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Alpine slide near the track. Natural beauty do it yourself: photo of alpine slides in landscape design. Alpine slide with her own hands: step-by-step photos, schemes and design features

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Create an original landscape design on a section of a country structure will help the alpine slide with their own hands. Step-by-step photos, schemes and drawings will help to fulfill a quality project even per day. Such structures are performed using wild stones and unusual blooming crops. Definite rules will help qualitatively, the observance of which will prevent alteration and disassembling the created composition.

When installing, the slides will need different stone blocks, sand mass, crushed stone and different options for perennial plants

First of all, it is necessary to choose the appropriate place for the future alpine slides in the country with their own hands, which can be found on the site. The best solution can be the selection of a plot on the southwestern or south side. A good option is the location on the slope where low-spirited cultures can be searched among the stones.

The basis for a small-sized site can be slightly in the boundary of the territory or even around the edge. When choosing a slide, the following factors should take into account:

  • the slide must be viewed from all sides, so this place should be open;
  • the construction should be placed on the sunny and bright plot where there are no high trees;
  • the construction is placed in the place isolated from the wind.

Helpful information!Getting Started Construction, It is worth thinking of a suitable design style. Different landscape solutions suggest the use of rocky kindergartens, ponds or bridges that should be combined with a slide.

What time of year is suitable for the creation of a flower garden?

The work on the installation work performed is practically independent of the time of year. It is not recommended to start work in winter. Autumn is considered the best period when there is time before cleaning the area for the winter. Stony constructions after installation requires time to a specific shrinkage. After that, you can start plant planted. If the plants fall on in the fall, then in the spring of the main structure can be embarrassed. A high-quality alpine slide is created with their own hands using step-by-step photos and schemes.

Features and rules when performing Alpinaria

Alpinarium is a stylish decor of the country area. For its design, perennial plants are selected, which have different temporary blossom intervals.

When creating an alpine structure, it is worth performing the following tips:

  • the design is erected according to the project, which indicates the number of tiers and location of stones;
  • selects a certain type of stones and their placement;
  • flowers are selected with the time of their heyday, microclimate and color palette.
For your information!Alpine slide is a small model of a real array with wavy transitions from rocky vertices to more flat sites. It is important to comply with the style of structures, the size of its tiers, as well as the recreation of all conditions for mountain plants.

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Alpine slide with her own hands: step-by-step photos, schemes and design features

Before starting work, landscape design is thought out. Alpine slides with their own hands, whose photos can be seen in the photo gallery, require a special approach and a well-planned project. When choosing a suitable area for the construction, the value of groundwater passage has a proximity. With their close arrangement, threatened the strength and durability of the design. The level of groundwater affects special drainage.

Preparation of soil and drainage

To get a beautiful alpine slide with your own hands, step-by-step photo instructions and schemes will help to install.

First of all, the drainage system is performed:

  • to do this, digging the pit in size is more than the site;
  • before this step, the locality is marked, which is performed using the wires of wire and special wedges;
  • the height of the trench should not be less than 0.9 meters;
  • created recess is filled with crushed stone;
  • the resulting layer is filled with water;
  • then the sand-gravel composition is stacked, which is tamped;
  • the extracted layer of the soil is cleaned and added over the design made.

To laying the stone, you can start after shrinkage of the facilities. It may take about four months.

Helpful advice!You can add rubble to garden land, and in clay soil it is worth noting sand.

How to place stones?

The alpine slide is performed from the stones with their own hands. Step-by-step photos, schemes and drawings will help you choose the best design project. Before laying stones, it is worth prepare a special mixture. At the same time, sand is used in a large fraction, drums from the garden and compost. Also applied cheat gravel.

Such a composition can be distributed over drainage. After that, the mixture is moistened and plugged. First, large stones are mounted, and then smaller. When erected, it is worth using the following recommendations:

  • layers of stones should be laid in parallel;
  • the upper stones are necessarily installed on the lower boulders, but not on the soil, as it will provoke skewing skewers;
  • if plants landing with a powerful root system are planned, then it is worth leaving places between blocks;
  • void should fill the soil.

Stones must fit so that the soil between them is blocked with abundant precipitation. During the construction of this building, sandstones, limestone and basalt with granite are used. Experts do not recommend using a sewer or tuff.

Helpful information!To keep moisture for plants, the surface of the mountaineering can be sprinkled with gravel or stone crumb.

Dumping soil - mandatory stage before bookmarking stones

Video: Connection Alpinaria do it yourself

Alpine slides at the dacha with their own hands: photo of the best compositions

Mountain structures can be used in various variations. By the photo you can pick up the most interesting options:

  • the composition of the valley in the highlands displays the type of high plateau, while the large stones are plugged into the soil for two thirds and are complemented by bushes of different height and looping tracks;

  • large blocks are required when creating rock rock, in this case a dwarf fern is planted, a mountain pine and juniper;

  • if there is a slope, you can equip the mountain slope, which is drawn up with the help of dwarf pines and heather;

  • the complexity is characterized by the composition in the form of a gorge, while the landscape of different heights and the hillock are placed in boulders;

  • in the construction of the ravine, spring and perennial plants are suitable in the forest;

  • if the site is constantly moistened, then the composition of a swamp, which is made with a water branch;

  • the original decision is considered a cascading stream, on the shores of which primors, ferns and irises are planted.

Helpful information!A classic solution is considered a centric structure in which bright plant flowers are combined with stony elements. The basis is taken by a plot with a natural hill.

Alpine slide with their own hands: Step by step photos, the schemes of which are presented in this review, can be built using the following recommendations:

  • the horsepiest site is ideal for creating an unusual design;
  • if during construction does not use cement, then the construction can be reconstructed in the future;
  • suitable height from 0.5 to 1.5 meters;
  • for plants, limestone or sandstone is suitable;
  • it is worth considering additional backlight.

With the help of a reservoir, you can decorate any mountaineering. Compliance with all rules will create a stylish and original structure that will last for many years.

Alpine slides in the form of walls are quite popular both in Europe and in domestic gardeners. With a minimum of the occupied area, such alpinaries are exclusively decorative, moreover, they allow you to plant a significant amount of various plants. Views of the Alpine Gorki 45 photos of the ideas of beautiful design Consider in this article.

Types of alpine slides - the stone wall is usually performed from a decorative artificial or natural stone. From natural stones, limestone and sandstone are most often used. A limestone is not used to create a stone wall, and the gaps between the stones are filled with soil mixture, which allows planting plants in vertical intervals between the stones.

Two types of mountaineering in the form of a wall are distinguished: this is a retaining and two-sided wall.

  • The retaining stone wall is the restriction of the terrace or raised flower beds.
  • Bilateral - an independent object consisting of two walls, the space between which is filled with the soil. Photo of alpine slides in the garden:

The retaining stone wall can even lay out a non-specialist, it suffices to remember that the stones are laid out with about a 10-degree bias back (this will allow plants to be better fixed), but to build a bilateral best to invite a professional.

If the stone wall is planned above 30-40 centimeters, then it is best to plan the foundation in advance, a height of 10-15 to 20-30 cm. Such a base is made from cement, but it is necessary to provide small drainage holes in it. Types of alpine slides Photo ideas:

Views of the Alpine Slides - Stone Wall

Unlike most other types of mountaineering, where the construction and planting of plants are separated by time, the stone wall is erected in all senses at the same time. For each plant (the cuttings of which should be prepared for landing in the ground) as it is construction, it includes small vertical clefts between the stones, where the plant is immediately planted. It is recommended to plant stalks with primary roots - they are better coming up. The upper part of the wall can be left in the form of raised flower beds and also filled with plants, and can be paved with stones, between which plants are also placed. The alpine slides are different:

After completing the construction of the wall, it is very careful, but they are abundantly watered. The mode of increased humidity is maintained until the plants are completely rooted. It is appropriate in some cases to use a pulverizer to create a local high humidity regime for one or more plants.

Optimal plants for placing them in a mountaineering-stone wall are counhards and bells (shades), carnation and thyme (chamber), phloxes and sunflowers (sollide). Types of alpine slides Photo:

Views of the Alpine Slides - Container Alpinarians

A variety of container alpinaries throughout the twentieth century, starting in the 1930s, were most popular at gardeners in Europe. First of all, because such alpinaries are extremely practical. They can be equipped not only in country areas, but also in the courtyard of the city's home, and even on the balcony. In addition, well-drained containers make it easy to endure winter discomfort even the most demanding plants.

Types of alpine slides can do with their own hands. For container alpinaries, it is not necessary to use special containers. You can apply serial troughs or sinks. Prepare a container for use is sufficient simply: outside it is deceived by a protective mixture (one part of sand, peat and cement), diluted with water, and the inner surface of the bottom is filled with pebbles. If the saccine or bath is used as a container, the drainage hole is filled with a larger pebble or ceramic shards that would not interfere with drainage and at the same time prevented the washing of soil from the container. Photo of alpine slides in the garden:

On top of the drainage layer of pebbles, broken brick or rubble (enough layer in 2-4 cm), the soil mixture for alpinarias is poured. After two or three weeks, when the soil was afraid of a natural way, the ground in the container shovers, after which the plants can be planted.

Variants of the Alpine Slides are container alpinarias, unlike other types of alpine slides, have only one plants disembarking restriction - this is a refusal of active soil workers. The fact is that such plants quickly float the container and at best dry out of its limits, and at worst - all the other plants oscillate and are degenerated within one or two seasons. Types of alpine slides Photo ideas for your site:

Container alpinaries are such forms of alpine slides that need constant watering, and it is desirable to use water-well and heated by the sun. Spring container alpinary need carefully - until the water starts to go through the drain hole in the bottom. This applies to the entire plant growth period. With cooling, watering must be reduced to eliminate the wet soil freezing and the death of the root plant of the plant.

If perennial plants are planted in container alpinarium, with the onset of cold weather, it is desirable to cover them (nonwoven underfloor material, sweet straw, reed) and leave up to spring. If the snow fell not enough, the container alpinary is recommended to cover with snow manually. With spring warming, it is better to reveal such an alpinarium as soon as possible so that the earth will be "ventured" before the start of movement in the soil. Watch photo of alpine slides in the garden:

Alpinarium is a construction that requires labor, serious design and training. You need to know in advance, with what pitfalls will have to face to prevent possible disappointment. With a competent approach, you can get a magnificent composition that will delight for many years.

History of origin

The history of the Alpine Gorka is rooted in the country of the Rising Sun - Japan. Delightful gardens in the stones began to plant exactly there. Japanese residents have always experienced a shortage of free space, so they sought to surround themselves with beauty on all free crosses of the Earth. In Japanese canons, true beauty is possible only in nature. An unusual combination of a lifeless stone rock and a juicy, a rollingprot form true beauty.

Alpinarium came to European countries only in the XVI century. Then they represented land plots seated by wild plants and flowers.

Today, fashion for alpine slides is inherent in all countries. Many think about how to build a mountaineering on the plot with their own hands, without resorting to the services of a landscape designer.

The attractiveness of stone ensembles is the founding link of the eastern practice of admiring the garden of stones. Large stones, symbolizing eternity, are not able to resist the imperceptible effects of the sun, rain and wind and turn into the sand over time. Europeans little understand the meditative effect of Japanese stone gardens. Our eye is more pleasant by a paradoxical combination of stone boulders and breeding vegetation.

The painting of the mountaineering on the household plot, the fragility of flowers and herbs against the background of moss-covered stones brings joy and aesthetic pleasure, relaxes, configures on mental activity.

The admiration of the alpine slide is replaced by perplexity: among lifeless boulders, beautiful flowers grow lush. Create a mountaineering on its plot can every person in the presence of desire and a serious approach. This is not an easy work requiring planning and physical labor.. However, if you do everything in science, the gardening will be minimal. The rocky garden will become proudly the owner not only for all summer, but also for many years, especially if it was created by his own.

Roccarius and Alpinarium: similarities and differences

These concepts are often confused even experienced gardeners. There is nothing surprising in this, because they really have many similar characteristics. Alpinaria and rocaria is based on the use of stones and plants.

Rocarium - This is an ensemble made mainly from one stone rocks. This is a classic approach in creating a garden of stones. A variety of flowers act only as a background element for rock cliffs.

Alpinarium - a man-made hill with stones planted with flowering plants and small shrubs in the form of tiers. The slide is decorated with alpine and carpathian plants, but in the Japanese version Far Eastern species are planted, and in Mexican - succulents.

Roccariya is a composition of stones created, as a rule, on a flat relief. It consists of rocks of different sizes, gravel embankment and sand. Rare plants are usually the focus point of the entire ensemble. The Japanese rocarium costs himself without plants.

Alpinarium differs from rocaria with obvious relief irregularities, because the rocarium is located on the plane. Among his varieties, three main style directions are distinguished:

  • Japanese Rocarium. It is a composition of stones where plants play a minor role and act as color accents. This option will appeal to lovers of peace and harmony.
  • European-style roccage Maximum approximately close to the natural natural landscape.
  • English Rocarium Distinguished by perennial coniferous shrubs that love the inhabitants of England

In addition to styles, rocaria can be divided into temporary, constant and volatile.

Temporary rocarium is organized on a flat or slightly raised area. It is planted with small seedlings, which will soon become magnificent plants. The disembarkation scheme should be based on the size of adults. Stones and mounds can be changed as colors and shrubs grows. The most massive and spectacular boulders usually reserved for grown plants.

If in the future it is not planned to pay a lot of attention to Rocaria, then the so-called "permanent" rocarium will be interesting. For its construction, large boulders will be required or smaller stones for their grouping. Roccariya is divided into small areas that are designated by stones. Such zones will help to keep the excessive growth of plants and keep each of them in their place. Coniferous plants and low-spirited shrubs type spirahy, laptic or barbaris will be easier and simple in care.

The basis of the changed rocarium is the landing of new plants every year, with the exception of several large and permanent individuals that will form the basis of the composition. Such a kind provide the dynamics and decoration change annually.

Application in landscape design

If there is a natural irregularity on the site, then there is an opportunity to equip an alpine slide, because it is not only beautiful, but also very exciting. Already at the preparation stage, a clear work plan is needed: you need to choose boulders and perennial plants, plant coniferous shrubs, choose a composition for a small garden and much more.

If the site does not boast of fertile soil, then sand and rocky soil can be used for the Alpine slide. Such soil provides good development and flowering plants.

Types and forms

Rock Rock is the easiest and most popular view of the Alpine slide. If the site has a natural steep slope - this is a great opportunity to make a slide in the form of a rock on the slope. Creating a mountaineering should be started with the laying of large boulders at the base, and then take plant disembarking.

An interesting mountain arrangement turns out if you hide a piece of big blocks to the ground and create pathscreating a unique mountain landscape. Flower transitions game will further strengthen the effect of realism.

It is not necessary to have a natural hill or specially creating a mound to perform a mountaineering. You can use the ideas of a beautiful mountain object and perform a literate selection with the distribution of stones and plants.

Flat version of the mountainaria or rocaria will need some high points - large stones, trees or bushes. The space between them is sprinkled with decorative gravel or planted with cruise, soil plant species. Flat rocarium often takes a little space. The best location for it is the frontal part of the garden near the terrace or arbors.

Even a small budget and a shortage of free time will not stand on the way the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a mountaineering. The main thing is to have a desire.

You can try to create a gravel garden. It is an embankment of gravel, among which steppe and pastry plants grow. In Gravel Garden, huge boulders do not use. An interesting plant compositions are planted on a uniformly scattered pebble.

The pros of gravel garden can be attributed to:

  • availability of materials;
  • ease of execution;
  • fitness for plant growth;
  • uncomplicated care.

To create "Lazy Alps" will need sand, crushed stone, gravel and special textiles. First of all, the soil is drunk and moves from weeding plants. Then he falls asleep with sand up to 10 cm. From above, geotextiles are steel, and gravel is stacked behind it.

An interesting analogue of the usual rocarium will be its reduced copy: the garden of stones in the miniature, littered with small plants. The main quality of such a composition is mobility. This garden can be broken in a plastic container, basin or ceramic dishes. Consequently, it is easy to transfer it to any comfortable place. At the occurrence of cold mini rockers can be transported to a greenhouse or a barnTherefore, this option is suitable for plants that love heat.

Alpine lawns are usually included in a large rocky composition. The lawn-Alpinary is best placed away from direct sunlight, for example, in the shade of coniferous trees. Special charm they acquire when the flowering period begins.

The creation of such a structure requires great labor and continuous control. Flowers quickly grow up and begin to harm each other. Such. the composition will not be too durable, if you do not get rid of weeds on time. Even with regular speech of plants, it will have to constantly update.

The optimal option is the combination of 2-3 shades. For example, a combination of white and lilac or lilac, pink and white. White color will be in harmony with any color decision, so it will be quite difficult to make a mistake in its combination.

We can visually bring some objects with warm shades, and remove with cold. The use of contrasting colors is always relevant. Their use helps to emphasize the uniqueness and beauty of each of the elements. Plant looks much more expressive if it falls around it down. Various leaves are spectacular to look at each other's backdrop.

It is advisable to have one bright element in alpineariawhich will be viewed from different positions, and give the composition Completion. Such an element can serve as an interesting shrub or flowering plant, a stream or an unusual cobblestone. Thanks to this accent, the composition will be perceived as a whole.

Flowers and plants

To create an alpine slide, some knowledge of the botanist will be required. It is necessary to have at least a general concept of plant species, their description, combined with each other and the rules of care. A variety of plants directly depends on the type of slide. For the rocky option on the sunny side, vegetation is suitable, drought stepping, and for classic mountaineering, miniature trees, flowering herbs and perennial cultures are chosen.

When adjusting Rokary, there were a good reputation such plants like geranium, Iberis, sketching, lavender, crazy and oatmeal. As for Meltelukovichny cultures, then for stony slides are good tulips, crocuses, hyacinths. These plants begin to bloom in spring before other colors, which saves the roccar from the non-primary look.

If there is a desire to achieve high decorativeness, then you should take care of planting vegetation, which blooms at different times. In this case, such a slide will look great from early spring to autumn and change "outfits" several times per season.

Plant height is very important. For example, too high species can interfere normally develop low-grade varieties. The brightest elements of the composition better place in the foreground, in the most noticeable place.

The wonderful option for the Alpine slide is such small coniferous trees as juniper, spruce, thuja, pine. As for flowering shrubs, most often preference is given to Rhododendron, Eric, Cylnic, and Barberry.

For many years of cultures that can be landed on the Alpine Hill, there is a low-spirited Lily, Badan, Redemy, Astilba.

Location schemes

While the soil is in a shrinkage state, it's time to draw up a scheme, determining space for stones and selection of plants. Depending on the principle of location of alpinarium stones, there are the following types:

  • rock- a slide with a steep slope and large stones at the base, which are surrounded by small rocks located at the vertex;
  • the slope - large stones are located on top, and a different-caliber pebble from below creates the effect of a muddy cliff;
  • stone plateau - boulders of different sizes, located freely on a flat surface;
  • multi-tier slope - a picturesque composition, where each tier is supported by a stone bump;
  • calm or Ovrag. - Alpinarium created in the recess;
  • stony border - A low wall of a flat stone forming a mountaineering.

When booking Rocaria, in addition to rock rocks, river boulders and pebbles are used.

Combination with water

The highest point of skill regarding the structures imitating the natural landscape, alpinary with a reservoir is considered. The murmur of water in the creek and swimming past the yellowed leaflets make romance and harmony into the composition. Some craftsmen do not regret labor to create a mountaineering with a real fountain.

If there is a desire to get not just a slide, but an object with a waterfall, you will need to take into account the following points:

  • the bottom of the reservoir must be fully waterproof;
  • the pump that swings water requires laying of the electric pipe;
  • plants in certain zones will need to choose, given their endurance to humidity;
  • pond needs regular cleaning;
  • in the summer months, Koi - Japanese carps are gorgeous in the pond, but their content will be associated with certain difficulties in the winter.

For Karpov, you will have to equip a hole for wintering from 80 cm deep, as well as set a aeration system there to ensure the survival of the fish when the pond is tightened with ice.

The bowl for the reservoir needs to be created simultaneously with a slide. The depth of the pond is usually lowSo that you can clearly consider pebbles and floating on the bottom of the fish if they are planned. In addition, the small bowl of the reservoir is easier to be cleaned. You need to create recesses for the installation of the pump. The electrocable for it is carried out also at this stage.

Concerning placing a reservoir, then it is better to put it northeast from a slide so that the pond is for some time in the shade. It protects water from premature blooming.

The walls of the bowl are recommended to do with a small bias - it will be easier to place stones on them. The bottom is resurposed with sand with a layer of 100 mm and is well trambed. From above on sand, geotextiles are steel, and on it a water-insulating film of rubber. Such film easily serves several dozen years. It is necessary to leave free edges abroad of the pit, later they go to the ground.

The film is then pressed by stones, and the pond is filled with water from the hose. After that, folding folds arising on film.

Power pump for waterfall should be 70 W. It is fastened on a special stand so as not to touch the bottom, and it masked the stones well. The device must pass the connection security check. By this time, the mountainaries should be laid out to the border from which water begins to flow. The hose will be fed and masked by stones.

It is possible to decorate the reservoir. The choice of building materials is now huge, therefore this process is performed quite easily. Often in the arrangement of the reservoir, ceramic elements are used, for example, jugs and vases. Near the pond or the streams are good to plant moisture plants: Badan, moss, fern, swimsuits.

The season matters

About wintering Alpinaria needs to take care in advance. Those plants that are not adapted to our climate and are unlikely to survive the winter, you will have to dig and transplant in public. Other plants are wrapped by agrofluoride - this type of material is hampered. A shrub called "Swival" must be covered entirely and tied up with a braid.

Snow will save the slide from severe frost and wind. It is also desirable to place on the perimeter of the shields.Which can serve as plywood, slate or parts of the old furniture. A reservoir during the mountaineering needs to merge or throw several rubber balls into it - they will take the pressure of the ice. The pump with hoses should be removed and stored in the country.

When winter bad weather behind, the time comes to prepare the "Paradise Corner" near the house to the new season. From the beginning of the spring, it will have to eliminate the effects of snowfalls, blizzards and melt waters.

Some plants, unfortunately, die. The stones may have slipped, and the entire round hill is covered with rotten residues of the former flower garden. First of all, you need to work with robbles, removing the rotting foliage. Then hoisted to the place of boulders, to plug fresh soil and gravel, and after planting the plants wintering and add new ones.

How to make your own hands?

Alpinarium is built in several stages, each of which has its own nuances. First, it is necessary to determine the size and shape of the slide, and if the design is complex, it is desirable to draw a circuit of steps, paths and transitions. For the construction of the Alpine slide, you will need:

  • stones and pebbles;
  • coarse sand;
  • decorative plants;
  • moss-Sfagnum.

Construction Alpinaria occurs on a hill with a height of 1 to 3 meters. The work on the design of the Alpinaria can be performed independently, without resorting to the help of specialists. The flowerbed is quite realistic to smash with her own hands, picking up the flower carpet drawing to his taste.

Of course, the compositions are of different levels of complexity: from simply planted along the fence of flowers to a complex design in several tiers. Even in a small area, you can build a natural corner on the joy of yourself and the neighbors, because it is so nice to go on a terrace with a cup of coffee and watch your own alpine meadow and an emerald lawn.

Many ideas can be drawn from already ready-made compositions, adding some kind of highlights. This is a very exciting and grateful work that only the most pleasant memories will remain.

Choosing a place

First, it is necessary to determine a favorable place for mountaineering on the plot. It is better to observe some distance with perennial shrubs and trees, because they can grow up and completely leave the slide in the shade. For the same reason, poorly breaking the mountains at the wall. The place should be well overlooked from all over the site and be dry.

To determine the location of the Alpinaria, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • there must be a good review from all over the garden;
  • place better on the illuminated side, not fenced by trees;
  • there must be protection against wind.

The excessive level of groundwater will lead to premature destruction of the base of the structure. Moisture in the soil can be reduced by drainage.

Most people prefer to collect alpinarium without the use of serious construction work (cementing, creating masonry and the like). This path is less energy and additionally makes it possible to remake something.


For the construction of Alpinaria, not only picturesque boulders will be needed, but also rubble with sand. It is necessary to start work with the placement of the territory with the help of a peg and rope.

Then droves the depth of the meter. Dugged hole needed layers to fall asleep by broken bricks, pebbles and rubble about 30 cm. After that, this combination is necessary to pour water. From above, a mixture of sand and gravel with a thickness of 5-10 cm is falling asleep.

This layer also needs to pour water and thoroughly tumble. The soil, which formed when digging bowls, need to be cleaned from roots, garbage and stones and fall asleep over drainage. It is necessary to give 2-3 weeks soil for shrinkage, and after starting stacking stones. Many prefer to start building a slide in the fall, so that the ground for the winter is a good donkey.

Irrigation system and drainage

There are several variants of irrigation Alpinaria. While the base laying can be installed in the center of the pipe, the upper part of which will perform from above. The hose is supplied to it, and all this is disguised with stones and moss.

Water to the ground will pass through the holes of the pipe. You can use a spray hose to create a fountain effect.. From small pebbles, a bed is created for the stream, which will feed the plants. This design can be the main decoration of the Alpinaria.

After all the hard work is completed, it will only remain observed behind the rapid growth of plants, the care of which is reduced to the simple circumcision of the floweros and the formation of bushes. All the difficulties will soon remain behind, and not one year can be admired and is proud of the result.

Selection and laying of stones

The most popular rocking rocks in the construction of rocks is rocky rocks, so they are extremely durable and non-porous. It is also quite common to use basalt, travertine, granite, slate, sandstone and limestone. Less suitable materials are a sewer, tuff and dolomite. These rocks have high porosity, therefore, more susceptible to destruction.

The first and most important criterion for choosing stones is their strength. Naturally, a composition of stones of different sizes looks.

Color and shape of stones are also important

Too round or sharp stones look at all harmonious. The main thing in work is to achieve maximum naturalness and naturalness. Different color stones do not always look harmoniously - better adhere to one breed, but choose different shapes and sizes.

The observed side of the stone must have the most attractive form, so they will never have to turn over to determine the best combination. If there are any defects on the stones, they need to be disguised. When laying it is important to take into account their dimensions and mass. Industrial boulders produced rarely look natural, even with a chaotic location. A selection of stones of more than two breeds looks overly decorative.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the characteristics of plants and colors that are planned to land on the hill. Not all sorts of roots are able to grow freely in rocks. The soil most often need to acidify to lower the alkali. Between plants and stones you can pour rubbank - this will serve as a concluding chord of the composition.

Alpine hill Fashionable attribute arrangement of modern garden and park areas. Alpinaria device in the country with your own hands: step-by-step photos, schemes, selection of plants.

Choosing a place for the Alpine slide, it is important to provide for the following conditions:

In the landscape design there are many landscape design styles, including the elements of a deserted landscape, rocky kindergartens, ponds and bridges that must be harmonized with the built-in slide.

The slide device is most preferably at the design of the garden. With independent performance, you can avoid high costs for landscape architect. Having step-by-step photos and schemes of the coaster of the slide, perform work on the construction of the mountaineering with their own hands will not be much labor.

It is very important to properly conduct preparatory work so that the slide is sustainable

Alpine slide - preparation

To begin with, it is required to determine the place on the site where the slide will be located. Nearby should not grow perennial shrubs and trees, which can over time to sharpen plants on the hill. Open from all sides the place available for review from all corners of the garden should be dry. The high level of groundwater will adversely affect the durability and strength of the base of the slide. The level of groundwater in this case is required to lower with a special drainage.

Drainage under the alpine slide with their own hands (step-by-step guide).

  1. The drainage device begins with the digging of the pit, the dimensions of which are equal to or slightly larger than the slide area. Pre-make marking with the installation of pegs and stretching the cord. The durability and strength of the roller structure depends on the degree of reliability of the drainage, so the depth of the pit should not be less than 0.8 m.

Decorate a nursery or country area - there is nothing easier. You can smash with a variety of colors that all summer will delight their owners. You can land the flowers along the garden tracks or just around the house. And you can build an alpine slide on the joy of yourself, on the envy of the neighbors. This object of landscape design from year to year is becoming increasingly popular. For help you can refer to professional designers, and you can build this miracle yourself. Each item should be thought out so that the alpine slide is harmoniously fit into the landscape.

Alpinorium will greatly decorate any plot, and you can arrange it on the territory of different areas. A small slice of the rocky surface of the Alpine Mountains looks very good on any background. To create such a miracle on its site correctly and beautifully need to know several nuances, otherwise it will have to disassemble and useless time and the means will be irretrievably lost.

Choosing a place for alpine slide

At the beginning it is necessary to choose a place to accommodate the slide. Natural irregularities can use and smooth surface. The most important thing is that enough sunlight, ideally in the center of the plot.

If there is no such possibility and the household site can not respond to all presented requirements, it is not worth upset.

Next places the base. At the same time, we should consider the approaches to the hill. Only garden tools are needed. You will also need stones of different sizes, stone crumb, drainage material, sand, fertile soil, seedlings of flowers and small shrubs.

So that the alpine slide looked harmoniously, you need to dig under it a shallow pit, its size is done on a scale of 1: 2, a depth of no more than a meter. The bottom of the pit to strengthen the pillow from gravel, brick battle or other construction garbage, and richly pouring water and tamper.

In the central part, the drainage layer should be greater than around the edges. Tin-centimeter sand layer poured over it. Pulley, ravarim, where you need to plug the sand.

From above, fall asleep with a large clay content, it can be purchased in the store or mix yourself, the proportions of clay soil with peat 4: 1, to the soil add a little peat proportion 5: 1. This stage is very important for the Alpine slide, if the drainage is wrong, then everything will spread and falls after falling out of a large amount of precipitation.

Stones lay out from above. Moreover, their magnitude and number will depend on individual fantasies. The alpine slide form can be both horizontal and vertical. It is advisable to use natural stones, avoid sharp chips. If flat stones are selected for alpinaria, they should be laid, lifting one edge.

Selection of decorative elements

Stones integral part of the alpine slide. The dimensions of the selected stones must be proportional. Huge boulders can not be used in a small alpine slide. Stones need to take different sizes, large stones are stacked at the base, and smaller install on them.

For the strength of the design, large stones are shrinking the earth. Stones must be one breed. Symmetry when laying stones will destroy the appearance of the alpine slide, they must look as much as possible.

Speed \u200b\u200bstones will last longer. Soft stones, for example, limestone, will cover moss over time, it will give the originality and primitiveness of the Alpine slide. Put pebbles from the bottom up, determining the place for everyone.

Large stones should be placed at the very bottom, on top it is advisable to place small pebbles. Be sure to provide "pockets" for planting plants. The basic rule at this stage is the stability of stones (if necessary, it is further strengthened) and the asymmetric location of all elements. Almost the finished slide must be shedding with water and, if necessary, add soil in the seized places.

Alpine Gorki Plants

Plants for the slide need to choose different flowering period. From early spring and until late autumn, she will look playfully.

Another rule is the location of the plants. They cannot block stones. Perennial small plants will be better suitable, they must be unpretentious. When choosing plants, it is worth remembering about seasonal changes.

The top of the slide is made to make up small trees or shrubs, it can be juniper, thuja, dwarf pine. Flowers that complement the composition better than natural origin, they can be found in the near forest, they should not be high to not cover themselves stones.

There are such plants such as camneur, edelweiss, poppy, violet, cactus, spirea, lappic. The main thing is that they get along with each other and withstood the conditions of your climate.

Plants for Alpinaria - Flox Shiloid and MEDO
Multicolored Portulak on the Alpine Hill

Planting in shallow wells, falling asleep with the addition of a small amount of very small stone. It will not allow weeds to grow and help keep moisture.

50 examples of alpine slide for every taste

Alpine slide photo gallery