Repairs Design Furniture

Bent plywood: features of the manufacture of furniture, arches, portals, betented and allotted parts. Technology of benochaled blanks made of veneer

Features and advantages of products made of nodulenic plywood.

Details of the nodulenic plywood allows you to create original subjects The interior of a wide variety of forms. Furniture manufacturing company "Formex" makes furniture from bent plywood using a multilayer veneer. In the presence of more than 200 types of details from the nodulenic plywood, among which interior items, chairs, chairs, components: armrests for chairs and chairs, frames and details of various configurations. Nutral plywood is widely used to create decorative wooden heating battery screens, folding stools, as well as for the production of health goods, in particular, a simulator seats.

Thanks to the unique structure of the chairs and armchairs from bent plywood They are a bright and original decor of any room, both office and home. Applying the beaches of the faeer, you can create high-quality, practical furniture unusual design at an affordable price.

Puff It is made of thin sheets of wood. Sheets are produced by non-cool division. Sheets firmly glued together by a given form. Ready product Different with high strength and flexibility.

Currently fashion trend It became a combination nutral plywood with other materials, for example, with metal. Most optimal option It is a combination of bent plywood with steel, aluminum, decorated with glass. As the structural material of the noduley plywood has ample opportunities for the flight of designer fantasy. Furniture from this material is practical, comfortable, and special seats-simulators created from bent plywood have a positive effect on human health. You can make original model of sofas, chairs, chairs, beds, bedside tables, cabinets and many other office and home interior items.

Furniture manufacturing company "Formex" produces high-quality products from nudo-glued plywood (multilayer veneer - plywood.).

We offer more than 100 species. components Products for the production of chairs of the head, staff chairs, chairs on metal frame, chairs for cafes and bars, armrests for chairs and chairs. Opportunities for the production of firm and versatility of forms Allows you to make an infinite number of frames of chairs and parts of chairs of any configuration.

Our products made of plywood plywood, also applied in the manufacture of decorative battery screens, folding stools, orthopedic products.

Currently no manufacturer office furniture, furniture for staff, soft furniture And furniture for cafes and bars does not cost without the use of products made of nudo-glued plywood - Plywood.

We offer you information about the method of manufacturing nudo-glued products and various elements Interior and architecture from lamellas, veneer and flexible plywood.

These materials can be used when it is necessary to perform a very complex figure or its element if they have several different bends and roundings, such as a chair or chairs, or too small radii, as well as if it is impossible to work with the steam generator.

This is the second and most common way to produce bent products or details. When using this technology, it is selected need materialThe lamellas, the blanks of a predetermined width and a thickness of 2-10 mm are cut from it. At the same time, you can "play" with a pattern, for example, collected the so-called sandwich or a pack of different breeds Woods, or having laid in the middle of a sandwich more technological breeds (spruce, pine, linden, aspen), and top layers made from walnut, oak or wenge. In general, it all depends on the ultimate goal and fantasy.

In this way, it is easy to make not only radius details, but also closed contours: a circle, oval, or a complex figure - this is "skirts" for round and oval tables, and legs for the tables and chairs themselves. When construeding arbors, canopies and terraces, the use of bent-glued structures and nodes will allow, for example, to go beyond the familiar architecture and release the imagination into the free flight, filling the space with free and smooth forms. And if you add a little imagination to this, you can create a full interior of an apartment, at home or some kind of unique item on which all the emphasis of dwellings will be concentrated. You can make a very comfortable chair in which it is comfortable to spend the evening for a chessboard or a TV, coffee table, Dresser. In the manufacture of the handrail for the screw staircase, entirely or its individual elementsThe template is created that will be a cylinder or its section. In it, the contour is built in the form of a spiral of the spiral or its segment and the layers of a sandwich are paced. Thus, it turns out a blank that will accurately repeat the necessary turns.

Usually, the sandwich is gained by a template, which must accurately repeat the future item. If the outline is quite complicated, and the width of the product is very small, then the blank is more correctly fixed on a large plane (field) using a flexible template, after creating a path (contour) of the future part. The field is a plane with a plurality of holes in which the columns that repeat the contour of the part are inserted to these columns with the help of the clothespins are gaining a lamella sandwich. If the part has a spiral displacement in addition to radius curvature, then you need to make a volumetric pattern to immediately create a blank with a displacement. By type, such a pattern resembles a barrel in which holes are made, and hemps are inserted, repeating spiral coils.

To glue the sandwiches, the PVA dispersion is most often used, but copolymer and PU dispersions can be applied, epoxy resins or contact glue. Working on the replicas or making something simply under the old days, you can also take and natural adhesives - bone, metering, casein.

Each layer is missed by glue, after which the entire design is assembled on the clothespins or clamps and is left to complete curing (polymerization) of glue. After removing the clamps - clamps, clothespins - such a design will not "play" and you can continue its further processing and decoration. As a decorative protective layer, not only LCMs, but also oils, and solid waxes are applied.

As a result, you can get not only significant economy Materials, which is relevant when working with valuable rocks, but also reducing costs and time for further processing. And this leads to an increase in productivity and profitability of production, the equipment and tool are less wearing.

If it is necessary to make a detail of a larger length than the source lamella, you can combat them on a mini-spike or smooth fugu. This will not affect the final strength of the structure, but it will be possible to obtain more complete use of the material. And in the case of creating architectural structures There is a guarantee of winnings in strength with smaller dimensions, as well as the possibility of manufacturing complex geometric structures of almost any necessary size, which also gives great space for creative thought.

In the production of nudo-glued products, it is also possible to take a rather new, but the material has already won popularity - flexible faeer. It is made of tropical woods, mainly it is a saba (cotton tree), Kering and a small density wig 310 - 680 kg / m3.

From flexible plywood, as well as from lamellae and veneer, furniture, interior items are manufactured, architectural elements or entire products and designs: beams, columns and surfaces of a complex configuration.

For unloaded products and parts, one-layer structures can be used, where there will be a large load, especially dynamic (chairs, arched spills and radius supports), the number of layers increases to the desired strength parameters.

Work with such a material is simple enough, as it is easily bent, and so that he retains specified form, It is enough one of the surfaces to impregnate PVA or epoxy resin.

If on necessary detail There is a press form, the process of production from flexible plywood is very simple. You can do with templates or even contours, if the product is single and not very complex form.

But here there are their "pitfalls" - this is decoration. After all, the material has a low density, which means hygroscopic. Of course, if there is an intention to be tinted with a veneer facial surface or cover it enamel, then no difficulties arise. But in the case of using transparent LKM, firstly, the flexing process must be carried out very carefully, even if it is done on the pattern, and even more so in the lecture (contour), and, secondly, you must first experiment with minimal radii and impregnating. As experience shows, if producing a product from flexible plywood without mold and under varnish, it is better to use epoxy resins as adhesive, picking up their trial through each specific product. This will reduce the surface of the LKM without plates, or with their minimum use. And be sure to choose the correct material itself, it is good if the plywood under the varnish will be made from Kering.

Of course, a better surface that is less costly decorated with transparent or tinted LKMs can be made when using molds. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the manufacture of the mold itself is a rather laborious process.

So, if you combine the skill and effort, you can make interesting, beautiful, unusual furniture, interior and architecture.

If you are engaged in the manufacture of furniture from plywood, or just planning, sooner or later there is a question about how from flat plywood make a "bent" element of your product. This will be this article. I will tell and show, more precisely, I will try to systematize ways and secrets of the manufacture of radius curved volumetric parts from flat plywood.

Let's start with a simple.

The first method of manufacturing bent plywood parts - Just cut from the leaf "Bent" item. Or several. And lay them in need. How, for example, here:

As we see, all the details of the armchairs are flat, but the chair in general does not have a single plane. Read more about this project you can read

Or like this:

Here It has smooth forms, but everything also consists of absolutely flat parts.

Further development of the same method is to docile flat parts cut out in a certain way to obtain curvilinear volumetric forms. Thus, this plywood chair is designed:

But it is not necessary to relate to such a method for manufacturing curvilinear plywood surfaces as a very simple and primitive. Further development of the method - gluing plywood parts into one solid array and cutting out of it necessary forms.

Here is an example.

Of this gluing of flat plywood parts

By this link There are detailed drawings and a description of the manufacture of such a plywood chairs.

This, it would seem like a simple way.

The second method of obtaining bent plywood. Actually, in this sentence the whole essence of the method. Here are not inventing any actions on flat plywood. The essence of the method is a veneer gluing to a plywood part of a certain shape and "bent".

The idea is well shown in this video - a description of the process of obtaining bent-glued parts from plywood

It is very important to make a high-quality matrix, which will be glued with a veneer in Phaneur.

To simplify the process of manufacturing the matrix, this device is invented.

Examples of application of this method:

BUT) Plywood chair

The main part of this chair was obtained as a result of a glass of veneer in Paneur here in such a matrix

More details

b) Plywood chair

All parts of this armchair are obtained by gluing veneer in Phaneur on special matrices

More details

c) all the details and this chair

not made of sheet plywood, but from plywood, obtained independently gluing veneer in matrices.

Read more about this plywood chair -

You can list the examples of the use of this method for a long time. Let us turn to the next way.

Third way to obtain bent plywood surfaces - Cell cuts in plywood, which give it flexibility and at the same time do not deprive required level Strength.

The seat and the back of this plywood chairs are made of ordinary laminated sheet plywood.

Thanks to the "drawing" of through propilov, plywood parts have gained flexibility and exactly repeat the circuit of the guides, which are curved.

More about this plywood chair -

Or here is another example - again plywood chair rocking chair.

Thanks to such propulsions in the plywood, the main plywood part of the rocking chair has gained flexibility. And besides, also spring "softness".

More about the chair Rocking

Fourth way to obtain bent plywood parts - Not through propyl.

The essence of the way is well shown on this video.

A certain number of parallel non-separation propilov on one of the parties plywood sheet Allows you to bend on a certain radius. It is applied not only to plywood, but to wood, MDF and chipboard.

Example of use this method on practice

Plywood chair.

Made with a CNC machine from a sheet plywood. Details can be looked . there is good video illustrating the process of manufacturing plywood chairs.

One more example - children's horse Rocking.

In contrast to the chair, in this case, to enhance the design, the grooves are filled with glue.

on the description of the manufacturing process

Here are the main methods known to me by plywood bending. The numbering methods are conditional.
On my site, all projects using "bent Phaneur" are marked with the relevant tag - - You can easily view and select a couple of plywood bending ideas.
If anyone knows more ways - write, add!

Nutral plywood is widespread in furniture manufacturing. Used to create products with curved elements.

Benefits and application

  • Beautiful appearance. Natural wood structure or cladding decorative elements Promotes the creation of colorful and original structures.
  • Diverse forms. Thanks to the use of different technological processes There is an opportunity to produce elements in the most complex variations. At the same time, the decorative quality of the material does not disappear.
  • No effects of mechanical loads. High level Resistance to load loads.
  • The level of moisture resistance. Compared to conventional wood, bent elements have a level of hydrophobicity below by about two times, which allows them to be used in buildings with high humidity And when finishing the external facade.

Attention! Do not advise to apply the phaneer of high moisture resistance FSF for finishing on the street.

  • There is no warping and the possibility of rotting is reduced.
  • Easily applied in the personnel products, since the material is well handled.
  • Resistance to ultraviolet, not contributing to burnout under the sun.
  • Optimal cost, inferior natural woodAt the same time exceeds many of its technical indicators.
  • Easy to care. When cleaning the surface, household chemicals can be used.
  • The material is environmentally friendly, which entails complete safety for human health. You can apply products from such plywood and to create an interior in children's rooms.
  • Plywood is not able to deteriorate in the place where frequent contacts with outsiders occur.
  • Is different for a long time Services.

Attention! For creating original design It should be emphasized the presence of a unique opportunity to seek smooth bends and forms.

Production features

Plywood elements are produced by gluing the shine of a rained type. The source material can serve as birch, larch, beech, pine and MDF. Upper layer We are lined with a planed veneer made of high-quality wood. It can be a mahogany, beech, nut and others. It is these rocks that are able to give to the finished sheets of sophistication and wealth in the appearance.

Attention!Bottles are made of plywood by gluing the layers of the veneer in the desired position, after which they are left to complete drying. Thus, the desired form is saved.

What ways are Phaneur?

Fibers when making bends do not need to be placed across the layer of veneer, because because of this, a break may occur. There are 2 ways:

1. The bends of the layers during their gluing

Bottlenaya plywood in production is performed by this method. It is noted by its features:

  • The use of special curvilinear molds heated with steam and electric cooker.
  • The room inside the veneer sheets is shone and bent into the desired shape, and the humidity should not be more than 20%.
  • Finding in this position items must be completely drying until the desired form is completely out.

In the absence of at home necessary equipment Need to do the following:

  • Applying joinery glue to connect thin sheets of plywood;
  • Own bend them to the right position;
  • Using epoxy solution to fix on the sides;
  • Wait for complete drying.

Attention!When performing the flexing process in any case, the use of fine veneer is required.

2. The method of bending sheets at the end of gluing

This method will be appropriate for flexing thick products that are not so easy to lead to necessary form. They are processed for softening, then the material becomes obedient. After the sheets, it is easily bent due to the premises of them in advanced curvilinear patterns.

Processing nottenic products from plywood in such ways:

  • In factories using industrial steam installations;
  • Houses use steams for small fragments or household steam generator;
  • Fragments of large sizes are lowered in hot waterto give elasticity. At the same time advise to ensure that the texture does not smell.
  • Large water watell the blanks, bend in right position And with the help of the iron ingot. Then they are wedged again, bend and remove moisture. So do before getting the right form.

Already processed elements are bend like this:

  • Using the struts and belts for fixing, the material is placed in frame patterns.
  • Thanks to the ties of the processed fragment to the steel strip, the desired angle of the created part is obtained.
  • For thickness use ropes. Make cuts in the right place, bend sheet and fill in glue slips.

What is the flexible to Faneru?

Thanks to the specified methods, the smooth shape is achieved, tightly kept after drying the elements. In this way, the arch in doorway, and rounded angle between the walls. The first dissemination is considered to be a furniture production point. The flexion process is important for creating the following conditions:

  • Obtaining a minimum number of traumatic corners.
  • Promotes the creation of aesthetic interior.
  • It gives the monolith to the object due to the absence of a large number of parts for fixation, because it helps strengthen the strength and reliability of the product.

Production of chairs

Bottered plywood for the chair is performed according to the main ergonomic requirements.

The backs of the backs are performed by the benochaled plywood for school chairs With the right ideal repetition of the form of the spine. The corners of the backs and seats are spinning and become absolutely safe, do not allow the child to get injuries. This is one of the main criteria for children's furniture for institutions.

In the manufacture of the seat, the bending bending bending is obtained by the front edge, and this is convenient and useful for popliteal areas.

Chairs for schoolchildren more often produced with a coated colorless lacquer or matte opaque paint color Tints. School furniture staining dark tones in order to avoid negative mapping on the psyche of children. After all dark colors absorb a large number of Sveta. White color It is also not suitable for coloring, it forms very bright, he glances and blinds with sunlight.

Important!The production of furniture for children works exclusively according to the relevant guest standards, divide its dimensions over the growth categories from 0 to 6.

Specialized companies are engaged in the manufacture of the above-mentioned type of furniture. More often it is produced by individual order, taking into account the age category, quantity and parameters of the desired products. When orders take into account the fact that furniture in children's institutions should be mobile and capable of operational change.

Where can one buy

You can find out the address of companies selling and delivering the nodulenic plywood, using a list of detailed data.
