Repairs Design Furniture

Repair of household gas water speakers. Repair of the gas column OASIS: Faults and their elimination. Problem # 5. Low head of hot water from the gas column

Many of us were asked by the use of a flow water heater. If you think about the purchase process, you probably have gas columns on a special account. These devices, in contrast to their electrical and accumulative analogs, are more convenient and economical. By choosing a gas column for your home, you can significantly save money due to the difference in the tariff for electricity and gas prices, as well as make your life more comfortable and use warm water when necessary. However, like any devices, gas columns have a habit of fail. And from it is not going anywhere. In this article we will try to describe the basic breakdowns and will figure it out how to repair the gas column with your own hands.

About how gas columns are arranged and how

These devices are reminded by nothing noticeable inside the heat exchanger and two burners (about what two, we will find out for a little below) a pair of pipelines suitable for the body: one is gas, the other - water.

The work process begins after one of the hot water cranes opens. The valve supplying gas in the burner opens. Due to the combustion of the energy carrier, heat is formed, which through the coolant is transmitted to water, heading precisely to the crane used at this moment. Everything that remains from the combustion of the energy carrier is extended to the street through the chimney.

Gas speakers species

These devices are divided into ignition on:

  • electronic;
  • manual;
  • with Piezorozhig.

Manual gas columns are the last century. To use them, it is necessary to supply gas in the column and with the help of matches to light the scope. To enable the main burner, you must submit an appropriate control signal.

Now there are more practical gas columns that meet the requirements of modern people who are accustomed to that automatics do all the work. The ignition electronic system works as follows. Again, everything starts with the opening of hot water. The system detects a drop and gives a signal to supply the gas and forming a spark. After these actions, the focus lights up, and then the process is the same as in the burners with manual control. The main burner will enter the case, and the heated water will go to the crane turned on. The burners are also turned off in automatic mode - after the crane is closed, and the pressure will recover.

Piezorozhig gas columns are used to work the so-called piezoelectric effect, which can be judged by their name. When the device is turned on, a button is pressed, which converts mechanical action into an electrical discharge. As a result, the discharge will light the stall, and then the second burner. After the hot water turns off, the main part goes out of work, but the spinner burns further. Therefore, with subsequent inclusions of the hot crane, everything will work automatically.

The most common faults

Like any other instrument, this unit requires periodic maintenance and compliance with certain rules. And then it will work for a long time, and the malfunction of the gas column you will not be disturbed. Despite this, breakdowns are not excluded, for example, due to the poor quality of water or energy carrier. In such cases, the knowledge of how to repair the gas column with their own hands. Consider what breakdowns are the most frequent and how to deal with them.

Skip on the heat exchanger - what to do?

Not all residents of country houses and urban apartments will be able to boast the quality of tap water. If you make a "malfunction of the gas column" rating, then the first place in it will take pollution of the heat exchanger by scale due to too tight water. Skip is formed when water is heated over eighty degrees. To combat this phenomenon, you can resort to prophylaxis. For this, just need not to use very hot water. It's no secret that in order to wash, it will be enough to heat the water up to 45 degrees. The same temperature is enough for washing dishes, and given the fact that modern washers cope with their task and in cold water, and less. In order to wrap clothes, there will be a temperature of about sixty degrees.

Promotes the appearance of scale and the fact that for convenience many do not turn off the gas column. Because of this, the temperature in the heat exchanger can rise to the values \u200b\u200bexceeding the science threshold. Therefore, it is necessary to turn off, if the operation of the heater is currently not needed, and include it when there is such a need. Also, experts are not advised to climb the automation settings in case of poor water pressure. To solve this problem, it is recommended to buy a rising pump.

In cases where preventive actions are already irrelevant, since the breakdown occurred, in order to repair the gas columns "Neva" (or any foreign brands - is not important), it is necessary to clean the heat exchanger. First of all, you should make sure that it is precarious. The symptoms are as follows: insufficient head of hot water, the unit turns off immediately after switching on or does not turn on at all.

In order to repair the gas columns "Neva" or foreign analogs, the following tools will be needed:

First, you should disassemble the column. Then you should close the water supply to the device, open the nearest hot tap. Next, you need to remove the feed tube from the heat exchanger. It is necessary to drain the water from it, approximately a liter. Further you should wear the phone back. With the help of a funnel into it and you need to pour a cleansing solution, it is desirable slow and neatly. "Anti-Nakipin" must be left inside the heat exchanger for two hours. There is a small trick: to make the process of cleansing faster, you need to warm the solution with the fan.

After time, the water flow should be resumed and check that it is poured out from the hose. If traces of scale and other extraneous things are noticeable in the fluid, and after the pressure will be better - everything went successfully, no - the actions should be repeated.

Gas column

It is worth noting that the replacement of the heat exchanger has given the heat exchanger on a serviceable - not the only option of fixing the columns. If you take into account what to buy a new radiator will be quite considerable (a third of the value of the entire device), it will be very useful to know how to repair the gas column with your own hands in this case. The repair will be put in the soldering of the serpent. Due to the fact that the solder melts at higher temperatures, compared with those that occur in the radiator, this option is quite reliable. Spare parts for gas speakers are very expensive, so repair is an excellent alternative to their replacement.

Statistics says that cracks are formed mainly on the pipe located on the outside of the heat exchanger. Before starting a soldering, it is necessary to free the heat exchanger from the water. If this is not done, water, weighing heat, will not allow the shipment well to grab. In order to get rid of the water, you should open a hot crane, then dismantle the fastener feeding the cold water into the device. After these actions, the bulk of water should run. What remains can be produced by a compressor.

Now you can proceed directly to the soldering. Using the sandwich, it is necessary to handle the location of the crack, and then clean and degrease it. The logging is performed at a temperature of 180 degrees, the soldering iron is best used at least 100 W. It is recommended to use rosin, but if there is no one, you can replace it with ordinary aspirin tablets. The soldering place should be covered by a uniform layer of solder. It is recommended to increase this layer to two millimeters, and then this deficiency will never show itself. After that, you should examine the entire tube of the radiator. In the presence of green engines, these places need to be sued, since, most likely, they also formed due to cracks, only smaller. If this is not done, they will become more over time, because of which they will have to repair the gas column with their own hands.

In cases where cracks are located in inaccessible places, the soldering will be impossible. Here it is necessary to remove the heat exchanger, which will require a complete parsing of the gas column. This procedure is very dangerous, so the repair of the Junkers gas column from Bosch, as well as domestic, is best to entrust specialists.

Gas column does not ignite

Most often, the cause of such a breakdown is the lack of thrust in ventilation. This is due to the fall of an extraneous subject in the mine or its clogging of the soot. It is possible to make sure that the absence of traction can be simply: if the flame of the lit mat is deviating aside - the thrust is present if the flame does not pegs - there is no traction.

There are other reasons that the gas column does not ignite. For example, if the elements of the device responsible for the formation of a spark in the automatic ignition systems are not charged, it can also bring the installation into a non-working state.

Another cause of the column failure may be insufficient pressure in the water supply system. If the head of the cold water became worse, then, most likely, the malfunction lies in the water supply system. If the head of cold water is good, and the hot barely flows, then it may be necessary to repair the water unit of the installation (repair of the membrane or filter cleaning).

The filter clogs due to the turning off the water supply. It is necessary to remove it and rinse under water pressure. It is more difficult to remove the membrane, but the scheme of the gas column will help. In case the surface of the membrane is deformed, it must be replaced. To do this, you can choose a silicone product that has a longer service life. Shops selling spare parts for gas columns can offer such options.

There are situations where the unit will go straight after the ignition. The reason for this is the poor-quality contact of the thermocouple and the valve e / m. If the thermocouple is in good condition, the flowing column gas is suitable for repair (cleaning of contacts and automation block).

Characteristic cotton during installation

They talk about the following things:

  • No thrust in the ventilation mine.
  • Bad charge elements.
  • Zakor Zhikler.
  • Excessive gas supply.

First of all, you need to observe the flame. It should be lit steadily, the color should be blue. Yellow-red, as well as a small flame talk about the need for a stobble.

Wrong water heating

The cause of this problem may be incorrect selection of installation power. To do this, when buying, you need to make sure that the Gas Bosch column or other firm has the necessary characteristics for your home. In addition, there may be a blocking of the device. This is confirmed by the presence of soot and uncharacteristic flame color. In case of insufficient heating, you can try to adjust the energy supply. This is done with the help of a special crane.

There is also the opposite situation - water is too hot. Here the gas gas column does not require repair, as this is not considered a malfunction. All because in the summer the water temperature in water pipe is warmer, and the pressure drops. Many gas speakers are not intended for such a regime. The characteristics of the gas columns include the optimal pressure of water, in which the normal operation of the unit is ensured. Solving this problem as follows: It is necessary to reduce the supply of the energy carrier.

Replacing pads

It happens that flowing is formed. Water pipes are connected in the columns using nuts having gaskets. All of them over time become not as elastic, as a result - their ability is lost not to pass water, from here and flow. The flowing column is gas that began to flow, probably requires replacement of this part. It does not take much time, but if after repairing the flow did not stop, you can try to use another, additional gasket.

Caution Gas!

The most dangerous malfunction of the gas columns is a gas leakage, while the characteristic smell is felt. When it occurs, it is not necessary to risk and try to fix the device yourself. It is necessary to immediately overlap the gas, to air the room and call the gas service. Observing these recommendations, you can not be afraid of your health and life of your loved ones.

So, we found out how these devices are arranged, they considered their main faults and their elimination methods. This instruction on the repair of gas speakers will help you find out the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it in the shortest possible time.

Such a complex device, as a gas column, serves as a long time, care and operation is carried out according to the instructions attached to this unit. But all things deteriorate and sometimes need fine or large repair of gas columns or their prevention. As well as replacing some components of the gas column.

Description of the aggregate

The internal device of gas water heaters of the protocate type is similar and almost no different At different manufacturers. The main difference may be in additional options (display, automatic gas ignition, second thermal sensor, etc.), in the appearance of the device or in the design.

The heat exchanger is installed inside - a ribbed tube of copper, which moves the aqueous stream. The burner standing under the heat exchanger heats the tube and water passing inside it - heats up. With a small pressure of water or its absence, the incoming thread is overlapped with a valve (curtain), which is attached to the arson arson. This is done for fire safety.

Call wizards or repair yourself

Call masters

To repair a faulty gas column or prevent gas leakage (if you feel the smell), you must call the masters for the repair of gas columns. But if you decide to call Gorgaz workers, then do not think that they will immediately come, sometimes they refuse to arrive, causing it by the fact that the repair should carry out the company (or the store), which installed the gas column.

Attention! Contact only companies that have the necessary certificates for working with this equipment.

Now we divorced a lot of "left" firms And the challenge of employees of such organizations brings a number of other problems. Many masters seeing your incompetence in this area, find non-existent malfunctions of the gas column or deliberately overestimate prices.

Repair gas column with their own hands

To improve safety, the population is prescribed so that malfunctions are eliminated by gas equipment eliminate employees of the relevant service. But there are such problems that can be corrected by yourself. If you know how to keep the instrument in your hands, you can repair the gas column with your own hands.

It is not very difficult if you know the typical problems of these water heaters. Below we will tell about the most common of them and tell me how to eliminate one or another breakdown. And let's start with the setting of the unit.

Adjusting the height of the flame burner - the closer to the maximum of the hot water.
Adjusting the flow of water - the closer to the maximum, the stream is more, therefore, the water is colder.
Winter / Summer - Column usage mode at different times of the year. In winter, the power is more than summer.

Not all the masters know how to properly configure the gas column and simply do not do it, leaving both (by default). But we do not recommend leaving the settings by factory and make adjustment yourself.

Temperature setting

  • Set the gas supply handle and water on the heater to a minimum.
  • Open the gas and water supply cranes on pipelines.
  • Open the hot water faucet and adjust the water pressure you need using the handle on the gas column.
  • Wait 1-2 minutes and measure the temperature. Using the gas supply knob on the column, increase the flame, thereby increasing the temperature of the water to the desired one.
  • When the water temperature is comfortable, you can leave all adjustments alone and use water.

In the future, adjust the temperature can be other handle (feeding the heated water).

Pressure setting

When adjusting the column, sometimes unpleasant moments occur. A new column or turns on with a very small pressure, or does not want to run at all. It depends on the increased or reduced water pressure in the pipeline and is eliminated in the following ways.

With our quality water, the heat exchangers in the gas columns are clogged with a pretty quickly and very strongly, which reduces their heat resistance and increases gas consumption.

The longest, in time, the process - cleaning the main tube (radiator) from deposits of tap water arising from heating. If you turn the gas handle to the end, and the emerging water barely warm, it says about clogging the heat exchanger with a regular scale, which is badly transmitting heat.

This happens quite often if the gas column without auto income (with a stall). Also, the scale is formed if you set too much water heating temperature. The unit overheats, the tube (radiator) is riveted to 80-850, which contributes to the rapid (a little more than an hour) the occurrence of scale. Is it better to turn off the column in time? Then there will be no problems, because for all the washing and washing processes are 40-600.

Before starting work with the heat exchanger, check the input crane or valve. Maybe the whole reason in their clogging. But if they are working, it is necessary to get rid of deposits in the tube.

There are two ways to solve the issue with science. We will look at both options.


Cillit Kalkex cleaning system copes with his slave. With it, you can quickly clean any boilers from scale. Unfortunately, it is not very accessible to ordinary users with gas speakers.

This is an expensive method using a special device. (Cillit Kalkex) and a set of special preparations for washing. Your column does not even need to be removed from the wall. You just need to disconnect water hoses for water (in / out).

The cleaning device is connected to the column, and it is the method of a closed cycle (in a circle) warms heated reagents. Scattered under their action decomposes, washed away and merges.


Cheap, but long and laborious process. For its implementation, it is necessary to disassemble the water heater almost completely and then rinse it manually.

This will help us with the following materials and tools:

  • horn keys (set);
  • screwdrivers (cruciform and usual);
  • paronite strips (set);
  • rubber hose;
  • acetic Essence or Anti-Nakipin.

Disassembly of the gas apparatus

To remove the heat exchanger should act in this order:

  • first, overlapping the access of cold water;
  • then remove the external elements that prevent disassembly (knobs of switches, regulators);
  • remove the casing, and for this we unscrew the screws located on the rear wall of the unit, we lift and remove the lid;
  • open the "hot" crane;
  • we unscrew the feed tube from the heat exchanger and move;

Flushing system

After the total water supply, we put the hose on the heat exchanger tube and raise it above the level of the column. In the hose, slowly, we pour the solution prepared by us and leave the column for 4-6 hours.

Next, you need to minimize the water supply faucet and watch the water that will leave the column, if you saw a lot of scale, then our work went not in vain - we got rid of it. If there is no scale in the leaving water, then we repeat the entire process again.

Gas column does not ignite

  1. The displacement of the water heater may occur for many reasons. We will list the most likely of them:
  2. The simplest reason for this trouble is the absence of normal thrust in chimney. If the chimney is clogged and there is no "thrust" in it, then the column may not be lit.
  3. To check the fault, you can bring to chimney a piece of newspaper, a napkin or a lit match. If they are trembling, then the thrust is fine. Otherwise, you will need to clean the chimney.
  4. If the device (only in aggregates with autojiga from the batteries or electrical network) does not ignite, then the discharge of the batteries or the fault of the wires, the blast unit. Eliminated by inserting batteries or checking the electrical engineering system.

Emptying system of the stamp can occur from poor headwater. Open any Cold Water Crane and check the pressure if it is weak, then you can call the HOSE and find out what the problem is.

If the column does not ignite when water supply or turns on only with a very large pressure, then the problem is most likely in the membrane, which due to wear reacts poorly to the water passing in it. In this case, it must be replaced.

Gas column spontaneously disconnected

Each gas column establishes a temperature sensor that monitors the column does not overheat, in case of its failure column can turn off spontaneously during operation. It looks like this:

After normal operation, for some time, the heater "stalls" minutes by 20. After this time, it can be turned on at the same time. The malfunction is usually seasonal and manifests itself only in summer or in winter with closed windows.

The device turns off when it wants and then does not light up. This can occur when the sensor wires of the sensor are closed. Check the wires so that they are integer and with good insulation.

In order to check the sensor itself for performance, it should be removed from it two contacts and snatch with a needle, a clip, a piece of tin. If the gas device turns on and earn - the sensor must be changed.

Water heater proceeds

If you saw in your column similar spots, then be sure that it proceeds and she needs repairs.

This malfunction may occur mainly in gas speakers working for a long time. Two main reasons for leakage it is:

The radiator was broken.

Cracked tubes (taps) or gaskets in connections.
Replacing the radiator or taps costs quite expensive. Therefore, there is a reason to repair the gas column on its own. For repair required:

  • screwdrivers (cross and ordinary);
  • horn keys (set);
  • solder with rosin;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • solvent;
  • "Schurd".

Seeling holes

Because of the difficult working conditions, the radiator or taps can fire and holes appear on them. If you have determined in which place the leakage, then repair a small hole can be a regular soldering iron.

Preparation of the gas column to repair

  • Drain all the fluid from the system - open only the crane of hot water, unscrew the nut on the inlet tube to supply cold water, and most of the water follows;
  • Remove the radiator completely;
  • Inspect the entire tube. - If you see "greens" - slow down and inspect these places for cracks.

When you found leaks, then you need to do the following:

  • clean the found holes "skirt" and immediately wipe with a rag with a solvent (it will remove the remains of fats, nagar and dirt);
  • applying rosin with the solder, bring this place with a 100 watt firm (for the absence of rosin - apply aspirin);
  • speak the crack or the hole by the solder, and after its cooling, add more tin (layer must be 1-2 mm).

Attention! In some cases, with holes about 5 cm. The masters impose a "temporary" overlay from the plate of copper or aluminum, consolidating it with a thick wire or metal ribbon. But as a rule, such a "temporary" solution remains for a long time. We recommend replacing the radiator completely and forget about it leaks.

Malfunction of pads and tubes

The replacement of flexible hoses of such a sample does not require special skills, which can make it anyone with the presence of a wrench.

Very often, the leaks are formed in places connecting the taps to the heater outside or to the inner nodes of the column. All connections are made by "American women" with gaskets inside.

Due to the constant heating / cooling, rubberized liners or melted or lose their properties and harden. They arise cracks for which water flows.
If you notice the flow of the gas column in such connections, then replace the gaskets. Using the key (mostly on 24), unscrew the nut and replace.

It also happens that the flanges on the tubes are cracking over time - in this case you need to replace the entire tube.

Gas column turns on with cotton

Be sure to change the batteries in the gas column on time, since if they are sealing, your column will start making cotton during inclusion. Also, due to the seal batteries, the column can turn off spontaneously.

These sounds when turned on and during operation, indicate the following points:

  • inside the system (in the burner), because of the low gas head, there was a little air that gave rise to a microcus;
  • the flame is broken due to a large gas pressure;
  • zeor Zhikler;
  • mala tag ventilation;
  • droinated batteries.

On your own forces you can eliminate only the faults described in the last two points.

Gas column warm water

This can happen for several reasons.

  • The easiest reason is incorrectly chosen gas column. You saved and bought a low-power heater unable to satisfy your queries in hot water.
  • The second reason is a little gas pressure in the pipes (in the apartment). Call gas seals to check the system.
  • The third reason is the usual blockage (fatter, filters, scale, hoses, etc.), some species of which are described above. You can check it on the color of the fire, which changes from time to time. This is evidenced by the presence of soot.

You can only adjust the temperature and clean the column.

Remember! Self-adjustment of the gas column and troubleshooting requires special care. With poor performance, you can suffer not only you, and completely innocent people. With the slightest insecurity in their forces, it is worth contacting the professionals of the gas service.

Repair of the gas column with your own hands the case is serious and dangerous. Anyone will say you: "The gas column is potentially dangerous equipment, so you can trust it with maintenance and repair can be exclusively qualified by a specialist." However, the ability to understand exactly which element has failed and what it can lead to will definitely prevent.

In addition, with the elimination of some faults that do not affect specifically gas equipment can be cerented with its own forces. Check out the description of typical damage and recommendations for action in case of detection.

Gas column refuses to heal

Equipment can stop wagoning for several reasons.

First of all, you must make sure the feedstock is good. If it does not burn, contact the gas service. The specialist will clean or replace the element failed. It is impossible to touch it yourself - it's dangerous.

In modern with electronic ignition, in the absence of ignition, gas ceases to be submitted - the valve is cut off. The user learns about this through the corresponding indicator. In some situations, such a problem is solved by simply replacing the battery. This moment specify the instructions. If the manufacturer does not give such recommendations, it is better to immediately contact the gas service or third-party repair service.

The column will not be lit in the absence of traction. To check the thrust level, bring the paper strip to the ventilation grid. If the leaflet does not change its position, or changes it is not expressed enough, with executive problems. In apartment buildings with cleaning of ventilation wells are engaged in public utilities - contact them. It can be done on themselves with the help of a metallic heroic tied to a suitable flexible wire (hose, etc.), but utilities similar unauthorized actions are usually not approved.

Often, the burners are not triggered due to the wear of the membrane. This design element is quickly deformed, the mechanism of launching the burner becomes less sensitive and does not work when the water is turned on. Even in expensive heaters, the membranes wear out in 5-8 years - with this, unfortunately, nothing can be done.

To check, turn on the water to the maximum. If the column turned on with strong pressure, the problem is definitely in the membrane. The replacement of this element can be performed by your own.

To do this, do the following:

  • unscrew the mounting nuts from the water node (usually 2);
  • unscrew the fastening screws, due to which the water assembly is held in the gas (usually 3);
  • swede Halling the node and you will see a rubber membrane. If it is not flat, but noticeably deformed, replace it. To do this, buy a similar product in the specialized one. If possible, prefer the silicone membrane - it will last much longer than its simple rubber counterpart.

At the same stage, you can check the condition of the filter of the water-driven device. If he clogged, clean it or replace the new one. To clean, simply unscrew the nut from the water supply side, get the grid and rinse it or replace the new, depending on the state.

Find out detailed instructions, how to produce from our new article.

If the heater turns on, but flies, the problem in most situations is the bimetallic temperature sensor required to protect equipment from overheating. Also, due to failures in this element, the heater may not be included at all.

Such a problem has 2 basic development scenarios.

Contact gas workers does not make sense - the defect is clearly not "gas". Try to get rid of the breakdown yourself, it is also not necessary - you can only carry the unit. Contact a service center for warranty repair.

Most often it happens due to the clogging of the heat exchanger of the column of scale. Typically, the cause of clogging becomes prolonged "idle" response. The device heats the heat exchanger to a temperature sufficient to lead to the evaporation of moisture residues.

There is no current of water, scale is not washed out of the heat exchanger, until the next turning on the equipment it is collapsed, as a result of which the column stops functioning normally. Usually saves the cleaning of the heat exchanger. In the launched cases it has to change it.

To replace it is better to immediately contact professionals, but with cleaning you can cope with your own. Prepare screwdrivers, rubber hose, horn keys and paired gaskets. Buy a mixture in the shopping store to remove scale. Usually it is called it - anti-vakipin. A more fiscal option is washing with acetic essence. Work in that order.

First step. Consistently remove the accessories and the casing from the heater.

The second step. Discharging the water at the inlet and open the hot water faucet, it is desirable as less removed from the column.

Third step. Unscrew the water supply tube from the heat exchanger, and then remove it to the side. After unscrewing the nut, the heat exchanger column will begin to give water. It will be allocated about 1 l.

Fourth step. Jump the hose of the appropriate diameter on the entrance to the heat exchanger and lift it slightly above the heater. Insert the ordinary funnel into the fixed hose and start a slowly, thin jet into the finished solution (the preparation instruction is shown on the package). Do not hurry. You will pour too fast - antikupin simply will push back, and you hardly like it.

Leave the cleaning agent in the heater heat exchanger for 2-3 hours (usually the required time is indicated on the package).

Submold under water tap suitable container and carefully resume fluid supply to the heater. Watch that it comes out of the hose. It turned out quite a lot of sludge, and then the head became normal? All right. In the opposite situation, the washing will have to be reused. Usually the need for re-flushing occurs only when using acetic essence. Anti-Nakipin in most situations copes the first time.

In such a situation, it is better to immediately contact a professional. It will perform the adjustment, which is extremely difficult to produce without knowledge, and the column will start working fine.

You can find out the reasons for the appearance of such a malfunction for general development. The main reasons are two:

  • gas comes under the too big pressure. The heater lights up too actively, which leads to a breakdown of fire;
  • gas enters too low pressure. In the burner of the heater penetrates the air, which leads to a micro-breaking, regarding human hearing as cotton.

This is usually due to the reason not high. The user begins to demand more from the equipment than it can do.

Options for solving a problem two:

  • stop abuse and do not open hot cranes at the same time at all points of water intake;
  • we buy more powerful.

Also inadequate heating of the fluid can occur due to clogging of the burner. Look at the color of the fire. Under normal conditions, it is bluish. If the flame is yellowed, contact the gas workers. You can trust this repairs exclusively a professional, because This is already a "gas" breakdown.

When turning on the heater begins to smell gas

The problem is more than serious. No one's own repair and do not think. Turn off the heater, overcoat the gas crane, ensure constant sufficient ventilation of housing and immediately call the gas service. Arriving at the site of the brigade will rate the problem and take appropriate measures.

Now you know the main malfunctions of the gas column, and you know how to behave when they appear. The main thing is to remember the safety. You do not need to try to correct breakage, to eliminate which you do not have enough qualifications - it can lead to irreparable consequences.

Video - repair of the gas column with their own hands

Prices for flow gas water heaters

Flowing gas water heaters

Top 5 best gas speakers for apartment

Photo Name Rating Price

⭐ 99 / 100

⭐ 98 / 100

⭐ 97 / 100

⭐ 96 / 100

⭐ 95 / 100

Bosch WR 10-2 P gas column is ideal for cooking hot water for household needs. The newest Anti Overflow system reliably provides the output of combustion products through the chimney. Flame control sensors instantly disconnect the gas supply, if for some reason the flame went out, and the temperature sensors protect the heat exchanger of the overheating column. Automatic maintaining water temperature when changing the water pressure in the water supply. The power of the gas column is sufficient for the preparation of hot water simultaneously for one point of water intake.

  • good combination of affordable price and quality above average;
  • performance;
  • silent work;
  • fast water heating;
  • do not need batteries.
  • regulator wear after 1-2 years;
  • warranty service only if the installation was produced by a company representative;
  • frequent breakage of control sensors;
  • unreliable radiator;
  • piezoejigig works with interruptions.

Powerful reliable and multifunctional Mora Vega 13 combines the maximum of useful parameters and is one of the most advanced models. It is worth noting that the column works both on natural and on a cylinder fuel.

  • compact heater;
  • easy to maintain;
  • performance when saving gas 10%;
  • smooth power regulator;
  • high security coefficient;
  • work on natural gas or propane-butane to choose from;
  • durability.
  • high price.

RÖDA flow water heaters are specially designed to work with low gas pressure, which is characteristic of the CIS countries. The gas separator unit of the column is not demanding of the quality of the gas and has excellent sensitivity to open the hot water crane. High-quality heat exchanger coating prevents its corrosion and exercise even with intensive use. The RÖDA turbocharged column implements a freezing system based on ceramic heating elements. When the temperature of the heat exchanger is reduced below +5 s, the automatic switching on the heaters, which prevent the freezing of water in the heat exchanger tubes.

  • increased security coefficient;
  • electric tract;
  • maintains a stable temperature under different pressure indicators;
  • affordable price.
  • very noisy;
  • the diameter of the opening for the output of combustion products is less than the norm;
  • the minimum temperature is 60 degrees.

Roda JSD20-T1 Flow Gas Water Heater

Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW is the only model from the Water Filter list. It is highlighted with decent assembly quality and high performance, easy to install and unpretentious to maintenance. HA display shows the real water temperature. Water warms up smoothly, in the case of jumps in pressure or voltage, the heating temperature remains stable.

  • smooth warming of water;
  • filters for gas and water included;
  • easy to adjust;
  • the display displays the thermometer data;
  • reliable assembly.
  • noity;
  • uncomfortable to clean the water filter;
  • wires inside the casing are poorly fixed.

Gorenje Gwh 10 NNBW Flow Gas Water Heater

Improved flow-type budget column model from ELECTROLUX. Water heater Electrolux GWH 10 High Performance - Comfortable gas column with electronic burner ignition. The burner ignition occurs automatically when the hot water crane is turned on, then the heating power and water temperature is adjusted using ergonomic handles on the front control panel. The water heater is equipped with all modern monitoring systems and a multi-level security system.

  • accuracy of temperatures;
  • there is a display;
  • fast span with any water pressure;
  • automation;
  • stainless steel burner.
  • temperature adjustments are shot down by increasing water pressure;
  • working with clicks (noise);
  • tight regulators of duct and temperatures.

Flowing Gas Water Heater Electrolux GWH 10 High Performance

Gas columns with flow water heaters, regardless of the manufacturer and model on the principle of operation, are no different from each other. The difference is only in appearance, design and set of additional options, for example, auto-shirt burner, error in maintaining a given temperature of heated water, the presence of a digital display for installation and indication of water temperature.

Gas column works as follows. Through the heat exchanger, which is a copper tube with ribs, water flows. Gas burns, which heats the heat exchanger and as a result of which water heats up. Depending on the installed heating temperature of the water and its pressure in the plumbing, which is associated with the water node, the gas node adjustment system ensures safety operation. In the absence of water pressure or traction, the protection system automatically overlaps the gas supply.

In October 2006, he bought the NEVA LUX-5013 gas column (in the photo above) produced by JSC Gaazazrarat, St. Petersburg. I did not want to buy an imported manufacturer, sooner or later everything breaks, and problems with spare parts become an insurmountable obstacle.

The Neva-3208 installed earlier was 6 years old (continues to work elsewhere and now). The only drawback of this model - had to change the rubber membrane in the water node every year. Over time, it has been deformed, due to this, the amount of gas supplied to the burner has decreased and the water began to warm up sufficiently. Over time, the gas supply stopped completely.

Accidentally saw in the gas equipment store silicone membrane. Replaced it in the water unit rubber membrane, after which there were no problems with the gas column.

Slot to choose NEVA LUX-5013 High reliability (as I thought), compatibility of the supply pipes, the water regulator of MERTIK MAXITROL (Germany), the presence of all types of protection, stainless steel casing.

Three years (warranty period) The gas column worked perfectly, but as soon as the warranty was over, water began to drip out of it. First of all, I thought that one of the rubber pads was worn out, I will replace it, and everything will be fine. But everything turned out to be much more complicated than I assumed, and the repair was complicated. An opening of the gas column showed the presence of a fistula in the heat exchanger, from which a thin jet of water was beaten.

The repair of heat exchangers and boilers of gas heaters of a flow-type is dedicated to a separate website repair of the heat exchanger of the gas column soldering with their own hands.

How to disassemble and assemble the NEVA LUX gas column

Before repairs, it is mandatory to break the gas and water taps.

To remove the casing of the gas column, you first need from the bottom, from the pipe input, using a cross screwdriver to unscrew two screws located in the right and left corners of the bottom of the rear wall.

The left handle of the piezoelectric ignition of the lobby and the coarse adjustment of the gas supply is not removed. The right handle of fine gas supply adjustment is held only for the housing with two locks. It can also not be removed. But I usually remove it before removing the casing. In addition, the handle is easy to rotate when adjusting the temperature, I am in a circle where the handle touches the casing, poured it with its file with the locks. Now it is no longer cling to the housing and easily rotates.

Next, it is necessary to pull the casing to yourself before drowning the handles and when the casing will not touch them, move it up. The top slides will come out of the hooks located on the base of the gas column, and it is easy to separate.

The casing of the gas column in place is installed in the reverse order. First, put it with slots on the upper hooks, for which you will have to get up on the elevation, then get a hole on the adjusting handle and simultaneously monitor that the holes located above the holes for fastening with self-drawing, and hit the guides. Cut into place two screws.

The photo shows the appearance of the NEVA LUX-5013 gas column without casing with a new heat exchanger.

Gas column troubleshooting

Gas in the stall goes out

Such a malfunction is inherent only by gas speakers with an automatic protection system. Gas in the stall should always burn regardless of the position of the handles or the valves of cranes and water supply faucets. The simplest automatic protection system of the gas column consists of only three elements: an electromagnetic valve, thermocouples and a thermal stitch. The gas column may go out during operation in case of triggering elements of protection or malfunction of the elements themselves.

NEVA LUX gas column protection circuit

Evidence of the failure of the elements of the automation is the gas extinction in the stall after stopping the hold of the gas adjustment knob. To repair the automatic protection system, you need to represent how its nodes work.

Thermocouples are two conductor cooked together from different metals (I suppose it is a chromel and aluminum), working on the Seebeck effect and producing an EDC in the heating of about 30 mV. It serves to power the electromagnetic valve. Overlooking only after many years of work. The bottleneck of the central conductor leaving the housing is a bottleneck. Although it is isolated, but the isolation can flush over time, and the conductor can close the body, and the gas column will go out.

If the contact at the place of welding thermocouples was broken, then it is unacceptable to restore it with soldering, since the location of the thermocouple is a current generator, and not a simple eclectic connection of the wires. The thermocouple should be replaced with a good or repair.

The solenoid valve is a coil of a copper wire, inside of which a metal cylinder (solenoid) is placed, mechanically connected to the valve of overlapping gas to the burner of the gas column. When the thermocouple is heated, it produces an electric current, which, passing through the coil, creates a constant magnetic field, pulling the solenoid to the coil.

Since the solenoid is mechanically connected to the valve, the valve is shifted, and the gas enters the burner. If the gas in the wick does not burn, the thermocouple cools and does not produce a current, the spring-loaded solenoid returns to its original state, and the gas supply to the burner is stopped. In such a simple way, safe operation of the gas column is ensured.

The thermal stitch is a bimetallic plate, which when the temperature is reached 90 ° C at the site of installation of the thermal stuff begged so much that the solenoid power supply circuit breaks through the rod. In addition, the thermal consistency itself connects to the scheme mechanically, terminals. In view of the complexity of the design and operating conditions, sometimes refuses. I had to replace it once due to the fact that the gas column is unsystemantly Gasla.

Inspection of the thermal stitch

It is necessary to check the thermal stitch if the column goes out, despite the good thrust in the ventilation and the influx of air is sufficient. If in the room where the gas column is installed tightly closed plastic windows, and even in addition, the extractor over the gas stove is turned on, even with good damage there will be no air flow. The gas column will begin to overheat, the fuse will work and open the voltage supply circuit to the solenoid valve. After cooling the fuse again closes the chain.

To check the thermal power assistant of the gas column (installed in its upper part and is available without removing the casing), it is necessary to remove the terminals from it (in the photo of pink color) and move them together with any metal object, such as a clip.

If the gas column starts to work normally, without overheating, it means that the cause of the malfunction is found. Temporarily, before purchasing a new thermal stuff for replacement, you can leave the clip, only you need to trace so that it does not touch the metal parts of the gas column, and not to leave the operating column unattended. The thermal stitch is fastened to the adapter from the heat-resistant plastic with two screws. The adapter on the gas column housing is fixed with a latch.

Checking the electromagnetic valve of the gas column

If the clip did not help, then you need to check the performance of the electromagnetic valve. It has a resistance of about 0.2 Ohm and in operating mode consumes current about 100 mA. You can check it with a voltage of 20-30 MV to the winding at a current of 100 mA. Such a mode is easy to create with any finger battery or battery and a 10 ohm resistor. The battery must be fresh.

Connection is as follows. The minus battery terminal is connected to the column body (in the valve and thermocouples, one conclusion is connected to the housing, on the blue wire diagram), and the plus output through the 10 Ohm resistor to the terminal of the thermal stuff (the terminals from the thermal stuff must be removed), the wire from which does not go to Thermocouple (on the left red wire scheme). Gilt the wick and immediately clean your hand from the gas adjustment knob. Fitil must continue to burn. If you turn off the battery, the flame should be extinct immediately. If everything is so - the electromagnetic valve is correct. Consequently, the thermocouple is faulty. If the external inspection fails to find bad contacts or short circuit of the wires, the thermocouple will have to be replaced. It is sold complete with wires and terminals.

Gas column goes out during operation

No traction

One of the most common cases with the arrival of autumn is a tightly closed hermetic plastic window in the room where the gas column is installed. There is no inflow of air - the column overheats and the bimetallic thermal protection relay is triggered from overheating (self-healing thermal stitch). If after 10-15 minutes the column normally ignites and no longer goes out with a dialing window, then the reason exactly the column overheating. If immediately after the gas is resetting, you can light your wick, and it will continue to burn after stopping the handle of the gas regulator handle, then the pull is good.

The thrust may be insufficient because of the clogging of the soot or fall into the ventilation channel of foreign objects, such as bricks, from which the channel is made. To check the thrust you need to remove the gas supply pipe from the gas column from the channel, and when the window is open, close the channel sheet of paper. If the paper holds up, it means that the thrust is sufficient. You can bring a lit lighter and, if the flame is dismissed to a horizontal position or even goes out, it means a sufficient canal. Otherwise, cleaning channel is required.

Faulty water assembly

Also burners in the column, both with automation, and without it, can go out due to insufficient water pressure in the water supply or malfunction of the water node.

If the head of the cold water has not changed, and the pressure of the water running out of the column has become weak, does not necessarily clogged the mesh filter at the inlet of the water node. This often happens after turning off the water and its feed again. To clean, it is enough to unscrew one cape nut from the water supply side, remove and clean the grid and the calibration hole of the pressure difference.

If a water node is installed in the gas column as in the photo, and the water pressure visually did not change, then it is necessary to check the state of the rubber membrane in it. To do this, unscrew two cape nuts from a water node, further unscrew the three screws that hold the water assembly in the gas unit for the cone. Disassemble a water node, reloading eight screws. Disconnecting the half of the node from each other, you will see a rubber membrane.

If the gum is not flat, but a deformed, with defunctions, it means that it needs to be replaced. At the same time, it is necessary to clean the filter grid and the cavity of the water node from the dirt. I advise you to put a silicone membrane, lasts for many years. When assembling the water node, the screws first tighten up to the stop, and then tighten the diagonally to ensure the uniform clamp of rubber.

In ancient times, when I lived in an apartment on the top floor, where the water pressure was sluggish the current flowing of water from the crane, it was necessary to wash, conjure with a water regulator. Round nadfil increased the diameter of the calibration hole to 2 mm, removed the filter grid and distilled the conical spring of the gas node. If the hole was lashed with the size of the hole, then inserted a copper wire into it to reduce. Of course, it was a gross violation and for a working column it was necessary to constantly follow, but there was simply no other output. But there was always hot water.

How to eliminate leaks in gas column connections

The left pipe serves to supply water into the gas column, it always establishes a crane for overlapping water supply to the column. This pipe is connected by a pipe with a water regulator. From the regulator, water is fed to the heat exchanger on the right side. In the middle pipe of the gas column, hot water is transmitted to the plumbing, and it is connected through the nozzle directly to the heat exchanger on the left side. The right tube in the gas column serves to supply gas and connected through a copper tube to the water gas regulator. It also necessarily establishes a gas overlapping cerave.

The plumbing compounds in the gas column are made by means of precipitated nuts (American) with sealing rubber or plastic gaskets. Over time, the temperature drops, the gaskets lose elasticity, are made with solid, cracks, and flows of water arise. To replace the gasket, you need to unscrew the cape nut, remove the wear and install a new one. It happens, one laying is not enough, the naked nut is spinning until it stops, and the water still wakes up. Then you need to additionally install another gasket. Currently there are gaskets from silicone. They are more expensive, but serve longer and more reliable.

How to replace the copper water supply pipe to the heat exchanger

When connecting a copper pipe, according to which water is supplied from the water supply system to the heat exchanger, collided with water leakage from under the cape nut. Repeated gasket replacement only strengthened water flow.

With a careful consideration of the nozzle at the point of contact of the flange with the gasket and stripping the surface of the sandpaper, a crack was found, which increased during re-connections. The repair of soldering in this case cannot be applied, since when tightening the cape nut is attached a lot of effort, and the solder is soft, and the crack will again appear again.

In the gas equipment store there was no such nozzle, it turned out that this is a scarce position. The seller suggested to replace the cracked pipe with a corrugated stainless steel hose, intended for gas, arguing that it is no less reliable. Since there was no choice, I had to take advantage of his advice. Such hoses are produced in different lengths, and you can pick up for any case of replacement.

The gas tube selected along the length has been established without difficulty. Thanks to corrugation, she was well bent. When checking the gas column, it turned out that water, passing through a new tube, published a loud unpleasant sound. I had to tie the tube to the base of the speaker with the wire (as in the photo in the middle), and the unpleasant sound disappeared.

A year later, water ran out of the gas column. It turned out that the stainless steel tube recommended by the seller rusted at the junction of the tube with a flange, and a fistula was formed in it. Again, the task of finding a suitable replacement tube has occurred.

There was a thought to try to apply a flexible lining for water instead of a copper pipe. For technical specifications, it was quite suitable. The operating pressure has kept up to 10 atmospheres, temperatures up to 90 ° C. True, the inner diameter was less and amounted to 9 mm, but there was no other replacement option.

Flexible watering for water 40 cm long excellent occupied the place of the copper nozzle. A smaller inner diameter did not noticeably affected the water pressure from the crane. Yes, and should not have been, because water is fed into the mixer, too, with a flexible liner with an inner diameter of 9 mm.

How to remove and clean the spinner of the NEVA LUX gas column

Sometimes there is a need to remove the knot of the stobnant, for example, for cleaning dirt. Over time, the dus of the stamp in the gas column is clogged with soot, the flame of the phytile becomes insufficient for the instantaneous ignition of the gas coming out of the burners when water is turned on. Gas accumulates, and when burning a larger volume of gas, than is supposed, an explosion is accompanied by loud cotton. It is dangerous, and it is necessary to urgently clean the burner of the stobnant.

It happens, the burner of the stilt is not a purely blue flame, and half yellow. The yellowness appears with incomplete combustion of gas due to lack of oxygen in the mixture. At the same time, the soot is distinguished, which is deposited on the heat exchanger. Requires cleaning holes for air supply in the burner from dirt.

In the photo above - the type of stagnation is below. The node of the stobnant consists of three parts mounted on the same bar, the stobnant, thermocouples and an ignition electrode. On the left side installed thermocouple. On the right side of the stamp is an electrode for a piezoelectric gas igniter.

When you turn with the left handle counterclockwise, the valve of the forced gas supply to the stall opens and the trigger mechanism of squeezing the piezoelectric element is triggered, which in turn generates a high voltage, about 15000 volts. From the electrode, the spark is sparking to the stobble, and the gas coming out of the stobble is flammable.

This photo shows the type of stamp from above when the casing and the heat exchanger is removed. To remove the stall for cleaning, you need to unscrew the nut fixing the supply tube (in the photo in the center), then unscrew the extreme two screws. Take the bar on yourself and lift up. The jacker is clamped in the stall of the supply tube and falls out when it is released. See, do not lose. It remains only to be cleaned with a thin wire and air supply holes.

In some models of gas columns, an automatic electrically jagged gas is installed. As soon as the cerave of hot water opens, gas is automatically ignited in the burner. But such models have significant disadvantages: it is unstable with a weak water pressure in the water supply and require periodic replacement of electrical batteries.

If the batteries are not replaced in a timely manner, the gas column will not be impossible to light. The last disadvantage can be eliminated by connecting the adapter instead of the batteries that converts the voltage of the household power supply into a constant voltage of the required value equal to the number of batteries multiplied by 1.5 V. For example, when replacing two batteries, an output voltage adapter will be required.

Cleaning heat exchanger, despicable scale

One of the common faults of the gas columns is insufficient water heating. As a rule, the reason for this is the formation of a layer of scale inside the heat exchanger tube, which does not give water to warm up to a given temperature and reduces the output water pressure, which ultimately leads to increased gas flow rate with a gas column. Skip is a bad heat conductor and, covering the heat exchanger tube from the inside, forms a peculiar heat insulation. The gas is open to a complete coil, and the water is not warming up.

Skip is formed in the case of greater rigidity of tap water. What is your water in the water supply, it is easy to know, looking into the electric kettle. If the bottom of the electric kettle is covered with a white bloom, it means that the water in the water supply is rigid, and the heat exchanger is also covered in the inside. Therefore, it is possible to remove from the heat exchanger periodically from the heat exchanger.

There are special devices for removing scale and rust in hot water systems, such as Cillit Kalkex Mobile and washing liquids. But they are very expensive and for home use are not available. The principle of operation of cleaners is simple. There is a container in which the pump is mounted, as in a washing machine for pumping water from the tank. The tubes of the gas column heat exchanger are connected from the scheduling device. The flushing reagent is heated and pumped through the heat exchanger tube, even without removing it. Scale dissolves in the reagent and the heat exchanger tube is displayed with it.

To clean the heat exchanger from scale without the use of automation tools, it is necessary to remove it and blow the tube so that there are no water remains. Anticipin, ordinary vinegar or citric acid (100 grams of citric acid powder soluble in 500 ml of hot water can serve as a purification reagent. The heat exchanger is placed in water tank. It is enough so that only its third part in the water is immersed. Through a funnel or thin tube completely fill the heat exchanger tube with reagent. You need to pour into the heat exchanger tube from the end, which leads to the bottom turn, so that the reagent suppresses all the air.

Put the container on the gas stove and bring the water in to a boil, ten minutes to boil, turn off the gas and give water to cool. Next, the heat exchanger is installed in the gas column and is connected only to the pipe supplying water. The hose is put on the exit pipe of the heat exchanger, the second end is descended into the sewer or any container. Water supply faucet is opened in the column, the water will displace the reagent with scattered in it. If there is no high boiling capacity, then you can simply pour a heated reagent into the heat exchanger and to withstand several hours. With a thick layer of scale to fully delete it, the operation of cleaning may need to be repeated several times.

Gas with burning in the wick loudly noise

After installing the gas column, NEVA-3208 was manifested an unpleasant phenomenon that does not affect the quality of the column work. Gas with burning in wick in the duty mode published a rather loud sound, which was unpleasant for hearing and created discomfort. After reflections and experiments managed to get rid of noise in a simple way. Suggested that the gas jet in the burner under pressure, pulling out from the gibber and hovering about the wall in the bend of the burner, creates conditions for burning with noise.

To verify this assumption, a strip of a fuss of approximately 3 cm long and a width of 5 mm was put into the burner and a width of 5 mm, the main thing is to get inside the burner. Noise disappeared. If your gas column is also noise, you can take any metal strip, for example, cut out from tin from a tin can, make a hole on the edge on the edge, wear a strip on a lined and hooked on the end crochet and shove it into the burner. It turns out the similarity of the fishing flares. The clip is needed so that the metal strip can be removed from the burner, if the noise does not disappear, although if it is lit normally, you can not remove it. This experiment can be carried out, without even removing the casing with the gas column.

The water from the column is very hot

In the warm season, when water in the water pipe is warm and the pressure is small, the problem arises, it would seem associated with a malfunction of the gas column. When installing the gas supply knob to the minimum water heating position, the water from the column is still very hot. This is not a malfunction, just this model of the gas column is not designed for such a mode of operation. In the instruction manual, the minimum water pressure is usually indicated, in which the gas column provides normal operation.

Solve the problem is very simple: it is enough to limit the gas supply, breaking a bit of the gas supply tap mounted on a gas pipe before the gas column input.

Installation and operation instructions for gas speakers

Before taking on an independent installation or repair of a gas column, I strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the installation and operation instructions.

Gas speakers operating instructions.

Need repair gas column "Oasis"? German-made technique is characterized by high-quality assembly, but it does not work out without breakdowns. If you do not work, the gas heater flows or goes out, read our article. We will tell: how to determine the breakdown, how to cope with problems with your own hands, what measures to accept that the technique is no longer broken.

The main causes of malfunction, their elimination

The designs of all gas columns are similar to each other. Why not to summarize all problems and not write the options for their solutions? Because every brand has its weaknesses. Then there are faults characteristic of specific brands. We analyzed user feedback to gather reliable information for you.

In Water heaters, the "oasis" factory marriage happens extremely rare. Device diagram:

The cause of breakage can be external and internal factors:

  • Incorrect installation and connection.
  • Incorrect operation.
  • Bashes in chimney and ventilation.
  • Problems with internal nodes: scale, corrosion.

Ways to eliminate these problems we described below.

The column does not ignite

There may be a lot of reasons, we will help you figure out. The main thing is to determine the location of the breakdown.

If the device does not ignite at all, the spark is not produced, then:

  • Droinated batteries. Devices with automatic ignition work from batteries. To replace, take high-quality elements with a good charge. If you detected to flow at the place of their installation, read all the contacts and install new batteries.

  • Problems with cravings. For normal operation of the technique it is necessary to have a thrust in chimney. If it is not, inspect the ventilation hole for a blockage. It can be a foreign object, soot or garbage from the street. If possible, clean the hole. Watch that the chimney outlet is not blocked.

How to find out if there is a traction? Light the spike, bring the speaker to the viewing window. The flame deviates - there is a traction, it burns smoothly - no. You can still lean the sheet of paper to ventilation. In the presence of traction, the sheet is plotting to the conclusion, otherwise falls.

  • Water pressure regulator is set at a minimum mark. The system creates a small pressure to trigger the membrane and opening the gas valve. Set the regulator to the maximum value.
  • Low pressure in the highway. When the crane is opened, a thin strika flows? Contact waterochannel and wait when the feed is restored. If this happens often, it is recommended to install a circulation pump.
  • Net filter clogged. The item is located at the entrance to the water assembly, it delays the fine garbage that comes with water flow. It is necessary to disassemble the node, rinse the filter under running water.
  • Membrane stretched out. The element serves to start the gas valve. At pressure in the line of the membrane, stretched, pushes the rod and opens the valve. Over time, she wear out, so she needs a replacement. You can read this here: ""

  • Measuring microswitch. It is not repairable, so I need a replacement.

  • Problems with wiring. Remove the casing, inspect all the wires leading to the control unit. With insulation violation, replace the loop.
  • Malfunction of electromagnetic valvein the gas node. You need to inspect, check and install a new part.

Column flowing

Talk is a serious malfunction, but you can cope with it yourself.

Leaks the gland through the rod. To make sure that, remove the casing and check where the water flows from.

How to conduct a free repair:

  • Remove the adjustment knob by pulling them on yourself.
  • Remove the four casing fastening screws.
  • Disconnect the display.
  • Remove the batteries from the block and dismantle it by unscrewing the bolt below.
  • Disconnect the water hoses.
  • Remove the water valve bolts, remove it.

  • You got to the gland and his rod. When dismantling the old stock, the gasket can remain inside - it is not scary. Just remove the gasket from the new part and install.
  • The assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

The easiest way to eliminate leak, if the hole was formed on the outside of the tube. Then you can use cold welding. Internal corrosion needs the use of a soldering iron or burner with a temperature of 170 degrees. Rosin or aspirin tablet is suitable as a flux.

Before starting work, prepare the radiator:

  • Drain the water from the pipes.
  • Dry.
  • Clean the place of soldering in small emery paper.
  • Wipe the degreasing means.

You can start repair. To the fistula no longer manifested itself, the solder thickness should be 2-3 mm. Inspect the node for green spots - these are future fistulas. Better immediately take care of them.

Terminal heat exchanger

How to understand that the radiator is scored:

  • Long heat heating.
  • The stream is not hot, but warm.
  • Together with water, the pieces of scale.

These are indirect signs, so it is better to inspect the device. Screw on the plates of heat exchanger and coil appears from poor-quality water and high heating temperature. It is recommended to install 55 ° C and do not mix streams on the mixer.

There are two ways to get rid of the crowding.

  1. Without removing the knot from the column. You will need a special pump with tubes. A reagent is poured into it, which can be bought in the store or produce based on hydrochloric acid. Connect the hoses to the coil and run the pumping until the whole scale comes out of the holes.
  2. With dismantling. This is a more fiscal option. A deep container is filled with water, the heat exchanger is lowered into it. A solution of citric acid (150 g / 750 ml) is poured into the serpentic acid solution. The container is placed on the stove and boils 15 minutes. The radiator is then washed under running water, dried and installed in place.

Gas smell when turned on

This is a serious and dangerous problem. Immediately break the supply of gas! Contact the gas service.

Probably loose gland. Replacing the gas leakage should be carried out by a specialist. How to disassemble a gas-water node and get to the gland, we described above.

Starting the technique to operate, learn the instructions. It is recommended to carry out a preventive inspection of all the assemblies of the water heater. Now you know what to do. And if confused, overlap the fuel supply and contact the service center.