Repairs Design Furniture

Furniture for bedroom Classic Dark interior design. Classic bedrooms. Elements of traditional sleep room decor

Neoclassical style has, despite the name, more than two hundred years. It originated as an antithesis of an ampir, oversaturated pompous, heavy decorations and furniture. It was almost forgotten during the heyday and and again revived on the wave of return to the ancient traditions.

In the interior, neoclassicism is trying to combine classical proportions and principles with modern materials and decorative techniques.

Basics of style

This classic style in an urban apartment is extremely rare, if only because the layout layout and the proportions of the rooms differ significantly from the principle of central symmetry. Neoclassicism offers a peculiar stylization with more active participation of furniture and volumetric architectural elements, which, with the birth of classic styles, were simply unknown.

  • Central Symmetry - According to the ancient tradition, the center of the room, and, rather, the ceiling, is a point of symmetry. The location of the setting items is determined by the central point. The usual room solution is the designation of the center of the luxurious chandelier. No less effectively looks like a furniture group in the center: a table and a pair of chairs, but this option is not suitable for the bedroom.

The layout of a beautiful classic building implements the same principle: the central main room, around which the rest are located as the planets around the sun. In the apartment to achieve such a relationship, of course.

  • Organization of space - The classic room has square portions. If the real bedroom fails, this requirements are used to change the proportions. For example, a very long room is zoned, in the elongated object items move away from shorter walls so that the furniture grouping acquires square outlines.
  • Antique elements - Columns and semi-colonry are still relevant, as well as arches and half and half. Their imitation of plasterboard boxes is perfect. Mirror and decorative vertical panels are actively used.
  • Lepunina is obligatory. The ceiling without stucco is no longer a classic.
  • Before central lighting. The more luxurious and massive chandelier, the better.
  • Color palette Neoclassicism prefers soft muted tones, but much brighter. If the classics are typical dark wood colors, deaf green, dark beige, then neoclassicism prefers cream, light brown, golden and even red. Very active white color. At the same time, it is small - up to 4 shades, and the contrast does not allow.


  1. Wood - valuable breed covered with varnish, but not brilliant. For furniture items, only a tree applies. Floor finishing parquet is a win-win solution. The interior fully allows the walls of the walls with wooden panels, but it is desirable not under the ceiling, but by 1/3 of the height.
  2. Glass and mirror In neoclassicism is used much more intense. This, of course, the door of servants and cabinets - glazed designs are typical for style, wall mirrors and filling the cabinet seas. And finally, mirror and glass wall panels. At the same time, ornaments are used - vegetable, in the ancient style, which is not allowed in the classics.
  3. A rock - Marble. Expensive and beautiful finishing material is used for cladding walls, sometimes the ceiling. Perfectly replaces his Venetian plaster.
  4. Fabrics - dense, even heavy, with rich vegetable, but not a floral pattern. Of course, natural: velvet, cotton, silk. Carpets are widely used: like a single-colored with a high mild pile - for comfort, so patched.

Bedroom in classic style (photo)

Glitter neoclassicism also does not like. Metals prefers bronze and brass. If the gilding is still allowed in a small amount, then chrome is too bright sign of industrial design so that it can be used.

Main accents

The design of the bedroom in the classic style produces an impression of a solid ensemble. There are no pronounced zones and groups in it, all space is linked to one concept. Clarity, pacification, harmony - this is what is neoclassic.

  • Parquet floor - Indirection condition. You can use laminate that simulates parquet laying. The preferred option is a patterned parquet, modular, for example.
  • Wall decoration - Variants are varied. It can be a smooth plaster of warm pastel color, and in this case it is desirable to separate the ceiling with the same material. You can use wallpaper with a large symmetric pattern and quite bright color, but not textured. In no case is not a geometric pattern. Wooden panels - expensive, but also a very spectacular way.

Modern classic in the bedroom interior

The solution is beautiful and quite affordable - the formation of imitation of marble wall panels. To do this, the Venetian plaster is applied to the wall of the wall and the baguette is finished. Such a panel cannot be the only one - the symmetry is charming.

  • Ceiling Most often stained or plastered on the tone lighter of the main finish. It is not bad to place a rosette under the chandelier, and it is necessary to use stucco or ceiling plastic plinth, simulating it. The pattern should correspond to the ancient traditions, it is important: acacan leaves, laurels, palmettes.

If the height of the bedroom allows, it is desirable to build a two-level plasterboard ceiling so that the first level element is round, oval or square, indicated the center of the room.

  • Chandelier is required - Wrought, complicated, with glass, with numerous flames or imitation of candles. Built-in luminaires around the perimeter of the room, by the way, are fully allowed.
  • Availability horizontal blinds The windows are not welcome, but it is possible to use them. For curtains, a rich fabric is selected with a pattern similar to the pattern on the failures or bedspread. Color - depending on the palette of the room. You can use semicircular lambrequins and grippers. From complex drapets need to be refused.
  • Architectural details - Of course, columns and semi-colonges in the corners of the room or to highlight the conditional square, and necessarily with the imitation of the cap. No less effectively watch vertical decorative elements from a patterned mirror. With this solution, it is better to abandon antique furniture, and use a more modern version.

Bedroom in the style of "Modern Classic" (photo)

When zoning the room, glass panels with a matte or color symmetric pattern can be used. This solution is just combined by classical traditions with modern material.

  • Decorative details - Little, but high quality, and weathered in ancient traditions. Greek vases, wrought candlesticks, bronze sculptures and any items made of bronze, table lamps with silk lampshade and glass suspensions. Perfect paintings of classic masters and reproductions.

Bedroom furniture

Neoclassicism is extremely demanding about the quality of things. Principle: better less, but high quality, exactly describes the attitude towards things. Furniture for style is selected only high-quality, reliable and comfortable. Its beauty ensures the tree itself - the game of color, wood pattern. Curved decorations are used. The thread should emphasize the structure of the tree, but do not ecliphes it.

Classic bedroom interior

Furniture objects have strict simple forms. The curvilinear circuit is allowed - the radial chest or cabinet, for example, but without excesses. The furniture should be primarily elegant: the heated book bent legs, small sizes, glazed doors. Coloring in white or very light color completely complies with concept.

  • Bed In the style of neoclassicism - wooden, square, with wooden, decorated with carvings headboard. A simple lattice headboard is better to remove and secure imitation, frown to a soft cloth on the wall. Ideally arrange the bed in the center of the bedroom, but, as a rule, such a solution is impossible. Therefore, the bed is placed across the room, and some offset of the center is compensated by a low beautiful chandelier.

If the bedroom area is large and the displacement is large, then a patterned carpet can be used as a center, and on one-color, for example, place a low table with a marble vase.

  • Bedside tables, tables and brightness It is occupied along the wall, symmetrically, relative to the selected, not the physical center of the bedroom. Furniture is selected from the same tree species, simple forms.
  • Mirrors Large, square or arched shape.
  • Neoclassicism suggests open glazed cabinetsthat in the bedroom, of course, is uncomfortable. Instead, a wardrobe or wardrobe in a classic style with deaf and mirror flaps is used.
  • Soft furniture - An indispensable attribute of classics: comfortable, practical chairs, small sofas, ottomans. Upholstery is selected in tone with a bedspread or wallpaper. The palette of color neoclassic is richer, but also demanding.
  • From decorative items in the bedroom, first of all, suit table lamps with lampshade and candlesticks.

The video tells about the modern classic style and about its place in the bedroom:

Comfort, luxury and impeccable taste combines. It is perfect for those who prefer everything traditional. For the bedroom, the classic is one of the preferred options. Important nuances will help embody her.

The interior of the classic style bedroom is suitable for those who prefer luxury, wants to demonstrate their status and prosperity.

The classic allows to emphasize good taste, and demonstrate that the hosts give preference to traditions.

Interior bedroom in classic style it has many advantages.

  1. Large, comfortable bed having a decorative headboard.
  2. Light beige gamma makes a room spacious, more comfortable.
  3. Used high quality textiles. Carpets from valuable materials.
  4. Furniture and decor are interrelated, have a single composition.
  5. For walls and ceiling, a decorative finish is used.

Classic style, like any other, has its interior features.

Create a similar design in the bedroom is easier and more convenient than in other rooms. It's all about harmony. The classic perfectly "fits" into the room for recreation and sleep. It is the luxurious bed that becomes a central element and sets a common style.

All the details are required to harmonize each other, creating spectacular elegance.

Classic style elements for bedroom

One of the common elements is the modeling embodied on the ceiling and walls. It is recommended to use fragments from metal that mimic the stone and bronze. The decor of the walls should be rich. The cross painting is suitable, design using natural tissues. Also wallpaper with gold and wood panel. A lot of decorative elements like VAZ, paintings, sculptures are welcome.

The classic style bedroom allows the use of almost any colors, but warm light shades are preferred.

Solidity, thoroughness and luxury are the main signs of the main object of the classic bedroom furniture.

Interiors bedrooms in classic style

Classic bedroom design embodied in one or more shades. For air and lightness, white and beige tone are connected. A great combination will be bright wood and aged decor. There will be an atmosphere of mysteriousness.

The main focus is on the headboard. It is usually large, luxurious, elegant.

The classic cannot become a temporary solution. Each item must be thought out and aims to create a harmonious space.

The general view will be relevant after decades.

Rules for the design of the classic interior

Classic bedroom interior It has a number of rules, following which will help embody it competently.

Furniture, carpets, paintings and all other items used in the decor must belong to one style and go well with each other.

All textiles used should be of good quality, natural fabrics are preferably a rich texture.

  1. Symmetry. Any items used must successfully "fit" into the overall composition.
  2. Warm palette. Restrained, calm tones are perfectly combined with each other and create a comfortable atmosphere for a full-fledged rest.
  3. Natural wood. It becomes the basis in the decoration and setting of space. Combined with metal, marble. Used expensive, valuable varieties.
  4. Stucco. It is a mandatory component style. Used for ceiling, niches, windows.
  5. Sophistication. The general view is complemented by the corresponding elements.

Figurines, flowers, paintings give the room a finished look.

Erker in the modern interior of the bedroom - a constructive feature

Erker is a niche creating an additional place to relax or work. Having placed soft chairs, a small table, you will get a cozy island. You can stay in the erker space for work. Thanks to the natural light, there will be an excellent small office. The key decoration of the zone will be curtains. Textiles will become a bright accent. By placing the cornice under the ceiling, it turns out to visually increase the height of the room.

The most profitable will look at the classic style in large rooms saturated with light and air.

Classic bedrooms: Registration in pastel colors

Pastel gamma is great for various combinations, creates a calm and cozy atmosphere. Therefore, it looks great in the bedroom. It is not recommended to immerse the room completely into light tones. It is necessary to add accents to make your eyes to focus. Several bright stains fill the bedroom with a special mood. Use covers for pillows, curtains, lamps.

A window, separate parts of the furniture can enter as contrast.

The pastel palette is perfectly harmonized with wood light shade. It can be used for headboard bed, picture frames. Glossy, shiny elements are allowed as accents. Add copper or bronze surfaces.

Light gamma will emphasize their luxury and charm.

Accent Wall in the classic interior

Such a solution is necessarily embodied in the excellent range from the total background of the space. May have another texture. Sometimes the wall becomes a kind of bridge connecting various accent, bright items. Such a solution allows you to give the image of the room a finished look.

Details of the interior should be expressive and sophisticated.

The wall can only have another ornament, which allows you to diversify the interior. It will increase its charm. The accent wall becomes a winning solution in a spacious room. Therefore, it is worth choosing such a design for large rooms.

Finishing materials are preferably used natural, such as tuff, marble, wood, including valuable breeds, bronze, crystal.

Is it possible to make a classic bedroom bright

Previously, a similar solution was considered extravagant. Modern classic allows brightness in design, but under the condition of a skillful combination.

Especially appreciated in the decor handmade.

Properties and features of similar colors are marked in the table.

Brightness can be added using the neon backlight located on the ceiling.

In addition to furniture and decor, the classic style is manifested in the finishing of all surfaces in the room.

Furniture: materials and upholstery

Used mainly all natural. Furniture is distinguished by high quality. An excellent solution will be subject to order. Furniture can have painted overlays, gold deposition or brass. Standard legs of objects should be replaced with artistic forging.

Decorative plaster, natural stone in the wall decoration will help create a real classic interior.

The upholstery is suitable made of leather or fabric, but the main thing is natural. Filler Choose from the fluff, horse's hair. Place the carpet with a small pile. Choose colors for several tones darker than those used for wall decoration. It is important not to overlap the passage, the window of furniture objects. Do not use many details.

Several competently selected items will help leave space free.

Color solution and lighting

Light gamma is preferred. White fills the space with freshness. Add ease with the help of live colors. It is worth determining the color accents in advance. Brightness for the walls is relevant if the room is minimum of furniture. Selected colors for several tones should differ from other objects, but not merge into a single spot.

White monotonous ceiling must be decorated with stucco - frieze, as well as a rosette under the central chandelier.

To create a cozy, use the sconces placed on the wall. Built-in LEDs must have a sufficient level of illumination to be convenient to read in the evening. The main lighting device will be a wide chandelier with several light bulbs.

Try to organize good natural lighting day. To do this, do not use dense curtains.

Textile selection for sleeping

Among the materials for textiles, the classics use velvet, atlas and silk. Do not choose a saturated upholstery palette.

It is necessary that all the decoration of the bedroom corresponds to the selected style.

The fabric should be strictly natural and combined on the texture with the other bedroom elements. An excellent solution will be the purchase of a curtain without mist, at any time looking the same. Small ornament on textile will allow visually to increase the space.

No other object of furniture should look more luxurious than bed, and draw attention.

Paul and wall design

For the floor, laminate from natural wood is suitable. Be sure to additionally cover it with a protective varnish. If the laminate does not suit, you can replace it with a stone tile. Window opening of wood or aluminum. Wallpaper is suitable for the walls. You can cover the area of \u200b\u200btexture elements, then open them with paint. The wall will look original and beautiful.

The bedside tables are installed on both sides of the bed, this makes it possible to emphasize one of the principles of formation of a classic style, namely, the symmetry of the room.

Video: Classic style bedrooms: 61 The ideal of nobility.

50 bedroom design options in classic style:

To create a quiet and comfortable place to relax and sleep, people are suitable in different ways. Someone is quite satisfied with the ascetic interior close to minimalism. Some people prefer to surround themselves with plenty of decorative trifles with bright and unusual design. Others try to free up as much space as possible, getting rid of all too much.

Most bedroom owners prefer pastel neutral shades in the design, although there are also fans of contrasting solutions. Nevertheless, there is an interior style that can satisfy many owners requirements when creating an interior. The classic bedrooms were, there are and will be loved by millions of people around the world.

The bedroom is a special room in which every little thing is important. The design of the classic bedroom largely depends on the size of the room, its shape, and many other factors. We will talk about it in the article.

Classic Bedrooms: Interior Features

Perhaps not to all fans of this direction it is known that this suggests the presence of a spacious and high room, high-quality furniture made of natural wood, the use of expensive finishing materials. This style is distinguished by the exquisite luxury in all elements of the interior. The use of good natural fabrics, silver and gilding in the decoration is welcome.

Choose color

Classic bedrooms can be decorated in various colors, but traditionally warm shades (beige, saturated cherry, brown, wine, golden) must prevail in them. The classic interior does not accept bright, screaming paints. Especially spectacular classic that are delighted with their originality and freshness. In addition, they visually increase the space.


An important role in creating a classic interior is played by the choice of fabric for covered, curtains, bedding. In this case, natural materials are used - cotton, silk, wool, satin, velvet. It is desirable that they have noble classic shades.


The central place in the classic bedroom takes a large comfortable bed. It must be made of valuable wood breeds, have a massive headboard. It can be made of metal or wood decorated with carvings. Often it is issued by the canopy.

For the bedroom, it is performed from high-quality materials, it is characterized by an elegant form and an exquisite finish. Dresser and a spacious cabinet, bedside tables and a dressing table are additional furniture items, they must harmonize with the bed and do not create a rich decoration competing, original design or catchy decorations.

Such a situation is quite expensive, so you can use the olden. Stylized elements will give the place of the delight and fill it with a special atmosphere. In the spacious bedroom you can create a small boudoo or a cozy corner for recreation. In this case, this classic bedroom furniture is used, like large comfortable chairs, a massive bookcase or open shelves.

As you can see, the bedrooms (classics) have quite a few restrictions - a large area and the height of the room, the use of expensive natural materials. Not every person can create such a premises. But fans do not need to be upset. Modern designers have developed various interpretations of this style that can be used even in not too large bedrooms of our apartments.

Modern classic bedrooms

Classic style in pure form is quite rare can be used in an urban apartment. This is due to the fact that the layout of modern housing and their proportions do not meet the principles of central symmetry. Neoclassicism implies some stylization with the participation of volumetric architectural elements, which during the origin of the classical style were unknown.

Unlike the traditional option, such rooms are a combination of expressiveness and simplicity. But at the same time the neoclassic style allows the use of the latest modern technologies and materials, luxury and very few furniture. Great premises in beige, peach, pale blue, white tones. Often, genuine leather of linen or cream shade is used in the decoration. Classic bedrooms in the modern style must have decorative elements that create a feeling of lightness.

Furniture should be a bit - bed, bedside tables, wardrobe. It can be made of MDF, with a veneer finish. The bedroom in a modern classic style is a solid ensemble. It does not have pronounced zones and groups. Decitation and clarity, harmony - that's what neoclassic is.

What should be the floor?

This style is a parquet floor. Preference should be given a patterned or modular option. You can use imitating parquet laying of laminate.


Several options. You can use smooth plaster and painting in warm pastel colors. In this case, the ceiling is better to separate the same. You can use the wallpaper with a large pattern (but not textured).

Window design

Classic bedrooms in the modern version must necessarily have an appropriate window design. Curtains should not be some kind of intricate, unusual form. These are strict rectangular canvases that can be placed on a cornily with unusual carvings.

To equip a sleeping place in his home accepted to relax and relax in this room, it was most comfortable and pleasant. If traditions and family values, beauty and historicity of parts, nobility and luxury finishes are important for a person, the bedroom design in the classic style will become the best design option.

Thanks to its foundation and a rich historical past, classicism in the interior chooses the one who has a good taste and wants to enjoy the magnification of the surroundings for a single year.

Distinctive features of stylistics

Classicism combined several style directions: the imperial luxury and pompousness of Rococo, and from modern trends he got straightness.

Like all interior styles, the classics have its own distinctive features:

In the interior of the bedroom, vintage wallpaper panels are used as decorations, and the ceiling is decorated with a luxurious chandelier. That is why this direction blows quality and warmth.

The main finishing raw materials is genuine wood. Combined with gilding, marble, velvet cloth, this material creates a chic interior concept.

For the bedroom in the style of classicism, a calm color is characterized, as suitable as possible for a calm, serene rest and relaxation. Bright contrasts and transitions are unacceptable here.

Preference is given to the warm tones of brown, beige, dark greens, snow-white and other natural shades. The bright bedrooms in the classic style look truly solemnly and calmly at the same time.

The majesty of the situation is attached to expensive textiles, natural furnishings and elegant accessories.

Symmetry of the situation: a pair of mirrors posted opposite each other or a duet of two identical bedside tables - all this gives the bedroom completed design.

Furniture equipment in classicism

Furniture for the classic bedroom is represented by a complete set of all the necessary objects of the form of a large comfortable bed, a pair of bedside tables, a dressing table, a chest and a spacious wardrobe. The main rule - wall and ceiling surfaces should be harmonized in color with furniture.

Main detail in any bedroom - bed. In the classicism she is given a central place, so it should be impressive dimensions equipped with two sides of the couches. The feature of the classic bed lies in its headboard, which should be high and massive, better made of wood.

The cabinet in the classic bedroom, as a rule, has large sizes, light performance and standard swing doors. It should be made of natural wood. The role of the chest in the room is not only a functionality for storing things, but also a platform for accommodating decor-accessories: vases, candles, photos.

For each furniture subject, decorated with thread, stucco, gilding. Better if all components are constituting one bedroom headset.

Interior's texture

For finishing and arrangement of the classic bedroom interior, exceptionally natural, the materials are as close as possible to nature and the nature. Wood welcome.

For wallpapers, walls of light shades are the best material for wall cloths. Very warm and aristocratic looks textile wallpaper, as in the photo of the bedroom in a classic style. Wall coating with plaster or paint is not typical for classicism.

Ceiling light smooth decorate stucco with gold-plated elements, sockets. For floor covering, the best raw materials are parquet or laminate panels.


The light in the classic bedroom is poured with a warm, soft, scattered stream. To achieve such effects it is worth using several multi-level light sources. The classic style chandelier in the style of classicism is a multi-tiered large composition equipped with a plurality of horns and crystal suspensions.

On the bedside tables should be placed two identical night light lamps, and the luxurious floor lamp is located near the dressing table.

Textiles in classicism

Curtains in the bedroom Classicism and other textiles are selected from textured luxurious fabrics. Natural light lines of cotton, silk, wool, satin and velvet are the best suitable for the design of window openings and decorating the sleeping places by the Baldakhin.

The design of the window curtains is always intricate and complicated, decorated with brushes and pickups. The curtains themselves are hanging on a carnie cornily.

If desired, it is possible to lay a carpet in the bedroom on the floor. This should be an expensive natural canvas, decorated with an intricate floral or floral ornament, you can choose a bright one-photographic instance.

Decorative interior content

The decoration of the sleeping classic interior is valid. After all, it is the accessories that determine the design of the design to the stylist. The most common and characteristic of the taking style is the painting, which is subject not only to ceilings and walls, but also furniture items and curtains.

Wall surfaces are decorated with cloth of paintings with the image of landscapes or portraits. To emphasize the historicity and luxury of the canvase will help a carved frame.

Focal on the spaces thematic figurines, vases, old unusual clock. The main thing is not to overdo it in order not to clutter the interior.

According to the principles of classicism rooms, which are drawn up in this direction should be large and spacious. However, it is possible even in a small bedroom to create a chic classic interior.

For the embodiment of classicism on a small area, you should choose a bright range, both in the room decoration and in the furniture content. Expand the space by spreading the boundaries of the room, help the mirror canvases or mirror doors in the closet.

It should be abandoned from the placement of numerous furniture items in the room, it is necessary to fill the space only the most necessary.

Window openings in a small classic bedroom should not be installed with dense curtains. Preference is given to light translucent materials through which light streams can pass and fill the room with air.

Photo bedrooms in classic style

Today we want to talk about the classic style and its use in residential space, namely - in the bedroom interior. In our article - subtlety and secrets of the finish, a little about choosing decor and textiles, as well as the rules for designing a small or combined room.

If you want to fall asleep and wake up in a beautiful, exquisite and luxurious space, the bedroom in the classic style will be the right choice. Eccentric design and new-fashioned trends are not suitable for the room in which she should reign peace and comfort. Therefore, the classic with its calm color palette, natural materials, comfort and warmth is great for the repair of the bedroom.

Rules for the design of the classic interior

Classic style combines the features of several directions - Baroque, Rococo, Ampire and Classicism. All of them are reflected in one or another traditional interior. Here are the main features of the classic style room:

  • Symmetry

Each piece of furniture or decor fits into the overall composition of the space;

  • Warm gamma

Restrained colors, such as beige, yellow, coffee, sand, brick, gentle pink, peach or olive fit perfectly with each other and have a relaxing rest and strong sleep;

  • Natural tree

Wood is the main material both in the decoration and in the room atmosphere. Dear varieties and a combination of natural raw materials with metal, bronze, gilding, marble, brocade and velvet allows you to create a luxurious bedroom interior in a classic style;

  • Lepunina

This is a mandatory decor element. Stucco decorated ceiling, plinth, sockets, window openings and niches;

  • Exquisite decor

Without the appropriate accessories, the living room and bedroom in the classic style will look unfinished. Pictures, vases, flowers, candle holders, figurines, table lamps, decorative pillows will make the room cozy and hidden.

Classic Style Bedroom Finish

Decorative embossed plaster in combination with ceramics and even natural stone is often used to decorate walls. The painting will also be relevant in this interior.

An easier option is a high-quality expensive wallpaper with a neat floral pattern or vensels. Stripe on the walls will make the design of the bedroom in the classic style more concise and strict.

As an outdoor coating, you can choose an expensive parquet of wood array with a simple geometric pattern.

The traditional classic style ceiling is a white or light coating with a patterned stucco.


Choose heavy, massive bedroom furniture in classic style. No scattered objects, there must be a complete set of a large wide bed, wardrobe, chest, two bedside tables and a dressing table.

The spacious white bedroom can be supplemented with two puffs, a chair and a coffee table. Such a recreation and relaxation zone will certainly become your favorite place in the house.

A classic-style bedroom wardrobe is better to choose a large and traditional, with swing doors and drawers.

Expert Council: Creating a bedroom interior remember that this is not a museum exhibit, but a living room for recreation and sleep. It should be not only beautiful and exquisite, but also comfortable.


Bedroom curtains in an expensive classic interior are better to choose from heavy luxurious fabrics. Here will be appropriate to look velvet, a group, atlas or viscose. The fringe, pickups, Ryushi perfectly fit into this design.

Bed linen from silk or atlas with a decorative pattern will be the addition of an aristocratic interior.

Small bedroom in classic style

Ideally, the classic requires a large space. But with due skill, a small square will not prevent you from incarnation your dream and create a luxurious design. It is very important here on time to abandon extra pieces of furniture, leaving free space for life. Bedalchin on the bed Make from translucent fabric, headsets choose a light tree, and stick to the pastel colors in the finish.

Do not make windows with dense dark curtains, let the room be filled with light - this is, like numerous mirrors, will allow you to visually increase the space room.