Repairs Design Furniture

Bench from school chairs with their own hands. How to make it yourself a bench from chairs for home or street. Materials and tools

Babe from broken chairs

The site has found a great way to save the old broken chairs. Of these, you can make a completely unmatched summer bench.

I think many have such old chairs that fall apart in the literal sense of the word. Of course, they can be thrown away, but you can try to make something very interesting and convenient.

Step One: Find two identical stools

  • Most of all suitable chairs that have a small bend of the back. It is these backs that we need

Step Two: Creating Seat

  • Collect the frame of such a length What your bench seems to you and secure every end with two screws (as shown in the figure above). Use reliable wood and long self-tapping screws, because our goal is to create a strong and solid construction

Step Three: Creating a lower shelf

  • Even after we made the most secure seat, the bench can be all too tole and unreliable. In order to solve this problem, create an additional element of strength - lower shelf

Step fourth: Putty and painting

  • Fill all the holes in the wood with a special putty, we give the time to dry well, and then thoroughly blame all the surfaces, paint any suitable paint.

Step Fifth: Make Plywood Sit

  • Cut a piece of thick plywood required size
  • Covered with pherana with vatin or foam rubber (its size should be slightly more than that of the plywood sheet) and we are tightening the seat with an upholstery cloth. At this stage, the furniture pistol-stapler will be indispensable

Now we can only decide whether to leave everything as it is or add a couple of pillows, because our bench is already ready!


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Do not rush to throw out old kitchen furniture. Your diligence and fantasy will help to get chairs from the headset with a new life, for example, in the form of a bench. It is not just comfortable, but also interesting, because it is not easy to use it as a shop in the yard. The bench from the chairs is able to become an independent and original piece of furniture in the interior of the residential premises.


For the manufacture of a bench from old chairs with their own hands, you will need:

  • four identical stools;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint and varnish removal means;
  • putty knife;
  • band-saw;
  • drill and drill;
  • wooden dowels;
  • carpentry glue;
  • wood paint;
  • brush;
  • wood varnish;
  • board;
  • lobzik;
  • meter.

Step 1. Take two stools out of four. Choose those of them that are not as attractive externally. Gently remove the horizontal racks in front of the seats.

Step 2.. The remaining two chairs will need to cut the front legs. Before that, using the meter and marker, apply the cut line. They must be held below the front racks on the seats. Cut the unnecessary part of the legs with circular saw.

Step 3.. Apply a means for removing varnish and paint to the surface of the prepared parts of the bench. Leave it on the surface of the chairs on the time specified by the manufacturer. By expiration, remove the old coating. For convenience, coarse layers you can remove the spatula. Collect the surface of the chairs fine-grained emery paper.

Step 4.. On prepared racks from the end side and on the chairs stands with the facial, apply marker marker in places where you will drill holes under the dowel. Before applying a drill, be sure to check the correctness of the labels. Drill holes.

Step 5.. Insert a dowel into the holes from the end side of the racks. Pre-lubricate them with a joinery glue.

Step 6.. After drying the glue, collect the base of the bench. During the assembly, in addition to the joinery glue, we secure the composite parts by self-draws. Once again speck all the surfaces.

Step 7.. Seat shop will be fitted under the shape of the chairs. To do this, by fitting, apply the appropriate laying on the surface of the board and all clean the jigsaw.

Step 8.. If the bench's seat, as in this case, consists of several boards, glue them already fitted with a joinery glue. Hold the design of the clamps and wait for the whole drying of the glue.

Step 9.. Stick the seat to the base of the bench. Send you weightlifiers on the board and secure it with clamps.

Step 10.. After complete drying of the adhesive, take the surface of the seating with painting scotch. All other parts of the bench paint paint for wood.

Step 11.. Remove the greasy tape and cover the seat of the seating by the mourn.

Step 12.. Color the entire surface of a bench lacquer for wood.

After the coating dry, put the pillow on the bench and enjoy the rest.

Do not rush to throw out old kitchen furniture. Your diligence and fantasy will help to get chairs from the headset with a new life, for example, in the form of a bench. It is not just comfortable, but also interesting, because it is not easy to use it as a shop in the yard. The bench from the chairs is able to become an independent and original piece of furniture in the interior of the residential premises.


For the manufacture of a bench from old chairs with their own hands, you will need:

  • four identical stools;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint and varnish removal means;
  • putty knife;
  • band-saw;
  • drill and drill;
  • wooden dowels;
  • carpentry glue;
  • wood paint;
  • brush;
  • wood varnish;
  • board;
  • lobzik;
  • meter.

Step 1. Take two stools out of four. Choose those of them that are not as attractive externally. Gently remove the horizontal racks in front of the seats.

Step 2.. The remaining two chairs will need to cut the front legs. Before that, using the meter and marker, apply the cut line. They must be held below the front racks on the seats. Cut the unnecessary part of the legs with circular saw.

Step 3.. Apply a means for removing varnish and paint to the surface of the prepared parts of the bench. Leave it on the surface of the chairs on the time specified by the manufacturer. By expiration, remove the old coating. For convenience, coarse layers you can remove the spatula. Collect the surface of the chairs fine-grained emery paper.

Step 4.. On prepared racks from the end side and on the chairs stands with the facial, apply marker marker in places where you will drill holes under the dowel. Before applying a drill, be sure to check the correctness of the labels. Drill holes.

Step 5.. Insert a dowel into the holes from the end side of the racks. Pre-lubricate them with a joinery glue.

Step 6.. After drying the glue, collect the base of the bench. During the assembly, in addition to the joinery glue, we secure the composite parts by self-draws. Once again speck all the surfaces.

Step 7.. Seat shop will be fitted under the shape of the chairs. To do this, by fitting, apply the appropriate laying on the surface of the board and all clean the jigsaw.

Step 8.. If the bench's seat, as in this case, consists of several boards, glue them already fitted with a joinery glue. Hold the design of the clamps and wait for the whole drying of the glue.

Do you want to equip your backyard or cottage plot? For this, it is not necessary to spend big money for the purchase of garden furniture. From old chairs, you can build beautiful benches yourself. The following are two options for such lifehak.

French-style bench

They will need chairs that have a small bend and a visually appearance. Front legs and "sids" dismantle, observing dimension in height and length. Construct a rectangular box for the selected length and fix it with screws, as shown in the figure.

Fastening screws (three pieces) Distribute uniformly for reliable fastening of the structure. At the bottom of the legs also prepare holes for an additional shelf. As a result, it will work out seven nests on each side.

To make the upper part smooth, use plastic molds or chipboard. All prepared holes fill in a special glue, polish surface and apply primer.

At the next stage, paint a bench, color can be chosen in your own way. In our case, this is a cream-white shade.

At the last stage, use an old vatine blanket, taking its size around the edges a little with a margin. After laying the material on the paneur, free parts and grab the stapler.

L-shaped brackets on the screws are suitable for fixing the top to the box.

Design for garden

Do you have a separate tree on the plot? Understand the following option. And if there are many suitable plants, you can organize a whole park for recreation. To create a comfortable garden benches, six old chairs will need.

They need to be cleaned, polished, remove seats.

Arrange the chairs in a circle, as shown in the figure, count the dimensions of the wooden planks that will be used as a seating.

Paint the construction in the selected color, pre-applying primer, mock the design around the tree, enjoy the comfort and pleasant cool on hot days.

When choosing a material, consider that it should not be rough, chairs choose the same size, make sure that they are secure and smoothly stood on the surface.


Specified Lifehaki will help equip the place of recreation in the country area or in a country house almost for nothing. If you approach the project with a fantasy, you can implement various design and structural ideas. Do you have such? Share with us!

1. Materials:
- two old wooden stools;
- paint;
- water-based varnish;
- solvent for degreasing surface;
- putty;
- sandpaper large and fine grain;
- self-tapping screws and nails;
- strong threads for the cover;
- furniture foam 40 - 50 mm;
- Furniture or any other tissue (can be used).

2. Tools:
- rubber spatula for putty;
- brushes for applying varnish and paint;
- a hammer;
- clamps;
- screwdriver;
- a sharp knife for cutting foam rubber, scissors;
- grinding machine (you can do without it);
- sewing machine.

Step 1: Search for Material

So, we will need a couple of unnecessary discharged grandparent chairs that are probably languishing in your garage or storage room. In any case, on the flea market you can find and acquire such a penny.

In addition to the chairs, prepare boards for the frame of the bench and Faneru, from which we will produce the base for seating, as well as a shelf under it. The latter may be very functional.

Step 2: Preparation of materials

Start with the fact that disassemble the chairs. We need to disconnect the back of the chair on which the back is located. Such backs will serve us as a sidewall of a future garden bench.

Next, from the remnants that remained after disassembling chairs or suitable bars of the required section we collect the framework of the product. We went on the principle and used the remnants of old chairs, because in general they seemed to us even pretty much.
The base will be rectangular, arbitrary long, however, choose the optimal dimensions - such that the finished product has the strength necessary for intensive exploitation.

To base, screw the sheet of plywood.

Step 3: Assembling benches

The obtained parts connect, forming a modity of the future bench for the cottage. For additional strength, we arrange at the perimeter at the perimeter of the strapping from the rails - just the one on which the shelf the remaining plywood concealed by us.

Step 4: Take care of aesthetics

Now you have to be the most responsible work on which the final result of all the work done will depend.

Clean the bench from dirt and dust carefully. Collect all the surfaces, as well as, if necessary, sharp corners and edges, giving them a little rounded look - first with large sandpaper, then fine-grained.

Gaps, joints and irregularities to cover up using a rubber spatula. Again, everything is pretty dutiful. The process takes quite a long time and requires patience, however, believe me, the final result is worth it. All elements will acquire completed outlines and aesthetic appearance.

Treat the surface with solvent and proceed to painting. Apply the first layer, let him dry completely, then stabilize so that the next layer of paint penetrate into the previous one. Color all the details for the second time, wait for drying and apply a layer of varnish.

With varnish it is better to do the same as with paint - slightly sprawl and varnish again. Thus, you will get a very resistant coating to external influences. And since the bench will presumably be on the street under a canopy, it will turn out to be as if the way.

Step 5: Last Barcode

For seating sew pillow. To do this, cut a sharp knife a piece of furniture foam rubber required. Having attached to it cut the furniture fabric, which is usually used for sofas tightness, decide on the size of the cover for the pillow, not forgetting to add a little on the stacks for the seams.

In fact, buying furniture fabric is not necessary. You can use any other durable matter, moreover, not necessarily new.

Stretch the case and side of the lightning in it. In the future it will simplify you care for the pillow. Place the foam rubber in the case and dust on the seat. A pair of bright pillows will complement the ensemble.