Repairs Design Furniture

What fire sensors are installed in the mantelpiece. Fire detectors. Types of fire detectors

In order for the fire information to be quickly distributed over the object, special devices are used - fire detectors. They automatically form a ignition signal and transmit it to the control fire device.

Depending on the method of activating the detector, the automatic and manual sensors differ.

According to the factor of the fire, which the detector reacts, they are divided into:

  • thermal - form a signal about fire when reacing the temperature ambient at the location of the sensor of a certain level;
  • smoke - react to excessive smallestness of the premises;
  • Threshold thermal - transmit an alarm signal in case of exceeding the maximum temperature set by manually;
  • Combined - work as when large number smoke and when increasing the temperature;
  • Flame detectors - reveal open sources of fire.

Automatic devices have gained more popular in comparison with manual. Minimizing the human factor improves the reliability of the service life of the devices, and also allows you to quickly carry out the evacuation of people and repay the fire.

Number of fire detectors

The number of fire detectors installed in the room depends on the need to detect fires across the controlled area. The number of flame detectors is also determined by the equipment area.

According to the regulations in the premises, at least two detectors should be established. The presence of only one device is allowed if:

  • The state of the fire detector is controlled by a special device issuing data on the breakage to the receiving and control device;
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is no more than the area occupied by the detector in accordance with the technical documentation on it;
  • The fire signal is not transmitted from the detector to the elements of the fire system.

The type of automatic fire detector must be selected in accordance with the functional purpose of the room, the peculiarities of the combustible materials, the conditions of operation and the primary signs of the fire.

Detectors and control of SOUE, DU, AUPT

According to the regulations, the signal on automatic control of smoke settings, alert and evacuation management should be formed in a time less than the difference between the smallest time Blocking pathways of people and evacuation time after a warning of fire.

As for the automatic fire extinguishing installations, then in this case the signal is generated over a period of time, not greater than the difference between the limiting season for the development of the fire and the inertia of the AUPT. It takes into account the period necessary for the safe conclusion of people.

Control of installations of Du, OUE, PT is performed when two or more fire detectors are turned on, connected by logic scheme "and", or rather:

  • three devices included in the two-threshold fixing loops or in three independent conjunction of single-reference devices;
  • four detectors if they are included in two one-reference instruments for two devices in each;
  • two devices connected according to the "and" scheme if the replacement of the defective detector is carried out in a timely manner;
  • Two fire detectors included in the logical scheme "or", provided a guaranteed reliable signal of fire.

One-reference is considered a device that issues an alarm if one fire detector has reacted in the loop. A two-step is a device that generates the "Fire 1" signal in the case of the inclusion of one detector and the "Fire 2" signal when the second device is triggered in the same loop.

Automatic detectors must be used depending on the principle of operation of the fire detector and the purpose of the room.

Production buildings. Must be carried out in those rooms where materials are stored or produced: synthetic rubber, products made of synthetic fibers, wood, celluloid, rubber, polymeric materials, knitted, textile, textile haberdashery, sewing, leather, shoe, tobacco, pulp and paper, fur products, cotton, combustible film films. The same detectors should be installed in rooms in which solid combustible materials or non-aggravated materials having a combustible packaging are stored.
Light I. heat detectors It is necessary to install in rooms where varnishes, paints, hz, gzh, solvents, alcohol products are stored or produced, lubricants, as well as in the premises where paper, cardboard, wallpaper, animal and poultry products are produced.

The rescue service of Moscow provides a wide range of services for the organization of rescue work, as well as inpatient observation of emergency and dangerous production facilities. You can contact us using a page.

3.1.8. Selection of fire detector types

The choice of types of fire detectors is made depending on the purpose of the protected room and the type of combustible load on the recommended Annex 12 NPB 88:

List of characteristic premises of production, technological processes

View of the fire detector.

1. Production buildings

1.1. With production and storage:

products made of synthetic resins, synthetic fibers, polymeric materials, textile, tek-stylish haberdashery, sewing, shoe, leather, tobacco, fur, and pulp and paper products, celluloid, rubber, rubber products, flammable x-ray and film films, cotton

Smoke, heat, flame

varnishes, paints, solvents, lvz, gzh, lubricant marals, chemical reagents, alcohol pro dukci

teplova, flame

Alkali metal, metal powders

flour, feed, other products and materials with dust release

teplova, flame

1.2. With production: paper, cardboard, wallpaper, livestock and poultry products.

Smoke, heat, flame

1.3. Security: non-combustible materials In combustible packaging, solid combustible materials.

Smoke, heat, flame

Rooms with computing equipment, radio apparatus, PBX

2. Special facilities:

2.1. Places for laying cables, for transformers and switchgear, Electrical

Smoke, heat

2.2. Premises for equipment and pipelines for pumping flammable liquids and oils for engines testing internal combustion and fuel equipment, filling cylinders combustible gases

Flame, heat

2.3. Rooms for car service

Smoke, heat, flame

3. Administrative, domestic and public buildings and facilities:

3.1. Visual, rehearsal, lecture, readable and conference rooms, shedding, lobby, halls, corridors, wardrobe, book printing, archives, suspended ceilings

3.2. Artistic, costumes, restoration Mas-Tereg, film and light-proof, hardware, photo lab

Smoke, heat, flame

3.3. Administrative and housekeeping premises, Masser-rocked stations, control panels, residential premises

Smoke, heat

3.4. Hospital chambers, premises of Tor-Govli, catering, office rooms, accommodation hotels and hostels

Smoke, heat

3.5. Placing museums and exhibitions

Smoke, heat, flame

3.1.9. Placing manual fire detectors

The place of installation of manual fire detectors, depending on the designations of buildings and premises, is defined in accordance with the recommended Annex 13 NPB 88.

List of characteristic premises

Place Installation

1. Production buildings, sorahs and premises (workshops, warehouses, etc.)

1.1. Single-storey

Along the evacuation paths, in co-references, from the exits from the workshops, Skla-Dov.

1.2. Multi-storey

The same, as well as on the staircases of each floor.

2. Cable structures (Tunnels, floors, etc.)

At the entrance to the tunnel, on the floor, in emergency exits from the tunnel, at the branching of the tunnels.

Administrative and public buildings

In the corridors, halls, lobby, on staircases, out of buildings from the building.

3.2. Requirements of the NPB 110 to the selection of objects installation protection fire alarm

3.2.1. General provisions

NPB 110. Install basic requirements fire safetygoverning the protection of buildings, structures, interference and equipment at all stages of their creation and operation automatic installations Fire extinguishing (AUPT) and automatic installations of fire alarm (AUPC) * (* Next - automatic installations).

Objects that are not related to state and municipal property listed in paragraphs 1, 2, 7 tables 1, paragraphs 1-8 of table 2, paragraphs 1-15, 16.1, 17.1, 19, 20 Tables 3, paragraphs 1-8 table 4 Applications of these Norms are allowed to equip AUPC without an AUPT device. At the same time, the safety of the people in them and the disposal of the threat of fire and its dangerous factors for others, which must be confirmed by the relevant calculations, and the equipment used in the AUPC should be confirmed by the appropriate calculations to be provided.

Along with these standards, it is necessary to be guided by departmental (sectoral) and territorial lists, as well as other regulatory documents approved in the established order.

Departmental (sectoral), territorial lists, as well as other regulationsDefining the need to protect buildings, structures, premises and equipment of the AUPT and AUU, developed in accordance with the requirements of these norms, are not subject to (1).

Under the building in these standards is understood as the building as a whole or part of the building (fire compartments) isolated by Fire Walls 1 type.

Under the regulatory index of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in Section III of the mandatory application of these standards, part of the building or structure, allocated by enclosing structures, from the fire resistance from fire resistance to fire resistance is not less than 0.75 hours (EI 45 partitions, walls and overlaps Rei 45) (2 ).

Buildings and rooms listed in clauses 3, 6.1, 7, 9, 10, 13 tables 1, paragraphs 14-19, 26-29, 32-38 Tables 3 When applying an automatic fire alarm, smoke fire detectors should be equipped (3).

In buildings and structures, all rooms should be protected by the corresponding automatic installations, regardless of the area, except for the premises (4):

with wet processes (showers, bathrooms, cooled chambers, wash wash, etc.);

ventcamer (inlets, as well as exhaust, not serving production facilities of category A or B), pumping water supply, boiler and other rooms for engineering equipment buildings in which there are no combustible materials;


The coordination of projects of automatic fire protection systems for buildings, structures, premises and equipment in sub-separation of GPS is carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents on fire safety and instructions for the organization and the development of the state fire supervision (11).

List of buildings and premises that appropriately equipped fire automatics with the transmission of a fire signal on a radiotelecommunications system to the Central Communications Node "01" GPS is determined by the corresponding territorial division of the Russian Emergencies Ministry EMERCOM, based on their technical capabilities (12).

When determining the type of automatic installation (AUPT or AUPC) to protect the premises of the category fire danger The normative indicator (space area) is allowed to increase by 20% (13).

3.2.2. Buildings to be protected AUPS

Table 1

Object protection


4. Buildings and facilities for cars:

4.1. For storage

SNIP 21-02-99

4.2. For maintenance and repair

At VN 01-89

6. Residential buildings:

6.1. Hostels, specialty residential buildings for elderly and disabled **

Regardless of Square

6.2. Residential buildings with a height of more than 28 m ***

7. One-storey buildings from light metal constants with polymer combustible insulation:

7.1. Public

Less than 800 m 2

7.2. Administrative and domestic

Less than 1200 m 2

8. Buildings and structures for the processing and storage of grain

9. Public and administrative buildings (except those specified in P.P.11.13)

10. Buildings of trade enterprises (with the exception of the surveillance specified in paragraph 4 of these standards and premises of storage and preparation for the sale of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables (in non-combustible packaging), metal dishes, non-combustible building materials):

10.1. One-storey (except paragraph 13):

10.1.1. When placement of the trading hall and utility by bings in the basement or basement floors

Less than 200 m 2

10.1.2. When placement of commercial and utility rooms in the ground part of the building

With the area of \u200b\u200bthe building less than 3500 m 2

10.2. Two-storey:

10.2.1. Common shopping area

Less than 3500 m 2

11. Petrol stations (including container type), as well as tents, shops and kiosks related to them

12. Cult buildings and complexes (production, warehouse and residential buildings of complexes are equipped according to the requirements of the relevant paragraphs of these standards)

Regardless of square and storey

13. Buildings of exhibition pavilions:

13.1. One-storey (except paragraph 12)

Less than 1000 m 2

** Along with AUPS, apartments and hostel rooms should be equipped with autonous optical-electronic smoke fire detectors according to SNiP 2.08.01.

*** Thermal fire detectors AUPS are installed in the hallways of apartments and are used to fulfill the requirement of paragraph 1.34 * SNiP 2.08.01-89 *.

3.2.3. Construction facilities subject to AUPS

table 2

Object protection


2. Cable facilities * Voltage substations, sq .:

2.2. Less than 500.

Regardless of Square

3. Cable constructions of deep input substations with voltage of 110 kV with transformers Power:

3.2. Less than 63 MB a

4. Cable buildings of industrial and public buildings

100 m 3 and less

5. Combined tunnels of industrial and public buildings when laying in them cables and wires, voltage 220 V and higher in quantity:

5.1. Volume more than 100 m 3

From 5 to 12 pcs.

5.2. Volume of 100 m 3 and less

5 or more pcs.

6. Cable tunnels and closed fully galleries (including combined), deposited between industrial buildings

50 m 3 and more

7. City cable collectors and tunnels (including combined)

Regardless of the area and volume

8. Cable facilities when laying in them oil-filled cables in metal pipes

Regardless of Square

9. Capacitive structures (tanks) for land-flammable and flammable liquids

Snip 2.11.03-93

10. Closed galleries, overpass for the transportation of forest materials

Regardless of length

11. Spaces over suspended ceilings when laying in them air ducts, pipelines with insulation made from the materials of the combustibility group G1-G4, as well as cables (pro-water) that do not distribute burning (NG) and having a fire hazard code STB1 (NPB 248 ), including with their joint laying **:

11.2. Cables (wires) of the NG type with a total combustible mass

from 1.5 to 7 l per 1 meter cl

* Under cable structures in these standards are referred to tunnels, channels, basements, mines, floors, double floors, galleries, cameras used for installation of electrical cabbages (including jointly with other communications).

** 1. Cable structures, suspended ceilings and dual floors, automatic installations are not equipped with automatic installations (except for claims 1 to 3):

a) when laying cables (wires) in steel water-gas pipes or steel solid boxes with opened solid covers;

b) when laying pipelines and aircraft with non-combustible insulation;

c) when laying single cables (wires) of the NG type to power the lighting chains;

d) when laying cables (wires) of the NG type with a total combustible mass of less than 1.5 liters per KP behind suspended ceilings made from the materials of the combustibility group NG and G1.

And extinguishing devices ensures maximum protection of buildings and structures from the fire. During such works, it is necessary to be guided by regulatory requirements.

CP Rules 5.13130.2009 Regulates the principles for choosing the location of fire detectors, and also determines the relationship of fire alarm systems with other engineering equipment objects. In the document stipulates, premises in obligatory Must be equipped with a fire alarm. If fire safety requirements are not performed, the commissioning of the building is not allowed.

Number of one object

To get permission to enter the object in operation, it must be equipped necessary quantity Fire detectors. They must ensure one hundred percent detection of fire foci at any point of the room.

The rate of transmission of the fire signal should ensure safe evacuation of people until the evacuation paths are blocked. The set of rules places the requirements for the number of detectors in the room.

  • One device

Setting one sensor is allowed if the following conditions are simultaneously performed.

The fire detector covers the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room and is triggered in the event of a fire at any point. Also, SP-5 provides mean squares and heights of the room providing safe operation One detector.

On the receiving and control device is constantly accounting for the performance of the detector and, in the event of its failure, the corresponding signal is automatically fed.

In the event of a detector breakdown, the light indication is triggered, which gives a signal that responsible employees should within 70% of the time allocated to regulatory work, simple (not allowing maximum material losses due to the production process) or the performance of monitoring functions in working personnel , detect a malfunction and implement it.

After the detector is triggered, the signal is not transmitted to fire extinguishing installations that can cause material damage to production or reduce security for working personnel.

  • Two devices

The installation of two detectors can be made by connecting them along the logic scheme "and", which implies the simultaneous response of both devices. At the same time, their timely replacement should be performed when exiting. For such a connection, all the same conditions are performed as for connecting one detector. It is allowed if the conditions described in paragraph 1 are satisfied.

The detectors connected according to the logical scheme are implied at least one device. In this case, each of them should ensure the maximum accuracy of the resulting signal, respectively satisfy the stringent requirements.

First, the detectors should not respond to the impact of short-term factors not related to the fire: the penetration of smoke from the outside through the window, the dustiness of the sensor and other similar circumstances.

To do this, they must re-request information by resetting the initially received signal. And only if you receive confirmation of the accuracy of the information to file a fire signal.

Secondly, detectors must transmit information about their technical condition on the receiving and control instrument.

  • Three devices

Installing three sensors is possible with the next inclusion: in three different plume of single-reference instruments or one two-step. Each of the detectors performs its function: the first warns about the danger, the second - notifies about the fire, and the third one is spare.

It is necessary to replace the emerging for any reasons for one of the detectors, since controlling the performance of any of the sensors is not produced. Accordingly, if only two detector would be installed, then when breakdown, one of them would be served a single signal - "Attention."

  • Four devices

Installation of four sensors is possible, while two of them are connected to one loop, and the rest are in the second.

Placing indoors

The placement of fire detectors depends on the type of devices used, the height of the protected room and its area is set. permissible distance both from the detector to the wall and among themselves. You can get acquainted with the relevant tables in SP5, paragraph 13 (fire alarm system).

Fire detectors are mounted in such a way to no constructive features The buildings did not interfere with the triggering of the sensors.

It is also worth considering that electromagnetic interference and various sources Lights may disrupt the performance of devices. That is why the distance from the detector to the lamp cannot be made less than 0.5 meters.

If the detector is installed in an unavailable place, the location of the sensor must be recorded on the receiving and control device. Therefore, in such places it is recommended.

If the ceiling compartments, the width of which exceeds 0.75 m, is overclocked by any building design that protrudes from it from 0.4 m, the detectors should be mounted in each of the compartments.

The installation of some types of fire detectors has its own characteristics:

  1. spot detectors. Their installation is desirable to perform under the overlap, as an exception - on the walls (at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the angle), cables (with the possibility of sustainable fixation of the sensor) and columns;
  2. smoke detectors. When installing, you need to consider air flows from the ventilation system: the distance to it must be more than 1 meter;
  3. Can be installed on the air intake pipes of the horizontal and vertical plane.

Characteristics and requirements

Like any other devices, fire detectors must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation. Their classification and appointment requirements are described in detail in GOST R 53325-2012.

This standard also regulates:

  • requirement requirements for external affecting factors;
  • requirements for reliability, design, labeling, completeness, packaging and safety;
  • basic test methods.

For proper work Fire detectors must be installed in accordance with the regulatory documentation attached to them. If there is a danger that can lead to its mechanical damage in the location of the sensor, it is necessary to provide protective constructionwhich will not impede the normal performance of the detector and its timely response in the event of a focus of ignition.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of the NPB 110-03 at the facilities to be protected in accordance with the requirements of these rules, "... The safety of people in them and the threat of fire and its dangerous factors should be eliminated for other persons, which must be confirmed by the relevant calculations. , And the equipment used in AUPC should meet modern requirements. "

In accordance with this, when the object is broken down to the fire detection zone, it is based on the position that the fire alarm (fire detection system that issues the message on the duty) is set if the duty officer after receiving the signal from the technical means of the fire detection is able to examine the control zone, organize the primary Fire extinguishing, and prior to the arrival of the fire unit, the fire will not develop to limit sizes in which the safety of people and material values \u200b\u200bis not ensured.

Targets and procedure for making decisions during implementation fire protection Led in GOST 12.1.004 and in clause 4.1 SNiP 21-01-97:
- Economic substantiation of the ratio of damage and expenses for fire fighting measures;
- ensuring the possibility of evacuating people regardless of their age and physical condition before the onset of dangerous fire factors;
- restriction of material damage.

The level of security of people who, at a minimum, must be provided on the protection objects, is GOST 12.1.004.

Provisions of paragraph 13.1 ... 13.3 NPB 88-2001 * implies the compulsion of solutions for fire protection of an object with solved tasks and object parameters.

Requirements of the NPB 88-2001 * directly apply to rooms with an average hazard level. The level of danger in relation to people can be estimated as a product of the probability of a fire and not evacuation. In addition to the main position of this item, it is assumed that one fire detector (or another number) can be installed if its reliability is not lower than 2 standard (with the time of operation for refusal of 60 thousand hours. Each) included according to the "or" scheme (400 thousand hours). For premises with more high levels Fire danger requirements for reliability, respectively, increase.

The procedure for assessing critical time is given in the recommendations of VNIIPO "Fire automation means. Application area. Select type. "

In the protective room (zone) allowed to be installed:
- one fire detector if the terms of paragraph 12.17 are satisfied;
- At least two fire detectors, if they do not form a signal to launch automatic fire extinguishing or smoke settings, or fire alerts, or engineering management.
In this case, the number of fire detectors indoors is determined based on the information placed in Table. 5 and 8 NPB 88-2001 *;
- to control according to claim 13.1, if their reliability is not lower than 3 standard;
- to control the 1 ... 4 type alert system, if the false start of the system does not lead to a violation of the standard operation mode (material damage) and will not lead to a decrease in the safety level of people;
- there is a place in a particular case, semi-automatic control of the 3rd type SOUD according to claim 3.6 NPB 104-2003 and the choice of the type of management is determined by the designer organization;
- At least three or four fire detectors if conditions p.13.3 are satisfied.

Commands on automatic installation of installations according to claim 13.1 should be formed when not less than two fire detectors are triggered.

It is allowed to carry out similar functions when one fire detector is triggered in cases specified in paragraph 13.2 of the NPB 88-2001 *.

Clarification of the provisions of chapter 13 of the NPB 88-2001 *.

In replaced SNIP 2.04.09 To exclude false positives, the trigger tactics of 2 fire detectors (PI) was adopted to control automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke-protectiveness and alerts, but did not indicate the minimum amount of Pi in the protective room or the area of \u200b\u200bthe room when it was divided into detection zones . So when installing in the room of small dimensions or zone only 2 pages, which fully satisfied the requirement of this document and in the case of an uncontrolled failure of one of them, the launch of the system operating in automatic mode will not occur. The same can be said about the formation of the control signal, subject to the operation of 2 fire detectors of the flame and, when installing only 2 PI installations in the controlled zone. The generation of the signal in the failure of one PI will only occur when the burning area will increase and encompasses the zone controlled by other detectors.

To eliminate such facts in accordance with the NPB 88-2001 *, installing 3 or 4 fire detectors in the room or the control zone, which satisfies the minimum requirements of the NPB on reliability and protection against false positives. The false response is considered to be the issuance of the "Fire" notification when exposed to the pi external factors similar to the factors of fire, electromagnetic vendor or in the refusal of the elements of the detector. Here this is speech On fire detectors satisfying minimal reliability requirements for NPB 76-98 (60 thousand hours). Knowing a specific value of the reliability of PI (unfortunately, the developers often do not indicate it in the technical documentation, referring to the minimum value on the NPB 76-98) you can calculate the amount of pi-installed in the zone. This proceeds from the need to comply with the reliability of the fire protection system and, accordingly, the fire detection system is the level of danger of a protected object in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004.

Zoning (breakdown to "zones") facility facilities for detecting fire, fire extinguishing, alert smoking, is made on the basis of the requirements of the best execution of destination functions.

Since the dynamics of fire development for various combustible materials is very different, then the division of the room into separate discovery zones using various detection tools can be very appropriate. In addition, it is always useful when protecting large rooms to divide detectors to individual groups, according to the principle of uniting closely located detectors. This makes it possible to eliminate false responses associated with detector impairment due to the refusal of their elements or triggering under the influence of environmental impacts.

For example, when combining detectors controlling a large hall, in one group (one loop), the operation of 2 detectors installed in different corners of the room can lead to the formation of a signal for the start of fire protection tools, although the triggering of the next detectors does not occur.

With an uncontrolled refusal of one pi indoors and in the absence of duty personnel, the smoke-protective system or alerts operating in automatic mode will turn on when the smoke is released into the corridor, where the 2nd fire detector enters the protected zone will work. If this algorithm for inclusion of smoke protection ensures timely evacuation, it can be applied. It should be borne in mind that the smoke system is preferably included at an early stage while smoke and combustion products did not come out of the burning room in the corridor.

In determining the number of fire detectors in the room (zone) with the level of danger of an object not higher than the average when controlling automatic installations, it is necessary to proceed from the principle of formal compliance with the requirements of claim 13.1, but from the obligation of reliable fire detection and the issuance of the control signal with a possible failure of one regular fire detector , while determining the most optimal option Requires a certain analysis of the level of fire danger of the object.

To form a control signal, different algorithms are possible, which are distinguished by the reliability and level of protection against false positives.

In accordance with the NPB 88-2001 *, the most reliable and obstacle is the option of response 2 fire detectors from 3 (4).

The option of the response of 2 fire detectors from 2 located indoors or zone in accordance with SNiP 2.04.09 (replaced) has less reliability to generate control signal, since with a possible uncontrolled failure of the 1st PI, the control signal will not be formed if In the zone installed only 2 pi. At the same time, this option is more resistant to false responses. This option can be allowed if the management of fire protection systems will be carried out by duty personnel in accordance with the instruction specifically developed and approved in the prescribed manner reflecting the conditions for starting the fire extinguishing system with a possible failure of one PI, if it allows the procedure for the technological process and the dynamics of the alleged fire. However, this option may be unacceptable for a number of objects where the rapid development of the fire is possible.

The triggering of at least a 1st fire detector from 2 is a more reliable option for generating a control signal, but in this case the detection system is less resistant to false response, but is allowed in accordance with the conditions of paragraph 13.2 of the NPB 88-2001 * when performing events to reduce false positives.

Currently a lot appeared address and analog systems and fire detectors providing, firstly, performance control, and secondly, working on special algorithms, allowing to reduce the likelihood of false positives. Therefore, when performing the conditions of paragraph 12.17, the NPB 88-2001 * is allowed to generate a control signal when installing and triggered only one Pi indoors or zone.

It should be noted that in the case of the application of such detectors and when installing the 1st Pi, in the room, the reliability of one such detector should be no less than 2 conventional, included in the "or" (duplication) scheme and the possibility of replacing the defective detector for the required time.

The required time is determined depending on the possibility of the functioning of the object or the technological process without controlling the fire environment, that is, if the dynamics of fire development allows you to monitor the state of the object by a person for the recovery time automatic system. Otherwise technological process Must be stopped.

As you can see, the NPB 88-2001 * represents enough big choice Algorithms for managing fire automation systems, however, they do not specifically define them, since their choice depends on the fire danger of the object and tasks facing the automation system.

Specialists engaged in design, depending on the tasks solved by systems, specific parameters of the object, technological regulations, must independently choose the control algorithm for automation systems and technical means Detection and management.

The room is the space separated by building structures, the NPB 88-2001 * can be considered as a separate fire detection zone. Depending on the placement in the room of various combustible materials and the rate of fire development, the space of a separate room may, in turn, is divided into zones, then on these zones, under accordance with paragraph 13.1, the requirements of paragraph 13.3 of the NPB 88-2001 * are distributed.

We believe that large rooms are useful to divide into separate fire detection zones to increase the reliability of the fire signal. For example, one detector in one corner worked big room, I worked the second detector in another corner of the room, it is not always a fire, since in the fire the most likely the triggering of the detectors neighboring him. In this case, the signals of individual zones can be combined according to the "or" scheme.

The formation of the control signal according to claim 13.1 * and paragraph 13.3 * is carried out if the false triggering or non-detection system will lead to material losses or to a decrease in fire fire safety.

2. Formation of a fire signal to control the 2nd type alert system for NPB 104-2003 is allowed in accordance with paragraph 13.2 * NPB 88-2001 *.

Requirements for controlling zones by 3 fire detectors according to claim 13.3, caused by the need to improve the reliability of the system from 2 detectors included in the coincidence scheme.

Requirements for controlling zone at least 3 detectors belongs to zones on signals of which forms an independent management team of funds for fire protection.

This may include separate rooms, selected areas indoors when generating control commands from them (see a.1th paragraph), as well as zones controlled by flame detectors.

The use of another number of detectors of a certain type to control individual zones for tasks according to claim 13.1, at a minimum, should not be lower than the reliability of the system of two standard detectors included in the "or" scheme (see clause 12.16).

Fire detection and the formation of control commands according to claim 13.1 must be implemented before the onset of dangerous fire factors.

Since the regulatory documents do not yet require a mandatory definition of the detection time of the fire, in addition, the space for suspended ceiling, underground space, the space of the main premises is highlighted as separate zones of control, then the solutions you have taken do not violate the requirements of the NPB 88-2001 *.

When optimizing the placement of detectors for the purposes specified in paragraph 13.1 of the NPB 88-2001 *, it should be proceeded from the fact that one of the most closest detector refused to the place of the likely fire (faulty).

In this case, the distance from the place of the fire to any of the 2 other closest detectors should not exceed H \u003d 0.75, where H is the normative distance between the detectors according to the NPB-88 tables.

For "narrow" zones (in which in or n? 3m), this distance is taken in accordance with paragraph 12.22, i.e. 1.5 times more.

When placing smoke or heat detectors in the large challenge for tasks according to claim 13.1, the distance between the detectors should be taken N / 2.

Installation is allowed with such a step on one of the axes (x or y).

In this case, in the wired zones on both axes, the detectors are installed in a step of N / 2

Light fire detectors allowed to be installed on the walls, beams, others building structures And on the equipment, taking into account the viewing angle and the sensitivity of the detectors.

Duplication for light detectors is required in all cases.

Manual fire detectors should be included in the installation of fire alarm and independent loops or together with automatic detectors and installed on the evacuation paths (corridors, aisles, on all the staircases of each floor, etc.), and if necessary - in individual rooms. Inside the buildings, the maximum distance between the detectors should not exceed 50 m, and outside the buildings (along the perimeter of the installations and warehouses of the LVZ and GJ, the drain-liquid eros, open warehouses of combustible materials and gases, etc.) - 150 m.

Places of installation of manual fire detectors should have artificial lighting and indicable signs.


Letter from the Main State Inspector of the Russian Federation for Fire Supervision in the DPSSS Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 04/01/2013, on the illegality of the application of the provisions of the NPB 110-03 for buildings built and reconstructed after 05/01/2009 - please or to access this content