Repairs Design Furniture

Built-in furniture on the balcony and loggia. Furniture for the balcony: Practical ideas and unusual solutions (23 photos) Furniture for a plastic balcony

Installation of furniture on the balcony is a great way to functionally take its space. This room can be not a storage room for storing unnecessary things, but a stylish continuation of the interior design of the entire apartment as a whole. On the loggia you can equip a very comfortable area of \u200b\u200brecreation or even personal workplace. It is only necessary to use the space correctly, correctly pick up the furniture and convenient to place it on the balcony. And then you can make comfort to your loggia and make finding there pleasant and even relaxing.

The main feature of the furniture for the balcony is that it takes a bit of place, as a rule, its facades are very unwitting, and the design itself is very functional. For the balcony it is better to select built-in or folding furniture. These options are more practical, and in case you need to free the space, you can remove foldable interior items of the loggia. Using folding elements, you can constantly convert the balcony to that type of room that you most need. For example, hot summer at night, you can equip a sleeping place on the balcony by installing a clamshell there, and during the daytime it can be removed, freeing the space for another activity.

In addition, all folding furniture for the balcony is very compact, so it saves room in the room. Another major advantage of such interior items is their mobility. At any time you can remove folding chairs, tables and beds and completely re-equip the room. In general, the furniture for the balcony is not too different from ordinary interior items of the apartment, but it is more difficult to choose due to the limited area of \u200b\u200bthe decoration. That is why to acquire such items in specialized stores or do according to individual measurements to order.


When choosing a furniture component of a loggia, first of all, to determine the functional purpose of this room. If you want to use such a space for storing blanks or any desired seasonal and other things, it is necessary to provide racks and shelves for these items, as well as cabinets of a closed type with drawers for products. You can install a beautiful bookcase there and accommodate all your literature there, as well as dishes and other necessary thing. The ideal solution will be the installation of glass shelves for indoor flowers in pots, since in the warm season plants will be comfortable to be placed on the solar loggia.

To save the loggia area, it is better to use built-in balcony furniture. So, the installation of a wardrobe with such a design is perfect. Turning around the door of such a cabinet will not take place at all and, moreover, such interior items differ in the capacity. The high and narrow wardrobe can be used to store warm clothing or shoes, and the low locker of this type can be installed under the windowsill and store there cleaners, caring tools for cleaning or washing or other items.

Embedded furniture for the loggia helps to save the horizontal plane of the room, such furniture makes most of the vertical balcony space. Each element of the interior is securely fixed to the walls, the floor and ceiling of the room using special devices. Many of the embedded furniture are very multifunctional. Thanks to this quality, you can, for example, re-equip the wall of the embedded cabinet in the sleeping place of the mini size.

Quite often, wicker furniture is purchased for the balcony. Its popularity is justified by the fact that it has a very beautiful appearance, and at the same time it is very practical. As a rule, it is made of natural materials, such as willow, rose or bamboo. These materials do not undergo chemical processing and therefore are environmentally friendly.

Pendant wicker chairs or made of similar materials tables and chairs are perfectly suitable for the arrangement of the recreation area on the loggia. Such interior items do not require special care, besides, they are very mobile: they can easily move during cleaning on the balcony. In addition, you can easily make regular permutations, because bamboo and other wicker furniture has a very small weight. With such furniture, you are provided with freshness of air and a cozy atmosphere on loggia.

If you want to make comfort to the premises of your loggia or to equip there zone for relaxation, soft balcony furniture is exactly what you need. Insulated type loggia is perfect for installing soft interior items. Such furniture is especially suitable for balconies that are combined with a kitchen or living room, and separated from these premises only by the partition. You can install a folding bed there, a small sofa with a storage box for a mattress or bed linen. Ideal for compact sofas with a sleeping place, or there can be placed a table with soft aspirations.

Now it has become very popular to equip the work area on the balcony, since in this case the private outdoor account with natural lighting is obtained. For such a planning of the loggia, it is best to purchase a small computer-type computer desk with retractable boxes. For convenience, you can set several hinged bookshelf over it. For such a workplace, a compact computer chair and a pair of lockers with doors is also perfect. Doors are necessary to ensure that the cabinet contents are not dust.


Three qualities are important for balcony furniture: it should be a neglected, highly functional and aesthetic externally. It is these requirements that are presented to such furniture, so it should be selected with particularly seriousness. Materials from which these interior items are made must be reliable and resistant to external factors, because for balcony premises, sharp temperature differences and increased air humidity are characterized, especially on a warmed loggia. That is why it is necessary to acquire balcony furniture only from high-quality durable materials.

It is best for such a room with furniture elements from chipboard or MDF, since they are immune to moisture. You can also use furniture from plastic, but it is not very reliable and not at all environmentally. Furniture items from wood is better not to install an unlocked insulated balcony, they are better suited for an open balcony, since they are very frostable.

If you purchase upholstered furniture for the loggia, then the main requirement for it is the wear-resistance of its upholstery, as well as its nemarity. Such a coating is difficult to blot, and on dark upholstery will not be seen from the meal or drinks, as well as the dust. For open-type loggias, the furniture with a soft upholstery will not fit, it will be better to give preference to a leather or other upholstery, which is easy to wash and clean.


How to choose

When choosing furniture for the balcony, it should be considered: whether your balcony has insulation, and whether it is glazed. For a cold loggia, it is better to acquire metal or plastic furniture, since it is least reacting to precipitation and high humidity. It is best to acquire furniture with a special antiseptic coating. An excellent solution will be the acquisition for an open balcony of furniture, which can be folded at any time and remove, in the event of precipitation or cold attack. In the cold seasons, such interior items can be entered into an apartment or to the house and use it to arrange the living part of the room, while it is impossible to find it on the balcony.

By purchasing furniture interior items for the loggia, it is necessary to take into account its size. As a rule, the balcony area is very small, an average of 6 square meters. That is why it is necessary to acquire only the most necessary elements of the interior, characterized by functionality and compactness, for this room. Do not forget that approximately half of the walls are occupied by placing windows and doors, so select such items that will not block them. In addition, the balcony furniture should not bargain the room, otherwise you will simply do not unfold there.

Do not forget that the entrance door leading to the balcony is usually quite narrow, measure its width before purchasing furniture. It must calmly go to the balcony opening for the door. If you are planning an independent manufacture of interior items, remember that sooner or later you will have to take it from the balcony. It is necessary to pre-conduct all its measurements so that the removal does not deliver inconvenience and was generally possible.

When buying balcony furniture, pay attention to the folding and most mobile options. A very good option is also the purchase of interior items with a folding design. Ideal for placement on loggia multifunctional transformer furniture.

In addition, when choosing and placing interior items on the balcony, check on which side it is. If your balcony on the north side, it is better to purchase the furniture of warm and bright tones. But if your balcony is located in the southern part, and the direct sun rays are directed during your day, it is better to refrain from buying the interior items of saturated shades. Such furniture is very easy to burn in the sun. In this case, it is better to give preference to light pastel colors or perfectly white furniture.


How to make it yourself

Plywood, chipboard, bars and other materials are best suited for the manufacture of balcony furniture. In addition, to make such interior items to themselves, you will need to get a screwdriver, electric drill, hacksaw, screws and nails, as well as blurred fittings. For the manufacture of furniture for the balcony, you can use old home interior elements. You can easily reconstruct an old unnecessary locker. The new cabinet is also very easy to assemble: for this it is necessary to secure two lumps on one of the walls of this room; These elements will replace the shelves.

Making furniture for the balcony with your own hands, you can create exclusive elements. In addition, in this case you can independently select their design. Thus, you can only make the most necessary elements of the interior, which will be perfect for your requirements. It can be very functional and spacious furniture. Moreover, it is possible to make new balcony interior items from a broken old furniture, and it will turn out to be excellent new.

The interior decoration of the balcony depends primarily on its size. There are many types of interior, which are great for finishing this room. For small loggias, it is better to choose angular modern furniture in warm colors. So you can create a recreation corner. An example of such a design is a small angular wardrobe and an angular sofa with a small table and docks.

In addition, you need to functionably take the entire area of \u200b\u200bthis small room to the maximum. So, you can install low-size attached lockers that will take quite a bit of the place or the shelter to which pots can be placed with flowers. Plants will bring comfort to your loggia and freshness. You can make the space of a close loggia visually wider with the help of wall finishing with light materials, as well as with the installation of light furniture.

Many are accustomed to the fact that the balcony is a place to store seasonal and rarely used things. On the balconies store products, sports equipment, billets for the winter, unnecessary clothing. Only recently, designers offer to use a balcony as an additional residential premises. Insulated balcony or loggia, You can get a room for recreation, work or your favorite hobby.

The arrangement of any balcony depends on whether it is glazed or not. An open balcony is rather a part of the street space, a place that places only in warm summer days. It can be dusty, wet and cold. It will be difficult to equip such a balcony furniture. Fit simple folding furniture and stellagi For storage that are well tolerated temperature drops. Another thing if balcony glazed. More and more people strive to turn it into a part of the residential space. This can be done if you warm the balcony. Then he can become a full member of the apartment. Balcony furniture is different from the rest of its dimensions and functionality, the choice of furniture depends on which zone will be located on the balcony.

Cabinet furniture for balconies and loggia

Enjoying the views from the balcony, rest or engaged in your favorite thing much easier when the space is furnished with good furniture. Case furniture for balconies is not particularly different from ordinary furniture used in the apartment. Such furniture is the easiest way to be made to order to take into account all the parameters of the room. For open balconies, more wear-resistant materials are used, for closed - ordinary, cheaper. Cabinet furniture includes racks, cabinets, tables for computer, couch, benches and more.

Most people, unfortunately, do not use rationally the additional square meters in the form of a balcony that are practically in all apartments.

Usually in the balconies store some tools and unnecessary things that sorry to throw away.

However, every year an increasing number of homeowners is thinking about the need to use a balcony as an office, a room for recreation or a bedroom at all.

This is due to the fact that free space in modern apartments is not too much, which means each meter is highly appreciated.

And although this trend is becoming increasingly popular, yet few people believe that from the usual balcony you can make quite a comfortable and functional room.

But designers assure the fact that even the small balcony design can be made a real masterpiece.

All you need for this is the knowledge of the basic rules and subtleties of the organization of space, and correctly selected furniture for the balcony and loggia, which will create the right atmosphere.

Subtleties of choice

It should be immediately noted that the main requirement that is presented to the furniture headset, installed on the balcony or loggia, is its compactness and multifunctionality.

Even if you have a fairly spacious balcony, it is still less than any room, and therefore the choice of furnishing items it is necessary to approach responsibly.

Only thoroughly thinking the interior of the room, you can create a full-fledged comfortable room on the balcony, in which it will be pleasant to spend time. That is why we strongly recommend that you pay attention to such subtleties:

The sizes of the balcony design - when choosing furniture for the balcony should always be considered what kind of design itself has.

Furniture should be chosen small sizes, since it should not close the doors or windows.

However, since the balcony will not be able to place a large number of the necessary furniture headset, only multifunctional models should be selected.

Glazing of the balcony design - be sure to consider that if the balcony is not glazed, you need to choose furniture made of materials such as metal or plastic.

Such furniture for the balcony to order manufactures a huge number of masters, so there will be no problems with the choice of suitable design.

It is also possible with the acquisition of folding furniture, which you can bring from time to time. After all, during rains, the furniture will be affected by the influence of moisture and will serve you at all long.

Sun rays - do not have the furniture headset where it will be more exposed to harmful sunlight.

The dimensions of the doorway - when you choose the usual or wicker furniture for the balcony, calculate that it easily passes in the doorway.

Any furniture has its own shelf life. And sooner or later you will have a need to replace it. When it happens, you may have problems with its removal. Therefore, before buying, make sure the furniture set is well entered in the doorway.

Do not neglect the purchase of folding and folding furniture - to date, few people remember this furniture, however, it is with its help you can save more free space.

The model range is quite wide, so you will not be difficult to choose a suitable model.

Pay attention to the photo of furniture for the balcony, which is presented below. On it you will notice that high-quality folding furniture made in the style of Hi Tech, and the room was furnished in modern style. This option is quite popular and widely used by designers.

Order furniture or buy ready?

This question is tormented by many apartment owners. Some are confident that it is possible to get a really high-quality furniture set only if it produces a real master for you.

However, this is not quite true. Perhaps a few dozen years ago this expression and could be called truthful. But with the development of furniture production, the quality of the furniture produced has improved, and its value has become more acceptable.

That is why for most people, all the same purchase of a finished set of furniture is more rational.

For example, Furniture for balcony IKEA, the cost of which is much lower than that of similar models, completed to the order, is distinguished by durability, durability and high quality.

And the manifold of the model range allows you to be sure that any buyer will be able to pick up suitable furniture for the house.

But justice for the sake of, it is worth noting that for some homeowners, the furniture to order is the only way out of the situation when there is a non-standard layout of the rooms in the house.

After all, standard furniture manufactured by furniture factories is not suitable for unusual layouts.

Photo of furniture options for balcony

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Recently, urban residents with loggia or balcony in their apartments are insulated by adding living area thus. And this is the right solution. But so that these small premises will not turn into a storage room for different trash, they must not only glass and insulate, but also to furnish. Since these rooms are not distinguished by large dimensions, the furniture for the loggia and the balcony should be not only compact, but also multifunctional.

Furniture for non-glazed loggia

In the case when the loggia is not glad, then the furniture is also needed, as in the summer it can be convenient to breathe fresh air, read the book, and just smoke. But in this case, the furniture for the loggia should be or plastic, or made from another material that is not afraid of rain and other atmospheric phenomena. But you can also use and foldable furniture, which should be mobile: it is folded before use, and after use it develops and put somewhere in a safe place.

Furniture for a glazed loggia

A glazed loggia gives more opportunities for its arrangement. If you look at the photo, which are available in this article, you can understand what kind of loggia furniture is the most successful. Choosing furniture, it should be borne in mind that it must be put in such a way that there is a free space for passage.

Many people are used as a storage room. Here you can store seasonal clothing, sports equipment, canned vegetables and fruits. In this case, it is best to use built-in loggia furniture in the form of a closet. But it is desirable that the doors are not swing, but sliding. The shelves in such a closet must be strong to maintain cargo cans with preservation. The best option is not to buy ready-made cabinets, but to make an order. It can do a little more expensive, but in this case every centimeter will be taken into account, which is very important for such a small room.

You can also install the Tumba, where the blankets, blankets, and a variety of belongings were stored. You can place indoor flowers on such a tumb. In the case when the loggia is well insulated, an electrocamine can be used in it, which will allow you to rest here and in winter. You can also install upholstered furniture. It is best for a small sofa or canape with nominating boxes for bed linen. In this case, the sofa can be placed on the sofa.

If you use these premises, then in this case you will need a table. Currently you can buy a special folding table for balconies and loggias. It is attached straight to the wall and when it is necessary, then it can be decomposed. Very comfortable is the wicker furniture for a rattan loggia, as in the photo that can be used for tea drinking in the fresh air. This furniture is ideal for the loggia, as for the recreation area and relax. Especially beautiful will look wicker furniture surrounded by baskets with indoor curly flowers.