Repairs Design Furniture

Wallpaper in a nursery. What wallpaper is better to choose for a children's room: positive in design and plot Unusual wallpaper in the children's room

Before starting to make a room for a child, you need to take into account some points.

To a greater extent it applies to the selection of wallpapers for the children's room.

What wallpaper to choose in the nursery?

  • Ecology. The best choice is hypoallergenic material certified for all rules.
  • Ostroitness.
  • Hygienicity. It is desirable that the wallpaper can be washed or cleaned.


Children's wallpapers for children can be:

  • Paper. They are inexpensive, eco-friendly, but at the same time the moisture is not afraid and fear.
  • Vinyl. They do not burn out, hide minor defects, durable, but suitable for older children.
  • Fliselinova. They are durable, environmentally friendly, plastic. They can often be repainted, but they are expensive and distinguished by a small choice of drawings.
  • Cork. Great isolate the room from foreign sounds, they are environmentally friendly and no moisture is afraid.
  • Liquid. Practical and safe, you can repaint, but cost quite expensive.
  • Wall mural. Blooming the wallpaper in the nursery, they can divide the room on the zones and revitalize the situation.


For active baby, it is better to create a calm and balanced atmosphere. Ideally, the child choose the wallpaper himself. Also, the age of the child affects the choice.

From 0 to 2 years old are the bright wallpaper.

For a child, 2-4 years old should choose from shades of natural colors (yellow, blue or green).

For children from 4 to 6 years, children's wallpapers can be divided into two bands upper and lower, the latter can serve as a place for creativity.

For children over 6 years old, you can offer colored wallpapers with small pictures, but with alternating color.

In 11, children can arrange a room on their own, and parents must recommend only a more resistant wallpaper material so that the room remains long in a decent state.

About vinyl children's wallpaper in the interior


  • Such material has a PVC layer, which is durable and moisture constructions.
  • Vinyl wallpaper is practical and universal, they can be washed.
  • They can imitate different surfaces, may have different drawings.
  • Distinguishing high strength, they are sufficiently wear-resistant.

How to choose vinyl wallpapers?

Take into account the size of the room, because bright or dark shades visually reduce the size of the room. Before buying, find out how ecologically clean building materials.

The age and sex of the child also affect the choice. Children's wallpaper for girls differ from children's wallpapers for the boy.

Wallpapers for the baby will undoubtedly differ from the wallpaper for a teenager. Next, take care of the colors. It is believed that for children, it is impossible to pick up the wallpaper of dark shades. Blue and white colors are also not suitable there.

Wallpaper for creativity

If your child loves to draw, his room is to be saved by a wallpaper material on which you can draw. And then the child will be able to create an unusual design, using stickers, creating pictures or simply color paint wallpaper.

Features of this material

On them, the child can draw as much as you like, and adults do not need to worry about this, because the child does not spoil the walls, but is engaged in creativity.

Such a bulk coating does not need to constantly cross, because it is specially created in order for the kids on it to paint with markers or markers.


  • Wallpaper coloring.
  • Wallpapers with frames in which paintings can be draw.

Alternatives to such wallpapers can serve as a chalk drawing board.

Wallpaper material under painting. You can swing the wallpaper in the nursery per wall and offer the child to draw on it.

Also perfectly fit and self-adhesive film. From it, you can cut the figures and glue on the wallpaper.

Modern wallpaper materials can be formed the taste of a child and raise a sense of beautiful in it.

Manufacturers offer catalogs where you can consider photos of wallpapers for children and choose a wallpaper material of a certain color and under different styles. Your choice will depend on the nature of your crumbs and skills that you want to develop.

Stock Foto Wallpaper for children's room

Olga Nikitin

Reading time: 7 minutes


All parents want a comfortable, comfortable atmosphere in the children's room. Harmony is desirable in combination of furniture design, drawings on the wallpaper and even. An important factor in the design of the children's room is the wallpaper. Their quality, color, drawing affect the child's health and the aesthetic perception of the room as a whole. What wallpaper is better to choose in a nursery - read below.

Best Children's Wallpaper: What wallpaper Choose for a children's room - vinyl, paper, fliesline, glass windows, photo wallpapers, liquid wallpapers?

By making a choice in a diverse assortment of the proposed wallpapers, it should be considered the main one: wallpapers in the children's room should be made of natural materials. Require from the seller quality CertificateThis will confirm that the main components of the wallpaper: the coloring and binder, paper and other components meet the established standards.

Choose the color of the wallpaper in the children's room - what color of the wallpaper for the nursery will be better?

The color of the wallpaper in the children's room and the drawings on them are taking into account the nature of the kid: calm - Choose warm colors, active child - Cold tones. The best option when choosing wallpapers in the nursery is to take a child with me so that he also participates in the formation of the image of his room.

The color gamut on the wallpaper in the children's room has an impact on the psychological state of the child, scientists and psychologists have come to this conclusion. So, for example, yellow, peach color of the walls encourages the child to knowledge, study, new discoveries. If, then you can think about zoning space, including - using various color of wallpaper. Choosing wallpapers in a children's color decision, do not forget about the age of the child:

Wallpaper for children - how to choose a drawing for children's wallpapers?

Drawings on wallpaper must comply with the age of the child.

  • Kids up to four years Images are suitable on the wallpaper in the form of asterisks, floweries and other pictures without plot lines. Choosing a drawing, remember that too frequent image on the wallpaper can be tired and bored. It is better to stop on a single drawing or plot that will be in demand when playing with a child.
  • From four years Drawings on wallpaper may contain a storyline: characters from favorite cartoons. Usually, boys prefer pictures with machinery, airplanes and other techniques. Girls, as a rule, soul drawings with bears, dolls, such as Barbie. Wallpapers depicted by heroes from cartoons are most popular and like children of any age.

The design of the baby boy is a very responsible and laborious process. As you know, a child from the earliest perceives life through the environment and studies it visually. Personal space is a huge and bright world, which every parent wants to fill with warm, joy and light.

White wallpaper in the room

Wallpaper with dolphins

The interior, along with clothing and toys, plays a crucial role in the formation of a comfortable emotional state of the child. Properly selected wallpaper and wallpaper design will not only reliably protect the walls of the room, but also create a certain atmosphere, where your child will be able to fully develop, hold their leisure. After all, it is in his room that the child returns after long adventures, here he stores his innermost secrets, makes lessons, having fun and knows himself. Responsibility for the creation of a cozy little universe for the kid from the very birth lies on the shoulders of parents.

Today we will talk about the wallpaper. If you are seriously thinking about buying a boys wallpaper, then this article will be an excellent helper.

Wallpaper in a nursery with the sea
Wallpaper with a map of the earth

Wallpaper in a nursery
Wallpaper with card

Choose wallpapers for wall decoration in a modern children's room

To navigate in a wide variety of materials offered by manufacturers is quite difficult. So, below we learn which wallpapers exist in the modern world, and "lay them off on the shelves."

  • Paper wallpaper is the most common and optimal solution. Often these wallpapers do not have in the composition of chemicals. The disadvantages include briefness, but this minus easily turns into a plus. Children of different ages really like to express drawing on the walls, glue photos and decorate your space. Should I limit them in this impulse? Most likely - it is not worth it. Option is ideal for small pranks.
    Beautiful wallpaper in the room
  • Flizelin wallpaper is often used to design various rooms. Unlike paper wallpaper, it is a much more reliable option, characterized by durability and water resistance. Wallpapers are able to hide the irregularities and defects of the walls and they can be repainted. Disadvantage: Data Wallpaper is much more expensive than paper.
    Wallpaper with a big aircraft
  • Liquid wallpaper is an eco-friendly and practical solution, because the plaster does not absorb the smell and is easily updated. For the restoration, it is enough to apply a new layer of material. The walls can be decorated with a pattern with the help of screening with liquid wallpaper of another coloring.
    Wallpaper with dolphins
    Wallpaper with fish
  • Wall mural. Just imagine on the walls of the room can settle the super-hero, football player, a character of a beloved cartoon or a cummy of your child. He will be delighted! Wall murals are created on paper based on any sketch. Excellent option for zoning and secretion of accent in the baby boy. Inexpensive price for such walls allows you to update the interior as often as necessary.
    Wallpaper with superhero
  • Cork and bamboo wallpaper are 100% eco-friendly wallpaper. Wallpapers perform the function of sound insulation (the excellent solution for the panel house) and have a pleasant texture. Limited range of color solutions.

Cognitive Wallpaper in the room
Wallpaper with Tuchch

What interior and decor fits the boys of different ages?

The preferences of the boys change over the years, so the interior of the children's room should keep up with time. It is necessary to determine the most harmonious colors and learn how to combine wallpaper with other finishing materials and wall decor.

  1. Studying the world. From 0-2 year old
    Do not limit the range of shades for children of this age. Fine juicy, bright colors. The interior will perfectly fit wallpaper with a large print, because the baby is interested in everything unknown. In the recreation area, it is advisable to glue the wallpaper more relaxed shades, so as not to scare the child and not distract it from sleep. If you are afraid of the prospect of repairing a children's room as we grow up - you can use the wallpaper of basic pastel tones (blue, peach, light green), and later dilute with their scenery.
    Bright wallpaper in the room
  2. Personal preferences. From 2 to 5 years
    The boy already understands what he likes, but what is not. There are beloved colors and cartoons, which decorate the room. The interior of the room is filled with natural colors, photo wallpaper, decorative stickers with animals are used. It is advisable to use blue, yellow and green shades. If your child is active - use the wallpaper of quiet colors, brighter shades, such as orange and yellow, are suitable for calm children. For small lovers draw on the walls - we advise you to choose paper wallpaper-coloring, they can be pasted on the bottom half of the wall, and the upper part, to which the child does not reach, coat with liquid wallpaper. This will reduce the cost of subsequent repairs.
    Wallpaper in the form of a land map
  3. Fun time. From 5 to 9 years
    The boy is often active and unlikely, so, choosing a wallpaper for children, screaming shades, such as orange, yellow and red, automatically stands to minimize. We advise you to use monophonic walls, pay attention to washable wallpapers that are easy to restore, as well as repainted in the desired color. Wallpapers must be juicy, but not aggressive, use pastel tones. Also worth splitting the room on the game, sleeping and training zone so that the child can distinguish between its space. Decorate the room in accordance with the interests of the child.
    Beautiful wallpaper in the children's room
  4. Expansion of interests and self-identification. From 9 to 12 years
    The circle of interest is expanding, friends appear friends. Choose a calm, deep gamut - blue, blue, green, peach. This will allow the boy to concentrate on their studies. Listen to your child's interests, create creative and game zones, where the boy can develop his horizons. Wall murals in the gaming zone will help the boy to identify themselves and express their "I". It is enough will be one bright zone.
    Bright wallpaper in the nursery
  5. Teenage boom. From 12 to 16 years
    Your boy turns out of a child in a young man, and, therefore, denies the elements of "childishness" in the interior. The room is filled with restraint, modern trends, a greater preference for a teenager gives deep shades - blue, purple, green.
    Wallpaper in a children's room for a boy

Wallpaper with koreables

If the room is spacious and light enough, you can use colorful print wallpapers in accordance with the wishes of the teenager. If the room has a small area and poor natural light, we advise you to use light, pastel shades that visually lighten and increase the space.

Green Wallpaper in the Children's Room
Striped Wallpaper in Children's

Your task is to create the most comfortable conditions for your child and help him form my own unique place of transmitting. The child is preparing to become an adult, and all that surrounds him - should contribute to this. It is very important to consult with the child and choose all materials for the boy's room together: wallpaper, furniture and decor elements.

Striped Wallpaper in Children's
Bright wallpaper in the nursery

Room for two boys

In case two boys live in the room, then you should not forget about the individuality of each of them. Divide the space and highlight each child its personal zone, the interior of which will match his interests and desires as possible. The walls of the walls may differ alternating color gamut. Choose wallpapers for the boy's children's room in the color scheme, as suitable as possible individually to each of the small inhabitants.

Buy Wallpapers with ackle and arrange!

Video: Kids Room Design for Boy

50 photos of children's wallpapers in the children's room:

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Today we will tell you that you need to know about the choice of wallpapers when planning the design of a future children's or teenage room. Girls with tips and beautiful photos for inspiration.

8 tips for choosing wallpaper design for children's room girls

  1. If the room is small, then for the girl's room, the wallpaper is suitable for very light pastel shades with small, and not a large pattern.

If the room is low ceilings, the wallpaper in the vertical strip is visually lifted by them. If the room is narrow, then the walls in the horizontal strip will make it wider.

  1. Here are the recommendations to help arrange the walls in accordance with age:

And the youngest children most often choose wallpaper in pastel colors so that they do not distract them from regular sleep.

For children's room Girls from 3 to 11 years old, you can choose wallpaper muted or pastel shades with a funny pattern or an interesting plot as on these photo examples.

But teenage girls can be allowed to choose and brighter, contrasting combinations and very daring drawings, such as the next photo.

On the other hand, there is a high probability that such extravagant wallpaper will be rapid quickly, so do not forget to offer the daughters of classic and more "adults" options, for example, with a floral print.

  1. If the room windows come to the north, try to choose light wallpaper warm shades - yellow, pink, beige, etc.

The "southern" bedrooms can be arranged in a cold, warm-cold and even dark range.

  1. When choosing a color, consider the character of the housewife of the room.

The apathetic girls will help to become more active than a little (!) Orange, yellow or non-lass red elements in the wallpaper drawing.

If the child is too active, the wallpaper is better to choose soothing pastel shades with an unobtrusive pattern, but from yellow, orange and red walls it is better to refuse. The most relaxing colors are lilac, blue, beige and pink.

If the girl, and especially a teenager, lacks perfection behind the lessons, then walls (only in the study area) to arrange in blue, gray shades.

  1. Choosing the design of the walls, of course, you need to take into account the style of the room.

In classic styles (Ampir, etc.) will be appropriate wallpaper in a cell, vertical strip, with a vegetable / floristic pattern.

But in modern styles, for example, in Scandinavian, geometric shapes, drawn animals, bright abstractions will be appropriate.

  1. Pay special attention to options with traditionally girl prints: butterflies, flowers, peas and birds. Most likely, it is such a way that the hostess of the room will be happy longer to the longest, at least before adolescence.

But you can find more original canvases, for example, with asterisks, clouds, world map, etc.

  1. If you want to arrange a children's room "on the grown", then choose a neutral wallpaper or, oddly enough, pink with a classic pattern, for example, vegetable or in Rhombick as in the photo below.

  1. Finally, the last advice. If you plan to decorate the room with bright accents - paintings, posters, stickers, etc., but you are afraid to overload the interior, cholect the wallpaper monople or with a very unobtrusive pattern.

Help by type of wallpaper

Most often, children's rooms are separated by paper wallpaper, as they are environmentally friendly, available and beautiful. In this category, the choice of children's and adolescent designs is the largest of both European and Russian manufacturers. But the paper coatings have as many minuses that they are easy to doubt them:

  • Short service life - 2-5 years;
  • The complexity of sticking (the canvases are stretched from glue, and after drying, give shrinkage);
  • Demanding of the smoothness of the wall;
  • Flowing from UV rays;
  • The visibility of the joints (to kill the canvas without junctions is very and very difficult to even an experienced master);
  • The impossibility of washing random pollution and art felt-powder, plasticine, etc.

Conclusion: If you are ready to make an "art platform" walls, you expect anyway to change the wallpaper by age no more than 5 years old or select the design of the walls for the girl-teenage girl, then this is the best option.


  • The quality of paper wallpapers determines the weight and number of paper layers. Heavy and dense single-layer must weigh 120-150 gr / sq. M. Multilayer paper wallpapers (duplex) can have two or more layers.
  • It is better that the wallpaper is with a protective acrylic spraying that will prevent their fading and allow you to wipe the walls with a slight damp cloth.
  • Ask and quality print quality. The best option is a deep print for the dirty paper.


The highest quality and most expensive option is paper wallpapers on a fliesline basis. These are the popular German brands BoraStapeter (in the photo below), Mr. Perswall, Rasch. And "breathes", and hides the irregularities of the walls, and allows you to push the canvas quickly and without extra mud, without giving paper to stretch.


A more practical alternative to paper coatings - vinyl wallpaper.


  • Increased wear resistance and anti-vandal properties. Unlike paper, vinyl coatings are squeezed almost all: and the painting of floters, and plasticine, and random food pollution, and frequent washing with friction, as well as random mechanical damage;
  • Long service life - 15 years;
  • Not demanding on the quality of the draft finishing and evenness of the walls;
  • Relief species, such as wallpaper from foamed vinyl, can hide the flaws of the wall.


  • A small selection of designs compared to paper coatings;
  • Vinyl airproof, and "breathable" vinyl wallpaper with micropores are expensive.

In our opinion, vinyl wallpapers will only suit if in priority you put the durability of wallpaper and their practicality.

Harmful or not?

Vinyl wallpaper is often reproached in the selection of harmful substances and in the fact that they are not breathing, let's understand how true it is? On the one hand, indeed, the vinyl has no pore, through which air exchange could be carried out and evaporate moisture. It is dangerous in that due to the damp on the walls mold and fungus may occur. In practice, such situations rarely happen and still glue vinyl only in dry (60-70% humidity), warm and well ventilated room without stretch ceiling. In case you live in a panel new building, on the last floor of the house or in an apartment where mold occurred, then the vinyl wallpaper needs to be abandoned categorically.

  • For the decoration of the children's, you can buy wallpaper only from solid vinyl with micropores - they "breathe" and absolutely harmless. But there are such coatings expensive and the choice of designs is very small.

As for the allocation of harmful volatile substances, it is important to make sure that the products have certificates of compliance with sanitary standards. As a rule, now most vinyl wallpapers have them.

  • If you still decide on vinyl coatings, then the walls must be previously treated with anti-grapple primer and make sure that the plaster dried completely.

Choosing children's wallpapers for the design of your baby, you can initially be repelled from two items:

  • you make a room for a newborn;
  • you are engaged in room for a child for 3 years and older.

Children's paper wallpapers: finishing the first room of the kid

In the first case, we need to take such basic tips:

Wall coating should be natural. Thus, the choice of wallpaper is mainly reduced to the catalogs of paper coatings.

The collection of paper wallpapers is every manufacturer, and the exception is only Italian and German factories, specializing in the release of textiles of the ELITA class (this is Rasch Textil Germany), and Italian factories Italreflexes, Zambaiti, Sangiorgio). Textiles is also not bad, however, as for short-term coating in the nursery, he is too luxurious. In short, textiles looks and worth "not childish." So, banal monophonic wallpapers will cost you $ 75 / roll (standard of roll for textile wallpaper - 1.06x10.05 m), and a floral ornament from Rasch Textil (in the photo below), for example, in 194 $ / roll.

Photo 1 - Textile wallpapers on Fliselin-based infinity (Rasch Textil, Germany)

Many manufacturers suitable for decoration of the walls of the children's room of the wallpaper are reduced into separate collections. Such find, for example, in directories:

  • Wallquest (USA) - Playdate Again, Jelly Beans;
  • York (USA) - Honey Bunny, Disney, Brothers and Sisters, Boy's WORLD;
  • Blue Mountain (USA) - Bright Ideas, My Pad;
  • Eijffinger (Netherlands) - Wallpower for Kids, Wallpower Unlimited, Hits for Kids, Wallpower Next, Wallpower Mini, Pip Wallpapers;
  • A.s.creation (Germany) - Boys and Girls, Esprit The Kids Collection;
  • Marburg (Germany) - MANEKIN.

Photo 2 - Children's Wallpaper York, York Kids Collection, Tree W-Bears (Wallpaper Tree Bears and Border Branch)

Wallpaper in nursery should be muted blond tones with animalistic, vegetable, "cartoon" ornament. Designer collections of some factories contain dark wallpapers for children: for example, the Kelly Hoppen collection (GRAHAM & BROWN, England), ROSE model.

It is possible to use such wallpapers in the child's interior, however, for children of school or senior school age due to the aggressiveness of the color of the wall cover, and even that it is better not to finish the entire perimeter of the room, but rather for zoning: allocating a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe room. About the perception by a child's color of the room and about the effect of color on the child - just below.

Photo 3 - Kelly Hoppen collection (GRAHAM & BROWN), Rose model

Traditionally, the wallpaper in a room for newborns is selected according to the principle: boys - blue, girls - pink. In the case of small children in force, the concept of "unisex". For example, if you move away from the "tradition" and cautious the walls of the son of Son with light yellow wallpaper? In this case, it will be appropriate to combine wallpaper: it looks good with a combination of yellow background with a border of dark color.

Another option: To divide the room with wallpaper of two colors horizontally - no one will say that with the design of a children's boy something is wrong.

The same can be said about the finishing of the room for a newborn girl. Pastel blue tones (a frequent version - blue wallpaper with clouds) - also can be attributed to the class "Unisex".

Photo 4 - Children's Wallpaper York, York Kids Collection, Wallpaper Crackle and Bordur Sleeping Cherubi On The Moon

Photo 5 - Children Wallpaper York, York Kids Collection, Wallpapers - Safari Sidewall (KZ4205YK) and Down - Safari Sidewall (SM8659YK), Safari Animals Border

Children wallpaper for walls: if the child has grown

The color of the child surrounding him most of the day the child begins to perceive from infancy, but the color will influence the formation of certain character traits later.

Psychologists advise changing the interior of the children depending on the age of the child:

  • putting the corresponding wallpaper when the baby appears in the house;
  • interior change after 3 years;
  • preparation of the room to the "school" period;
  • changing the room for a teenager (14 years old and older).

IMPORTANT! In some cases, the first and second periods are combined into the class "from birth to 6 years."

The Council is quite practical, because Ideally, for the same periods, not only the appearance of the room, but also its furnishing in connection with the change of child needs should be changed.

The first period we were touched above. Now let's talk about the rest.

The manufacturer and here it largely helps, representing the collection, also conditionally divided by age and sex of the child:

  • for decoration of the walls of childhood age from 3 to 7 years old, wallpapers are suitable, with favorite cartoon characters (in this case, the "Disney collection", PR-in York, USA) or with a pattern corresponding to the first hobbies of the child is most appropriate;

Photo 6 - Children Wallpaper York, Disney Collection, Princess Series, Princess & The Frog

Photo 7 - Children's Wallpaper York, Disney Collection, Toy Story 3 series, Border Disney Toy, Wallpaper Andy's Wall Stars

  • for the wallpapers that the child's room will be saved for the period of primary and secondary school classes, it is better to choose the wallpaper monophonic or with an unobtrusive pattern, such wallpaper you can select the working area of \u200b\u200bthe children's work area so that the wall covering does not distract unridden to study; Also, these wallpapers should be a bit from the definition of "children's wallpaper", i.e. Wallpaper with machinery, designers, with bears and other cartoon animals are no longer suitable;

Photo 8 - Children's Wallpaper Eijffinger (Netherlands), HITS FOR KIDS Collection

Photo 9 - Children's Wallpaper Eijffinger (Netherlands), Wallpower for Kids Collection, MY PALS model

By the way, stick on the walls widescreen wallpaper or wallpaper panel (as in the photo above) - the option is excellent, however, if you think to repair a nursery independently, it will be fairly pretty.

But in the interior, such wallpapers look great! In this format, full-fledged pictures are well looking at: a city, an exotic landscape or even a snapshot from a memorable family trip on March 8 (performed under the order at regional factories or photo studios).

One of the latest "squeaks" of fashion for children - 3D wallpaper. However, in terms of environmental performance, such a coating is better to use only for children from 14 and older.

  • It should be based on the preferences of the child himself - there is already character and hobbies of a schoolchildren are of paramount importance - so if you find wallpapers, ask the opinion of the child: let it determine what "beautiful wallpaper" for him, interests his pictures on the wallpaper or he prefers Wallpapers without a picture (the parent "veto", of course, remains in force).

Photo 11 - Children's Wallpaper York, Collection of Candice Olson, Wallpapers Bohemian Floral and Beaded Curtain, Bordur Bohemian Floral Border

Photo 12 - Children's Wallpaper York, Collection Camo

Wallpaper Color for Children: Small Tricks

Cars, flowers and stripes on the walls of a nursery - one of the main landmarks when choosing a wall coating. Although on the color of the pattern, like the color of the foundation of the canvas, you need to pay no less attention.

Here are some secrets of the effect of color on the child (by the way, in most cases the same principles are effective for an adult):

For a child-Sony, the morning lift of which is for you - a daily feat, the room is better to arrange in the warm, so-called "cozy" shades. These are yellow, brown brown, pastel-orange, green. The same color scheme to some extent can help "talk" an unavigible crumb and give energy every new day.

When making a room for an inactive child you can also use bright items: For example, contrasting soft toys, as well as stickers or bright wall curbs. In such a room, the child can not only develop creatively, but also to rest. As one of the options, wallpapers: On pastel tone of the base, multicolored mugs "pea" or other bright small drawing are perfectly described.

Photo 13 - Children's Wallpaper York, Bunny Toile collection

IMPORTANT! Use too many bright, "screaming" paints is not recommended, because Color can play a cruel joke: from a small child-beds can be turned into not just in active, but in a hyperactive child, and in the additions - nervous, aggressive and capricious. So it will be enough to dilute the pastel in two three bright stains, and not decorating the room "under Harlekin".

Options from nasty: what color can help calm the hyperactive child? To the aid here can come the shades of neutral / cold colors: beige, gently green, pastel shades of blue, etc.

These shades have a number of secrets:

  • the wall design of the room, made in blue, for example, can help remove emotional stress, relax after a heavy / tense day, create an atmosphere of security;

    Photo 14 - Children's Wallpaper York, Collection of Candice Olson, Wallpaper Bamboo Curtain, wallpaper Palm Tree Spot, Bordur Surf's Up Border

    Dark colors - not the best choice for children: according to psychologistsSaturated dark shades on the emotional development of the child act in oppressing, often provoking depressive states.

    Children's wallpapers: Buy

    And finally about prices.

    In the price category "Available and tasteful" are the wallpaper of German manufacturers. Here the price averages do not rise above 21-31 $ / roll, and the minimum price is only $ 7. The German wallpaper is therefore in our market and have taken root that they carry out price competition with wallpaper of domestic production, surpassing them in quality and design. Paper wallpaper of the Belarusian wobble factory, for example, can cost from $ 2.5 per roll.

    In the price category "Above the average" undoubted leader are American paper wallpapers for children's rooms. Here the price is practically not lowered below $ 62. The difference, you see, essential. Thus, a room of 12 m² can be saved by German wallpaper for $ 250-450 (if you take the lower price sector, then $ 100-120 will be enough), and for wallpaper from the USA will have to pay about 750-920 $. The fact that the price is almost twice as bigger, American wallpaper does not differ in quality from German, but the drawing has a more pleasant, more "children's", if you can say so. Yes, and decor options for accompanying materials to American wallpaper are much more.

    Good children's wallpaper is cheap to cost simply, like any high-quality products, in principle. So, the most expensive category - panels and widescreen wallpapers. The release of such wallpapers for children does not do so many manufacturers (Eijffinger, the Netherlands; York USA). Prices for such wallpapers can bounce up to $ 375 per panel. At the same time, you will receive a cloth with dimensions of 1.86x2.6 m or a cloth by 3.25x2.6 m.

    Let's summarize.

    What to choose a wallpaper for children: briefly about the main thing

    For finishing of the walls of the children's room, paper wallpaper pastel tones with a bright contrast pattern / stickers (this can be both vinyl stickers and glowing phosphoric stickers) on the topic of flora and fauna, depicting the favorite cartoon heroes of the child (the characters of the company "Disney" or " Winx ", for example) or on the topic of hobbies of your child (cats, airplanes, constellations, adventures, etc.), chosen according to the child's age and his character traits.

    Among manufacturers, children's wallpapers are preferable to the wallpapers of German companies Marburg (Marburg) and Rasch (RASH) in view of their low cost relatively with the overalls of American production. Also, as profitable and meeting the above-mentioned requirements, it is possible to consider the Children's Wallpaper Catalog of the German company Erismann (Erisman, Germany / Russia). This manufacturer releases phlizelin wallpaper and wallpaper on a fliesline basis.

    Wallpaper for the children's room: the right choice (video)

    Question price:

    • Kiev - from 47 UAH / roll;
    • Moscow - from 214 rubles / roll.