Repairs Design Furniture

Flowers from auto strokes do it yourself. Flowerbed from old tires with their own hands. Other interesting ideas of tire flower beds

Turn the furniture and decor to turn their things into a variety of items has long become the norm. On old tires, pallets and plastic bottles, many people look no longer as garbage, but exclusively as on the building material. It is possible to read our article, you also join them, because we are talking about what amazing crafts from tires can be made with your own hands.

How to make crafts from tires with your own hands.

Let's start with not just beautiful, but from a beautiful and useful. You can make a lot of functional things for the garden plot from your tires.

How to make garden furniture from tires with your own hands master class.

Old tires need to be washed and cleaned. For cleaning, you can use a special tire cleaning agent - then your tire will acquire a black shiny look.

Side tire surfaces with acrylic paints. For a more interesting view of the garden furniture, the side surfaces of the tires we can crack the dermal and paint it.

To get rid of black gloomy color, first all our workpiece can be painted white. Then we apply color paints our drawing. And, finally, add clear dark outlines to the drawing.

For the middle of our Purific, we make a round pillow. In order to apply a colored painting on black dermatin - a place under the drawing fill in white paint, and then we apply a color pattern on top of it.

How to make an old-tire pen with a knitted cover master class.

If it is important for garden furniture from the tires, its resistance to weather conditions is important, then for a gazebo or terrace, we can make another beautiful version of the Purphic from the tires.

To the tire peeled from the contamination, we attach the legs.

Knit side surface for our Purph. If you do not know how or do not want to knit, then for these purposes you can use parts of an old sweater.

Fix the knitted cloth on the bus side and below. We close the top hole in the tire with a circle of plywood.

Round knitted detail for the top of the Pousin we connect the crochet with the lateral detail.

Interesting options for crafts from tires.

There are other simple options for garden furniture from tires. We can put the tires on each other and make the seats and armrests from the top of the tire.

Or another version of furniture from tires. Wooden struts-struts are inserted inside the tire and the soft roll is inserted - so you have a comfortable seat seat.

Crafts from tires for children.

From tires easy to make devices for playgrounds. For example, these are such a simple swing.

Or a machine that will not leave a single baby indifferent.

Flower beds from tires with their own hands.

Very often old tires are used to create flower beds and street flower pots. So to speak cheap and angry. Klumba can be given a more decorative appearance by issuing its edges more interestingly.

To make such a flower, should be placed the side of the tire as shown in the photo. And then just cut through the line.

The process of cutting may be difficult. Ideally, it is better to do with an electric bike. If you cut a knife, then lifting the cut by a wooden peg, you will greatly facilitate your work.

The chopped tire must be turned out. It is easier to do together. But you can turn the tire and one, coming to the edge of the tire with the foot, and turning your hands another edge.

Such flower beds can be diverse and distinctive - it was this helped them to gain great popularity. The most famous option is to put the bus on the stand, which was cut from us earlier from its top.

You can make an interesting club with your own hands even from the car tire. Crafts from tires have long been successful to decorate the garden and today we will tell you how to make a simple mini-flower bed for flowers.

Cover Flowerbed with your own hands

The easiest option when you use the tires entirely, putting them on the selected place and fill the ground. But before that, under the rubber, a layer of drainage from pebbles, ceramzit or organic mulch is necessarily stacked.

Such a mini-flower bed looks good from the tires of large sizes, when the useful area is quite wide and allows you to place several rows of different plants by creating an interesting composition. It is advisable to choose for landing unpretentious flowers - tall quill in the center; Velhets, Ageratum or Cineraria - along the edge.

If you make a flowerba higher, putting the tires one to another - this will create additional amenities while leaving for it. In this case, it is possible to plant petunia of ampel or label around the edges to close the view of the cracked cord.

If you use small car tires, then to increase the area of \u200b\u200bmini-flower beds, cut the top with an electron or a special knife.

However, the black tires themselves look gloomy and trite. Make one more step - paint them in a bright color. And you will see a flowerbed, and the whole garden will become much more comfortable and more fun.

How to paint tires for flower beds

In order for the old and cracked tire to take a bright color, the rubber is degreased with acetone or white-spirited, paint on white or yellow paint, and only then impose a bright. Then the color will not hang out and will stay long.

Good advice: Do not put a thick layer of paint - under the influence of rains and frosts it will fall off slices.

What brand of paint< использовать, в принципе, не имеет значения.

Special paint for rubber does not crack in the cold and closes the cracks and deepening well, but quite expensive. Boldly use the old enamel or oil paint, which remained from the last repair.

The paint in the cans is also used - it is even preferable, since it penetrates well in the slot and is applied with a thin layer. With such a balloon, you can make any pattern on the scratched surface, and without difficulty getting a multi-colored foundation for flower beds.

Paint the tires in different colors and place them close or one over the other, or place in chaotic order throughout the garden, or group in one place - and your garden is noticeably revived.

Those who know how to create crafts from tires using a special knife or saw, you can cut the flower beds with your own hands, animal figures, birds or colors. If you need ideas and ways, how to make beautiful and complex flower beds from the tires, I recommend to read another Yu.

Used photos of Rlibunao, Jules.

The flower beds from the tires will be as impossible, if making his site, the gardener wants to make beautiful flower beds, but not to spend on their creation of unnecessary tools.

The use of these materials allows you to create colorful flower beds sometimes very unusual forms that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Such flower beds will preserve for many years and will delight their appearance.

In the photo below, you can see that even flower beds from such a non-frosted material may look bright and colorful, it is only worth attaching a little effort.

Making flower beds from wheel automotive tires is very simple, the whole process does not require any special knowledge, skills or tools.

All you need in order to make such flower beds - the presence of old wheels that will need to cut, oil paint, electric saw or a knife and fantasy.

How to choose tires for flower?

On any tire workshop there are always several old car tires that are prepared for the release.

If you can choose, then give preference to imported manufacturers that are made of thin and soft material.

Of the soft and militant material it will be easier to make flower beds. It is better to choose the winter and ravenly rubber.

Tires with a worn tread will turn out much easier and easier.

Before making flowers, clean the wheels from pollution, as the dirty tire will be hard to cut.

It is best to cut the tires with an electroller or a grinder, but if there is no, then you can cut the sharply sharpened knife, which during operation you can lubricate with soap solution.

The simplest clubs from tires

If you do not have time to do the masterpieces from the tires with your own hands, and you will suit you the easiest option, then in this case you can simply put the tire on the floor of the flower garden, pour drainage and soil into it, and then plant the plants.

However, this option will decorate your courtyard only by plants.

To the flower bed to have an attractive look and adorned your site itself, take a few tires and paint them into bright rich colors.

Another very simple version of flower beds can be made from tires of different sizes.

In this case, they are laid out in the form of a pyramid, and at the top you can put a very small wheel or a rone with flowers.

Painting the wheels, you will get a wonderful flower garden in which you can grow not only curly flowers, but also strawberries or strawberries.

In the photo you see how such flower beds look like.

It is very easy to make with your own hands with a suspended vase from the wheel. To do this, it is not necessary to cut it, it is enough to simply attach a chain or rope to it and fix on a tree or canopy.

So that the land is not poured, the bottom of the tire must be closed by a segment of plywood or rubber. And you can insert an ordinary pot into the tire.

And if you attach 3 or 4 legs to the wheel, then there is a standing flower bed, which can be put in any corner of your site.

Flowerbed - Flower

If you have a lot of space in the yard, then you can make a flowerbed in the form of a chamomile.

To start doing it, you will need 4 tires of the same size, three of which should be cut in half so that you have 6 semicircles.

You need to paint the halves and a whole bus in bright colorful colors. The whole tire will serve as a middle of the flower, the halves in the form of petals should be laid around it.

The tires should be inserted into the ground around 5 - 6 cm. The composition will look very beautiful if the composition will plant one type of colors, and in the petals of another, the best contrast color, for example, like on this photo.

Flowerbed - Turtle

Such a beautiful flower bed will be very by the way if you have small kids, and also this is a great option for flower beds in kindergarten. It is not very difficult to do it. You will need two tires.

From one tire you need to crop the sides and leave only a protector that should be cut into 4 parts.

In the whole tire, 4 holes are made in which the blanks insert and fix them.

The tail of the turtle is made of crawling rubber and attach as well as paws. The head is modeled from the pipe and crumpled newspapers and secure opposite the tail.

All this design is chosen in suitable color. Additionally, you can decorate the turtle hat or other elements.

Flowerbed - Frog

Flowerbed - the frog will like both children and adults, no one can pass by her. Flowerbed - a frog is done with their own hands very simple. You will need 3 tires.

Two need to put on Earth very close to each other, and the third is stacked from above in the middle. Next should be made. To do this, you will use trimming tires and pieces of an old hose.

Cut the paws from rubber and attach them with wire to the hose.

Eye can be made of plastic buckets, and the crown makes a plastic bottle.

The whole design should be painted with green oil paint. Flowerbed - Frog is ready, you can land plants and admire this beauty.

Flowerbed - Cup

If you have two tires of different sizes, then you can make a flowerbed - a cup. To do this, place first a small bus, on top of it - more bus.

The edge of the top tire must be trimmed so that it does not interfere with the growth of plants. From trimming, you can make a pen for a cup.

If you have a trimming of the sidewall from a big tire, then use it as a "saucer" - put it under the cup.

By the same principle, you can make a kettle, only except the handle from trimming the bent pipe attach to the teapot of the nose.

Color your tea set in the appropriate colors, for example, as in the photo.

Flowerbed - Vazan

For those who are not afraid to make difficult work, there are options more complicated. For example, from old tires to be cut, you can make a beautiful flower bed with your own hands - Vazon. To do this, you can use a tire with a disc and without it.

If you take a tire with a disk, then you will have a lone on the leg. Depending on what pattern you will apply on the tire, such an edge of your vase and will work out.

It can be round petals, sharp petals, fringe or smooth edge.

Put the wheel on the side and apply the cut circuit that you have chosen for your vase and for which you need to cut petals.

Note that each petal should be no more than 12 cm, since otherwise the vase will not turn out to be invalid.

The logging or knife you need to cut the outline and turn the wheel inside out. Wheel turning is the most difficult stage of work for most gardeners, especially women.

To turn the wheel, turn it over with a cut down, step on the middle, and pull the cut and pull the edges of yourself.

After turning, you will get ready-made vanza, which can be painted with oil paints into one or more colors.

It is necessary to paint the vase not only outside, but also inside, otherwise, even if you plant it with plants, black rubber will be visible from under them.

From above, various drawings and ornaments can be applied on a monophonic layer, as well as stick pebbles, seashells, glass and other decor.

The photo below presents a step-by-step instruction of the manufacture of flower beds - a vase from old tires.

Do not forget that the drainage layer should be put on the bottom of the vase, so that the soil in the vase is spoiled, after drainage in the rase, the soil is laid and plants are planted.

If you have three tires of different sizes, then you can make a flowerbed from them - the pyramid, but in this case you need not just put the tires one to another, but first make up the vases according to the principle described above.

As a base, you can take logs of different diameters and install vasons with each other alternating with logs.

As a result, you will get an unusually beautiful flowerub, which will not only please the eye, but also save the place in your garden.

Flowers in the form of birds

This is a rather complicated color garden option with your own hands, which also provides for tire turning.

Such crafts can serve as a decor of the yard or kashpo for flowers, depending on your desire.
For a start, a markup is applied to the tire, according to which it will be necessary to cut, as can be seen in the photo.

After that, the electrollized or knife needs to cut the head and the wings of the bird and turn the wheel.

So that the neck of the swan was beautifully curved, a piece of fittings or rigid wire is attached to it with a thin wire, bent in the form of a swan neck.

You can use other materials that you have at hand. Next, the swan is painted with white red and apply the beak red, as can be seen in the photo.

From old tires can also be made with your own hands and other extraordinary birds for the garden - parrots and Tukanov.

For this, the rubber must be cut as shown in the photo, turned inside out and fixes to the bird's head beak from plywood or crawling rubber.

After that, the bird paint in bright colors and suspend.

Fencing from tires

If you plan on your site to make your own flower bed in large sizes, then you can set the fencing from the tires for it.

To do this, around the perimeter of the entire flower garden dig a trench, half the height of the tire.

Install the tires close to each other and jump.

Fencing paint into suitable colors.

Such a fence will have a lot of years.

Clutches from tires closed by stones

In this case, the tires are used simply as the base of the flower beds. To create such clubs, you should pick up the tires of different diameters, as well as beautiful cladding stones.

Beautifully look at the finished product of the stones of different sizes and shapes. Flower beds from stones can be bunk, have a different shape and decor.

In the form of the future flower, dig in the ground a deepening, pour sand and lay out the first row of stones.

Try to lay out the stone so that the cement does not look out outside, but only fastened the stones to the base.

Tire beds are decorated with many summer cottages. The desire to improve the cottage and create a beautiful corner there, where you can relax with comfort, quite naturally. Most gardeners and gardeners prefer to arrange a variety of compositions from flowers on the site. Due to the correct design of the container for flowering plants, you can create interesting elements of landscape design, which revitalize the site and give it an original appearance.

Many owners of country sites are trying to establish flower beds in their possessions. This material, usually going to the landfill, can be turned into a real work of art. Create with its help beautiful flower beds with some skill can be quickly and very simple.

Of course, no one forbids purchased to decorate the range of vases made by the factory method. But the flower bed from the tires for many is more preferable, it acts not only as an element of landscape design, but also as the subject of the pride of the owners, independently manufacturing wonderful things.

To make the flower beds from car tires with their own hands, do not have some special skills. All you need is a certain number of the most simple tools, as well as unsuitable tires. Determine what will be the product, select a place where it will look at the best and not disturb the composition of the composition. It will be useful to perform a sketch of the design, which, upon completion of the work you want to see on the site.

If the area in need of arrangement is small, you can arrange a beautiful single figure from automotive tires on it, it may be a graceful swan or a bright parrot, a pretty frog or a fairy tale.

If you want to equip a large lawn, you will need to install a large size. It can be flower beds made up of several tiers, or volume vertical designs.

Tire beds with their own hands can be made in the following sections:

  • ovals and circles;
  • multi-tiered structures;
  • high and low;
  • items, figures, animals.

When the form and location of the structures have already been identified, instruments and materials that will be useful to you in work should be prepared. Tires are needed, a sharp knife for cutting, any coating paints. Besides them, can come in handy:

  • miscellaneous stones (even decorative) are suitable;
  • technical marble;
  • metal grid;
  • the remains of any building materials.

Tire selection for a flower garden

If you can choose between tires from imported and domestic manufacturers, it is better to choose the first of them. At the tires of imported production rubber softer and thinner, it is more convenient to work with it. Winter rubber cutting is better than summer.

To make a flower leaf of a tire, choose a material with as large tread wear. Products with erased layer softer, the turning inside out is more convenient.

Be sure to remove the tires if there are pollution, sand on them. It is more pleasant to work with a cleaned product, and the blades of cutting tools are stupid much slower.

Working moments

Before making a flower leaf from tires, decide which it will be. The easiest option is to install the tire on the right place, paint the desired color and in the "well" in the middle to fall asleep the right amount of land. After that, it can be planted with flowers.

Another, a little complicated, the option consists in cutting the upper side of the rubber. The resulting product is filled with soil. But if you want to get a more original vase bounded by a beautiful fringe or installed on the leg, or make a product in the form of a large flower, the effort is required slightly more.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of flower beds from tires will look like this:

  1. 1 Think out exactly what the finished thing will look like. It may be a bowl of simple shape with smooth edges, a large rone, cut over a wavy line, a flower with a border of petals or fringe.
  2. 2 When developing a cut form, follow the result, the result must compile a design that resembles a saucepan with a lid. She must have a deep bottom and cut over. The cut circuit throughout the circle is drawn with a chalk or marker.
  3. 3 If you are going to cut petals around the edge of the cut, their size should not be greater than 10-12 cm. Otherwise, when the material is turned out, it will not bend in the right places and flower beds with a round form will simply fail. To facilitate cutting, lubricate the blade with a knife with liquid soap. For figure drinking, it is recommended to apply a jigsaw. After cutting over the drawn circuit, make longitudinal cuts along the tread recesses.
  4. 4 To cope with the cutting of the metal cord, apply the grinder: it uses cuts from it outside. Perform all actions should be smoothly. The fact that the disc was in touch with the cord can be guessing on the appearance of white smoke and the raid, which is formed on the surface of the product. Soldering should be carried out in 15-20 cm increments.
  5. 5 Turn the tire after cutting it is necessary as follows. Turn over it down with cuts and put on a flat surface. Press the foot of that part of the tire where the rim goes into the protector. Now start turning rubber from the middle, at an angle of 45 °. Try to make an effort to first turn out the outside of at least a small part. After that, the residue will turn out very easily.

After carrying out all the operations listed above, the flower garden is almost over. It is only necessary to correct the shape of the edges, if necessary, and arrange it according to other elements of the landscape. It should be painted immediately until the walls of the freshly prepared vase have time to be covered with dust. You can use oil or enamel paints, nitrocracks for this purpose. A layer of coloring substance, applied to a clean, degreased surface, is able to last enough for a long time, perhaps even a few seasons.

To decorate the flower garden, the remnants of automotive paints contained in aerosol cans. They are literally in a few minutes you can spray through the walls of the flower beds. When painting, it is desirable not only to pay attention to the outer surface, but also to engage 10-15 cm of the inner edge.

You can add an ornament, gluing small glass pebbles to it. They create a dew imitation. But you should not too much to zealous: when planting curly or deploying plants, the walls of flower beds will be closed.

Original installations in which annual or perennial flowers grows will help to decorate and revive any country area.

For them, you will need to stock up a few tires of different sizes. They can be trimmed in the upper part so that the rings are, or used in the form in which they are. Perhaps in your conditions there are more flowerbeds from tires, resembling a well, with a small opening from above.

You can collect from wheels the following structure:

  • make a sketch of future installation;
  • install on Earth the largest of the prepared tires;
  • at the bottom, put on a layer of rubble and sand, over - the desired number of fertile land;
  • next arrange the same design;
  • on them in the middle, install a tire, less in size, fill it in the same way (the bottom can be closed by boards);
  • make so many tiers how much you think;
  • in the intervals formed between the rings, put flowering plants or berry bushes.

In conclusion, the wheel can be painted in the right colors.

Swan flower bed

The original flowerbed in the appearance can be created from the tire, giving the image of the swan. The inner part does not have to cut out - this will help preserve the form.

Return from the edge of the tread 3-4 cm and make cuts on both sides parallel to the existing circle. Dimensions - approximately 2/3 of the surface. At the same time, wings are obtained from the wide parts of the sides, and from a narrow part in the middle - the neck of the bird. From the middle part, cut off a piece and form a triangular head at the end.

Now the cutting tire must be turned off. It turns out the wings, if necessary, modify them, performing cuts to imitate feathers. You can bend the wings as you want, giving them any angle of inclination. At the end of the work, color the resulting figure in white, leave up to dry. Then place in the desired site of the estate, fill the ground hole and plant the plants.

Beautifully and unusually, the elevation-flower bed looks, which can also be made using tires painted in different color. It will take stockpiths of different diameter tires. Those of them, which is more, serve the role of flower beds, they are slightly plunged into the ground in the right places of the site. Those that smaller appealed as a hedge, they are installed vertically, having between laid horizontally.

It is possible to complicate a little construct, its appearance will only win it. In those tires that are going to install vertically, a cross-section is performed. Breaks it with their hands and felt in the ring two larger tires. The incision is guided down and fastened to a bracket or metal wire. Visually it looks like a large rubber chain. All this is buried in the ground, then paint.

It is quite easy and you can quickly make flower beds from old tires in the form of tea cups. For the construction of one cup, 2 tires of different sizes will be needed. Much of them should be watered to a smaller and strengthen. A greater tire top is cut off, it can be thrown out, and you can be installed as a base under the "cup". Outwardly, it looks like a cup stands on a saucer. On the side, make a handle from rubber strips or tin.

In the middle of the "Well", the land is poured and planting flowers. Select such a color for staining, which is harmonized with the surrounding decor. Simple and smartly looks like cups, painted in a bright color and decorated with white peas.

Washed car tires can be called a universal material that allows you to embody many different ideas of the garden decor. Creating a variety of crafts from the wheels will allow you to decorate and revive any of the corners of the garden.

Many believe that it is only an experienced specialist to develop a beautiful landscape design. But practice shows that such a point of view has nothing to do with reality. Make a garden or a household plot. Everyone would be a corresponding desire.

Basics of landscape design

So that the cottage or the house territory looks worthily, it often does not require high professionalism or substantial financial costs. Everybody can go to move: brick wreckage, stones, plastic bottles, old watering cans and more.

Cover flowerbed

For example, an alpine slide, which is the object of dreams of many country area owners, may well be constructed without attracting specialists. The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment and feel free to combine different items and objects.

Interesting. Often old junk, which, it would seem, it's time to throw, can serve a good service in the design of the territory.

So, for example, a beautiful stand for a vase will be able to get a beautiful stand for a vase. Old chest, if it is cut and appropriately arrange, you can decorate any deaf wall, putting bright colors in his boxes.

From the girlfriend, it is possible to make more complex structures, for example, having a metal rod and flower pots at hand, you can build a very interesting vertical flower leaf.

Among domestic gardeners and owners of country sites are quite high demand flower beds from tires. They will be discussed.

Types of Tire Flowers

To engage in the creation of flower beds with their own hands, it will not be necessary for special experience and knowledge. The most important thing is to have the necessary tools at hand and own basic information.

By type of design, flowerbeds from tires are:

  • low;
  • high;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • figured;
  • suspended;
  • round.

Round flower beds from wheels - the easiest version. All that is required for the organization of a flower garden is to take tires, paint them into arbitrary colors, filling the soil and plant plants.

Interesting. To get an interesting composition of such a material as a car stall, you can paint the wheeled material in bright colors and, putting on top of each other, form high flower beds.

As for multi-level structures, they are created from the tires of various diameters. They are placed on each other according to the principle of the toy pyramid (in the sequence of size decrease) and fill with soil. Such a design is perfect for planting ampel plants.

Multi-level tire design

Suspension flower beds made of tires allowed to be fixed in different ways: to the pipe, chains or rope to the tree branch, etc. Only before you should not forget to overlap with some material of the bottom of the improvised kashpo.

Step by step instructions

Before entering the manufacture of flower beds from tires, you should decide on the dimensions and design.

Flower-shaped flower

Flowers of tires are very stylishly looking at her hands. To work, you will need a tire, a sharp knife capable of cutting thick rubber, and a marker (either chalk).

Flower flower beds Manufacturing work is performed as follows:

  1. The marker is placed locations.
  2. Cut the tire around the circle in the form of zigzag petals (oval, semicircular or triangular).
  3. The tire turn over and, leading a knife along the thickening, a circle is cut on the back side of the tire.
  4. In the circumference inside the tire make transverse sections at a distance of 20 to 25 cm one from the other, ranging from the cropped edge to the end of the tread.
  5. The tire remains to be turned out, and the design of the flower beds is ready.

Flower-shaped flower

Then you need to paint the product in a beautiful color, fill the earth and plant flowers. The paint is best suited for oil. Other types of paints can suck.

Vase from the old wheel

Vase from the old wheel

Another interesting master class, which will help to lead, is devoted to the manufacture of a stylish garden vase from a worn wheel. To work, you need to prepare a tire that has a disk, knife and marker. Next, operate according to the following scheme:

  1. On the circle of the tires mark the zigzag trait along which it will then need to cut.
  2. Cut the tire. To facilitate work on the cutting knife, it is recommended to periodically dip in the engine oil.
  3. Turn the tire inside out. Turn it better together and in parts.
  4. Vazon ready. Only all the same painting work remain.

Important! Before pouring the land into such a vase, you need to not forget to put on the bottom of the gasket, in which small holes should be provided for removing excess water after irrigation.

Flowerbed Chamomile Tires

This is another simple and interesting option, like from the wheel quickly make a flower bed in the form of camomiles. For work, you will need a few tires and a sharp knife. In general, it will take no more than half an hour. Step-by-step work work looks like this:

  1. All tires are cut in half.
  2. Form figure fencing in the form of a flower.
  3. Fall asleep the earth and plant plants.

Core chamomile shape out of flowers. Alternatively, it can be in the form of a circle is posted from such a material as a plastic bottle (to top) or stone.

Flowerbed Chamomile Tires

If you approach the process of creating flower clubs from tires creatively, the original ideas will not make you wait. Answers to questions: Is it worth further using plastic material, how and how to paint the wheels for the flower beds and that, as a result, put in a flower garden, will be found along.


To create an original porridge in the form of a parrot from the old wheel, the following materials will be required:

  • a tire with a small radial protector;
  • iron strip for clamp;
  • washers, nut, bolt;
  • spanners;
  • drill.


The work is performed in the following order:

  1. The knife make symmetric cuts in the tire on 2/3 along the side ring.
  2. The side and the protector is cut at a distance of 1/3. With most, they separate the lateral part by means of a triangular cutout.
  3. Tire turned inside out.
  4. Cut from the side of the beak of the bird.
  5. A smaller part of the tires cut along the entire length (the incision must be slightly larger than the size of the future beak).
  6. Using clamps insert the beak and compress the halves.
  7. Drill the hole drill.
  8. Halves of heads are tightened by washers, nuts and bolts. (To make the head already body, part of the tire must be cut).
  9. On the main side of the tire cut the tail.
  10. Paint the blank.
  11. From the iron strip, the clamp is made, which are tightened by the sides of the porridge (as an option, an ordinary rope can be used).
  12. Paint the parrot completely.
  13. Push the cache on the rope or screw the wire to the horizontal design.

How to turn out the tire

To turn the tire inside out, it will be necessary to make an effort. To facilitate work, it is recommended to make big cuts - to the tread. First turn one side, then, slightly flattening the tire in the oval, make it completely.

If the forces are still lacking, it should be cut into a circle part of the flower beds opposite to the petals to remove the steel cord. True, in this case, there is a risk that the design will not be good enough.

Working with a tire

How to cut a tire

To cut the tire you will need a sharp knife. First, a small hole is made in the tire. Then the cutting tool is inserted into it and the material is cut on the markup in advance. The knife should be periodically sculpting into water or machine oil. This will significantly simplify the task.

How to paint the wheels for flower beds

When the design is ready, it remains to paint. For this, the surface is completely degreased (for example, acetone or white spirit) and give dry.

The surface can be further primed, but this condition is not mandatory, since without this, the paint on the rubber lies quite well. The process of coloring does not differ from such work on another object.

Landing colors and care rules

Having understood with the question of how to make a tire from the car wheel and how to cut everything correctly and set up, it's time to understand what is better to put in a flowerbed from tires. A clear instruction on which flower is better to put in flower beds made of tires made by your own hands, of course, does not exist.

Tire with flowers

No less bright looks nasturtium. But, by departing this flower on flower beds from the tires, it should be remembered that the culture is very bad to transplant. Accordingly, at a permanent place of growth, the nasturtium is worth placing in the form of swollen seeds or finished seedlings in peat cups.

In addition, you can plant velvets, verbena, viola and other not too whimsical flowers.

It is allowed to plant in homemade caspo and perennials. It may be chrysanthemums, carnations, daisies, decorative onions and much more.

The main condition - flowers planted in tires should be unpretentious and demanding minimal care.

No matter how interesting is the idea, and no matter how the color of the colors has been planted into an improvised flower garden, the design itself should be placed in such a way that access to it remains free. This will ensure proper care plants. Only in this case, the use of tires as a leaf will be justified.

As for the care of flowers, it largely depends on what is specifically planted, and does not differ from manipulations produced with a similar plant lined with an open ground or flower pot.

Completing the conversation about how to make a flower wheel from the wheel, it is worth noting that such a constructive solution as part of the creation of landscape design has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • durability of flower beds;
  • good tolerability of temperature differences;
  • practically zero financial costs;
  • high aesthetics.

Rubber - the material is very fatty, and the question should not stand about how to make a club from the tire (especially since it is very easy), and what variant the flower garden is better made.