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Fire detection tools. Address and Analog Systems - Early Fire Detection Early Fire Detection Comprehensive Object Protection

Infrared linear smoke detector consisting of emitter and receiver System Sensor
Laser smoke linear detector with receiver and transmitter - in one case - and reflector Optical Open Flame Detectors "Pulsar" from the KB "Device" with a sensor built into the control device with remote sensor
Point smoke non-addrescent detectors of domestic production: (IP 212-3SU, Dip 54-T, Dip 3-m3)
Domestic thermal non-address detectors (MAC-1, IP 101-1A, IP 103-31)
System Sensor
Point smoke "intellectual" detector series "Profi" 150 years ago Calancha was the most effective means of detection of fire
System Sensor
Combiro-Baths "Smoke-Heat" detectors - Address
System Sensor
System Sensor
System Sensor
Thermal Maximum Differential Besadress Detector of the Eco Series
Basedress manual detectors with "button" and a swivel handle
System Sensor
Address-analog manual detector of the Eco series
Bezadrescent smoke and thermomecommal detectors from Apollo
System Sensor
Address and analog detectors - spot smoke;
System Sensor
maximum differential domestic autonomous smoke detectors of the CHEMA alarm based on autonomous smoke detectors
: (IP 212-50, Agat, IP 212-43m) (Agate)
CHEMA BEASADSADSNA FIRE ASSISTANT Measurement and control of the parameters of "intelligent" sensors
System Sensor
Laser tester for remote verification of the health of "intelligent" smoke sensors

In the previous issue of the magazine, we talked about primary fire extinguishing. But it should be put into action, only finding fire. And what happens if the starting fire does not reveal in time? That's right, a big and irreparable trouble will happen. Therefore, today we will talk about modern means of automatic fire detection at the earliest stage of its occurrence - fire alarm systems

Who should detect a fire?

150 years ago, the most effective means of detection of fire was a fire calant - the highest building in the city. With the means of alert it was even easier - run out to the street and shout out loudly: "Fire!" All who will hear were obliged to run on his extinguishing - "Who is with a bug, who is with a bucket."

Naturally, these funds remained far in the past. In order to fix the fire at the earliest stage, when it is called fire, now modern detection systems and fire alarm systems are used (ATP). They are designed for round-the-clock control of the protected object and the owner's alert about the first signs of a fire or smoke. To create such systems, the detection devices are used - fire sensors (more correctly called their detectors), signal processing devices (receiving and control devices - PCP) and actuating equipment (alert tools). They produce them such companies as Esser (Austria), Texecom and Pyronix (United Kingdom), System Sensor (Italy), Securiton (Switzerland), Esmi (Finland), Napco (USA), Ademco - Honeywell (USA) division, as well as domestic "Rubezh" (Saratov), \u200b\u200bIVS-TalkspetsAtomatika (Obninsk), NVP "Bolid" (Korolev), "Argus-Spectr" and "IRSETTER" (S.-Petersburg), Siberian Arsenal (Novosibirsk), "Radii" (Casli), etc.

Fire detector sensors

It is they are the main elements of a fire focus detection systems. First of all, the efficiency of the system operation depends on their sensitivity and noise immunity. In private accommodation, smoke, thermal detectors and open flame detection devices are commonly used. As a rule, they are all "thresholds", that is, it is triggered in case of exceeding the specified value controlled parameter.

Smoke detectors. Smoke is the most characteristic sign of a fire at its earliest stage. Measuring the concentration of smoke in the air, the sensor and "concludes" about the presence of ignition. Smoke detectors are divided into point and linear.

Point Produce measurements in the place in which installed. In private accommodation from point detectors, only photoelectric is used. Inside such a device, a measuring chamber with a light source and a photodetector is hidden. The smoke particles entering the chamber change the air light and dispel the light stream. These changes and catches the photodetector. But in different designs in different ways. In some, it records the overall weakening of the light stream (if it is located strictly opposite the light source). In others, the scattering of the flow (the photodetector is located at a right angle to the light source). The first of the instruments described are more sensitive, but less resistant to interference (for example, to dust) and need frequent maintenance. The second is slightly less sensitive, but more noise-resistant. They are mainly and used when creating ATP in private housing. It is usually attached under the ceiling, as hot gases and smoke rises up. The area controlled by one smoke detector can be up to 80 m 2. Even if the location was installed in which the sensor is installed is much smaller than this value, to increase the reliability of the ignition detection, it should be installed in it at least two fire detectors. When using suspended ceilings and gaskets for them, the power wiring must protect the undercase space with separate smoke sensors.

Let us discuss these questions on the example of point chimney detectors. The sensitivity of the sensors can be high, medium and low, but must be between 0.05 to 0.2 dB / m (it is in such units that are recalculated on a fairly difficult formula into bulk interest, it is customary to measure sensitivity - the standard smoke sensor must To work if the smoke at the site of its installation causes a weakening of light at a distance of 1 m per 1.1-4.5%). In some detectors, there is the ability to adjust the sensitivity, which is made by a special switch installed on the rear wall. It can be both a two-position (switches from the top immediately to the lower limit) and the three-position (switches from the top limit to the lower via the average, for example in the "Profi" series and Leonardo from System Sensor). It is better to choose a detector with a three-position regulator. Why? Customized to the upper limit of sensitivity, the device reacts to the minimum smoke content in the air and can "work" not only when smoking in the room, but also when the meat is frying or the toaster operation in the kitchen (almost these are the same "false responses"). The minimum sensitivity may not be enough - it seems to you that the sensor should work, and it is stubbornly "silent." Most likely, you will arrange an average level of sensitivity. And the sensor with a two-position regulator is it that is deprived. Sensors of any type need periodic care, more precisely, maintenance. Why is it necessary? It is clear that evaporation and dust will be destroyed on the appliances under the ceiling. Moreover, we settle these "charms" not only on the housings, but also inside the measuring chamber, weakening the light stream to which the device is configured, and causing the so-called false response. On non-axes (firing in the air inside the camera) dust particles The sensor reacts in the same way as on the smoke. "False trigger" - the phenomenon for the owners is pretty unpleasant: nothing burns, and the sensor persistently signs: "Fire!" At the same time, the owners are nervous and break the head: "And what if something burns in the house, and we do not notice ?! It would be necessary to check again!" To prevent dust from entering the measuring chamber, manufacturers protect it rather complex, almost a labyrinth design and complicate the geometry of the case, thereby reducing the likelihood of "false positives". Sex dust, naturally, it is necessary to periodically delete. But if you won't worry, it is not easy to remove anything from the housing, then it is quite difficult to remove it with a labyrinth. And to wipe the optics and suppressed - rearrangement, you can disrupt the alter (optics in this case are used very miniature). In general, it is better to charge the care of specialists who will periodically come to the house.

Linear smoke detectors. Consist of two elements, externally reminiscent of video surveillance cameras, - emitter and receiver-converter. They are installed against each other on the opposite walls of the room ("IPDL" from Polyeservis, the price is $ 95; "SPEK-2210" from "SPEK", the price is $ 230; "6424" from System Sensor, the price is $ 540). Recently, models appeared in which both elements are combined in a common case - in this case, opposite the emitter is the reflector ("6200" and "6500" from System Sensor). The emitter can be either infrared or laser, working in the visible range of red light. The appearance of smoke in the space between the transmitter and the receiver (or between the transceiver and the reflector) causes a weakening of the received light flux. The magnitude of this weakening and fixes the receiver-converter. And in case of exceeding the installed threshold, the "fire" signal generates.

Faithful sensors are beneficial exclusively for large rooms, since they detect smoke in a zone with a length of 10 to 100 m and a width of 9 to 18 m (that is, they provide control of the area from 90 to 1000-2000 m 2). In general, one linear detector is quite capable of replacing a dozen point, which may be beneficial not only economically, but also from the point of view of the design of the room. But there are disadvantages. The response time of devices depends on the volume and even the configuration of the room. "False trigger" can cause sharp changes in direct and reflected light, lightning flashes, as well as a change in the mutual position of parts.

Heat fire detectors. Sensitive elements of thermal detectors can be: bimetallic plates (for example, in "IP-103-5" from "Kombstroyservis"; "IP 101-1A" from the "Siberian Arsenal"), semiconductor thermistors, etc.

On the principle of operation, thermal detectors are divided into passive (contact) and active (electronic). Passive does not consume electricity and function as follows: when the room in the room reaches the critical (order 70 s), the sensitive element either produces a certain signal (due to the thermoelectric effect), or breaks / closes the contact of the electrical circuit, thereby feeding the alarm. Active devices consume electricity, but give information not only to achieve the critical temperature in the protected area, but the main thing and the change in the rate of increasing temperature. They are called differential detectors. Inside their case there is not one sensitive element, and two - one directly contacts with the external environment, the other is hidden inside the housing. If the temperature during fire grows quickly, the instrument fixes the difference in the readings of sensitive elements and sends an alarm signal to the PCP ("Mac-DM" from NPP "Specific format", Moscow, price - 215 rubles; "IP 115 - 1" from " Magneto-contact ", Ryazan, price - 315 rubles;" 5451E "from System Sensor). If the temperature grows slowly (then the temperature of the elements varies the same), the device fixes the threshold value excess and also sends an alarm.

As a result, if the passive thermal detectors are suitable only for detecting an open flame fires, accompanied by a sharp exceeding the threshold temperature value (triggered when something is already just burning), then differential alarm is given, when there is no open flame, and the temperature is only beginning Grow, but with "unacceptable" speed. This explains the fact that passive sensors are recently used in signaling systems more and less (and this is despite their low cost - 15-20 rubles). Consumers prefer sensors even more expensive, but triggered at an earlier stage of fire - differential. They are usually used where the flue fire detectors would give false alarms, for example in kitchens, in shower, smoking rooms, etc. For premises such as boilers, where a rapid increase in temperature is commonplace, the threshold detectors at a temperature of 70 C - differential detectors will give false alarms.

Optical open flame detectors. It is clear that any field of burning is the source of optical radiation in the range from infrared to ultraviolet. Detection of such radiation using a phot-resection device having a high spectral sensitivity in an ultraviolet or infrared region, but insensitive to the visible part of the spectrum, and is the task of optical open flame detectors.

On sale you can find mainly infrared optical instruments (for example, a series of sensors "Pulsar" from KB "Device", Yekaterinburg, price - from 1360 to 2200 rubles; "Spectron" from "NGO Spectron"). The sensor in them can be both mounted to the receiver-converter and remote. In the latter case, the sensor is installed directly in the controlled zone and is connected to the receiver installed outside it, fiber optic cable (length up to 20 m).

Optical detectors are minority devices, with minimal fire detection time. The detection angle is 90-120, the range is from 13 to 32 m. They can detect both smoldering foci and an open flame. Their disadvantage is that if the bargaining is overshadowed by building elements or furniture, the detector will not fix it. The applications are indispensable where the rapid appearance of the flame is possible without smoke (garages, storerooms, room with electrical equipment). For example, in garages where it is possible to fire gasoline and other petroleum products, at least two such devices should be installed, so that the car in the center does not catch the flame.

Combined detectors There are a combined device of two sensors in one-housing controlled by one microcircuit. For example, the detector "IP212 / 101-2" series "Eco" from System Sensor (price - 320 rubles) combines the functions of the smoke optical-electronic and thermal maximum differential detector, due to which it works with any fire (as a co-afraid of smoke and smoky, but with an increase in temperature). It should be noted that the combined detectors of this type are in recently all recently popular, since they save consumers from the need to mount two types of sensors - smoke and thermal (such a need often occurs, for example, in garages). It is worth such a device, naturally, more expensive than separately smoke or thermal, but cheaper than both, combined (smoke "IP212-58" - from 227 rubles, thermal "IP101-23" - from 217 rubles).

On the one hand, the combined detector is a good thing, because it allows you to detect fires of various types - both smoldering and open flames, but smokeless. And in general, the smaller the devices installed, the less they need to be serviced. On the other hand, as is well known, the reliability of any combined devices is always lower than monofunctional. So if you acquire a combined sensor, then highly reliable and from a well-known company.

Manual detectors - These are "alarm buttons" that serve to feed the fire signal "manually" (for example, if it is detected before "triggering" sensors of the alarm system). They are installed on evacuation paths (in corridors, aisles, on stair cells, etc. at an altitude of 1.5 m from the floor level) at least one per each of the paths, and if necessary, in separate rooms. In high-rise buildings, manual detectors should be on all the staircases of each floor (NPB 88-2001 *). The locations of their installation must have artificial lighting.

Autonomous detectors. It is possible to create an elementary fire alarm by installing autonomous flue detectors, for example, one by each room (if small). Autonomous These devices are called because within each of them there is an independent power source (Croon type battery, "Corundum" - 9B), which must be changed periodically (about once a year). But the system is absolutely independent of the presence of a supply voltage in the network (it simply does not need it). In addition to the battery, a sensitive element (smoke sensor) is hidden inside the housing and an unshaooter (siren), a sound with a volume level of 85-120 dB. An insister after the sensor is triggered will be "screaming" until you interfered or the battery will not sit down. Despite the fact that autonomous detectors are somewhat more expensive than ordinary ("traditional"), in which there is no power source, nor sirens, the fire alarm system based on autonomous sensors has a minimal cost, since it does not have wires, receiving and control devices and necessary for them. Works of the backup power system. The only type of care that autonomous detectors require is periodic purge from dust. The disadvantage is that each sensor works in itself and, being at the far end of the house, you can not hear the alarm.

Until recently, autonomous detectors of foreign production were available: Dicon, BRK (both United States) companies - $ 20-25, as well as several Chinese models - approximately $ 15. Currently, their serial release has mastered the domestic industry: " IP212-50m "from" Rubeza "(Saratov), \u200b\u200bprice - 420 rubles; "DIP-47" from "Agata" (Obninsk), the price is 435 rubles, and others. And, according to experts, these models are not inferior to import and even exceed them. For example, the device "IP212-43" ("DIP-43") from "TalkspetsThetsAtomatics" is not one, but several types of light and sound signals - "Attention", "Fire", "external anxiety", for which you can objectively Assess the situation, not yet seeing what happened. In addition, it gives a signal that the battery was discharged. Also on sale you can find autonomous co-production detectors. For example, the company "Krilak" (Yekaterinburg) and Kidde Safety (USA) produce a fire offline de-9 detector, the price is $ 18.

More "advanced" model of autonomous devices, connecting which by telephone (copper) wire can be obtained to obtain a signaling system (but without a control panel). The operation of one sensor in it causes the rest of the rest. This, for example, detectors such as "EI 100C" (EI Ltd, Ireland, $ 17), "DIP-43M" ("IVS TalkspetsAvtomatika", the price is 576 rubles.) And others. Signal of such a system you are guaranteed to hear, in What would be the room nor. This is a plus. The minus is to deal with rumor, where it was the fire that happened, it is difficult. After all, "buzz" immediately all!

Fire alarm systems

Usually, the fire alarm systems consist of the detector sensors listed above the types, as well as the mandatory receiving and control panel (device) - the PCP receiving their signals. Such systems of specialists are customary to call traditional. Currently, three main types of such systems are distinguished: non-educational, address, address-analog.

Non-educational systems Consist of threshold (flue, thermal, flames) and manual detectors connected to the PCP with a wire (it is also called a line or loop). Sensors do not have their own email address, which would be reported on the remote. As a result, when one of them is triggered on the remote, it does not have its number nor the room where it is. Only the loop number (lines) is recorded, on which the sensor has been installed. As a result of the host to understand the situation, they must quickly inspect all the premises protected by this line. To facilitate the determination of the location of ignition, try to lay on one line in each room. But this path (increase in the number of lines) is not always suitable, since significantly complicates the wiring scheme and increases the cost of installation work. That is why the use of non-educational systems is considered appropriate only for small objects (less than 20 rooms).

In the simplest address systems In the threshold detectors, the so-called targeted module is embedded, which is translated in the "Fire" mode of its loop code on the PCP. According to this code, a specific signal of the signal is defined, which increases the response to it. Such can be said, the cheapest method of transformation of the non-addressed system in the address (for example, the "C2000-AR1" module from NVP "BOLID", the price is $ 10). Another advantage of such a system - can not be carried out on one line in each room, but to create extended lines, saving the wire and work of installers. However, an indicated detector cannot control its state and transmit a "Fault" signal to the PCP, and when the address module is output, the PCP ceases to receive signals from the sensor. Polls address systems Use another type of PCP, and the connection of the detector becomes two-way. The PCC not only accepts signals from detectors, but also automatically tests for the presence of communication with them and their serviceability (performed every few seconds). As a result, the reliability of the ATP is significantly increased, and you can always be sure that the sensors are working and work on time. Yes, and use the address-addressing systems is easier - both to the owners and installers. For example, temporary removal of one of the sensors (repair, prevention) does not cause failure of the entire loop - the PCP simply notes with the next survey that the sensor is absent. In addition, the questionnaire systems allow you to form not only the linear, but also branched stumes (with the number of sensors of order 100), which in some cases it allows you to simplify, which means that the maintenance work should be reduced. To work in such systems, detectors can already be offered not only with an accurate three-position setting of the sensitivity level, but also with automatic dummy dust compensation (for example, the Leonardo series sensors from System Sensor, which manufacturer calls "intellectual").

Change N 4 of 20.11. 2000 K SNIP 2.08.01-89 * "Residential buildings"

3.21. The premises of apartments and a hostel (except the bathrooms, bathrooms, shower, ware, saunas) should be equipped with autonomous optical electronic flue fire detectors, relevant to the requirements of the NPB 66-97, with the IP 40 protection category (according to GOST 14254-96). Detectors are installed on the ceiling. It is allowed to install on the walls and partitions of rooms not lower than 0.3 m from the ceiling and at the distance of the upper edge of the sensitive element of the detector from the ceiling of at least 0.1 m.

Snip 31-02-2001 "Houses residential houses"

6.13. Houses three floors and more must be equipped with autonomous optical-electronic flue fire detectors, relevant to the requirements of the NPB - 66 - 97, or other detectors with similar characteristics. On each floor of the house should be installed at least one fire detector. Smoke detectors should not be installed in the kitchen, as well as in bathrooms, shower, toilets, etc. Rooms.

"General provisions on the technical requirements for the design of residential buildings with a height of more than 75 m"

(developed by the GUP NIAC Moskom- architecture, approved by the Government of Moscow). We will not quote this document, but we only say that in buildings from 75 to 100 m in the buildings, the addressing systems of the fire alarm system should be established, and in buildings height from 100 to 150 m - address-analog, i.e. systems that make possible Management of evacuating tenants, for example, with the help of light and sound signs installed on stair cells. Automatic fire extinguishing should be arranged over the entrances to the apartment. In apartments, it is necessary to have primary fire extinguishing facilities and fire cranes in the bathrooms, bathrooms, corridors. In addition to the fire alert system, there is a video surveillance in the houses (on stair cells, to control the evacuation stroke).

Address and analog system. In it, the detector is not only periodically polled by the PCP, but also in response to the value of the parameter controlled by it: the temperature, the concentration of smoke, the optical density of the medium, etc., etc. That is the PCP here is the center for collecting telemetry information. According to the nature of the change in the controlled parameters reported by different detectors established in the same room, it is the PCP, and not an detector (as in the case of targeted and non-address systems) forms a fire signal, which increases the reliability of determining the ignition. There are also a few more advantages from the address and analogue address: the number of loops can be reduced to one - ring (it is sometimes called the loop) to which up to 99 automatic detectors + 99 manual detectors, targeted alarms and modules for control are connected to ventilation, smoke removal, etc. The failure of the sensor or the wire break will not break the system operation - it will continue to interrogate the sensors on one side of the cliff, and according to another, informing those who exploit it, which sensor has failed or between what sensors a breakage has happened. "Thresholds" of sensor triggering can be set for each room and even change depending on the time of day, the day of the week, etc. For example, during the daytime, to eliminate false positives from cigarette smoke, the sensitivity of certain flue detectors can be automatically lowered, and in the night The clock is re-installed at maximum (such an algorithm is implemented, for example, in the alarm system with the "200" series sensors from System Sensor).

Receiver-control devices (panels) - PCP

It is the PCP that controls the detection lines (loops) with the sensors installed in them, ensure the indication of the detected faults and the fire and command the lines of sound and light bells (if there are those in the system). PCP feeds from the AC voltage of 220 V, but uses the internal voltage 12 or 24 V. In case of the disappearance of the network voltage, it is supplied with backup batteries (1 or 2 batteries 12 V).

In order to be clear how the system functions, let's look at what happens when triggered, for example, a smoke detector. In the usual state, it consumes no more than 100 μA current. But, catching smoke, goes into an alarming state - includes LEDs, thereby increasing the current consumption of up to 30 mA (this value depends on the design of the console). PCP, detecting increased current consumption, includes LED fire indicators and activates sound alarm. The fire detector remains fixed in the "alarming" state, even if there is no longer feeling smoke, which guarantees the identification of the smoke zone in case the smoke detector falls only periodically. Alarm "signal can be" reset "only with the PCP by removing the power from the detection line by pressing the special button. In the bezadrescent systems, the loop corresponds to its own "Reset" button.

For each of the systems (forbidden, address, address-analog) applies their PCPs, characterized by a set of functions performed. If in non-educational systems, the instruments simply mark the line on which the trigger occurred (as in the "Signal-20 and - 20P" from NVP "BOLOLAD", the price is 2350-2720; "Granite-24" from "Siberian Arsenal", price - 2800 rubles; "PPK-2" from "IVS TalkspetsAvtomatika", etc.), then in address schemes provide automatic verification of the health of lines and sensors ("Raduga-2A" from "Argus - Spectr", the price is from 6340 rubles. ), and in targeted-analog systems even detect the factor of the lines of the line ("Radugow-3" from the "Argus spectrum", the price is from 15900 rubles, as well as the instruments of Esser firms (Essertronic 8000C) and Apollo).

The PCP for each of the listed systems can be divided into devices of small, medium and large "information capacity". It depends on the number of connected loops, sensors and functions performed. And to each specific object (home, apartment), the most suitable devices are selected. What to advise here? Perhaps it is always better to prefer the device from a large manufacturer (foreign or domestic), which has long been present on the market. What is the device to choose from an assortment of a particular manufacturer, must define a firm mounting the alarm system. But here we allow yourself some tips.

First, it is better to choose how now it is customary to say, "intuitive" PCP. That is, so that everything that is highlighted on his panel you understood even in half a heart. And so that they can quickly and easily produce any necessary actions with the device, because it will be no time to read the instructions for its control during a fire.

Secondly, it is always better to prefer the PCP, so to speak, with a slight margin. For example, with the possibility of connecting another loop without changing previously laid lines.

Thirdly, the "smart" device in case of a fire must automatically fulfill a number of necessary actions for you, about which the owner in the heat of fire fighting may well forget. For example, disconnect the supply and exhaust ventilation to prevent the spread of fire along this system, de-energize the basic electrobrivers, etc.


This concept is hidden all the executive instruments that will start working on the PCP team after the fire detection. In the simplest case, these are sound, light or light-sounding alarms (simply speaking, "sirens", "rear", "flashers" and "Forklika"). Even very powerful anewners placed inside the dwellings will warn you about the impending trouble. More powerful devices located on the walls, roof or in the attic of a country house will bring a signal about the fire before the universal information. But it is only necessary that there is someone who will perceive (will see, hear) a fire signal filed by the system, and will quickly respond to him - it will go out to find out what happened, and, in the event of a real occurrence of ignition, will put it out or cause a fire team. And, it means that this option is alert only for your own house in the cottage settlement with centralized security. Yes, and then with a big stretch - security is also not easy to immediately understand, in which the building is how Siren is how much. Neither for an apartment building, nor for the country village or garden partnership, in which there is no centralized security, this method of alert does not fit completely.

In apartment buildings and television connected cottage villages, you can withdraw a signal from home PCP on the security console, and let it take appropriate measures. It is only necessary to equip it with the corresponding console.

How to organize sending a message about a fire from the fire alarm system installed in the house, if there is no telephone connection? And in this case there are a number of devices. For settlements in which there is protection, special communication systems for radio channel are produced. All houses in this case are equipped with a device that can transfer a previous voice message in advance, and the post of protection is a receiving device to the appropriate number of houses. (The question of sending messages about the incidents is being solved in the same way if the country house is protected by it. The difference is only in the power of the transmitting device.)

If there is no own security in an apartment building or village, but they are located in the GSM cellular communication area, you can use the devices that send an SMS message about the incident. These devices are called dialing. They are capable of both connecting to any security and fire alarm, and used as an independent receiving and control device (determined by the design). When the alarm is triggered, the device sends an SMS signal to any (there may be three or more of them) specified by the owner of the cell phone number (you, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.).

Perhaps the most common currently of this type is GSM-UO-4C (the company "BOLID", the price is about $ 130). The cost of installing a turnkey system based on it costs about $ 400. A significant disadvantage of the system is that it can act only in the heated room (operating temperature - from +1 to +45 seconds). Similar on the principle of action, but more modern devices offer companies such as Pyronix (Matrix series devices, price - from $ 30 to $ 120, "Safety Formula" (Forsec-GSM series models from $ 450), etc.

Fire alarm system costs (ATP)

The most cheapers of fire alarm systems based on the equipment of domestic production (the circle of manufacturers we already denote). So, the point smoke sensor costs from 160 to 400 rubles, smoke linear - from 2980 to 7180 rubles, heat passive - from 11 to 60 rubles, differential - from 150 to 350 rubles, optical open flame - from 1350 to 5600 rub. etc. Domestic sensors generally coped with their task as a whole, but, as a rule, we are somewhat inferior to imported analogues in reliability and aesthetics.

Fire alarm systems of the average price level are usually created on the basis of sensors and contact structures of such well-known foreign firms, like Ademco, System Sensor, Nappo, Texecom, Pyronix. So, the point smoke sensor in this price category will already cost $ 15-30, smoke linear - in $ 100-500, differential - at $ 10 - 20, etc.

Expensive ATP includes address systems. Most often, they are built on specialized control panels and sensors Esser, Esmi, Honeywell, Securiton, etc. In this category, the spot smoke sensor costs $ 30 to $ 100, smoke linear - from $ 500 to $ 1000, differential - from $ 30 to $. 60, optical open flame - from $ 200 to $ 500.

Despite the fact that the beneficial detectors are cheapest, the installation of a complex ATP based on them can do quite expensive. Address detectors are at least 50% more expensive than chaasadres, but the installation of the ATP on them can do cheaper. So, according to a number of firms surveyed by us, for a building of more than 500 m 2, the address system is already cheaper with an up-to-date. And the larger the area, the more money winnings. True, not all specialists who participated in our survey agreed with this statement. Some rightly noticed that it was not so much in the area as in the amount of protected premises and their location - factors that determine the configuration and branchiness of the system being created. (And immediately offered several non-like diagrams for the large house of 20 rooms using simple in the control of the control panel, which are no more expensive than the address.) The share of truth is, apparently, in that and in another approval - for each specific object you need to select your system. , optimally suitable for both the technical parameters and the price. And in order to get several alternatives and choose the best one, it is worth contacting not one firm, but at once to several.

But with the fact that in the maintenance of address systems is cheaper, everything agreed. Cheaper is already because they themselves find a malfunction - it remains only to eliminate it.

The highest cost has equipment for address and analog systems. If, for example, the address threshold detector from the company System Sensor will cost an average of $ 15, then the detector for the address- analog system from Apollo - already at $ 50, and from the ESSER company - at $ 90. High value detectors, and therefore, and The systems assembled on them are still holding back their use in urban apartments and private houses.

By installing the fire alarm system, you must be prepared for the fact that the costs will not be limited to this. It will be necessary to regularly (at least once every six months, and better - once a quarter) to pay a challenge of a specialist for preventive work (a list of necessary actions and their frequency is indicated in PCP and detectors). For small ATP, the cost of such works is approximately 1000 rubles, for complex, naturally, more expensive, but, fortunately, not directly proportional to the cost of the system. For their holding, it is better not to take place - you can lose guarantees (it is usually given for a year, after which a contract for post-warranty service is the expiration.

And the last thing I must say at the end of this part of the review. In the field of electronic protection of an individual house, fire alarm is usually an integral part of the security and fire system and is controlled by a single receiving and control device. The devices operating in such security systems are already called differently - PPKOP, that is, receiving-control stop-fire and fire. But today we are not discussing today - unfortunately, the review of the review is not enough.

The editorial board thanks NGO "Pulse", a group of companies "Formula Safety", Alliance "Complex Security", as well as "Systems Sensor Fair Detectors" for help in the preparation of material.

18.03.2017, 12:18

Zaitsev Alexander Vadimovich, Scientific Editor of the Journal "Safety Algorithm"

About the "ultraven Fire detection" is here, then there you can meet a variety of materials: from individual articles to textbooks. In one case, the authors are trying to prove that some "philosopher's stone" found, the decisive of all the problems of finding a fire at the earliest stage, even when it is not yet. In another case, other specialists begin to estimate how to build organizational fire safety activities at facilities with such an opportunity.

But after some time, each time it turns out that those or other proposed technical means are far from the ideal solution. And if they have some additional opportunities, they are not universal, or the use of these technical means is not economically justified.

A comparative analysis of the use of various means to detect a fire to some extent should help get rid of periodically emerging myths.

Immediately I would like to note that this analysis cannot be objective and final for a long period of time. All flows, everything changes. New technologies appear, new tasks appear and, accordingly, ways to solve them. The task of specialists will be that every time you try to get to do it every time with the next statement about the possibility of "ultra-abnormal detection" of a fire, because we all know well that miracles do not happen.

"Superraced detection" What and why

Start, as usual, I would like to have any existing definitions or terms relating to "ultra-alone detection" or even simply "early detection." That's just no definitions on this topic.

It should be understood that the appearance of a fire is characterized by several, sometimes not related to the parameters of the medium for which it can be detected:

■ Flame and sparks;

■ thermal flow and increased ambient temperature;

■ increased concentration of toxic combustion products and thermal decomposition;

■ Reducing visibility in smoke.

As a result, it is through these indirect parameters of the medium and you can detect the fact of fire using technical means. Unfortunately, any of the indirect parameters is not a fully absolute criterion.

Heat goes and from heating items, and with thermal processing of products, without which we can not do in life.

Powerful lighting devices, welding and straight sunlight can imitate the flame.

Toxic products in a gaseous state are one of the signs of civilization and the presence of a person.

Smoke, being one of the types of aerosols, sometimes not much different from other aerosols (steam, dust, etc.).

As soon as the developers of fire detection funds begin to talk about the high sensitivity of their fire detectors (IP), so immediately arises the question of the likelihood of false positives due to the presence of background values \u200b\u200bnot related to the fire. And immediately work on the protection of fire detectors from false positives up to a decrease in sensitivity to reasonable values. This is the basis of the spiral of the development of fire detection tools.

The strangest here will be what it happens in the country in which only a couple of years ago began to evaluate the real sensitivity from broadcasters to the fire. During this time, our domestic manufacturers and a very small part of users, at best, only began to understand, with which detectors, until recently had to deal with.

None of the models of the modes from foreign countries associated with the production of fire detectors, there is no one to prohibit anyone in thoughts to produce or use something. Complies with the requirements of standards - all, he is a full market participant. And here it is not necessary to forget that our standards are almost 90% in terms of detectors correspond to the European, and the concepts of "ultra-alone" detectors neither in those nor in others. There will be a definition, the requirements and methods of assessment will be developed, then there will be something specifically to talk. In the meantime, it makes sense to deal with what is.

In the past few years, when in GOST R 53325-2012, "technical means of fire automation" finally included fire tests for fire detectors, it seems like the opportunity to evaluate or at least compare certain fire detectors in the time of response during standardized Test fires (TP). To some extent, the results of these tests can be correlated with the detection time of a real fire.

The fire detector can not be counted for the Honorary Caste "Superradias" only on the basis that it turned out to be ahead of the planet for some kind of test fires.

Of course, someone can suggest that if the fire detector for all these test fires in all embodiments, without exception, it works, for example, ten times faster than others, it can and should be found to the category of "ultrachnis". But it will be only a reason. But as a consequence, the proposal will immediately follow the use of all other types and types of fire detectors or at least about obtaining some preferences in application. Then, however, it turns out that the manufacturers were somewhat excited, did not take into account side effects, did not appreciate economic efficiency, etc.

"Superraced" or timely detection

To date, there is no such task as the organization of "ultra-alone fire detection". There is a requirement for the timeliness of detection, and in each case it may have different numbers.

In particular, it is about the timely detection of a fire in Article 83 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements. "

What is determined timeliness? And this question has an answer in the same technical regulations in Article 54. The task is to detect a fire in the time required to include alert systems for organizing the safe evacuation of people.

To implement the requirements for timeliness of detection, there are current standards and rules in the field of fire safety, all these issues are tightly linked to a single system of fire protection system, ranging from architectural and planning solutions and ending with air ventilation and inner fire water supply.

Economic indicators of "ultra-alone discovery" can also be discounted, everyone can count money.

And here, tell me than the bad term "timely detection of a fire." What he does not suit someone and why use non-existent and none definite terms. Why constantly confuse technical capabilities with marketing research.

Comparison of some fire detection methods

As it was already written here, several years ago, we had a real opportunity to make a comparison of fire detection methods in the framework of fire tests using our domestic fire detectors. And by this, undoubtedly, it was necessary to take advantage.

I do not want to disclose all secrets in this article: who, where and when. What were the specific detectors and from which manufacturers, not in my competence, but I can fully suggest that the initial data on which I will rely on, exist, and not in one instance. Maybe when the time comes, this data will be available to everyone, but not now. In this article, generally I really do not want anyone to praise, neither scold. Moreover, not all manufacturers of used samples were even aware of these tests. The only thing I can note, there were no random participants, there were only the best.

Before proceeding with the consideration of any results, it should be noted that they were obtained not when conducting certification tests of specific samples in accordance with standard methods, but within the framework of some research work. Therefore, in particular, instead of the 4 samples of point optical-electronic flue fire detectors of one manufacturer, several similar detectors of different manufacturers were used. Approximately also acted with gas firefighters from broadcasters.

Moreover, for more information for subsequent analysis, in addition to standard test fires, approximately the same tests with the changed characteristics of the test fire load were carried out, but I do not consider their results.

And during test fires, in addition to the time of operation, other parameters must be monitored, but since all detectors during the conducted tests were simultaneously in similar conditions, then I lower this question with a clear conscience, the main thing that the parameters did not go beyond the limits provided for by the standard .

Table 1 shows the ratio of time required to trigger fire detectors in the process of TP2 test fires - TP5, to normalized. If you try to translate it to a more accessible language, then the percentage of time that was needed to detect the fire to the detector type, relative to the normalized time. For example, the limit response time at TP3 is 750 seconds, and the detector worked after 190 seconds. It turns out only 25% of the time from the maximum value. Four times faster than required, worked - now you can already write it down in Casto "Overlands", but we will not hurry.

Table. 1. The ratio of the time required for the operation of fire detectors at TP2 - TP5, with respect to the normalized

according to TP2-TP5

The limit time of the MP, with

Hypdot standard nephowerometric

Hypdot experimental absorption

Ipdot Bescamer

there is no data

IPDA (sensitivity class A) imported

with the maximum possible long air pipeline

there is no data

IPG semiconductor

IPG electrochemical

Since the article is not scientific character, but is only an information, then for greater clarity, the values \u200b\u200bpresented in the table under consideration are very rounded in nature without any probabilistic dependencies.

Standard Fire Detectors Fire Optico-Electronic Spots (Ildot)

That's who always caused doubt, so it is an exit. And here the first and very unexpected conclusion appears. Our domestic exercise, which, according to the possibilities of the timely detection of the fire, does not seriously perceive and use only according to their cost, have, it turns out, a very decent reserve in terms of detection times in relation to the normalized. And it should only delight. Unfortunately, we are not all such in our country, the more serial. But still, maybe, when they want.

And now, imagine what they would be if there were still used developments that have long been used in modern foreign exercises.

Experimental absorption type

This is a very interesting way to detect smoke. In this IP, it is not used not the principle of scattering the light of the emitter from the smoke particles in the measuring chamber, which is called the nebelometric method, and the principle of light absorption (absorption method), like the linear fire detectors, only with a very short control area. As a method for detection and the detector used in this analysis, the whole two articles were devoted to the Journal of Safety Algorithm, so I will not consider the details of the device of this IP.

Oddly enough, but it is he who pretends to the title of "Overshi" with a four-time generalized reserve in all test fires. Of course, and what else should it be if he has aerodynamic resistance to air flows to zero, no problems with the static corps and it is not afraid of fluttering dust. But what shows us the second magazine article

of the already mentioned two. It turns out work on improving sensitivity, and with it and reduce time to detect the fire, just begin. In the process of comparative tests, which I write about here, very interesting patterns were discovered. Their implementation can bring a lot of new and interesting, and then again will have a reason to carry out a comparative analysis. And now it is only experienced single specimens, and how much the technical and economic indicators of these detectors will acquit our hopes, while it is very difficult to say.

Ipdot Bescamer

This type of hipdot does not have a closed body and labyrinths of the measuring zone. Sometimes this type of hipdot is classified as an detector with a virtual detection zone, since it is outside the detector housing. Naturally, this type of detector, as well as the exemplary exhibition type, there is no aerodynamic resistance to air streams. Therefore, it does not require time to overcome the static potential of the housing, no additional energy is required to overcome the labyrinth to the measuring zone. Here is a well-deserved result - a three-time summary stock for all test fires. If desired, it can also be attributed to the caste "ultra-stalls".

This is a very promising direction of the development of fire detectors, especially if you consider the results achieved in import detectors with a similar way to detect smoke. It is a pity that we have almost no attention to this area, it is not a special case abroad (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Options for the execution of the tubeless hipdot

Aspiration, he is aspiration

Almost all know about the peculiarities and exceptional possibilities of aspiration fire detectors (IPD). A detector of a foreign manufacturer was used here, and then as a certain reference. In our table, he is one of the leaders. Just need to understand that not everything is so unequivocal.

You somewhere, in some food shop by step accessibility seen with your own eyes of the Epda. I personally do not. Why? And this is like a tractor to climb with a tool for laparoscopic operations. Somehow so historically it turned out that when this type of detector appeared on the market, few people understood that this is not a universal detector for all occasions. And, despite his fame for specialists, it was used in a very limited amount.

But when the manufacturers realized that this type of detector must be positioned quite differently, the Tler moved. And after all, it turned out that in some directions of fire protection, there is no analogues. In the past two or three years, a sufficient number of articles appeared on this topic, and everything fell into place. "Retrieve Cesarean Cesarean and God's God."

What is the ambiguity of the judgment about the Epda

The IPD processing unit itself has unsurpassed sensitivity. No, no one will argue with it. If you control a small volume with it, then the IPD may be in mode "if I am very sniffing, then the wire has not yet overheated, but already warm and even smacks a little, and something with him sometime can happen, but not now, and Somewhat later. " Just immediately the question will rise, and how much it will cost. Many, but in some cases it is justified.

You can use the same yip to control large areas in several thousand square meters, just as indicated in the documentation for it. But here it will be necessary to immediately understand that in this case the crazy sensitivity to the fire in each individual room will have to be forgotten. Winning will be only due to the delivery time of the smoke-air mixture, and even that is not so big. But on the same warehouses of deep frost or in elevator mines do not put anything else. And whether in this case it makes sense once again to mention its possibility of "ultra-alone detection" of a fire. Unlikely.

Fire Detector Smoke Ionization (IPID)

Now you can go to the sad.

Yipdi - this is constantly nostalgic elderly specialists. This is so like a favorite "radioisotopic nickname". It was alleged that if the Idids can detect only "light smokes", then the "radioisotope" detector any, even bright, even dark, and very quickly. And the problem is only in Green, because of which the utilization of these detectors tightened as much as possible.

This myth has developed when the threshold for the triggering of the IPDOT in the "Smoke channel" setting was within 0.5 dB / m (GOST 26342-84), and not as 0.05-0.2 dB / m. Moreover, now Ipdot is obliged to detect not only "bright" smoke, but also all the others.

Over the past 30 years, much has changed, only Ipdi remained the same. And now it has the opportunity to compare them with the new generation of fire detectors. And not just in the threshold of the triggering in the smoke channel, we are already less interested in it, but with fierce tests.

And that the calibration turned out to be medium and even very much. Use a fairly average detector in today's difficulty in handling radioisotope materials, few people need.

And it is also necessary to take into account the weak point of Jepdi - there is no difference for them, which aerosol particles find that smoke, that steam, that dust. So they still have no way to combat this.

Maybe we are all in vain for so many years have been nostalgic and forgive these "meanness" by these "Green", it is unlikely that without them we would start seriously engaged in alternative destinations.

Features of the application of firefighter gas detectors (IPG)

Just over and ten years ago, a wave of using IPGs was held abroad for early fire detection.

The postulate was adopted as a basis that each fire was preceded by smoke from the tension and carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide). This carbon monoxide due to diffusion instantly spreads through the premises, much faster than smoke reaches ceiling flue detectors, convection air flows do not affect this diffusion. This distribution method allows you to install fire detectors in almost any place of controlled premises.

And on the basis of these postulates, we immediately went on the possibility of "ultra-alone fire detection" with the help of IPG (CO). It does not happen holy place, there are no manufacturers of sensors for IPG (CO), the benefit of them has already been in industrial automation similar tasks.

But in the process of developing standards for IPG (CO), faced that they cannot be sensitive to all major test fires. Well, it was left in the requirements only TP2 (wood purification) and TP3 (cotton rack with a glow) and invented one additional TP9 (cotton straining without glow). But all synthetics remained behind the scene and easily flammable liquids, which can also highlight smoke. These are the producers of the IPG (CO) from everyone stubbornly hid, but they do not piss for a long time in the pants.

It turned out that at the time of synthetics, no carbon monoxide is distinguished, but hydrogen chloride, which all of these IPGs (CO) cannot be detected. So, if the synthetics surrounds us everywhere, then with cotton, which should smooth for the triggering of IPG (CO), in our daily life much more difficult, it is still necessary to find it. And then can IPG (CO), having the opportunity to detect a fire from a limited list of combustible materials, are used as a self-sufficient and universal fire detector?

As a result, a couple of years ago, the wave of IPG (CO) abroad completely choked, they have already become forgotten about it.

And when we have the opportunity to compare everything together in our country, it turned out that the idea of \u200b\u200b"ultra-alone fire detection" with the help of IPG (CO) collapsed at the moment, as well as several years earlier abroad. And about deep diffusion I had to forget about the fact that did not confirm in practice, but as a result, the impossibility of an arbitrary installation of the IPG (CO) in the premises, at least behind the cabinet, at least under the cabinet.

What about there, abroad? They did not particularly worry about this and break a spear. They from IPG (CO) very smoothly switched to multicringherian fire detectors. And here all the efforts of IPG (CO) were very useful. We still have to be able to comprehend everything in Russia, especially since we still do not have such a class of fire detectors as a multicringher.

Some features of IPG technology

It should be immediately noted that carbon monoxide sensors (CO) are two types: electrochemical electrolytic type sensors and metal oxide semiconductor sensors. The first practically does not consume electricity, but have a limited service life due to the use of electrolyte, the second has a sufficiently long service life, but also high power consumption.

In electrolytic type sensors, the service life begins to be counted from the moment they are extracted from the special container in which they are stored in warehousing conditions, for subsequent installation in the IPG. Specifications and the price of a carbon monoxide sensor itself about 1-2 thousand rubles are defining for IPG (CO).

To date, there is only one manufacturer of these sensors in the world (NEMOTO SENSOR ENGINEERING CO) can provide a guarantee of service life at 10 years. All the rest are still guaranteed not more than five years, and a couple of years ago was no more than three years of work.

The limited service life of carbon monoxide gases does not allow massively to use both the IPG themselves and their combinations with thermal or smoke detection channels. Almost all manufacturers of technical means of fire automation except IPG in their documentation indicate the term

services for at least 10 years. In practice, the service life is rare when there are less than 15 years, after all, this is not the cheapest pleasure. No foreign manufacturer allows independently replacing in detectors of carbon monoxide sensors, and honestly indicating their service life of 5 years.

Here is such a "superrabate detection" with the help of IPG, and the possibilities are so far ghostly, and the difficulties are objective.

So be or not to be "ultra-obstructed fire detection"

This issue should be resolved direct customers of services in the field of fire safety. If all the requirements of the regulatory documents are performed if the manufacturer does not produce inappropriate product characteristics, then nothing superfluous and do not need.

Suddenly, someone wants to distinguish itself, then he can have an exercise in the electrical library next to the electricity meter, to hide the refrigerator, and with a tranquil soul to go to bed. A similar method of "ultra-obscure detection" fire can economically be even most effective compared to others. But who and on the basis of what can make it apply it?

With a special desire, you can in the office of the head of a particular organization at his request and for his money to put an aspiration detector, which will work every time with hot spores with subordinates. Well, the desire of the customer is the law.

In this article, I have never mentioned the linear smoke detectors (IPDL). Also a very good thing, it just happened that they did not participate in research tests. If IPDL is used with maximum sensitivity at short distances, the detection time is declining several times. What is not "superrabate detection". It is very simple, and I don't need anything new, checked myself. That's just low economic efficiency does not allow to go on such solutions.

No one abroad, nor in our country, will not go to additional requirements for the provision of "ultra-alone detection" of a fire. And as a result, this term should be excluded from everyday practice, it is not necessary to consume it on or without and misleading others. We do not need these myths.


1. Sipboard 53325-2012 "Fireman technique. Fire automation technical means. General technical requirements and test methods".

    In January 2017, work began on the project of the interstate standard "Devices receiving-control fire devices. Fire control devices. General technical requirements. Test methods. " The next step was the draft of the rules of the rules of the fire alarm system and the automation of fire protection systems. Norms and design rules. " In the projects of new documents, there are standing tasks, they are attached to the necessary requirements aimed at implementing them. Each requirement is a consequence or cause of other requirements. All together they constitute a completely linked system.

  • For buildings and structures that store invaluable collections and at the same time that are objects with a massive stay of people, the key is the timely and reliable ignition detection. But there are objective reasons, by virtue of which traditional fire alarm systems remain either unacceptable or not sufficiently reliable for cultural heritage sites. The best solution is an aspiration detector. That is why Wagner's products are equipped with a whole list of culture objects around the world.

    The current development of microprocessor electronics and information technologies allowed us to approach the fire detection task fundamentally new way: on the analysis of the combination of separately taken sensory elements, continuously measuring the parameters of the atmosphere in the vicinity of the detector (the concentration of solid particles and carbon monoxide, air temperature), to the recognition capacity in the measured values "Sufficiency" of the conditions corresponding to the fire for the minimum time. The technology of continuous analysis of seven parameters of the surrounding Bosch contributes to increasing the reliability of the detection of the fire alarm system and a significant reduction in the likelihood of false positives, even in difficult operating conditions.

    To reliably detect a fire on facilities with special operating conditions, such as the presence of corrosive gases, high humidity, high temperatures and air pollution, SECURITON offers a system based on a MHD635 LIST cable. This is a high-level system, easy to install and install and does not require maintenance. Thermocales Securiton MHD635 Twist Cable applies at objects: Auto and Railway Tunnels; tunnels and metro stations, travel economy; conveyor systems and automatic lines; cable tunnels and trays; warehouse and racks; Production furnaces; freezing chambers of deep frost; cooling and heating devices; Food industry facilities; Parking, walking excavators, ship mechanisms.

    The Term Differential Linear Detector Securisens ADW 535, SECURITON combines a proven principle of operation and the latest achievements of sensory and processor technologies. Thanks to the extremely resistant SECURISENS ADW 535 sensory tube, it can be used where it is impossible to use traditional fire sensors. Durability and design that does not need maintenance make an ADW 535 ideal solution. Securisens ADW 535 fully meets the requirements for modern linear thermal containers, such as: full automatic monitoring of large spaces, resistance to aggressive media, extreme moisture and high temperatures, the ability to distinguish real dangers from false. Securisens ADW 535 is an intelligent device perfectly works even in the most difficult conditions.

  • For 2019, the development of a new national standard "Fire alarm system is planned. Manual for design, installation, maintenance and repair. Test methods for performance. " The article discusses maintenance and repair issues. It is important that servicing organizations did not end up due to incomplete or incorrect wording and would not be forced to eliminate flaws made by them at the design stage. It is necessarily necessary at objects when planned, then test all systems in the complex to check their operation according to the specified project algorithms.

  • The purpose of this material is to consider the main aspects of the legislative regulation of the implementation of federal state control (supervision) for the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and especially for the activities of legal entities with special statutory tasks and divisions of departmental protection.

In the Russian Federation, about 700 fires occur daily, in which more than 50 people die. Therefore, the preservation of people's life remains one of the most important tasks of all security systems. Recently, the theme of early fire detection is increasingly discussed.

The developers of modern fire fighting equipment compete in increasing the sensitivity of fire detectors to the main signs of the fire: heat, optical radiation from flame and smoke concentration. In this direction, a huge work is carried out, but all fire detectors work when at least a small fire has already arisen. And few discusses the topic of detecting possible signs of fire. However, devices that can not register fire, but only the threat or the likelihood of fire appear, have already been developed. These are gas fire detectors.

Comparative analysis

It is known that the fire may occur both from a sudden emergency (explosion, short circuit) and with a gradual accumulation of hazardous factors: the accumulation of combustible gases, vapors, overheating of the substance above the point of ignition, the insulation of the insulation of the electrocabolic wires from overload, rotting and heating grain and grain and T.P.

In fig. 1 shows a graph of a typical reaction of the gas fire detector for a fire, starting with a burning cigarette that fell on the mattress. From the graph, it can be seen that the gas detector reacts to carbon monoxide after 60 minutes. After entering the burning cigarette on the mattress, in the same case, the photovoltaic smoke detector reacts after 190 minutes, ionization smoke - after 210 minutes, which significantly increases the time to make a decision on the evacuation of people and the elimination of the fire focus.

If you fix the set of parameters, which can lead to the beginning of the fire, then it is possible (without waiting for the appearance of flame, smoke) to change the situation and avoid a fire (accident). In the early receipt of the signal from the gas fire detector, the service personnel will have time to take measures to weaken or eliminate the threat factor. For example, it can be airing the room from combustible vapors and gases, when the insulation is overheated, the power supply of the cable and the transition to the use of a backup line, with a short circuit on the electronic board of computing and controlled machines - extinguishing the local fire and deleting a faulty block. Thus, it is a person who takes the final decision: to cause fire protection or eliminate an accident on its own.

Types of gas detectors

All gas fire detectors differ in the type of sensor:
- metal oxide,
- thermochemical,
- semiconductor.

Metallooxide sensors

Metalloxide sensors based on thick-film microelectronic technology are manufactured. A polycrystalline aluminum oxide is used as a substrate, on which the heater and the metal oxide gas-sensitive layer are applied on both sides (Fig. 2). The sensitive element is placed in a housing, protected by a gas-permeable shell, satisfying all the requirements of the explosion-resumption.

Metalloxide sensors are designed to determine the concentrations of combustible gases (methane, propane, butane, hydrogen, etc.) in the air in the interval of concentrations from thousandth to units of percent and toxic gases (CO, ARSIN, phosphine, hydrogen sulfide, etc.) on The level of maximum permissible concentrations, as well as for the simultaneous and selective determination of oxygen concentrations and hydrogen in inert gases, for example in rocket technology. In addition, they have a record low-class electrical power required for heating (less than 150 MW), and can be used in gases leaks and fire alarm systems of both stationary and wearable.

Thermochemical gas alarm

Among the methods used to determine the concentration in the atmospheric air of combustible gases or vapors of combustible liquids, the thermochemical method is used. Its essence is to measure the thermal effect (additional increase in temperature) from the reaction of oxidation of combustible gases and vapors on the catalytically active element of the sensor and the further conversion of the resulting signal. The signaling sensor using this thermal effect, generates an electrical signal, a proportional concentration of combustible gases and vapors with different proportionality coefficients for various substances.

When combustion of various gases and vapors, the thermochemical sensor produces signals, different in magnitude. The same levels (in% NKRR) of various gases and vapors in air mixtures correspond to unequal output signals of the sensor.

The thermochemical sensor is not elected. Its signal characterizes the level of explosion hazard, determined by the total content of combustible gases and vapors in the air mixture.

In the case of monitoring the combination of components in which the content of individual, in advance known combustible components ranges from zero to some concentration can lead to control error. Such an error exists under normal conditions. This factor must be taken into account to set the boundaries of the range of signal concentrations and the admission to change them - the limit of the allowed basic absolute response error. The measurement limits of the alarm is the smallest and largest concentration value of the component of the component, within which the alarm is measured with an error that does not exceed the specified one.

Description of the measuring circuit

The measuring circuit of the thermochemical converter is a bridge circuit (see Fig. 2). Sensitive B1 and compensating B2 elements located in the sensor are included in the bridge circuit. The second branch of the bridge - R3-R5 resistors are in the signaling unit of the corresponding channel. The bridge is balanced by the R5 resistor.

With catalytic combustion of the air mixture of combustible gases and vapors on a sensitive element B1, heat is released, an increase in temperature and, therefore, an increase in the resistance of the sensing element. At the compensating element B2 burning does not occur. The resistance of the compensating element changes when it is aging, changing the power current, temperature, speed of the controlled mixture, and the like. These same factors also act on a sensitive element, which significantly reduces the bridge (dreuff of zero) caused by them (zero drift) and control error.

With stable power of the bridge, the stable temperature and the speed of the controlled mixture, the bridge is notable with a significant degree of accuracy is the result of changing the resistance of the sensing element.

In each channel, the sensor bridge power supply device provides the current control of the optimal temperature of the elements. As a temperature sensor, the same sensitive element B1 is used as a temperature sensor. The bridge unbalance signal is removed from the AB bridge diagonal.

Semiconductor gas sensors

The principle of action of semiconductor gas sensors is based on the change in the electrical conductivity of the semiconductor gas-sensitive layer in the chemical adsorption of gases on its surface. This principle allows you to effectively use them in fire alarm devices as alternative devices with traditional optical, thermal and smoke alarms (detectors), including radioactive plutonium containing. A high sensitivity (for hydrogen from 0.00001% voluminous), selectivity, speed and low cost of semiconductor gas sensors should be considered as the main advantage over other types of fire detectors. The physicochemical principles of detection of signals used in them are combined with modern microelectronic technologies, which causes low cost of products with mass production and high technical specifications.

Semiconductor gas-sensitive sensors are high-tech elements with low power consumption (from 20 to 200 MW), high sensitivity and increased speed up to a fraction of seconds. Metalloxide and thermochemical sensors are too expensive for such use. The introduction of gas fire detectors based on semiconductor chemical sensors manufactured by group technology allows us to significantly reduce the cost of gas detectors, which is important for mass applications.

Regulatory requirements

Regulatory documents on gas fire detectors have not yet been fully developed. The existing departmental requirements of the RD BT 39-0147171-003-88 are applied to the facilities of the oil and gas industry. In the NPB 88-01 on the placement of gas fire detectors it is said that they should be installed in the premises on the ceiling, walls and other building structures of buildings and structures in accordance with the instruction manual and recommendations of specialized organizations.

However, in any case, in order to accurately calculate the number of gas detectors and correctly make them install on the facility, you must first know:
- the parameter according to which security is monitored (type of gas, which is allocated and indicates a hazard, for example CO, CH4, H2, etc.);
- the size of the room;
- appointment of the room;
- availability of ventilation systems, air support, etc.


Gas fire detectors are the following generation devices, and therefore they still require domestic and foreign companies engaged in fire-fighting systems, new research surveys to develop the theory of gas dividing and distribution of gases in the premises of various purposes and operation, as well as carrying out practical experiments for Development of recommendations on the rational placement of such detectors.

The cost of damage from the fire even in a separate room can reach impressive sums. For example, when equipment is in the premises, the price of which significantly exceeds the cost of fire protection. The traditional ways of extinguishing fire in this case are not suitable, since their use threatens no less damage than the fire itself.

That is why the need for the early detection of fire is growing, which will be able to identify signs of fire in the infarder stage and take operational measures to prevent it. Early fire detection equipment performs its functions due to super-sensitive sensors. These are temperature sensors, smoke, as well as chemical, spectral (flame reactive) and optical. All of them are part of a single system aimed at early detection and superoperative location of fire.

The most important role here plays the property of devices for early detection of a fire on continuous monitoring of the chemical composition of air. When burning plastics, plexiglas, polymeric materials, the composition of the air changes dramatically, which should fix the electronics. Semiconductor gas-sensitive sensors are widely used for such purposes, the material of which is capable of changing electrical resistance from chemical impact.

Systems using semiconductors are improved all the time, the semiconductor market is constantly growing, as evidenced by the indicators of financial markets. Modern semiconductor sensors are able to catch the minimum concentrations of substances allocated during combustion. First of all, it is hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, aromatic hydrocarbons.

On the discovery of the first signs of fire, the operation of fire extinguishing systems is only beginning. The detection instrument acts clearly and quickly, replacing several people and excluding the human factor when heating fire. These devices are ideally related to all building engineering systems that can speed up or slow down the spread of fire. An early detection system, if necessary, will completely disable the ventilation of the room, in the required quantity - elements of power supply, will include anxiety, will ensure the timely evacuation of people. And most importantly, it will launch a fire extinguishing complex.

In the earliest stages, smear the fire is much easier than on the subsequent, and it can take just a few minutes. Fire extinguishing at the ridiculous stages can be made with the help of methods that exclude the physical destruction of facilities in the room. This method is, for example, extinguishing by replacing oxygen on non-combustible gas. In this case, the liquefied gas during the transition to a bat lowers the temperature in the room or on a particular area, and also suppresses the combustion reaction.

Fire doors - an integral part of any fire safety system. This is a design element that prevents the spread of a fire into neighboring rooms for a certain time.

Early ignition detection devices are required primarily to ensure the safety of people. The need for them is proven by numerous and bitter experience. Fire is one of the most unpredictable natural disasters, as the entire history of human civilization says. Nowadays, this factor has not been less relevant. On the contrary, today even local ignition can cause catastrophic losses associated with the failure of expensive equipment and equipment. That is why it is advantageous to invest in such an early detection system.

UDC 614.842.4.

Modern fire detection systems

M. V. Savin, V. L. Health

All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense Emergencies Ministry of Russia

A brief description of various types of fire detectors, their positive qualities and disadvantages is given. The device and advantages of aspi-rational fire detectors are considered in detail.

One of the most important elements of the fire alarm system are firefighters from broadcasters. They are divided depending on the type of physical fire factor, which react, and, accordingly, are classified for thermal, smoke, gas, flame detectors combined. In addition, depending on the configuration of the measuring zone, fire detectors are distinguished, multipoint and linear. The spot fire detector reacts to a fire factor controlled near its compact sensitive element. The multipoint fire detector characterizes the discrete arrangement of point sensitive elements in the measuring line. Linear fire detector is a detector, the geometric form of the control zone of which has a long section, that is, environmental control is carried out throughout a certain line. Each type of fire detectors has its advantages and disadvantages. The combination of these properties and determines the scope of their application. But still, for all these detectors, one common drawback is characterized - this is the so-called "passive" scan of the protected area. After all, they are actually waiting for the factors accompanying the fire (smoke, elevated temperature) themselves in the detector detection field. In particular, the smoke fire detector only then give an alarming notice when smoke falls into the detector chamber, which significantly depends on the presence of air flows in the protective room.

Currently, the aspiration firefighters are actively implemented in our market. They are actually a letter, consisting of a sensing element and signal processing scheme, which can be located both inside and outside the protected room, and a system of intake pipelines, for which air samples are transported from

flashing room to a sensitive element of aspiration fire detector.

Aspiration fire detectors have several basic advantages over traditional smoke detection systems. First of all, ensuring the delivery of air samples to a sensitive element, regardless of the presence of forced and natural air flows in the protective room.

Aspiration fire detectors provide the so-called cumulative detection. When smoke spreads and dissipates throughout the room, its concentration decreases and becomes more difficult to detect it with traditional means. Cumulative detection refers to the ability to take air from many points within the protected zone in one is the rank. Aspiration fire detectors continuously select small amounts of air samples throughout the entire protected area and transfer them to a sensitive element of the aspiration fire detector.

One of the service functions of modern as-pirate fire detectors is the ability to continuously monitor the overall dust of air dusting, predicting and adjusting its work in accordance with the realities of the protected object. This is another possible application of this product - monitoring air purity. In addition, most of the detectors constantly analyze possible malfunctions in their work (pollution in tubes, clogging of smoke-sinking holes, etc.).

Essentially, aspiration firefighters were noticeable, these are intelligent fire microstatons. They are the same as conventional fire alarm systems, in their composition stationary and peripheral equipment. As peripheral equipment, both a system of intake pipelines with smoke-mixing capillary tubes and various

Fire-security 6 "2003

modules (Fig. 1), designed to perform such functions as providing visual indication of the state of the aspiration detector in separate zones, setting, checking and service, as well as programming a separate detector and the entire network as a whole.

As a sensitive element of aspiral fire detectors, both ordinary fire detectors (chimneys or gas) (Fig. 2) and intelligent smoke detection systems according to the method of scanning laser technology (Fig. 3) can be used as a sensitive element.

We will analyze the principle of action of aspiration fire detectors on the example of the Vesion Fire & Security VESDA series detectors. The air from the protected room is continuously absorbed into the detector using a highly efficient fan (aspirator) through the system of intake pipelines (Fig. 4). The sample of this air is passed through the filters. First, dust and contamination is removed before the sample enters the optical smoke detection chamber. Then, on the second stage of cleaning (if it is available), an additional serving of a portion of pure

air to prevent pollution of optical surfaces and ensuring the stability of calibration and long service life of the aspiration detector. After the filter, the air sample enters the measuring chamber, which recognizes the availability of smoke. Then the signal is processed and is indicated by means of a linear scale indicator, threshold indicators of alarm signal or graphic display (depending on the modification of the detector). Next, aspiration detectors through a relay or interface can transmit this information to the instruments receiving and control fire, fire control, on the centralized observation console or other external devices.

The emerging sunbathings are usually four stages: the depression, visible smoke, flame and fire. In fig. 5 shows how the development of lighting in time proceeds. Please note that the duration of the first stage - provides more time to detect a potential fire and, accordingly, to combat its distribution before it causes significant damage and destruction. Traditional flue fire detectors often detect smoke when the fire has already begun, which leads to

t-I Stage: 2nd stage:

Glowing fire visible

1 traditional

3rd stage Flame

4th stage! Fire I.

Vesda Fire 2 (Fire extinguishing system included)

considerable material damage. A number of aspiral fire detectors thanks to their peculiarities make it possible to detect a fire at stage and recognize the process of propagation.

The scope of aspiration fire detectors is quite wide:

In warehouses;

In the widespread profile supermarkets, which contain various volumes of inventories: from raw material materials and wholesale goods to retail items of consumption and finished products;

In the data e-processing nodes, such as Internet data processing centers, network management and similar systems that represent a significant hazard of fire due to their high electricity and electronic density density;

On sites with clean industrial premises, such as plants for the production of semiconductors, research and development organizations, pharmaceutical production facilities representing a significant danger of fire due to the permanent supply of flammable materials;

In the energy industry, which uses various types of fuel to generate electricity.

Aspiration fire detectors with air filtration system have a low probability

the supply of false alarms is allowed to reduce significant material damage that could occur with a false start of fire extinguishing systems, stopping the technological process, etc.

At the same time, aspiration fire detectors can be used in buildings and rooms with high demands for aesthetics - these are modern offices, visual, rehearsal, lectures, reading and conference rooms, meeting rooms, sorrow, lobby, halls, corridors, dressing rooms, and also Historic buildings, cathedrals, museums, exhibitions, art galleries, book storage, archives.

Aspiration fire detectors can be used:

In extreme conditions: at low temperatures, mechanical overloads and harsh operating conditions, since the intake pipeline system and directly sensitive element of the detector can be installed in different rooms;

They can work both independently as individual funds and as part of automatic system for collecting and processing information about the situation and transmit signals to external devices in a different way (by wires, radio channel, etc.);

As effective means of forming a starting signal to start fire extinguishing systems due to the presence of several levels of alarms and a customizable sensitivity range. At the same time, for the implementation of the fire extinguishing and fire extinguishing algorithm, it is assumed to have two separate detection points, which are necessary for the operation of the system, that is, the presence of two separate aspiration fire detectors. Thus, smoke fire detectors

aspiration type is a serious addition in the complex of measures to ensure the safety of premises, along with traditional fire detectors, in no case reducing the significance and capabilities of the latter.

PodpobsisBeCOCHOCT 6 "2003

Manufacturer "Vision Fire & Security" "Securiton-Hekatron" "Esser"

Characteristic Name of aspiration fire detector

Vesda Laser Vesda Laser Plus Scanner Vesda Laser Compact Ras ASD 515-1 Ras ASD XL ARS 70 LRS-S 700

Nutrition, at 18 ... 30 18.30 18.30 20.28 18.38 24.30 18.30

Operating temperature, ° C -20 ... + 60 -20 ... + 60 -20 ... + 60 0 ... + 60 0 ... + 52 0 ... + 50 -10. + 60

Sensitivity,% 0.005.20 0.005.20 0.005.20 is determined by the fire detector 0.005.1 is determined by the fire detector 0.005.20

Smoke Definition Technology Laser Laser Laser Optical Smoke Firefighter Shot Spare Laser Optical Fire Fire Fire Fighting Spare Laser

Maximum pipe length in the beam, M 200 200 50 60 60 80 200

Pipe diameter, mm 25 25 25 25/40 25/40 25 25

Hole diameter, mm 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.4 3.4 2.6 2.6

Maximum protected area, m2 2000 2000 500 800 800 1200 1600

Number of filters, pcs. 2 2 2 no no 1 2

Number of fire hazard levels, pcs. 4 4 2 1 4 1 4

Dimensions, mm 350 x 225 x 125 350 x 225 x 125 x 360 x 126 317 x 225 x 105 285 x 360 x 126 225 x 225 x 95

Weight, kg 4.0 4.0 1.9 2.7 3,4 2.7 3.5

Work on the VESDANET network (99 devices) Vesdanet (99 devices) Vesdanet (99 devices) No LaserNet (127 devices) No vesdanet (99 devices)

AutoMLAARNTM AUTOLEARNTM MODE PROGRAMMED AUTOLEARNTM Programming AutoLearnt programmable No Is no programmable

On the Russian market now certified aspiration firemen notify whether the following leading Western companies:

"Vision Fire & Security" (Australia) - notice-teli Fire smoke aspiration series VESDA Laser Plus (Fig. 6), VESDA Laser Scanner (Fig. 7), VESDA Laser Compact (Fig. 8);

"SCHRACK SECONET AG" (Austria) - Detectors Fire Fire Smoke Aspiration RAS ASD

515-1 (FG030140), production "SECURITON-HEKATRON", Germany (Fig. 9);

"Fittich AG" (Switzerland) - detectors Fire smoke aspiration RAS ASD 515-1, production "Securiton-Hekatron", Germany;

"Minimax GmbH" (Germany) is the detectors of fire aspiration AMX 4002.

The table presents the comparative characteristics of some types of aspiration fire detectors.