Repairs Design Furniture

Bordeeping mix 100 g instruction. Bordeaux mixture: instructions for use. Features of using funds

Immediately, I note that the Bordeaux liquid is the only correct name of this drug, and the term "Bordeaux mixture" is not entirely corrected. In addition, it is correct to write "Bordeaux" with one letter "C", although the option with two letters is much more popular. Below in the text I will use both names from purely literary considerations, and write with two "C", because people are so accustomed.

What it is?

Bordeaux liquid - contact copper-containing fungicide. It means that:

  • the drug is intended only for combating mushroom diseases;
  • the drug does not penetrate into the vegetable fabrics;
  • the active substance is copper - more precisely, its ions.

Composition of the Bordeaux mixture

The composition of the Bordeaux liquid includes three components:

  • (he is copper sulfate);
  • lime;
  • water with which these components are mixed.

For the preparation of the Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate and the dealers are taken in equal proportions. Lime in this mixture is needed that the reaction of the solution medium is neutral, because the acidic solution of copper might can burn green leaves. Copper sipop without lime is used only for processing the garden early in spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys.

Properly prepared bordeaux mixture contains 1% copper sulfate and 1% of lime. And now let's talk about how to make this preparation correctly.

How to prepare a Bordeaux mixture (liquid)

The following describes a method for preparing 10 liters of Bordeaux fluid - this is enough for about 50 ... 10 m2 of a garden or 150 m2 of potatoes.

  1. Mix 100 grams of oversized lime with a small amount of water to "repay" lime.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture with 5 liters of pure water. Cooking lime milk follows in the tableware a volume of at least 10 liters, because the preparation of the Bordeaux mixture will be carried out in it.
  3. Fill 100 grams of copper vapor with 5 liters of hot water (in hot water salts they dissolve better) and mix thoroughly. It should be mixed in plastic or glassware, but in no case in the iron, because the dissolved copper canopy will enter the reaction of substitution with iron. As a result of this reaction, all copper falls on the vessel walls, and you will get a rather low-foley 1% iron sulfate solution.
  4. Pour copper vigor into a container with lime milk, constantly stirring.
  5. Check the reaction of the solution with a lactium paper. It must be neutral or weakly alkaline. If there is no Lacmus, you can use the iron item - for example, a nail (not rusty and without lubricant, it is better to read it in advance by Eatak). If a brown copper flare appears on the scaled surface, it is necessary to add another lime milk to neutralize the solution.

The storage period of the Bordeaux fluid is only 5 ... 6 hours, and even with such a short storage, it should be mixed again before use.

Mechanism of action

Proteins have so-called sulfhydryl and amino groups.

The sulfhydryl group is a sulfur atom with a hydrogen atom attached to it. Such a group is, in particular, in the cysteine \u200b\u200bamino acid molecule. The sulfhydryl group plays a certain role in maintaining the tertiary protein structure - simply speaking, thanks to this group, the molecule has a certain geometric shape (and can perform a specific function).

The amino group is a nitrogen atom with two hydrogen atoms. It is part of all amniocoslot and largely affects the protein functions.

The acting substance of the Bordeaux mixture is copper ions from copper sulfate. They bind to sulfhibril and amine groups, which leads to a violation of the normal functioning and partial destruction of the protein. This, in turn, violates the normal functioning of the membranes of mushroom cells (not only, but for a number of reasons for mushrooms and precisely on the membrane, copper acts especially efficiently), and they cease to develop or completely die.

Application of Bordeaux fluid

  • protection of beets from churrospose;
  • protection of potatoes from phytoofluorosis and alternariosis;
  • protection of tomato (tomato) from phytoophulas in open soil;
  • luke Protection from Peronosporoz;
  • protection of watermelon and melon from peronospose;
  • protecting apricot, peach, cherries, plums and other bone from kokkomicosis, leaf curlyness, moniliosis and clusterosoporiosis;
  • protection of citrus fruits from Malsecco, Parsh, rotting fruits and anthrax;
  • protection of gooseberry and currant from septoriosis, anthraznosis and rust;
  • defense of alfalfa from drone spot;
  • protection of apple, pears and quince from moniliosis, crashes and spottedness;
  • grape protection from Mildew;
  • strawberry protection (strawberries), raspberries, currants and gooseberries from spotting;
  • protection of decorative deciduous and coniferous crops from rust and spottedness;

Instructions for the use of bordeaux fluid in gardening in spring

The Bordeaux mixture is used in gardening to protect from:

  • rust;
  • spotted;
  • moniliosis of seed and boneless;
  • kokkomicosis of the bone
  • curlyness of peach leaves;
  • parsh Apples;
  • some other diseases.

In this article, I will give only detailed information on the use of the Bordeaux mixture to protect the apple tree in the spring - simply because if you describe everything, the article will be infinite and difficult. I will write separate articles on the protection of other cultures and gradually replace the labels above the links to them.

Apple tree and pear protection from pasta, spotted and moniliosis

In this case, 1% of the Bordeaux mixture is used (the preparation is written above). You can spray at any time during the entire growing season. It is allowed to 6 processing per season. Fluid consumption - 10-20 liters per 100 m2. The waiting time is 15 days: it means that apples or pears can be eaten 15 days after processing.

The effectiveness of such treatments is ambiguous. In studies, burglar liquid is usually used as a control, as a well-known and common fungicide. Other fungicides based on research results are almost always superior to liquid - otherwise these studies would not be published.

Of the recent publications on this topic, it is necessary to mention the article by I.I. Prali "Principles of Selection of Plant Protection Funds", which indicates that copper-containing drugs provide effective protection from pasta for 6 ... 8 days.

Studies held in 2004-2007 in the Michurin SHCPK showed that the biological efficiency of the application of 1% burgundy fluid on an apple tree was from 44 to 64% on leaves and from 45 to 62% on the fruits during the years when plants were weakened by adverse weather conditions. In the more favorable for apple years, the effectiveness was at 7 ... 13% higher. In the same study, it was noted that the treatment of an apple tree bordeaux liquid contributes to the development of phillosticosis on plants. (Kashirskaya A.M. "Increase the yield of an apple tree on the basis of improving its protection against philosticosis and pasta in the Central Committee", 2008)

At the same time, in specialized magazines there are reports that the BZ effectively protect the apple tree from the paste within 2-3 weeks. True, these magazines are mostly old - today the bordeaux liquid is used and learn less often.

At the use of Bordeaux fluid in the garden there are disadvantages:

  • like all other contact preparations, the BZ is easily flushed with water;
  • some authors note that even properly cooked liquid can cause burns (N.A. Schibkov, 1965; E.M. Storozhenko 1970). Treatment in the period of maximum sensitive can lead to yellowing of the leaves and the appearance of the grid on the fruits;
  • treatment of an apple tree Bordeaux mixture provokes the development of philosticosis;
  • multiple treatments with copper-containing drugs increase copper content in the soil;
  • over rare exceptions, burglar liquid cannot be mixed with other fungicides or insecticides.

Is it worth applying?

As you can see, the BZ is not the most efficient and safe drug to protect the apple and pear, but I still recommend using it at least three times, starting with the green cone phase. At this time, it is quite effective: in addition, one should not forget about a low price.

  1. Fedorova R.N. "Apple tree pairs" - Leningrad: Kolos, 1977;
  2. Kashirskaya A.M. "Improving the yield of an apple tree based on improving its protection against philosticosis and pasta in CCD", 2008;
  3. "State directory of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted to use in the Russian Federation", 2015
  4. Kashirskaya A.M. Results of testing of various drugs in the fight against brown spotting and a pair on an apple tree // Natural science and humanism Inter-University Collection of scientific papers. - Tomsk. - 2007.
  5. I. and Pral "Principles of Plant Protection Principles", 2013
  6. Storozhenko E.M., Talash A.I. The rational use of fungicides to combat the pair of apple tree // Dokl. owls. Scientists for the XIX International. Congress in gardening, - M., 1974, - p.261-264.

Bordeaux liquid is an effective means of protecting fruit, berry, vegetable crops from fungal diseases.

The cultivation of various crops is impossible without various means from pests and diseases. And along with modern special preparations, effective folk recipes of solutions are widely popular. Bordeaux liquid is one of them, the use of which is due to excellent results of the prevention and treatment of plants, the availability of ingredients.

Bordeeping fluid for spraying is a mixture of a soft blue color, which includes such components:

  • slaked lime;
  • copper sulphate;
  • water.

Important! Created by this remedy was accidentally grapeter from France by the name Bordeaux in the 19th century. According to one version, he confused the ingredients and accidentally mixed these substances, on the other - specially used them for the purpose of saving. In any case, the results were high, due to which the recipe and passed on, not only in this country.

How does the Bordeaux mixture act?

The use of burgue fluid in gardening is due to the fact that copper is necessary for the good development of various plants an element. Its disadvantage can be particularly badly affected with sand, acidic and peat soil damage by chlorosis and other fungal diseases.

Lime also performs its protective function, adjusting the acidity of the soil to optimal indicators. It also satisfies the soil of so necessary any plants of substances as magnesium, calcium, potassium.

Important! In the competent use of such a means, the seedlings become stronger, healthy, their natural immunity increases, and on the pathogenic Wednesday, the burglar liquid acts in oppressing.

Pros and cons

Before applying burgue fluid in gardening, it is necessary to understand all its properties, advantages and disadvantages, since the violation of cooking instructions, use can affect the opposite effect, even the death of plants.


  1. High performance.
  2. The liquid quickly contacts foliage, green shoots, shrubs, trees, trees, tightly sticks to their surface and is not washed off with rains.
  3. Protective properties are preserved for a minimum for a month, which is quite enough in peak moments of risks of lesion of cultural planting fungi or other pests.


  1. Incompatibility with phosphorodorganic pesticides and substances that are destroyed in an alkaline medium.
  2. A certain level of phytotoxicity during the growth period of plants, which is clearly manifested with abundant and protracted precipitation.
  3. With regular use, the concentration of copper in the ground increases, which may exceed the amount necessary for the normal development of beneficial plants. As a result, the leaves from the trees and shrubs fall out, the wounds still in the beginning of the season are fading.
  4. Copper can get into the nearest reservoirs, especially if groundwater lies high. This negatively affects the overall on the ecosystem and on human health in particular.
  5. Failure to compound the concentration of the solution can lead to plant burns.
  6. Equipment for spraying when using such a solution is often clogged, which reduces its functionality. The very same plant processing process requires a certain skill to eliminate the negative impact on human health.

Proper preparing solution

For the preparation of Bordeaux fluid in all the rules, not only observe the proportions of substances.

  1. The dishes should not be made of metal - a glass or plastic volume of 10 liters is suitable.
  2. The tool for stirring should also not be made of metal, a wooden stick is perfect.
  3. Water for breeding should be only cold - the pair harmful to the human respiratory system will not be released and smaller crystals are formed in the solution.

Step-by-step instruction of cooking 1% solution:

  1. First you need to take a well-chopped copper cunery in the amount of 100 g.
  2. Room temperature or a little warmer water add to powder and slightly stir.
  3. Add 5 liters of cold water to the resulting mixture.
  4. In a separate tank, we dissolve 120-130 g of negated lime with 1 liter of water.
  5. Take water to the lime mixture so that the total volume amounted to 5 liters.
  6. Strain all through several layers of gauze, dense clean fabric either fine-eyed sieve.
  7. Slowly, very carefully pour copper vigorous in lime, thoroughly stirring.

Important! The mixing sequence is fundamentally important, do not confuse.

If you need a higher concentration of the solution - 3%, then take:

  • copper mood - 300 g;
  • lime - 400 g

Ways to check the quality of the mixture:

  1. Color. Properly cooked bordeaux liquid has a gentle blue color.
  2. Consistency. The finished solution resembles a suspension at its concentration.
  3. Alkaline reaction. It can be checked by a litmus or phenolphthalene paper. With proper concentration, the Lacmus does not change its color, and the second version of the test paper will change its shade on the raspberry.

Important! Another way to check the level of alkali in the solution is a regular nail or a piece of iron wire. They are lowered into the solution and evaluate the result obtained:

  • if the subject has changed its color to red, it is necessary to add another lime milk to the liquid;
  • if the color remains unchanged, then the composition is ready for use.

Why and how to use borkosky liquid?

Bordeaux liquid is very effective in gardening as prevention and for the treatment of the following plant diseases:

  • different types of spotlights;
  • rust;
  • cockclock;
  • curlyness of leaves;
  • scab;
  • phytoofluorosis;
  • churchosposition;
  • fruit rot;
  • septoriasis;
  • clusterosPoriosis.

Important! With the help of such a tool, you can protect a variety of cultures:

  • Vegetables - beets, potatoes, tomatoes, onions;
  • Bakhchy - watermelon, melon;
  • Different bone fruit trees - cherry, plum, peach, apricot;
  • Berry shrubs - gooseberry, currants, strawberries, raspberry;
  • Citrus trees;
  • Fruit trees - pear, apple tree, quince;
  • Grapes and coniferous plants.

When to carry out processing?

When applying the Bordeaux fluid in gardening, it is important to understand when it is possible to treat plants with these solid:

  1. Early spring, until the renal disclosure. During this period, the use of a solution of the most severe concentration is 4%.
  2. In the spring before flowering. The saturation of the mixture should not exceed 3%. Repeated processing can be repeated 2 weeks later.
  3. In the summer, after the leaves and shoots are already well formed. The concentration of the solution at this time is allowed only the minimum - 1%.
  4. In the fall, 1.5-3 weeks before harvesting on fruit cultures, as well as on decorative plants, the Bordeaux liquid is used by a concentration of 3%.

Important! The total number of treatments should not exceed 6 season approaches in the presence of diseases in plants. If there are no signs of fungi, then it is 3 times enough.

Mix consumption:

  1. Young fruit trees, which have not yet reached the age of 6, spray at the rate of 2 liters of burgue liquid per plant.
  2. Fruit trees and shrubs spray at the rate of 1.5 liters per plant.
  3. Such cultures like grapes, raspberries, strawberries are treated with burgundy liquid at the rate of 1.5 liters per 10 m2 planting.
  4. When processing potatoes, 1.5 liters per 10 m2 of area, and tomatoes or cucumbers - 2 liters on the same site.
  5. If you need to spray melons, watermelons, onions or beets, then the maximum flow rate is 1 liter per 10 m2 landing area.


Since the burglar liquid is a rather aggressive solution capable of damageing not only by plants, but also a person, be sure to comply with its preparation and application, such safety measures must be observed:

  1. It is impossible to mix the components with different temperatures.
  2. You can not mix the components not diluted with pre-water.
  3. If it is necessary to bring the mixture to the desired alkali concentration, lime milk are added, and not clean water.
  4. Unacceptably mixing burglar fluid with other fungicidal preparations.
  5. When cooking, it is desirable to protect your hands with gloves, and the face with a respirator or a gauze mask.
  6. Bordeaux liquid is used only in freshly prepared form - on the second day the solution is already crystallized. If there was a need to extend the suitability of the mixture, this can be done only for a day by adding 1-2 teaspoons to the sugar in a sugar.

Important! Spraying is carried out exclusively in quiet weather - it is impossible at strong wind gusts if it is raining or there is an abundant dew.


If the amount of work on the preparation of the Bordeaux liquid seems to you too time consuming, time and complex, and the aggressiveness of the components is somewhat scary, use one of the simplest in the use of analogs.

These include modern drugs:

  • Dubcatch;
  • Abigo peak;
  • Oxycho;
  • Polych;
  • Strobe;
  • Soon
  • Ridomil;
  • Quadris;
  • Vectra.

Important! When solving use burglar liquid or its analogues, consider such facts:

  1. Most of these funds with greater ease of use are more efficient, but this is due to a more detailed chemical composition. Naturally, this affects the purity of the products, so the solution remains individual for each gardener.
  2. Almost all of the listed analogues of the bordeaux fluid can be used simultaneously with the preparations from insect pests. The bordeaux mixture itself does not protect and combine it with any other chemicals.

Bordeeping fluid is not in vain remains one of the most popular plants protection methods from various diseases, despite the fact that the process of cooking the mixture has its own nuances and requires certain time spending.

Therefore, weigh all the "for" and "against" when choosing the appropriate means, considering not only the efficiency and ease of use, but also that excessive processing of chemicals of berries, vegetables, fruits are unlikely to bring much benefit to your health.

Each gardener wants to have trees with greens, lush bushes of berries and hopes to get a good crop of fruits in the fall. Everything changes when the plants begin to hurt with fungal diseases: the leaves are covered with stains and fall, black points appear on the fruits, their shape and size changes.

Plants need to urgently treat protective fungicidal pesticides (killing fungus) properties. The borobo mixture belongs to the number of efficient and tested times of drugs used for the treatment and protection of plants.

This mixture was developed at the end of the XIX century in France, when a combination of two chemicals was found, an aqueous solution of which is able to treat and destroy fungal diseases of plants. It turned out a universal liquid agent, which allows to carry out joint processing and spraying of different garden crops around the site, which contributes to their improvement.

Composite components of the bordeaux mixture

The Bordeaux fluid is prepared from the copper mood powder (copper sulfate), lime mixture (calcium hydroxide) and clean water.

Powder that is divorced by water forms weak solution of copper connections and is an active substance that protects plants from diseases caused by various margins, mold, fungi. The limestone mixture neutralizes the negative effect of copper on the plants, making it safe and acceptable.

The solution of the Bordeaux mixture according to the instructions is prepared immediately before use, mixing lime and vitriory bags In the necessary proportions to avoid violation of the chemical composition.

The concentration of the solution is determined by the content of copper mood in the finished water mixture. Its excess in the Bordeaux liquid and insufficient at the same time the number of extinguished lime can lead to burns roots and foliage plants.

Bordeaux mixture - instructions for use

Preparation of the bordeaux mixture according to the instructions

It should be strictly observed a sequence of actions how to prepare a borobo mixture

Processing is better to pursue in the early morning or in the evening in the sunny and dry, but non-fit. With high humidity, spraying is not carried out. Before starting the spraying process, make sure that there are no animals and people nearby. Primary plant treatment with a solution with 3% bordeaux mixture (300 grams) it is carried out early springWhen there is no kidneys or before the start of flowering. In exceptional cases, the spraying of bordeaux liquid can be carried out immediately after the revelation of the kidneys and the first leaves.

Spend spraying neat and strictly in the wind. The solution to earth and clothing is unsafe. In the spring, during the growing season and before the appearance of the grocery, the burgundy fluid is re-sprayed with a 1% solution (100 grams of the mixture) with an interval of 10-15 days.

In summer, do not expose to spray Plants, trees, garden crops in the next 2-3 weeks before harvest. Fruits of trees, shrubs, berries with plants treated with liquid should be very thoroughly rinsed.

Bordeaux fluid according to the instructions can be used for treating and processing Indoor plants in winter gardens and greenhouses. For spraying, use the sprayer in this case.

In the autumn period, after the end of the leaf fall, it is good to process and spray plants with a 3 percent solution in preventive purposes.

Seasonal processing and spraying of garden crops Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux liquid Instructions for the processing of green plantings recommends that when spraying you need to fully cover a tree or plant with a solution. Processing is carried out with 1% percent solution of 100 grams burglar mixture.

Protective mechanism from a mortar of the Bordeaux mixture works for a long time, about one month. It is well held on the surfaces and leaves of plants even in rainy weather. Its repellent properties affect insect pests.


In specialized stores you can buy a corporate set for the manufacture of bordeaux liquid According to the instructions (100 grams and 300 grams) or acquire all components separately. This is an effective and cheaper agent that has a wide range of action.

Use the finished Bordeaux liquid in bottles

Recently, the release of a concentrated burgue fluid has been established, which is spilled in plastic bottles with a capacity of 100 ml to liter.

Use the finished burgundy liquid in bottles more comfortable For cooking and use. The desired amount of liquid from the bottle is divorced by water, mixed and the spraying solution is ready.

In the manual it is indicated in order to obtain a 3 percent solution of the mixture, for 10 liters of water to use and breed 250 ml of concentrate. To obtain a 1% solution of the Bordeaux mixture, 100 ml of concentrate should be breeding in the same amount of water.

he received its name at the place of its creation - the city of Bordeaux. In France, this fluid was successfully applied from the XIX century. Bordeaux mixture can be prepared and yourself. From this article you will learn how to do how to breed a bordeaux mixture, methods for its use and security measures.

Composition and principle of burgue mixture

Compatibility with other drugs

Bordeeping mixture according to the instructions for use is not compatible with soap and other insecticidal chemical preparations, the exception is colloidal sulfur. It is not desirable to mix the carbofos fluid, with organic phosphoric compositions. The fluid can interact with systemic fungicides to enhance the protective effects and destruction of infections in severe cases, but there are exceptions - drugs that have in the composition of Tiram. The mixture is used with such fungicides as "Oxadixil", "Alet", "Tsimoxanil", "Metalaxil".

Did you know? Copper vigorous is used not only as a fungicide, it is used in the food industry, in medicine, metallurgy, in construction, in paints and varnishes, in animal husbandry and many other industries.

How to prepare a burgundy fluid solution

Let's deal with the preparation of burglar liquid. For plant treatment, we use a one-thread and three-minded mixture, consider both options. To prepare a 1% mixture, it is necessary to prepare 100 g of copper vapor and 120 g of negated lime. In glass or clay tanks dissolve copper powder in a liter of hot water. After into the solution, cold water is poured - five liters. In another container, the lime is quenched by a liter of hot water and is also diluted with five liters of cold water. Both mixtures are focused and gently mixed: the copper sipop is poured into lime stirring. The mixture is ready.

Important! It is unacceptable to use plastic dishes in working with lime, it melts, and you can suffer. For cooking copper sulfate, do not use metal containers.

We prepare three-percent liquid. For this, you will need: 300 g of copper sulfate and 450 g of lime (oversized). The principle of preparation is the same as in one-percent solution. To prepare both variants of the liquid, it is desirable to take lime in a closed hermetic packaging. Open lime loses its qualities, entering into a reaction with oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Safety at work

In working with bordeaux liquid, it is important to observe your own safety, and plant safety. Spraying trees burglar liquid after a flowering period leads to sad consequences: burns of foliage, reset the strings, cracking and deterioration of taste and quality of fruits. If the processing of fungicides is necessary during this period, take advantage of copper-free drugs, "Hom", "Oxychom" or "Champion". Spring processing of a garden bordeaux liquid is recommended, thus prevent against infection with fungi. Moreover, the burglar liquid holds on plants even in conditions of frequent rains. Gardeners reasonably interests the question when you can spray burgundy liquid. Optimal conditions for carrying out processing are morning or evening, cloudy and windless weather.

Attention! It is forbidden to use a burglar mixture into a strong heat or rain. This will leave burns on foliage and shoots. Preferably during processing to exclude the soil.

For its own safety, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

  • During cooking and working with a bordeaux, you need to be in a protective suit, respirator, headdress, gloves.
  • It is unacceptable to eat, drink, smoke when using a mixture or in short breaks between work.
  • You should pay attention to the wind, it is important that the splashes do not get on you, as well as on the plants that you were not going to handle.
  • If it started rain, you need to work with a fungicide.

Bordeaux liquid be harm to the human body, immediately after processing, use the fruits is prohibited. You can eat vegetables 20 days after treatment, fruit - 15 days, berries - 25 days. But in any case, before drinking vegetables or fruits treated earlier, they should be washed under running water.

Storage conditions

A cooked solution of the bordeaux mixture immediately goes into use, it is possible to preserve it during the day by adding sugar into the solution (for ten liters of five grams). Bordeaux mixture is stored in hermetic packaging, the storage temperature is not lower than -30 degrees and not higher than +30. You can not store in open packing, close to food or animal feed. In order not to make a mistake with storage time, do not break the factory label: it shows the date of manufacture and how much burglar liquid can be stored. Under all rules, it is suitable for up to two years.

Bordeaux liquid - a means familiar with most gardeners and gardeners, is actively used to combat and prevent fungal cultures. But the newcomers use burgundy fluid scares. The roots of this fear in ignorance and the absence of experience. In order for the use of burgue fluid to benefit plants and did not harm, it is necessary to properly prepare the solution, comply with the proportions and rules for processing the garden. Instructions for the use of burgue fluid read in this article.

What is borodic liquid

Bordeaux liquid is a solution that includes a copper cune (chemical element of copper sulfate, powder with a bright blue tint) and harated lime. Not knowing the composition of the bordrian liquid, inexperienced gardeners come to the conclusion that the processing of crops by bordrian liquid is equal to hazardous chemical spraying. And in fact, the main ingredient of the solution, copper, is a trace element, without which culture will not occur. Plants grown on the soils, poor copper lagging behind in development and growth, sick chlorosis, and harvest is quite rare. In horticulture, 3% and 1% bordrian fluid solution are used, for the convenience of its preparation, there are packing packets of 300 g and 100g copper vapor, respectively. To properly prepare a burglar fluid solution, follow the instructions given on the package with the means. The indicator of a properly cooked solution will be a lamps. Verification of fluid pH should show a neutral or weakly alkaline reaction. If necessary, add another portion of lime milk. Prepare a solution only for one application, the liquid is not subject to storage.

Pros and cons bordeaux liquid

Consider more the advantages of burgundy fluid.

  • The solution quickly enters the reaction with leaves and shoots of the plant. You can not be afraid of rain and watering, the solution is not so easy to rinse from the leaf.
  • Terms of protection after processing are equal to about one month. True, it is important to know that the duration of protective functions is directly affected by the quality of the acquired ingredients. Especially often claims to lime, buy a powder in high-quality stores to be confident in the absence of unnecessary impurities.
  • The versatility of burgundy fluid is known to each gardener. The drug copes with the treatment and protection of crops from any bacterial diseases, regardless of the reasons for their appearance.

However, there are disadvantages of burgundy fluid, which is better to know before use in the garden.

  • Destroys pesticides unstable in an alkaline medium.
  • The quality of protection depends on the care of processing. Bordeaux liquid - fungicide pin, processed places are protected, missed - no.
  • Copper has a feature to accumulate in the ground, the re-fulfillment of copper negatively affects plants and ecosystem in general.
  • Difficulties in the application are put in the pulverizer. Incorrectly cooked solution is able to inflict burns on the leaves.
  • The main lack of copper: it is poisonous for a person. Processing plants must be carefully, not falling on the fruit. It is necessary to apply the means of protection - the respirator and eye glasses.

Applying burglar fluid

Examine the instructions for using burgue fluid before proceeding with the garden processing. Consider the features of the application of the solution in working with different types of crops.

  • Traditionally, the garden spraying burgundy fluid is carried out twice a year. The spring processing of the garden needs to have time to swell the kidneys on the trees, the autumn processing of the garden - at the end of all works, at the end of November.
  • Spring and autumn spraying, spend a 3% burgundy fluid solution. If you need to repeat the processing in the middle of the season - use 1% burglar solution with a burgundy liquid.

  • Bone cultures are exceptions. They are susceptible to drugs containing copper, so to process them more often than two times a year undesirable.
  • Conduct the garden processing into dry, windless and non-fit weather. A rainy day can cause burns on the leaves.
  • Tree trunks cover the liquid abundantly to make the solution, staining, sharpened in all the slots, where harmful organisms are usually assembled.

The correct use of burgue fluid is safe and efficient. Do not neglect the instructions given in the article to protect the plants from the negative effect of the solution.