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Seedling left at home. Gray gray or mattiola gray. Plant seeds in open ground

Unfortunately, only a small number of our flower flowers grows in their sites such a wonderful plant as left. Landing and care for it should be carried out annually, so many people do not want to cultivate this flower, preferring perennials. Levka (Mattiola) belonging to is an annual. There are about fifty species of this plant.

The greatest value for flowerflowers are modern varieties of terry leather groups. The beauty of this flower is not only in its long-lasting and abundant flowering, but also in the fact that it can be used as a semiconductor culture. The flowers left are single-way and branches. Different varieties have a different height of the stem (30-100 cm). Fragrant, large flowers are collected in the corollary inflorescences of various dense. Levka, landing and care for which they do not pose much difficulty, pleases their owners with a crazy number of colors. They are white, pink, lilac, purple, blue, yellow, burgundy, red, etc. This plant is distinguished by a special coolness, so it blooms up to autumn frosts.

This flower is breeding seeds. Left, the cultivation of which through seedlings gives an excellent result, many experienced flowerflowers prefer to sow seeds directly into the ground. For beginner gardeners, it is preferable that the sediment method is preferable. Seedlings are grown in peat pots with nutrient substrateto damage when transplanting root system And the plant did not tolerate extra stress, because Lekuki poorly tolerate the transplant. The first shoots at a favorable temperature appear in a week. Plants of different varieties bloom in a rather wide range of time (70-110 days), therefore, to create a continuously blooming "carpet", several different groups of Levkoev must be grown. This flower is lightweight. Prefers sampling and thin nutritious soils. They must be well moistened and drained. This plant is responsive for mineral feeding.

Group Levkoev

Domestic flowers highlight the two groups of these colors in our latitudes. Levko, planting and care for which the varieties do not differ significantly in appearance. A group of single-way plants ("Kvedlinburg single-flowing") includes plants with a durable, thin stem 60-70 cm high. These leukes have loose inflorescences that make up 1/3 plants. These include the following varieties: "Azurblau", "Brilliantrouse", "Rubitron". Other Leftows ("Brilliant") have a height of 30-50 cm. They differ in durable thick stem and dense inflorescences that constitute ½ plants. These include such varieties: "Gelb", "Weiss", "Granat", "Dunklazel", "Carmesin". Branchy varieties are divided into subgroups that take into account the structure of the plant and the form of inflorescences. In this group, there are short-tightwill ("Erfurt"), biscuits ("Victoria"), pyramidal levko. Branchy varieties are usually more shorter than single-way. According to the peculiarities of the vegetation, the left, planting and care for which is almost the same for all groups, divided into winter, summer, autumn. More than 400 summer varieties are brought by breeders.

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If, after sprouts appear from seeds, you will contain them in a cool room, you will soon be able to understand what flowers will prevail on the plant. This will "tell" the seedy leaves. For those forms that the terry flowers will give, the seedy leaves are lighter in color and larger.

Sorts for cutting - "Glory", "Noble", "Column".

The first year after the settlement of Mattiola is forbidden to use manure for feeding, as this may cause a disease of Fusariosis. Mineral substances and humus can be used as fertilizers. Hot and arid period involves regular watering plants. It should also get rid of inflorescences that flow.

  • On the left in the photo of the lean, the left-time, right to the left shortwife
  • To do this, the drug takes on the tip of the knife, fall asleep in the package with seeds and shake it. Such training will protect seedlings from a black leg, which often affects the seedlings of Levko.
  • Note:

Note that in antiquity these flowers were also fragrant, as in our days, but not so beautiful. Leftoi was kept in the XVI century, when the Dutch brought a variety with terry flowers.

To the flowerbed had constantly fresh, blooming viewYou need to remove faded flowers with inflorescences. This will give the flowerbed of well-groomed, and the plant is more forces for further flowering.

Drainage is not needed. He will not harm, but the benefit of it will not be special. Slap levko can be simply in small pits.

Landing Levko - simple processHowever, it is important to comply with all the rules to enjoy all summer to admire these colors.

Left (or Mattiola) is a beautiful, bright decorative plant, which used to be seen in every garden or park. But now it is possible to meet the left less frequently, it is replaced by other blooming plants.

If you want to inhale the fragrance emanating from the leaver flowers, then in the spring (in the last days April or the first days of May) Press the Left Seeds immediately into the open soil. To do this, on the flowerbed, make some shallow holes, place 3-4 seed there, slightly sprinkle them with sand. There are flower products that use another way of evicting. They mix seeds with river sand, soil moisturizes, and then the mixture of sand and seeds scatter on this soil. Next, these places of the loose land are sprinkled. If it happened very friendly germination of germs, after some time they will have to be switched. Two weeks you can still spend sowing leek, then in your garden for a long time These plants will bloom.

If you need low-grade varieties (no more than 40 cm), giving terry flowers, then choose a variety:

Thus, adhering to the uncomplicated rules of sowing and leaving the plant, you can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of mattiols for a long time.

Mattiola is a flower, which is in its exquisite color and an incredible aroma in the night and evening. In this case, the plant is very unpretentious and does not require complex actions for growing seeds. Flowers will be revived and decorate any plot, and a simple care will be in force even to someone who just began to get involved in gardening.

  1. Left seeds are sown in small grooves, slightly sprinkled soil.
  2. Left bloom lasts more than 2 months, starting from mid-June
  3. From afar, these plants with slender stems - branched or single, high-rise from 20 to 100 cm, - covered with elongated leaves, attract their bright inflorescences. They consist of fragrant flowers, crowded stems.
  4. It is impossible to fertilize Mattioh with fresh manure. She can get sick and die.
  5. Even if you want to make a thick flower leaf, you can not plant Levko too close to each other. Most varieties are very thick foliage, roots and stems will be hurt, a fungal infection will appear, which can destroy all the flower bed.
  6. The reproduction of Levko is possible only by seeds collected from smooth varieties. However, these seeds can result in a terry variety. There are still plants at the stage of seedlings. The terry levko leaves are more gray, and in smooth - bright green. This difference will allow the gardener to correctly form the flower beds.
  7. The left will become a real decoration of the parisade or garden plot, this is a great choice for lovers of noble classics and fragile colors with a tint of antiquity. Growing Left will not require special efforts, and a beautiful look and exquisite fragrance will delight for a long time.
  8. If you want to observe the declining of Mattiol flowers already in May (or bought a variety of the flowering period of which is indicated as medium or late), then it is necessary to grow seedlings. Seeding time in prepared cups - from March 15 to April 10. Please note that the substrate does not need to add peat or compost. Otherwise there is a risk that such seedlings will appear fungal disease like a "black leg". Therefore, for the substrate, take only sand and conventional garden drums. Sowing a rare, in a moistened soil, then seedlings will not be crowded, interfere with each other, they are easier to dive. Clamps Cover the food film, put in a low box and take into a cool room (15-20 degrees). In a few days, shoots will appear, then the cups in the box are free from the film, transfer to the glazed loggia. It is better if they will grow in coolness (at a temperature of from 10 to 12 degrees), then they will not stretch, they will bloom faster. So that the seedlings were healthy, water them neatly, a small spoon, not allowing either the convergence, nor the drying of the Earth. And do a dive in time, the loggia is to make seedlings hardened. When there are 5 leaves on seedlings (this is at the beginning of May), they can be sent to the flowerbed. Levko - cold-resistant plants, they normally carry the temperature drop even to minus five degrees.
  9. "Lazurit" (blue);
  10. In modest levko, which grown by the gardeners for decades in many parks of the world, an amazing, charming fragrance. A few years ago, they were popular with our dachas. But then these plants began to be sorted out with brighter and elegant colors.
  11. Gardeners for homemade cultivation Use Mattioju Gray (Levka) and Mattioju Curry. The first species is distinguished by bright terry flowers and a pleasant aroma. It has one or several branching stems. The landing is mainly committed with the help of seedlings.
  12. They germinate at room temperature (18-22 degrees).

Bordeur from Lekkoev and Night Pihalok Flands all 24 hours

Flowers can be terry or simple, the most different color: white, cream, pink, red, yellow, blue, lilac, blue, purple.

It is necessary to remove the shockless flowers with terry mattyol, since the fruits of them will not be anyway. If some flowers you left for the cultivation of seeds, you need to pinch the plant, then the seeds will be creeped faster.

  • Despite the fact that Mattiolians love the sun, they need to land them in the evening or on a cloudy day, immediately after disembarking.
  • Mattiol seeds are in small pods that are easy to confuse with stalks. When the pods begin to push, they are broken, and then peel. There is another way to collect seeds. On the punch of the pods put on a blowing bag, for example, from Capron so that they do not have to be over after the rain. Mattiol seeds can be planted every month, then the flower bed will bloom and fierce to the most frost. You can store seeds until the next spring, and then grow seedlings again or plant them directly into open soil.
  • The main task of Mattioli is to decorate the garden and please the charming aroma. Special useful properties and use in medicine of this flower on this moment not found. Levka is annolete plant With terry or smooth flowers. The terry inflorescences bloom longer, but you can collect seeds only with smooth. Depending on the variety, the left in height reaches 30-80 cm. Leaves are oblong, gray-green.
  • In the leaving fragrance, therefore it is advisable to plant it near the benches, a veranda, arbors, a porch, along the tracks. If you put Mattioz near windows dacha house, In the evening the room will fill in a wonderful aroma. Watching blooming mattiols in street vases and remote cache. You can sow seeds near those plants that bloom only in spring, for example, near daffodils, tulips, hyacinths. More good neighbors for Mattioli is a lion zev, Alissa.
  • "Tango" (purple);
  • But breeders, remembering this delightful smell, especially spreading in the garden in the evening, have brought many over the past ten years. beautiful varietiesgiving large, bright brushes Levkoev. And again the flower shows interest in this plant.
  • Mattiola Curry has a more outstanding fragrance, thin peeling stems and fluffy leaves. The plant is well tolerating cold, so sowing is produced directly into open ground without the use of seedlings. Pink or light purple flowers bloom in the evening or night period, highlighting an amazing flavor. Therefore, it is often possible to meet another name of this plant - "night violet".
  • Shoots appear on the 4-5th day. Immediately, they need to provide good lighting And moderate watering, because with excess watering they can get sick with a black leg.
  • So that the terry leftovers were standing for a long time in a vase, they should not be cut, and pull out with the root. Then the roots are washed and, without cutting, put the stalks into the water.

Diseases and pests left

Today there are several hundred varieties of Levkoev, combined in 10 garden groups, which differ in height and type of branching, flowering timing, method of application and technology of cultivation: open soil Or a greenhouse, for a bouquet or garden decoration. We will not characterize everything, it is enough to know that there are many-stem and single-layered levko.

It is advisable to change the place for landing the levko annually, and they put petunia to their former place. After 3 years, you can return to the landing of Mattiol to the previous place. Before boarding, it is advisable to fertilize the soil wood ash, then terry leeks will be particularly lush.

Before falling into the ground, go a little plants. First open the windows indoors, and then take a while on fresh air.

Rules of growing:

Depending on the duration of flowering, this plant is divided into mattiol summer, winter and autumn:

Levko show themselves in sunny places where the soil is fertile, nice. Just do not enter into a year landing neither humus or manure. In the field of Levko, they also develop, only the colors give less.

Levka - cultivation and variety

Flower left - how to grow

"Kvik" and "Step" (red).

Left - flower than older, the more beautiful

B. various sources There are mentions that the left was cultivated yet in Ancient Greece. These fragrant flowers Decorated temple statues and bowls for wine. The name of the flower can be translated as "white violet". The Latin name of this plant sounds like "Mattiola" (Mattiola), it was given by scientist Robert Brown (from England) in honor of Pietro Mattioli - Botany and a doctor from Italy. Beloved to the family of cruciferous (cabbage), in nature are found both perennials and annuals. Most often, flowerflowers are grown by Mattioja gray and twin. Previously, Lekuki looked like branched bushes with thick foliage. The edge of the lanceal leaf was solid or toothed. Each flower has four petals. All flowers are very fragile, collected in the cooled sweatshirts. Fruits are rather large pods, from seeds on them well and clearly appear tubercles. Now many successful hybrids and varieties have been created, highly distinguished by their appearance. Plant height can be from 15 cm and up to meter. Stem one or very branching. The leaves are not only pubescent (then they are gray), but also naked (then they are dark green or light green color). Inflorescences are different lengths, loose or thick. Flower size - from 3 to 7 cm, painting of petals pleases and surprises rich palette - purple, lemon, pink, blue, white, cream, purple, burgundy ...

In winter, you need to choose pods that wished. To do this, they are cut or pulled together with the root system. Make small bundles and hang them in a well-ventilated room.

After the appearance of sections, the box with a seedler is transferred to the windowsill, where the temperature is 12-15 degrees.

As for the requirements for the conditions of growth, the Levko is pretty cold-resistant, love bright places and moderate watering.

Multi-Stellic Lekkoev are especially good varieties: Moscow with dark red flowers, white and purple with inflorescences corresponding to the name. These varieties are ideal for a bouquet.

Mattiola in the course of growth can be attacked by various pests and diseases. Flowers need to be regularly inspecting for diseases and in time to remove contaminated flowers.

After the seedlings are planted or seeds are planted in an open ground and begin to slander, an active care period comes. If you comply with all the simple rules for care, you can achieve a luxurious, thick flowering flower beds, which will bloom and fierce all summer.

Summer mattiols can not be planted in the ground where there is organic fertilizers. Usually fertilizers are introduced when landing, but it is better not to do this with the left.

Summer has the greatest amount of shades: from white to red and purple. This is the most common variety. It blooms most of the summer (from June to August).

Now the information appears that the smell of mattioles coughoids do not like colorado Zucuk. Therefore, the experimenters sow the seeds of this smell plant next to the potato site.

If you want to decorate with fragrant colors of the left-handed loggia or the window sill in the room, then the MPsovets recommends to purchase varieties that give dwarf or low-minded specimens. Among them are varieties - "Pink Brilliant", "Thumbelina", "Wonderful Aroma", "Sugar and Spices".

In the form of inflorescence, Mattioles are gray-shaped on eight groups:

Seeds from pods can be extracted when they completely freeze. Before sowing, the seeds are purified and treated with a solution of manganese-based to prevent diseases.

With the appearance of 1-2 real leaves, the seedlings transplanted into the pot in a diameter of 5-7 cm. Once in 7-10 days, seedlings are fed by complex mineral fertilizer (3-5 g / l of water).

To the soil composition, these plants are very demanding: they need nutritious, moderately wet, loose, non-acidic soils.

Shortwick Leftows (up to 40 cm high), but also with terry flowers, and for bouquet, and for the curb, and for containers. Especially good variety lavender with delicate silver-lilac flowers.

With excess moisture of the soil or air, Mattioli are affected by the conteluratic cyau. It is because of this infection that the Levko cannot be planted at the place where cruciferous already grew to it. Fungus can live in soil long years. Treat plants themselves most often useless. It is necessary to remove damaged flowers, and then spray the soil special compositions. This disease is striking the plant through the root, so it is immediately difficult to determine its signs. On the roots and stems are formed deformed growths, the leaves are yellow and flashed.

How to grow left

For proper care Levka blooms in a month or two after disembarkation.

You should not land Mattioz there, where other cruciferous grew to her for several years.

Winter left is planted in summer, and it begins to bloom only the next spring.

MirSovetov extremely does not recommend placing levko in those places where in past seasons they grew different types Cabbage, radish, radish and other cruciferous (cabbage). Then they will not be amazed by Kyil (fungal disease, when there is damage to the roots).

Even for vases and balconies, the varieties of "intuition", "harmony", "Midget", "Vintage" are suitable.

Giganic bombing;

To enjoy the bloom of Mattiola in June, the seeds need to be planted in the second half of March. Continuous blossom Jumps through regular seeding every ten days.

In the open ground, the plants are planted in the second half of May. The place is selected light with a loose, not a winding soil.

Most of the whole levko does not endure the convergence, severe earth and fresh organic fertilizers, in such conditions the plants are ill, they are poorly growing and often dying.

Repairing levkos are also a find for a flower bed: a bush with a height of 55-65 cm, the whole mustache laid with flowers, which reveal their buds twice for the season. These leukes are good and in a group landing on the lawn, and in a bouquet, especially the large-flowered carminno-pink and with red flowers of victory.

If moisture is too small, the weather is arid and insufficient moisturizing, Mattioh can strike cruciferous flew.

Left-growing conditions:

In order for the seeds of the left-hander to germinate, they are placed on the water for a day and allowed to swell, after which the water is drained, the seeds themselves wrap in a wet fabric or gauze and put in the refrigerator.

Autumn left sow spring, and it blooms at the beginning of autumn.

Put the planting in the ground, observing the distance between the plants. For example, the distance between single-track varieties should be 15 cm each, between biscuits and pyramidal - no less than 25 cm, and there are 35 cm between the spreader, it is not neglecting this advice, let the plants develop in spacious conditions, then there will be less risk of fungal infections. If the rains are not enough, then in the morning Mattioh is preferably watered. Sometimes after precipitation or irrigation, highlight a few minutes for the loosening of the Earth, the elimination of weeds.

In Mattiol, the twin (long-befeneck) flowers are smaller (15-25 mm in diameter), are collected in fragrant private inflorescences, which dropped in the evening or in frowned weather. The height of the stems up to 50 cm. Known varieties:

At high heights are divided into:

Mattiolian seed landing dresses for April. Sowing can be repeated 2-3 times with breaks in two weeks to increase flowering time. Seed seeds for Mattioli gray-sized in late February and early March.

Levko's seedlings need carefully, because it reacts badly to a transplant.

Apparently, this feature has led to the fact that currently Levkoi rarely settle in our flower beds.

No less effective monitoring levko. In their high stem, there are inflorescences of up to 30 cm long with large terry flowers (diamond groups, a gold bouquet, Kvedlinburg Left and Eccelzior).

Mattiola: Growing from seeds, when to plant? - Magic plants

On the leaves will appear holes for which the pest can be defined. To get rid of flew, you need to pour leaves and soil wood ash. Do not be afraid of an inesttic form. At the very first precipitation, the ash is wondering, and the flea no longer appear after this procedure.

Plant species

Levka loves moisture, but not its excess. It is equally poorly tolerates both dryness and overvoltage. It takes it enough and regularly, but not too abundant. In hot weather, the leaves of the plant will be rolled out of the lack of moisture. To avoid watering, Mattioh is needed right on the root and better in the morning, before the appearance of a strong heat.

Seying seeds for seedlings needed at the end of March-early April. In the open soil seeds are planted only after the soil warmed up enough.

Preparation of seeds

For connoisseurs of this plant, it will be easy to grow left, growing from seeds is not the most time-consuming process, and in leaving the left is not too good. Most often, Matthiol is planted next to bears, arbors and balconies, so that it was possible to rest and enjoy her aroma. This plant is also suitable for flower beds, lawns and even bouquets.

The feeding stimulates the formation of buds, "Kemira" or other mineral complexes are used for them, but not only an organic. Watering with fertilizer is carried out every 2 weeks. Lady Flowers Remove, then your flowerbed or vase will look well-groomed.

When should I plant seeds?

"Night violet" (pale-lilac, blue petals);


Sowing method

Before boarding Matthiol, the soil is prepared by the soil. To do this, it is drunk and fertilized. The depth of the landing hole should be small, approximately 3 cm. Between them you need to leave the distance at least 10 cm. It is not recommended to fertilize the soil with organic substances before sowing process. Mattiola will also not grow on the place where there were previously cruciferous. A place for sowing seeds should be well lit.

The distance between the bush leaves 15-25 cm, depending on the magnitude of the plants and the type of flower garden.

Grow levko through seedlings.

Place for sowing and care

For growing in pots, balcony boxes, the vases will suit the Sinnerla series, which includes dwarf plants with a height of only 20 cm.

From the convergence and improper departure of Mattiola can be sick with a black leg. At the same time, the stem, and then the leaves darken and die. To cure a plant from this disease cannot be removed as quickly as possible. For the prevention before landing, it is possible to treat the area by the drug to the drug, it will reduce the risk of the black leg.

The land in the flowerbed should be regularly glowing and loosen. It is necessary to do this after irrigation so that water penetrates well to the roots, the roots were saturated with oxygen, and dense crusts were not formed on the surface of the soil.

Left, growing from seeds

Seying seeds need to be in drawers with turf and sand. It is unwanted to sow seeds thickly, the germination of them is good. The depth of planting is no more than half a meter. Seeds are sprinkled with the same mixture and covered with a film.

Mattiola received his name on behalf of the Italian doctor and nerd Pietro Mattii, who lived in the 16th century. The second name "left" is translated as a white violet. Greece is considered homeland Asia Minor. Oh left is mentioned in various sources, which indicates that he was actively grown in the gardens of ancient Greece. These flowers were decorated with bowls for wine, statues in temples. It is not so much due to the beauty of the flower, as with its wonderful aroma. In some sources, the smell of Levko is indicated as the silent, dense. In the 16th century, a terry variety of flower was bred. From the 18th century new varieties begin to be displayed.

General information about the left

On the hot days on plants, small jumping insects may appear, damaging (prying) leaves. This cruciferous flew. Then dismisse your levko and earth about them ashes. Butterfly - whitewood can be spoiled - whitewings, cabbagers.

"Evening aroma" (lilac);

  • Mid-graded;

Levka is planted with seedlings. In order to get it, at the beginning of the spring, seeds are produced in low tanks filled with turf and sand in a ratio of 3 to 1. Seeds need to be poured on top of a small amount of land. Then he can only wait when sprouts appear. At the same time, they don't require watering. The storage space of containers with sowing should be warm and darkened.

  • Immediately after disembarking, the plants are watered, and in sunny weather they shape for a couple of days.
  • Sowing is carried out in the second half of March in the loose, the non-applicant (pH about 7), the nutrient soil mixture. Ideal a mixture of humus, leafy, peat and sand in a 2: 2: 2: 1 ratio, with the addition of lime.
  • It includes 10 varieties with white, lavender, blue, pink, purple, red, yellow and other colorful flowers.

More information can be found from the video.

The soil for landing mattiol is better to choose fertile. On acidic soils, it will bloom badly.

If the temperature is taken when growing germs (not higher than 22 degrees, not lower than 20), the first sprouts will be processed for the fourth day.

  • The left may differ not only by the color and height of the flower, then the form of the inflorescence.
  • When Mattiola's convergence is affected by the so-called "black leg", then first the stem, and then leaves. Such plants should be immediately removed from the flower beds.
  • "Lilac", "Evening aroma" (with purple flowers);


In five days you can already see shoots. After this capacity should be rearranged in such a place where good lighting and temperature will be about 8-12 ° C so that the crops do not die. For 10-14 days they are placed in separate containers with sheet soil, sand and turf. When warming comes, crops are planting on the selected area together with the Earth, which was in containers. Thanks to this, Mattiola will suffer low temperatures. Seedlings are planted in shallow wells with a distance between them at 20 cm.

In further plants, watering is needed when soil drying, periodic weeding and loosening, feeding times in 2 weeks with any complex mineral fertilizer (15-20 g per bucket of water).

  • During the day or two before sowing the soil in the box, it is necessary to shed a solution of fungicide (phytosporin-m, Baikal EM-1) or a pink solution of manganese.
  • Even from this brief description It is clear that Levko is universal flowers. They can be grown for bouquets and for the design of flower, breaks, borders. Low varieties planted in containers, vases, balcony boxes.
  • Another classic fragrant annual is left. This plant was also long appreciated by gardeners for a pleasant and strong smell and large bright inflorescence, painted hardly in all colors of the rainbow. However, this is a charming plant today is almost forgotten. Why? This will be discussed below.
  • During the planting fertilizer does not contribute, but before flowering it is necessary to feed the plant, but it is better to choose inorganic fertilizers, mineral, while flowering - potash-phosphoric.

Terry or non-none flowers?

When the first sprouts appeared from the ground, the film must be removed and secured the sages of the inflow of oxygen. The light in the poet should be scattered, and the temperature must be reduced to 10 degrees.

The plant left by everyone known as "Mattiola". An annual cruciferous representative grows in the form of a cookistic. Depending on the subspecies, and they have more than five hundred they, the culture has a different shade, a period of flowering, height. Mattiol flowers are distinguished by a delightful aroma. Therefore, culture is often grown for a cut. Dwarf varieties Perfectly decorate the plot. The height of the lowest subspecies does not exceed 25 centimeters.

Leftow in the open ground is quite average rainfall.


The left is spoken by uniform soil moisturizing. It is not necessary to adhere to a special regime or watering schedule. Determine the need for a flower in an additional liquid is quite easy through the top layer of the substrate.

The short-term absence of precipitation will not be able to harm Left. At the same time, excessive moisturizing or stagnation can destroy the roots of mattiols. To preserve the culture, it is necessary to constantly inspect the roasting zone. When identifying the first signs, you need to immediately add a substrate. It is also recommended to break the soil for better moisture permeability.

Harm from transplant

Mattiola may not survive a transplant. Experienced gardeners advise initially leased seedlings to dive through individual pots, and then transfer to an open area. It is necessary to preserve the integrity of the earth coma.

Procedure Trimming

Levka speaks perfectly on sanitary cleaning. As you wither, as well as damage to leaves or shoots, you should delete areas. Upper layer The substrate must be kept clean. Favoric vegetative organs contribute to the sporing of mushrooms.

To maintain aesthetic species, you need to delete fading inflorescences in time. Unlike most blooming crops, the seed formation and the duration of the flowering mattioles does not depend on the cut-off pattern.

Hybrid terry varieties do not form seeds.

The derived terry representatives of Levkoi do not form seed boxes. Sowing material at home can be collected exclusively on simple inflorescences. It is enough to leave a few flowers on mattiol for ripening pods.

How to cultivate Mattioh in the open soil

For landing on the site you need to choose a protected place from wind and straight sun ray. The plant can maintain decorativeness almost on all types of substrate. Favoro affected by lush blossom And the growth of green mass is a loamy soil.

A year before the landing, it is advisable to make a body into the soil. On the loose plot you need to make small wells. The grooves must be rich in water. In the prepared pits, you can land sprouts. A uniformly located plant can be filled with the ground and carefully dissolve.

In the forums of flower water, the alternateness of cultures are recommended. Locating Mattiols on the site after representatives of the Cruccetic family can contribute to the destruction of the cruciferous flesh. The soil is also not desirable to use for container growing. On seedlings, a black leg and keel often appears.

The landing is better to spend at the end of May. Bright sun rays can burn seedlings. Therefore, replant seedlings follows a cloudy day or after sunset.

Mattiola growing technology


For cultivation, Mattiol is particularly suitable for squeezing, not acidic, fertile soil. In the poor, exhausted substrate should be made in advance organic fertilizers or change the soil in the well.

Container leek can be purchased a ready-made substrate for flowering indoor crops.

For room growing You can purchase a finished ground mixture.

Be sure to take into account the pH level of the soil.


The long-range leap is perfectly spoken by regular feeding. Some varieties of mattiols can dry from not mature organic matter. Therefore, the use of unverified compost and humus is not recommended.

During the active growing period, mineral fertilizers should be made. It is desirable to add a means to water for watering. For nutritious soil with a sufficient amount of useful substances, four feeders are enough. The depleted primer should make fertilizer at least six times.

The feeder at the stage of the bootonization and the dissolution of the flower plays favorably affects the left. Curry Mattiola is able to independently support abundant bloom without additional fertilizers.

Container plant

A variety of subspecies makes it possible to create incredible flower compositions with mattiole. The various buildings of low-spirited, dwarf, tall and mid-diluted bushes perfectly decorate flower beds, mini-kindergartes, mixtures, balconies and terraces.

Early leeks with long (removable) flowering can produce new buds throughout the summer and autumn period. The first inflorescences appear in a few weeks after planning.

For cultivation in the pot, dwarf and low-grade varieties are perfect. Mattiola perfectly supports aesthetic view in the container. With the help of a group landing, you can form lush bushes.

The peculiarities of growing mattiols can be found from the video:

Characteristic pests and diseases

Prevent damage to mattiols is much easier than to treat. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly examine all parts of the plant on the signs of the settlement of pests and diseases.

  1. Carefully plan sowing. It is not desirable to plant Matthiol after other representatives of the family.
  2. Constantly maintain optimum humidity Substrate. Stagnation of water, wetland in a short time destroy the root system.
  3. Incorrect feeding by an organica can hardly damage left.

The plant is often amazed by Kila. Mushroom disputes are able to live in the soil for a long time. At the first signs of infection, remove damaged areas. It is strictly forbidden to process the plant with special preparations until complete cleansing. Then you can prepare a solution of fungicides.

It is not advisable to land Mattioh after cruciferous.

In the arid season, the left is especially defenseless before cruscle flea. You can detect insects by characteristic holes on the leaves. You can save mattiol from pests with the help of sifted rapid ashes. It is also recommended to sprinkle the entire area with Levka. Extra powder will disappear after the first precipitation.

Fighting weeds

Be sure to clear the place of cultivation of mattiols from competing plants. Weeds not only spoil the aesthetic species of the site. Often the undesirable neighborhood becomes the cause of various diseases.

After weeding, it is necessary to thoroughly break the substrate for optimal water permeability. It is necessary to protect the stalks from possible damage.

Mattiola bloom

Levka is rightly recognized as the most fragrant annual. In the regions with a warm climate, the bloom of mattiols continues even in winter.

Plant should be seen annually in early spring. After the first frosts, the lean fades. Abundant formation of inflorescences depends on the quality of planting material. Therefore, it is advisable to multiply by Mattioly a sediment method.

A strong aroma of Levko causes allergic manifestations. Particularly affected by people with sensitive skin and seasonal rhinitis.

Features of breeding

Sowing Prochativ

To breed leaving, it is recommended to use high-quality sowing last season. Before sowing, you need to put the root in the water room temperature for 24 hours. The swollen seeds should be wrapped in a gauze bag and put in the fridge on the shelf for vegetables. Stratification (exposure to low temperature) stimulates germination.

For breeding in open soil, use a seed basis.

Mattiol seeds need to be sown in late March in prepared shallow containers. In the container, place a mixture of the delicate earth and pure sand should be placed. After uniform moisture, you can decompose the seeds on the surface. The depth of sealing should not exceed half a centimeter.

To create greenhouse conditions, it is recommended to cover the pot with transparent glass or polyethylene. Seizians need to be transferred to warm roomProtected from direct sunlight. The first sprouts will be processed in 4 days. It may be observed uneven germination. You should wait for about two weeks before germination of adventures.

Care for seedy

The coating from the container must be removed. The pot should be taken out on the illuminated place. Without scattered light, seedlings can stretch out. It is also important to protect seedlings from direct sunlight.

The optimal temperature should be no more than + 12 degrees. Therefore, you should keep the container on closed balcony or unheated veranda.

A few days after the appearance of sprouts, you can pour Mattioh. Fast sprouts (on average after 2 weeks) should be counted in separate pots. In containers, it is necessary to do several drainage holes. The substrate is desirable to prepare from the delicate, leafy land and clean sand.

Unlike other crops, there should be no full-fledged leaves at seedlings. To strengthen the root system, it is recommended to add hydrogel to the substrate.

Late and medniece varieties can be moved directly to open air. At the stage of forming two leaves, it is necessary to make feeding. Little Plant is perfect for the connection of thirty milligrams boric acid, copper sulfate and ten milligram sulfate zinc. For a solution of just one liter of water.

During eat growing You can also need to harde the leaving. To do this, on the veranda or balcony should periodically open the window. Daily, the duration of the exposure of cold air needs to be increased. Before landing in open ground, you can constantly keep seedlings from the open window. Beginning procedures follow 14 days before moving to the site.

Why Mattiola does not bloom

Lack of colors - a rare phenomenon for leaving. The late planting can cause later the formation of buds. Mineral fertilizers should be made to the poor soil.

How to choose Mattiohi

High-quality seedlings guarantees fast survival and abundant bloom in the current season. The average price for the seedlings of the annual leather in the container with a diameter of 12 cm is 140 rubles. The Seeds of the Lefta "Pink Champagne" can be purchased at a price of 22 rubles.

Beloved by many flowers of the left is represented by the varieties of terry and ordinary, non-none. For long, abundant flowering is important to comply with the basic rules of landing and care. They differ depending on the variety of Levkoev. The plant is heat-loving, so it is recommended to grow from seeds in a greenhouse and a greenhouse. Lined in open ground, Levko will please you with abundant, long blossom. Photos of colors grown in this way, convincing evidence.

Levko: varieties and groups

Busty Plant S. beautiful flowerswhich fills the garden with a drinking aroma - it is left. Often it is also called on the botanical title, - Matthiola, - Mattiol. Due to its abundant blossom, the originality of inflorescences, wide color gamma, Levka "steps on the planet." Now about 600 varieties of plants are actively used to decorate flower beds, houses, balconies.

The plant varies in the period of flowering, height, sheet form. The differences in the form, the appearance of flowers, their coloring are especially striking. Among the many varieties of this amazing plants are the greatest value of those that give terry flowering. Terry flower forms a cup and a large number of Petals. But the stamens and the pestle in it are not, so the seed does not give such a plant. The terry left is multiplied with stalling. The rest, simple plants give seeds that are used to grow seedlings and their germination retains for several years.

Types of Levkoev:

  1. Left autumn - with start blossom end summer-beginning autumn.
  2. Winter left - sown in the summer, with a period of flowering in spring.
  3. Left summer.

The most popular gardeners and landscape designers include: "Levka Royal Mix", "Kvedlinburg Levkoi", "Brilliant", "Levka Sedoy", "Blanca", "Ektelzior", "Aurora", "Nice Beauty", "Almond Color "," Abundation "and others.

Landing and care

His historic homeland is Southern Europe, where there is a lot of light and warmth. Therefore, to choose a place to a future landing should be solar, protected from penetrating, cold winds.

Council. An indispensable condition for growing left-hand - not to use sections where cruciferous grew in the previous season. By this, you will protect the plant from pests and diseases.

To grow a healthy, strong, rejoicing a plant with its flowering, it is necessary to carry out such work:

  • choose a well-lit plot on the outdoor soil or determine the place in the greenhouse;
  • carefully prepare the soil;
  • select planting material;
  • grow from seed seedlings;
  • provide necessary care and spend preventive actionsTo prevent plant disease.

Attention! When choosing a seat under the landing, consider that the left - the flower is thermal-loving. It requires sections of solar well ventilated.

Growing leaving of seeds

Collected in previous seasons or seeds purchased from good suppliers, pre-soaked in warm (but not hot!) Water. After about a day, when they swell, they are wrapped in a moistened gauze tissue and, for stratification, put three days in the refrigerator. It will launch the process of short embelling sleep for the sowing material, after which you can hear seedlings.

Preferably sowing in March, its last decade. For seedlings, containers with a fertile substrate should be prepared. For it, it is used by river, well washed sand and turfs; The usual ratio is 1 to 3. You can add a granular hydrogel - it contributes to the deduction of moisture. Followed by:

  • on the surface of the substrate to carry out shallow (≈ 0.5 cm) of the groove;
  • in the grooves decompose (not thick!) Seeds and close them on top of the substrate;
  • pour warm (room temperature) with water;
  • containers cover with film (preferably black) and put into darkened, warm (≈ + 20ºC) place.

Attention! Containers must certainly have drainage holes - to avoid water stagnation and, as a result, rotting the planting material.

Next, you should wait for the appearance of shoots. It usually happens three days after 5-7 after sowing seedlings, but sometimes the entire planting material grows out the material in a couple of weeks. Growing seedlings, provide crops with regular ventilation.

After germination of seedlings, the film is removed, containers rearrange in a well-lit place, regularly watered.

Levko in open ground: features

Early varieties are sown at the very beginning of May, they are covered with film until shoots appear, after which it is removed. You can plant and prepared, tempered seedlings. Care work is reduced to regular moderate watering, soil cleaning from weeds, prevention of diseases, plant feeding (up to 3 times during the season).

Attention! Levka does not like an excess of moisture, nor her drawback.

Growing left-handed seeds in greenhouse, greenhouse

Here they are used mainly by the left winter, which is cultivated for two seasons. In the first year of its year, the plants do not bloom, actively develop, winter in the oranges. Abundant bloom is observed in the second season.

Winter Lefts are divided into such groups:

  • olkovoi ordinary - in ten popular colors, ≈50-60 cm high;
  • leftowa large - mostly white, cream, red, with fragrant, large flowers ≈50-60 cm high. Popular varieties: "Blanca", "Mont Blanc", "Alexander", "Aurora", "Golyansky"
  • levko Rodnovye, with a well-formed main stem - it forms a main brush of colors; Used mainly for growing on the cut. The most popular - "Excelsior", "Brilliant", "QUEDLINBURGER ALLGEFULLTE";
  • levkoi carlikovy spherical - small, ≈20 cm of the height of the bush, in six main colors. Popular varieties - Rosa Tayikher, Sapphire, "Pure Golden", "Thumbelina".

When growing plants from seeds in a greenhouse or greenhouse, the seeds are prepared by the method described above. When the first seedlings appear, the temperature reduces to 15-18 degrees and ensure the influx of sunlight. On the open plot, young, strong enough, which have passed hardening plants (often - in peat pots).

Council. Winter left is large enough, so when landing should hold a diagram of 60 x 60 cm.

At the end of the growing season, usually - in the last days of summer, Levko is transplanted into containers, abundantly watered, transfer to a greenhouse (greenhouse) for further wintering, providing, with proper care.

Care of the Winter Left in Greenhouse or Granberry

The following works are carried out as a leaving care:

  • ensuring uniform temperature mode - + 2-4 ° C;
  • regular ventilation;
  • removal faded after green mass;
  • soil breaking;
  • watering as the soil drying;
  • preventive work.

In the last month of winter, the temperature in the greenhouse is raised to + 8-10 ° C, while at the same time increasing the frequency of irrigation and frequency of ventilation. Proper care will provide a healthy vegetation, previously bloom when disembarking in March-April to an open area. Fragrant beautiful flowers will be a real balcony, garden, flower beds, terraces. They look great in bakery compositions and monobukets.

Sowing and growing Mattioli - Video

Growing Levkoev - Photo

It is impossible to present a beautiful recreation area without fragrant colors. Among the many varieties of perennial and annual species is highlighted by left. This plant loves many gardeners, so Levko's flowers are often found on cottage flower beds. Gentle and fragrant smell of Lekko is even more intensified by the evening and gives a unique fragrance. It is easy to grow, but some features of planting and care need to know.

Description of the form: Photo Levko

The second name of Levko - Mattiola, it is basically annestly fragrant plant. His homeland is considered the Mediterranean, there it was known since the ancient times. In the height of the left, it can grow from 30 to 80 cm, sometimes to the meter, the height of the plant will depend on the variety of colors. Leaves in leafy, cung gray-green. The plant shared depending on the duration of flowering:

  • mattioju Summer - she has the maximum number of shades, from white to purple, blooms from July to August and is the most common type;
  • winter left planted from autumn, it blooms the next spring;
  • autumn view of sow in spring time and bloom flowers in autumn.

Depending on the variety of left may be distinguished by the height of the stems, color and form of inflorescence. There are mattiols biscuit, who have dense inflorescences. The tree levko is ideal for planting on the flower beds, they are perfectly combined with other colors, because they differ in large inflorescences. Selectioners managed to bring 500 varieties and hybrids of this flower. In the photo, it can be seen that the flowers in the plant can be in diameter from 3 to 7 cm terry and simple. They are collected in inflorescences of different heights and pomp.

Great popularity uses sedoya left. Its in the form of inflorescence is divided into several groups:

Sedoya can be raised at home from seeds, if you know how to do it right and what further care is needed.

Left: Growing from seeds

In order for the seeds to go together, they are soaked in the water for a day, so they swell well. After that, the seeds must be wrapped in a wet cloth and put in the refrigerator for several days. The tempered seeds begin to sow at seedlings at the end of March or in early April. Best for this choose a container or box. The substrate must be fresh and moistened, the composition for it is selected from the following components;

  • sand;
  • cherry earth.

The ratio should be 1; 3. Seeds for growing are laid on a depth of no more than 0.5 cm, after which they are covered with a film or glass and put in a dark place with a temperature of 20-25 ° C. Shoots usually appear after 4-5 days, but sometimes you have to wait about 2 weeks.

Immediately after seed seed, the capacity should be rearranged into a lighted place with a bright scattered light. The temperature must be reduced to 10-12 o C, so that the seedlings do not pull up. It is best to make a container with a seedl of a balcony or a veranda without heating. The first watering must be made no earlier than a couple of days after gear. After 10-12 days after the germination of seeds, you can perform dive.

Seedlings take individual cups or pots with drainage hole. As part of the soil should be:

  • sand - 1 /
  • sheet land - 2 pieces;
  • cherry earth - 2 parts.

At this time, the seedlings will not yet be real leaves, so a little hydrogel should be added to the ground when diving should be added to strengthen the roots. Late varieties of levko can be found in the soil when diving. When the plant appears on two real leaves, the seedlings must be contacted. 2 weeks before planting seedlings in open ground are hardened. The procedure must be performed within 10-14 days, after which it is planted on the site.

Landing and care

For successful cultivation The lean and sunny and sunny areas are suitable. It is desirable that the soil is a sublinous, although on other types of soil the left is growing well. Usually before planting in the soil add mineral organic fertilizersexcept manure.

Seedlings are planted in an open ground in mid-May. Water poured into the prepared wells for cultivation and then transfer seedlings with a room of land so as not to damage the root. The distance between the seedlings should be with an interval of 20-30 cm. Seedling is not afraid of spring frosts, but only if they are short to -2-3 about C. In June in June, levko flowers will begin their bloom.

Seeds can also be immediately driving into an open ground at the end of April. As soon as the seedlings are growing a little, they should be switched, leaving only the largest with a distance of 5 cm. The flowering of such plants can be seen at the end of summer.

For normal growth and development of leaks regular polyv is needed. Levka negatively reacts to drought and bad watering. Immediately after planning seedlings, it is impossible to water it in the open ground, and planting seedlings are best in the evening.

Timely loosening of the soil and the removal of weeds will allow Mattiol to actively develop. If you fulfill the feeder on time, then the Levko will delight with abundant bloom. Plant should get the necessary nutrients For normal growth and flowering. It is best to make mineral fertilizers, for example, before landing add phosphoric fertilizer.

Levko reproduction

Most gardeners value left with terry flowers, but such varieties are fruitless. In terry inflorescences, seeds are not formed. The most common method of reproduction of Levko - seed. Experienced flowerflowers Seize the leaving seeds in the open ground every two weeks so that the plant for a long time rejoiced with its bright flowering.

Experts argue that the most beautiful inflorescences give seedlings grown from seeds incorrect form. Of these, levko grow with terry inflorescences. It is believed that the late varieties of colors are better grown ensure in domestic or greenhouse conditions. This will allow some time to admire the beauty of flowering and fragrant aroma.

Diseases and pests

Despite the easy care of flowers, they have one minus - Levko is afraid of fungal diseases. They can for a long time Storing in the ground and harm the colors. It is recommended not to plant leaving in the place where the cabbage rose or near the cabbage beds.

If there are signs of fungal diseases, it should be immediately treated with a plant by fungicides. During the flowering period from pests, Mattioh is striking:

  • cross-color flea;
  • butterflies - cabbagers;
  • whitebird.

From insects can be protected by a plant water solution with ash, spraying the compositions of the leaves of Levko.

Curly and gentle leather flowers are always able to create harmonious composition in the garden. A pleasant aroma of colors is always intensified with the onset of darkness. The left can be grown in containers and pots. Low grades are often used in the design alpine Gork or borders. They create a great view of the design of pools and ponds. When the cold comes comes to the vases and transfer to the house, keep in a cool place. At home, Levka also will not leave anyone indifferent bright color gamut and a pleasant aroma.

Flower Levka.