Repairs Design Furniture

Crafts from logs - an alternative to expensive products for the cottage. Products from logs do it yourself: the manufacture of furniture and swing cat from the logs do it yourself

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Often, most of our compatriots are getting rid of the cutting on the trees or the construction forest left after the construction of a church, just putting them on firewood. It certainly quickly, but not quite rational. Experts of our site analyzed what can be made of the logs with their own hands. Some results of these studies we collected in this article.

Practical and inexpensive garden tracks

Of course, the paving slabs is beautiful and reliable, but the price for high-quality material is quite high, plus it is not suitable for each landscape. In addition, it should be noted that although the installation instructions and does not differ in great complexity, without proper experience and skill with high quality, the tile is very problematic.

If you were lucky enough to live next to the landing or forest, it is quite realistic to equip the original garden tracks from the sprown trees and thick branches.

Moreover, the cost of such a natural trail will be at times lower than that of industrial options.

  • Theoretically, you can let any wood. The whole question is how much the flooring will last. After all, the more tight and harder the massif, the longer it will be in the soil. Ideally, it is better to use waterproof breeds that in their characteristics initially less fear of mold fungus and biological pests. Decent option is the larch, aspen or acacia.
  • In this case, the forest is better to take different diametersThus, it will be much easier to fill the emptiness between the sleeves. It is desirable to remove the bark at once, as it is porous and quickly drinks moisture, as a result, the speech begin to deteriorate.
  • Cut thickness is made at least 100 - 150 mm. Of course, you can cut and more, but in this case you will need to take a deep pit. Plus, the longer the fucking, the more wood leaves.

Tip: Deciding with a cut size, you should immediately make a template, with which it will be convenient to cut the same segments.
The easiest way to spill the standard and from above, in the form of a corner, to nourish the bar.

  • Having placed a place for the track, you should equip the pit. Standard width of the garden trail 50 - 70 cm. But if this trail leads to the toilet or another popular place, it must be at least 1M, so that two adults are buried.
  • The depth of the pit is made at 100 mm more of the lower log cabin. On clay or sandy soils, you can leave 50 mm, for swampy places and peatlands, the kitty can reach 200 mm from the log niz.
  • Some prefer to put a wooden formwork from a 40 mm thick. It is more impressive and mounted such a track easier, but it will cost more.
  • The wooden surface of the track must be slightly towering over the soil, so that she did not be kept and faster after the rain. As a rule, it is enough 30 - 50 mm.

Important: All wood material should be processed by impregnations.
There are many options.
From the most affordable, it is possible to be treated with a solution of copper sulfate, and when the wood dries, it is additionally impregnated with its engine oil through.

  • Some are recommended on the bottom of the bottom to put waterproofing from polyethylene or runneroid, but we do not support this point of view, since moisture will not be able to go into the ground. On solid clay soils, it is quite good to rapt the bottom of the pit. If we are afraid that the discharge will be brewed from the bottom, but is stuck with geotextiles.
  • Next comes simple, but routine work. It is necessary to make a drainage pillow of rubble, gravel or sand with gravel. Timing it and you can lay the prepared sleeves, the more denser, the better. The space between the sleeves is immediately falling asleep with sand.
  • After laying the track you need to rush to water and leave for a couple of daysSo in order to the sand raves. Next, the forms of voids are shoved by sand.

Making furniture and swing

Tracks are not all that can be made of logs. If there is an artistic taste, imagination and initial carpentry skills you do not have to spend money on garden furniture or children's swings. In addition, there are a lot of funny crafts from a log, some of which are depicted in the photo.

Garden furniture

Not counting the crafts that mostly have only artistic value, decorated with a plot, garden furniture is a pretty practical and useful thing. Of course, products made of logs of a rounded log, look much more attractive and work much easier to work with them. After all, this material has clearly fixed dimensions.

Tip: For the manufacture of most types of furniture, you will need to dissolve logs along.
Theoretically, this can be done with manual hacksaw, but in practice, without electrical or chainsaws can not do.

Such logs from logs are attracted by their simplicity. Already at first glance in the photo, a person who freely owns a chainsaw, in general, will understand how to make a table or shop.

As a rule, for horizontal shop surfaces, it is used dissolved along one or more trunks. As legs are installed and fastened with molecules, self-stakes or large nails of Churbachk.

Video in this article shows the practical side of the issue. But for furniture, competent surface treatment is still important. The use of copper sulfate as an antiseptic for a tree is not entirely justified here, since after processing wood loses the natural color. If you do not take special primers, you can use a solution of manganese as an economy.

After a mangartages, the array will slightly darken and the structure will be separated. As a finish layer, as a rule, uses any transparent or translucent varnish for outdoor woodwork. It should be noted that the experienced summer houses are not recommended to boast such furniture, so you will always have the opportunity to move it or turn it over for drying.

Tip: Wood grade here also plays not a latter role.
It is better to take deciduous rocks.
But if you still decide to make furniture from a coniferous array, then it must be pre-monkey.
It is suitable for this aqueous solution of acetone 25% or acetone, mixed with caustic soda 5: 1.

Build swings

Balancing type swings from logs can be made stationary and portable. For the manufacture of a stationary design to the ground, a pair of logs are laughed and a solid crossbar is made between them.

For mounting the board or logs, on which the kids actually will swing, it is better to purchase special metal loops. Their price is small, and there will be such a swing for many years.

There are children's rocking chairs even easier. Since we are talking about what you can do from the logs with your own hands, we should not forget how our ancestors did such a swing.

Design to funny simple. To the circular trimming of the logs of an acceptable diameter, a straight board or a thinner log was rigidly fastened. Swing worked through a spherical form of support.

Several more difficult to make a pendulum design. Ideally, you will need 5 - 7 straight logs with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Each support here is made of two crossed and covered in the soil of trunks.

The carrier horizontal beam, on which the swing themselves are mounted, is mounted on top. In some massive structures, 2 more additional beams are installed for lateral strengthening of supports, as shown in the photo.

In this case, the supports should be laid into the ground to a depth of 50 - 70 cm. With this dive, the length of the support is taken at least 3.5m. The underground part of the logs is impregnated with an antiseptic, processed and turns into a waterproofing film. Some recommend pouring them with concrete, but often quite good rammed gravel or clay.

If the upper beam is secured from below or in the center between the rapes of carrier supports, then the entire load will fall on the anchor bolts. Much reliably make support in the form of a disproportionate letter "x". Then the horizontal carrier crossbar is perfectly placed in the upper sector.

Spiel of trees and the Korchevka Stumps can turn into a more pleasant occupation if you will know exactly what to do with logs and roots. Old trees interfere in the garden, occupy a certain area, do not bring the fragrance of flowers and green foliage, do not give the shadows, and therefore we do not get rid of them from them. Most often, spilifting dry tree under the root, we send it to the firewood in the oven or brazier. But with this decision it is not worth a hurry, because under the ignition and fuel there is always a material, but it is quite expensive for the design of the country area. We offer you to use logs obtained from spike trees, on decorative purpose.

Today we have collected some information and thematic photos, and determined all this in an article that will tell how to use logs on the cottage with a certain benefit, for decoration, practicality, and even saving money.

Application logs in the country

The log is, in fact, the trunk of the tree, which you remove from the country area for any reason. You should not immediately take a chainsaw and work on a heap all day, pay a little time to the next original ideas for giving, and you will not regret.

Flower bed.

We are accustomed to building flower beds from stone, plaster, even automotive tires or plastic bottles, who considers more acceptable and practical for the country area. But today in the arsenal of materials that are suitable for the Klumba device, we want to add big logs from old trees.

Say, you cut the old tree that has long been dried. It is his trunk that will perfectly serve as the main form of flower beds, which can be done in just a couple of hours. It is enough to use the chisels and hammer, chainsaws and their own fantasy, as the original creation appears on the site, for which you did not pay a penny. It remains only to choose a color gamut of plants, and the varieties of flowers that will be placed in such a flower leaf.

Simple country furniture

In the photo below the simplest furniture from the log log, but it is not easy to make it. As you can see, it is used for the production of a rather large log, with a serious cross-sectional diameter. First, finding a similar tree in the country is difficult, and secondly, if you think about making cottage furniture with your own hands, you will need a lot of free time and a professional tool.

In part, the log is processed by an ax, then a chainsaw or an electric saw is underway, which is created by the main form. After, thorough and neat work of the chisel and grinding. Naturally, the forces leave a lot, but as a result you have every chance of getting furniture, which will easily serve dozens of years.


From the logs you can build anything, and now we offer you an extraordinary decor of the country well. Naturally, it will take for this a special rounded log, and produced far from the old tree. But use under such a decor and the material available in the country. As it seems to us, if you take trunks and thick branches of trees in the crust, then the picture will turn out a much more natural and harmonious.

Country tracks from sleep

We dedicated pathways at the cottage enough time, paid attention to and similar masterpieces, but in this article decided to remind them of their existence, because the dacha paths of the sleeve are very interesting.

For a device of such tracks it will be necessary to use high-quality material, without defects and damage in the insects, since it is that that is the strength and reliability are the main factors for choosing materials for the flooring.

Having arranged the high-quality basis of the path from the sand, you can lay the sleepers of different diameters and shapes, and decorate the finished project by stones and plants. Do not forget that the paving data will require special protection, for example, even impregnation with oil or other wood protection products.

Crafts for the playground

In the nearby past, we talked about crafts such as wooden horses for giving, which can become not only an object for children's games, but also the original décor for the landscape. Today we present another version of a wooden horse, which, by the way, has been done completely from the log.

You can choose a trunk of any tree for such a product, correct it and cut it, clean from the crust and install on the site by creating the necessary form. After, painting sculptures in a bright color and light decor.

Stylish furniture for cottage

Furniture for giving may be the most diverse, that is why we mention it so often. This is original and exclusive furniture, standard rattan furniture, plastic and metal. But the dacha owner should choose, since we represent only the most interesting options.

Today, you in front of you are one of these - a beck of a thick log, which is made taking into account the style and wishes of the customer. Of course, it is quite difficult to make a similar one, if only because you need to use a special tool, and the weight of each element of the shop is quite large. But if you decide on a similar work and perform it on your own site, we will only remain applauding and envy!

The use of logs at a children's sports ground

Our children constantly frolic in the country, do not find themselves places than sometimes and seriously interfere with adults. That is why it should be prepared in advance at the cottage a special area for their games. It can be a sandbox, a grassy lawn area for picnics, a house on a tree or a special sports field.

Pretty inexpensive and fast in terms of exercise, we offer you. Make small ladies, swing and even labyrinths can be from a log. It will only remain securely secure each element, and add some ropes, ropes, other materials necessary in this complex.

Bordeur from the logs do it yourself (video)

Booth for dogs

For the construction of the booth you will need a qualitatively processed log, and boards for the roof device. You can choose nails as fasteners, for covering the roof - wood and rubberoid, tile, bitumen materials.

Typewriters and train

What do boys need for happiness? Good toys that will allow you to go to your own fantasies. This will help them also distract and do not interfere with adults while those are engaged in a garden or landscaped design at the cottage.

Alternatively, there is an offer to build a machine or a train from old logs. You will have to spend on production only hour or two, and some money on paint and accessories.

Cute, fascinating, convenient and inexpensive - exactly what we always and want to get!

Fence from the log

Fences and fences, serious forged and simple wicker - they are still a protection or simple restriction for entering the country's territory ... So why not use the log to their structure.

You can make an order for expensive material, install it in a few days, spend not only on elements, but also on installation and finishing. And you can make a fence with your own hands. Of course, for the structure, the usual log is not particularly suitable, especially if we consider the facade part of the cottage, but you can always make fencing from such material on the economic yard, or decorate the lawn, garden and other territories to be decorate.

Support walls from logs

The support walls in the country are needed not only for organizing flower beds and vertical plantations, but also for visual transformation of the site, especially near the main buildings. At the expense of such structures, you can transform entrance to the house, tracks and even the overall picture of the exterior, thereby creating a stylish design of the courtyard, garden, some other territories.

Build the support walls we learned a little earlier, to perform supports, drainage and false, but today we offer not only to use the log for the production of this landscape element, but also to convert it a little. We want to combine in the uniform style of a spike and support walls from this material. It is not difficult to do this, especially if you carefully examine the themes separately. And exactly what kind of creation looks like, you can look now.

Log bridges in the country

Small decorative bridges through dry streams or artificial reservoirs is a matter of usual for landscape landscape lovers at the cottage. We have repeatedly paid attention to similar small architectural forms and elements. But in mind today's topic, we propose to choose to organize small bridges and even medium bridges on the country's summer logs of old trees. In such a quantity that is required to create a bridge, trees under drink in the country may not be, but there are always small fishing racks or at least a forest belt.

However, the bridge can be built from any other materials, and it is present in our topic for the reason to indicate you another type of logs.

If you decide to build a small or medium bridge in the country, to go through a ravine or even an ordinary dry stream, try to make it most reliable and secure it, be patient as much as possible, ensure the construction of stability and durability.

Wooden log house

Catering buildings from wood are not just fascinating, but become many years of dreams of almost each of us. A house from a log or bar, a small country building from a log, a gazebo or a bath - all this is done, but starting up with a small one. Who knows, after all, it is likely that by gaining experience on simple country crafts, which we often imagine you, you will penetrate the case and acquire professional knowledge that will help you build a wooden house in the future.

Decorative crafts from logs at the cottage (video)

We thank every reader of our site for increased attention to new materials, as well as remind that the opinion of each of you is very important for us. Leave comments on the article or just wishes to the following publications, and we will listen to them!

Crafts from logs do it yourself (20 photos)

Reviews and comments

Elena 11.01.2017

It would seem that the usual tree, and how many beautiful and original things, it turns out, it can be done from it. "My dad, the craftsmen for all the hands, made figures from the tree, still decorate the cottage. And they are very like children. It is not only for figures From the tree you can ennoble the appearance of the cottage. Did a couple of crafts into the piggy bank, especially the swing liked, we will embody the idea of \u200b\u200breality.

Dasha 11.03.2017

The tree is quite universal material, if you know and handle the tree correctly, it can serve for quite a long time. We have a lot of wooden buildings at the cottage, they look very beautiful. I built a wooden gazebo, it costs it well and reliably. Also equipped the well a tree. The material is quite well amended.

Elea 28.08.2017

And in the open salty, she will grow? Under the trees is not growing. Or preferably a gentlet?

Territory of the house 28.08.2017

It grows on the sun itself, also in Kashpo (there the land dries instantly), feels good. Of course you need to water it. Also in the openwork shadow, it also grows well, even better than in Kashpo. In Kashpo, she is cradled and burned. In general, not a whimsical plant, it grows in itself, only in the heat I water it, along with everyone.

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Completion of landscape design at the cottage is given not only built residential house or barbecue area. Genuine individuality and originality can be created only with the help of various accessories and small parts. And what could be better than crafts for giving from a tree - with their own hands made things will give indescribable flavor and, undoubtedly, will attract the attention of guests.

Use of wood in the country area

Currently, construction stores are offered to choose a huge amount of various finished sculptures and other elements for the garden and the garden, made of various materials.

But it is better not to be lazy and make cottage crafts with your own hands - from the tree, unlike a stone or metal, it's not so difficult to do them, and the resulting result will surpass your wildest expectations.

Ideas for crafts

Let us dwell on interesting and uncomplicated structures:

  1. Most common option - wood sculptures. This may be a figure made of a solid log or made up of several parts interconnected in one way or another.
  2. Crafts from branches and stumps look good, which resemble animals, birds or fabulous characters. In this case, you practically do not need to make changes to their natural shape, it is enough to clean the material from the bark and to check.
  1. Well suited for plywood creativity. Draw on a sheet of stork, mill or frog-princess, cut off extra pieces and paint the product.

  1. From plywood you can make and beautiful containers for plants, birdhouses for birds. Another beautiful and useful thing is the feeder.

Logs as a material for creativity

Very often, when decorating a summer cottage, you need to cut one or more trees. Of course, they are perfectly suitable as a firewood, but it is better to show fantasy and put them on crafts from logs for the cottage: you will make a flower leaf without any problems, a bench or a decorative well.

Consider these options in more detail.

  1. Flower bed. For most dacms, not a novelty made of various girlfriends: plaster, empty glass bottles, old car tires and so on. But it is the old log that nothing is suitable for this purpose.

For the manufacture you need a hammer with a chisel or chainsaw. Having made the appropriate size and installing the log on the supports, you will absolutely get an unusual and pretty free product. It will only be left to fill the extrusion of the earth and put flowers.

  1. Garden furniture. A great solution that, however, is not so easy to implement. First of all, it is necessary to pick up a large diameter login.
    Then carefully process it with various tools:
    • the first stage is an ax or chainsaw;
    • the second stage is the chisel and the hammer;
    • the third stage is grinding and applying a protective coating.

  1. Decorative well. Very beautiful accessory for the country area. The minus it is that old wood will not suit the manufacture. You need to purchase high-quality rounded roundabouts and fold the log house from it.

Independent manufacture

Simple options

Wooden crafts for giving with their own hands can make even a novice dachnik, which has not too much experience in working with carpentry tools. Naturally, you need to start with simpler options, and then you can move to monumental products that will become the central element of the landscape design of your cottage.

The manufacturing instructions below gives only a general direction. Otherwise, you must rely only on your own taste and sense of style. Do not be afraid to experiment.

Perhaps in the future it is your wooden sculpture that will be a role model.

  1. The easiest option is crafts for giving from plywood. On a sheet of suitable size, separate pony parts can be drawn, a donkey either lash, cut and connect them with each other with a solid bechand.

  1. Another idea is small sprigs of fruit trees. They are suitable for the manufacture of wall or outdoor caspo. In this way, you can make a pot for home plants with your own hands. In this case, the inner space is advisable to be applied to the polyethylene film to avoid the rash of the Earth or insert plastic containers there.

  1. Having gained experience in working with a manual or electric jigsaw, you can proceed to the manufacture of more complex crafts. Carefully transfer the sketch you selected on the Phaneur and carefully cut it out. A finished wooden sculpture is preparing sandpaper, cleaned from sawdust and is covered with varnish or paint to protect against adverse environmental conditions.
  2. There are other crafts from plywood with their own hands: for giving, you can make not only garden sculptures, but also figures that are organically look at the garden. For example, plywood hares will be an unexpected detail that adorns the bed with carrots. The order of their manufacture is simple: draw the contour and cut out the figure using the jigsaw.

In the suburban land, electricity is sometimes taking place or electrical terminals.
In this case, only the rental of the diesel generator for the cottage can be output.
This device will provide power to all power tools and other devices.

Complex structures

For whom, the country crafts from the tree have already become a kind of hobby with their own hands, you can offer more complex options - make a mill or a wooden well. Here, in addition to your desire, you need an accurate mathematical calculation, otherwise the cut parts cannot be docked.

You can offer a simpler option:

  1. I write the planks of the same length, which will be the basis for the mill (you can use small lumps of suitable cross section).
  2. We take two sticks and lay them parallel to each other at a distance of slightly less than the length of the element itself.
  3. The following two elements are put on the laid slats (perpendicular) (the whole process is like a cutting line only on a smaller scale). It is possible to fix the details with each other with the help of carnations or glue.
  4. By constructing the structure of the desired height, proceed to the construction of the roof. For this, four small lumps are taken and they are connected in pairwise, forming a horse. On the roof you can put the pieces of ondulin, the remaining of the construction of the house. Then the design will fit as much as possible in the landscape design of the site.
  5. The material for the blades will serve two or three planks, fixed at an angle like an aviation screw.
  6. You can decorate the design with a decorative curly plant, which collapses one of the walls.

The well is made in the same way. In this case, the composition can be supplemented with a miniature bucket and bench. Feeding all this, you will get a beautiful and unusual platform for children's games.

If wood crafts are designed for children, take care of safety.
All sculptures and buildings should not have sharp corners, sticking nails and rough snapshed surfaces.

Do not forget that wood should be processed by antiseptic compositions, covered with varnish or painted. It will prolong its service life and make crafts more attractive.


The above information will help you to create your own, nothing to do with the wood, which will be the highlight of the country area. You can learn more about this from the video in this article.

The remains of firewood, trimming parts of the stems of fallen and cutting trees - all this is valuable for the manufacture of a variety of products - from the birdhouse to the garden furniture.

Stool-pencils do it yourself

This is the easiest and most frequent executable object of garden furniture. It is enough to trim the log desired length, free from the bark, to cover the remedy for rotting - and ready.

If you use a stool as a dining room furniture, then cover it with a woven or knitted handmade rug. More decorative than the practical stool you can leave with a pair of bitch.

Depending on the location of the product, use the knots as hooks for keys, a beautiful candlestick or tapes. The 6th garden stool with a hollow or artistically attached wood mushrooms will be more reminded by a peck. Stool, like any wooden furniture, is prone to reinclinition at the bottom, so it is advisable to install it on furniture wheels, solid paving or gravel coating.

In order not to bring the forest in pests and their larvae, do not forget to soak the blanks with special means. As a rule, they are complex and at the same time destroy the pathogenic flora and fauna in the wood, and the tinting impregnations also paint the product into the desired color.

Chairs and chairs

Classic chairs made of logs are obtained by hollowing out a semicircular backrest and trimming part of the trunk. If such a model seems too time-consuming performed, then make chairs. This is a simplified version of the chairs.

For them, the barrels of the desired height from the sides of the neglection nail the bars bonded in the upper part with a small one as a back. The height and degree of inclination of the resulting back of the chair can be done any. The sidewalls are better slightly "drowning" into the body of hemp.

Decorative stupa do it yourself

A massive stationary shop consists of half of the rained along the log, which is usually selected in the lower part and stacked "in the bowl" on the cutting-legs. Try to use logs of hardwood trees, since even dried trunks of coniferous trees in the sun will highlight the resin.

It is for this reason that the shops often make combined-signs from the trunks, and the seat is from the board.

Flower box of logs do it yourself

Do you think the chainsaw is needed only for rolls of trees and workpieces of firewood? We will dispel your delusion! With its help, we will turn the original flower in the original flower.

From the remains of the logs, you can create many beautiful and fitness in the farm - cute birdhouses, drawers for flowers, village shops. We suggest start with a simple color container. As a material for it, it is better to choose resistant to atmospheric impacts of coniferous breeds - larchs, fir or pines. But before proceeding to work, it will be worth familiar with the safety technique when handling chainsaw.

For the manufacture of flower beds from the log you will need materials

  1. log length approx. 120 cm and 30-35 cm thick
  2. two small linen is OK. 30 cm and OK thick. 20 cm
  3. drill
  4. ax
  5. petrol or electropilated
  6. 4 Self-press 150 mm

Flower box with your own logs

If you cut dry wood, do not rush to fill it or send it to the oven. From the logs may turn out original crafts that will decorate the country area. If you do at least one decor, then the trees will be a pleasant task for you. In addition, crafts from logs are environmentally friendly. Natural material is not dangerous for children and durable. People are accustomed to making flower beds from automotive tires, stones, plastic tanks or gypsum. We offer to add logs to this row, cut from old trees.


The trunk from the old tree will become an excellent form for creating flower beds. It is enough to have a chisel, chainsaw and a hammer.

It remains to choose the grade of plants and land them into the ground, pre-fastened inside the trunk.

Country crafts from logs - furniture

Why spend money on expensive furniture if it can be made of dry wood. Immediately we note that it is not easy to make the table or chairs. After all, for their manufacture, it is necessary to log large size, a professional tool and time.

First, the log need to be treated with an ax, after which it is given the appropriate form using chainsaws. After that, the surface should be pasted. This process takes a lot of time. But such furniture will serve not one dozen years.

Wooden walkways

  • Surely you are familiar tracks from plastic bottles, tiles, old tires, tiles, etc. We suggest lay out it out of spis. To perform flooring, the material should be:
  • without defects;
  • durable;
  • reliable;
  • without damage insects;
  • not very dry.

For the basis of the sand, on which the sleeves are stacked. They can be the most different size and shape. For beauty, it is possible to reorganize vegetation or stones. Preferably a finished project to handle security tools, for example, to impregnate with oil.

Look only in the photo, what beautiful tracks are obtained.

Crafts from logs at the cottage for recreation area

If you have a playground in the courtyard or on the street, you can create an attractive decor that will delight children. It should be noted that some products can become an object for games. For example, take a horse. To create it:

  • take the trunk of the tree;
  • clean it from the bark;
  • make a mark on it;
  • split part of the animal;
  • circle in the desired color.

Such a horse will not only decorate the pad, on it, children will be able to sit, play and jump through it.

Crafts for giving logs like a sports facility

In addition to the above products from the old log, you can make a sports field. It is known that children love to frolic on the street. So let them do it with benefit. Build a labyrinth, swing or ladder for them. Very important, each element is firmly fixed.


Naturally, in the country there should be a fenced zone for children. Hemp in this business are the best assistants. They can serve as a baby sandbox or decoration for the gaming zone. If you wear a stump with a stump, then you will get a pretty agar. To become more fun, paint the hemp with different colors.

Or make such a train.

This zebra and giraffe can be done using logs and old tires. Such cottage crafts from the log will decorate the game zone.


In the country, not only work, but also rest. Where do you most often spend your vacation and weekends? Of course, in the country. People go beyond the city to relax from bustle and noise. In nature, send children. Therefore, the swing in the country is simply necessary. And for this it is not necessary to buy a finished expensive design, it can be made of several logs.

Look at the photo, such swings are made with their own hands from the coniferous tree. For their manufacture, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • four logs (2,400mm x 120mm) and four logs (1100m x 90mm) - base and bodies;
  • one log (2 800mm x 140mm) - horseradish;
  • bruks for the basis of swing;
  • two logs (2 100mm x 90mm) - struts;
  • six boards (1 800mm x 140mm x 40mm) - bench;
  • eight boards (30 000mm x 1 400mm x 30mm) - roof swing;
  • two logs (80mm x 1 000mm) - armrests;
  • bars for rafters;
  • carbines and anchors for chains;
  • bolts and washers;
  • fastenings;
  • chains;
  • ax and hammer;
  • chisel;
  • spanners;
  • drill;
  • hamsaw or Bulgarian.

If you all prepared, you can proceed directly to work.

Step 1. Take two logs of claim 1 and one log p.4, and put them with the letter "A". Look carefully on the schemes.

Step 2. In the crossing places, make a hole and torn the design bolts.

Step 3. Build a similar design for another part of the swing.

Step 4. Take bars for the foundation, attach each other and divert at an angle of 95-100 degrees.

Step 5. Mark place marker for a solid connection.

Step 6. Make a handwheel along the marker lines up to half the bar, then scalin the chisel to be swollen parts.

Step 7. After performing two parts, drill holes at the place of intersection.

Step 8. Attach armrests to the resulting basics, and pull the bolts, pre-put the chain. At this stage you should have two triangles.

Step 9. Connect them between themselves.

Step 10. You need to fold the bench. Take the boards of claim 5 and screw the boards to the base of the bench.

At this stage you should have a swing, as in the photo.

Step 11. For the manufacture of rafters for the roof, take the bars of P.8 and build 3 triangles from them.

Step 12. Get them in such a way that the kanevka can be inside them.

Step 13. Connect all nodes.

Step 14. Put vertically the first parts made by the letter "A" and thump the log on them. 2.

Step 15. Drill the holes at the location of the logs and torn the bolts.

Step 16. Attach firmly bolted.

It remains to make a roof for a swing. For its manufacture, you can use boards, tiles, ondulin, metal or any other material.

Step 17. Take the boards of clause 6 and come to the rafters and secure the anchors for chains.

Step 18. Drill holes in the horseman and hang a bench using Carabins.

Design ready.

Watch the master class on the manufacture of swing and other crafts from logs.