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Violet homemade plant. Violet: care and reproduction at home, photo. Why bad or slowly grow

The violets attracted attention thanks to the charming appearance and a variety of bright colors. Wild violet has a little bright flower purple colorBut its saturated and pleasant fragrance leaves no one indifferent.

Home options for this plant practically do not smell, but the flowers are larger, colorful and diverse. Home Flowers violets will delight you bright color Throughout the year with proper care.

How to grow a violet at home. Plant Characteristics

Room, homemade violet, which is also called Uzambar violet, belongs to the genus of grassy blooming representatives of the fauna of the Gesnery family. Such plants are of great popularity in bedroom flowering.

In the natural field of violet grow in East Africa. They choose places near water bodies, rivers and waterfalls.

Experts identify more than 20 varieties of Uzambar violet. A representative of noble blood Adalbert Walter Radcliffe discovered the world in the distant 1892 year.

After the purchase homemade violet This plant will decorate any room for a long time. This is a long-term, evergreen representative vegetable world. The violet has a low growth and a root rosette.

Leaflets room option The above plants are covered with numerous vile. The base of the leaf is the heart-shaped, and the top can be round or pointed, depending on the growth of the plant.

Indoor violets differ not only in the flower coloring, as well as height and form of sheets. Photos of violets will clearly demonstrate all the beauty of this unique plant.

Colors can be diverse. From bright to saturated and thick shades. Some varieties can combine several colors at once. If you correctly care for violets, then the plant will bloom throughout the year.

Plant care

Homemade violets can not without light, however, from direct sun ray They need to be hide. The best light for these plants is soft and scattered. The optimal duration of the day is 13-14 hours. At the time when the day is short, without additional lighting can not do.

Optimal temperature mode - From 18 to 24 degrees Celsius above zero. Difficult to plant affects sudden temperature and drafts.

Violets love high humidityBut the flowers should not get to flowers and on the foliage.

Indoor violets are not large in size, therefore the pots for them need to also choose compact.

It is worth noting that the plant begins to delight abundant blossom Only when the root fully fills the pot.

For young plants optimal size Potting about 6 centimeters in diameter. Best Material - plastic.

For domestic violets, standard terra-vita class is remarkably suitable. The stores sell a special land for each type of plant, but as experience shows, not always the purchase of the ground is perfect.

How to transplant violet

So that the plant felt good, it is necessary to change the substrate in the pot once a year. If you notice that the violet began to look worse, the leaves began to fall and the flowers lost brightness, then the pot needs to pick up more.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure for planting homemade violet as much as possible so as not to damage the plant and the root system that covers the earth com. At the end of the transplant, it is necessary to pour a flower well.

Reproduction of violet

Indoor violets multiply in several ways: seeds, leaf cuttings and children. Experts recommend applying vegetative reproduction methods.

Reproduction with children. Periodically, violet bush releases a rosette-kid. When they grow in one pot with the main plant, it becomes closely and the violet has to be searched.

Using a sheet. This method of breeding the plant is the easiest. To do this, it is necessary to separate a healthy leaf from the second tier of the socket and put it into the water. As soon as he stops the roots, it can be replaced in the ground.

Photo of homemade violet

The violet took a worthy place not only on the windowsill. There is a club of lovers of these plants that are bred a fabulous beauty of hybrid specimens, arrange exhibitions and share their experience in the care of violet at home. The species series is represented by thousands of varieties registered and still in breeding, many well-known, but not in the registry. Often it is hybrids that have come by random selection.

Varieties of violets

Violets or sensipolia are a rosette of leaves without a central stem, with large quantity Main flowers with petals of simple and bizarre forms. Color petals color, diverse leaves. The shape of the socket from simple to strongly terry. Patterned lace plants are decorative not only on the windowsill. They create compositions on kitchen apron, racks. Subject to care, the plant will decorate the most modest housing.

Violets and associated beliefs and folk signs

When cultivating violets at home it is believed that these plants strengthen the material state of the inhabitants and their health.

The violets attribute the property of the antsois from the home. They also create a field of good luck in the house and soothe unbalanced people. If the violet died, it is believed that she took the owner's disease. And if someone from the household is sick, then the violet cares, separating the torment of man.

Such signs make care of the plant settled in the house in the house, since the blooming violet will indicate a healthy family.

The color of the inflorescence is also important:

  • purple flowers are an indicator of love and mutual understanding;
  • blue flowers are gracious in a creative atmosphere;
  • reds are warned by excessive mercantility;
  • white color contributes harmony, removes negative and suffering;
  • pink flower on a lonely man window creates a pair.

Gentle flower Requires a caring attitude towards himself, not only to poke into the soil with a finger, but stop, talk, lovingly touch the leaf. The unloved flower will swell and die from the absence of a simple morning greeting. Rid flower OT negative energy You can, turning time from time to the kashpo with the other side of the light.

Violet landing and care at home

If you have decisled to start a violet, then your preferences should be taken into account. The flower loves bright lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The violet loves a wet soil, but without water stagnation, does not like excessive humidity of air and does not tolerate the spraying of the sheet plate. It is possible to clean it only under the shower, but it follows after rare procedures dry plant, without water droplets on the leaves. Water for watering should always be warm and rescued. Convenient and favorable for the root system is considered moderate through the pallet.

Drafts from the window violet does not like as warm air from the carrier, fan. She does not endure the lack of love and calm in the house and inattentive attitude towards himself. If the desire to start the violet only strengthened, then we are preparing for the reception of a new family member.

Requirements for soil

Caring for indoor violets begins with the preparation of the correct substrate and the plant capacity. An acidic composition is taken for landing, including peat, dried moss-sphagnum, leafy ground sand and charcoal.

Moreover, moss and coal should not be more than 10% of the total composition of the main ingredients:

  • - 3 volume;
  • sheet land - 5 volumes;
  • sand large river - 1 part.

Experts advise add perlite and vermiculite to perto peat, which contribute to the holding of moisture in a light ground. Poor composition requires the addition of power in the growth process. Once a year, a solution of humate in winter, in the spring and autumn make mineral feeding with a special liquid fertilizer for SENPOLIY. Condition, prevent the stubble, the soil should always remain here.

Capacity and timing of transplantation

The cultivation of violets at home does not have trifles. In order for the land of the earth, it should be sufficient for the development of roots, but without excesses. So, for an adult plant, a cup is quite a cup with a height and a diameter of 10 cm, while the lower part of its half must consist of drainage filling.

While the root system does not fill the pot from the ground, the plant will not bloom. For breeding, the first dishes can be a diameter of 6 cm. The drainage hole is everywhere should be quite large. Replanted the plant once every three years, and it is not necessary to change the pot capacity, you can change only the ground, carefully cleaned the roots as possible.

Breeding and change of violet

Planting and care for violet at home begins with the receipt of a young plant. Reproduction can be guided by:

  • leaves;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • rooting of flowers.

The simplest, used often by the method is rooting the leaf. Before rooting, the cut obtained leaflet should be updated, while making it diagonally a leaf by a disinfect tool and lowers a cut into the water until calluses and roots are formed.

With the length of the roots 4-7 cm, the leaf can be rooted, cover from above from excessive evaporation and wait for the appearance of the results. Appeated small rashes as they are designed to be searched into separate containers. Bloom such plants at good care in a year.

Hybrid violets, called chimeras, can be multiplied only by stepsters and flowers that transmit maternal qualities. Steying can be separated from the main socket using sewing and rooted immediately in a peat tablet.

When transplanting plants, make sure to the health of the root system. Roots in plants are white, alive and fill in a fully capacitance. When removing from the conical porridge, retain its shape. This is based on one of the methods of watering the plant for which they create an external, wigled through the filter, a pillow. For this, a well-decorated plant is arranged in a larger pot with a wet substrate in a special nest.

The revision of the root system is to remove all brown dead roots. Leave only bright live healthy roots. With this treatment, the plant can be rinsed in water, and reinforce the roots and put in the prepared pot. If the rot was eaten root, clean the plant to live tissue, pour out activated carbon and dry, and then rejected in water or in the MSh, which has bactericidal properties.

Plants feel well in summer at temperatures up to 25, in winter at 18-20. The dryness of the air must be about 50%. The plant requires year-round duration of at least 10 hours, and during periods of blossoms of local illumination with fluorescent lamps.

If irrigated through the pallet, then excess water It should be merged. Waving in a pot, you should not make leaves. In the summer, we gradually watered every day, in winter - 2 times a week. A young plant will bloom in a year, not earlier.

If the correct care is carried out, the photos of violets at home will be award.

Flower plants are usually about 2 months, while the flower decorative and lost decorativity should be pulled out.

How to grow violets at home - video

The violet, known as well as Saintpolia (from lat. Saintpaulia), or Uzambar violet - a room plant that many love to grow in their windowsill. It should be noted that it is not a relative of the garden violets, known as " Pansies" The flower towards the family of heesnery, the genus of blooming herbatous plants. Motherland violets - East Africa, where the flower grows on the mountain slopes next to the reservoirs. Today, more than 20 species of violet are known and over 32 thousand varieties, many of which are hybrids of SENPOLIA. In the article, we consider in more detail what kind of violets are, in which the complexity of the care and the secrets of growing a little beauty.

Variety of species of violets.

Flower violet is a low plant, has short stems, a root rosette of small rounded leaves. Evergreen plant, perennial. Leaves leather, have vile and differ in color depending on the "floor". The "leaves-girls" has a bright spot at the base, the "boys" leaves are completely green. The base of the sheet is unequal, has a heart shape, the top can be pointed or oval.

Flowers are assembled in the brush, in diameter from 2 to 4 cm, one- or two-color, in shape are:

  1. simple;
  2. corrugated;
  3. terry;
  4. cached;
  5. star.

Fruits of violets - dense boxes with lots of seeds.

Mature species

The indoor plant violet is distinguished by a large variety of species. To differ from each other, they all have some kind of species signs. It:

  1. The shape and surface of the leaves are elongated, with raised edges, corrugated, wavy, with cloth and holes.
  2. The size of the socket is superminature (less than 7 cm), miniature (up to 20 cm), large - (from 20 to 40 cm).
  3. Flower shape - ordinary, semi-grade, terry.
  4. Leaf color - motley and green.
  5. Color petals - monophonic, bordered, fantasy, chimer violets (with a central strip).
  6. The number of petals in the flower.

Some varieties of violets, which are widespread among the flower water:

  1. "Macho" - Flowers are large, half terry, purple with a burgundy tint and white border along the edge. Petals wavy, leaves straight, green.
  2. "Caprice" - white flowers, terry, have a green cut. Wavy leaves, motley.
  3. "Sea Wolf" - flowers are very large (up to 8 cm), blue with a pattern in the form of a mesh. Leaves dark green.
  4. "Paris secrets" - terry flowers, large, purulent blacks. Petals in the center are assembled into a dense ball, resembling kochan cabbage. Green leaves with white.
  5. Max Black Pearl - Black Flowers Petals with Violet Shot, Little Leaves.
  6. "Water" - flowers blue, along the edges of pink, terry. Leaves are light, wavy.

How to care for a plant?

With proper care, indoor violets can bloom round year. Important factorgood lighting. The plant is afraid of direct sunlight, so keep it better on the north side of the room. If you provide a flower access to the light for 14 hours a day, it will bloom even in winter.

The room temperature should be moderate - within 19-24 degrees and in summer, and in winter. Violet is afraid of drafts and a sharp difference in temperatures, so even in the summer to endure it on fresh air It is necessary to carefully, only in windless weather.

Air humidity also need to support high level. Do not forget about hygiene - if the plant was covered with dust, it can be attributed to the bathroom and pour the shower. The main thing is to give him time to dry completely, but only then return to the windowsill.

How to water?

The main rule during watering is to avoid getting droplets of water on the leaves and flower petals, because If the moisture remains on the leaves and light falls, dark spots are formed. Watering the violet in three ways:

  1. Lower watering. The most preferred method. In a deep bowl or pallet, the pot is poured water. The plant should stand in it as long as upper layer Earth will not become wet. Then you need to remove the pot out of the water and give the ground to dry. The next watering is done only after complete drying of the upper layer of the soil. Water should be warm and estimated.
  2. Fitila watering. Through the hole in the bottom, the pot is a rope and descends into the container with water. One edge is in the ground, the other in the water. The bottom should not touch water.
  3. Upper watering. The most complicated and painstaking method. Water must be pouring neatly, to the edge of the pot. It is better to use a fringe or watering can with a thin spout.

If the leaves on long cutters, it can be judged by the need for watering - when the leaves bend to the ground, the violet needs moisture.

How to fertilize?

The violet is not a very hardy flower, so it needs regular feeding, starting from the growing season and before the rest period. Use better liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. You can add them to the water for the bottom watering every 7-10 days. It is important to take into account the concentration of the accused fertilizer - it must be 2 times less than specified in the instruction.

How to cut?

Ideally, the plant should have three tiers of leaves. To form a beautiful outlet, violet may require pruning. So that the bustice looks aesthetic, from time to time you need to tear dry and yellow leaves if they appeared at the base. The same is done with lifeless flowers. In general, pruning is made in the following cases:

  1. When the old leaves die.
  2. When it is necessary to rejuvenate the old violet, it is cut off the top. In the resulting hemp over time, children are sprouting, which are used for reproduction.
  3. When you need to make a bush more lush, cut leaves that interfere with blossoms.

With a frequent circumcision of old leaves, with time the sensipolia is exposed with a tight troller, which does not paint it. To get rid of it, you can simply transplant the plant, blocking the trunk in the ground. Another way is to cut the entire outlet, put in a container with water and wait for the appearance of new roots.

How to plant and transplant?

Take the violet needed annually, it is best in the spring.

First of all, you need to think about choosing a pot. It should be small - from 5 to 11 cm depending on the size of the plant. Pihalki roots do not like a lot of space and fill it all free space. Only after that, SENPOLIA begins to bloom.

The choice of soil is also important. The soil mixture for violets sold in stores is not suitable for all types of plants. It is better to use the floral soil universal, for example "terra-vita". You can cook the soil yourself from:

  1. ferrous land;
  2. leaf land;
  3. sand;
  4. horing.

All components are mixed in the ratio of 0.5: 2: 1: 1. It is desirable to add 1 tbsp. l. Superphosphate. As a result, a loose soil should turn out, which skips water well and air.

Landing rules are simple - pour a layer of drainage into a pot, then layer soil mixture. Plant put in the center, shine at the edges of the ground, periodically shaking the pot so that there is no empty space left. From above the soil layer slightly press, then the violet should be poured.

It is necessary to transplant the plant annually, best in March. It is done very carefully to cause as much anxiety flower as possible. The pot when transplanting can not be changed. The violet is carefully removed from the pot together with the land of the earth, trying not to damage the roots. Then, according to the usual scheme, a new layer of drainage is poured, put the flower on it and fill the space of fresh soil mixture.

Growing from seeds

You can grow a violet from seeds collected by hand or purchased in the store. For landing, the container is filled with a wet loose substrate. Seeds are laid out on the surface, then the container is covered on top glass or film and white sheet of paper. The temperature is maintained at 17-20 degrees, the containers are periodically ventilated.

After the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are picked, then they are covered again and grown to the sizes that allow planting a plant into a separate container.

What diseases can kill flower?

Real species plants are very resistant to various diseases and are practically not amazed by pests. However, there are many species of violets obtained by crossing. They are already vulnerable and may be affected by:

  1. Puffy dew. The flower is completely covered with a white bloom. Creating spraying with solutions of "Fundazola" or "Bentlan" once every 10 days.
  2. Phytoofluorosis. It is characterized by the occurrence of brown spots as a result of the damage of the neck of the root of the fungal disease. It will not be possible to treat it, it remains only to destroy the plant and sterilize the pot.
  3. Fusariasis. Signs - Puffs become brown, the leaves begin to fall, the roots are darker. You can cope with the disease, spraying the plant by fungicides.
  4. Rust. This is a fungus that looks like yellow-orange spots and tubercles on the outer and inner surface of the leaves. For the struggle, the solutions of the fungicide are used.

The cause of basic problems in the cultivation of violet is the wrong care.

To prevent any diseases, you need to follow the rules of care - do not pour, take care of the flouring sun, follow the air temperature.

In addition to diseases, violets may threaten various pests, such as:

  1. nematodes - suck the juices of the roots, affect the neighboring plants;
  2. pliers - chosen the leaves of the web, as a result of which they become brittle;
  3. tLL - drinking juice from the plant, dries the petals, the flower ceases to grow;
  4. flies and mosquitoes - eat leaves and stalks of the plant.

To combat pests, special solutions and preparations are used, as well as aerosols.

Other problems

When growing flowers room violet There may be other problems, for the causes of which you need to deal.

  1. No flowering. A common phenomenon that is a consequence of care errors. The appearance of flowers is dragged if the violet is not enough light, it is cold or low humidity. Also affects the quality of the soil - if it is too heavy or a lot of nitrogen in it. Another reason may be incommensurable large pot.
  2. Leaves yellow. This is mainly happening if the plant is already elderly. The leaves become dry and disappear, or they need to be removed manually. Another reason is the hit of bright sunlight.
  3. The appearance of spots. Spots can be of various shapes and sizes, they almost always indicate the presence of a disease or damage to pests.

Reproduction of violets

The easiest way to breed a violet is a sheet.

Phalcu multiply accepted in three ways: leaf, kids, stepsing.

Reproduction of violet sheet

The easiest, but also the most effective way. The leaf is rooted immediately into the soil or pre-soaked in water. Over time, the sheet may heat, but the most important thing is the root system develops and young leaves begin to appear soon. Sometimes, when multiplicated violets, several sockets can develop a sheet. In this case, you need to wait when they grow up and only then divide them and sear along different pots.


One violet bush can form several sockets that are called kids. For reproduction, only babies are taken, who have 3-4 pairs of leaves. To separate the baby from the mother's bush, you can:

Gently remove all the plant from the pot, clean the roots from the ground, then manually divide all the kids and cuttings from each other.

Do not injure the plant, but wait when children are growing. Then cut them sharp knife And sit down in a pot. This method is considered to be most preferable. The root system remains untouched and the bush can give some more children.

Seedling is good, even if SENPOLIA flowers.

The reproduction of stepsing

Steps are called subsidiaries, which appear in the sinuses of the leaves. They look ugly, so they need to be adjusted at the point of growth. Then the appearance of 4 leaves is waiting and only after that stepsing gently cut out. After that, the socket is rooted in a separate container and covered with a film.

Regardless of which method you choose - multiply the violet with a sheet, stepsing or kids, the result will certainly please, because the plant is almost always good.

Cost of flower

You can buy a violet in any flower shop or order via the Internet. The price behind the sheet begins from 120 rubles, for the baby - from 230 rubles, depending on the variety and type of plant.

Bedroom violet - so beautiful and gentle plantthat even prejudices about threatening loneliness will not interfere with it. For some reason, the opinion was found that the flower had excessive female energy, and it would not allow its owner to find a couple.

Fortunately, most of the lovers of home plants do not pay attention to the conspiracle and enjoy the violet on the windowsill. In gratitude those bloom all year round, glad bright inflorescences All shades of rainbow.

Phials, or Saintpolia, from the Filk family decorate the interior of houses around the world, but their homeland is Africa. There, flowers grow along the river bed and near the waterfalls, as they like high humidity.

Straight sunlight Doodle for fleshy leaves of the plant, so it is low to be able to hide under the branches of trees and shrubs. The flower grows in the shape of a socket. Its diameter ranges from 6 to 60 cm.

The polar room is best feels on the window emerging to the East or North, when the bright sun does not burn leaves and inflorescences.

In nature, the plant breeds with the help of rhizomes and fruits filled with seeds. At home, the cut sheet is placed in a jar with water and after he gave roots, transplanted it into a moistened land.

The velvety leaves of the plant have an oval shape with smooth or served edges. Currently, breeders brought several tens of thousands of violets with a variety of colors.

Popular varieties and types of domestic violets

Choosing a room plant, many pay attention primarily on the beauty and shade of inflorescence. Classic laid laid flower or blue-violent. Warranty varieties are distinguished by small flowers with five petals and a yellow core. Fashionable derived species of sensipolines are characteristic of terry, carbon black and tricolor petals.

Indoor violets are divided into varieties in the form and color of leaves and flowers, size of sockets and flowers and the degree of their terrain.

To the most famous species The following varieties are related.

  1. Star.It has a symmetrical layout of flower petals with a cut and a light middle.
  2. Pansies.With a gear edging of terry petals and a contrasting car for their edge.
  3. Bell. Different to the base of the petals that create an elevated terrain effect are distinguished.
  4. Bowl. With unreleased petals of various shapes and shades, it was named thanks to the end of the dissolved oblong flowers.

Once in a flower shop and seeing the variety of violets, it will not work out on one plant. It is good, since violets love to grow surrounded by the fellow.

If the plant occupies a windowsill on the right side of the light, its pot is filled with a suitable soil, and watering is regular and corresponds to the established mode, it will grow well and delight the owner with lush flowering. The violet does not require complex care at home.

Location Torch

If the windows of the apartment go to the south or west side, then for the cultivation of violet on them it is necessary to hang blinds. Drafts and sharp change of temperature flower also does not tolerate, so it is impossible to place a pot on the contrary.

Gentle violet will die if the conditions of content are rudely broken.

Air humidity

In the homeland, violets grow well not far from the waterfalls, as they like moisture. When water splashes are dissipated in the air, the perfect habitat is created for them.

The leaves of violets will become juicy, and the flower will be strong and healthy, if put in the room or mini-fountain. The last element of the interior, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, brings harmony and prosperity to the house. It is true for violet.


The flower should stand on the windowsill to get the light needed for growth. Morning sun - best option for violet, so eastern side Suitable perfectly. For uniform growth of the outlet, the pot needs to be moved, as the leaflets from the side closest to the window will begin to appear much faster than the rest.

It is not necessary to organize a flower with a special backlight, because in nature the violets are hiding in the shade of trees and they are satisfied with scattered light.

To understand that the location of the pot is chosen correctly, will help monitor the growth and flowering of the plant. In case of error, the flowers will rarely appear.

Water violet, like the rest of the home plants, follows well-defined water room temperature. Due to the fact that water flows into water pipes after filtration and purification, it contains various chemical additives. The main part of them evaporates after 8-10 hours, but it is better to use water for watering plants in a day after filling the jug.

Through pallet

This method is common among the flower water. Watering through the pallet is suitable for violet, as water is guaranteed not to fall on her leaves. Any drops that fall on the flower should be blocked immediately.

Water is poorly evaporated with velvety leaves, and even its insignificant amount will lead to the appearance dark spots and plant disease. In addition, malicious fungi and pests are becoming in humid soil.

Pour into the pallet water should be waited to make it absorb. If the top of the Earth in the pot has not darkened, you should repeat the procedure. As soon as the moisture ceases to be absorbed, its residues from the pallet pour.


Watering from above should be carried out with a fine trickle so that the splashes do not fall on the leaves and the trunk of the flower. It is necessary to pour water to the drying soil until it is absorbed from the drain holes. Having waited when the excess moisture is in the pallet, water from it should be merged.

Many flower products prefer this method for watering violets. It allows you to evenly moisten the earth, which is important for a tropical plant.

By diving

Another way of watering through the pallet lies in the premises a pot with a flower in the water until the Earth dars from moisture. This method is dangerous in that plants infected with pests, immersed in the same water capacity, will be exchanged by the disputes of malicious fungi.


It should be noted immediately noted that not all varieties of violets perceive a wick watering method. It does not fit for plants in pots, more than 8 cm high.

Technics fityl watering It is accommodating under a water tank flower, which does not concern the bottom of the pot. It puts the end of a rolled piece of pieces of matter in it, and its second part is inserted through the drainage hole in the pot. The violet regulates moisture consumption and is always in sufficiently moistened soil.

Choosing soil

Specialized departments sell packages with land intended for different species Plants. There is such a substrate for violets. It contains at least 50% humus, moss or peat and sand. Such a composition will allow the flower to develop normally and form buds.

The violet completely depletes the soil in 2 years, so after this period of time it must be transferred to the fresh soil, gently blocking the roots of the remnants of the Earth.

All the big pot is not needed a plant, otherwise it will be in growth and will not bloom. Popular flower is compact, it has a neat root system. Since it grows over the surface, the container should not be deep. Pests are breeding in surplus land, so the choice is worth stopping in a potted with a diameter of 2-3 times less than the fatket socket.

Cute pots from ceramics and clays are well suited for planting plants. The drawing on them can be chosen in color gammaclose to the inflorescence of SENPOLIA.

In light plastic pots, the plant also takes on, if you do in them drainage holes For the air exchange root system. They are put in ceramic kashpo or wrapping paper with a bright ornament.

Fertilizers and feeding

If the violet ceases to bloom and looks downward, adding to water for watering fertilizers containing nitrogen, instantly changes the situation. In the spring, these additives are necessary, since because of a short luminous day, the plant weakens and needs feeding.

You can use complex fertilizers or organics. It is impossible to make them in dry soil so as not to burn the roots of the flower. If the soil is dry, the violet is first watered with ordinary water, and then containing the beneficial substances.

Also, the plant will gratefully perceive additives in the form of phosphorus-potash feeding. Carefully calculated the dose of their addition, it will be possible to avoid the accelerated growth of the outlet to the damage to flowering. Violets are enough unpretentious plantsTherefore, the lack of fertilizers in the ground is better than their excess.

Replant viqu better spring or in the fall. In the summer, he will be interfered with increased temperature, and in winter - lack of light.

There are several reasons why the plant should be transferred to another pot.

  1. Soil infection by pests or the appearance of white plaque on it.
  2. The growth of the flower and the formation of additional formed sockets.
  3. Soil depletion.
  4. Obediently sealing root system and cessation of plant growth, despite the feeding.
  5. The transplant of the newly acquired plant from the temporary pot into the clay.

First of all, it is necessary to moisten the soil of the transplant plant so that it is easily removed from the previous capacity. On the bottom of the new pot, it is necessary to pour a layer of claympsite for drainage, and on top of it the soil for violets. It should also be poured so as not to damage the flower root transplant.

Carefully drove the flower and clearing it from the lumps of the earth, it must be placed in another pot and add the missing land on top. After that, the plant is watered so that it quickly gothes.

For a month after the transplant, the violet is not worth stepping, as it gets used to changing the soil and can be reacted to feed. The flowering plant is also undesirable to transfer to a new pot, as it spends all the strength to form buds and colors.

Rules trimming

Removal of leaves is usually associated with the formation of a symmetrical outlet and a flower rejuvenation. Lower layer of leaves is always removed. It is more convenient to make a sharp knife or razor, gently cutting off the leaves at the base.

When the trunk of the plant begins to resemble palm, the violet is required to rejuvenate. It is better to do the procedure with a flavored violet. Otherwise, at first it should be removed all the blooms, and then the scalpel or razor cut off the top of the plant and clean the rest of the trunk. Putting it into a jar with water, wait until the flower gives the roots and move it into the fresh soil.

Violets with all unpretentiousness need attention and care at home due to the possible advent of pests and diseases.

When watering and excessive soil moisture, the violet is often striking brown or root rot. It is caused by fungi, developing in the ground. Brown rot is more dangerous, as ungiven plants standing on nearby nearby.

Root rotes strikes the roots of violets, because of which it should be immediately removed from the pot, clean the injured areas of the root system and move to another soil. If the pot remains the same, it is necessary to hide it and rinse with disinfecting agents. As preventive Mer Flowers are treated with antifungal preparations and reduce irrigation frequency.

Puffy dew also often affects violets. Spore fungus falls on the leaves of soil and cause the formation of tiny white lumps. They are removed to the toothpick, and especially affected leaves are cut off.

Most. dangerous disease is fuzariosis. It negatively affects both the roots and the leaves of the plant. Root system softens, and stalks become watery and soon die away.

If one flower got sick, it is necessary to isolate it immediately from the rest. Treatment and prevention lies in watering violets once a month with phytosporin solution.

Dark spots on the leaves cause bronze and phytoofluorosis virus. In both cases, the affected leaves should be removed, and the plant is treated with antifungal drug.

Such pests of violets, as trips and mushrooms of SCIARID, are applied tangible harm to plants. You can fight with them with special Tools and regulating the watering mode.

How to care for violets in winter

In the cold season, the growth of violets is inhibited, so it is necessary to water it less often. Adding feeding should also be reduced to once a month. In winter, the light day is very short, and the flower requires lighting at least 11 hours a day. Installation over the pots with violets of several lamps will help them successfully overreim and meet the spring healthy and strong.

If the window, near which the violets are, it is supposed to be discovered for airing, the flowers are better removed from it. Frosty air burns leaves, like straight sun rays.

Motherland violets - Tropics, because of which it does not tolerate drafts and temperatures below 20 ° C.


Rooming violet was so loved by people, which turned almost into the mandatory element of the decor of the house. Photo flowering plants It causes joy and pleasure, and the small room of a greenhouse on the windowsill will create comfort and comfort. Grow violets, learn the names of new varieties and add them to existing colors often becomes a real hobby.

In many countries, it is believed that the violet allows you to create atmosphere atmosphere of love and harmony. A gentle flower with bright inflorescences actually looks joyful. Tropical plant brings to the house a particle of heat and well-being, demanding instead only proper care.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, I am the author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "Alma-Press" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge positive and give inspiration. In my free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about the epoch. I offer you articles capable of captivate a new hobby or just give pleasant moments. You need to dream of beautiful, then it will come true!

Flowering violets on the windowsill - Prosta for lovers decorative plants. Their incredible popularity contributed to a long or even continuous flowering. Every year new hybrids of indoor violet appear, raging the already wide varietal range.

Today's theme of the site for progressive - violets (indoor flowers). Photo and names, home care and ways to lengthen the flowering period We will consider today in detail. Watching a suitable variety and having studied the agrotechnik plant, you can turn your windowsill in a fabulous place.

Indoor violets at home will give delightful beauty

Violet (SENPOLIA) room - a brief description and varieties

The plant under consideration is a socket made of fleshy leaves coated. The center forms a "bouquet" of gentle flowers. Depending on the variety, they can have a different color, size and shape.
There are many varieties of simple indoor violets and large terry. The second, of course, is more in demand among the flower water, but simple uncomplicated flowers still decorate many houses and apartments. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the names and photographs of some popular hybrids of indoor violets.

Satpolia in the form of flowers is divided into large groups, each of which is a set of varieties. The table below shows the photo and names of all existing groups.

Names of roommate groups on the structure of the flower
In the photo Violet Tarabarskaya Shine of stars - violet in the photo
In the photo of the room pointer Pink Panther at home
Fiery moths
Violet ek bull fight
In the photo Violet White Queen

In the photo violet for household conditions, winter smiles
On the photo blue flash

Roofing Rules

If initially created home conditions are fitted with indoor violet, it will not manifest itself as a capricious plant. The simplest care will help her lush and long bloom. In unsuitable conditions, the flower will gradually fade, and in the end it can completely abyss.

Suitable home conditions for SENPOLIA:

The illumination is good and long (10 hours per day), but without hitting direct midday rays.
Soil - moisture-permeable, well-discharge extra moisture.
Humidity is low (50%), the leaves never urinate.
Watering is best through the pallet using warm water. In winter - twice a week, in the summer - daily.
Drafts are unacceptable.
Temperature - 25 ° in winter and 20 ° C-in summer.

Soil for this room flower It must be acidic. The main component is a leaf land. It add peat to it in a smaller volume. It just creates the necessary roots of violet with a sour Wednesday. The third component is large sand (volume - 1/8 of the land-peat mixture). It is advisable to add moss-sfagnum and charcoal.

As for fertilizer SENPOLIA, it is undoubtedly necessary. But in this case it is important to remember about moderation. Room violet does not like fat soil. Typically, the feeder is carried out two or three times a year:

In winter - solution of humate;
In the spring and autumn - specially intended mineral feeding.

Selecting the container for indoor violet, do not focus on large vases. It is considered an error to believe that the size of the socket will be comparable to the dimensions of the pot. It is important to understand one an important nuance - The violet does not bloom in a lush color until its roots fill the pot. You should not expect that the violet will bloom all year round - quite normal if the leaves will remain in winter. Although under ideal interruption conditions may not be.

Small vases are suitable for growing indoor violets at home

In view of this, it is better to choose a pot in a diameter of about 6 cm as the first container for SENPOLIA. A few years later, the bush can be transplanted into a more overall vessel - a diameter of about 10 cm. Approximately half the pot must occupy a drain layer. If the holes for the outflow of water are not provided, they should be made independently. When transplanting indoor violet, you need to completely replace the substrate.

Common problems with growing violets

A thickening of the center of the bush, but the leaves do not change the direction and color - this situation arises due to excessive lighting (more than 14 hours a day). Remedy will help the shading of the plant for several hours a day.
Thickening accompanied by omitting leaves and appearance purple shade with them back sideAlso talks about the transformation of light. But in this case, most likely, straight rays fall on the bush, which the violet does not like. Solving the problem - shading.
White flag On small leaves testifies to the deep planting of violets, as a result of which young leaves are in the water. Over time, the flower usually boosts. The problem will solve a higher landing and a decrease in watering.
Small and solid, fragile leaves - a sign of the preizestness of fertilizers. Only one thing will help in this situation: the transfer of indoor violet to the new soil.
Many steppes are formed, and the main bush slows down in development - this is most often the consequence of the overgrown. Need a transplant to a new soil and removal of stepsins.