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Shafran sharp. Saffron - invaluable spice. Taste quality and what spice looks like

In the cooking of many countries is deservedly called "King Spices". The exquisite fragrance, the unsurpassed taste and ability to paint the dishes in very beautiful golden colors have been huge popularity.

In the process of cooking, saffron is used both as a whole, and in the powder condition. In the latter case, it often insisted in warm water.

In Europe and North America, the most extensive scope of application of this spice is the production of confectionery products. It is used as an additive to cakes, cakes, cupcakes, roma women, liver, korzh, as well as confectionery gravy and creams. This spice attaches a unique taste of various sweet dishes - moussam, jelly, creams, fruit gravy, ice cream. In Indian cuisine, it is often added to a variety of desserts and sweets - rice pudding (Khiir), yoghurt drink "Syrochand" and others.

Culinary Eastern countries apply saffron in meat, chicken, rice and vegetable dishes. In Europe, they are squeezed with dishes from particularly valuable breeds of stew and boiled fish, including fish soups. In different national kitchens, it serves as a magnificent seasoning for meat, vegetable, rice and bean dishes.

Saffron remarkably shakes the taste of dairy products, also helping to absorb the milk in the process of digestion.

Saffron's ability to give dishes with a beautiful golden color and kind of tip is widely used in the preparation of white meat dishes, birds and a pair of fish. The products prepared in this way have a kind of fried, being actually dietary.

In the food industry of many countries, it is used as a dye for cream oil and cheeses.

In the production of alcoholic beverages, it is often used for fragrances and staining of various liqueurs.

Saffron does not tolerate the presence of other spices, so it is not included in spicy mixtures. In dishes, it is almost always used independently. Saffron is a very strong spice, so it is used in microscopic doses. Even a small excess is able to spoil the dish by making it bitter. Therefore, in the cooking, it is unlike many other spices, not in dry form, but in the form of aqueous or alcohol solutions. Such solutions are pretty simply. Spice (several flowers of flowers) for 15 - 20 minutes before its immediate use is poured with warm water (in the ratio of 1 g of spices by 120 ml of water), and then used as needed. Alcohol tincture (i.e., the strokes dissolved in alcohol) before use are bred by water, after which dishes are introduced during their preparation.

Norms and methods of bookmarking this spices vary depending on the type of dishes, culinary traditions and tastes.

The most common norms are the following: in the dough dough, the saffron solutions are administered when they are kneaded or before baking, based on 0.1 g per 1 - 1.5 kg of baked products. Second and sweet dishes - for 4 - 5 minutes in the same proportion.

Turmeric Or Indian Saffron is one of the most important spices of India. Its numerous useful properties. Causes Why do you need to start using turmeric.

If you are cooking traditional or not very, Russian food, then most likely you did not hear about this unusual spice. And if heard, it was hardly prepared with her. Well, if you prepared with her, they did a great gift to all of our body, but not realizing it.

Kurkuma got into my field vision a couple of years ago. Moreover, not even in food.

A familiar woman brewed himself every morning smelling tea and when I wondered what this tea was received by a very unexpected answer - turmeric.

It turned out that she began to drink this very strange tea for ordinary people, after he moved several operations to remove the malignant breast tumors, and then the ovaries. She has been drinking tea from turmeric for 2 years - there was no new occurrence of tumors from that moment.

I am wondering if there are real reasons to believe that Turmeric can actually prevent or reduce the development of malignant tumors.

And what was my surprise to discover numerous studies proving not only that, but also that turmeric is effective against Alzheimer's disease and arthritis!

Now I am not only adding turmeric into dishes recipes, but also put it in your morning smoothie!

Kurkuma - Great Spice. For many reasons, which will be discussed in this post.

What is turmeric?

Kurkuma is a powder obtained from the root of the Curcuma Longa plant. In English, Turmeric is called - Turmeric, and on Hindi - Haldi.

Her , Also, called Indian Saffron, because Europeans, without having access to Saffran, replaced it with turmeric.

Municipal turmeric is Indonesia and South India. At this time, India, China, Indonesia and the Philippines supply the most turmeric.

Kurkuma is the main spice in India. It began to use millennia ago and still use not only in cooking and in Ayurveda, as a medical spice, but also for cosmetic purposes and even for painting fabrics and materials.

It is she who gives curry his famous yellow color.

Kurkuma is rich in iron and manganese. Also, contains vitamins B6, K and fiber.

What is curcumin?

Kurkumin is the main unique active substance contained in turmeric. It is at the expense of Kurkumin Kurkuma who has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Kurkumin is also one of the strongest antioxidants known to humanity at the moment. His antioxidant activity exceeds the seeds of grapes at times!

What useful to turmeric?

Kurkuma helps to fight chronic inflammation

Inflammation is a very important protective reaction of our body.

Acute inflammation is even useful, it helps our body to deal with alien particles falling into our body (viruses, bacteria, mushrooms, etc.) and restore damaged klekes and fabrics.

But long chronic inflammation does not bring anything good to our body, it is one of the reasons for many chronic diseases of the modern person (cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, etc.).

Kurkumin blocks a molecule that activates genes responsible for prolonged inflammation in our body. That is, Kurkuma is struggling with chronic inflammation at the molecular level.

Kurkuma has the same anti-inflammatory power of action, as well as chemical preparations, but without any side effects.

Turmeric prevents oxidative damage

The result of which is premature aging and the development of diseases. Free radicals react with cells of our body and DNA, provoking oxidative inflammation.

Kurkumin, being an antioxidant, protects us from free radicals. Turmeric not only dialects free radicals, it still stimulates the production of our own antioxidants.

Turmeric improves the function of the inner shell of the wall of our blood vessels

From the state of which the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases depends.

Turmeric has a pronounced anticarcinogenic property

Kurkumin not only helps to prevent cancer development, but also can affect the development, growth and distribution of malignant tumors.

In experiments on rats, it was proved that Kurkumin reduces the development of blood vessels in tumors, prevents metastasis and destroys cancer cells.

Turmeric prevents and improves the state of people with Alzheimer's disease

Scientists argue that by 2050, in 1 of 80 people will develop this terrible degenerative disease.

Alzheimer's disease occurs when the protein fragment of amyloid-in accumulates in brain cells, provoking oxidative stress and inflammation. As a result, plaques are formed between neurons, which prevents the normal, full functioning of the brain.

Turmeric suppresses the accumulation of amyloid-in in brain cells and splits amyloid fibers more efficiently than many modern medications.

In India, by the way, the very low percentage of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. And even Cancer meets in the USA 3 times more often than in the same India.

Possessing a strong anti-inflammatory action

Kurkuma helps to reduce pain and improves the mobility of joints in people suffering from arthritis.

Kurkuma - New Medicine against Depression

Often, depression is associated with a decrease in the levels of not only the main transmitters of the serotonin brain and dopamine, but also a special neurotropic factor. Turmeric increases the levels of these substances in the brain.

Turmeric helps to fight overweight

It has a thermogenic property - naturally supports metabolism and helps more productively burn calories. Also, Kurkuma improves bile outflow, which splits fats obtained from food.

Kurkuma strengthens immunity

And has an antibacterial effect. In India, it is used instead of an antibacterial cream from time immemorial, simply sprinkled with her scratches, wounds and burns.

And further…

The use of turmeric significantly reduces the risk of leukemia development in children.

Turmeric cleales from toxins and restores the liver function.

It helps not only to deal with acne and problem skin, but also with psoriasis and other inflammatory skin diseases.

This spice is a very effective means to combat thrush or candidiasis, thanks to its anti-gribal action. You can include it in my treatment plan and prevent thrush and candidiasis described by me .

It supports the musculoskeletal system and prevents osteoporosis.

How to take turmeric?

It is very important to know that Kurkumin is very poorly absorbed from our gastrointestinal tract in blood.

To increase the absorption of turmeric, it is necessary to take it with black pepper. Black pepper contains piperin, which increases curcumin absorption to 2000% !!!

I buy an Indian turmeric from an Indian store. Or . The additive from turmeric in capsules will cost you about $ 20 for 60 capsules. It turns out a lot cheaper to buy high-quality curcums for weight.

You can make home capsules from it or, if you, as I do not interfere with her taste, can add to kefir, yogurt, smoothie or brew tea with it.

Recipe for real Indian Golden Milk.

Turmeric Beneficially affects the skin. In India, there is even a tradition, where in one day before the wedding on the body and the face of the bride and the bride apply a paste made fromturmeric To give their skin radiance!

I tried to add turmeric to my favorite body scrub (recipe ), but then I decided to throw this idea, because my skin painted turmeric in a yellow color, and not yet completely, and stains ...

Be careful with turmeric, because it leaves spots not only on the skin, but also on materials and tissues. I once, by negligence, waking up a turmeric on the carpet and then rubbed the spot for a week with a hydrogen peroxide!


  • People who suffer from stones in the gallbladder, diabetes and which take medicines that dilute blood (type of warfarin) - be careful.
  • Kurkuma stimulates bile outflow, can provoke a decline of blood sugar levels and has a body-burning property.
  • Consult your doctor before starting to use turmeric.
  • Before any surgical intervention, you need to stop drinking turmeric in 2 weeks, for the same reason.

I advise everyone else to familiarize yourself with this miraculous spiing closer.

Saffron over the centuries remains one of the most expensive, elite, luxurious spices in the world. It has a specific aroma and spicy bitter taste, slightly resembling honey.

Title in English: Saffron.

Name in French: Safran

Synonyms: Crocus, Karkum, Zafran, Zaafran

What form is sold saffron: Dried or Fresh Flowers Flowers Prestlery Crocus, Powder

Where Saffron is used

Add this seasoning into dishes is needed in a minimum quantity, since an overdose can play a screw joke: the luxurious saffron will turn into a poison for a person.

Only in one gram of the product contains up to four hundred veins, and for the preparation of one portion, for example, the pilas will need five pieces. Avoid an overdose helps a traditional way to use this spice:

  • shafran strings are slightly roasted in a frying pan without adding oil,
  • after that, they are sorted into powder and bred in water, alcohol or milk;
  • the resulting solution is added to the dish by drop.

Thanks to the ability of Shafran to give food unique golden color, excellent fragrance and spicy taste, this seasoning is highly appreciated by culinary and confectioners. It prepares a variety of soups, dishes from all types of meat and birds, fish and seafood, vegetables and mushrooms.

One of the best combinations - saffron with riceSo it can be safely added to such dishes as:

  • pilaf and risotto;
  • porridge and casserole;
  • rice pudding.

This spice is highly valued and in cooking. A tiny pinch, added when kneading, will significantly improve taste and aroma:

  • of bread;
  • pies and diverse baking;
  • fruit and berry desserts;
  • jelly and ice cream.

Without combining this seasoning with others, you can cook magnificent sauce, jam, mousse, cream or jam. Some people in different regions of our planet traditionally add saffron to tea or coffee. It enters the recipe of some liqueurs.

What is the swollen saffron

The unique properties of this spice are not in vain, highly appreciated in many cuisines in the world from ancient times. Saffron is remarkably combined with a huge amount of products, such as:

  • meat and bird;
  • fish and seafood;
  • vegetables, asparagus, mushrooms;
  • cheeses and butter;

What can not be combined saffron

Saffron is a very strong seasoning, which is difficult to combine with others. That is why it does not come in any popular mixture, which is preparing by the type of olive or French herbs. It is extremely rare to meet a combination of this seasoning with garlic powder or red pepper. In any case, professional cookies prefer to acquire crocus pestles in its pure form.

The spice has an unusual ability to reduce appetite and lead to rapid saturation with a rather small amount of food consumed. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to mix with strong alcohol and wine, as it enhances the degree of intoxication, headache and hangover, so consider it, choosing drinks. Nevertheless, in small quantities, the saffron remains a permanent and magnificent addition to the liqueurs, exquisitely expecting their taste and aroma.

Useful properties of Shafran

A huge amount of useful substances in crocus pestles make this spice an important addition in the treatment of a variety of diseases. In its composition, the straight of the plant contains:

  • carotene;
  • essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • licopene;
  • gum;
  • sahara;
  • wax;
  • microelements of phosphorus and calcium;
  • vitamins.

This seasoning not only reduces appetite and improves the digestive process, but also serves as an excellent antipyretic agent, sets up the metabolism, removes slags from the body with joy and urine.

The plant and for the work of the lymphatic system, spleen and lungs are useful. Saffron is part of some preparations that help with cough and cough. Improving the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, the plant increases immunity and resistance to infections, improves the overall condition of the body and skin color. In addition, Saffron is often used in complex therapy in the treatment:

  • oncabolic;
  • violations of vision;
  • neuralgic states;
  • depression;
  • thumping syndrome.

Possessing the ability to increase the level of serotonin in the blood, this seasoning is actually a light psychotropic substance that does not cause dependence and addiction. Aromolamps with saffron help from insomnia, normalizing breathing, removing the headache and reducing the level of anxiety.

Contraindications for use

The tonic organism and leading it to the state of strong excitement Saffron is extremely contraindicated to people:

  • suffered heart attacks and strokes;
  • suffering from cardiovascular diseases;
  • in need of constant peace.

Always remember that a large amount of this spice added to any dish (overdose) can become fatal for humans. It is also extremely undesirable to use this seasoning when preparing dishes for pregnant women. Enhancing muscle tone, saffron can lead to an abutient effect.

  • This spice is known to man more than four thousand years, although scientists believe that the paints of which entered the crocus's extractive pestles were applied by our ancestors for rock paintings still in the era of Neolithic.
  • The value of seasoning is not reduced by centuries. At one time, the spice fake could be paid to life, and the pound of saffron on the market will exchange on the best Arabic hill market.
  • Until now, annually in the world, no more than three hundred tons of seasoning were produced, since the harvest procedure is very delicate. On the first day of the crocus flowering, it is necessary to manually manually assemble the veins of the pestles from all the blooming flowers. Given the short-term blossom and relatively small volume of cultured fields, it is not surprising that the cost of saffron at times exceeds the cost of any other spices.
  • If you decide to buy this seasoning on the market, be sure to look for dried reddish-brown or saturated yellow veins. Expensive and rare spice is often forged, offering powders from other plants of the same color instead.
  • Perishable dishes, when the preparation of which this seasoning was used, will be kept much longer than without it. However, Saffron itself has a rather short shelf life. It is not worth buying it about the reserve, since after six months he can spoil, pale and lose his exquisite fragrance. Modern technologies are trying to overcome this temporary dependence, so that in hermetic packaging from manufacturers with a reliable reputation, saffron is stored longer.

In the article we tell what dishes they add saffron, how they make this spice, what is her aroma and taste. You will learn how to replace the saffron, how to choose the seasoning and distinguish it from fakes.

What does saffron look like, the taste and smell of seasoning

Saffron is the dried stalls of the purple sowing crocus. Crocus - bulbous plant without stem. Flowers and leaves grow out of the bulbs. Crocus flowers are quite large, they have gently - lilac, sometimes saturated purple color. From one bulb grows from 1 to 3 flowers in the form of a funnel.

Saffron is a crocus sowing

For the manufacture of seasonings, saffron now does not use wild crocus. It was replaced by specially derived varieties, which have larger flowers and long stigs. For the first time massively grow saffron began in Spain. In addition to Spain, the main suppliers of Saffran - India, Italy and Iran.

Crocus plantations are updated after 3-4 years. For the production of saffron, not the entire flower is used, but only a still. Crocus has only 3 stilts that collect in a special way in a short time. Growing, harvesting and drying saffron is a special and very laborious process.

Saffron is a red-brown thread or dark red with splashes yellow. The spices have a strong original fragrance. Saffron taste has a bitter, spicy, with a honey hint.

How to get saffron

Above, we said that Saffron makes from crocus stilts. Tell how the fragrant seasoning is obtained.

Crocus blooms once a year and only 2-3 days. As soon as the flower is revealed, it is broken and cut off the still. After that, the stigs are dried under the sun, in dryers or on fire. The slightest breach of technology or drying time strongly reduces the quality of seasoning. It is also important that the weather during the collection stood warm, dry and windless. Otherwise, raw materials can spoil. As soon as the saffron fits completely, it is cleaned into hermetic containers. There are several varieties of saffron, which determine its quality.

Saffron, which is grown in Spain, 2 types:

  1. Coupe. For him, the most fragrant part of the fishing is the top.
  2. Superior. For him, whole boxes of saffron are used, so the aroma and the taste of seasoning is not so bright.

Kashmir Saffron grows in the north of India. If in Spain, the saffron is dried in the stoves, then in India only in the sun. When saffron is assembled, it is sorted, they lower the stroke into the water. Those who sank to the bottom are considered the highest grade - Shahi.

The largest global supplier of Shafran - Iran. Iranian saffron differs from other species with a strong coloring effect and inexpensive price.

What dishes add saffron

Saffron used in cooking

Below will look at where to add saffron. Note that the saffron is poorly combined with other seasonings. Therefore, when you prepare the dishes and add saffron, do not add other spices.

Saffron is widely used in cooking. Add a bit of spice in the dough and it will acquire a yellowish color and a pleasant aroma. You can add saffron to desserts, creams and alcoholic cocktails. For the same purpose, the saffron is used in the manufacture of sausages and cheeses.

The original aroma and taste of Saffron gives dishes from rice. Add it to the pilaf, risotto, stewed meat, broth. European countries often add saffron to fish dishes. Well shadows saffron taste of vegetables and meat.

How to distinguish real saffron from fake

Saffron - one of the most expensive seasonings, because of this, the likelihood of buying a spice, which only looks like it. Let's wonder how to find out the real saffron or not.

For Saffron, velvets or Imeretic saffron are often issued. This spice is yellow-red. Ryns of high-quality saffron have a dark red or red-brown color, on the touch they are soft. Pay attention to the price of spices. If you are offered a real saffron to buy cheap, most likely it is a fake.

Also, under the guise of Shafran, the petals of Saflore are sold - "Mexican Saffron". It is often used for painting caramels or tea mixtures. In some countries, it is used instead of saffron.

Another spice that can be sold under the guise of Saffran is the ground root of turmeric. It is difficult to distinguish ground saffron from velvets, safflower or turmeric.

To avoid fakes:

  1. Buy saffron only in the stilts.
  2. Pay attention to the shape of the stroke, it should look like a drop-down tube with a gear top edge.
  3. Pay attention to the color and smell. Safran has a bitter-spicy fragrance.
  4. Do not forget - it costs cheap chantran.

Where to buy saffron

Buy saffron in specialized stores that can provide you for spice documents. They should contain a manufacturing country. Main countries - Saffran Suppliers: Iran, Spain and India. We do not recommend buying saffron in the markets, as it is high risk to acquire a fake.

What can replace saffron in dishes

Since it is difficult to buy a real saffron and not for everyone to pocket, consider how you can replace this spice.

Saffron can be replaced with turmeric, it also gives dishes a pleasant yellowish color and spicy taste. Imeretin saffron or dried velvets can also be a spices substitute.

Read more about Shafran in Cooking See in Video:


Saffron has a number of contraindications. Especially carefully choose its dosage. Usually grabs 2-4 rolls of saffron. In large quantities, saffron poisonous. In large dosages, it causes nervous excitement. A year can not be eaten more than 1 gram of saffron.


  • pregnancy;
  • high pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

What to remember

  1. Saffron is obtained from dried sowing crocus stilts.
  2. Spices have a strong original aroma and bitter spicy taste.
  3. Main countries - Shafran manufacturers - Iran, Spain, Italy and India.
  4. Saffron is added to meat, vegetable dishes. In cooking, use to give a beautiful color with baking, add to creams and desserts.
  5. Be careful when buying a saffron, since it is often formed. Buy it only in the threads. Pay attention to the shape of the spice, color and flavor of spices.
  6. Replace the saffron in dishes can be turmeric, Saflower petals or Imereti saffron - veletz petals.
  7. Observe the dosage. Saffron in large quantities is dangerous.
  8. Remember the contraindications.

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. More expensive than Safran nothing is not only in the world of spices and spices, but in the world of food: neither oysters, nor black caviar, no truffles can make it any competition in weight and price.

You will learn from what makes saffron, where they are used, which dishes are added saffron, and most importantly, as distinguish the real seasoning from fake, cheap imitation, which is filled with markets and shops. So, in order ....

What is saffron.

What is useful saffron for women

Well known in the east The beneficial effect of saffron on the body and health of the woman, first of all, on the reproductive system and the general state of the female organism:

  • saffron regulates the hormonal background, and with him a woman leave all sorts of fears, excitement, a good mood appears
  • stimulating the selection of pheromones Saffron restores the desire and enhances sexual sensations.
  • cleaning skin, leather becomes gentle, soft, healthy color
  • saffron helps to cope with depression and stress, removes Handra
  • levels uncomfortable sensations caused by Climax.

Useful properties of saffron for men

The use of saffron men also has a good impact on their health. Given the wide range of spice on the body, many functions are restored:

  • improves brain work, efficiency and stress resistance
  • restores erection and enhanced sexual attraction
  • spice - excellent antioxidant and prophylactic agent of all sorts of cancer
  • saffron contributes to the treatment of the urinary sphere, incl. Oncology prostate
  • well removes toxins, helps to cope with the atelastical syndrome and intoxication