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Country of unique natural landscapes. Where is Argentina, at what kind of mainland? Mysterious Argentina: country area and its features

Argentina (country) Argentina (Argentina), Argentina (República Argentina).

I. General information

A. - Second (after Brazil) in the size of the territory and population the state of the South. America. It occupies the southeast part of the mainland southern. America, the eastern part about. Fire Earth and nearby Islands of Estados et al. Borders on Z. from Chile, on S. and S.-V. With Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay. On V. was washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The area of \u200b\u200b2.8 million km 2 (without Falkland, or Malvinsky, islands - controversial between A. and the United Kingdom of the territory). Population 23.6 million people. (1968, score). Capital - Buenos Aires.

In administrative terms, A. is divided (1969) to 22 provinces, the territory of the fiery ground and the federal (metropolitan) district (see Table 1). The official calendar is Grigorian (see The calendar).

II. Political system

A. - Federal Republic. The Constitution was adopted in 1853, in 1949-57 there was a constitution 1949, and in 1957 the Constitution 1853 was restored. Since June 1966, after the military coup and adoption of the so-called revolutionary statute, the Constitution practically does not act.

According to the Constitution, the head of state and the government is the president elected by the population at 6 years by indirect elections (without the right to re-election for the next time). The President concentrates in his hands the greatest power, being also commander-in-chief, and enjoys wide legislative powers. He is provided with all the fullness of political power and it is indicated that he will continue to be appointed in coordination between the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The National Congress (Parliament) was abolished and dissolved in 1966 (instead it provides for the creation of permanent and temporary bodies of advisory nature), the electoral law is canceled and all political parties Forbidden. Government A. consists of ministers and state secretaries appointed by the President. Ministries are subject to relevant secretariats.

Table. 1. - Administrative division

Administrative units

Square, thousand km 2

Population, thousand people. (1965, Evaluation)

Administrative center

Federal (Distrito Federal)

Province (Provincias):

Catamarca (Catamarca)

Cordova (Córdova)

Rio Negro (Rio Negro)


San Luis (San Luis)

Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz)

Santa Fe (Santa Fe)

San Juan (San Juan)

Chaco (Chaco)


San Luis (San Luis)

Rio Gallegos (Rio Gallegos)

Santa Fe (Santa Fe)

San Juan (San Juan)

Santiago del Estero (Santiago Del Estero)

Tukumán (Tucumán)

Table. 4. - Area and collection of main crops

Square, thousand ha


The main industry - large-scale breeding cattle on meat (70% of the livestock). 4/5 livestock livestock - in Pampa. Annual slaughter 10-12 million heads. Dairy animal husbandry is developed only near major cities. Another important livestock industry is sheep. According to the size of Nastrig wool (up to 200 thousand tons per year) and its exports (100-150 thousand tons) a. It takes one of the first places in the world. 4/5 Sheep livestock is concentrated in the south. Pampa and Patagonia.

After the 2nd World War, the tendency to increase swelling crop production, mainly due to technical crops. Nevertheless, the grain farming remains the leading industry of crop production (gives more than 1/3 of the cost of its products). Square and collecting the main S.-H. For cultures, see Table. four.

The main grain culture - wheat, on the collection and export of which (3-4 million tons per year) A. Keeps one of the first places in the world. It occupies one of the leading places for both manufacturing (up to 8 million tons) and exports (4-5 million tons) of feed grain (corn, barley, oats). An export value is also the cultivation of oilseeds: flax, sunflower. Grain and oilseeds are grown in Pamppa, significant areas are occupied there and under the stern herbs, mainly alfaling. Crop production of other areas provides mainly domestic market; On C. Main Cultures: Sugar Cane, Cotton, Tobacco, Rice, Yerba-Mate (Paraguayan Tea), Tea; At Z., in the valleys of Rio-Negro and Rio-Colorado, gardening and viticulture developed.

The total area under forests (according to the UN) - 70 million hectares 1/4 part of the country's territory). The main areas of sawmills: interfluve, where coniferous forests are common (especially valuable araucaria), and the Grand Charco with a dry tropical parel, among the rocks of which is important, which is used to produce a tann extract. A. - The main supplier of a tann extract on the global market (production has declined sharply due to the competition of other types of extract and propagation of skin substitutes). In coastal waters and rivers Parana and Uruguay - fishing (241 thousand tons in 1967).

Industry.95% of the value of industrial products falls on the manufacturing industry. The leading industry remains for the processing of S.-H. Raw, although they are in a state of stagnation. After the 2nd World War, mechanical engineering, petrochemistry and oil refining, black metallurgy were developed. The heavy industry gives more than 1/3 industrial products; However, it does not produce the most important and complex means of production; Many industries are under the control of foreign capital: USA (mining, mechanical engineering, meatless); Italy (automotive, tractor construction): Germany (chemical, black metallurgy, automotive), etc. New enterprises are equipped mainly by imported equipment, which puts the Argentine Industry dependent on the importation of spare parts. Minor enterprises prevail; Most of the large enterprises belong to foreign monopolies.

Argentine scientists have achieved notable success in new ones for A. regions of science and technology: Mesostratostriests (jointly with the United States and Brazil) are conducted in the country (together with the US and Brazil), on the construction of rocket engines on solid fuel, on the use of atomic energy (in A. There are 4 atomic reactor), to protect against atomic radiation, on the problems of organ transplantation (transplant transplants and liver transplantation). A. Participates in the study of Antarctic and the Southern Pole.

G. Ya. Rosen.

2. Social Sciences

Philosophy. The beginning of the philosophical thought in A. was laid scholastic philosophy, penetrated here during the colonization of the country (16 - early 17th centuries) from the metropolis - Spain. In late 18 - early 19th centuries. The ideas of French materialism, whose propagandists were made by M. Belgrano, I. Vaeytes, H. K. Lafinur, M. Moreno, H. M. Fernandez de Aguero et al.; Saint-Simonism (E. Echeverrya, who laid the foundations of the Argentine sociological thought, was used by a significant influence. In 1838, the organization "Young Argentina" originated the purpose of the reorganization of the Company on the basis of the principles of utopian socialism. In the 40-80s. The progressive ideas of H. B. Alberti and D. F. Sarmiento are distributed. From the 70s. 19th century The fashionable philosophical flow becomes positivism, which is by the beginning of the 20th century. I took the dominant position (A. Bassy, \u200b\u200bV. Merkanta, P. Scalbrini, H. A. Ferreira, H. B. Husto, L. Errera, M. Errera). With the development of science at the end of the 19th - early 20th centuries. In A., the ideas of natural science materialism (F. Amgino, H. Inhenieros) are distributed. At the same time, the sociological works of P. Grossan, H. Inhenieros, etc. appear.

At the beginning of the 20th century Western European idealistic flows are popular in A. neokantianism (A. Korn, R. Ryarolo), neo-quality (O. N. Derisi, T. D. Cason, I. Keles, H. R. Sepic, etc.) and subsequently existentialism (K. Astrad, V. Fathone). The position close to Christian spiritualism is occupied by A. ROHES, theistic metaphysics of the French philosopher M. Blondee develops A. Vassalo; Popular in the Argentinean intelligentsia enjoys philosophy of life(F. Romero), which pretended under the influence phenomenology and philosophical anthropology.

Marxist ideas began to penetrate into A. at the end of the 19th century, but the distribution of Marxism receives only after the creation of the Communist Party A. (KPA) in 1918. Print authorities of KPA played a large role in the development of the main issues of communist ideology. The propagandists of Marxist ideas are R. Gioldi, V. Kodovili, A. Kun, A. Lalman, E. Muller, A. Ponce; Theoretical matters of art found their reflection in the writings of Marxist researchers E. Agosti and A. Ponce.

The most important centers of philosophical science are the Institute of Philosophy in Cordoba (founded in 1934), the Argentine Institute for Social and Legal Philosophy in Buenos Aires (founded in 1938), Institute of Philosophy in Mendoza (founded in 1943). Special attention is paid to sociological problems that are developed at the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences, the Institute of Sociology (founded in 1942), the Institute of Applied Sociology (founded in 1960), the Center for Comparative Sociology. In 1949, the 1st National Philosophical Congress took place.

Philosophical magazines are published: "Cuadernos de Cultural" (from 1950), "Revista de Filosofia" (C 1950), "SAPIENTIA" (C 1946), "Criterio" (C 1928), etc.

A. V. Derdygina.

Hustically). Historians of this area offered as a means of resolving class contradictions an evolutionary cooperative reorganization of public life as part of the bourgeois system. In the 20-40s. 20 V. The reactionary direction of biological determinism increased, the supporters of which consider violence the main engine of history (L. Ayaragarai, K. Ibarguren). At the heart of the historical works of representatives of this area lie apology of reaction dictators, disregard for the history of the masses, falsification of the history of the worker and communist movement. After the 2nd World War I, 1939-45, in the context of the class struggle and lift of the labor movement, reactionary historians (E. Gandia, E. Palacio, etc.) made a "new" historical concept that his task revision and modernization of history A . In order to justify the domination of the exploitative classes, grafting the masses of the spirit of nationalism. This direction is known in historiography as a school of historical revisionism. In the most distorted light, this school seeks to present the history of the labor movement.

From the 40s 20 V. An increasing importance in historiography A. Acquires the Marxist direction (B. Mariagetti, L. Paso, R. Israari, A. Ferrari, F. Nadra). In the works of progressive Argentine historians, issues of history A. are studied on the basis of the analysis of the socio-economic development of the country and class struggle. Important research centers on history and concentration of historical documents are the National Library (based in 1810), National Archive (founded in 1821), the National Museum of History (founded in 1889) and especially the National Academy of History (1893). Useful research is conducted by historians and sociologists. Liberal-democratic directions at the Institute. Sarmiento (founded in 1911) and the Sociology Institute (founded in 1942).

Materials on history are published in the journal: "Boletin Dela ACADEMIA NACIONAL AE LA HISTORIAN (C 1924)," Revista del Museo Mitre "(C 1948), as well as in the monthly socio-political and theoretical journal Nueva ERA (from 1949) .

V. I. Ermolaev.

Economic science. The formation of economic thought A. refers to the 1st quarter of 19 century, when the independence of the country was conquered. However, later in connection with the growth of foreign monopolies, economic science did not receive sufficient development. Increased movement against the domain of foreign capital at the beginning of the 20th century. contributed to the intensive growth of economic science. The focus of Argentine economists is aimed at solving the problems of economic independence of the country, strengthening economic development. The greatest influence is the anti-imperialist direction (R. Prebish,R. Freeherio et al.) Supporting the "Theory of Economic Growth". Its main provisions: carrying out industrialization, strengthening state intervention in the economy, restriction of the attraction of foreign capital, stimulating national capital, etc. Wherein social reforms It is intended to be carried out while maintaining the basics of private property.

Agricultural challenge, the solution of which is part of economists (V. Pellegrini, A. Frondisis, etc.) sees a large place in economic studies. Production of technique while maintaining landlord deputy, allowing only a partial redemption of land in landlords. Progressive economists (P. Alberti, H. Fuffs, etc.) believe that the solution to the problem is to eliminate landlord latifunds. Attempts to develop the most effective way of developing the country's economy led to a detailed study of its economic history (A. Bonghe, R. Ortis, A. Ferrari, etc.). Due to the fact that foreign capital plays a large role in the country's economy, a lot of attention is paid to research on foreign trade, finance, loans, etc.

The development of economic ideas, the publication of works V. I. Lenin in the 1st half of the 20th centuries had a huge influence on the development of economic science. Argentine economists-Marxists (in particular, P. Alberti, H. Fuffs, M. Isakovich, R. Olivi, B. Mariagetti, M. Lebedinsky, E. Agosti) In their works reveal the reasons for the economic backwardness of A. and outlines the ways to overcome it .

In 1914, A. The Academy of Economic Sciences was formed, which publishes the Anales scientific journal (since 1916), etc. In 1960, the Center for Economic Research was created at the Torkaato County Institute, uniting prominent Argentine economists, combining research work with the teaching and propaganda activities. Due to the enhanced in Lat. America integrating trends (the formation of new types of capitalist interstate associations) in A. In 1965, an institution was established on the problems of LAT integration. America. There are also the Institute for Economic and Social Research. A. Boonhe, American Institute of Economic, Legal and Social Research, Institute of Economic and social Development. In large private companies, there are economic centers for studying the market conditions, the dynamics of supply and demand and other problems.

The largest economic journals: "PROBLEMAS DE ECONOMíA" (from 1962), "Revista de Ciencias Econumicas" (C 1948), "Revista de EconoMia Argentina" (C 1918). In terms of published economic literature A. occupies a leading place among the Latin American countries.

N. E. Pitranova.

3. Scientific institutions

The first scientific institutions arose in A. at 19, when a number of academies were created, uniting small groups of scientists (usually 20-30 people) who worked in certain sectors of science. In 1968, there were 13 such academies, W. Part 11 In Buenos Aires - National Academy of Accurate, Individual and Natural Sciences (founded in 1874), National Academy of Law and Social Sciences (founded in 1874), Argentine Academy of Literature (founded in 1931), the Academy of Fine Arts (founded in 1936 ), National Academy of Sciences Buenos Aires (founded in 1937), National Academy of Geographical Sciences (founded in 1956), Academy of agronomy and veterinary medicine, etc. and 2 in Cordove - National Academy of Sciences (founded in 1868) and National Academy of Law and Social Social Sciences (founded in 1941). In addition to academies, in the largest cities of the country there are 30 research institutes and over 130 scientific societies.

V. Z. Klepikov.

Babini J., La Ciencia en La Argentina, B. Aires ,; His, Historia de la Ciencia Argentina. Méx.-b. Aires, 1949; World Directory of National Science Policymaking Bodies, V. 3, Latin American ,; Ibanez J. C., Historia de La Cultura Argentina, 2 ED., B. Aires ,; History of philosophy, t. 4, M., 1959, ch. 6, §3; t. 5, M., 1961, ch. 20, § 5; Modern philosophy and sociology in Western Europe and America, M., 1964; Perelestein V., Positivismo at Antipositivismo EN La Argentina, B. Aires, 1952; Orgaz Raul A., Obras Completas, t. 2 - Sociologia Argentina, Cordova, 1950; Ingenierts J., La Evolución de las ideas Argentinas, v. 1-2, B. Aires, 1951; The historiography of the new time of Europe and America, M., 1967, ch. sixteen; Alberti P. G., Economy Crisis Argentina, Per. C Isp., M., 1950; Gordon Wendell S., The Political Economy of Latin America, N. Y.-L., 1965; Prebisch R., The Economic Development of Latin America and Its Principal Problems, N. Y., 1950.

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Capital: Buenos Aires.

Airports of Argentina:

Buenos Aires Ministro Pistarini International Airport - the largest airport of Argentina, known as Ezeiza International Airport

Argentina hotels 1 - 5 stars (Hotel):

Official language: Spanish, also distributed English, Italian, German and French.

Population: About 40.3 million people.

Political system: Democratic Republic.

Geographical position: Argentina is in the south of South America. In the north she borders with Bolivia and Paraguay, in the East - with Brazil and Uruguay, in the south and west - with Chile. In the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Religious religion: Catholicism.

Time: Looms from Moscow at 7 o'clock in summer, and 6 hours in winter.

Argentina Attracts with its natural, cultural and architectural wealth, endless opportunities for a peaceful and extreme rest. The Motherland Evita, Maradonna and Che Guevara strikes with its contrasting landscapes: from the famous Pampas of the central regions of the country to the Andes with their plateales, valleys, gorges and colored mountains, gradually with lakes, forests and the glaciers of Patagonia and the snowy expanses of Antarctica. There are two extreme points of South America on the territory of Argentina: the highest mountain of Akonkagua Hemisphan (6960 m) and the lowest Lake of the Laguna del Carbol Lake (-105 m).

Journey to Argentina will be incomplete without amazing red wine and excellent barbecue. Best varieties Grapes for the production of famous Argentine wines are grown in the vicinity of Mendos, Salta, San Juan and La Rioja. On the streets of Buenos Aires there are many grill bars (Parrylyas), where you can try the famous meat dishes. The journey will also complement herbal tea Mate, which is taken from a pumpkin bowl through a silver tube.

Popular views of tourism: Ski holiday (mid-June - Beginning of October), "Wine" tours, cruises to Antarctica from Ushai, tango show, Tango salons (Milongs), Tango and Spanish lessons, visiting Argentine Rancho, Folklore Show, Ecotourism, Beach Holidays.

What is worth visiting:
Buenos Aires - Cultural and Business Capital, Tango City.
Puerto Madrin, where from May to December you can watch whales.
Peninsula Valdez - Many habitats sea species Animals are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. National Park
Fire Earth - a reserve with untouched nature, where many species of animals live.
El Calafate with National Park Los Glaciers - a unique park of glaciers, the park is a list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Iguazu National Park with numerous waterfalls on an area of \u200b\u200b3 km is included in the list of UNESCO facilities, the ruins of Jesuit buildings on the lands of the Garani Indians, which are also included in the list of World Heritage sites.
The main and most prestigious beaches of the country are in Mar del Plata.
Cueva de Los Manos (per. "Cave of Hands") is included in the list of UNESCO objects, this is a historical monument of rock painting.
Cordoba is a city for lovers of architecture and historical tourism, here are the buildings of Jesuit, listed in the list of world cultural heritage sites.
Mendoza is the main manufacturer of Varn Argentina, here tourists offer excursions to winery and wine tasting.

Climate: The climate of Argentina varies from the subtropical in the north to the subanctic in the south, but the moderate climate is owned over most of the country. For the northern regions, it is characterized by roast, wet summer and dry winter. The southern regions of the country are distinguished by warm summer and cold snowy winter, especially in mountainous areas. Cold winds are blowing over the plains of the Patagonia. The average annual air temperatures range from + 24 ° C in the north to + 5 ° C in the south.

Electricity: 220 volt.

Currency: Argentine Peso. In large shopping centers, hotels, restaurants for payment are accepted credit cards international banks.

Visa: Citizens of Russia visa is not required.

Custom Restrictions:

A duty-free importation is allowed: Cigarettes - 200 pcs. (Sigars - 25 pcs.), Alcoholic beverages - 2 l., Canned food products - up to 5 kg., Souvenirs and gifts worth not more than 300 US dollars, subjects and things within personal needs. When importing these items in an amount exceeding the specified, a fee of 50% of their cost is charged. The removal of products from wool and skin, decorations, souvenirs within the limits of personal needs is allowed, while you need to prevent the store receipt, where these products were purchased. When exporting fur products requires the presence of an export brand receipt. Import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited.

Vaccinations: Certificate of vaccinations from yellow fever is required when a flight to / from Peru from the following provinces: Salta, Jujui, Currents, Formosa, Misiones, Choo.

Purchases: Argentina is famous for skin products: jackets, coats, belts, bags, gloves, shoes, etc. Also here can be purchased quality products From knitwear, lama and alpaca wool, hand-knitting rugs with multi-colored Indian motifs, antiques, jewelry using local stones: green onyx and rhodochorosit (Roses of Incs).

Holidays and festivals

january - concerts, filmmakers and shows with the participation of national and world stars in Mar Del Plata, Folklore festival in Koskina (Cordoba).
february-March - Carnival in the North-West region. Carnival lasts a few days dancing and processions.
march is a holiday of cultures in Cordoba, a film festival in Mar Del Plata with the participation of world stars.
end of spring - the beginning of summer is a three-day vintage holiday with a large gala concert in Mendoza.
july is the holiday of Chocolate "Alpenmilch" in Villa-General Belgrano (Cordoba Province) with music and dancing.
october - Beer holiday in Villa-General Belgrano.
november - Gaucho Festival in San Antonio de Ajeko, Buenos Aires Province.

Argentina (Argentina) - Federal Republic in South America, in the southeastern part of it. The country stretches from north to south by 3,700 km, and from west to east - 1400 km. It also belongs to the eastern part of the island of the fiery ground and several small islands. Argentina It borders in the north and northeast with Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, in the East - with Uruguay, in the south and west - with Chile. In the territory Argentina There are almost everything you need for rest, and for every taste. These are sandy beaches, picturesque waterfalls, mountain peaks and snow-covered volcanoes, unthinkable glacier sizes and a diverse natural world.

Argentina - "Silver Country"

1. Capital

Argentine capital Buenos Aires - One of the largest and most beautiful cities of South America, whose population is, without a small, 3 million people. Capital Located at a distance of 275 km from the Atlantic Ocean in a perfectly protected bay of the La Bay, on the right bank of the Riachuelo River.
Buenos Airesmeans " backway wind", or in literal translation from Spanish " good air" Buenos Aires is famous for a huge number of cultural attractions, and also serves as a starting point for traveling throughout the country.

2. Flag

- a rectangular cloth consisting of three horizontal strips of the same width: blue color from above and below, and white in the middle. In the center of the White Strip depicted the Sun of Gold Color, called " may Sun.", From which sixteen long wavy rays depicting sunlight.

Yellow May Sun is a symbol of the Incan Sun God and named so in honor of the May Revolution. One of the versions of blue color, white and sun personify the sky, clouds and sun. By the second version of the blue color symbolizes the river La Plata, and white - silver. And finally, according to the third version, the flag coloring is based on traditional colors of the Bourbon surname.

3. Coat of arms

It is an oval area, divided into two equal parts: white and blue. On its background, two hands are depicted, connected by the handshake- symbol of the unity of the provinces that are part of Argentina. The image of the hands is located a red Frigian cap, which personifies freedom and revolution. Around the oval depicted the branches of the laurel - symbolize the victory of the Argentine people in the struggle for independence, tied upside down the colors of the national flag. At the top coat of argentina Located ascending sun.

4. Hymn

listen to Anthem Argentina

5. Currency

Official monetary unit Argentina is an Argentine Peso., international ARS code, digital code 032. New argentine Peso.equal to 100 centavo. Have a walking banknote with a nominal value of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 pesos, coins 1, 2 and 5 pesos, as well as 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 centavo. Course of Argentine Peso to the ruble Or another any currency can be viewed on the currency converter:

Coins Argentina

Banknotes Argentina

Argentina Located in South America, in the south-eastern part of it. The country area is 2766 thousand square meters. km. The country started from north to south by 3,700 km, and from the west to the east - 1400 km. She also belongs to the eastern part of the island of fiery ground and several small islands. Argentina borders in the north and northeast with Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, in the East - with Uruguay, in the south and west - from Chile.

Eastern shores are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In the West Argentina Ranged stretched. In the western part of the Andes there is a chain of volcanoes - the highest acting volcano of the Earth - Okhos del Salado (6887 m). In this district " silver country»Often there is an earthquake. In the southwestern part of the mountains there is a lake edge. Almost the whole northern part Argentina It takes the plates of the Grand Character, the steppe region - Pampa is south. In the south of the country, the stony plateau of semi-deserted Patagonia extends. Main water artery country - Paranta River.

7. How to get to Argentina?

8. What to see what

Attractions Argentina. Argentina is the fourth on attendance by the country in the American continent. The country is very rich in archaeological monuments. There are almost all - multi-kilometer beaches and one of the highest mountain peaks of the world, endless steppes and amazing waterfalls, ski resorts, dense forests and huge megalopolises, wild and uninhabited gave South Patagonia and much more.

But small list of attractionson which attention should be paid when drawing up an excursion plan for Argentina:

  • Large metal flower
  • Waterfall Adam and Eve
  • Gargantua del Deblo
  • Congress building
  • Historic Square Plaza De Mayo
  • Glacier piloto
  • Glacier Perito Moreran
  • Iguazu National Park
  • Los Gosyares National Park
  • Fire Land National Park
  • Obelisk
  • Color Opera House
  • Planetarium Galileo Galilee in Buenos Aires
  • Port Madero.
  • Salinas Grandes salinas
  • Street Kamminito
  • Amphitheater Gorge

9. 10 largest cities of Argentina

  • Buenos Aires (Capital)
  • Cordoba
  • Rosario
  • La Plata
  • Mar del Plata
  • San Miguel de Tucumanum
  • Salta.
  • Santa Fe.
  • Corrientes.
  • Baia Blanca

10. And what is the weather here?

Climate Argentina. Argentina is immediately located in 3 climatic belts: moderate in the south, subtropical in the north and tropical in the central part. Summer here lasts from December to February, and winter, respectively, from June to August. In the north of the country, the average temperature of January +28 ° C, July +18 ° C. In the center - in summer to +24 ° C, in winter - up to +15 ° C. Castly everything in the south of the country - in summer + 10 ° C, and in winter + 1 ° C.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls on mountain areas and north-east - up to 1600 mm per year. In the West Argentina, in the plain areas, precipitation is significantly less - up to 300 mm per year. Very frequent hot dry winds "Pampperos" and "Probe". Very strong storms are often held over Patagonia and Pamppa.

11. Population

make up 44 136 896 people(As of February 2017). Most of the population are Europeans (about 95%), 4.5% are methuses and only 0.5% - Indians. Average, argentines Live 75 years (the male population lives to 72, and the female - up to 82 years old). Despite the fact that the standard of living in Argentina inferior to the level of life of Western Europe, is still one of the highest in Latin America. The country has one of the most developed economies in Latin America, as well as in the state a relatively high level of salaries compared to other Latin American countries.

12. Language

State language ArgentinaspanishHowever, the widespread is also the Italian, French, Portuguese, English and German.

13. Religion

In Argentina Proclaimed complete freedom of religion. 92.1% - Catholic Christian, 3.1% - agnostics, 1.9% - Muslims, 1.3% - Jews, 0.9% - atheists and 0.9% - Buddhists and others.

14. And what to take to take?

- a mixture of national traditions of indigenous peoples and all those foreign recipes that were brought here by migrants from Europe. Among dishes Argentina Popular meat and derivatives from it: "Parliad" - fried in the lattice sausage "ASADO"; "Tira de Assado" - fried meat of the ridge carcass; "Milanza" is a thin chop with a garnish of fried potatoes; "Lacro" - stew pork with corn; "Matambre" - a meat roll with an egg and vegetables; Chickens in beer; "Puchon" - meat thick chowder; "Churaco" - fried meat cubes; "Pinchos" - kebab; Pancakes with meat; Stew armored train and much more.

Fruit cakes, ice cream "Helado" and caramel "Dulce de Lee" are served as dessert dishes. Of the drinks, the tea "MEE" is very popular, which is consumed in the country in large quantities. Red Argentine wines are the most consumable alcoholic beverages in the country, local whiskey, gin and rum are also famous.

15. Holidays

National Holidays Argentina:
  • January 1 - New Year
  • march-April - Easter and Easter holidays
  • April 4 - Day of the Malvin Islands
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • May 25 - the anniversary of the May Revolution
  • June 20 - National Flag Day
  • July 9 - Independence Day
  • August 17 - the anniversary of the death of General Jose de San Martin
  • October 12 - Day America (Columbus Day).
  • December 8 - the feast of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary
  • December 25 - Christmas

16. Medicine

Medicine in Argentina. Medical insurance of international sample is recommended. The medical system of the country has two types of health - free, according to which the help is only in the event of a threat to life, and paid insurance on which the entire spectrum is carried out medical serviceswho are not in ambulance.

Medical care level in Argentina high enough. Doctors are respected people and here they really get a decent salary. Be a doctor - honorable. Doctors learn here for a very long time and, as a rule, training is built to get a narrow-profile specialist at the exit.

17. Souvenirs

Here is small list The most common souvenirwhich tourists usually bring from Argentina:

  • herbal drink mate With souvenir set for its preparation
  • argentine wines
  • decorations of semi-precious national stones Argentina
  • leather Products
  • symbols tango
  • wicker mats
  • guitars
  • national Argentine Sweetness - Dulce delera

18. "Nor nailing a rod" or customs regulations

The import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited, with the amount of more than $ 10,000 must be declared. Gold and gold products should also be made to the Declaration.

Persons over the age of 18 are resolved duty-free importation: cigarettes - up to 400 pieces or cigars - up to 50 pcs; alcoholic beverages - up to 2 l; canned food - up to 5 kg; Souvenirs and gifts worth not exceeding $ 300. Passengers under the age under the age of 18 are allowed to import half of the specified limits. When importing in an amount exceeding the rate of duty-free import, a fee of 50% of their cost is charged.

It is forbidden to import non-confined foods (meat and products from it, cheese, bread, vegetables and fruits). It is forbidden to import and export without a special resolution of items and things representing historical, artistic or archaeological value, as well as firearms and ammunition. The removal of products from wool and skin, jewelry and souvenirs within the limits of personal needs is allowed, while it is necessary to provide the receipt of the store, where these products were purchased. When removal of fur products, a receipt and export brand need a receipt.

And what about sockets?

Voltage B. electrical network Argentina: 220 B.with frequency 50 Hz. Type of sockets: Type C, type I.

19. Telephone code and domain name Argentina

Country Code: +54
Geographical domain name of the first level: .ar

Dear reader! If you were in this country or you have something to tell interesting about Argentina . Write! After all, your lines can be useful and educational for visitors of our site. "On the planet step by step"and for all lovers travel.

- It is important to know those who are going to see local mountains with snow-covered caps, glaciers and impassable jungle, to join environmental tourism, visit the Argentine winery and visit football matches. A trip to Argentina can be planned at any time of the year, but the high season is considered the period from October to May.

Argentina: Where is this country passion and tango?

Argentina with the capital in Buenos Aires has an area of \u200b\u200b2780400 sq. Km. The Argentine Republic occupies part of the territory of South America (south-west of the mainland) and the fiery land (the eastern part of the archipelago). From the north side with Argentina borders, from the northeast -, with Western - and with the eastern it is washed by the water of the Atlantic.

Along the Western Argentine border, Andes are extended, the North-West is engaged in the Pune volcanic plateau (it is framed by mountains, high to 6500 m high), and the north is the plain Gran Choo.

The composition of Argentina includes the Metropolitan district of Buenos Aires and 23 provinces (Santa Cruz, Jujuy, Tucuman, Mendoza, and others).

How to get to Argentina?

Those who wish can go to the flight - Buenos Aires, which suggests stopping at the airport of the French capital. With Air France, passengers will carry out on the road at least 16 hours, if not considering expectations between flights. Alitalia offers everyone to fly to the Argentine capital through: taking into account the docking, the path will take at least 20 hours.

Rest in Argentina

Guests of Argentina are recommended to visit the tango show, to fulfill passionate dance In La Boca, visit the Waterfall Iguazu (presented with 275 waterfalls lowered from the 60-80-meter height; for observation of waterfalls, viewing platforms are provided, as well as a special attraction Macuco Safari, thanks to which everyone will be able to hit the waterfall on board the engine boat), Flowing on the rafts on Mountain Rivers Mendos and, go on a tour to Buenos Aires (famous for Palemm Forests, the National Art Museum, the residence of the President of Casa Rosada, 67-meter Obelisk, an old book bench "El-Atheno"), Mar del Plata (It is worth paying attention to the Victorian mansions, a local casino, the sea museum, the Colon Theater, the zoo, in which 300 species of animals live and on which you can see in the framework of day and nightly excursions, as well as beaches in the vicinity of the city), Cordova (holidays are offered to inspect the collection The historic Museum of Marcus de Sobremont, and the temple of the Jesus Supporters, as well as to go to the Archaeological Park of Sierra Colorado), National Naael-Uaui Park (Argentine Summer Park can be explored for canoeing, bicycle or horses; Here you can go trekking and climbing; And the Argentine winter in the park rushes wishing to conquer the slopes of Serro-Cedral).

Argentine beaches

  • Pinamar Beach: The beach is interesting for surfers and fishermen who want to hang out on disco, wakeboarding and sailing, play beach volleyball and football.
  • Necochea Beach: Beach guests are waiting for Relax and sunset admissions.
  • Carilo Beach: Beach coating is a small sand of a brownish shade. It will be possible to swim in the waters of the Atlantic surrounded by sand dunes and majestic pines. Carilo Beach pools with water attractions, and also suggests them to surf and snorkeling, and "driving" on the all-terrain vehicles.

Souvenirs from Argentina

Of Argentina, it makes sense to take souvenirs in the form of fur and leather products, cosmetics based on grapes, bags, carpets and other things from cow skins, silver mouthpieces and decorations, multicolored chalee, guitars, mate, poncho, Argentine wines.