Repairs Design Furniture

How to close the cracks in the floor between the boards: methods of elimination and technology sealing slots in a wooden floor. Sealing slots and seams in the wooden floor sealant - choose the best, reviews of the gap in wooden floors how to dress them

  1. Causes of appearance
  2. Description of the work process
  3. Application of a wooden rail
  4. Shpalian

Tree - natural material with good thermal insulation properties. Over time, slots may appear in it.

As a result, the strength of the flooring decreases, drafts will occur, the garbage will be accumulated in the resulting holes, dirt, from the sample to the room will be the unpleasant smell of dampness, rot. But you can close the slit, and independently.

It is necessary to close the slots in the wooden floor in time: defects reduce the strength, it becomes dangerous on the flooring.

Causes of appearance

  • Seasonal moisture drops. Usually related to the inclusion of heating. Wood begins to dispel due to reduced humidity: the air indoors becomes more dry. When the heating is disconnected, the humidity comes to normal, but the structures, the floors do not restore the former shape. To protect the tree from drying out, you need to constantly maintain a microclimate in the room with humidifiers.
  • Violation of flooding technologies. The cement-sand base may be underwent. Tree eventually starts to comb. Such defects are observed with incorrect laying of a vapor barrier film between wood and cement.
  • Incorrectly selected material. High-quality floors are obtained from boiled boards, oak breeds, tropical trees. Lipa, Maple and some other species are not suitable.
  • Use poorly dried boards. When buying a material, it is necessary to check its humidity. The optimal value is about 6-10%. It is not recommended to purchase material from the open warehouse.
  • In older rooms there can be rodents who spoil the floors. In this case, you need to close the hole, pour all the moves with concrete mixed with glass or aluminum crumb. It is not recommended to pour in the hole rat poison: rodents can disseminate it in rooms. The refive is eating an unpleasant smell, which is then difficult to weathelate.

What will required to eliminate holes?


  • wedges of wood, rail, cord (kapron or nylon);
  • pleaster, sawdust, epoxy resin, package;
  • special silicone, putty, plow glue;
  • hammer, brushes with rigid bristle, spatula, woodworking tools, mastic.

Description of the work process

From the damaged area removed furniture. In the room wash the floors. If the plot is small, it is marked with chalk. A rigid brush or a sharp spatula cleaned the sticking dirt. You can remove the paint coating if it interferes or contributes to the expansion of the holes.

Repair technology depends on the location and nature of damage.

Application of a wooden rail

This is the most effective way, but takes a lot of time. It is used more often if the gap is quite wide and deep.

Start working with milling saws of holes and cracks: they must be expanded. Then drive the ducks. Clean the ends of the boards of sandpaper. If the gap between the board and the wall, then the walls are also cleaning. Rakes are made from the boards of the same breed as the main floor, the size of 0.5 cm is less than the dimensions of the holes. Reiki are cleaned.

Boards are treated with glue, glue. Make a mixture of glue and sawdust. Sluts and other small defects are appleed. Damage between the wall and the floor in some cases is poured with sealant.

After putting the slots, the surface is treated with varnish and paint under the main shade.


If a hole or slot of a small size, it can be sharpened. Use several options:

  • Mix the hubber (or pva) with wooden sawdust. Before this sawdust is flooded with boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours to swell. Then glue is added to the mixture, mixed thoroughly. Ready solution should reach.
  • To smell the gap between the boards, you can mix the sawdust and gypsum dust in the 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is poured with boiling water. The consistency of the finished solution should be thick and tight. Limonic acid can be added (100 g per 1 liter).
  • Less reliable mixture of paper (cardboard) and alee. Pre-crushed pieces of cardboard and paper are poured with water so that they are swollen. Mixed with a hub.

The mixtures are applied to the damaged plot with a spatula. After drying, it is covered with varnish and paint under the color of the floor.

Write a sim question at the stage of buying a material, because the slot in a wooden house can show themselves not only in the interventory space, but also on the surface of the raw material. How to choose the right material with the lowest losses and conduct a high-quality process on the pantry and sealing gaps, the details below. It is worth noting that neglect of this action will attract not only the impossibility of comfortable living, but also damaging the material.

Wood cleanliness - quality deposit

Buy absolutely smooth raw materials are possible. But the absence of cracks and cracks rather a sign of freshness of a bar or logs. So, wood carries a large percentage of humidity, which is not good, since when a device in a log house, the shrinkage is capable of deforming elements and cracks will appear inevitably.

It is best to acquire dry raw materials with minimal web defects, then there is a chance that the technology of exposure and drying is observed. How to fix these disadvantages and what to livel the booster of a log house or a crack of the profiled timber? With the help of many funds known since the times of our ancestors. Namely:

  • Car glue + Wood waste. This is the most affordable means for independent quality work.
  • Synthetic derivatives - sealants, mastic, resins, mounting foams.
  • Canopate with jute, flax, pacle and moss.
  • Decorative seal.

Read more about the processes available for nonprofessional:

  • Using carpentry glue to close the gaps in a wooden house, it is possible both at the finish stage and subsequent regular inspections of the object for damage. The tool is affordable, cheap, benefit brings a lot. But the disadvantage is only use in small areas, with extensive lesions it is worth using something else.

So: the places of cracks must be soaked in small emery so that the sawdust and wood dust are collected. Next, the paste is prepared - glue is poured into the mass.

The substance is then laid in crack and left for light grasp. After the grinding machine is processed.

  • Using the sealant for sealing a wooden house gaps, you need to assimilate one rule - acrylic options are not suitable for external work. Also with alertness, it is necessary to refer to silicone - they can smear in the cold, so the bottle should be labeled strictly like frost-resistant. It is worth picking up the appropriate color to the general wood background.

Before applying, the gap is required to be treated for biological damage. It will not be afraid to walk, in general, all sorts of defense. Further, the sealant is inserted into the gaps as deeply and compared with the surface.

The sealing of the gaps in the wooden house of the installation of the assembly purpose is recommended only under the condition of further cladding. The view it has non-reported and even after cuts of protruding parts of attractiveness is not added. In addition, foam is a peculiar foam, having cells.

Consequently, the moisture comes there is able to hold and act destructive on wood. Resins and mastics can play the role of putty, but at minus temperatures they are destroyed.

  • Konopka is the best way to seal the interventical gaps of the finished log after shrinkage. It is periodic and passes in three stages. The first is immediately after assembling the object, the second after shrinkage and the third after 3-5 years of operation.

This process - sealing the gaps in a wooden house - are subject to structures from all types of raw materials - timber, logs. Sellers of expensive materials - glue or profiled kit are not eligible to say that their wood does not need it. There is practically no such a species by raising without the occurrence of gaps and cracks.

The process of the cacopa is as follows:

  • Pre-surface of the walls are purified from chips, protruding fasteners and other things. You can use the grinding machine or a vacuum cleaner.
  • Then the surface, especially the places where it is required to seal the gaps, in the wooden house is impregnated with chemical or natural protection against fire, fungus, humidity and mold. Each layer must finally dry before applying the following.
  • Next, close the gaps in a wooden house with a chosen poodle will not be difficult. For this there are two ways - in a set and spit. The first for thread-shaped materials - pakle, rope.

The second is for ribbon materials: jute, flanutin. Use in the process follows with special tools - a good, flat panty and a painting for neat drivening.

Sufficiency is checked - if it enters the embedded clearance with difficulty, the material is laid qualitatively. But it is impossible to overdo it too - you can disrupt the position of the crowns.
  • The work is carried out strictly in a circle, on both sides. Regular prevention and release of the house from the old material - the key to the unprofitness of the house.

Decorative caulkit is as follows:

  1. As a material, a decorative cord is used and such raw materials are used to bring the gaps in a log house look beautiful on the road and elite material - a gluing bar, a rounded log.
  2. Before laying a twisted rope, they produce manipulations of ordinary for caulking - cleaning, impregnation. Next, the gaps in the wood are sealant, mastic or resin. This is done just in case, if the cord suddenly falls.
  3. It remains to put the rope. With the help of tools, it is neatly driven between logs, without waiting for a complete drying of a substance laid before caulking.

The sealant for the wooden house slots will grab along with the cord, and the strength will be provided. When rope with rope, you should begin with angular conjugations and after working on the rest of the sections.

The sealing of the gaps in the wooden floor is required in cases where the boards for the time of their long operation fumbled, and began to make a creak of some flooring. Since the wooden floor was used by centuries, during this time a lot of ways to repair were invented, and with the advent of new materials, the possibilities of elimination of flashes expanded even more.

Therefore, when you have arisen, it is necessary to make the slots, you can always choose exactly the method that is most accessible by execution. To be aware of how to solve these problems, you need to consider some of them.

The repair of a wooden coating can be divided into three types:

  • Full dismantling of the floor and bulkhead of the flooring. To spend this procedure, you will need a hammer with a nail and a small lomik. Such large-scale events are conducted if there is a suspicion of damage to lag clamps to which floorboards are used.

The boards are carefully moved, they choose healthy and strong specimens. If it is required, they are a little grinding to align unevenly harsh edges.

It is possible that some of the floorings will have to be completely replaced, so it is necessary to provide in advance by bought material for replacement. If there is a need, change some elements of the crate.

After all repairs and preparatory actions, the floors are stacked again. At the same time, the boards should be tightly fitted and fixed to lags.

A similar type of repair is necessary if you close the slit, due to their size, is simply ineffective.

  • The partial dismantling of the board of the floor is carried out in cases where the flaws on the boards were formed at certain sites, where wide gaps and boards appeared, began to issue screens. The flooring in these places is neatly removed, and the new one is stacked instead. Most likely, the second type of repair will have to be carried out in the complex with the third, most common.
  • In most cases, it is necessary to perform only repair work on the sealing of the slots. This can be done in different ways. Select a specific technique, first of alldepends on the magnitude of the slots and the scale of their distribution of the floor surface.

Methods of sealing slots

The gaps in the floorboards may appear in various areas, so it is necessary to consider not only the technology of work, but also the options for sealing materials, as well as places where flaws may arise.

Gaps between the wall and boards floor

Between these elements of the structure, small distances are always left for ventilation and in case of expansion of the material with temperature and humidity drops. But if over time they have increased overly, they will need to be treated. This can be performed using a construction foam, sometimes even adding small pieces of foam. The work is carried out in stages:

First, it is necessary to carefully dismantle the plinth;

Then clean the gaps from dust and accumulated dirt;

After drying the foam, the surplus is cut off exactly along the catchers;

From above the seams will be best close to putty, so that in the pores of the frozen foam, dust was not going;

Sealing gap composition glue + sawdust

The repair of the floor, on any of its sites, can be carried out with adhesive composition, which can be made in one of two ways:

First option

  • At first, minor sawdust is prepared. They are placed in a comfortable container and poured boiling water. The mass is mixed to up to the ethnicity of homogeneity.
  • Speakers leave swell and cool for one or two hours, then the mass is mixed again.
  • Further, adhesive (carpent or PVA) is added to the prepared sawmills, and the mass is well mixed up to that condition until a pulling consistency has a high adhesion.
  • Then you can move to the preparation of the floor - all the gaps are cleaned of dust and dirty plaque. Sometimes, if necessary, their upper part expands slightly.
  • Prepared adhesive mixture with a narrow spatula is applied on the slit and neatly tamples inside, as far as possible, but without much effort.
  • From above, the mixture is spilled, the surplus is cleaned.
  • After complete drying, two to three days, the slits are polished with sandpaper or procyclusive With a special machine /

Video: homemade putty from sawdust and pva

Second option

It is possible to repair the floor coatings and differently using the repair composition from sawdust and glue, but with the addition of cement.

  • For this, two parts of the PVA or the joinery of the glue takes, 15 pieces of very warm water is added to this, everything is well mixed to full uniformity. Next to the resulting adhesive solution is added 5 parts of the cement and the same - sawdust. The mass is mixed and left for 7 ÷ 10 minutes. If the mixtures need to give a certain color of wood, then you can add a special coloring pigment or thick paint on an oil basis.
  • Next, the slots in the floor are purified and lubricated with glue, which was used to manufacture the repairs described above.
  • The very mass itself need to warm up a little, and then quickly enclosure with a slight spatula, trying to align the surface.
  • To complete this composition, it will take about two weeks. Then the slots must be treated with abrasive materials to perfect evenness.

This method is often used not only for sealing expanded cracks, but also to align the floor surface to a smooth state.

Repair with putty

If you do not want to mess with the manufacture of complex compositions from numerous ingredients, it is possible, of course, to do it easier: to purchase a special putty on the tree in the construction store and close the gap to her. This option is suitable if the gaps not all great. But you need to know that such a putty autumn is often short-lived enough - it can over time can crack and crumble. Therefore, it is better to use it when it is planned to close the old boards plywood.

The finished putty is also applied by a narrow or rubber spatula, pressing it into the gap. After grabbing it, it is necessary to align the extinguished surfaces using the available means of abrasive wood processing.

Sealing slots with alert and paper

This method is easy to perform and absolutely not expensive. To perform such a process, you will need a hubby, paper and a little copper vapor or, as it is also called, "blue stone". This ingredient of the composition is necessary in order for the glue mass over time the nests of various small insects appear.

  • Paper rut into small pieces or cut, then it is poured with water. Paper need to give time to turning.
  • While the paper mass is preparing, you need to cook aleas. It is cooked from flour or starch and water. The water is adjusted to a boil and gradually fall asleep into it one of the selected ingredients, constantly stirring, so that there are as few lumps as possible. The composition should cool to a warm state.
  • Then the Clean Summary of 1:10 is added to the Clauster.
  • Next, the paper mass must be squeezed, chop out with your fingers, add to the honest and mix thoroughly. There should be quite thick and homogeneous consistency, by type of smear.
  • Preparation of the slots to the impression is happening in the same way as in other cases. The main thing is to achieve absolute purity.
  • Next, the mass is superimposed on the gap and tampering in them. From above, it needs to be pretty loosen, and after drying - to align the sandpaper.
  • After that, the floor can be safely painted.

Sealing slots cord

For a long time known method of sealing slots and not only between the genital boards, but also in the walls, with the help of a cord selected by the width of the holes. The use of this folk technology will help not only get rid of the gaps in the floor, but also save residents from the unpleasant screenshot of the boards.

For the repair process, it is necessary to have a twine, rope or cord from any material, sawdust, carbon black or PVA and putty.

  • The cord needs to be skipped through the glue so that it is completely lubricated them.
  • Next is made a mixture of putty, sawdust and glue.
  • The rope is placed on one of the gaps and deepen it inward to such a state so that it was 2 ÷ 4 mm from it to the floor of the floor - this is a necessary condition.
  • The distance from the cord thoroughly compacted to the surface of the floor must be filled with a cooked mixture with a small margin from above, since the hike, the adhesive putty will necessarily give a shrinkage.

Sealing slots using rails or wedges

A more complex method of sealing the slots is also long used - with thin rails, dried to an angle in the form of wedges. These items should be carefully seized and should not strongly cut the floorboards, but at the same time, completely close the slots. Work is carried out in several stages.

  • As with other repair work on the sealing of the sex flaws, the slots need to be cleaned and somewhat expand their upper part.
  • Further on the size of the gap is made by the rake, narrowed to the lower part, so that it, like a wedge, was included in the prepared and purified groove.
  • The gap and the rake are thickly processed by PVA or carbon black glue.
  • Further, the rail passes into the gap, it can be slightly tied up with a rubber hammer or a refinery, or to accommodate a plate on top and score a rack through it with a conventional hammer.
  • If the rack did not fully enter the slot, and its small part protrudes over the surface of the floor, then it is removed by the plane after complete glue.
  • With when changing this method, sealing the cracks in the floors, the color of the robbed-wedge-wedge will differ significantly from the main coating, so they can be compared with the help of simulat or well-chosen paint.
  • If there is a thick layer of paint on the floors, and he cracked and radiated around the slots, it can be removed using a constructional hair dryer or to clean up using special nozzles on a drill with a soft iron brush. You can resort to emery paper installed on the grinder.

Other repair methods

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are many other well-known techniques. In addition, building stores can offer numerous modern materials for these purposes.

  • Pacle - All familiar building material from flax fibers, which has long established itself with its positive qualities. Therefore, even with the advent of numerous new compositions for sealing slots and cracks, it is not in a hurry to refuse.

This material is treated with joinery glue and tamper it in the slot in the slot using a girlfriend. After drying the glue, the slits are tinted into the tone with a shared floor.

  • The composition of epoxy glue and cement, which is prepared on the basis of equal proportions of the material, is perfect for repairing floors with small slots. This remedy is neatly poured into the openings with top, based on the fact that the mass will see. Since the epoxy composition in the knee was grasped quickly enough, he will not have time to leak into the subfield.

Then after drying the glue, the slots are grouped, and the paint is covered.

  • The composition made of thick oil paint, sawdust or shallow shavings and a tree varnish in proportions 1: 4: 1, mixed into a single mass of homogeneous consistency, is also excellent for embedding the slots of different sizes. The process can be carried out in one stage, when The gaps are poured immediately, and maybe in several stages, when it is named in cases where there is such a number of different size of the slots between the flooring, which is simply embodiment, it will be easier to make it easier, observing all the technologies of working with plywood, consolidate it on the floor of the floor with self-draws and to close all the flaws that appeared.
    • Well suited for sealing seams and a well-known sealant, which has a comfortable packaging and a nozzle in the form of a syringe. Thanks to this special device, you can fill in carefully both a wide slit and a completely narrow, cutting off the tip to the desired thickness.

    The sealant perfectly closes the gap and frees from the encryp. Raced under the pressure created in the syringe, it closes the entire inner surface without a tuck or application of other effort. This is a durable and quite reliable material that will save from problems for many years.

    Well suited to eliminate sealants made on acrylic and silicone basis, which are designed to work with wood. They are very simply applied, dry quickly. Therefore, if there is no experience in the manufacture of special compositions or there is no desire to bother with them, but there is an opportunity to purchase a ready-made means for such a repair, you can stop your choice on sealant.

Publication date: 28-09-2015

Often, during the operation of wooden floors, there is a need to repair, that is, eliminating the slots between the floorboards and getting rid of the grueling screen, which occurs when walking. You can do this in various ways, although in most cases it is still recommended to dismantle the old coating and completely kill it. In our article, we will look at several methods, how to close the gaps in the wooden floor as quickly and efficiently.

Methods to eliminate non-psychic slots

Wooden floor

Among the methods today are the most diverse, but all of them can be combined into two groups:

  1. Dismantling and bulkhead floor. All boards are removed using a lomika and a nail, after which the whole and strong boards are selected. After that, the floor is filling anew, tightly customizing and strengthening the boards to each other. This method is recommended if the slots are very numerous and large, that is, to close them with ordinary methods is useless and inefficient.
  2. Partial repair of the wooden floor, in the process of which all the slots are filled, and individual floorboards are tightly adjusted. This method is recommended when the number of slots is small, and most of them are most in good condition. The sealing of the gaps in this case is performed using special mixtures or mounting foam. If their width is quite large, you can use wooden wedges, fully filling the space between the floorboards.

Consider individual options that exclude the dismantling of the entire floor and allow you to quickly and very effectively close all the gaps and eliminate the unpleasant creak.

For the first way, we need to prepare the usual wallpaper glue and fine wood sawdust, which are mixed before receiving a homogeneous, very thick mixture. Usually, such a mixture is mixed in high containers using a wooden stick for this.

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Sawdust and glue against slots

Initially, hydrofins are poured into the bucket, which are flooded with boiling water and mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass.

It is necessary to leave the resulting mass for cooling and swelling for about an hour and a half, only then gently add glue into it. The mixture is laid until it becomes sticking to the stick and does not acquire a durable consistency.

Before starting work, all the gaps are cleaned, of which the dust and garbage must be completely removed. The resulting mixture is applied using a spatula. After that, the surface is smoothed. The mask should dry up for about two or three days, after which the place of repair is open to a smooth state.

The second method involves the use of a more durable mixture consisting of joinery glue, cement, small sawdust. For this, two parts of the joinery tile glue and fifteen parts of water can be prepared until the entire mixture is completely dissolved, after which five parts of sawdust and five parts of cement are added to it. To give the necessary color to the solution, you can make a pigment or oil dense paint.

All cracks in the floor before repair work should be cleaned and lubricate with adhesive solution. The resulting mixture should be made only in the hot state. After it fully solidifies, the surface of the repaired area is polished until all tubercles, scratches and roughness disappear. For a complete drying of such a mixture, it is necessary about two weeks, only at the end of this period, the floors can be worn thoroughly.

The same mixture is applied when it is necessary to close the recessed nails caps before the coating flooring or to give the floor of the smooth, even look.

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Cleaster and bitumen against cracks in the floor

Masset for eliminating gaps can be made of a paper-based mixture resembling a papier-mache technique. Materials for this are applied the simplest: old newspapers and hobster. The mixture is made in this way: the paper rifles into small parts and is poured with hot water, after which the hubber is prepared separately with a small addition of simple joinery of the adhesive.

The Clauster itself is preparing simply: flour and starch should be added to boiling water and cook the resulting mixture on a conventional water bath.

Paper at this time swells. After cooking, excess water merges, and the remaining mixture is added to the hubble. The consistency should resemble a dense window putty. The gaps are completely filled with this mass, when washing the floors it does not twist. This method is used to close the small slots before painting.

More complex ways are used to eliminate large gaps in the wooden floor:

  1. The soft method is as follows: twine is soaked in the joinery glue. Then, with the help of a wedge and hammer, it is permanent into the cleaned gap. As soon as the glue is polymerized (it takes about a day), all irregularities are filled with putty and align.
  2. The hard method involves the use of wooden wedges or planks that are clogged into the gap. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully customize such strips in size, they must completely overlap the gap, not leaving no gaps.

Also, such methods as the fill of the gaps with a hot bitumen are also used, flooring on top of the floor of plywood or chipboard. This reliable methods give a long-term effect, but they are too radical, in most cases much easier, more efficiently and cheaper to use the two methods specified above.

Wooden floors as in appearance and in their environmental and thermal saving qualities are one of the best for installation in the apartment, house, srub, in a bath or in the bathroom. But unfortunately, over time, they can lose their original attractive look - appear slots in the wooden floor. This can be caused by a variety of factors.

To avoid the emergence of defects, it is necessary to control the process of laying such a floor from the very beginning - a concrete screed, which serves as the basis of the floor should dry well. Otherwise, evaporating moisture will be absorbed into the tree, which will lead to its deformation. The boards used in operation should be well dried, and the floor laying technology is respected to the smallest detail.

The low level of humidity in the room can also cause a dry drying, and even a seasonal increase in humidity to the required level in 40-60% will not return to the case, its original appearance.

The reason for the appearance of the gaps can be rodent.

Equally important and selection of wood for the floor. The most stable deformation is the oak, the "risk zone" can be attributed to the cherry, male, pear, beech.

But if sexual defects still appeared - do not despair, there are a lot of ways to combat this problem (from old, tested by the time of "grandfathers" methods to technologies using modern building mixtures and materials that will eliminate defects and cracks even in laminate). They all will help to return the wooden floor attractiveness, eliminate the flow of cold air, without resorting to expensive work on the coating smoke.

Shpalkes and mixtures for cracking

It is possible to close the gaps in a wooden floor in a house or a litter with a shtcloth, self-cooked from glue and sawdust. But before the start of restoration work, it is necessary to prepare the floor: to thoroughly wash and dry, the genital clearances clear from the garbage driving in them with a brush or spatula. The solution is pretty quite simple: wood sawdust poured boiling water leave for half an hour to swell. Then, constantly stirring, wallpaper glue is added to them until the mass becomes the weight.

The gaze obtained is needed to carefully smear all the cracks in the house (Siruba), pressing it on the whole depth, and leave to dry for 3 days. After drying, all irregularities are easily cleaned with sandpaper.

Cutting mixture

No less effective is a tool at which paper and hubblers are used for putty. Grinding paper Soak water and leave to swell, then squeeze and mix with the hub. The gaps are close in the same way as in the first case, the shp can from sawdust and glue.

If the reason for the appearance of the gaps in the house or litter has become rodents, then some restoration work is not enough, it is also necessary to carry out "preventive" measures so that such holes do not appear again and again. Before the cosmetic restoration of the floor (applying the shta), it is necessary to pour holes with a mixture of concrete and broken glass.

Close up big gaps

But if sex cracks in a litter, for example, quite wide (from 5 mm and more), and their edges are uneven, it is better to strengthen the walking design with the help of rails:

  1. to do this, it is necessary to pre-process the gaps between the boards using the milling installation and drive into them the shkes;
  2. from well-dried pine boards to prepare the rails of the desired size - they must be a little less than the width of the slit (for example, for a 6 mm gap, you must select a ray of 5.5 mm wide);
  3. then carefully laughing the PVA glue not only racks, but also the edges of the very gap between the butts of the boards;
  4. we glue the ducts and rails into the holes, and the remaining fine cracks and the gaps are making their own prepared composition of PVA and sawdust and sawdust (the depletion of the shtlotka is brought to the consistency of sour cream) or the finished plaque mixture;
  5. we proceed to the "Beauty Guidance": Spin the floor with a grinder with sandpaper, and to align the color (incised rails will, as a rule, a more dark shade), process the floor with a mixture of simulane and varnish (the painting tape is glued along the board). For the maximum effect, the varnish with a verse is better to apply several layers.

Sex defects in a litter or house (this method is suitable for any room, even for the bathroom) can be embedded and quite old, but a proven santi method. Instead of the rail, a synthetic rope of the corresponding thickness impregnated with PVA glue is used. The rope is clogged to half the height of the board in the gap, and the remaining emptiness pour the whole mixture of PVA glue and sawdust, a little bit "with a slide." The protruding glue after drying is easily cut by a conventional knife.

Wooden floor restoration in a bath or bathroom

When processing cracks and gaps in the bathroom or bath, it is necessary to more thoroughly process the seams to preserve the tightness of the floor. After repair work, it is necessary to open the treated surface with water-repellent paint or varnish, otherwise the increased humidity or water drops entering the bathroom in the bathroom are absorbed into the tree, which will lead to the re-deformation of the tree.

To close the sex gaps in the bathroom, it is recommended to use a plumbing pass. Wet in glue, it is pressed into the gaps and leave until complete drying. Small gaps or cracks can be treated with a special shplanyow for wooden surfaces (desirable possessing water-repellent and antifungal properties).

One of the most reliable methods for processing gaps and cracks in the wooden floor (this method is perfect for premises with high humidity - for a bathroom or bath) is considered the following: using epoxy resin. At first, a mixture of epoxide and a hardener is prepared, then cement interferes in it (in a ratio of 1: 1) to the consistency of sour cream. Processing the slots in the bathroom is necessary quickly until the solution is dry. Large clearances should be predetermined by packles or cord. It is necessary to pour the resulting mixture "with a slide" - it will settle as drying.

But whatever way you choose to process wooden floor in the bathroom or bath, do not forget about finishing: grinding and flooring with special varnishes or paint.

Parpet update

Fully overlapping the cracked, deformed parquet - quite costly time and means an event. Therefore, the question arises than to close the cracks in the floor without carrying out large-scale repair work.

Initially, it is necessary to clean the parquet from the old varnish and dirt. The gaps in the floor are carefully cleaned with a brush with a metal bristle, the remains of the garbage are removed by a vacuum cleaner. Then you need to choose the proper tip of the shta. It depends on many factors: the type of wood coating, the size of the defects and the planned top coating (varnish, paint or oil).

When you were determined with the putty, you can proceed to work. It is more efficient to apply plaque material over the entire surface, and not to close each slot or clearance separately. Thus, you will handle even small, not visible floors.

The gaps in the floor must be filling with a solution to the entire depth of a special spatula. Then it is necessary to give the shp can dry and only after that proceed to the finish coating.

How to close defects and cracks in laminate

The slots in the laminate are dangerous that the surface of the surface of the surface will be much faster to absorb moisture, and this will lead to the deformation of the entire floor covering.

Transfer the floor (as in the case of a parquet coating) is not always the possibility. The simplest, fast and inexpensive tool is the use of a special repair solution for processing chips, cracks and defects in the laminate. This composition is sold in building stores in a large assortment, allowing you to choose the necessary color for your floor covering. In order not to damage the floor, it is not applied with a metal, but a rubber spatula.

The sealant is used to seal deep gaps and holes in the laminate. Wooden bars or rails are inserted into saving the cracks, the repair agent is not applied to the entire depth, but only on the upper part of the hole.

Shallow scratches, pulling on the laminate (with insignificant damage only the top layer) it is easy to disguise with special wax pencils.