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Alexander 3 married. Changes in Zemstvo reform under Alexander III. Russian laws and court by the end of the board of Alexander III

Born on March 10 (February 26 in the old style) of 1845 in St. Petersburg. He was the second son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Mary Alexandrovna.

I received a traditional Military Engineering Education for the Great Princes.

In 1865, after the death of the elder brother, the Grand Duke Nicholas, became Zesarevich, after which he received more fundamental knowledge. Among the mentors Alexander were Sergey Soloviev (History), Yakov Grotto (history of literature), Mikhail Dragomirov (Martial Art). The teacher of the laws of Konstantin Victoroscians was the greatest influence on Cesarevich.

In the reforms of the Father, I saw, first of all, negative aspects are the growth of the government bureaucracy, the severe financial situation of the people, imitating the Western samples. The political ideal of Alexander III was relying on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe patriarchal-decent autocratic board, planting in the society of religious values, strengthening the class structure, national-distinctive social development.

April 29, 1881 Alexander III I published the manifesto "on inviolability of autocracy" and deployed a number of reforms that were aimed at partially folding the liberal undertakings of the father-reformer.

The internal policy of the king was characterized by the strengthening of the central authority over all the spheres of the state of the state.

To strengthen the role of the police, the local and central administration, the "Regulations on measures for the protection of state security and public peace" (1881) was adopted. The "temporary regulations on the press" adopted in 1882 clearly outlined the circle about which it was possible to write, and injected tough censorship. In addition, a series of "counter-reviews" was held, thanks to which the revolutionary movement was to suppress, first of all, the activities of the Party of Folk Volya.

Alexander III launched measures to protect the lengthy rights of the noble banks: established a noble gaming bank, adopted a favored position for landowners on hiring on agricultural work, strengthened the administrative custody over the peasantry, promoted the promotion of peasants, the formation of the ideal of a large patriarchal family.

At the same time, in the first half of the 1880s, it was adopted by a number of measures that facilitate the financial situation of the people and mitigating social tensions in society: the introduction of compulsory ransom and reducing redemption payments, the establishment of the peasant landing bank, the introduction of the factory inspection, the phased cancellation of the Cupid Pocatus.

Emperor has paid serious attention to improving the public role orthodox church: He increased the number of church-parish schools, tightened repression against the Old Believers and sectarians.

The reign of Alexander III was completed the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow (1883), the parishes were restored to the previous reign, many new monasteries and temples were built.

Alexander III made a significant contribution to the reorganization of the system of state and social relations. In 1884, he published a university charter, which cut off the autonomy of universities. In 1887, I published a "Circular about the kitchers", which limited children from the lower estates in the gymnasium.

Strengthen the public role of the local nobility: since 1889, the peasant self-government was subordinated to the Zemstvo chiefs - who joined the judicial and administrative authorities in their hands from local landlords.

He conducted reforms in the field of urban management: Zemstvo and the city situation (1890, 1892) tightened the control of the administration over local government, limited the rights of voters from the lower layers of society.

Restricted the scope of the court of jury, restored the closed legal proceedings for political processes.

For the economic life of Russia during the reign of Alexander III, economic growth is characterized, which was largely related to the policies of the reinforced patronage of the domestic industry. The country rearranged the army and the fleet, became the world's largest exporter of agricultural products. The Government of Alexander III encouraged the growth of a large capitalist industry that has reached notable success (Metallurgy products in 1886-1892 doubled, the railway network increased by 47%).

Russia's foreign policy under Alexander III was distinguished by pragmatism. The main content was the turn from the traditional cooperation with Germany to the Union with France, which was concluded in 1891-1893. The aggravation of relations with Germany was smoothed by the "reinsurance contract" (1887).

Alexander III entered the story as a peacekeeper - during his reign, Russia did not participate in any serious military-political conflict of that time. The only significant battle is the taking of a seating - took place in 1885, after which the accession to Russia of Central Asia was completed.

Alexander III was one of the initiators of the creation of Russian historical society and his first chairman. Established a historical museum in Moscow.

He simplified the court etiquette and the ceremonial, in particular, canceled the crankshake before the king, reduced the staff of the Ministry of the courtyard and introduced a strict supervision of money spending.

The emperor was divesed, was distinguished by crudeness, modesty, leisure spent in a narrow family and friendly circle. I was interested in music, painting, history. Assembled a wide collection of paintings, articles of decorative and applied art, sculptures, which after his death was transferred to the Emperor-founded Nikolai II in memory of the Russian Museum.

With the identity of Alexander III, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe real heter with iron health is associated. On October 17, 1888, he suffered in a railway catastrophe near the Borka Station 50 km from Kharkov. However, saving the lives of loved ones, the emperor about half an hour kept the collapsed roof of the car, until the help arrived. As suggested, as a result of this excessive stress, he began to progress the renal disease.

On November 1 (October 20, by the old style) of 1894, the emperor died in Livadia (Crimea) from the consequences of jade. The body was delivered to Petersburg and buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral.

Alexander III's wife was Danish Princess Louise Sofia Frederic Dagmara (in Orthodoxy - Maria Fedorovna) (1847-1928), on which he married in 1866. The emperor and his spouse had five children: Nikolai (later - russian emperor Nicholas II), George, Ksenia, Mikhail and Olga.

Material prepared on the basis of information from open sources

How to assess the statesman? Very simple - if the civil war began with it, this is a bad politician. If the state suffered a defeat in the external conflict and lost the territory - this is the one whose mistakes need to be studied, but for example, you do not need to take.

There were many leaders in the history of our country. But future generations need to be brought up on the best examples. Not forgetting examples of the worst, such as Gorbachev and Yeltsin. The best leader of the Soviet period is undoubtedly Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

Alexander III was the best emperor in the history of the Russian Empire. He is one of the most unknown kings. There are two reasons for this: Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov was a king of the peacemaker. With it, Russia did not fight, there were no loud victories, but our influence in the world did not diminish well, and the world gave the opportunity to develop industry and the entire economy. The second reason is the country's wreck in 1917 (the king died in 1894), did not have time to realize his greatness and wisdom. Due to his unknown, you have to give a "tip." Alexander III was the son of the sovereign-liberator killed by terrorists Alexandra II and father Nicholas IIwhich, due to the tragedy of the royal family and all of Russia, knows anyone in our country.

"On November 1, 1894, a person died in the Crimea named Alexander. He was called the third. But according to his affairs, it was worthy to be called first. And maybe even the only one.

It is about such kings that the current monarchists sigh. Perhaps they are right. Alexander III was truly great. And man and emperor.

However, some dissidents of that time, including Vladimir Lenin, are quite evil joked over the emperor. In particular, it was nicknamed "Pineapple". True, Alexander himself gave reason. In the manifesto "About our addiction for the throne" of April 29, 1881, it was clearly stated: "And we assign a sacred debt on us." So, when the document is announced, the king inevitably turned into an exotic fruit.

Reception of volute foreman Alexander III in the courtyard of the Petrovsky Palace in Moscow. Painting I. Repin (1885-1886)

In fact, it is unfair and dishonest. Alexander was distinguished by an amazing force. He could easily break the horseshoe. Could easily bend in palm of silver coins. Could raise a horse on the shoulders. And even make him sit in doggy - this is fixed in contemporary memoirs.

At dinner in the Winter Palace, when the Austrian ambassador began the conversation that his country against Russia is ready to form three corps of soldiers, bent and tied the knot. Threw her toward the ambassador. And he said: "That's how I will do with your buildings."

Growth - 193 cm. Weight - more than 120 kg. It is not surprising that the peasant who accidentally saw the emperor at the railway station, exclaimed: "This is the king so king, damn me!" A wicked man immediately grabbed the "utterance of indecent words in the presence of a sovereign." However, Alexander ordered to let go of Squarelov. Moreover, awarded his ruble with his own image: "Here is my portrait!"

And his view? Beard? Crown? Remember the cartoon "Magic Ring"? "Ampirator tea rock. Samovar Materushest! Each lip of the pounds of three! " This is all about him. He could really eat for tea 3 pounds of a bit of bread, that is, about 1.5 kg.

In the home setting, loved to wear a simple Russian shirt. But necessarily with sewing on the sleeves. The pants fired in boots, soldier. Even on official receptions, he allowed himself to go out in the worn pants, a voorer or a sermon.

Alexander III on the hunt. Sleeping (Polish kingdom). The end of the 1880s is the beginning of the 1890s. Photographer K. Bech. RGAKFD. Al. 958. CH. nineteen.

Often repeat its phrase: "So far, the Russian king is fishery, Europe can wait." In reality it was so. Alexander was very correct. But I loved fishing and hunting. Therefore, when the German ambassador demanded an immediate meeting, Alexander said: "Keeps! Keeps me! Germany can wait. I will arrive tomorrow at noon. "

On the audience with the British ambassador Alexander said:

- I will not allow encroachment on our people and our territory.

Ambassador replied:

- It can cause an armed clash with England!

The king calmly noticed:

- Well, ... probably squeeze.

And mobilized the Baltic Fleet. It was 5 times less than those of the British at sea. And yet the war did not happen. The British calmed down and passed their position in Central Asia.

After that, the English Interior Minister Dizraeli called Russia "a huge, monstrous, terrible bear, which hangs over Afghanistan, India. And our interests in the world. "

In order to list Alexander III, it is necessary not a newspaper strip, and a scroll of 25 m long. To the Pacific Ocean gave real way out - the Trans-Siberian Highway. Gave civil liberties to the Old Believers. Gave real freedom to peasants - the former serfs with it got the opportunity to take solid loans, redeem their lands and farms. He made it clear that before the supreme power, everyone was equal - deprived the privileges of the great princes, reduced them from the treasury. By the way, each of them was "allowance" in the amount of 250 thousand rubles. Gold.

About such a sovereign and really can be wandering. Senior Brother Alexander Nikolay (He died, not going to the throne) said about the future of the emperor as follows: "Clean, truthful, crystal soul. In us, the rest, there is something wrong, fox. Alexander is one truthful and regulated by soul. "

In Europe, his death was talked about the same as well as: "We lose the arbitrator, which has always been headed by the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice."

Emperor and autocrats All-Russian Alexander III Aleksandrovich Romanov

The largest acts of Alexander III

The emperor is attributed to, and, apparently, a failed, invention of a flat flask. And not just flat, but bent, the so-called "supoding". Alexander loved to drink, but did not want to know others about his preferences. The flask of such a form is ideal for mystery.

It is he who owns the slogan, for which today it is possible to pay seriously: "Russia - for Russians." Nevertheless, his nationalism was not aimed at the training of national minorities. In any case, the Jewish deputation led by baron Ginzburg Expressed the emperor "Impressed gratitude for measures taken to the fence of the Jewish population in real time."

The construction of Transsiba has begun - so far it is almost the only transport artery, which somehow connects the whole of Russia. The emperor also established the day of the railway. He did not even cancel the Soviet power, despite the fact that Alexander appointed the date of the holiday for his grandfather of his grandfather Nikolai I, in which the railways began to build.

Actively fought with corruption. Not in words, but in practice. In shameful resignation for bribes, Minister of Communications Krivoshein, Minister of Finance of Abaza, were sent for bribes. Did not bypassed their relatives - due to corruption of their posts were deprived grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich and Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Emperor Alexander III with his own kindergarten of the Big Gatchina Palace.

Story about the patch

Despite its more than a noble position, which has a luxury, motorcycle and a cheerful style of life, which, for example, Catherine II has time to combine with reforms and decrees, Emperor Alexander III was modest that this trait of his character became a favorite topic of conversations of his subjects .

For example, there was a case, which one of the approaching king was recorded in his diary. I happened to be one of the days next to the emperor, and here some subject suddenly fell from the table. Alexander III burned down to the floor to raise it, and the court with horror and shame, from which even the Makushka acquires a beet color, notes that in place, which in society is not customary to call, the king has a rude patch!

It should be noted here that the king did not wear pants from expensive materials, preferring to them rude, military cut, not at all because he wanted to save, how did the future spouse of his son - Alexander Fedorovna, who gave dresses of the daughters for sale, pre-disputes expensive Buttons. The emperor in everyday life was simple and unresponsive, mounted the uniform, who had long had time to throw away, and broke his clothes gave his twin so that he was repaired and she had a shelter, where he was needed.

Nezar preferences

Alexander III was a man of a warehouse categorical and not in vain, he was nicknamed by the monarchist and the Yarn defender autocracy. He never allowed him to have reread him. However, there were plenty of reasons for this: the emperor significantly reduced the staff of the Ministry of the courtyard, and the balls that gave regularly regularly, reduced to four per year.

Emperor Alexander III with his wife Maria Fedorovna 1892

The emperor not only demonstrated indifference to secular fun, but also showed a rare negligence to the fact that many delivered pleasure and served as a cult. Here, for example, food. According to the memories of contemporaries, he preferred a simple Russian food: soup, ear and roasted fish, which he caught himself, leaving along with his family to rest in Finnish schhers.

One of the favorite delicacies of Alexander was the "Gurieevskaya" porridge, invented by the serfs of the retired Major of Jurissky Zakhar Kuzmin. Porridge was preparing simply: the semolina Croo was cooked on milk and the nuts were added there - walnut, almonds, flashes, then poured a creamy foam and a generous hand was covered with dried fruits.

Elegant French desserts and Italian delicacies, the king always preferred this simple dish, which ate for tea in his Annichkoy Palace. The Winter Palace with his pompous luxury the king did not like. However, against the background of custodial pants and porridge it is not surprising.

The power that saved the family

The emperor had one pernicious passion, which, even though he was fought with her, sometimes overlooked the top. Alexander III loved to drink vodka or strong Georgian or Crimean wine - it was them replaced by expensive foreign varieties. In order not to injure the gentle feelings of your hot wife Maria Fedorovna, he secretly laid a wide Kizzy boot in the top of a wide kizzy boot with a hot drink and was applied to her when the Empress could not see it.

Alexander III and Empress Maria Fodorovna. Petersburg. 1886

Speaking about the relationship of spouses, it should be noted that they can serve as an example of reverent circulation and mutual understanding. Thirty years, they lived the soul in the spirit - timid, who did not like crowded gatherings, the emperor and the funny cheerful Danish Princess Maria Sophia Frederic Dagmar.

It was rumored that in the young years she loved to engage in gymnastics and highlighted virtuoso uniforms in front of the future emperor. However, the king also loved physical activity and was famous for the whole state as a man-boys. The growth of 193 centimeters, with a major figure and wide shoulders, he shoved her coins and bent the horseshoes. His amazing power even once saved his life to him and his family.

In the autumn of 1888, the royal train suffered a wreck at the Borki station, 50 kilometers from Kharkov. Seven wagons turned out to be broken, were serious and dead among servants, but members of the royal family remained unharmed: they at that time were in the car-dining room. However, the roof of the car was still collapsed, and, according to eyewitnesses, Alexander kept her on his shoulders until the help arrived. Investigators who found out the causes of the crash, summarized that the family miraculously was saved, and if the royal train continues to travel at such a speed, then the miracle may not happen for the second time.

In the autumn of 1888, the royal train failed at the Borka station. Photo:

Tsar-artist and fan of arts

Despite the fact that in everyday life he was simple and unassigned, leaning and even an econthome, huge funds spent on the purchase of art objects. In his youth, the future emperor was fond of painting and even engaged in drawing from the famous professor Tikhodova. However, the royal troubles took a lot of time and strength, and the emperor was forced to leave classes. But his love for the elegant retained to last days and transferred it to collecting. For example, his son Nicholas II after the death of the parent founded the Russian Museum in His honor.

The emperor provided patronage to artists and even such a cramolete canvas as "Ivan Grozny and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581" Repin, although it caused discontent, but did not cause the trace of the Mobile. Also, the king, which was deprived of an external gloss and aristocracy, unexpectedly well versed in music, loved the works of Tchaikovsky and contributed to the fact that it was not an Italian opera and ballets on the stage of theaters, but works of domestic composers. He supported Russian Opera and Russian ballet until his death, who received world recognition and reverence.

Son Nicholas II after the death of the parent founded the Russian Museum in His honor.

The legacy of the emperor

During the reign of Alexander III, Russia was not drawn into any serious political conflict, and the revolutionary movement was in a dead end, which was nonsense, since in the murder of the previous king they saw a faithful reason to the beginning of a new turn of terrorist acts and the change of state order.

The emperor introduced a number of measures that facilitated the life of a simple people. He gradually canceled the pillow to file, paid special attention to the Orthodox Church and influenced the completion of the construction of the Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Alexander III loved Russia and, wanting to burn it from an unexpected invasion, strengthened the army. His expression "Russia has only two allys: the army and the fleet" became the winged.

Also, the emperor owns another phrase "Russia for Russians". However, the king in nationalism has no reason: Minister Witte, whose wife was Jewish descent, recalled that Alexander's activities were never aimed at the training of national minorities, which, by the way, has changed during the reign of Nicholas II, when the remedy movement has found support on the state level.

In honor of Emperor Alexander III in the Russian Empire, about forty monuments were established

Only 49 years, fate first measured this self-container. The memory of it is alive in the title of the bridge in Paris, in the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in the village of Alexandrovsky, which marked the beginning of the city of Novosibirsk. And in the current alarm days, Russia remembers the winning phrase Alexander III: "We have only two faithful ally - the army and the fleet. All the others, with the first opportunity, they themselves will raid against us. "

Next, we suggest to see the most rare photos of Emperor Alexander III

Great Princes Vladimir Aleksandrovich (worth), Alexander Alexandrovich (second right) and others. Konigsberg (Germany). 1862
Photographer G. Hessau.
Great Prince Alexander Alexandrovich. Petersburg. Mid 1860s. Photographer S. Levitsky.

Alexander III on the deck of the yacht. Finnish schhers. The end of the 1880s.

Alexander III and Empress Maria Fedorovna with children George, Ksenia and Mikhail and others on the deck of the yacht. Finnish schhers. End of the 1880s ...

Alexander III and Empress Maria Fodorovna with Ksenia's children and Mikhail on the porch at home. Livadia. The end of the 1880s.

Alexander III, Empress Maria Fedorovna, their children George, Mikhail, Alexander and Ksenia, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and others for a tea table in the forest. Halila. The beginning of the 1890s.

Alexander III with children watering trees in the garden. End of the 1880s
Tsearevich Alexander Alexandrovich and Zesarevna Maria Fodorovna with the Senior Son of Nikolay. Petersburg. 1870
Photographer S. Levitsky.
Alexander III and Empress Maria Fedorovna and Son Mikhail (Riding) and Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich on a walk in the forest. Mid 1880s.
Alexander Alexandrovich Tsearevich in the form of the Life Guard of the Rifle Battalion of the Imperial Families. 1865
Photographer I. Nostiz.
Alexander III with Empress Maria Fedorovna and her sister, Princess Wales Alexander. London. 1880s.
The photographer "Maul and K °"

On the veranda - Alexander III with Empress Maria Fedorovna and Children George, Ksenia and Mikhail, Count I. I. Vorontsov-Dashkov, Countess E. A. Vorontsova-Dashkov and others. Red Village. The end of the 1880s.
Tsearevich Alexander Alexandrovich with Zesarean Maria Fedorovna, her sister, Princess Wales Alexander (second right), their brother, hereditary Danish Prince Fritroner (extreme right) and others. Denmark. Mid 1870s. Photo suit "Russell and Sons". View of the Gatchina Palace from the station. Porcelain Plast. The 1870s of the family of Emperor Alexander III occupied the premises in Arsenal Kare. For personal suites, the rooms of the mezzanine floor, small and low, similar to cabins were chosen. Maria Fedorovna has repeatedly noticed their comfort and ... "No constraint." From now on, the Gatchina Palace became for his owners a loved one family home. At the time of stay in Gatchina, there were training sessions of children who were held in the morning and after daytime. In addition to the course of various sciences, they were engaged in dancing, played on various instruments and visited the lessons of gymnastics. Free time was also spent with benefit: Cooked, joineryrs, mastered dolls for their theater, sewed suits them. For the toy military battles glued soldiers. In addition to boyish hobbies, Mikhail's younger son played with his sisters in dolls. The Arsenal was played by billiards, in the tricks, in "Volani"; According to corridors, a huge palace rode bikes. In the rooms of the Great Princes stood a stereoscope - "Magic Lantern", with which it was possible to visit the distant mysterious countriesRepeal to remember the places of past travel. In the evenings, together with Maria Fedorovna, played four hands on the piano. For children, parents often arranged evenings: circus performances, puppet performances. Children's plays, often in foreign languages \u200b\u200b- German or French, prepared the younger inhabitants of the palace.

Theatrical performances in Gatchina were mainly in December before Merry Christmas and spring after Easter. Guests were invited to the list, up to 260 people - so much a palace theater. Most often, the comedy of the Russian and French troupe went, sometimes showed the classics ("Dead Souls" Gogol).

The secular life proceeded in the arsenal hall, which was on the first floor of arsenal kara. There was a lot of interesting things here: the Demidov magnet, the organ, a children's slide with sleds, swing in the form of a boat, billiards, a small scene for domestic performances. The walls were decorated with stuffed in various animals and birds, equipped with signs indicating the place and time when they were killed, and the main thing is the author of the shot. Often the inhabitants of the Gatchina Palace listened on the phone the musical works that performed in the theaters of St. Petersburg. In addition to the mandatory large techniques and balls, entertained and for a narrow circle of persons who were invited both professional musicians and amateurs - adults and very young people. Before weaving and always benevolent music connoisseurs, balala retreats and gypsy choir, string orchestras and small violinists appeared.

From family holidays every year in Gatchina, the birthdays of children were celebrated in Gatchina: on March 25 - Ksenia Xenia Alexandrovna, April 27 - the Grand Prince George Alexandrovich, May 6 - Heir to Cesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, November 22 - Mikhail Alexandrovich; And also Christmas, Palm Sunday, Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Fedorovna with children on a boat in Gatchina. [Start 1880s]. The photographer "Kudryavtsev and K °" Easter and the Day of transferring Maltese shrines in Gatchina.

Moments of communicating with nature in a circle of the closest people were always very important and appreciated in the family of Alexander III. The emperor with children could be himself, relax, simply show its qualities of a hardy, skillful person, a lucky fisherman and a markup. Children and their friends who came on weekends trusted him their secrets, read humorous verses and shared with the emperor the draws, who were learned over each other. Special entertainment was a passage along the groundy from the grotto "Echo" to the palace and the rise of the tower.

Unlike the Father, Alexander II, Alexander III, on the memoirs of contemporaries, was not an exclusive hunter, but loved nature, a simple environment on the hunt and "hunting economy" - dilution of game, dogs, strict adherence to hunting laws. In Gatchina and its surroundings hunted on a variety of animals: bears, wolves, deer, lanes, foxes, hares. From the birds often beat the alerts, pheasants, degraders, less often - ducks. Children S. early years He studied the label to shoot and later became participants of Hunting near Gatchina; A particularly good hunter was the heir tozarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich.

Alexander III passionately loved fishing, and this passion passed his wife and children. Various ways Fishing he preferred to be a ray of fish at night. Unsuccessful for him was considered a catch of several dozen fish (pikes were selected by a separate account); On average, he caught up to two hundred, going fishing after ten o'clock in the evening, and on his return worked until the morning. Mary Fedorovna became an avid "fisherman". Expansive Ksenia often envied her success: "Mom and I went to the Admiralty, where I first fed the ducks, and then, having risen the sailor and rods went to" mine "(the" my-mine boat ") under the big bridge near the crowd, where they landed and became to fish! Extremely fascinating! Mom caught all the perch, and I roach, and caught a lot of things that it offended me! "

In addition to fishing and hunting in the Gatchina Park there were other numerous entertainment. In winter, walks in the sleigh with the guests invited from St. Petersburg, drove to the farm - drink coffee and tea. The terrace of the park adapted under the mountains for skating on the sled. In the snow battles, the sovereign itself took part with great pleasure. Before the palace "Ratali Bolvan" (Snow Babo), yes, so much that they looked at him for several days. The whole family worked in the park - they scored snow, cut the trees, burned fires, baked apples and potatoes. On the lakes poured the skating rink - the most big lover of the skates was Empress Maria Fedorovna.

In the summer rode the park in the strollers, on bicycles, riding. Spring closer to Verbnoe SundaysMade a ritual - Saved Willow on Islands. On the lakes went on boats, kayaks and boats with sailors, often rowed themselves. And at the disposal of children was "Aqua Ped" - a model of a modern water bike. In 1882, at the beginning of the "electric" boom, in Gatchina even a boat with an electric motor appeared.

On picnics went to the Gatchina mill and to the farm, where the milk was served with fresh black bread. In Hsenther Sloboda, it was possible to look at various animals, feed bears and ride on donkeys.

When members of Alexander III family had to part with each other, they were desperately bored, sending frequent letters and telegrams. "Weather we have adorable; live in Gatchina bliss; It is a pity that you are not "(Nikolai); "I expect you to 30 or 1st. In your rooms everything is in place. I sometimes pass there and it seems to me that you live in them "(Mikhail).

Being away from home, they imagined all the details of family idyll: "You are terribly lacking here, but I think that you are very pleased to be in Gatchina, where now is so good" (Ksenia from abas-fog); "Now you probably enjoy big walks and riding on the lake in Mila Gatchina!" (Nikolai from the Yellow Sea). After the death of the father, the emperor Nicholas II settled in the royal village, but neither Maria Fedorovna nor other children left Gatchina. The Ksenia Aleksandrovna and Alexander Mikhailovich were brought here here, and Mikhail and Olga, all the peripetics of their personal life were connected with Gatchina.

On June 27, 1901, a wedding of the Great Prince of Olga Alexandrovna with Prince Peter Oldenburg was held in the Gatchina Palace Church. The sovereign commanded to go to Gatchina to two hours. The emergency trains arrived, from Peterhof, they settled a direct message through the Red Village and Strelna. Among the invited were all the teachers of Olga Aleksandrovna. The celebrations opened at eight o'clock in the morning five cannon shots in St. Petersburg and Gatchina, who on this day were festively decorated and illuminated.

On the occasion of marriage from the Hermitage, gold stuff was brought for "UBOR head" newlywed before wedding. According to the ceremonial, the bride was in the crown and the mountainous mall of raspberry velvet, dressed on top of the dress; The train was carried to her four chamber. With the passage of Emperor Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna in the palace church, 21 cannon shots were produced. The emperor led the nasty to the aalo; With the beginning of the disintegration "To you, God, Holvai" sounded a cannonal film in 101 shot. The bridesmaids were the great princes Mikhail Alexandrovich, Cyril, Boris and Andrei Vladimirovichi, who kept the royal crowns; Bowls - Great Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich, Sergey Mikhailovich, Prince Andrei Greek, Prince Alexander Georgievich Lihtenberg.

In the White Hall covered the "highest" table on forty seven people and two separate round tables for ten people. There were four of the same tables on the balcony, in the dining room - three, in the Chesmen Gallery - eight. A total of 217 people attended the dinner. Olga Alexandrovna Cup filed Count Sergey Dmitrievich Sheremetev. Marriage did not bring great Princess Joy, marriage was fictitious for the fault of Prince Oldenburg. Women's happiness came later when she met in the Gatchina officer of the Chirassian Regiment of Nikolai Kulikovsky, who became her husband in 1916 and the other until the end of the days.

Mikhail also found his destiny in the beloved city of childhood. His chosen was Natalia Vulfert, who lived with her husband in Gatchina. The marriage between the Grand Duke and the former wife of the officer of the Chirassian Regiment did not recognize the royal family for a long time. Being forced because of his morganotic marriage for some time to live abroad, he, climbing the Eiffel Tower, wrote on a postcard: "From this height you can see Gatchina." Returning to Russia in 1914, Mikhail settled again with his wife and children in Gatchina and held his last years Before arrest, reference and death ...

After the October coup, the imperial palace in 1918 became a museum, where the Great Patriotic War was maintained both the front and personal apartments of all his crowded owners. In the Gatchina Palace, one of the few, it was possible to see children's rooms: the situation and children's toys, swing and a ride, the parties, numerous collections of cute heart of baubles. All this invariably caused increased interest of visitors.

Unfortunately, the years of the likholetia destroyed that the unique image of the world of childhood, which existed for one and a half centuries in the Gatchina Palace. However, some things belonging to the Grand Princes and Princess, they still reached the present day. Due to this, it was possible to recreate the intimate peace of the royal family, for which "cute Gatchina" was a favorite house, which always wanted to return.

A lot of descriptions of the appearance of Alexander III came to us. Evaluating its activities in the history of the most diverse. He was a good family man, a good man, but he did not carry the burden of power. He did not have those qualities that had to have the emperor. Inside, Alexander felt it, constantly very critical referred to himself and his actions. This was the tragity of the identity of the emperor in the history of Russia.

He ruled thirteen years. Many reason that if not if the death of the heir to the throne of Nikolai Alexandrovich, then everything could happen otherwise. Nikolai was a humane and liberal man, he could hold liberal reforms and introduce the Constitution, and perhaps Russia would be able to avoid the revolution and further decay of the empire.

All XIX century Russia spent wasted, it was time for transformations, but no monarch decided on something ambitious. Alexander III was guided in his policy only with good intentions, he believed that he preserved all the liberal, he retains the future of the dynasty and the empire as a whole.

Personality of Alexander III

Alexander Aleksandrovich grew up in a large family. He was born in February 1845 by a third child. Alexander girl was born, then Nikolai, and then Alexander. Sons had six, so there were no problems with the heirs. Naturally, all the attention was focused on Nikolae Alexandrovich as the heir to the throne. Nikolai and Alexander together learned by diploma and military case, were credited from birth to the Guards Shelves. At eighteen, Alexander wore the title already colonel. Over time, Nikolai and Alexander's training has become different, naturally the teaching of the heir was much wider.

At sixteen years, Nicholas reached his legal age and was mounted in separate apartments in the Winter Palace. Then Nikolai visited Western Europe, there he passed the course of treatment, as he experienced back pain. In Denmark, he made a proposal of the princess Dagmar.

When he was in Nice, Mother Maria Alexandrovna came to him, as the state of health was not improved. In April 1865, the heir was very bad, all the relatives and bride came to Nice. They managed to be with Nikolai for only a few days. The bed has always been Alexander, Mother Maria Alexandrovna and the Bride of Nicholas. Cesarevich died on April 12, 1865, Alexander Alexandrovich was proclaimed the heir to the throne.

All in the family it was clear that Alexander III state activity was not managed. The aunt Elena Pavlovna repeatedly expressed that the heir to the throne was to be the third brother Vladimir Alexandrovich. Brother Konstantin Nikolaevich spoke of the full unpretentiousness of Alexander Alexandrovich to occupy the imperial throne. The new heir did not like to learn, he liked the military affair, and he always preferred the game instead of teaching.

Alexander III Alexandrovich

When Alexander proclaimed the heir to the throne, he received Chin Major General and prescribed by Ataman Cossack troops. Man he was already formed, so absolutely not ready for new fatethat fell at him unexpectedly. He was started to strongly teach the right, history, economics. Alexander himself was a man honest, sincere, straight, awkward and shy. In October 1866, a wedding of Alexander and former bride His brother Nicholas, she received the name of Mary Fedorovna. Despite the fact that Alexander experienced feelings for the Princess Meshcherskaya, and Maria Fedorovna to the late Cesarevich their marriage was happy.

The heir to the throne Alexander was 15 years old, his views were right and very nationalist. And his son was looking to national politics in different ways and some other things. In connection with the unpopularity of some decisions of the emperor, like-minded people and those who representatives of other directions begin to listen to Alexander Alexandrovich III, as the future, begins to listen to Alexander Alexandrovich III.

A Russian-Turkish war has become a real event, he was on the territory of hostilities. The officers noted that Alexander was easy to communicate, his free time devoted to archaeological excavations.

The heir participated in the creation of a Russian historical society. The society should have attracted people to study the history of the Fatherland, as well as to promote science in Russia. It specialized in the study of the history of Russia after the Board.

In the late 1870s. The duties of Alexander Alexandrovich are expanding. When Petersburg leaves, the heir is engaged in current state affairs. At this time, the state is in the period of crisis. There is more and more attempts by terrorists to change the situation by illegal means. The situation is complicated inside the emperor family. He transports his mistress E. Dolgoruky in the Winter Palace. The Empress who has long known about the husband's connection was very offended. She was sick with a stupid and in May 1880 died in the palace in full solitude, was in the royal village with Catherine Dolgoruk.

The heir loved his mother very much and adhered to the reading of family bonds was furious, he did not like the behavior of his father. Especially hatred intensified when the Father soon married his mistress. Soon she and their children were transported to the Crimea. In order to establish relationships with a stepmother's father often invited son there. In one visit, everything was all worsened, because Alexander saw the stepmother took there the mother's room there.

Emperor Alexander III

On March 1, 1881, the draft constitution of Loris-Melikov approved and appointed a meeting on March 4. But March 1, as a result of two explosions, he died. When Alexander III received power, he did not give any promises to continue the politics of the father. In the first months, the Emperor had to do many things: Father's funeral, the entry into the throne, the search for revolutionaries and the russell over them. It should be noted that the emperor was ruthless to the killers of the Father, they hung them.

Also, the problem was in the second family of the Father. He in the last letter instructed his son takes care of them. Alexander III wanted to leave Petersburg, talk about it with a stepmother. They left the children to Nice, where she later lived.

In politicians, Alexander III chose the path of autocratic power. The Loris-Melikov project meeting was held on March 8, and the support project did not receive. Alexander III spoke that the project would usonize the rights of the monarch, so he recognized Loris-Melikov a politically unreliable official that for the latter could threaten terrible consequences.

Some in spite of the fear of the timely and about the need to introduce the Constitution in Russia and the change in legislation. But the autocratic showed that the rule of law does not intend to breed in Russia. Soon the manifesto "On the inviolability of autocracy" was created. By 1882, all representatives of the "Liberal Liberalism" were supplanted from government ministries, and in return in the cabinets sat down the nearest associates of the current emperor. His government falls the role of the State Council, it was only aimed at helping the emperor in the implementation of his intentions, was always angry if some kind of idea was criticized in the State Council. In Politics, Alexander III was similar to his grandfather. They both belonged to the state as a estate. He fought with a bureaucracy, with the wastefulness of the royal court, tried to save.

The imperial surname grew, and the emperor went to reduce its representatives. The great princes were only the children and grandchildren of the emperor, and the rest were just princes with imperial blood, thus their money content was reduced.

He also conducted a series of countercordations, all the previously liberal transformation of the father went to no. The emperor entered the story as "a peacekeeper". During his reign, Russia did not lead wars. In foreign policy, Russia is moving away from cooperation with Germany and Austria. But it is closer to France, then with England.

The emperor admired S.Yu. Witte, Future Finance Minister. He considered him that a person who could use and implement the entire economic potential of Russia. Witte also said that Alexander sooner or later would still come to liberal reforms. But, unfortunately, time for him did not have enough. In 1894, his disease nephritis was aggravated, and health was getting worse. He became weaker, lost in weight, the memory also began to suffer. He died at the end of 1894 in the Crimea. The country accepted the eldest son Nicholas II, his father considered man not ready for the imperial power.

Alexander III video