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Adenium mini - charming dwarf with long blossoms. Features of growing adenium mini what you need to remember that the care is correct

Mini adeniums grow slowly, have short interstices and compactness. They almost do not require no formation, they are very well branched, they look well maintained and completed. Blooming is plentiful, almost always "cap." Mini adeniums are classified by color color - highlighted ADENIUM MINI SIZE RED (Red Flowers), Adenium Mini Size Pink (Pink Flowers), ADENIUM MINI SIZE SUNUP STAR (White flowers with red edging) and Adenium Mini Size White (White Flowers). Also There are copper forms of adenium minority and compact growth adeniums with terry flowers.
Adenium from seeds of red mini adeniums has the most dark foliage, and from the ADENIUM MINI WHITE seeds - Saladovaya:

The same company is almost 2 years later:

With age, the MINI White adenium adenium is dark, but still lighter than mini red.

It is worth noting that flowering, growth form, the size of the leaves of mini adeniums is almost always individual. All special :)

For example, from the previous photo (in the background) of the adenium of one sowing noticeably different:

True, it is worth noting that the dwarf turned out of the ADENIUM MINI SIZE RED seeds, and the gigner is from ADENIUM MINI SIZE PINK.

Care ha adenium Mini Size

Mini adeniums have a well-branched root system, so watering should be sufficient, and the pot is not close. With lack of watering and a small pot, leaves are reset or inhibited in growth. Here, I defined this situation as a "close pot":

This situation occurred in July, when it was hot, and the soil stopped in less than a day. Some mini burned out the macushki even in half. And the plants decided to stagnate, dropping too much and relax. After the transplant, they went to active growth only on September.

MINI SIZ is noticeably growing with high humidity in a half. On the straight sun without shading in the heat, like other adeniums, delicate tips can burn and get a sun burn leaves.

As composite components of the soil, I use the coconut substrate, zeolite, clay granulate Seramis, agroperlit.

With a conventional planned transplant transfer, a mini-adenium mini adeniot can be excluded and reset the whole foliage. Requires Will power to wait for signs of growth without excavations:

He is a month later:

But it is rather an exception than the pattern. Mini adeniums are well perceived by a transplant and normally carry the criticism of the root, from which they can not get anywhere.

Some mini adeniums are branched so much that their formation comes down to the removal of side shoots where they simply do not have a place for further growth without deformation.

Adenium Mini (Mini Size) is a dwarf succulent branching tree, with a wide cake, blooming for 2 years of life. The plant is an exceptional interest for breeding due to the instability of varietal signs in the form of a flower and its color.

MINI SIZE has amazing decorativeness. It blooms this dwarf bush, growing up to 17 cm in height, all year round. A bright flower similar to roses buds, in the diameter reaches 7 cm.

Types of adenium mini

From the initial variety "Morning Star" (Sunup Star) received all the other varieties of adenium mini-sizes:

  • white (White) is a new, most unstable and beautiful variety with absolutely white colors;
  • pink (Pink) - Petal painted in shades of pink color;
  • red (Red) - rich scarlet colors with dark border.

White (White)

On all mini, several buds can bloom at the same time, covering a bush with a cap of flowers. Modify better seeds or vaccinations.


The plant needs the sun for abundant flowering. In medium latitudes, the backlight may be required even on southern windows. The soil should be loose. You can use a mixture for cacti with the addition of agro-corlit and vermiculite (up to 30% of the volume).

The flower can appear directly from Caudex. Mini bloom at different ages, the first buds may appear even in annual copies, but most often the plant immediately resets them.

The adult mini flower holds up to 12 days. Incorrect care leads to cessation of flowering.

Care errors

  • Cutting - a common error causing dropping leaves and a long state of rest;
  • earthmart does not enhance from watering to watering;
  • landing several seedlings together, close landing - for flowering you need a powerful root system, a wide pot;
  • dry content in winter.

Growing from seeds

Seeds are planted all year round, but it is best to do it in April. As a finished guar for growing adenium mini, seeds take plastic packaging for cakes.

The soil mixture is poured with a thin layer, the humidity is regulated by ventilating 2-3 times a day. Water spraying, overflow can cause dip.

The match makes shallow grooves, put the seeds in them, not sprinkling the earth and not blunting into the soil. Temperature of germination - approximately + 30 ± 3 o C, sections appear after a week.

Feature seedlings are not required up to 2 months after germination. Subsequently, they are seeded, feed the fertilizer for cacti.

Little, bright flowers, decorating window sills of urban apartments and country houses Adenium Mini - charming small branching trees, at the base of which there is a wide cakex, and the leaves resemble bright green glossy paper. They are compact, perfectly fit into the interior of any home, filling it with the atmosphere of harmony, coziness and pacification. If the care is organized correctly, at home, the mini adenium is blooming in the second year of life and please their owner long and delightful flowering.

To learn more about these amazing colors, occupying a special place among all adeniums, let's get acquainted with them closer.

MINI adeniums are different, but have a lot of common

In nature, their relative - the Giant Adenium reaches two meters, and the height of mini, like other dwarf plants, is small - only about 17 centimeters. These sizes are achieved by five years and are an original decorative tree in a pot. But all year round, they allow them to admire their bright, reminiscent of a pink bud, flowers. As a result of the painstaking work of the mini adenium cells, today are represented by different varieties:

  • White. The variety was led by one of the latter. Its large white flowers are striking with its beauty and smooth outlines of petals, so mini white is in popularity in the first place;
  • Pink. Adenium Mini Pink grade blooms gently pink color. White furniture. There is no clear color transition boundary, the color becomes rich and brighter to the edge.
  • Red. Scarlet flowers have a dark border and white core. A smooth transition from White to Aloma makes such an adenium mini even mysterious and more magnificent.

The mini of any variety simultaneously bloom several colors, covering the plant with bright, colorful decoration. Flowers prefer multiplying mini vaccination or seeds.

I want to say a few words about the monadanium Richie. The decorative plant is becoming increasingly popular thanks to its exotic appearance. Like all mini it is a dwarf, on the lower fragment of the trunk so there is a caudex, and the trunk itself is similar to the slide of "shishchek" with three - four leaves on the top. Early spring, with good content, gently pink flowers appear at the top.

How to organize care

As for the adenium of obese, the main requirement at home is good lighting. These plants are similar, therefore, the requirements for their cultivation are the same. Their homeland is the Arabian Peninsula, so they are well tolerated the high air temperature and bright light.

In order at home the plant blooms as long as possible, in conditions of temperate climate, the colors need additional lighting. The substrate should be loose, nutritious, to pass the air and water well. An important condition for mini is good drainage.

Do not be surprised if the flower appears from the caud. The beginning of flowering depends on how correctly you organized care for mini. Some copies bloom in the first year of life, the truth lasts it for a short time, there are mini who are not hurry to indulge their owners.

If you organized a care correctly and at home mini feels good, the blooming adult flower will be twelve days.

What you need to remember that the care is correct

Correct care at home is a good lighting, regular, but not abundant watering, moderate humidity and compliance with the temperature regime.

Land drying, as well as abundant irrigation, lead to the disease of the root system, from which the plant can perish. If the plant suffers from the lack of moisture, the leaves on it begin to turn yellow and crumble, and the bloom is deposited indefinitely.

Care includes a flower transplant to a new, more spacious pot. The root system grows quickly, and if it is closely, the flower will die. This happens if several flowers are planted in one pot. Young plants transplant once a year, those older - every two or three years. Adult flowers need to transplanted as in the pot they will become closely. The transplant is not only obtaining a greater space for the growth and development of the root. It is also ensuring the root at home by all necessary minerals and microelements.

In winter, the flower can not be avoided, but it is done very carefully, in small portions, once every seven days.

Growing colors from seeds at home

The germination of seeds to predict is very difficult, but still consider how it is done. Seeds are planted in March - April to the depth of no more centimeter. If there is no special container, for these purposes you can use a small plastic box with a lid so that two to three times a day was the possibility of venting. Excessive humidification at home is dangerous for seeds, so spraying is used instead of watering.

At a temperature of about 30 degrees, shoots may appear in a week. Two months after germination, the seedlings are seated and feed the fertilizer for succulents.

Adenium cultivation is not an easy, but very interesting occupation, flowers lovers it gives a lot of pleasant minutes.

Oleg Georgievskiy 04/25/2011

Photos of Oleg Kovalev and Vladimir Heigetyana

Mini Size Adeniums are relatively new variety of adeniums and among the huge variety of adeniums of other varieties, of course, quite rare. At first unnoticed among the handsaws of the giants, now Adeniumm Mini Size are becoming increasingly popular among lovers.

Adenium Mini Size Sunup Star, Age - 3.5 years.

Adenium Mini Size - Real genetic dwarf. Currently, there are four varieties of Adenium Mini Size.

Adenium Mini Size Sunup Star with white pink flowers can be considered a source of this series. Its name - "Morning Star" he already received a little later, when other varieties of this dwarf appeared.

Adenium Mini Size Pink- Grade with pink flowers.

Adenium Mini Size Red- Grade with red flowers.

Adenium Mini Size White- New grade with white flowers. Currently the rarest of Mini Size adeniums. According to information from the manufacturer of these varieties of adeniums, sufficient genetic sustainability of this variety has not yet been reached and therefore the sale of seeds is carried out in a very limited quantity.

The germination of the seeds of these varieties of adeniums is quite unpredictable even with fresh seeds, because some of the seeds are not focused immediately after collecting (due to their underdevelopment). Therefore, the germination of seeds in 60-70% can be considered good for this variety. According to information from the Adenium manufacturer, to increase the MINI Size adenium germination, pollinated by the pollen of ordinary adeniums, but then the mini yield is not more than 30%, the rest of the usual large-scale. If you pollinate a mini for mini germination will deteriorate. Indeed, when sowing a relatively large parties of the seeds of adenium mini, from seeds can grow including conventional adeniums and semi-chilics. However, I think the manufacturer of seeds in this case is reinsured - the repeatability of the seed varieties is very high.

It is possible that precisely because of the resellers with other varieties of adeniums, the varietal characteristics of the mini adeniums are not quite stable in color and the form of the flower and amateurs can get quite original and unusual flowers for this variety.

Seedlings Adenium Mini Size.

The seeds of the adeniums of this variety board, usually, later the seeds of ordinary adeniums. And it is quite normal if the adenium mini seeds rose 2-3 weeks after sowing, (which, in general, is not typical for the adenium seeds), although they are quite possible, and after 4-5 days.

Adenium Mini Size is a dwarf tree in a pot. The adeniums of this variety are growing very slowly. It will take about 3-5 years so that your adenium is really a dwarf tree in a pot. By this age, the plant grows in a height of only 12-17 cm and even without flowers looks very decorative.

Branching on Adenium Mini, unlike their larger counterparts, they are very early - usually from 3-8 months. The formation of the crown is not required, except in cases where it is necessary to change the direction of growth of the branches of the plant.

Usually, the addition of the adenium mini size begin at the age of 2-3 years. However, there are often cases when the adeniums of this variety bloom (or try to bloom forming buds, but then throwing them away) and at the age of one year. The flower diameter - 5-7 cm. Depending on the conditions of the flower, it rests on the plant 5-12 days.

An adult plant can bloom without ceasing all year round. Even winter content with limited irrigation and disadvantage of light and heat, although limits blossom, is often unable to stop it completely.

In general, care for MINI Size adeniums is not particularly different from the care of other varieties of adenium fat. However, a relatively small caudex and a large total surface of the leaves, evapulting moisture, require a more balanced irrigation. I would also not recommended the dry content of adenium mini in winter with foliage falling and very rare irrigation, especially if it leads to a significant softening of Caudex. The absence of watering for 3 weeks in winter in my 4-year-old adenium mini led to almost complete loss of foliage and softening Caudex. As a result, the plant has a very long time and painfully out of this state, with difficulty increasing the new foliage and stopped flowering for almost 8 months.

The cultivation of this variety of adeniums from seeds is an interesting and exciting occupation for flowers lovers, causing a large number of positive emotions. In addition, this plant is perfect for our small window sills.

Most recently, adenium mini was inferior in popularity to his major fellows. But now the miniature kid deservedly love flowers who are especially appreciated early, practically from germination, branching, slow development and wonderful flowers.

Unfortunately, the color of the flowering of adenium mini, grown from purchased seeds, may be unstable. Adeniosis assumes that the manufacturer does not care too carefully to pollinate the uterine plants, because by buying seeds of a variety with aluminum or snow-white petals, as a result, pink flowers with a lighted throat are often obtained. However, many flower products acquire in their collection of cute dwarfs because of their growth and are not very upset from not such as expected flowering. Sometimes the kids please their owners unusual twisted leaflets.

Adenium Mini (Adenium Mini Size) emerged more than 10 years ago due to the efforts of the Taiwanese breeder of Chi-Lung Ko. Dwarf is obtained from plants of the type of adenium fat (adenium obesum) exposed to spontaneous genetic mutation.

By selection for several years, slow-growing babies were replaced, not exceeding 12-17 cm in adulthood in adulthood. However, even with such a small growth, they have a pronounced cage. The foliage is bright emerald, thick, covers the stems with a dense "hat", so that the thickening of the trunk is imperceptible. Flowers, often for the first time, appearing on the second year of life, in decorativeness and sizes are practically not inferior to more adenima.

Adenium mini varieties

Today, 4 varieties of Adenium Mini Size are considered officially recognized, differing from each other in colors of the whites:

Sunup Star is a mini adenium junior carrier with snow-white petals visited by contour with a wide pink border. The variety appeared first and his name "Morning Star" received after other varieties were bred;
Pink - with gentle pink flowers, from which the edges are rushing, and closer to the zev shade lighter;
Red - with velvety aluminum petals and white neck;
White - with snow-white wrenches. The grade was revealed by the last, but in popularity is in the first positions. However, for him a pure white flower is not yet rare, despite the fact that the seed manufacturer claims the planting material from plants sowned in 2014, as a completely white-flowering.

Growing adenium mini from seeds

The seeds of adenium mini have a low germination - approximately 60-70%. In order to increase it, the manufacturer often uses pollen of tall species and varieties. That is why there are often conventional adeniums and dwarfs in the crops. Experienced adeniosis believe that pollination of the baby and among themselves gives a good result during the crops, and attracting major concerns to the process of pollination - the usual reinsurance of the producer breeder.

Requirements for placement

Like its progeni adeniot, mini loves bright lighting. Due to the compactness of the plant placed on the windows of predominantly southern direction, installing the pot into several rows, as far as the windowsill width allows.

It is monitored that the window glasses do not pull the cold, to the supercooling of the plant is sensitive. With a sufficiently abundant irrigation in the conditions of CaudEx hypothermia will suffer from posting.
The optimal temperature of the adenium content mini is high - from 22 to 28 degrees and higher, in winter it is allowed to reduce the thermometer indicators up to 15-18 degrees above zero, but watering should be less than the water and less frequently than in summer.

Mini adenium care

Watering adenium mini is different from moisturizing tall relatives reduced abundance. Krone Babe is well developed, evaporates moisture not much less than tall succulent, but Caudex is more compact and, therefore, spares moisture in small quantities. That's why watering babies should be more balanced to eliminate the possibility of both overflow and lack of moisture.

The complete drying of the substrate is also impossible. There are cases when mini after a three-week lack of irrigation dropped completely all the foliage, it was restored for a period of 8 months, while the plants of this variety of adeniums form buds almost constantly throughout the year, with the exception of a short period of rest.

We feed the kids every 2 weeks fertilizers for succulents, preferring compositions with a small content of nitrogen. Dose during the compilation of the solution is reduced by half or three times compared to the specified manufacturer on the package. In winter, fertilizer is not stopped while the plant forms buds, but carry out it less often - every 3 or 4 weeks. For the recreation period, the feeding stops.

Adenium mini is very early branching, starting with 3-8 months of life, and he does not need. In general, the crown develops compactly and without a stimulating branching of the pinches.

Possible difficulties, diseases and pests

In the care of adenium mini, it is important to comply with the correct watering mode, lighting and temperature. With a violation of any conditions of health content, problems begin: from the convergence at low temperatures softens and, from a lack of watering yellow and fall, leaves, from lack of light the plant lowactively forms buds, and sometimes resets them.

Usually after the elimination of misses in the care of the succulent restores an external healthy look, and with rotting it turns out much more difficult: the sick plants are removed from the soil, cut the victims of the roots and are treated with antibacterial agents. If the defeat is extensive, and the root system is almost entirely destroyed by rot, it remains only to cut healthy paps and root them again either to vaccinate healthy seedlings.