Repairs Design Furniture

As raspberries spread on an industrial scale. Business plan for growing raspberry. Early and repairing - this is the question

Farm Nick and Kati Evans (Haygrove Sidlesham), located in the south of the British Islands, has been working since 1999. Production on this farm is located in several places and objects of different types (greenhouses or tunnels). Dominates in the production of raspberries (250 tons of berries per year), strawberries are also grown.

Photo 1. Nick Evans grows raspberries in tunnels and greenhouses

Strategy of cultivation

In this farm there is no uniform technology of cultivation or scheme according to which raspberries would be grown. Everything changes as a kaleidoscope, it happens the same plant for one season can grow in several objects. All this is done in order to use the available shelter available as possible and get the berry at the right time. Raspberries is grown exclusively in containers, while used both conventional containers and a film sleeve. In a situation where containers are installed in the tunnels, an important point Isolation from open soil. Most. simple way It will be the use of a coarse perforated construction film (as in the foundation isolation). The place where the film is pre-prepared so that the film creates the form of recess. Maravilla variety dominates the cultivation, Kardinal variety is also grown. Both varieties from a group of varieties with fruiting on annual escapes are grown by two harvest for one season. The growing strategy of shoots is very diverse, and the fact of obtaining a crop is two or once in the season depends on the state of plants and market conjunctures.

Photo 2. Containers with raspberry seedlings are installed so that they are isolated from the soil

Nick Evans production begins from the purchase of raspberry roots of Maravill's crust, the corresponding number of which landed into containers, receiving annual shoots and autumn crop of raspberry in the year. The shoots that fruiting have cut off in the fall and leaves for fruiting next year (Long Cane). Summer yieldWhich begins to collect at the beginning or middle of June, receives from last year's shoots. At the same time, annual shoots grow from which you can get a crop in the fall (photo 3). These shoots try to grow at different times, so that the fruiting is distributed over time. Containers of 7-8 liters in size, in which plants are grown, filled with coconut-based substrate. A 2 container is installed on the lineage meter of the row, each leaves 5 or 6 annual shoots or 3-5 two-year shoots. After two years of production, all shoots are usually removed that next year get a harvest only with one-year shoots. In the last, fourth year of operation, the harvest is received again, both on two-year escapes and annuals. In general, the plantation is operated for 4 years (such a service life is registered in the contract with Driscolls, the owner of the Maravilla variety).

Photo 3. Growing raspberry Maravilla variety - fruiting on annual escapes

When growing in the tunnels, as Evans informed, we get a rather good crop of raspberries - upon receipt of the harvest twice during the year we collect about 35 t / ha.

In addition to growing in tunnels, raspberries and in greenhouses are grown, which makes it possible to get higher harvests and an earlier berry. In greenhouses, raspberries are grown more compact (about 9,000 containers per 1 hectare.) Than in the tunnels (7,500 containers per 1 hectare). The collection of berries in the greenhouses usually begins in the first half of May, and at this time the price is very high. On average, with a summer yield, you can get up to 3 kg. Berry S. square meter, and in the fall additionally about 2 kg. From a square meter. Or total yield will be 50 t / ha.

Strategy of cultivation

Raspberries in the tunnels grown interesting way. The sleeper is very simple, but at the same time very reliable. The backbone of construction is quite powerful extreme wooden poles With impregnation (photo 4). In addition to the main columns on the line of the row, additional side poles are installed every 5 meters (about 70 cm. From the row line). Thus, they create a design to accommodate lateral laces supporting fruit-making laterals. Along a series of shoelaces are tied to freely placed rails (tied only with a lace from additional pillars in the row line), which can be closed or removed from the row line, as well as adjust the installation angle (photo 5). This is a very profitable system that is very quickly installed and also quickly removed.

To obtain good harvestThe obligatory point will be the right agricultural engineering in the tunnels, the creation of an optimal climate and is important - the nutrition of plants. In these issues, Nick Evans cooperates with the company DLV Plant-GreenQ, whose consultants regularly inspect its farm and prepare recommendations related, including and with plant nutrition. When growing raspberry at 2 crop, an important point is to balance the nutrient solution so as to get good quality Beat and at the same time the optimal growth of young shoots.

Photo 4. Trellier for raspberry - extreme pillars are very important

Photo 5. Along a row of shoelaces are tied to freely placed slats

It is very important to control the EU of the soil solution in containers, a decrease or an increase in the concentration of which can negatively affect the growth and fruction of the raspberry. As the Mariusz Padewsky consultant informs, the EU of the soil solution must be constantly monitored, for this purpose it is best to get the root com from the container and produce measurements in the central part of the root coma (for this purpose it is best to use Wet Sensor type equipment). Such control should be made every few days. The optimal EU for raspberry depends on the time of vegetation, but should be within 1.5 - 2.0 MS / CM, a pH vanish around 5.2 - 5.4. It is impossible to admit as a special increase in the level of the EU and its decline. In addition to the continuous control of the EU, every 2 weeks you need to analyze the substrate and leaves. And only on the basis of such analyzes, consultants make changes in the nutritional solution for plants.

An important point on which special attention should be paid is to create a proper drainage - during flowering and fruiting should be at the level of 15-25%.

Drosophila Suzukii - Permanent Fighting

A serious problem with which Nick Evans is constantly fighting is Drosophila Suzukii. This pest in his farm appeared in the first year of registration of him in England and the farmer himself was convinced of what huge crop losses he could cause. To combat it takes a lot of preventive measures, so as to prevent the dissemination of this pest in their objects. The most important condition is hygiene. It can be seen when growing, when there are no weeds in the tunnels, no berry residues. The entire defective berry is carefully assembled and taken out from the tunnel, it is not allowed that the berry would lie on Earth or remained in the trays. For this purpose, all the lower leaves are removed on the shoots (up to a height of about 50 cm.) So that the substrate surface under the plants is clearly visible. The defective berry is collected in special dense containers, which are later exported, and their content is disposed of.

The next element in the fight against this pest is pheromon traps that large quantities Wavy in the tunnel. Most are homemade traps that were made from plastic bottles with cut holes. In these bottles, a liquid was poured to attract pests. Such traps are hanging around throughout the farm and around it. The owner took care of the fact that a wild blackberry grew around the farm. I received even a special permit for the destruction of wild blackberries in the neighborhood, because actually the D. Suzukii is developing in the wild blackberry and after that it flies on plants in tunnels or greenhouses. With a serious level, the threats other than the prevention also conduct chemical processing. In England, spinosada, chloropiryfosa and tiachlopryda are allowed for this purpose, which have a short period of action, but allow for some time to limit the spread of this pest for a while. This year, there were experiments of spraying of plants with raspberries by the drug, which in its composition contains calcium hydroxide (should prevent the eggs from the eggs of the females D. suzukii in the fruits). It was also found that this pest is found to plantations even before the first berries appear. At this time, the flowers of raspberries and their nectar attract it, which is feed for this pest.

Translation from the Polish magazine July-August 2015

Malina refers to the most popular cultures in our country. Unpretentiousness to the soil, and high demand attracts the attention of entrepreneurs to its cultivation. The cultivation of raspberries as a business is beneficial not only from the point of view of the implementation of berries, but also from the point of view of additional income from the sale of raspberry seedlings.

Where to start a raspberry business - a selection of a plot and variety

Malinnik - a plant loving moisture and sun, and this must be considered when choosing a portion for growing. The type of soil does not matter much, because raspberries grow even in the forest. But the best option Experts consider the soil with sand, supplemented with a pH level of no more than 5.8-6.2. The size of the site depends on the planned size of business on raspberry.

The second step is the choice of a variety of two types: two-year and. The first starts fruit only for the second year, the second is already on the first one, and the harvest matures 2 times - in the summer and early autumn.

When calculating the starting capital, it is necessary to take into account that seedlings remote raspberry more expensive than two-year-old.

Plus a two-year-old raspberry - sweet and fragrant berries, but it often freezes in winter.

Removable varieties are more resistant to low temperatures and pests. The disadvantages of the repair species include lower taste and the fact that with adverse weather conditions, the autumn harvest does not have time to ripe.

The most promising summer varieties for business on rain are:

  • Lash;
  • Octavia;
  • Zyugana.

Lashka. - Early grade from Poland. The berries are delicious, solid, cylindrical up to 4 cm long and weighing 5-10 g, well tolerate transportation. Frost-resistant plants (up to 30 ° C) and high-yielding (up to 20 and tons with hectares).

Disadvantages: with very low temperatures The kidneys are damaged and during the growing season requires protection against diseases.

Octavia It is considered the most promising variety with large red round-conical fruits (weight 6-8 g). Berries are dense, so they hold on the bushes even after long rains. High yield (up to 24 tons with hectares). Plants are resistant to diseases, but it is difficult to multiply.

Zyugana - Variety brought from Switzerland. Berries have an excellent taste (sweet-sweet), well tolerate transportation, stored until 7 days at a temperature of -5 - +3 o. Weight of the berries 4-12 g, shoots almost do not need the trellis, well transfer the lack of moisture, when good care Fruit already in the first year. The only drawback is sharp spikes.

For business, 3 removable varieties are also suitable:

  • The regiment - ripens in the fall, berries weighing 4-8 g with a good aroma and taste, yield reaches 10 tons with hectares, well multiplies with roots, do not require trellis;
  • Joan Ji is large (up to 6 g), solid, dark red berries, yield 16-19 tons with hectares;
  • Himbo Top - Berry reaches weight 10 g, dark color, tasty, solid, plant requires garter, resistant to diseases, seedlings are good for good.

Business plan for growing raspberry

The business plan should consist of the following sections:

  • the main objectives of the enterprise;
  • organization of the production process;
  • conditions at the time of the start of the business (area and other characteristics of the site, the need for employees);
  • analysis of demand and competitors;
  • financial indicators;
  • analysis of the alleged markets of sales;
  • sales promotion plan;
  • advertising.

Particular attention should be paid to the section "Financial Indicators" and section "Organization of the Production Process".

"Financial Indicators":

  • the amount of initial investments;
  • volume of current expenses;
  • pricing;
  • planned income from the sale of raspberries;
  • profitability of raspberry business;
  • the payback period of initial investments.

The amount of initial investments depends on the planned scales and the selected raspberry variety - the larger the plot and more expensive seedlings, the more investments.

Current spending depend on the level of wages for employees, the need for a selected variety in feeding and protection against diseases. Prices must stimulate demand, therefore are established only after a thorough analysis of the existing demand and prices of competitors.

Revenue from business on raspberries depends not only on demand and average price, but also the quality of marketing events, weather conditions in a specific season, markets. After all, raspberries can be sold not only to individuals, but also manufacturing enterprises (for recycling) and shops that carry out wholesale purchases.

The answer to the question: how much can you earn on raspberries, it depends on whether only berries will be sold. After all, in order to increase the income, seedlings for sale can be further grown.

From these statistics, it can be concluded that for summer varieties, growing raspberries as a business profitability reaches 35-36%, and initial investments pay off in 4 years. As for repairing varieties, with their growing profitability up to 65%, initial investments pay off for 3.3 years. Profitability indicators are rising if selling processes and cuttings.

Business on Malina - Organization of the Production Process

Before disembarking purchased seedlings, you need to carefully examine their roots. They should not be thickens similar to peas that indicate enough serious disease - Bacterial root cancer. "Peas" at the ends of the roots can be trimmed, cuts to be treated with a solution of copper sulphate.

Malinik in early spring Or before the first autumn frosts. The distance between the rows of 1.5 m, between the seedlings is 50 cm, the landing depth is 10 cm. After planting the soil, it is necessary to cover the mulch layer, and trim down to the ground level. If the selected varieties are required for the selected varieties, then after every 5 m in the soil, stakes with a length of 1.5-1.8 m and the wire is stretched, to which the plants will be tested next year.

Next year, the Malinik looks like this:

The main task in this period is thinning and disposal of landing from weeds.

If the production is large enough, it is not desirable to be limited to one raspberry. It is better to purchase several and sear in separate areas to determine which of them best suits specific conditions.

If it is planned to sell seedlings, they can be grown from roots or cuttings. At the first method, trenches are digging down to 50-cm deep, the roots are laid out, and they are pulled out.

In the second method, the cuttings are needed up to 12-cm long. They are cut in autumn, falling asleep with a layer of peat with a thickness of 5-7 cm and are placed in a cellar or a unwanted greenhouse. In the spring, the cuttings can be seeded on the beds or in small containers.

At a large scale for the period of harvesting, hired employees will necessarily need: after all, raspberries are removed only manually.

Russians love raspberry, but not everyone has the opportunity to grow it, especially in big cities. In supermarkets, of course, you can buy a frozen or reworked berry, but not to all of it to taste. Therefore, the cultivation of raspberries as a business is quite promising, especially if combined in the cultivation of other cultures.

Video about the raspberry kingdom of farming

The success of the culture of raspberry is largely determined right choices Plot. For her, deep dell, poorly planned plain sections with stocks are unsuitable.

The best place for raspberries is the middle part of the gesture slope (up to 5 °), protected by the dominant winds. Protective plantings should ensure the accumulation of snow, but also not to prevent the flow of cold air and good lighting.


For growing raspberries in industrial sizes, a cultural turn is introduced. A certain area is divided into two parts.

On one lay raspberries, alternation is introduced on the other:

  • 1 year - black pairs;
  • 2 - winter + perennial herbs;
  • 3 - herbs;
  • 4 - herbs;
  • 5 - wintering;
  • 6 - wet (except for passion) or busy steam.

Thus, after six years of the preparation of the soil in this area, raspberries are planting (6-8 years of fruiting).

After 2 years, the plantation is translated into the fruitless, older is crush and repeat the accepted alternation of cultures again.

To improve the water-grade mode, the plow sole of the soil is destroyed with a depth of 50-70 cm or plow a plow with a soil bunch of up to 35-40 cm.

Raspberry plantation with a wide technological nearby.


Organic fertilizers 150 t / ha, phosphoric - 200 and potash - 300 kg are introduced before planting at average soil. Landing seedlings are made in autumn or early spring.

Planting scheme 2.5-3 × 0.3-0.5 m. When landing, used Machines 3, SLN1.

Malina does not tolerate a deep landing, so the shroud of seedlings do the same as they were when they grew up in the nursery.

After planting, a peat is mulched 15-20 t / ha.

Within two years after landing on the plantation, all necessary agromatic events are carried out, contributing to the preparation of plants to complete fruiting. At the end of the first year, the tweer is put.

Growing scheme

In case of ribbon cultivation of raspberries, the band strip is left up to 40 cm. Wide bands are thickened with rabbing ribbon, lead to deterioration light mode For stems, which helps reduce the harvest.

The ignition of shoots in the strip is carried out with a substantive processing and hand cutting of weak, patients of broken stems. At the same time after harvesting, the stems are removed.

Finally establish the number of shoots for fruiting in the spring. The optimal load is considered to be 15-20 stems per 1 m.

In addition to the main trimming, it makes the approach of annual stems in spring to well developed kidneys (15-20 cm). To preserve the above-ground part of the raspberry from low winter temperatures, shoots to the ground and tapping bundles to the base of adjacent bushes. The height of the escape arcs formed should not be higher than 25-30 cm.

Suitable for winter shoots are saved from the frozen layer of snow, so this agrotechnical admission is effective only in areas with snowy winter. In areas with unstable snow cover in winter months It can freeze the most productive middle part of the stem, which is above the snow level.

The variant of continuous cultivation (in the photo) is allowed only with small land plots.

Main works

The cultivation technology of raspberries on plantations with an intermittent fruiting cycle.

When developing technology, proceeded from the following basic provisions:

  1. Mechanization of the clipping of the branches of the branches and the removal of them from the plantation is possible only with solid mocking of all branches without a choice.
  2. Mechanization of the berry collection requires the lack of young shoots in the arrangement zone of the crop.
  3. Tillage in the ranks is possible in the absence of shoots.
  4. For successful combating disease and pests, it is necessary to systematically eliminate sources of infection.

These conditions predetermined characteristic feature And the essence of technology is the fruction of the raspberry plantation in a year, in intermediate years it is only prepared for fruiting.

So that there was no break in the receipt of raspberry berries by year, two equivalent plantations are created with the only difference that in one year the harvest in one year, and the shoots are growing at the other.

For all the rotation, including 11 years, 2 years, each plantation is located in the category of young, for 5 years it is cleaned with a harvest for 4 years and there is a rustling of shoots for 4 years.

Choosing a place and organization of the territory

Preferences are given to sites, safely in relation to late and early frosts, soil erosion (slopes up to 3-5 ° or smooth areas with the following valley - for the flow of cold air).

The best soils are the average and light loams with pH 5.8-6.7, with a high content of humus and the security of nitrogen at least 10 mg per 100 g of soil, phosphorus - 20 mg, potassium 25 mg. Level groundwater Not closer than 1 m.

The array of the array is divided into quarters (8-10 hectares area), and the latter for production cells of 2-4 hectares.

Aryptic stripes are planting around the crop rotation area of \u200b\u200braspberries, and the coarse lines of the structural structures are produced along the borders of the quarters. Best breeds For protective plantings - Birch, larch, Iva.

Predset preparation of soil

In the year of planting the soil is contained under the black ferry. Generally accepted recommendations provide for the destruction of drinking and the cohesion by herbicides.

Organic fertilizers are brought in the spring at a dose of 100-200 t / ha and mix well with soil when plowing to depth 30 cm. In the middle of the summer, superphosphate double 180-240 kg / hectare and potassium sulphate up to 120 kg / ha. Then the soil is discouraged and pampered in 1-1.5 m before the landing of the raspberry so that the soil compacted enough.

To improve the water-air regime, the plow sole of the soil is destroyed by it up in two directions with a distance between the slits 1-1.2 m to a depth of 50-70 cm. This operation can be replaced with plowing plows with soil bumps to a depth of 35-40 cm.

Immediately before planting the surface, the surface is thoroughly aligned with the scheduler.

Growing yellow raspberries is especially profitable due to the high demand for it.

Parameters landing

Preference is given to a more dense landing that excludes the need for repair. Saplings obtained in a specialized nursery must have a good branched root system And one or two escapes with one or two developed kidneys.

Plantation can be laid and rhizomes, which contributes to the maximum improvement planting material.

Malina can be planted as in the fall (October) and early spring without allowing germination of the kidneys on seedlings in a touch.

Landing is made with sunels of the type of SCHN3 (SLN1, SSN1) with T54B tractor. The unit for shift can land 1.5-2 hectares of raspberries. For better contact of the root system from the ground, watering with any weather machines Ange3, Ruj3,6 or others.

After irrigation, the soil is mounted in the rows of peat, humid or straw with a cutting layer 3 cm. In the aisles, the soil cultivation is carried out using KRN 4.

During the winter, there are several snowstores with an aggregate from the DT75 or T54B tractor with snow, settling a row.

Snow shaft protects plants from temperature fluctuations, contributes to a longer melting of snow and reduces the danger of soil erosion.

Care for plantation to fruiting

Within two years after landing, agromerity is carried out to prepare plants to complete fruiting on the third year. Early spring on young landings are harrowing the soil across the rows to destroy the crust. It is applied to a hitch of five boron zigzag.

Instead of unprotected manually, new plants are watered. During the summer, inter-row processing by cultivators of PPM1.5-3.0, CPG25, mills or disk harrow with a protective zone of 15-20 cm is carried out. If necessary, the soil is hoed in the ranks.

Conduct chemical treatments against pests and diseases. IN good conditions By the fall, shoots reach up to 120-150 cm and are already capable of providing a crop to 30 c / ha, so beyond the winter.

For the second year after landing, siblings and silence shoots are intensively growing and evenly fill the ranks.

During the summer, the soil is maintained in loose and weed free. In the same second year, after landing, the rows of raspberries width 30-40 cm are beginning to form. In the pasting zone in the fall, growing shoots are fucked by the ground with raspberry waste.

Care per year of fruiting

For the third year after landing, the raspberry plantation enters into industrial fruiting.

In the spring, after drying the soil in the alarms, the stems covered for winter raise with a malin-lifter. Following this, the installation of heat supports, using reinforced concrete poles, or metal pipes with a diameter of 50-70 mm and a height of 2.2-2.4 m.

Supports are installed by the ZSV2 presisor, hung at the T54B tractor.

Supports put at a distance of 10-20 m from each other. Then unwind the heat wire with a diameter of 2 mm using the UNP6 machine, stretching it with a LRN film with an effort of at least 80-85 kg. The stems are linked to the "shinding" to the wire with a twine swept into a ball or shuttle Chvoooo.

The stems can be fixed between two parallel wires, tightening them with brackets after 1-2 m. To the garter on 1 of the row of the row, 12-15 maximum 20 most developed stems leave.

Removal of shoots

The tops are shortened to live kidney or 1.8 m high. Using the PAV8 pneumatic unit.

When the root siblings and swelling shoots are achieved 5-15 cm of height, they are removed at intervals of one week by mechanical way or physiologically active substances or a nitrate solution (100 kg / ha). As a result of spraying (2-3krath), young shoots are destroyed or delayed in growth, without damaging fruit.

This leads to the fact that almost all nutrients are sent in two-year stems and as a result increases: 1.5 times the area of \u200b\u200bthe leaf apparatus of fruiting branches, by 25-30% the mass of berries, increases the fruzing zone.

Berries ripen more friendly and for 3-5 days earlier, the productivity of labor on the manual assembly increases by 1.5 times, and during machine cleaning of the re-equipped machine KG1, the berries are easier separated from the twigs and are trampled with smaller losses.

After mowing the aboveground part, it appears 1.5-2 times more across than with the usual growing of young and fruiting shoots.

With a strong thickening, shoots grow thin and short.

To thin them, when the height is reached 5-12 cm, harrowing is harrowed in the rows of raspberries.

Further care is reduced to the mechanized soil treatment in the alarms - up to five times per season. Regularly conduct a struggle with pests and diseases.

When the bulk of the growing shoots (up to 25-30 pcs. Per 1 m) reaches a height of 45-50 cm, less developed are destroyed during the waxing.

Second way to thinning shoots

From spring, the soil is treated in the aisle so that the width of the row is about 70 cm. At the same time, strong shoots in the center of the row shadow the shoots appearing late.

When the height of the shoots in the center of the row reaches 30-60 cm, the rows are narrowed to 30-40 cm, with a milling cutter FP2 or FPU4.2.


After completion of the harvest cleaning, we remove the wire and disassemble the heat poles. All stems on the plantation (brutged and grew up young) will stick.

The best time is immediately after harvest.

The mowing is made by mower KS2.1, and the removal of bevelled plants - various volokus. It is more expedient to rush mowing Kir1.5. Grinding stems immediately disappear from the field.

Fertilizer of raspberry

At the end of this work, organic fertilizers 40-60 t / ha, using tractor carts 1pt4 with limiters.

The soil in the rows are treated with mills of F0.76, FP2 or disk harrow BDN1.3, the depth of treatment is 3-7 cm.

At the end of the season, the soil is treated with a cultivator in the rivers, as a result of which the surface of the soil is leveling, the shafts formed during the processing of the formation of the BDN BDN1,3 are eliminated. Care for plantation per year of preparation for the next fruit.

If the organic fertilizers were not made in the fall, they do it in the spring.

Mineral fertilizers contribute to the machine RU410 superficially or culture CRN4.2 tivator and close up FP2. The average dose of fertilizers: n - 80 kg / ha, P2O5- 80 kg / ha and K2O - 150 kg.

Work is completed in the year of training plantation to fruiting the bending of shoots for the winter with raspberries. Perspective varieties for cultivation on technology with an intermittent fruction cycle in the European part of the country are: Barnaul, Commuchet, the news of Kuzmina, Latam, Molling Jew, award, etc.

If you like to work on Earth and you have your own plot, then you should read this article. From which you learn - how to grow raspberries for sale.

It is the opinion that raspberries in Russia is not grown on an industrial scale. This is not true. The Russian Federation He is a world leader in the volume of growing this berry. Only in 2012 in Russia, more than 210 thousand tons of raspberries were produced in Russia.

And it is not surprising. For example, in the UK and Holland, Malina has to be grown in greenhouses equipped with expensive ventilation and moisturizing systems. And in Russia, raspberry shrubs are perfectly fruit and on open soil. Without expensive care.

Therefore, the cultivation of raspberries in its own site is a profitable. The only serious lack of business in Malina is the time of cultivation. Traditional Malinik begins to bear fruit for the second year, which seriously affects the decline in profits. Experienced farmers raspberry "Khitryat" - at the same time grow several different raspberry varieties: early, medium, late, repair and, new recent years, Stambling (tree).

Such an approach guarantees the annual collection of berries from the beginning until the end of the season. What, accordingly, seriously increases the volume of sales of the finished berries.

Early, Middle and Late Malinnikov - Traditional shrubs that differ from the start of fruiting from the beginning to the end of the season are suitable for collecting the main volume of berries. Such bushes have a rhizome many years, and shoots - two-year. Cears - green, soft, juicy, most often covered with miniature spikes. On the second year, the shoots are treated and a berry appears on them. After fruiting, the two-year escape immediately blows up, and in his place, in the next season, a new young stem grows to bring the fetus for the second year. With these Malinniks, the least concerns, just once a year to cut a shrub and watch out their health.

Repairing Malina - A group of raspberry varieties, fruiting and first, and in the second year of the life of shoots. The most preferred view of the commercial cultivation of the raspberry. Rhizome, as well as traditional "fellow", perennial. Annually gives new shoots that, when proper care, Start abundantly fruit by the end of summer. On the second year of life, the stems are also able to give a berry at the beginning of summer, but experienced farmers prefer to cut them. Two-year-old escape is greatly reduced the number of fruits. Therefore, the breeders are cleaned. In addition, it eliminates the need to arrange wintering for raspberries - the shelter of young stems during the cold season. Also in annual shoots do not have time to start and develop all sorts of diseases and pests. Minus such varieties is a low possibility of reproduction, compared with traditional varieties. Even the material obtained from the repair fruit retains the main property - the possibility of fruiting in the first year is only 55% of seeds. That is, it is quite difficult out of 2-3 purchased seedlings to send a full-fledged Malinnik, as is done with the usual raspberry. For repairing varieties you need to buy everything required amount Saplings. Several popular varieties preferred in Russia - Apricot, Augustine, Augustus Miracle, Diamond, Hercules, Zhuravlik, Eurasia, Ruby Necklace and others. In the northern regions of Russia, it is recommended to grow varieties with early time Ripening of berries, for example, Bryansk Divo.

Raspberry tree - Stumbing form of raspberry. Grade intensive type with long strong stems. Breeders brought them at the end of the 20th century. The lack of ordinary Malinnikov is deprived - the growing and confusion of stems. The shape of the shrubs of these varieties seems to be tree. True, if they are not confused annually and not to quote - they will quickly lose their beautiful appearance. The main advantage of these varieties is a high yield, on a small area.

Real feedback from the raspberry trees farmers indicate that with one bush, you can collect up to 4 kg of fragrant berries. And from one hectare of industrial Malinnik (planted according to a 2x2 meter scheme) - up to 10 tons of raspberry berries (no more than 3-4 tons with hectares come out in traditional Malniki). The most popular varieties of raspberry trees in Russia - Tarusa, fastening, monica, fairy tale and some others. Grade "Mounting" prefer farmers engaged in growing seedlings for sale, this variety multiplies. The variety "Tarusa" is recognized as farmers as one of the most berries. Buy raspberry trees is better in large nurseries that guarantee the types of seedlings.

Planning to start a business in Malina, it is worth studying not only the demand for the market, but also the possibility of a plot for Malinnik. For this, the experimental platform is distinguished and placed on various raspberry varieties. Watching the shrubs is best to spend several years. The variety that gave the maximum amount of berries is made dominant on the entire site.

Malina - Berry, requiring careful appeal, she quickly widespread and flies. Because of this, it is impossible to mechanize labor harvest work. The whole berry is going to manually. It is desirable to provide processing and packing berries in place. If the raspberries are planned to be implemented not far from the place of collection, then enough packing in plastic containers of various containers. For longer distances, raspberries are best transported in refrigerators, exposed to a deep frost berry. Depending on the sales region, the cost of raspberry berries varies from 1000 to 5,000 rubles per kg.

Profitable business in Malina

Raspberries, like any other body-berry plant, carries several income articles. This is the sale of seedlings, and the sale of berries. The first type of business can be implemented quite simple. After all, the main goal is to grow healthy seedlings. popular Sorta. Suitable for novice entrepreneurs who are afraid of losing profits due to lack of harvest. No high profitability. But, on the other hand, the profit is stable. And you can grow not only raspberry seedlings, but also other berry-fruit species.

Business on Malina is well developed only in Europe. The demand for this beroda in Ukraine exceeds the offer, which makes the cultivation of raspberries by promising business in the coming years.

For a semi-staple, a well-lit plot of land is needed and free access to water. This is a moisture culture and without watering you can not do. It grows well on light sandy soils, loves mulching. The optimal value of the soil acidity is pH 5.8-6.2.

Summer Malina - has a two-year development cycle. Fruit on the events of the second year (last year's shoots). Pluses for business on raspberry - As a rule, berries have a good sweet taste and aroma (time to dial sugar). Cons - can be moderated into minor harsh wives, subjected to diseases and pest attacks.

Repairing Malina - Fruits in annual and two-year wrecks, which makes it possible to remove 2 harvest for the year (in summer and autumn). But, as a rule, in industrial cultivation of removable raspberries, its content is appropriate annole culture And getting only a lime-made - autumn harvest. For one season, she managed to grow and give a crop. Replicating the stalks late in the fall or early spring is cut to the soil level, export from the site and destroy.

Repairing raspberries are significantly less damaged by diseases and pests, does not need frequent chemical treatments. Makes it possible to assemble an environmentally friendly crop. The problem of winter resistance of shoots is eliminated. Cons - part of the crop may not have time to grow due to autumn frosts, a little inferior to taste and aroma of summer raspberries. Implementable compared to the ordinary will not be able to multiply and more demanding to nutrition.

Summer and repairful grades for growing raspberries as a business

Glen Fine (Glen Fyne) - summer Sort Without spikes with very large yield (up to 30 t / ha, 4 kg with bush). Taste quality high, berries do not disintegrate and can be stored up to 4 days. In the climatic conditions of Ukraine, Glen Fine is inclined to the partial manifestation of the repair (fruiting on the shoots of the current year).

In 2009, Glen Fine became the winner as the best summer raspberries in England.

Advantages - easy to grow, good winter hardiness (up to -30 ° C). Suitable for growing in greenhouses. Large percentage of commercial berries.

Disadvantages - not high resistance to root rot. Prefers light soils with a moderate amount of precipitation.

In our opinion, Glen Fine is one of the best varieties for himself and for the market of fresh berries. Low resistance to root rot, declared by the originator, was not confirmed in the climatic conditions of Ukraine. Observations were held for several years on our site in the village of Zaporizhzhya region. After testing on a small area, it was decided to significantly expand the plantings of Glen Fine in our village for business on the berry.

Molling zhuno (Malling Juno) - New Early Raspberry. FeatureMalling Juno. - Fast harvest in a short period. Berry with a pleasant taste, sweet. The bush is completely without spikes.

Early maturation, taste and yields StrengthsMolling zhuno with industrial cultivation.

0435D3. - New English variety without spikes. The variety went on sale in 2014. Ripening time - early, yield is very high. The average yield with a bush is about 5 kg, with good care - up to 7kg. The fruits are very sweet and large. The transportability of the berries is good. In all characteristics veryperspective grade.

Lyashka (Lishka, Lychka) - very early Polish raspberry variety. Berries are large, up to 4 cm, weight - 5 g (up to 8-10 grams), cylindrical shape, solid, tasty, with a well-pronounced raspberry odor. Taste: sour-sweet, 9 points out of 10.
Frost resistance -30 C. Escape heights up to 3 m. The optimal fit of the bushes in a row is 0.5 m, the distance between the rows is 2-2.5 m. For the second year of life, we form a fruitless strip of a width of 40-50 cm. The optimal distance between the shoots 20-25 cm. In the spring, cut the upper part of the escape on ¼. On a two-way sleeper (2.3 m), one way ties a young piggy, to another - last year's shoots.

When using film tunnels in Poland collect Laszka harvest at the end of May. A month earlier than when growing in the open ground. Now Testing B. closed soil New removable varieties are held - Sokolica and Radziejowa (early ripening, 7-10 days earlier than Laszka)

Strong sides of the lump - This is early maturation, taste, commodity, transfers long-term transportation, high yield (18-20 tons with one hectare). Enjoys demand in the market.

It is worth noting that the pillars are resistant to frost, but sometimes the kidneys are frozen. Necessary protection against fungal diseases is needed.

Joan Ji. (Joan J) - The grade has a large mystery of 6g weighing. Yield 16-19T (yield yield at 8-10t.) Fruits solid, delicious, dark red, similar to the shelf, but larger scales. The variety showed high drought resistance. When growing Joan J for the market, a daily collection is recommended when the tip of the berry is not completely painted.

Advantages - the variety of the yield, absolutely does not have barbles. Berry is well removed from the fruits.

Disadvantages - the pulp is quite dense, but the berry peel has an average strength. The presence of trellis and the garter is obligatory.

Despite small disadvantages, Joan Ji is removable №1 On our site in the village for growing raspberries as a business. Lot interesting information With real photos about growing raspberries can be found in our photo album.

Shelf- Dutch variety, autumn date Maturation. In Poland, the main grade for cultivation in field conditions. Berries weighing 4 to 8 grams, shiny, with a good taste and aroma. The quality of berries is much better than that you are found, suitable for consumption in recess, freezing and processing. Stretched fruiting period (up to frosts). Yield (8-10t with hectare). Well multiplied with root siblings. Espaces powerful up to 1.5 m high.

With long autumn rains, the berries do not appear, retain the freight look. Can be grown without a tar. Good transportability. Large yield of commercial berry (up to 95%).

Weak sides - With a strong heat can be tied in the sun (south of Ukraine). The berry darkens after harboring. Not high resistance to air drought, to root cancer and fluffy dwelping virus (RBDV).

Himbo top (Himbo Top) - Swiss variety, has a major yoke weighing up to 10g. The shoots are very large, so the garter is required. The berry is solid, very tasty, does not darken. By transportability, the variety is a bit inferior to the shelf. Europe uses both for autumn and summer fruiting.

Himbo has a high percentage of seedlings. High yield and excellent taste, resistant to many diseases. Berry does not eat in the sun.
Disadvantages of grade himbo top - Perezried berries quickly appear. The unrivaled and completely ripe berry is visually not distinguishable. When growing for summer fruiting can be moderated in the early years.

Zyugana (Sugana) - repairing variety from Switzerland. Today Zyugana is the leading and universal variety from Luber (Lubera). Sugana fits To obtain two harvests per season. The berry is very tasty with a good balance of acid and sweetness, transportable. At a temperature of + 3-5, it can be stored up to 7 days without loss of productual qualities. Medium weight Berries of 5-6 g., But with good care, it can be 10-12 g. Saving and root powerful, which makes it possible to grow Zyugan without the use of trellis on well-fertilized soils. Saplings are good on the plot and give a good harvest in the first year of planting.

Benefits - Berry does not eat in the sun, tolerates drought and heat.

Disadvantages - the average obedience of shoots, but the spikes are not very aggressive.

Malina varieties for industrial cultivation in tunnels

In Europe, the tunnels are grown: Tulameen, Laszka, Glen Ample, Cowichan (Kowichan), Tadmor, Polka, Polonez, Kweli, Radiance.

Practical Council for the cultivation of raspberries as a business.

If you are planning to organize business on raspberry on large areas, you will first land small areas with different varieties. Watch 1-2 years for growth and fruiting, choose the raspberry variety (a) the best proven. We use these areas as a royal machine to obtain the planting material. Good predecessors for raspberries: Lupine, mustard, alfalfa.