Repairs Design Furniture

What is better: oak or ash? What kind of wood is better to do a staircase? Beech ash what is better

What is better for the stairs - oak or ash? The choice of strength, durability, appearance of the design depends on the choice. If you are the owner of multi-storey housing or another object, this article will answer the question of interest to you. We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of two wood breeds, material features, the possibility of its use.

Any tree has unique parameters. Quality assessment consists of five parameters:

  • hardness;
  • life time;
  • light, texture;
  • exposure to rotting;
  • price.

Oak and ash belong to solid rocks. They are durable and wear-resistant. But high hardness is the risk of cracking with careless circulation. By the main parameters of Oak wins in the ash. But on each of the rocks need to be stopped separately.


It is less dear alternative Oak. Properties are only a little worse, but the difference in price is tangible. Main advantages of ash:

  • Expressive texture. Visually products remind analogs of oak, but the bodies are more contrasting, pronounced.
  • Hardness, wear resistance. Even strong loads on the steps for decades do not cause strain or cracking. But the same property complicates processing.
  • High resistance to cracking. Even with strong impact wooden surface Keeps integrity.

Additional advantages: unpretentiousness in care, good noise, thermal insulation, complete environmental purity.

The only important lack of ash is the low concentration of tubyl substances. This means that products from this wood are afraid of moisture. Application on the street is unacceptable. And in the room it is better to avoid direct exposure to water. The situation is partially corrected special compositions For wood processing. But they are not panacea.


Oak stairs are put on decades or even a century. It is enough to update the coating in a timely time, and the design will serve for a very long time. Steps do not bend, do not crack, withstand the most serious mechanical impact.

Among other advantages:

  • compliance with processing;
  • resistance to moisture - an order of magnitude higher than that of ash;
  • resistance to insects and rotting;
  • a favorable effect on the organism of the allocated wood resins and essential oils.

Oak is not afraid not only moisture, frequent temperature jumps. It is noteworthy that over the years, stability is only grows. There are no insects here, mold is not formed. Even in bad conditions Oak staircase will have a minimum of 50 years.

A two hundred year old Oak is considered the best for the manufacture of stairs. It costs more, but this is compensated by its quality.

Disadvantages of oak:

  • Its processing is quite complicated. It is impossible to tighten the self-drill without drilling the hole.
  • Wood density - more than 700 kilograms per cubic meter. Designs based on it heavy.
  • The price is significantly higher than that of the same ash.

If you choose, the staircase of the oak or ash, repel from the price, the conditions of use, wishes in terms of design.

The ash and oak wood sawn on the boards is very similar. Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers of stairs are used by this, issuing less valuable as a dear oak. We suggest to consider the main external differences of the breeds.

Oak is clearly expressed by the core rays with a radial section. The material will be perfectly morn - right up to deep dark, almost black shades. The sea oak is difficult to confuse with other rocks. In the same radial cut The texture is strongly expressed.

The ash is very similar, but the wood is noticeably lighter. Particularly significantly the difference with direct comparison. The core rays are not here. This breed is absolutely unsuitable for sea. When you try to starve as an ash, he acquires an unattractive grayish tint. When sparing may be a little bent, in manual processing More complicated oak

What staircase is better - oak or ash?

If the budget allows you to choose oak. Optimally - stairs from the array. Such structures are especially durable and durable. Even in the most unfavorable conditions, they serve as decades without proper care. And with timely service - hundreds of years.

The ash can be considered as a less expensive analogue. With similar qualities, it is an order of magnitude cheaper. We will have to sacrifice the service life and visual sophistication, but you pay less.

It is necessary to take into account the interior of the room, stylistic solutions and personal wishes. It will not be superfluous to order a preliminary design project with visualization. So you can see how certain solutions will look in the existing interior. So, not mistaken.

If you are planning to start repairing in your home, then sooner or later you will come across the issue of outdoor coverage. Better if it happens before the start finishing workSince the choice of material is directly related to the style of the interior of the room.

As a rule, the choice of floor covering is now worth doing between two materials - parquet board or laminate. To take correct solution, It is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of one and other coverage.

What is laminate

To answer the question: "What a parquet board better laminate? " - Consider some constructive features The latter. This is a multi-layered material, and the number of layers in it may be different. But it always present the following components:

Laminate is wear-resistant, it is not terribly straight sun rays, it is resistant to large loads. Can be used both in residential premises and in public buildings, offices.

What is a parquet board

Material that is made of several layers various wood by special technology. As a result, the board receives a special degree of strength. What is the parquet board, buyers about which are always enthusiastic?

The first, top layer plays a decorative role. It is produced from the wood of valuable breeds - oak, ash, nut, beech. Its thickness is about 6 mm. It passes heat treatment, whitening, brash. Then the board is impregnated with special compositions, based on oils and wax, or colorless varnish.

The middle layer is pine or spruce. Small rails from this wood are placed perpendicular to the first layer. This is done to give material strength. On the middle layer, grooves or castles with spikes are made for connecting boards when laying.

Nizhny, third layer, solid. It is also usually used fir or pine. The thickness of the layer is 1.5 mm.

The floorboard floor is very durable, resistant to temperature and moisture drops. It serves for a long time and very easy to care.

Parquet board or laminate

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to say with confidence that a parquet board, the feedback on which this statement is confirmed is more reliable, durable and easy to care. Therefore, it, in our opinion, is most suitable for flooring. Although, of course, the right to choose for you.

Advantages of parquet board

It would be unfair to not say about the shortcomings that have (as, however, and any finishing material) parquet board. Customer feedback suggests that this coating requires strict compliance with humidity and temperature conditions so that the board keeps its appearance and initial shape. In addition, many (especially ladies) note that it is undesirable to walk on such a floor in the straile shoes, as you can damage the lacquer coating.

Hots Above we talked about the fact that a lot of care does not require a parquet board, reviews of such sexes are somewhat different: in fact, special compositions, mastic, stains, as to care for a piece parquet, are needed.

Parquet board single-lane

If you have already looked closely to this material in the store, you probably noticed that it is indicated on the price tag or description of the product: "single-eye parquet board". What does this indicator mean?

Single-band board imitates an array of board. It is usually its width from 180 to 210 mm. There are also narrower options, but less often. This board looks very respectable. Upper layer It is covered with a monolithic veneer of valuable wood. Besides production similar material - very laborious process. Because of this, the cost of such a board is significantly higher. However, if you compare it with an array board, then it will cost you almost two times cheaper, but it will be no worse to look worse, but according to technical specifications it will even exceed it.

A two-band board mimics a piece parquet (large-format). Its width from 85 to 100 mm. It should be noted that in this case the parquet board is undoubtedly won in price.

Three-strip board is also an alternative piece parquet. It comes with a top coating applied at the factory. Prices for such a board are very democratic, as its production is not too expensive.

Oak parquet board

This is elite flooring. It is manufactured from natural materialsTherefore, it is considered environmentally friendly. If you dream that the atmosphere of comfort and comfort rear in your house, then you need this parquet board. Oak - unique material. It is durable and durable. From it, modern masters create magnificent furniture, build houses, and an oiled floor covering is considered one of the best.

Everyone who appreciates exclusivity and quality, this original and stylish parquet board is needed. Oak will give the place of sophistication, walk by this floor - one pleasure.

Special attention deserves a variety of colors of this material. For example, the "red oak" revives the atmosphere of the room, and the "oak gothic" fits perfectly into the classic interior.

Advantages of oak parquet board

Pluses this material set. Among them should be allocated:

The cost of an oak parquet board from 1300 to 4000 rubles for square meter, depending on the manufacturer's company.

Parquet board from ash

Beautiful and bright tree ash fascinates with its beauty and originality. This wood has always been valued for stability and strength. It was made of weapons and a refined parquet, which was decorated with palaces and castles. Nowadays, this tree is experiencing his second birth.

People who have a good taste that knows the art, this parquet board is needed. The ash will emphasize the beauty and sophistication of any interior in a huge country house or a small apartment. This wood breed has some features that I would like to note:

If you want the interior of your home exquisite and sophisticated, then your choice is this parquet board. Ash, according to experts - the choice of real aristocrats.

The cost of a parquet board of ash - from 1200 to 2500 rubles per square meter.


Immediately it is necessary to note the undoubted advantage of this material. Parquet board is stacked with your own hands much easier than parquet. This work resembles a little laminate installation, but still certain differences are available.

There are two common methods of laying - adhesive and blissful. Each of these methods involves the use of its board design. The first option is traditional, although gradually it goes into the past. He is pushed by the Besleva method. The reason for popularity is obvious - styling is simple and does not require special skills.

Parquet board canvas need to be located in the direction of the fall. This will make the docks between the boards with almost imperceptible. It can be laid parallel to the wall or at an angle to it. It depends only on your desire.

First, form the first row, pre-leaving the gap between the wall and the board in a centimeter. Forming a number of second, slightly shift it in relation to the first. This will significantly increase the strength of the floor. The displacement is usually produced at half the board. In other words, if you start the first row with a whole board, the next one must start with halves. This rule must be observed throughout the styling. And it is important not to forget about the gap of the wall.

After the end of the stacking should be installed plinth. It follows it on the wall so that it does not interfere with the temperature deformation of the floor.

What parquet board is better

Good parquet board Choose not easy. This is primarily due to the huge assortment of this product in our stores.

The best parquet board can be made best manufacturer. It is too much in its reputation for the famous firms to allow themselves to produce low-quality products.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of locks - the quality of laying depends on it. Today on russian market The following companies have proven excellent:

  1. Buying a parquet board, spend your finger at her edge. It should be perfectly smooth and smooth.
  2. Do not forget about the size of your room. The bright floor will expand it, and the dark will make the living room more cozy.

If you still have doubts about how to choose the floor material, then think about the environmental friendliness of the material. Then your last doubts disappear, and you will prefer the parquet board.

What do you know about the tree? No, not about the trunks and the form of leaves, but about the characteristics of wood. What is stronger - oak or ash? Or maybe beech?

The main knowledge of the properties of the tree breeds is very important when choosing a door you buy. That is why we will tell a little about them.

How to determine the value of the tree?

Let's start with the fact that each breed of wood has a set of basic indicators that determine its value and expediency of use in one sphere or another.

The first sign of wood is hardness. It depends on the service life of the tree - as well as from durability to various loads. The degree of oxidation is important - that is, as far as the tree will darken under the influence sun ray, and stability - compatibility depends on it different breeds Woods, for example, in the parquet and inlays. On the spectacular perception The texture and its appearance affects: more expressive patterns are valued above and look more spectacular. It should be remembered that the properties of wood are individual. They depend not only on the breed, but also from the terrain where the tree grew.

Breed of wood

The main wood species used in the doors are oak, beech, ash, nut, cherry and red tree.

Oak - It is very dense, solid and heavy wood. Depending on the growing conditions, the oak wood may have amazing contrasting shades: from the bluish gray and almost white to bright yellow, which allows you to enter it in any interior. Oak moves very well the impact of moisture, and besides durable. Dear, but very practical for interior doors material.

Even superior oak according to strength characteristics. It is heavy, durable, durable wood light shade. She "does not like" only contact with the earth, and also badly impregnizes, so it is almost not used for exterior decoration or construction. But for the doors such a tree perfectly - does not swell, does not lose weight and serves for a very long time.

Beech Also very durable. His wood exquisite red-brown shade. Beech will not very well tolerate loads and temperature drops, so not used outside the room. But its texture is very beautiful, has a brightly pronounced pattern of a commercial rings of a tree. This door looks great in the classic interior.

Refers to wood breeds Middle density. In terms of its characteristics, it is very good for the manufacture of furniture: not too heavy, does not swell away from moisture. The door from an array or veneer cherry is easy to process and polish, it is resistant to indoor temperature drops. And of course, the color of this wood is most valued - from light beige to deep dark red-brown.

It is for the shade that the wood is valued so-called mahogany . Usually, this name is combined by rocks with saturated burgundy brown color. These breeds are very well handled, so they are often used in decor and finishing.

It's durable and very beautiful tree. Its texture is larger than other breeds, so walnut wood is often used in decoration and veneering. Thanks to the texture of the door, the doors look very original.

But whatever the wonderful properties did not have wood, just cut down the tree and give the door shape. Sub-quality processing can spoil all outstanding characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose a reliable manufacturer of doors.

Material provided manufacturer of interroom doors

Oak - the plant of the beech family, whose height reaches 50 meters, the diameter of the trunk to two meters. Well known due to the presence of an acorns. Distributed practically throughout Russia. Grows slowly (on average, 20 cm per year). Height up to 1000 years. The ash is the plant of the Maslin family. (His nearest "relatives" - olives and lilac). The height reaches 40 meters, is characterized by a slender barrel and an openwork crown. Grows quickly. On the territory of Russia grows the most common specimen of ordinary. Maximum age - 300 years.

Oak and ash in terms of materials science

Oak and ash belong to the most valuable rocks of trees. List more details specifications Oak and ash, as well as consider the spheres of their use.

The first most important physical property Wood is humidity. The cubic meter of fresh oak weighs 1.04 tons, and in air - dry condition (with a humidity of 10-12%) - 0.76 tons. Wood moisture used in carpentry production must be no higher than 12%. It is important that oak, like ash, is very demanding to observe the drying mode. Rapid drying can lead to cracking of oak wood and ash. Whether it is an oak, ash or brick is heat, sound and electrical conductivity. Dense species of trees, such as beech, oak or ash have a higher thermal conductivity than less dense pine or birch. Therefore, oak and ash use, mainly in the arrangement of floors and interior decoration, not in the construction of walls. The sound conductivity is much higher than that of other materials, therefore additional sound insulation of oak or ash septum is necessary. Wood electrical conductivity depends on its humidity and can change during operation depending on the change in air humidity. Wood with high hygroscopicity (for example, beech) easily absorbs moisture from the air, as a result of which its size, shape and electrical conductivity can change. To reduce hygroscopicity wooden crafts Covered protective paints, varnishes, etc. It should be noted that the oak, as well as the ash belongs to the dense rocks of the trees, and their electrical conductivity changes significantly when the humidity is changed. Let's point to mechanical properties Oak and ash. 700 g / m3 and 680 g / m3 - oak and ash density, respectively. A small difference in the density value explains the similar mechanical properties of oak and ash. The wood of these trees is very solid and durable. According to the method of Brinnel, oak hardness - 3.7, ash - 4. Floors made of oak or ash is distinguished by high wear resistance and resistance to mechanical effects. In addition, oak wood and ash has a high viscosity value, which causes such a property of these materials as flexibility. Not tiring the consumer with numbers, let's say that resistance to different loads, as compression, stretching, very high as an oak and for ash. Tight wood oak and ash has a high ability to hold nails and screws, which is especially important when it is long-term exploitation. Despite the resistance to fungal damage, products from oak, ash and other hardwood trees we recommend covering before operating with special protective equipment.

Aesthetic properties of oak and ash

We treat them color and wood texture. In this regard, the oak and ash are also somewhat similar. The color varies from light yellow to brown, only ash wood, unlike oak does not have a characteristic greenish shade. The texture of materials from oak and ash practically coincides, but its drawing is more pronounced by the ash. Therefore, not oak, but ash is preferable to be used in mosaic patches.

Spheres of oak and ash

First of all, this is the arrangement of luxurious, durable, warm, environmentally friendly and energy-healthy durable floors. Mature oak trees and ash are used in the production of carved and bent furniture. For the ability to mene with the time of oak, along with the ash, it remains invariably one of the most durable and durable building materials. Flexible and durable ash found its use in the production of firearms, sports equipment and working tools. This is a favorite material of kings and designers.

Based on performance characteristics and aesthetic indicators, we strongly recommend making your choice in favor of oak or ash. Both rocks have incomparable strength, flexibility, plasticity, magnificent texture.

We work with oak, ash, larch, pine, beech, birch, fir, as well as with other wood species. There is experience with the array of cherry, maple, linden, Canadian cedar, Iroquo, Tika. We use only high-quality selected wood of extra class and 1st grade, without chips, cracks, dropping bumps and other defects.

The combination of strength, wear-resistant, aesthetic indicators of the priority scale of rocks, from the point of view of professionals, is as follows (from the best indicators):

  • Ash
  • Larch
  • Birch
  • Pine

All wood passes a multi-stage technological processing in order to enhance the natural parameters of the strength and improvement of aesthetic qualities. From the natural massif we produce furniture shields that have reliable operational characteristics: strength, size stability and forms, stability to the charge, to the occurrence of cracks. Therefore, for the customer, the criterion for choosing a tree of wood serves:

  • personal aesthetic taste;
  • matching the texture of the tree selected style and the design of the furniture present in the room;
  • strength and durability of products.

Due to the professional processing, the strength and operational qualities of the tree array are maximally stabilized. However, the durability of the use of products, the selected breed has an impact.

When choosing a tree of wood, the customer has to be focused on its taste preferences, evaluating furniture shields made from an array of various breeds.

Description and characteristics of furniture shields

The furniture shield is made of wood bars (lamella), firmly glued together in a single panel rectangular shape. Depending on the gluing technology (compound), split and allolmel-colored structures differ.

  • Fingering furniture shields

It is a wood stove, formed from lamellae glued and fascinated by the length of the lamellae - the same wooden bars. The length of the lamella is spliced \u200b\u200bon the minisha. In the width, they glued to a smooth fugu. The method is reliable and used in the manufacture of standard products in 100% of cases.

Compared to allollastic structures, fascinated shields are considered more reliable, since the voltage of the fibers in adjacent bars is homogeneously and, accordingly, the whole design is more stable and durable.

  • Alloline furniture shields

It is a wood stove formed from lamellas glued only in width. The method of gluing - on a smooth fugu. The width of the lamella is 40-45 or 25-30 mm. Thickness varies from 10 to 150 mm.

Compared with frenched models, allolmel design structures have a more homogeneous texture and color scheme, as they consist of a smaller number of lamellae.

Choosing a tree breed for furniture shields

  • Oak shield

An exceptionally strong material from nature with a beautiful homogeneous texture, retains the stability of forms and sizes when the temperature drops and changes in the humidity level. When painting acquires a noble uniform shade. It is not deformed, hardy, retains aesthetic indicators for decades. It is practiced in the production of furniture and all types of interior trim: windowsides, tabletops, bar racks, stairs, wall and ceiling panels.

Investments in interior items from oak are economically justified as you get products for centuries, plus aesthetic pleasure from the magnificent texture. Unsurpassed interior material in classic style. To save, choose fascinated oak shields. If the priority is given to aesthetics, we recommend allocating structures.

  • Shield from ash

Differs in the picturesque texture of predominantly light tones. For strength, the ash is not inferior to the oak. Due to the high density of the fiber tree, the tree is very solid, so the ashival of the ash is hard to color. However, products are practical and decoratively attractive. When toning, the array acquires a striking and pronounced texture with an impressive motley pattern. Just as oak, ash is suitable for the manufacture of all kinds of interior products. Due to the complexity of processing, high-strength and aesthetic indicators, it is almost not inferior to an oak at a price.

Ash, like oak, deprived of flaws. Furniture shields From ash solid, dense, evenly sharpened, do not be blocked during operation. If in the interior instead classic style You prefer finishing with a non-trivial, bold wood pattern, do not hesitate, choose an ash shield. To save, we recommend that the fascinating option. For the price of the product from the split shield, it will cost approximately the same cost that from a solid-colored beech or larch, however, by strength, wear resistance and beauty, the frenzy ash shield is significantly superior to the brew and larch.

  • Shield from larch

The tree has soft and uneven fiber hardness. In the array there are layers with different density. Because of this, when grinding the shield, a stably smooth surface cannot be achieved, as it is present in the oak or in the ash. In the array there are resin pockets. The advantage of the larch massif is high resistance to moisture, as well as a low price.

Compared with oak and ash, the structure is more prosaic. We do not recommend a larch for luxurious interior products by virtue of its modest, mediocre aesthetics, and also because the tree, because of its softness, is stronger than exposure to scratches and chips during operation. However, if you choose between larch and pine, it is better to give preference to larch preference.

  • Shield from Buka.

The tree refers to strong rocks with a solid texture. It is well cut, polished, but susceptible to temperature drops. The array reacts to the temperature changes even at 3-4 degrees, which increases the risks of deformation, warping. Changing the fiber density under the influence of the temperature can be tactile, since waves are formed on the surface in this case. It is not by chance that professionals attribute the breed to the category of forever living trees.

Texture cannot be called pronounced, but it is uniform and has its own personality. Working with an array is difficult. It is even more difficult due to the unpredictability of the array behavior to ensure the stability of its characteristics during operation. Choosing beech, consider the conditions under which products will be used. Beech Benefits - high density, the price is lower than oak and ash.

  • Birch shield

Just like the beech, the breed refers to forever living trees. The array reacts to the temperature and even on the lighting. The slightest changes in the surrounding space can provoke a warping, end cracks. In this case, the array is well cut and grind. From birch, original interior compositions and decor are obtained. The inhomogeneity of the structure is manifested in the uneven color of the surfaces.

The advantage of birch is its cost - the price of an array is cheaper than oak 2-3-4 times. However, we recommend thinking well before you choose your choice on birch products. Products have a kind of decorative style, but are susceptible to high deformation risks.

  • Pine shield

Refers to the soft rocks of trees with pronounced oblique layers in the structure. Characterized by the presence in the array smolyonic pocketsthat remain noticeable even after multiple tinting. When grinding because of the storage, it is difficult to create steadily smooth surface and uniform color. Due to the fact that part of the fibers in the array softer others, waves may be present on the surface. By powerfulness, the breed is exposed to chips and scratches that are clearly visible on the surface. The same applies to spruce and other conifers.

For the price - most cheap Material From the wood array. However, the work (professional processing) is expensive, which makes the choice in favor of pine is irrational. Since our masters are focused on high quality Products (from the point of view of aesthetics and strength), we do not recommend pine for facades and solid interiors. The array is suitable for the manufacture of budget furniture and is not suitable for finishing with wood surfaces on the front side.

Based on their operational characteristics and aesthetic indicators, we strongly recommend making your choice in favor of oak or ash. Both rocks have incomparable strength, flexibility, plasticity, magnificent texture.

With versatile professional processing, products acquire a variety of forms and beautiful color gamut. The material is well cut, and therefore the masters are cutting out the configuration of any complexity. The main advantages of oak and ash are durability and impeccable decorative attractiveness. In work we use high-quality decoration MaterialsTherefore, the products do not lose their ecology.