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Left coolness. Diseases and insects dangerous for the left-hand. In terms of development distinguish such forms of the form

Mattiola - famous among gardeners herbatous plantsbelonging to the cabbage family. It has about 50 species, among which are annual and perennial. Not all varieties of mattioles, or leek, is equally decorative. The culture has acquired particular popularity for the magnificent fragrance of colors, increasing with the night approach.

The main method of breeding Mattiola - growing from seeds. When to plant various types of culture and how to do it correctly, you will learn from this article. We wish to help and gardeners not only to maintain the economy, but also to enjoy life. Levka cultivation is one of the ways of enriching gray everyday life with pleasant emotions.

Mattiol varieties and landing time

Of the 50 species of Mattioles in our latitudes, two are often grown:

  • Matthiola Incana - Mattiola gray or left gray or gray. The leaves of the varieties of this group preferably have whitish downwards. Pink, purple or white flowers can be very different in structure. The flowering period of summer varieties is extremely long - since the beginning of summer until the winter. Height varies from 15 to 70 cm.

Mattiola Sizai
  • Matthiola Longipetala (Bicornis) - Mattiola Lengolapp (Curry). A variety with non-unpleasant flowers closing on the day. In the evening, the flowers are revealed and exuded the charming aroma. In the people, the SIZY was nicknamed by a night. Summer varieties Flower from beginning to end of summer. The height of the bushes is 50-60 cm.

Mattiola Curry

Landing Mattiola: Duration depending on the variety

There are varieties of mattioles in flowering periods. Depending on this feature, the varieties are determined when planting seeds.

  • Summer Mattiola - seed seeds in spring and get flowering plants after two months.
  • Winter Mattiola - Sowing seeds are carried out in the middle of summer, waiting for flowering only next spring.
  • Autumn Mattyol. - landing is carried out at the beginning of spring, and bloom comes at the beginning of autumn.

Low-minded varieties of leek are grown as greenhouse and potted crops. To do this, choose most often species of the left-tree.

Stages of Growing Left Seeds

The cultivation of seeds is the only way of reproduction of mattiols. Summer varieties that are distinguished by rapid development can be dried immediately into the soil with the onset of heat. Autumn and winter most often grown through seedlings.

Preparation of seeds

Many gardeners and flowers sow mattiol without any processing. But for maximum disclosure of the potential of each seed, it is better to make two-stage preparations:

1. soaking in water room temperature for a day. Water must be changed several times.
2. Placement in the refrigerator for several days, pre-wrapped with a wet cloth.

Landing Seed Levko

Planting seeds

For the cultivation of the left-handed or twin-round leaving, it is necessary to prepare the correct substrate. Suitable will be a mixture of a delicate earth and sand (3 times less). First, the planting is made in a common container, and with the advent of two leaves, the plants are seated with separate cups or briquettes.

Features of planting seeds Mattiols:

Seeds are layered in a pre-disgraced and moistened substrate to a depth of 0.5 cm.
For the convenience of further leaving the leaf between seeds, small gaps leave.
The seaside container is covered with glass or polyethylene and put in a dark and warm place. Faults should appear after 5 days, maximum - two weeks.

Care for seedy

As soon as gentle green sprouts break on the surface, the shelter should be removed, and the container to rearrange the window to the sun hidden. The temperature must be reduced, for which the heated balcony is well suited. Watering seedlings should be able to dry the upper layer of soil.

With the advent of two leaves, the seedlings are transplanting into cups or open sad. It should be done extremely gently. Usually, flowerflowers feed Mattioly shortly before transplanting, using multicomponent microfertilizers. Before disembarking on the air, seedlings are ordered, exposing on the street or wide opening the window.

Landing Mattiola to Open Soil

For the cultivation of the lean in the garden, the solar cluster of the earth with a good outflow of water is chosen. Nizin and shadow are categorically not suitable, like a peeled ground. Additional soil fertilizer can not be carried out. Mattiohov should not be planted at the place where cultures from the cabbage family grew in the past.

Sit left in the garden at a distance of 15-20 cm - little grades25-30 cm - tall varieties. The wells are copiously poured with water, spread the roots and tamper the soil. The earth around each bush is better to immediately meditate, as it will be quickly disperse in the sun.

Growing Mattiol in Open Ground

When to plant mattiol in the garden? For this, the second half of May is suitable. The left will calmly survive small frosts, but blooming in this case may be a bit delayed.

Mattiola - What do you need to know about leaving?

Left growing is not associated with special difficulties, but there are some nuances:

Watering the plant should be regularly, not allowing soil drying. Water should be avoided.
It is best to use the finished mineral mixture as fertilizers. You can periodically sprinkle the earth ashes.

Terry flowers are obtained from seeds of underdeveloped bushes with conventional colors.

Mulching of the soil will have a positive effect on the development of leaf.
To collect seeds, it is necessary to wait for the pods to ride, and snatch plants with the root. After complete drying, you need to shake the seeds.
Multi-year mattiol in cold regions before winter is completely disposed of, in warm areas are cut under the root. Part of the colors can be digging and transferred to the house.

Fill the garden with fragrant fragrance. The second name of Levko - Mattiola, his flower received in honor of Botany Pietro Mattioli (Italy). The very name "left" occurred from the Greek word "violet". When growing a leaf of seeds, terry varieties are obtained from a part of the planting material of non-nuclear grades. The seed terry varieties themselves are not allowed at all.

What a lean flowers look like: description and photos of inflorescences and seeds

On this page you will see the photo and description of Levkoev, and also learn how to grow them on the household site.

Abundant I. long bloom Levkoev, the grace of the bushes, the original color of the leaves, the form of inflorescences and flowers, a variety of colors, a pleasant and strong smell, - all these qualities created the deserved love and recognition of not only lovers, but also the widest circles of the population of all countries.

Now there are more than 400 varieties of Levko: among this set, those that give a high percentage of plants with terry flowers are especially appreciated.

As can be seen in the photo, a simple leather flower consists of a cup, petals, stamens and pestle:

The terry flower has only a cup and a huge number of petals, sometimes over 100 pieces, stamens and pestle.

Terry flowers are fruitless and seeds do not form.

The terry leeks first multiplied with cuttings. In the future, it was found that from part of the seeds of simple levkoev each time there are plants with terry flowers. Since the terry leaving is known only in culture, and wild species The terrain was not observed, then the cause of terrain began to look for in the methods of growing plants.

These flowers belong to the family of Mattiola. What do levko and their seeds look like? This is either branched, felt-pubescent, less frequently bare plants. Leaves are oblong, lane or linear, whole, sometimes cut-down. Flowers of various color, collected in the brush. The pods are long, multiferous, cylindrical or slightly tetrahedral, dropped, with a dense partition.

Look at the photo - Levko's flat seeds, lentils, narrow-sharewed:

Levko seeds retain up to 4 years old, and old (two-year-old) give even more plants with terry flowers.

Levka is one of the few flower plantswhich is characteristic of a huge variety of calves. The flowers of its numerous varieties have the color of all major spectrum colors, with the exception of green, and each main color has a large number of shades and transitional tones.

Sometimes it is very difficult to accurately determine the color of the Blood Inflorescences, so it is often different when describing the varieties, it is designated differently, for example: pure-white, white, snow-white, etc., and so on.

Types and varieties of Levko

There are three types of cultural leaving:, or summer; winter; Autumn, which is a hybridom between annual and winter left-handers. These forms are highlighted on the duration of the development cycle.

Summer Levka has the most short vegetation period. Being sown in March-April, it blooms in the summer and the autumn gives ripe seeds. This species view is grown mainly in the open soil. However, some varieties can be used for pastures.

The autumn leak is characterized by a large growing season. Sundayed at the same time with the summer leek, he blooms at the end of the summer - the beginning of autumn and continues to bloom to frosts. Seeds are affected only the next year. Autumn Levka is used for both landings in the ground and for early distortion.

Winter left - a two-year plant. Sundayed in July-August, he blooms the next spring. It is grown for closed soil (,) Or plant in the spring in the open ground, where it blooms early.

Among the sets of varieties there are dwarfs up to 20 cm high with small leaves and medium-sized flowers - 2-2.5 cm. Large-flowered (flowers in diameter - 4-6 cm, sometimes 8 cm) pyramidal and branched shape.

This is a variety:


Rosa Tayikher.


"Pure Golden".


"Rita Bosta" From the colorful flowers from white to dark blue.

Levko with plants height 30-35 cm are combined into a group of half-lived. They bloom for 3-3.5 months have a branching, compact or pyramid shape of a bush.

Among them are varieties:







Tall varieties of leutow with plants height from 60 to 80 cm very good for cutting:

"Golyansky tree".



"Northern" They have the inflorescences of the main escape larger side.

When cutting colors or removal of flowing shoots, it is long blooming until autumn.

Especially popular varieties:

"Bianka" - Pure and white.

"Abundance" - Carminno-pink.

"Aurora"- Golden yellow.

"Morning Zarya" - light pink.

"Coral" - Dark coral red with yellow middle.

"Summer night" - dark violet.

"Diamond" - Red.

Madame Tay - blue.

"Fairy" - Silver-lilac.

"Thumbelina" - Annual most compact plants (only 20 cm high), ideal for growing in various tanks:, window drawers ,. Good in borders and on. Large terry flowers are collected in dense fragrant inflorescences. The range includes all the painting for this culture. This left is grown through seedlings. Transplanting on permanent place with a lore earth.

"Royal Mix" With fragrant, mainly terry flowers of all sorts of paints. Beautiful cut with durable flowers, costs up to two weeks. Located with groups in, on the Rabata. It blooms at least 45 days. Height 40 cm.

Left tall (60 cm) "Intrigue" F1, A special mixture of bright aromas is a sharper gamut. A bouquet of fragrant levkoev will be bullied at least two weeks.

Left low (20 cm) "intuition" F1, Special mixture. Tender shades of amazing flavors are chosen in a new magnificent mixture. The combination of various floral notes is consigned to rich, bright composition. Compact plants with fragrant inflorescences from terry flowers are good by groups in flower beds, Rabata,.

How to grow left: planting and leaving the flower (with photos)

Here you will learn how to grown in the middle strip.

For landing and care for flowers with lestets of summer and autumn species, intended for planting in the ground, seeds are seeded in March-April; For distortion - Summer Levkoev seeds - in January, autumn - in July-August. Best time for landing and leaving winter species - April May. With too early sowing seeds in the warm summer, the plants begin to bloom in the fall.

Sowing seeds and the cultivation of seedlings of summer, autumn and winter levkoev produce the same.

In the open soil, the seedlings are planted with the onset of warm weather, with the cessation of spring frosts, although short-term and minor frosts do not have a destructive effect on the Levko.

For landing, the leaf in the open soil is chosen solar place, plants are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm, depending on the variety. Summer and autumn levko can be grown from seeds sitting directly into open ground.

Seeds are sown with the onset of warm weather, when the earth will prokuchny enough. The emerging seedlings are thinned with such a calculation so that between individual instances it was 20-30 cm. Remote plants are seated in a new place.

Pay attention to the photo - when growing Levkoev from the seedlings, the seedlings initially overtake in the growth of Levko, sowned by seeds directly into the ground, with the beginning of blooming this difference smoothes:

To ensure the continuity of Levko's blossom during the summer, you can make two additional sowing of its seeds - in April and May:

  • Selection of simple and terry plants of some varieties can be conducted by seeds. Seeds are smooth, shiny, with a rather wide border (wing) give simple levko. Seeds wrinkled, non-planning, with narrow border - terry.
  • Selection of terry Levkoev can be guided by shooting: they seek them earlier than those simple. Separate seedlings from which terry Levko will develop, it is necessary during the first three days; Swords that appear in the following days will develop in plants with simple flowers.
  • In some German varieties, it is possible to select simple and terry leeks in the color of the cotyledon. Shoots with light semi-units are usually developing in plants with terry flowers, with dark - in Lekuki with simple flowers.

Here you will see photos of landing and leaving different species and varieties:

Mattiol seeds are in small pods that are easy to confuse with stalks. When the pods begin to push, they are broken, and then peel. There is another way to collect seeds. On the punch of the pods put on a blowing bag, for example, from Capron so that they do not have to be over after the rain. Mattiol seeds can be planted every month, then the flower bed will bloom and fierce to the most frost. You can store seeds until the next spring, and then grow seedlings again or plant them directly into open soil.

Rules of growing:

  1. Summer mattiols can not be put in the ground, where there are organic. Usually fertilizers are introduced when landing, but it is better not to do this with the left.
  2. You should not land Mattioz there, where other cruciferous grew to her for several years.
  3. In order for the left-hander to germinate better, they are placed on the water for a day and allowed to swell, after which the water is drained, the seeds themselves wrap into a wet fabric or gauze and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Seying seeds for need at the end of March-early April. In the open soil seeds are planted only after the soil warmed up enough.
  5. Seying seeds need to be in drawers with turf and sand. It is unwanted to sow seeds thickly, the germination of them is good. The depth of planting is no more than half a meter. Seeds are sprinkled with the same mixture and covered with a film.
  6. If the temperature is taken when growing germs (not higher than 22 degrees, not lower than 20), the first sprouts will be processed for the fourth day.
  7. When the first sprouts appeared from the ground, the film must be removed and secured the sages of the inflow of oxygen. The light in the poet should be scattered, and the temperature must be reduced to 10 degrees.
  8. It is not recommended before landing leave seedlings in one box. As soon as the seedlings are growing, they need to be searched into separate pots. It is necessary to do it no later than 2 weeks after the appearance of sprouts, even if the leaves have not yet appeared.
  9. Drainage is not needed. He will not harm, but the benefit of it will not be special. Slap levko can be simply in small pits.
  10. Even if you want to make a thick, you can not plant Levko too close to each other. Most varieties are very thick foliage, roots and stems will be hurt, a fungal infection will appear, which can destroy all the flower bed.
  11. Despite the fact that Mattiolians love the sun, they need to land them in the evening or on a cloudy day, immediately after disembarking.
  12. Before falling into the ground, go a little plants. First open the windows indoors, and then take a while on fresh air.

After the seedlings are planted or seeds are planted in an open ground and begin to slander, an active care period comes. If you comply with all the simple rules for care, you can achieve a luxurious, thick flowering flower beds, which will bloom and fierce all summer.

For proper care Levka blooms in a month or two after disembarkation.

Left-growing conditions:

  • Levka loves moisture, but not its excess. It is equally poorly tolerates both dryness and overvoltage. It takes it enough and regularly, but not too abundant. In hot weather, the leaves of the plant will be rolled out of the lack of moisture. To avoid watering, Mattioh is needed right on the root and better in the morning, before the appearance of a strong heat.
  • The land in the flowerbed should be regularly glowing and loosen. It is necessary to do this after irrigation so that water penetrates well to the roots, the roots were saturated with oxygen, and dense crusts were not formed on the surface of the soil.
  • The soil for landing mattiol is better to choose fertile. On acidic soils, it will bloom badly.
  • During the landing, they do not contribute, but before flowering, it is necessary to feed the plant, but it is better to choose inorganic fertilizers, during the potash-phosphoric.
  • The place for growing should be well lit, then it will be especially lush. In the shaded places of Lekko, they draw and bluntly bloom. But it is desirable to protect the flower leaf from a strong arid wind.
  • To have a constantly fresh, blooming viewYou need to remove faded flowers with inflorescences. This will give the flowerbed of well-groomed, and the plant is more forces for further flowering.
  • It is impossible to fertilize Matthioli fresh manure. She can get sick and die.
  • It is necessary to remove the shockless flowers with terry mattyol, since the fruits of them will not be anyway. If some flowers have left for seeds, you need to pinch the plant, then the seeds will be creeped faster.
  • It is advisable to annually change the place for the landing of Levkoev, and on their former place to plant. After 3 years, you can return to the landing of Mattiol to the previous place. Before boarding, it is advisable to support the soil of wood ash, then terry levko will be especially lush.

Diseases and pests left

Mattiola in the course of growth can be attacked by various and diseases. Flowers need to be regularly inspecting for diseases and in time to remove contaminated flowers.

With excess moisture of the soil or air, Mattioli are affected by the conteluratic cyau. It is because of this infection that the Levko cannot be planted at the place where cruciferous already grew to it. Fungus can live in soil long years. Treat plants themselves most often useless. It is necessary to remove damaged flowers, and then already soil special compositions. This disease is striking the plant through the root, so it is immediately difficult to determine its signs. On the roots and stems are formed deformed growths, the leaves are yellow and flashed.

If moisture is too small, the weather is arid and insufficient moisturizing, Mattioh can strike cruciferous flew.

On the leaves will appear holes for which the pest can be defined. To get rid of flew, you need to pour leaves and soil wood ash. Do not be afraid of an inesttic form. At the very first precipitation, the ash is wondering, and the flea no longer appear after this procedure.

From the convergence and improper departure of Mattiola can be sick with a black leg. At the same time, the stem, and then the leaves darken and die. To cure a plant from this disease cannot be removed as quickly as possible. For the prevention before landing, it is possible to treat the section of the Xome, it will reduce the risk of the black leg.

More information can be found from the video.

Did you decide to dilute on your garden left? Growing from seeds - this is the easiest way to go to the flower beds throughout the summer, pleased with the various shades of these beautiful flowers. After all, the bloom of Levko (Mattiola) begins in June, and ends with the onset of the first frosts.

If you plant Mattioh next to a bench, a gazebo or terrace, it will fill the air with a charming aroma, pleaseing the rest near people. No wonder she got the name of the night violet.

How to prepare the soil?

  • The land on the site where the cultivation of mattiols is planned, prepare from autumn: compost or humus contribute to it (from the calculation of 7 kg per each square meter), a small amount of neutral floral substrate and liquid complex fertilizer (no more than 3 tbsp. spoons per quarter meter).
  • Earth under seedlings should also be prepared in autumn period. To do this, mix 3 pieces of wood with 1 part of large river sand. Humus (in order to avoid a black leg) categorically contraindicated.

How to grow seedlings?

When and how to plant seeds? If you want to bloody in June, sowing seeds must be implemented in the second decade of March. In order to achieve continuous blossom of Mattiol, seeds are repeated with intervals of 10 days.

To do this, in boxes with a moistened substrate make a shallow (1/2 cm) of the grooves, in which the seeds laid out (they have a small, shape resembling lentils). The distance between the seeds should be no more than 3 cm, and the frequency of the groove should not exceed 4 cm.

Surrounded seeds are sprinkled with sand, then pressed against the armless and covered with glass. After that, the rainfloor is sent to the room with a temperature of not lower than 20 degrees. The first shoots appear in 8-10 days after sowing.

After that, a box with a seedler is transferred to a cool room, the temperature in which should not exceed 14 degrees. The fact is that at a higher temperature, Mattiol has slowed down the process of formation of flower kidney, and bloom will occur with significant intake. The room where there is seedlings must be often ventilated: it is necessary for its hardening.

Seedlings with two well-developed seedlist leaves need to dive, simultaneously pinch the root. In the process of picking, young plants are cleared into paper cups, peat pots or in more spacious boxes, since the left of pretty frost, but the transplant tolerates badly, so it is necessary to create all the conditions in order to injure its roots as little as possible.

It is best to exercise the cultivation of a lean in peat pills, together with which young plants can later fall into the open ground, without damaging them root system.

The planting seasoned seedlings in the open ground is already produced in the second decade of May, since it is able to withstand short frosts to - 5 degrees. Seed landing directly in the soil is carried out at the end of April.

The most popular varieties

The royal mixture is left

It is used for cutting and loved by flowerfish for a thin fragrance, duration and abundance of flowering (from June to August), as well as the resistance of a cut bouquet.

A bouquet can stand, not losing its fragrance and freshness, for three weeks. This is achieved due to the fact that the leaky flowers are not cut, and they are twisted from the soil along with the roots and, well, rinse them and remove the lower sheets, are installed in a vase.

Cystic inflorescences from large terry colors, representing a mixture of a variety of paintings, are able to decorate any landscape, so they are often planted on the balcony, grow in flower beds, borders, ramks and group landings.

Cultivation of seedlings is made described above. When disembarking seedlings in open soil, it should be noted that the place should be open, solar and well ventilated, and the soil - loose and moderately wet (perfect primer for mattiol - manufactured loam). There should be no less than 20 cm of free space between young plants.

Sedoya left

I received my name for the felt idle of the stem and leaves, although sometimes there are plants and with naked stems. N. and the photo is clearly visible by his velvet stems.

The left seama is distinguished by a large variety of painting of their inflorescences (from bright white to ink purple) and a different structure of colors (they can be both simple and terry). Sedoy is grown from seeds that are able to give only plants blooming with simple flowers.

Feature of all varieties Mattiol: Machirus Mattiol flower is completely sterile, since it does not have a pestle or twins in it, but there is only a cup and a magnificent whisk, consisting of many petals. The terry flower is able to preserve its attractiveness for 2-3 weeks, unlike simple colors, admire which you can not more than five days.

The fertilization of simple colors of mattiols occurs inside the non-discontinued flower, because the stamens located above the pestle turn out to be tightly pressed to his stylus, and this process becomes completely inevitable. Thus, Mattiola is self-polishing plant.

Sedoy gives a large number of small seeds (in one gram, they are contained up to seven hundreds), which remain horses for six years. Seeds planted in a year after their collection have the greatest germination.

Mattiol diseases and measures of their prevention

Incorrect cultivation of seedlings

Excessive soil moisturizes and occasional thickening can lead to the development of a bacterial or fungal disease, nicknamed in the people " black leg».

This ailment is striking low part Skes, as a result of which she first becomes a drone, then the stem begins to rot, resulting in the inevitable death of the entire plant.

To prevent this attack, the flower makes a solution of fungicide. Very well established the drug " Hom"(One-liter of water is enough one teaspoon).

The freshly prepared solution is poured by a substrate in a container in which the cultivation of mattiols is expected. The re-processing of weekly seedlings is carried out already in the form of spraying with a new portion of the same solution.

Fungal diseases

If we sit down to the site where the cabbage, turnip, tour, or other plants of the cabbage family were grown, can hit it fungal disease Kila Cruscle, the pathogens of which are capable of maintaining in the soil for a number of years.

Because Mattiola refers to the cabbage family, it is very dangerous to all pests, threatening to other representatives: Beyanka butterflies, cabbagers and cruciferous flea.

Passing in the summer past unfamiliar dachaYou will immediately understand that somewhere behind the fence they grow by Lekuki, - on the charming aroma, which exuded these beautiful plants.

The flower of the left, the other name of which is the Mattiola flower, comes from the cabbage family (cruciferous) kind of herbaceous, can be both perennial and annual.

In the nearby past, the fragrant left was decorated almost every garden, not to mention the parks. But today it turned out to be undeservedly forgotten.

However, if you get acquainted with Mattiolo closer, an irresistible desire will arise to land her at home.

The left is a perennial, but many gardeners consider it an annual plant and plant it with every spring seeds or seeding in their garden.

This low (25-75 cm) is a reprehensive semi-staple with white, pink, dirty yellow, purple, smooth or terry flowers pleases with its flowering and aroma from early summer to late autumn.

Mattiola has a root system that does not penetrate too deep into the soil. That is why the left should be regularly water.

Stems and the leaves are hardly not all species have a small edge, which act as tanks for moisture accumulation.

If it happens with irrigation, especially on a hot day, the plant will take power from their villings.

Smooth varieties of Mattioli are wonderful injuries, it is from them possible to collect seeds, but the terry leftum you will admire almost until the winter.

The duration of flowering shares the left to three types:

  1. Summer (annual) is the most popular at the gardeners, as it is the most colorful. Blossom continues all summer.
  2. Winter (twiser) - landing time - summer, flowering time - next spring.
  3. Autumn - Sowing time - spring, start of flowering - Early autumn.

Thus, competently choosing Mattiola varieties and observing the landing time, you can turn your site into a constantly blooming and fragrant flower bed.

There are more than 2 dozen species of Levka and about four hundred varieties.

Self famous species - Levka gray, left-handed, lean long-bearing, left Tatar.

The breeders create new varieties and hybrids by taking a gray-haired genus, whose name is Mattiola gray.

Special attention of gardeners are given to terry Mattiol. If you disassemble the smooth flower of Levko in parts, then we will see a cup, petals, chip and pestle.

An example of a simple leaving in the photo below:

Machor Mattiol has only a cup with a huge number of petals, without stamens and pestle. That is why she is barren.

What looks like a terry:

The question arises: how does Machrov Mattiola breed?

The answer is simple: Nature arranged that, from seeds collected from a smooth leek, several terry grows.

Levka gray (Mattiola gray)

Maybe annual, and perennial plants.

Most often, the height of this flower does not exceed 60 cm, but some species can reach 1 m.

This plant has bare or slightly pubescent stem.

At one species, it can be solitary, in the other - branched. The root system is expressed with one small rod root.

Seeds gray Levko (up to 8 pcs) can be found in the fruit appeared after flowering - pod. They retain the germination of up to 6 years.

The color of the leaves in the plant is gray-green, as if gray, hence the name of the species.

The type of gray-tree leek belongs:

Giant Lavender, Excelsior F1, Lazurit, Red Viking, Giant White, Blue Viking, Swing, Quick, Fox.

Shirtless or left odorless

Surfed (odorous)

Not in vain wears such a name. During flowering, he saturates the air around him with the finest and very pleasant aroma, which is intensifying closer in the evening, especially after sunset.

Refers to herbaceous perennial plants, has a simple either a branching stem with a height of up to 0.5 m with felt flooding, which "pops out" from the root rosette.

The leaves on the stem are oblong, grouped, mainly from the bottom, with a tender edge.

Flowers are yellow-brown-colored, the petals of which are much longer than the cups (2-2.5 cm).

Blooms pretty early, about mid-May, in August forms a fruit with seeds in the form of a pod.

Legka Lengonepane (Mattiola Two)

Refers to annual plants.

It is very loved by many flower products for grace and tenderness, conjugate with a subtle aroma, increasing in the evening.

The plant is not very high (up to 0.5 m), with coarse green leaves, located one by one branched stalk.

During the day, the cups of flowers are usually closed, they open after sunset so that night insects pollinators can find them by smell.

This caused and the unbeliefness of the flowers of Mattioli counnoy, - the insects are not important in the color of petals.

The agricultural area of \u200b\u200bTatar, arid areas.

His favorite places - rocks and sands.

This is very different from the leaf cultivated in our gardens.

And in the rest of the Tatar left reminds Mattioju fragrant, only the flowers are much smaller.

Growing left-handed seedlings

If you want Leftoi to bloom as early as possible, then you will have to grow seedlings.

You can, of course, in the first half of May, sow seeds immediately to the flower, but bloom will begin not earlier than the first decade of August.

And the seedlings planted in the soil will go into growth together, and in mid-June will delight you with its colors.

There is another reason why eat method better growing Levkoev from seeds.

Having bought a bag with the seeds of a rare variety of Mattiol, you will find in it an extremely small amount of their quantity, literally 4-5 pieces.

Under Seven Seeds, the leaving immediately in open ground, you risk staying and without seeds, and without lustful colors, as you can not calculate the depth of landing or, on the contrary, they can be almost on the surface and become food for birds or insects.

When sow

Mart came - it's time to sow levko to seedlings. In the regions with a cold summer, they served later, about the end of March, respectively, and planted in the ground later.

In more southern areas you can sow at the beginning of the month to fall on the flower in May.

Preparation of seed before landing

In order for future plants to be healthy, planting material requires some preparation:

  • disinfect Left Seeds in Pink Potassium Permanganate During Quarter, then rinse clean water;
  • wrap the seeds into a wet napkin for swelling, watch it does not dry for 12-20 hours;
  • after this time, place a wet napkin with seeds in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe refrigerator for 3 days for hardening.

Now the seeds of mattiols can be planted.

Soil for growing seedlings

In order for the leaving seeds quickly and efficiently, the soil must have good breathability and ease.

It is possible to achieve this if adding to it perlite or vermiculite. With their absence, you can use sainted and calcined sand.

And you can just buy soil in the horticultural department, best for Mattiola suited primer For cacti and succulents.

In its composition and the presence of sand, it is ideal for germination of levka seeds. When picking seedlings, they can be planted in another, more nutritious, soil.

To independently cooking the substrate will need:

  • garden land - 3 parts;
  • humus or overwhelmed compost - 1 part;
  • cherry earth - 1 part;
  • on the 10-liter bucket of the substrate add woodwood - Lithing bank and superphosphate - 2 tbsp.

Well, if the garden land harvested in the fall is not in an apartment or house, but in a street room, so that frost destroys all pathogens of microbes.

Sowing Seed Levko to seedlings

Seed seeds for germination in small pests so that the boards were no higher than 5 cm. In such plates, the earth will not occur.

Do not forget to make holes in the bottom for draining the excess moisture.

Do not plunge seeds when landing, sufficient depth - 5-6 mm.

Try to plant them not often, between them should be at least 1.5 cm, so that after the seedlings of the plant they are not intertwined and it was easier to sip.

Put the glass onto the container or pull the transparent film to create the effect of the greenhouse, and put it in a dark, warm place. Shoot will appear by the end of the week.

Care for seedy

The cultivation of the leaving does not cause trouble, but the seedlings need to pay a little attention:

  • after the appearance of shoots, remove the glass or film;
  • move the container with the seedliness to another place, with good illumination, but not roast (not higher than 12-14 ° C);
  • carefully paint seedlings, but not earlier than in two days after its appearance;
  • prepare a pixel pot, filling them with a mixture: sand - 1 part, hard and leaf land - 2 parts;
  • after a couple of weeks, make a pickup of the grown seedlings;
  • after the appearance of two strong leaves, adopt the zinc sulfate solution (0.1 g), manganese (0.1 g), copper sulphate (0.3 g) and boric acid (0.3 g).

For further cultivation, the seedlings will fit the greenhouse or the windowsill. Do not allow excessive soil moisture or drying it.

Hardening seedlings

Before planting left in open Grocery.For a couple of weeks, throw out seedlings so that it is easier for it to adapt to new living conditions.

This is achieved by decreasing temperature: take the tanks with seedlings to the balcony, in the sense or simply open the window for a few minutes, each time increasing the time of staying in the cold.

In the past two days before landing, seedlings can not be included in the house, leaving it for the whole day and night in the Seine or when the window is open.

Rechazzle Seedlings Leftow in Open Soil

If the seedlings passed a good hardening, then it is not afraid of light frosts, so feel free to plant her in the middle of May.

Saplings must have at least 4 leaves. For the landing, the evening is best suited when the sun has already sits down.

Before boarding, make small lunas and fill them with water. Without waiting until the water is absorbed, put the seedlings.

It is desirable that these were peat cups, then you can simply wear them, not anxiously plants.

After planted, it is not necessary to water. In order for the seedlings faster to root, pronounce it for several days.

Plot for growing

Choice right place For cultivation, Mattiol is very important if you want to get a healthy, flowering plant.

Plot must have good lighting And protection against through winds.

Choose a place with fertile, delicate, well-drained and loose soilIt is desirable that she to have a neutral reaction.

The soil must be wet, but without water stagnation. Excess moisture badly affects the plant, right up to the death of seedlings.

Scheme of planting seedlings

The landing scheme is due to a ledge variety, a package with seeds is usually equipped with such information.

In short and single-way mattioles, the distance between the seedlings should be at least 0.15 m, in the tall pyramidal - at least 0.25 m, at a stretch - not less than 0.35 m.

Too thickened landings negatively affect the growth and development of colors.

Growing and leaving

Most gardeners love the levko flowers for their extraordinary beauty and fragrance, conjugate with absolute unpretentiousness.

With the cultivation and care of Mattiol, even a schoolboy can easily cope.

Regularity and abundance of polishes

The left does not like both excessive humidity and long-term drought, it immediately affects the appearance of the plant and flowering.

We conclude: It is necessary to water regularly and moderately, it is important here. golden mean. To avoid errors, accumulate the soil at a depth of 7-8 cm.

If this layer of land is dry, it means that watering is necessary. If they charged rains, the watering is canceled, and in the heat, on the contrary, you need to water more often.

Weeping and loosening

Be sure to loosen the earth under the left after watering or rain so that the water is not stored.

In addition, the plant is saturated with oxygen, so necessary for the root system of Mattiol.

During loosenings, at the same time, remove the weeds under the arm so that they do not pull the power and water from the ground and did not interfere with the development of the left.

Making fertilizers

Leftoi, like the other flowering plants, are very responsive for fertilizers, but only wood ash prefers from the whole organic.

Very well takes a balanced mineral complexes. During the bootonization period in the complex must prevail nitrogen, and at the beginning of flowering - potassium and phosphorus.

Pests and diseases Levko, fighting them

The most dangerous diseases are a black leg and keel.

The black leg arises even at the stage of seedlings, the nature of the disease - fungus.

The reason can serve as a stagnation of moisture, excessive dampness and thickening of landings.

A regular ventilation and a solution of manganese-solid potassium can help.

Kila - typical disease For immigrants from the cruciferous family, the nature of the disease is a fungus. To protect the landing from infection, do not put the left there, where the culture of this family grew up before that.

Belyanka, cabover - White butterflies flying during the daytime. Eggs on the leaves of the plant, hatched caterpillars eaten these leaves. Struggle with them like folk remediesand chemical insecticides.

Cruciferous fleece - Mulse black bugs, very similar to flea.

Sprinkle leaves, buds, cause irreparable damage to flowers. Wrestling methods: tobacco dust, chemical insecticides.

Preparation of perennial levkos for winter

Levko-perennials can only winter in the southern regions of Russia, where winter is very soft.

At the end of the autumn, cut the above-ground part of the Mattiol, and the root system will be warming up using mulch, sapper or agrofiber.

Well covered, it will love bad weather perfectly, and in the spring will delight you with friendly new sprouts.

IN middle lane Russia, for example, in the suburbs, annuals are grown, which are digging and transplanted into the ranges to winter indoors.

In the spring you can again land them in your garden.

When collecting and how to store levko seeds

The end of September - the beginning of October - the time of ripening seeds of mattiols. The degree of their maturity is judged by the color of the pods, he must become brown.

Levka-annual usually pull out the rhizome and hang in a barn or in the attic.

After drying the pods, they should be collected and get seeds.

With many years of Mattioles, collect pods and dry them.

The collected seeds to deceive for some time for loyalty, fold them into the bags of fabric or paper bags, store in dryness and darkness.

Mattiola in Landscape Design

Just wonderful to have a spicy garden under the window or near the porch, so that the evenings enjoy wonderful flavors.

The combination of various ledge varieties in size, color and flowering period will help in creating interesting flower beds And Rabatok.