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How to make wooden caisson ceilings with their own hands. Cable ceilings from a wood array Wooden caisson ceilings

Make an aristocratic castle from your home, create an atmosphere of medieval coziness in it or re-equip your home in such a style, like Renaissance, allow the cable ceilings from the tree.

They decorated their dwellings French barons and aristocrats, but now every person has such an opportunity.

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Cable (Caisson) in French means "drawer", which fully reflects the appearance of the suspension structures - transverse and longitudinal, intersecting at right angles with each other, form cells in which carved square plates are placed.

There are also options for execution not with rectangular, but oval, round cells.

The main feature of such products is that they are collected from two groups of different elements:

  • constructive - guides, beams, bars and lags, which create a frame of a future ceiling;
  • decorative - borders, sockets, sobers, eaves, which give the pomp, the magnitude of the room.

Cable ceilings visually reduce the height of the premises, make them more compact and cozy.

The presented structures fit perfectly into any type of premises, but they received more distribution in rooms of private houses. Speecually they look at the offices of large companies, being a sign of their successful activity.

Advantages of caisson coatings

The main advantage of the caisson wooden structures is their aesthetic quality. Such a product have wood texture, retain her natural pattern, and they themselves look aristocratically.

Among other features, the installers are allocated as the following:

  • environmental friendliness - materials during heating do not emit toxins, saturated with premises with useful resins, fragrances;
  • universality - products transform the appearance of the dwelling, help to hide disadvantages, in relation to the floor and walls;
  • durability - the service life of products is not limited, only quality service is necessary;
  • easy - elements are connected to each other through grooves and protrusions, speeding up the installation process.

Produced at the plant plates are identical in size to each other, due to which they look organically and filigree exactly

Another feature can be called originality.

Note: Depending on the wishes of the customer, the cells of the caisson ceiling are performed by different shapes and sizes, wood types. Their scenery can be carried out according to the sketches chosen or compiled by the client, which gives great opportunities to implement their own style.

Location in the interior

Wood is a unique natural material, each type of which has its own characteristics. Therefore, before drawing up your dwelling by the cable ceilings, you need to think about what effect you want to achieve.

A combination of various breeds can achieve a variety of results:

  • upon desire to reduce the height of the arches, it is necessary to choose the darker varieties of wood - the moon oak, walnut;
  • visually increase internally space allows the use of materials of light shades - maple, birch, aspen, linden;
  • distract attention from the arch and make the focus on the inner decoration can be using white.

Should be taken into account: Achieving a holistic picture is possible only when the ceiling color is combined, the shade of furniture and gender. The ideal result is achieved or laminate.

Effectively add a room with leather furniture and fireplace.

The choice of this attachment imposes some restrictions on the use of furniture. To achieve absolute harmony, together with the cores, you can use classic decor elements. Items made of polymeric materials will rush into the eyes.

Project preparation

The main stage before installing the design is the preparation of a special project. When designing, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceilings, the number of door and window openings, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

During the preparation of the design of the project is guided by several rules:

  • the lower the arch, the thinner there should be plates, panels and frame beams, and their shade - lighter;
  • the larger the room, the greater the number of bars should be used in the design;
  • in small rooms, beams should be located next to the doors - it will "spread" the room;
  • the beam parameters must correspond to the size of the room.

A family coat of arms was placed in the Starin in the center of the caisson ceiling.

During the design, you must remember some of the nuances of the installation. Thus, designers do not advise the installation of caisson structures in rooms with weak lighting or with a large number of dark furniture - it will create a gloomy, oppressive atmosphere.

Take note: Effectively complement the cable ceilings of the stucco, ornament, screen painting, applique.

Think about the composition. Designers recommend to allocate the center of the ceiling in any way. This can be done with oval by a third of the arch, large aristocratic chandeliers, stucco and carved plates with a unique ornament, a specific plot.


Modern technologies allow you to create elements with filigree accuracy. Moreover, the components are in their composition of the excavation, grooves and protrusions, spikes by which are fastened to the arch.

But there is another option - self-assembly of construction.

Despite the fact that the caisson suspension structures hide the flaws of the ceiling, it still needs to be processed. Therefore, the first stage is priming the surface, and depending on the installation method -, with ornament or monophonic.

The optimal width and height of the beam is 12-15 cm.

The frame of the future scenery is going on the floor, and then attached to the set by means of nails. When the ceilings are made of concrete, you will need a dowel and self-tapping screws. After fixing the frame, the slats closing the sides are installed.

Specialist Council: Cut the slacks of the caisson ceiling only after fixing the frame, so that it is possible to accurately fit the elements, close the gaps.

Cross and longitudinal beams are installed on top of the frame. The places of their intersection are pasted sockets - it allows you to hide the slots, joints. After all the events, the design is covered with varnish or verses.

If you use ready-made plates, then their gluing to the ceiling should be started from the center to easier to navigate in the future. For reliable fastening of cells, they use rails together, they are used to close the gaps at the walls.

Cost of caisson ceilings

Choosing the caisson ceilings from the tree to decorate their home need to be patient. You can see a truly worthwhile result only after 3-4 years since the installation - the tree will take up, start playing and getting a spectacular look. It is for this reason that the owners choose structures from wood, despite their cost.

The price of products depends on the chosen wood breed. The most expensive are frozen oak, mahogany, acacia, walnut. Materials from linden, pine, coniferous breeds have more acceptable cost.

In offices are more appropriate to mount the caisson ceilings without a wood thread.

The second factor affecting the final price is the number and type of decorative elements, the form of cells. Everything is simple: the more cornices, sobers, sockets and borders, the more funds will have to spend. The complexity of the production of elements depends on the sophistication of decorative patterns, as well as on their shape.

Cable ceilings made of wood allow you to create a completely unique room for the room. But their final price, installation and service features can be a serious obstacle to the goal. Buy and decorate your house with caisson ceilings in a state of one whose wealth is above average.

Watch a video in which a specialist tells how to assemble a special framework and shows the installation of the caisson ceiling.

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Cable ceilings were gained great popularity in modern interior design.

However, few people know that they appeared in ancient Greece, when architects invented a new, more reliable view of the overlap.

In this regard, there was a need to hide the beams, making them so that they become part of the interior.

Over time, the caisson ceilings have not lost their popularity, but on the contrary, acquired more refined and complex technique.

They pose a certain configuration, where the beams form rectangular, square or polygonal sections that are decorated with various patterns.

These sections are called caissons (translated from the French "Caisson" - "box").

Today, the cable ceilings mainly perform only decorative function.

The main feature of the design is its appearance.

Such a ceiling always looks more respectable and can become a highlight for any room.

Relatively recently caisson ceilings moved from the element of the decor of public buildings, such as theaters, libraries, cultural palaces, and so on, in the interior of residential premises, whose owners want to give their lives element of luxury and demonstrate their impeccable taste.

However, when choosing as an element of the decor of the caisson ceiling, it is necessary to consider what the height of the source ceilings is required.

It should be higher than standard, otherwise the design may look ridiculous, and the ceiling structures will "put pressure".

The caissional ceiling is one of the types of suspended ceiling, that is, it allows you to hide the irregularities and external defects of overlaps.

The cost of the work of the masters varies somewhere from 4,000 to 15,000 thousand rubles per square meter of coating depending on the material used.

That is, pleasure, of course, is not quite cheap, but the result is worth it, especially if you want to make a palace from your house.

The caissional ceiling consists of beams and a variety of decorative elements.

In the design of the caissons, you can embed a variety of lamps, which, in addition to performing their direct function, can still become a very successful decor element.


There is a large selection of materials for the manufacture of such a ceiling.

This includes wood, MDF, plasterboard, polyurethane and cardboard.

For the manufacture of a wooden caisson ceiling, a red tree, oak, ash, walnut, is used, which is the ability to choose the most suitable room for the interior of the room: from light to deep dark.

It should be borne in mind that the dark tree will visually make the ceiling below.

The tree is the most expensive at the price, but at the same time the best material for the manufacture of the caisson ceiling structure, as it is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, not distinguishing harmful substances and beneficially affecting human health.

While choosing a material in favor of a tree, it says its undoubted durability and the fact that it is unlikely to lose its relevance over time.

Among the minuses of this material, it is possible to mention that the wooden caisson ceiling - the lot of professionals and, in the case of its installation, you can not get the desired result.

With a competent installation, a good alternative tree is MDF.

This material is much cheaper than the tree and when it is properly installed, it looks very nice.

However, MDF has a number of minuses, such as moisture fear, high sensitivity to mechanical effects (easily deformed), as well as low fire fighting characteristics.

Designs made of plasterboard are the most budget and with the quality option.

They are an alternative to ordinary suspended ceilings from drywall, which already, to put it mildly, do not surprise anyone.

Collect such a ceiling on the principle of puzzle, as a result of which it is obtained whole and neat.

Best of all the ceiling designs made of plasterboard look in rooms that have a large area (offices, cabinets, conference rooms and so on).

A rather common material for the manufacture of caisson ceilings is polyurethane.

Polyurethane caissons are made of certain sizes and have a small weight that, with a competent selection of size, it allows you to assemble such a design yourself without any problems.

The undoubted advantage of this material is immense reference opportunities and the fact that polyurethane can be painted.

It is worth mentioning that the polyurethane is completely not afraid of moisture and poorly supports the combustion process, that is, this material increases fire safety.

And finally, the easiest and most cheap way to build caisson is to make beams in the form of boxes from construction cardboard.

These boxes can paint the paint of the desired color or enclosure with wallpaper combined with the main surface texture.

Cardboard caissons glue with joinery glue.

For their decoration, a wallpaper or self-adhesive film is usually used, which has a certain texture, for example, wooden.

Installation of the caisson ceiling

Preparatory stage

Before buying materials, you need to draw a sketch to more clearly imagine how the finished ceiling will look like.

Then you need to think about which material it is better to choose depending on the material possibilities and features of the room.

You still need to pay attention to the condition of the ceiling.

As already mentioned, an ideally smooth surface is not required to install the caisson, however, its surface must be relatively smooth and solid, without serious defects.

If such defects are available, it is necessary to apply the putty and give it to dry well.

Then the base must be pricked, preferably twice.

This will ensure reliable fixation of the material.

When the primer dried, you can begin to stick the wallpapers that will serve as the basis for the caissional ceiling.

When the wallpapers are pissed, you need to make marking on them in accordance with the sketch.

Materials and tools

The list of desired materials depends on what kind of caissons you want to install.

Below is averaged list of necessary materials:

  • false beams and slabs or ready-made cells;
  • nails, hammer, saw, square, roulette;
  • glue (mounted and for wood);
  • roulette;
  • wallpaper, plaster, primer, roller;
  • decoration materials (stucco and others);
  • decorative rails (in the event that the design is made from finished plates).

Install the ceiling eaves with your own hands? Easily! Step-by-step instruction is located

Prefer in all practicality, but with a creative approach? Then the false-brake is exactly what you need! Read all the details.

Loose beam frame

The most important (carrier) element of the caisson ceiling is the support beams (boxed timber).

They are naked to the surface in a definite order.

To create a box bar, you need to cut the bar, the length of which should correspond to the length of the ceiling.

On the sides of this plank, small planks are nailed at the same distance from each other.

Then this timber is nailed to the base.

At the same time you need to carefully referred to the sketch.

After that, parallel beams are installed on a similar principle.

The transverse beams are installed when all the longitudinal are already installed.

Printing ready plates

Working with finished plates, the first slab must be attached to the center of the ceiling so that the pattern will be uniform.

Print ready-made caissions with the help of mounting glue, while it is very important not to stain wallpaper.

If there is an incorrect angle in the room, then the finished modules are better to fix brackets, while retreating several centimeters.

Decorative rails are inserted between the slabs.

Video Installation Instructions:


Cesson ceilings are a universal decor element that will give a special elegance to any room from the bedroom to the office.

In order to achieve the most positive effect, it is necessary to take into account the features of the room in which such a ceiling design will be installed and with particular attention to the choice of texture and colors of the caissons.

Caissons make it possible to carry out their most brilliant ideas relating to the interior design.

And one more big plus: such a chic ceiling can afford almost everyone, since, first of all, there is a large selection of materials from which you can make it, from the cheapest and most expensive.

Secondly, the whole design can be installed with your own hands without the help of masters.

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Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)

31 Mar. 2017


Use a caissional ceiling for the scenery of the rooms - it means to create an unusual ceiling structure, which, if necessary, hobs the beams, will reduce the height or simply will enter the originality. The old method of arrangement, which was previously needed to simplify construction work, turned into a popular architectural technique.

What is caisson ceilings

A few centuries ago, beams were used in the architecture of large buildings. Without them, it was impossible to create arches, dome, arches. These structures were very heavy and not very beautiful, so even more weighing the weight of the building for their masking masters could not afford. Then the caissons on the ceiling were used, which were natural recesses formed by beams, and successfully beaten. They gave the opportunity to reduce the weight of the structures, keep the bearing abilities and at the same time contributed to the emergence of new decoration.

Cesson ceilings in the interior

One of the well-forgotten, but gaining the popularity of design techniques in the interior concerns the ceilings. Instead of boring drywall, mounted options, wood and beams, you can use caissons. They serve for scenery, make it possible to lower the ceilings in too high rooms, hide irregularities, give rooms a rich look. A couple of centuries ago such design was available only to noble people. Modern ceiling with caissons can be made of wood, drywall, there are polyurethane, gypsum and even foam options available to everyone.

From the array of wood

The most noble and far from a cheap option is the cable ceilings made of wood. They can be made to order in carpentry workshops, then apply for installation to firms that specialize in this. The prices for the cable ceilings from the array will depend on the tree of trees. Oak, Acacia, Grab is appreciated. No less expensive and valuable - ash, beech, elm, birch, aspen. The advantage of wooden ceilings in their durability, natural beauty of the structure, as well as in good protection of the house from any deformations that inevitably occur over time.

From MDF.

Solves cheaper will cost the ceiling design from MDF. It is largely inferior on the beauty of natural wood, there is no comparison of strength, but it is also possible to create a high-quality and attractive coating from it, which does not sneeze in contrast to natural wood. Caissional ceiling from MDF is very easy to mount, so if you wish, it will be possible to do it yourself. By stopping your choice on this material, you need to remember its shortcomings, such as low moisture resistance and high flammability. In addition, it is easily deformed.

From drywall

Plasterboard is the perfect material with which the ceiling of any form is created. Working with it is not easy and time-consuming, but will allow creating a design for every taste. Cable plasterboard ceilings have numerous advantages:

  • Completely eliminate any defects.
  • All sorts of light sources are easily mounted in them.
  • Additionally enhance heat and sound insulation.
  • Make it possible to often change the sighted view from painting.


Another original design option is a combination of stretch ceilings and caissons. It applies in cases where the room has a non-standard form, you have to work with complex lines and angles. If the premises of the correct geometric shape, they even easier to create an original design. Specialists with rich experience will offer you two-level caisson stretch ceilings, decorated with art seal, backlit from LEDs.

From polyurethane

Anyone who wants to get ready-made design and quickly cope with the works, choose a caissional ceiling of polyurethane. The stucco from this material is represented by a large variety of styles: Baroque, Ampir, always popular classic. With it, you can find suitable sizes even for rooms with low ceilings. Properly selected in the form of the caissons easily glue and make it possible to avoid the celement of parts. Polyurethane, like plasterboard, will help to build the desired backlight, gives back painting. Unlike the latter, moisture-resistant and does not burn.

From foamflast

One of the simplest design options is a cable ceiling of foam. Light panels must be molded with glue and attach. One person can cope with work without assistance. The advantages of this material are very weighty: low cost, moisture resistance, rich choice. Fontoam panels with the corresponding pattern will completely replace wooden structures when finances are limited. Wide foam plinths will allow you to mount the caissons of the desired form.

Device of the caisson ceiling

Stages of creating a ceiling depend on the materials from which it will be manufactured. If this is a wooden version, you will need a barrier of bars, for drywall, a metal frame is needed to which the construction of the caisson ceiling will be attached. The support beams create a box structure. The harder sketch, the more difficult the installation of the beams. Large parts are attached nails or screws, smaller, decorative glued. Materials are often combined: a tree with plasterboard or MDF, a foam with wallpaper.


Work begins with the preparation of an old coating. It must be cleaned and passable or closed. If the future design does not close the irregularities, it will be necessary to pre-eliminate them. Installation of the cable ceilings begins with a drawing, which must then be properly moved to the ceiling. The drawing is applied from the middle, which will create the correct marking and beautiful design. Boxes or frames are attached to markup. If you use finished plates, then their mount also starts from the middle.

How to make a caissional ceiling

If you have to do all the work yourself, carefully take the design, consider the height of the ceiling. Errors can lead to the fact that the room will "give" b or seemingly that the ceiling is about to fall on his head. To make the caisson ceilings with your own hands, prepare the following set:

  • caisson;
  • reiki for beams;
  • the glue for your materials;
  • tools (hammer, nails, hacksaw);
  • roulette, square.

Stages of mounting

If you follow a step-by-step instruction, all stages of the installation work will be held correctly and you will get the desired result.

  1. The prepared cover is pasted wallpapers that serve as the main background;
  2. The markup is applied to the wallpaper, which will show where to roll the rails; It is necessary to begin to apply it from the center of the room, retreating from the wall 10-20 cm.
  3. Next, mount the rails - support for caissons.
  4. With the help of brackets and nails, we perform the mounting of the caisson panels.
  5. With the help of putty, we close all the remaining gaps and irregularities.

After the end of the main work begins the decoration stage. For this, bugs are used that are glued inside the recesses. The last stroke, which gives the design completed, is painting. The best color combinations will look at the best, in which white and brown colors lead. If the caissons themselves are light, the perfect option to draw them to gold elements.

Caissons (FR. Caisson - box) - in the cassette architecture, square or polygonal decorative recess in the ceiling arch or on the inner surface of the arch. At the same time, only those rhythmic recesses that are included in the cross-beam system or other complex carrier frame correspond to the concept of caisson. Cable plays a constructive and decorative role, as well as apply to improve the acoustics of the premises.

Caissons are known from archaic times. Pliny mentions the painting of the Kesson Greeks in the VII century BC. e. One of the Erehechtione Culler was blocked by a wooden beam from beam filled with terracotta plates. Etruscans in their tombs were repeated in painting the outlines of caissons. The romans forms of caissons become very diverse - rectangular, diamond, octalized and multifaceted, round, etc.

CC0, CC1. Cessional oak ceiling for billiard room. Wooden ceiling from ceiling and wooden beams.

CC2, CC3. Wooden ceiling made of oak array. Changes of record-size -1200x1200. Room size 5600x5600.

CC4, CC5. Cable ceilings made of oak array, coating - white enamel with gold patina.

CC6, CC7. Carved outlet in the intersection of ceiling beams. Crossed beams from an oak array.

CC8, CC9. Wooden ceiling above the billiard table.

CC10, CC11. Wooden ceiling of larch for balcony outdoors.

CC12, CC13. Wooden ceiling caissons. Carved decorative larch beams

CC14, CC15. Carved outlet on the crossed beams of a wooden ceiling. Wooden ceiling caissons framed by carved beams.

CC16, CC17. Wooden ceiling caissons with carved sockets. Oak, Enamel, Golden Patina.

CC18, CC19. Ceiling decorative eaves from an oak array. Unique Flexible Deerevit Decor. Carved outlet in the center of the caisson

CC20, CC21. Boyful wooden ceiling. Crossed ceiling beams.

CC22, CC23. Beam Wooden ceiling in a single style in all rooms of the apartment.

CC24, CC25. Large stained glass light with highlighting in the hallway 4400x2400.

CC26, CC27. Stained glass windows built into the caissional ceiling. Gilded decorative socket in the intersections of ceiling beams.

CC28, CC29. Wooden Cessonic Ceiling Oak Massif

CC30, CC31. Only two vertical walls in the room. For this reason, the wooden ceiling does not concern the walls and pressed to the bearing ceiling.

CC32, CC33. Cembal ceiling in a room with a complex geometry. The caissons of the suspended wooden ceiling are installed in the seating system seating easily and without fasteners.

CC34, CC35. Central large caisson with a matte glass cover, behind which bright backlight for reading

CC36, CC37. Caissons around the perimeter are equipped with a special "fiery" backlit for cozy home lighting.

CC38, CC39. Classic wooden caissional oak ceiling. The Derevit carved decor gives the wooden ceiling luxury and the wealth of classics.

Modern caissional wooden ceiling Make from a variety of straight, recessed panels. This is a relatively inexpensive option and gives a delightful effect, especially when supplemented with relief contrasting elements.
Cable ceilings give a special charm and respectable appearance to any room be it a living room, office, library, bedroom or administrative premises, director's office, negotiation room.

Grandmaster takes orders for interior work on the design, manufacturing and installation of caisson ceilings and eaves from valuable wood.

Advantages of wooden caisson ceilings from "Grandmaster"

Cessonnated wooden ceilings and interior elements can be made with manual thread fragments according to the presented sample or sketches of our designers.

The stylist gamma of the cable ceilings produced by us is in a wide range: from Baroque to classicism and an ampyr.

Installation of the ceiling based on ready-made caisson cells becomes fast and easy: Castle connections guides, docking beams through sockets. Installation of ceiling panels are made in a matter of hours.

The design of the caisson ceilings naturally hides any irregularities of carrying overlaps, makes it easy to place and maintain ventilation boxes, lamps, air conditioning and other design. The ceiling design is ideal in geometry and protected from any deformations. Make a chic ceiling decor has become much easier by applying caisson cells.

See also Cesson Cells in the site catalog

The architectural form of the decor must respond to the real design of the arch. The caisson, made in a wooden structure, represents a strict constructive core from straight rods whose intersection can form a variety of patterns of the patterned mesh.

The inexhaustible wealth of decorative jamming elements allows you to create a variety of solutions on the technique of performing wooden ceilings, create a rich variety of forms of caisson ceilings.

Luminaires can be organically placed inside the caissons.

Multiple forms of caisson, a vivid expressiveness that gives the surface of a wooden ceiling various properties - lightness or severity, painting or constructive logicality, one or another scale, - provided it with a decent place in the decorative design of the ceilings.

We make caissons from jogging products. Cement consists of elements: MDF substrate, eaves, borders, platbands, outlets.
The installation of the cable ceilings requires technological culture, so the installation of caisson ceilings should be carried out highly qualified masters.

Montage of caissons specialists Grandmaster is a professional, fast and high-quality result.

Ceiling panels

In modern interiors, little attention is paid to the decoration of the ceilings. Industry does not offer much from foam plates and stretch film ceilings. Meanwhile, the ceiling is most of the room, which is undeservedly ignored. Ceiling wooden panels are part of the interior that came to us from the past, on the new technological level. Made of modern, environmentally friendly, durable, high-quality, natural materials such panels can support the style of all rooms.. It may be a solid style of past epochs saturated with natural wood and wooden decor (see CC33). Grandmaster manufactures the ceiling panel to order. At the same time, the high level of manufacturing in the manufacture allows you to withstand high quality, short terms and low prices, which is important, a short term of installation work. Because All parts are made in production with high accuracy, the ceilings quickly without noise and dust are mounted. After all, when installing masters, there is no need to use a cutting tool (except for fitting a used cornice). All this allows you to send a set of finished caisson ceiling from ceiling panels in distant regions and mount them by simple instructions of unprepared masters. Each ceiling panel (caisson) lies under its own weight in its landing place, which gives easy access for various engineering systems hidden behind the Grandmaster ceiling panels (CC112, CC111). This possibility does not provide neither tension nor multi-level plasterboard neither foam slab ceilings. This circumstance allows you to change the style of the ceiling under the changed interior or the taste of the client. Changes consist in changing the cells for half an hour and are not related to construction work. For example, at first there was such a ceiling: CC52 In a year at the request of the client, we replaced the panels in the cells, leaving suspended guides. And the ceiling has changed beyond recognition: CC40 to other advantages of the Grandmaster ceiling panels can be attributed to the following:
High strength. When operating, the coating does not cause difficulties, well washes.
The cellular, the suspended design of the ceiling is well opposed to the temperature and humidity differences in the room and does not allow for the cracks.
A huge assortment of design and color solutions. The ability to paint the ceiling in the color of wallpaper, furniture, doors, etc. Decor cell ceiling panels with decor similar to the decor of furniture, doors and other elements of the interior.
Moisture resistance. The low level of water absorption makes it possible to install the ceiling panels in wet rooms, reduces the ability to develop fungi. Mold and other harmful phenomena.
Due to its low-voltage, cellular ceiling panels are well absorbed and isolate the sound. In addition, if you use the space between the ceiling panels and the bearing ceiling, you can fill with its special sound-absorbing or soundproofing materials, which will strengthen the acoustic qualities of the ceiling panels.
And one more, important quality. Grandmaster ceiling panels are manufactured individually for each client. There are no two identical ceilings.