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Clean Bible Lopukhin New Testament. Lopukhin - Lopukhin's push bible. Old Testament. Foreign Bibliography on Four Genuine

Vladimir Nosov: Light saddimians passed, but not everyone spent her as well as the time of the Great Post. Many relax, and some have lost all that they have achieved during the post and as if discarded back. How to avoid this condition? Now, many are puzzled by this question, because now they are in joy, but at the same time we feel that as it were, the prayer disappeared, and we read the Word of God. Batyushka, what do you advise?

O. RESH STAYAYEV: Of course, Easter is the main holiday in the Eastern Christian Orthodox Tradition. What is it connected with? When the Lord is our Jesus Christ died on the cross, as I often explain, his enemies, his friends began to wait, would God accept this sacrifice? And when God's father resurrected his son in the spirit of Holy, and the Son of God rebelled from the coffin of the power of the POSTAY Divine - it was evidence that the victim for our sins and crimes was accepted by God. Christ is risen, that is, he is the one writes the Apostle Paul: "Who is predicted for our sins and rose to justify our". This is a message to the Romans (Rome. 4, 25). What is the sense he rose to justify our? St. John Zlatoust in his "Gomils to the Message to the Romans" wrote: "By saying about our faith, the apostle speaks the same thing about the inifference to humanity to God, to which he always turns out, pulling out the middle of the cross. Note how reflecting the cause of death, he turns it into the proof of the resurrection. "What are Christ crucified?" You ask. Not at their own sin, as can be seen from his resurrection. If he were sin, how would it be resurrected? And if rested, it is clear that he was not a sinner. If not sinned, how was it crucified? For the sake of others. And if for others, then, no doubt, and rose. So that you do not objected: how we can get acquitted, being guilty of so many sins, the apostle pointed out to the one who focused all sins to approve their doctrine of justification as faith of Abraham, which he justified and faith in the saving suffering we Released from sins. Speaking about the death of Christ, he speaks about the resurrection. Christ died not to expose us to punish and condemnation, but to enforce. After all, he died and resurrected in order to make us righteous. " And the Ambrosist, the famous ancient Christian Eksegeet, also wrote in his comments to the Message to the Romans: "The baptized to the sufferings of Christ received only the forgiveness of their sins. After the resurrection, everything, baptized before and after, were justified by the establishment of faith in the Trinity, adopting the Holy Spirit, which is a sign of believers, that they are the Sons of God. The death of the Savior is defeated by death, which previously dominated due to sin, but she will no longer dare to rule over those who are justified. " And indeed, friends, during the last post, many of us, brothers and sisters pregnant very well. Some for the first time in life made the course of post. But there is a serious danger. When deald with some, some are relaxing that for light, the sadders lose all that they have achieved to the great post. Kirill Alexandrian wrote in his comments on the gospel of Matthew: "And it is very fair. For if someone once, having freed himself from the defects, will not form - then fall into something, the greatest. For he was supposed to form for two reasons: since he had previously suffered and was delivered from it. There is also the third important reason - the threat to fall into another worse. However, none of the three reasons led by any of them to correction. The cute spirit dwells in them and then when they were feeders in Egypt and, living in Egyptian customs and laws, were full of any uncleanness. And when they were delivered to Moses, and received a law as a dedentrant, calling for the light of the true God-knowledge, then a bad and unclean spirit retired from them. But since they did not believe in Christ, the demon attacked them again, because they found their heart empty and not engaged in any piety, as if marching, and settled in them. After all, as the Holy Spirit, when he sees that the heart of a person is not occupied by no uncleanness, it is wagoning, lives and reveals in it, and the unclean spirit loves to dwell in the souls of lawlessness. " In the post, someone really began to visit the temple more intensively. Someone has studied the Holy Scripture, did not miss the reading of Morning and Evening Prayers, read the psalms of King David, was read in the rows of the Holy Gospel. The festive condition is not always a state that can hold us from frivolous actions. The Lord himself said through the Prophet Isaiah: "Do not wear more gifts in vain: smoking disgusting for me; The newly and Sabbath, festive assemblies can not tolerate: lawlessness - and celebration! My newly, your holidays hates my soul: they are burden for me; It is hard for me to carry them. " This is the book of the Prophet Isaiah (Isa 1, 13-14). John Zlatoust wrote in his "Gomils on the Book of Being": "How there the virtue of the righteous did smoke and Smerand in fragrance, so here the viciousness of bringing and the fragile Fimiam is disgusting for smell. So, I ask, we will try to show a clean location in everything. It is the reason for all the best. The benefit of the Lord usually draws attention not to so much for our victims, how much to the inner location, with which we commit them, and, judging by it, or accept - or reject our victims. So, if we pray, will we post, will send alms (because these are our spiritual sacrifices), or do any other spiritual business, we will do it all from a clean location to get a decent crown for the works. " That is, brothers and sisters, if the holiday is for the Lord, something hated and even Bremen - why is it? This takes place if we are not experiencing spiritual growth during the celebration, and on the contrary, we relax and lose everything that has achieved, and we turn out even in the worst state than before the start or holiday. While there is a time of joyful days with bright weeks, but they are already passing. But we will be paid to the ascension, we will not relax greatly. We will face, as stated in Scripture: "Sober, awake, because your enemy is walking like a roaring lion, looking for someone to absorb." And see what I wrote Vasily the Great, this is a preaching about the rejection of the world: "The fact that the devil across the land under the heavens is wanted and smys like a mad dog, looking for someone to devour, we will learn from what is written about Jew" (Job 1, 6 -7). There is talking about how the devil comes to the whole earth and peers in every person. Therefore, brothers and sisters, our task - to concentrate all efforts to ensure that the holidays, on holidays, after the holidays remained devotees and His commandments. Those. It is necessary to have a feeling that we live in the presence of God. This feeling should not leave us and on the days of the festive conversation. In the message to the Corinthians, it is written (2 Cor. 6, 2): "For it is said: during a favorable, I heard you and on the day of salvation helped you. Here, now the time is favorable, now the day of salvation ", i.e. Festive day is a favorable time to correct, but not for relaxation. So it turns out: the time of the post is the time of correction, the time of church holidays is the time of spiritual elevation, not falling, and time after the holiday, after the post is the time of preparation for the next post. For the post is a genuine spring for a human soul, i.e. Such a fortune when we live with a complete feeling that we live in the presence of God. And this feeling should not leave us and on the days of the festive, as in the days of the post. Then our holidays will be pleasing to God, and our petitions and prayers in any situation.

Vladimir Nosov: And I want to add more that we will continue to welcome the words: Christ is risen!

O. Rieg Stenayaev: Verily Risen!

Phone call: Christ is Risen. Slave of God Tatiana from Moscow. I have a question about the first Cathedral message of the Apostle Peter (1 Pet. 5, 13): "Welcomes you selected, like you, Church in Babylon and Mark, My Son." The question is my son - what does this mean? Mark was his son? Can you explain?

O. RESH STAYAYEV: It is about the fact that Mark was a spiritual chance of the Apostle Peter. Let's remember the message of the Apostle Paul. We know about Pavel exactly that Paul was childless. And he wrote a message to Timothy, and in these messages, Paul welcomes Timofey with the words: "My Timofey Son". It is in mind that Paul in relation to Timothy was a spiritual father, and Timofey was the spiritual son of Paul. Mark was not just a spiritual chance of the Apostle Peter, he was his secretary, assistant. In the Gospel of Mark there are recorded sermons of the apostle Peter. Because Mark was not a witness to those events that are described in this Gospel. There he writes a little about himself. But in general, church historiography establishes that the Gospel of Mark is recorded sermons of the apostle Peter. And by the way, we started the study of the Gospel of the Mark on Radonezh radio. But because of the holidays, we have long been suspended, but if we live, the Lord will allow - next Sunday from 7 to 8 pm, when we have a biblical lecturing, we will continue to study this gospel.

Phone call: Batyushki, Christ Risen. Congratulations on the holiday you. I want to ask. Please tell me at home, from which day you can start reading the psalter on the deceased?

O. RESH STAYAYEV: With Radonitsa. In Radonitsa, our worship is on Monday evening. Because any church day begins with sunset.

Vladimir Nosov: Oleg Batyushka, some holy fathers talked about the need to pay a person to themselves. What it is?

O. RESH STAYAYEV: Indeed, in the Holy Scripture it is said: "Invinase in yourself and in teaching, i.e. in writing and legend. Do simply: for, so do, and save yourself, and listening to you "(1 Tim 4,16). Saint Ignatius Bryanchaninov recorded very important words: "The soul of all exercises about the Lord is attention. Without attention, all these exercises are fruitless, dead. Those who want to escape should be so arranged so that he can keep attention to himself not only in solitude, but also with the most absent-way, into which he is sometimes involved in the circumstances. Fear of God, let it exceed on the scales of the heart, all other sensations, then it will be convenient to maintain attention to myself and in silence of Celamin, and among the noise surrounding from all sides. " By the way, Father Paul Florensky wrote that "the main place of church rules - inattention, not reflection over the cult." And the cult is associated with the religious personality of each of us. This means the inbidity of your own religiosity. Indeed, brothers and sisters, we can be attentive to other people. For example, when we communicate with the bosses, with a respected, significant people, we listen to all the attention in all that they tell us. We can be attentive to our native, close, to those people who appealed to us, for example, for help. But, alas, the person itself applies not carefully. First of all, you need to concentrate our attention on those feelings that fill our heart. Holy Fathers teach us so that we immersed your mind in your own heart and, considering, controlling the movements of feelings. As is known, as a result of the fall, the sensual apparatus of a person suffered the most terrible way. And Christ said that "evil thoughts, murders, adultery, love, theft, perjury, honey (MF. 15, 19) come from the heart. Blessed Jerome Stridonsky wrote: " From heart, he said, i.e. Christ, evil thoughts proceed. The soul or the beginning, a deed - not in the brain, like Plato, but, according to Christ, in the heart. It is necessary to reject people who believe that thoughts brings the devil, and so that they do not come from our own will. The devil can promote and warm up evil thoughts, but he cannot give birth to them. " And, unfortunately, the world of feelings sometimes begins to dominate the attentive attitude towards himself, and then we become hostages of our own feelings: there is a mood - we pray, there is no mood - we do not pray or reduce the prayer rule so that prayers as it were. In such a situation, we must show zeal. The Apostle Paul saw the difficulty of such contradictory attention to himself, or rather the inattention, especially in prayer life. In 1 Message to the Corinthians, he refers to the problem: "What to do?" And, answers this question: "I will pray to the Spirit, i.e. Heart, feelings. I will pray and mind. I will sing in spirit, i.e. Heart, feelings. I will sing and mind "(1 Cor. 14-15). So that the world of feelings did not make us hostages of the surplus of our soul. The sensual apparatus of a person, as I said, is most damaged as a result of the fall. In Scripture, for example, it was said (life. 6-5): "And the Lord saw the Lord, which is great corruption of a person on earth, and that all the thoughts and thinking of their hearts were evil at all time." All thoughts and thoughts in the heart. Rev. Efrem Sirin wrote: "There were evil's thinking of the hearts at any time, because not only, but constantly sinned in every part, neither during the day, no night ceased to fulfill their breath." And everyone, brothers and sisters, should always control the world of their own feelings. It helps us when we delve into yourself and in writing, i.e. We conclude the inner state of our soul with the words of Divine Revelation. By the way, I also wrote about it too, Ignatius Bryanchaninov: "If you fall out free minutes during the day, you will use them for reading with the attention of some selected prayers or some selected places from Scripture and again the reinforcement forces, depleted activities in the midst of the vigorous world. If these gold mines do not fall out, then must regret them as a treasure loss. What is lost today, you do not need to lose the next day, because our heart is conveniently indulging and the forgetfulness, from which gloomy ignorance is born, so much disastrous in the case of God, in the save of the human. " Also, the brothers and sisters are so that when a person prays, reads certain prayers, for example, the morning, the evening rule, from the inattention, he suddenly loses the feeling of the meaning of these prayer readings and sometimes asks himself: "And who I pray? Is it a prayer to Jesus Christ or the Mother of God? " And man begins to watch it in the book. On prayer heart attention, i.e. The connection of the mind and feeling must dominate. I already told somehow: our ancestors, when they prayed on handwritten psalters, the canonniks had the text where there was no division into words. And do not think that it was saving paper or parchment. The case is completely different. When the text is cut into words in the prayer room, a person can really read them, but to think about anything. And if we have text, written in accordance with the ancient tradition - and so it was accepted by the ancient Greeks, and the Jews, and the Slavs, the person cannot read the text and think about anything. If the text is solid, there is no division into words, only the thought went aside, attention loose - as the reading process immediately stops. And I myself, by the way, I use the modern edition of the Kiev Psalrty, which was written in 1397. I am very convenient, using the wisdom of the ancients, control the careful attitude towards the text and to myself, as far as I am attentive to this text. And when I read the gospel at home, I also use such text. Now these facsimil are available, anyone can order for itself such a book or download on the Internet. This is the practice of filing the material, its conservation indicates more than attentive terms of our ancestors to his own prayer life, about attention to himself. In order for consciousness and not relaxed, and did not dissipate (parable. 15, 31): "The ear, attentive to the learning of life, dwells between wise." And also that we have to remember. We must closely treat our actions at home and outside the house. Sometimes, by the way, we are out of the house we behave better than at home. Unfortunately, it often happens that we remember that we are Christians, only when we are in the temple, for worship, when we all sing a chorus together, for example, the symbol of faith behind the Liturgy or Prayer "Our Father". But it is impossible to be a Christian chorus. Everyone must take its decision. A believer is designed to stay believers and in the temple, and outside the temple, at home and at work, so that we lived everywhere with the feeling of what we live in the presence of God. About the ancient righteous, such as Enoch, Noah, Abraham, it is said that they walked with God or before God. What does it mean to walk with God or before God? It is to live with the full realization that you live in the presence of the Creator. It is to live with the thought, as they said in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ, that there is an eye-seeing eye, the ear hearing and there is a book that all your acts are written. Therefore, we must be attentive, above all, to ourselves. And if we do not get such a spiritual doing in our lives, we will treat themselves frivolous, then it will be a temper for others. And on the contrary, if a person be careful from a religious point of view to relate to himself - how the fathers said: "Save himself, and thousands will be saved around you."

Phone call: Truly Risen. I have a question. I read the book of Ephraim Philofi "My Life Joseph Isihast." She struck me very much, I wanted to follow some tips. But in one I stupid. He recommends using the "Frank Stories of the Wanderer ...". And Alexey Ilyich Osipov and St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov, on whom he refers - they both categorically reject this book and are very against these practices.

O. RESH STAYAYEV: I would not recommend you to read this book. And where did you find the link to the "Stories of the Wanderer"? The fact is that the laity should read the books of the Holy Fathers who were written for people living in the world. Because there is no point in the man who lives in the world, read the instruction for monastics. Wild gears may occur here. I came across such a situation. In my opinion, one of the parishionanka once served me once - I then served in the temple of "all the mournful joy," on the Big Ordinke, and he says: "Husband read" Dobryolism ", and especially the chapters about silence. I closed, silent and not talking to anyone. Not only with his wife, he stopped talking to children. " I grabbed Tomik Zlatoust with him. I am always close to this author. I come to him and show where black on white is written that the husband has a wife in order to interview with his wife. He is once! - To me, Tomik "Dobryolovoye", poke the nose into a whole section of the sacred-resistant. I tell him: But the same stupidity is complete. You, a family man, suddenly take the practice of people who retired from the world, did not have any families except the monastic hostel. Therefore, in such things we must be careful. Miryans are not recommended for reading books. I remember when I was already a seminarist, I turned to my late confessant Father Dimitry Dudko so that he blessed me to read "Dobryolism." He says, in no way read "Dobryolism." I say: why? Will become a pharise. I then only at the coming many years, began to read "Dobryolism." Over the years, of course, it becomes not so dangerous for a person. But especially at the beginning, when they are fond of reading such monastic literature - it is wrong.

Vladimir Nosov: Those. This book should not be the first book.

O. RESH STAYAYEV: It is necessary to read the writings of fathers who preached for people living in the world. This is almost entire John Zlatoust, Feofilakt Bulgarian. This is part of the works of Vasily the Great, but not all. These are letters for the Mijan of St. Feofan of the Navdapa, they are called: "For Miryans." The layer here will find more creative food for himself than to read the "Promotion of Monastic" in the creations of Feofan and Ignatia Bryanchaninov. Therefore, it is very important when we don't just take some food, but food corresponding to our growth. After all, many of us are babies in Christ. Baby We do not feed meat, we do not give bifshes bloody. Baby feeds with milk. So the person who begins to walk out tradition, must gradually enter into this world. And learn those materials that correspond to its status. Or it is a lonely person, or family. There is a principled difference.

Vladimir Nosov: And I know the case when, being family-friendly people, the brothers left for a monastery for pilgrimage. There seriously, not otherwise, as in temptation, they thought about the monastic life. It seems to me that these thoughts are the best answer, as they say: "I went to the monastery - do not think about the family. Created a family - do not think about the monastery. "

O. RESH STAYAYEV: Of course, these are incompatible things. It was accepted in Russia when family people went to repent of the monastery during the post. We know that the Russian kings and the king Ivan the Terrible, and the king Alexey Mikhailovich silently walked from Moscow in the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra to repentance and there was some time there. There is nothing wrong if the Orthodox family went to the Solovki and spent there for a week - two on obedience. In fact, the monastic lifestyle for Russian people is always a certain standard to which they strive. But it is impossible to strive for this standard to the detriment of intrasday relations. It will be inflection. Because even Christ said about celibacy: "Mainly accommodate, let them mean" i.e. Not all this can accommodate, and not everyone needs to strive for monastic. In general, in such cases it is necessary to ask a blessing, first of all parents, if they are religious people. And, of course, the blessing of experienced conformists who know a person.

Vladimir Nosov: Father Oleg, Fomino passed Sunday. We have remembered how Christ the doors reigned in the body entered the Zion Gornitsa to the Apostles. How is it at all possible?

O. RESH STAYAYEV: It is about the fact that the risen body of Christ is the famous body (Philip. 3.21). The Apostle Paul wrote: "He, the derogated body, will transform so that it will be in accordance with his glorious body." That is Christ on the resurrection from the dead was in the famous body. In the body, which escaped the impact of the physiological world. And he did it for us and for us, then and our derogate body to transform so that it was in accordance with his glorious body. "Singing in humiliation, rebels in glory" (1 Cor.15). This is a secret, how to purchase glory. If we go through the humiliation, it is rebeling in glory. By pride to grace not entrusted. As stated: " B.oz proud to oppose, and humble gives grace. " And we know how Christ prayed: "My soul is now indignant." And at the same time he prayed: "Father! Telling your name "(John, 12) i.e. inside of me. These words - as if a request for Sunday glory. As Christ said: "Look for the kingdom of God and Glory to His. The rest will apply. " Augustine blissful wrote: "God created the soul of man", i.e. each person. First of all, it means a person's condition before the sin: "God created the soul of a person with such a strong nature that through the abundance of bliss it is capable of informing the body of the abundance of vitality and with the effectiveness of nonsense", i.e. In our nature itself, the strength overcoming the depression is laid. And Grigory Dobeslov, Pope wrote that Christ the Body on Sunday was revealed in the same nature, i.e. It's like our body, but in other glory. Augustine also wrote: "The Savior and on Sunday, being already though in the spiritual, but in the true flesh, took food together with students, because such bodies are not the opportunity, but the need for food." Recall how Christ spoke about people who will live in Paradise: "In the kingdom, God does not marry and do not get married, but they are as angels." And the holy fathers say: "This is not the sense that they will become angels, they will be like angels," but they will not marry, marry not because they cannot, and they will not have this need. Because the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bin people in the world will be completely different.

Vladimir Nosov: Battyushka, after all, the question remains. In the glorified, transformed body, we still see that ulcers remain, crucifix wounds. Why is it for what? How to explain it?

O. RESH STAYAYEV: The reading of today's gospel will look more detailed. "Feed your finger here and see my hands; Drink your hand and put my hand in the ribs and do not be unbeliever, but believers "(John 20.27) .. In this verse, we see that it remains ulcers in their hands and legs. And indeed, this is an urgent question. He drew the body of Christ to resurrect with all wounds and ulcers. Very interesting comment Prepared Bad Honorable, commenting on the gospel of Luke, Luka says: "That he, Christ retained his ulcers, not because he could not heal them, but in order to invariably carry them as evidence of her victory." (Lux 24.40 ). Augustine says: "Perhaps in the future kingdom we will see on the bodies of the blessed martyrs traces of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which they accepted the name of Christ, and these wounds will not disgrace them, but by dignity, there is some kind of shiny in the body, but the beauty is not a body , and virtues. " Bada honorable writes about Christ: "In order for him, be the traces of his death, he could witness his redeemed blood, how gracious was this atonement." Bad explains why he left these wounds - to witness his love. And he also writes "In order for the Day of the day to root them for their reasons,", i.e. For them, this is a reminder of the Mercy of God, and for others there will be a reproach. Christ and died for you, and cured for you, and you myself rejected him and went to hell. Augustine also wrote: "Christ specially retained his bodily wounds." After all, he showed them to Fome, who believed only when he saw them and put the fingers in them, in the same way he will show his wounds with his enemies, so that they accused them of the most truth, saying: "CE, man who you crucified, se Ulcers, koi you caused, find out the ribs pierced by you, for they were opening with you and for you, but you will not become shatter. " Augustine says: "I believe that the body of the Lord is in heaven as it was asked to heaven." And indeed, we read in the Bible that the One Prime, he is the mediator between God and Man - the man of Christ Jesus. Why Paul in these words emphasizes the human aspect of Christ? Because it's about his wounds. For after Christ raised and silent the Odessa God Father. God Father looks at every person through the wounds of his son. And sees us not just forgiven or pardon, but justified. Gregory Dobeslov, Pope says: "If anything, contrary to the preached Pavl, could change in the body of Christ after his resurrection, then the Lord would have returned to death on the Sunday. What a fool will argue like this? Is that the one who generally denies the true resurrection of the flesh. " The thought of Grigory Dvoyeslova was the one that if they had not seen these wounds, someone could have doubt: did this Christ, whom we saw the crucified, who was hit by Roman spear under the edge? And there could be some fantasies regarding Christ. Because we know: when in this form, with the wounds, he was people - some could not accommodate it in their heart to the end.

Phone call: Hello, dear father Oleg and respected leading. Happy holiday you Batyushka Oleg, your opinion. Is it worth reading the book of Ferrara "Life of Jesus Christ"? This is the first question. Second question. Jesus Christ was Jew. Why don't this nation like this nation so much? Explain, please.

O. RESH STAYAYEV: If we talk about Christians, then Christians belong to the Jews dively. Apostle Paul in the message to the Romans writes that they are, i.e. Jews, Jews, of course, above all, enemies in relation to gospel. But for the sake of fathers - Abraham, Isaac Jacob Beloved God. So wrote the apostle Paul. And this duality we must stick. If someone says that they are the enemies of the Gospel - you didn't say everything, add that for the sake of Abraham, Isaac Jacob they beloved God. And if they say that they are beloved God for the sake of fathers - add, the enemies of the gospel of the Holy Gospel. And this duality of Christians persists. Therefore, we never have a relation to the Jewish nation, to Jews only from the position of hostility. Because our dual attitude interfers and love for them, for the sake of fathers, as the Apostle Paul writes, i.e. For the sake of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. If we talk about the book Ferrara, she passed church censorship. She printed completely open. Of course, there were questions to this Anglican, as far as I remember, the author. But in general, the historical background of this book is quite interesting. And there were several editions of this book to the revolution and in the post-revolutionary period, i.e. Close to us. She is for many desk book. But when we read non-unininitive authors, we must more pay attention not to their exegetic, because there may be questions here, but on how they give us historical reality. For example, there is such author William Barkley. He is a baptist for religion, but he is a major Christian historian. And many authors who describe the earthly life of Christ, refer to Barkley as a modern Christian historian. Which, given both the Kumran finds, and the archaeological discoveries that have been made over the past decades reveals the historical context of gospel events. And nothing terrible in it is that we appeal to these authors. It suffices to remember that the Scriptures of Jewish authors were used in the ancient church of the Orthodox authority. First of all, it is Joseph Flavius, it has been preserved in the Vine Slavonic rewritable manuscripts. And in the ancient Greek manuscripts, which corresponded to the monasteries in Athos. And another Jewish author who was always recognized by Christians for some authority - Philon Alexandria. For example, Blessed Jerome Stridonsky, a famous Christian Exeget, often quotes Philon Alexandria. And we can find something like other authors, Christian already, the fathers of the Church, who refer to Joseph Flavia, and on Philon Alexandria. It is enough to remember that in the New Testament the Apostle Paul refers to pagan poets and even quotes the lines from their poems. And if you remember the Dialogues of Christ, when he led a controversy with scribes and Pharisees. He often quotes the sayings of the school School, and sometimes Galel schools. And these quotes in all specialists in hearing. It can be quite clearly to understand why Christ used exactly such phrases, and why they later shovel, because they were ready to argue with him, but were not ready to argue with their authorities, which were definitely authorities for them. Therefore, the person of the Christian Orthodox tradition can read the authors who have not entered this tradition, but which in their writings, through the use of fathers, through their quotes became part of this tradition.

Phone call: Vasily, Moscow. Thank God that we have such preachers as you, Batyushka, Dimitri Smirnov, Andrei Tkachev. God forbid you all good. Patty, tell me, please, how do you feel about the "explanatory Bible" of Lopukhin? Is it worth reading it or not?

O. RESH STAYAYEV: I think it's worth. Because it is a formal interpretation, the explanatory Orthodox Bible. Before the revolution there was a tough censorship of all such scriptures. And all this was subtracted repeatedly, then it was given or not given approval. The Orthodox Clean Bible came out even in the Orthodox Review. It was the official printed organ, so the status is high enough. In the Bible of Lopukhin, we find references to a variety of authors, including Catholic, Protestant. There are links to Talmud texts, but as historical texts, from a historical point of view, with a civilization. There are links to Midrashi. But all this is primarily built on the basis of the patristic exegesis. Therefore, it is very important to study it, especially a fenological analysis of different biblical words. In the interpretations of successors of Lopukhin, this is done very seriously. But for the newcomer Ambrose Optina recommended to read comments on the gospel of the Blessed Feofilakt. I have repeatedly spoke about it on Radonezh radio. Why did the Amvrosy Optina blessing starting from the feoplact? Because Feofilakt does not go to historical questions. He does not delve into philological analysis of words. He very briefly gives an exegesis of the preceding holy fathers, and in abbreviated form. Basically, he reproduces the point of view of St. John Zlatoust. But if Zlatoust allows himself during the conversation to go away from the main topic, set out entire pages on the angry of the day, then the Feofilakt is very short and clear. Therefore, who wants to start learning the Word of God, start with the blissful feopict. His interpretation on the gospel, above all, and on the book "Apostle". And if you want to produce a more serious analysis - historical, philological - of course, this is the official edition of the "Cleaver Orthodox Bible" in 12 volumes. She went to the revolution. Now it is available in several different publications.

Vladimir Nosov: Battyushka, maybe, in conclusion, let's return to the question from which you started? Because there is some sornery after the holiday, dissatisfaction with itself during the post, a feeling of missed opportunities during the post. You know, there is such an understanding that the great post is a miniature of the whole life.

O. RESH STAYAYEV: It is necessary to say directly that those who will fast, they spend a good post, as a rule. But on the bright week, some fall into such moral, moral zigzags! Here, let's all stop excessive celebration. The holidays of God then remain God when they contribute to spiritual growth. And when we perceive any religious holiday as indulgence for sin - it is wrong. We have time from Easter to Ascension. Therefore, be in sobriety, in sanity, we will not be very relaxing. And we will use this time for spiritual development and joy. God does not accept the fulfillment of the commandments, if they are not connected with the joy of fun. This is said in the book of Deuteronomy.

"(Interpretation of the Bible), was published edited by prof. (1852-1904). The first twelve edition went to S. Petersburg, from 1904 to 1913, in the form of a free app to the magazine "Wanderer". Every year it was printed one by one, and in 1912 and 1913 - two volumes.

The beginning of the publication of the "explanatory Bible" was announced in the October issue of the "Wanderer" for 1903. In the abstract of the upcoming edition, in particular, it was said that starting to this publication, the editors believed that she was going towards the most persistent and urgent need of our clergy and the whole society. Every year the Bible is increasingly distributed in society, and in the clergy, and not far at the time when it becomes a desk book in every pious home. To give the shepherds of the Church, as well as all generally lovers of reading the Word of God, allowance for the correct understanding of the Bible, the acquisition and protection of truth from distorting with its false teachers, as well as a guide to the understanding of many unclear places in it - this is the purpose of this publication. "

"The Cleaner Bible" is, in this way, it does not constitute a strict scientific publication, for the desire of the authors to the spiritual editing of readers, as well as the desire to refresh the authenticity of the Bible with reference to the data of positive science. The ratio of a scientific and spiritual and educational approach, as well as the level of comments, differ from the book to the book, for the writing of them participated a large number of different in their scientific levels and the vision of the problems of the authors.

Work on the supplement Bible began under the editors of Professor Alexander Pavlovich Lopukhin. But, unfortunately, Alexander Pavlovich died at the dawn of creative forces in August 1904 and his successors continued to work on this unique edition. The last Tom managed to get out less than a year before the First World War.

The death of a scientist, fortunately, did not lead to the termination of its main publishing projects. Continued by successors A.P. Lopukhina Edition of the "explanatory Bible" ended in 1913. For ten years, twelve volumes were published, consistently offering the reader comments and the interpretation of biblical texts on all books of the Old and New Testament.

Alexander Pavlovich Lopukhin himself managed to prepare only a comment on the pentateuch of Moiseevo, who was the first volume of the "explanatory Bible." Starting from the historical books of the Old Testament of the Bible (Book of Joshua Navina, judges, Ruth, the books of kingdoms), the work took over the outstanding Russian biblebists, Professor of the Kiev Spirit, Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Glagolov, Professor of St. Petersburg Theological Academy Fyodor Gerasimovich Eleonsky, Professor of the Kazan Spiritual Academy of Vasily Ivanovich Protopopov, Professor of the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy Ivan Gavrilovich Troitsky, Professor Archimandrite (subsequently Bishop) Joseph, Master of theology, Petrovsky, Professor of the Kiev Spiritual Academy, Professor Vasily Nikanovich Muscinov, Professor Moscow Academy Alexander Ivanovich Pokrovsky, Professor of the Kiev Spiritan Academy Mikhail Nikolayevich Skaballanovich, teacher of the Moscow spiritual seminary Nikolai Petrovich Rozanov, teacher of the St. Petersburg seminary Pavel Smaragdovich Tychinin, Priest Dmitry Christmas, N. Abolelensky, Priest Mikhail Fewansky, Ph.D. Familic, Archpriest Nikolai Orlov.

"Azbuka Faith" expresses appreciation to the publishing house "Dar" for the provided text of the interpretation of the "New Testament". Getting Started in 2005 to reprint of this classical labor of Lopukhin, the publishing house sought to offer his reader in a new, more convenient and corrected form. For this purpose, comments on this or that place of the Holy Scripture are followed directly behind the biblical text (in the original they are placed at the bottom of the page small, uncomfortable font). In an effort to preserve the text of the original in all the uniqueness, the editors eliminated only obvious flaws and typos, in large numbers of 1988, and reproduced in the Stockholm edition of 1988. Solid editing of the Greek and Latin words and expressions, in a large number of comments found in the text, Since in them, unfortunately, the number of errors initially exceeds any permissible measure. At the same time, in the new edition, it was decided to abandon the leading of the Hebrew words in their original writing and use Cyrillic transcription, if possible, the exact sound of the Words of the Hebrew language.

Moreover, an attempt was made to withdraw numerous (about 50,000) references to various sacred scriptures, occurring in the course of the comment, and correct the inaccuracy of the first edition of the explanatory Bible of Lopukhin (the number of which was very significant).

Thus, the interpretation of the Bible of the Lopukhin in the new edition is one of the best at the moment.

The fuscle bible of the Lopukhin. Old Testament

Clean Bible
Or comment on all the books of the Holy Scriptures
Old and new covenants.

Edition revised and Augmented, 2003

The concept of the Bible.

FROMon the word "Bible" we have an idea of \u200b\u200bone big book, which encloses all the sacred Scriptures of both the Old and New Testament. But, in essence, this is not one book, but a whole, strictly defined by the church, a collection of sacred books, written at different times, in different places and with various purposes and belonging to or tuning (canonical books), or only God-promoted husbands (non-canonical books).

The composition and origin of the Bible opens up from the history of the term itself - "Bible." It is taken from the Greek language from the word βίβλος, which means "the book," and used in the multiple form τά βιβλία from unity, diminishing - τό βιβλίον, meaning "a small book," "Bookshop." Therefore, τά βιβλία literally means a whole series or a collection of such small books. In view of this St. John Zlatoust interprets this word as one collective concept: "Bible," he says, - these are many books that form one united ".

This collective designation of the Holy Scripture by one collective name undoubtedly existed already in the Old Testament period. Thus, in its authentic Greek form, τά βιββλία is found in the first Maccaewic book (1 Mac. 12: 9), and the Jewish translation of Daniel properly (Dan. 9: 2), where the works of Holy Scripture are indicated by the term "Gassefarim" ( םירפפה), which means "books," more accurately known specific books, as accompanied by a certain member - "ha".

In the period of the New Testament History, at least in its first pores, we still do not find the words "Bible," but we will meet a number of its synonyms, of which the following are most common: "Scripture" (ή γραφή Lux. 4:21; in. 20 : 9; Acts 13:32; Gal. 3:22), "Scriptures" (ίί γραφαί - Mf. 21:41; Luch. 24:32; In. 5:39; 2 Pet. 3:16), " Holy Scriptures "(γραφαί άγίαι - Rome. 1: 2)," Sacred Scriptures "(τά ίερά γράματα - 2 Tim. 3:15).

But already at the husbands of the Apostolic, along with the names of the Scriptures just listed, the term τά βιβλία begins to meet. However, it only comes to universal consumption only since the famous collector and an interpreter of Holy Scripture - Origen (III century) and especially St. John of Zlatoust (IV century).

From the Greek authors, such a collective designation of the Holy Scriptures has passed to Latin writers, and the multiple form of the average genus άά ιιβλία finally received here the meaning of the only number of women's genus Bіblіa. This last name, in his Latin form, passed to us to Russia, thanks to, probably, the fact that our first gathers of the Slavic Bible stood, by the way, and under the influence of Latin vulgate.

The main feature that distinguishes the Sacred Scriptures of the Bible from other literary works that informs them the highest strength and continuous authority is their muzzleness. Under it, there is a supernatural, divine illusion, which, not destroying and not suppressing the natural forces of man, built them to the highest perfection, protected from mistakes, reported revelations, in a word - led by all the moves of their work, so that the latter was not a simple person, And as if by the work of God himself. According to the testimony of the Holy Apostle Peter, " never prophecy has not been pronounced by the Will of Human, but His Holy Holy People, being driven by the Holy Spirit"(2 Pet. 1:21). The Apostle Paul is even found at the very word "beacon" and it is in the appendix to the Holy Scripture, when he says that "all the Scriptures of Bogovanny" (ΰεόπνευστος: 2 Tim. 3:16). All this is perfectly revealed by the fathers of the Church. So, Saint John Zlatoust says that "all the Scriptures are not written by slaves, but the Lord of everyone is God;" And according to St. Gregory the Great "the language of the saints, the prophets and the apostles tell us the Lord."

But this "primaryness" of the scriptures and their authors stretched before the destruction of their personal, natural features: That is why in the content of the sacred books, especially in their presentation, style, language, the nature of images and expressions, we are seeing significant differences between the individual books of the Holy Scripture depending on the individual, psychological and peculiar literature features of their authors.

Another highly important feature of the scripts of the Bible, due to the various degree of their authority, is canonical the nature of some books and nonanonic Others . To find out the origin of this difference, it is necessary to touch the very history of the education of the Bible. We already had the case to notice that the Bible included sacred books written in various eras and a variety of authors. To this, it is necessary to now add that along with genuine, the brainstorm books appeared in different epochs and not genuine, or not tuning books, which, however, their authors tried to give the appearance of authentic and tuning. Especially a lot of similar writings appeared in the first centuries of Christianity, on the soil of Evionity and Gnosticism, like "Iacoov's primeevnel," "The Gospel of Thoma," Apocalypse of the Apostle Peter, "Apocalypse Paul" and others. We are necessary, therefore, there was an authoritative voice that is clear I would define which of these books, indeed, true and bewildered, which are only assessed and useful (not being at the same time bewildered) and which are directly harmful and placed. Such a guide was given to all the believers of the Christ Church - this pillar and the statement of truth - in her ability to the so-called canon.

The Greek word "κανών," like the Semitic "Cana" (הכק), means the initial "reed stick," or in general, any "straight stick," and from here in a figurative sense - all that serves to straighten, correcting other things, eg ., "Carpentry plumb," or the so-called "rule." In a more distracted sense, the word κανών got the meaning "Rules, norms, sample," with what value it occurs, by the way, and the Apostle Paul: " those that come to this rule (κανών), peace and mercy, and Israel of God"(Gal. 6:16). Based on this, the term κανών and the adjective formed from him κανονικός pretty early began to attach to those sacred books in which the expression of the true rule of faith, sample, was seen in the consonation of the church. Already Irina Lyon says that we have "Canon Truth - Words of God." And the Holy Athanasius Alexandrian determines the "canonical" books, as such, "which serve as a source of salvation, in which the teaching of piety is predicted."

"(Interpretation of the Bible), was published edited by prof. (1852-1904). The first twelve edition went to S. Petersburg, from 1904 to 1913, in the form of a free app to the magazine "Wanderer". Every year it was printed one by one, and in 1912 and 1913 - two volumes.

The beginning of the publication of the "explanatory Bible" was announced in the October issue of the "Wanderer" for 1903. In the abstract of the upcoming edition, in particular, it was said that starting to this publication, the editors believed that she was going towards the most persistent and urgent need of our clergy and the whole society. Every year the Bible is increasingly distributed in society, and in the clergy, and not far at the time when it becomes a desk book in every pious home. To give the shepherds of the Church, as well as all generally lovers of reading the Word of God, allowance for the correct understanding of the Bible, the acquisition and protection of truth from distorting with its false teachers, as well as a guide to the understanding of many unclear places in it - this is the purpose of this publication. "

"The Cleaner Bible" is, in this way, it does not constitute a strict scientific publication, for the desire of the authors to the spiritual editing of readers, as well as the desire to refresh the authenticity of the Bible with reference to the data of positive science. The ratio of a scientific and spiritual and educational approach, as well as the level of comments, differ from the book to the book, for the writing of them participated a large number of different in their scientific levels and the vision of the problems of the authors.

Work on the supplement Bible began under the editors of Professor Alexander Pavlovich Lopukhin. But, unfortunately, Alexander Pavlovich died at the dawn of creative forces in August 1904 and his successors continued to work on this unique edition. The last Tom managed to get out less than a year before the First World War.

The death of a scientist, fortunately, did not lead to the termination of its main publishing projects. Continued by successors A.P. Lopukhina Edition of the "explanatory Bible" ended in 1913. For ten years, twelve volumes were published, consistently offering the reader comments and the interpretation of biblical texts on all books of the Old and New Testament.

Alexander Pavlovich Lopukhin himself managed to prepare only a comment on the pentateuch of Moiseevo, who was the first volume of the "explanatory Bible." Starting from the historical books of the Old Testament of the Bible (Book of Joshua Navina, judges, Ruth, the books of kingdoms), the work took over the outstanding Russian biblebists, Professor of the Kiev Spirit, Professor Alexander Alexandrovich Glagolov, Professor of St. Petersburg Theological Academy Fyodor Gerasimovich Eleonsky, Professor of the Kazan Spiritual Academy of Vasily Ivanovich Protopopov, Professor of the St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy Ivan Gavrilovich Troitsky, Professor Archimandrite (subsequently Bishop) Joseph, Master of theology, Petrovsky, Professor of the Kiev Spiritual Academy, Professor Vasily Nikanovich Muscinov, Professor Moscow Academy Alexander Ivanovich Pokrovsky, Professor of the Kiev Spiritan Academy Mikhail Nikolayevich Skaballanovich, teacher of the Moscow spiritual seminary Nikolai Petrovich Rozanov, teacher of the St. Petersburg seminary Pavel Smaragdovich Tychinin, Priest Dmitry Christmas, N. Abolelensky, Priest Mikhail Fewansky, Ph.D. Familic, Archpriest Nikolai Orlov.

"Azbuka Faith" expresses appreciation to the publishing house "Dar" for the provided text of the interpretation of the "New Testament". Getting Started in 2005 to reprint of this classical labor of Lopukhin, the publishing house sought to offer his reader in a new, more convenient and corrected form. For this purpose, comments on this or that place of the Holy Scripture are followed directly behind the biblical text (in the original they are placed at the bottom of the page small, uncomfortable font). In an effort to preserve the text of the original in all the uniqueness, the editors eliminated only obvious flaws and typos, in large numbers of 1988, and reproduced in the Stockholm edition of 1988. Solid editing of the Greek and Latin words and expressions, in a large number of comments found in the text, Since in them, unfortunately, the number of errors initially exceeds any permissible measure. At the same time, in the new edition, it was decided to abandon the leading of the Hebrew words in their original writing and use Cyrillic transcription, if possible, the exact sound of the Words of the Hebrew language.

Moreover, an attempt was made to withdraw numerous (about 50,000) references to various sacred scriptures, occurring in the course of the comment, and correct the inaccuracy of the first edition of the explanatory Bible of Lopukhin (the number of which was very significant).

Thus, the interpretation of the Bible of the Lopukhin in the new edition is one of the best at the moment.

(ratings: 3 , average: 3,67 out of 5)

Title: Clear Bible. Old Testament and New Testament

About the book "The Cleaner Bible. Old Testament and New Testament »Alexander Lopukhin

"Clear Bible. The Old Testament and the New Testament "is a twelve work of the Russian Orthodox writer, Bibleist, the Theologian, the Translator, the researcher, as well as the interpreter of the Holy Scripture of Alexander Lopukhin. Easy and accessible written, this book explains the wonders described in the Bible and binds them to historical events. To date, the work was reissued more than 20 times.

The author of the book was born in the family of a priest. After graduating from the seminary, Alexander Lopukhin became a student of the Spiritual Academy of St. Petersburg. Two years he was a psaller at the Church of the Russian Embassy in New York. Then he returned to his homeland, defended his thesis and took up teaching and literary activities.

Critics note that each work of the writer is both literary and scientific value. So, in the book "The Cleaner Bible. The Old Testament and the New Testament "occurs incredibly deep understanding of biblical history. The writer proves that the stories about the creation of a person, the fall, the flood, the mixing of languages \u200b\u200bhave a real historical basis. This book provides many explanations of life, realities, the traditions of the time when the Bible was created. They help to understand the depth and meaning of the biblical scripture.

In addition, the creator of the work sought to explain those or other events of biblical history and from scientific positions, that is, with a loan to these modern author (ie, pre-revolutionary) biology, physics, geology, archeology, history and other sciences. However, it is worth remembering that, first of all, this book acts as a peculiar spiritual editing to the reader, and references to the sciences serve only the confirmation of the reliability of the stories presented in the Bible.

The author himself noted that this book is intended for a wide range of readers. After all, he believed that the biblical history would be the best "teacher" for every sensible person. The work was created in order to clarify particularly incomprehensible places in the Bible, as well as to avoid "lzetcott".

Please note that in the book of Alexander Lopukhin "The Cleaner Bible. The Old Testament and the New Testament "you will find wonderful Gustava Dore engravings - an unsurpassed masters of their business, whose works are decorated with many ancient works on history and religion.

On our site about LIFEINBOOKS.NET books you can download free without registering or reading the online book "Cleaner Bible. Old Testament and New Testament »Alexander Lopukhin in EPUB, FB2, TXT, RTF, PDF formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and the true pleasure of reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, we will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful advice and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself will be able to try your hand in literary skills.