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Apple strawberry. The most not useful fruits - why apples and strawberries can not eat. Summer varieties apple trees

Here you will find the best varieties of apples for completely different regions. After our wonderful selection, a huge amount of reviews about other interesting apple trees, the taste and yield of which I liked our readers. Actual in 2019.

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Apple tree Volodarka

Apple tree is the most common tree in our gardens. Apple trees are divided into: summer, autumn and winter.

The main differences are in the timing of ripening, and in storage time.

We present you the most popular varieties of apple trees with photos, title and description.

Summer varieties apple trees

Summer varieties apple trees ripen and are stored little.


Apple grade docking. The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded-oval, dense fruitful crown. The variety is an average winter hardiness, resistant to pests and diseases. But the exception is the passage, which in the rainy years the tree can be quite affected. Apple tree starts fruit on the 4th year after landing. The grade gives a harvest almost annually. The ripeness in the fruit occurs in mid-August. The duration of their storage is about 10-15 days. Apples are characterized by very low transportability. The average magnitude of the fetus is 100 grams, it has a rounded conical shape and seam, which is observed throughout its surface. Pale yellow apple and sour-sweet taste.

Apple Melba

Melba variety - The apple tree of medium height, has a widely oval crown. The grade is medium-resistant and often damaged as a pair. Apple tree begins to be fron with 5 -6 year. The variety gives a harvest annually. The ripeness in the fruit occurs in late August. Storage duration of about 30 days. Apples are characterized by excellent transportability. The average magnitude of the fetus is 100-120 grams, it has a rounded conical shape and a strip with a bright red blush that occupy a significant part of the surface. Apple color greenish-white. White flesh, gentle and sour and sour taste.

Apples Stark Erlity

- The apple tree of medium height, has a widely pyramidal compact crown. The grade is winter-hardy, can suffice slightly as a passion and mildew. Fruit apple tree begins on the 4th year. The grade gives a harvest almost annually. Fruits begin to ripen a week earlier than the "papidation". Storage duration about 20 days. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a rounded-conical shape and the entire surface is covered with a bright red blurred blur. The color of the fetus is greenish yellow. Puffed juicy and sour-sweet taste. Apples ripen unevenly, therefore it is better to remove them in 2-3 receptions.

Grade early sweet - The apple tree is weary, has a flat-round crown. The grade is winter-hardy and is well resistant to the paschers. For 3-4 years, an apple tree begins to be fron. The grade gives a harvest almost annually. Fruits begin to ripen earlier for 10-12 days than the "papidation". The average value of the apple is 90-100 g, it has a flat-core shape. The fruit color is light yellow. The characteristic of the pulp is white color and sweet taste.

Apple tree white pouring

Sort white pouring - The apple tree of medium height, has a pyramidal krona in young trees and rounded in adults. The grade is medium-resistant and can easily affect the pair. On the 2-3rd year begins to be fruiting the apple tree, grafted on dwarf bed, and for 5-6 years on the strip. The variety gives a harvest annually. The ripeness of fruits occurs in August. Storage duration for three months. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a rounded conical or wide egg-shaped form. The color of the fetus is greenish yellow. The characteristic of the pulp is its white color, tenderness, juiciness and sour-sweet taste.

Apple Borovinka Borovinka - Middle height apple tree. The grade is winter-hardy, very badly affected by a pair and therefore matured fruits quickly creep. Apple tree begins to be fruit for 5-6 years. The grade gives a harvest almost annually. The ripeness of fruits occurs in August - early September. Storage duration of apples 2-4 weeks. The average weight of the apple is 100 grams, it has a flat-incubating shape with a striped blush. The fruit of yellow color, has a juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste.

Belfler-china - Medium height tree. Middle yield grade. Apple tree gives a harvest almost annually. The average weight of the fetus is 100 grams. An apple has a sour-sweet taste.

Grushovka Moscow - winter hardy grade. The apple tree is high, has a spherical or widely pyramidal crown. Gives a harvest almost annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early August and they are not transportable. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it is light white, it has a juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste.

Apple tree Chinese golden

Chinese golden- The apple tree of the middle height, has a feather-shaped crown in young trees and a molding crown - older trees. The grade is winter-hardy and often damaged as a pair. The fruits begin to ripen the end of July and then quickly appear. The average value of the apple is 80 grams, the pulp of yellowish color, juicy, with a good sour-sweet taste and a very pleasant aroma.


- winter hardy grade. For 2-3 years, it starts to be froning the apple tree on the dwarf bed, and for 5 years - on a strongly rolling stock. Removable maturity in fruits begins in early August. The average value of the apple is 80-150 grams, it has a rounded conical shape. Green-yellow fruit with brown stripes and sweet taste.

Apple tree Dream - Medium height tree. Winter-hardy grade, high-yielding, resistant to the paste. On the 4th year begins to be froning the apple tree on the seed stock, and on the 2nd year - on the dwarf. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in August. The average value of the apple is 200 grams on the dwarf bed and 100-150 grams on the seed, it has a rounded-conical shape and a bright red stroke blush. The fruit of creamy color and sour-sweet taste.


Mironchik - winter hardy grade. The tree is a strong-starred durable, has a high crown. Begin to ripe fruit in mid-August. The lives of them about 1 month. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it is yellow, has a yellow coarse flesh and sweet taste.

Suislepskoye - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, densely abusive, or a widespread pyramidal crown. Grade winter-hardy. For 3-4 years, it starts to be froning the apple tree on the dwarf bed, and for 6-7 years - on a strongly rode. Removable maturity in fruit begins in August - early September. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a flat rounded shape with a pink striped blush. An apple is white and yellow, has a white, fragrant, fine-grained pulp and sour-sweet taste.

- Middle height apple tree, compact. For 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to be fruit. The variety gives a harvest annually. Begin to ripe the fruits earlier than the white pouring. Apples are firing and transportable. The average magnitude of the fetus is 60-70 grams, it is juicy and sour-sweet taste.

Yandikovskoye - The apple tree is high, has a thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy, well tolerate drought and is not damaged by diseases. For 5-6, the apple tree begins to be fruit. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in the third decade of July. Apple burns about 3 weeks. The average magnitude of the fetus is 100-150 grams, it has a flat rounded shape, blurred striped blush and sweet-sour taste.

Autumn varieties of apple trees

Anis Alla

Sort Anis Alla- The tree is high, has a wide pyramidal crown. The grade is winter-hardy and resistant to drought, but weakly resistant to black cancer. Apple tree starts fruit for 6-7 years after landing. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September. Yield Tree 200-300 kg. Storage duration of apples before the winter start. The average magnitude of the fetus 50 is 70 grams, it has a flat round, weakly ribbed shape. Apple green color with a dark cherry blush and wax. And the pulp of his juicy and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is periodic fruiting.

Anis striped - The apple tree is high, has a wide pyramidal thick crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to drought, but the fruits and leaves may be affected by a pair. At 6-7, the apple tree begins to be fron. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins at the end of August. Yield Tree up to 250 kg. Fruits are stored until February. The average size of the apple is 70 grams, it has a flattened round or ribbed form. The fruit of light green color with a cracked, striped blush, has a white, fine-grained, juicy flesh and sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and winter hardiness.

- The apple tree of medium height, has a compact root crown. The grade is winter-hardy, but can be very affected by a pair. For 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to be fron. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in mid-September. Yield Tree up to 75 kg.

Fruits are stored for about three months. The average value of the apple is 90 g, it has a rounded-oval form. The fruit of greenish-cream color with a red blush, has a white, juicy flesh and sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is good winter hardiness of apples and an excellent dessert taste of fruits.

Apple Auxis

Auxis - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Apple tree begins to be fruit for 5-6 years. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in September.

The average value of the apple is 140 g, it has flattened round or repulsory shape. The fruit of light yellow color with a red blush, has a yellow, dense, juicy, fragrant flesh and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until January, and in the refrigerator until March. The advantage of the variety is good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Apple Baltika

Apple tree Baltika - The tree is high, has a lot of medium thick crown. Grade winter-hardy and stable against the brush. Fruit starts apple tree for 5 years. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September.

Tree yield up to 200 kg. Fruits are stored for about two months. The average value of the apple is 120 g, it has a rounded or repulsory shape. Yellow fruit with striped pink blush, has a white, dense, juicy flesh and sour and sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is good commodity quality of fruits and high yield.

Michurinskaya Michurinskaya

Michurinskaya Michurinskaya- The apple tree is high, has an empty, thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy and is well resistant to the brush. Fruit starts apple tree for 5-7 years. Removable maturity in fruit begins in September. Tree yield up to 130 kg. Fruits are stored until December. The average value of the apple is 130 g, it has a rounded or flat round shape. Fruit of greenish yellow color with orange, red strokes and stripes. The flesh of greenish yellow, juicy, gentle with sour and sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the uneven ripening of fruits - therefore, part of the crop is tremended, and the dignity is high-quality fruits.


Apple tree Zhigulevskoye- Medium height tree, has a widespread pyramidal, rare crown. The grade is affected by a pair. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-6 year. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September. Tree yield up to 200 kg. Stored fruits until January. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has a flat-round shape. The fruit of golden yellow with orange or red blush, has a juicy flesh and sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is good commodity and taste quality of fruits.

Cinnamy new

Cinnamy new - The apple tree is high, has a highly rounded, dense crown. The grade is winter-hardy, has good stability against the paste. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-7 years, and gives irregular crops. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September. Apples are stored until January.

The average value of the apple is 130-160 g, it has a flat round, conical shape. The fruit of greenish yellow with a cracked, striped blush, has a light cream, gentle, juicy pulp and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is the good product quality of the fruit.

Cinnamine striped

Cinnamine striped - The apple tree of medium height is widely pyramidal or rounded the crown. The grade is winter-hardy and resistant to the paste. Apple tree begins apple tree for 6-8 year. There comes removable maturity in fruits in mid-September. Storage duration 2 months.

The average value of the apple is 80-90 g, it has a gluable, repulsory form. The greenish-yellow fetus color with dark red defined stripes and specks, has a yellow-white, gentle flesh and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is later his entry into fruction.

Beauty of Sverdlovsk

Sortovsk sverdlovsk variety - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy and resistant to the paste. Fruit begins apple tree for 4-6 year. The fruit comes from fruit removable maturity at the end of September. Tree yield up to 70-100 kg. Fruits are stored until March-April. The average value of the apple is 120-160 g, it has a widespread or rounded conical shape. The fruit of cream color with a Punchy-red Rumen, has a light cream, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is a good commodity and taste quality of fruits, as well as their long-term height and an increased ascorbic acid content.

Orlovskaya Garland

Orlovskaya Garland - Apple tree low growth, has a rounded, thick crown. Grade winter-hardy and stable against the brush. Fruit starts apple tree for 4-5 years. The tree has a high yield. Removable maturity apples comes in mid-September.

Storage duration until mid-February. The average value of the apple is 90 grams, it has a replicious form. Fruit color golden yellow with red blush. And he has a greenish-white flesh, juicy, gentle, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste.

Autumn striped

Autumn striped- The apple tree is high, has a widespread crown. The grade is medium-resistant, but has a good restorative ability and is slightly affected by a pair. The apple tree begins to be fruit for 6-8 years. Removable maturity in fruit occurs at the end of September. Tree yield up to 200 kg. Fruits are stored until November-December. The average weight of the apple is 120 grams, it has a rounded conical, weakly ribbed shape. The color of the fetus is light yellow, with a cracked, striped blush of orange and red. White apple flesh, tender, and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety It is a good yield of apples and excellent quality of fruits.

Apples Riga Doves

Riga dove - The apple tree of medium height, has a widely rounded, thick crown. The variety is medium winter-hard-resistant and steady against fruit rot and brush. Fruit begins apple tree for 4-6 year. The tree has a periodic fruit. Removable maturity in fruit begins in mid-September, and 1-2 months after harvesting comes - consumer maturity.

Apples are stored until December. The average magnitude of the fetus is 120 grams, it has an extended conical shape. An apple with a removal of greenish-white, and when the milk-white ripening is ripening with a blurred blush, it has a white, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage is poor fruit transportability.

September - The apple tree is high, has a pyramidal crown of medium density. Grade winter-hardy and stable against the brush. Fruit starts apple tree for 5-7 years. Removable maturity in fruit begins in mid-September. Yield Tree up to 140 kg. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has a rounded conical form. The fruit of greenish-yellow color with weakly pronounced stripes, has a yellowish, juicy, gentle flesh and sour and sweet taste. Apples are stored 2 months. The advantage of the variety is good quality fruit.


Tambovskoe - The apple tree is high, has a sprawling, rounded the crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, has a weak stability against the brush. Apple tree entering fruiting for 5-7 years. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September. Yield Tree is good, but irregular. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has an oval conical shape with bright red specks. The fruit of light cream color, has a snow-white, fine-grained, juicy flesh and a wine-sweet taste. Apples are stored for about 2-3 months. The dignity of the variety is good marketability and excellent flavor quality of fruits.

Apple Uralas.

Urals - The apple tree is high, it has a solid, thick, pyramidal crown. The grade is winter-hardy, sustainably resistant to the paschers. The apple tree begins to be fruit for 3-4 years. Removable maturity comes from fruits from late August and in early September. Yield Tree 70 kg. The average value of the apple is 40-60 g, it has a rounded-conical, truncated shape with a bright-carmine striped blush. The fruit of creamy color, has a juicy, fine-grained, gentle flesh and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored for about 2 months. The dignity of the variety is the winter hardiness, early fruiting and good yield.

Ural bulk - The apple tree is high, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, strongly resistant to the paste. The apple tree begins to be fruit for 3-4 years. There is ripeness in fruits in early September. Shelf life for about two months. The average value of the apple is 40 grams, it has a rounded form.

The fruit of light yellow, has a white, juicy, mediterranean pulp and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is winter hardiness and good adaptive properties.

Saffron Saratovsky

Saffron Saratovsky - The grade is winter-hardy, is well resistant to pulse dew and craze. The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded or widely pyramidal crown of medium density. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-6 year. Fruits ripen in mid-September. Yield The tree is 150 kg. The shelf life of the fruit until December of the month. The average value of the apple is 120-160 g, it has an elongated or rounded conical shape, with red strip stripes. The fruit of yellow-green, has a creamy, dense, fine-grained, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is a good taste and commodity quality of fruits.

Winter varieties of apple trees

Antonovka ordinary

Antonovka ordinary - The apple tree is high, has an oval crown. The grade is winter-hardy, but may be affected by a pair. Fruit starts for 7-8 year. Removable maturity in fruit begins in mid-September. The yield of the tree is 200 kg. Fruits are stored for about three months. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a rounded, weakly compressed form. The fruit of greenish-yellow color has a yellow, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the frequency of the fruction of the tree and the short shelf life of the apples. And the dignity is good yield and excellent quality of fruits.

Aport - Middle-resistant variety. The apple tree is high, has a flat round crown. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-6 year. Removable maturity in fruit begins in the second decade of September. The average value of the apple is 220-250 g, it has a wide conical shape with a red blush. The fruits are stored until January-February. Yellow-green apple, has a green yellow, gentle, fine-grained pulp and sour-sweet taste.


Aphrodite - The apple tree is high, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is characterized by a high winter hardiness, excellent sustainability for the paschers. Begin to ripe the fruits of September 15-20. Storage duration until the end of December. The average value of the apple is 125 g, it has a medium flattened, wide-ribbed shape with stripes and nettle of dark raspberry color. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The flesh is white, juicy, finely grainy and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is good commercial and consumer quality of apples.

Aelita - The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. The tree is high, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. For 5-6, the apple tree begins to be fron. The tree can produce annually. Begin to ripe the fruits in early September. An appleal yield is 140 c / ha. The fruits are stored before January. The average value of the apple is 120 g, it has a rounded conical, correct shape. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The pulp of his juicy, yellow, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is the excellent yield of apples.

Bezhin Mead.

Bezhin Mead.- Fabric of large size with a rounded crown. The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. Begin to ripe the fruits of September 15-20. They are stored until February. The average value of the apple is 150 grams, it has an oblong, wide-ribbed form.

The fruit of yellow-green with a raspberry blush. And the flesh is delicate, juicy, fine-grained with sour and sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is the yield and excellent transportability of the fruit.

Belorussian synap

Belorussian synap - Tough apple tree, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. Fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until the end of April - early May. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has an oval shape with a pink-red dim blush on the sunny side. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The flesh is green, dense, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is a low juice and satisfactory taste of fruits. And the dignity is winter hardiness and long-term infantry of apples.

Apple Berkutovskoye

Berkutovskoye- The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but may be amazed by mildew. Fruit tree annual. The average value of the apple is 150 grams, it has a rounded shape and dark red stripes around the fetus. The flesh of greenish yellow, juicy, dense, fine-grained and sour and sour taste. Dignity of variety It is a compact crown, abundant annual fruiting and good fetus fetus.


Bogatyr- The apple tree is tall, has an empty rare crown. The grade is medium-resistant, resistant to the paschers. For 6-7 years, fruiting begins, after the eyepiece. Fruit annual. Yield Apple tree is 50 kg. Vegetability of fruits about 89%. They are stored 250 days. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a cluttered shape with a noticeable edge on the surface. The fruit of light green. The flesh is white, juicy and sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is the abundant annual yield and long-term shelf life of apples.


Bolotovskoye - Apple tree above average, has a rounded crown. The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. Removable maturity comes from fruits in early September. Yield The tree is 130 c / ha. They are stored until mid-February. The average value of the apple is 150-160 grams, it has an altitude, wide-ribbed form. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The flesh is green, juicy, dense with sour and sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the sweepability of the fruit, if it is late to shoot them. Dignity is a high yield and excellent quality of apples.

Bratchud - Dwarf apple tree, has a flat-terminal crown. The grade is winter-hardy, it may be affected by a passion for 3-4 years begins with an apple tree, after vaccination. Tree fruction regular. The fruits of 140 days are stored. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has an oblong-rounded form. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The flesh is white, weakly juicy, coarse and sour and sour taste. Dignity of variety It is a high yield and good commodity and taste quality of fruits.


Bryansk- An apple tree of medium height, has a round of medium thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy, not sufficiently resistant to fruit rot. For 3-4 years, the apple tree begins to be fron. Yield The tree is 270-350 c / ha. Fruits are stored until February. The average value of the apple is 150 grams, and the maximum - 300 grams, it has a rounded or weak ribbed form. Green fruit. The flesh is white, juicy and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is: a short period of storage of fruit. And the dignity is resistance to the paschers, yield, not gladness, as well as high commodity and consumer quality of fruits.


Venyaminovskoye - The apple tree is large, has a round of medium thick crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Begin to ripe the fruits of September 15-20. Yield Tree 150 c / ha. Fruits are stored until February. The average value of an apple is 130 grams, it has a medium flattened, conical, wide-ribbed or beveled. An apple is greenish color, has a white, greenish, dense, coarse, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good commodity quality of fruits.

Veteran - The high height tree, has a spherical, compact crown of medium density. The grade is medium-resistant, resistant to the paste. For 4-5 years, the fertilization of the apple tree begins after landing. Begin to ripe the fruits until the end of September and they are stored in the refrigerator until mid-March. Yield Tree 220 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has a weakly compressed form. Yellowish-green apple, has a brown-yellow, gentle, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the shower of foliage. And the advantage is a high yield, suitability for an intensive garden garden, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Vita - The apple tree of medium height, has a rare, dowel the crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Yield The tree is moderate with non-permanent periodicity. Begin to ripe the fruits in early September. Storage duration until the end of March. The average value of the apple is 140 grams, it has a flat, ribbed, proper form. The apple is greenish, has a dense, greenish pulp and sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is the lengthy prestibility of fruits.

Knight - The apple tree is large, has a dowel crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Begin to ripen fruit at the end of September - at the beginning of October and they are stored until May. The average value of the apple is 140 g, it has a conical or rounded conical shape. Apple color yellowish green. The flesh of his white color, juicy and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety It is high productivity, long-lasting persistence and good quality fruit.


Cherry - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded or flat-stocking, thick crown. The medium-resistant grade, as well as the average resistant to mushroom diseases. Begin to ripe the fruits in early September. Storage duration until mid-February. The average values \u200b\u200bof the apple is 115 grams, greenish yellow. It has a white, gentle, fine-grained, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety It is an excellent dessert taste of fruits and high yield.


Star - The apple tree is heavy, it has a wide, spread, slightly dumped the crown. The grade is medium-resistant, resistant to the text of the apple tree. For 5-7 years, the fruiting of the apple tree begins, after the eyelid. Fruits are stored until February-March. The tree is fruit annually. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has flattened round, with poorly noticeable fins. Apple color light green with red blush. And the pulp is green, juicy, fine-grained with sour and sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the fruits become small with time and therefore need to do regular trimming. And the advantage is a good taste quality of fruits and their prolonged blend.


Health - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The grade is winter-hardy and resistant to the paste. Begin to ripe the fruits in early September. Storage duration until mid-February. Yield Tree 230 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 140 grams, it has an altitude, the correct form. An apple of greenish yellow color with red specks and wide blurred stripes. The flesh of its green, juicy, gentle, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good quality fruit.

Winter striped - The apple tree of medium height, has an extender-rounded crown. The mediterranean grade, the leaves may be affected by a pair. Fruit starts apple tree for 3-4 years. Apples begin to ripen in late September. Storage duration before April. Yield Tree 80 kg. The average value of the apple is 140-170 g, it has a flat-round or rounded form. An apple of greenish yellow color with red strokes and stripes. And he has a cream color, loose, juicy, gentle, with sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruction of wood, long-lasting persistence, beautiful shape and good taste of fruits.


Amazing - The apple tree of medium height, has a spherical crown. The variety is characterized by an average winter hardiness and an excellent resistance to mildew and a seamless. For 6-7 years, the fruiting of the apple tree begins. Yield Tree 200 c / ha. Maximum fetus fetus 250 days. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has an elongated conical, leveling form. Apple color greenish-yellow with red blush. The flesh is white, juicy, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that it can freeze in a harsh winter. And the advantage is good quality fruit, high yield, fruit transportability and long-term focus.

Immir - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruit begins apple tree for the 3rd year. Fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until the end of February. Yield Tree 90 c / ha. The average weight of the apple is 100 grams, it has a flattened, weakly ribbed form. Apple green color with red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is cream its color, juiciness, density and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the fruit is thin skin. And the dignity is high yield, long-term persistence, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Candil Orlovsky

Candil Orlovsky - The apple tree is average, has a rounded crown with drooping branches. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruits start to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until mid-February. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a one-dimensional, conical form. Apple color greenish-yellow with raspberry blush. And the pulp is white, juicy, fine-grained, gentle with sour and sweet taste. Dignity of variety is a good commodity and consumer quality of fruits

Dwarf - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The grade is medium-resistant, as well as the average resistant against mushroom diseases. Fruit starts apple tree for 3-4 years. Begin to ripen fruits in mid-October and they are stored until February. Yield The tree is not sharply abundant and periodic. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has a rounded, the correct form. Apple greenish yellow color. The flesh of the light cream color, the floor oil and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and beautiful form of the fetus.


Karpovskoye - The apple tree is high, it has an oval crown in young age, and in the fruiting spherical. The variety of medium-hardiness may be affected by a pair. For 6-8, the fruiting of the apple tree begins, after the eyelid. The high-yielding grade, especially 2-3 years after the start of the fruiting, the crop increases very sharply. The fruits are stored in the fruit until May. The average values \u200b\u200bof the apple is 100 grams, it has a flattened form. An apple of greenish yellow with a dense-pink blush. The flesh is greenish, juicy and sour taste. Dignity of variety It is a high yield, long-term fetus and good commodity quality of fruits.


Kuibyshevskoye - The apple tree is stripped, has a widely conical crown of medium luggage. The grade is winter-hardy, is not sufficiently resistant to the paste and fruit rot. For 5-6, the apple tree begins to be fruit. Yield Tree high. Fruits start to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until February and longer. The average value of the apple is 110-130 grams, it has a plane-rounded, the correct shape. Apple yellow color with red blush. And he has a cream color pulp, gentle, juicy, fine-grained with sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is an annual fruitry, high yield, good quality fruit.


Sort Kulikovskoye - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Yield The tree is 272 c / ha. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until the end of March. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has a rounded proper form. Apple greenish-yellow color with blurred purple blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the smallness of the fruit when the tree is overloaded with harvest and there is no trimming. And the advantage is annual fruiting, high yield, transportability, long-term preserving of fruits.


Cornakovsky apples grade- Apple tree of medium height, has a pyramidal crown. The variety is resistant to the pasche, winter-hardy. Fruit begins apple tree, grafted on inset 3-4-98, for 3 years. Yield Tree 150 c / ha. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until mid-February. The average value of an apple is 130 grams, it has an oblong conical, weakly ribbed form. An apple of greenish yellow with pink stripes. He has a cream color, dense, fine-grained, juicy, gentle with sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.


Grade Kutuzova - The apple tree of medium height, has a flat-incubating, and with age weching the crown of medium luggage. The variety is medium winter-hardy, as well as mid-resistant against the past. For 5-7, it starts to be froning the apple tree since the growth of the eyepiece. The yield of the tree is 113 c / ha. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until May. The average value of the apple is 120-130 grams, it has a flat-terminal shape. An apple is greenish color with a striped dim blush. White pulp, fine-grained, juicy, dense and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is that he is one of the best winter sorts of apple trees.

Lobo variety - The apple tree of medium height, has a wide round, rarefied the crown. The variety is characterized by the average winter hardiness and weak resistance against malievable dew and craze. Yield Tree is high and stable. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has flattened round, weakly ribbed shape. Yellowish-green apple with raspberry blush. It is characteristic of the flesh of white, gentle, fine-grained, juicy, sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is a stable yield, large-endness, as well as high commodity and taste quality of fruits.


Martam variety- The apple tree is fast-growing, stripped, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, weakly resistant to the paste. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-6 year. Fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until March. The yield of the tree is 110 kg. The average value of the apple is 145 grams, it has a flattened form. Apple green color with red blush. And the pulp of it is green or white, juicy, oily oil, fine-grained, gentle with sour and sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the tree is large, not allowed fruit, as a rule, when stored is covered with a tan. And the advantage is the annual fruiting, high yield, convenient for the formation and trimming of the crown, as well as good commodity quality of fruits.

Moscow winter

Moskovskaya winter variety - The apple tree is strongly tasty, has a sprawling, widely rounded, thick, strongly desirable crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 6-7 years. Removable maturity comes from fruits late September. Storage duration until April. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has a one-dimensional, flatched, the correct form. Apple light green with blurred dark red strokes. The flesh is light green, medium density, juicy and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety is the size, long-lasting persistence, good taste of fruits.

Moscow Red

Moskovskaya Red Apple - Apple tree is low, it has a good desirable and thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy, practically does not affect the pair. Fruits are stored until May. The average value of an apple is 130-190 grams, it has a rounded conical shape. The color is greenish-yellow with a blurred red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is the yellow color, as well as a sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is long-term persistence, good consumer and product quality of fruits, as well as a small height of the tree is convenient for an intense garden.

Moscow Later

Moscow LaterThe apple tree is strongly grew, has a widely pyramidal crown and widely oval later. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 6-7 years. Fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until May. The average value of the apple is 165-235 grams, it has a rounded conical shape. An apple of greenish yellow color with a pink blush. The flesh has white, juicy, dense, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the crown thick thickness. And the dignity is long-term persistence, good consumer quality of fruits.


Apple string grade - The apple tree is low, has a glittered crown of medium-sized density. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 4 years. Yield Tree 170 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has a rounded, a surplus shape. An apple of greenish yellow color with red stripes. The flesh is greenish, fine-grained, kneading, dense and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield.

Olympic apple grade - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until mid-February. Yield The tree is 172 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a weak ribbed form. An apple is greenish color with brown-red stripes. The characteristic of the pulp is the green of its color, tenderness, juiciness and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the flesh in fruits loose. And the advantage is high yield, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Apple variety Orlik - Apple tree is mid a tall, has a compact rounding crown. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Yield The tree is 220 c / ha. Removable maturity in fruit occurs at the end of September. Storage duration until mid-February. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a weakly composed, weakly conical shape. Apple color greenish-yellow with red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is cream its color, density, juiciness, fine-grained and sour and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the partial shower of fruits. And the advantage is high yield, good taste quality of fruits.

Orlovskaya Zarya

Sort Orlovskaya Zarya- The apple tree of medium height, has a reverse pyramidal crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Yield Tree 180 c / ha. Removable maturity in fruit comes in early September. The average values \u200b\u200bof the apple is 100-120 grams, it has a rounded, shiny, a wide ribbed, a slight bell form. Apple color greenish-yellow with bright red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, tenderness, juiciness and sour-sweet taste. The fruits are stored until the end of January. Dignity of variety It is high yield, good commodity and taste quality of fruits.

Orlovskaya Polesie

Sort Orlovskaya Polesie - The apple tree is mid a tall, has a rounded crown of medium density. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Yield Tree 133 c / ha. Fruits start to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until mid-January. The average value of the apple is 140 grams, it has an oblong conical, wide ribbed, bevered. An apple of greenish yellow color with red specks and stripes. White flesh, coarse, juicy, kneading, dense and sour and sour taste. The dignity of the variety is high yield, good commodity quality of fruits.

Sort Pepin Orlovsky - The apple tree is large, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, highly resistant to the paste. Yield Tree 162 c / ha. Apples begin to ripen in late September. Storage duration until mid-January. The average value of the apple is 140 grams, it has a wide conical, wide-ribbed form. Apple color greenish-yellow with raspberry blush. The characteristic of the pulp is its white color, density, juiciness, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is high yield, good commodity quality of fruits.

Rape Tatar

Renet Tatarsky variety- The apple tree of medium height, has a widely rounded, thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 3-4 years. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until April. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a strongly compiled and widely conical, weakly ribbed form. An apple of greenish-cream color with a pink blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, juiciness and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety is the yield and transportability of fruits.


Freshness- The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Yield Tree 187 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 110 grams, it has an altitude, barrel, wide ribbed, the correct shape. An apple of greenish yellow color with red strokes and stripes. The flesh is greenish, dense, fine-grained, stuck, juicy and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until May. The advantage of the variety is yield, good product quality of fruits.

Sort North Sinap - The apple tree is large, strongly tall, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by the average resistance to mildew, the paste, as well as high winter hardiness. For 5-8, the apple tree begins to be fruit, and on the dwarf dive (62-396) fruits for the second year. Removable maturity comes from fruits in early October. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a rounded conical shape. Yellowish green apple with red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, fine-grained, juiciness and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored in the refrigerator until May. The disadvantage of the variety is that the quality of fruits is reduced with abundant yield. And the dignity is yield, long-term persistence, good quality fruit.

Apple tree synap Orlovsky

Synap Orlovsky variety - The apple tree is strongly tasty, has a widely empty crown. The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. For 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to be fruit. Yield The tree is 170 c / ha. Removable maturity comes from fruits at the end of September. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has a one-dimensional, oblong, rounded conical shape. Apple color yellowish green with blurred blush. The flesh of greenish-cream color, juicy and sour sweet taste. Apples are stored until May. The disadvantage of the variety is that with a lack of calcium in the soil, the fruits are amazed by bitter daughrel. And the advantage is high yield, long-lasting persistence, good commodity and taste quality of fruits.


Sokolovsky apples grade - Apple tree natural dwarf, has a flat-horizontal crown and its maximum height is two meters. The grade is winter-hardy, middlely resistant to the paste. For 3-4 years old begins to fruit apple tree after vaccination. Yield The tree is 65 kg. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a flat-round shape. Apple color greenish-yellow with red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is cream its color, juiciness, fine-grained, density and sour and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the quality of fruits is reduced with a long-term high summer temperature and dryness of air. And the dignity is large fruits, good commercial and taste quality of apples.

Start - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Removable maturity comes from fruits in mid-September. Yield Tree 170 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 140 g, it has an oblong, wide-ribbed, bevered. Green fruit with red stripes and specks. The flesh is greenish, white, dense, coarse, juicy, kneading and sour and sweet taste. Apples are stored until the end of February. The dignity of the variety is high yield and suitability for growing in the garden of intensive type.


Stroevsky- The apple tree of medium height, rapidly growing, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is resistant to the paste, highly winter-hardy. Removable maturity comes from fruits in mid-September. Yield Tree 117 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a medium flattened, conical, weakly ribbed, little beam. Fruit color greenish-yellow with raspberry blush. The flesh of green, white, dense, coarse, juicy and sour and sour taste. Apples are stored until mid-February. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commodity quality of fruits, as well as suitability for growing in intensive type gardens.


Student variety - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. Grade is medium-hard-resistant, resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 5 years. Removable maturity comes from fruits at the end of September. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a gluable, rounded shape. An apple is greenish colors with a raspberry blush and a spike. The flesh is light green, gentle, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until mid-May. The dignity of the variety is yield, long-term persistence, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Sort Suvorovets - The apple tree is strongly tall, has a highly round, compact, rare crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 4-5 years. Removable maturity comes from fruits in early October. Storage duration until mid-December. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a flat-round shape. Apple color yellowish green with blurred blush. And the pulp of pale cream color, juicy, fine-grained, dense and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the taste of fruits in cold raw summer deteriorates. And the dignity is abundant yield, long-term persistence, transportability, good product quality of fruits.

Apple variety Utös - Apple tree is strongly tall, has a pyramidal crown. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. For 7-8, the fruiting of the apple tree begins. Yield Tree 80 c / ha. Removable maturity comes from fruits in mid-September. The average weight of the apple is 125 grams, it has a flat-round, one-dimensional shape. Yellow-lemon apple color with red blush. And he has a cream color, fine-grained, gentle, medium density, juicy and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until March and further. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruction and good product quality of the fruit.

Sort Welcy. - The apple tree of medium height, has a widespread pyramidal crown in young age, and later rounded. Grade is medium-hard-resistant, resistant to the paste. For 4-5 years, fruiting of the apple tree begins. Welly's yield Abundant. Removable maturity comes from fruits at the end of September. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a replicious or flattered round shape. Yellowish green apple with dark red stripes. The flesh is greenish, white and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until the end of February. The disadvantage of the variety is that with abundant harvests begin to fracture, turning to turn. And the advantage is high yield, long-term persistence, transportability and good commodity quality of fruits.

Why a bright apple is a chemical mutant, and not a useful fruit at all? From which vegetables and fruits are recommended to refuse, and what are they really useful?

Better apples or exotic fruits?

Regular use of vegetables and fruits is one of the main components of a healthy diet. But how to figure out which of them are useful, and what are it harmful if every year there are more exotic fruits on the shelves of supermarkets, which you never heard about? Are they more useful apples?

Prices are reduced, selling seasons - strawberries and a cherry, available earlier only at the beginning of summer, can now be bought at any time of the year thanks to supplies from the other end of the world. However, for everything you need to pay. And the price for cheap fruits becomes the presence of a large number of chemistry in them.

How can fruits harm?

Pesticides and other chemicals are used in growing vegetables and fruits to accelerate the ripening cycle and to combat disease, rotting and insects. In addition, people want to buy large and shiny fruits - for which they are treated with special polymers.

One of the scientific studies showed that in a random apple from the supermarket found 47 (!) Of various pesticides capable of harming human health. About 15 of them can change the hormonal background of the body, 11 refer to known toxins, and 6 to potential carcinogens.

The most harmful fruits

Note that this list is not an estimate of the composition of vitamins, minerals or nutrients contained in various fruits. This is an attempt to give a general understanding of how much products with "beds in the village" differ from the cheap industrial fruits sold in supermarkets.
  1. Apples. For several years in a row, the American organization Environmental Working Group, which follows the content of pesticides in vegetables and fruits, admitted apples most harmful. According to the 100-point scale of chemicals, they consistently get the highest assessment. The reason is simple - manufacturers maximize costs.
  2. Strawberry. The strawberries grown in the greenhouses is growing on Earth, rich in accelerating the growth of additives - nitrates and ammonia. It is regularly treated with pesticide-solutions that kill insects, and before selling seals in gas chambers to combat mold and rapid rotting.
  3. Grapes. The sweet taste of this fruit is like not only to people, but also insect, and grape sugar is favorable for the development of bacteria. To successfully grow grapes and deliver it to the supermarket, it is regularly treated with chemical solutions. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the grapes can not be without peel.
  4. Sweet cherry. The situation with sweet cherries reminds the situation with grapes - a large amount of sugar attracts pests and bacteria with which you need to fight. In addition, people prefer large and ripe fruits, for which the land under the plant is abundantly enriched with chemical fertilizers.
  5. Peaches and nectarines. The trees on which these fruits grow are obliged to be perfect - fruit as much as possible, never sick, be strong and withstand the weight of a large amount of fruits. To obtain similar superheroes, they are cross and change - but do not grow as a result of mutants?

Most useful fruits

The first rule of the useful fruit is the presence of peel, which will be cleaned before eating. The content of chemicals in the pulp itself is usually significantly lower. At the same time, the more dense of the fruit of the peel, the stronger it protects against pesting penetration.
  1. Avocado. The fruits of this plant contain not only the useful vegetable fat and a potassium trace element that helps support the skin and vessels in good condition, but strong natural antioxidants and vitamin E are important elements in the fight against aging. The plus is the extremely solid peel avocado.
  2. Bananas. Despite the fact that the banana industry strongly harms the environment (first of all, at the expense of refrigerators for maritime transportation), the bananas themselves contain the minimum number of pesticides in the pulp. The pluses of bananas include a large content of manganese, potassium and vitamin C and vitamin B6.
  3. Mango. The cultivation of mango does not require the use of aggressive chemicals, and the key exporters of this fruit is India, Thailand, Mexico and Brazil - countries with naturally warm climates. The mango pulp contains more than 20 different vitamins and minerals, making this fruit is really useful.
  4. Oranges and tangerines. Citrus, used in the season of growth (end of autumn and the beginning of winter) are doubly useful - a large content in these fruits of solar vitamin C is especially important for the body in the dark and cold period. However, we recall that packaged orange juice is a harmful product.
  5. Kiwi. Despite the fact that this fruit is leading among other things in the content of vitamin C and it contains about 20 important microelements and minerals, the composition of Kiwi is not fundamentally different from the more familiar tangerines or even from mango. This is one of those examples when products are interchangeable.

Are bi-fruits different from ordinary?

On the left - the symbol of certification of bio-products grown in the EU; Right - Regional Certification Symbol (Andalusia, Spain)

The European Bio-Product Symbol is not just an icon that can put any manufacturer on its products. This is a system of strict standards that must be respected when growing plants. The goal is to solve only safe methods for human health.

The price difference between ordinary and bio-fruits, component of 2 to 5 times, is an indication of how highly manufacturers can save. If real organic apples and strawberries seem expensive to you, it is better to buy bananas and mango, but do not strive cheap chemical fakes.

Buying fruit in a regular supermarket, you need to give preference to those that can be cleaned from the peel - oranges, mango, bananas and so on. Cheap strawberries, grapes and sweet cherries, especially badly washed - these are dozens of various pesticides that you eat.

Just imagine: hot summer, scorching sun, excavating rates of mercury columns of thermometers. You exhausted from the heat. What will be the best rescue means in such conditions? Of course, a pleasant cool drink. They can be a compote from strawberries and apples, which without much difficulty can be welding at home, attaching for this to this minimum effort and time costs. Such a delicacy made of fresh fruits and berries is a useful and indispensable drink for the summer.


Prepare a cooler natural drink under the power of every mistress. Even a novice cook will cope with this task, which will be carefully followed by the proposed prescription instruction.

To prepare a compote, you will need:

  • 250 grams of strawberry berries;
  • 400 grams of purified apples;
  • 300 grams of sugar-sand;
  • 5 grams of citric acid;
  • about 3 liters of purified water.

This calculation of the ingredients is designed to prepare one three-liter jar of compote. Apple and strawberry for the preparation of a compote should be chosen to their taste (someone loves the fruit and compote to have a light sourness, and someone prefers the shroud-sweet delicacies - in this case, you can add more sugar). However, the opinion is considered to be the opinion that the late berries of strawberries of small size and summer sour-sweet (best home) varieties of apples are ideal for cooking (for example, Crimean apples).

The first mandatory point in the list of preparatory actions - rinse thoroughly and clean the fruit (It also applies to the fact that all tied places must be cut out - only a quality product should be in compote). From the berries of strawberries, tails should be pulled off, and from apples - to remove bones. In addition, only ripe fruit should be chosen. If you have broken or bought no longer green fruits, then you should wait for them to give (for example, on the windowsill).

Next, apples need to cut into medium-sized pieces (for a reference point you can use strawberry size - fruits and berries should be approximately equal size). If the strawberry turned out to be too large - it can also be cut in half. Unwritten standard - two-chamber cutting.

At the bottom of the washed and carefully dried three-liter cans we fold the sliced \u200b\u200bapples, and from above - strawberries (this is done so that the soft ripe strawberry is not blocked under the pressure of apples).

In the jar we pour water until it completely covers the fruit.The liquid must be quite hot, almost boiling (about 100 degrees Celsius). At this time, strawberries begins to paint the water into a pleasant pinkish-reddish tint. Cover the jar of a sterilized lid, we leave our compote for 20 minutes. While compote insists, we continue to carry out other manipulations necessary for cooking the desired drink.

So, we take sugar-sand (as you remember, 300 grams need a prescription). Remember that the amount of sugar depends on your personal preferences. If you suffer from any health violations (for example, diabetes mellitus), then such a quantity of sugar can only bring you harm. Come on with the mind of cooking compote, consider your individual features. Meaning sugar-sand we immerse yourself in a dry pure saucepan, add citric acid here.

Now we return to the banks with compotes (remember that they should be located about 20 minutes). In banks add the maximum possible amount of water. We mix the water and fruit slightly (you can easily shake). Now this water (the fruits still leave in the bank) overflow into a prepared pan with sugar and citric acid. At this time, banks should be covered with perforated lids. Pouring water, sugar and citric acid from cans in a saucepan are sent to the fire. We bring a mixture to a boil and boil it about 5-7 minutes.

Folded fruits in a jar obtained from boiling hot syrup.According to the results of the preparations, compote should reach the neck of our three-liter tank. An important step is tightly rush covers on banks. After that, the banks turn upside down, top covering them with a dense cloth (you can use a blanket, plaid or a warm jacket). It is necessary to wait for compote to fill and cooled (usually these processes occupy about 12-16 hours). Then send our compote to the cellar or on the mezzanine.

Remember that the maximum storage period of the compote is 365 days.

What can drink an apple-strawberry drink?

The drink of home cooking will be an excellent satellite of hot summer days (do not forget to pre-cool it). Natural compote should be supplied in high transparent glasses, be sure to add fruit and ice (you can add both canned fruits from banks and fresh berries). Compote from strawberries and apples can be an excellent addition to the snack. For example, it can be combined with biscuits, baked buns or sandwiches.

An excellent option will be the replacement of chemically made artificial carbonated beverages and packaged juices with such a tasty and refreshing domestic drink. The cooked homemade drink is able to benefit your whole family. Home compote from apples and strawberries, devoid of chemical additives, artificial impurities and unnatural ingredients, will be a good addition to your dining table. At the request of apple-strawberry compote, you can prepare with frozen currants, raspberries or other berries and fruits. To taste is also recommended to add mint.

For details on how to cook compote from strawberries and apples, you will learn from the following video.

Grade Ligol appeared thanks to Polish breeders in 1971 when crossing apple trees Golden Delishes and Linda. Ligol refers to winter-resistant apple trees. Due to the high frost resistance, it is successfully grown in the regions with a cold climate. In addition, for commercial purposes, the grade is grown in relatively warm, moderate climatic conditions, and in the south. Apple tree is popular in Poland, ...

Apple tree Antonovka refers to one of the most famous varieties. With its name, the apple tree is obliged to a simple gardener Anton, who brought it out. The first written mention of the grade appeared in the middle of the 19th century. The exact time appearance of the apple tree is not known. Today, this variety can be found in the gardens of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Everyone knows the pleasant taste and aroma of these apples. On the …

Traditionally, it is considered that the arrangement of an apple tree of folk breeding white pouring (or dumping) can be grown only in the North-West and central regions, but the active development of amateur gardening in Siberia made this variety in Western Siberia, in Altai and in the Urals. Apple trees of this variety, deserved love for consistently large crops, early ripening of fruits and high performance ...

Apple trees Summer striped is the work of the South Ural Research Institute, known for a long time, is listed in the State Register in 1965. Popular not only in the regions of the Urals and Zauralye, for which he was derived, but also in the gardens of the European part of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. In many gardeners, he is included in the list of beloved varieties of apple trees. Description of varieties with photos ...

Apple's variety Medicarians (Honey) will not find in the State Register, although S.I. Haisaev is a student of Michurin, received the Stalinist Prize for her back in the 50s of the last century. What are the reasons for this? Everything is very simple: the apples are so tasty that they were eaten in immature form, which is why neither one of the plots where the variety passed the test could not determine ...

Apple trees Champion came to Russia from Europe and has long been cultivated in the southern parts of the country with a warm climate. But for residents of the middle strip, he can also be interesting. Description of varieties with photo Championship varieties Champions can be considered from the point of view of its next parameters. The tree of the apple tree of this variety is quite compact, and his ...

Apple tree Orlovskaya striped appeared at the Oryol pilot station in 1957. It was obtained by Russian breeders of Seddovaya and Trofimova in the hybridization of Machinto varieties and Mesharyanka Michurinskaya. In 1967, the variety was officially recognized as elite. The variety is zoned for the Central Black Earth, Central Regions of Russia. The apple tree is grown in the Central, Middle Volga, North-West, North, Black Sea, Volga-Vyatka regions. Many gardeners grow this ...

Apple tree Lobo refers to unpretentious and delicious varieties of this culture. The variety was removed in the city of Ottawa (Canada) in 1906, with the free pollination of the seedlings of Apple Makintosh. This variety and today love many gardeners for its beauty of fruits, fragrance, juiciness and taste. These apple trees are grown on an industrial scale and private gardens of Russia. The variety is included in ...

Apple tree Spartan is a high-yielding variety of winter maturation. She appeared in Samerland (Canada) in 1926. The variety was removed when crossing apple trees Makintosh and Yellow Pepin Newtown. In Russia, the variety was delivered in 1986. Apple tree Spartan is suitable for cultivation in centrally black earth and central districts. The variety is distinguished by the excellent taste and long maturation, precisely on this ...

An apple tree grade Cranfate was removed in the city of Michurinsk in the laboratory of Vnis named after I.V. Michurin in the 40s of the 20th century by the head of the selection of S.I. Isaev. It appeared when crossing an apple tree. Paproke and box. State tests of the variety began in the early 70s. The variety has no analogues. The apple tree is mainly grown in the European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Description, variety characteristics ...

Apple tree. Description of apple trees, photos of apples. Fruitomicist Lyhai

Check the availability of goods in the price list

White Solvykayka Zolotyonfopteagoric stripesmancateMednuneMelbamoskovskaya GRASHSOVKOROV


Autumn Sortbolovskihigulevsky Against Novoyallovsky PioneerPaste Isaevosen Striped (Stramedhing)

Glory to winners

Winter Sortannovka Common Bogatur-Frequently Plant MirrorobromartsCealth Eastern SynapsimennecksSinap Orlovskypartavskores




Currenzyoskovskoye Necklace

Summer varieties

In the Lyakhov frustrian you can buy an apple tree, both on a seed tall, dating and on clone flows: medium, semi-dwarf, dwarf and supercaric. Read more ...

Cinnamine striped. Grade of Russian folk selection. Fruits weighing 90-110 gr, ripen at the end of August, stored until October. The pulp juicy, light yellow with a characteristic aroma of cinnamon. Grade winter-hardy.

Lungwort. Latest time ripening. Fruits weighing 120-140g. The flesh is gentle, juicy, sweet. This is one of the truly legendary varieties. Her fruits are distinguished by an amazing honey sweet-spicy taste. Grade winter-hardy. Annual fruiting. Resistant to the paschers.

Moscow Georste. Vintage wide-known Russian variety of folk selection. Fruits of early ripening, removable maturity comes in the first decade of August, the consumer period lasts 2-3 weeks. Fruits weighing 75-80 g, rounded. White fruit flesh with yellowish tint, juicy, gentle, fragrant, sour-sweet taste. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and yield, quickly comes into fruiting.

Papary (in some areas this variety is called bullfinch). The well-known early grade common in the central, medium and northern regions of Russia. The fruits of medium size, ribbed, light yellow, with subcutaneous light spots. The flesh is juicy, sour-sweet, fragrant. Ripen the fruits in the second half of August, the lyste is preserved for a short time. Trees start fruit on the 4th - 5th year.

Autumn varieties

Bolotovskoe. Immune variety, autumn ripening period. The fruits are large 170-100 g. The flesh is dense, juicy, sweet-sweet pleasant taste. Removable maturity comes in early September. The variety is very harvest, winter-hardy.

Zhigulevskoe. Late-seated grade. Fruits are large, weighing 120-200 g, (maximum up to 350 g). The pulp cream, tender, juicy, pleasant taste. The ripening of fruits is simultaneous, in the first decade of September. Store two to three months. High-yielding grade, silly, winter-hardy. Resistant to the paschers.

Cinnamy new. Autumn grade. Fruits are large, weighing 125 - 150 gr., Stored until December. Coloring greenish-yellow, with dark red stripes. The flesh is white - yellow, juicy, gentle, sour-sweet taste with aroma. The grade is winter-hardy, resistant to the paschers.

Orlovsky pioneer. Immune variety, early ripening period, fruits are kept 2 months. Winter hardiness high. Fruits weighing 140-170g., Light yellow and red-striped. The flesh is greenish, dense, juicy. The taste of sour-sweet, good, without flavor. High yield.

Memory Isaev. Immune variety, Orlovsky selection. The term of consumption of late-year, the fruits are stored until January. The fruits are large 170 - 280 g. The peel of medium density, oily, smooth, shiny, without a wax. The main color is greenish-yellow, the cover is a blurry-striped, raspberry, half or lesser part of the fetus. The flesh is creamy, dense, gentle, juicy. The taste is good, sour-sweet, with a weak fragrance. Winter hardiness is very high. High yield.

Strameding (autumn striped). One of the most popular autumn varieties. The fruits are large 120-150g. The flesh is melting, juicy, excellent dessert taste with raspberry raspberry. Fruits are removed in the first half of September. Freshly stored until December.

Glory to winners. Sort of autumn ripening time. The fruits are quite large 125 - 185. White flesh, slightly yellowish-creamy, very gentle, very juicy, excellent sour and sweet taste. Fruits are stored for two or three months. Sort of silverhead, high-yielding, winter-hardy, resistant to disease.

Winter varieties

Antonovka. Vintage Russian grade. It is valued for the beautiful, fragrant, relatively a sleeve apple, suitable for consuming fresh and for processing. Trees of high-yielding, frost-resistant, durable. The harvest is removed at the end of September - early October.

Bogatyr. The trees are average. Fruit annual. Fruits are large (150-200g). White flesh, juicy, fragrant good sour-sweet taste. Removable maturity comes in October. Fruits are stored until April.

Venyaminovskoe. Immune to the brush variety. Winter consumption. Fruits weighing 130-150 g., Stored until the end of February. Skin smooth, oily, shiny. The coating color of the crimson, blurred. The pulp cream, dense, very juicy, fine-grained. The taste is very good, sour-sweet. High-yielding grade, winter-hardy.

Star. Winter variety. The fruits of the average size of 85-100g., Flat-circular. The main color is greenish-yellow, the coating dark red with a blurred blush. The flesh is greenish, fine-grained, juicy. The taste of sour-sweet, very good. Fruits are stored until March.

Policy. Sort of winter time ripening. The fruits are large 130-190 g. The flesh is dense, creamy, juicy, acidic harmonious taste. Removable maturity comes at the end of September. Fruits are stored until March. Sorted rapid, high-yielding.

Lobo. Mattering trees with a compact crown. Early come into fruiting. Yield annual. Fruits more average (150g). The flesh is tender, juicy, fragrant, excellent sour-sweet taste. Ripen at the end of September. Stored until March.

March. Winter variety. Fruits large weight 145 - 200 gr. The flesh is fine-grained, juicy, gentle, alumina. Removable maturity comes at the end of September. The term of consumption of fruits in a fresh form ends in March. Sort of silverhead, harvest 110 kg from a tree. Winter hardiness is good.

Freshness. Immune variety, late consumption time. The fruits are average 100-120 g., Stored until June. The flesh of fruit juicy, good sourness - sweet taste, with a weak fragrance. High yield, annual. Socherina and winter hardiness average. Variety is highly resistant to the pasche.

Northern Sinap. Winter-hardy trees, self-free with an annual high yield. Fruits Average 80-100g. The flesh is juicy, fine-grained, dense, acidic-sweet, refreshing with spicey taste. Ripen in late September - early October. Perfectly stored until May.

SIMERENKETS. Latest time ripening. Fruits are stored until May. High drought resistance. The yield is very high. Fruits large weight up to 200g. The flesh is fine-grained, very juicy, gentle, fragrant. Taste with sour - sweet pleasant.

Sinap Orlovsky. Immune variety, late consumption time. Fruits are large, stored until April-May. The flesh of the fruit of greenish-cream painting, very juicy, tasty, with a weak aroma. Sorted rapid, winter-hard-resistant, yield.

Spartan. Winter variety. Moderate growth trees, with a rounded crown. Fruits above average size. Coloring dark burgundy. The flesh is snow-white, dense, juicy, sweet (without acidic collapse). Fruits are stored until the end of April without loss of taste. The variety is characterized by high pile and good yield. High resistant to the brighter.

Stroke. Winter, immune to the brush variety. Middle-size trees, fast-growing. Fruits weighing 130-150 grams, the main painting in the form of a raspberry blush. Fruit skin smooth, shiny. White fruit flesh, dense, juicy. The removable maturity of the fruit comes September 15-20. The consumer fetus continues until the end of February. Vertine variety, winter-hardy.

Welcy. Fruits are pretty large (140g), thin skin. The flesh is light yellow, juicy, sweet, fragrant with spice. Fruits ripen at the end of September, stored until February. Winter-hardy grade, high-yielding.

Column apple trees

Describe the varieties of apple trees

Apple tree column. Description of columnid apple trees, peculiarities, care. You can see the dignity and disadvantages of column apple trees here.

Summer varieties

Colon's apple tree "Dialogue". A variety of early term - fruits ripen in July, stored for about a month. The middle-grade tree, small, compact. The fruits are average from 100 gr., Flat, saturated yellow painting with a small blush. Skin thin dense. White flesh, juicy, fine-grained. The taste of sour-sweet with a pleasant light aroma. Sorted rapid, fruit annually from the first year. High-resistant, resistant to disease and pests.

Colon's apple tree "Vasyugan". Lateral grade, fruits ripen at the end of August, retained more than a month. Fruits are large 120-200 g, solid, red-striped color. Skin dense thin. The taste of sour-sweet, dessert type with a well-pronounced aroma. The pulp of creamy-white, fine-grained, dense, juicy. Sort SPORT, fruits from the first year of planting. Winter hardiness and yield are very high.

Autumn varieties

Apple tree Colon's "president". Fruits ripen in mid-September and stored 1 month. Fruits are large from 140 to 250 g, flat-circular, white-yellow painting, shiny. The taste of sour-sweet, dessert, with a pleasant aroma. White flesh, very juicy, fine-grained. Sort-free grade, winter-hard-resistant, resistant to pests and diseases, productive with a rapid increase in harvest. Fruit from the 1st year of landing, annually.

Malyuha. One of the most delicious column varieties. Autumn dwarf variety, fruits ripen in the middle of September and stored one month. The fruits of medium sized from 80 g, elongated, intense yellow painting with a small brush, shiny. Skin thin durable. The taste is dessert, very juicy, with a pleasant aroma. Fruit begins early, from the first year of landing. The grade is winter-hardy, resistant to diseases and pests.

Winter varieties

Colon's apple tree "Currency". Winter grade, winter-hard-resistant, brighter resistant. The fruits are large 140 - 250 g. The peel is dense thin. Ripen in the first decade of October and well stored until January. Taste with sour-sweet, dessert type, with well-pronounced aroma, white, juicy, fine-grained. The variety is very emphasis, fruit annually from the first year of planting. Trees are small and compact.

Apple tree Colon's "Moscow Oily". Rann-autumn variety, fruits ripen in September, are well stored until January. The fruits are large 140-250g rounded, dark red with dense skin, shiny. The taste of sour-sweet, fragrance is weak. White flesh, fine-grained, very juicy. The harvest variety, fruit annually from the first year of landing. Winter hardiness high. High resistant to the paste, is grown with almost without chemical treatments from diseases.

Strawberry grows with an apple

Posted by: photo: Miroslava Sokolova

Do not say the word strawberry, because it is completely different plants. Correctly, this is called homemade garden, and the one, which in the forest - Forest, says 66-year-old Boris Maslenko from Kirovograd.

He collects various strawberry varieties for 30 years. It has French, American, English, Italian and even Japanese. Classifies the ripening period: early, medium and late. Each group has several varieties that are best fruiting in Ukraine.

There are different exotomots with pink flowers, as if curly, but a person, first of all, is interested in a crop and taste. These are so laughing. He dealt with white berry. She was grew in Kiev near Kiev in the country. I got acquainted with her at the exhibition, came to buy from me seedlings. I wanted to know how the grade is called, and I could not determine according to the description. Called when the berries were dosed, I came to her from Kirovograd. He took himself on a divorce, but then led. Little bore and not so tasty like mine.

The most delicious of all that the French early grade Darlizette believes. To taste and aroma looks like strawberries. She brought her niece from London.

She lives there, comes once a year and brings the varieties that I order. It happens, passes by mail. Black Prince, Lord is pure English varieties. They are medium, ripen in June-July. They are most taken most, because the yields and not capricious, the berries are large. Only the prince is dark and sweet, and the lord is brighter, with sourness.

I advises to squeeze the strawberries of all the duration of the ripening to have berries from May to frost. The first fruit of Ukrainian varieties of Olbia and Rosana Kievskaya. Berries are collected in mid-May.

Farmers who are grown for sale, from the earliest it is better to plant Italian Clary. It is dense, not flowing and very sweet. Or American Gigdat Geornney. It is medium, but the berries are the biggest of all early. They are always smaller than the middle and late, because they quickly arched and do not have time to fall. And this georn grows to the magnitude of chicken egg.

The biggest strawberries got from the constructor of Rocket Moscow Vladimir Nikipelova, who is also fond of this plant.

I came to Kirovograd to trade sedate. I bought him and bought. One bodie of 100 grams weighs, I had 120, and at 140. the magnitude with a small apple. This is a Japanese variety of Comor Tourusi. Also in farmers are popular. Large berries, also in July it is called when the price rises, because the main varieties are departed. You can still plant English varieties pensioner Chelsea. It is not much less, but he will give birth abundantly. Tight, it also matures in July.

The last berries gathers in October from the American variety Albion. Such a strawberry even after the tarnings continues to bloom and tie the berries.

If summer is roast, with 30 degrees, the plant is fighting and for the year gives three crops. And if up to 25 or in the shade planted, then five can be.

From the frost-resistant well adapted in the Ukrainian climate Queen Elizabeth, English variety. The berries of the average size, grow clusters of 10-15 pieces on the brush. The first ripen in May, the last - to snow.

100 kilograms of strawberries with an alkali - average yield in Ukraine. In Poland, four more thanks to fertilizers. The greatest harvest is a ton - get in the USA. Collect fertile soil and on the place are put asphalt. On top of it - clay and removed the soil half with fertilizers. It is planted with strawberries, which fruits from the end of spring to frosts. Asphalt does not pass down moisture. Berry grows abundant and large all season.

Five tips Boris Maslenko how to plant

1. Buy at least five to ten bushes of a new variety. If not everything accepted or disappears, will remain for breeding.

2. Take the seedlings where the root is visible. It should be wet, with earth. In the middle of the Kusta, young salad leaves are the core or growth point. Without it, not accepted.

3. Small brown spots on the sheet are not scary. They are broken as soon as the plant goes into growth.

4. Before planting, cutting the root by a third of the length. It should not be wrapped upward, and the core must be top, not covered with the earth.

5. In Lunka, Leyte is not less than a liter of warm water. Squeeze in the swamp, and after 2-3 hours, suck dry ground. First we water daily.

Bulip white- Summer, high-winter-hard-resistant, minor grade. Fruit annually. Fruits round-conical or rounded, greenish-yellow or yellow. The flesh is juicy, loose, gentle, pleasant sour and sweet taste.

Pink pink-Enched grade. The fruits are medium and large, round-colored form, the main color of the light green, covering in the form of a dark pink blush on most of the fetus. The flesh is gentle, bulk, sweet. The grade is winter-hardy, high yield.

Grushovka Moscow - Earnetful old Russian variety. Sorted rapid, yield, highly resistant. Fruits of a flat-round shape, greenish-yollages pink-striped blush. The flesh is tender, juicy, fragrant, good fine-grained consistency, pleasant sour and sweet taste.

Suislepskoye - a bed of the Baltic variety. Latest time ripening. Removable maturity comes in late August - early September. The fruits are medium and large proper shapes are greenish or straw yellow, with a beautiful pink blush with bright red stripes and strokes. Snow-white flesh, very juicy, gentle, with pink streaks, slightly spicy, fragrant.

Riga dove- Assort Estonian selection, winter-hardy, high yield. The fruits of medium size, rounded conical shape, white and yellow with a weak tan on the sunny side. The flesh is finely grainy, juicy sour-sweet, has high taste. Fruits ripen in late September and can be kept until December.

Early aloe-Enched grade. The fruits of the average size, rounded form. Pokrovka coloring for most of the fetus in the form of a dark red dense blush. Fruit flesh slightly creamy, fine-grained, juicy.

Daughter Papinov The fruits are higher than the average size and large, rounded-conical with narrow ribs, yellowish green with a gentle, dense, juicy flesh, excellent taste, with aroma. The fruits ripen in August, are stored up to 50 days. The tree begins to be fruit for 3 years after landing. Differs in high winter hardiness and resistance to mushroom diseases.

Melba- A-day variety of Canadian origin. Sort-free, yield, with highly flavors of high taste. The fruits of a rounded conical, weak-book form. The painting in the form of an intense red striped rumyanta. The pulp of fruit is snow-selling, juicy, with a strong candy aroma, excellent sour-sweet taste.

Glory to winners -Sour ranks, winter-hardy, yield, high quality fruit. The fruits are large and medium beautiful, rounded, smooth, yellowish green with an elegant red blurred blush. White flesh, very juicy, sour-sweet.

Uslada-On grade, winter-hard-resistant, silly. The fruits of medium size, rounded-cone, the coating color is for most of the fetus in the form of a bright red brush with a raspberry tint. White flesh, pinkish with skin, juicy, with light raspberry aroma.

Anis Alla- Assest autumn, minor, high-yielding. The fruits are below the average one-dimensional, plane-rounded shape, completely covered with a thick scarlet Rumyant. The pulp of juicy, medium density, good sour-sweet, weakly-spicy taste.

Memory Lavrica- Standing grade, very high resistance to frosts, paste-resistance as high as high. Harvest variety with annual fruiting. Mass of fruits 200g., Painting yellowish-white. White flesh, sour-sweet taste. Storage up to two months.

Cinnamine striped - Early old grade of folk breeding, fruiting annual, starts fruit on the 6th year of growth. The fruits of medium size, one-dimensional, flat-round, light yellow, with a bright striped blush, beautiful. The flesh is juicy, tender, excellent dessert, sweet with a small acidic acid, with cinnamon aroma. High-resistant variety

Chinese long- Sorts, minor, yield. The fruits of the cherry blossom, the flesh of cream. It is valued for the excellent taste of fruits and winter hardiness.

Cinnamy new -Sorp is characterized by large fruits. The form of fruits round-conical, greenish-yellow painting with red blurred stripes. The flesh is gentle, juicy acidic, sweet taste, fragrant. Sources.

This variety has a good winter hardiness, high resistance to the paschers.

Wine- Starty Russian variety of folk selection of summer time ripening. The grade is winter-hardy inexperienced, yield, resistant to the paste. The reptiles of the average value are quite severely flattered. The main color is greenish-white, coating blurred stripes and nettle of dark red. The flesh is very juicy, crispy, sour-sweet pleasant taste.

Baltika- Sorts, high-yielding, with annual fruiting, fruit medium and large surface light yellow with bright red blush and stripes. Store up to two months. White flesh, sour-sweet taste.

Straifling - Sort of folk selection from the Baltic countries. Fruits above average, with aroma, stored for about 2 months. Coloring for most of the fetus in the form of bright strips. The pulp is slightly yellowish, juicy. The taste is harmonious, dessert. High-yielding, winter-hard-resistant, autumn grade.

Zhigulevskoye- Assort late-year-old, high-yielding, minor. Attractions above the average size and large, flat-rounded. Looking smooth, brilliant, almost completely covered with an intense carmine-red blush, durable. The little yellowish, excellent sour-sweet taste.

Autumn striped -That-shaped variety of folk breeding. Sorry is distinguished by good yield, high flavors of fruits. Fruits of the average or major rounded-conical shape, covering painting in the form of bright orange-red stripes on the gripped background. The muddle is weakly yellowish, loose, pretty juicy, sour - Sweet harmonious taste. Prelodes are preserved in the refrigerator until December.

Antonovka ordinary - Jimny variety, yield is high, fruits are large, rounded-cylindrical, rounded shape, greenish-yellowish, ribbed. The little tight, juicy, good wine-sour taste with a characteristic spice and aroma of only Antonovki.

Strawberry Amber - Early grade. The fruits of the average and above the average value (120 - 170 g), slightly ribbed. Fruit is thick, short, almost not noticeable, hiding in a wide and deep funnel. The skin is smooth and almost dry to the touch, thin, but dense, yellowish-green, with red strokes or with a dense blush. White flesh, gentle, very juicy. The appointment of fruits is universal.

Winter hardiness high.

Rai-Zimniya variety, high resistance to the paschers. The surface is yellow-green with a bright red blurred broken. White flesh, dense, dessert, sweet taste.

Korobovka-Enched grade, winter-hard-resistant, yields. Small, flat. The surface is greenish-yellowish with non-lass orange-red stripes. The pulp is yellowish, dense, sweet, good honey taste.

Bogatyr--Zimniy grade, characterized by high adaptability, high and regular yield, long-term fetus fetus. Greats above the medium size, flat-round form. Fruit greenish-yellow fruits, on the sunny side of the carmine blush. White flesh, juicy, dense, pleasant taste.
Fruits ripen in mid-September. Consumer maturity comes in late October. When late with the collection, swallowing fruit occurs.
Gives annual yields. Winter hardiness and brush resistance are high.
The variety is valued for high consumer qualities.

SINAP ORLOVSKIY - lateness of apple trees. It is distinguished by winter hardiness, sidelity, yield annual, fruit stored until April. Close-up apples, one-dimensional, oblong. The main painting is yellowish-green, covering in the form of a blurred gentle brush. The flesh is creamy, very juicy.

Pepin-saffron-In-founded I.V. Michurin, sorted, fruits every year, the winter variety, well stored. The average magnitude, oval-conical shape, the layers of a very beautifully painted, on the yellowish background intensive rosane in the form of a strip. Pale yellowish, juicy, aromatic, excellent sweet taste.

The apples are large, reach weights of 200 grams and above, rounded-conical shape, slightly flailly, with a slight ribbon. The main color is green, coating - burgundy red. Puff juicy, greenish color. The taste of apples of sour-sweet with a thin aroma.

The preparedness of the fruit to the collection occurs in September - October, depending on the cultivation region. Maturity The fruits are gaining within two months after harvesting and are able to be stored in a fresh form until May of the next year, for processing - universal on use.

Ladoga-The expression variety, winter-hard-resistant, yield is high. Plaques of flat-circular shape, greenish-yellow color, with a brown-red Rumenching. The little grainy, with a pleasant sour-sweet taste. Consider in September, can be stored until March.