Repairs Design Furniture

Furniture for a doll house do it yourself from cardboard. Furniture from cardboard: original ideas of creating puppet items (51 photos). Schemes of basic furniture items

About how it is possible to make the furniture for dolls with your own hands, the parents are conceived, who have already been able to make a puppet house independently or bought it in the store, while spending a significant amount. Toy furniture is not cheap, so why not save a family budget. You can easily make it easily make it with your own hands.

Types of materials that often use

To arrange a doll house of your daughter, you can use those materials that we most often throw out:

  • trimming plywood sheets;
  • match boxes:
  • plastic jars and cosmetics boxes;
  • shoe boxes;
  • colored sponges for dishes;
  • viscose napkins;
  • plastic bottles;
  • tablets from eggs;
  • textile;
  • foil
  • wire and many more different little things, the place of which we often determine in the garbage bucket.

When choosing materials, everything will depend only on your imagination.


Plywood and tree are the most popular and durable materials for making doll furniture. However, the process of creating interior items of them is time consuming, the skills of working with them will be required. But if you still make such furniture, it will serve the dolls for a very long time and will also give your daughter for a long time.

In order to make a miniature furniture from plywood you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • electrolovik;
  • sandpaper;
  • small carnations or screws;
  • glue;
  • cardboard sheets;
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • attributes that you will use to decorate each type of furniture: fabric, beads, skin pieces, and much more ...

Common for all types of furniture Stages of work:

  1. Think up or find on the Internet suitable for printing furniture design schemes.
  2. Draw on cardboard or use the finished prints of furniture parts, cut them out.
  3. The resulting patterns attach to the sheets of plywood and circle.
  4. Lobzik cut out the details from plywood.
  5. Treat all parts by sandpaper, surface will become smooth.
  6. We collect the design. Details of glue or fasten with self-draws.
  7. We cover the finished item with paint or varnish and let dry.
  8. If necessary, we are wearing textile elements and decorate.

Here is one piece of doll furniture.


Cardboard furniture for a puppet house is very simple. A child can be attracted to the manufacturing process. Cardboard is the most affordable material for work. You can use both cardboard sheets and as the basis to take small cardboard boxes.


  • cardboard or cardboard boxes;
  • white sheets of paper;
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • scissors;
  • glue (as needed);
  • details for decorations.

Stages of work:

  1. Thunderstand the details of the future furniture object and make templates on paper.
  2. Transfer patterns to cardboard.
  3. Cut the details.
  4. We make the necessary slots in the locations of the details.
  5. Collect the piece of furniture. We glue where it is necessary.
  6. Draw a finished look, decorating the design.

You can decorate the doll house with a new interior item.

Match boxes

From match boxes, you can construct almost any subject of the interior. The advantage of such furniture will be drawers. It is enough to show your fantasy and think in detail the image of future furniture.

We will need:

  • matchboxes, the quantity depends on what piece of furniture you will do;
  • glue;
  • decorations for future furniture.

Stages of work:

  1. We prepare the required number of match boxes.
  2. We glue them between themselves in the sequence that is necessary for the interior detail.
  3. Decorate the resulting piece of furniture. For staining, acrylic paint and varnish are suitable.

Your daughter's dolls will be happy with a new clothes.

You can make a rack for dolls from match boxes yourself, looking at the next video.

Plastic jars

Plastic jars can perfectly play the role of furniture in your doll house. Sometimes, it is not even necessary to do with them. In the finished form, they can be used, for example, as a bath. A child will be able to truly redeem his dolls, water from them will not fall anywhere. You can construct from plastic jars, covers from toothpaste tubes, and other little things more complex interior items. They can be simply glued together in the required sequence.

Wizard for the manufacture of a toilet bowl for dolls from a capacitance from under shampoo, see the following video.


From the wire that is easily lightning can be issued an interior in the style of Provence. Very gracefully look the beds, the frame of which will resemble a forged product. You can add a wroughtted candlestick, an unusual wrought iron. Virtually any detail of the interior can be done using a wire frame. Your fantasy will tell you the right direction.

Tablets from Yaitz

Using the plates from eggs, you can finely equip the dollhouse rooms. Plastic plastic tablets, and cardboard. All that will be needed is to thoroughly think over the composition and cut the necessary parts of the tablets.

The paper may require:

  • tablets from eggs;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • double sided tape;
  • rods from helium handles

and much more. Everything will depend on how your imagination is played.

Master classes

In this section, you are offered some ideas of creating furniture for dolls with your own hands.

Bed with drawers for dolls made of match boxes

We will need:

  • match boxes;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • white cardboard sheet;
  • white paper sheets;
  • paints;
  • beads;
  • thin wire;
  • decor items to your taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the height of the doll for which the bed is intended. It depends on the number of matchboxes that will be required.
  2. We glue the required number of boxes by the side walls to each other. It will be the foundation of our bed.
  3. If you want to make a bed higher, you can immediately glue a kind of legs in the form of additional boxes to extreme boxes.
  4. We glue with white paper base bed so that the retractable items remain open.
  5. On the cardboard we draw the desired shape of the back of the bed and cut out.
  6. We glue the back to the sides of the base.
  7. Coloring bed in the desired color.
  8. To the retractable elements of the boxes at a base of secrets using wire beads. These are the handles of our bed.
  9. We decorate, lay bedding and you can lay a doll to sleep.

In the following videos, you will see a master class for making a bed doll.

In the same style you can make a bedside table.

We will need:

  • 2-3 match box;
  • glue;
  • white list;
  • the same paint and decor elements with which the bed was decorated;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We glue the boxes among themselves, putting them on top of each other.
  2. Purchase white paper, leaving the retractable items open.
  3. Color in the style of the bed already made.
  4. Fresh beads to the drawers.
  5. Decorating.

Master class on making bedside tables Look in the following video.

Sofa for plywood dolls

We will need:

  • plywood;
  • electrolovik;
  • glue or small carnations;
  • sandpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • wool.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We are determined with the design and size of the future sofa. We make drawings for the back, seats, side backs on the cardboard. We take into account that with the help of the rear and side backs, the sofa will acquire stability.
  2. Cut.
  3. The resulting patterns we apply plywood and supply.
  4. With the help of the electrol bias, drink the sofa details.
  5. If you want to make upholstered furniture, then at this stage you turn around every detail of the sofa with a thin layer of watts and we are wearing a cloth. If the sofa is not trimmed, it is necessary to handle the details of the sandpaper.
  6. Krepim sofa parts to each other with glue. If you have a soft sofa, it is necessary to mount with small carnations.
  7. We are covered with non-cloth details of varnish or paint.
  8. We sew small pillows for the sofa.
  9. We decorate to your liking and give a doll to use.

In the same way, you can make a chair.

How to make a sofa for doll with your own hands, you can see in the next video - master class.

Floor lamp

For the manufacture you will need:

  • dense cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • lace strips;
  • empty rod from helium handle;
  • thin wire;
  • a small diameter of the cap (covers from jackets with drugs, from ketchup)

Draw a cone blank on the cardboard. Cut and glue it. Top cone cut off. It turned out the basis of the lampsher. Put it with lace. Wire bend in half and skip through the rod. From above to the wire, the lamp is a lampshade, from below to the cover - to give the stability to Torsh. The lid can be reappeted by a lace skirt. As a rack, instead of a rod, you can use beads, passing the wire through them. In this case, the lampshade will also decorate beads.

Master class on the manufacture of puppet furniture from old boxes See in the video.


For the manufacture of the chandelier, we need a small capacity. You can use measuring cups from drugs, disposable plastic stacks, the simplest candles in the metal case.

For decoration chandeliers, you will need lace strips, thin strips of satin ribbon. They need to attach the plastic base of the chandelier. Metal case can not even decorate, it turns out the original chandelier. In the base of the capacitance that was used, the LED was used if you thought about a lodge with real lighting. Hang to the ceiling. The method of fastening to the ceiling will depend on the materials from which the house is made.

In this way, you can make lamps to any room of your puppet house.

Kitchen for puppet house

For the manufacture of the kitchen will be convenient to use small boxes. If there are no such boxes, you will need to make them from cardboard. Make it quite easily. It will be convenient to use if the boxes glue with each other by making a single design.

If the kitchens are planned hinged cabinets, then you glue a sheet of cardboard to the back wall of the lockers, to which these lockers are stuck. You can strengthen the design, if you stick to the sheet of cardboard from the back of the long flat wands. In boxes it is necessary to cut the door of lockers.

For our kitchen, we use self-adhesive paper, or any other beautiful paper. Put the lockers, with the help of wire and beads, make handles from them. The crane can be made of wire, the handles of the mixer from small beads. For the sink, a deep lid is suitable. Her fastened to the countertop. Plate burners can be made of buttons. Emboss the space between the cabinets can be in the form of a tiled apron. To do this, find the appropriate image on the Internet and print it. Shoot it on a cardboard sheet on which the lockers are fixed.

We put the dishes and products. The kitchen is ready, you can send the hostess!

Master class for the manufacture of cuisine you can see in the next video.

Dress Table

We will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • foil;
  • little trimming ceiling plinth;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • color, packaging or self-adhesive paper.

Stages of work:

  1. Measure the necessary height of the table on the box so that the doll is convenient to sit behind him.
  2. Cut up too much.
  3. The base of the table is the bottom of the box. From the part, which is located below, cut out the legs.
  4. Cut the self-adhesive paper
  5. On the cardboard we draw the desired shape of the mirror and cut it out. We glue foil as a mirror surface.
  6. We draw up the mirror frame with thin strains of the ceiling plinth.
  7. We glue the mirror to the table.

Chair for the toilet table is made in the same way. We change the only height. Instead of a mirror surface, we make a back chal.

Almost any piece of furniture can be made from undergraded means. For this you need free time, your fantasy and desire. Your girl will be very glad to new clothes a doll house!

The process of making a dressing table for dolls from matchboxes and cardboard See next video.

On how to make a dinner table for dolls, see the next video.

A small box will easily turn into a fireplace that will warm the puppet cottage.


  • box with a side;
  • napkins;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • acrylic paints;
  • scotch;
  • twine;
  • plastic bottle.


  1. Cut from the box half - it will be a blank for the fireplace. Covered with white paint.
  2. Cardboard sheet glue 3-5 layers of a white napkin, a little smyster it and creating texture. Then cover brown paint, we are waiting for when driving, and cut into small rectangles - it will be bricks for facing the fireplace.
  3. We smear the fireplace glue and lay the imitation of brickwork.
  4. For the lattice in the size of the facial part of the fireplace, we measure the necessary height and width, we transfer the project to the cardboard and we glue the transparent tape from above. Further in the course there is a twine: finishing it with glue, you need to lay it on top of the lattice pattern. When the glue dries, cover the grid first in black paint, then slightly gold - for beauty. You can additionally cover lacquer - and the lattice is ready. By the way, you can also make a balcony or balcony grille.
  5. For the basin base, you can take a gold or silver tight cardboard. Measuring the width and depth of the fireplace, it is necessary to add 1-2 cm and cut. Glit.
  6. Fire in the fireplace is also easy to do. For this, thin strips are cut from the plastic bottle and heated on fire. Strips curl as flame languages. Plastic need to paint red.
  7. Firewood is cut from the twigs, fire is lined with them. All items are stacked in the fireplace.
  8. If you make an LED light bulb from within, the fireplace will shine as a real!

Stages of manufacture of fireplace from cardboard


The easiest option is to take the box suitable in size, it is possible to get it outside with beautiful paper or paint, and inside insert a round tube - it will be a crossbar for hangers.

If you need doors, they can additionally:

  • glue;
  • make a selection of holes in the wall and on the door, corrected in the distance, and then turn the wire, bending it into the ring - the door on the loop will turn out;
  • stretch under the cover of the cabinet a thin line, hanging the sections of the fabric - there will be a closet with curtains;
  • stick the transparent or stained glass film - it turns out the glass.

Cabinet for dolls can be made of a simple box

For dishes or books need shelves. How to do them:

  • from cardboard on the width of the locker rectangles;
  • rectangles are additionally cut, their width is equal to the width of the shelves, and the length is 4-5 cm, the corners are cut off;
  • bilateral scotch is pasted on additional rectangles;
  • with the help of rectangles, the shelves are attached to the closet: one side of the rectangle is attached to the shelf, the other is to the wall of the cabinet.
If the wardrobe is placed in the kitchen, then the microwave, dishes will find in it. In the living room, the cabinet becomes a book, and from paper you need to make books for dolls - let them read! This crawler is easy to do with the child. You can print on the printer in the desired format of the sheets of your favorite book, cut, flash through the middle, at the same time attaching the cover, which the girl itself will color - the mistress of the puppet kingdom.

From paper you can make books for dolls

You can write the story with the child and make miniature books

However, there is an interesting option that implies freedom of creativity and develops fantasy. We must sew white sheets of paper, offering the child to draw and write your book fairy tales for dolls. Finally, you can use newspaper sheets, cutting them on doll size and stitching.

Boxes are the opportunity to create and fantasize!

Puppet Furniture from Plastic Designer

Children's plastic designer will be found in every home. Make a game furniture set of it - it's easier than, with your own hands it will make even a child, manifesting inspiration and fantasy.

There are whole lego houses for dolls

From blocks of Lego Designer, you can easily make simple furniture for dolls

Armchair and chalk of lego blocks

From the details of the LEGO designer, you can fold the bed and armchair, of course, it will be easy to get a table. What is good such furniture? It can be disassembled and do something else. The precast designer takes little place in the apartment.

It is interesting! In many sets, Lego already have plastic parts for one or another furniture.

To make games with dolls, doll furniture is needed. You can buy chairs, cribs or sofas in the store, but such costs are not for everyone on the pocket. In addition, handmade doll furniture is characteristic. Therefore, a successful solution is to make furniture for a doll house with your own hands.

Furniture for a puppet house can be made with their own hands from girlfriend, which can be found in every home. The advantages of handmade - low cost, safety and original design.

The most comfortable materials are:

  • Plywood (Tree) - Material from which it turns out durable, stable and beautiful miniature furniture for a doll house. Working with a tree is not easy, so helping the dad or grandfather, who has experience in working with such material;
  • Cardboard and paper are available and easy to process materials. You can take one-piece sheets or use empty boxes from cardboard. Even children can make furniture in a puppet house with their own hands, for this adults only need to prepare from paper schemes and issue the necessary materials;
  • Boxes for matches - material that does not require much effort. To make Furniture for Barbie with their own hands, you need to show fantasy, glue boxes and decorate at your discretion;
  • Wire is an easy-bending material that is suitable for creating frames and small parts. From her you can make beds, chairs, hangers, chandeliers, candlesticks, curtains;
  • Plastic bottles or banks. You can make baths for swimming or tables with chairs. And if you show a fantasy, the plastic container can turn into a crib, chair and other overall furniture;
  • If you use newspapers or logs, then you will need to turn no one dozen tubes. Make woven furniture is easy, it is quite clear to perform actions according to the scheme.

In addition to the listed materials, you can use covers, pipes for juice, foam and containers from the eggs to create furniture for a puppet house.

How to make

To make furniture for miniature houses, you need to follow the instructions, making amendments in the course of the action, if there are no necessary materials.


For the manufacture of a doll sofa, the following materials will be required: Cardboard box, fabric, foam rubber, stapler, thread, needle, scissors. First of all, it is necessary to make the basis. Cut from the box one narrow, one wide and half with each short side so that the framework is. After that, we measure the dimensions of the sofa parts, we carry them on the cloth folded in half and cut out. We sew covers from two sides, turn out. From the foam rubber cut the pieces of size less than the sofa parts. Porolon must be put into covers and gently flash. Finished pillows fasten the stapler and insert into the cardboard frame. For reliability, you can attach a soft part of the sofa to a cardboard basis by a stapler. As decoration, you can make several small pads of different shapes.

We form a framework

Cut the necessary details

We form the seat

We fasten scotch

We carry out "Tightness"

Ready product


For the manufacture of the cabinet, the following materials will be required: Box from shoes, glue, scissors, decorative cloves, pliers and nippers, tape, covers from toothpaste, threads and needle, thick aluminum wire.

Making a cabinet for dolls takes place in several stages:

  1. Make a basis - cut off two extra box parts (closing elements on top and bottom). Cabinet frame ready;
  2. Make legs. Turn the cabinet to the bottom up and make the markup for future legs in four places. Apply the glue on each point and glue the covers from the toothpaste narrow to the top;
  3. From the cut parts of the box, you can build the shelves inside the cabinet. To do this, you need from two sides of the cardboard to stick tape so that its length is a few centimeters more than the length of the future shelf. After that, you need to glue the scotch bands over the shelf and below so that it is in a horizontal position;
  4. Make handles. To create them, you can use decorative carnations. They need to stick in the door in the right place;
  5. Now you need to make a holder for hangers inside the cabinet. To do this, take a negligent wire and with the help of bruises to separate a piece that is 1 cm more width of the cabinet. Then you need to mark the point inside the cabinet, through which the holder will pass, and stretch the wire through them;
  6. The cabinet is ready.

Ready cabinet can be decorated with any materials.

Find a box of shoes

Cut the box with white paper

Cut the items

Warm paper shelves

We make shelves

We make a wooden stick hanger


Puffy - this is not only furniture for recreation, but also a bright element of the interior. The following materials will be useful for work: plastic comb, cover or bobbin from tape, wire, foam rubber, a piece of red or blue velvet, as well as paint, transparent varnish, glue, decorative gold ribbon. Decorative furniture with your own hands for dolls make it easy, for this you need to carefully follow all the steps:

  1. Make legs. For this, anything can be suitable, but so that they are beautiful, you need to find an old patterned oscillation or a carved element of plastic decoration and sawing four small rectangular pieces;
  2. Make the basis. If it takes a bobbin from the tape for the manufacture of a puff, then you need to stretch the wire across it so that the doll does not fall into the hole during the seat. After that, a piece of thick foam is stacked on top and cut off the edge so that the base is completely covered. The material is glued and left for a short time for drying. If the cover is used as the base, the wire in the process is not useful;
  3. Decorate legs. While the base of the Purph enhances, you can decorate the legs. Every detail needs to be well lost by sandpaper and cover the paint of gold color. When the paint is dry, over the legs need to apply a protective colorless varnish;
  4. Stay on the basis of velvet. The fabric will not only decorate the pouf, but also hides the irregularities of the primary work;
  5. Glue the decorative tape of the golden or silver shade on the bottom of the pouf. This item will decorate and hobs the placeboard of the tissue and foam rubber;
  6. Glue legs to the base, and check the chair for stability;
  7. Puppet dolls ready.

If you correctly pick up materials and not miss a single point of instructions, you will get a beautiful and convenient otfik.

Take round

Insert the wire

We are slapped the coating several times

Cover the base of the cloth

We make decor

Mount legs

Table and chairs

From plastic bottles you can create a kitchen headset for Barbie, consisting of a dining table and several chairs. To create a set, you will need: bottles, scissors, double-sided sticky tape, marker, slices of beautiful fabric, cardboard, glue, sintepon or wool for filling. How to make furniture in a puppet lodge with your own plastic bottles.

  • I pay out on paper a scheme of the future chair, taking into account the size of the doll, cut out, apply to the bottle and outline. Then carefully with the help of scissors cut out and get a practically finished chair;
  • Now you need to make legs for all chairs. For their manufacture, you need to remove the tube from the bottle, cut off a small piece from the neck and glue the chair to the bottom. These actions need to perform as many times how many chairs at the output you want to get;
  • Now decorate the chairs of paint or witch capes from the fabric. It is more convenient to use paints with a sprayer as a dye. To fill the stems in the lesters, it is necessary to sew round covers and fill them with a soft filler.

Make paper table template

Cut out

Mobile and lay soft seat

  • Making a dining table. It takes a piece of cardboard and a bottle of cardboard. Squeeze the desired table height and cut the neck. Cut the oval or rectangular countertop from cardboard and get to where the plug should be;
  • Color paint table in the same color that chairs are painted;
  • Cut the piece from the ribbon lace and glue the edge of the table top;
  • Make a copy of the table top and glue over the table. Color and let dry;
  • Table and chairs are ready.

With such a set of furniture, you can call guests and arrange a puppet tea. A similar set will decorate the kitchen, a dining room or a doll house living room.

Preparing chopsticks for legs

We make decor legs

Making countertop

Screw the screws

We wear sticks on the self-tapping screw


Each doll will have no one set of clothing that needs to be kept somewhere. Lockers and dressers are convenient, but not practical. Hanger - that's what you need, so that the dresses are stored in the best possible way. For the manufacture of doll hangers, it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba thin wire, ribbons from the atlas, adhesive moment, beads, pliers. Make a hanger for Barbie or another doll is not difficult.

First you need to decide on the size. In order not to move away from the desired parameters, you can draw on a sheet of paper a hanger of the desired size, and in the manufacturing process to apply a blank from the wire.

Now we take the wire and with the help of pliers form future shoulders. It is very important that in the finished product it was not acute ends. To avoid this, you need to heat and twist. So that the hanger was attractive, on top of it you can turn the color satin ribbon and consolidate its ends with the help of super glue. The edges of the ribbon need to be burned so that the fabric does not appear. If you use beads for decoration, then in the process of creating hangers you need to wear some amount on the wire. Ready hangers, ashes, can be used to store puppet things. They can be placed in the closet, the creation of which was described above.

Split product

Decorating ribbon

House is built. It all unimportant, he is big or small, from a brick or from cardboard, Barbie or Snow White with Dwarves will live in it. In any case, he needs interior, in furniture and necessary accessories. In stores toys today you can buy everything. But as you know, the most fashionable things are considered exclusive, made in a single copy, handmade things. Therefore, we drown the sleeves and begin work on the manufacture of doll furniture with your own hands.

We make a present chair for Barbie

In the market for toys, the current miniature layouts of real objects of the human life are most appreciated: cars, airplanes, clothes, etc. The smaller the model, the more difficult to do them. Let's try to create a similar exclusive piece of furniture.

To make dolls upholstered furniture, you need to cook:

  • dense cardboard with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm;
  • ordinary paper;
  • penocarton (thickness 0.5 cm) or corrugated cardboard (thickness 0.3 cm);
  • a tube with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm from any material. You can use the old marker or cardboard tube from under the thread;
  • fleece or thin foam thickness 0.3-0.8 cm;
  • fabric for upholstery. It is better to choose a sieve or staple, so that it is better impregnated with glue;
  • pVA glue and "moment";
  • scissors, knife;
  • line, pencil.

Production of the present chair in stages

  • Make drawings of parts on paper and cut them out.
  • Cut the details of the chair in the drawings. Four rectangles from foamarton or six corrugated cardboard glue together. It will be the base of the chair, seat. Then glue the back and facade of the chair cut from dense cardboard. Fasten the armrest tubes. Next, they will keep them after the salary of their paper, but while they can be slightly "sampled" by pieces of scotch.

  • Cut from corrugated cardboard several strips of 1 cm wide and a length equal to the length of the tubes, and put them with a stack under the roller, losing the layer glue. Number of layers determine the place. Puck the armrest first with thin paper, and then a fleece or foam rubber.

  • Puck the chair with a cloth. To do this, cut out the pieces of material according to the same drawings, but slightly (1-1.5 cm) adds in length and width for the sovereign.

  • The back (removable) for the chair is covered first with foam on one side, and then, with a cloth from all sides.

  • Install the back in the chair. It can be glued to the stationary back, and you can leave collapsible.

  • Pillow on the chair do the same as the back.

  • Here it turned out the royal chair for the favorite doll.

The technique of making this upholstered furniture is similar to the scheme described above, only this chair is not a model of the present, and therefore the basis for it is easier to execute. It consists of a piece of foam rubber cut through the patterns, a thickness of 1-2 cm and a small box. These details also need to be saved with a beautiful cloth, and then join.

From the rectangular piece of foam rubber coinciding in size with the size of the box, cut out the pillow and dramatize the cloth. If there is a sufficiently long and narrow box, it may be a chic sofa for the doll.

The desire to make furniture for very often stops the absence of materials. Of course, few people in the apartment will find furniture boards, wooden bars and springs. However, miniature furniture and does not require such real details. The floor-liter plastic bottles are in any house and can be used not only as container ..

If they are cut in a certain way, they may turn out over the original chairs. In order to give them a presentable species, you can shelter or puncture plastic edges with a beautiful braid. Next, you need to sew your two pads and fill them with any filler. One of them will be the seat, and the other back.

To fulfill this work, we will need a cardboard tube that remains from the roll of toilet paper. The manufacturer's scheme is the same as in the previous version, only in this case we will not be able to make armrests. Therefore, miniature furniture will be rapidly with a backup.

Cut from the tube the desired shape and take it with a cloth. Make a bag, gain it with filler and put inside the tube to get a seat.

Cot for a puppet baby

Barbie or Monster High adult girls, so it is quite logical that they can have a little baby. For him, some kind of furniture is also needed. For example, a cot.

There is a very simple version of the manufacturer of the cradle for a small baby - a crib of match boxes. For the backs, you can use sticks from ice cream-pops. Shill two box to the ends and take the color paper. Stick sticks and paint them. Cot is ready.

Matchboxes are excellent building material for puppet furniture. These are ready-made pull-out drawers. Of these, you can make a whole kitchen set.

  1. Take 9 boxes and fold them in three rows, gluing among themselves.
  2. Plue around the perimeter with colored paper ribbon.
  3. Make a stapler brackets on the ends of the "boxes". It will be handles.
  4. Hinged lockers make out of three boxes.
  5. Shill in each box two parts.
  6. Color or cross them with colored paper.
  7. Cut the top box in the middle. It will be doors. The handles on them can be drawn with a felt-tip pen or glue along the rice grain.

From match boxes can be constructed a wonderful chest. For this we need:

  • 4 matches;
  • 4 beads for legs and 4 for handles;
  • thin fabric or colored paper;
  • beautiful braid;
  • glue, paint.

Color all the boxes inside and outside of a monochrome paint. Glue them between themselves and wrap with cloth or paper. Stick on the contour braid, on the bottom 4 legs-beads, and on each box of beads-handles.