Repairs Design Furniture

The oval table in the interior is an elegant space in your nest. Oval table in interior design

The interior of any home is not without a table. He is central Element Kitchen or dining area.

Of course, first of all, it serves as an organization for organizing a family meal, and also serves to receive guests. But in addition to this, the table can serve to collect a family to the family council, for discussion or just an evening journery.

Modern tables They differ in variety of forms, but you can meet many fans of exclusively round models that are confident that this form has a lot of advantages and looks most aesthetically.
Surely you know the expression that in communication with an important skill is to "reject" sharp corners. Agree that the round table is better contributes to this. It is not at all by chance that in the offices the negotiation halls for the most part are equipped with such products. This is a kind of psychological course used by the time of King Arthur and its famous "round table".

Modern psychologists only confirm the loyalty of such a psychological stroke. The absence of sharp corners has a pacifying effect on a person's subconscious and makes it more open. In addition, such a form softens the hierarchical staircase and conditionally puts participants in the negotiations in equal conditions, making dialogue more open. There is no pressure and dominance of individual participants. The round table creates more points of contact between the interlocutors, not only in the figurative sense.

Round table in the interior

But back to the round table in a residential interior. Here, by the way, all these principles of psychology are no less necessary than in the business world. After all, at the table, members of one family of different generations gather, and, as you know, it is not easy to find them in important matters general solutionsTherefore, the lack of sharp corners will be here as it is impossible.
In addition to the beneficial effect, but communication between people, round tables There are other absolutely practical advantages in the interior. For example, they possess greater capacity. This table can be placed at least 4 people more than square or rectangular.

Why 4? Just in the number of angles, which in this case are missing. However, many noted that round tables clearly give advantages for the capacity greater than 4 people. And this is a undoubted plus, for lovers of reception of large friendly companies of friends. In addition, the round table has the same opportunities as all other tables, i.e. You may well purchase sliding modelwhich in the disclosed form will have an oval shape, everything is also without the presence of corners. At the same time, the size of the table will significantly increase, and, it means that you can not worry with a large influx of guests.

It is impossible not to note the aesthetics of round tables.They fit perfectly in any interiors. Moreover, they can become his highlight. IN classic interiorAs a rule, a tree model is used. This makes it possible to make them practically the work of furniture art, decorated with sophisticated carvings. However, for different styles Interiors I. wooden table May have an appropriate style. For example, it can be artificially aged wood for the interior performed in the medieval or gothic style, or massive deliberately rough round table for fireplace room in cottage house. Variations are actually many.

Round table - Photo

IN modern interiors round tables can be not only of wood.The choice of materials is practically not limited - chrome metal, tinted or transparent glass, even an ultra-modern polycarbonate or a combination of several materials. Today there are no restrictions and in color solutions. Therefore, if you started repair and plan to make changes in the interior, we recommend paying close attention to modern round tables.

"Smooth all the corners!" - These are the dreams of each family woman, the custodian of the hearth. And it is in the literal, and in the figurative sense. As soon as your baby grew up with a countertop dining table.So all cones from collisions with corners will be it.

This can be avoided, having an oval table in the interior design! Why not round? - You will say. Yes, it's very simple: the whole family will be perfectly placed at a long oval table, and even guests are in addition. After all, round table big diameter It takes a lot of space, and oval, but if it is still a transformer table, much more successfully will fit into the kitchen space, and in the living room.

Universality of oval table

Interior design experts in different ways assesses the possibility of an oval table. Some considers him bored with classics. Someone totals for the fact that square tables are good in that if necessary, they can be pinned into the angle, which cannot happen with the oval table. But the most experienced of connoisseurs perfectly know that even in relatively small kitchen Such a piece of furniture will allow the whole family to dine at one time, and the hostess - use yourself as working area For cutting and kneading. Oval tables from acrylic plastic are especially valued in this case, it is easy to wash them and cannot be scratched. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to cut bread and sausage directly on the tabletop, but you should not fear behind the dishes moving on the surface.

Shockproof countertop, perfectly withstanding contact with hot bottom pan, simple sliding mechanism, durable metal carcass from mirror polished metal, resistant to temperature drops and high humidity - Here is the table of your dreams who pleases his external species and practical characteristics. Modern technologies Manufacturers, reliable sliding mechanisms, such that you can trust the decoration of the table even to the child - this is what the requirements must satisfy the oval transformer table.

Materials of oval tables

For connoisseurs and connoisseurs of classical traditions and for lovers of elite items, you can recommend choosing oval tables from such breeds of a tree as Gevius, a rosewood, an ebony tree. Stylish tables, with inlays and without them, will be not just the objects of life, but artistic and aesthetic ornaments. Alternative to such precious products can be tables from oak or beech, or from wooden massif Any other breeds.

Finally, the most modern and most common materials: high-quality plastic chipboard or MDF (ordinary, veneered or laminated). A wide range of coatings stylized under natural materials - Stone, wood and metal, excellent rigidity of the frame, a robust table top and universal features - this is not a complete list of dignity of wear-resistant oval tables with a worktop, resistant to scratches, and chrome metal legs.

Designer decoration solutions of oval tables are very diverse: monophonic and combined, black, white, brown, performed "under natural materials"And far away from such simple solutions, colored, with photo printing on the table top, with stone countertops or artificial stone, with four firm standing legs or kept on one massive leg, folding and sliding ...

Designer Oval Table individual order - Not the cheapest of pleasure, besides, it will require special care. But the ability to decorate any room is a force that is impossible to resist! Have long been mixed with such concepts as "Dear table from natural wood"And an expensive exclusive table from artificial materials and glass. The ability to choose furniture to your taste and your financial capabilities made unattainable reach!

"Smooth all the corners!" - These are the dreams of each family woman, the custodian of the hearth. And it is in the literal, and in the figurative sense. As soon as your baby grew up with an increase in the dining table tabletop, so all cones from collisions with corners will be it.

Table oval

This can be avoided, having a table oval! Why not round? - You will say. Yes, it's very simple: the whole family will be perfectly placed at a long oval table, and even guests are in addition. After all, a round table of a large diameter occupies a lot of space, and oval, but if it is still a transformer table, much more successfully will fit into the kitchen space, and in the living room.

Multifunctionality of oval table

Interior design experts in different ways assesses the possibility of an oval table. Some considers him bored with classics. Someone totals for the fact that square tables are good in that if necessary, they can be pinned into the angle, which cannot happen with the oval table. But the most experienced of lovers perfectly well know that even in a relatively small kitchen, such a piece of furniture will allow the whole family to dine at one time, and the hostess is to use themselves as a working area for cutting and kneading. Oval tables from acrylic plastic are especially valued in this case, it is easy to wash them and cannot be scratched. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to cut bread and sausage directly on the tabletop, but you should not fear behind the dishes moving on the surface.

Beautiful folding oval tables

If this place is true, it is necessary to save, it is worth thinking about the oval table of tempered glass with elegant legs of a metal. The glass, from which the furniture makes, does not grind, and on the contrary, visually expands the space. Folding tables with support from suitable chairs perfectly fit into the styles of Haytech and Modern.

Shockproof countertop, perfectly withstanding contact with a hot bottom pan, simple sliding mechanism, a durable metal frame made of mirror-polished metal, resistant to temperatures and high humidity - the table of your dream, which pleases its appearance and practical characteristics. Modern manufacturing technologies, reliable sliding mechanisms, such that you can entrust the decoration of the table even to the child - this is what the requirements should satisfy oval Table Transformer.

Compact assembled And resembling a strain-self-banner on huge fabulous feasts in the disassembled - so today there are oval tables! When choosing a folding table, the main thing is to check the strength of the transformation mechanism and determine the desire: that you will prefer - some coldness of beautiful glass or the heat and energy of the real tree. And you can connect the "warm" and "cold" together!

Materials of oval tables

For connoisseurs and connoisseurs of classical traditions and for lovers of elite items, you can recommend choosing oval tables from such breeds of a tree as Gevius, a rosewood, an ebony tree. Stylish tables, with inlays and without them, will be not just the objects of life, but artistic and aesthetic ornaments. Alternative to such precious products can be tables from oak or beech, or from a wooden array of any other breeds.

Finally, the most modern and most common materials: high-quality plastic chipboard or MDF (ordinary, veneered or laminated). A wide range of coatings stylized under natural materials - stone, wood and metal, excellent frame rigidity, durable countertop and universal features - this is not a complete list of dignity of wear-resistant oval tables with a tabletop resistant to scratches, and chrome metal legs.

Diversity of oval tables from designers

Designer decoration solutions of oval tables are very diverse: monophonic and combined, black, white, brown, performed "under natural materials" and far away from such simple solutions, colored, with photo printing on the table top, with tabletop of stone or artificial stone, with four firm standing legs or kept on one massive leg Folding and sliding ...

Designer oval table Completed by an individual order is not the cheapest of pleasure, besides, it will require special care. But the ability to decorate any room is a force that is impossible to resist! For a long time, such concepts as "dear table of natural wood" and an expensive exclusive table of artificial materials and glass was mixed. The ability to choose furniture to your taste and your financial capabilities made unattainable reach!

Table oval in the interior - Photo