Repairs Design Furniture

Closed gazebo with mangalom: types and examples of projects. Winter gazebo - Options for arbors Closed with stove Projects

A gazebo with the furnace - the design is very comfortable. Such a structure would like to have in the site many. Meanwhile, it is not particularly difficult to build it. It is important at the first stage correctly. There are several types of furnaces for arbor from the point of view of functional. In such structures, you can stew meat, smoke food or even cook soups.

On the advantages and disadvantages of all these varieties and let's talk later. We will also deal with the technology of the construction of the juggle oven with smokehouse for the arbor.

Varieties of furnaces for arbors

So, ? Most often, fireplaces, caulies and mini Russian stoves are installed inside these country facilities.

Stove Mangal

The main distinguishing feature of the Mangala is that meat is frying on it using skewers. Stationary structures of this type are elevated along with the gazebo and are usually set in a long wall. Very often combined with smoking.

Photo furnace for a gazebo. Brick Mangal - Design is usually not too complicated

In the finished gazebo, it is easier to install the brass stove. Such portable structures are also fairly comfortable and do not occupy a lot of space. Sometimes metal structures of this type are placed brick.

Metal burning brass with a cauldron and countertop

Barbecue furnace

A stationary barbecue furnace for a gazebo is also built of bricks and in appearance very much resembles a brazier. However, in this case, non-shampoo, but lattices are used for frying. Of course, the cooking process itself becomes more convenient, as it is not necessary to spend time on putting meat. But wash the grille is more complicated than sampoura.

In the barbecue, the meat is fried on the grille

On a note: A very convenient variety of stationary barbecue furnace are structures complemented by the working area - a tabletop and a sink.

Portable barbecue is most often installed in the center of the gazebo and have a round shape. Also hang hindrances. The latter are attached to the chains to the ceiling beams. Such a gazebo with a focus in the center will also be very comfortable.

Barbecue is usually installed in the center and equipped with extractor

Russian oven for gazebo

Another very common variety of furnace for a gazebo is the Russian mini-oven. The main advantage of this design is the multifunctionality. Build a Russian oven in a gazebo - it means to get the opportunity not only to fry kebabs. You can also stew meat, make pancakes, cook soups, etc. Most of all this type will suit, of course, for such a structure, as a Russian gazebo.

Mini Russian oven for gazebo - Equipment in the construction quite complicated

Other varieties

A fairly interesting type of furnace for the gazebo is Kazan. It is usually a rectangular brick design with a hole at the top, in which the round cup is inserted - Kazan. Such furnaces for cooking pillows are intended.

Brick furnace Kazan Used for cooking Plov

The furnace fireplace for a gazebo can be a very suitable construction in the event that it is supposed to make it winter. Such are actually very comfortable.

Arbors closed with fireplace furnace - cozy and practical structures

Another interesting variety of ovens for the gazebo is a furnace grill. Today in the store you can purchase its portable gas option on the wheels.

On a note: The prefabricated construction complex is considered a very popular design. It may be, for example, gazebo with a stove and a mangal, or a smokehouse, and a cauldron, etc.

A collection complex can be installed in a big gazebo

The construction of mangala with smokehouse

  • Construction of the woodwood.
  • Build brazier-smoking.
  • The erection of chimney.
Important: At the first stage, the MANGAL itself is going. Already around him.

A mangal for a gazebo has a pretty simple design

Project preparation rules

Start building a furnace for a gazebo with their own hands with the development of the project. It is necessary to compose it in such a way as to minimize the risk of fire.

According to the standards, at least three meters of free space must be in front of the mantal furnace. On parties - at least 1m. Wooden parapet Arbors from behind must be located from the mangaal at least 25cm.

Of course, the furnace itself should be designed so that it is as easy as possible.

Burning barbell for gazebo. Photo correctly located design

Tip: The oven woodwood must have a height of at least 45cm. The optimal is considered height in 70-90cm. Firek in the event that you want to use a brazier and as a smokehouse, it is worth raising to 90cm.

The order of such an oven is the easiest way to download on the Internet. Of course, the projects include drawings with dimensions.

The project is applied by a mangala friend

Construction of foundation

Furnaces for - construction is quite massive. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the foundation. For brick mangala, slate is best. Under it in Earth, they dig a hole 35cm in the depth so that it was centimeters on 10 wider than the wreationalover on all parties.

Under the brazier stands to build a slab foundation

Formwork can be made of plywood or boards. The bottom of the pit should be thoroughly aligned. Next, the sand is poured into it with a layer of at least 5 cm. Then the pouring of the submersible with a thickness of about 3 cm. After it is frozen, the reinforcement grid is installed. At the final stage, everything is poured by concrete. Prepare it in proportions cement * sand * rubble 1 * 3 * 5.

From all sides of the Woodrovnik should remain on the 10cm foundation plate

Layrovnik masonry

After filling and standing the foundation, the wagon of the wreckman is starting. The branded by us in the projection from above will be the appearance of the letter "P". The rear wall can be put out of three bricks laid on the bed with a spoon, side - from two. In order for the brand to be comfortable, the Woodrovnik should be made higher (10-11 rows).

Oven in the gazebo. Stock Foto Mangala with high woodwood

Put the walls by the method in Polkirpich. After five rows, in a brick, the letter "P" make a "shelf" under the bottom of the furnace. The latter can be made of steel sheet. The following row is also laid out by the method in a brick, but already throughout the perimeter of the rectangle. Ahead of the bottom under bricks can be put a steel plate or a corner of 50 * 50m.

The steel bottom of the brazier is stacked on the "shelf" of bricks

Laying laying

Next, consider how to build a firebox. The masonry over the wave continues again by the method in Polkirpich. The height of the furnace should be 10-12 rows. At the very top of the masonry mounted holders for the steel rod, which will be put on smoking products.

Above the brazier or barbecue in the furnace you can arrange smoking

Important: The firebox is best lay out of chammed brick. It should be used not cement, but a clay solution.

How to make chimney?

The chimney for the mangaal with their own hands can be swung from tin 2mm. For this, the steel is disintended in such a way that the angle of the truncated pyramid of the smoke collector was approximately 60cm, and the diameter of the metal pipe is 12 cm. To the furnace, such chimney can be welded through the steel corner. At the final stage, it will be necessary to make a mounted door for smoking.

Stock Foto Brick grill with tiny chimney

On this construction of a stove with a brazier and smoking can be considered over. As you can see, the procedure is not so complicated, as it may seem at first glance. If you ever built brick walls, collect the stove for a gazebo will not be difficult for you.

Swelling in nature with a kebab in a comfortable environment - a favorite way of Russians spends free time, especially in the warm period. Restaurant Comfort will be provided in a gazebo with a brazier or a stove. You can even build such a structure by the original project, making it a point in the country's dacha.

Features and advantages

Arbors with brazier, barbecue or stove have their undoubted advantages:

  • can serve as summer kitchen combined with the place of meals, which is also convenient for guests, and for those who are busy cooking;
  • even in bad weather, the source of fire is warm and cozy;
  • the owners of the site have a large selection in the construction of arows that have a variety of forms that differ in the degree of closedness or openness.

Among the negative sides of the buildings equipped with furnaces and mangals, it is necessary to close attention to fire safety issues. If such a construction is erected with violations, it may cause a fire in which there is a risk of losing all the property on its land plot.

The peculiarity of the appearance of the arbor, as well as its functional properties, is determined not only by the material from which it is created, but also the type installed in the construction of the furnace.

You can make a traditional Russian mini-oven here. It allows you to prepare any dishes, although the laying of it requires certain skills.

For many, MANGAL will be familiar. It allows you to prepare meat or fish on skewers. The brazier can be stationary and portable. Small mangals are also bricks, so that they are more convenient and safer to use.

Another kind of oven is a barbecue. In it, the grille is used for cooking. There are also stationary, mobile structures. This furnace can be embedded in the wall or place in the middle of the arbor.

Plov lovers will better appreciate Kazan. This is a rectangular oven with a round hole at the top. On the side of it there is a door that allows you to put the firewood into the fire.

Also in the construction you can install a fireplace. First of all, it will be a heat source, but not a means of cooking. Such furnaces are most often installed in closed pavilions, and their functionality is the same as a domestic home fireplace.

Material overview

The choice of material for the construction of the arbor with the furnace depends on the aesthetic preferences of land owners, and their financial capabilities.

The most common material for the garden structure with the furnace remains a tree. This building is most organically looking against any landscape. From a financial point of view, the use of wood is more profitable. In addition, for many rustic real estate owners, it is not difficult to argue from it.

It should be borne in mind that the design of wood structures with a furnace requires compliance with a number of conditions, and the wood itself will have to be processed by special solution to prevent possible fire.

A good option for building the oven is the use of bricks. But it should be borne in mind that such an impressive gazebo will not look quite appropriate on the plot with a minimum area. But such a structure, if it is competently built, will be able to serve a very long time, without requiring special care.

If the owners need a gazebo, which will be used only in hot summer days, to take a good metal for construction. It can even be a wrought design with openwork railings and iron racks that support canopy. It will look very attractive to look. At the same time, it will not take much time on its construction, and the construction will not light up during operation, especially if the interior has a minimum of elements capable of flap.

Also, during construction, you can combine various materials - framework from metal, to separate the structure with a decorative stone or a ram, and from the inside with a clapboard. It can be used as roofing material.

Select layout

By its design, the arbors are open, semi-open and closed. Open gazebo is a canopy on the supports. It can be fenced with railings. A semi-open arbor provides for at least one wall, which can also be placed in a stationary oven. Also half-open gazebo sometimes provides glazing. Closed structures are houses that are convenient to use even in cold winter days.

Choosing one or another option, it must be borne in mind that the construction of a closed gazebo will cost more than open. The consumption of building materials here will be much more, as well as labor costs for the construction itself.

The construction projects of any of the types of arbors with the furnace must take into account the many components:

  • open or closed gazebo;
  • from which materials it is planned to build it;
  • how many points of fire will be in the gazebo and where exactly they will arrange;
  • in the same place there will be a hole for removing smoke;
  • how convenient is the placement of the furnace in a particular place in terms of its service;
  • how the supply ventilation will be arranged (in the closed pavilion).

In the arbors sometimes planned several sources of fire. In small buildings there are no more than two. In spacious - up to five. The ovens need to be placed on distance from the power grid.

The gazebo should be put in such a place and the furnace is mounted in it so that the smoke does not fly towards the house. The furnace itself is designed in such a way that it is economical from the point of view of the use of fuel and at the same time long gave heat.

At the design stage, the drawings of the roof, foundation, various technical components are also drawn up. The electrical system and water supply scheme is also being studied.

For gazebo with mangals and barbecue, the projects of foundations are developing. It is often assumed to use a column foundation. It is suitable for the building of a small area. For the furnaces themselves, a slab base can be provided.

For brick or stone structure, the tape is suitable. Sometimes during the construction of the arbors use screw piles or a boronobic foundation. It is satisfied expensive and requires the use of special equipment. So in projects such a type of base is rarely laid.

It is possible to lay the formation of a monolithic base in the form of a plate. It will endure a serious load and at the same time will be able to act as a floor. This is suitable such a kind of foundation for the terrain with problem soil.


Part of the planning stage is to prepare the necessary calculations. So, when developing a furnace or mangala project, it is required to calculate the parameters of the future heat source. In the same grill, you need to calculate the height of the design, the size of the container for firewood, the chimney parameters, ventilation, and so on.

It is also necessary to thoroughly calculate, in what quantity they need certain building materials and at what price they can be purchased. For the occupation of the economy class, some indicators are laid, for a more comfortable structure - completely different.

Expenses for the construction of the furnace, the foundation, roof, the floor and the walls must be defined in advance so that then there is no surprises.

Calculations are carried out and relative to the placement of the arbor. According to the rules of fire safety, garden structures are installed at a distance of at least ten meters from the house and garage (or parking for the car).


Construction of a gazebo with a brazier, barbecue and other varieties of furnaces looks approximately the same.

To build a desired design with your own hands, you need to start with the preparation of the site and bookmark the foundation. Then the oven and chimney are built (sometimes this stage is better to trust the specialist). Supports and framework are made, floor is satisfied. Then the structure closes the roof and follows the stage of design of the arbor.

Simple option, it is possible to name the construction of a bonde roof design on supports. To build it, you can choose a profile pipe. For the roof it is best for metal tile or professional flooring.

If a plot is selected to accommodate the arbor, where there is a fence from a non-combustible material, this obstacle can be used as the wall of the construction with the furnace. Thanks to this approach, construction will be cheaper and space on the plot will be saved. You can use paving slabs as a foundation and gender.

What to choose a brazier or barbecue is a matter of taste. But in any case, it will be necessary to organize an exhaust.

As for the design, in addition to installing the minimum set of furniture, it is possible to provide a saccine and a convenient worktop for cooking.

If there is a desire to make a more thorough construction with a stationary mangal, to begin with the purified and leveling plot, you need to mark the markup under the foundation. For this, pegs and rope tightened between them are used.

When concrete arranged foundation grabbed, you can begin construction of the furnace. First, the stand is done under it. The space under the stand can be used for storage of firewood. Bricks are laid by rows according to the scheme. Elements laid out around the perimeter and will be the basis. Then you need to lay out the oven, in which the kebabs will be prepared. To do this, there will be enough height of seven bricks.

After the device, the mangala is embarking on the construction of the chimney. Bricks are laid out in a circle. If inside the chimney to close the metal, it will take care of it much easier. From above on the pipe you need to make a metal cap, which will prevent falling into the stove of precipitation.

When the floor is provided, it is necessary to provide an insulating layer separating it from the ground. To do this, use runneroid. If the gazebo is open, the floor should fit with a small bias so that water can drag into rainy weather beyond the site.

First make the lower strapping from the bar. It is attached to the hairpins. Lags are stacked every half meter. After that, the floor is trimmed with boards or oriented chipboard.

When building a wooden floor around the mantle of the board, you need to score a metal sheet or lay out around the oven tile.

If the gazebo is open, it is enough to build supports. This is a bars that are installed on the horizontal strapping. To ensure strength, they are strengthened with transverse beams. In the intervals between the racks are railing.

Most of the work on the installation of the roof is better to do, not climbing up. The ends of the beam rafters need to be trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees, on the other hand you need to cut locks and connect the items. The finished frame is installed on the supports of the structure and attached by bolts. Shell the roof is easiest than plywood or boards. Around the pipe you need to provide a hole. The chimney itself is placed cardboard from asbestos.

A gazebo of any type will be the perfect holiday destination for a large family. But on a cloudy day in an open design you will not sit. That is why there will be closed arbors more functional in this regard. And if it is equipped not only a seating area, but also by the mangal, then there will be no friends from those who want to rest.

Features of arbors with brazing

If we talk about ordinary summer buildings, they choose them much easier. If you keep in mind the gazebo with a barbecue, the very prevention of a furnace or mangal already imposes a fingerprint to develop a project and stages of construction. For example, in the immediate vicinity of the mantle, stone or metal protective surfaces should be, which will not allow small coal to destroy the entire structure.

Since high-quality mangal or fireplace is sufficiently heavy, then the foundation must be selected in accordance with their parameters. Also for these designs is very important to install protection against wind, which will help not drive fire and smoke inside the arbor, as well as a residential building.

Important! Among other things, when choosing a material for making construction with a brazier, it costs to remember that the fire is an additional dangerous factor, so fire-fighting processing of all surfaces is necessarily carried out.

A closed gazebo with a brazier is a combination of cooking zone with a seating area. Such a solution helps to save space on the site and do not build these functional zones separately. But for a comfortable location inside, it is necessary that it is sufficient. If the site does not allow you to arrange the design required by parameters in accordance with all the rules, it is better to abandon this venture at all.

To choose the right size of the sizes, the maximum possible number of guests should be taken and repel from how much they will be comfortable in such conditions. In some cases, the MANGAL can be carried out beyond the gazebo, which frees the space for sitting inside. But this option will not be able to fully be called a gazebo with the mangal. Optimally, if the cooking zone will be equal to the dining area.

To implement such an idea to the life of such an idea, a rectangular or octagonal arbor will be built. The use of a rectangular type is more common due to the fact that it can be placed on any plot conveniently and with low losses of the useful area. For the correctness of further construction actions, drawings should be written, which will appear all the nuances.

When mentioning the word "gazebo", most people immediately remember summer holidays at the cottage and the preparation of kebabs. Many do not assume that there are winter arbors with a brazier, in which it is even possible to feel very comfortable in a cracked frost.

There are several different types:

  • Separately standing.
  • Combined.

In the first case, the construction is:

  • A separate building in which everything you need is available for a comfortable stay during the cold season.
  • By type, such buildings resemble miniature houses with a variety of windows.

Council. The windows can be made completely removable or climbing / lowering up / down.

In the second case, the design combines both summer, and winter option:

  • Such a gazebo with the Mangal Winter is called Moorish.
  • The center establishes a warmed part with the stove, and around the perimeter - canopy with shops.

Winter and summer gazebo table:

Advantages of insulated arbor

In addition, such a design is a true decoration of any country area.

Its benefits are quite obvious:

  • The size of the structure allows you to comfortably settle down even a very large company. The owner does not need to constantly remove, because the brazier is located in the same room.
  • If the street is too hot or cold, the reliable structure of the structure will not depend on the nature whims.
  • The presence of the stove will allow not only delicious dishes to prepare, but also to heat the room.

Warm arbors with brazier can perform in the role of guest houses. If you place the folding sofa in the room, you will get a very convenient place of temporary accommodation guests and relaxation.

Material for construction

We can argore the winter with a brazier from such materials as:

  • Tree (see).
  • Brick.
  • Glass.
  • Plastic.
  • Metal.

For roofs used:

  • Ceramic tile.
  • Metal tile.
  • Proflist.

Stages of construction

The construction of any construction facility requires a serious attitude to work. It is not an exception and a winter gazebo with a barbecue, which can be built with your own hands. It is only important to consider all the nuances of this work.

This is especially true for the construction of the mangala:

  • First you need to choose a place to start construction. The best option will be a smooth section in the shadow side.
  • Then the foundation should be placed.

Note. Its type and size directly depends on the type of the hearth. The most common ribbon foundation is suitable, since it is characterized by high strength, allowing him to withstand not only the weight of the most built, but also the mangala.

  • The optimal foundation depth should be 70 cm, and the width is 30 cm.
  • After that, the bottom of the sand is covered with a thickness of at least 7 cm.
  • The metal mesh or fittings are stacked on top.
  • Everything is poured concrete.
  • Now it is necessary to make brickwork. The two first rows should be postponed with a solid layer.
  • Then you need to place the location of the future niche for firewood. It is necessary to lay out 7 rows of bricks.
  • After the chimney and the pipe is folded.
  • From above, the design is reliably protected by a metal sheet.

Council. During the construction of the manga, it is necessary to fully combine all materials. For example, the furnace can be metallic, and the walls of the hearth are stone or bricks. We must not forget about the exhaust, otherwise smoke can spoil you mood.

Construction of the arbor

This lower level should be located strictly horizontally:

  • Then you need to isolate the rubber masonry from the first crown of the bar.
  • Between the logs or bar, the insulation of the jute should be laid.
  • In those places where windows are scheduled for the project, the bar is not needed.

Council. As an additional insulation for walls, polystyrene foam or insulation from mineral wool can be used.

Roof setting

The optimal option will use a rafter system of a bar with a rectangular cross section.

Working tools that may be required:

  • Shovel bayonge.
  • A hammer.
  • Chisel.
  • Sander.
  • Fugoval machine.
  • Mill.
  • Welding machine.

How to build floor

Beautiful and warm gazebo with a brazier will also be comfortable, if it is right to build the floor in it:

  • The base for the floor can be formalized by stretching the timing of 10x10 cm between the support pillars, and the 10x5 cm bar between two opposite sides of the construction.
  • As a base of the floor serves as a cutting board of 10x3 cm.
  • The floor can be aligned with an outdoor tile made of polymer and sand, as well as painting pigment.
  • You can build steps so that it is convenient to go into the structure.

As finishing materials can be used:

  • Lining.
  • Plasterboard.

Lining is the best option in this case. If you use drywall, then you should stop your choice on fire-resistant material.

Choosing mangala

Mangal can be built with his own hands or buy.

There are several types of mangals:

  • Electric.
  • Cast iron.
  • Metal.
  • Collapsible.


  • Electric mangals will suit those who prefer security, since the fire in such structures is completely closed. In addition, these devices do not form smoke and characteristic odor.
  • Cast iron models are an excellent option for a warm gazebo. They are able to serve not one dozen years without consuming too much fuel. Characterized by high heat transfer.
  • Metal mangals are perhaps the most common type of similar equipment. Their distinctive features are strength, ease, low price and an increased service life. They do not need special care and are not subject to corrosion.
  • The most affordable view of all listed is the collapsible brazier. Such designs have an important advantage over their fellows - mobility.

Note. There are collapsible structures and a rather significant disadvantage - deformation when heated.

How to build all this beauty

To carry out the cherished goal you can use two options:

  • Option 1. Trust the professionals, and for decent money get what you wanted.
  • Option 2. Build it with your own hands. Presented video in this article will help you build a building that will be the subject of your pride.
  • Of course, in this case you will have to spend more time and strength, but the reward for all works will be enthusiastic friends and loved ones.

You will definitely succeed, and this instruction and useful tips will certainly help in work.

Many people who hearing the word "gazebo" immediately associate him with rest and summer time. Most of them do not even assume that there are comfortable winter arbor-houses with a brazier, in which you can relax even in the midst of harsh winter.


Closed gazebos with a brazier can make ordinary cooking with real pleasure and pleasant time. The dishes are prepared on an open fire, which significantly transforms the taste of dishes and makes them more juicy and helpful.

Most of the owners of country sites, in addition to the location of the mangaal in the gazebo, prefer and the presence of a stove, smokehouse and brazier. There are many options and depend on the needs of the owner of the household.

Even a simple version of the closed gazebo with the brazier will be one of the most cozy places for a full-fledged rest and restoring forces.

In a small gazebo, you can install a small table and sink for cooking. In the larger house, it is even a refrigerator for storing products. In any case, the space of such a room should be used practically, because the gazebo is not designed for too much furniture. Most often, the traditional zone for meals is a dining table and chairs or a bench for guests. To save space in the room benches can be laid under the table.

Thus, there will be more space during the incarnation of your culinary masterpieces.

There are arbors in which even a bar stand or sofa is present for a comfortable accommodation. Such arbors can be considered full-fledged holiday homes in a family or friends.


Winter arbors are always great vacation in nature. In addition to this statement, it is worth mentioning about other benefits:

  • the size of the construction makes it possible to conveniently set up a large guest company;
  • a reliable construction allows you to relax in it with comfort, regardless of weather conditions;
  • the furnace allows you to warm up the house and cook delicious food in the same room, without deleting anywhere;
  • warmed options with a stove can serve as guest houses, where in the presence of a sofa, guests can comfortably sit for a while.

Closed gazebos with a brazier can be very diverse, so you should keep your choice on those solutions that will most successfully combine with the landscape of the country area and other buildings.


For the correct distribution of financial costs for the construction of a closed cottage house, we need to thoroughly think through all the details. The design stage involves the choice of material from which the construction structure will be erected. The walls of a closed arbor house are better made from building materials that have the lowest thermal conductivity, such as timber and bricks. In this case, it will be comfortable to relax in the gazebo during the cold season, going around without an additional heating source.

The largest popularity for the construction of winter houses with mangal is rightfully have a bar and brick. However, in some structures, the use of other materials, such as sandstone, stone, metal and polycarbonate applicable.

Building from a bar can be trusted by professionals, and it is also easy to build it yourself. During construction, it is important to comply with the basic rules:

  • Closed options should be equipped with chimney and good ventilation in accordance with the basic fire safety rules.
  • The arrangement of the construction in the garden plot also plays a latter role. Do not install the house on the border with the neighbors section. In addition, the structure itself is desirable to erect in a shady and cozy place for a harmonious combination with a common landscape area.

  • The choice of glazing and building windows should be considered at the design stage of the garden house.
  • The installation of lighting and water supply will make a gazebo with a full-fledged summer holiday home, where you can comfortably be located on vacation at any time of the year.

After the place for the construction is chosen, it is necessary to start working on the project of the foundation. It, as a rule, must withstand the total weight of the whole structure. First of all draw a project scheme.

Such drawings will help determine the timing of the work and the main financial costs.

The foundation of the buildings is columns and tape. The first will suit small structures, for example, made of metal and wood. As for the second, this method of construction will become an excellent option for the construction of more serious structures made of bricks and stone.


Arbors with the brazier are different, in this case it all depends on the chosen building material, the owner's fantasies of such a home ownership and on financial costs. Some give preference to a small and simple mangalu with lattices, others prefer the view of the living fire in the oven, and the third want an indoor gazebo-house with a full oven kit: a place for cooking food, hood and wood storage area.

For the construction of closed arbors use various architectural styles. Among such buildings, you can find classic forms, ampir, baroque, gothic and many others.

The selection of bricks for the construction is made taking into account the colors of the country area as a whole. For amateurs of extravagant style, the option of combining different shades is suitable, and for those who like to stick to traditional things, a red brick is perfect. In addition, it is better maintaining heat due to natural raw materials, which is used in the manufacture of this building material.

Projects of closed houses with brazier are entirely dependent on the material from which the construction is constructed.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of the most common building materials for the construction of a closed garden gazebo.

Brick structure

The main advantages of brick buildings include the following features:

  • construction strength;
  • combination with other building materials;
  • wide variety of architectural styles;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Walls of a closed gardening house can be painted or bred. Such simple manipulations will help protect the design from negative weather conditions.

Minuses of structures from bricks:

  • the need to install a powerful foundation;
  • high price building, but it is fully justified by the durability of this structure.

Wooden building

It is unlikely that something can be compared with the naturalness and ecological wood. Its pleasant aroma and a charming appearance give such construction even greater value and allow you to easily enjoy the rest with friends and loved ones.

A closed wooden building can be built with your own hands. For this, it will be inexpensive, but the practical version of the frame gazebo. Its sizes can reach 5x5 m. From this gazebo, you can easily make a practical summer kitchen and enjoy a wonderful holiday in nature. Wooden structures are perfectly combined with the landscape as a whole and make the country's plot as cozy and attractive as possible.

At the same time, such projects require increased attention to the rules of fire safety when installing the manga and other heating equipment indoors.

The main advantages of the house built from logs or timber:

  • attractive appearance;
  • rapid deadlines for construction work;
  • the foundation of a lightweight type, which, in turn, makes it possible to significantly reduce the financial costs of building the construction;
  • increased frost resistance;
  • environmental properties of material;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Despite the large number of advantages, wood has disadvantages:

  • increased fire hazard;
  • destruction of the structure due to the influence of bad weather conditions;
  • next to rotting the material and the formation of high humidity in the room.

How to choose a brazier?

When installing a brazier, the materials should correctly pick up materials. For example, the furnace can be made of metal, and the walls are made of bricks. In no case should not forget about the chimney, because it will protect the construction from fire.

There are several types of mangals:

  • metal structures;
  • cast iron options;
  • electric mangals;
  • collapsible structures.

Now briefly consider the characteristic features of each of these species:

  • Metalmangaly are among the most popular types. They are distinguished by strength, comparative lightness, small cost and long service life. Most often, they do not require special care and are not exposed to corrosion.
  • Electric Models prefer those who choose safety in everything. Fire in this equipment is fully closed. An important features are the lack of smoke and smell of soot.