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Dracaena loose leaves what to do. What to do and why dusseren drops the leaves. Typical diseases of the disease and pests and their prevention

Recently, my drazes began to lower the leaves and I, frankly, rented. This has never been observed behind it, although it is not a lot of long cohabitant with me, so I decided that you need to figure it out on my own with this problem, and then help others who will encounter such difficulties.

It turned out that there are many reasons why the drazes are lowered by the leaves, and they can all be a purely different nature. For example, one of the possible options, why the drasen began to be so unhealthy, maybe moisture. Wet air, unfavorable amount of watering, placement of other plants, moss nearby - all this can affect the life of drazes.

Reducing air humidity also affects this plant. As it turned out, often leaves of the drazes are lowered if it is located in the close side of the batteries or other devices that dry the air. An acceptable percentage of moisture in the room where the drazen lives - 20%, so it is necessary to no longer moisten the air, if the drazes are more, yellow and lowers, or on the contrary, reduce the amount of moisture, if the drazes are black, hurts and also lowers the leaves.

Draft Plus moisture - another enemies of the drazes. It can not be placed in intermediate rooms, in the corridors, near the windows where the drafts are constantly walking. First, drafts immediately force the dragera to root, no matter what state it is, exactly, as happens with a man when he was cold. They simply need to eliminate or move the draping to another place to neutralize this problem.

Use incorrect fertilizer Their insufficient, excessive amount is the next point that affects the fact that the drazes lowered the leaves. What to do in this case? Understand the number of fertilizers that you made. Insufficient quantity requires one more, control, feeding, excessive - will affect somewhat worse and the works will be more. There will have to transplant the plant by changing the soil mixture, using a completely new pot at the same time, then from the base stage you have to restore the health of the drasens, it may even renew it a little by trimming so that it is more intensive to recover and coped with a smaller crown volume, whatever she would have Former condition.

The use of incorrect fertilizers, much worse affects the dragera than you could assume - it seems to drink an alcoholic drink instead of the lively water when it is strictly prohibited. Instant effect: DRACEEN begins to fade in front of her eyes, the leaves are lowered, the land in a pot is completely strangely reacting to react in a pot, and the wase, cheerful and beautiful drazes, dies on your hands. In this case, my advice is always alone, especially for novice gardeners: Always learn the rules for the care of the draprace. Pay attention to the fertilizer point, check which soil composition you purchased or made yourself at home - which is not enough in it, and what elements too much, and only then choose the appropriate fertilizer, but in no case do not take a cash question or on your reasoning In the case of feeding, the drasens cannot be improvisation.

Drazen lowers the leaf, all the sleek is somehow. How to raise them?)

If the roots are all right, then arrange the dragerate of a hot shower! So the hand tolerated the temperature of the water, water should not be warm, nor boiling water, but rather hot. Cover the earth, wech up the pot of the Culk, to not fill and take away the foliage, during the minute, you can slightly less.

perhaps she stands in too sunny place, maybe she has little water (then you need to splash on leaves). And the most likely option is it time to transplant in a larger pot ..

My thing happens when I forget to pour or the sun falls on the leaves.

And you still need to feed the liquid fertilizer for palm trees.

You need to water in time and fertilizer to make at least once every 2 weeks.

It is worth the sun, I also had such and the leaves of the grathers, removed into the shadow and here, wonderful feels.

Try to change the location if she likes it for 5 minutes to raise the leaves. Maine can omit them from abundant watering. So you do not try to water better spray.

Why did the drawn lowered the leaves?

Dracaena their leaves lowered seldom. Since it happened, it means it was not bad for a plant, or a long house was not.

We must consider that dracaena Very sensitive to drafts. If they put on a draft, then not only the leaves will be devastated.

Also it is impossible to put a flower on bright straight sunlight.

Unnecessary plants to overflow.

Moderate watery will save the dragon from rotting the root.

More often a plant should be sprayed. This drazen loves, and leaves will stand like ears in a hare in the cold.

The land in which the dragerate is transplanted or disembed, should not be heavy. It should be well filled with oxygen. You can, yes, and you need to make drainage on 1/3 of the basement.

The soil must be loosened.

Dracaena It will live longer.

Drazena, though unpretentious room plant, but still so that it is beautiful and lush (the leaves watched up) need to carefully care for him. The first signs that the dragerate lacks care is the lowered leaves, the leaves are yellow and fall too often.

Drazena does not like when it is watered too often. Earth's kom must dry until the next irrigation. Young plants need to transplant every year and at the same time increase the size of the pot on 1-2 fingers so that the roots are not closely.

Perhaps the reason for the fallen leaves is the lack of nutrients. You need to feed the plant at least once a month (or 1 time in 2 weeks). I use biohumus liquid for feeding.

Drazen also loves the presence of oxygen in the roots. This requires periodic loosening the soil on the surface.

In the summer, the spraying has a beneficial effect, but only it is necessary to make it in the evening when the sun is not so strong (if you admit you the plant stands on the balcony).

Drazen - home care

Drazena is a very popular indoor plant with a large species and variety. There are varieties growing only in the wild, there are species that can survive only in greenhouse conditions, and there are also indoor options, unpretentious and not requiring special attention. In general, the most common room drazes care for itself requires the most minimal.

Sometimes people susceptible to superstitions can think if it is possible to keep at home dragera, search for signs associated with its room content. Usually, damage is contrived and is nothing more than prejudice. There are no restrictions on its content, except the most obvious - the presence of allergies from households. In the same way, this flower will only benefit.

DRATSEN - a flower with longevity. The duration of her life with room cultivation can be both five and fifteen years, and depends on the quality of care. How to care for drasa at home in such a way that she felt well and lived as long as possible? Follow these uncomplicated recommendations.


Drazena is a plant fairly light, so you can place it on the eastern and western windowsills. The south side is also acceptable, but try to protect the plant from exposure to direct sunlight. In the midst of the summer afternoon it is better to clean it in the half. If possible, provide a plant with scattered light - it will be the most ideal option.

If the lighting is insufficient, the leaves of the drapes will start pale. A deep shadow will affect completely indulgent: the leaves will quickly fade and die.

If the lighting is artificial, then it is also suitable for the plant, it is quite capable of growing well and develop.


The plant prefers a moderate temperature in summer and a cooler - in winter, but the cold suffers badly. Choose a warm place in the fresh air in the summer - the balcony coming to the East or West is perfect. Remember about the danger of direct sunlight. In the spring and summer period, the temperature of 20-25 degrees is considered optimal. In winter, the dragerate is suitable for 12-15 degrees, but not lower, otherwise the plant will freeze and die quickly. The draping should also be protected from drafts and sharp temperature drops.

Watering and humidity

The plant is rather moisture, so watering should be abundant, but systematic. Always better to cut a plant slightly than pouring and chatting it.

The intensity of watering depends on the location of the flower, the volume of the pot, the composition of the soil and the time of year. In the summer, watering dragine must be provided at least a couple of times a week, while carrying a daily spraying of water water, for a couple of degrees exceeding room floor.

In winter, when the air temperature is reduced to 12-15 degrees, watering must be reduced to once a week. Drazen in this period "falls asleep". The exception is the case when it is located close to the heating battery. In this case, no watering should be cut, neither the amount of spraying, as watering the drageration at high air temperature should often and abundantly.

Regardless of the time of year, water should not be allowed to stir in the pot - the plant of this relationship does not tolerate. But allowing the soil a lot to seek not even in winter. As soon as the surface layer of soil dries on three or better even two centimeters (no more), it means that the flower is time to water. Before irrigated, the surface layer of the soil rubbing, this will improve its breathability.

Spraying leaves produce both internal and from the outside, but at the same time always make sure that the water does not accumulate, the sheet of the sheet with the stem is not in the place of the interface. Periodically, you can wipe the dragon with a damp cloth, from time to time to arrange a full-fledged warm shower, which will wash the entire dust, dirt, and also refresh the plant.

Water for watering is better to use filtered, but if there is no such possibility, the tap water is advocated at least twelve hours, it is also worth it for better cleansing.

In the period of intensive growth (that is, from the beginning of April and before September), the dragerate feed fertilizers. Make it using special mineral feeding, their frequency is usually indicated in the instructions for use. Usually this time in a couple of weeks. Fertilizers need to be used by specialized, complex, which are sold in flower shops and are designed for indoor plants. Peplarition varieties are better to feed special fertilizers intended for the volatile plants.

Timely transplant is another pledge of longevity of your room drazes. Since this plant has a highly growing root system, in a pot, it quickly becomes closely. The plant brought home from the store also always needs to be moved to a new pot, but it is recommended not immediately, but a month after the purchase.

It is possible to calculate whether the transplant drague is needed in the following parameters: For example, if the plant is height somewhere around half a meter, then the pot is needed at least 20 cm in diameter. Comparing this proportion, you define whether the plant is time to move into a new container. You can also proceed from approximate data on the fact that the transplant should be made every two or three years - it is during this time that the roots manage to grow carefully. But it is better to proceed not from generalized data, but to consider each case and every species separately, as it is necessary to transplant the dragerate on time without allowing excessive growing roots.

"Moving" is better to strip in the spring, during the period of the most intense growth, so the plant is better attached. When transplanting, try not to damage the root plant of the plant. Prepare the drainage system in advance: pour into the bottom of the pot, for example, clamzit or pebbles. The drainage system means a lot for drazes, as its root system is superficial.

The ideal scheme for transplanting, with good care and rapid growth, implies an annual transplant in a pot, which will be not very old. The pot for the DRATS "on the Growth" cannot be taken, there is a risk that it will lead to the death of the plant. But a fairly adult dragon should not be replant so often, in this case, it will be enough to simply periodically replace the surface layer of the soil of fresh soil containing many nutrients.

The soil for drazes can be bought ready, but you can mix yourself. Usually for this in equal parts mix the turf and leafy ground with peat, sand and humus.

This procedure is more likely decorative background, as it is not required to cut the dragerate for its own use. The trimming of the stem stimulates the development of side kidneys and starts the branching process. Especially relevant for such a variety, as the dusted bordered: as it increases the lower, older leaves, die, over time all the foliage is concentrated on the top. The remaining naked barrel looks not very beautiful, that is why the dragerate is cut off to get lateral shoots.

By the way, in addition to the decorative function, the pruning of the indoor flower of the drazes - the reproduction of it with the help of shifting. The parent plant will branch, and the new DRATSEEN-Top or cutlets - will give life a new full-fledged flower.

The best time for trimming is the same as for transplanting, spring or early summer. The plant should already be quite adults, at least thirty centimeters in height. The cut slicer should be centimeters five below the highest and most young leaves.

When trimming, use a well-sharpened knife, wood or activated carbon, can also be stocking zircon tool. Cut the stem, the location of the cut is first sprinkle with coal, and then process the "zircon". Cropped cutter can be used for reproduction, namely rooted in water.

Drague care: species differences

Room flower DRATSEEN Types and varieties can have a variety of. In general, care for indoor drasens does not differ much depending on their species and varietality. But there are several moments that flower should know.

  1. Marginat Drazena (it is the dusted bordered) is the most common and most unpretentious view of all home drasa. The care of it does not differ from what was described above.
  2. The tearssen of Godzhef and the Dragon, unlike all other varieties, calmly carry dry air.
  3. Dracaena fragrant, or fragrant, well tolerates cold. At a temperature of only +10, it is capable of even blooming, although it makes it in room conditions very rarely, despite the temperature-created temperature regime. She is also able to calmly be in the summer in the fresh air. For the remaining drasa, it is preferable to contain in the room and not to leave it.
  4. The drazes bent, or reflex - the most capricious and demanding variety. It is usually only in the greenhouse, because it requires constant maintenance of a certain temperature regime, humidity and lighting.
  5. Drazen Sander, the most famous Lucky Bamboo, unpretentious so much that it is capable of growing even in water. It does not require landing into the ground, but it is desirable to add mineral fertilizers to the water, since without them, the leaves will yellow. At the same time, it should be used exclusively distilled water, as a last resort is filtered. The use of tap water can also lead to yellowing foliage.

To get acquainted with the drasa in more detail, you can read the article

Diseases and pests

Like all the room plants, the drazes has its problem and vulnerable places, illness and their pests. The most common of them are discussed below.

Shields, TRIPS, COUSE TIRS - these are the main pests affecting the dragera.

In case of damage to tryps on the leaves there are light specks and silver divorces. In this case, you can treat the leaves with a soap solution, leaving it for a day, and then washed away. If such a measure did not help, then the processing of drakes insecticides.

The web tick is striking the leaves, leads to their yellowed, drying and dying. A characteristic symptom of this disease is the presence of a postine plant. In this case, it is recommended to wipe the dragerate with a soap solution and arrange a warm shower. If the measures taken do not help, it is necessary to spray "Fufan" or "Fitovener". The web tick is starting at elevated dryness of air, and therefore one of the prophylactic measures of the disease is its timely moisturizing and periodic spraying of the plant with water.

If the wishes and dried the leaves

Not always, when the leaf is yellow on the indoor flower, it is associated with the damage to its pests. Perhaps the reason lies in insufficient care. The yellowing of the leaves occurs as a result of dry air, with insufficient watering and shortage of fertilizers. Drying and twisted leaves appear if the plant is too cold.

  • If the drawn lowered the leaves. The solution to the problem is exactly what time it happened. The dusseren room can lower the leaves immediately after purchase, after the transplantation (with the replacement of the soil) and disorders of the integrity of the roots, as a result of irregular irrigation.
  • If the leaves are lowered just bought drazes, no causes for panic - the plant simply passes acclimatization, gets used to new lighting conditions, temperature and humidity. Almost all the drasens lower the leaves immediately after they were brought from the store home.
  • If the leaves dropped immediately after the transplant to a new pot, this is a sign of damage to the root system.
  • Insufficient air humidity and incorrectly organized irrigation mode can also provoke leaves omit. Either the flower was filled, or, on the contrary, stuck.
  • Room palm treason marginat, happy sander bamboo, blooming fragranus - all these varieties of drags require a certain care, and this care has minimal differences depending on the species. The dragerate can be called a very unpretentious indoor plant, because it does not require much attention to themselves. Good illumination, sufficient humidity, timely transplant - these are the requirements that are inherent in almost every room plant. So, if you decide to make yourself a draping, let you not frighten the difficulties with its care, because there are no difficulties as such.

    Drazen - Diseases and Treatment with photos

    Drazena is a fairly unpretentious plant for homemade cultivation. However, getting improper care, it loses a decorative look. Drazen lowered the leaves, she dries the tips of the leaves. What to do in such cases? So, experts consider the main problems and diseases of the drazes, their treatment with the photo.

    Why do the drazers dry and turn yellow the tips of the leaves? Why did the drawn lowered the leaves? Causes, Treatment, Photo

    Typical diseases of the drazes and their effective treatment with an explanation from professional flowerflowers. Photo attached.

    Why do the drazers fall the leaves? The reasons It may be as follows: the plant passes the acclimatization period after the purchase, a transplantation was carried out with the replacement of the soil, which violated the integrity of the root system, irregular watering mode.

    Only a purchased plant is mandatory in new conditions should pass the acclimatization period. Dusted is no exception. The level of illumination in the new room, the humidity and temperature of the air - all this can affect the flower well-being. No need to worry if the drasen is only purchased and she lowered the leaves. For prevention, it is necessary to inspect the plant carefully. If there are no pests on it, the root system is in order, the barrel does not rot - the cardinal actions do not need. Experts recommend not to transplant the flower within 1 month after purchase. After the expiration of this period, perform a transplant by transshipment and strictly follow the rules for the care of the drasa. As practice shows, all the drasens after the purchase omit leaves. This is a normal phenomenon. A healthy flower look up will only be a top, that is, young leaves.

    DRATSEN SUPPLY SUPPLY left immediately after transplantation. This speaks about the violation of the root system of the flower, namely, very thin roots that form a cob at the bottom of the pot. It is they who participate in the nutrition of the plant and provide a plant with water. It is not recommended to transplant the dragerate in the full replacement of the soil. She is more suitable transshipment in a pot of larger. Thus, the root system will not be injured.

    However, if the transplant has already been held and the drazes lowered the leaves, while the lower leaves can be yellowed intensively, you need to perform the following actions: spray with a flower with cycron (4 drops of the preparation for 1 liter of water) and place under greenhouse or spacious cap. Leaves should not touch the walls of the greenhouse. At the same time, watering is significantly reduced. Before the next irrigation, the land in a pot must dry out (can be 1-3-3 weeks). Spray the flower, on the contrary, you need very often in conventional water to maintain high humidity under greenhouse. The amount of spraying depends on the temperature indoors. The colder, the less often. Circar can be used only once a week. When first watering the cycron, you need to add to water for watering. It stimulates the growth of the root system. After the transplantation with a violation of the root system, the drazes is lack of moisture. At the same time, the intensive watering will lead to the direction of the root system. Lack of moisture The plant will replenish through the crown. That is why there is high humidity in the greenhouse.

    Why did the drazers lowered the leaves? Cause: Wrong watering mode. In the first case, the amount of moisture is simply not enough so that the plant supports the normal turgor of the leaves. In the second - moisture too much, which led to the rotation of the root system. Through damaged roots, the plant also does not receive a sufficient amount of moisture. An increase in the amount of irrigation will not solve the problem.

    If the drawn lowered the leaves from the lack of moisture, what to do? You need to put a flower under greenhouse and conduct regular spraying. It is impossible to dramatically to increase the amount of irrigation, as it hurts the roots. Hold a plant under greenhouse 3-5 days. Watering the flower is abundantly, but only after a complete dying of the earthen coma. Water from the pallet is defined.

    DRATSEEN gets a surplus of moisture. As a result, the root system does not cope with the abrasiveness of the fluid and starts to be installed. Damaged roots do not absorb more moisture from the ground, and therefore the drasena lowers the leaves. What to do? First of all, normalize watering. Next, it is necessary to neatly, not disturbing the integrity of the root system, take out the stroke of the pot from the pot. View roots. If the root system has a light yellow or white shade, but not brown, it is healthy. The plant is returned back to the pot and reduce watering. It is necessary to water abundantly, but only after full of soil grazing in a pot.

    If the drazes lowered the leaves and its roots are grinding, flabbing and have an unhealthy shade, it indicates rotting. Damaged roots are removed. The plant is transplanted into a new, special, a little wet soil. The draping is placed under greenhouse. Watering is minimized, and spraying, on the contrary, participate. You can add to the water to spray cycron. The plant is removed from the greenhouse when it starts to drive out new leaves.

    Why do the drazers dry the tips of the leaves? Causes: Lack of sunlight, disturbed watering mode, heavy soil.

    Drazena is a light-loving flower, and therefore it is very often yellowing her tips of the leaves from a lack of light. It is especially noticeable in winter. If the drazes are grown in room conditions, the tips of its leaves are yellow, while other conditions of care are strictly observed, it is necessary to provide the plant with an additional backlight of the energy-saving lamp to 12 hours. Flower needs to be placed in the eastern or western window. If it stands near the southern window, it is covered from direct sunlight. Northern windows flower are not suitable.

    You noticed that the drazes look badly, the tips of her leaves will dry. What to do in such cases? You need to pay attention to watering mode. Perhaps the plant was overgrown. As a result, its root system is bumping, the leaves do not get enough moisture through the sick roots, and therefore their tips dries. The drazes is watering only after full of soil grazing in a pot. Watering in this case is carried out abundant, so that the water goes into the pallet through the drainage holes. Water from the pallet is immediately removed. Otherwise, the bottom pot will not dry, the roots will rot. You can not put a pot with a dragon to wet clay. To check the condition of the root system, the plant is gently removed from the pot. Healthy roots will be blond. Create a flower regular spraying. You can add to the water for spraying 1 time per week cycron or epin.

    Drazers dry the tips of the leaves, if indoors low air humidity. For this, the flower spraying is carried out, put the air humidifier. You can not put a plant next to heating devices during the heating season.

    The drazes are not growing, the new leaves grow deformed, the stalks are thinned and stretched out. Cause: The plant lacks sunlight. Perhaps the flower is in the depths of the room where the light does not penetrate, or the length of the daylight is reduced due to the occurrence of autumn winter. Experts recommend placing a dragon near the windows on the southern or south-east side of the house, but with the obligatory shading from the midday heat. To disperse direct sunlight on the window, it is enough to hang a transparent curtain. In the fall and in winter, the draping is recommended to highlight the lamp of artificial light (luminescent or special phytolamp). In total, the duration of the daylight for the successful development of leaves should be 12-14 hours.

    With the onset of autumn-winter (period from October to March), experts recommend to organize the dragerate of the rest period, the attraction of which does not observe the growth of new leaves. To do this, reduce the temperature of the plant content (up to +17. +18 degrees), watering is minimized, spraying and feeding are not carried out. In the period of rest, the drazes slows down its growth, and therefore in conditions of insufficient illumination it does not drive out new, deformed leaves, its branches are not thinned.

    Why yellow drazes and what to do?

    Most of the types of room drazes are very unpretentious in care: they do not need to water or spray or spray, there is no need to put on bright sunlight and maintain a constant temperature in the room. Paying only a few minutes a week to care for the plant, you can get a very beautiful plant that will delight you and your loved ones.

    However, even with the right and regular care, the flower can start shielding, dry and lose leaves. Before dealing with the consequence, it is necessary to determine the cause of the deterioration of its condition.

    Why drazes yellow leaves:

  • Age of Plants: The term of the individual sheet does not exceed 1.5-2 years. After that, it begins to gradually turn yellow, dry and end up. This, above all, concerns the lower leaves of the plant, as they are the most adults and the time of their life gradually coming to an end. Natural die off the lower leaves usually flows quite slowly.
    What to do: So that the plant does not lose its decorativeness, the tips of the die away leaves are cut to a healthy tissue. Even the third and smaller part of the cropped sheet will still work on the flower, so it is not necessary to delete the entire sheet at once.
  • Insufficient air humidity. Some types of drazes (marginats, for example) begin to shrink and push the tips of the leaves, if insufficient humidity indoors.
    What to do: Fight it easily and just! The leaves will stop yellowing and dry if they regularly spray with water or increase the humidity of indoor air humidity using the humidifier.
  • Overflow, excessive watering. The yellowing of the draisa leaves can be the first symptom that your flower begins to die due to the redundancy of moisture in the pot. Another characteristic feature that the flower breaks - the trunk becomes soft to the touch.
    What to do: If you watered the flower quite often and do not give to sleep with an earthen one, then you need to take urgent measures to save the plant. The flower needs to be removed from the pot, dry the roots, cut those that have rot and transplant to the new soil.
  • Lack of moisture. If you haven't watered my draprons for a long time, it can start to die from the lack of moisture and the first symptoms of this will be the yellowed and fading of the leaves.
    What to do: To avoid this, it is necessary to observe the regime of watering the plant: to water it only when the earthen com in the pot will dry completely, but not tighten with watering.
  • Straight sun rays. As already mentioned several times in other articles, all types of drasens do not like strong sunlight and direct sunlight. It is very easy to determine that the plant is yellowing precisely because of strong lighting is very easy: while the top leaves on which the sun's rays fall are becoming more dull and burn out. In addition, excessive heating of the sheet (especially in the summer) leads to the fact that the sheet can overheat and dry.
    What to do: Rearrange the pot with a flower so that they do not get straight sun rays.
    • Mosnyak and low temperature. The optimal temperature in the flower room is 18-25 degrees, a decrease in temperature below 16 degrees can be destructive for drazes. As well as cold drafts: they are most often the cause of the deterioration of health and the appearance of the plant in the cold season.
      What to do: If the pot stands on the window or somewhere in the aisle, make sure that there is no draft and temperatures on the windowsill are not 18 degrees. Remember that even plastic windows can be bludging at a strong wind. It is especially important for this to follow in the cold season, when the cold air from the street can freeze the plant.
      • Diseases and pests: If you constantly take care of the flower, keep all the conditions of care for it, but the leaves still begin to yellow, then some disease or pest can be possible.
        What to do: Try to treat the plant with a special preparation (if you do not know what to use, go to the flower shop, describe the symptoms of the disease, and sellers will tell you which drug is best to use). Even once sometimes may be enough for your plant to become healthy again.
      • Dusted yellow leaves. Care. Transfer*

        # 1 Nastya.

        # 2 Natali.

        I know. That the lower times in two years should die, but my all this happens somehow sharply: I have already fallen off 6 for the last month, and one at least one is going (and in all of her three winds) Is it normal?

        Nastya, two years - this is the average life expectancy of the sheet of drazes. And "leafing" it is usually twice a year, in spring and autumn. This is not a gradual process, namely sharp - yellowes and dries away many leaves at once. And the dates of the leaf fall may be shifted depending on the weather. My this spring is also raised, the leaf fall is just ends (usually it happens in April).
        Six dead leaves on three trunks are, believe me, very little. The more adult will be drasen, the more leaves with it will fly. And it is not necessary to scare this. Although sometimes I don't care, I begin to twitch - do I bone it? 🙂
        If the roots do not fail, there is no reasons for concern.

        # 3 SEM.

        # 4 Lena.

        My strata (like Kanzi) after we acquired it began problems with leaves. The lower leaves dry the tips (to black) and here a week ago, the light yellow spots were noticed on the same leaves.

        Light yellow stains can appear from the overabundance of light (in any case, marginats). But in principle, yes, it seems that she frozen (Yukia more frost-resistant). Medicine - epin, or analogues.

        # 5 SEM.

        # 6 lena.

        And with leaves what to do that?

        Do not cut - they will disappear. She is now passing, saves and go to grow. All the same, that spring is in the yard.

        # 7 Galga.

        The lower leaves dry the tips (to black) and here a week ago, the light yellow spots were noticed on the same leaves.

        i will not say about yellow spots, but the black, I am sure of what is frosted. Recently, Natasha brought the same dragerate and did not save. I all the black tips gently cut off with scissors, leaving the producer not more than 1 mm. Lower leaves 2 pcs had to be completely removed. Now the bush on a small leg turned out. So what to do. If you want to neglected with a bush - when you can perurana. I just have one of the tops rejected by Natasha, from its old drazes. The plant was sought somewhere 2 minutes after moving. Then the neoplasm stains stopped. Now there are already new leaflets, which was not visible, grew into half a centimeter.

        # 8 Natali.

        # 9 STANDBY_MD.

        # 10 ksu.

        they are like that. GM .. as if a specks (2-3 mm diameter) faded, if on the light from the bottom side of the sheet to look. If you look at them from the outside of the sheet, they are like a buccorki such. The leaf itself is dark green, but these tubercles are more faded. What is it? Not false shield? Or so should Drazen be?

        I do not know whether Drazen has such things
        You start digging in the book about the disease - my head blows
        Found: stains - convex, first pale green (then reddish-brown) - signs of insufficient illumination with excessive irrigation
        or! Watering with cold water, sunburn.
        Maybe while transported (or in the store) conditions were unsuitable?
        Infectious diseases and pests are practically with the same signs.
        IMHO, it is necessary to just watch these spots - whether to increase whether they will appear on new leaves. You can think anything.

        # 11 lena.

        Girls, and I also bought myself a plottle.

        # 12 SEM.

        # 13 STANDBY_MD.

        Replant, definitely! In the peat, it is probably? They all torment them in the peat. The roots are, but I do not know what they suddenly decide to grow. The bulbs should not be! I do not know, hto / what is it, but. Many leaf leaves?

        The roots of her already alone from the ground stick out somewhere on 5 cm + small, very thin - also above the ground. Earth - it seems that peat. So how do I reset it? Fully ground with roots or sufficiently leak up from above? I read that they suffer a bad transplant.
        The specks are not on all the leaves, but only on some. I specifically sacrificed with one sheet to see what was there. The nail is picked up, and there just a sheet of leaf peeling, as if the hollow inside. In short, I do not know what it is. I will observe stains. But every firefighter I have already processed it by Agrheretin.

        Growing onions on the north of the growing onions from Sevka under the sowing of Chernushka on the north choose areas, wounded from-under snow, clean from weeds, with fertile structural soil. They can be crack or in a single field with a row-repka. In the old days under the bow-north, they took the so-called [...]

      • Dry aloe leaves in Aloe dry the edges and the tips of the leaves, the lower has already died, how to pour flower? Aloe, or amelor, - a frequent guest in our apartments. This is one of the most unpretentious plants for growing, care for it is pretty simple if you follow several rules. Motherland Aloe in [...]
      • Drazena - how to care at home the dragera belong to the Sparazhev family. In nature, it grows in South America, India, Canary Islands, Central and East Africa. The name of the plant comes from the Greek language. It means "Dragon's female." Such a name [...]

    Drazen is considered a very unpretentious room plant. She does not need a special care. But in order for the flower as long as possible, pleased with his puff and beauty, react on time to any changes in its appearance. What do omentied leaves say from drazes?

    We will analyze, because of what this problem arises, and what needs to be done to solve it.

    There may be several reasons:

    • irregular watering;
    • not suitable vase;
    • nutrient deficit;
    • lack of moisture;
    • drafts and broken temperature;
    • the plant is frosted.


    The soil should be wet, not raw. The plant is watered with an estate water temperature, when the earthen comes for about 2 cm. Watering mode - 1-2 times a week in spring and summer, autumn and winter enough once a week. So that the excess moisture was not going, was not stood in a vase, on his bottom of a layer of 3-4 cm, pour clairzit or coarser sand, you can put a shards. This material will play the role of drainage, which will save the root system of the flower from rotting. Overflow is much more terrible than nothing.

    On a hot summer period, the flower needs to spray. To wash off dust from it and refresh, we recommend it once a month to put a plant under the shower, closing the ground with cellophane. After bathing the growth point of the leaves, blocked the napkin.

    Close pot

    The second reason is that the leaves are constantly omitted down, there may be an inappropriate flower pot in size. If it is small, then the nutrition of the plant is difficult. Roots need space. Check the density of their adjustment to the walls of the vase. If necessary, transfer the flower.

    Diameter The pot must be about half the height of the drakenes.

    Each year, its diameter can be increased by 1-2 cm.

    Lack of nutrients

    The lower sheets may drop down due to the insufficient amount of nutrients. In a close pot, with a very developed root system, the Earth quickly disappears, the upper crown grows at the expense of the lower foliage. In the period of active growth from April to September 1-2 times a month, feed the roots of pre-selected fertilizers. When watering, you can use liquid fertilizers according to the instructions.

    So that oxygen flows to the root system, do not forget to loosen the surface of the soil at a depth of 1-2 cm.

    Temperature and air humidity

    Drazen feels comfortable at a temperature of 18-28 degrees. Fall below 15 degrees is already critical for it. Leafs may look down if you are frosted flower. First aid - a warm shower.

    The flower loves moist air and does not tolerate drafts, the poet find him a quiet place away from the radiator.

    In a particularly hot period, it is possible to put a vase to the pallet with water so that the bottom of the vason does not come into contact with the surface of the water. Evaporating, water moisturizes air.

    Avoid direct sunlight, but do not hide in the shadow when the sun leaning towards the horizon. The light should be evenly scattered. In winter, additional artificial lighting is needed.

    As you can see, create conditions for the growth of drazes are not so difficult. Evergreen palm to 35 years old is considered young and blooms from 1 to 7 times a year. Let your tree happiness pleases the eyes for many years.

    In some cases, the leaves fall out for unpretentious drakes. The problem does not arise by itself, so the flower engine needs to understand its causes.

    About why the plant throws off the leaves and how to reanimate it, read further.

    Why dusseren drops leaves: the main causes

    Drazen dumps the leaves due to errors in care or illness. Below are the main causes of foliage.

    Did you know? Word« dracaena» translated as« dragon's female» . Motherland Palma - Africa and Southeast Asia.

    Violation of cultivation conditions

    The first thing you need to look at the fallout of the leaf of the drazes are the conditions of cultivation. The reasons are most often:

    • incorrect composition of the soil;
    • low temperature;
    • frequent drafts;
    • bright straight light;
    • strong shadow.
    If you do not correct the situation, the plant fades and dies.

    Disadvantage or rejunction of fertilizers

    The fertilizer plant is needed for growth. Many flower products allow two extremes: a lack or oversupply of feeding. Fitting foliage is possible in both cases.

    With a scant supplement of the dragerate, it is no other to take nutritious elements. This situation takes place in several cases:

    • rare feeders;
    • small doses of funds;
    • the concentration of solutions is lower in the instructions;
    • full absence of fertilizers.

    Excessive fertilizer is no less harmful. Its negative impact manifests itself with such errors:

    • too frequent feeding;
    • using more means;
    • intense concentration of the drug;
    • feeding during rest.

    Recover the approach to palm tree fertilizer. It can be the main cause of dropping leaves.

    Did you know? Aztecs called the dragon "Tree of happiness" and believed that if it was cut into a small part of the plant's trunk at midnight, it would bring happiness in love.

    Wrong watering

    The frequent cause of foliage of the drazes is wrong watering. The plant harms and scarce, and too abundant moisturizing:

    • insufficient watering: leaves dry out;
    • excessive irrigation: the plant becomes a soft barrel, foliage first slugging and then falls off.
    Spraying can also cause foliage fence.Be sure to remove the water from the leafy sinuses. Fluid stagnation can provoke rotting. Because of this, the drazes will reset part of the leaves.

    Important! TO Z. ash-resistant species include palm trees under the names of Dragon and GodSef. They should not be overly moisturized.

    Damage to root during transplantation

    When the drazers grow the roots, they are transplanted into a new pot. In the process of transplanting, the colorboard is in contact with the root. Careless movements can damage the root system. Such injuries affect the condition of palm trees. The transplant to a new place is already stress, and the damage to the root increases. In response to injury, the plant resets the leaves.

    Pests and diseases

    Invalid care attracts diseases and pests. They often become the cause of foliage dropping.

    From diseases, the plant most often amazes fungus:

    • stem rot;
    • root rot;
    • fusariosis;
    • alternariasis;
    • philostose;
    • heatherporiosis.
    Leaves with disease rarely disappear from the trunk. Most often they dry out, bother or covered by stains. However, if the disease is not treated, dry or rotten foliage will soon disappear from the barrel.
    Pests are no less dangerous for drasa. Often, they are the reason for the dropping of leaves. At the palm tree can be attacked:
    • web tick;
    • triples;
    • shield;
    • mealybug;
    In most cases, the plant can be cured if you detect the cause in time.

    What to do and how to save the plant

    The dragerate, the leaves of which they opled, in some cases you can save. The reasons are more related to errors in care, so the first actions of the flower is to adjust the conditions of cultivation. If diseases or pests are detected, plant treatment is additionally carried out.

    Palm cultivation rules are as follows:

    1. Temperature.Optimal indicators - +20 ... + 25 ° C. The plant will survive if the temperature drops to + 15 ° C. In more cold conditions, palm suspend development.
    2. Humidity. Most species need a humidity of at least 60%. To maintain moisture, the plants spray from the sprayer. Two-time spraying per day is enough for normal growth. Do not forget to remove excess water from the sinuses of the leaves.
    3. Lighting. Dusses love scattered light. Bright rays of the sun or shadow lick palm tree. If the leaves are falling, change the location of the vase. If it is not possible to provide a plant with natural light, buy phytolampu.
    4. Watering. Water for watering should be soft. Before use, it needs to be defeated. For irrigation, cold water is not suitable. The frequency depends on the burden of soil. If the upper 2 cm of the substrate is dried, it can be moisturized. The speed of graze depends on the season. In the summer, the plant is watered 1 time in 2 days. In winter, optimally moisturize the soil once every 3 days.
    5. Fertilizer. Palma needs feeding only during the period of active growth. His usual temporary framework - from March to the beginning of September. Feed the dragera follows 1 time in 2 weeks. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of fertilizers for dras. Rainbow, "DRACEEN", "Ideal" are popular with popularity.
    6. Transfer. Flowers transplant healthy palm tree 1 time in 2-3 years. The best plant tolerates a transplant in March and April. During the problems of growing, an emergency transplant is possible. Fitting foliage due to unsuitable soil or diseases is exactly the case. For a successful procedure, prepare a pot, drainage mixture, substrate for drasa, water for watering. Fill the new pot of drainage, pour part of the soil on it. Pour the dragerate and get out of the old pot. Carefully clean the root system from the Earth Koma. Check the roots to rot, remove the rot, if it is. Place palm trees in a new container, pour the rest of the soil. Pour palm trees and put on a suitable place.
    7. Fighting diseases and pests. For the treatment of flower, these drugs are used: pests are destroyed by insecticides, for example, "phytodeterm", "accomplishing" or "inta-virus", and fungicides are used against fungus, such as "Oxychich" or "Topaz". If the plant is completely amazed, rotates and Treatment does not help, try to transplant the cuttings into a new soil in order to save at least part of it. If this is a viral disease - it is impossible to heal it. Plant must be disposed of.

    This plant loved us thanks to their unpretentiousness and elegant beauty. Perhaps the drazes is one of the few palm trees that are capable of growing in a particular supervision in conditions of closed rooms. Because if you decide to get a room palm, you will be from what to choose. After all, the varieties of motley African - for every taste! Flower drazes Home photo and care in this material.

    Family: Dracense. Bloom: Depends on the species. Growing: Simple.

    Drazen Flower - Striped Dragon

    Previously, the drazes and all its types, and she had about 80 of them, belonged to the Sparazhev family, and only recently gained the same "family" of dragene. The name comes from the Greek word "Dracaina", which denotes the "Dragon female". No wonder that the plant was nicknamed by the "Dragon Tree". And one of the varieties is at all is symbolic: it is believed that the tree has grown on the place where the blood of the dragon shed ...

    A characteristic feature of the draisages of this species is the red resin, which is used as a coloring substance. Frequently dried red juice was served as the blood of the dragon and used for embalming. Dragon dragon is considered a symbol of the island of Tenerife, the locals consider this majestic tree sacred. A variety is distinguished by impressive sizes, sometimes up to 30 m. The height and an unusual form of the crown. The tree is a long-liver, the oldest one was found before the development of the island, the girth of his barrel was 15 m., And the age of various data numbered several millennia.

    Dragon tree can be called one of the most useful: all species are plant-phytoncides, cleaning air from harmful evaporation. Plants filters.

    Do you know ...
    Popular bamboo spirals that we see in bouquets and floristic compositions is not a bamboo at all, but one of the varieties of drasa, namely Sander.

    The birthplace of these numerous plants - Africa, some drasens feel comfortable in South Asia, the tropics of Central America, in Australia and New Guinea. Dragono tree is often confused with cordilina, which is characterized by smaller sizes. In landscaping, there are several of the most decorative species. Dusted home photos and species.

    Drazes are fragrant - African with a powerful barrel and wide leaves, blooming white and very fragrant flowers. In shape they are similar to the flowers of Sanseviers. Plant dimensions require a lot of space, it can grow to the ceiling.


    Another blooming appearance, the DRATSEN OF HOURZEFFA, it is Surklaoz - this is the most unusual and rare variety. Three varieties are known: Punctulata, Florida Beauty and Milky Way. This species pleases blossoms on any, even oriented windows oriented on the northern side, requires support in the process of growth, reaches a height of 3 m. Flowers are small, white, with a pleasant smell. Leaves in shape resemble the leaves of Hoya.

    d. Godzeffe Florida Beauty
    d. Surclaza Milky Way and Punctulata

    DRATERSKA DRASEN Flower has become a great defective variety of varieties. These are miniature busty plants with curved wide leaves, an approx. 80 cm. Very beautiful varieties Lemon Laim and White Stripe, Kanzi and White Jewel. As the lower leaves grow, it is falling, forming a dense, but short stem.

    derpenskaya Kanzi and White Jewel
    derpenskaya White Stripe and Lemon Laim

    The drazes bent is very sweet until it exceeds 40 cm. Then the trunk begins to be twisted, and when it is permutation - to curl. Because this species requires careful formation and multiple trimming. The most beautiful varieties are Song Of India and Song Of Jamaica. By the way, it is the most capricious of room species.

    rentheated Song Of India and Song Of Jamaica

    At the most famous bordered drazes, there are varieties with bright pink, cream and light green stripes on the leaves: Colorama and Magenta. Evergreen tree grows up to 3 m. Height and often forms several pains. A variation with a filamentary narrow carbon on the edge of the sheet was called the Drageeen Marginat.

    d. Marginat
    d. Bocked Magenta and Colorama

    According to the ancient legend of Aztec, the flower of drazes is considered to be a tree of happiness. So, the warrior, once loving the daughter of the Supreme Priest, was doomed to suffering. The father of his beloved was ready to give him his daughter to his wife only if on a stick, stuck in the ground, the leaves will grow up. Five days in love watered a lifeless stick desperately, and in the night of the full moon she came to life. Since then, a branch cut off at midnight to the full moon is considered a symbol of eternal love!

    Care rules

    These palm trees are the most purchased plants, they can be grown everywhere, they are extremely enduring and do not require guardianship. Despite the abundance of species, the rules of cultivation for all are approximately the same. The site will tell more.

    Temperature and lighting

    Drazen and its types of light-loving, but in different ways. Only bordered, the rest can be given to the right sun without fears. The best lighting itself is the morning sun, or bright scattered light. In winter, not growing narrow weak-colored leaves, the plant needs to additionally illuminate. The exception is the DRACEEN OF HOURZEFFA (except for its motley species), it prefers bright scattered lighting, but calmly takes the lack of light in winter.

    Dragon palm is growing well in room conditions, the minimum permissible temperature of 15 degrees with a scarce watering, and the most comfortable approx. 25, provided that in the room is not stuffy.

    Watering and humidity

    Regular, and most importantly temperate watering is the key to good growth and the development of room palm. The dragon tree easily transfers the temporary disadvantage of moisture, but the systematic overflow in a coupe with a light shortage and low temperature is destroyed for roots. Depending on the size, pots and temperatures can be watered after 7-12 days. 8 important rules of irrigation.

    Humidity does not play a special role in the process of cultivation, but spraying will not damage, especially in the hot season. In addition, it is possible to periodically clean the leaves from dust using a soft cloth. Leaf feeding.

    Fertilizers and feeding

    During active growth, the dragon tree requires regular feeding. It is carried out 2 times a month with any fertilizer for decoratively deciduous. In the summer, mineral mixtures with organic feeders can be alternate. In winter, in the presence of growth, you can maintain a plant, fertilizing 1 time in 2 months. If the flower winter in conditions of reduced light and humidity, it is better to eliminate any fertilizer.

    On a note
    Blossom occurs from December to April. With artificial pollination at home, round fruits with seeds may be tized.

    Reproduction and transplant

    Transplanting drazes produced once a year for young copies and once every 3 years for adults. For large palm trees, it is possible to change annually only the top layer of the substrate in the pot. When choosing a pot, it is important to take into account that the root system of drasens volumetric system, so the plant requires a spacious pot with a good drainage. In this case, it is better to give preference to sustainable ceramics! A good time to transplant is the end of the winter.

    The substrate must be loose, nutritious and weakly acid. How to determine the acidity of the soil. For the mixture take garden land, peat, sand and a bit of leaf, or coniferous humus. In the absence of the necessary components, it is possible to limit the garden earth and the purchased peat mixture, which are connected to achieve optimal consistency. How to make a soil for flowers.

    Most bush varieties first have a beautiful low rosette of the leaves first, but with age, the stem gradually begins and they acquire the appearance of "false palm trees". Trimming the tops stimulate branching. The drazes of marginat (bordered) is also amenable to formation, from the trunks make "candelabra" with three or five horns, "dead loops" and chaotic curved bulk bushes. It remains only to maintain the specified form.

    For flower drazes, reproduction is carried out with stalling in the spring. Most species are easily rooted by the top and stem cuttings in water, or a light mixture of sand and peat (photo above).

    Problems in growing?

    Flower DRATSEEN CARE FOR WHICH NOT FIND, is little susceptible to diseases and rarely suffers from pests. But weakens and loses attractiveness in unsuitable conditions.

  • If the drazes are yellow ...
  • The most dangerous reasons for such behavior are excess water, lack of light, or low temperature. Any of these factors provokes rotting the root system and intensive focus of foliage. Carefully check the level of moisture in the pot with the help of a wooden strip: if the soil sticks, watering should be postponed.

    The scored and heavy soil can also cause the yellowing of the leaves. Earth should be loose and breathable. Also important feeders supporting beauty. For decorative and deciduous palm trees, it is primarily nitrogen! When the flower grows for a long time in one pot, there is a strong deficit of trace elements, therefore, periodically make the transshipment.

  • If the drazes are dry the tips of the leaves ...
  • This phenomenon is quite rare and not progressive. The reason for this becomes dry air, especially in winter. Try to place a pot with a palm tree away from the heating devices, more often spray the leaves. So that the defect was not very noticeable, you can trim the tips with scissors at an angle to the central alcohol.

  • If the drazes grow pale leaves ...
  • Change the color of the flower of drazes can in conditions of power deficiency - in the tightness, an unsuitable poor substrate, or with the complete absence of feeding during growth. In addition, the sophisticated period becomes wintering when the temperature is high, and there are few lights. Divided from the light source, many palm trees change the direction of growth, stretch to the sun, and twist. From time to time it is useful to turn the pot and provide a sufficient level of lighting.

  • If on the leaves of drazes stains ...
  • Palma could overheat in the sun, or frozen on a cold draft, because there is a "pet" correctly. Low temperature plus high humidity contribute to the appearance of fungal diseases in the form of spots and plated on the leaves. Room diseases.

    • If the drazes lowered the leaves ...
    • Such behavior is characteristic of palm trees after a transplant, especially reacts to which the drazes of the marginat. Otherwise, it is worth checking the soil, perhaps it is very dry and the plant wants to drink! In a compartment with yellow leaves, this can be, on the contrary, a sign of overflow.

      A web mite is most dangerous from the pests, to get rid of the tips: the pests of indoor colors.

      The dusseren's home photo of which you saw, a popular indoor plant, which has a set of varieties of varieties and blooming in reserve. It's not difficult to grow it!

      If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. ? If you liked the article, share it in social networks.

      Drazen: how to transplant dragon tree

      Recent years, the drazes firmly settled in the first lists of the list of popular indoor plants. Very similar to the palm tree, she is more patient and the emphasis, than hamedores, neanta and other eminent tropical beauty. For drasa, it is easy to care for, at home, it can achieve a three-meter height and live a few decades. But the long-liver will be only the drazena, behind which it is properly caring and which is provided with a timely transplant.

      Drazena in natural and home

      Drazena is a palm tree for busy and not too zealous flower flowers. Although she is not even relative of her palm trees. Only externally looks very similar: a slim naked barrel with a cap of the leaves on the top.

      In nature, the drasen lives for a very long time. On the island of Tenerife, the sacred dragon was grew by a 23-meter height tree with a trunk girth in 15 meters. Inside the hollow of this giant, local residents who enjoyed the dragerate arranged the altar. According to the testimony of a biologist and teacher N. M. Verzilin, which described this tree in the last century, this tree could see the navigators back in 1902. On the same island, a 21-meter dracer, Healthy to this day, is presumably over 300 years.

      False palm treason from the true favorably is distinguished by unpretentious moral, modest requirements for the conditions of content, the ability to forgive their mistakes.

      This is a plant, especially marginat (bordered) and dragon-tree, can ride a dark corner of your home. It grows without problems in a half. Varieties with pierce leaves feel better when bright, but scattered lighting. The straight rays can burn gentle greens. Drazen loves artificial lighting, so she often decorate offices.

      Special temperature drazes does not require, it will suit moderate, room: in summer +25 and above, in winter, 18-20 degrees. That's just from the sharp drops and from drafts, the dragerate should be protected - she is still a south.

      They advise regularly spray drazes and moisturize air for them. But this fully applies to only especially gentle species, for example, fragrant and bent. As practice shows, the plant has already acclimatized in the dryness of our apartments. Although, of course, the warm shower from the sprayer will only welcome. Also like the drapet of the hygienic rubbing the leaves from dust.

      Summer watering drasens should be abundant: the hotter, the more. In winter, water is limited, but do not bring the soil to complete dryness. The lower the temperature, the less moisturizing. Excessive water in the roots leads to diseases. Therefore, the upper layer of the soil is useful to loosen so that the air penetrates the pot freely.

      Over the years, drazes, like real palm trees, loses the bottom leaves. This is a natural phenomenon. It is necessary to worry if the leaf fall is becoming mass.

      To stimulate lateral kidneys and rejuvenation, the dragerate is recommended to trim. Healthy plants, increasing not lower than 30 cm, a sharp knife is cut off, about 5-6 cm. It can then be rooted. Rank must be mounted to gardens garden or sprinkle with coal. After about a month, new shoots should appear under the cut.

      Video: How to care for palm trees for lazy

      How to plant or transplant indoor dragera

      Drazers are usually transplanted every two years. But this rule can be broken. If the plant develops well, it does not cause anxiety - it is better not to disturb it. Even the most qualified transplant is a strong stress for the plant.

      The root system will inevitably be injured during this operation. But in some situations, the transplant is the only way out.

      When you need to transplant the dragerate:

      The root system of drazes develops deep into the side processes of her little. Therefore, choosing a new pot, pay attention to high and narrocated tanks. After the transplantation below should be enough space for the development of roots.

      The size of the container depend on the size of the dracenen. The plant here can serve as a plant 40-45 cm high, which requires a pot of 15-20 cm with a diameter. Every 2-3 years, the diameter should increase by 2-3 cm, no more. Do not save and take the dishes for the drakens to grow. The large amount of soil roots will not be able to commow moisture, the rotten process will begin and begin.

      Thinking for a long time, which is better: plastic or ceramics - no sense, non-addictive drazes is equally growing in dishes from any material. So here we rely only on your taste and finance.

      But the drainage holes in the pot be sure to check, and if they are not, be sure to do. They should be large enough to deliver the plant from unnecessary moisture.

      Required soil and drainage

      Dusses of noncains and in the choice of soil. False palm trees like air-permeable, moderately nutritious, neutral or weakly acidic (6-6.5 pH) substrate with a small addition of loosening components and peat.

      You can buy a specialized primer for drasa or palm trees, and you can make a mixture yourself. Here are some recipes:

    • cherry land - 2 parts, leaf and compost - 1 parts, peat - 0.5;
    • on 2 shares of the turf land - 1 deciduous and 0.5 major sand;
    • on 2 shares of the turf of 1 share of sand, peat and humus ground;
    • equally leafy land, rigorous peat, cutting moss and half of the proportion of perlit or major sand;
    • into two parts of the overworked compost or humoring on a piece of leaf land, sand or vermiculite;
    • cherry land, greenhouse and deciduous humus in equal shares, half of the river sand;
    • universal soil for indoor plants half dilute garden earth, add a little crushed moss.
    • In the soil mixture for drazes, you can make useful additives: crumbs of charcoal or red brick. The coal protects the roots and the ground from rot, and the brick strengthens the looseness and absorb excess moisture. The proportion is approximately as follows: on the bucket of the soil 3-4 handstone coal and 0.5 kg of crushed bricks. Like the dragerate and coconut fiber. Just before adding it to pacify the briquette: the coconut substrate is greatly increasing in the volume.

      Ceramzit, pebbles, vermiculitis, brick crumb, foam, are suitable for the drainage layer. Twice use drainage, especially clay and brick, it is not worth it, it absorbs harmful salts.

      Proper sterilization of land

      Sterilize the soil is better in advance, about a month before the alleged transplant. It must be searched and ridden.

      Specified term for transplantation

      Young drazes (3-4 years of age) are usually transplanted in a year or two, adult copies - every 5 years or less often. With a change, you can engage in the entire period of vegetation (growth), that is, from spring to mid-autumn. But spring (in March - April) resettlement is the best option. The plant awakened from the winter hook, actively increasing the greens and the root system. So, the new land will be quickly and with the benefit of clothing.

      However, in some cases, it is necessary to change the soil and pot even late in the fall. For example, the plant fell out of overflow, pests were revealed in the soil, or you purchased a dragon growing in the transportation soil, and before spring is still far away. In the autumn transplant for the plant there is nothing too extreme. Just take care of a migrant carefully and create yourself softer conditions. If the drazes do not take root, spray it with warm water with the addition of the stimulator (zircon, epin, speed).

      Turning - Optimal Resetting Method

      Turning is the most gentle type of transplant. It suits healthy adult plants that need a little more place to grow. When transshipment, the earth is retained unchanged. And the new soil is being plugged between it and the walls of the pot. As a rule, the drazes perfectly transfers this procedure. She does not have to spend the forces on adaptation.

      Step-by-step instructions for transshipment

    • Before transshipment, 3-4 days do not water the dragerate, then the earth can be saved.
    • Prepare new soil, drainage and pot.
    • At the bottom of the drain layer, a little soil.
    • Pot with dragon tilt or, if the dimensions allow, turn over to get an earthen room with roots. You can push it through a drainage hole.
    • Put an earthen car in the center of the new pot, the upper part of the coma should be located only slightly below the upper edge of the tank.
    • Gradually, pour the land from different sides, sealing with your fingers and shook out the pot.
    • Do not fill the pot to the top so that it is convenient to water the plant, and do not leave emptiness in the ground.
    • Having finished the transplant, well bypass the dragera.
    • Put it in the warm (+ 20-22 o C), slightly shaded place.
    • Within two weeks, water moderately, not allowing overflow, occasionally spray. Watch the state of the plant.
    • If there are no problems, put the dragerate for a permanent place and take care as usual.
    • Requirements for transplanting plants after purchase

      By buying a dragerate, be careful. Look at the foliage, it should be clean with green tips. Often in flower shops you can see plants with cut sheets. This means that they are incorrectly containing: in too dry air or without watering, and the haircut of the tips of the leaves are trying to disguise errors. Inspect the lower part of the leaves and the stem: whether there are no traces of pests.

      When you brought a dragerate home, do not rush to acquaint her with other green inhabitants. Hold the plant at least 2 weeks in quarantine. During this time, non-noticed problems can be shown. In addition, the dragerate must be adapted to the new setting.

      And two weeks later, it is necessary to resolve the question: to transplant the dragerate or not. If there is no doubt about the health of the plants, wait with the transplant to the spring. There are some problems, such as the poor quality of the soil, transplane your false palm at any time of the year. Typically, store plants contain in peat poor substrate. But for the drazes it is not so harmful, it, unlike cacti, is tolerant of Torf. Therefore, when transplanting a recently purchased plant, do not clean the root system completely, and remove only what is lagging behind.

      Landing and transplanting

    • Pour in a new pot of a layer of clay or other drainage. On top of it - soil mixture.
    • Do not water the dragerate before the transplant 3-4 days so that the roots of the roots dried and did not crumble.
    • Spend a knife or blade along the edge of the flower pot, separating the earthen com from the walls.

      Video: How can you transplant the drage

      Transplant Big Droceren

      At home, with time, the drazes grows into a three-meter tree. Such a giant is very difficult to transplant. It is much easier to update only the upper layer (5-6 cm) of the soil. In a new soil for nutrition, humidial or other useful components are necessarily added.

      But sometimes transplants can not be avoided. Then look for an assistant. Alone to cope with a convection of the concern is very difficult.

      Stages of a large copy transplant:

    • Before transplanting for several days, do not water the dragerate so that the earthen comes are easier to remove from the pot.
    • Prepare the soil mixture, drainage and pot.
    • At the bottom of the tank, pour the drain layer and part of the soil.
    • Knife or shovel gently spend on the inner walls of the old pot to separate the rigging roots.
    • If the roots sprouted into drainage holes, cut them.
    • Remove the dragerate with an earthen room from the old pot (perhaps for this you have to get up on the chair, holding a plant for a svolik, and the assistant will pull the pot). Another option: Carefully put a plant of the side and knock on the pot, then carefully pull out the dragera along with the earthen room.
    • Groove slightly smooth, do not clean the whole. Remove too long roots from below, during the operation too worry - the drakeren will quickly restore the lost.
    • Transfer the plant to a new pot, set the center and gradually fall asleep the distance between the walls and the earthen room, slightly tamping it.
    • Pour the soil around the circumference, wait when it is falling, and add more land. But do not try to fill the pot to the edge, otherwise then it will be inconvenient to water, change the top layer of the soil.
    • For too overall drags, not to transplant often, you can take a pot slightly on the grow. And it is better to spend money on ceramic. It is more stable compared to plastic.

      Video: How to transplant high dragera

      Care after transplant

      After the drawn moved to a new pot, she for a couple of weeks it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions. This means that the plant is placed in a quiet and warm place without drafts, protect against the straight sun. The best lighting is incomparable.

      Water dragera very carefully. After the transplantation, the main danger is to moisten the soil. The roots have not penetrated the new soil, moisture may not be worn and stagnant in a pot. This will lead to zakin and rot. In wet land, pests are happy with pleasure.

      Transplantation issues

      Most often, the drazes are safely moving out of the pot in the pot and quickly adapts. But there are also problem transplants. Then the plant will be bored, the leaves dug, the green hat from foliage yellow. What is the cause of malaise? It can be assumed that one or more errors were allowed to transplant:

    1. Incorrectly chosen soil mixture. Drazena does not make heavy and too fat land, it does not suit it soil with a large content of peat, which pushes moisture. Solving the problem is a new transplant to the right land.
    2. The new pot is too big. A plant, weakened by a transplant, cannot use all the soil. The undeveloped primer will be constantly wet, then it will scatter, and the growth of the rotary flora will begin. And there is not far to rot the roots. Exit - a transplant to a smaller pot with a replacement of soil.
    3. The overvaluation after a transplant is the most common problem. The caring owners watered the plant, without waiting for grazing the surface of the earth, the soil turns into a swamp, the flower is sad even stronger. To please, he is watered again. With such a "care" and death may occur. Do not water the plant until you dry by 1-2 cm top layer of the soil, remove the water from the pallet. If the situation is critical, try to dry the earthen com. Get it out of the pot and put on paper (so that the moisture absorbed) in warm and dry place. If you want to take care of the dragerate, it is better spray it, but also without excessive enthusiasm.
    4. Wrong content after transplantation. This often happens during the autumn-winter transplant. In the cool room, a weakened plant will shine. Put the drape closer to the warm battery, and so that it does not suffer from dry air, spray, put a closer with water.
    5. Yellowing and dying leaves

      Yellow leaves and a small leaf fall - a normal phenomenon in the first two weeks after a transplant. But if the dedication of foliage increases and continue to take action. Yellowing is a sign of overflow or airproof soil. Reduce moisturizing. If necessary, change the soil.

      Yellow leaves for drazes - a serious reason to think about the flower

      If the leaves are drazered brown and dry tips, most likely the dryness of air is to blame. Spray the plant and moisturize the air. Another reason is the drums of drazes. After transplanting, it should not be pumped 2-3 months. Everything you need is already in the ground, if it is correctly compiled.

      The tips of the leaves are black in a cold room or when touched to cold window glass.

      Drazen lowered leaves

      Video: Correction of transplant errors


      Beautiful-palm trees are not easy and only seeds. And the dragerate, so similar to the palm, is easy to grow from the cutter. The root, and the segments of the stem are also rooted. Thus, you can not only get a new plant, but also rejuvenate the old.

      Sale cutlets

      1. In adult and healthy dusseren, a sharp sterile knife cut the cuttings for 3-5 cm: top of a stem with leaves.
      2. Plant without a crown, too, do not disregard. Rank suck coal and dry. Spray plant growth stimulants. After 3-4 weeks, new kidneys will develop under the cut. Drazen will receive a second life.

        Amazing vitality of drazes and its ability to reproduce the basis of the Aztec legend. According to her, the Supreme Priest, who did not want to give the daughter to marry the warrior, stuck in the ground a stick and said that if the leaves would not appear in her five days, weddings would not. And the bridegroom promised to execute. Warrior began to water this stick. And on the fifth day, the leaves rose on it - the drazes were born. Aztecs call it with a tree of happiness.

        The dragerate is breeding and segments of the stem up to 12 cm. The sections are drunk by coal, the cuttings are cheered in the moistened sand and arrange a greenhouse. Just do not confuse the upper end with the bottom. These cuttings are rooted in 2-3 weeks.

        Some flowerflowers create original compositions, putting a few young dras in one pot. So they look more magnificent. However, it is not necessary to plant an old and young drazes together. An adult plant will not allow to develop a teenager.

        The rooting of the drakerens

        Family reviews: Beautiful, Picture, unpretentious

        Drazen is not a sideway. I have her cat from the shelves on the table dropped: a pot of smithereens, dusted crown in a laptop ... a bunch of land. Shards, broken leaves ... and ate her cat repeatedly. All the dragerate is nicking.

        About transplant. I usually put two pots in the bath - with a flower and a new one with a small layer of land. Then I shed the water pot with a flower, then I think the ground with a small shovel, pulling the flower with a lore of the earth - and immediately in the next pot. On top Sleeping the earth, slightly tamper, shedding water as it should. Leave for 40 minutes in the bath to water excess glass. Everything.


        When transplanting drazes, a prerequisite must remain empty in roots, i.e., the earth should be carefully distributed between the roots and on the roots during the transplant, so as not to rot, add coal powder, a little phytosporin. It is not necessary to water immediately, in the new earth and so there is moisture, the first watering in a couple of days. Drainage is needed - I have 1/4 pot of foam. But the land of the shop I would remove the whole, just roots in a bucket with warm water to soak for 5 minutes and rinse them. I personally have a lot of rain worms. After the transplantation every 10 days (3 times) sprayed the dragerate with a solution of epine. The pot must necessarily be commensurate with the root raster - otherwise everything will rot. I have a pot of big, but the land on the half, how to grow, I will add land. It is impossible to plunge the trunk - only roots should be in the ground.


        Too big pot is also not good. At least pour very easily. I poured my beloved dragon from great love after a transplant. In a small pot, she just swallowed water. And after the transplantation in a big pot, I also had plenty of habit. But there are a lot of land? And she holds moisture. As a result, she hung all the leaves. I had to change the earth urgently. Now she is smelled. But the view is not yet the one before. So, if you transplant in a big pot, then we need to water very carefully. And other drasens transplanted into the same pots, with the same root system feel fine. I usually watered them. I didn't try so hard.
        If the roots stick out of the pot, you need to transplant, because in the pallet they begin to rot. I checked it on personal experience.\u003d5583.

        My parents are at least 10 years old. She was brought once from Spain in the form of a piece of trunk. Once a couple of years, when it develops all possible sizes, mercilessly cuts into separate pieces, similar to firewood. These rails are assigned to cups with water and perfectly allowed roots. The first time was also scared, but for so many years almost all the processes have taken root. Already half of the city, probably, our siblings grow!


        Drazena did not accidentally become one of the most popular plants. Its original leaves give an exquisite style to any interior. And to care for her is easy and nice. And even such a traumatic procedure, as a transplant, patient drazes tolerates with dignity. The main thing is not to disappoint this plant, to do everything according to the rules.

        Causes of dussed leaves

        Drazen is considered a very unpretentious room plant. She does not need a special care. But in order for the flower as long as possible, pleased with his puff and beauty, react on time to any changes in its appearance. What do omentied leaves say from drazes?

        Why dusseren lets the leaves

        We will analyze, because of what this problem arises, and what needs to be done to solve it.

        Why do the drazers fall the leaves?

        There may be several reasons:

      3. irregular watering;
      4. not suitable vase;
      5. nutrient deficit;
      6. lack of moisture;
      7. drafts and broken temperature;
      8. the plant is frosted.
      9. The soil should be wet, not raw. The plant is watered with an estate water temperature, when the earthen comes for about 2 cm. Watering mode - 1-2 times a week in spring and summer, autumn and winter enough once a week. So that the excess moisture was not going, was not stood in a vase, on his bottom of a layer of 3-4 cm, pour clairzit or coarser sand, you can put a shards. This material will play the role of drainage, which will save the root system of the flower from rotting. Overflow is much more terrible than nothing.

        On a hot summer period, the flower needs to spray. To wash off dust from it and refresh, we recommend it once a month to put a plant under the shower, closing the ground with cellophane. After bathing the growth point of the leaves, blocked the napkin.

        Close pot

        The second reason is that the leaves are constantly omitted down, there may be an inappropriate flower pot in size. If it is small, then the nutrition of the plant is difficult. Roots need space. Check the density of their adjustment to the walls of the vase. If necessary, transfer the flower.

        Diameter The pot must be about half the height of the drakenes.

        Each year, its diameter can be increased by 1-2 cm.

        Lack of nutrients

        The lower sheets may drop down due to the insufficient amount of nutrients. In a close pot, with a very developed root system, the Earth quickly disappears, the upper crown grows at the expense of the lower foliage. In the period of active growth from April to September 1-2 times a month, feed the roots of pre-selected fertilizers. When watering, you can use liquid fertilizers according to the instructions.

        So that oxygen flows to the root system, do not forget to loosen the surface of the soil at a depth of 1-2 cm.

        Temperature and air humidity

        Drazen feels comfortable at a temperature of 18-28 degrees. Fall below 15 degrees is already critical for it. Leafs may look down if you are frosted flower. First aid - a warm shower.

        The flower loves moist air and does not tolerate drafts, the poet find him a quiet place away from the radiator.

        In a particularly hot period, it is possible to put a vase to the pallet with water so that the bottom of the vason does not come into contact with the surface of the water. Evaporating, water moisturizes air.

        About the causes of drying leaf drazes and about their ways

        The spathiflum is drawn and dry leaves. Problems with Same

        Black and dry leaves spathifylum- understand with?

        Why yellow leaves at the ficus? Can I fie leaves?

        Why the leaves of orchids are withering. The most typical lines and p

        Placed video file to remove r? often lovers of indoor plants do not know

        The reasons for folding the leaves at tomatoes are a lot. N?

        Spathifulum, or spatiphylum (lat. Spathiphyllum) - Rod

        Avoid direct sunlight, but do not hide in the shadow when the sun leaning towards the horizon. The light should be evenly scattered. In winter, additional artificial lighting is needed.

        As you can see, create conditions for the growth of drazes are not so difficult. Evergreen palm to 35 years old is considered young and blooms from 1 to 7 times a year. Let your tree happiness pleases the eyes for many years.

        How to independently transplant the dragera and prevent errors

        When you need a transplant

        How to transplant the dragera at home? First of all, it is necessary to determine what period is best taken for the rejuvenating and stimulating growth of the flower procedure. The optimal time is the end of winter or the beginning of spring. Since the plant is awakened after the winter hook, and its life processes are becoming increasingly active, the transplant of drazes at home will be the least stressful.

        To clearly understand, in what cases it is necessary to take for updating the soil mixture in the flower vase, to highlight the following list for yourself:

      10. replancing the dragerate in another pot is recommended if the rhizer has so much as the capacity has fallen, and its processes even be seen on the surface of the earth coma. By updating the substrate and choose the floral vase more, you will create enough free space for your plant and stimulate the growth of the shrub;
      11. transplanting drazes after purchase is another requirement for the flower. First, indoor flowers are sold in fragile plastic pots or porridges that are not intended for long-term use. Secondly, you will not be able to be sure as the soil mixture and the absence of pests, while they personally do not replace the substrate;
      12. recommended the drape is recommended and in case you are overly flooded with soil with water, and lowered the leaves of the plant and its rotation on the face;
      13. the transplanting ground is necessary updated, since the substrate in which the room shrub grows, has ceased to be nutritious. In addition, the Earth over time is badly clogged and begins to miss water and air;
      14. when planting plants, pests will help not only its treatment with insecticidal drugs, but also the transplant of home palm.
      15. Knowing how to send a dragerate at home, and at what time it is best to do, you can achieve excellent results during the cultivation of shrubs.

        What instruments need

        To put this home flower correctly, it is necessary to clearly know which devices will help you in work. It is not enough to decide what kind of pot is needed dragerate. Among the tools and materials to have experienced flowerflower at their hand, it is worth highlighting such:

      16. drainage;
      17. high-quality soil mixture;
      18. spray;
      19. water container;
      20. scissors or secateurs.
      21. Knowing how to properly transplant the dragera, you stimulate your room shrub to even more active development.

        Choosing the right pot

        Perhaps you like a novice flower water can think about what pot to transplant the dragera. This moment must be paid due attention. It is believed that a ceramic flower pot is best suitable for drazers. What is good for this material, so it is its waterproof properties that for your room flower is invaluable.

        If you wish, you can buy plastic vase. However, in this case, be prepared for the fact that the irrigation mode will have to be observed with special care. The water in the pot dries slightly longer than in the tanks from ceramics, so it is impossible to rejoisitive the substrate in any way. As for the sizes, it is better to buy a pot that is 2-3 cm will be greater than the previous one. It is impossible to plant a shrub in too spacious container, as the plant will let all the forces on the growth of rhizomes, and not the stem part.

        What kind of soil will suit

        How to plant a dragerate and what land is needed by this plant - these moments are desirable to find out in advance to prevent errors. Substrate for room shrub Cook yourself or buy a ready-made mixture for palm trees in a specialized store. If you decide to mix all the necessary components for soil composition at home, you will need a ferry land, peat, leaf land, and compost.

        Step-by-step instruction

        Let's find out how to transplant the dragera after purchasing stages. Even if you are going to carry out this kind of procedure for the first time, there should be no problems.

        This process necessarily includes the following points:

      22. approximately 3-4 days before the transplantation, it is recommended to stop the substrate moisturizing;
      23. at the bottom of the cottage you purchased, you need to pour pebbles, crumbs or bricks - this material will perform drainage function;
      24. thoroughly inspect the root system of the flower, if you need to cut old or damaged root processes;
      25. place the plant in the new Vase, put it off the roots of the soil mixture, and around the stem, create not too large than large sizes of the hilmik - so the water after irrigation will flock down.
      26. In order for the drazen after the transplantation, the leaves do not definitely provide competent flower care, especially at first.

        Further care and beginners' errors

        In general, for the transplanted spring or summer, the care is carried out under the same conditions as before the procedure. Do not leave the flower in the sun, as the plant can get burns. Moisturizing the substrate is recommended 3-4 times a week. Do not forget to also spray the flower leaves, because the plant loves moisture very much. From time to time you need to put fertilizer soil.

        As for errors, even if they are allowed, it rarely lead to the death of the shrub. Nevertheless, the purchase of too large flower pot may contribute to the fading of the plant. The same can be said about the oversees of the soil substrate. Create favorable conditions for growth for a bush, ensure that the care is based on the basic recommendations of specialists, and the plant will be fully developed, and you can further transplant the flower without much effort.

        Video "Transplant DRATSEN"

        From this video you will learn how to change the dragera.

        Rules for independent transplantation

        Most of the flower flows consider the dragerate with one of the most beautiful indoor plants. Drazen can decorate any interior due to its unusual and spectacular appearance. Like any other plant, it will require transplantation. This process can be made directly after the acquisition or after some time. A faithful transplant will help to get rid of various kinds of problems associated with the care of the drasa.

        Drazena is one of the most beautiful decorative deciduous plants. Most of them occurred from the tropics. There are approximately 150 species of this plant, whose birthplace is called tropical and subtropical Africa, as well as islands located in the south-east of Asia.

        Regardless of the variety, drazes from time to time requires transplant in a larger pot. The need for this occurs in view of the fact that the root system of the plant does not tolerate close. Young dragerate is recommended to transplant annually with the arrival of spring. For larger and adult transplant drakes need as it is expanded. If there is no need to transplant the plant yet, in the spring you should change the topmost layer of the soil of heavier soil.

        It is believed that in emergency situations of the drage can be transplanted even in the fallDespite the fact that the plant is preparing for the winter sleep. Under emergency situations, the threat of wiping or drying, arising due to an overly close pot, and the purchase of a young, new plant. After purchasing drazes, the transplant must be made in a few weeks, regardless of the situation of the year. This is explained by the fact that in the store the plant is placed in small-sized pots, with unsuitable land, richly rich fertilizers intended to accelerate growth. All this is capable of leading to the death of drazes.

        Of course, the transplant of drazes conducted in the autumn period, is the strongest stress For the plant. The natural reaction to it will be the fiction of leaves or their yellowing. It is necessary to remember that any room flower, a dragerate, including, is categorically not recommended to disturb in the fall. It is at this time that the wintering preparation occurs, and the extra stress will cause plant depletion.

        Before proceeding with transplantation, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with features characteristic of drazes. Observing uncomplicated rules, you can easily get rid of yourself from numerous problems related to the transplantation of the plant. Direct influence on the condition of the flower, its growth, the right development is provided by the quality of the Earth. In this regard, it is necessary to properly approach the choice of soil in which the drazes will be.

        The substrate that has a direct impact on the further development, growth and health status of the plant, plays one of the most important roles in transplanting drazes. In general, this the flower is not enough And it is capable of accepting any soil without any problems. However, the most appropriate option for the plant is the peat-containing land with an acidity indicator at 6.0-6.5.

        If you choose to be used between the finished purchased substrate and the independently prepared mixture, it will be better to put entirely on your own capabilities and sensations. The only exception to the rules is the use of sheet soil, which is previously in the garden or in the garden. This type of soil should not be used in transplantation, since its composition includes a sufficiently large amount of mineral salts and fertilizers.

        The most suitable option is a mixture cooked from sheet, compost, peat and turf lands in the ratio of 1: 1: 0.5: 2. In order to prevent the solaring of the soil, it is also recommended to add about a quarter of the river sand pot. If it was decided to purchase a finished substrate, you need to pay special attention to the presence of the necessary nutrients and trace elements in it.

        How to choose a flower pot

        To date, the color of the flower water is presented. huge range of floral vases, among which it is quite difficult to make a right choice. Almost every person, first of all, draws attention to pots having the most attractive external characteristics. However, such tanks can actually be unsuitable for use. In this regard, choosing a new flower pot for drazes, must be observed the following recommendations:

      27. In order for the plant to delight the eye for a long time, the new vase should be selected, pushing out the size of the root system. For example, with a height of drazes about 40 cm, the pot must be at least 15 cm in diameter.
      28. The diameter of each subsequent vase must be in diameter 2 or 3 cm more than previous. The gross mistake of some novice flowers lovers is the acquisition of too much a pot taken with a margin. In such a capacity, water will be stated, having a detrimental effect on the state of health of the plant.
      29. Most of the flower products are convinced, a ceramic vase is suitable. Such an opinion they substantiate the likelihood of the better supply of the root system with oxygen obtained by the porous structure of the container. At the same time, it is believed that the substrate sweeps more evenly. In fact, as practice shows, in ordinary plastic pots, the drazes grows and develops at all not worse.
      30. If the drazes are adult enough, it is better to choose vase stable form, with glacking outlines.
      31. One of the mandatory conditions when choosing a pot is the presence of holes in the bottom, due to the fact that for drasaren of stagnation of water in soil coma can be destructive.
      32. Drazen transplanting process

        From how correctly the plant will be produced in a timely manner, its further life depends entirely. It is extremely recommended to do it in the autumn period. With the arrival of autumn, the flower is preparing for a winter holiday and violating this process, you can harm the dragerate.

        For transplantability will be required:

      33. New Vase with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm is larger than the previous one.
      34. The soil acquired in the store or cooked independently.
      35. Ceramzit or other drainage.
      36. A sharp knife either a secateur.
      37. Vessel with water heated to room temperature.
      38. Sprayer for water.
      39. In a new vase, treated with hot water, must be poured layer of prepared drainage. The height of this layer is determined by the presence of perforation in the bottom of the tank. If there are no holes, then the thickness of the drainage should be increased, and if there is, the height should be 2-3 cm for the pot of medium size, after completion, it is necessary to accurately remove the drape from the former vase, carefully freeing the root system from the old soil. If there are areas of reinforcement on the roots, they must be removed and spray the root system of drasens with a sprayer.

        The dragerate should be placed in the new vase and carefully fall asleep the remaining space among the roots. Can not be allowed in the root system air bags. After graduation, for the speedy adaptation of the flower to the new soil, it is necessary to pour it with a solution with fertilizers. In the future, the dragerate needs to be moderately water. At first, it is recommended to use zircon. Fertilizers will need to be added twice a month. With a proper transplant, this dose should be sufficient.

        When transplanting drazes should pay special attention to the zone of transition of the plant of plants in the root neck. This place can not be overly deepened in the soil, and the neck you need to smell the ground slightly. The soil is better to use light or medium density. The roots of the drazers really like air. Most of the flower water believes that the plant should transplant to the shop peat ground, however, it is too heavy. The best flower grows in a mixture of peat soil with a koko-soil or deciduous. In this case, the roots receive a sufficient amount of air and moisture.

        After graduating from landing, the plant needs put in a quiet placeIn order for anyone nobody hurt. It is important that it gets sufficiently inappropriate light. The most successful transplant time is:

      40. late fall. Reduced color transplant as needed.
      41. early spring. Good time to transplanting a young plant.
      42. Vase reported to be a little more predecessor, as in a very large pot flower can die.

        Transplanting plants after its purchase

        Do I need to transplanted the dragence immediately after its acquisition? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. Younger plant is better leave in the old pot Before the onset of spring. If doubts arise regarding the need for a transplant, it is recommended to choose a transshipment. At the same time, the dragera with the land is transferred to a pot of larger and complement the new soil. After that, the plant needs to be fired with a zircon.

        If the purchased plant is planted in the transportation soil, then it must be transplanted into a new soil, removing the previous one.

        Feeding drazes after transplant

        After all transplantation procedures, drazes adapts for several weeks. At this time, the root system is formed. In order for the process to go as quickly as possible, the plant must be watering the liquid, stimulating the growth of the roots, but not more often than two times a month. In general, the plant should be fed from March and on November, with periodicity once a few weeks. In winter, the feeding should be done once a month, and the amount of active substance must be reduced twice. The universal fertilizer used for the dras and palm trees is best suited.

        Watering drasenes

        The process of watering drazes is no different from the usual. The only nuance is the need for the first time. add to zircon watering.

        So, the drazen transplant is a fairly simple action, with which even a novice amateur of flowers can cope with.

    A novice flower dealer does not have sufficient experience and alone for growing indoor plants, acquires it most often by the method of trial and errors. However, it is possible to avoid trouble, using some of the main rules when choosing a plant and first acquaintance with him.

    1. When buying drazers or other plants, find out its full Latin name. By purchasing a new unknown plant, many are not interested in its agrotechnology, features, do not know the right botanical name. Knowing the right botanical name, you can determine the specific features of a particular type.
    2. Excessive shading or bright light can harm your dragerate. First of all, you should choose the right place for the plant. To do this, find out how the plant relates to sunlight. In addition, which is very important, a plant, well-carrying sunlight, we must teach it gradually. This is due to the peculiarities of the content of the plant before purchase - the stores rarely comply with the light mode required for a particular type.
    3. For most types of dragon plants, drafts are detrimental. Choosing a plant, consider this fact.
    4. Overflow or excessive dryness can be extremely harmful to the plant. Watering is of great importance. Always need to know what the needs of the plant you bought. In addition, watering should be carried out carefully, carelessness leads to unpleasant consequences. For a number of species, a prerequisite for a healthy existence in the apartment is a permanent daily spraying.
    5. Be careful when feeding the plants. It is very important to understand how much nutrients are needed for the plant. Errors in feeding can lead a plant to disease or death.
    6. Take into account the individual needs of the plant to the soil mixture. When transplanting the main error is incorrectly selected soil mixture. Sometimes the transplant is sunk without need, not on time. It is often taken too large utensils, which leads to the zakusaniya of the soil. For most plants, good drainage is needed, to which some do not pay attention. Plants brought from Holland often do not pass due control by the respective structures, as a result of which can be transferred to themselves either in the substrate of various dangerous pests. Therefore, a preferably purchased plant to transplant with the substrate replacement and attentive inspection of the roots.
    7. Need to cut? Cut! Amateurs - Flowers often regret their plant, fear him to trim. Pruning is necessary for a number of cultures, in the case of its face, the plant is growing, ceases to grow and blossom.

    Symptoms of errors in care and possible causes.

    The upper leaves retain elasticity, but yellow: caused, as a rule, the high content of calcium in the soil - in those plants that do not tolerate lime, or the rigidity of water watering.

    Leaves lose shine and look lifeless: probable reason - too abundant light; Another reason can be a red cobbler. Even healthy green leaves may look beaten if they are not soaked.

    Blooming leaves (chlorosis): the leaves are discolored and acquired a yellowish color, the resilience remain green. Typically, this happens with a lack of iron and magnesium. Both items are needed to maintain the green leaf. It leads to such insufficiency and watering water containing a lot of calcium: calcium binds iron in the soil. It is possible to correct this by starting to use iron chelates or brown algae extract and water softened water.

    The leaves are discolored until they become transparent: it is associated with a lack of nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary, in particular, to form green leaves. To restore the green color of the leaves, feeding with a liquid fertilizer with a high content of nitrogen. A long-term support may be horny flour that needs to be carefully interlaced into the upper layer of the Earth.

    Founding leaves: Ordinary causes - either soil drying (due to insufficient irrigation), or overvoltage of the soil (due to poor drainage or too frequent irrigation). Other reasons may be an excess of light (especially if the leaves are doubled regularly in the middle of the day), dry air, too high air temperature, a close pot or pest.

    The leaves are folded and fall: the edges of the leaves are twisted, and sometimes become dry. Twisting leaves in plants - a measure of selflessness, because due to this, the surface of the sheet is reduced and less water evaporates. This happens when the plant stands in too warm place or gets little water. You need to pour a plant until the soil is completely impregnated, or dip in water and hold. Choose a cooler place for it.

    The leaves are suddenly falling: the rapid leaves of the leaves without the previous long period of withering or the color loss typically indicates a shock transferred by the plant. It can be caused by a significant temperature drop (both a decrease and increase), a sharp increase in the lighting intensity during the daytime or a strong cold draft. The sudden appeal of leaves, especially the tree of tree plants, can also be caused also to dry the soil from the roots.

    The leaves are yellow and fall: the lower leaves of the adult plant with the time naturally yellow and then fall. When this occurs simultaneously with several leaves, then the likely cause is the mooring of the soil, lack of nitrogen, too dark place or cold drafts. First of all, you need to dramatically cut watering or completely replace the land and pour it out. Regularly feed the appropriate fertilizers. Rearrange the plant in a lighter place.

    The lower leaves dry out and fall: three probable causes are a lack of light, too high air temperature and insufficient watering. The plant should be rearranged in a lighter place. Earthwood comes to completely soak water, loading the pot for a few hours into the water. From a warm place to move to the cooler conditions.

    The leaves on new plants fall out: for newly transplanted, just purchased or transferred from one room to another plants naturally lose one or two lower sheets. The shock from the change of laying can be loosen if the plant transplanted only in a bit more than the old, the pot, to cover the home from the store and to transfer from a poorly illuminated place to bright light with an intermediate stay within a few days in a half.

    Points or stains on the leaves: if the points or stains are dry and brown, then the most likely cause is a lack of water. If the affected places are soft, dark brown light is most likely due to the overwhelming of the soil. If the points or spots are white or yellowish, the damage is caused by the use of cold water when watering, a sharp decrease in temperature, the water ingress on the leaves, damage to aerosols, or disease / pests. If the stains are reddish, silver-white or brownish - the plant unexpectedly turned out to be influenced by direct sunlight. If the affected places are moat and look like a blister, or dry in the form of dents, the reason is a disease. Some pests can also cause spotting sheet surface.

    Brown tips or edges of leaves: the most likely cause is drying the tips of the leaves of dry air. Another possible reason is physical damage when the tips of the leaves often touch or they are pressed against the glass or wall. If the edges of the leaves are yellow or brown, it can be caused by several reasons: soil revengery, insufficient irrigation, lack of light, too abundant lighting, too low air temperature, rebupping mineral substances, dry air or drafts. Other symptoms will help determine the true reason.

    Small pale leaves and elongated stems: This happens in winter and early spring, after the plant was kept in conditions of insufficient lighting at too high temperatures and excessively abundant irrigation. If possible, the ugly part of the plant is removed. If such symptoms are manifested in the period of growth, then the reasons may be a lack of mineral substances or too scarce lighting.

    Leaves and stems rot: This is caused by a disease arising under bad conditions. Often the cause of the disease is the overalling of the soil in winter or the fall of water on the leaves, especially if it stays overnight.

    Torn edges and holes on the leaves: most often appear in physical damage to pets or people (sometimes even a simple touch to a unwanted sheet can damage it) or when the pest attacks.

    Pestro-painted leaves become monochrome-green: this is explained simply as a lack of light. Delete all the processes with one-color colored leaves (if possible) and stop the pot with a plant closer to the window.

    The plant slowly or does not grow at all: in winter it is normal for all plants, so do not force it to grow. In the summer, the most likely cause of growth slowdown is the lack of mineral substances, the mooring of the soil or insufficient lighting. If these causes are excluded, then perhaps the plant is cracked pot.

    The plant does not bloom: several reasons can lead to the fact that the adult plant does not bloom at the right time. The most likely reasons are associated with lighting - this is a lack of light or an inappropriate plant length of the daylight. Other reasons may be an oversupply of mineral substances, dry air, triples or transplantation (some plants bloom only in a close pot).

    Fallen buds: the reasons for which the leaves fall may also cause the dedication of buds or flowers. This most often leads dryness of air, insufficient watering, lack of light, move the pot with a plant to another place and damage to pests.

    The flowers fade quickly: As a rule, this is due to lack of irrigation, dry air, lack of light or too high temperature.

    Green raid on a ceramic pot: A sure sign of the problems associated with irrigation - occurs when wetting of the soil or poor drainage.

    White crust on a ceramic pot: probable reasons for two - use for watering too hard water or excess mineral substances.