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Machine compressor installation: profession description. Training Center PromTransTroy - Mobile Compressor Machinist with Internal Combustion Engine Machine Mobile Compressor Machine with Internal Combustion Engine


vocational training by profession

« Mobile compressor driver with internal combustion engine»

(Retraining, advanced training 4 - 6 category)

Profession Code: 13771

Many enterprises often have a need for compressed air in remoteness. The optimal output in such situations is mobile compressors. They are produced in a wide range of facilities and are equipped with a gasoline or diesel engine of internal combustion. Manufacturers take into account the possibility of exploitation in difficult conditions and provide for a number of construction solutions aimed at improving the reliability of equipment of this type. The design of mobile compressors with an internal combustion engine is a mobile chassis. Traditionally, these mobile compressors are mounted on the basis of truck trailers. The presence of electronic start and modern management systems facilitate operation and maintenance of such models.

The profession "Mobile Mobile Compressor Machiner with an Internal Combustion Engine requires certain professional skills. The activity of the driver is a job with the use of knowledge of the device of compressors, internal combustion engines, their technical characteristics and maintenance rules, instrument devices.

Characteristics of work: Serves a mobile compressor during the production of compressed air for pneumatic mechanisms, mechanized tools, machines and devices.

Most often, this profession is not the main, but an additional specialty. This program is designed for professional retraining (for related professions) and advanced training of workers by profession "Mobile compressor driver with an internal combustion engine". It should be noted that in professional retraining from the related specialties, the training time is reduced.

The discharge range of this profession: 4 - 6 discharges. The bit depends on the power of the compressor served by the machine.

Curriculums provide for the necessary amount of educational material to expand professional knowledge, skills and skills sufficient to confident fulfill their professional duties in accordance with the qualification characteristic.

Annotation to the program:

Depending on the existing qualifications, the following types of programs are provided:

  1. Professional retraining program (for those having related specialties: Categories C categories, locksmith DSM, Mobile Power Station Machines, etc.). You can get acquainted in more detail.
  2. Program for advanced training (up to 6 categories) (for machinists of mobile compressors with an internal combustion engine). Familiarize yourself with curriculum, listeners requirements, learning timecan .

The program includes the study of the following modules:

  • Mobile compressor device with internal combustion engine
  • Operating a mobile compressor with an internal combustion engine
  • Maintenance and repair of a mobile compressor with an internal combustion engine
  • General requirements of industrial safety and labor protection

Training ends with the final control (exam).

Training can be carried out both on the basis of our training center, and with the departure of the teacher to the enterprise.

Upon graduation and subject to successful completion of the final control, students receive a certificate (a certificate of advanced training (established sample), and a protocol meeting of the examination commission (for the organization).

Groups are formed as filling.

Explanatory note

In accordance with the procedure for training for labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia of January 13, 2003 No. 1/29, the employer (or the person authorized by him) is obliged for all persons employed, as well as For employees translated to another job, to instruct labor protection.

All those who are employed, as well as commoded to the organization of employees and employees of third-party organizations, carrying out work on a highlighted area, studying educational institutions of the relevant levels undergoing production practices, and other persons participating in the organization's production activities undergo primary briefings on the working Place, repeated, unscheduled and target instructions.

Primary briefing in the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and target instructions is conducted by the immediate supervisor (manufacturer) of work (master, foreman, teacher, etc.), which has passed in the prescribed manner training on labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection claims.

Instructing for labor protection includes familiarization of workers with existing or harmful production factors, the study of labor protection requirements contained in local regulatory acts of the organization, labor protection instructions, technical, operational documentation, as well as the use of secure methods and techniques for work.

Instructing for labor protection is completed by the verdict of the knowledge acquired by an employee and the skills of safe techniques of work by a person who conducted instructing.

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out before the start of independent work:

With all newly adopted employees, including workers who work under the terms of the employment contract concluded for up to two months or for the period of seasonal work, in the free time from the main work time (part-time points), as well as at home (obscons) using materials, tools and mechanisms allocated by the employer or those purchased by them at their own expense;

With employees of the organization transferred in the prescribed manner from another structural unit or employees who are entrusted with the fulfillment of the new work for them;

With commoded employees of third-party organizations, educational institutions of the relevant levels of production practices (practical classes), and other persons participating in the organization's production activities.

Primary instruction in the workplace is carried out by the heads of the structural divisions of the Organization for Programs, developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, local regulations of the organization, instructions for labor protection, technical and operational documentation.

The real briefing program in the workplace was developed in accordance with a single tariff-qualification reference book of works and professions of workers (ETKS) and, taking into account the characteristics of the work and safety of the Mobile Compressor Machine.

The program provides a list of regulatory, reference, educational and methodological and other labor protection documentation, recommended to prepare for labor protection instruction in the workplace.

Characteristics of the Mobile Compressor Machine

The control of the compressor is mobile with an internal combustion engine used when performing construction, installation and repair and construction work. Service and preventive repair of a mobile compressor with an internal combustion engine.

Must know: a mobile compressor device with an internal combustion engine, rules and instructions for its operation, maintenance and prophylactic repairs; Road rules when working with machines on a motorway; Ways to work with the relevant machines; Technical requirements for the quality of work performed, materials and elements of structures; Commodity rate of combustible and lubricants and electricity; A plotty case in the volume provided for a mechanic of the construction, but one discharge below the driver's discharge; rules, norms and instructions for labor protection and fire safety; Terms of use of primary fire extinguishing agents; Methods of first aid for accidents; Rules of the internal employment regulation of the organization.

Instructions program

3.1. Mobile Machine Machine Machine

Features and characteristics of the working conditions of the Mobile Compressor Machine. The characteristic causes of accidents and occupational diseases among the Mobile Compressor Machines. Examples of accidents when servicing the mobile compressor.

3.2. General Requirements for labor protection

The procedure for tolerance of the machine component of the compressor mobile to the maintenance of pressure vessels. Age limits. Preliminary and periodic medical examinations. Lack of medical contraindications for health state.

Types of teaching on labor protection: introductory, primary in the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, target. Training, certification, checking the knowledge of the rules of the device and the safe operation of pressure vessels. The volume of knowledge that the Mobile Compressor Machinist should own. Requirements for the availability of certificate for the right to work as a driver.

Requirements for familiarization with instructions on labor protection before admission to independent work. The rules of admission to the work of increased danger.

Requirements for internship under the guidance of an experienced Mobile Compressor Machine for Practical Work Skills.

Dangerous and harmful production factors that can have an adverse effect on the Mobile compressor driver during operation.

The adverse effects of dangerous and harmful production factors on the human body.

Production situations representing the greatest danger to the Mobile Compressor Machine: The ability to explode a system under pressure compressed gas.

The actions of the Mobile Compressor Machine in case of a disease, poor well-being. The actions of the Mobile Compressor Machine, if an accident happened to anyone from employees. Methods for first aid. Use a medical aid kit.

Labor and production discipline, internal labor regulations. Work time and rest time.

Fire and explosion safety measures during the operation of the mobile compressor. Primary fire extinguishing means.

The rules of personal hygiene during the operation of the mobile compressor.

Responsibility for violation or failure to comply with the requirements of labor protection instructions.

3.3. Labor protection requirements before work

Action of the Mobile Compressor Machine before starting work.

Requirements for special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment from the impact of dangerous and harmful production factors.

The device and the principle of the mobility compressors with the internal combustion engine. Constructive features of a mobile compressor with an internal combustion engine.

Requirements for the health service.

Safety requirements for sites where the compressor is located.

Requirements for the presence and health of panels that protect the moving parts of the compressor mechanisms.

Requirements for the health of all its pressure gauges and safety valves.

Requirements for the availability and level of oil in the gearbox and air filters of the compressor.

The operation of the driver during the installation of the compressor in a new place after its redeployment.

Malfunctions in which the compressor equipment is prohibited to be allowed to operate. Prohibition of the compressor:

In terms of faults specified in the manual of the manufacturer of the compressor, at which its use is not allowed;

With the late conduct of the next tests (technical examination) of the compressor and the receiver;

When malfunction of pressure gauges or safety valves in the compressor pneumatic system; Pressure gauges and safety valves must be timely tested and seated;

With insufficient illumination of the workplace and approaches to it;

With a malfunction of the valves on the dispensing comb.

Prohibition of the operation of the compressor of people who do not have the appropriate tolerance.

The ban starts to work on unverified or faulty compressor equipment.

3.4. Labor protection requirements during work

The rights and obligations of persons responsible for the correct and safe operation of the mobile compressor with the internal combustion engine.

Safety measures when implementing starting, stop, engine operation.

Safety measures when using control and measuring instruments.

Safety requirements when refilling the engine, lubrication of nodes and auxiliary mechanisms.

Security measures when performing the current repair and repair of the engine.

Precautions when opening, inspection, assembling and disassembling the engine during revision.

Prohibition by the machine:

Run the compressor motor at a pressure in the air collector above atmospheric;

Attach hoses directly to the highway or tool without valves on the highway;

Allow hose overlauming, their confusion and twisting, as well as contact with hot and oil surfaces;

Direct the jet of compressed air on itself or other workers;

Change sharp pressure in the pneumatic system;

Serve the compressor, including to clean, adjust or lubricate individual parts during its operation;

Repairing individual mechanisms, air ducts or hose compounds with a computer compressor;

Leave the workplace when the engine is running.

Safety requirements when working with a plumbing tool.

3.5. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations

The actions of the Mobile Compressor Machine in the event of an emergency, when violations of labor protection requirements are detected, which create a threat to health or personal safety. The malfunction, when the operation of the mobile compressor should be terminated immediately.

The actions of the Mobile Compressor Machine in the event of a fire. The procedure for using primary fire extinguishing means.

Action of the Mobile Compressor Machine In case of accident, poisoning, sudden disease. Ways to first aid victim. Wound processing and her gleaming.

3.6. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work

Actions of the Mobile Compressor Machine at the end of the work. Order of duty.

Precautions when putting the workplace and tool in order.

Requirements for proper storage and care of overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment.

Requirements for the report of all the problems and malfunctions of compressor equipment in the process of operation, as well as other violations of labor protection requirements to their immediate supervisor.

Rules of personal hygiene at the end of work.

4.1. GOST 12.2.016-81 * SSBT. Compressor equipment. General security requirements.

4.2. Safety requirements for work with manual instruments (collection of regulatory documents). - M.: NIC "RESOLUTION-INFORM", 2004.

4.3. FNP "The rules of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities that use equipment running under pressure" approved by order of Rostechnadzor from 25.03.2014 N 116.

4.4. The rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.04.2012 N 390.

4.5. Inter-sectoral rules for providing employees with special clothing, special shoes and other means of individual protection, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2009 N 290n.

4.6. Lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and works, when performing preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys), and the procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys) of workers employed in hard work and on work with harmful and (or ) Dangerous working conditions approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 12.04.2011 N 302n.

4.7. The list of first aid activities and the list of states under which the first assistance is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 04.05.2012 N 477n.

Similar information.

The issue was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 14.11.2000 N 81

Mobile compressor driver

§ 10. Mobile compressor driver

Characteristic of work. Maintenance of mobile compressor installation, start and stop compressor, diesel. Laying communications, connecting them to the compressor installation and the mouth of the well. Work on the strengthening of the outflow of fluid from the well by creating depression to slaughter, monitoring the influx of fluid (oil). Adjusting air supply during thermal processing of the bottomhole zone of the well. Participation in the work on the opening of productive reservoirs using gaseous agents and to eliminate complications in drilling. Adjustment of the modes of operation of the compressor installation and diesel engine according to the testimony of control and measuring instruments. Monitoring the work of all mechanisms and systems of mobile compressor installation, the establishment of the main parameters of the installation in accordance with the technological regulations for drilling and testing (development) of wells. Definition and elimination of defects in the operation of a diesel engine, compressor and performing current repairs of all compressor systems, including emergency protection systems, design documentation for the production and maintenance of the installation log. Control car.

Must know: Methods of exploitation of oil, gas and injection wells; appointment, device and rules of operation of various compressor systems, power equipment, car, measuring instruments and automatic protection of the compressor installation; types of fuel, lubricants and cooling; Methods for detecting and eliminating malfunctions in the mobile compressor installation; Schemes for connecting communications from the compressor installation to the well; norms of consumption of operational materials on the production of compressed air; Basic information on heat engineering, electrical engineering, drilling and operational equipment, on drilling technology, testing (mastering) and overhaul of oil and gas wells; Flooring in the amount of work performed.

When working in exceptional cases (on wells, highlighting free hydrogen sulfide, well-pressure wells, etc.) on trailed or self-propelled mobile compressors under the guidance of the driver of the mobile compressor of higher qualifications - the 3rd category;

when working on a trailed mobile compressor with a working pressure of up to 10 MPa (100 kgf / kV. cm) inclusive - 4th category;

when working on a trailed mobile compressor with a working pressure of more than 10 to 20 MPa (100 - 200 kgf / sq. CM) inclusive or on a self-propelled mobile compressor with a working pressure of up to 10 MPa (100 kgf / sq. CM) inclusive - 5th category ;

when working on a trailed mobile compressor with a working pressure of more than 20 MPa (200 kgf / sq. CM) or on a self-propelled mobile compressor with a working pressure of more than 10 MPa (100 kgf / sq. CM) - 6th category.