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How to play in ancient Greece. Selection of material on the topic "Travel to Greece

Selection of material in familiarization of older children with the world around the topic "Travel to Greece"


To introduce children with Greece (geographical position, culture, history, mythology, Olympic Games).
Improve visual skills and skills.
Develop curiosity, small and overall motility.


World map.
Pictures: Flag of Greece, Olive and Olives, Mount Olympus, Zeus, Greek Theater, mythical creatures.
Coloring "Greeks", "Olympic Rings".
Cookies with water, jam, spoons.
Cardboard, plasticine, sticks.
Shell painted with black paint on one side.
Cutting on clever silhouette of a jug, glue, paper sheets.
Scissors, blanks for cutting torch, stapler, red napkins.
Audio recordings: A. Usachev "Greece", "Sirtaki", Anthem of the Olympic Games.


Today we will go on a trip to ancient Greece.

Exists on our land ancient country, Country where everything resembles a fairy tale, legend, myth. This is the country of Greece, the earth of dark rocks, blue seas, whitewashed houses, ancient ruins, ruins of ancient churches. The most important city of Greece is Athens.
As in every country, in Greece there is its own flag (show on the map the country of Greece and the flag).

In ancient Greece and men and women wore chitons. This clothing consists of two square slices of fabric, which fastened the clasp on the shoulders, and on the waist were taped with the belt.

Coluting chitons

Children paint chiton drawing with colored pencils.

Greece is a hospitable country. Every year, millions of tourists are visited. Tourists like beautiful nature, sunflowed beaches and rich history of Greece.

Listening to Greece, A. Usacheva, from the cycle "Entertaining Geography".

How do Greeks welcome and each other?
Calimer - Good afternoon (morning) to 12 hours.
Calsper - Good afternoon (evening) after 12 hours.
How would you welcome now, at this time of the day?
Yasas - Hello (in the full sense of the word).

Make a drink from jam

In the Greek tradition, a guest first serves a little jam on a saucer and a glass cold water. And only then treat coffee and cakes.

(Children are invited to add jam, stir and try).

It is not surprising that there are many holidays in such a hospitable country.
In addition to delicious food, there are many dancing on holidays. By tradition, the Greeks dance, getting into a circle and holding hands.

Dance "Sirtaki"

Children dance in a circle, holding hands on the show of an adult.

In ancient Greece, only boys went to school. Girls sometimes learned to write and read at home. At school boys learned to play on musical instrumentsread, count and write. They wrote with sharp chopsticks on wooden tables covered with wax.


A piece of cardboard is covered with a layer of plasticine, and then scratch the pattern or letters.

We play in those games in which the children are played in Greece now.

Greek game "Ostrakinda" is an analogue of the modern game "Eagle or Rushki". They took a shell, on the one hand painted her black paint - it was "night". The unpainted side was "day". The children were divided into two teams - on the "day" and "night". Then the shell threw up, and the team, whose color fell out, arranged the chase after another team.

Morra game

One of the players hid his hands behind his back, and the second had to guess how many fingers showing the first player behind his back. She won the one who guess more than once.

In ancient Greece, the theater was put on tragedy and comedy. All roles, even female, performed men. The actors performed in masks. Greeks watched performances in huge open-air theaters. Benches for viewers climbed rows along the hillside, and the scene was at the bottom.

Dramatic "Nadya Mask and Image Your Character"

Children put on masks and complement their image with gestures, movements, sounds.

The poor soils of Greece were suitable only for grazing livestock and did not fit at all for growing grain. But on a generously illuminated mountain slopes, grapes and olives ripen well. Olives are very popular. The Greeks even published the law that commands to execute everyone who fows out an olive tree. Under the hot sun, the Greeks received large grape harvests. The collected fruits were submitted to the table or cooked wine from them, refueling grapes into huge wooden chains and crushed their legs.
On ships - the Greeks Triard, they took the sale of wine, olive oilgrain. These products were transported in large vessels - amphoras. (Show).

Greeks were skilled potters. They painted a variety of ceramics vessels - vases, jugs, bowls, pots. These paintings, like pictures in books, many can tell about the life of the ancient Greeks.

The game "Slace Broken Jug"

From paper pieces, children are collected and then glued onto a blank paper jug.

The ancient Greeks took care of their health. They visited the gymnastic halls and were engaged in sports. Greek doctors for the treatment of patients often used medicinal plants. Hippocrates, which is called the Father of Medicine, was a famous ancient Greek doctor. He came up with an oath, which doctors pronounce in our days, committed to helping all patients.

The birthplace of the Olympic Games is ancient Greece, namely, the Sanctuary of Olympia, located in the western Peloponnenne Peninsula, is honored with the ancient Greeks. There is still a fire of modern games.

Manual work "Torch with Olympic Fire"

Children cut out the workpiece from which the "Cutter" is folded. Then they take a napkin of red, crushing it and put in the "torch" - "fire fire".

The Olympic Games were the most ancient and main competitions. Games lasted five days. On the first day, the competition was held for all types of run, in the second - in Pentathlon, and in the third - in the struggle, eating bay. Forbidden to scratch the enemy's eyes and bite. The opponents just fought and fought - without separation into the weight categories, without rounds. For violation of the rules, the judge beat the offender stick.

The fourth day was completely given to the children. The running distance for them was twice as shorter than adults. On the fifth day, races were arranged on chariots harvested by the four of the horses, and horse racing in a circle. Athletes performed naked, completely without clothes. The winners were not awarded medals. They put on their head a wreath of olive leaves and handed a jug with olive oil.

In the year of Greece and her colonies held the messengers, declaring the day of the start of the games. All wars stopped at the time of games. In Olympia, several ambitious structures, sports grounds, temples were built.

Women could not participate in the Olympic Games, they did not even appear near Olympia during games. For them, a separate holiday was arranged - Heraia. It was held every four years in honor of the goddess of the gera and consisted of competing in a race for girls. The winner received an olive wreath and edible supplies, in particular meat. The winners were handed wreaths from wild olives, palm branches decorated with woolen ribbons.

Olympics are held today. Only now they are competing not alone Greeks, but athletes from all over the world these five multicolored rings - the Olympic emblem. Twisted rings symbolize the union into the Olympic movement of all five continents. Europe is blue colour, America - Red, Africa - black, Australia - green, and Asia is yellow.

Creativity "Olympic Rings"

Children paint the Olympic rings. And then make the checkbox, attaching a colored sheet on a cocktail straw.

Greek children adored to play with the ball in various games. Do you know from what the balls did in ancient Greece? From the bladder of pigs! He was inflated, then gave him a shape, holding over fire. Sometimes such balls were painted for beauty.

Relay with balls

(Held under the sound of the Olympic hymn).

1. "Throw the ball to the basket" (throwing).
2. "Pass the ball" (coordination of movements).
3. "Jump with the ball" (jumping).
4. "Run beyond the ball" (running).
5. "Catch, throw, fall on come on" (throwing and catching).

In ancient Greece, various legends were folded about the beautiful and powerful gods and goddesses, brave and wise heroes, fantastic monsters.

I hear how in the thunder clouds angry grumbling and rinsing the summer thunder, the ancient Greeks were afraid of these sounds and to explain to themselves, how do they come from, what do you imagine themselves? And they imagined themselves a huge, mighty, harsh, but still similar to a person being a creature, which, probably, will rage there, behind the clouds. But we know with you where these sounds come from. Can you tell? (Children's responses).

Seeing how every day goes back in the east and sits down in the west, - sometimes such a warm and affectionate, sometimes dries and cruel, they also imagined someone. What do you think they represented instead of the sun? They represented a human body, god, traveling around the sky in a dazzling bright chariot (show). One after another preventing the truth and fiction, they came up with and told each other amazing stories. These stories we call the Greek word "myths".

The Greeks believed that their gods and goddesses live on top of the Mount Olympus. And reigns on the light Olympus mighty zeus, surrounded by other gods. Zeus was considered the ruler of the sky and the Sun (to offer to approach Mount Olympus). Next to Zeus in the sky owes his wife Gera, also the goddess of the sky. Most here and other gods.

On Olympus, there is no rain, nor snow; Always there is a bright, joyful summer. Tsar Zeus sits on a high gold throne.
From Olympus sends to people Zeus their gifts and argues the order and laws on earth. Two large vessels stand at the gates of the Palace of Zeus. In one vessel, the gift of good, in the other - evil. Zeus draws good and evil and sends people.


On Olympus live gods.
Hands up, sewing legs.
Zeus among them the most important.
Making slopes smoothly.
Everything is under the supervision of Zeus.
Hands down, and legs together.
Stood on the socks on the heel
And finished charging.

In Greek myths, heroes are coming in with amazing creatures:

Minotaur - Semi-Biscuit - Village - lived in a labyrinth and devoured people.
Sphinx - a winged creature with a woman's head and a body of a lion. He made in passersby a difficult riddle and, if they could not guess - devoured them.
Gorgon - Winged women with snakes instead of hair, turned into a stone all living things. Once they were beautiful women, but upset the goddess Athena, which turned them into terrible monsters.
Centaurians - Bedrooms-Bowls, living in the forest and mountains. Some centaurs helped the heroes, others were hostile.
Cerber - a three-headed dog with a snake tail - guarded entrance to the underground kingdom. He did not bite those who came there. His task was to ensure that no one came back.
Pegasus - the winged horse - he helped the heroes.

"Sixth feat of Hercules: Augean stables"

The cunning king came up with the Hercules of tasks such to destroy it. And it turned out the opposite. With each feat of the glory of the hero and the love of people grew. After all, each victory has eaten people from any of the misfortunes, which made life heavy and dangerous. And Eurisfea came up with a task for Hercules, the execution of which was to be elapted with a hero.

Tsar Avgius had innumerable herds that he kept in a huge pen. There was a three hundred stalling horses, white as snow, two hundred red, like purple, twelve white, like swans. And one bull, the most beautiful, shine like a star. Only every year was increasingly difficult to figure out what bull of what color. The fact is that never removed the manure from the barnyard! And all the wonderful animals seemed to be alone - dirty ...

Eurysfee ordered the hero to clear the augers stable. Hercules came to Avgia and said:
- I will remove everything per day. But for this you should give me the tenth of livestock.
Avgy looked around and agreed. He knew that in his stable and cattle yard And for the year I do not manage.

And Hercules hacked the stone fence of the heads from the two opposite sides. Then he fell as stones of the bed of two rivers. Water poured into the pen, in a few hours I took all the dirt, washed animals. Current bulls, cows, horses appeared in all their glory! And herakli did not even put his hands with manure! He came to Augguia and said:

I fulfilled my work, now pay, oh Avgy!
And the king drove Hercules. And he returned to nothing with anything.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song) came out in American rental about the abduction of the girl in the Caucasus Mountains. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played in this film of local zhulikov. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes ...

Materials section

Classes for the younger group.

And you would be interested to know what children play in other countries of the world? I was always interested in this question, so I began to collect information about it. So I have accumulated a small selection of foreign games. Interestingly, many of them have domestic analogs - and this once again proves that people are not so much different from each other. At a minimum, in games. ** Greece: "Amalgata" ** This game resembles our popular entertainment "The sea is worried about once," only to the Greek manner. Before the game, it is advisable to read the book "Myths of Ancient Greece" or at least to tell some of them a child. _Presentation: _ scarves, hats, brooch, sticks ... - for players outfits. _Realing games: _ drivening stands in the center of the site. He ties his eyes. He believes, and the remaining players go around. After a while, the driving stops counting and loudly pronounces: "Amalgata!" In Greek, this means the "statue". He removes the bandage and looks at the players carefully. At this instant, all players must measure in a pose of some ancient Greek hero. The presenter comes to each "statue" and looks short, whether it will move. If only the "statue" shakes or smile, she drops out of the game. The most resistant player becomes the winner and in the next game becomes the leading. ** Israel: "Gou-state" ** Gou-state in Israel called bones from Apricot. They can become excellent shooting projectiles. _Accessories:_ apricot bones, Boxes from under shoes with solid-caliber holes cut into them. _Relate games: _ Before starting the game, you need to cut in a few holes in the box covers. The biggest, second average, the third is small (a little more bone). Each hole in the box has its value: large - 10 points, mean - 15 points, small - 20 points. The boxes must be put on the ground or the floor, and after a half meters, it is difficult to read the restrictive trait. All players get behind the line and throw bones. The goal of the game: get into the hole and score as many points as possible. It wins the one who has more grazing hits and, accordingly, glasses. ** Argentina: "Tu-TU train" ** Merry mobile game, suitable even for those companies in which children are not familiar with each other. _Presentation: _ Several (by the number of players) pieces of chalk and whistle. _Relagled games: _ At first, each player builds a personal depot: for this, outlaws a small circle with chalk and gets up in his center. The child will be a car in the depot. In the middle of the site for the game it is worthwhile. He has a whistle in his hands. This is a steam locomotive. The locomotive has no depot. He starts the game, slowly comes from one depot to another, and the wagons (children) are trailing to it. When the whole composition is assembled (all children stand for each other), the steam locomotive is slowed down. Waves are important not to tear away from the locomotive and wish for him, no matter how quickly they are. Suddenly, the "locomotive" whistles in the whistle, at that moment the "wagons" should be discussed by the depot. "Steam locomotive" also runs and occupies someone's depot. A player who did not have time to get into his club-depoo, is considered to be a loser and now he becomes a "steam locomotive". ** Korea: "Bon-juggler" ** At first glance, it is pretty simple game. However, the farther, the harder, but more interesting to play it. _Presentation: _ 5 small smooth pebbles. _Relagled games: _ The first player throws pebbles on the ground. He tries to throw them so that they lay down as close as possible to each other. Then picks up one pebbles, throws it up. Behind this, the player raises the second stone. Holds it in his hand and fish first pebbles on the summer. So in the hand of the player turns out two stones. One of them he throws up again and at this time takes the third pebble. So he continues to throw up the stones until it is 5 stones in his hand. The second part: At this stage, the player during the flight of the first pebble should raise two stones from the ground. At the next stage - 3 stones, then - 4. As a result, the player throws up all 5 stones into the air and tries to catch their palms folded by a boat. How many pebbles caught the kid, so many points he is counted. Wins the one who scored more points. This game exists in other countries called "Five Stones" (Five Stones, Batu Seremban). Sometimes instead of stones use specially stitched bags with rice or beans:

** Chile: "Forward, Guarak!" ** What is this character - Guarak - is unknown to anyone. However, it is not so important, the main thing is that the game is cheerful. _Presentation: _ nose handkerchief. _Realing games: _ Players sit in a large common circle. Driving around (with outside Circle) with handkerchief in hand. Players do not look at the leading and loudly choir shout: "Forward, Guarak!" The goal of the game: the leading should imperceptibly put on the back one of the players of handkerchiefs. If the player does not notice that another circle rises and the player drops out. If the player notices the handkerchiefs on his back, he must quickly jump, catch up and deposit leading. If he has time to do this, then in the next game it becomes leading. If not, then led continues the same child. ** Pakistan: "Up-Down" ** If the company stuck in one place, then the guys can entertain this cheerful play. _Presentation: _ Open space with large quantity Small obstacles (hillocks, hemps, bumps ...) _ _ Games) _ All gather on the same platform, driven says: "Top!" And all the guys should stand on some kind of hill. Driving commands: "Down!" This means that it is impossible to stay on the hills, it must be descended on smooth surface. After each team, children move around the site and no one knows where the "Up" or "down" command finds it. That player who failed to execute the command in time, becomes leading. ** Sumatra: "Bukashka, elephant, man" ** Analogue of this game exists with us. It is "stone, scissors, paper." _Relling games: _ Three fingers on hand call: Mysinette - Bukashka, index - man, big - elephant. It is necessary to squeeze your hand in the fist and at the expense of the lead (once-two or three), throw ahead one of these fingers. Elephant stronger man, so he wins him. The man is stronger than the ant, and the ant is stronger than an elephant. Depending on this, it is determined who won. It is possible for each win, count points or just play the desire. _ ** Read also: **

Release date: 2000

Genre:town planning simulator

Zeus: Lord of Olympus He is a quest in which you are invited to make a journey and become a urban planner in Antique Greece - the country of Heracle and Achilles, Homer and Ezop, Aristotle and Archimedes. You are given the opportunity to be at the head of the metropolis, similar to the legendary Athena or Valiant Sparta. As in any other game of such a genre, the player must build a city on an empty plot of land and with a certain set of available resources.

You have to build temples and grow olives, urge the heroes to help conquering foreign countries, fight the battles with the monster and bring victims in the name of the gods. Your path in the game "Zeus: Lord of Olympus" will be long and difficult, but the reward for it is truly great - memory in centuries, living in the hearts of people.

Age of Mythology and Age of Mythology: The Titans

Release date: 2003

Genre: real-time strategy

Epoch mythologies- A strategic game that transfers the player to the ancient time when the heroes fought with mythological monsters. The game is based on the myths and the legends of the ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and Scandinavian Vikings. To achieve the best results and the earliest victory over the enemy, players can choose not only the historical path of development of these three Great Civilizations (Greeks, Egyptians and Scandinavians), but also available mythical beings, for example, such as minotavras, centaurs, phoenixes and Valkyrie.

Like many other RTS, the game is based on the construction of cities, the use of resources, the creation of armies and the destruction of enemy armies and cities. The player must hold his tribe through several "epochs": archaic, classical, heroic and mythical era. To go to each new era, you must pay a number of resources in the main building - the city center. With the transition to the next era, new combat units and buildings are opening.

Will Rock

Release date:2003

Will Rockcomputer game In the genre of a first-person shooter. A strong landslide opened the gate to the lost Olympus, the mythological empire of the ancient Greeks. Local students quickly hire american archaeologist named Villford Rockwell with Dr. Hedststrong and his daughter Emma, \u200b\u200bso that those opened the door to the lost Olympus. Nothing suspected company agreed. They did not know that these students belong to the cult, which seeks to revive the ancient gods.

There are 10 levels in the game for passing in solitary or sharing. Many reviewers celebrated a huge number of enemies on them. At some points of the game, the player can be attacked from different sides by various enemies at the same time. Almost all enemies (with the exception of flying) always appear suddenly. It looks very noisy and suddenly, which can easily scare and confuse. In the game there are a lot of doors leading from one level of the level to another, sometimes you have to move under water.

Release date: 2004

Legion III: Troy Gate A hiking historical strategy from the developers of the "History of Empires" and "Legion" dedicated to the Trojan War. Five sides of the gameplay: trade, diplomacy, research, construction and fighting. Nine game scenarios: Trojan War, Ionian uprising, "hot gate", Greek colonization, prehistoric period, a large campaign with the participation of Rome and Persia I.T.D. Five levels of difficulty. 19 of the heroes of the Trojan war as commander, including Paris, Achilles and Menel. 62 types of combat detachments, 8 troops. The outcome of the battles is determined by the selected tactics, experience and alignment of forces.

Random and historical events. More than 100 nations, 19 ethnic groups. More than 150 types of buildings, 9 types of resources. Improved artificial opponent intelligence. Improved interface: two scales of display of the main game card. Updated system of diplomacy, the possibility of vassalization of another state diplomatic means. More than 60 types of diplomatic instructions. Territory - Ancient Greece and Small Asia, the time of action - 1500-400. BC.

Battle for Troy

Release date: 2004

Genre: real-time strategy

Troy - The game is devoted to the mythical event described by Homer for many years before our era. Dedicated to events by half the mythical Trojan war. Battle for Troy will provide an opportunity to participate in the storming of the famous smallness city, undertaken in the name of the liberation of Spartan Prisoner Elena.

The game includes two campaigns for Trojans and Spartans, 8 missions in each. 9 types of antique sample units with the ability to pump units (over time, everyone gains experience and become more efficient fighters.

Alexander: The Heroes Hour

Release date: 2005

Genre: Real Time Strategy, RPG

Alexander: Epoch Heroes - The game, which is a stunning mixture of real-time strategy and tactical action-RPG. You have to be transferred to ancient Greece and participate in the heroic acts of the great Alexander Macedonian. Come with the detachment of your heroes along the amazingly across three-dimensional landscapes of Greece, communicating with the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Persamami ...

Improve the skills of your fighters and fascinating tasks, fight in the epic battles of Greece and small skirmishes on the walls of the ancient cities. 4 nations: Greece, Persia, Egypt and India. Manage the marine and ground forces. Observe on the screen up to 8,000 combat units in all of their 3D magnificence. The game is abundant additional missions and big content.

Game series GOD OF WAR

Release date: 2005-2013

Genre: Slasher, action from a third party

ATTENTION GAME ONLY FOR CONSOLES PS, but you can find repars for PC

Gods of war - A series of console games, the action of which is based on its own variation of ancient Greek mythology. The main character of all the games of the series is a short, Spartan general who challenged the gods. The main weapon of the brief is the chaos blades that can be used for a set different species Ataks are two wide short swords with jar, on long chains of the main character in the forearm.

In addition to hand-to-hand fights in the game there are simple puzzles, which are moving the drawers, the use of levers and so on. The game has elements of the platformer associated with the fact that the shortcomings can cling to the depressions and protrusions, as well as to use chaos swords as a hook, allowing him to overcome large abyss. Most game opponents are borrowed from Greek mythology, including Medusa Gorgon, Minotaur, Hydra and others.

Titan Quest

Release date: 2006

Genre: Action, RPG, "Ruby and Modes"

Titan Quest - The game in the genre "Ruby and Dir" as a place of action is the mythical world of ancient Greece and Egypt. We are promised to reconstruct all the sights of the ancient world. In addition, players have to fight with such legendary monsters as cyclops, centaurs and them like creatures. The game also has a multiplayer regime, in which heroes, wandering on the map, find out the relationship not only with monsters, but also among themselves. The game is also included in the list.

The player pursuing through the obstacles of the ancient world is necessary to find a way to sharpen titans. Traveling through legendary places, such as Parfenon, Knos Labyrinth, Great Pyramids and Hanging Gardens of Semiramides, the hero will fight with the hordes of monsters and mythical monsters. A branched classes system guarantees almost an infinite number of options for the development of your character. Numerous skills and skills can be combined in a variety of options and will never be completely useless.

Rise and Fall: Civilizations at war

Release date:2006

Genre: real-time strategy

Riseand.Fall: Civilizations War - an impressive historical strategy in which players will witness the opposition of the four great ancient civilizations (Greece, Rome, Egypt and Persia) during their military heyday. Using reliably recreated an ancient weapon and embodying her victory tactics, the player will rewrite great story mankind.

The direct character management mode will allow at the crucial moment to take control of one of the great heroes of antiquity (Alexander Macedonsky, Cleopatra, Caesar, etc.) and take part in the battle. Excellent detailing of damage and behavior of combat units turns each battle into an exciting show: Movie elephants are divided by trees and spread enemy soldiers, and the trapped ship is worked out and goes to the bottom.

Loki: Heroes of Mythology

Release date: 2007

Genre: RPG, Slachener

Loki: Heroes of mythology - The game is not quite about Greece, the plot, the atmosphere, locations and enemies are taken by Isattesk, Egyptian, Greek, and Scandinavian mythologies. A player can choose one of the four characters, each symbolizes one of mythologies, depending on the hero selected, the order of the game levels differs. In the course of the plot, the player participates in such mythological and historical events as a drop in Troy, the conquest of America, Ragnarök and will meet the mythical heroes of Achilles, Torah and real people: Cortes, Ehnaton.

A single game mode allows you to immerse yourself in adventure by choosing one of the four heroes. With this hero you have to go through four chapters of the game. The game has three levels of difficulty. Levels are generated randomly, so you do not have to pass several times on the same path. Moreover, if you want to learn the end of the whole story, your hero should fight in the last battle, and for this he should have enough experience, he must have a complete set of skills and be dressed in the best gear that you will only be able to find.


Release date: 2007

Genre: arcade

Asterix at the Olympic Games- Arcade computer game created based on the same comedy film. This game is about the travels of Asterix and Obelix to Greece. Westerns will lead friends to the Olympic Games, where they will have to compete with the best athletes of the Roman Empire. The brave galls will take part in a multitude of sports, so that in the final to defeat the brother - the Roman champion and reserved scoundrel.

Julius Caesar - Eternal headache Asterixa - will interfere in every way to friends and will do everything possible so that the characters are defeated. Ugright the nose Caesar! Prove that galls can also be Olympic champions! Spromed humor in the style of Asterix and Obelix! Great animation of game characters.

Rise of the Argonauts

Release date: 2008

Genre: RPG, action, adventure

Argonauts: Golden Fleece - based on the myth on the search for the Golden Rune of Jason and Argonauts. Young ruler Iolak Jason announced the coming wedding. That's just at the solemn ceremony, the bride was killed by a poisoned arrow! Out of herself from grief, Jason decided to go on a journey, which was not yet in the world, and get the golden fleece. With the help of the magic artifact, he expects to return his beloved from the gloomy kingdom of shadows.

The whole game consists of a large number of dialogs and battles against enemies. As a weapon, you can use the sword, a spear and a heavy mace. Each of them has its own special purpose. For each fight, you need to choose the most efficient weapon and change its choice depending on the situation. There is also an opportunity to buy and pump the skills and skills of the hero. The game contains four Tree skills: Ares, Hermes, Apollo and Athens. Purchase glasses are given for the passage of tasks. Immerse yourself in the very heart of cruel battles, following the familiar plot of myths of ancient Greece!

Numen: Contest of Heroes

Release date: 2010

Genre: action, rpg.

Numen.: Time heroes- Action-RPG, the action of which occurs in mythical Greece. You will start the game in the role of a young guy or a girl (depending on your choice) living on Leros Island with his sister. After time, the sister dies from the scorpion bites, and the main character Recalls her to the Mountain Parnas to bury. During the ceremony, the messenger of the gods is associated with it to become a follower of one of them. After a few years of training, you have to go in search of a powerful artifact, Cronos Sickle.

In the game you will find an interesting game world, a fascinating plot, an exciting combat system and much more. At the beginning of the game you need to choose one of the three classes: Warrior, Hunter and Mag, and then decide on the patron god (three God for each class). From your choice will depend so much - the talents of the character, his abilities, and even the style of the game itself, quests and secret locations.

HEGEMONY GOLD: Wars Of Ancient Greece

Release date: 2012

Casual Tower Defense strategy in fantasy network. The world of the game is an ancient Greece, the development of which has come to steam machines and creating robots. The player must build long defensive lines so as not to let go of enemy machines.

In the game is presented a good choice Protective structures, towers, traps and catapults that can be improved and pump. The player must rationally build a line of defense, otherwise the enemy will be able to get into the city. The project has several game regimes, bonus missions, as well as the choice of complexity.

Sparta: Empire War

Release date: 2016

Genre: Economic Strategy, Town Planning Simulator

Browser multiplayer strategy propagating from the Free-to-Play model. The project is made in the historical network of ancient Greece. The player acts as the leader little Cityto develop, defend and create in it powerful army To capture territories and increase your own influence.


At the very beginning of the gameplay, the player must perform training tasks for which the starting capital will be accrued. Then, when a small city is received, the player will be able to invest in development and improvement. Further actions will depend on the decisions of the player himself - either he collects the army and captures the neighbors, or is studying a trading case and becomes a peaceful power of traders and manufacturers, which consists in union of warlike cities.

it was held every two years in the Istimian sanctuary, near Corinth in honor of Poseidon. According to legend, the games were established by the Athenian hero of the Taue, which wished to compete in this way with the founder of the Olympic Games Hercules. However, according to the PAsanian traveler, initially the Istimi Games were devoted to the local hero of Melikerd-Potmos, the son of Tsar Afamanta.

Greece games

This version may have been created by Corinthians who carried out control over the sanctuary and wanted to honor the Corinthian hero during the holidays. The myth, according to which the founder of the Games was Taken, was created by the Athenians who tried to be above their eternal rivals of Corinthians. Eastian games were reorganized in 582 BC. e. By sample Olyamian Games. From the very beginning, they have gained a bit of interest, and during their implementation, the so-called "Istimian truce" operated, that is, the world was established between those who took part in the Istimi Games of the cities. In addition to athletic contests, from the 5th century BC. e. There were compets in music, declamation, and painting. Winners received a pine wreath as a reward, with the exception of a short period, when under the influence of the Nemeysian games award was a wreath of celery.

Nemeysky games

Nemey games in honor of the god Zeus were cope with the organization, the organization was originally under the control of the city. Clean, and then -argosa.
At the same time from the 4th century BC. e. The competition was conducted more often in Argos than in the sanctuary of the Neneta. A local myth relates to the establishment of the holiday of the holiday to the king of Maji -Likurg. Likurga was given the prediction that his newborn son of Optelt would grow strong and healthy, unless he touches the earth before learn to walk. But one day, the devils of Olita Hypsypila disgraced the order of the king and left the child on the ground, putting on a bunch of wild celery. Plugging past the snake bit the boy died. In honor of the Dead Offlet, the funeral games were immediately established, which became the prototype of the Nemeeys. NE-SEME GAMES STEED 573 BC. e. and were held every two years. The sample for them was the Olympic Games, and later they included the same Music contests. Judges of the competition wore black clothes in the sign of mourning on an offline

    Greece. Piraeus

    One of the most famous resorts and largest shopping ports of Greece is located in the city of Piraea on the Aegean coast. Although Piraeus is located at a distance of 10 kilometers from the capital of Greece in the harbors of the Saronic Gulf, but this city is part of Athens. History Piraea goes deep into centuries, and more specifically in the 5th century BC, it is by that time the first mentions of this city are about this city, as well as archaeological excavations.

    Rest in Greece in the summer and flight features

    I offer a list of airlines that carry out charter flights to the mainland of Greece Island, as well as overview of charters price in different parts of the country. The list was compiled after studying information from official air carriers sites.

    Karakalov Monastery. Caracal

    Karakalov Monastery, located on eastern side The Athos Peninsula, between the Iversky Monastery and the Great Lavra, takes the eleventh place in the hierarchy of the 20-General of the Holy Mountain monasteries. There are various opinions about the identity of its founder, the point of view is dominated, according to which the monastery was founded by a certain monk Nikolai Karakal, named which is called.

From early time, various festivals and ideas played an important role in public Life Rome. At first, public views were at the same time with religious ceremonies, they were an indispensable part of religious holidays.
In the VI century BC e. They began to confine the representations of a secular (not religious) character, and no priests began to be answered for their holding, but officials. The location of such ideas was no longer an altar of one or another God, but a Circus located in a nizine between the Palatinsky and Aventinian hills.
The most early Roman civil holiday was the holiday of the Roman Games. For several centuries, it was the only civil holiday of Romans. With III century. BC. New ideas are established. Plebeian games are most important. IN end III - early II century. BC e. Apollors were also established, games in honor of the Great Mother of Gods - Megalen Games, as well as flora - in honor of the goddess Flora. These games were annual and regular, but extraordinary games could also be installed, depending on the successful war, getting rid of the invasion, this vow, or just the desire of the magistrate.
Games lasted from 14 - 15 days (Roman and plebeian games) to 6 - 7 days (flora). Total duration of all festive days These games (ordinary) reached 76 days a year.
Each festival consisted of several compartments: 1) a solemn procession led by a magistrate-organizer of games, called Pompey, 2) directly contests in the circus, rhyming chariots, horse racing, etc., 3) stage performances in the Greek and Roman Pieces Theater Authors. The submissions are usually ended with a beam, a massive treat, sometimes several thousand tables. The device of the games required a lot of money. For example, the Roman Games were allocated in the middle of I century. BC e. 760 thousand sterns, Plebee Games - 600 thousand, Apollonov -Z80 thousand. As a rule, the money issued from the treasury was lacked and the magistrates responsible for the device made their own money, sometimes exceeding the selected amount.

Extraordial development is obtained in Rome gladiator fights. The gladiator fights were arranged in Etruscan cities since the VI century. BC e. From Etruscov, they penetrated Rome. For the first time in 264, a fight of three pairs of gladiators was arranged in Rome. Over the next one and a half centuries, the gladiator games were arranged on the commemoration of noble individuals, called the funeral games and wore the character of a private representation. Gradually the popularity of gladiator fights is growing.
In 105 BC e. Gladiatorial battles were declared part of public spectacles and magistrates began to take care of their device. Along with the magistrates had the right to give battles and individuals. Presentation of gladiator combat - meant to acquire popularity in Roman citizens and be elected to the state office. And since there were many wishing to get a magistrate position, the number of gladiator fights is growing. There are already several dozen and even hundreds of pairs of gladiators in a few hundred thousand sorts into the arena. Gladiatorial battles become a favorite spectacle not only in the city of Rome, but also in all Itali, and later in provincial cities. They were so popular that Roman architects created a special, previously not known type of building - an amphitheater, where the gladiator battles and animals were arranged. Amphitheators were calculated for several tens of thousands of spectators and several times higher than the capacity of theatrical buildings.
The number of ideas, both private and public, in Rome and other cities and their duration constantly increased, and their significance more and more grew. At the end of the republic, the magistrates and government figures considered public ideas an important part of their state activities. In the conditions of the aristocratic republic, where all power focused in the hands of a narrow tip of the slave-owner class, the ruling group considered the device of public submissions by one of the funds contributing to the abolition of the broad masses of Roman citizenship from active state activities. It is not surprising that the growth of public submissions was accompanied by a decline value of the people's assemblies and their political role.

Greek games.

Anaal (contestant) The beginning of Greek culture gave rise to a whole system of famous Greek games. This pearl among them was the Olympic Games, glorifying ancient Greece in the centuries.
In Greek society, the idea of \u200b\u200bvictory in any contest as a higher value that brings honor and respect among citizens of the policy was gradually approved. Even in the poems of Homer, noble aristocrats competed in force, dexterity and perseverance, and the victory in these competitions could only bring glory, and not material benefits.
Greece games wore an aristocratic character - only full-fledged citizens of the policy could participate in them (women, slaves, semi-free and foreign countries were excluded from this number.
The oldest and most important games were first spent in 776 to our era in the Olympia region in the south of Greece and dedicated to Zeus. Since that time, they repeated every four years (before the IV century of our era, when the Roman emperor Feodosius I canceled the Olympic Games, declaring them with pagan fun, not compatible with the victims in Rome Christianity). In addition to the Olympic in Greece, there were still the Pythi Games (in Delphi), the Istimi (in Corinth) and the Nemes in those places where herascles had once killed a stone lion. All the games were accompanied by a utga truce, and the award winners were only wreaths from Oliva, Laurel or Pine. But this modest award meant that he received it is a favorite of God, and in this capacity he was honored and glorified, erected in his honor the statue and glory hymn.
Webly games and competitions played a huge role in the history of ancient art: the beautiful nude body of an athlete was one of the most common motifs of ancient Greek sculpture.