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Questions about the wedding when you can get married when not. Actual question: can it be married during menstruation

The mystery of the wedding is the oldest of church sacraments. Typically, the establishment of the sacrament of marriage is associated with a visit to the Lord Jesus Christ of the marriage pyr in Cana Galilee, where he made his first miracle and crossed the water in Wine.

However, the ancient holy fathers believed that the sacrament of marriage was the only sacrament that was established before the sin of a person in the Garden of the Garden. Moreover, it was originally committed precisely as a sacrament as a fertile divine priesthood. God himself led his wife to Adam, and it was the first oldest sacrament of marriage.

Wedding mystery value for man

Marriage is a sacrament in which God with a free priest and the church promise to the bride and groom mutual sophisticated loyalty, blesses their marital union into the image of the spiritual Union of Christ with the Church. During the sacrament of prayers, they are requested by the grace of pure unanimity for joint of christian life, birth and raising children.

Those who wish to be married should be believers baptized Orthodox Christians. They should be deeply realized that the unauthorized dissolution of marriage approved by God, as well as a violation of the vow of loyalty, there is an unconditional sin.

Chinocution of wedding

The chin of the sacrament is made up of two parts - the engagement and weddings, the first of which prepares to the second. This division has a special meaning: the first part brings those receiving the sacrament to its second secractive part.

The engagement personifies that natural marriage established by God between Adam and Eve, for the purpose of childbirth. The gain shows the recognition of the church of those mutual intentions and feelings of the bride and groom, which they fasten in the temple before all. The Holy Church confirms the sincerity of this friend by their blessing and prayers.

The jurisdiction of the wedding believes the basis for living in the Lon of the Holy Church with their prayer-fertile building, under her fertile cover.

Preparation for the mystery of the wedding

Fat life should begin with spiritual cooking. The bride and the bride before marriage should certainly be confessed and coming around the holy secrets. It is possible to accomplish not on the very day of wedding. It is desirable that they for three or four days before the wedding prepared themselves to the sacrament by confession, communion, prayer and post.

Before the wedding, future spouses must personally talk to a priest in advance. It is advisable to invite two witnesses.

To commit the mystery of the wedding you need to:

  • Icon of the Savior
  • The icon of the Virgin
  • Wedding rings
  • Wedding candles (to them you can buy handkerchiefs so that the candles can be comfortable to keep, and the wax is not a drip on the clothes)
  • White towel (towel) for posting under the feet

Mystery of the wedding in our temple

The mystery of the wedding in our temple is committed in all days prescribed by the church to commit this sacrament. Before the wedding, you must pass an interview with the priest

Frequently asked Questions

What days is the mystery of the wedding?
Do not be crowned during four multi-day posts, on the eve and friday, as well as on Saturday throughout the year. A specific wedding date must be clarified in the temple.

Does the presence of witnesses be sure?
The role of witnesses during the wedding is not so great as in suspension when baptism. Usually they just help the crown pair (spread the towel, hold the crowns, take flowers and gifts). In those temples, where the crowns are put on the heads immediately, the witnesses are not needed. In our church, the crowns over the heads of the wanders hold witnesses. Both witnesses can be one sex.

Is the preliminary registration of marriage in the registry office?
Yes, the church makes wedding only after the pair has already registered its marriage in the state authority.

Is it possible to get married if the pair is already registered, and the wife is pregnant?
Nothing prevents such a pair to hang.

Does it be necessary to buy new rings or clothes for wedding after registration?
No, you can get married both in the wedding, and in any modest elegant clothes. Rings are suitable ordinary wedding. The bride is not necessary to be in the fate, but the head needs to be covered with a handkerchief or shawl.

Is it possible to be married during the "monthly" bride?
No, you should postpone the wedding until the end of these days. To any of the church sacraments, a woman cannot start during menstruation.

The answer to the question made in the title, hurt so many superstitions and prejudices, which is a definite answer to it - a specific and comprehensive - no one gives. And we got used to act on prescriptions yes, settings: once is not authorized, it means that it is generally prohibited?!

So begins "Millon Torzaniya" like "Wedding Tomorrow, and today the critical days began, what to do?"

Deadian antiquity deep ...

Why is it believed that it is impossible to go to church during menstruation? In the Old Testament times there were many rules, requirements and restrictions on the life and behavior of the Israeli people. The food products that are allowed to use are regulated; Animals were subdivided into clean and unclean in the sacral sense; There are also the norms of behavior in the days of "uncleanness" of human, including feminine when during menstruation it was forbidden to attend the temple of God.

The story ordered that reasoning about the impurity of the fauna representatives was somehow self-destructed, and women's uncleanness remained relevant, as we see, for long century.

What was the ban on such a ban? If proceed from instructions Old TestamentHere there are two reasons:

  • punishment for the fall
  • menstruation can be considered the death of the embryo.

All of these points of view require "translation". About what kind of fall this is speech In the first reason? On the sin of the disobedience of Pramateri of human Eve, for which all her descendants are punished. And the church should be fencing from any reminders related to sinfulness and human mortality. Therefore, the woman was deprived of the right to even touch the shrines.

By the way, some bible interpreters believe that menstruation is not a punishment at all, but rather the possibility of continuing the human race.

The punishment is a long and difficult process of beating and childbirth. In the Book of Genesis this is said: "... Multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; In the disease you will give birth to children ... "

The second paragraph is even more complicated: monthly cleansings are associated with the deliverance of the body from non-advocated, i.e. Dead, egg. It is believed that the embryo died, not having time to be born, and the presence of such an object in the temple is prohibited. Menstruation can, therefore, consider as a failed pregnancy, for which a woman is responsible. In addition, the dead endometrial tissues seem to be the church.

From the point of view of the New Testament

Much closer to the truth is the point of view of the New Testament of the Church. You can start with the Apostle Paul with his belief that all created by the Lord - beautifulAnd all he created in man has its own purpose, and all the processes in its body are completely natural. This coincides with the opinion of St. George Dvoyeslov: the woman was created precisely which created, and allowing her to attend the church, regardless of its physiological state. In this situation, the main thing is the state of her soul.

Menstruation although it is called critical days, but is a very important period for the body of a woman.

So does it make sense to prohibit the ladies to lead the usual life, including church, when are monthly going?

Read also:

St. Clement Roman still in the III century noted that "... natural cleansing is not Merzko before God, who made the wisdom, so that it happens in women... but also according to the gospel when the bleming touched the Saving Territory of the Lord's Clothing to Recovery, the Lord did not squander her, but said: Faith Your Fair saved you. "

And this evangelical episode is given in the works of many church authors, including John of Zlatoust. That is, the main thing is not at all that the believer woman is not worthy to touch the Divine. The main is its strong faith capable of giving salvation.

Today's day

Trying to find an answer to the question "Is it possible to go to church with menstruation?", Modern priests try to find a compromise solution between generally accepted, although not a very convincing opinion on the impossibility of such a step and unconditional resolution. It can be safely said that they still do not exist in a unanimous point of view.

The adhered "ancient" point of view will insist on the implementation of "traditions" - or do not go at all, or go, quietly waiting and publish in the focus or at the door. Others will indicate some limitations regarding certain actions of a woman who came to the temple. Among them may be like:

  • the inability to put candles
  • apply and kiss icons,
  • kiss the cross
  • drink holy water
  • take an antidor or prosfora.

Third agree only with the fact that during the monthly woman is unable to:

  • confess
  • take
  • participate in the mysteries of wedding, baptism, cobbies.

There is a small fourth group that believes that the most important thing is to come to God, having a clean heart and soul, and "physiological impurity" does not have a meaning to him: the Lord sees the people who come to him, and the unclean soul he will see as clearly, Like the uncleanness of physical. Therefore, a full-fledged church life is not opposed to a woman in critical days.

But the answers of priests on this issue.

Opinion of the priest

Ieromona Victor

God's creation, which is the human body, is not an evil or firm. Not sinful and physiological discharges, which include menstruation. It is laid in the women's nature by God, and could the Lord create something dirty, contrary to his plan about a person? I am not a supporter, in my opinion, outdated prohibitions, because I think that wolne woman in their decisions, walk to her temple Critical days or pray at home.

Opinion of the priest

Ieria Vladimir

Young women are often addressed to me with a question, whether it is possible to marry or be a perception during a monthly cleansing. I definitely answer that on such days it is impossible to women in the sacraments. It is better to transfer an event at a more convenient time. However, there are different situations, and physiology can not adapt to the scheduled events planned by man. Appointed, let's say, wedding, and the body "gave failure", and a couple of hours before the sacrament, the bride began monthly. Is it possible to marry? So what to do? Wedding passes, and I advise young wife to confess in this involuntary sin.

Let's bring a brief summary: in critical days you can go to church. Most of the priests strongly recommend comming without extreme need. As for all the rest, often contrived, restrictions, then there are a variety of traditions and opinions on this: that, when specifically, you can do, and when to refrain. Such questions are better to specify from the clergymen of that temple, which you usually visit.

Setting the mystery of wedding

The mystery of the wedding is the oldest of church sacraments. Typically, the establishment of the sacrament of marriage is associated with a visit to the Lord Jesus Christ of the marriage pyr in Cana Galilee, where he made his first miracle and crossed the water in Wine. However, the ancient holy fathers believed that the sacrament of marriage was the only sacrament that was established before the sin of a person in the Garden of the Garden.

Moreover, it was originally committed precisely as a sacrament as a fertile divine priesthood. God himself led his wife to Adam, and it was the first oldest sacrament of marriage. Wedding mystery value for man

Marriage is a sacrament in which God, with a free priest and the church, the promise of the bride and groom with a mutual marital allegiance, blesses their married union to the image of the spiritual Union of Christ with the Church. During the sacrament of prayers, they are requested by the grace of pure unanimity for the joint Christian life, birth and raising children. Those who wish to be married should be believers baptized Orthodox Christians. They should be deeply realized that the unauthorized dissolution of marriage approved by God, as well as a violation of the vow of loyalty, there is an unconditional sin.

Chinocution of wedding

The chin of the sacrament is made up of two parts - the engagement and weddings, the first of which prepares to the second. This division has a special meaning: the first part brings those receiving the sacrament to its second secractive part. The engagement personifies that natural marriage established by God between Adam and Eve, for the purpose of childbirth. The gain shows the recognition of the church of those mutual intentions and feelings of the bride and groom, which they fasten in the temple before all. The Holy Church confirms the sincerity of this friend by their blessing and prayers.

The jurisdiction of the wedding believes the basis for living in the Lon of the Holy Church with their prayer-fertile building, under her fertile cover.

Preparation for the mystery of the wedding

Fat life should begin with spiritual cooking. The bride and the bride before marriage should certainly be confessed and coming around the holy secrets. It is possible to accomplish not on the very day of wedding. It is desirable that they for three or four days before the wedding prepared themselves to the sacrament by confession, communion, prayer and post.

Before the wedding, future spouses must personally talk to a priest in advance.

To commit the mystery of the wedding you need to:

Icon of the Savior

The icon of the Virgin

Wedding rings

Wedding candles (to them you can buy handkerchiefs so that the candles can be comfortable to keep, and the wax is not a drip on the clothes)

White towel (towel) or a wedding towel, for posting for feet

Mystery of the wedding in our temple

The mystery of the wedding in our temple is committed in all days prescribed by the church to commit this sacrament.

There is no brain on the eve of the environment and Friday of the whole year (Tuesday and Thursday), Sunday Days (Saturday), the two-month, prestial holidays, in continuation of the posts of the Great, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas; in the continuation of the shield from January 7 to January 19; a week meat support, during the cheese week (Maslenitsa) and a week cheauceous; During Easter (light) sadders; On the days (and on the eve) of the advisation of the head of John the Forerunner - September 11 and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - September 27. At least a week before the wedding, it is necessary to sign up for the Cathedral's reception, specifying a specific wedding date and your contact phone. For recording, documents are needed (passports, invitation to the registry office or marriage conclusion certificate).

C.asto asked questions on T.aII INyencania

Does the presence of witnesses be sure?

The role of witnesses during the wedding is not so great as in suspension when baptism. Usually they just help the crown pair (spread the towel, hold the crowns, take flowers and gifts). In those temples, where the crowns are put on the heads immediately, the witnesses are not needed. In our church, the crowns over the heads of the wanders hold witnesses. If the hairstyle of the bride allows that the crown dresses on his head. Both witnesses can be one sex.

Is the preliminary registration of marriage in the registry office?

Yes, the church makes wedding only after the pair has already registered its marriage in the state authority. Marriage registration in the registry office may be on the wedding day, in this case, after registration of marriage in the registry office, bring a marriage certificate to the Cathedral registry, for writing to the metric book.

Is it possible to get married if the pair is already registered, and the wife is pregnant?

Nothing prevents such a pair to hang.

Does it be necessary to buy new rings or clothes for wedding after registration

No, you can get married both in the wedding, and in any modest elegant clothes. Rings are suitable ordinary wedding. The bride is not necessary to be in the fate, but the head needs to be covered with a handkerchief or shawl.

Is it possible to be married during the "monthly" bride?

No, you should postpone the wedding until the end of these days. To any of the church sacraments, a woman cannot start during menstruation.

This beautiful rite is becoming increasingly popular - wedding in the church. It is said that the stamp in the passport does not change anything in principle. It is not so - the legal responsibility of one person before others appears. But wedding is much more subtle matter. And let everyone who belongs to this rite will think only as a date of fashion: they are not officially unproved in Russia! In extreme cases, only the highest chin of church clergy can decide on the debate, but not a local priest. Therefore, the couple can divorce, disperse, but before God, the weddings remain her husband and his wife.

It should be noted that the priests make themselves in different ways to interpret the basic rules for the commission of rites. However, the canons will be shown here, which are considered the most correct - everyone can determine the degree of violations to which he can go.

The church is very stronger regarding the number of entry into marriage. Therefore, if the marriage is registered their third marriage, they can still be admitted to the wedding rite. The fourth and fifth marriage church does not bless. In principle, the Batyushka will not ask young marriage certificates issued in the registry office and secular marriage - these are different rites. They have an absolutely different semantic load, and wedding in Russia has not yet acquired that a mandatory nature that has a similar ceremony in Europe. You can get married before joining the official marriage, and after a long-term collaboration in official marriage. The main thing is that the weddings treated with full responsibility to the steps taken.

What day to get married, is it possible on Saturday?

Often the wedding is divided for two days: one day is a secular ceremony, the second - wedding. Their sequence is not predetermined by rigid rules. But if you consider all the subtleties, then the church of the rite blesses young on joint Life, Including on the fulfillment of marital debt. And if you consider the fact that on Saturday the church is not crowded, but you can spend the rite or on Friday, or on Sunday, the conclusion suggests itself: what can be the rite of transferring a girl to her husband after the first marriage night? Of course, it is better that the wedding takes place to official walks and everything that follows after. Moreover, believers generally prefer not to remove the rings dressed with them when weddings. Therefore, another rings (or one - for the bride) are better to prepare on the registry office. You can generally get around the process of the exchange of rings in the registry office for the sake of saving grace, reported by these symbols of love and loyalty in the church.

Is it possible to marry without the presence of witnesses?

Regarding witnesses of clear rules during the wedding is not established. However, people who will hold the heads of young crowns should be presented, and this is a rather difficult task, as the crowns are decently weighed. This nuance is quite permissible to specify with the priest of a local arrival, as it does not have a fundamental meaning in this rite.
In the post, solemn church rites are usually not conducted, especially if the post is strict. There are relaxation B. certain daysBut it is also negotiated for every specific case. However, if the question is not principled, it is better to postpone the wedding for a time not related to the post.

Is the wedding permissible in the post, or on cover?

On the contrary, the Great Holidays do not prohibit the holding of ritual church services. Need to find out in advance whether the rite of wedding is possible in a specific religious holiday In a specific church - the refusal may be associated with individual employment of Batyushki - after all, everyone is trying to attend the holding of church rites to any big holidays (for example, to the cover), believing that on such days, bearing or subjected to the rite of baptism get the greatest protection.

Is it possible to marry during menstruation?

If the bride at the time of the planned wedding began monthly allocations, the rite must be canceled. The church striculously prohibits a woman in critical days to overlap the threshold of the temple. You can come to the service, but only in the focus - neither step further! Therefore, definitely, neither to be marred, nor baptize on such days is not allowed. Does not welcome the church and the rite of wedding in a state of pregnancy - better after delivery.

There are unwritten rules that must be followed by all weddings. So, it is necessary to keep the towel, on which the newlyweds were standing during the wedding - he symbolizes their joint life Path. Candles remaining from the wedding, it is better to preserve and use only in the most particular cases - by beliefs, they have a large healing and blessing force. Icons obtained in the church are better to hang either in the family corner for the icons or above the bed of newlyweds. In the second case, according to the rules of the Christian religion, they must be supplied light curtain.

Wedding is an extraordinary rite. He brings grace and calm in the family. And do not worry about some words, unchanged in the rite of wedding: "Let my husband's husband will be crammed", for example. Today, with the words of the priests, it means only respect and reverence of a husband, which, in fact, is not enough modern wives.