Repairs Design Furniture

How to remove resin pockets from the board. Corrend minor wood defects. Wood putty - the process is simple, but you need to consider a number of parts

Wood - unsurpassed material, but wood flavors are found everywhere. Zakmoli, resin pockets, knots and dents not only spoil the appearance of the product, but also can "auch" later unpleasant surprises. To protect yourself from such surprises, you should not ignore the small flavors of the wood, but fix it with your own hands.

Bounds in wood

All the breeds of wood are sin, especially coniferous. Bounds can be healthy or rotten. They not only spoil the aesthetic species of wood, but also can become a focus of the rotation of the entire product. Find a large wooden blank without a single bitch - a rarity, so you have to solve the problem on your own.

To begin, it is necessary to drill to a certain depth of that place where the bitch is located - about 1 cm. Next, we can fit the plug of wood - it is required to take not only the same breed, but also a tree from one party (if possible). The hole is cooled well and insert the finished plug, follow the direction of the fibers. When the adhesive will dry, you should cut the plug. It is better not to do this by a chisel, since the cork can be writing, but a special saw.

And only after that, put the place insertion of the plug. It is necessary to put one way, otherwise, with time around the former bitch in the wood, a dark bench will stick. Do it better twice: wood putty-grille on a belt grinding machine - Dneuins putty - manual grinding.

Smolyonic pockets in wood

The resin pocket is the cavity between the annual layers of wood or inside them, filled with gum or. Characteristic for, and. Smithful pockets do not so much reduce the quality of the wood, as they can again and again heal onto its surface resin. Even through years. Even through oil paint. Therefore, close the smallest pocket must be necessary.

In an old way, this small vice of wood was simply appleed, after cleaning the resin by a knife or a spatula. But so the resin will eventually catch up with time. Some "bother" and make an insert on the shape of the pocket. But it is possible to make it much easier, and most importantly, more efficiently.

Resin pockets are chosen by a milling handwritten with a milling machine, after which it is inserted into the resulting recess, the factory insert is inserted. Such an insertion appears outwardly resembles a boat, the joiner is called it - "Boat". Next - almost as with bitch: the recess is treated with glue, we insert the boat, we give time to the drying, cut and grind. As a rule, the boat sits very tightly into the excavation, so that the subsequent putty is not required.

The process itself is not difficult, but difficulties may arise when searching for boats - they do not do them in our country, there are only imported. The same applies to the cutter - they are notable.

Putty, or putty wood It is carried out if there is a need to close chips, dents, potholes and other small wood defects. In stores there is a huge selection of these maps - choose to your liking, experience, ask for specialists.

Wood putty - the process is simple, but you need to consider a number of details.

It is carried out in front of the grinding itself - after you embedded the resin pockets and the knots. If damage is shallow, it is enough to be one putty, if a deep enough - it is better to sharpen, stall and repeat the cycle. Do not forget to give time for drying to putty.

It is better to give a little more putty - it can be stitched after drying. But it is also not worth sticking - not all means for wood well paint putty.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board of the companion of Internet editions "Atmwood. Wood-industrial messenger"

How useful information to be useful for you?

Smolyan pockets - The very name of this defect explains its nature as some void or cavity formed between layers in coniferous wood and filled with resin. In addition, that such a vice reduces the strength of wood, it makes it difficult to work with it because the resin is enveloped and pollutes the tool. Serious difficulties arise in connection with this vice and in the finishing of products - grinding, painting, impregnation.

Skmolok - Consequence of the injury of the trunk of the coniferous tree. The vice is expressed in the impregnation of the resin of the whole wood at the site of this injury. The color of the pumped area compared to the surrounding wood is darker. Wood in the squeezing site is much harder than the main and easy-to-car. The strength of wood in the place of the squeezing is significantly weakened.

Cancer on a tree:
1 - Cancer on a tree
2 - Size

Cancer - Violation of wood tissue on the surface of the barrel with penetration deep into the middle of the barrel, which has occurred as a result of infection with parasitic fungi and bacteria. In coniferous rocks, abundant moisture circuit occurs on the boundaries of the infected place. At the same time, over the entire period of the disease in the affected place, the wood does not grow, the affected place is not delayed, but on the opposite side, as if in compensation for the loss, due to the enhanced increase, a peculiar (tumor) characteristic of this videoka is formed. Such wood, as you can already understand, not applicable in the thread. After cleaning wood from the affected fibers, the remaining part can be suitable for the manufacture of decorative sculptures and other decorative products used in the design of both interiors and exteriors.

Smolyan pockets (4.7), cavity inside the annual layer filled with resin (Fig. 20). It is observed on tangental surfaces in the form of oval flat recesses, on radial surfaces - in the form of narrow longitudinal slots, on the ends - in the form of short arcuate cavities. It is found in wood, coniferous breeds, especially often ate.

1 - radial cut; 2 - tangental cut. 2 - face cut.

Fig. 20. Smolyan pockets (spruce)

One-sided resin karmosh (4.7.1). Smolyan karma, a sheep leaving one or two adjacent sides of the sorting.

Through resin pockets (4.7.2). Smithful pockets overlooking two opposite sides of the sorting.

Impact on quality.

The resin arising from resin resin spoils the surface of the products and prevents their facial trim and gluing. In small parts, resin pockets can reduce the strength of wood.


    Smithing pockets are measured in depth, width and length (in linear measures or shares of the sizes of the sortiment) and by number in pieces:
  • in the piloproducts - on 1 m. lengths or the scene of the sort;
  • in veneer - on 1 m. 2 or the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet. It is allowed if this is due to the specificity of the assortment, measure one or two of the specified parameters.

Core (4.8). (Invalid term, hereinafter - NDP. Core tube). Narrow central part of the barrel consisting of loose fabric. It is characterized by brown or brighter than surrounding wood, color. At the ends of the assortment is observed in the form of a small (no more than 5 mM.) The spin of various shapes, on radial surfaces - in the form of a narrow more or less straight strip.

Influence on quality

Core sorts are easily cracking.


Given the presence on the side surface. In the peoproproducts, it is allowed if it is due to the specificity of the assortment, measure the depth of the core, counting from the nearest side surface (in linear measures or fractions of the sizes of the sortiment).

Double core (4.9). The presence in the sort of two cores (Fig. 21). In round timber, it is observed on the upper ends in the form of two cores with independent systems of annual layers, surrounded by the periphery of one common estimate, and is characterized by an oval cross section of the assortment, in the peopod - on radial surfaces in the form of two narrow, located at an angle to each other. Striped cores, on the ends - in the form of two independent systems of annual layers.

Fig. 21. Double core in board (pine)

Influence on quality

It makes it difficult to process (sawing and implant) wood and increases the amount of waste. Double core sorts are easily cracking.


In round timber, take into account the presence of vice. In the sproducts and veneer, the length of the vice along the assortment is measured (in linear measures or shares of the sizes).

On tangential heap looks like a flat oval recess, on radial - as a narrow longitudinal slot, on the end - as a short arcuate cavity, accompanied by a small bend adjacent from the outside of the trunk of annual rings. Along the barrel, the length of the resin pocket is somewhat larger than around the circumference. In the lateral direction can have a length of up to 10 cm, depth - up to 7 mm.

By number of outputs on the surface of the material vary unilateral and through Smithful pockets. One-sided resin pocket goes on one or two adjacent sides lumber or details; Through - for two opposite sides.


Smith pockets are characteristic especially for ate . There are also B. wood pine , siberian cedar and larch . The reason for their occurrence is considered to be damage cambia due to the swinging of the tree from the wind and overheating trees growing on ostroke where resten pockets are especially common.

A large number of pockets speaks of a bad connection between the annual layers and can accompany outproken cracks . The abundance of resin pockets in the top of the trunk can be called by a species smolyonic cancer trees - sERYANKA caused by mushrooms CRONARTIUM FLACCIDUM. and Peridermium Pini..

Influence on wood quality

The content flowing out of resin pockets spoils the surface of the products and prevents their external trim, cladding and gluing, dirting tools. Reduces the types of small high-quality lumber and plywood . In small details, resin pockets can reduce wood strength. The strength of large parts is influenced slightly.

When heated wood resin can find out of pockets even years after the manufacturer of the details, leaning through oil paint.

In the manufacture carpentry Products resin from pockets are removed and replaced shplanyow.


In lumber, resin pockets are taken into account by number in pieces per 1 m length or by the entire side of the sort of sorting, the largest of them are measured in length, width and depth. IN veneer The width and length are measured and the number of pockets per 1 m 2 or on the entire sheet is taken into account. It is allowed to measure one of the specified parameters if it is due to the specificity of the assortment.

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see also


  • Wood vices. - ed. Second, recreation. and add. - m.: Lesn. Prom-St, 1980. - 197 p.
  • Vakin A. T., Poloboyarinov O. I., Solovyov V. A. Album vials of wood. - m.: Lesn. Prom-St, 1969. - 165 p.
  • Wood vices. Album / Miller V.V., Vakin A. T .. - M. - L.: CatalogiFizdat NKTP USSR, 1938. - 171 p. - 3500 copies.
  • Pockets // Forest Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. Sparrow G. and.; Ed. Col.: Anuchin N. A. and others. - m .: owls. Encyclopedia, 1986. - 631 p.


  • . - Visible wood defects. Classification, Terms and Definitions, Measuring Methods. Illustration. Verified April 22, 2013.
  • . Checked on April 24, 2013.

An excerpt characterizing the resin pocket

When the doors of the Balagan and the prisoners, as a herd of rams, were glad, fought at the exit, Pierre made his way forward and approached the very captain, who, according to Capral, was ready to do everything for Pierre. The captain was also in marching form, and from the cold face he also looked "it", which Pierre found out in the words of the corporal and in the cod of the drums.
- Filez, FileZ, [pass, pass.] - Separate the captain, strictly frowning and looking at the captured prisoners past him. Pierre knew that his attempt would be in vain, but approached him.
- EH BIEN, QU "EST CE QU" IL Y A? [Well, what else?] - coldly looking around, as if not knewing, the officer said. Pierre said about the patient.
- Il Pourra Marcher, Que Diable! Said Captain. - FileZ, FileZ, [He will go, damn it! Go around, pass] - he continued to sentence, without looking at Pierre.
- Mais Non, Il Est A L "Agonie ... [yes No, he dies ...] - Began was Pierre.
- Voulez Vous Bien?! [Go to ...] - frowning viciously, shouted the captain.
Drama yes Dam, ladies, ladies, crack the drums. And Pierre realized that the mysterious force had already fully mastered these people and that now it was useless to say something else.
Captured officers separated from the soldiers and told them to go ahead. Officers, among whom was Pierre, there was a man thirty, soldiers a man three hundred.
Captive officers released from other Balagans were all strangers, were much better dressed than Pierre, and looked at him, in his shoes, with troubleshooting and alienation. Not far from Pierre, apparently, who enjoyed by the general respect for his comrades of the prisoners, a fat major in the Kazan bathrobe, spawned by a towel, with a plump, yellow, angry face. He held one hand with a plenty of her sinus, the other relied on the Chubuk. Major, puffy and hanging out, grumbled and angry at all that it seemed to him that he was pushing and that everything was in a hurry, when there were nowhere to hurry, everyone is surprised that there is nothing surprising. Another, a little thin officer, spoke with everyone, making assumptions where they are going now and how far they will have time to go through this day. An official, in the warehouse boots and the Commissar form, ran out of different sides and looked out for the burnt Moscow, loudly reporting his observations that he burned and what was the same or this sequence of Moscow. The third officer, Polish origin on the accent, argued with the Commissar Officer, proving him that he was mistaken in determining Moscow quarters.
- What are you arguing about? - The Major said angrily. - Li Nicola, Vlasa, all one; See, everything burned down, well, the end ... What are you pushing, and the roads are not enough, "he turned angrily to the goose behind and did not push him at all.
- Ay, ah, ah, what was done! - They were heard, however, then with the one, then on the other side of the voice of prisoners, looking for fires. - And Zamoskvorechye, and the tooth, and in the Kremlin, see, there are no half ... Yes, I told you that all Zamoskvorechye, there is so.
- Well, you know what burned, well, what to interpret! - said Major.
Passing through Khamovniki (one of the few unlawful quarters of Moscow) past the church, the whole crowd of captives suddenly fed to one side, and the exclamation of horror and disgusts were heard.
- I watch the bastards! That's non-smoke! Yes, dead, dead and eat ... smeared than that.
Pierre also moved to the church, which had something that caused exclamations, and vaguely saw something leaning towards the fence of the church. From the words of comrades who saw it better, he learned that this was something was the corpse of a man, delivered to the end of the fence and smeared in the face of soot ...
- Marchez, Sacre Nom ... Filez ... TENTE MILLE DIABLES ... [go! Go! Damn! Devils!] - Konvoy's curses were heard, and French soldiers with new ozoblotes dispersed with Tesakov, a crowd of prisoners, looked at the dead man.

According to the alleys of Khamovnikov, the captives walked alone with their convoy and wagons and wages belonging to the convoy and driving from behind; But, after going to the provincial shops, they fell into the middle of a huge, closely moving artillery tramming mixed with private wagons.
At the most bridge, everyone stopped, waiting for those who have advanced in front. From the bridge, the prisoners opened at the rear and ahead of the endless rows of other moving visits. To the right, where the Kaluga road was bent past a dishepnight, disappeared away, the endless ranks of troops and accessories stretched. These were Bogarna's previously released by all troops; Nazady, along the embankment and through the stone bridge, the troops and calls are stretched.