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Fertilizer for violets on wick. The wick method of irrigation is a revolutionary treatment method for violets. What is necessary for organizing a wicking

Summary of article:

All about the wrap

Summary of article:

  • Cons and Pluses of Wick Watering
  • Details of the wick, fertilizer solution and a container for a fityl watering
  • The rooting of leaf cuttings of violets in sphagnum on a wiping water
  • Growing babies and adult sockets on a landless substrate for a wicking
  • Violets on the wrapal watering after time

Everyone who has just started to get fascinated by violets, watering its plants in the usual way: in the pallet or the pot itself right under the leaves. And most often, the problems that appear over time when growing violets are associated either with the cutting of an earthen coma, or with its overflow. Because of the first violet, the leaf turgors lose and drop the flowers, due to the second, the roots and the plant can die at all. And although each flower engine is trying to observe watering regime, but consider the individual features of each socket, temperature and humidity in the room, as well as other nuances are very difficult. So what to do? Everything is very simple: go to a wick watering, and you will greatly alleviate the life of yourself, and your "ward" will provide the most comfortable conditions.

What is "Writil Watering"? Fitila watering- This is a watering method, in which the capillary properties of the cord are used, due to which the water from the tank under the pot rises along the fittel and gives moisture substrate. As soon as the substrate dries out, the water "pulls up again." As a result, the plant receives only the amount of water that needs it at the moment of time under these conditions. If the conditions change (it became hot or cold, the humidity of the air increased, or decreased, the plant has grown up, etc.), then the amount of incoming fluid on the one that needs your violet will change.

Of course there are some minuses:
1. If the system is not correctly and the substrate was converted, then the roots can be started. However, with the usual watering, this phenomenon is not uncommon!
2. In the overall, small fleets may appear - Scyride (mushroom mosquitoes). However, since their larvae feed on decomposing organic residues (sheet land, etc.), the chances of getting them with ordinary soils (and, accordingly, ordinary watering) is much more.
3. Some complain that when transferring to wick, violets become much larger in size. It is so if you leave them in the usual 10-12 cm pots. However, the wick irrigation requires a smaller capacity, and in a pot of 5.5-8 cm violet feel comfortable, bloom abundantly, but the size of the socket remains normal!
4. Many are worried about when the container with violets stands on the windowsill, the water in the tray cools, and the plants drink cold water. Yes, it is minus. But when you water every violet separately with warm water, then on the same windowsill, the moistened earth can instantly cooled and the roots are in a cold substrate. That is, there is no difference in this case. The only way out, regardless of the watering method, is either to warm the windowsill, or on the cold period to rearrange violets into a leaard place.

What kind pros Gives a wrap, with proper use:
1. The violets grow in the most comfortable conditions, without experiencing stress from overflow or cutting;
2. Finding the optimal concentration of the fertilizer solution, you will not overpay or undermine violets;
3. Grow violets becomes very easy: you do not need to check every day, do not drop by an earthen com, and run with watering / pear / pipette to measure the amount of water to the plant;
4. In winter, due to high dry air, the upper layer of soil dries, and moisture remains inside. And you can easily pour the plant. Whereas with a wiping watering the substrate is wetted evenly: dries up the upper layer and the moisture is tightened from the bottom;
5. You can leave violets for a long time (several weeks), for example, during vacation, and do not ask for a neighbor / acquaintance / mom to water your favorites;
6. It is very easy to root and grow a large amount of violets, since it is not necessary to water every pot individually;
7. If it comes to rooting sheet cuttings, you do not miss the moment of evaporation of water from the cup (also very relevant with a large number of violets);
8. Due to comfortable conditions, violet bloom is not only more magnificent, but also blooms much earlier;

9. The violets are very fond of increased air humidity, but it is enough to provide it quite difficult without special humidifiers. But with a wiping water from tanks with a solution, water will constantly evaporate the water, which will create additional air humidity near the plant;
10. Mini violets that grow in very small pots, with ordinary irrigation can dry literally per day, so the wicking is very convenient when they are cultivated;
11. Since the power will come from the solution, and not from the soil, the pot is needed small (even less than 1/3 of the diameter of the socket), and this is a certain savings and on the number of substrate, and on the pots themselves (the greater the diameter, the higher the price);
12. With a small diameter, the pot is a small socket, but uniformly developed. Forces go on bloom, and not on a set of green mass;
13. As a result, you will get healthy, well-developed, abundantly blooming violets, since with the wiring of plants, all the necessary microelements are obtained from the solution, and the soil moisture level of the violet regulates itself.

Since 2005, we have been using a wick water from 2005 and noticed that violets began to grow much better than when watering into the pallet. Their leaves are clean (without traces of drops, which are practically inevitable with ordinary watering), and the colors hat are much larger and curd.

How to organize such a wonderful system? Consider 2 examples - rooting sheet cuttings in sphagnum on the wiring and cultivation of children and adult plants on the wrapal water. And for those and others 3 general points: Fityl, solution and container for a wrapal watering.

Wick Must be synthetic (cotton is very quickly rotated) and wager well, that is, to have capillary properties. This is a very important point, since not all synthetic cords are hygroscopic, so it is desirable to check it in advance (you can ask for a small plot directly in the store). Fitil is cut on a length of about 20 cm. Fitheel thickness is usually small. We use a cord with a thickness of about 0.5 cm for pots with a diameter of 4-8 cm. The most frequent misconception - many believe that the larger the diameter of the cord, the stronger the substrate is wetted. This is not true! The fact is that the wick is just a "conductor", and the "pump" is the surface of the substrate in the pot. Even easier: water does not "go", but "pulls up" by the law of capillaries when water evaporates from the top layer of a loose substrate. But at the same time the top layer will always be wet. That is, the substrate will take exactly so much water as he needs. Do not forget that it works only with a proper substrate for a wick irrigation (very moisture and breathable). If you use a dense substrate containing the organic, then it will delay the water.

The color of the wick value does not have, the main thing is that it does not paint water (otherwise it can affect the color of leaves and flowers). Some make the phytili from their deadlines. On the one hand, it is convenient, since it is almost always they are at hand, but, according to reviews, these phytilites spend too well water and the substrate zaschains.
The main thing is that the end of the phytile constantly concerned the solution, and Dysheko pots remained dry. The distance between the bottom and water level is usually obtained about 1-5 cm and depends on the length of the wick and the amount of water in the tray. It is important that the length of the wick is important, and the distance from the water to the pot (in the solution there can be a half-meter of the phytil - not scary). This "air" section of the wick is a kind of "engine" of the entire system: when it dries (and therefore dries and soil in a pot), water according to the law of capillaries pulls up to the pot. If you do this distance too large, then the wick will be filled due to a long length, and not due to the fact that the soil has already dried ... We use 7 cm high trays, which are filled with 6 cm somewhere with a solution, plastic plate With holes on which there are cups or pots. The end of the phytile also concerns the bottom of the tray, that is, the solution can be rarely rarely (depends on the number of pots, air humidity and other conditions).

For cooking Soloyou can use any water soluble mineral complex microfertilitation. For many years we use soluble fertilizer Kemira Combi Finnish production. In this case, prepare 0.05% solution. It is very convenient to dilute, for example, the entire pack (20 grams) in 1 liter of water and keep in the closed state away from the children (so as not to be confused with the gas). And as it should be breeding in the proportion you need! By the way, do not forget to write on the bottle what is there and how to breed. For example, when diluted 1 packaging (20 grams) in 1 liter of water, 2% solution is obtained. We take 25 ml (5 teaspoons) and wept in 1 liter of water - it turns out 0.05% solution. Or 50 ml in 2 liters - the effect is the same. This is someone as convenient - who has many plants. Keemira can be stored for a very long time. If it falls into the sediment, then shake - and use to be appointed.

Solution Capacity - Fitical Watering Container - It can be individual for each plant, or common to several. At the first version, the undoubted plus is that if some kind of nasty will start in the water, then other violets will not suffer.

However, we have grown violets for many years on trays, of which 6-8 kids drink, or 2-3 sockets. And never have any problems with us. And to pour a solution is much easier to several large tanks than in many small ones.

Sometimes green raids appear on the walls of the container with the solution - these are algae. There is nothing terrible in them - they do not affect the vital activity of violets. Perhaps the only minus is aesthetic defect. But sometimes you can wash your containers / trays / tanks to remove greens.

Another point is gerlichka. Everything is simple: if there is an opportunity, it's worth it to do - and cuttings, and children will grow in much more comfortable conditions. If there is no such possibility, then the absence of it at least to some extent will be compensated by the evaporation of water from the trays and the correct humidity of the substrate in the pot.

Now let's figure out the technology in more detail.

For rooting leaf cuttings in sphagnum on the wrap you will need:
1. Live moss sphagnum;
2. Plastic cups (180-200 ml);
3. Proper wick;
4. Fertilizer type Kemira Combi;
1. Marker or stickers (adhesive price tags);
2. The device for burning or wire / seer;
3. Scissors;
4. Blade or stationery knife;
5. Sticks for strut leaves.

So, you need to do small holes in cups so that the wick can be used. We usually use for this device for burning, but it will also fit the heated wire or a thick seer. You can cut holes with a knife with a sharp tip.

The names of the varieties can be written with a marker on a glass or handle on adhesive price tags. Also, the marker can be signed wands for mixing coffee and put them in cups. This is how it is more convenient.

Live moss sphagnum cut into pieces of 2-5 cm (as it turns out) - so then it will be easier to separate the roots of the children from the Moss itself.

By the way, do not be surprised when after some time the sliced \u200b\u200bmoss will begin to grow - new green stems will appear. This is a very good sign, since the living moss has bactericidal properties and thereby prevents the reinstalling of the cuttings. Sometimes the growth of moss is so intense that it is necessary to remove his surplus so that it was more convenient to disembark children!
We prepare a 0.05% solution of Kemira Combi, who will drink our cuttings and later children. It is possible to root on clean water (before the formation of children), but on our experience, when using a fertilizer solution, children appear faster.
We produce the wick through the hole so that at the bottom of the cup it turned out a half-flag from the cord, the rest remains outside. On the ring, we put the cutting moss sphagnum so that he occupied about 3-4 cm in height, you can slightly compact.

The leaf cuttings of violets do a cut at an angle, leaving the length of the paper about 2-3 cm. Some prefer not to trimmed, and latching the cuttings - this is also the right option. If you are a beginner phialovode and are afraid that the cuttings are started, then you can leave the petiole longer (so that it is necessary to trim), but no longer stuffing is rooted. In the sphagnum insert the sheet stalk so that the slice is covered with moss, but did not get to the plastic bottom. Many recommend pre-dip cuttings of cuttings in Korninn. We do not do this (we have everything well rooted ), but according to reviews, it really speeds up the process of formation of roots.

In order for the leaves does not fall (if it is large or vice versa is too small), it is desirable to be led by a special stick. For this, all the same chopsticks for mixing coffee, broken or cut in half. You can come up with something else, most importantly, you should not use wooden sticks - the leaf plates are rotable from them very quickly.
It is best that each leaflet has his cup (if one of the pair gets, then the second will not "get infected", and the children then will feel rampant). But in order to save space, it is possible to place 2 leafy of one variety in one cup. In this case, the strut wands are simply necessary.

If the sheet plate is very big and does not fit into the cup, you can safely cut the edges at a small angle (as if parallel to the walls of the cup). For reliability, cuts can be sprinkled with twisted coal (if there is no wood, it is possible to extort the activated carbon tablets).

When all the leaflets find their homes, the cups need to be put into the pallet with a solution so that it can be frowning, and the moss is completely soaked with water. This is very important, since otherwise the system will not work. If there is no pallet, then you can thoroughly shed moss from above. After that, the cups can be put on the container for the wicking.

Approximately 10-14 days later you will see that the leaflets would be brought in cups and become more elastic. And if they are slightly pulled, it will feel resistance. This means that everything goes well and the first roots appeared. At this stage you can do without backlighting. But the kids will appear much faster if you organize additional lighting. The rate of education of children in different varieties and, depending on different conditions, is very different, on average from 1 to 3 months and even longer. If the leaves are sitting for a long time without children, they need to be "stimulated" - cutting up the top 1/3 sheet, and sometimes ½, if the sheet is very large. Do not forget that violets must be protected from drafts, and the optimal temperature for them is above 22 degrees.

Some leave cuttings in moss only before the formation of well-developed roots, and then transplanted. We like the option more when the leaflets are rooted in the moss, give children and kids grow in moss on the wicking up before the age when they can be delated separately.

This is usually determined by the size of the kids (the height of about 1 / 3-1 / 4 from the mother of the mother) and the amount of green pigment for the volatile varieties. By the way, after separating the firstborn, the sheet can be left in Sfagnum and he will give you another generation of children.

Now let's talk about growing babies and adult plants on the wrapal watering.

The difference between leaves and children is only in the fact that for sockets use a mixture for a wicking irrigation, in which there is no sphagnum space. Also, according to our observations, it is not necessary to add to the ground to the mixture, as this will lead to the radius of the roots of children and adult violets (sphagnum and earth strongly pull the water on themselves). So we use only landless mixture. Usually we take 50% of the riding (red) peat and 50% perlite, vermiculite or mixtures thereof.

You can also use a mixture of coconut peat / substrate and perlite, as the coconut fiber remains porous even after saturated with water, which contributes to active rooting and better growth of plants. But do not forget to rinse the "coconut" before using the salts in it quite a lot. A landless mixture for a wicking is obtained by very loose, moisture and breathable, and thanks to this, the root system becomes good and evenly developed.
At the bottom of the pot lay the coil / semi-shifts of the wick. We usually make a ring a little less circumference pot.

Some felt wick through the whole thickness of the mixture, but there is no need for this: due to the looseness and moisture permeability of the substrate, the solution will evenly make the entire mixture in the pot. Sometimes it is recommended to put on the bottom of any synthetic material so that the substrate does not pumped out, but with a small diameter of the holes in the pot, the wet mixture is not going anywhere. Thus, the wick from above will fall asleep the substrate and put the baby. No drainage is required for the purple water.

If after separation from the sheet you have left very small children, you do not need to put a cross on them: be sure to put in a pot with the same mixture, and they will surely come down. In such a substrate, the roots develop very quickly!

We put the pot on the tray with water so that the entire system is necessarily soaked with a solution. You can also shed the system from above well, but it is less convenient. Perhaps you will have to plug a substrate a bit from above, as it will fall a little from the water. The main thing is not to blow and do not fall asleep the point of growth, otherwise the babe will die. After that, you can put a pot on a container for a fityl watering and as needed to pour a solution.

The landless substrate does not contain nutrients, so it is necessary to constantly use feeding, which will always come to the plant with a wick. We use a 0.05% cormira solution.

In the wrap, with a solution of Kemira Kemi, nutrients come evenly, the plant does not have stress from the overgrowth / shortfold. But do not forget to observe the state of the plant. If it grows well - we do not change anything. If the lower leaves are pale, and the plant becomes "skinny" - the concentration of the solution can be slightly increased. And if the rosette appears in the middle of the rosette, then the concentration must be reduced. No additional feeding is required.

Some phials sometimes "dry" their plants (do not immediately attach the solution when it ends). We never do this, and our violets feel great. By the way, as I noticed, "drone" lovers of non-landless substrate advise, and soils. And for them, it is reasonable - due to the land the substrate is too wetting, and that the violets do not rot on them to "dry". With the right substrate it is simply not required.

Over time, when the babe will grow, through the hole in the bottom of the pot on the phytile can germinate roots.

There is nothing terrible in this, on the contrary, it means that the plant feels great. We usually leave everything as it is. But you can safely transplant the violet. The main thing, do not try to free the old wick from the roots - you can damage them. Just cut out what we clearly cut off, especially since it stimulates the formation of important and necessary side roots, and a renovated root system again put in a pot.

It is desirable to replant once a year (not necessarily in a larger pot): this is done to update the substrate so that salts and other nasty are accumulated in the soil. If the pot is not needed more, then just smooth the old substrate with the roots, and squeeze the new one!

Some are worried about the size of the socket. In order to do not get "Elephants" from violets, the pot diameter should be minimal (we have children and adults, and sometimes repeated sockets live in pots 5.5 cm). If you plant violets into large pots, then as a result, "Lopuhi" can turn out!
If for some reason the system stopped working (for example, they forgot to flow the solution in the tray in time and the mixture of the cord was dried), you need to shed a substrate well or put in a water / mortar container, and everything will fall into place again!

If you want to translate violets, which grew in the ground, on a wrap, then you need to get them out of the pot and, if possible, the most, but gently remove the ground with the roots, but it is not necessary to wash the roots. And only after that transplanted into the mixture for a wrapal watering. After a few days of adaptation, the violet will take and will only please you! Some are recommended after translating to the wick for a week, another plants only with clean water. Of course, it is immediately planted for a solution or wait is the personal matter of everyone. But do not forget that we plant in a completely landless mixture, and it does not contain any nutrients. And in my opinion, violets will be difficult to come to themselves "on the hungry soldering." Therefore, we recommend when using a landless substrate immediately put violets per mortar of the kemira.

Fitila watering - It is very convenient and in fact simply. If you are worried about the result, simply start with a small one: translate into wick a few not particularly valuable violets and over the month you will observe them. It may be necessary to reduce / increase the concentration of the solution, to get a little wick from the pot or, on the contrary, add. And when you find your optimal version of the system, you can safely translate the remaining violets. They will tell you for this thanks to our good well-being and lush flowering!


Uzambarskaya (DVIDSBAR) violet - The plant of the Gesnery family, is growing in the natural environment of the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, East Australia, South America and the Islands of the Indian Ocean.

SENPOLIA - Plant, named after the Father and Son Saint-Fields, bringing an unknown to Europeans a plant from the Uzambar district (modern Tanzania) in the XIX century, presented for the first time at the International Flower Exhibition in Gent in 1893.

Picoment violet - One of the most popular plants in the room flower growing since 1927. Already by 1949, more than 100 varieties were derived, and today their number exceeds several thousand.

Showing - Perhaps in water, in the substrate, moss.

Priming - Purchased soil or a mixture of sheet, conifer, delicate and peat ground in proportion 3: 1: 2: 1 with the addition of bundles (perlite, vermiculite, river sand, chopped moss of sfagnum.

Lighting - Best pots with flowers to put on Western or oriental windows. In order for the plant evenly illuminated from all sides, the pots are periodically rotated. In winter, when the light day decreases, you can use artificial lighting - fluorescent lamps.

Care - Present art and serious painstaking work at the same time, including watering, feeding, creating a favorable wet climate. Satpolia watered as soil drying. The soil should be regularly moistened, but excessive moisture should not be in root. When watering, it is necessary to monitor then so that the water does not fall on the leaves. It is impossible to water the Uzambar violet with cold water. The feeder produces complex mineral fertilizer every two weeks. SENPOLIA reacts negatively to the lack of nitrogen in the soil. The optimal humidity of the air is about 50%, the temperature is 20-22 ° C, without sharp oscillations and drafts. Plant leaves should not touch window glass. Removal of the shockless flowers and damaged leaves are carried out regularly.

Reproduction - landing sheet cutting, parts of the sheet, a subsidiary. The most popular way is the rooting of the leaf cutting. The formation of the roots and the development of children lasts 4-8 weeks.

Pest - This is one of the flower problems. There are many different types of pests, it is very difficult to classify them. Among the pests of SENPOLIA, several groups can be distinguished: ticks (web, flat, transparent, etc.), insects (TLL, TRIPS, insect, pens, cherver, whiteflink, shield, etc.), worms (nematodes).

Diseases - Infectious (gray rot, mildew) and noncommunicable diseases (rewarding the stem and root, fading the lower leaves, yellowing, leaves of leaves, incomplete disclosure and premature drying, flavored flowers) plants. The causative agents of infectious diseases are bacteria, mushrooms, viruses. To prevent an infectious disease, irrigation, temperature, temperature, humidity, illumination should be strictly observed. Non-infectious diseases usually occur due to violations of agrotechnology. They can manifest itself on one instance and do not spread to others.

Fitila watering for violets.

(Continued part 2).

So, you decided to plant a baby or adult violet on the wick. Give the plant from the pot and as much as possible Separate from the Earth. Welcome lace with water. Fall on the bottom of the new pot a bit of drainage (clamzite or foam), then sprinkle a little soil. In the cooked pots, I do the wick, we make an incomplete round (half-flag) inside the pot, and fall asleep the cooked substrate. Fitil can be administered in different layers of the substrate. If you enter into the lowest, water on the system of small channels (capillaries), which are permeated with the substrate, quickly raises up. So that she quickly impregnated the entire earthen com, the wick can be skipped through all the layers.

The wicking is effective only with the correct selection of the substrate: it should only receive such a number of water that needs a plant. Not less than in water, roots of plants need good aeration. Therefore, the substrate should be not only enough moisture, but also loose, breathable. Practice shows that the substrate, the main component of which is the riding peat, has good water-physical properties. Not suitable for a wicking watering is too dense substrate with a large number of clay and turf. In it, the plants lack oxygen, which leads to a slowdown in their growth and reinforcement of the roots.

We plant a violet as usual, the ground is not tamping so that it remains loose. Then we make all the pots on the pallet and shed a pretentious substrate with water so that the water glass into the pallet, and the substrate is well soaked, it is necessary for the entire system to work. If when watering the substrate satisfied, you need to plug it.

You can once again pour carefully out of theme. When all the water stalks, the pot with violets can be put on water tanks (remember that the nutrient solution is added later, in about two weeks). One end of the wick should be omitted into a container with water, water will flow to colors due to the difference in capelar pressures. If you do it for the first time, you can not ignore the wick immediately into the water, watch a little behind the violet, if it felt well, after a few days, lower the wick in the water, if during this time the wick is dry, then moisten everything from above.

The distance between the bottom and water level is usually obtained about 1-5 cm and depends on the length of the wick and the amount of water in the tray. The end of the phytile relates to the bottom of the tray. It is important that the length of the wick is important, and the distance from the water to the pot (in the solution there can be a half-meter of the phytil - not scary). This "air" section of the wick is a kind of "engine" of the entire system: when it dries down (and hence, he dries and soil in a pot), water under the law of capillaries is tightened to the pot.

The distance from the pot to the water level is not worth doing great, especially with a thin wick, that is, so that it does not swap because of too much airspace. If you do this distance too large, the wick will be filled because of the long length, and not because the soil has already dried. The little damage does not bring, because Water poured into the tank to the top.

Now, when careing your violets, it is important to ensure that the wick does not dry and the water properly came to violets. Drying the soil Try to prelex how little water remains, but the wet is still wet, immediately poured new water. Peat after driving poorly absorbs water and is not a fact that after drying the phytyl will well pull water. This system is self-regulatingSince water comes from the reservoir as it evaporates and consuming it by the plant, as a result of which the moisture of the substrate remains at a constant level.

This level of saturation of moisture for each substrate is its own, and the width and material of the wick depends the speed with which water will flow into the pot with a plant. The frequency at which water needs to be added to the tanks depends on the size and age of the plant, the state of its root system, the length of the wick, the temperature and humidity of the room. Adult violets and violets with a good root system drink a lot of water, and starters and boring plants use water moderately. But on average, with a volume of 200 mm reservoir, the addition of water is produced once a week.

Homemade moisture systems must be tested. For example, to trace, at what speed of one or another wick conducts water. With normal work of the phytile, the soil is always moderately humid. In the first time, the soil will seem wet at first, it is also more wet than when watering from above.

If you still cheered, and the water in the glass ended or stopped working wick to work, then you need to spill everything on top, or make up the pallet with water or pour water into the glasses so that the donyshko drowned a little, in any case, the substrate should It is good to apply water so that the system worked on. Plants grown in this way can be left unattended for 5-7 days.

Polywood water used as a liquid for irrigation. The amount of incoming water can be adjusted by the selection of the wicks of a certain diameter. Due to the fact that the substrate used for this method of cultivation is not rich in nutrients, add water to water liquid feedingfor which the fertilizer solution is poured in the lower pot instead of water. If only a clean peat is present in your land mixture, (without mineral additives) and perlite, then you can start feeding two weeks after the transplant.

For the preparation of the solution you can use any water soluble mineral complex microfertilitation. It is necessary for the full development and flowering of sensipolium. Fertilizer is better adding constantly, but diluted by about 7-8 times from the recommended dose on the package. If you alternate clean water and water with fertilizers, then later it is possible to get confused, in which clean water was added, and into what fertilizer, since violets absorb water is not equally evenly uniform.

With a wiping with a fertilizer solution, nutrients come evenly, the plant does not have stress from the overgrowth / shortfold. If the lower leaves are pale, and the plant becomes "skinny" - the concentration of the solution can be slightly increased. And if the rosette appears in the middle of the rosette, then the concentration must be reduced.

A few months after the translation of the plant on the wrap, watering the soil in a pot can begin to lachers. To avoid this, it is advisable to apply water mitigation tools. Sometimes, with time, the phytil can be laid and not working further, then it is necessary to replace it.

If the transplant time has not yet come, then simply pull out the old wick, and with the help of the needles, knitted hook push the new wick. Very often the roots sprout through the drainage holes. There is nothing terrible in this, on the contrary, it suggests that your violet feels good and she likes everything.

Once a month, usually with the next watering, remove the pots from the glasses and the glasses are cooked well, since with time on the walls of transparent glasses, a green flare is formed, and it contributes to the rapidly bravery of the wick, and in addition, it looks ugly, especially which falls natural light.

Today there are many ways, and each flower plant chooses convenient for himself. For a long time, a very success is applied with a wick watering of violets, which allows you to save time and get the plant with the necessary moisture. In fact, this method is an automatic irrigation, but without the use of complex mechanisms. And when the collection of colors is huge, then the wick soil moisturizing is a real salvation.

What is a wick watering

The wick irrigation is the irrigation of the soil using a special wick (cord), through which water enters the pot with a nutrient substrate from the container in accordance with the capillary properties of the phytyl.

In the purple watering, the violet is obtained by moisture using a special cord.

Fitil is a thin cord from capron, nylon or other easily wetting material. The high strength of the surface tension arising on the border of the liquid and solid phase improves the capillary absorption of the phytyl. One end of the cord descends into a container with water, the other - in a pot with a planted flower. Fitil is perfectly conducting water, and as a result, the humidity is kept in the soil at the required level, depending on the climatic conditions in the room. The temperature differences directly affect the change in the humidity of the soils in the pot.

Important. The best variant of the material for the manufacture of phytyl is synthetic fabrics. They are durable and not susceptible to the processes of rotting. It has been established that the cord from the twisted strips of Capron from female tights has better qualities. It can lift moisture even without prior wetting.

The wick method of moisturizing the soil is suitable only by plants loving loose and light soil: violets, gloxinia, streptocarpus. The violets are an ideal plant for such a method of watering, however, large copies planted in the pots of large diameter will not tolerate a similar procedure.

The wick method of irrigation is suitable only to small violets.

Advantages and disadvantages of the wiring method

Before organizing a wick watering with its violets, you should deal with the advantages and minuses of this method.

Unquestive advantages include the following sides:

  • plants grown on wicks often bloom abundant and boast more lush outfit;
  • some varieties of violets bloom without interruption;
  • it is almost impossible to flood the flower, since the moisture is distributed evenly and as needed;
  • a properly compiled solution with a balanced amount of fertilizers will allow not to overflow the plant and give it the required amount of beneficial substances;
  • young plants develop much faster;
  • saving time, because watering will be performed independently, without requiring an individual approach;
  • water remains in tanks for a long time, sometimes for several weeks.

We must not forget about the negative sides of such watering:

What is necessary for organizing a wicking

The unique watering technology with the help of wick is based on the use of a special tissue cord, along which water from a container rises up on the fittel and saturates the soil moisture. As a result, the plant receives the optimal amount of fluid without the possibility of the bay.

What should be a wick

Any synthetic cord is suitable for creating a wick, natural materials are not suitable, because in a wet environment quickly rotate. To check how the selected fabric absorbs moisture, you need to wet it, give dry and put in water container. If she instantly wet, then it is undoubtedly suitable for a wick, if it floats on the surface, another option should be searched.

Fitil should not be thick - 1.5-5 mm thick and 15-20 cm long. Previously, they are well wetted in water.

Requirements for soil

The main thing is that it is necessary to create a fitted watering - to choose the right substrate. The soil must have looseness, ease, high air permeability and ability to keep moisture. The soil should include coarse-grained perlite, vermiculite (or moss-sphagnum) and purchased peat grounds for room colors. All components are taken in equal amounts.

For the fityl irrigation, only a special substrate is used.

A similar mixture of is rich in nutrients, and violets need quality feeding for beautiful and lush flowering. Perlite and vermiculite before use you need to wet water, but so that the mixture is wet, not wet.

Suitable capacity

As a tank, plastic pots are best suitable, selected in accordance with the size of plants: from 7-8 to 10-11 cm. The bottom of such a container is usually littered with holes, and so that the loose substrate does not pumped out them must be covered with synthetic tissue.

Do not choose ceramic pots, because they are heavy, and the design for the wiring moisturizing is not easy.

As for the water tank, on the shelves you can meet a special dishes for a wrapal watering: it is very practical, and the water does not evaporate from it. If there is no possibility to buy a ready-made container, you can use the usual edible plastic container, and for pots with a diameter of 9 cm - disposable half-liter cups.

How to independently make water tank? Tightly close the food container with a lid and make a hole for wicking in it. Pot with violet to put on top, wick omit in the water. In the case of a disposable half-liter cup, it is tightly closed by a 7 cm with a diameter of 9 cm, and the moisture does not evaporate.

The sale presents various pots designed for a wrapal watering.

Attention. The distance from the water level to the tank to the bottom of the pot with a plant should be at least 5 mm.

How to translate violets to a wick watering during reproduction

Translate violets in the reproduction stage to the wicking will not be difficult, the main thing is to know how to do it right. To roighten the leaves with sweets in peat moss, you will need a plastic glass of small diameter, peat moss (sphagnum), comprehensive fertilizer and wick. Scissors, blades, wire, sewer, sticks, marker or felt-tip pen are used as additional items.

With the help of wire, knife or heated sewed in a cup, a hole is done through which the wick will be conducted. At the cup, the name of the variety of violet is written to not confuse in the future. Later you can stick in the ground a wand indicating the variety. Safagnum is crushed into 3-5-centimeter pieces - in the future it will simplify the branch of the children with the roots from the moss. A 0.5% nutrisol solution is used for successful root.

The planting process is reduced to performing several actions:

Cuttings must be disassembled in separate cups to prevent infection from each other. If the leaves have large sizes and do not fit in a glass, they can be cut off along the edges parallel to the walls of the containers, and the sections of the sections to be treated with activated carbon.

After disembarking, cuttings with cuttings are exhibited on a tank with a solution of nutrisol: for moisturizing the moss of wicks should become completely wet. After completing this procedure, the cups are exhibited on the vessels intended for the wick irrigation.

After 2 weeks, the leaves are born and the first roots will be allowed, which indicates the successful course of the process. To speed up the process of birth, many flower products are resorted to the use of additionally lighting. On average, kids appear in 1-3 months.

Important. If during this time, the kids did not appear, artificial stimulation is carried out. It consists in cutting a sheet of 1/3 from the top, large sheets are cut by half.

Cuttings of violets immediately teach to a wicking water.

Preparation for the transition to a wicking method of watering

When moving to a wicking, first of all, it is necessary to prepare an soil mixture for landing, which should have moisture and air-permeable properties. Vermiculitis and perlite are washed to get rid of hazardous impurities: dust fractions, salts, etc.

If coconut fiber is used, it must be pouring it boiling water and hold in such a state for some time. Manipulation is carried out several times in a row. The peat is poured water, stirred and left until the water is absorbed and peat will not turn into a crumbly mass.

Before moving to a wicking, you need to purchase a nutrient solution, which should always be present in the container for the wiring of wetting. The exception is weak and sick flowers, as well as the period after the transplantation.

In advance, it is necessary to prepare convenient structures for filling with water. They should be stable, otherwise after emptying the potted pot with a flower they will fall.

Attention! No matter how wonderful fertilizer is one rule! For a wick irrigation, the dosage must be 8 times less than indicated on the package.

For ordinary irrigation, the dosage is 2 times weaker than indicated on the package. It is better to unfeaminate the violence than to overgrow!

For phytylopoly, complex mineral fertilizers containing trace elements in their composition.

Organo-mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable for the traditional method of watering violets.

A few years ago, I enjoyed a fertilizer-Combi fertilizer (at any stage of the growth of violets). But, unfortunately, this fertilizer is no longer produced. Therefore, I decided to try other fertilizers. Forward information about some of them.

Very liked fertilizerSchultz. ( African.Violet.)8-14-9.

(Click on the pictures with the mouse to see them in enlarged)

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It is convenient to use both with the watery water, and with the traditional watering method.

Highly efficient fertilizer with increased phosphorus content. It is used for blossoms of violets, fuchsia, gloxy, geranium, etc. indoor flowering plants. After applying this fertilizer, abundant flowering comes, the flowers are brighter, the flowering is long. The plant has a healthier look. It applies and gives good results when feeding both indoor and garden plants.

Does not burn leaves and roots even with the fierce weather. Easily digested by plants.

Method of application: 7 drops per liter of water with every irrigation. For those who use fertilizer 2 times a month - 14 drops per liter of water.

The fertilizer has a properly balanced formula for the composition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium plus a set of trace elements, due to this colors develop well, bloom abundantly.

For a wicking, 7 drops on a liter also divorces.

Not much different composition and other fertilizer Schultz.

The packaging also states that it can be used for violets and other blooming plants, as well as suitable for hydroponics, therefore perfectly suitable for the wick watering. Its consumption is the same - 7 drops per liter of water. For the price it is not very different, but in volume 2 times more.

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For blooming violet fertilizer Kemira - Lux 16: 20: 27 (This fertilizer can be used for aptive watering).

Nitrogen common.



Nitrogen NITER.















Kemira Suite is a water-soluble fertilizer for vegetables, colors, seedlings.

If you are going to use this fertilizer for a wiping watering, it is more convenient to dissolve it in water (prepare a solution) and then add the desired amount of this solution to the water.

20 g . Sachet dissolve in 200 ml. Add5 ml. This solution is 1 liter of water.

Accordingly, 100 g. Package is divorced in 1 liter. Add 5 ml.rastra to 1 liter of water.

Etisso is considered good fertilizer. It will suit both the wick and ordinary watering.

For blooming phialokiss use Etisso with a red lid.

Composition: 3.8% nitrogen, 7.6% phosphoric acid (in terms of phosphorus oxide), 7.5% potassium oxide, vitamin B1 and microelements soluble in water (boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc) .

For a wiping watering, it is enough to dissolve 1 ml. Etisso in 1 liter of water.

Etisso applies to children's growth with green lid.

Composition: 7.1% nitrogen, 3.1% phosphoric acid (in terms of phosphorus oxide), 4.2% potassium oxide, vitamin B1, as well as trace elements: boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, - soluble in water.

For wicking, 1 ml is also divorced. Etisso in 1 liter of water.

As for the usual, and for the wiring irrigation, you can use the fertilizers of the "Master" series, selecting the necessary, depending on the development phase, composition.

Master (Master) - Microcrystalline fertilizer, the use of which is possible in the most complex irrigation systems and for leafy feeding due to its ability to completely dissolve.
The master does not contain sodium, chlorine and carbonates, and has a very high degree of chemical purity, which is a decisive factor in the efficiency of nutrition and sheet feeding. Contains microelements in the chelated meat form (Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe). Each type of fertilizer is painted in its color. Unlike other similar products, the chelates used in the wizard are resistant in the RN range from 4 to 11.

For a wicking of violets, it is enough to dissolve 1 g. Fertilizers per 1 liter of water.

Many are used for feeding violet with a fertilizer unifloor. (It is also subdivided by a unifloor for flowering "Uniflor Bud" and "Uniflor Growth" for growth. It is also used for a wrapal watering.

The concentration of the solution for the wick irrigation can be calculated independently. It is only necessary to remember that the solution should be 8 times weaker than indicated on the package.

You can use the fertilizers of the Florist series. Their composition is good. But these fertilizers are better suitable for traditional watering.

From this series there is another fertilizer specifically for violets:

As practice has shown, despite the fact that this is an organic fertilizer, it is quite suitable for a wicking watering. I bred at a concentration of 0.5 ml. per 1 liter of water.

Many successfully use Forte fertilizer. Here such fertilizer is suitable for growth:


Plantafol 10 + 54 + 10 - Quick Start, Stimulating Bookmark Generation Organs

Plantafol 30 + 10 + 10 - rapid growth of vegetative mass

Plantafol 20 + 20 + 20 - prevention of growth processes, universal formula

Plantafol 5 + 15 + 45 - Fruit Blossom, Fast Fruit Pouring

Plantafol 0 + 25 + 50 - Basic, high-quality fertilizer for imparting a henchman, increase the level of sugars and improve the quality characteristics of fruits

Plantafol 10:54:10

Blossom Fleece Used to stimulate abundant flowering (indispensable fertilizer before the exhibition)

Fertilizer Plantafol refers to a number of highly soluble fertilizersfor sheet feeding.



Nitrate - (-),

Ammonia - 8.0,

Urea - 2.0,

Phosphoric acid - 54.0,

Soluble potassium - 10.0,

Bor - 0.02,

Iron - 0.1,

Manganese - 0.05,

Zinc - 0.05,

Copper - 0.05,

Molybdenum - 0.005

consumption rate: 1GR per 1 liter of water sprayed 1 time per week.

Even a single application of planafol10:54:10 at the time of bookmark buds, gives a wonderful result..

Brexil Mix (Vallagro)

a complete complex of trace elements (concentrate) -Efires color color.

Dilute 1gr. On 1 liter of water

Microelements in the form of an LPCA complex (lignin-licarboxylic acid) Brexil (monolalements and mixtures). The advantage of the Brexil series: does not contain nitrogen, sodium, chlorine and heavy metals, which avoids the risk of burns and salt plates on the leaves; not phytotoxic; Low flow rate; fully water soluble; Effect of adhesive; compatible with most pesticides; High degree of assimilation.

During the bookmark of the flowers and their growth well apply Brexil CA (Vallagro)

The lack of calcium causes in plants underdevelopment of the root system, the vertex rotting of fruits and their cracking.

Calcium has a very strong positive effect on the growth of plant roots. Without calcium, cell destruction occurs in the root growth zone.

Calcium protects plants from an excess of ammonia nitrogen.

Breed 1g. per 1 liter of water. Conduct a non-smeed feeder.

In the occurrence of chlorosis (yellowing of the leaves), use the drug well

Ferrilene 4.8.

Dosage: 1 gr (for 1l) and pour. Dissolves instantly.

Under this brand, two Ferrilene and Ferrilene 4.8 products are produced, characterized by chelating agents (EDDHA and EDDHSA) and various percentage of OPTO-OPTO links.

Currently, the OPTO-OPTO of the Iron's existing chelats in the world has Ferrilene 4.8 chelates in the world.

Almost all the above preparations can, if necessary, can be found on the sites below and take the order personally in Moscow, or paying, get an order by mail. On these sites you can read more detailed information on fertilizers and other drugs. I hope the authors of the sites will not be offended by me for the links to their sites. I myself repeatedly acquired drugs and fertilizers on these sites and was satisfied.