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What dreams of knives are. Cut with a knife hair. Description: Color, beautiful or not, decorative, kitchen, folding

Dream knife kitchen Family pattern.
Knife in a dream Quarrel, fight; parting. The longer the brighter blade, the longer or more evil, negative emotions will appear. Folding knife - hidden, unmanifested aggressive motives. In the case - hidden hostility. Dream Stranger

Dream knife In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal. Pencing knives will notice to dissatisfaction in family matters or gap with the beloved. Acute and polished knives often mean anxiety and anxiety, broken knives - the collapse of all hopes. If in a dream you are trying to attack the attacker with a knife in hand - wait for changes in your personal life. To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife, is a warning that in real life there will be a treacherous blow from the corner in real life. To see in a dream that you yourself rushed to someone with a knife, means that you will show the lowness of character. You need to make a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice. Modern dream book

Dream knife It is not lucky to be a man who sees a knife in a dream: he is expected quarrels and parting with friends and loved ones, as well as failures in commercial affairs. To see a rusty knife: this is a sign of dissatisfaction and a sad mood in the house. In love with such a dream predicts parting. Acute polished knives: dreaming of concern and chagrin. Beware, you are surrounded by enemies. Broken knives: mean a defeat in any business in love or commercial affairs. The dream in which you were injured with a knife, predicts disappeared in the house that the naughty children will bring you, for family people such a dream: the likelihood of shame and dishonor. If you dream that you wounded someone with a knife: in real life you will make a low deed, but then you will seek to develop a high sense of justice. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep knife The symbol that is connected, on the one hand, with the farm, and on the other - with the murder. To see in a dream that you are driving on a knife, like a horse, - you pay little attention to household, and for this reason problems may arise. To see in a dream that you are looking for a knife or ax, but you can't find anything - this is a symbol of a vicious circle, confusion of cases, the impossibility of finding the beginning and the end, solve the problem, a symbol of hopelessness. To see a dream in which you are talking to a person who utters to your address of insults, and you cannot argue, only feel the dagger pain in the heart area - to deep experiences that weaken health; to the conflict with unfamiliar people; Be careful with your enemies and those who have previously caused pain or withdraw. See in a dream that you will learn the news from which you do not want to live, and you understand that you were slaughtered without a knife - if you tend to exaggerate what is happening around, do not pay attention to it; Stop communicating with people who are annoyed with those who do not find a common language with you. Dream Ezopa

Sleep value knife Give a knife: It foreshadows the loss of a loved one or comrade because of the enemies or that the enemies are inflated. Get a knife: This means that the enemies spread about you bad rumors, or the appearance of a new comrade. Medieval dream book

Dreaming knife It is interpreted as a working person and employee in a certain housing, who seeks to benefit its inhabitants just like his friend. His acuity is a sign of execution of his orders. Who will see the knife in her hands at the time when he is brought to litigation, will win it and will be justified by establishing an undeniable argument and argument, because the knife is a weapon that are protected from enemies. And who will see that he was given a knife and at the same time he does not have another weapon with him, he will achieve the good and get a lot from Allah. To whom will dreamed that he cut his hands with a knife, he will see what is very surprised. Another opinion: see the knife - to a quarrel with a close man. Strive to avoid it. Islamic dream book

Interpretation of a dreaming knife Knife: symbol of aggression, cruelty, death, sexual aggression or male genital organ. Usually, when a person sees a similar image, then the plot is most of the greatest value than this image itself. In this way, destructive, destructive, killing aggression is connected. In another case, this image represents a real attack of activity, the mechanism of which is "COMPLEX", activity in phallic sound, where the "Complex Complex" can be considered as some programming. In other words, peculiar alien programming from a number of controlling structures. Italian dream book Meneghetti

What dream knife Seen in a dream knife - sign of deception and quarrel. The pericoor knife, in addition, foreshadows a long separation with relatives and friends. Cupozhny - to significant monetary losses, garden - you will be unfairly punished. A serrated knife foreshadows the section of property and disagreements with relatives. Broken - you will be a bear service is not moderately zealous. A rusted knife suggests that they will soon find themselves in the unenviable position of the henchman. Found in a dream Knife warns about the need to keep the secret and not trust the people around you. Loss of knife in a dream - a sign of dissatisfaction in family relationships or an unsuccessful novel. Buy a new knife means that you will acquire new fans, causing the jealousy of old. Stupid knives mean spiritual unrest and anxiety for loved ones. If in a dream you sharpen a knife - I will get a lesson that does not meet your inclinations. A sharp as a razor knife foreshadows all hopes. Cut the knife is very strong - problems at work will be added to home trouble. Cut in a dream something with a knife - you will have to defend your interests by compromise and mutual concessions. If you were given a set of knives in a dream - soon get an invitation to a dinner dinner or a par in a narrow circle. If someone hit you in a dream with a knife, the relationship with her husband or lover will have to clarify. If you yourself looked through the knife into someone - in real life, do unfairly in relation to a close person and grow bitterly in this. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream knife Knife, if it is "brilliant", "sharp": not only a phallic context, but also the functions of active pragmatism and aggression. Two knives: two wishes of death, perhaps one aims to face, which makes the life of an individual unbearable, and another Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream knife The knife is bad, troubles, the man will attack, quarrel, trouble, deception; take, give - danger from the enemy; clean - wedding, a lot of guests; To sharpen - bad, to a fight, think of a bad, quarrel, disorder, troublesome work; hurt them - offend; a lot of knives - resentment, quarrel; The cross on the cross lie - the war, murder. Small Velezov Sonnik

Dream knife The dream in which you saw the knife does not foreshadow you anything good, but only brewing, quarrels between lovers or spouses, all sorts of trouble and resentment. Rusty knives will take off to the rupture of relationships with a loved one. If an unmarried girl dreamed that she was injured with a knife, it foreshadows her dishonor. Dream interpretation for lovers

Dream knife Knife: Prevention of betrayal, symbol of aggression. Male phallic symbol. To admire the knife: to hire evil qualities. Fencing with a knife: to a quarrel and disputes. Be a wounded knife: to illness, adverse circumstances. ABC Interpretation of dreams

Dream knife Knife: a powerful symbol of both creative and destructive forces. It may mean that you cut off all the superfluous and unnecessary, as if spikes at roses. Cut the old stereotypes of thinking and behavior. If in a dream you are chased with a knife: it can mean fear that you are puzzled in a physical, emotional or sexual sense. American dream book

Dream knife Knife. To see the knife - bad sign, as it foreshadows and separation, and quarrels, and losses in affairs. See rusty knives - means dissatisfaction with family matters or a gap with a lover. Acute and polished knives mean coming alarms. Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. To see that you are injured with a knife, foreshadows homemade troubles or goats of your opponents. For unmarried, this dream foreshadows dishonor. See in a dream that you yourself rushed on someone with a knife, means that you will show the lowness of character; You need to make a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice. Large dream book

Dream knife The knife dreams to separation, quarrels and losses in affairs. A rusty knife means dissatisfaction with family affairs or a gap with a loved one. A sharp and polished knife foreshadows the coming alarms, broken - the collapse of all hopes. They saw in a dream that they were injured with a knife - get ready for homemade troubles and goats of enemies. He dreamed that they had rushed to someone with a knife, - show not the best sides of their character. If you dreamed of a knife lying on the table, then in real life you are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. Apparently, one day you "burned" very much. Try not to go about your own fear, and everything will work out. If in a dream you saw that someone from your acquaintances takes a knife in the hands, then you are currently walking on the verge of permitted. For some reason you think that none of those surrounding it notices, but soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior will come. Dreamed a beautiful knife - I will unexpectedly get a gift, but not harmless, but with a trim. If in a dream you cut something in a blunt knife, then you have to lend yourself to your teenage complexes. Stop feeding the subconscious fears, and otherwise you do not get rid of the complexes. If in a dream you lost a knife and can not find it, then you are currently too tired. Bought a decorative knife in the store - in reality, strive to always control the situation. You want your spouse always did just what you want. And the Bulgarian Jerrician Vanga interpreted the dreams about the knives, which in her understanding are a symbol of nonsense and betrayal, as follows: In a dream, you prepared a lunch for our home and cut your hand - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will turn into family labels and quarrels. A dream, in which the knife fell out of your hands, means that an unfamiliar man in your house is in a hurry. To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife, is a warning that in real life there will be a treacherous blow from the corner in real life. Be careful! In a dream, some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you - this dream will promise you soon changes in your personal life. In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and he was painted the blood of the victim - the misfortunes will be pursued. If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, then I will feel cruelly deceived. Large universal dream book

Dream knife This is a very unfavorable dream. If you see knives, pissed and ready for use at the festive table, then this dream is a precursor of poverty. If the knives are especially brilliant and extremely sharp - this is a warning about enemies, about possible evil goats against you. If you participate in real life in a lawsuit, then after such a dream, it will definitely end out of your favor. For married - this is a sign that your satellite (or companion) of life can show infidelity in relation to you; And in love with a dream threatens the fact that his beloved will reject him and marry another. After sleeping about the knives, troubles and losses in trade, many malicious competitors await you. Vintage English Dream Interpretation

Dream knife "To sharpen a knife against someone": prepare for the attack "On the tip of a knife": the critical position "double-edged sword": hopeless, contradictory the situation "Crosses with someone's swords": dispute, fight, conflict "to be on the knives": conflict , the quarrel "put the sword into the sheath": reconciliation "without knife": I am very surprised or upset "to put on a knife": kill. Idiom dream book

Dream knife The powerful symbol of both creative and destructive forces. It may mean that you cut off all the superfluous and unnecessary, as if spikes at roses. Cut the old stereotypes of thinking and behavior. If in a dream you are chased with a knife, it can mean fear that you are puzzled in a physical, emotional or sexual sense. Dream Linna

Dream knife The knife can be: a symbol of both creative and destructive forces. But it may indicate that the old ideas, ideas and stereotypes of behavior are cut off. Or he symbolizes the removal of rose spikes and discarding the excess clay when the vessels is scattered. What do you need to remove from your life? Make a smooth cut and throw everything unnecessary. Knives can symbolize: fear of emotional or physical injury. And also before entering the penis. Did you apply a knife in the back? Dream Interpretation Deniz Lynn

Dream knife Knife: Loose, troubles, a man will attack, a quarrel, trouble, deception to take, give: Danger from the enemy to clean: a wedding, guests to sharpe: bad, to a fight, thinking a bad, quarrel, breaking, troublesome work hurt them: insult a lot of knives: Human offense, a quarrel cross on the cross lie: War, murder. Small dream book

Dream kitchen knife Knife kitchen - family pattern.
Knife in a dream Knife - quarrel, fight; parting. The longer the brighter blade, the longer or more evil, negative emotions will appear. Folding knife - hidden, unmanifested aggressive motives. In the case - hidden hostility. Dream Interpretation Master Dreams

Dream Knife (Dagger) Prevention of betrayal, symbol of aggression. Male phallic symbol. To admire the knife - to hire evil qualities. Fencing with a knife (dagger) - to a quarrel and disputes. To be a wounded knife - to illness, adverse circumstances. Sonniest Medea

Dream knife Knife: In the dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal. Pulling knives: dreaming of dissatisfaction in family matters or gap with beloved. Acute and polished knives: often mean anxiety and anxiety, broken knives if in a dream you are trying to attack an attacker with a knife in hand: wait for changes in your personal life. To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife: a warning that in real life there will be unfriendly to try to apply you a treacherous blow from around the corner. To see in a dream that you yourself rushed to someone with a knife: means that you show the lowness of character. You need to make a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice. Dream of a modern woman

Dream Knife (Dagger) Prevention of betrayal, symbol of aggression. Male phallic symbol. To admire the knife - to hire evil qualities. Fencing with a knife (dagger) - to a quarrel and disputes. To be a wounded knife - to illness, adverse circumstances. Tutorial interpretation of dreams

Dream knife The knife dreams: to separation, quarrels and losses in affairs. Rusty knife: means dissatisfaction in family matters or a gap with a loved one. A sharp and polished knife: foreshadows the coming alarms, broken - the collapse of all hopes. If you saw in a dream that they were injured with a knife: get ready for homemade troubles and goats of enemies. He dreamed that they had rushed to someone with a knife: show not the best sides of her character. Family dream book

Dream knife If you dream the knife lying on the table, it means that you do not like to get acquainted with new people. You are afraid of new relationships for the reason that one day you are not lucky and you do not want to step again on the same rake. You should be greasy and not to think that all errors are necessarily repeated. If you see in a dream that your friend takes a knife and is going to cut something, such a dream says that you are too frivolous. Sleep, in which you see a handsome knife, foreshadows a gift from a person who belongs to you not in the best way. Therefore, be on beetles. If you dream that you cut something blunt knife, it means that you suffer from the complexes. You are constantly afraid of something, although there is no reason for this. You should get rid of your unreasonable fears. The dream in which you lost the knife means that you are too tired and therefore you do not consider sex as pleasure. You think that this is your duty that you must perform. A man who saw such a dream cannot receive pleasure from sex with a partner, as he perceives it only as an erotic object. He should make love in another setting - the novelty of relations does not prevent anyone. If you dream that you buy a decorative knife in the store, it means that you are trying to control your intimate life. You subdominate the partner with your desires, even if he does not like it. However, short-sighted submission turns a person in the likeness of who he obeys. Think, I wonder if you love your copy?

The knife is not only a kitchen device for cutting products, this object is also considered a symbol of force. Therefore, you need to know what a knife is dreaming to understand what a dream in real life prevents or foreshadows.

The dreams lead examples of a huge number of diverse scenes of dreams. Therefore, seen sleep with a knife is not always easy to decipher. It is necessary not only to get information from the dream room, but also to analyze the events that occur. It should be considered that the knife appears in a dream not to scare a person, but in order to warn from incorrect actions that can negatively affect the entire line of life.

What dreams kitchen knife

In order to correct the dream of a dream, in which you saw the knife, but did not take it in hand, it is necessary to remember the type of cold weapons who gave themselves in night gold. Most often people are interested in what a kitchen knife dreams.

But it is this item that seen in a dream does not predict anything dangerous in real life.

He can foreshadow:

    Meet with pleasant people; walk or travel; invitation to visit.

Hunting knife

But a hunting knife in a dream carries a lot of danger, as it indicates that there is someone who revealed to you. "Knife in the back". That is, in real life, the likelihood of betrayal of loved ones is largely increasing. Be alert, do not succumb to provocations, and with this approach you can minimize the negative consequences of the insidious deeds of ill-wishers.

Dagger - Interpretation of sleep

If you dream dagger, then in real life your closest friend can be a hypocrite. After such a dream, try to calculate the unfair as soon as possible so that he does not have time to harm you.

Many knives

The question is often asked why there is a lot of knives. This is a very disturbing dream, which indicates that many dangers around you are in real life. These also include various temptations that may have very dangerous consequences.

Folding knife in night gold

If you dream perrange or folding knife, then this is a warning that you need to take care of your health. Most likely, you are in real life asymptomatic serious diseases that require treatment at the initial stage.

Knife in the blood

For a woman, seen in a dream, the knife in the blood denotes that she tait in the soul of anger on the nearest girlfriends. It is necessary to try to get rid of this feeling and release the situation, otherwise it will interfere with success in life, because, as you know, evil people cannot be happy.

Knife in hand

Another very frequent question is what a knife is dreaming in the hand of a person. You should not be afraid of such dreams, although they seem very aggressive at first glance. This is all lisha characters that indicate small troubles or reflect your inner state, but do not foreshadow a big danger in real life.

Shoe knife - dream book

When you use a shoe knife in a dream, it suggests that you have a strip of bad luck in life. You will be pursued by trouble and failures in everyday life, but soon the situation will change, so it is not worth upset.

If you are playing in a dream with any knife, then this indicates that you in the soul ripens a cunning plan towards other people. Better stops, as trying to harm others, you are exposing yourself a lot of risk.

What dreams of killing with a knife?

When a murder takes place in the night of gold with a knife, it can designate wealth and material independence. If you killed in the dream of a real enemy, it foreshadows the victory over the ill-wishers in reality. But the more seriously in the plot of sleep the fight, the more difficult it will get to you victory in real life.

Dreamed that they found a knife

If you dream that you find a knife, then the interpretation of a dream depends on whether it was clean or evaporated blood. This means that you will meet in the life of a new acquaintance, which may be a good or uncomfortable person. When the knife was hardened, fan with blood, it is better for some time in real life to refrain from new acquaintances.

To sharpen a knife

A good sign is the plot of a dream, in which you sharpen a knife. It foreshadows that in the near future there will be reconciliation with a person whom you have considered for a long time considered by your enemy.

Transmit a knife - interpretation of dreams

But if in night gold you pass any of the loved ones any knife, it indicates that the discord happens between you. Therefore, I need to show special care to your relatives, because the world in the family and understanding with friends is the most expensive in life. Of course, the knife, seen in a dream, cannot cause pleasant sensations. But such a dream is always warning. Therefore, in reality in the dream, there is a time, and, it means, and a chance to minimize the negative consequences of certain events and avoid unpleasant life situations.

Support points:

Note value in dreams

If you dreamed a knife, then you should not wait for positive changes in life. Possessing exclusively negative interpretations, sleeping knives can only warn about the nature of the coming trouble, which will give you the opportunity to take appropriate measures and reduce the risk of fulfilling the worst interpretations.

According to esotericov, the knife performs in dreams hazardize, Hasse tends to think that dreams with knives attend you on the eve of some serious quarrels or troubles, and the flowers agree with him. In the French dream book, a knife in a dream is considered to be a symbol of family twigs and conflicts, and Meneghetti in his interpretation claims that the knives are a symbol of aggression, while the interpreter mentions the hopelessness of the situation or inaction, which will subsequently be decisive and lead to destruction. For Vangi, Knives in dreams become the designation of betrayal or enemies, and Miller tends to think that they foreshadow conflicts, failures and losses.

What was the knife in a dream?

Pocket or perochy knife, according to Hasse, reports about the future difficulties in life, and for the French such a knife in a dream can mean married treason - if the blade was hidden or the activities of enemies - if the knife was opened.

Sharp and shiny knives in dreams are interpreted by the British, as a warning about the coming poverty or the activation of your unfriendliers, and Miller considers such a dream to be alarm. A rusty knife, according to the interpreter, suggests that in your family is not everything smooth, but a broken one will warn about the crash of all your plans and hopes. In English dream book, there is also a mention that knives can dream of treason beloved, losing in court case, losses in the business sector.

What did you do a knife?

Esoteric dream book interprets dreams in which you cut something with a knife as a warning about a possible accident. Freud, treating dreams about the knives, tend to think that in the case when you dreamed, as if you were trying to cut something with a blunt knife, it's time to retain my fears and learn to get rid of the complexes, the roots of leaving in your teenage period. which you cut the knife warns that your frivolity will lead to misfortune.

If you dreamed that you were attacked with a knife for someone, Wang tends to think that soon you would need to pay for the dishonestness and corruption ancestors. In order to avoid such trouble, the evidence recommends change business To serving people. Miller Similar dreams treats as the foresight of the demonstration of your own nature - be careful in words and actions.

To see how anyone attacked you, armed with a knife, not very pleasant. Such a dream can foreshadow problems in the family or active actions of enemies, as Miller reports. Vangang is also inclined to interpret such dreams as a warning about a possible unexpected strike of ill-wishers. In addition, the provincial reports that serious changes in their personal lives can see you.

Sexual interpretations of Freud.

In the dream book of this interpreter, the knife lying on the table performs the personification of your inability to tying new acquaintances. The interpreter is confident that the reason lies in a long unsuccessful experience, which must be thrown out of memory due to its irrelevance. The beauty of the knife can, according to Freud, become the news about the upcoming unexpected gift, which can be done with secret intent.

Alone bought a decorative knife - in a dream, it will be a reflection of your thirst for superiority in reality. You need dominance and leadership for self-realization. The interpreter strongly advises not to zealous in the imposition of his desires to the partner. If you dreamed that you lost your knife and could not find it, Freud recommends finding time for recreation, diversify sex lifeFor example, try to make love in an unexpected place.

For someone, the knife is a symbol of power before weak, and for someone just a means for cutting vegetables. Dream Interpretation gives an ambiguous interpretation of what the cold weapons dream is, and in many ways the prediction of events in real life depends on the smallest details in a dream.

The presence of cold weapons in a dream

The interpretation of a dream with the presence of cold weapons may depend even on what time of year the dreams were born. If your birthday is coming on the autumn months, then the knife see in a dream is the prediction of acquaintance with a very strong man who will become the best defender.

By dream of Miller Knife in a dream - an unfavorable sign. He foreshadows a person who saw this object, separation from a close person, or loss. And if the blade is also rusty, then you are dissatisfied with the atmosphere in the family.

Azara dream interpretation, where you had to see a knife in a dream, means that a person seeks to see you in real life, and his desire is so passionately that most likely the meeting will occur in the near future.

In French dream book, if you dreamed of a knife in a dream, you can wait for a family quarrel. And if the knife is perrange, the enemies will threaten life and well-being. And the folding closed knife is the foresight of the treason.

What does the knife mean in a dream on the interpretation of an erotic dream room? Perhaps very soon you will spend a significant amount of money for fun, or a fascinating journey. Often, this is the leadership of the property on vacation in entertainment facilities.

By Dream Vanga Interpretation of sleep, where you cut your hand with a knife, preparing dinner for Rodney, symbolizes about homemade attempts to settle your difficult character, and this useless occupation will turn into a family conflict.

On the same dream, the meaning of sleep, where the knife fell from your hands - the head of the guest, which seeks to visit your home. And by receiving a set for a kitchen from a variety of knives, beware of deception from close friends.

To see a knife in the dream dream, Vangi's dream book - denotes that a generic curse hangs over the family, in which the distant ancestors, which God of God caused their bad thoughts and immoral actions.

According to the interpretation of the dream room, keep a knife in a dream - a sign of self-defense, which is justified by real events, where you most likely suffer from attacks and unreasonable aggression of others.

Wounds or murder with blade

Oddly enough, the dream book gives quite favorable forecasts if you had to kill a person with a knife. What dreams of such a plot? This is a prediction of new opportunities that will lead to wealth and material independence.

What dreams killing a real enemy knife? Dream interpretation interprets this picture as the victory of ND with unfriendly. And the more serious there was a fight, after which the murder had happened, the harder it would cope with the opponent.

Predictions of the Dream Dream, if you were slaughtered with a knife in a dream. On the one hand, such a dream foreshadows a long life with strong health. On the other hand, it is proof of weakness when combating various difficulties in life.

A man who was a member of the attack with a knife in a dream symbolizes the deception, which will soon be revealed and will be a big surprise for you, which is why health can suffer in the soil of stress as physical and mental.

If you were tying a knife in the back, then in real life, competitors are preparing an unpleasant surprise for you. They imperceptibly and slyly will strike, so be prepared for changing life circumstances.

A conversation with a man who humiliates and insults you, but you cannot answer him, but only feel pain, as if the knife in the heart stuck, on the prediction of the dream room, the deep mental torments that could adversely affect health.

Punch in the heart with a knife is a mapping of real heart pain, which can be associated with both disagreements in the family, and directly with the state of health. It will not be worthwhile to the cardiologist.

If you have hit the knife in the throat, the dream book foreshadows the hopeless situation where you will be supplied before a complex choice, and not only the reputation and well-being, but also the integrity of the family will be.

Very bad sign for the girl - see the knife in the chest. Dream Interpretation foreshadows serious female health problems, where the dairy glands will be a particularly vulnerable authority. Pain in it in a dream can designate real pain from the disease.

What is the dream of a knife in the stomach? Dream Interpretation warns: beware, all the most valuable, expensive, which is in life, soon can dissolve without a trace. Take care of your family, do not conflict, and then on the predictions of the dream book you can not pay attention.

The dream where you had to cut a man with a knife carries a positive omen. In the near future, you will find great joy, which will be associated with material values.

If you drew a man's knife, which you are not familiar, then you can expect in real life the appearance of a friend who will be ready to go for everything for you. He will be in full dream power in his will.

When you cut you in a knife in a dream, it means the hypocrisy of friends who are actually wicked enemies. They will displaced the trap for you, so be alert and careful, waiting for a blow from the unexpected side.

If you were wounded in a dream with a knife, then an insult falls on your share, which will suffer a pride and will cause mental injury. What else to dream with a knife? If you see blood from the wound, then soon the quarrels will begin in a scratch.

What dreams cut a knife? By the Dream of Freud, this indicates a host of a person who saw such a plot. It is necessary to drive off embarrassment and fears aside, and then life will begin to slowly improve. All these complexes remained with you from youth, and it's time to say goodbye to them.

When I had to hit my enemy with a knife, on the interpretation of a dream room, the prediction of the victory in a complex business. An invincibility will retreat, and the more accurate there was a blow in a dream, the faster it will happen.

Dreaming, where relatives cut a knife in a dream. Different products: meat, vegetables, fish, interpreted dream book how to graduate extensive costs, and deterioration of the material situation.

What dreams of the plot, where they attacked you with a knife? If an attacker is not familiar with you, then in the near future, expect to get acquainted with a pleasant person, which will bring changes to your personal life, and they will most likely be positive.

Kill the snake of the knife, is interpreted by the dream book as the upcoming difficulties in life, to overcome which you need to show all your exposure and composure. But in the end you will achieve remuneration, and gain long-awaited happiness.

An unpleasant person, from which the threat comes with a knife, promises in real life very unpleasant disassembly with enemies, and what they will end depends on the outcome of the dream. If you have knocked out weapons from the enemy's hands, the dream book predicts the turn of events for the better.

Why dream of getting a blow knife? This is the forever dream of failures and problems. Moreover, if the blow was applied in the back, from under Tishka, then expect trouble with the unexpected side. But if you pulled the blade from the wound, then trouble will be avoided.

If in a dream threatened with a knife, and at the same time they ask for some kind of requirements, then in real life you can become an object of blackmail and unreasonable threats that will occur by mistake, so it is important to immediately arrange all the points over "I".

Especially negative color is a dream, where you were dirty with a knife in the stomach. Subconsciously, the belly is fixed as a symbol of life, and accordingly, a threat to life will appear very soon. Such a plot for a pregnant woman predicts childbirth in the near future.

What dreams to kill the dagger in a dream of yourself? On the interpretation of the dreams, this is the forever of great happiness, which is unexpectedly, and very quickly falls on a person who saw this plot. Also, such self-vaccination promises good health over long years.

What dreams to protect in a dream with a knife? This is a display of a real life situation where you feel under the authority of other people, and you want to break out from under their oppressive power. Predictment can be given on the union of sleep, did you manage to get off the enemies? If so, everything will be fine, you get rid of the oppression.

What dreams cut into a knife? This is an unpleasant event, on the prediction of the dreams, promises the same small, but inspiring troubles, and they will be associated with their family, and will be the character of household turmoils and strokes.

According to the dreams, if you had to strike a man's clinics, which is your friend or even friend, this is a reflection of the real envy and hate to this subject, which is poured into dreams in the form of aggressive actions.

What dreams to cut your hand with a knife during cooking? This is not the best omnant. Rodin takes on you the whole of the responsibilities that will take you, and take a considerable amount of time.

When in a dream you want to kill with a knife, be careful, the enemies do not sleep, they prepare a cunning plan against you, which will come true if the outcome of sleep will not be in your direction. But to beat someone - a dream, having a psychoanalytic subtext. You are so uncertain in yourself that you lack courage to solve problems peacefully.

Different knives

The most important thing in dreams is to look at the smallest detail, to give the interpretation of events in a dream with accuracy. What dreams broken knife? This is a very bad sign. Dream Interpretation promises the collapse of all hopes and disorder of plans.

Also, what dreams of a breakdown knife, foreshadowing and disappointing, because of the impossibility of a dream to look soberly, and give an objective assessment with all its actions.

When in a dream you see the knives, and there are a lot of them, and they lie in disarray, a bunch, then you are awaiting troubles and quarrels. And crucifically folded blades - especially bad heads. Dream Interpretation predicts that in your country, city, or district will occur mass murder, or even military actions.

What dreams of a bloody knife? Dream Interpretation gives a good advice: dedicate your life only on righteous, good actions and affairs, and then you do not have to pay for the sins of the ancestors that the wrong lifestyle.

To see a big knife in a dream - a testimony of a dream ability to maximize all the difficulties that are pursued. It is necessary to treat life positively, and then the problems will retreat themselves.

Dream interpretation gives an unfavorable forecast for what a sharp knife is dreaming. In life, the difficulties will soon appear that will be very difficult to overcome. This will especially be expressed if the blade is polished to the mirror glitter.

What dreams long dagger? Very unpleasant events are coming, which suddenly burst into life. And the longer and the brilliant blade, the more negative emotions you will receive from trouble.

What dreams stupid knife in a dream? This is a symbol of experiences for close relatives. And if with the help of this subject I had to cut any products, then experiences may not affect the health state of the dream.

The kitchen knife in a dream promises disagreements in the family in reality. But if you cut something with this blade, the dream book gives a favorable forecast. If you expect your strength, then all the plans will be implemented.

If you saw the dagger, or a knife, which is not the subject of kitchen utensils, then you are threatened with danger, and it will come from people around you, so you need to carefully look at your surrounding.

Cold weapons

Dream interpretation dummy interrupts the plot where you had to give a knife in a dream. On the one hand, it is favorable for a dream: the trouble will end soon. And on the other, the man who saw such a situation will reinforce his problems on the shoulders of other people.

On the contrary, if you gave a knife in a dream, then expect someone asking for help, to fully rely on you, and, in fact, you accept all its problems that will be saguing on the shoulders by the unbearable cargo.

To sharpen a knife in a dream - a reflection of hidden, negative designs of a dream. He clearly prepares some kind of nasty, which is able to bring troubles and disappointment as close relatives, and just friends.

If you had to find a knife in a dream, then soon you will get to know the person who will only be translated by another, actually gossiping and blunt rumors for your back.

What dream cut meat with a knife? This is a dream warning that it is not worth investing even in the most reliable enterprises. You will lose more than getting. And break the knife in a dream - the head of the fact that you will be the cause of all your failures that can come to you at any time.

It is worth changing the tactics in doing business, and life position, if a knife broke in a dream. This is a very bad symbol, which, according to the dream forecast, promises the destruction of all plans for the fault of a person who saw such a plot.

Unseeded actions that are able to spoil all your reputation and undermine the authority of promitting dream book if you had to throw knives in a dream. And the knives are hiding - shows an unclean conscience of a dream, which hides its wrong actions from all, and is ashamed of this.

The desire to power and dominance displays the situation where you had to buy a knife in a dream. And ambitions are the greater, the more beautiful is the bored blade. Shave in a dream with a knife - the foresight of the loss of property that you are very expensive, and this event will come from unfriendly.

Select a knife in a dream - not the worst dream prediction. Such an event promises a dream getting rid of the enemy by a peaceful way, or even an independent retreat. In any case, after the care of a detractor, life will begin to improve.

Characters with a dagger

If you saw a person with a knife, and this personality is not familiar with you, you can expect good changes in your personal life. And a maniac with a knife is a symbol of displaying internal fears and unresolved problems.

The killer with a knife in the interpretation of the dreams, foreshadows the presence of obsessive ideas at the dream. If you dreamed of a dream, where a man with a knife pursues you, then the dream book predicts losses and deprivation, but everything will be temporarily, the problems are very quickly resolved with the help of strangers.

What dreams dream, where you have a knife in your hands, and you go with him on the street? This is a reflection of hostile attitude towards others. And a man with a knife in a dream is a sign of victory over the ill-wishers, and they will be solved with the help of an authoritative stranger.

Favorable forecasts give dream book plot, where a man attacks with a knife. Dream interpretation predicts that soon you will get acquainted with a very pleasant person, which will help solve all the problems. Sleep, where the fight on the knives is happening between friends, but at the same time you do not feel the excitement, predicts a cheerful event.

If you saw a woman with a knife, then the dream book interprets about a meeting with a mysterious stranger, which will be a faithful and reliable friend.

Dream interpretation regards the knife as a huge desire to meet with you. His desire to communicate is great, so tune in to the ambulance meeting. Also, a dream may mean a family quarrel.

Who dreamed about a dream about the knife? Where did you see the knife in a dream? What knife did you use in a dream? How can I characterize the knife you saw in a dream? Have you attacked you with a knife in a dream? How did the knife be in your dream? How many knives you dreamed? Who have you seen with a knife in a dream?

Who dreamed about a dream about the knife?

Pregnant woman dreamed of a knife

Pregnant woman dreamed of a knife - negative sign, especially if she got a knife in the stomach. The stomach donel symbolizes life, so the appearance of a threat to your existence is possible. Expect childbirth in the very near future.

Where did you see the knife in a dream?

Knife in hands

What knife did you use in a dream?

Cut the knife to sharpen a knife

Dream that throw a knife

What dreams to throw a knife? The existing discord between you and some special can turn into hostility in one second. Try to restrain your own emotions, otherwise you will harm yourself the enemy.

What dream of throwing a knife

Throw a knife in a dream - make a non-delegate act that can not only spoil your reputation, but also negatively affect authority. Thoroughly think about each step so as not to create extra.

Dreamed that defended a knife

A dream about how to defend with a knife, indicates your ability to prove your own innocence, to defend your honor to reveal. All accusations of your address will be removed.

Keep a knife in a dream

It dreams that keep the knife is the indication of the self-defense manifestation, due to real life events. Unreasonable aggression, bringing bitter suffering directed by the surrounding on you.

How can I characterize the knife you saw in a dream?

Broken knife knife in blood large knife sharp knife

Dream kitchen knife

Sleeping about kitchen knife foreshadows family swelling, quarrels, conflicts. If something cut them, the dream can be considered a favorable sign. You will manage to make plans, if you switch power correctly.

Dreamed by a stupid knife

Disturbing a stupid knife - you will worry about close relatives. If something has cut the blunt knife - your experiences will lead to decay forces, health can seriously shake.

Have you attacked you with a knife in a dream?

Dyrged knife hit a knife threaten a knife knife in the belly knife in the back

What dreams of a knife in the heart

It dreams that you, figuratively speaking, stuck a knife in the heart, that is, they betrayed or humiliated, - to realize something like that. Serious experiences can negatively affect the state of health, especially on the cardiac system.

A dream of acute items in this area also symbolizes heart pains caused by a heart atmosphere or heart problems. Should be immediately referred to as a cardiologist.

How did the knife be in your dream?

Find a knife to buy a knife

Gave a knife in a dream

It dreams that you were given a knife, - be prepared that someone from friends will completely rely on you. It may end that other people's problems take their shoulders.

How many knives you dreamed?

Many knives

Who have you seen with a knife in a dream?

Man with a knife

Dreamed a man with a knife

What dreams of a person with a knife? Such a dream foreshadows positive changes on the Love Front. A maniac with a knife personifies your fears, questions that have not been solved at the moment.

See a woman with a knife

See in a dream a woman with a knife - to the acquaintance. Most likely, it will be a cute girl with which it will be possible to quickly find a common language. But relationships will be able to develop only towards friendship.

Dream dead man with knife

Sleeping about the decease with a knife is a warning. You need to be careful, attentive, as a danger will appear on the horizon. It is not excluded that the threat of your life will arise.

If in a dream you saw a knife, you had to be a wounded knife or you put a sharp knife to the throat of someone, dream interpreters rush to warn - this is a very dangerous sign. The dream does not promise you physical violence in real life, but you should warn you from a lot. Knife and cuts from it in a dream is a sign that in reality you will be subjected to someone's aggression and negative.

See in a dream sharp knife stuck in the ground - damage, evil eye, effects of dark power.

In antiquity it was believed that the knife, stuck in the ground, is one of the most powerful spells that serve to guide the damage is probably directed at you. Sleep-warning - in reality you will become an object of someone's negative, envy and evil.

Cut a knife in a dream someone, kill someone with a knife - Negative, fear.

The dream may be provoked as an internal fear of a particular person or a situation, the upcoming and in every way rejected by the rejoice. And at the same time, sleep indicates that currently you are subject to an internal negative and aggression - it is necessary to deal with who or what provoked them.

See in a dream knife, cut people, familiar or husband with a knife (for women) - rejection of sexual contact.

Dreamed a man with a knife, a man holds a big knife in his hand, a knife with a white handle (for women) - The desire of sexual contact.

A knife in a dream for women symbolizes a male penis. Taking this note, you can decipher seen. Moreover, in most cases, the knife in a dream is a manifestation of sexual aggression and pressure.

See in a dream stupid or rusty knife, knife blade does not cut, sharpening a knife in a dream - fighting with the enemies; self-defense.

Probably a long-standing conflict can grow up for you in open resistance already at any next moment. Subconsciously you feel the rough danger and are preparing to defend yourself.

To be killed or wounded with a knife, see in a dream, as you are cut with a knife, you were dirty with a knife and the blood of knife was wound - losses, quarrels; Negative impact of another person.

A very disturbing dream, which shows that there is a person who has an extremely negative impact on you in your environment. It is not about obtaining a real knife strike from it. However, in the near future, the conflict situation present in your mutual communication is only aggravated.

See in a dream knife in case, folding or perochy knife, knife in case - Enemia under the mask of the welcome.

Near you there is a person who is still hiding his dangerous features under the mask of benevolence and welcoming. However, look at it, in order not to be in a difficult situation later.

Hide in a dream knife, give the knife, give, break or lose the knife in a dream - Getting rid of inner aggression.

The dream brings you a very favorable forecast - you will probably independently come to a solution that you should not save in the soul of anger and aggression. You finally get rid of them.

Dreamed the fight on the knives, the knife flies into you, dilute from the knife - rivalry.

At the moment you are experiencing a sharp rivalry with someone. Day emotions do not give you peace, even in a dream, dismantle into disturbing dreams.

Select someone in a dream (for men) - Male superiority, allocate the location of your beloved.

There is a third person in your life as you are applying to the heart of the chosen. The dream gives you an encouraging forecast - you will be able to defend your position, you will disarm the enemy. Favorite in the end will choose you.

See in a dream kitchen knife, spoons and forks - To the meal.

To sharpen, clean or wash the kitchen knife to poverty.

Ancient dreams Similar dreams are considered not too significant, except sleep about kitchen knife. His appearance in a dream indicates the emergence of material difficulties.

See a knife in his head in his head, blood flows from the wound - Someone will attempt to influence your mind.

The knife in a dream symbolizes someone aggression. Knife in the head direct evidence - Negative will be directed to your brain.

See in a dream knife in the stomach, stuck in a dream knife in the belly - Loss of something important.

All vital organs are focused in the abdominal cavity (in the spacious - in the abdomen). Therefore, the vision carries a very sad forecast - in reality under the influence of foreign aggression, you will deprive something very important and expensive.

See in a dream that you put knife to the throat, stuck the knife in the throat - Pressure and authority, lack of choice.

One of the most disturbing dreams. Probably, in the near future someone or something will put you in a dead end, without leaving the chance of choosing and getting rid. We are not talking about physical violence. It is likely that someone's powerful aggression will affect you.

See in a dream that you have a knife in your back, stuck a knife in the back, feel the knife in your back - betrayal.

You will not get a knife in the back literally. However, there will be something capable of your back for your back.

See in a dream that you stuck the knife in the heart - mental injury.

In the near future, show special vigilance in the field of feelings - a loved one can deliver pain and excitement.

Get a knife as a gift in a dream, give a knife, see you gave a golden knife - Bad gift, disappointment in loved ones.

You expect you to prevent something special. Soon gives a forecast that your expectations do not justify yourself.

Search a knife or gun in a dream - Weakness, the need for protection.

Searches for a knife or pistol in a dream indicate that I reached all the options - As with the help of something to solve the difficult situation. At the moment you experience weakness and powerlessness. You need a way, advice or support from.

Drop the knife in a dream, fell a knife - to the arrival of male guests; The conflict will unleash.

Both interpretations refer to the field. Nevertheless, very often they are truly relevant and true.

Dream interpretation to sharpen a knife

What dreams of sharpening a knife in a dream in a dream?

He dreamed that sharpening the knife - a dream reflects your negative hidden plans, covered offense, drawing up a cunning plan.

You started unkind, while the deed will bring a lot of trouble, grieving to friends, close relatives. Stop until it's too late.

Broken knife

Dream interpretation broken knife Dreamed what dream of a broken knife in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a broken knife in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Knife in a dream - bad sign.

Broken knives - failure.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Sister gave knife

Dream Sister gave a knife Dreamed what dreams in a dream sister gave a knife? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a sister in a dream gave a knife, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Knife

The knife dreams to separation, quarrels and losses in affairs.

A rusty knife means dissatisfaction with family affairs or a gap with a loved one.

A sharp and polished knife foreshadows the coming alarms, broken - the collapse of all hopes.

They saw in a dream that they were injured with a knife - get ready for homemade troubles and goats of enemies.

He dreamed that they had rushed to someone with a knife, - show not the best sides of their character.

If you dreamed of a knife lying on the table, then in real life you are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. Apparently, one day you "burned" very much. Try not to go about your own fear, and everything will work out.

If in a dream you saw that someone from your acquaintances takes a knife in the hands, then you are currently walking on the verge of permitted. For some reason you think that none of those surrounding it notices, but soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior will come.

Dreamed a beautiful knife - I will unexpectedly get a gift, but not harmless, but with a trim.

If in a dream you cut something in a blunt knife, then you have to lend yourself to your teenage complexes. Stop feeding the subconscious fears, and otherwise you do not get rid of the complexes.

If in a dream you lost a knife and can not find it, then you are currently too tired.

Bought a decorative knife in the store - in reality, strive to always control the situation. You want your spouse always did just what you want.

And the Bulgarian Justice of Vanga interpreted the dreams about the knives, which in her understanding are a symbol of enemies and betrayal, as follows.

In a dream, you were preparing lunch for our home and cut a hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but it all turns into family and quarrels.

A dream, in which the knife fell out of your hands, means that an unfamiliar man in your house is in a hurry.

To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife, is a warning that in real life there will be a treacherous blow from the corner in real life. Be careful.

In a dream, some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you - this dream will promise you soon changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and he was painted the blood of the victim - the misfortunes will be pursued.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, then I will feel cruelly deceived.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Seen in a dream knife - sign of deception and quarrel. The pericoor knife, in addition, foreshadows a long separation with relatives and friends. Cupozhny - to significant monetary losses, garden - you will be unfairly punished.

A serrated knife foreshadows the section of property and disagreements with relatives. Broken - you will be a bear service is not moderately zealous. A rusted knife suggests that they will soon find themselves in the unenviable position of the henchman.

Found in a dream Knife warns about the need to keep the secret and not trust the people around you.

Loss of knife in a dream - a sign of dissatisfaction in family relationships or an unsuccessful novel.

Buy a new knife means that you will acquire new fans, causing the jealousy of old.

Stupid knives mean spiritual unrest and anxiety for loved ones. If in a dream you sharpen a knife - I will get a lesson that does not meet your inclinations.

A sharp as a razor knife foreshadows all hopes. Cut the knife is very strong - problems at work will be added to home trouble.

Cut in a dream something with a knife - you will have to defend your interests by compromise and mutual concessions. If you were given a set of knives in a dream - soon get an invitation to a dinner dinner or a par in a narrow circle.

If someone hit you in a dream with a knife, the relationship with her husband or lover will have to clarify.

If you yourself looked through the knife into someone - in real life, do unfairly in relation to a close person and grow bitterly in this.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Begging on the knives with someone so that blood is visible - happiness.

You give a man a knife or dagger - foreshadows misfortune.

To keep the knife in your hands and strike a blow to another person - loss.

Stick with a knife and see blood - to big fortune.

Sword or knife lies in the headboard bed - foreshadows great happiness.

Multiplely strain a man with a knife - joy and benefit.

We wedense yourself with a knife or ax - to greatly happiness, good luck, benefit.

Knives or sword fall into the water - foreshadows the death of the spouse.

You relate to the knife for pork - foreshadows the disease.

A knife, a saber chuckled man - foreshadows the loss of wealth.

You get a knife or ax from a person - will soon be an appointment for office.

Traveling, walk with a sword or knife in your hands - foreshadows material benefit.

You kill myself with a knife - great happiness.

We lose a knife, sword, saber - foreshadows ruin, cash loss.

Take the tip of the knife or sword - foreshadows joy, good luck.

Walking with a knife in hand - material benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Knife - see a knife lying on the table - you are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. This is because you once "burned" very much. Try to be more objective and do not go on your own fear. - If in a dream you saw that someone from your friends takes a knife in the hands to cut something, then such a dream says that you are currently walking on the verge of permitted, but consider for some reason that none of those surrounding this notices.

Expect soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior. To see a beautiful knife in a dream - you will receive a gift from what you do not expect. But this gift will not be completely harmless - wait for the trick. Cut something in a dream blunt knife - your complexes that come from adolescence, it is time to lean yourself long ago. But you constantly nourish the subconscious fears, thereby not only without getting rid of, but on the contrary, making them even stronger.

If in a dream you lost a knife and can not find it, then such a dream says that you are currently too tired and it does not give you the opportunity to relate to sex. You perceive it as a service that does not bring any pleasure. For a man, this situation in a dream indicates that he cannot fully relax in the society of his partner, perceiving it exclusively as a sexual object.

In both cases, a good solution would be a change in the situation, which gives great space for imagination. Buy a decorative knife in the store - you strive to always control the situation, you want your partner to always do just what you want. If you succeed in your opinion, then you will hardly be satisfied with the result - you will be some kind of love, except your shadow.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

The knife in a dream is a symbol of lies, betrayal, cunning and danger.

Take someone a knife in a dream - a precautionary sign. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows that you are threatened with a real danger because of the goats of your enemies.

Giving a knife to someone in a dream indicates that you intentionally enter into a dangerous game with your ill-wishers, trying to disturb them with each other.

Throw a knife to someone - a sign of discord, which will turn into hostility. After such sleep, you need to restrain your emotions, so as not to give yourself the enemy.

Throw in a dream a knife in someone means that you enter into an open battle with your enemies. Next, see who wounds or kill whom. It is better to see that you wounded someone or killed, as such a dream predicts you a victory over enemies, which, however, will give you a lot of experiences and troubles.

If you lose in this fight, you will be injured or killed, then you threaten all sorts of trouble, losses, losses, poverty and, possibly, separation from a close person. See interpretation: cut, divide.

Cutlery knife in a dream is a symbol of homemade dragging. Spouses such a dream predicts that they are divided and will divide property. Cut the knife in a dream means you are waiting for a quarrel with a close person. Broken knife in a dream foreshadows the collapse of your plans. See interpretation: By names that you cut.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

To see the sister means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and care. If in a dream you and sister quarrel, it foreshadows the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of unnecessary. If you dream that you are forgiven with my sister, it means that the period comes in your life when you can count solely on your strength, not expecting help from. Sleep, in which you see a dying sister, promises you worsening the material situation.

If in a dream you see a summary sister, then this means that the period comes in your life when everyone has a desire to advise you and interested in your affairs, actively interfere in your business.

By the way, the famous archaeologist Gilprcht could not read the scorching of the Old Hummer text on two debris of agate found during the excavations. This discovery was mentioned in the book that he had just written and which was to be attributed to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the Ancient Human inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprcht on the eve of the late hour was sitting in his office, to no avail and compare various transfers of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he was in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged person, on which there were ancient Hummer priests, who stood next to him. At the sight of this person, Gilprcht was surprised, hastily stood, but only not from the chair, but from some stone stage, on which he was sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to go behind him, promising to help him. Although the stranger spoke not at all in the ancient school of adverbs, but in English, it did not surprise the sleeping Gilprcht at all. The scientist and priest shortly walked for some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located pretty close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the rest, and Gilprcht entered and his strange satellite. They found themselves in some room with weak lighting. To the question of Gilprcht, where they are located, the accompanying responded, as if they were in Nipure, between Tigrome and Ether, in the temple of Bela - Father of the Gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room, which, as was known to scientists, was at the temple. When a scientist with a similar question appealed to his conductor, that silently took him into a small room in the depths of the temple. In this room in a wooden chest there were several pieces of agate, among whom were those two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces are parts of the cylinder, donated by the Kurichase templer. The cylinder saw to make ear decorations for the statue of God, and one piece split. There were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, belonged to 1300 BC. e. Woken Gilprcht recorded his sleep and accurate text decipher.

Dream Interpretation - Sister

For irritation, malice in their own fault, change.

Departure sister always means happiness, a deceased sister to see - the lack of certainty about the future.

An unknown girl declares himself your sister - promises the ambulance of one of your friends.

Having dreamed of my husband's sister - to calm and mutual understanding in the family.

Cousin - to family parties.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dinking knife means a quarrel, a lie, separation.

Very sharp, brilliant knife - to a strong manifestation of feelings.

Rusty knife - to partitions in the family or just between loving people.

Broken knives - unfulfilled hopes.

Stupid, unclean - to slander your address.

Table knife - to the section of the household property.

Potted - to the service from someone.

A stuck knife is to experience flour conscience.

Take a knife or give - fear of ill-wishers.

Get a blow to a knife - to insults, homemade troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Knife in a dream - bad sign.

See rusty knives - a quarrel with a friend.

Sharp, shiny, well-sharpened knives - coming alarms.

Broken knives - failure.

If someone throws you with a knife - a quarrel at home, treachery of friends.

If you threaten someone with a knife - you will not be able to restrain in the dispute.

And there is such a sign: to give knives and in general everything is sharp - to a quarrel and even to parting. Do you not look at this dream, suddenly meet a law enforcement representative in a dream?

Dream Interpretation - Knife

To see the knife - bad sign, as it foreshadows and separation, and quarrels, and losses in affairs.

See rusty knives - means dissatisfaction with family matters or a gap with a lover.

Sharp and polished, knives mean coming alarms.

Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. To see that you are injured with a knife, foreshadows homemade troubles or goats of your opponents. For unmarried, this dream foreshadows dishonor.

See in a dream that you yourself rushed on someone with a knife, means that you will show the lowness of character;

You need to make a lot, effort to develop a high sense of justice.

Pregnant woman dreamed of a knife in

Dream interpretation pregnant dreamed of a knife in Dreamed, why dream of a pregnant woman dreamed in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a pregnant woman dreamed of a knife in, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pregnant will dream

To wealth and honors.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

The knife dreams to separation, quarrels and losses in affairs.

A rusty knife means dissatisfaction with family affairs or a gap with a loved one.

A sharp and polished knife foreshadows the coming alarms, broken - the collapse of all hopes.

They saw in a dream that they were injured with a knife - get ready for homemade troubles and goats of enemies.

He dreamed that they had rushed to someone with a knife, - show not the best sides of their character.

If you dreamed of a knife lying on the table, then in real life you are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. Apparently, one day you "burned" very much. Try not to go about your own fear, and everything will work out.

If in a dream you saw that someone from your acquaintances takes a knife in the hands, then you are currently walking on the verge of permitted. For some reason you think that none of those surrounding it notices, but soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior will come.

Dreamed a beautiful knife - I will unexpectedly get a gift, but not harmless, but with a trim.

If in a dream you cut something in a blunt knife, then you have to lend yourself to your teenage complexes. Stop feeding the subconscious fears, and otherwise you do not get rid of the complexes.

If in a dream you lost a knife and can not find it, then you are currently too tired.

Bought a decorative knife in the store - in reality, strive to always control the situation. You want your spouse always did just what you want.

And the Bulgarian Justice of Vanga interpreted the dreams about the knives, which in her understanding are a symbol of enemies and betrayal, as follows.

In a dream, you were preparing lunch for our home and cut a hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but it all turns into family and quarrels.

A dream, in which the knife fell out of your hands, means that an unfamiliar man in your house is in a hurry.

To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife, is a warning that in real life there will be a treacherous blow from the corner in real life. Be careful.

In a dream, some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you - this dream will promise you soon changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and he was painted the blood of the victim - the misfortunes will be pursued.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, then I will feel cruelly deceived.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Seen in a dream knife - sign of deception and quarrel. The pericoor knife, in addition, foreshadows a long separation with relatives and friends. Cupozhny - to significant monetary losses, garden - you will be unfairly punished.

A serrated knife foreshadows the section of property and disagreements with relatives. Broken - you will be a bear service is not moderately zealous. A rusted knife suggests that they will soon find themselves in the unenviable position of the henchman.

Found in a dream Knife warns about the need to keep the secret and not trust the people around you.

Loss of knife in a dream - a sign of dissatisfaction in family relationships or an unsuccessful novel.

Buy a new knife means that you will acquire new fans, causing the jealousy of old.

Stupid knives mean spiritual unrest and anxiety for loved ones. If in a dream you sharpen a knife - I will get a lesson that does not meet your inclinations.

A sharp as a razor knife foreshadows all hopes. Cut the knife is very strong - problems at work will be added to home trouble.

Cut in a dream something with a knife - you will have to defend your interests by compromise and mutual concessions. If you were given a set of knives in a dream - soon get an invitation to a dinner dinner or a par in a narrow circle.

If someone hit you in a dream with a knife, the relationship with her husband or lover will have to clarify.

If you yourself looked through the knife into someone - in real life, do unfairly in relation to a close person and grow bitterly in this.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Begging on the knives with someone so that blood is visible - happiness.

You give a man a knife or dagger - foreshadows misfortune.

To keep the knife in your hands and strike a blow to another person - loss.

Stick with a knife and see blood - to big fortune.

Sword or knife lies in the headboard bed - foreshadows great happiness.

Multiplely strain a man with a knife - joy and benefit.

We wedense yourself with a knife or ax - to greatly happiness, good luck, benefit.

Knives or sword fall into the water - foreshadows the death of the spouse.

You relate to the knife for pork - foreshadows the disease.

A knife, a saber chuckled man - foreshadows the loss of wealth.

You get a knife or ax from a person - will soon be an appointment for office.

Traveling, walk with a sword or knife in your hands - foreshadows material benefit.

You kill myself with a knife - great happiness.

We lose a knife, sword, saber - foreshadows ruin, cash loss.

Take the tip of the knife or sword - foreshadows joy, good luck.

Walking with a knife in hand - material benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Knife - see a knife lying on the table - you are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. This is because you once "burned" very much. Try to be more objective and do not go on your own fear. - If in a dream you saw that someone from your friends takes a knife in the hands to cut something, then such a dream says that you are currently walking on the verge of permitted, but consider for some reason that none of those surrounding this notices.

Expect soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior. To see a beautiful knife in a dream - you will receive a gift from what you do not expect. But this gift will not be completely harmless - wait for the trick. Cut something in a dream blunt knife - your complexes that come from adolescence, it is time to lean yourself long ago. But you constantly nourish the subconscious fears, thereby not only without getting rid of, but on the contrary, making them even stronger.

If in a dream you lost a knife and can not find it, then such a dream says that you are currently too tired and it does not give you the opportunity to relate to sex. You perceive it as a service that does not bring any pleasure. For a man, this situation in a dream indicates that he cannot fully relax in the society of his partner, perceiving it exclusively as a sexual object.

In both cases, a good solution would be a change in the situation, which gives great space for imagination. Buy a decorative knife in the store - you strive to always control the situation, you want your partner to always do just what you want. If you succeed in your opinion, then you will hardly be satisfied with the result - you will be some kind of love, except your shadow.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

The knife in a dream is a symbol of lies, betrayal, cunning and danger.

Take someone a knife in a dream - a precautionary sign. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows that you are threatened with a real danger because of the goats of your enemies.

Giving a knife to someone in a dream indicates that you intentionally enter into a dangerous game with your ill-wishers, trying to disturb them with each other.

Throw a knife to someone - a sign of discord, which will turn into hostility. After such sleep, you need to restrain your emotions, so as not to give yourself the enemy.

Throw in a dream a knife in someone means that you enter into an open battle with your enemies. Next, see who wounds or kill whom. It is better to see that you wounded someone or killed, as such a dream predicts you a victory over enemies, which, however, will give you a lot of experiences and troubles.

If you lose in this fight, you will be injured or killed, then you threaten all sorts of trouble, losses, losses, poverty and, possibly, separation from a close person. See interpretation: cut, divide.

Cutlery knife in a dream is a symbol of homemade dragging. Spouses such a dream predicts that they are divided and will divide property. Cut the knife in a dream means you are waiting for a quarrel with a close person. Broken knife in a dream foreshadows the collapse of your plans. See interpretation: By names that you cut.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dinking knife means a quarrel, a lie, separation.

Very sharp, brilliant knife - to a strong manifestation of feelings.

Rusty knife - to partitions in the family or just between loving people.

Broken knives - unfulfilled hopes.

Stupid, unclean - to slander your address.

Table knife - to the section of the household property.

Potted - to the service from someone.

A stuck knife is to experience flour conscience.

Take a knife or give - fear of ill-wishers.

Get a blow to a knife - to insults, homemade troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Knife in a dream - bad sign.

See rusty knives - a quarrel with a friend.

Sharp, shiny, well-sharpened knives - coming alarms.

Broken knives - failure.

If someone throws you with a knife - a quarrel at home, treachery of friends.

If you threaten someone with a knife - you will not be able to restrain in the dispute.

And there is such a sign: to give knives and in general everything is sharp - to a quarrel and even to parting. Do you not look at this dream, suddenly meet a law enforcement representative in a dream?

Dream Interpretation - Knife

To see the knife - bad sign, as it foreshadows and separation, and quarrels, and losses in affairs.

See rusty knives - means dissatisfaction with family matters or a gap with a lover.

Sharp and polished, knives mean coming alarms.

Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. To see that you are injured with a knife, foreshadows homemade troubles or goats of your opponents. For unmarried, this dream foreshadows dishonor.

See in a dream that you yourself rushed on someone with a knife, means that you will show the lowness of character;

You need to make a lot, effort to develop a high sense of justice.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal.

In a dream, you were preparing lunch for our home and cut a hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but it all turns into family and quarrels.

A dream, in which the knife fell out of your hands, means that an unfamiliar man in your house is in a hurry.

To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife, is a warning that in real life there will be a treacherous blow from the corner in real life. Be careful!

If in a dream you are trying to attack some kind of mysterious stranger with a knife in your hand - this dream will promise you to change in personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife, and he was painted the blood of the victim - the misfortunes caused you to be pursued, caused by unclean thoughts and the carefulness of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you dedicate your life to serving people.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift - this means that I will fool you brutally deceived.

Steal the knife on the cemetery

Dream interpretation to steal the knife in the cemetery Dreamed what dreams in a dream to steal the knife on the cemetery? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to steal the knife on the cemetery, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

If in a dream you ended up in a cemetery and sit on a bench - this is a favorable sign, you will trust the responsible business. Walking around the cemetery - it became, in reality you get this thing. If events in a dream occur in winter - the situation will be aggravated by the departure of her husband, a friend or beloved, which could help a delivered advice or a specific business. Summer cemetery foreshadows full success and celebration on this occasion.

The old cemetery means that your chagrin will be premature and everything will turn to the better. A modern cemetery means the ungratefulness of children who will not help you in old age, throwing care of you on your shoulders of completely strangers.

For the young in love with a dream in which she sees himself in a cemetery along with his friend, means sincere love on his part, but your delined indifference will lead to what the possible and close happiness melts as smoke. To see himself in the cemetery alone foreshadows the opportunity to marry and burning regret about the deed.

If a young woman is preparing to marry, and in a dream it sees that her wedding procession goes among the graves - such a dream predicts the death of her future husband as a result of an accident. If at the same time it places on the graves of flowers - this means for many years of prosperous healthy and spouses.

If someone gained the status of the widow recently, and in a dream he visited the grave of her husband - it means that the revenge on this particular will marry the secondary.

Talk in a dream with her husband lying in the grave - health, success in affairs and long life is waiting ahead of her and her new chosen one. If the husband in his conversation expresses discontent or condemnation - new concerns are waiting for it.

For the elderly, see a dream associated with the cemetery, foreshadows a quiet and peaceful care to the world of others, but not earlier than a period necessary to complete all the intended important cases.

To see fresh graves in the cemetery means that the dishonorous act will cause you heavy flour. To see the woven graves in the cemetery foreshadows troubles and illness. Looking into an empty grave - to the loss of loved ones.

If, walking in a dream in a cemetery, you find the grave with your last name, the name and patronymic - this is a sign of danger you, bad news, loss of friends and loss of your loved one.

The dream in which you see in the cemetery of funny children, foreshadows favorable changes and a long happy life. To see tremendous monuments leaving in the cemetery - to bad changes and unhappy love.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

Walking around the cemetery or church yard in the winter - a long and desperate fight against poverty; But if you notice some signs of spring - a pleasant atmosphere and enjoyment of friends by society;
For lovers - see yourself in a cemetery or in the church yard - you will never get married, but you will see their lovers under a crown with others;
See yourself on a beautiful and well-keeled cemetery - unexpected news of the recovery of someone who you have already paid, will be recognized as your right to take away from you;
The old, launched cemetery - you will live before the time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will stay on the care of others;
For young people - to wander through the silent alleys of the dead - the gentle and loving attitude of friends, but you are also waiting for the sorrow and sadness, in which friends will be powerless to help;
For the bride - to see that the wedding procession crosses the cemetery - you lose your husband as a result of an accident;
For the mother - bring fresh flowers in the cemetery - long good health of the whole family;
For a young widow - to visit the cemetery - soon you will change mourning clothes on the marriage;
see yourself sad - care, regret;
For old people - see the cemetery - the last journey to the edge of the eternal peace;
See small children collecting flowers and catching butterflies among graves - favorable changes. The one who sees this dream, health will allow a long time to enjoy life, and friends will not leave him in the middle of a life path.
Also, see the grave, children, mother.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

The dream in which you walk through the cemetery, foreshadows a long and desperate struggle with poverty.

Perhaps you will live away from your home, in separation with friends. But if you walked around the cemetery in the spring - you are waiting for a pleasant atmosphere and enjoyment by the society of friends.

For lovers, sleep about the cemetery means that they will never marry, but will see their lovers under a crown with others.

If in a dream you saw yourself on a beautiful and well-keeled cemetery - get unexpected news about the recovery of someone who you have already paid.

Dreamed the old, launched cemetery - wait until the time when everyone you loved will leave you.

For young people, a dream in which they roam from silent cemetery alleys, meaning a gentle and loving attitude of friends. But they are also waiting for sorrow and sadness, in which friends will be powerless to help.

If the mother dreams that she brought fresh flowers in the cemetery, then her family will be healthy and happy.

The young widow, who dreamed that she visited the cemetery, will soon change mourning clothes on the marriage.

If she sees himself sad, she is waiting for new concerns and regret.

Sleep, in which small children collect flowers and catch butterflies in a cemetery, promulit favorable changes.

To who sees this dream, health will allow a long time to enjoy life.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

The knife dreams to separation, quarrels and losses in affairs.

A rusty knife means dissatisfaction with family affairs or a gap with a loved one.

A sharp and polished knife foreshadows the coming alarms, broken - the collapse of all hopes.

They saw in a dream that they were injured with a knife - get ready for homemade troubles and goats of enemies.

He dreamed that they had rushed to someone with a knife, - show not the best sides of their character.

If you dreamed of a knife lying on the table, then in real life you are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. Apparently, one day you "burned" very much. Try not to go about your own fear, and everything will work out.

If in a dream you saw that someone from your acquaintances takes a knife in the hands, then you are currently walking on the verge of permitted. For some reason you think that none of those surrounding it notices, but soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior will come.

Dreamed a beautiful knife - I will unexpectedly get a gift, but not harmless, but with a trim.

If in a dream you cut something in a blunt knife, then you have to lend yourself to your teenage complexes. Stop feeding the subconscious fears, and otherwise you do not get rid of the complexes.

If in a dream you lost a knife and can not find it, then you are currently too tired.

Bought a decorative knife in the store - in reality, strive to always control the situation. You want your spouse always did just what you want.

And the Bulgarian Justice of Vanga interpreted the dreams about the knives, which in her understanding are a symbol of enemies and betrayal, as follows.

In a dream, you were preparing lunch for our home and cut a hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but it all turns into family and quarrels.

A dream, in which the knife fell out of your hands, means that an unfamiliar man in your house is in a hurry.

To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife, is a warning that in real life there will be a treacherous blow from the corner in real life. Be careful.

In a dream, some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you - this dream will promise you soon changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and he was painted the blood of the victim - the misfortunes will be pursued.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, then I will feel cruelly deceived.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

Being in the cemetery in bad, gloomy weather in a dream is a sign that your hopes for improving the circumstances in work or personal life are vain. Long walk through the cemetery foreshadows long life. To wander among the graves in a dream is the foresight of love longing and hopelessness. The dream in which you saw that your path lies through the cemetery, foreshadows you fail in any business and collapse of plans. Newlywed, such a dream predicts that their joint life will last long due to an accident. In love with such a dream predicts an ambulance separation and a meeting with a happy opponent. The dream in which you saw that you are reading inscriptions on grave stones, predicts you receiving news that will be fatal for your well-being. See interpretation: tombstone.

The cemetery monument in a dream to see or build means the end of a long confusing business and an improvement in the position. See Interpretation: Statue.

Launched, destroyed cemetery to see in a dream means trouble, poverty, humiliation, disorder of cases and decay of the spirit. Well-groomed beautiful cemetery in a dream means peace and peace. Sometimes such a dream predicts the receipt of good news from your loved ones, which were in a deplorable state. In addition, this dream foreshadows a prosperous resolution of a controversial issue of ownership of property or anything else in your favor. Bring flowers on a cemetery in a dream means you will reconcile with your position.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

If you dream that you are in the winter in the cemetery in winter, it promises you loneliness. However, if you notice signs of spring, it means that you are waiting for a meeting with your loved one.

Lovers who dream that they are in the cemetery, will never be married in real life.

If you dream of an old cemetery, it means that your spouse you lived for a long time will turn away from you and leave your life.

If young people dream that they walk around the cemetery, it means that their friends love them. However, such a dream is thrust and sadness, which may not be allowed to solve.

If the bride dreams that it marries a cemetery, it means that her husband will die as a result of an accident.

If the young widow dreams the cemetery, it foreshadows her re-marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Seen in a dream knife - sign of deception and quarrel. The pericoor knife, in addition, foreshadows a long separation with relatives and friends. Cupozhny - to significant monetary losses, garden - you will be unfairly punished.

A serrated knife foreshadows the section of property and disagreements with relatives. Broken - you will be a bear service is not moderately zealous. A rusted knife suggests that they will soon find themselves in the unenviable position of the henchman.

Found in a dream Knife warns about the need to keep the secret and not trust the people around you.

Loss of knife in a dream - a sign of dissatisfaction in family relationships or an unsuccessful novel.

Buy a new knife means that you will acquire new fans, causing the jealousy of old.

Stupid knives mean spiritual unrest and anxiety for loved ones. If in a dream you sharpen a knife - I will get a lesson that does not meet your inclinations.

A sharp as a razor knife foreshadows all hopes. Cut the knife is very strong - problems at work will be added to home trouble.

Cut in a dream something with a knife - you will have to defend your interests by compromise and mutual concessions. If you were given a set of knives in a dream - soon get an invitation to a dinner dinner or a par in a narrow circle.

If someone hit you in a dream with a knife, the relationship with her husband or lover will have to clarify.

If you yourself looked through the knife into someone - in real life, do unfairly in relation to a close person and grow bitterly in this.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

A close date, or a danger to a loved one, or an indication that you need to repent in your sins and be patient, or thirst for peace.

Says someone in the cemetery - a sign that you will learn a person who will have a decisive impact on your destiny.

You are on a well-groomed cemetery - such a dream promises to receive unexpected news about the recovery of whom you mourned as the deceased. In addition, you will be returned illegally taken away from you.

Walking around the cemetery - to well-being.

Walking with someone in a cemetery among the graves and read the inscriptions on the plates - to be tested, be disappointed in family life.

Walking along the deserted cemetery alleys - for young people, friends will treat them with love and tenderness, but they will have to meet with sadness, from which friends cannot protect them.

Go past the cemetery and try to go through - for a girl to her will be wrapped in the groom, but then leaves her.

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

Drawing a cemetery, if it is well-groomed, beautiful, fortunately, well-being, long life.

Walking around the cemetery - to sorrow.

Abandoned - to sad events in life.

Winter cemetery - to the fight against the need.

Spring - to pleasant change.

If a woman has children, a family and she dreams that she brings fresh flowers in the cemetery, - this dream promises good health and long life with the whole family.

If the widow dreams that she visits the cemetery, she will soon marry again.

If you see small children playing the cemetery among the graves in a dream, you will have joyful changes and a long life, to preserve strong health.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Begging on the knives with someone so that blood is visible - happiness.

You give a man a knife or dagger - foreshadows misfortune.

To keep the knife in your hands and strike a blow to another person - loss.

Stick with a knife and see blood - to big fortune.

Sword or knife lies in the headboard bed - foreshadows great happiness.

Multiplely strain a man with a knife - joy and benefit.

We wedense yourself with a knife or ax - to greatly happiness, good luck, benefit.

Knives or sword fall into the water - foreshadows the death of the spouse.

You relate to the knife for pork - foreshadows the disease.

A knife, a saber chuckled man - foreshadows the loss of wealth.

You get a knife or ax from a person - will soon be an appointment for office.

Traveling, walk with a sword or knife in your hands - foreshadows material benefit.

You kill myself with a knife - great happiness.

We lose a knife, sword, saber - foreshadows ruin, cash loss.

Take the tip of the knife or sword - foreshadows joy, good luck.

Walking with a knife in hand - material benefit.

Knife to the mirror

Dream knife to the mirror Dreamed about what dreams in a dream knife to the mirror? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a knife to the mirror in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Knife

The knife dreams to separation, quarrels and losses in affairs.

A rusty knife means dissatisfaction with family affairs or a gap with a loved one.

A sharp and polished knife foreshadows the coming alarms, broken - the collapse of all hopes.

They saw in a dream that they were injured with a knife - get ready for homemade troubles and goats of enemies.

He dreamed that they had rushed to someone with a knife, - show not the best sides of their character.

If you dreamed of a knife lying on the table, then in real life you are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. Apparently, one day you "burned" very much. Try not to go about your own fear, and everything will work out.

If in a dream you saw that someone from your acquaintances takes a knife in the hands, then you are currently walking on the verge of permitted. For some reason you think that none of those surrounding it notices, but soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior will come.

Dreamed a beautiful knife - I will unexpectedly get a gift, but not harmless, but with a trim.

If in a dream you cut something in a blunt knife, then you have to lend yourself to your teenage complexes. Stop feeding the subconscious fears, and otherwise you do not get rid of the complexes.

If in a dream you lost a knife and can not find it, then you are currently too tired.

Bought a decorative knife in the store - in reality, strive to always control the situation. You want your spouse always did just what you want.

And the Bulgarian Justice of Vanga interpreted the dreams about the knives, which in her understanding are a symbol of enemies and betrayal, as follows.

In a dream, you were preparing lunch for our home and cut a hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but it all turns into family and quarrels.

A dream, in which the knife fell out of your hands, means that an unfamiliar man in your house is in a hurry.

To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife, is a warning that in real life there will be a treacherous blow from the corner in real life. Be careful.

In a dream, some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand is trying to attack you - this dream will promise you soon changes in your personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and he was painted the blood of the victim - the misfortunes will be pursued.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, then I will feel cruelly deceived.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Seen in a dream knife - sign of deception and quarrel. The pericoor knife, in addition, foreshadows a long separation with relatives and friends. Cupozhny - to significant monetary losses, garden - you will be unfairly punished.

A serrated knife foreshadows the section of property and disagreements with relatives. Broken - you will be a bear service is not moderately zealous. A rusted knife suggests that they will soon find themselves in the unenviable position of the henchman.

Found in a dream Knife warns about the need to keep the secret and not trust the people around you.

Loss of knife in a dream - a sign of dissatisfaction in family relationships or an unsuccessful novel.

Buy a new knife means that you will acquire new fans, causing the jealousy of old.

Stupid knives mean spiritual unrest and anxiety for loved ones. If in a dream you sharpen a knife - I will get a lesson that does not meet your inclinations.

A sharp as a razor knife foreshadows all hopes. Cut the knife is very strong - problems at work will be added to home trouble.

Cut in a dream something with a knife - you will have to defend your interests by compromise and mutual concessions. If you were given a set of knives in a dream - soon get an invitation to a dinner dinner or a par in a narrow circle.

If someone hit you in a dream with a knife, the relationship with her husband or lover will have to clarify.

If you yourself looked through the knife into someone - in real life, do unfairly in relation to a close person and grow bitterly in this.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Begging on the knives with someone so that blood is visible - happiness.

You give a man a knife or dagger - foreshadows misfortune.

To keep the knife in your hands and strike a blow to another person - loss.

Stick with a knife and see blood - to big fortune.

Sword or knife lies in the headboard bed - foreshadows great happiness.

Multiplely strain a man with a knife - joy and benefit.

We wedense yourself with a knife or ax - to greatly happiness, good luck, benefit.

Knives or sword fall into the water - foreshadows the death of the spouse.

You relate to the knife for pork - foreshadows the disease.

A knife, a saber chuckled man - foreshadows the loss of wealth.

You get a knife or ax from a person - will soon be an appointment for office.

Traveling, walk with a sword or knife in your hands - foreshadows material benefit.

You kill myself with a knife - great happiness.

We lose a knife, sword, saber - foreshadows ruin, cash loss.

Take the tip of the knife or sword - foreshadows joy, good luck.

Walking with a knife in hand - material benefit.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Knife - see a knife lying on the table - you are too afraid to get acquainted with new people. This is because you once "burned" very much. Try to be more objective and do not go on your own fear. - If in a dream you saw that someone from your friends takes a knife in the hands to cut something, then such a dream says that you are currently walking on the verge of permitted, but consider for some reason that none of those surrounding this notices.

Expect soon the consequences of your frivolous behavior. To see a beautiful knife in a dream - you will receive a gift from what you do not expect. But this gift will not be completely harmless - wait for the trick. Cut something in a dream blunt knife - your complexes that come from adolescence, it is time to lean yourself long ago. But you constantly nourish the subconscious fears, thereby not only without getting rid of, but on the contrary, making them even stronger.

If in a dream you lost a knife and can not find it, then such a dream says that you are currently too tired and it does not give you the opportunity to relate to sex. You perceive it as a service that does not bring any pleasure. For a man, this situation in a dream indicates that he cannot fully relax in the society of his partner, perceiving it exclusively as a sexual object.

In both cases, a good solution would be a change in the situation, which gives great space for imagination. Buy a decorative knife in the store - you strive to always control the situation, you want your partner to always do just what you want. If you succeed in your opinion, then you will hardly be satisfied with the result - you will be some kind of love, except your shadow.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

The knife in a dream is a symbol of lies, betrayal, cunning and danger.

Take someone a knife in a dream - a precautionary sign. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows that you are threatened with a real danger because of the goats of your enemies.

Giving a knife to someone in a dream indicates that you intentionally enter into a dangerous game with your ill-wishers, trying to disturb them with each other.

Throw a knife to someone - a sign of discord, which will turn into hostility. After such sleep, you need to restrain your emotions, so as not to give yourself the enemy.

Throw in a dream a knife in someone means that you enter into an open battle with your enemies. Next, see who wounds or kill whom. It is better to see that you wounded someone or killed, as such a dream predicts you a victory over enemies, which, however, will give you a lot of experiences and troubles.

If you lose in this fight, you will be injured or killed, then you threaten all sorts of trouble, losses, losses, poverty and, possibly, separation from a close person. See interpretation: cut, divide.

Cutlery knife in a dream is a symbol of homemade dragging. Spouses such a dream predicts that they are divided and will divide property. Cut the knife in a dream means you are waiting for a quarrel with a close person. Broken knife in a dream foreshadows the collapse of your plans. See interpretation: By names that you cut.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Dinking knife means a quarrel, a lie, separation.

Very sharp, brilliant knife - to a strong manifestation of feelings.

Rusty knife - to partitions in the family or just between loving people.

Broken knives - unfulfilled hopes.

Stupid, unclean - to slander your address.

Table knife - to the section of the household property.

Potted - to the service from someone.

A stuck knife is to experience flour conscience.

Take a knife or give - fear of ill-wishers.

Get a blow to a knife - to insults, homemade troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

Knife in a dream - bad sign.

See rusty knives - a quarrel with a friend.

Sharp, shiny, well-sharpened knives - coming alarms.

Broken knives - failure.

If someone throws you with a knife - a quarrel at home, treachery of friends.

If you threaten someone with a knife - you will not be able to restrain in the dispute.

And there is such a sign: to give knives and in general everything is sharp - to a quarrel and even to parting. Do you not look at this dream, suddenly meet a law enforcement representative in a dream?

Dream Interpretation - Knife

To see the knife - bad sign, as it foreshadows and separation, and quarrels, and losses in affairs.

See rusty knives - means dissatisfaction with family matters or a gap with a lover.

Sharp and polished, knives mean coming alarms.

Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. To see that you are injured with a knife, foreshadows homemade troubles or goats of your opponents. For unmarried, this dream foreshadows dishonor.

See in a dream that you yourself rushed on someone with a knife, means that you will show the lowness of character;

You need to make a lot, effort to develop a high sense of justice.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal.

In a dream, you were preparing lunch for our home and cut a hand with a knife - in reality, loved ones will try to curb your character, but it all turns into family and quarrels.

A dream, in which the knife fell out of your hands, means that an unfamiliar man in your house is in a hurry.

To see in a dream, how someone strikes you in the back with a knife, is a warning that in real life there will be a treacherous blow from the corner in real life. Be careful!

If in a dream you are trying to attack some kind of mysterious stranger with a knife in your hand - this dream will promise you to change in personal life.

In a dream, you hit someone with a knife, and he was painted the blood of the victim - the misfortunes caused you to be pursued, caused by unclean thoughts and the carefulness of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you dedicate your life to serving people.

If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift - this means that I will fool you brutally deceived.

Dream Interpretation - Knife

They got a knock with a knife - you can be insulted and violence.

Many knives lying in a heap - to the resentment and quarrels in the family.

You take from someone a knife - you need to be careful in communicating with the enemies.

Incuriate a knife - it is worthwhile to beware of rapid steps get a knife as a gift - to the conclusion of the world with enemies.

Match the knife, disk - you got up on the slippery path of unseemly actions.

The cutlets without steel dream - will be shown, leaving you only unnecessary. Too rampant and cheerful life will cause significant damage to your health, having deprived you of forces and money.