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Plan of work at the cottage in April. What work should be performed in the spring garden. Work on the lunar calendar for April

That's the winter end, and we will return to garden worries again. As you know, these works are concluded not only in planting fruits and vegetables, but also in careful care of soil, shrubs and trees. And they should be accepted immediately as soon as the cold originates, so as not to miss the time. Each month of spring has its own features in caring for a garden.

What to draw attention to the onset of March

In March, the main concern for the garden lies in high-quality trimming of perennial plants - trees and shrubs. It can be started after frost ceases below 10 degrees.

In March, after the resurrection of snow, the trimming of trees and shrubs

  1. Systematic pruning helps to resolve plant growth processes and their fruiting, increase productivity. For example, cutting the branches of apple trees in winter and spring, you will provide the best design of the kidneys, friendly flowering and high harvest.
  2. The currant and gooseberry bushes should spill old branches to the base. Usually they are unproductive and give underdeveloped shoots that do not bring harvest. The raspberries are better to remove such shoots in autumn, but also the period of early spring is also suitable for such work.
  3. Be sure to deal with the whitewash of garden trees, if not done in the fall. It is better to do this at the very beginning of March, until the snow is melting to avoid bark burns, and only on a sunny day.
  4. Until the movement of the Wood Juice (in the first half of March), bridge the cuttings. Later vaccinations are not crowned with success.
  5. If during the winter on the trunks of the trees there was damage, they need to be "subject." Clean the damaged place to a healthy fabric, disinfected the wound with a solution with a solution of a sulfate and lubricate the garden with a gardener or cowboat and clay. Wrap the mashed savory places.
  6. In the last numbers of March you can remove the strapping from the trunks of trees. The remaining snow around the trees burst. If spring is cold and protracted, then these works can be held in April.

What you need to do in the garden in March

How to prevent errors when trimming trees and shrubs

Like any garden work in March, trimming fruit and berry plantings requires some knowledge and has its secrets.

The shape of trimming trees is as follows:

  • first, cut the old fruiting trees;
  • after 1-2 weeks, younger trees that are not fruiting;
  • apple tree begins blooming before everyone, so it is cut into the first;
  • pears, plum and cherry trees can be cropped before the start of flowering.

When you cut the branches of large sizes, try to make a slice on the ring, not leaving the hemp. Such a wound takes faster and will have less impact on the trunk. Cuts from branches with a diameter of more than one and a half centimeters. Clean the knife and fill the oil paint based on the olifa.

Please note: To avoid a tree infection due to pruning damaged areas, be sure to handle the tools used by a solution of manganese.

Branches of shrubs - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, - need to cut to the soil level. Special attention is paid to the tops of productive shoots: they are enough to shorten by 15 cm if they were not injured from frost and mechanical damage. Otherwise, pruning needs to be made up to 1-2 healthy kidneys, so that the slice has exposed the green bark and white wood.

Cutting the branches, check the location of pests and destroy them. It will correctly burn sockets along with cropped branches.

April Care

This month will require greater hardworking. It was in April that snow finally comes off, but the cooling is frequent. Therefore, they will have to eliminate launch of March and take care of the soil.

In April, you need to turn the trees and hold their feeding

  1. If during the previous month you did not finish the trimming of trees and shrubs, it's time to do this work. And after you can be taken for planting and transplanting plants.
  2. Saving shrubs laid on the ground before winter, you need to free and straighten.
  3. Be sure to feed the plants with fertilizers - organic and nitrogen. If your garden is still young or consists only of a berry, use such a recipe: a mixture of 30 g of superphosphate, 4 kg. Houring and 0.5 kg of wood ash by 1 m.kv. Square. A fruitful garden will require an increase in fertilizer dose by 30%.
  4. Be sure to step up the soil around the tree trunks. It is very important not to miss the most suitable moment. To do this, check the soil: Take a little ground, squeeze it in the palm of your hand and disconnect. The soil must be a little wet and disintegrated into large parts. If it retained the shape of a compressed palm, then it is too early to start to the people, if the land has already dried and process it late.
  5. It is necessary to organize the priority areas along the radius, ranging from the tree trunk, so as not to damage the root system. When processing bushes it will be more convenient to use garden forks. Carefully break the lumps and align the surface with robbles. During the work, try to choose the roots of weeds.

Planting new plants and care features

When the snow comes down, and the Earth fully utters and warms up, you can be taken for the landing of young trees. Play the location of the pits in advance and prepare them so that by the time of the use of the soil in them as much as the desired level. The size of the pit should be greater than an earthen coma that turns the rhizome, by about 2 times.

At the bottom of falling off the mixture of fertile soil and organic fertilizers. In the center of the pit, form a holmik and strengthen the seedling, placing the roots. Seal the soil, pour and fix the plant at a pre-dripped peg. After a couple of days, you will climb the rolling circle.

Tip: Be sure to check the quality of seedlings! The root system should be strong, healthy and fairly developed. Avoid patients and broken branches on the plant.

Planting shrubs seedlings, stick to such rules:

  • currant is planted with an inclination of 45 degrees to the surface of the soil;
  • the gooseberry bushes plant vertically;
  • after planting these crops, the branches of up to three kidneys over the earth are carried out;
  • malina should be cut to a height of 40 cm.

If you prepared cuttings for vaccination, then in April it is time to use them. Before the juice starts actively moving around the trunks, it is most convenient to apply the methods of improved copulating and splitting.

In order for sudden spring cooling to do not find you surprise, and the flowers were not damaged, try to warm the soil on your own. This will help you smoke heaps. And in order to protect the strawberries and strawberries, cover them with old newspapers or film.

During the garden work in April, the first spraying is carried out. It needs to be done when the kidneys on pears and apple trees are just beginning to bloom and look like a green cone. Use for this Azophos or Bordeaux liquid.

There is a very good alternative to chemical spraying. In April, for this you can use drugs based on oil oil. They help very well in protecting the garden from pests such as a meager, shield, mole, wave, leaflet.

Caring for the garden in May

This month brings us to the summer, and everything you plan to do in the garden, focuses on the flowering of fruit trees and shrubs.

In May, there is still an opportunity to make a vaccination if you have missed the opportunity in April. Pay attention to the fact that the kidneys are located. If they are swollen and are about to reveal, it means that the active movement of juices has begun. The cuttings at this time will receive the necessary meals. At the same time, the kidney on cuttings should be at rest, that is, not to open.

If you did not provide your garden with smoke piles in April, then you will have to hurry with it. The area of \u200b\u200b6 acres will take about 10 such a heap, evenly distributing them in the garden. Otherwise, you risk losing flowers at the very first light frosts.

Tip: In order not to spend time on such heaps, you can use smoke checkers instead of them. They can be purchased in a shopping store.

Remember that even light frosts are able to damage the flowers and deprive you of the harvest. For example, apple flower buds can withstand a decrease in temperature to -4 degrees, and already open flowers will die at 0: -1 degrees.

In May, flowering trees and shrubs begins, it is especially important to protect them from frosts during this period

Now the May garden works will be regular, properly feeding and protection against pests and the effects of disease.

As soon as the branches will begin to form marks, support the soil around the plants with organic fertilizers, for example, an infusion of avian litter or a cow. Sometimes they can be replaced by mineral fertilizers. Be sure to spin the plants after feeding so that the water is rather submitted to the nutrients to the root system.

How to avoid exposure to harmful insects on plants

It is in May that begins the invasion of insects that can harm trees and shrubs, and even destroy the entire harvest. First from the wintering of the caterpillars of rosary leaflers and spinings. After the flowering ends, the butterflies of apple-tree fruit appear. You need not to miss this moment and thoroughly treat trees with special drugs.

The most frequent pests of berry bushes are:

  • flame;
  • weevil;
  • powder

These insects are activated in May, and affect raspberries, currants, gooseberries. To combat each of them there is a drug. Take away to the choice of funds with special attention: substances must be permitted to use and approved by the relevant instances.

Protected by pests Garden will delight you with lush flowering

Very useful may be regular loosening of the soil in the rolling circles. Thus, you disturb the pests and destroy their nesting. It is especially important to do it after the rains to remove the remains of the roots of weed grass.

Inspect the vaccinations that you have done in April. If they have taken root, you can remove the protective film.

By the end of May, the trees are flowing, and they are formed ovary. At first, the flowering finish the bone - plums and cherries, then the pears, and the apple trees and the latter. At this time, the complex treatment of trees will be required, which includes the effects of the following drugs:

  • acaricide will prevent the occurrence of ticks;
  • insecticides will scare the pests - insects and rodents;
  • fungicides will stop the development of diseases.

In a timely manner, your garden will save your garden, make it healthy, beautiful and frost.

Pests threatening crop fruit and berry plantations

Video about gardening in spring

Lovely, well-kept garden is not only a good harvest that can provide you with the workpieces for the next winter. This is also a cozy place in which it is pleasant to relax and in the spring, and in the summer. Therefore, care for the summer becomes an integral part of the life of any owner of the country area. We hope our article will help you learn something new. Tell us in the comments about your Spring Works in the Garden. Coach your home!

IN april 2019 The sowing season of work in the garden and garden continues. In order to correctly focus in the timing and most favorable days for gardening and garden affairs, summer houses are often relying on the moon phases. The optimal result and good yields are obtained if we use the tips of the agrotechnical calendar of seasonal work and the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Lunar gardener calendar for April 2019

The days of the growing moon are traditionally considered the most favorable for sowing, landing and other agrotechnical works in the garden. But at the same time, it is always necessary to take into account the influence and other factors - first of all the sign of the zodiac, then the lunar day, the day of the week and the phase of the moon (growing or decreasing). In the new moon, all the work on planting, transplanting, picking and planting plants is better to postpone.

1, Mon.26 ld
Decreasing moon in aquale
It is not recommended to sow nothing and replant, watering the plants. Speak spraying from pests and diseases of seedlings, shrubs and trees in the garden. Plug, stepsing plants, form trees and shrubs. Effective weeds and wrestling
2, W.27 ld
Decreasing moon in fish
A favorable day for planting and sowing vegetable crops

In the south a good day for landing root, potatoes. Saita Chernushka, salad, parsley, dill, peas.

In the middle lane, Sutite seedlings, cucumbers, patissons, pumpkins, melons and watermelons.

In the north of Seit on seedlings Late varieties of tomatoes, white cabbage.

3, cf.28 ld
Decreasing moon in fish

A favorable day for sowing vegetables to seedlings, greenhouse and in open ground. Successfully landing. Flower transplant. Water and feed the organic fertilizers: seedlings, planting, berry and decorative shrubs.

You can sow on seedlings and in open soil two-year-old flowers

4, th29 ld
Decreasing moon in a ram
Postpone the landing of vegetables and seedlings. You can easily dig the land, cook the beds, clean the garbage. You can sow siturates in open soil or greenhouse

In the south collect medicinal herbs

In the central region cut off shrubs, instill trees

5, PT.30-1 ld
New Moon in Aries
An unfavorable day for sowing, landing, transplantation. Effective weeding from weeds, soil treatment in boxes, greenhouse, outdoor soil.

In the south, cut the old and dry branches.

In the north, plan landing, bought seeds, garden equipment and observing materials. Get potatoes to germination.

6, Sat.2 ld
Growing Moon in Aries
An unfavorable day for landing and sowing. You can sow siters and salad for greens.In the southern regions, the sanitary and forming trimming of trees and shrubs continues. Slices Ship the garden Warr, Belite trunks, process from diseases and pests.
7, Sun.3 ld
Growing Moon in Taurus
Good day for picking seedlings. Magitize seeds, fertilize landings and room flowers with mineral fertilizers

In the south Seit greens, Siderats, grain in open ground.

In the middle lane, instill and cut the fruit-berry trees and shrubs. Do not forget to use garden var or paint.

8, Mon.4 ld
Growing Moon in Taurus
A favorable day for sowing parsley, salad, dill, spinach, sorrel. Successfully passing pests and diseases, mineral feeding.

In the central region, plant fruit and berry and decorative seedlings.

In the north, dive seedlings of vegetables.

9, W.5 ld
Growing moon in twins
A favorable day for planting parsley, dill, fennel.

In the southern regions, plan peas and curly flowers, make a garden strawberry.

In the middle lane, remove the shelter with roses and perennials.

10, cf.6 ld
Growing moon in twins
An unfavorable day for planting herbaceous plants. You can sow curly flowers and lianas

In the south, Seit Pea, Fennel and Dill. Strengit lawn.

In the Central Region, put in order curly lianas and perennials

In the north, seed seedlings of curly flowers

11, th7 ld
Growing moon in cancer
A favorable day for planting vegetables and transplant seedlings. Water planting, indoor flowers, fertilize.

In the south, Sieve cucumbers, zucchini, patissons, pumpkin, greens and spicy herbs. Space cabbage seedlings.

In the middle lane, a late cabbage seedlings

In the north, Seit on the seedlings cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, melons, watermelons.

12, PT.8 ld
Growing moon in cancer
A favorable day for planting vegetables, transplant seedlings and room colors. Sowing and transplanting any flower crops will be successfully.

In the south, Pakhchyeva plant in an open soil (except for watermelons and melons). Space seedlings of cabbage, green crops, spicy herbs.

In the Central Region, instill and pork fruit trees and shrubs

13, Sat.9 ld
Growing moon in lion
An unfavorable day for landing vegetables, except for basil and sunflower. Do not step and do not dive the seedlings. Do not water the plants.In the south, a lawn grass. Transplant dahlias and peonies. Adopt perennial flowers with mineral fertilizers
14, Sun.10 ld
Growing moon in lion
An unfavorable day for landing vegetables

In the south, give lawn in order: remove dry grass, spend aeration, drink and paint

In the north, cut the honeysuckle to swelling. Pour hot water berries from diseases and pests.

15, Mon.11 ld
Growing moon in lion
Take care of the work with the ground, weeding and dip. Put in order perennials: remove and dishonize dry and sick leaves, rubbing, bring mineral fertilizers. You can sit perennials.In the northern regions, prepare greenhouses for the season, clean the garbage, prepare a garden to landings. For an early harvest and warming up the beds, cover them with observing material.
16, W.12 ld
Growing Moon in Virgo
A favorable day for sowing and transplanting any colors. You can form a crown of trees, steaming and crop plants

In the south of seit and water the lawn

In the central region, plan and transplant grapes.

17, cf.13 ld
Growing Moon in Virgo

Continue to sow and transplanted flowers in pots and open soil. Successful seedlings will be successfully held, perennial division, seating of indoor plants

In the middle lane where snow and the earth got drunk, plant seedlings of berry and decorative shrubs

In the north, Belite trunks of fruit trees and large branches of shrubs

18, th14 ld
Growing moon in scales
A favorable day for planting medicinal herbs. It is not worth pausing seedlings.

In the south, plan the cabbage seedlings in the open ground

In Central Russia, squeeze peas in open ground, bone trees seedlings, seeds

19, PT.15 ld
Full moon in scales
An unfavorable day for sowing and transplantation. Take a rolling and mating with weeds

In the south, go around the haircut and align the lawn

In the middle lane, point the soil in the rolling circles of trees, shrubs

In the north, remove all winter shelters, unleash raspberries, put in order perennial flowers

20, Sat.16 ld
Descending moon in scorpion
A favorable day for landing vegetables, mainly root

In the south, donkey and watermelons, carrots, beets, radishes, turnip, trouser

In the central region, seitte green cultures, onions, garlic, radishes

In the north, squeeze on seedlings of watermelons, melons, zucchini, cucumbers

21, Sun.17 ld
Descending moon in scorpion
Do not plant trees and shrubs. Put the trimming. Pour all seedlings

In the south, ground the land on the beds, remove weeds

In the middle lane in the greenhouse, plant cucumbers, pumpkin, patissons

In the north, remove the plot, the greenhouses are preparing, seeded sites in a greenhouse

22, Mon.18 ld
Descending moon in Sagittar
An unfavorable day for planting and transplanting vegetables. Saw flowers.

In the south, Seita Beans, Medicinal and Spicy Grass

In the Central Region, transplanted and share perennials. Make organic fertilizers. You can plant grapes, decorative plants with a long, curly stem

23, W.18 ld
Descending moon in Sagittar
An unfavorable day for planting vegetables. We continue to sow medicinal and spicy herbs, flowers. Postulate processing from diseases and pests, weeding weed

In the south collect medicinal herbs

24, cf.19 ld
Descending moon in Capricorn
A favorable day for planting vegetables, transplants and disembarking seedlings, feeding organic fertilizers

In the south, Sieve Melon and Watermelons, plan the seedlings of tomatoes in the open ground

In the middle lane, in the open soil radish, salad, dill, parsley, plant carrots and dykon

In the northern regions Seit on seedlings cucumbers, patissons, pumpkins, melons and watermelons

25, th20 ld
Descending moon in Capricorn
A favorable day for sowing vegetable crops and seedlings transplantation. Water and fertilize landing, indoor flowers

In the south, squeeze cucumbers, melons, watermelons, zucchini, pumpkins, patissons in an outdoor ground

In the central region, plant onions, Chernushka, Garlic, Cut Carrot and Radish

In the north Seit on the seedlings of cabbage, Bakhchy cultures

26, PT.21 ld
Descending moon in Capricorn
A favorable day for planting vegetables, especially rooted. Effectively wrestling pests and weeds

In the south, plant tomato, pepper and eggplant seedlings in the open soil - under the film

In the middle lane, plant green crops, radishes, peas

In the north Sita in the guy or greenhouse Radish, greens

27, Sat.22 ld
Decreasing moon in aquale
An unfavorable day for sowing seeds, planting seedlings, planting seedlings. Spray seedlings and landing from diseases and pests.

Trees and shrubs cut off in Central Russia

In the north, removed from the pest trees, treated with drugs, form a honeysuckle

28, Sun.23 ld
Decreasing moon in aquale
An unfavorable day for landing and watering

In the south, form compost, you can break carrots and beets

In the middle lane, form a live fence and crown of trees, shrubs

In the north, remove the plot, Belite trunks

29, Mon.24 ld
Decreasing moon in fish
A favorable day for sowing vegetables, picking seedlings. Do not plant fruit trees and shrubs. Do not dig and do not divide the perennials

In the south, Siete zucchini, patissons, cucumbers, melons, watermelons in open ground

In the central strip, green and spicy cultures, radishes and peas

In the north, plant green crops, radishes, onions, garlic

30, W.25 ld
Decreasing moon in fish
Favorable day for sowing vegetables

In the south of Seit Corn, Beans, Beans, Bakhcheva. Squake seedlings of tomatoes, cabbage. Refrigerate roots

In the middle lane, plant roots, potatoes, annual flowers

In the north, plan garlic, onions, green cold-resistant cultures

Favorable days in April 2019

Full moon falls on April 19. Favorable for sowing and landing are the days preceding the full moon - April 16-18.

April begins S. descending moonWhen it is customary to engage in the landing of rooteplood - the underground part of the plants is actively growing during this period.

On April 5 accounts New moon - one of the most unfavorable days In a month. Plants on this day are better not to touch at all, sow and plant is categorically prohibited.

An adverse days of the lunar calendar in April 2018

Remember that the lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners is advisory. It is best if you combine the lunar calendar advice with your own experience and seasonal agrotechnical work calendar. In addition, it is always worth relying on the timing taken in your climatic region and landing for seedlings and in open soil.

Gardening calendar for April

Already in all regions, gardeners can go to the site and to prepare the garden for the season. The most important thing during this period is to help the garden to wake up from a long winter sleep and fully meet a new country season. Dachas remove garbage and vegetable remnants, check shelters. Snow, which was actively detained on the plot all winter, it is necessary to save in the form of melting water. It is most useful for spring nutrition and soil moisturizing.

  • So, the cuttings of the apple trees, chopped and in the fall, take away from the repository at the end of April, update sections, put in the water for 2 days.
  • After that, you can proceed to the spring vaccination.


  • If you plan to land with cucumbers in a greenhouse, seedlings begin to grow early, in the beginning of April.
  • If planned plants into open ground, they are seeded only from mid-April.

When calculating the timing of crops, focus on the estimated time of disembarking and age seedlings. The cucumbers are planted at a permanent place aged 30-35 days.

Siberia In the first decade of April, you can search for tomatoes seedlings if you plan to plan in open ground. Also, at the late April crops, the seedlings are better grown. Plants will grow strong and endless to unfavorable conditions.

In the Far East in the first decade of April (up to the 10th), they are sown on the middle-air and late varieties.

In early April, seeds to seed seeds. In Siberia, it is possible to start the cabbage seedlings only from the third decade of April.

In the first decade of April, it is necessary to have time to finish with sowing on seedlings, as well as on seedlings to the greenhouse. The growing regime of the seedlings of the bow-row is the same as the cabbage is white.

At the end of April, try to sow an exotic seedlings. In the closed soil, seedlings are planted at the age of 14 days. When planting peanuts to open soil, Seit seedlings later for 2-3 weeks.

Sweet holes sow on the seedlings in April. When landing a favorable time - from April 20, and if, it is better to wait until May.

Those who wish to grow kochenians sow it to seedlings in April. Calculate the seeding time so as to plant seedlings in 45-60 days old. Well, in order to get a fresh fragrant greens, you can sow Fennel seeds right into the ground. You can do this from the end of April and suck every 2 weeks.

From April 10, you can proceed to preparing beds in the garden. For example, for the soil they are drunk on a full bayonet shovels, humid and complex mineral fertilizer make. Loose, align and covered with a film to warm the soil.

Sowing and planting flowers in April

Do not need seedlings. However, it can be grown through seedlings, including in Primorye. They are sown in early April. Pick in the phase of the 2nd present leaflet. It is planted in the soil after return freezers.

In mid-April - favorable days for repeated crops - small-bedroom ampels.

  • Thanks to re-sowing, flowering petunia will decorate the garden all season.
  • Southern in April Petunia do not dive, but immediately planted in Kashpo at the end of June.

Early spring attention of many gardeners will be occupied by the queen of the garden.

  • In April begin, the soil warms up to positive temperatures.
  • Planting pits for roses are prepared by 40x40 and a depth of 50 cm.
  • The distance between the bushes should be at least half a meter.
  • Roses that were covered for the winter are starting to drive and teach to fresh air.

The bulbs before landing into the ground, in April you need to get out of the repository, clean and process insecticide from pests. So they will put one month waiting for the landing. At the end of April you can already land the bulbs of the late varieties of gladiolus.

It is also better to land early to the ground.


Color reproduction in April

In April, you can start to. Tubers are divided for pre-extension in early April. If a direct disembarkation is planned for the division of Cornklube, they begin at the end of April: soaked, placed in the refrigerator until the end of April.

  1. Since the end of April, a favorable period begins for spring reproduction of spring shoots, no more than 15-20 cm, can be divided into a larger amount of planting material.
  2. In the first half, take up the breeding of the division of the bush.
  3. At the end of April, you can take the seedlings in February. The hauling is combined with the sepitude of stretched shoots.
  4. Since April, the favorable period is beginning. Annual shoots are cut and put on rooting in a specially prepared moistened substrate. The temperature for the extension of cuttings is maintained at 18-25 ° C.

Forming hydrangea
In April, you can conduct forming trimming. It will be necessary to remove small twigs and those that grow inside the bush. Watch that after trimming the bush retained a rounded form.

Collection of medicinal plants in April

In April, there is a favorable time for. The sweetest kidneys of birch, pine, apple trees, hawthorn, willow have useful properties. Decorations and infusions from spring kidney help with pain, cough, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases.

April and to collect the bark of oak, willow white, viburnum ordinary. In April, the roots of Altea, Aralia, Belladonny, Ninexil, Ginseng, Phackles, and other plants are reserved in April. The leaves can be rummaged from belladonna, lingonberries, oleander and tolokany.


Spring comes in full swing, and even those daches that can served their country sites for the winter, make the first routines on nature. Work in the garden in April in the suburbs is enough, so it's time to collect all the strength and be accepted for business.

What to do in the garden in April

Get out

When all the snow comes down and the soil will dry a little, you can harvest the garbage over the winter, to collect the remaining last year's leaves, remove the winter strapping on the trees, remove the husknik, which were covered with perennials, remove the remains of dry leaves and perennial stems. If some shrubs pressed against the ground, it was time to free them.

From the lawn it is necessary to remove the foliage with sharp robbles. As a result, you will not only bring marafes, but also make aeration of lawn.

Remove the heaps, fastened with crumbs, break the soil in large oscillates, add fertile land and drink new lawn grass seeds. In those places where the lawn began to be selected on tracks and flower beds, a sharp shovel or a chopper, remove its surplus and align the edges.

Conducting and processing trees and shrubs

If last month you did not pruning trees and shrubs, now there is still time to safely remove patients, dry and frozen branches. It is pruning that will provide your garden health and rich harvest, trees will retain youth and decorative appearance longer.

Stroll around the garden and carefully inspect the trees. Large cracked and hollows must be treated with copper vigorous and smeared with a garden boiler or another similar means. If the fruit trees are very old, they may have covered with a lichen and moss. It is better to consider these thighs and treat the bark with copper vigor.

Under plants after melting snow, you can notice the resulting crust. It must be disappeared to provide access to air and moisture to roots, and at the same time to disturb the pests in these places. After it is necessary to climb the surface to peat or manure.

Pay attention to the kidneys of fruit shrubs. If they look unnaturally and swallowed, reminding cabbage cochanists, it means that kidney ticks settled. Such kidneys must be removed and burned.

Protect the garden from pests

This time can be effectively used to combat various diseases and pests.

If you know that last season you have plants sick, then process them now with appropriate drugs. Affected branches remove and burn.

For the prevention of mushroom diseases, the plants can be treated with 2% nitrafenine or copper vitrios on the surface, do not forget to spray the ground near the barrel. Process plants at positive temperatures and the absence of a bright sun, so as not to cause burns.

From such pests, like fire or mites, you can treat fruit bushes with carbofos. If you are an opponent of chemical protection, you can use infusions from wood ash, tobacco, mustard or onion husks for these purposes.

Meet with perennials

When all the snow comes down and nights are installed with plus temperatures, you can remove the observer material with roses. We have already started gradually. Carefully inspect the bushes if there are snack or blackened stalks, then they must be cut. Focus on the first top of a healthy kidney. All that is above can be deleted. Treat bushes from pests, including soil under roses, and burst. Make fertilizer - ammonium nitrate or urea.

At the same time, shelter can be removed from other thermo-loving crops that you were insulated for the winter. Earth under all perennials need to be exploded and focus.

If you have been settled for the winter to the trunks of perennial cultures to protect them from the cold, it's time to cut it off. When looming it is necessary to add spring comprehensive fertilizers.

It is time to restore order in flower beds: remove trash, explode and focus the soil, remove weed plants, flushed and caught here (now it will do much easier than late spring). It is only important to be attentive and not damage those flowers that have not yet climbed to accidentally not hurt them. If you forget that you are growing in flower beds, or wait a little, or make a habit of sketching simple plants location in flower beds.

Since the end of April (but only under the condition that the soil warmed up and no frosts) can be divided and. The new places of Flox, Astilb, Lilyniki will be delighted. As soon as the sprouts appear from the ground, the flowers can be divided and planted on new places. Chrysanthemums better replant when the size of the shoots will be 5-7 cm.

Depending on how the weather in April is closer to the end of the month, the bulbs of gladiolus and dahlias can be placed. The temperature of the soil at the landing depth (10 cm) should be above 10 degrees. If the month is not very warm, and the snow came down late, it is better to postpone this event until May.

Fallen plants

Fertilizers will be needed for all your garden inhabitants, including lawn. Spring fertilizers must contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (azophoska, nitroammophos, etc.) They could be scattered by taking the snow, but if you did not have time to do it, now it's not too late.

Do not forget about conifers, especially young, they also need care. For them there are special fertilizers and plants will be grateful to you for a vitaminized feeder.

Attention, coniferous

Inspect your coniferous neighbors, did you notice? This is especially true! Spring is gaining strength and even if the snow is lying, the temperature rises quite high. The needles begins to actively evaporate moisture. With the turn of the root system, large plants have not yet relieved to the end and does not fill the lost water. Crown begins to push.

To avoid yellowing, water your husband in the first half of the day warm water so that it will have to do the onset of still cold night.

Plant saplings

In April, you can land seedlings of trees with an open root system, be sure to tie them to supports and spilling well with water. If you have jammed the tank last year, now they can already be carefully separated and put on a newly prepared place. April is a great time for grafting plants.

In April, seeding seeds of annual colors seedlings and dive those cultures that were sown in March and have already grown.

Relax and enjoy the spring air

And the most important thing from what needs to be done in the garden in April is to relax. How many work would not be expected to, remake it all completely impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to think about yourself and your loved ones, to arrange a picnic in nature, to imagine the most aromatic spring air, to absorb the energy of an awakening nature and charges with a good mood.

House project "Time to create gardens"

Tsyganova Oksana

Calendar of works in the garden and in the garden in April.

Work at the cottage in April. What needs to be done in the garden and in the garden in April. All you need to do in the country in April.

List of work in the garden and in the garden for April

1. April - responsible month. First of all, it is necessary to lower the excess water from the plot. To do this, point the grooves along the slope of the site so that water flows into the ditch. If there is no slope on the plot, then just dig a shallow groove, gradually deepening it so that water flows in the direction you need. Especially dangerous stagnation of water on raspberries, strawberries and clematis.

2. At the beginning of the month, it is necessary to remove the napnik with young landings of strawberries, roses, irises, clematis, lilies, especially from oriental hybrids, because under warm shelter they will quickly go into growth and they can freeze the flowering during return freezers. However, do not hurry to take boxes from roses and clematis.

3. Adjust the nitric fertilizer (3 tablespoons of urea on 10 liters of water) lomies, rhubarb, sorrel, raspberry. Instead of urea, it is possible to use an index of manure or a bird litter diluted with water 1:10 or 1: 20, respectively. If you will cover these landings with Loutrasil or put arcs over them and stretch the film, then by May 1 you will have greens.

4. If the compost pile is located in the sun, then you can sow an early greens (kerwell, salad cress, cilanthole, parsley, salad, spinach, dill) and early carrots, as well as radishes. To do this, shed last year's bunch of compost hot water, on top of the compost pour a layer of soil about 7 -8 cm with a height and sew seeds. I usually do it like this: 1 teaspoon of seeds mixed with half a glass of sand and sow into the grooves as salt food.

You can use special seeders, which adjust the hole in the size of the seed. In this case, shoots will not be thickened.

From above, crops can be covered with film before shooting. Under the film, heat and moisture remains, and crops appear faster. After the appearance of shoots, the film must be removed, otherwise the shoots can burn under the film. If you cover the crops with Loutrasil or spunbond, it can not be removed by the plants until the plants are growing, but before the appearance of shoots, sowing should be poured directly by material if it is dry or windy weather that the proceeding seeds are not dried in the upper drying layer of the soil.

5. At the beginning of the month, we pre-grow weeds on vegetable beds, covering the garden with an old film and consolidating it so that the wind does not demolish. Under the film, weeds will quickly go, therefore, as soon as they appear, remove the film and brazen the beds, leaving them open for a day. Then turn the film again and repeat the operation. Now there are no weeds in the upper layer of the soil. It is important not to pull the soil, but only before sowing it is to rub it with a flat foke, then a sharp end of the flat cut a furrow for sowing. Sowing in an open ground of all the crops listed above can be produced at the time of flowering mother-and-stepmother, that is, in late April-early May.

6. Sheet parsley on greens and bush dill can be sowed in early April. In mid-April, you can sow the velvets, marigolds, zinnia.

7. At home, the seedlings of tomatoes and peppers water moderately, so as not to dismisse the soil. Do not forget that the seedlings need good lighting. As a feeding, I use a weak solution "Uniflora-Growth" (1 teaspoon on 5 liters of water), which I scatter seedlings instead of water. Do not forget to make a spraying of tomatoes and eggplant leaves with a very weak solution of the copper preparation (the easiest to use chlorine is a hydraulic oxide of the medium, dissolving one fifth of the teaspoon of powder in 5 liters of water). The solution can stand, you will use them two more times every two weeks. This is a good prophylactic measure against phytoophulas. But often the recommended spraying solution of manganese can not be done, because it does not save from phytoofluorosis, and other diseases at tomatoes seedlings are rare. A solution of manganese-oxid potassium can spray pepper, especially if he annoys the failure.

Pepper is difficult to protect against the attack of Tly, if in the same room where the seedlings are growing, and houseplants are located. Very well helps spraying of any plants and at any time a solution of the drug "Healthy Garden" (4-5 grains on 1 liter of water).

8. Potato is time to remove from the repository, lower it in hot (45 degrees) water.

When the water cools, add a manganese-oxid potassium to bright pink and hold the tubers in a solution of 15 -20 minutes. Then rinse the tubers, dry and lay out on the narrivation into a bright and cool place.

At the end of April, remove potatoes in cardboard boxes, glorifying each layer of newspapers, put boxes into a warm place so that the potatoes give good strong sprouts. Extrallic tubers will disembark, thereby speeding up the ripening of the crop for two weeks.

9. If you did not cut, then at the very beginning of the month it can still be done. Start with black currant, gooseberry and honeysuckle.

Cut the black ends of the branches, rejuvenate the bushes, cutting out old branches. At the gooseberry, it is necessary to cut all the young shoots growing in the middle of the bush, only those that grow along the edges of the bush should be left.

The red and white currant tops of the branches do not cut off, but only remove the old branches and those sprigs that are branched in the crown. The honeysuckle make trimming thickening crown or broken branches.

10. Do not hurry to cut cherries and plums, wait until it becomes clearly visible to the frozenship after wintering, and even better leave their pruning on autumn. The same applies to apple trees. After harsh winter, the ends of the branches could be frozen, but part of the branches will be able to recover from the kidneys on the crust, so do not rush to trim the branches, leave trimming at the end of summer. The freshest wood has a light brown color on a cut. Start making trimming from the end of the branch and, gradually moving from the end to skeletal branches, get to the place where the cut is light, - from this place the fabric of the tree is alive and do not need to cut.

11. To get an early strawberry, cover at least one bed with a film on arcs or double thin Loutrasil right along bushes.

12. By the end of the month, it is necessary to spray those plants that have spread the scales of the kidneys and the green cone appeared, because the first pests lay the egg at this moment in the green cone of the sheet. It is better to use the infusion or decoction of herbs with a strong smell (for example, pizzy, garlic or citrus crusts) to disorient the pests.

13. April - good time for vaccinations. In early April, you can cut cuttings for vaccination, wrap them in a newspaper, folded into a plastic bag and shook in the snow from the northern side of the house, but so that they are not poured with melt water. At the end of the month, these cuttings can be used for vaccination.

14. At the end of the month, drink directly to the ground to the place of the seeds of annuals and perennials, who are not afraid of frosts (poppy, eusholization, cosmeu, cornoxes, Iberis, catchment, forget-me-not, marigolds). The remaining flowers can also be sown directly into the ground, even such as tobacco or petunias, but their crops should be covered with a film stretched into small arcs. Arcs are easy to make themselves from IV rods, from which immediately should be removed. Willow grows along the canvas.

15. At the end of the month, it is possible to remove the shelter from all decorative plants, except for Clematis. Their rustling shoots are better to cover at least Loutrasil.

Looked rains, April warms,
All night - fog, and in the morning
Spring Air is exactly short
And soft smoke blue
In distant brothers in Bor.
And quietly dormant boron green
And in silver forest lakes
Still slightly his column
More Fresh Pines Crown
And gentle larch pattern!

Ivan Bunin

So the long-awaited warmer month arrived. April. It is time for urgent spring work.

The beginning of their preparation occurred in March and at the beginning of the month all earlyness of plants care work, not fulfilled in March due to bad weather, or for any other reasons should be completed.
What kind work in the garden and in the garden Provides our way Calendar in April and for what you need to take now?

Calendar of works in the garden for April

April - a month responsible, preceding the active work in the garden, the time when you need to have a lot of time to take care of many ways. The garden wakes up from winter hibernation and despite sharp temperature contrasts in nature, this is the most interesting period of spring.
In order for our garden to bestow us with rapid flowering and rich harvest, it is important to correctly plan april work B. sideways Garden.

- First of all, it is necessary to lower excess water from the site . Especially dangerous stagnation of water on raspberries, strawberries and clematis.
- remove winter shelter (husk) with, clematis, lilies and young strawberries, so that the plants have the opportunity to develop further - in the fresh air and sunlight. It is very important to take into account the climate of its area: if it is too early to remove the shelter, it is possible to apply irreparable harm to plants: they can extrude the flowering during return freezers.
- For the prevention of fungal diseases (pars, septoriasis), it is recommended to treat the priority circles of fruit trees with a solution of urea (700 g), ammmic nitrate (1 kg) or nitroamophos (1 kg) divorced in 10 liters of water.
- Conduct trimming shrubs if they did not do this in the fall, starting with bushes, gooseberry and honeysuckle. Weak, patients and broken branches should be cut. The gooseberry, red and white currant cut out all branches older than 8 years old, in black currant - older than 4 years old. If the currants have shoots affected by the kidney tick, they are also cut and burned. The honeysuckle make trimming thickening crown or broken branches.

Forming trimming of shrubs

- Do not hurry to trim and, you have to wait until it becomes clearly visible traces of the frozenment after wintering, and even better leave their pruning for autumn. The same applies to apple trees. After the harsh winter, the ends of the branches could be frozen, but some branches will be able to recover from the kidneys on the crust, so you do not need to rush to trim branches, it is better to leave trimming at the end of summer. The freshest wood has a light brown color on a cut. It is necessary to start doing trim from the end of the branch and, gradually moving from the end to skeletal branches, get to the place where the cut is light, - from this place the fabric of the tree is alive and do not need to cut.
- to inspect the black currant bushes and the gooseberry for the presence of curved tops of the branches - they need to be cut and burn, these are traces of damage to mildew.
- to free the branches of the raspberry; Dry and weak young shoots - remove. Healthy shoots raise and tapping on the tag.
- Shrubs can be treated with copper vigor.
- Start and with an open root system.

- Processing (looser) of soil in the prioric circles of fruit trees, around bushes, and in the alarms of strawberries to a depth of 8-10 cm. - Align the soil to robbles, after which it is recommended to be closed by peat, humus, manure or sawdust on thickness 5-10 cm.
- If necessary, vaccinated and frightening fruit trees.
- Prepare combustible materials (sawdust, firewood, manure, chips, trust or smoke checkers) for frost smoking.

Tempets trees

Tempets trees

You need to know the deadlines in which it is better to do. Focus on the weather. The sky should be clear, the land of unimpeitant, but also not heated to the larvae and disputes, wintering in the cortex, did not have to be activated. The last days of March - the first days of April - the best time.

First we need to inspect the trunks of the trees, clean them from the growths of moss and lichen, remove the old bark. After that, all the damaged areas of the barrel with a special putty or is shown. And only after that you can already start directly to the treatment of trees with a solution. As a tool, a paint spray gun or a conventional brush of large size is often used. They begin to apply a solution from above, from the branches, falling down.

Calendar of works in the garden for April


Neroving potatoes

- It is time to remove from the repository, lay out on the narrivation into a bright and cool place. The naturalization of potatoes is most natural, if the planting material that has not come out of the rest state is germinated before planting for 20-30 days at a temperature of 12-15 ° C. In the extreme case, if potatoes need to fall urgently, it is heated for 3-5 days at a temperature of 20-35 ° C, placing near heating
devices, and with sufficiently high humidity (tubers are periodically sprayed with water).
- For a week before the landing, tubers are placed in one layer and fall asleep with compost or sawdust. Fucking potatoes will germinate faster. Surveillant tubers plant, thereby speeding up the ripening of the crop for two weeks. But for a long time to keep potatoes under the compartment, since the resulting roots can toss with each other and will be injured during the landing.
- Similarly, 4 days before landing, the potatoes are sprayed with a special nutrient solution (1.5 tbsp. L. Superphosphate, 1 tbsp. L. Potassium sulfate on 10 liters of water).
- Potatoes are planted when the soil warms up to +8 ° C.
- Potato landing time can be determined by birch. Once the trees begin to green, it means that you can plant potatoes.

Spring Care for Perennial Vegetable Cultures

Start S. Perennial vegetables care (sorrel, asparagus, rhubarb, long-term bow, etc.)

- Start with the care of perennial vegetables (asparagus, rhubarb, etc.). The land at the ridges is inflicted and adopt with a cowboy (bird litter), diluted in 10-15 parts of water. By 10 liters of such a mixture, add 3 matched box of ammonia or potash nitrate - it will accelerate the germination of greenery. The same concern will be taken to the ridges with perennial spicy cultures by overwhelmingly frozen garlic.

- Left to wintering in the ground, bow cover the carpet or simply polyethylene film. This will speed up the receipt of early greenery.

- In early April, the preparation should be prepared for the seed of cold-resistant crops. If the soil does not work in the fall, it is necessary to make a recovery or peat on 1 bucket per 1 square meter. m. In each bucket add 1 cup of wood ash and mix well. If the autumn at the soil resistance was made by organic and phosphorus-potash mineral fertilizers, then in April and May, only nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the crops and planting vegetables.
- At the beginning of the month, you can proceed to sowing pea, reckless cabbage, lettuce, rhubarb, leaf celery, parsnik, sheet parsley on greens and bush dill.
- In the middle of the month, you can start sowing beets if the soil temperature is + 8-10 degrees. With this situation, shoots will appear after 2 weeks.
- A favorable time for landing onions-Chernushka. Shoots that appear after 3-4 weeks have thinned. By the end of the summer, the bow gives a good harvest.
- Carrots need to search as early as possible, while in the soil there is a stock of moisture. Carrot seeds germinate slowly and cheerlessly. It is necessary to cook them to sow in advance: soak in warm water and to withstand so for two days, periodically changing water. Even more accelerates the development of plants to germinating seeds. It is carried out in a warm place at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C. At the same time it is necessary to ensure that they are wet all the time. Excess moisture is harmful, as it makes it difficult to enter the oxygen required for germination. When the first roots seeds are seeded by a rare line after 0.5 - 1 cm. It should not be sown more often, since the breakdowns of shoots are not only laborious, but also harmful - pulling young plants with roots, we expose the roots of the neighboring plant and the smell of the angry plants attracts carrot Fly.
- Parsley, like carrots, sowed, too, as early as possible. Shoots appear only in 18-20 days. The seeds are sown in the grooves with a depth of 1.5-2 cm, having them after 20 cm. Care for sowing parsley is the same as for carrots: regular, but moderate watering, loosening, breaking at a distance of 2 sm.

- they sow if possible, since it is cold-resistant, but moisthed. The first time is sowing - the beginning of April. Sold better seeds extension. The distance between the furrows is 12 - 15 cm, between the seeds - 0.8 - 1 cm. Since the seeds are large, they are not mixed with sand. It is necessary to remember: growing radishes in the open ground is undesirable, since the cruciferous flew and cabbage fly can reduce all your efforts to grow this culture. It is noted that these pests do not penetrate even under the easiest shelter, so immediately after sowing, it is covered by the radishes with a polyethylene film.

- After the appearance of germs, the plants move after 3 cm, leaving the strongest.
- With a strong thickening of crops, radishes gives small and ugly root roots.
- When growing radishes, it is very important to maintain the beds in a wet state, since the root and bitter and bitter, and with abundant irrigation, are cracking.


Seedling tomato

Pepper seedlings

- In April, continue to grow, which was planted earlier, seedlings are picked, make feeding.
- In the middle of the month you can proceed to early cabbage. The secondary varieties are planted in an open ground at the end of April. At the same time, we harde the seedlings of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants.

Calendar of works in a flower bed in April

First bloom crocuses spring

- At the beginning of the month, the last crops on the seedlings of annuals are carried out. Flowers such as velvets, fragrant peas, nasturtium, zinnia is sulfied by observing the interval between seeds (3-4 cm). They are covered with film. After the frost threat passes, seedlings can be transferred to a regular place in the flower garden.
- In April, continue to care for. Every 10 days are watered with faded water, mineral fertilizers contribute. In the second half of April, you can make seedlings for hardening. In early April, it is important to part seedlings. The first time they dive Martovsky crops, the second time - February. At the end of the month, it is possible to sow and dive plants into a semi-temperature or cold greenhouse.

Seedling vechatsev

- Contribute complex mineral fertilizer with increased nitrogen content. First feed Martov sowing. The first one after 7-10 days after the dive, the second - after 14 days.
- In April, it is important to take care of . Shelters with them are removed gradually, the bushes are cut, feed, processed from diseases and pests.

Spring Roses Care

First of all, urea or ammonium nitrate (20 g per 10 liters of water) are made. The bushes are plunged at the base of the stems. In the threat of night frosts, growing shoots are covered.

- Do not forget to feed the bulbs and perennials (phlox, irises, hemerokalis, ansist, host, primula, valley, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, szills, snowdrops, muscari, etc.). Make a mixture of nitrogen and potash fertilizers (2: 1).
- April is the time when you can share peonies, hemerocals, astilba, phlox, dolphiniums, chrysanthemums, etc. Peonies begin to divide after full thawing of the soil. - Irises in the spring are divided into a short time, i.e. As long as they have not entered the phase of active growth. Floxes, hemerocals, amusts, dolphiniums, chrysanthemums can be divided into more stretched deadlines. However, they will come in better if they share them before the start of active growth.

- In April, you can divide the cornerslube dahlias and put them in a warm place to grow. After the appearance of sprouts, a height of 5-7 cm, a part of them is cut onto the cuttings and put in a pot filled with fertile soil and clean sand. The pot is placed in a bright place at a temperature of +20 ° C.
- After the soil flashes, it will dry up and warms, prepare a plot under the crop of annual crops (cornflowers, year old, Dimorfothek, Iberis, Mac, Mattiola, Cedar, Sabbios, Flox, Calendula, Gypsophila, Levka, Sunflower, Statza, Clarkia, Lavaiter, Eshcholce, sparking, Portulak). If the soil did not fell in the fall, then superphosphate (50 g / m2) and potassium sulphate (25 g / m2) are introduced and dripped to a depth of 18 cm.
- In the second decade of the month in the greenhouse, you can sow perennials (Akvilia, Guylardia, Carnish Carnish, Dolphinium, Bells, Nyurica and Pyrethrum). Air temperature for germination of seeds - + 15-22 degrees.
- At the beginning of April, the tubers of Begonias take out from the basement, purify them from dried roots and remnants of the Earth and placed for 30 minutes at a 0.05% solution of potassium mangartage. Large tubers with kidneys are cut into a sharp knife into several parts so that each part had 1 kidney. Sections of sections are treated with charcoal, after which the plants plant in the earthen mix and expose to grow. Begonias grow well at a temperature not lower than +18 ° C. Drinking Begonia can not be allowed.