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Orthodox prayers for all occasions. Prayers of Christian

This article comprises: very strong prayer for all occasions - information is taken from the side of the world, electronic network and spiritual people.

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Morning and evening start with prayer and see how life will work out, everything will be easier, it will be clearer and be sure to exit from any situation.

Prayer "Virgin Delo, Rejoice"

Prayer "Our Father"


Yes, your name is hidden, yes your kingdom will come

Yes, there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky and on the earth.

And we leave our debts,

I can also leave our debtor to our

And do not enter us in temptation,

But get rid of us from the evil.

Yako is yours and the kingdom, and power, and glory,

Father and Son, and Holy Spirit

And now, and confessed, and in the eyelids.

Prayer Jesus

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

"The Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our essentials, the name of yours for the sake. "

Miliation to the Mother of God

Prayer from all troubles and misfortunes

Prayer from all diseases

"Vladyko, Almighty, doctor of shower and telecons of smirded, assumes and punishes, Paki heal our brother of our (name) of a unshield, visit the grace and forgive your muscle. It will be of healing from hostility and heal it, and restoring gentlemen from Odra, to keep all sorts of ulcers from him, all the disease, any wound, all fire feed and crackle. And if there is a sinning, lawlessness in it, then weaken and leave, dismissed for your humans. Lord, I will celebrate your creation in Christ Jesus, the Lord of our, with him blessing of the centuries. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer angel keeper

Paint prayer

"The Most Holy Mother of God, I appeal to you! In the words of my black against your daughter (son, mother, grandson, husband ...) I repent! I pray, sorry, hulu I'm sorry! And (name) good luck in the affairs of return! Amen".

Ancient prayer for all occasions

"Lord! Give me sincere calm to meet everything that will bring me a real day. Give me all the wilts of your saint. For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Whatever I received news during the day, to teach them to take them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire Holy Will is yours. In all matters of my and the words of my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let you forget that everyone is sent to you! Teach me directly and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is upgrown, no one confuse. Lord! Give me the strength to postpone the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during it! I will manage my will and teach me to pray and hope, believe, love, tolerate and forgive! Amen".

Prayer in the journey

Prayer for the atonement of the sin of abortion

"In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Merosity must be mercifully, the sinful slave of yours (name), give me in tears to redeem the sins of the great for the ruined children of my. St. John the Baptist, to cross the children of my killed by me in the womb, and bring them out of the darkness of the eternal, and greeted them the name of the Heaven angels, and enter them into the kingdom of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. The Holy Great Martyr Varvara, the acquisition of my children killed by me in the womb. Saint John the Baptist, get rid of me, the mother killer of my fetus, from the terrible court of Christ, and help me, the sinner, the answer to bear before the Lord by our Jesus Christ. Whether I am an intercession and a witness on a terrible court! Lord, do not refuse me, the servant of yours (name), hear my prayer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and now and are confused and forever. Amen".

Prayer "God will resurrect"

Thanksgiving prayer

"Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of the Most Holy Mother of God and all heavenly forces! Thank you for your charity to me the servant of God (name) and members of my family! Thank you for your blessing, thank you for protecting and save me the slave of God (name) and members of my family from vain slander, from any trouble, from damage, from the evil eye of the female - male, from prison, from poverty, from in vain Death, from speaking, from curses, from leadership, from conspiracies, from evil dashing people, from sorcerers, from leaders, from women Prosholoski, from the girl Self-waders, from enviousness and haters, from enemies visible and invisible. Thank you for helping me the servant of God (name) and my family members get rid of the ailments, from enemies, from evil char, and so on. Thank you for helping in labor, in school, in business, family relationships and so on. Thank you for filled my house with happiness, love, well-being! From now on before the century of centuries. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

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Strong protective prayers for all occasions

It contains some of the most powerful protective prayers that will help protect themselves and their loved ones from ill-wishers and different troubles.

Prayer of the Lord - Our Father

Our father, izh, at Heaven!

Yes, it will hire your name,

yes, your kingdom will come

may will be your will

yako in the sky and on the earth.

Bread our urgent grandfather to us;

and we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our;

and do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Virgin Devo, rejoice,

Fertile Marie, Lord with you;

blessed you in the wives

and blessed with the fruit of your fraught

yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Prayer for the Most Holy Theotok "Softening Evil Hearts". Protects against ill-wishers.

Soften our evil heart, the Virgin,

and attack hate us

and all the crisp your soul is allowed.

On your more holy image of a discrepancy,

Your suffering and mercy about us we will fail

and your wounds are lying,

hands of our, tearing, terrify.

Not gone to us, Mother's blessing,

in our cruelways

and from the hardness of the near die.

You are able to truly evil hearts softening

Strong protective prayer Jesus Christ from any evil

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the fences of our holy angels and the prayer of the All-Exercise Lady of Our Mother of God, the power of honest and life-giving your cross the victim of the Heavenly Forces of the Funny Honest Prophet and the Forerunners of the Lord of John and all your saints Help us sinning unworthy slaves (name), save us from Any evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcerence, from evil deer man. Yes, they will not be hug they causing us no evil. Lord, the power of the cross of yours will save us in the morning, for the evening, to sleep the coming and powerfulness of your grace, and removed all sorts of evil uncleans acting on the baptism of the devil. Who thought, or did, return their evil back to hell, Yako bless you are in eyelids. Amen

Protective prayer Jesus Christ from evil people

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Meaning my enemies and sorcerers, do not punish them with mournful pains. Protect me from terrible words, those are pronounced by the mouth. Sawn me from evil people, help recover from grief. Protect my children from them. Let your will be on it. Amen.

Protective prayer honest cross

In prayer, we express faith that the procession is the strongest remedy for the defendance of demons, and ask the Lord spiritual assistance to the power of the Holy Cross. Banning yourself with a cross and say prayer:

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax on the face of the fire, so the demaths will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, run the demons to the power of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hes Dilution, and diving to us the cross your honest to the defendance of a suggestion. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Protective Prayer Archangel Mikhail from Dark Forces

Oh, Saint Michael Archangel, Svetlothy and Terrible Heavenly Tsar Voivodo! Hermers of the sinsmano, demanding your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemy, and there is a savings from the horror of the mortal and from embarrassment of the diabolian, and there is a restless to see the creator of our terrible and righteous trial court. About all great Mikhail ArchReart! Do not despose me a sinner, who praying for you about helping and interpreting you in Either Sech and in the future, but it is advised by Tamo what to buy the soda of Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer Archangel Mikhail from enemies

Lord, God's great, the king is initial, went, Lord, the archangel of your Mikhail to help your slaves (name). Protect, Archangel, us from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Demons crusher, prohibit all enemies fighting with me, and the coordinate of their Yako Sheep, and Smiri their evil hearts, and crushing their sneaks in the face of the wind. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Six-colored first prince and the governor of the Heavenly Force - Cherubimov and Serafimov, Budge the assistant to all the troubles, sorrow, in the sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet man. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Get rid of us from everyone to the delights of Diavolskaya, Zechy will hear us, sinful, praying for you, calling your name Holy. Speakers to help and bring all opposed to us, the power of honestly and the life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the Holy Apostles, the saint of the Wonderworker Nikolai, Andrei, Christ for the sake of whitewash, the Holy Prophet Elijah and All Saints Great Martyrs: Holy Martyr Nikita and Eustafia , and all the reverend fathers of our, from the century God of the faithful, and all the saints of heavenly forces.

Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Help us a sinful (name) and save us from a coward, a flood, fire, sword and in vain death, from the great evil, from the enemy of flattened, from the storms of infant, from the evil to get rid of us forever, now and died and forever. Amen. The Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail, the lightning sword of your discharge from me the Spirit of the Deck, tempting and Toying me. Amen.

Protective prayer for the last Optina elders at the beginning of the day

Lord, let me meet me with peace of mind, everyone will give me this day. Lord, let me quite go to the will of your holy. Lord, for this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Lord, I will discover your will to me for me and surrounding me. Lord, no matter what I will receive news during the day, let me take them with the late soul and solid belief that your entire holy will of yours. Lord, the Great, Mercy, in all my affairs and the words of my thoughts and feelings, in all unforeseen circumstances do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you. Lord, let me reasonably act with each of my neighbors, no one is upgrown and no one confuse. Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of this day and all events during it. I will manage willy and teach them to pray and love all non-estatery. AIMN.

Protective Prayer for Driver

God, all-storey and all-airily, all guarding their greatness and humans, humbly pray, the concept of the Virgin and all the saints, save from a sudden death and everybody, sinning, and the people entrusted to me and the pump unharmed to deliver everyone to his needs. God merciful! Ravering me from Zgrave the Spirit of Piancocity, the unclean power of Pianism, causing unfortunate and sudden death without repentance, save me, Lord, with a clean consistency to live to a deep old age without the burden of those killed and cripped up in my unfortunate of people, and it will be glorified by your sacred, now and dream , and forever in centuries. Amen.

Protective prayer Obereg

(Wear in the inner pocket of clothes, or embroider on the nasal scarf)

"I love and believe. God trust the whole protection insert! "

Psalm 90. Strong protective prayer in the face of danger

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TME while passing, from shaking, and Demo Halfuna. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation.

See also: Protection and cleansing your home from negativity here

"Gerana as a charm for home and its healing properties"

"Universal Formula of Happiness or How to Improve Relationship with others"

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Strong Orthodox prayers for all occasions

In the bright and dark days of Orthodox people turn to God to thank for acquired joy or get support in Mount. The Lord of everyone will hear and everyone will reward for the needs. You can contact the skies in your own words, in simple language, but the request, expressed in prayer - the shortest path to the highest aid.


Prayer is the communication of an Orthodox person with God, by which the believer feels the presence of God, his love and blessing.

No wonder prayer brings relief, spiritual warmth and joy. Praying, a person receives an answer from God, but to hear it, it is necessary to surrender to the process of communication. If a man is sinner or reads a prayer mechanically, thinking about his own, his appeal rests on an invisible wall and does not reach the goal. In this case, you need to go to confession, compete, sincerely repent.

The more often the person turns to God, praises him, the better for the soul. Unfortunately, most people remember prayer only with shocks when they need help or happened, but it is wrong. Prayer needs the soul as the body of food.

Prayers for different life situations

According to the nature of the appeal there are prayers:

  • Puish, God is famous for them. Phrase "Glory Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit", which completes most of the prayers, is the praise of the Holy Trinity
  • Thank you - grateful to the Lord
  • Pointed
  • Foundation

Be sure to praise the Lord, the Virgin Mary, the Holy Trinity.

There are 3 main prayers that have helped many people. Believers read them in any situation: the prayer of the Lord ("Our Father"), "Virgin Mary, Devo, Rejoice" and "Symbol of Faith" - for daily prayers.

The only one who left Jesus Christ's disciples, in response to a request to teach them to pray. 7 requests are collected in it and the glory asses the Lord. A person, uttering "Ours", confirms the faith in the Lord, famous his name, submits his will, asks for the gift of the necessary for life, rises in sins and forgives those who offended him, looking for protection from the evil.

They read at any life incident and just so, it is advisable to start any appeal to God. Priests recommend three prayer per day. Also be sure to read the "Virgin, Delo, rejoice" (3 times) and "Symbol of Faith" (1 time).

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

"The Virgin, Delo, Rejoice ..."

Prayer appeared one of the first in Christianity. The words are taken from the speech, which the Archangel Gabriel pronounced, when the Virgin Mary reported the good news: that she would give birth to the Savior.

This prayer believers begin their appeal to Mother of God, asking her about intercession and praising it. Reades in any situation.

The Virgin Delo, Rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you, blessed you are in my wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Savior gave birth to our souls.

During pregnancy, a woman is most vulnerable. All future mothers are tormented by fears and doubts related to the development and birth of the kid. To maintain the normal arrangement of the Spirit, you need to read this and any other prayers for the Virgin, put candles before its icons. If it does not work yourself to get rid of fears - contact the priest for help.

"Symbol of faith"

This text is not a prayer in essence. It contains the basic principles of Christianity in a brief and affordable form. The text is unchanged since the time of the Apostles. As part of 12 church truths. In the first paragraph, the recognition of a single god of his father, from the second to the seventh - a brief history of the Son's God, in the eighth states about the Holy Spirit. The ninth paragraph about the church, the tenth - about the meaning of the baptism procedure, the last two - about life after death.

This prayer Orthodox people confirm their faith in the fact that God is that prayers will be heard that after death there will be eternal life. Text:

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away.

For the sake of the sake of the person and our sake of salvation of Szedsago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin and in the smallest.

Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried.

And resistant on the third day by Scripture.

And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father.

And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end.

And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-waggnogo, izh from the father of the outgoing, and with the father and son of Spoklans and Saglivima, Glagolavsago prophets.

In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins.

The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Jesus Prayer

Appeal to God with a request for blessing and protection. Pronounced when there is no time or does not allow the place to pronounce a long prayer. Despite the brevity, the prayer is very strong. The main thing to handle the soul, and not mechanically.

Jesus is ascended by Jesus in any situation when there is a need for God's intercession.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinning / sinful.

In a dangerous situation

In a difficult situation, you need to refer to the Lord with a request for help and protection. This prayer has the strength of a shield from any negative: evil deeds, unclean thoughts, cunning, danger, fragile flavors and so on. When reading it is important to realize every word and believe that God will protect and save.

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward.

The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him.

Yako that will save you from the network of catching and from the word of rebellious,

the shoulders will be signed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him.

Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in days,

from the thing in the TMA transient, from shaking, and demonstigo demon.

Falls from the country of Thousand, and TMA is weared to you, it will not approach you

obach is the cleaning of your watch and reward sinners of the vrudeshi.

Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge.

Won't get to you evil, and the wound will not approach your telesses,

iKOK Angel to me to me about you, keep your in all ways to you.

In the hands of the hands, yes, not when you are pushing about the stone to your leg,

at aspid and Vasilisk, the commencement and ease of Leo and Zmia.

Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name.

Call to me, and hear him to eat him in grief, Izmu and I will glorify him,

long time to fulfill him and I will declare my salvation.

The most important thing is the family. Neither work, nor friends nor material benefits will replace the heat of the home of the hearth, the care of native people, children's laughter. If the world among their people, if the house is peace and love. Then any external adversity will retreat.

Be your family is difficult. Different people, characters, glances to life, and the complexity of life impose their mark. To strengthen the family, to achieve mutual understanding, protect yourself from a detrimental effect, you need to read special prayers to the Lord and the Virgin.

Most Holy Theotoko About Family:

Lords of the predicted, take my family with my seven. Vedi in the hearts of my wife and Chad of our world, love and repairs to all kind of good; Do not accept anyone from my family to separation and waste parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And our house and all of us living in it, save from the flames of mentaling, the thieves of the attack, all the zlago, the circumstances, the insured and diavalism of the indentation.

Yes, and we purchase and separately, obviously and secretly we will glorify your sacred name always, now and is dreaming, and forever. Amen. Most Holy Virgin, save us!

About happiness in the family:

Lord Heaven Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pour you about my family happiness. Give us in our family love to each other. Give us so that our love is strengthened and multiplied. Teach me to love my spouse (spouse) from all my heart, teach me to love him (her) as you loved me and son of your Jesus Christ. Give me to understand what I need to remove from my life and what I need to learn to have a happy family to be. Give me wisdom in my behavior and in my words to never annoy and disappear by my spouse. Amen

It is important to understand that family troubles cannot be made for the threshold of the house. Even parents should not be dedicated. In a difficult situation, it is necessary to pray hard and ask the Lord about help. If it is not possible to solve the problem independently, you need to go to the priest to both spouses, who will deal with the situation from the point of view of the biblical commandments and give advice to how to fix it.

About material well-being

Money, work, housing issues is an important component of our life. If things are not treated, problems at work, it is impossible to purchase or sell an apartment, there are not enough money for life, there is no possibility to pay a loan - you need to handle a prayer to Spiridon trimifunt. Holy committed many miracles, all his life helped in need, endowed money for the acquisition of the necessary one. Therefore, it is precisely to the Saint Spiridon who are requested about helping or buying a house, about the successful conclusion of contracts, about raising the salary and so on.

The misconceptions of God's thoroughly, and they will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their grace.

We succeed in us, the servants of God (names), Christ and God our peaceful serene lives, the health is spiritual and physical.

Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, but I will give many of our sins forgiveness, there is a soulless and peaceful life yes, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future will prompted us, yes incessantly releasing glory and thanks to Father and Son and Spirit The saint, now and is dreaming, and in the eyelids. Amen.

How to pray?

Of course, it is more convenient to pray in silence so that nothing distracted, but in some situations you can contact God and on the go. The place of value does not have, the main thing is to do it with understanding.

  • Skip words through the heart, listen to yourself, do not rush, speak with understanding
  • It is more correct to pronounce a brief appeal than the long one, the meaning of which is not impaired. Throughout the day, contact short prayers, for example, "Lord, Pomemui". In such phrases, great power has been concluded
  • Do not strive to "take" quantity: better one prayer without a rush and with the awareness of each line than a dozen pronounced soullessly, automatically
  • Before you start to communicate with God, you need to be in silence for some time in peace and loneliness, to leave the feelings that interfere with focus
  • Pray standing or standing on his knees. Sitting or lying in case of illness or on the road
  • The Lord should be asked not only about themselves and their needs, but also about relatives: family, parents, friends. Especially if they are far or there is a feeling of anxiety about them. It is useful to mention the enemies, asking for to forgive them.
  • No need to hurt the insults, envy your neighbor, it is not necessary to sin. Because from the lacerations, the wall between the man and God, and the more sins, the higher it is. You can only overcome it with sincere repentance

Few people can independently understand the Bible and choose from it wearing part for prayer. Therefore, in church shops, you can buy prayers in which the texts of a prayer for any occasion are collected. Usually in the title indicates when reading text. There are thematic collections: for pregnant women, about family, about health and so on. If the meaning of prayer is incomprehensible, you need to go to church. The clergymen will gladly give explanations to the incomprehensible lines, advise how to enroll in a difficult life situation.

If the appeal to the Lord passes from the soul, the answer will not make himself wait. The main thing in prayer is a feeling of touching God. Pray constantly - and you will be heard.

Thank you so much! Keep you Lord!

To be or not to be, that's what the question, Shakespeare asked and extinguish the generation. What we have that we save, be able to be our worship for the one who is from the truth leads where there is no soul to calm down.

Sometimes in life the moments are coming when a person is in despair. Help in such a situation and find faith in a happy resolution of problems that have arisen will help strong prayers. But at the same time, it should be remembered that any prayer that comes from the depths of the soul will help to find faith in a difficult moment, but you will need to move on the life path independently, overcoming the obstacles that are destined for fate.

Everyone knows that prayer is an appeal to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saints. This is a faithful way that is used primarily for human soul healing. All prayers came to us from ancient times, but every appeal to God arose in a certain, concrete case. It is written by saints or ordinary people. That is why different prayers help to solve various problems.

It is believed that the only prayer that the Lord gave the Lord is "our father". That is why it has a special force. It needs to be read not only in Mount, but also in joy.

Other prayers invented mortals in different times are classified as follows:

  • Revealing prayers Contain the request of the believer about the forgiveness of their sins, which are considered any bad deeds and thoughts towards other people. Such appeals are directed towards the Lord God and the Holy Mother of God. Any leaking prayer should be read only after repeated prayer.
  • Solifying prayer Used in the event that a person has a difficult life situation and he makes decisions will appeal to God for help. Each person, praying, appeals to God with her request, but at the same time, it should be understood that only the Lord knows that in a specific life period is the most necessary. Such a prayer can be asked to give forces in the fight against earthly temptations.
  • Thank you prayer Designed to thank God for everything he gives a person. Such prayers are read in the morning and in the evening every day, as well as after meals.
  • Praise prayers Used to glorify the Most High. They do not contain any request, so the priests consider such appeals to God themselves.
  • Hodotimal prayers Like a leecope, contain a request. But the difference is that the believer asks the God of grace is not for himself, but for his loved ones. Often such prayers are read to help seriously ill people.

A huge number of Orthodox prayers for a variety of lifestyles were written in initially church ministers. It is they who become prayer samples that were transmitted to generations from mouth to mouth. It is noteworthy that the Orthodox Tradition allows the believer to create its own prayer texts. This is due to the understanding of the fact that if it prays with his own words, it is possible to achieve more intimacy and unity with God, and therefore, it is faster to acquire sincere harmony, which will help solve the problems that have arisen.

3 The strongest daily prayers for the Orthodox person

According to the Orthodox tradition, strong Orthodox prayers need to read every day. They bring spiritual warmth, make life harmonious and joyful. But at the same time, it should be understood that reading prayers need to fully exhausted from the urgent problems, fully focused on communicating with God.

If the believer did not repent in his sins and did not ask for repentance, or he reads a prayer mechanically, thinking about his problems, then his appeal will come across an invisible wall and will not be heard by God. The more often a person will turn to the Lord with a praise prayer, the better it will be for his soul.

A very famous Orthodox prayer that can read every day is to appeal to God, which is called the name "Symbol of Faith." It is special, since it is Orthodox that it confirms his sincere faith in God, and the hope that the appeal will be heard, and after the death of a believer expects eternal life.

This prayer is an accurate and capacious statement of Christian creed. The history of its creation leaves in past times when the formation of the Orthodox Church itself occurred. The text of the prayer was approved on the 1st and 2nd Ecumenical Councils.

The text of the prayer consists of 12 members, that is, proposals. Each of them contains a certain truth or, in other words, the dogma of the Orthodox faith.

  • As morning daily prayer;
  • Before reading any basic prayer;
  • At the beginning of the baptism ritual.

To decrypt the text of the prayer as follows:

  • In the first sentence, it is approved that God is the creator of all earthly, and, the man believing in him, takes his primacy in the existing world.
  • In the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh sentence, the true faith in the Son of the Lord God - Jesus Christ is approved. He was crucified on the cross and accepted all the sins of people, after which he was resurrected and ascended to heaven. Since then, he has helped all believing people in the healing of the soul and body.
  • In the eighth sentence, faith is emphasized in the Holy Spirit.
  • In the ninth proposal, faith in a single church is emphasized.
  • In the tenth sentence, it is said about a single baptism, that is, if after it can not be rented from faith, as it is considered to be a great sin.
  • In the eleventh and twelfth sentence, there is a story about the resurrection from the dead and on eternal life after death.

This prayer helps to feel the defense of the Lord God and gain peace of mind. There will be bad thoughts from the head, and anxiety will disappear from the soul. If you read it every day, then you will understand that you are not alone in this world and the Lord is always with you. If you are sincerely a believer, honoring God, he will definitely come to your help in a difficult moment.

The prayer "The Symbol of Faith" will be a reminder that for all the prejudices, according to the dogmas of the Orthodox faith will have to pay. Her lines can or try, or sing. It needs to be remembered at any time when the feeling arose in the soul that you are moving away from God and are subject to life temptations. It is believed that this prayer, written on a sheet of paper, can serve as a guard, if we carry it with you.

The life-giving cross is called a wooden structure, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Despite the fact that it is subject to inanimate, they turn into prayer as a person. It is through this symbol who believes turn to God.

The prayer is a honest life-giving cross is a great strength, so help help in the most hopeless situations. But besides this, it is recommended to read it in order to get rid of the negative and fill the soul of harmony. Pronuncating sincere, sincere words of prayer, coming from the heart, filled with sincere faith, devoid of envy and anger, a person receives the Lord's protection against enemy external attacks.

Prayer is so strong that the believer is absolutely not necessary to read it in the original. The main thing to invest faith in every spoken word, and it is easier to do that, pronouncing the phrases of the translated and adapted text.

It sounds as follows:

"God will resurrect, let the enemies disappear, and let everyone who hate it. Let them dispel without a trace; Let it be like wax melts from the fire, all the demons will die around believers in God and the signs of himself with the Holy Cross, in the joyful feeling of exclamations: Rejoice, highly and life-giving the cross of the Lord, the power of His, given by the crucified Jesus Christ, running demons. Our Lord in hell has destroyed the devil himself and gave us your honest cross in order to drive any enemy and enemy. Oh, high and life-giving cross the Lord, help me with the Holy Mother of God and all the saints in all a century. Amen".

The prayer is a honest life-giving cross is recommended to pronounce daily before bedtime in complete privacy. Before reading the prayer, Znay himself with a cross. At the same time, a native cross must be in her hands or on the chest. After the prayer reads, it needs to be kissing. Then you should cross yourself and lie down in bed.

Despite the fact that the text of the prayer is not very long, you can not always find time to read it. In such cases, it is allowed to pronounce it in the abbreviated version.

In this case, words may sound randomly, for example, so:

"Help me, Lord, the strength of the cross of yours, will protect against ill-wishers and enemies. Do not let them harm me. Amen".

In any case, prayer should be read when muted light in silence. It is impossible to utter prayer words in a state of irritation or omble. Well, if before the start of the prayer will be able to listen to church music, it will allow you to correctly tune in.

According to the general recognition of all believers. The prayer "Live to help Vysnyago ..." is one of the strongest and helps in the most difficult situations. It is found in Psaltry and is also known as a different name - Psalm 90. According to his first, the usual name of the prayer has spread.

Prayer is very difficult, it is difficult to listen to it, and it is even more difficult to pronounce her words.

In order for it easier to do, you need to pre-read the translation of prayer and get acquainted with its interpretation:

  • The first sentence contains a statement that everyone who relies on God will receive protection from it.
  • In the second sentence, it is indicated that the one who relies on God will definitely be considered by his patron, trustee and reliable protection.
  • The third sentence provides an approval that God will help the believer to defeat its explicit and hidden enemies.
  • In the fourth sentence, it is emphasized that God will always be a defender of a believer, he will close it with his "wings" and will allow you to feel safe.
  • In the fifth sentence, attention is focused on the fact that the believer, which is under God's defense, fear no external dangers should be.
  • In the sixth sentence, it is indicated that the believer will be able to defeat its mental enemies, that is, those enemies that will try to send a negative at the energy level.
  • In the seventh sentence again confirmed the fact of reliable protection of the Lord.
  • In the eighth sentence, it is indicated that the believer will see his victories over the evil to everyone.
  • The ninth sentence contains confirmation that anyone who recognized God can count on his help.
  • In the tenth sentence, it is argued that the evil to the truly believer will not approach, and it will be fenced from the evil housing.
  • In the eleventh sentence, it is indicated that heavenly angels are given an indication to accompany the believer on his life path.
  • In the twelfth sentence, it is said that in order not to happen in life, nothing will be able to apply the believer of harm.
  • In the thirteenth proposal, the strongest and luxury animals are mentioned than allegorically focuses that the believer will win over every species of the lucavia.
  • In the fourteenth sentence, it is said that all protection is given to a believer for having loved the Lord and sincerely believed in him.
  • In the fifteenth sentence, it is indicated that the Lord will protect everyone who will call him and ask for protection against evil all.
  • In the sixteenth sentence, it contains a promise that a sincere believer will be given longevity and salvation in the future life.

Understanding the meaning of the pronounced prayer, it will be possible to invest in it with the whole soul, which will significantly increase its effectiveness. Before praying must be presented and repeated in sins. It is believed that if a person resorts to the prayer "Live to help Vysnyago ..." in order to heal from severe illness, then holy words should be accepted 40 times a day. Moreover, in this case, prayer is recommended to memorize.

Who would have read this prayer, God will definitely hear him. The Lord can even help multi-faceted people who at the moment of appeal have a sincere faith in the soul and relieve it. But at the same time, it should be understood that righteous people living in accordance with the commandments of God have more chances of salvation.

How to read or listen to prayer

In order for the Lord to respond, you need to prove the words of prayer correctly. First of all, it is necessary to pray with a pure heart. In Orthodoxy, this is called daring, which should not be confused with the audacity. Unsuccessing should be understood as the manifestation of sincere faith in God, then, as the audacity emphasizes the disrespect for him. It is very important to internally prepare for the adoption of any will of God, even if it does not coincide with the desire.

It is important to understand the text of the prayer, because it is an appeal to God. Therefore, if you read the canonical prayer that you want to read in the Old Slavonic language, be sure to first get acquainted with its translation. If there is no such possibility that you can ask the priest to explain the meaning of prayer.

You can pray not only in the temple, but also at home. From this the power of prayer and its effectiveness is not reduced. In order to create the correct attitude, you need to organize a corner in the house in which to install the icon and be able to light the church candle if necessary. It is possible to pray at home not only alone, but also the whole family.

Since in Orthodoxy is allowed to pray an arbitrary manner, passing the meaning, canonical prayer in his own words, then it should be understood that any prayer should be addressed. It is necessary to contact God, the Holy Mother of God, the Holy or Heavenly Forces of the Notice. Any other appeals, for example, to the Mother Earth or to other natural forces are not allowed. In prayer should not sound any conditions, because it is communication with God all-way and almighty. Therefore, you just need to ask him, praise, thank and take all of his solutions, since only he knows what is most favorable for the believer now.

It is useful not only praying, but also listen to prayers for audio or when they pronounce another person. Often this method helps to hear severely ill people who do not have enough strength to pronounce prayer words out loud. But at the same time, the believer must be necessarily focused on the appeal to God. Despite the state you need to try mentally heard words.

Reading a prayer is a very personal matter. This process needs to be internally prepared and distance themselves from any vital problems. Prayer should be familiar for every day and every time after writing prayer words to the soul should come relief. That is what will indicate that everything is done correctly, and you are heard by God.

Prayers have long had a great power of healing from a wide variety of diseases to protect against black forces. Prayer strengthens the connection of a person, his souls with the father of heaven, increases the influx of God's grace.

It is necessary to pray in a sustainable position, straightening the spine, not to climb the head with outsiders, try to enter the sublime state of the soul. You need to read prayers twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, at least two times.

There are prayers for all occasions, you should not neglect any of them. I collect prayers and conspiracies, recipes and rites for many years. And willingly share with you these treasures of folk wisdom. After all, prayers, rites and conspiracy are not the author. They belong to all of us.

Once Russia was famous for the fact that entrepreneurs and merchants, earning huge money, never forgot to sacrifice considerable money for the construction of temples and the restoration of old churches, the construction of shelters and hospitals for the poor. I do not say that the current businessmen do nothing for free, no, many are divided by their incomes, but often the first goal of charity shares becomes a desire to get away from taxes. Unfortunately, in our country, the tax system leaves much to be desired.

But the church of Icestari took care of honest entrepreneurs and always helped those who do not bear evil in their activities.

Prayer of the Lord "Our Father"

And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. For yours is the kingdom, and power, and glory forever. Amen.

Prayer to Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ! I need you so much! Thank you for death on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life, enter it, become my Lord and the Savior. Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins and for the life of eternal. Take my life to your hands, make this person from me, how do you want to see me. Thank you, the Great God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Appeal to God

Lord, do so that there is nothing in my possession, except for indisputability, truth and strength. Amen.

Prayer Cross

(Reading, you need to be baptized all the time.)

God will resurrect him, and the gazes of His will rise, and yes, besides his face, His hate him, Jaco disappears smoke, and they will disappear, the wax will be fed from the face of fire, so the bears will die from the face of those who love God and marked the glory sign, and in the fun of the verbal Rejoice, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord, run the beams to the power of our Jesus Jesus Christ, to hell, and correcting the power of the devil, and who gave us a cross honest to the defendance of every spare. About the pretensible and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Most Holy Virgin Prev Icon of Her "Odigitria" Smolensk

ABOUT STORE AND THANKS ALL THE COOLES Queen by the Virgin, the sky of the king of Christ of God of our mother, the Most Holy Odigitre Marie!

We hear the sinful and unworthy, in an hour of this praying to you with frosting and tears before your fallen way, and the Sita is lowly verbal: Looking for us from the Row of Passion, Odgitria of the Good, to save us from everyone sneaks and sadness, fence from all sneaking and evil slander and from the wrong entanglement of the entry. Mozhey Bo, Out of God's fertile Mati, does not sharpen the people from all slander, but also with all the prosperity and save themselves: Is it a kind of presenter in the troubles and the patterns and the warmness of the witness about us sinful to your son, our God, not imma . Eversha's breath, Vladychitsa, save us and the kingdoms of heaven to make sure, yes, Salvy's Salvish and in the future, Esie, I am a saving of our culprit, and exalt the hollow and magnificent name of the Father and Son and Sainpongor Spirit, in the Trinity of Slavimago and Poklasago God, forever . Amen.

From all troubles and misfortune

About the Most Holy Theotokos, Queen Heavenly, Ladyman Maria, Ukra, Ryseo, Krasnoye, Honestly, Honestly, the cross of the life-giving Slave of God (name) from any evil and attack in the eyelids. Amen. From the slander and slanderous, from the heretic and heretic, from the sorcerer and the magazine, from the wizard and the wizard in the eyelids. Amen. Archrestitich Mikhail, Gabriel and John the Warrior will win demons and sacuostat and spewing vortes. Amen. The sun fenced, the month of God (name) was subjected to the month, and the enemy and the sacrup and the spent and the spent spent the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer of the Mother of God

We are worthy to eat Yako truly bunny you, the Mother of God, the courtesy and immaculate mater of our God, a honest cherub and a sorry without comparing Seraphim, without the evilization of God the words rising by the Virgin Mary Major!

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

Most Masdwoman My Virgin, Holy Men's Holy and All-Will Mena, Smrennago and Okayannago Slave of God (name), despondency, oblivion, nerazumiya, nerazness and all bad, dying and cool thinking from Okanenagigago my heart and from a permanent mind of my mind Passions of my, Yako Nishche Emba and Okyanen. And save me from many people with memories and enterprises, and from all the evils of evil release. Yako blessing from every childbirth, and the precessive name is yours in the eyelids. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to ask for the help of guardian angels

Angel translated from Greek - "Bulletin", with the Jewish - "Messenger". Angels are disembodied sensible perfume, helping the Almighty to protect people. There, above, there are three hierarchies - the highest, medium and lowest. Each hierarchy has three ranks.

The highest hierarchy includes seraphims, cherubs and thrones. The average hierarchy is three ranks: domination, strength and power. The low hierarchy includes starts, archangels and angels. Angels are closest to people. They instruct us for a virtuous life, keep people, are always ready to help if we wish.

Above all nine ranks put by the Lord Holy ArchReart Mikhail. Archangels are also known:

Gabriel is a fortress, the power of God, the West and the minister of the Divine omnipotence;

Rafail is the heal of God, the healer of human ailments;

Uriel - fire or the light of God, the enlightener;

Selafiil is the prayerman of God, encouraging to prayer;

Iehudiil - the famous God, firming people for the glory of the Lord and applied to reward them for feats;

Varajille - Distributor of God's blessing for good deeds, asking people of God's mercy;

Jerimille - the elevation of God.

On iconsarchangels are depicted in accordance with the family of their ministry.

Mikhail - tramples the legs of the devil, in his left hand holds a green divide branch, in the right - spear with a white horugety (sometimes a fantasy sword), on which the shredded cross is inscribed.

Gabriel - with a paradise branch brought by the Blessed Virgin, or with a luminous lantern in his right hand and a mirror from Yaspis in the left.

Rafail - holds a vessel with healing drugs in the left hand, and the right leads man carrying fish.

Uriel - in the raised right hand holds a naked sword at the chest level, in the lowered left hand - "Fiery Flame".

Selafiil - in a prayer position looking down, hands are folded on the chest.

Iehudiil - in his right hand holds a golden crown, in the left - Beach of three red (or black) Vervius.

Varajil - on his clothes a lot of pink colors.

Ieremil-Hands in hand scales.

Different teachings speak differently on the period of attachment to us the Guardian angel. Some say it happens when baptism. Other that the guardian angel is given immediately, with the first sigh of the baby, during childbirth. I know for sure that at birth, religion does not matter here. Just later, when the child is baptized or took faith himself, other guardian angels are beginning to help him, who have more global tasks: they serve the egregor of religion. You can argue on this topic, you can simply accept as a given. But many cases are known when the guardian angel pulled literally from under the wheels of a person unresolved, sometimes even never entering the church.

In general, the guardian angel is just a friend given to us by God. That's what they do to people.

Guard people from different dangers threatening their lives.

Comply with those who focusing on the Lord are unharmed from evil.

Guard us during sleep.

Strengthen the spirit of suffering people.

Take a special participation in the rescue of the soul of man.

Care about both the body health of man.

Care about feeding people.

Do not leave a person at the hour of his death.

Many people have seen their guardian angels, and many do not even believe in their existence. Leave it on the conscience of all, this is a personal matter of everyone - to believe or not believe. The nature of the angels to the end of the incomprehensible to our earthly mind. Sometimes angels take the human appearance so that a person can believe in their existence, but, as a rule, they are always intenseless, although they are visible. Someone recalls, how he was pulled out from under the wreckage of a car whose gentle arms, similar to the wings, someone saw her tender beautiful face when he lay in the guilty delirium on the edge of life and death.

If we do not see the guardian angels, it does not mean that they are not. Most often, the help of the Lord is served through the angels spiritually, through thoughts and feelings. They help us keep the soul clean. Unfortunately, not with all people they succeed.

How to talk to your guardian angel, how to contact him? Very simple. Our first prayer for angel: Holy Guardian Angel, moth of God about us!

If you defeated tape and despondency, then appeal to the guardian angel of the soul so: Sadness with laziness, the idleness and negligence of the discharge from me, my cheerful keeper, and good and godly bodily working with good slaves and faithful, not devoid of Mzda, at the joy of the Lord of mine.

If the carnal passions are tormented, then pray like this:

Studying and passion is carnation, an infrequent defender mine, relieve me, and your intercession, a pure heart, a narrowing of God and exceed him forever. Bludnago Besa, always soul and the body of my dexcrewly, distant from Mene, the keeper, yes, disassembled with you, I sang and exceed him forever.

If you become nervous and explosive, then pray like this:

Meekness and patience The way of testing Mi, anger and zeal from my heart of my eradity, moths of crunch and long-sighboring Jesus, angel, saint, pray.

Each of the archangels also have their prayers.

Holy Archangel Mikhail, the winner, the death of my passion.

Holy Archangel Gabriel, Western God, build me a mortal hour.

Holy Archangel Rafail, healer, heal from the soul and bodily disease.

Holy Archangel Uriel, the enlightener, enlighten my feelings of shower and bodily.

Holy Archangel IEGUDY, the glorious, but I do not lick the glory of God in the kingdom of him.

Holy Archangel Selaphille, prayer, moths of God about me, sin.

Holy Archangel by Varachiel, a blessing, bless me, sinning, to conclude all my life in prayer and repentance.

The total prayer-charm will help you in a difficult moment.Write it on a piece of paper, fold into three folds and always wear with you. Angel my keeper, my savior, the deliver, save me, covered with my own from the enemies of my nine nine, from the look of Herod and Affairs of Judah, from Jules, everybody, from the island in the dark, from poison in a vessel, from thunder and zipper, from Anger and punishment, from animal torture, from ice and fire, from a black day, and my hour will come last, my angel, my keeper, stand in the headboard and facilitate my care. Amen.

With any trouble, read for a day seven times a prayer for the guardian angel:

The guardian angel, an angel-preservator, an angel, imputing, in front of the Lord, pray for my soul, about my zlosta. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sometime I wrote nominal icons on the signs of the zodiac, and in the church they practically do not know. Some of my naive readers wanted to clarify this issue, and they came across the Batyushki at best on misunderstanding, and at worst - to condemnation. God is the judge for ignorance, but the signs of the zodiac have their own angels that help these signs. Ancient people knew this and appealed to their angels by name. Angels like when they know. It's easy to pray to my angel: insert his name in the prayer of the keeper angel, you can express a specific request within the angel's capabilities.

Prayer Guardian Angel

Holy angel, the oppression of my soul and a passionate my life, do not leave me a sinner, below retreat from me for the confusion of my. Do not give the place to the deception of the demon with me, the violence of the mortgago television; Inhapping the distinguished and thin my hand and put me on the path of salvation.

She, holy angel of God, the keeper and the patron athannnya watery soul and body, all I'm sorry, Elikima Insults, all the days of my abdomen, and it is somehow that I was warm in a preceded north, I am on a real day, and save me from all soutsion Antigago, yes, in no way, I hurt God, and pray for me to the Lord, may I approve in my rush, and it will be worthy of me, the slave, his goodness. Amen.

Morning prayer

Bless, Lord, on the Acts of the Day of the Forthworthy, and the difficulties of him will be met, IKO and appreciates yours goes under the holy. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Evening prayer

Lord! God merciful! Strengthening the power in the opposition to the forces of the darkness, in order not to confront them to them, but to purify the land-mother from this garbage. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After prayers, do not forget to cross. Then commemorate the palms at the chest level and tell me:

The power of the Lord of Christ inside me, to which I serve with all my heart, with all my heart and all my might.(Then fold the palms from behind yourself and speak further.) I surround myself around His Divine Protection, which will not dare to cross one sin.(Trigger three times.) Amen.

Look to bed, do not forget to say:

I go to bed, there is a cross stamp on me, on the sides of the guardian angels, save my soul from the evening to midnight, from midnight to morning. Amen.

Whether overnight

Light turns off, God soul and body hand.


We spend a third of your life in a dream, but often this side of life pay little attention. And in vain! Special prayers for sleepy dream helped end the day, night defended from evil. Read this prayer before bedtime and you yourself will feel its strength:

Lord God God, hedgehogped in the days of Sevet in the word, business and thoughts, is a good man and a humans, forgiveness. Miren Sleep and Demonstrate Darui Mi. Angela of your keeper Ambassador, covering and observing me from all evil.

Ancient prayer for all cases in life

Lord! Give me power to accept what I can't change, courage is to change what I can, and wisdom - always distinguish one of the other!

Prayer-spell on an amulet to protect a person

1. Oh deleted father, about the highest mind, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, four elements. I spell you, for the sake of your strength and virtue, consecrate this (call the subject), which is made for your good. I spell you (call the subject).

2. The name of the truth, the life of eternity, the name of the creation, which took place from the insignificance so that nothing was in my possession, except for indisputability and virtue.

You can speak amulet, ring, earrings, etc. and wearing this decoration. You can make an amulet to someone as a gift. Conspiracy will help protect against various negative impacts.

Protective prayer I.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord, an evil man, a rifler who evil thinks about me and thinks, hit his knees about the stone, kill him. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Protective prayer II.

It is always applied, in any situation helps. It is read three times: the first-one out of the house, the second - on the road somewhere, the third is on the way to work or to the right person.

My God, let's go with me.

You are ahead, I am for you.

Protective prayer III

Mikhail Archangel ahead, Mikhail Archangel behind, Mikhail Archangel on the right, Mikhail Arkhangel left. Save the slave of God (name) from any evil, from every trial, from all troubles, for God with her. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protective prayers

Here are two more wonderful prayers that help in different difficult and unexpected situations. They were sent to me my regular readers. In general, quite often I send prayers, poems, rites. I do not keep the letters of readers, because then there would be a separate room for them, but I always rewrite with gratitude to your notebook something that can be useful to others.

Lord, Jesus Christ! No one comes to me: neither fire, nor water, no trouble. Jesus Christ walked from heaven, carried the Gospel and Cross. The Lord with me, the Lord it is necessary for me, fence me, Lord, a stone wall. Who wants to attack me, fear for him.

Rivers, Lakes, Dark Forests, Zatuman, Lord, My Enemies Eyes! Amen. Amen. Amen.


It is a "live" prayer, it must always be kept with you.

My Angel, my keeper! My savior! Save me, save, sagging from any disease, grief, from enemies, sacrup. Save me at home, on the road, on the road. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer Nikolai Raznika

About Nikolai Saint My Wonderworker! I am a sinner before you. Came to you with the Great Moloto: Oh not leave! I'm tired in my life! My cross is hard, but I am not a kick, I carry it from an early age. I'm tired, the great wonderworker, save and save me forever. You showered us sinful of the dungeon, you did not point out the road, and how many times a great wonderworker, you helped in my life. And do not leave my prayer, come to the rescue and hand of the outset. I'm tired, the great wonderworker, save and save me on the way. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer against quarrels.

Appeal to the Holy Bartholomew

Holy Bartholomew, you always lived in holiness and humility. Did not indulge in worldly joy, did not think about luxury. Was you always honest and fair. Holy Bartholomew, you are the only holy one who may judge the worldly affairs. Help me not indulge in malice and anger. Help me cope with your pride, holy warfolomes!

I love the Lord God, Jesus Christ and God's Mother, pray and glorify them. I want to get rid of the earthly vices and with a clean soul to praise our Lord. Amen.

Prayer repentant sinners

Lord! Forgive my sin! Making it, I forgot about you. I fell into infamousness, and the cramped filled my whole soul. I, Lord, did not know what was worked. Now the shame and repentance are burned. My soul rushes from the devil's networks. And I ask you for forgiveness and tearfully squeeze: let me go sins. Amen.

All lost and doubting

Lord Most High! You are the Creator of all living on Earth. You are the creator of all the beauty of the earth. Lord, help clean our souls and cure body. Lord, you are the most fair, and you will make your trial to retire. Lord, take our earthly sins with us. Forgive us, sinful, for the darkness and challenge. Lord, we ourselves do not know what we are doing. Give us the strength to save yourself from black and with a clean soul to pray to you until the end of the days of your earthly. Amen.

Conspiracy on human love

I will become, the slave of God, in the morning,

Blessing and cross

Go out in a clean field

I will see for all four sides.

On the east side

There is a holy church.

How to look at this church and charge,

So on the slave of God looked and dared

Old old men, old old women,

Little guys, red maidens,

Young men,

We looked and dared on the slave of God (name).

Be, my words, strong and tanks, like dungeon keys. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To help you well with people around you, read this plot every day. It will help to attract feelings to you as a separate person and just around.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desire

Light a candle near the window so that the smoke draws to the street. Sit down and read this old prayer at least three times. And let the candle let the knot. The rite is married seven days in a row.

- Most Holy Mother of the Virgin, where he slept, where spent the night?

Jesus Christ, on the throne. Dreaming to her terrible-prejudicable, that her son on the Ussuri mountains knobs-legs were nailed.

- Son you are mine, Son Beloved, who are you leaving for me?

- on the Most Holy Mother of the Virgin.

Go to court - you will be right; In the forest will save from Zablud, from heretic, from the slander, from surface waters. Amen. Amen. Amen".

And tell your desire in your own words. This prayer is very strong, I checked. And not only me. It helps even from prison.

Golden prayer

Holy Mother of God

Over the crude land went

Jesus Christ for the handle drove

He led to the Siamese mountain.

On the Siamese mountain is a table -

Christ the throne.

On this table lies the Book of Golden,

God himself reads her

Sheds his roar.

Sainted Peter and Paul came:

"What, God, read,

Sing your roof? "

"Do not look, Peter and Paul, on my flour,

Take the cross in hand and go on raw land! "

Who will be this prayer to know

Three times a day to slip

He will not be lit in fire,

In water sink, in the pure field to disappear.

From the baptized, generated (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Paint prayer

If you feel your guilt, do not forget that there is such a prayer.

The Most Holy Mother of God, I appeal to you! In the words of my black against your daughter (son, mother, grandson, husband ...) I repent! I pray, sorry, hulu I'm sorry! And (name) good luck in the affairs of return! Amen.

Prayer for all cases in life

Lord! Give me sincere calm to meet everything that will bring me a real day. Give me all the wilts of your saint. For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Whatever I received news during the day, teach them to take them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire holy will of yours. In all matters of my and the words of my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let you forget that everyone is sent to you! Teach me directly and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is upgrown, no one confuse. Lord! Give me the strength to postpone the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during it! I will manage my will and teach me to pray and hope, believe, love, tolerate and forgive! Amen.

Three necessary prayers

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed the essentials of our, and yours for the sake of yours. (Three times.)

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our, and do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Virgin Devo Rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you: You are blessed in the wives, and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

This rite for clean Thursday,but it is suitable for any ablution.

Put dry herbs in the bowl: Heather, Juniper, Mint, Melissa, St. John's wort, chamomile. Scroll through the bowl, then burn herbs and fool the whole apartment smoke.

Make silver water, putting a silver object into a cup with water: bracelet, spoon, chain, ring ... then this water is well wash and drink on an empty stomach.

After drinking, the longing is often poured. To get rid of it, make such a rite: Cut the tips of your hair, burn them and throw them into a cup with water, read a cup of conspiracy.

Old age and pain, longing and cracker,

Hoody Duma, bad thoughts

I, the slave of God (name), burn fire

Smoke I will release on the forest, on the rivest wind.


Then look into the cup where the hair floes, put a cup on the window. Before bedtime, look again. In the morning - again. And pour the contents behind the threshold or outside the window.

Prayers occupy a very important place in the life of people. They often help in the most critical situations and attach strength to active actions in the struggle for well-being and happiness.

Prayers are a way to communicate with God, finding support and its place in the world. For each Orthodox Christian, this is a kind of daily ritual that helps lead righteous life and resist negative manifestations. There are three prayers that are pronounced in various life situations. They are able to help find a way out of any position.

Prayer for protection and assistance

"Lord Almighty! Your belief is drawn to you, your faithful (name). Save, Lord, in my weakness. Give you to see the way, in the darkness of me hidden. Help in doubts of my doubt not to be mired, protection from my opponents and worships. Do not let go from the road, your light is illuminated. I urabe me from the discontinuities of Diavolsky, but they will not be encroached on my soul, you are given. Amen".

Prayer for happiness

"The Mother of God Devo! You, the god chosen for the mission of the Holy, in the centuries glorified. I appeal to you for help. Bless, Virgo Maria, the servant of God (name), but help to gain the happiness of the true, the works of the righteous achieved. Do not disappear your gaze bless to the success of my quest. Yes, no offense of human clan, do not care for the sake of the sake, and I do not worry about the naval. For the benefit of themselves and the families of their own, yes for the happiness of their and their neighbors. Help, Mati, a fence from the troubles and the sorrows and help to find the love of the true, God given. Amen".

Prayer for the forgiveness of sins

"Lord God! I call you. His soul and body hand you, all your feelings and things. Mercy God, save me from sin, to direct my thoughts for good deeds, do not leave at an hour of doubt and robusts before the opponents of my and dear things. My sins on my conscience, help, Lord, Clean the soul from blacks, my cattle. I supervise me, and my power is not running out under your eyes. To mention the right way to save the devil, I am on the anger and betrayal of the seductive. Amen".

These prayers you can pronounce at any time when you feel the need for support. Open your hearts and souls in front of the skies and all the might resist the evil exterior and inner. We wish you joy and happiness, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

07.06.2017 05:33

Nikolai Wonderworker is one of the most revered and beloved saints among Orthodox Christians. Prayers facing ...

During study, many have stress and excessive impact on the psyche. Get rid of fears and ...

Prayer is true value For a believer man. Together with the prayer, the Orthodox carries his speech to the Lord in the lucky minutes of happiness and adversity, in white, as well as black days. Prayers for all life situations emanating from the soul itself help a person in any difficulty, and also give the believer support from the higher forces.

It is worth viewing videos in which you can most accurately listen to prayers to the Lord. These videos will help accurate to understand the meaning of the prayer you need. You can also download a book of prayers in Russian.

Orthodox short prayers for all occasions

Ancient prayer for all occasions

None of the Christian will refute efficiency and effectiveness of Orthodox prayers. But in order to apply them correctly, it is not enough to simply memorize their text - it is important to imagine which varieties of pasties exist, as well as their own importance. It is always necessary to remember which text should contact this or that life situation. To find out what prayer you need to use, a person can, if he listens to the internal tips of his heart, carefully analyzes the life situation that has established before him.

The Orthodox Church, of course, does not delimit the petitions on some official classes, but conditionally, by nature, all Orthodox prayers can be divided into the following group:

  1. Foundation - carry any petition.
  2. Reculting - possess repentance to the Lord.
  3. - Attach praise And gratitude to God.
  4. Hagon, God himself is glorified. Phrase: "Glory to Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit", which finishes almost every petition for the Almighty, is a direct chipping of the Holy Trinity. Also, prayers are famous for the holy races of the Lord.

Strong Orthodox prayers

In the Orthodox Church there are 3 main petitions that are considered effective and strong themselves. Every believer of the Orthodox man should know them.

This text carries around seven requests and famous Lord. Thanks to her, the Orthodox strengthens his faith in the Most High, expresses his subordination and reliability of the will of the Lord, asks him to provide him with everything necessary for humble life, rises in his most negative actions and pray for protection against evil forces. From the prayer "Our Father" you need to start any petition directed towards the Almighty.

This prayer is considered the only one that Jesus Christ gave his disciples, in response to the desire to pray them. Priests advise about three times a day to take this petition. It is also worth reading the prayer "Virgin, Divo, rejoice" (several times a day) and the "Symbol of Faith" (once a day).

Text 1.

Our Father! Yes, your name is yours, and your kingdom will arise, and you will be the desire of yours, both in heaven and on Earth. Bread our main rain We carry; And leave us our debts, as we become our debtors; And do not enter us in temptation, but take away from us dark.

"Virgin Virgo, rejoice." In this past, Saint asks for protection from the most name of the Mother of God, hesifies her humility and faith. From this text it is worth starting any prayer directed to the naval. This prayer arose one of the first in Christian religion. The text was created according to the words of speech, which proclaimed when the Virgin Mary spoke about the good news that she would soon give birth to the light of the Savior.

This prayer Christians prove their faith in the fact that the Most High exists that his prayers and petitions will be heard that after death there are eternal and new life.

Text 2.

Verb in the only god of father, The Most High, the Creator of the Earth and Heaven, all visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, one, from the Father, created before all years; Lights from the light, God is true from God, born, created, as well as his father.

For the sake of us and for the sake of salvation of our heaven and born from the Spirit and Mary of the Virgin and became more developed.

Consistent as Pilate, and suffered, and buried.

And resurrected on the third day of giving.

And climbed to heaven, and sitting next to his father.

And the Paks are coming with the news, judge alive and dead, his kingdom will not be the end.

And B. Spillage of the Saint, gentlemen, from the father of the walk, with the father and son of Spoklans and Slavima, the verbal prophets.

In one holy, the cathedral and apostolic church.

Confessing the only baptism in leaving sins.

The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Book of prayers for all occasions

In the life of each person, his family is ranked first. Neither prosperity, nor friends nor successful work will be able to act as home heat, the care of relatives and loved ones, ringing laughter of children. If surrounded by loved ones, the world and quiet, if there is comfort and love in the home environment, then any external negative Situations simply leave.

The first prayer aimed at the petition for the Mother of God will help strengthen the family, supports friendly relations in it, will create protection against evil and harmful people and misunderstandings.

Lords are predicted, to put my family under your defense. Bring to the heart and soul of my spouse of my and children of our world, love and kindness to the whole surrounding; Do not give anyone from my family to feel the separation and sore parting, to a sudden and unexpected death without repentance. And our house and all of us living in it, save from fiery mental, evil attacks, all sorts of bad prospace, different insurance and puffyness from bad strength. Yes, and we sincerely and separately, together and secretly glorify the name of your holy, now and always, and forever. Amen. Most Holy Virgin, help us!

The second prayer helps the believer to turn to the most alpine, strengthens the romantic relationship between couples, as well as brings happiness and well-being.

Heavenly Lord! In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you about my happiness in family matters. Give and reducing us in our family love to each other. Bring us so that our love becomes stronger and added. Traine to love me my spouse (spouse) from all my heart, teach me to love him (her), as you loved me and son of your Jesus Christ. Let me understand that I should remove from my life and what I need to learn that we have a loving family. Bring me wisdom in my actions and in words to never be upset and oh, offend my spouse. Amen

It is important to realize that problems in the family should not go For the threshold of the house. Even your parents should not be drawn into these problems. In a difficult life situation, the believer can be diligently praying and send petitions to the Lord about help. If you cannot solve your problem, then both spouses should go to the priest who uses the biblical commandments to discern the problem and give recommendations how to prevent it.

How to make prayers?

Of course, it is best to pray to a person in full silence and peace, when no one distracts nothing, but sometimes you can ask God and on the go. The place and form of petition does not have much importance and principles, it is important to make a prayer with a complete understanding and faith.

Rarely, who can figure out the Bible and choose from it the necessary prayers independently. It is for this reason that in the church you can find the Moliteons in which there are all the texts of prayers aimed at any life situation. Usually in the title of prayer is immediately written, at what time it is worth reading. There are special groups of prayers: about the family, health, for pregnant women and so on. If you do not understand e the true meaning of prayer, then you should go to church again. The clergymen will be able to competently explain to you every incomprehensible line and word in the text, advise what to do during difficulties.

If the believer appeals to God with the true faith, the answer will not make himself wait. The most important thing in prayer is the feeling of interaction with the Almighty. Pray often and regularly - and you will be heard.