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Address and analog systems - the highest level of protection. Address system of fire alarm Analog automatic fire detectors are transmitted to PPKP

There are devices that are part of a part of the overall fire system and which play a large role in the preservation of people's life and health, as well as property and other values. Such equipment includes fire detectors, the main task of which is to react to the beginning of the fire on time and warn about it in the building of people, as well as transfer relevant information to the checkpoint.

The concept of "analog fire detectors" and the principle of work

In order to fully determine what includes this concept, it is necessary to figure out what "address - analog system" is. With this concept, it is sometimes difficult to understand the designers, not to mention ordinary people. Address and analogue fire safety system is a telemetry device that has high reliability, promptly recognizes the presence of ignition and its source. All this is due to analyzing the parameters that are constantly changing at the beginning of the fire.

The principle of operation of such a system is quite simple. Due to the sensitive element, the detector transmits indications associated with occurring chemical or physical changes at the place of its installation, the receiving-control fire facility. This device is able to handle the information available to it itself, and if the indicators coincide with the templates embedded in memory, it issues information about the start of fire.

Constructive elements of the system

By type, address and analog detectors have a round-shaped housing, for the manufacture of which heat-resistant plastic is used. The hull itself consists of:

  1. bases;
  2. working part.

The base is attached to the ceiling by self-draws and dowels. The base has a contact block to which the fire alarm loop lines are connected. The sensor is attached in such a way that it is convenient to be removed on the prevention (clean from dust) or in case of unsuitability of it to further operation, replaced it to workable.

The components of the working part of the detector

There are only two parts:

  1. microcontroller with energy-dependent memory;
  2. optical system (smoke chamber).

LEDs and photodiodes are constitutive elements of the optical system. They are located in the inside of the chamber at a small angle. The semiconductor type photodetector is an analog action device. The indicator of its resistance affects the level of illumination. Address and analog fire detectors in online mode are sent to the receiving and control devices an air density indicator. The photodiode element is so sensitive that even the minimum smoke will be fixed.

Detector Case

This component has a horizontal smoke with defined constructive features:

  1. the air flow does not strengthen the lower protruding part;
  2. thanks to the vertical mounting racks, there is no possibility of horizontal housing flowing;
  3. the main task of the elements of the case is to send airflow into the chamber.

This design allows air to constantly fall inside the smoke chamber, even if the movement of the air masses will be minimal. So that electromagnetic oscillations do not interfere with the proper operation of the device, the camera is equipped with a screen.

Controller detector

This component is necessary in order to respond to the smallest changes in the flow of light. It is so sensitive that it can instantly catch insignificantly small particles of smoke in the atmosphere. In order not to be false positives, address-analog sensors operate in interactive mode with a receiving-control device. This helps almost with 100% probability to determine the beginning of fire and notify this by means of an alarm signal.

The principle of action of an analog infraser

Regardless of what controlled parameters the device has, it is valid for this principle:

  1. the sensitive sensory device constantly determines the value of the controlled indicator, forms electrical pulses, which are subsequently transmitted to an analog-digital plan converter, which is an integral part of the controller in the fire detector;
  2. by means of APTS, the electrical pulse is converted into a digital plan signal;
  3. digitized parameters are sent to RAM. How often measurements are performed, the quartz generator is watched. After all information accumulated during a certain period, information from the RAM is transferred to the PCP. Then the operational memory is cleared. This procedure is carried out in the presence of a PCP request.

Energy-dependent memory from the very beginning of the fire detector installation is programmed to a certain form (flame, smoke, temperature increase) or the address (represents a digital code of a unique view). The functional characteristics of all address and analog detectors are quite varied and related to them:

  1. the ability to diagnose the electronic node independently;
  2. transmitting the abilities of current parameter values \u200b\u200bto be measured;
  3. ability to manage the device interactively and in remote mode.

Modern models of address and analog detectors are sold without any additional structural elements, but only with one microcontroller. A sensitive sensor must be present in the device.

Types of analog detectors

Detectors address and analog smoke by how they recognize particles of soot, gary, soot in the air masses, aerosols that appear as a result of the ignition of various types of fire loads are divided into such groups:

  1. linear and dot smoke sensors of the optical electronic plan. These are the most common varieties of flue-type detectors that operate on the basis of the measurement of density (from the point of view of optics) of the air masses on a certain territory of both small and significant. In the event of a smoke, albeit, they come to the operating state, form and transmit an alarm when the density decreases to the established critical level;
  2. fire detectors of electrophy or ionization-radioisotope type. They have significantly greater sensitivity, compared with the previous option of detectors. They begin to react even with the most insignificant changes in the density of air masses at the objects where they are installed. By their sensitivity, they can be compared unless with aspiration or gas fire alarms. But due to the fact that they have a very complex design, radioisotope models can radiate radioactive elements, their cost is quite large, they are much less used, rather than optical - electronic sensors.

Advantages of analog fire detectors

It is worth noting that the analog fire systems are quite expensive. But their use bears a lot of positive moments, such as:

  1. if the protected object consists of several rooms in which there can be different temperature regime, then there is no need to purchase models with a variety of characteristics;
  2. all boundary values \u200b\u200bare configured in the PCP. If there is a need to change any device parameters, it is not necessary to acquire a new technique;
  3. preventive cleaning of such devices is not often. They are able to function even with a very strong dusting of the room;
  4. it is not worth spending on expensive combined multi-sensor fire alarms for their installation in rooms with a high degree of fire hazard, which may not be associated with the fire process. The PCP has a real possibility to carry out a multicomponent analysis of accumulated information in a static change;
  5. instant recognition of the source of ignition due to the presence of the ability to comprehensively analyze the information received.

Since all analog-to-targeted microcontrollers belong to a multicast type, it has a direct impact on the response speed (it is fast enough) automatic smoke farming systems, fire extinguishing, evacuation and alerts.

Fire detectors By the method of tracking sensors are divided into addressible and inadessic. Each of these types of systems has its advantages and disadvantages. When it is better to use a particular system, on one or another object must be determined in place to "squeeze" the maximum of this system. It all depends on what this object is and which result must be obtained.

Inadessic (thresholds) detectors historically appeared first and it is logical. This type of detectors responds to a signal in the loop, which is transmitted to the detector to the checkpoint. At the same time, it is unknown, which unit sent a signal. The fact is that several fire detectors can be connected to one loop, the exact number of which depends only on the constraints of this particular system. The same indication system of the non-educational control device, as a rule, is a number of LEDs, each of which is responsible for a certain loop. If the diode glows with green - order, red - "fire" or any unauthorized impact on the device. When the signal comes, the indication system "does not know" which detector sent it. That is, a signal is given that the building needs to be evacuated, and what happened and whether to extinguish the fire, as well as where it can be solved later.

This approach can be convenient in small objects. It is possible to achieve greater localization of such a system only by increasing the number of loops, and this already entails a significant complication of the system and an inevitable increase in the number of wires. As a result, the reliability of the system is reduced. However, address control devices, devoid of such shortcomings come to the rescue.

Address The control device constantly carries out a bilateral connection with detector sensors. This principle of operation allows not only to accurately determine which sensor sent a signal, but to recognize the character of the signal (for example, "fire", "smoke" and the like). The use of such a type of fire alert is relevant for large objects, where in a couple of minutes it will not work around and part of the territory.

Address systems are arranged in such a way that each device is assigned a personal individual "address" or, in other words, "ID". Address systems allow you to receive not only a fire signal, they transmit a number of other information - the cause of the alarm (fire, smoke), temperature, detector address, serial number, release date, service life and much more. Thus, when receiving a signal, a variety of information is known immediately - where, for what reason, etc., respectively, knowing the cause of the signal and a number of other information, the most correct measures can be taken.

However, such a system has its drawbacks. The main drawback is the complexity of the system. Many information is, of course, well, but most of it will need an engineer with the next service, and not all. But when installing the system, a number of tasks have to be solved, to solve which you need to have certain knowledge and skills of work specifically with this system. When connecting the system, you will have to enable the "Configuration" or "Commission laying" section. It may be needed to make additional work on the destination of the address to each device (of course, it depends on the model, in some it happens automatically, in others it should be done in each sensor)

Currently, the most technically perfect are addressable analog fire alarm systems. Often, the term "analog" some unscrupulous consultants call non-addrescent discrete systems with thresholds.

This is not correct, since in modern fire alarms systems analog signal continuously displays the value of the measured parameter.

Address system of fire alarm systems, use detectors similar to the type of triggering with bezadresis systems. However, the address peripheral devices have an additional node of the transmitted signals transmitted by the PCP into a digital code containing information about a specific detector:

  • place its installation;
  • condition, etc.

At the same time, the receipt of information on the receiving control device is carried out not after the fire detector is triggered, and due to a survey produced by the PCP with a certain periodicity. This method allows not only with high accuracy to localize the place of the fire, but also reduce the reaction time to the occurrence of the focus of ignition.

Address - an analog fire alarm system has a principle of action that is completely different from the threshold systems. The fire detector in this system performs a function of measuring the controlled parameter and transmitting received information on the control and control panel.

After that, an analysis of the received information is carried out, the device leads statistics and controls the change in parameters. Based on the final data, a decision is made to activate the corresponding algorithm of actions, depending on the system of the system.

The class class where the address- analog fire alarm system must be set, as well as the main parameters of the triggering:

  • response time;
  • the frequency of the detector survey;
  • the speed of inclusion of the automatic fire extinguishing system, etc.

gOST R 53325 - 2009 is regulated.

Addressable analog detector

Address-analog detectors are devices much more complex and expensive than the usual threshold detectors of the bald fire alarm. In addition to the sensory sensor, they contain the buffer of the RAM, where information accumulates in the absence or critical deterioration in the PCP.

After transferring information to the receiving-control device, the RAM is cleaned. In addition, to compensate for drift indicators, the statistics collected by the detector processes the PCP.

Draft indicators are periodic changes to the scanned parameters caused by the influence of the external environment. For example, daily fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

The principle of the address of the address-analog detector, regardless of the type of controlled parameter, the following.

  1. The sensor sensor measures the value of the controlled parameter, generates pulses in the electrical form and transmits them to an analog-to-digital converter, which is located in the fire detector controller.
  2. ADC converts an electrical pulse into a digital signal.
  3. Drap data is transmitted to RAM. Control of measurement periodicity is carried out by a quartz generator. Transferring accumulated information from RAM is carried out at the request of the PCP.

In the non-volatile memory of the fire detector, its programmed type (thermal, smoke, flame) and address (unique digital code) is stored at the installation phase.

In most address - analog detectors, quite wide functionality is implemented:

  • self-diagnosis of the electronic node;
  • transmission of the data of the current value of the measured parameter;
  • interactive remote control of the device, etc.

The information distribution unit and nutrition unit shares the electrical pulses of the modulated signals of the transmitted information and power supply with a constant voltage without ripples.

Modern address - Analog detectors are implemented on one microcontroller without using additional components, except for sensitive sensor.

Addressal analog devices

Addressible - analog PCP is supplied with a device through which a joint reception / transmission of information and energy supply of fire detectors is carried out. The power transmitted by the loop is modulated by information signals and is divided into a remote device with a similar node.

Information on the value controlled by the parameter detector is analyzed by several firmware, depending on the stated action algorithm. As a rule, it is carried out:

  • comparison of threshold values;
  • controls the rate of change of parameter;
  • a graph of the RAM is being built a schedule for a certain period and compared with the graph template.

Most of the address-analog premium-class systems exercise long-term parameter control. The average level of values \u200b\u200bis remembered for a long period of time to compensate for the deviation of the boundary point of reference as a result of changing the conditions of the external environment.

Modern address-analog systems supports dozens of grinds with a parallel polling of fire detectors with a high degree of frequency. With the carrier frequency of the plume 200 - 400 Hz, the sequential survey operation of the detectors takes 15 to 20 seconds.

Address Fire Alarm Train

Address alarm systems may have both radial loops and ring. The latter are characteristic of address analog systems. The annular topology allows you to cut off unnecessary information, distinguishing the case of fire from the cliff and another loop fault. Permissible cable length with such a laying up to 2000 m.

When choosing a cable for a loop, you must pay attention to the following indicators:

Wire section.

The insufficient value of this parameter will result in distortion of detectors, reducing the accuracy and reliability of the entire system. In some cases, this may lead to the failure of some detectors during the peak load on the loop. The regulatory documents of the fire cable wire diameter should be at least 0.5 mm.

Cable protection degree - In mandatory, the wire must have a non-combustible shell and the required level of thermal insulation.

The main parameters of the cable must be indicated on its outer surface (insulation). These include:

  • the presence of shielding (foil, metal braid);
  • the flammability indicator and the smoke coefficient;
  • fire resistance limit.

The requirements for laying the loops are determined by the relevant regulatory acts, in particular - SP 6.13130.2009.

Advantages of address analogue alarm

Despite the fact that the address - analog fire alarm is one of the most expensive, its use is justified due to numerous technical and operational advantages.

1. If the temperature of the object equipped with alarms, the temperature regime has significant differences, there is no need to purchase several models of thermal detectors with different fixed triggering thresholds or the most differential detection methods.

2. All boundary quantities are carried out in the receiving control device. In addition, in the case of any changes, the reconfiguration of the fire system will not require the acquisition of new techniques.

3. Addressible - analog fire detectors do not require frequent prophylactic cleaning. They can function in limiting dust conditions, automatically and programmatically compensating to reduce sensitivity sensitivity.

4. There is no need to purchase combined multi-sighted fire detectors for fire alarm systems with high resistance requirements from external influences that are not associated with fire. The PCP will carry out a multicomponent analysis of incoming information using accumulated statistics.

5. The rate of identification of the fire focus is several times higher than that of conventional threshold systems, due to the parallel use of several information processing algorithms, as well as the absence of a pause in the survey of sensors and control of the parameters of the room.

Due to the fact that the microcontrollers of the analogue address control are multisasciatives significantly increases the speed of launch of fire automatic systems:

  • fire extinguishing;
  • alerts and evacuation;
  • smoke removal.

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The materials of the site have an introductory nature and cannot be used as guidance and regulatory documents.

Fire alarm systems are made to divide on non-educational, address and address-analog. Unfortunately, even in the latest GOST R 53325-20121, which is introduced in 2014, the term "tarbrid-analog" is absent, despite the fact that the address and analog systems provide the highest level of protection against fire and be required, for example, for installation In multipurpose high-rise buildings and buildings-complexes in Moscow. MHH 4.19-20052, "High-rise buildings must be equipped with an automatic fire alarm system (APS) based on address and address-analog technical means", "allowed to use an annular communication line with branches in each room (apartment), with automatic protection against short Circuits in the branch "and" EPS elements should provide automatic self-testing of performance. " In addition, the executive mechanisms and anti-refinery devices must provide the required level of reliability, determined by the probability of trouble-free response of at least 0.9999. The difficulties of evacuation of a large number of people from high-rise buildings, shopping and entertainment centers and other large objects along with the rapid propagation of gaseous combustion products and the difficulty of extinguishing the hearth require the most early detection of the focus in the absence of false alarms. In the most complete amount of these requirements, the address and analog systems are responsible.

Non-educational systems

The main disadvantages of non-educational systems are the instability of the sensitivity of the detectors, the lack of controlling the health and high level of false alarms.

Vain fight against fasteners and failures
Practice has shown that primitive ways to eliminate these disadvantages, introduced 10 years ago, an increase in the number of fire detectors to reserve faulty and to confirm the "fire" signal to several dequisitions with rewriting states to exclude false alarms are not solving the problem. There was a case when half of the loops with rewriting and with the formation of a fire on two detectors switched to the "Fire" mode in the new, just a mounted inadless fire alarm only in two days. Simplicate fire detectors in one loop are subjected to approximately equal interference and fasten simultaneously. Over time, those collected on one element base and the detectors released on one technological line show a correlation on failures and a significant reduction in sensitivity. The process of sensitivity loss occurs with all the detectors at the same time, and their reservation is completely inefficient.

Other factors affecting the performance of all detectors simultaneously, for example, a violation of contacts in the oxidation of the output of electronic elements with poor-quality soldering, the occurrence of corrosion of contacts in sockets, a decrease in the capacity of electrolytic capacitors, etc. To this, it is necessary to add no sensitivity control during operation, as well as the lack of data on the factory setting of the sensitivity of fire detectors and about the limits of its adjustment by installers to protect against false positives.

Misconception about smoke detectors
The misconception is widespread that the smoke detector by definition provides early detection of a fire, which sensitivity he also had and for any distance from the focus it is located. The installers uncontrollably stuck sensitivity using a potentiometer in a detector to reduce false alarms, which is completely unacceptable. Recently, the tendencies placed at the regulatory distances, initially included in single-ring loops with the inclusion of the "Fire" signal on one detector on logic "or" switch to the logic "and", appeared. At the same time, each detector protects only its regulatory area, and the adequate detection of the focus of two detectors is simultaneously provided only on the boundary of the zones between them. Accordingly, even with a permissible sensitivity level, the likelihood of detecting a small hearth with the formation of the signal "Fire" is practically zero.

In addition, domestic smoke detectors are not tested on test foci: TP-2 "Tree racing", TP-3 "Cotton racing with a glow", TP-4 "The burning of polyurethane foam" and TP-5 "burning N-heptane", although They are given in GOST R 53325. And currently produced smoke detectors with high aerodynamic resistance to smoke, with very problematic detection of smoldering foci with low air flow rates.

Disadvantages of threshold detectors
The main drawback of threshold fire detectors is the lack of accuracy of determining the fire-hazardous situation, in other words, it is unknown when it is activated. Possible false responses or workout only with a significant smoke, not to mention the uncontrolled refusal.

The sensitivity of the threshold detectors may differ at times, and at what concentration of smoke they are activated, it is impossible to predict. When certification tests according to the requirements of GOST R 53325 "Fire Fire Opto-Electronic Detectors" is allowed to change the sensitivity of the threshold flue detector of the firefighter in large limits:

  • the sensitivity of the same detector at 6 measurements is 1.6 times;
  • when changing the orientation to the direction of the air flow - 1.6 times;
  • when changing the airflow speed - 0.625-1.6 times;
  • from the instance to the instance - within 0.75-1.5 of the average value (2 times);
  • when exposed to external illumination - 1.6 times;
  • when changing the supply voltage - 1.6 times;
  • when exposed to elevated temperatures - 1.6 times;
  • when exposed to reduced temperature - 1.6 times;
  • after exposure to high humidity - 1.6 times, etc.

Change sensitivity
Although in each test, the sensitivity of the flue detectors should remain in the range of 0.05-0.2 dB / m, while simultaneously exposed to several factors, the change in the sensitivity of the detector can be more than four times. In addition, a significant change in the sensitivity of the detector occurs due to the accumulation of dust or dirt on the walls of the smoke chamber and on the optical elements, due to the aging of electronic components, etc.

In the specifications of almost all Russian flue fire detectors, the specific value of sensitivity is not specified, and only a permissible sensitivity range is given from 0.05 to 0.2 dB / m, which does not even allow roughly evaluating their sensitivity. If a similar threshold fire detector is processed into the address and analog detector, then no advantage will be received. The low accuracy of the optical density measurement will not allow you to enter the sensitivity adjustment and set the threshold of the paths. The analogue magnitude of the controlled factor transmitted to the control device will be strongly changed from external influences, which will not significantly control the state of the object nor the state of the detector, that is, as in the threshold system, false responses will be possible, and the passage of the initial stage of the fire will be possible . Moreover, if there is a technical possibility of adjusting the sensitivity of the detector, it should take tests at least at maximum and minimum sensitivity.

Addressional threshold systems

In address systems, an intention of a successful detector is intended, which significantly reduces the time to test the signal to the personnel. In addition, the address detectors usually include the automatic controlling functionality. However, the remaining shortcomings of the threshold detectors remain unchanged compared to non-personal systems.

Address and Analog Systems

Unlike inadequate and targeted in address and analog systems, fire detectors do not form fire signals, and are accurate meters of controlled factors that are transmitted to the address and analog panel. It is such an understanding of analogs to GOST R 53325 p. 3.8: an analog fire detector is "an automatic IP, which provides the transmission to the receiving and control instrument of information on the current value of the controlled fire factor. In contrast to the analog detector according to claim 3.19, the threshold fire detector is "automatic PI, which forms an alarming notice when the controlled factor of the established threshold is achieved or exceeded."

The advantages of the first decisions
The first address-analog panels, in fact, worked in a threshold mode with limited information processing capabilities. Detectors with measuring the levels of several fire factors were transferred to the panel only one "folded" analog value, which, in fact, was compared in the panel with the preliminary alarm thresholds and the "fire" threshold. This often caused criticism from adherents of targeted thresholds, that the transfer of the threshold from the detector in the panel does not give any advantages, except for complication and the rise in the cost of systems. However, it should be noted that even then was the possibility of adjusting the sensitivity for each detector, for which the amount of higher stability and accuracy of measuring the controlled factor was required.

Another undoubted advantage of address-analog systems is a significantly more accurate constant monitoring of the state of address-analog fire detectors compared to targeted detectors that themselves form a malfunction signal uncontrollable.

Unlimited possibilities of modern systems
Currently, the possibilities of processing information in the address and analog panel are practically not limited. 32-bit processors are already used, and the panel is essentially a powerful specialized computing machine. An adaptation is possible, interactive algorithms for each room, automatic system training, the use of recognition theory with simultaneous analysis of various factors, etc. The address and analog system generates preliminary signals about suspicion of fire hazardous situation long before the threshold sensor is triggered. If the threshold systems analyze the level of the controlled factor after the threshold is exceeded, for example, counting the number of signals above the threshold, then in analog systems, the analysis of the situation is constantly carried out in real time. There is no time spent on rechecking the detector status, since the address and analog panel analyzes the change in controlled factors and the rechecking is performed almost at each period of the detector polling, every 5 seconds.

For convenience of maintenance, the magnitude of the controlled factors is displayed on the display panel in standard units and in discrete.

For example, in Fig. Figure 1 shows the analog temperatures of 27 ° C (085), optical density of 5.5% / m (184) and carbon monoxide concentration of CO 102 PPM (255) when exposed to the product detector from the pulp (Fig. 2).

The advantages of address and analog systems obviously appears to detect a fire hazardous situation and stop its development at an early stage by the signal to the signal, when people's evacuation is not required. Direct material damage, and the losses associated with the evacuation of people, the interruption of the production process and actually with professional fire extinguishing are minimized. There are ample opportunities to adapt to operating conditions and interference exposure when using multisensory detectors in various modes with a selection of sensitivity and split modes with their automatic switching in working and non-working hours and days

Today, neither regulations nor when calculating fire risk are not taken into account the rate of detection of the fire focus, despite the fact that non-educational, address and address-analog systems provide different levels of fire protection. This provision is a significant limitation in the use of more efficient fire-fighting equipment.

Fifteen years ago there was a need to somehow divide the PS addressing systems among their capabilities. This was based on the task somehow allocate address and analog systems. Against were units, I voted for both hands and legs too.
What was the problem. By this time, Mightwall was produced, it seems like, targeted systems, but the possibilities of which did not coincide with the possibility of other address systems, let's say address-analog.
Many people do not know, and others have already forgotten.
Then I remind you.
For example, there was such a Raduga-2A system. In principle, at that time a good system. Two radial shc, or one ring in each of which could be up to 64 addresses. At first glance, not a lot. But attention. Subject to it was understood not one PI, but at least 10. Moreover, if instead of an IP as an address device, use the address signal block with its SC to 8 mA, then such blocks can also have several such blocks. Those. 64 addresses easily turned into 1000 or more IP.
How it worked in a nutshell. There is a cyclic survey from 1 to 64 addresses. If some "address" device or IP had a desire to transfer a fire signal, then at the time of the survey it in the SC line consistently included the resistor, i.e. it suffered a current in the SC. And this was enough for the PPCP to make a decision at what address the fire.
It turned out something average between the non-personal thresholds of the PPCP, when it is not clear what PP in this SC worked, and the address-analog system in which that nor the address, then the IP.
In addition to the "Rainbow 2a" there were more of something similar systems (I remember, but I will not say, offended).
Here, at that moment, three names appeared, three types of PPKP - non-educational, surveys (but with a unilateral exchange protocol) and targeted-analog.
By the way, at that time these "rainbows 2a" were greatly popular. They were then connected to some types of PPU (AUPT, SOUE. PDV) and making small changes for this named "Raduga-4A". Those fly away like patties. But that the refusal is that the excavation from the PP database is not transmitted to any malfunction. Only breakdown or k.z address link. So then did not need from these systems.
Subsequently, in 2003, in his article, I.G. Notoftova, "the fire signal will come exactly at the address" on the exile here that the link https: // ... The address systems have been divided into three Categories: Neon, questionnaire and analog. Ie, "Raduga-2a" suddenly became unprofitable, and those targeted systems in which IP decided to decide on fire themselves, without the participation of the PPKP.

And in a short time there was a discussion as a new GOST R 53325-2009 and SP5.13130.2009.
The first in importance and exclusively an acute issue was the provision of indulgence on the issue of 1-2-3-4 for address-analog IP. Span. V.L. He was against all.
The second most important was the question of address devices that there should be a bilateral exchange of data. Here, except for Uniteth, everyone was unanimous. And it despite the fact that I then worked in a, with my own hands, you can say, I buried these my favorite rainbow.
But all his time. There was already rainbow-3 and on the approach based on IP Avurba, PPKP Synchro (Kentec) and the VEGA protocol is a new Rainbow-240 system.

GOST R 53325-2009
3.5 Fire address detector: PI, having an individual address identified by the address receiving and control device.
3.6 Detector Fire Analog: Automatic PI, providing the transmission to a receiving and control instrument of information about the current value of the controlled fire factor.
3.23 Detector Fire threshold: automatic PI, outstanding alarming notification when the controlled parameter is reached or exceeded by the controlled parameter of the installed threshold.
7.1.2 According to the transmitted information about the fire hazardous situation in the protected areas between the PPCP and other technical means of fire alarm, the PPCP are divided into
- analog;
- discrete; (There was no threshold term term)
- Combined. Address PPCPs additionally should ensure the following functions:
a) the transition to the "Fire" mode when the protective room is exceeded (at the installation site of the address PI) a controlled fire factor of the installed or programmed quantitative value of the triggering threshold, receiving the PPCP signal "Fire" from Pi, as well as when you turn on the manual address pi during more than 10 s;
c) bilateral exchange of data on the address link with other fire alarm techniques, providing confirmation of the correct information exchange; (all this will soon disappear)
d) Automatic remote verification of the performance of address pi with visual display of referenced PI addresses. The time interval from the moment of refusal to the address pi until the information appears on the address PPCP of this event should be no more than 20 minutes; (pay attention to this figure !!)
g) a visual display of targeted pi numbers from which the "Appearance" signal received containing information about the time / order of signal receipt;

But also but in a few years. GOST R 53325-2012
7.1.2 In terms of the exchange of information on the fire hazardous situation in protected premises between devices and IP, as well as other technical means of fire automation, devices are divided into:
- Analog:
- thresholds; (and used to be discrete)
- Combined.
Note - Under an analog view of the information presentation, it is implied to receive data on the current value of the controlled parameter in the form of an analog or digitized signal. (This is a new additive, before it was not, otherwise some could not prove anything).
A new section appeared 7.5 "Appointment requirements for address instruments", but no mention of double-sided data exchange. Why. Between the 2009 editorial office and the entry into force in 2014, the editorial office of 2012 is only five years old. Having received a certificate until the entry into force of the 2009 revision, it was easy to live to the subsequent edition, without changing anything in some PPCP. And I even know who prolobed it.

Thank God that many people no longer know, while others simply forgot what primitive polling systems are. And it would be necessary to just rejoice at this. In just ten years old, we have come from those compromise systems.
It is clear that in any address system, in the presence of a bilateral exchange, you can transfer any commands to-here and receive any information. The volume and necessity of various commands and data, i.e. the exchange protocol determines the most part not the manufacturer of the PPKP, but the manufacturer of address devices, including IP. Which are address-analog systems in their pure form, or in address and analogue with the possibility of making decisions incl. Directly in the IP, more prospects can be understood in 10-20 years.
But the curiosity of our distinguished Tregar we satisfy.