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Social entrepreneurship: activities and development. Social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship- This is one of the types of business activities, the main objectives of which are to assist people and work with their problems. This type of business differs from pure charitable activities the ability of projects to self-effect and make profit.

Subjects of small businesses and socially oriented organizations can show activity in various directions, working within the framework of publicly useful projects in the field of health, agriculture, the provision of services, education, etc. Today it is impossible to give an unambiguous definition of social entrepreneurship, because this is a multifaceted phenomenon that Related to many areas of human life. The most brief and cake may sound like this: "Obtaining profits from assisting other people."

The main meaning of social entrepreneurship is that the businessman is an independent, independent subject, which has the ability to carry out charitable activities, based on his own capital.

You can highlight a few signs that characterize social entrepreneurship

  • orientation for people's problems;
  • the presence of new solutions (since the usual traditional ways to settle problems become ineffective);
  • replicability (the ability to share experiences with other organizations in the country and the world);
  • self-sufficiency (independence from sponsors support);
  • the possibility of profit (it is necessary to maintain and stimulate the development of the project so that he brings income and satisfy the needs of its owner).

The main feature of social entrepreneurship organizations is that they contribute to changes in society and are characterized by three components:

  1. Identifying injustice expressed in marginalization or suffering of certain groups of citizens who are in dire need of material means or political support to achieve prosperity by transformation.
  2. Finding opportunities to achieve well-being for any group in society suffering from injustice - with the help of inspiration, creative approach to the problem, active decisive actions and the courage of the entrepreneur.
  3. The gradual process leading to the establishment of justice, which becomes a factor to facilitate the suffering of people thanks to the "creation of a stable ecosystem in a new equilibrium." This contributes to achieving prosperous existence in the future of this composition of citizens, as well as society as a whole.

Very often, the solution of problems with the help of social entrepreneurship brings more effective results than those who are achieved by charitable non-commercial organizations or a state with their standard algorithms.

You can list the main advantages of commercial socially oriented enterprises compared with government instances:

  1. High degree of involvement in the process of the entrepreneur and its motivation to achieve success from the organization's activities.
  2. State structures have the opportunity to convey some powers to socially oriented businesses, thereby reducing their administrative expenses and a temporary resource allocated to the implementation of programs: from developing to the implementation of a real-life project, which is able to assist a certain group of persons who have the need for support.
  3. Organizations in the field of social entrepreneurship take on the role of an equilibrium installation between citizens with different levels of social well-being. Thanks to the activities of entrepreneurs and their socially targeted organizations, the state is able to monitor the effectiveness of equilibrium regulation within the framework of state control and at the same time transfer questions from finding new solutions to the problems of modern society to the level of socially oriented business.
  4. A high level of competition among organizations of this type contributes to the fact that the most active companies focus on their specific purposes and try to achieve them most effectively.

Main types of social entrepreneurship

The main types and areas of social entrepreneurship activities:

  1. The use of the method of waste-free production (waste recycling), providing positive impact on environmental conditions (for example, the Indian Plastic Waste Recycling Company Concerve.
  2. Reducing the criminal component in society (for example, the French sports youth organization Emergence).
  3. Help and support for those who found themselves in severe life conditions (for example, French Jardins De Cocagne enterprises in the agricultural sector for employment for a long unemployed).
  4. Providing services for low-income citizens (for example, American Family Organization).
  5. Issuance of mini-loans to small businesses (for example,, a global Internet platform, which is not included in the ASHOKA Foundation base).


This model assumes that the owner of a socially directed business organizes a platform for sharing information and becomes an intermediary between a small manufacturer and consumers. For example, the "Nizhny Novgorod Gallery Crafts" allows masters to regularly participate in exhibitions and fairs, where they can sell their products. Such a model is very convenient for a small manufacturer who experiences difficulties in an independent search for customers.

Access to the market

This model in practice is implemented by the company "Art Fields" - it acquires products of small producers in order to implement them on their trading platforms.


This model assumes care of vulnerable groups: for example, training and employment of people with disabilities. A good example is the center of rehabilitation of disabled "Birch" (Tula).

Access to the product or service

In this case, social entrepreneurship takes on the role of compensate the shortcomings or gaps of the market and offer consumers access to a specific group of goods or services, if customers are ready to pay for it. An example of such a model is the bumper bookstiver, which delivers books to the end user anywhere in the city at the lowest prices.


This model implies a free purchase of a service or product. In addition to the seller and the buyer, there is a third party that finances the project. For example, the "Perspective-NN" organization, providing classes for parents with children who have serious vision problems. Services are provided free of charge or for a purely symbolic fee. This organization is financed by the regional budget and is included in the list of social service providers.

4 Profitable Business Ideas for Social Entrepreneurship

Profit is no longer the only driving force. According to Richard Branson, appeared the new kind The business that he proposes to call "capitalism 24,902" (it is so much miles amounts to the length of the equator). The meaning is simple: every businessman is responsible for people, and behind the planet.

Editorial Board " CEO"Loved several examples of companies of the new era.

What stages are the process of social entrepreneurship

In the structure of the social entrepreneurship process, with detailed consideration, five main stages can be distinguished:

  1. Search for opportunities (to solve problems and meet the needs of those in need).
  2. Development of development concept (definition of benefits, creating new products, market identification).
  3. Acquisition of resources that are necessary: \u200b\u200bFinance, specialists, knowledge, experience, skills, competence.
  4. Running to work and improving the enterprise (determining the results, growth and an increase in the organization).
  5. Achievement of the goal (association with other companies, the expansion of the company, the formulation of new tasks, their decision and closing of the organization).

For any organization working in the field of social entrepreneurship, it is important to understand the two main factors, according to which it is structuring its activities: first, this is a solution to the tasks for society, secondly, the receipt of money incomes. The essence of entrepreneurship in the social sphere is the balance of these two factors. In competent and successful development, such organizations contribute to strengthening public relations and their gradual and sustainable development.

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Social Entrepreneurship Project Ideas

Nowadays, there is no shortage of ideas for social entrepreneurship. On the contrary, B. lately There are many creative and non-standard proposals. In this area there are wonderful opportunities for creativity and bold experiments. The most important thing is not to forget about the main goal of this activity - to assist in needing people. Next, we offer a review of ideas already implemented in practice.

Idea 1. Eco-pack. The well-known plastic package is decomposed for a very long time: it takes about two hundred years of about two hundred years. Every day we throw a huge number of packages on the garbage, in which we buy dairy products, juices, frozen vegetables, sausages. Huge mountains from polyethylene packages will soon become a terrible "decoration" of our planet, if we do not think about and do not stop such thoughtless behavior. That is what they want to prevent creators of ecological packaging - they use completely different storage materials: paper and cardboard, which are completely decomposed in two years, which is a huge advantage compared to polyethylene. Unfortunately, an environmentally friendly alternative has not yet been found. plastic bottles. However, even the fact that today on the market you can find environmental packaging from paper and cardboard, is already a huge achievement.

Idea 2. Recycling plastic.Modern people use a huge number of plastic products: packages, bottles, banks, films, boxes, etc. The negative aspects of such packages are not only the deterioration of the environmental situation, but also the irrational costs of resources. Tons of bottles are sent daily to landfills, but as much new material is used by the factories to produce new ones. It is important to stop and start using plastic trash reuse: Modern technologies allow you to produce from old plastic packaging, a pile for brushes, building materials and much more.

Idea 3. Rural tourism. Nowadays, it has become a fashionable activity among the inhabitants of large cities. New generations, born and growing in urban conditions, may have never seen a live cow or do not know how potatoes are growing. For such people, a trip to the countryside becomes a real adventure. They are ready to pay for such entertainment: to make a cow, collect eggs, help your grandmother in the garden. The mental state of the average resident of the megapolis leaves much to be desired, so clean fresh airPhysical work is healing people, restore the exhausted emotional balance, and for villages and villages such ecotourism is an excellent opportunity for development.

Idea 4. Developing computer games. Children are large fans of various games on modern gadgets, and their creation is a profitable business. However, you can combine pleasant with useful: create training and educational games. For example, in the format of computer "development", you can study foreign languages \u200b\u200bor to master business skills, for example, a tinted top-paltant letter. Using special applications, you can find school subjects. In addition, there is a lot of excellent opportunities for socio-role games in order to acquire harmonious skills with the surrounding world and other people.

Idea 5. Center for children's development or private kindergarten.This type of social entrepreneurship brings considerable benefits to families where both parents work and they have no one to leave the child (get to the municipal kindergarten today is not easy) or there is not enough time for the qualitative development of his creative abilities. In this case, private kindergartens or educational centers come to the rescue - in them, as a rule, small groups, which makes it possible to maintain the high quality of the services provided and provide an individual approach to each child. The advantages of such organizations are also in the fact that they are modernly equipped and offering effective development programs. The disadvantage for some families can be a high fee for the services of this quality.

Idea 6. Club dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.Today it is very fashionable to be slim, well-groomed, follow your nutrition, play sports, actively spend your free time. On the one hand, these are the requirements of time, on the other - many dreams of being such. However, alone, it is not particularly interesting to deal with this, and if there is a community of like-minded people, it will help to stay in a tone and motivate further work on yourself. For a certain contribution, people can get a company of interests, and high-quality service, and the ability to organize and with health benefits to carry out their leisure.

Idea 7. crowdfunding or collective financing of projects.Modern type of creating own business Voluntary contributions from those who are interested in or simply supports the idea. The size of the contribution is not limited, everything is purely as far as the ability and the desire of the one who wants to support financially one or another idea. Detailed information on such programs can be found on the Internet. Many successful startups started so. As a rule, projects of this kind are born in the field of culture, journalism, art and cinema.

Idea 8. Support (training, retraining and employment) people who have found themselves in difficult life conditions. Nowadays, there are many such citizens in society. These are both former concluded, and single mothers, and personality, as well as those who undergo rehabilitation after treatment from narcotic and alcohol addiction, people with disabilities. All these categories of citizens experience difficulties with finding work. Within the framework of social entrepreneurship, you can open agency that will be targeted to work with such people, help them with training, with the development of simple professions that can help them stand up on their feet, find financial independence, feel full-fledged members of society. What is the plus for the entrepreneur? In the fact that, as a rule, people who have experienced difficulties in life and have received a new chance, highly appreciate the newly acquired well-being and are very responsible to their duties, without having overestimated requirements for employers.

Idea 9. Dating club for lonely people.Activities in this field will always be relevant in any society: lonely people aged much more difficult to meet themselves and find a partner for life. Forms of such social entrepreneurship can be the most different: a marriage agency, interest clubs, dance evenings "For those who are ...".

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How to evaluate the results of socio-oriented entrepreneurship

In the field of social entrepreneurship, it is necessary to assess the results. To do this, there are many ways to imagine you some of the most common:

Valuation of social results

Estimates of this kind are encouraged by investors or donors, as the calculation of the costs for which society is forced to deal with crime, poverty, drug addiction and other types of contemporary society, can make their economic contribution to solving these problems. . Examples for such results may be as follows:

  1. An increase in income (reduction of expenses) of those to whom assistance was sent in the form of services from a socially oriented enterprise. This factor is measured after assistance, or for a certain time interval.
  2. Changes in the cost level and profits of other people following changes financial situation participants of socially oriented programs.
  3. Consolidation of public expenses by reducing the needs of certain categories of citizens in obtaining support from the state due to the provision of assistance from social enterprises.
  4. Fall in demand for specialized services;
  5. Public profit growth due to the fact that the number of employed citizens who received support from social enterprises increases, as a result of which their personal welfare increases.

Allocate two approaches to the measurement of valuables:

  1. Cost-effectiveness analysis (COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS, CEA). It is applied in cases where the results of social activities for any reason cannot be expressed in monetary equivalent or reflected in other units of measurement (for example, "Number of preserved years", "All who is graduates of high school"). If the results are presented in different units Measurements and it is impossible to combine and determine the total effectiveness, it becomes necessary to apply analysis to cost-effectiveness.
  2. Analysis on cost-benefits (COST-Benefit Analysis, CBA) is a method that allows you to identify the cost ratio and various results of social activities. With this analysis, you can see clean benefits both for the entire society and for individual stakeholders. The advantages of this method is that it helps to take more effective solutions With regard to social results, arrange loyal priorities and plan funding. Disadvantages of such an analysis - in the inability to give an extensive assessment of the entire diversity of social costs and benefits.

The main difference different approaches The assessment of the outcomes of socially aimed management is to determine what social result is exactly calculated by the costs and how both of these concepts are expressed in cash equivalent or in natural units.

The main disadvantage in the process of applying these indicators is the need for serious expenses for implementation: temporary, monetary, intellectual, etc. This aspect does not allow to widely apply these methods in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Flexible assessment methods

Entrepreneurship in the social sphere needs more pragmatic and flexible methods regarding the objectives and measurement of results. Methods that would not require the investment of financial and temporary resources are needed.

For example, the ACUMEN International Association has developed a special system of "lean assessment" (LEAN DATA) in order to measure the degree of efficiency of enterprises in the field of social entrepreneurship.

It helps to make the process of collecting information about the enterprise clients (prosperity) easier, as well as optimize the analysis of the collected information and the use of its results when making decisions:

  1. Cooperation. The system of "lean assessment" studies which changes to see the leaders of social enterprises would be desired, after which it is held general work to collect information that should help find answers to the main questions.
  2. Attention to the client (welfare). LEAN DATA studies the opinions and wishes of customers of social enterprises so that organizations can carry out their activities on more efficient and targeted production of products and services in accordance with the needs of welfare facilities.
  3. The benefits of the collected information. LEAN DATA does not create reports for investing companies, and configured to help social enterprises in obtaining the most full information From customers and thus contribute to making more effective solutions.
  4. Efficiency. Lean Data applies modern information technologies in its work, which allows you to receive information from customers quickly, spending the minimum temporal and financial resources to implement your research.

Unified Management Standard Socially Oriented Activities

Some experts and practices believe that the creation universal Fashion It is impossible to measure the results from social activity due to the fact that the problems of society are very diverse, as well as the activities of socially oriented enterprises. Optimal decision In this case, it would be the creation of uniform recommended indicators, universal for most socially oriented organizations.

It is these considerations that summed up the European Commission to create a standard for measuring social impact, which is used as a guide to many organizations and funding their institutions. The basis of this standard was the leadership "Social Impact: Measurement and Management", which developed the European Association of Venture Philanthropy.

The unity of the standard is achieved due to the fact that the management stages are universal in nature:

  • definition of tasks;
  • analysis of stakeholders (involved in the parties);
  • evaluation of results;
  • control and measurement of the degree of impact;
  • monitoring and reporting.

These steps should be carried out strictly in the sequence as they are indicated, periodically updating them in connection with the acquired experience and new information.

Social entrepreneurship support by funds, consulting companies, large business

For several years now, Russian authorities have been exploring sustainable interest in the sphere of socio-economic entrepreneurship. This can be seen both on the federal and regional levels. More than once from the state, the state was designated a tendency to support "small business representatives", which are engaged in socially responsible activities and contribute to solving the problems of modern society.

Foundation "Our Future" became the first representative of the sphere of social entrepreneurship in Russia. For five years of its existence, this Fund supported 59 socially directed enterprises. The total amount of allocated financial resources for these goals amounted to more than 130.5 million rubles.

The Fund has established a competition whose winners is provided with financial and advisory support. In addition, interest-free loans are issued for a long period of time, legal and at the minimum cost are provided for renting small office space and so on.

Along with holding the All-Russian Competition "Our Future", the Foundation established the Impulse Prize, which is aimed at financially and morally support promising projects. For 2012, during the competitive selection, this award was filed a large number of Applications for participation from entrepreneurs from 54 regions of Russia.

In a modern business world, you need to be able to create business models, manage projects, manage finance, develop business plans. This needs to be learn and learning this kind must be publicly available. For example, Citibank offers grants for such training for social entrepreneurs with the support of the Higher School of Management in St. Petersburg. Foundation "Our Future" acts as an organizer of the training course in Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

It is very important if the social entrepreneur has the opportunity to receive organizational and consulting support. From the entrepreneur always requires the ability to deal with accounting and legal basics of business. In business activities, there are often situations that require participation or evaluation of various specialists, which in turn requires a lot of expenses. For social entrepreneurship would be very important creation Certain centers that would provide similar services at minimal prices.

Also, huge support for social entrepreneurs would be the creation of specialized consulting centers that could provide office space to lease legal advice, help in organizational issues. The potential of cooperation between the state and the major business in order to support and develop social entrepreneurship is very large. Both sides of this process should be truly interested in the development and strengthening of such interaction.

Today there is a lot large companies and consulting organizations that support social entrepreneurs in different directions: Financially, with legal advice on reduced prices or free of charge, within their current charitable projects. Some representatives of large-scale business included this type of entrepreneurship in a list of priority areas for the implementation of socially significant programs and charitable initiatives in the territories of their presence.

Such a company is RUSAL - with its support, programs for the development of monogorods, including projects to assist social entrepreneurs are being implemented. For several years, the company "Severstal" has been working with the support of local authorities a project entitled "Urban Development Agency", which is aimed at supporting individual, and from recently and social entrepreneurs. Suek, with the support of the SUEK-Region Corporate Fund, also leads a similar program.

Thus, representatives of large businesses contribute to the development of important initiatives for society, support the development of territories. In addition to these important goals, large companies may also have a number of other interests in assisting representatives of small businesses and social entrepreneurship.

In order to optimize production, many large companies derive non-core assets that are most often associated with the provision of social services of their employees and their relatives. However, the needs of them do not disappear anywhere. Therefore, often companies buy the necessary services from organizations created on the basis of assets derived. Such enterprises may well become independent representatives of social entrepreneurship.

For the success of the development of the Socially Oriented Services Sector and the Activity of Different Small Business Initiatives, the state is largely responsible, so it is extremely important which position it takes whether it is ready to cooperate effectively and interact with business representatives.

There is a federal law on social entrepreneurship dated 05.04.2010 No. 40-FZ "On Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts Russian Federation On the issue of supporting socially oriented non-commercial organizations. " According to this Federal Law, in Russia, at present, the "social entrepreneurship" includes exclusively non-commercial organizations.

State programs to assist socially oriented NGOs (according to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation):

  • carry out monetary, consulting, informational, educational support;
  • offer reduced taxes,
  • provide office space for rent at preferential cost.

In Russia, the priority activities of social entrepreneurship for NGOs are allocated:

  • prevention of orphanhood;
  • support for motherhood and childhood;
  • adaptation in the society of people with disabilities and their families;
  • improving the quality of life of the elderly;
  • development additional education, scientific and technical and artistic creativity, mass sports, children and young people in the field of local history and ecology;
  • the development of interethnic cooperation.

Law on Social Entrepreneurship in Russia

Due to the insufficient workplace of the theoretical base for 2016, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not have a separate overall section dedicated to social entrepreneurship. This means the absence of a legislative framework that could regulate these issues to promote the development of more simple rules For the registration process of enterprises and reduce tax levels for entrepreneurs.

The only definition of social entrepreneurship can be found in the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 220 (earlier - No. 223) "On the organization of the competitive selection of the subjects of the Russian Federation, whose budgets in 2013 are provided with subsidies from the federal budget for state support for small and medium-sized businesses by entities RF. " This definition Designed exclusively for recipients of support according to the Ministry of Line.

In order to reduce the tax rate, many social entrepreneurs in Russia use a variety of NGO forms, and individual businessmen are registered as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

In 2013, the Committee of the Council of the Federation for Social Policy initiated amending the second reading of the draft law "On Fundamentals social service The population in the Russian Federation ", which would allow to introduce the concept of" social entrepreneur "and" social entrepreneurship "into the federal legislation. But these amendments were rejected.

On October 16, 2014, a new initiative was undertaken: a group of deputies from the upper and lower chambers of the Federal Assembly introduced a bill on social entrepreneurship to the State Duma and the forms of its support. Today it is not accepted.

In August 2016, the Ministry of Economic Development proposed amendments to the current legislation in order to consolidate the term "social entrepreneurship" in it. To date, the draft federal law "On Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation (in terms of consolidating the concept of" social entrepreneurship ")" is discussed at the "Federal Portal of Projects of Regulatory Legal Acts".

In 2017, the Ministry of Economy was sent a bill on social entrepreneurship to coordinate in such state structures as FAS, FTS, the Ministry of Finance and Mildrost. According to this draft law, the company should be attributed to social entrepreneurship labor activity People with disabilities, single parents (having children under 7 years old), representatives of large families, retirees, graduates of orphans (not reached 21 years), former prisoners. The total number of such workers should be at least 30% of the total number of employees of the enterprise, and the share of their labor should be at least 25% of the entire wage fund.

These legislative changes may say that in all likelihood in 2017-2018 in Russia, the term "social entrepreneurship" will become more sustainable, clear and will be fixed.

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Examples of social entrepreneurship development in Russia

Three bright socially useful projects that have received support from the Our Future Foundation:

Example 1. Armor "Armor" (LLC "New rehabilitation technologies" Armor ").

This project is to create and apply special orthopedic systems that help people with spinal cord damage to move, stand, get up and sit down without extraneous. This system was created and patented by Alexei Taxic, which himself relates to those who are called spinal disabled. "Armor" are the most first project to support the "Our Future" Foundation. The total amount of the invested funds amounted to 9.5 million rubles, more than half of which (5.5 million rubles) were provided in the form of an interest-free loan. To date, the Fund returned 50% of the total investment. The number of employees in the "armor" has 11 people. The production of orthopedic systems was carried out thanks to the support and cooperation of the medical center of the Russian State Medical University.

Example 2. Meritable workshop "Merry Felt" (NP "Women's Organization of Social Support" Woman, Personality, Society ").

The main activity of the project "Cheerful felt" is the creation of designer souvenir-toys and felt jewelry. This project operates on the territory of the city of Rybinsk, his social importance is to participate in large mothers from low-income families who do not have the opportunity to work in workplaces with full employment, which is necessary to work at home. The fund allocated 400 thousand rubles to this project, one fourth of which was issued in the form of an interest-free loan. To date, 15 women are employed in the project. The company early accounted for a loan issued in 2008 and today actively cooperates not only with domestic producers and sellers of toys, but also with foreign enterprises.

Example 3. "School of farmers" ( individual entrepreneur V.V. Burners).

The "School of Farmers" helps graduates of Perm orphans to receive vocational education (the project prepares rural entrepreneurs), learn how to be financially independent and socially protected. Participation in this project instills positive values \u200b\u200bto young people, teaches competent interaction with other people. His activity is aimed at producing independent entrepreneurs for agriculture, which are able to conduct an income business. The Fund was allocated about 1 million rubles to support and implement the "School of Farmers" and the money received was already returned due to the fact that the author of the project Vyacheslav Gorelov managed to redeem the loan ahead of time. To date, the project has prospects to become a "youth village". In the case of its successful development, it will prepare young farmers in a much larger scale, thereby solving very important problems facing society.

After studying only several projects created in the field of social entrepreneurship, which supports the Foundation "Our Future", you can make important conclusions:

  1. These initiatives are aimed at solving important problems of society that exist in modern Russia.
  2. In order for the project to bring sustainable profits and go to self-sufficiency, initial investments are needed in financial investments and providing high-quality organizational support at the stages of preparation and implementation of projects.
  3. An important role is given to the creation of development infrastructure, which contributes to the rapid achievement of stable financial indicators. This allows projects to gain autonomy in a short time and use funds to implement new initiatives.

All entrepreneurs engaged in socially significant activities contribute to business development and expanding its geographic borders. Representatives of social entrepreneurship are actively sharing knowledge gained experience and proven working methods with those who are ready to follow their footsteps. In this sense, socially oriented enterprises become supporting points of development of civil society and its activity.

It is gratifying to notice that an increasing number of businessmen and entrepreneurs are penetrated by the ideas of philanthropy and become active participants in social and useful activities. Many small companies regularly make donations for charitable needs, some of the business representatives offer special prices for poor categories of citizens, other firms participate in charitable projects and promotions. Very great when good deeds become trend in society - in this case, in this case, the fashion is simply necessary.

Today I want to consider a separate business area - social entrepreneurship or socially oriented entrepreneurship. After reading this article, you will learn what is meant by these concepts, as well as what the main types of social entrepreneurship, which can be done currently. Who knows, perhaps, you will get a new social entrepreneur.

In the capitalist society, in which we all live, a capital owner will always be in a better position - the one who has capital. Now the capital holders are called differently: an investor, a businessman, an entrepreneur. But the attitude towards them from the rest of the people (most of which most) often continues to remain negative: they say, they are just for themselves everything, but no one thinks about us. In fact, this is not quite the case, because it is on business and investment that it is being held, goods and services are created, workplaces are created, the development is created ... Many of this simply do not understand.

However, there are always business options that the overwhelming majority of people will perceive positively and in every way to support. Now all such options are combined with one general term - social entrepreneurship. What it is?

The essence of social entrepreneurship.

Social Entrepreneurship or Socially Oriented Entrepreneurship, Social Business is the direction of business in which the key business idea is to resolve any important social problems, this is a combination of making money and assistance to people, this is a business that is positively perceived by society and receives significant support from it. .

The following signs of social entrepreneurship can be distinguished:

  1. Social orientation (Decision of certain problems of society as a whole or specific layers of people).
  2. Innovation (Not always, but very often social business is related to the introduction of some innovation, since the old methods / forms do not bring the right effect).
  3. Fast spread of the idea (As a rule, social entrepreneurship is to adopt the experience of businessmen from other cities or even countries. Successful social business ideas spread very quickly).
  4. Self-sufficiency and profitability (Social business should do without any charitable assistance and bring profits to its owner, otherwise the whole point of doing business is lost. This is the business, and not).

The concept of "social entrepreneurship" appeared relatively recently: in developed countries - 20-30 years ago, we - literally in the last decade. At the same time, the determined of his deposits could have been observed for a long time ago: the famous philanthropic businessmen often brought into their business socially oriented elements.

Social entrepreneurship in Russia

I continue, as promised, the topic of social entrepreneurship. Now about the prospects for this business in Russia and the examples interesting business ideasactually working in our country. We know perfectly well that the goal of any entrepreneurship is to extract profits. But it distinguishes the desire to establish long-term partnerships with the client. Here the endoral does not receive income, but the solution of the social task. And since capitalism turned to us not human person, and animal ruffle, many people are looking for how to combine business and solutions that exciting them, social problems.

An example of the first social enterprise in Russia can be called the house of hardworking, founded by the father of John Kronstadt in late XIX. century. Here everyone in need (lonely mothers, homeless, etc.) helped to find work, get help and shelter. Later, diligence houses spread throughout Russia.

"Everyone gives his work according to his forces, which he could be fed and dressing." Father John Kronstadtsky

Now social entrepreneurship in Russia can be divided into three categories:

  1. Specialized enterprises (for example, for disabled victims)
  2. Non-commercial and charitable organizations. They, even if they are engaged in commercial activities, they still depend on the money of the sponsors and the state.
  3. Social enterprises of small businesses.

Since this site is consecrated rather interestingbusiness ideas for small businessWhen not required to invest a lot of money, then I will stop more in this form of social entrepreneurship. Perhaps some of these enterprises and you will be accessed to open your own business.

Astrakhan Center "Color Milk"

He is engaged in preschool development of children, their improvement and school preparation. Despite serious competition, the Center not only keeps the brand, but also assists with many children and poor families. Specialists of the Center, based on the experience of the most progressive teachers, created their own programs and lead families with children from pregnancy to school. How to organize a private kindergarten, read.

Creative workshop "Cheerful Felt" in Rybinsk

An excellent example of modern interpretation of ancient fishery. This interesting business idea Belongs to the spouses-artists Pavel Gavrilov and Lie Vistenap. With the help of an old folk folk of the Yaroslavl region, foilovalyania, now create a variety of hares, tigers, cats and men. In addition to toys, make many original accessories, beads, brooches, handbags, wallets, covers for cell phones. Still create felt panels, slippers and of course, did not forget about the felt boots, which now also became brighter and elegant.

Environmentally friendly, warm and elegant things are happy to buy themselves and children, gifts and souvenirs. And they work in a workshop of a woman, including many children. To whom it is not necessary to know how it is better to turn the reality into a fairy tale. Read more about the workshop here:

"Rabbit Farm" in the Republic of Komi

This farming shows that successful social entrepreneurs are possible in agriculture. Currently, the enterprise brings a good profit due to the active sales of environmentally friendly dietary rabbit meat, which doctors have long been recommended for healthy food children and chronically patients with adults. Now in the modernization of the farm is invested big moneythat will significantly increase production. In addition, one workplace on the farm is provided with a disabled superssistrict.

Here are three examples of social entrepreneurship in perfectly different areas Economy. In the next article, I will also describe Russian examples, including quite original and interesting business ideas, but already related to the environment. So, subscribe to not to miss them.

Finally, the video about the prospects for social entrepreneurship in Russia:

Social entrepreneurship is a special type of activity at the intersection of charity and business. He implies profit and its reinvesting in a solution or mitigation actual problems in society. Revenues are not distributed among the participants of the economic societies, and invested in areas such as reducing unemployment, strengthening the protection of citizens' rights, ambient. Consider further detail what socially-oriented entrepreneurship represents.


Social entrepreneurship is a sphere in which activities are carried out regardless of external financing. All work is based on proven business schemes. In this connection, it is impossible to say that social entrepreneurship is such a form of amateur performance. In this area, not only tested by time are used, but also new, scientifically based approaches to solving already existing and relatively recently arising problems.


Small business entities and socially oriented organizations can work in the most different areas. They implement social and directional programs within the framework of the main activity. It can be health care agriculture, service, education and so on. Currently, the exact definition of social entrepreneurship is not, since it affects many areas of human life and has a huge number of directions and faces. You can describe this activity as follows the following phrase: "Earn, providing assistance to others." Social entrepreneurship is the solution of tangible and specific issues of public life, contributing to positive sustainable changes. It should be emphasized that this work is not charity. The help is on the principle of "give not a fish, and fishing rod".

Historical reference

How did social-oriented entrepreneurship originate? In Russia, in the 19th century there were so-called house-called houses. They can be called an example of a domestic integrated working assistance. These houses were founded by the father of John Sergiev in Kronstadt. Its main idea was the idea that often ordinary charity, alms corrupt a person, depriving his incentive to work. "Houses" were centers in which the work was carried out in three directions immediately. Here they were engaged in charity, educational and educational activities and employment. In the middle of the 19th century In the UK there were cooperatives. They were a source of financing public needs of the population.

Development of social entrepreneurship

It is worth noting that the phenomenon in question was noticed abroad much earlier than in Russia. There are several studies that illustrate the diversity of content and forms of organizing social entrepreneurship. The very concept was first introduced in the 60s. 20th century in the UK. Then they got the spread of the trend of public freedom. In this wave, social importance issues were widely covered by English-speaking publications. More sustainable use of the concept of social entrepreneurship refers to the 70-80 years. This was facilitated by several outstanding personalities. So, Gregory Diz pointed in one of his articles that the cause of small entrepreneurship, socio-oriented non-commercial organizations is the ineffectiveness of the work of individual public institutions. It is worth noting here that in advanced countries with rather progressive structures, the presentation of the business form is more common. In this regard, for the emergence of social entrepreneurship, there is a sufficient emergence of a subjective assessment of existing institutions as ineffective from a separate member of society.


Michael Yang.

This person not only created social enterprises around the world. Michael Young seriously engaged in educational programs. Thanks to him, the College of Entrepreneurship (Social), the University of the 3rd Millennium, the Institute for Studing Communities and many other institutions. One of Harvard professors called Yang to be the most successful businessman in the field of public initiatives. Thanks to his activities, a lot of ideas for the protection of consumers were realized. Young performed and wrote books. The main thought of his work was the idea to evaluate people not only by education, merit, mental abilities, the nature of activity, but also by the level of their honesty, the ability to sympathize, show kindness and generosity.

Modern realities

Currently, commercial companies are actively involved in social reforms. At the same time, all enterprises are the desire to introduce innovative business approaches. There is an increasing interest in social entrepreneurship by the academic community. In the Harvard Business School in 1989, a special course was opened. Training went directly according to the Social Entrepreneurship Program. Since that time, the leading schools of America's business began include additional courses in their curriculum. In 2004, about a quarter of Stenford graduates had a diploma of social entrepreneurship specialists. At the beginning of the 21st century several large companies were opened. Among them:

Russian companies

In the Russian Federation, the contribution of the Foundation "Our Future" is most essential. He was founded by the co-owner and the president of LUKOIL company V. Alekperov. The Foundation provides information, financial and consulting assistance to social entrepreneurs, organizes project contests, analyzes the effectiveness of supported enterprises for specific indicators. In addition to "our future," it is worth noting the "school of farmers" in the Perm region, the workshop "Cheerful felt", operating in the female society in Rybinsk, the salon of domestic service "Birch" in Tula, LLC "Arpeha" in Yekaterinburg "Elfo", Public Association "Care" in Nizhny Novgorod, Nadezhda Foundation in St. Petersburg. In 2010, the concept of "Social Entrepreneurship" was officially included in the normative acts of the Ministry of Economic Development. Due to this, the regional authorities began to show more attention to this public phenomenon. Educational institutions have become more active. Among them, for example, you can allocate the Novosibirsk school "Territory of Development".


Social problem, on the solution of which the actions of the entrepreneur are directed, is the starting point of his business. If not actual questionrequiring interference, then there will be no special work. There will be a common enterprise with traditional goals. Social entrepreneurship is a balance of public tasks and business components. Here the money is not the goal, but a means that allows not only to solve problems, but also remain independent of the permanent investment by the parties. From the point of view of world history, social entrepreneurship is considered a phenomenon with quite young. Abroad it exists just over 30 years, and in Russia - about 10. However, despite this, social enterprises today stand in one row with charity, non-commercial initiatives, corporate responsibility. At the government level, draft regulations, which would clearly describe the mechanism of interaction of enterprises that decide social problems with citizens and state structures. Today, social entrepreneurship is based on general rules Management. At the same time, companies constantly introduce innovative work methods. Undoubtedly, this sector should expand.

"Social entrepreneurs are not satisfied to simply give a person to a person, or to train how to catch it. They do not reassure until the fisheries itself is revolutionized. " - Bill Draiton.

In this popular definition of B. Dryton, the founder of the company "Ashoka" - the Global Association of Social Entrepreneurship Leaders, is perhaps the essence of social entrepreneurship. Compared to other social work phenomena, which is conducted by the organization of the commercial and non-commercial sector, differing in the field of activity and the conditions for the provision of services, social entrepreneurship stands out by how it works. Key here are the concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship. In accordance with this, social entrepreneurship seeks to reduce the social misfortunes by an innovative method, inventing or combining social and economic resources to create self-reproducing, capable of expanding the mechanism of production and providing the target social benefit.

The term "social entrepreneurship" determines the activity that involves the creation of a social benefit, not through pure charity, but through profitable or partially profitable activities. Such socially-oriented activities may be microcredit providing vital resources to families in absolute poverty. Social entrepreneurship is, for example, an Internet portal, open Center Helping difficult teenagers, which not only provides information to young people and their families, but also earns money, engaged in design online advertising. Social entrepreneurship is an ecological park paying off at the expense of tourism, but providing fertile conditions to preserve the flora and fauna of that region where it is created. The first person who embodies the principles of social entrepreneurship was a poor entrepreneur from Bangladesh Muhammad Yunus. He created the first socially-oriented bank in the world, not in the dirt of borrowers by robbing interest, and pulling poor families from hopeless poverty. In the mid-1970s, Bangladesh Muhammad Yunus created a Grameen Bank, whose feature is that it provides loans (and in some cases - without any guarantees) the poorest segments of the population. The concept of Grameen is based on the belief of Yunus in the fact that the money received on credit will go to the creation of goods, part of the income from which, in turn, will be used just on repayment of the loan.

The first undertaking of Muhammad Yunus in this direction belongs to 1976, when he lent $ 27 to several artisans from Jobra. Later, Yunus recalled the motives that were guided by: "I went home, talked with people, tried to understand what they live, what are their needs, desires, dreams. And I was opened by bitter truth: many of them are needed for the implementation of plans a negligible amount is needed. We even compiled a list of 42 people whose common needs did not go beyond $ 27 - less than a dollar per soul. It became a real shock. "

The next step of Yunus was obtaining a loan in one of the Bangladesh banks, which also went to small loans to the poorest. The Bank extremely reluctantly agreed to satisfy the request of the Yunus, but the latter personally acted as a guarantor and, most importantly, after quite a short time, it was able to prove with skeptical bankers that even the poor could be completely creditworthy borrowers. Yunus himself, referring to the fact that "more than 1.2 billion people in the world do not have the opportunity to satisfy their basic needs," believes that "microcredits could become a path, leading them from despair." According to data for December 2005, since the foundation of Grameen 5.3 million people became creditors of loans in the amount of $ 5.1 billion with the share of returned bank loans in 98.9%. Since the end of the 1970s, more than 3200 organizations and banks providing microcredit on the model developed by Muhammad Yunus appeared in the world. Only in 2004, the number of loan recipients reached 92 million people, while 73% of them at the time of receipt of the first loan were generally below the poverty line.

According to Gregorry Diza, Director of the Center for Social Entrepreneurship Development of the Duke University (USA), the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial entrepreneurship has recently been popular, because "Typing for living" and is very suitable for our time. This concept "combines a passion for a social mission with its peculiar to business, innovation and determination" - like those who demonstrated the Pioneers of the Silicon Valley. He is convinced that our time was matured to solve the social problems of "entrepreneurial" means. The need for such an approach is due to the fact that many attempts by state and charitable organizations were far from our expectations, and most of the public sector institutions are increasingly being considered as a non-response, inefficient and irresponsible. Social entrepreneurs are needed in order to create new models of socially significant activities "for the New Century".

Researchers from the University of Navarre in Barcelona J. Maur and I. Marty noted that certain manifestations of social entrepreneurship could be observed in Europe XIX and in Asia of the first half of the 20th century. Organizations similar to those founded by such outstanding personalities as Florence Plantgele and Vibob Bhava are inherently the fact that we now call organizations of venture social entrepreneurship.

Social entrepreneurship as practical activity integrating the process of obtaining economic and social benefits has become actively manifested in the second half of the 20th century. As examples, such well-known and respected organizations as guild of manchester artisans, founded by Bill Strickland in 1968, and using the possibilities of visual and performing arts for the development of urban communities or the Grain Bank, founded in 1976 by Professor Muhammad Yunus to eradicate Poverty and support for poor women in Bangladesh. For its activities, M. Yunus became the laureate of the Nobel Prize of the World in 2006. A typical representative of the Global Organization of Social Entrepreneurship, supporting social and business initiatives around the world is the Ashok Foundation, founded by B. Dryton in 1981.

The Institute for One World Health (IOWH), founded by Dr. Victoria Hale in 2000, is the world's first non-profit pharmaceutical company and develops medications For the treatment of diseases, neglecting in society. The Institute destroyed traditional ideas about the seemingly non-competitive industry, which provides medication particularly in need of developing countries, rebuilding the entire chain of obtaining income from the development of drugs to their delivery.

Despite the fact that the advantages that social entrepreneurship gives is clear very many, its real importance and specificity are not investigated enough. In the conditions of growing popularity, social entrepreneurship can mean differently for different people. This is due to both the relative novelty term and a variety of social initiatives that differ in scale, target groups and countries. For some, social entrepreneurship is associated exclusively with non-profit organizations that opened any income enterprises. Others understand under social entrepreneurship certainly non-profit organizations. Third consider it a type of social responsibility of a business that implements socially significant programs through independent organizational structures. According to Roger Martin and Sally Osberg, due to the growth of popularity, the term "social entrepreneurship" acquired in last years Such a wide range of values, which began to be used in almost any context, as soon as it comes to socially useful activities. In their opinion, such an expansion interpretation harms his very phenomenon. If a social demand for social entrepreneurship is not satisfied due to the fact that under his "signboard" will be too much non-educational essentially and, possibly, inefficient organizations, the phenomenon will be discredited. And then "the grain of this social entrepreneurship may be lost." Therefore, they see their task in the narrowing of the framework of the category of social entrepreneurship and identifying its distinctive features.

The main distinguishing feature of social entrepreneurship, by Martin and Osberg, is that it entails any social transformations. The Soll Foundation, in which they work, is engaged in the fact that it is looking for and supports the initiatives that have proven themselves as social entrepreneurship in order to give them the opportunity to expand their scale and influence on the "change in the world".

The most frequently quoted definition of social entrepreneurship belongs to Gregory Disea, which allocated five factors defining social entrepreneurship:

1) making the mission of creating and maintaining social value (good);

2) identification and use of new opportunities for the implementation of the selected mission;

3) the implementation of the continuous process of innovation, adaptation and training;

4) the determination of actions not limited to the resources;

5) High Responsibility of the entrepreneur for the results of its activities is both in front of direct customers and the society.

Many researchers accept its definition. At the same time, they strive to add it to the study of individual characteristics of those that are named or in addition to them. So, J. Maur and I. Marty from University of Navarre in Barcelona are considering social entrepreneurship as a wide process that includes a combination of resources to create opportunities to accelerate social change and meet social needs.

Social entrepreneurship is seen as a value for creating value by combining resources in new ways. These combinations of resources are primarily intended to study and use the possibilities of obtaining social benefits by stimulating social change or meet social needs.

Social entrepreneurship - the term is relatively new. It was first applied in the 1960-1970s in the literature on social changes, but was actively used only in the 1990s, promoted by the expert Rosabet Moss Kanter and the founder of the organization "Ashoka" by Bill Draiton. From the late 1950s and 1990s. The most successful conductor of the concept of social entrepreneurship was Michael Young, named by Harvard University "The best entrepreneur to promote social entrepreneurship in the world."

Key items Models of social entrepreneurship, actually concluded in his name. Social entrepreneur is a person, first of all aspire to help people or solve the public problem. Of course, the commercial business also solves public problems, by building the release of diapers or Coca-Cola. However, the peculiarity of social entrepreneurship is the predominance of a public or social purpose over commercial. The main task of a social entrepreneur for which an organization or company is being created is to help society, and only then - earning profits. That is why social entrepreneurs, as a rule, work in those areas that ordinary commercial business considers non-profitable or high risky, but at the same time these are areas where chances to reduce the level of poverty, give the opportunity to rehabilitate disabled, improve the environmental situation - the highest.

Approaches to the typology of social entrepreneurship and social enterprises are carried out constantly since the first studies of this phenomenon appeared. At the same time, since social entrepreneurship theory is still very young, many definitions and classifications contradict each other. In addition, some studies, as we saw, strive for a conceptual narrowing of the subject, and if the expansion interpretation of social entrepreneurship in their extreme forms deprives his novelty and specificity, then too passionate elimination of "superfluous" risks "to throw the child with water."

In an effort to overcome these extremes, Kim Alter - the founder and director of a small company to promote research and social entrepreneurship practices from Washington - proposed the most detailed and systematic typology of social enterprises. It is obvious that the shift of the accent from social entrepreneurship to the social enterprise expands the boundaries of the study far beyond the entrepreneurship itself. However, in this case, it is important to understand where there are certain socio-business initiatives in the coordinate system of "creating social and economic values". Alter's work is interesting because it seeks to synthesize a wide variety of practices and organizational models of successfully implemented and sustainably developing social projects and enterprises. The primary basis of the empirical analysis was the preceding work of Alter, in which the experience of the development of such organizations in Latin America. At the same time, its results are universal in nature, which confirm further research and practical work Her companies.

According to Alter's own assertion, her approach sought to overcome Dichotomy "Commercial - non-commercial", since, in the practice of various companies, both components go hand in hand - an increasing number of companies use market mechanisms to achieve both economic and social value, which is expressed in the creation of some cumulative good.

In order to present the actual latitude of the field of social entrepreneurship, on the example of the history of the development of specific companies Alter, there is an overview of a number of models of social enterprises that have arisen at different times and played a different role in the development of social entrepreneurship. These are cooperatives, and civil society organizations, and conscientious trade agreements, and local community development corporations, and social companies (the so-called supporting business - affirmative businesses), and microenterprises, and government programs to support private social initiatives, and the organization "DNA Pyramids ", and venture philanthropy and" philanthroprenism ". Paradoxically, but according to Alter, "Although the market for social enterprises is very wide, a real circle of organizations that consider themselves social enterprises - narrow, fragmented and to some extent elitaren." A significant group of leaders and donors of the non-profit sector is either not familiar with the term or does not see the meaning for analyzing the market of a potential social enterprise. What is a social enterprise? Alter cites a number of definitions given by organizations to support social enterprises and social entrepreneurship.

The simplest of them is given by the coalition of social enterprises from Great Britain: "This is a commercial enterprise of social destination." At the same time, the coalition gives a number of common characteristics of the social enterprise.

Orientation of the enterprise. They are directly involved in the production of goods and services for the market.

Social goals. They have clear social and environmental objectives, expressed in the creation of jobs, training or providing social services.

Public property. Social enterprises are characterized by public property. They are autonomous organizations whose structure of management and property is usually based on the participation of stakeholder groups (i.e. personnel, consumers, representatives of the local community, investors), or trustees and directors speakers on behalf of a wider range of stakeholders. They are accountable to their stakeholders and a wider community for the social, environmental and economic results of the enterprise. Profit can be distributed on a share matter or invested in the interests of the local community.

"Virtue Ventures" - an organization led by Alter (the name of which can be translated in different ways: as "virtuous enterprises", as "decent enterprises" and as "real venture enterprises"), suggests the following working definition of a social enterprise: "Social Enterprise (Social Enterprise) is any business enterprise, created for social purposes and to create social value - designed to mitigate or reduce the social problem, or the "failures" of the market, functioning on the basis of financial discipline, innovation and the procedure for doing business established in the private sector. In the extensive application, the "social entrepreneur" is an individual, and the "social enterprise" is an organization. Thus, the "social enterprise" is an institutional expression of the concept of "social entrepreneur".

In the quoted work, Alter cites a whole set of various classifications of social enterprises, as well as a broader group - the so-called "hybrid" organizations - depending on the selected criteria and angle of view. Here are only some of them. In connection with social entrepreneurship, it is worth talking primarily about the "hybrid" organizations, which combine the activities pursuing a profit (Non-Profit Activities), because It is among them that there is a major confusion and mixing of categories and meanings from different researchers and practitioners of social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship is a fairly young phenomenon. This is not charity in its traditional form. Despite the fact that many social entrepreneurs receive grants and donations, especially at the initial stage of their business development, the main method of attracting funds to social enterprises is business activities. Social entrepreneur is not only the one who assists society, but also one who is able to recoup such activities through the sale of goods or services.

Social entrepreneurship is not just a business, sometimes piercing donations from profits, and not even a socially responsible business in a modern understanding. This is a business where the social goal is the main one. Social entrepreneur is not a benefactor, existing by donations and grants. This is the one who uses business benefits to achieve social goals. At the same time, social entrepreneurship and social work in their activities use some technologies.

The key in the category of social entrepreneurship is the word "Entrepreneurship", and "sociality" plays only a modifying role. Paying attention to the merits of the classics of the theory of entrepreneurship, such as Say, Schumpeter and Drucker, they emphasize the key properties of any entrepreneurship - the creation of value (as a result of the movement of assets to the higher productivity area - Say); "Creative destruction" as transforming activities; Search for changes and use of features.

All this equally concerns both entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, each of which offers a new value (good), overcoming the well-established balance.

According to Martin and Osberg, social entrepreneurship in its activities contains the following three components:

1) identifying sustainable, but unfair equilibrium, which causes social exclusion, marginalization or suffering from the part of society (which does not get funds or political levers to achieve social benefit by transformation);

2) detection within an unfair equilibrium opportunity for the production of social benefits - through inspiration, creative seamless, direct action and the courage of the entrepreneur;

3) the gradual achievement of a new equilibrium released by the hidden potential, or facilitating the suffering of the target group through the "Creating a stable ecosystem around a new balance". The latter is designed to ensure the best future to the target group and society as a whole.

Creating general definition For social entrepreneurship, EMES allocated 5 criteria:

1. An explicit goal aimed at helping the local community. The organization is aimed at servicing the local community or a certain group of people. The property of social entrepreneurship is also the desire to extend the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial responsibility at the local level.

2. The initiative implemented by the Group of Citizens: Social Entrepreneurship is the result of the group dynamics involved community people or the target group for which activities are being implemented. In this case, the leadership of a person or group as the organizers is not canceled.

3. Power of decision-making, based not on capital possession. The principle of "One person is one voice" in opposition to the system, where a person in the reign of the number of votes in making a decision depends on the share of the company in possession.

4. "The principle of attracting the parties", the involvement of various groups affected by activities. Attracting users or consumers of social entrepreneurship services to the adoption of management decisions, which contributes to the development of democratic principles at the local, local level.

5. Restriction of profit distribution. Social entrepreneurship includes not only organizations prohibiting the distribution of profits between the participants, but also the organizations that are allowed to do this in limited limits. At the same time, naturally, the main goal should remain a decision of a public problem.

Social technologies in this area of \u200b\u200bpublic life are based on the real experience of social work, principles and theoretical and methodological patterns, open by social sciences - sociology, theory of social work, social engineering, theory of management, right, social pedagogy, valeology, etc.

Since social work can be viewed in a wide and narrow sense, depending on this distinguish and technology. If in the second case it is mainly about the technologies of working with "weak" layers of the population, then in the first - on the technologies of social protection of all segments of the population, the creation of such conditions (which is related to the essence and content of social policies) that would contribute to the decrease in the number and The shares of the population in need of help and support would help the population to solve their problems. This can also be achieved by creating (implementing) more global technologies affecting the process of functioning and development of society, such as social entrepreneurship. Given the integrated, universal nature of social work, you can identify the actual social technologies, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-medical and other technologies.

Social technologies in relation to the client can be allocated to the client - state intervention, assistance of public and other organizations, individuals. Their main content is to create such conditions so that the person (group, the society layer) itself solved its problems. An example of the implementation of such social work technologies in social entrepreneurship can be the creation of jobs in enterprises for disabled. From the "external" technologies, social technologies are distinguished (i.e., ways, actions), carried out by the clients themselves. For example, the organization of its own business, postponing a certain share of income (percent) for social insurance, etc. These methods (self-development, self-defense, self-preservation, self-sustaining, self-education, self-organization, etc.) are sometimes called personal management.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to associate social entrepreneurship with social responsibility of business. Social responsibility of the business comes from social policy tasks.

1. Harmonization of social relations, coordination of interests and needs of individual groups of the population with long-term interests of society, stabilization of the socio-political system.

2. Creation of conditions for ensuring the material welfare of citizens, the formation of economic incentives to participate in the social production, ensuring equality of social opportunities to achieve a normal standard of living.

3. Ensuring the social protection of all citizens and their main guaranteed social and economic rights guaranteed, including support for low-income and weakly protected populations.

4. Ensuring rational employment in society.

5. Reducing criminalization in society.

6. Development of sectors of social complex, such as education, health care, science, culture, housing and communal services, etc.

7. Ensuring the environmental safety of the country.

So what is the social responsibility of business? This is a business management on topics and laws adopted in the country where he is. This is the creation of jobs. This is a charity and the creation of various funds assistance to various social sectors of society. It is ensuring the protection of the environment of its production. Thus, the business cannot be carried out bypassing these purposes. Industrial factory It is obliged to maintain an ecology in the area where it functions. Social responsibility is also a means to create a positive image of the company. Social entrepreneurship, but cannot contradict the tasks of social policy, but at the same time implemented business brings income and self-sucking precisely through solving existing social problems, while enterprises implementing the principles of socially responsible business in solving social problems invest interest from their profits, for Accurately not social activity. For example, a plant, casting lead, pollutes the atmosphere, but puts money from the sale in the gardening of the city. And the entrepreneur selling trees in pots will be a social entrepreneur. So, thanks to his work, he maintains nature, and thus earns money.

Summing up, it can be concluded that social entrepreneurship is the key to solving those social problems of society that are not yet permitted by the state. Based on this, it can be said that social entrepreneurship is social work in business. Since social entrepreneurship uses social work in solving social problems of society, and seeks to the same goals. In the domestic literature, social technologies in relation to social work are interpreted as a set of techniques, methods and impacts applied by social services and social workers to achieve their goals in the process of social work, to solve of different kind Social problems, ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of social protection of the population.