthat help pollinate fruit-berry cultures And the remaining flowers in the garden.


For Alissum, you should choose a place with good lighting. You can, of course, plant a plant and in onest, but then its flowering will be loose and uniform. Alissaum prefers light, neutral and fertile soil with high-quality drainage. Some varieties of plants are winter-hardy.

The Alissaum is growing between the las in the sun with plates or stones. On nutritious and good fertilized soils, the plant gives a considerable increase in green mass, but at that moment it blooms badly.

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Landing and growing

Alyssum can be multiplied by seeds in open ground. Landing is required in May-June - at the moment when the threat of night frosts completely passed. The sowing is fairly simple: the seeds are scattered over the surface of the prepared soil and pressed a little hand. Farm the seeds are not required, because for high-quality and right germination they need sunlight. Sowing is not required to spend thick, as in the future the plant does not dive. With a thickened sowing, the Alissum may be affected by mildew. If the seeds rose very thickly, then shoots should be careful, leaving a distance of 10 cm between bushes.

If you want the plant to start blossoming before, it should be grown from seedlings. It is possible to grow it in the following way. For seeds prepared soil. It should be nutritious, loose, wet, placed in a special box (you can also use special cassettes). For landing, the end of February or the beginning of March is best suited. Gently sprinkled with the soil seeds - so to speak, "Solit" his pinch of seeds, then press them a little and water. Next, cover the box with the extension seeds of Alissaus with transparent polyethylene and put in warm and bright place. The period of the alammation of Alissum is 2 months.

Alyssum in our garden (video)

It is possible to grow seedlings not in the box, but in several separate pots, 5-7 pieces per capacitance. Shoots you will notice for the 5-7th day. At this point, it is very important to artificially light the shoots and adjust the temperature of the content to the average indicator in + 10-12 ° C. Watering shoots is required very moderately. The rapid and grown seedlings of Alissum are planted in an open ground in May - early June, the distance between the bushes should be at least 10 cm.

Possible landing of plants under winter. It occurs in exactly the same way as the standard planting seeds. If seedlings have time to come into contact to the first frosts, they must be hidden. Survivorous plants in the spring will give early and abundant flowering.


Caring for Alissum is very simple, since the plant is unpretentious and does not create special problems. The first thing you need is pruning and haircuting the plant. In the spring time, all last year's blots, weak twigs and dried leaves should be removed, remove the broken stems. This procedure should be carried out at the end of summer, after the flowering season. Very often it is an incentive for the re-blooming of Alissum.

Alissum is needed constant watering. It's not worth the plant too much, but it is even necessary to moisten the soil evenly. Without sufficient number Moisture The plant can simply reset the flowers, and from the convergence - to push and the abyss. So with watering it is necessary to be careful. It is best if watering will occur with sprinkling or with a hose, which is neatly placed in the "carpet" of flowers so that water spread evenly on the ground, without breaking the colors to pressure. To do this, you can use a separate watering system that can be placed in a flower garden for the whole season.

Supervisum is also needed. It should be carried out at least two times a year. Use the nitrogen nitrogen plants for feeding or complex fertilizers - it will give Alissum to bloom all summer and increase the total amount of greenery. In addition, bloom will be bright and long, and the plants themselves are strong and persistent.

Diseases and pests

Alissaum is amazed by some diseases, for example, its root part is susceptible to brown rot.

May be affected by this disease and root neck. In addition, the Alissaum may be sick with a milderous dew and false torment, viral mosaic (classical cauliflower disease), jaundice Astra and fading.

If we talk about pests, it is fear of caterpillars, cabbage moths and whitens, repove whitens, as well as fleas of cruciferous.

For the treatment of plants and preventing the vitalness of pests, it is necessary to use standard tools, which can be purchased in household stores, marketing of wildlife and in the market of gardeners.


Thanks to his unpretentiousness, the Alissan often gets into the location of the Alpinarians, where he feels very good, even under the right sunny rays. It is used for decoration, as well as for masking those plants that have been fighting earlier. Thanks to rapid growth and development, Alissaum is often used as a carpet plant, which looks unusually beautiful during flowering period, as well as after it, thanks to the unusual color of the leaves.

Often the Alissaum landed between the plates, paths, borders and the flower beds. For this use little grades plants.

At the same time, experienced florists working in the agencies landscape designRecommend Alissum as an excellent plant for group landing. Alissum flowers create an unusual contrast with other colors and complement the overall picture. Often, the Alissaum is planted in a group with late-decreasing tulips, flocks, iris, forget-me-not.

Also possible decoration of the balconies alissum. For this they are grown in special flower pots or containers.

Do not forget about the strong aroma of Alissum, at the expense of which the plant in the price among beekeepers. Their pronounced honey fragrance attracts a huge number of bees.

In addition, the Alissaum is used to decorate gardens and lungs, it is used in medicine.

Alyssum in our garden (video)


Sea Alissa

A small one-year plant that forms small outlets, height up to 20 cm. The plant does not winter in open soil. Sea blue, pink and white alissum flowers. Blooming begins in May and pleases the eye before the onset of frosts.

It is possible to grow the Alissaum from seeds in several ways:

Sowing in April to seedlings

Seeds are very small. Therefore, it should not be plunged into the soil, carefully placing on its surface and slightly pressed. For a better clutch before sowing, the surface of the earth can be sprinkled by adding manganese to it for the prevention of diseases. Capacity with a future seedliness is better to cover with glass, film or any transparent material.

At a temperature of + 16-20, the first shoots appear in a week and a half. Fragile seedlings are better to water into the pallet, so as not to break their water pressure, not provoke the disease with a black leg. Watering should be moderate, the plant does not like excessive humidity.

Picking is carried out after the formation of 3-4 good leaves. A few days after the searches of the sprouts in separate containers, it is possible to fit the comprehensive fertilizers. From the beginning of May, the seedlings must be ordered, pulling out a few minutes to the street daily. Looking into an open soil Alissaum in late May. The color of seedlings will begin in a month and a half.

Sowing in early May in open ground

Alissum for wonderful and abundant flowering since June to the most frosts is necessary for the abundance of the Sun and not very saturated with organic soil. What it is a nutritional - the more strength will be given to the increase in the green mass to the damage to flowering. A plant in dry soil feels more comfortable than in the too moistened or in places with a high location of groundwater. But to the Sun, this unpretentious beauty belongs especially precisely, refusing to bloom abundantly, pulling out in the shade or half. Therefore, it takes to growing alissium from seeds after a careful selection of a suitable area.

On the water surface of the soil, seeds are not very thick. Gently shallow palm to the ground. You do not need to bury, you can pour a small amount of sand from above. Before the appearance of sprouts, the seeds are better to water from the pulverizer so that they do not wash away with water. In subcord, Alissaum needs no more than two times per season with complex mineral fertilizers.

After two or three weeks after sowing, the sprouts should be switched, leaving between them at least 20 cm. Otherwise, excessive thickens can provoke the occurrence of diseases, malical dew, for example. Alyssum, grown from seeds in the open soil, will bloom two months after sowing.

Alissum Locking for Winter

Some gardeners practice Sowing Alyssum immediately after the collection of seeds, in August-September. If the plant perims, then shoots will appear very early, they will bloom for several weeks before their fellows, sown in spring. But there is a high probability of freezing the entire planting material due to the shallow location. Therefore, make a decision when you follow the cultivation of alissum from seeds should be taken into account the duration and temperature of the upcoming winter. In the extreme case, you can always fill the gaps of spring sowing.

Platology care features

Any plant, even such an undemanding, like alissa, care. Let it be insignificant and humble, but without a periodic watering in a dry summer growth will slow down, flowering will be scarce, short. The absence of infrequent, but no less necessary, mineral feeding will also significantly affect the decorativeness of the plant, but also on its vegetative ability.


Alissaum is very often used to create an alpine slide due to its endurance. Even very minor precipitation is enough to ensure that the plant felt comfortable enough. In too dry summer, sometimes watering should be produced to maintain abundant flowering. The amount of water should be insignificant, the delicate of the alissum stalks are prone to winking and rotting from the rebupping of moisture. Water should take room temperature, resistant or rain. It is necessary to pour it directly under the bush so that the moisture does not hit the flowers. It is better to spend this procedure in the evening.


To form a beautiful and accurate appearance, the Alissaum should be cut periodically. Pruning will provoke the formation of new shoots, will extend flowering. In just a season there must be about three trimming. The last shortening of shoots should be carried out immediately after the end of flowering, in order for the plant to increase the green mass by the winter.

Alissaum is known as Loburia Sea or Packet, it refers to the cabin family. This garden flower May be perennial or annual. It has more than 170 species, each of which is completely unprecedented in care, and its aroma resembles the smell of honey.

There are many multicolored fluffy four-plates collected in inflorescences. Adult plant He has a height of 40 cm, its leaves of the oblong shape covered with white fluff.

Color varieties

There are two types of this plant:

Among all its varieties, the best characteristics of which are given below can be distinguished.

Magic Circles

It grows up to 15 cm, its flowers are collected in small inflorescences, reaching 5-6 cm, they can be pink, white and lilac color. It blooms such a variety since the beginning of summer until the last month of autumn. For him, it is necessary to carry out trimming and form a bush.

Magic Circles

Pink Queen

The lowest variety, which barely reaches 10 cm. Sustainable to drought, loves the sun, can bloom continuously if you remove dried flowers from it. The "Pink Queen" highlights the honey fragrance, on which insects often flow.

Pink Queen

Due to the small height, it is often grown on the balcony, where it grows perfectly. But what does it look like and how the cultivation of Aastra Alpine Pink is, it is described in detail in this

Golden Rosyper

Frost-resistant variety is a perennial. Its bustling of oval shape during flowering is completely covered with bright yellow flowers. The landing in the ground is carried out in the middle of spring, and it blooms in a year, in the period from May to June. Sit it on stony slides and next to the supporting walls. But as happens, it is described in detail in this article.

Golden Rosyper


The variety refers to a shorter, grows up to 10 cm. Flowers in early July, decorates the garden with pink and red flowers.


Snow carpet

Very low plant, barely cracking 8 cm in height, and 20 cm in width. Refers to annuals. Seed seeds for seedlings in February-March, and in the open soil in April-June.

Alyssum Snow Rover

Blossom starts in June, and ends late autumn. Flowers white color decorate any place in the garden for long blossom Their dried inflorescences are cut. But how is the cultivation of the seeds of the thyme of the purple carpet, you can see in this

Golden wave

A long-term variety that pleases a fluffy bush with yellow flowers. Height can be up to 29 cm, starts blooming at a biennium.

Alyssum Golden Wave

East night

The flower is similar to a lilac live carpet. In height does not reach 10 cm, its leaves are narrow, and small flowers. Blossom starts from the beginning of summer and occurs until the middle of the autumn so that it is continuously faded inflorescences must be deleted. The plant demonstrates high resistance to frost.

Alyssum East night

Tim Tim

Dwarf grade, height barely reaching 8 cm. If you create it suitable conditionsthen he grows on garden plot White fluffy carpet.

But what does the Verbena plant look like, can be seen in the photo in the article:

How to grow from cosmey seeds, and in which part of the garden it is worth putting it, it is described in detail in this


The cultivation of plants from seed can be carried out in two ways:

  1. especially;
  2. without a seaside.

Sowing in the sad

If there is no possibility or a special desire to mess around with the seedle, then you can prepare seeds and plant them directly at the open plot in early May, when the time of strong frosts will pass. They are deepened in the ground by about 1.5 cm.

Under the Alissaum chosen the solar portion, on which there should be dry, humus, and well-drained soil. Suitable neutral, weakly alkaline and weakly acidic look. The plant grows perfectly between stones and walls located in the sun.

The Alissaum fell into the ground in the autumn, sow his seeds in November, then they will pass natural stratification, and in the spring will delight healthy and strong stalks.

On video - Growing from Seeds Alissaum:

Sowing for seedlings

This method of growing flower is more reliable. For its implementation, you need to purchase a soil with lime, its share in common volume Must be small. Seeds in March are planted, the prepared soil is moistened to be moistened from the spray gun, it is possible to add a little manganese, which will protect the seedlings of the plant from different diseases. Seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil, slightly pressure on them with palm, but not much deepening. From above, the container with them is wrapped with polyethylene or covered with glass.

In the sprome germination, it is necessary to provide it with a temperature of about 15-18 degrees, to regularly air the soil, freeing from the glass, periodically moisturize it. Under such conditions, the first sprouts should appear after weeks.

After the first sheet appears, the plant needs to be filled with fertilizer. And after the seedlings are already three leaves, it is possible to dive and transplant into separate pots or cassettes.

If at this time there will be good warm weather, then the seedlings can be planted directly into the ground, feeding one time per week. Bushes of this flower quickly grow up, taking into account this when landing needed to observe a distance of 40 cm.


He loves to grow on the Alpine Hills or next to the supports. This plant is not afraid of drought, loves bright places.

For regions with harsh winter it needs to be planted for sunny places, and where in winter Heat, you can choose the privided sections for it. The soil for Alissum should have neutral or weak acidity.

Flower care includes: timely watering, soil looser around its trunk and weed removal, as well as feeding and trimming.


In the hot period, it is necessary to water abundantly, otherwise there is a possibility that the plant will reset its buds. It should be not allowed to force moisture, otherwise its roots may suffer. If it is not clear whether it is necessary to water or not, then you can check the soil, shopping it to a depth of about 4 cm, if it is dry, then watering is obligatory.

If in the spring period to carry out the soil mulch, then watering and loosening will need to be less likely.


It provides a full growth and development of a healthy bush. Perennials in the spring period are removed last year's shoots and flowers, as well as weakened leaves. At the end of the summer, the trimming need to repeat, and cut all the shoots of the plant up to 8 cm, it will allow the flower to be abundantly blooming the second time. In addition, this measure will give the bushes well-kept species.

On the video - subcord Flowers Alissaum:


It is very important in time of the intensive flowering of Alissum. If the plant grows in a light soil, then one feeding is enough, for heavier soils it may be needed from two to 4 feeding. The first is carried out before flowering. This fertilizer need more than perennial varieties.

Alyssum choose many gardeners for his unpretentiousness, decorativeness and ease of care. He only needs abundant irrigation, timely feeding and regular loosening. Bushes plants can decorate alpine Gorki And plots next to the house.

The plant Alissum among gardeners has become popular quite recently. These soil flowers belong to the cabbage family and are used to decorate borders, flower, labitals, stony Gorons and masking empty sites. Their seeds can be sown directly into open ground. But that the plants adorn the flower beds with their blooming in spring, the cultivation of Alissum from seeds at home is practiced.

Alissum - description, photo

The soil plate is a low bush with severe stems, the length of which can be 15-40 cm. On the shoots are obliged small, slightly pubescent leaves. In May on bushes bloom the collected in the brushes white, purple, red, pink, lilac or yellow small fragrant flowers. For proper landing And the departure of Alissa was blooming so richly that the solid carpet is formed from them, and the stalks and leaves are not visible at all.

Gardeners are often confused by alissum with lobularity. These plants are very similar and are close relatives. To understand what kind of flower it is, you need to know that the lobulory is pink or lilac flowers, and the Alissum is yellow or failed.

Alyssums can be both annual and perennials. However, many perennial plants are not frost-resistant and can only be winter climates. Therefore, in many areas of our country, they are grown as annuals.

How to grow alyssums from seeds?

A seaside method of growing annuals is the most reliable, so most gardeners prefer to use it.

How and when to plant alissum to seedlings?

From shoots to flowering, about 6-8 weeks should pass, so seeds should be engaged in March-April. For this you need:

  1. Fill out the seaside tanks of the pre-moistened nutritional light soil.
  2. Distribute seeds on the surface of the soil, sprinkle a very thin layer soil mixture And spray with warm water from the spray gun.
  3. Capacities are covered with polyethylene and put on the windowsill, where light and heat. Seeds of Alissum for germination need light, so in the dark place of the crop do not put.
  4. Each day to remove the shelter to air the soil and check its humidity. If necessary, the soil is moistened with a sprayer.

When creating for crops good conditions After 5-7 days, the first searches will appear.

Care for seedy

Alissaums require good lighting, so they choose the lightest place for them. May be needed with fluorescent or phytolampa. So that the seedlings are not pulled out, they are provided not only by good lighting, but also cool conditions. It is recommended to grow seedlings at temperatures within +13 degrees.

When the first real leaves appears, the plants are fed by mineral fertilizers. If the seeds were planted too often and the seedlings are closely, then when 2-3 real leaves appear, searches are searched in separate containers.

Flower Alyssum - Planting in flower beds

In the open soil, annuals are planted after freezing and the soil warms. Plant Alissum recommended on well lit open areas. They are not afraid of drought, but we do not like stagnation in the soil, so the place is chosen dry and well-drained. Soil surveillance can even be put between stones or plates.

Since the plants grow up, the holes are preparing for them with a distance from each other about 40 cm. The pits are made than the roots of the plants along with the land of the earth. Buckets are placed in the wells and pour the earth, but they do not plunder strongly. Planting necessarily watered.

Alyssum Flower - Photo, Care

How to grow alissum so that it is abundantly and longly bloom? To do this, follow the following recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  1. Watering Must be regular. If the weather is hot and there is no rain, the flower beds are watered abundantly, otherwise the plants will reset the buds. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that water is not stood in the soil. Watering flowers should only after drying the upper layer of the Earth.
  2. Loosen Soil is recommended for air to be rooted. Swimming should be made after watering or rain.
  3. Weeding It is one of the main procedures, especially at that time, while bushes have not yet grown. Otherwise, the weeds will be defined by the rapid seedlings.
  4. Subordinate Per season should be made 4 times. The first feeding should be carried out before flowering, during the growth of alissum. At this time are used nitrogen fertilizersthat contribute to the extension of green mass. During the bootonization and during flowering, complex mineral fertilizers are used, in which a small nitrogen content or it is not at all.
  5. Trimming For Alissums is very important. Perennial plants In the spring, it is satisfied with sanitary trimming, removing dry and sick shoots. In order for the lobularities bloomed and acquired a neat appearance, their branches are shortened by 10 cm. In the fall of the plants are not trimmed.
  6. Preparation for winter Alissums are relevant only for regions, where in the winter the temperature does not fall below -15 degrees. Here, bushes are sprinkled with dry foliage and snow.

Since the end of September, seeds can be collected from the seed plants. To do this, break dry inflorescences and rub their hands over paper or some cloth. Seeds in Alissum are small, so you choose them quite hard. It will be enough to remove large garbage, and what will remain, you need to dry and store in a tissue or paper bag.

Sowing Alissum under the winter

In order not to mess with the seedle, you can sow seeds in late autumn - in October or November. Before the onset of frosts, the seeds will have time to take care and will survive the winter well. It is not recommended to engage in crops early, since the seeds may have time to exist, as a result of which, with the onset of cold, they will die.

In the spring of Sunny and healthy shoots, which will bloom at the beginning of summer, will come out of the village of Alissums. When they grow up, they will need to break.

Difficulties in the cultivation of Alissum

Like all the growing plants in the open ground, alissums may be affected by diseases and pests.

Of the diseases, the soil plants most often amaze:

  1. False or present puffy dew. False is treated bordeaux mixture, Ordered or oxychom, and a real - toopaz or bordrian mixture.
  2. Viral mosaic. Since the disease is viral, it is not treated.
  3. Phytoofluorosis. The disease strikes the soil plants that are constantly overwhelmed and grow in poorly permeable soil. As a result, the neck and roots are affected. For treatment, Kupratasat, Ordan or other fungicidal preparations are used.

From the pests of Alissum most often amazes cruciferous flea. You can destroy the harmful insect using a solution of acetic essence (for 10 liters of water - 1 tablespoon). This solution is suitable only for adult plants.

Beyonda and cabbage moths against which lepyocide or entobacterin are used can harm colors. If the caterpillars were seen among the bushes, they are removed by hand, and the landings are treated with tobacco with soap or pharmaceutical chamomile.

As you can see, growing alissums of seeds are quite simple. And since the plants are unpretentious, even a novice gardener can cope with their landing and departure.