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How to define your life path. Life path of man

How bad to live a person without understanding his life path. The unknown and ignorance of the right path in life is a straight road to a dead end. It looks like a wandering in a dense fog - to go and not see the roads. Numerology will help dispel fog on the road of life.

Pickling on a straight road will be ahead of the running, which got off the way. (Francis Bacon)

Straight road - know your life Path. To learn your calling in life, we use numerology. The initial data will be the numbers of the month, day and year of birth. The sum of all numbers will give us an important number that defines the life path. This is the number of travel sheet on the road called Life.

This track sheet, where the direction of the direction is indicated and the limits of possible and impossible deviations are indicated. This number will explain to us who we will answer the question: why are we just like that?

Life path is that which mission we are sent to the planet Earth and that we need to do here. Our inner nature will also clear up, the abilities we possess.

A rule for the definition of life path: the difference in the life path is determined by the addition of day figures, month and year of birth. Then reducing everything to one digit. Exception: 22 and 11.

Numbers 11 and 22 - dominant in numerology, which cannot be reduced, if only their oscillations do not make it difficult for the life path of man.

The number of life path (CHDD) is easy to determine the three ways of addition.

Visual examples

Example: 1. Date of birth Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy 09.09.1828

  1. 0+9+0+9+1+8+2+8=37=3+7+10= 1+0=1
  2. 1828+09+09=1846=1+8+4+6=19=1+9=10=1+0=1
  3. 1828=1+8+2+8=19=1+9=10=1+0=1; 0+9=9; 0+9=9; 1+9+9=19; 1+9=10=1+0=1

Different methods of addition are needed in order to check whether 2, 4 and 6 double numbers 11, 22 and 33 do not lick, which deepen the value of our number.

This is how difficult it turns out to be in the brilliant writer Pushkin.

Example 2. Date of birth Alexandra Sergeevich Pushkin 06.06.1799

  1. 0+6+0+6+1+7+9+9= 38= 3+8=11
  2. 1799+ 06+06=1811; 1+8+1+1=11
  3. 1799=1+7+9+9=26=2+6=8 0+6=6; 0+6=6; 8+6+6=20=2+0+2

As you can see that Pushkin is hidden 11: a dominant number. If the dominant number does not fit you, that is, an alternative, such as Pushkin, number 2.

Number of life path: 1-3

  1. The key here performs - individuality. If you have 1, then you are the first, creator and original. Leader, not a follower. You will succeed as a craftsman, manager or director. Orders are not for you. Ambitions overwhelm the soul and you have a very active life path.

Honesty and loyalty - your character traits. A good sense of humor helps in the most difficult situations.

Self-confidence and pride, in addition with the power of will, will help complete any work.

Beware negative emotions: arrogance, egoism, as well as boasting, tension and instability.

  1. Cooperation. You better get to do in a pair, in a group or team. Two needs cooperation. You are communicable, kind and do not forget other people. Your success is to help others without award, then she will find you. Just beware of becoming a volunteer.

You are a good diplomat and peacemaker. There is an excellent feeling of tact. Love the family - home focus and relatives are very important in your life. Punctual in work, picky to small things. You are shy and often prefer not to go out of the shade.

Numerology warns to beware of negative oscillations: excessive susceptibility, refusal to help others, buggy, inability to risk and self-destruct. Enter power and courage.

  1. Self expression. You are happy, creative and multilateral personality. An enthusiast by nature, which is energetic, intellectual, optimist is a born leader.

Have an excellent sixth feeling, and you will achieve triumph in mental work.

Friendly, and the word friends for you is not an empty sound. You want beauty, happiness and fun for all people and for all living things that surrounds you. Original ideas And fights the key. Follow your instincts - they are true.

Beware: hasty, noncriticality, excessive chatty, as well as jealousy, loss of self-esteem and intolerance.

FFG for 4-9

By nature you are a master, strive for regularity at work and household content. Details are of great importance in your life - relieve accuracy.

For you, the intellectual direction is suitable, but you can also work well with your hands. Hardworking. We take money and adore your home. You work for money, but forget about gambling.

Negative emotions that need to beware of: the desire to command, great criticality, laziness, intolerance, workolism.

  1. Freedom. You cannot control you, come and go when you want. Activity, tirelessness and diversity. Good luck comes in collaboration with people. New just entails you: Friends, wardrobe, unfamiliar edges. The monotony quickly brings boredom.

Communicable and easy to make new acquaintances. Unopened faces attract you, everyone wants to experience themselves. The order and discipline for you above all.

Do not go on the habit. Your talents are far from home trouble and work orders.

Beware of irresponsibility, excessive driving on alcohol, sexual games and drugs.

  1. A responsibility. Learn to serve others, create a benefit for others, and forget your selfish intentions.

You adore comfort, idealism, musical creation and beauty. According to appearance, you are pretty, idealism and justice in your blood. Peacemaker.

Close your eyes on misses your loved ones. Think that you can re-educate others. Many of you are married, but there are people who establish exorbitant criteria for the second half. Therefore, create a family at a late age or do not create at all.

Love to enjoy beautiful landscapes. Fair. You have increased concern for people who need protection: children, old men and patients.

You are suitable for the profession of the humanitarian direction. Often choose the activities of the doctor, teachers.

Beware: silent, pride and unreasonableness.

7. Wisdom. You are constantly learning. Knowledge for you all. Want to discover the secrets of the universe. Do not trust others, constantly collect information.

This is the number of singles that read, reflect and open. You must know the secrets from the lips of world thinkers. You can be a teacher or writer. Learn, betray your knowledge to others. Comprehend your skills and good luck comes to you. Patience is one of your best qualities.

Beware: Melancholy, alcohol, laziness and secrecy.

  1. Traffic. Heavy way. According to Numerology, the Triumph comes with the help of knowledge, equality of both spiritual and material.

From the first place to eliminate making money - this is not the main thing in life. Learn to work more for a common good, then the award will come.

Leadership is not alien to you. Management and own business you like more. Manit big business, great projects.

Numerology advises: Learn hardness in principles, order courage and common sense.

You may be lucky in education, trade, consulting. Interested in metaphysics.

Beware: misfortunes, egoistic motivations and waste.

  1. Compassion. Tolerance and understanding are your qualities. Get a reward when you realize that your calling to serve people. Try to help them inspire them. Risk to suffer defeat if you want power.

You have developed intelligence and insight. Your perspectives: charity, labor in hospitals. You make the world better.

Vibrations that need to beware of: misfortune, cowardice and indecision.

Mothering numbers
  1. Inspiration. On numerology, much expected from you. The life path is conjugate with the dominant number. You are in the epicenter of reverections.

Professions in which you can succeed: ambassador, diplomat, minister, critic. You can be a spiritual advice. In life, you are a philosopher who believes in ideals. Personal ambitions can harm because your goal is to transmit knowledge to other people. You are obliged to lead other people.

How do you live inspire others. Live correctly. You can become an actor, a writer, a physician, a psychologist - to succeed in any sphere that aims to help others.

Beware: dishonesty, tricks, aimlessness.

This is a strong number and is not suitable for all people. If it acts - it means that your number. If not, that is, alternative -2. Do not strain the dominant numbers, do not adapt to them.

  1. Universality. The number of creators, creators and architects. All who are risking in the name and good of other people.

World problems and global enterprises are your interests. Leadership and management are easily given by this number.

You can work as a teacher, in government and public structures. All your views are universal, because you have to work for public benefit.

Beware of such vibrations: nervousness, taciousness, boasting and indifference. If the number does not work, then it has an alternative - the number 4.

Knowing your life path, we can determine for themselves the main goals and protect ourselves from rampant projects. Numerology will help you find a profession - your true path in this world.

Hello, dear readers. I want, for you, write a series of articles on numerology. I will be glad to help those people who need it. I think you will be interested, you will discover a lot of new and interesting. Thanks to the numbers, I learned a lot about myself, children, parents, friends and acquaintances. The numbers tell us a lot, everything becomes in their place, because these are some tips that we can use in your life. If you have questions regarding yourself or children, then numerology can give answers on them. The most important thing to remember is that there are no bad or good numbers in numerology, there are the qualities they show. The numbers are a hint with which you can diagnose, but not evaluate a person. Negative numbers There is no numerology.

All digits of a single row belong to the numeric range from 1 to 9 and are endowed with certain properties, images and concepts.

ZHP - This is the amount of the number, month and date of birth.

What shows us?

The number of life path shows us the path that a person goes all his life, as well as what he is talent.

For example: 17 06 1956

1+7+6+1+9+5+6= 35

Now I will briefly tell about the meaning of each number where the positive and negative qualities of the number will be presented.

If you are in the minus, it is necessary to work on yourself, and strives for the positive qualities of the number.

ZHP 1.

If you have 1 in the calculation 1, then you leader, innovator, independent, independent, ambitious and active. You yourself cope with any situations in your life, and moreover, you can help others.

It is important for you to always put goals and reach them. 1 These are leaders who are able to lead.

If you are left in minus, most likely you can manifest stubbornness in some issues. You may be inherent in such features as: laziness, egoism, impatience, etc.

ZHP 2.

If you have 2 when calculating, you are a balanced, sensual, responsive, sociable. This is a balance, flexibility, partnership.

Two partnership is very important, they need to be able to maintain harmonious relationships in any situation and any conditions. Greater success is achieved in partnership.

If you are in the minus, then you have such qualities as: impactivity, indecision, sacrifice, boring, etc.

ZHP 3.

If you get 3, then you are a born optimist surrounding with you very easily, you are inherent in the energy of creativity, joy, activity.

A man with ZHP 3 has everyday wisdom, a gift of conviction, and is designed to bring joy and inspiration in society. The element of creativity is contributed to any activity.

A person needs to receive joy and pleasure from life.

If the quality of the number in the minus, then the person can be inherent in the surface chatter, greed, fussiness, accumulation.

ZHP 4.

This is a stable number in numerology. If you have a ZHP 4, then this indicates reliability, stability, justice, clarity and clarity in actions, speaks of discipline and order. People with ZHP 4 responsible and reliable friends.

Could achieve goals using hardworking and persistence.

If the qualities of the number in the minus, then there may be some self-confidence, rudeness, rigidity, control, laziness, pride. Often, conservatism and fear of change can interfere with the career staircase.

ZHP 5.

People with ZHP 5 are active, curious, impulsive, for them it is very important and necessary to move, travel, changing the impressions, change activities. It is very important not to be attached to people or situations.

5 People of creativity, very favorable, freedom-loving, can hear and listen. You can not stop, it is necessary to grow. Work is better to choose where professional growth is possible.

If 5 goes to the negative, then this is: irresponsibility, syradiability, manipulation, embarking situations.

ZHP 6.

Characteristics of this number, this is: love, sensuality, responsibility, delicacy, responsiveness. For 6, the family, home, career, everything should be during.

Love to decorate the space around ourselves, create comfort and comfort. Know how to find mutual language with colleagues.

If 6 leaves in minus, then pay attention to fears, challenges, anxiety, pride, you need to urgently move in a plus.

ZHP 7.

With people who have ZHP 7 comfortable and easy, they try to translate anyone in positive, intuition is well developed. Love everything to analyze. They have a philosophical warehouse of the mind, they are easy to rise, but at the same time they light up quickly, but also quickly go out. Therefore, if a person with ZHP 7 offers to marry, do not think for a long time.

If speak about negative qualities, It is worth noting: envy, cunning, egoism, vitality, indifference.

ZHP 8.

People with ZHP 8 are endowed with energetic, high self-realization, hardworking and are tuned to achieve the goal, as a rule, are passionate about their favorite business.

Know how to attract money. There may be any business project requiring organizational qualities and qualities of the head. Very organized, sorrises, are configured to material benefits.

If 8 leaves in minus, then it is worth talking about laziness, self-examination, wastefulness, sarcazme, conservatism.

ZHP 9.

If the calculation is obtained 9, then you are inherent wisdom, responsiveness, compassion, generosity of the soul. 9 It is necessary for self-knowledge, self-improvement, their keywords "serving people". There may be a good advice, and also have a gift to "Herage Word".

In such a way, it is important to learn how to give not demanding in return, the universe itself will take care of them. The main direction is helping people.

In the minus it is: Fear of the future, fear of death, nervousness, variability, anxiety, panic attacks.

Control numbers in numerology

Next, we will have control numbers, 11, 22, 33 ... which have a high level of vibration, sensitivity, wisdom, knowledge, intuition. People with such a number must be disclosed and understand its potential.

If this does not happen, then the person lives on the vibration of the number 2 (11), 4 (22), 6 (33) ... and may be dissatisfied with life, life may not be folded as you want.

ZHP 11.

People with ZHP 11 should inspire people, negotiate. These are mentors, inspirers, priests. As a rule, intuition, extrostsensoric, sensitivity is well developed.

In the red, this suppression of people, complexes of inferiority, lies, lack of purpose, landiness, etc.

ZHP 22.

Good organizers are very practical, possess congenital charisma, fair, truthful. Do not impose your point of view, but teach and suggest.

If in the minus, then there is a desire for profit, the feeling of guilt, pride.

ZHP 33.

Forgiveness, emotionality, sacrifice, ready to give everyone to everyone. If you see a person in need, then they can worry, especially if they can't help anything.

But first it is important to know yourself and heal yourself, and to reveal these abilities, then the person will be able to benefit, serve and help people.

What else can you find out by date of birth?

2 View in which partner alliance is located. (Mirror, fate, karma)

3 Determine the psychotype.

4 identify problem points that prevent personality development.

5 identify potential: wealth, management ability, energy potential.

6. Determine your personal year.

7. Understand the child and reveal talents.

8. Understand your values \u200b\u200bin life and adjust your life scenario.

And much more.

My Skype: Alena Kravchenko Alenyska-Nusha

Life Path

Number Life path In numerology means what you were sent to Earth, what you should do, what is laid in your nature, those talents that you have, and what you actually imagine. It is your essence, your way in life. If you live with this number, having a positive, optimistic attitude to life, you will successfully achieve your goal. If you live pessimistic, complications may arise.
Life path is an unambiguous number, determined by the addition of all the dates of birth. Fill out the form below and you will learn what life path symbolizes your date of birth.
But before pay attention to what moment. In astrology, the time of birth is considered very an important factor When drawing up a horoscope. In numerology, the only thing that need to be considered was not born from midnight to one o'clock at night in summertime. If someone was born between midnight and night in the night at that time of the year, when the clock is transferred for summer time, then his date is in reality one day earlier. In this case, time must be clarified, because it will entail changes the date of birth and all other numbers where the exact data is necessary.

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And the process itself is its change and evolution since the birth of a person and ending with his death. In many cases, this term is synonymous with the word "biography".

The first person that formulated the concept of life path was Sh. Builer. In its wording, the life path had three different lines. The first is the sequence of real events taking place in the second - these are emotional experiences associated with them. The third is the results of actions carried out by this person.

At the same time, his own theory was put forward by P. Jean, which characterized the life path as a sequence of the stages of development and biography of the individual, its evolution.

There are other formulations of this concept, but they are all variations on these two first definitions. Which interpretation adhere to, each decides itself for itself - because there is no significant differences between them, any of them has the right to exist.

It should be noted that the above definitions of the life path are acceptable only to a person with a rational mystic, it believes that under the concept of "life path" means a certain scenario invented specifically for him by the highest forces. But even he, as a rule, admits that it is possible to somehow affect this very script. How? His own actions! Having made something correct (read something beneficial for "scenarios"), he seems to be rewarded in the form of a favorable development of events, and having permissible, forced to endure numerous troubles.

The point of view of such a mystic, though not too true, but, of course, much more interesting is the dry knowledge of the realist.

However, there is another interpretation of the concept of life path. It is no less important than the above, and is used more often than they. So, the life path of the personality is the process of exercising its destination, the road leading to the goal of life.

Unfortunately, for most people, the search for this very road is a very difficult matter. Why? Yes, because those surrounding (parents, friends, colleagues, relatives) often believe that they know better, what life path is better suitable for their loved ones. Special strong influence Kids feel - from the side of numerous adult relatives. Therefore, so many people choose their wrong way in life - behind the gomon votes of friends and loved ones very difficult to hear the quiet call of true vocation.

The most acutely rushes life path in young people, just beginning an adult life. This is not surprising, because it is before them is unfolding many different opportunities.

And it is that young people most of all chances make a mistake and regret it all his life. So they are so important for them to learn how to take right solutionsAnd for this you need to follow a few simple rules.

First, you need to learn to distinguish your own desires and aspirations from images imposed by other people. It is equally important to distinguish the desires of true, conscious, coming from the heart, from the low-lying aspirations imposed by instincts.

Secondly, every person must learn to respect their own desires and not put them below the desires of foreign people - at least alone with them.

And, fourth, it is impossible to forget about responsibility: any choice will be at the conscience of a person who has done it - no matter, in his own will or under someone's influence.

Life path is an individual personality history. As noted by B.G. Ananyev "The subjective picture of the life path is built according to individual and social development, commensiable in biographic historical dates." The specificity of the life path consists in its historical nature, understood as the inclusion of human life in the historical process. On this occasion, S.L. Rubinstein writes: "Not only humanity, but every person is to some extent by the participant and the subject of the history of mankind and in a certain sense he writes history."

And in order to understand your life path, a person should consider and answer the questions: "Who would I be? What am I doing? Who am I?"

As noted by S.L. Rubinstein, it would be wrong to think that in his affairs, in the products of its activities, his work personality is only detected, being before and besides them is ready and staying after them the same thing. A person who made something significant, becomes in a certain sense to another person. Of course, to make anything significant, you need to have internal opportunities for this. However, these possibilities and potency are sick and die off if they are not implemented; Only as the personality is objectively implemented in the products of its work, it grows through them and is formed.

When we see how a man invested himself in what he did, we feel that the person is worth the person, whose personality is of interest. Thus, "in human activity, in his affairs of practical and theoretical," said S.L. Rubinstein, mental, spiritual development of a person not only manifests itself, but also improved. " This is the key to understanding the development of the individual - how it is formed by making their own way.

The first and largest way to theoretical potential was the formulation of the problem of life path Sh. Bühler, which attempted to integrate the biological, psychological and historical times of life in a single coordinate system. She outlined three aspects of studying the life path of the personality:

study of objective living conditions, basic events of life and behavior under these conditions (biological and biographical aspect);

studying the history of the formation and change of values, experiences, the evolution of the inner world of a person (historical and psychological aspect);

study of the history of human creativity, products and results of its activities (psychological and social aspect).

The driving force of personality development is, according to S. Bücher, an innate desire for self-effectiveness, self-optimization is the implementation of "himself". The concept of self-effectiveness is close in meaning to the concept of self-realization. But self-realization is only the beginning of self-effectiveness.

Life path in the concept of S. Bücher is considered as a process consisting of five life cycles (phases of life). Each phase of life is based on the development of targeted personality structures - self-determination.

The first phase (from birth to 16-20 years) is considered to be a period of preceding self-determination, and as it were, it is believed beyond the life path.

The second (from 16-20 to 25-30 years) - a person's trial period in different types activities, finding a satellite of life, i.e. His attempt to self-sharing, predict its future.

The third phase (from 25-30 to 45-50 years) is a period of maturity. During this period, his expectations from life are real, he soberly assesses his capabilities, his self-esteem reflects the results of life path as a whole, the first results of their lives and their achievements.

The fourth phase (from 45-50 to 65-70 years) is the phase of an aging organism. Completed or nearers professional activities. Adult children leave the family, biological wilt occurs.

The tendency to dreams, memories, disappears the formulation of promising life objectives.

The fifth phase (65-70 years before death) - old age. Most people leave their professional activities, the inner world of old people turned to the past, they think about the future with anxiety, sighting close to the end.

All life path cycles are interconnected. The fact of the start of activity is of fundamental importance for the person's life path. As noted by B.G. Ananyev, the development of a person from birth to maturity coincides with the change in the education, education and training of the emerging personality and promisingly focused on preparing a person to independent life. In genetic relations, this preparatory phase is very important, as education is the main form of social management of the process of forming a person, the subject of knowledge and behavior. "During this period, a person's readiness for independent work, self-government is also formed.

The most detailed and recognized periodization of life cycles deemed in psychology belongs to E. Erickson, who distinguishes eight stages in the life path in the vitality. Each stage is accompanied by a crisis, which is a turning point in life arising from the achievement of a certain level of mental development and changes in relations with the surrounding people and the world. As a result, a person acquires something new, characteristic of this personality development cycle. These personal neoplasms themselves arise not from scratch, their appearance is prepared at the preceding stages of personality development.

Forming, personality acquires not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In his concept of personal development, E. Erickson describes only the extreme lines of personal development: normal and abnormal. In its pure form, they are rare, but they can accommodate possible intermediate variants of human personal development.

In accordance with the theory of E. Erixon, the basis of personal development is laid at the first stage (trust stage - distrust), which lasts from birth to 18 months. During this period, social interaction is developing, a positive pole of which is the trust, and negative - distrust. The degree of confidence depends on the care of the child, caresses, attention to his needs, etc. The lack of love care, due attention and care produce distrust, fearness and suspicion. Trust-distrust The child carries with him to other stages of development, and at the subsequent stages the child can overcome the initial incredulusity, but can lose confidence in others.

The second stage (autonomy of shame) lasts from one and a half to three to four years. During this period, based on the development of motor and mental abilities, the child's independence is developing. He all seeks to do himself, manifests activity. The main positive result of development at this stage is to achieve sense of independence. But life activity may be not obstructive, as a result of which the child faces disapproval by the surrounding. Too strict or inconsistent external control causes the child to doubt the significance of his personality, form shyness, doubt in their forces and a feeling of shame.

The third stage (initiatives - guilt) begins approximately four years (up to 6 years). During this period, the child appears the first ideas about how he can become a person. Intensively developing cognitive activity child, curiousness. The plans that he constantly build and which he can exercise contribute to the development of the initiative. But if parents show the child that his initiative, curiosity is undesirable and harmful, the game of stupid, the questions of Nomaliva, he begins to feel guilty and takes it a sense of guilt and humility in the next stages.

The fourth stage (hardworking or sense of inferiority) lasts about six to eleven years. During this period, the child is included in the systematic organized activities that independently performs. Throughout this period, the child is trying to conquer recognition, earn approval, carrying out educational, career activities. He develops hard work. But if a child is not formed by hard work, the level of development of educational skills, labor activity is lower than others, low status in situations of joint activities contributes to the emergence of inadequacy, incompetence and inferiority.

Fifth stage (identification of personality or role uncertainty). When moving to the fifth stage (12-18 years old), the teenager matures physiologically and mentally, it forms new views on the world, a new approach to life and herself. There is an active search for yourself, playing various roles. In search of personal identity, a person decides that it is important for him, produces norms to assess their behavior and behavior of other people. This process is associated with the awareness of its own value and competence, the development of plans for the future. If a person successfully copes with the task of psychosocial identification, then he has a feeling of who he is, where it is and where it goes. Failure to identification can lead to status uncertainty, confusion of roles, self-defense, problems in self-determination.

The sixth stage (intimacy isolation) begins at 20 and ends to 45 years. Under the proximity of E. Erickson understands not only physical intimacy, but also the ability to take care of another person, to establish trusting relationships, love. Success or failure at this stage depends on how successful the person has passed other stages. Social conditions can ease or make it difficult to achieve intimacy. But if a person does not reach proximity, there is a loneliness, such a state of a person, in which he has not to share his life with whom does not care.

Seventh Stage (Environment - self-absorption). This stage covers a period of 45 to 60 years. Environment E. Erickson calls the ability of a person to be interested in other people, think about the life of the upcoming generations. A person is proud of his children, satisfaction with a full and diverse life, he works creatively on himself. This period is characterized by high productivity in the most different areas. The same, who has no sense of consent to humanity, focuses on itself, the main care for his care is becoming satisfied with his needs, its own comfort.

The eighth stage (fullness of life-despair) is experiencing during aging, after 60 years. This is a stage of achieving a man of integrity, the feeling of the completeness and utility of the lived life and the realization that life was not in vain. Death is inevitable, but not terrible.

If a person is not satisfied with the lived life, aware of the meaninglessness of his existence, he completes his life in fear of death and in despair.

B.G. Ananyev noted that the desire to express the milestones of the person's life path in chronological dates is justified. Each lifestyle phase: preparatory, start, climax, finish - characterize the change in the subject of activity, personality. However, the meaning of medium-sized climax does not require evidence. Reducing the productivity of the scientist, artist, engineer, writer, etc. It may be temporary, and after a decline or creative decline comes a new rise, new climax. In addition, there is a certain dependence of the climax from the start, and the start from the education of the personality. To the same extent, you can assume the presence of a connection between the culmination and the finish.

Life periodization of the personality and its life structures are dependent on the very personality, from its capabilities and meaning of life. The meaning of life is a generalization of the personality of its tasks, opportunities and places in life, i.e. Man's life concept.

The identity of their life plans, tasks is self-actualization of the person. Self-actualization is "full use of talents, abilities, opportunities, etc." - Notes A. Oil. He wrote: "I imagine a self-contained person not as an ordinary person who is added, but as an ordinary person who has nothing taken away." He calls the characteristics of a self-actualized personality:

more efficient perception of reality and more comfortable attitudes towards it;

making yourself, others, nature;

spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness;

centralization on the task (in contrast to the centrality on yourself);

autonomy, independence from culture and medium;

constant freshness of evaluation;

sense of consent, unity with others;

deeper interpersonal relationships;

distinction of funds and goals, good and evil;

philosophical, wonderful sense of humor;

democratic character structure.

Self-actualization, as A. Maslow notes, is not the lack of problems, and the movement from transient and unreal problems to the problems is real.

Self-actualization plays a crucial role on the life of the person and at the same time determines it.

Many authors believe that self-actualizing personality is a person who has freedom to create himself and his life, turning into a holiday, into a fascinating game the most routine activity. E. Fromm determined freedom as the ability to make a conscious choice. One step to freedom is the ability to love. Many people do not know, do not understand that we cannot love others until we love yourself. And love yourself - it is to take yourself with all the weaknesses and disadvantages. The same attitude should be to other people. We are subject to illusions that you can love only for perfection, so love is replaced by power over a person, the desire to correct others.

Thus, a positive life path has a person seeking to self-actualization, for which faith in itself, in its own, adequate self-assessment of its qualities, a high level of self-government with his actions and actions. The start of the path to self-actualization is the development of the ability to self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.

A person, as we have seen, a person is not born; personality he becomes. This formation of a person is essentially different from the development of the body performed in the process of simple organic maturation. The essence of the human person finds its final expression in that it not only develops as every organism, but also has its own history.

In contrast to other living beings, humanity has a story, and not just repetitive development cycles, because the activities of people, changing reality, is objectified in products of material and spiritual culture, which are transmitted from generation to generation. Through their media, a continuity between generations is created, thanks to which the subsequent generations do not repeat, and continue the case of the previous ones and rely on their predecessors, even when they enter them into the struggle.

What belongs to humanity as a whole cannot not belong in a certain sense and to each person. Not only humanity, but each person is to some extent by the participant and the subject of the history of mankind and in a certain sense himself has a story. Anyone has its own history, since the development of the personality is mediated by the result of its activities, similar to the development of humanity is mediated by the products of social practice, through which the historical continuity of generations is established. Therefore, in order to understand the path of your development in its true human essence, a person must consider it in a certain aspect: what was I? - What I've done? - What did I become? It would be wrong to think that in our affairs, in the products of their activities, his work personality is only detected, being before and besides them ready and staying after them the same thing. A person who made something significant, becomes in a certain sense to another person. Of course, it is correct and the fact that to do something significant, you need to have any internal possibilities for this. However, these opportunities and human potentials are stuffed and dying if they are not implemented; Only as the personality is objectively implemented in the products of its work, it grows through them and is formed. Between the person and the products of her labor, meanwhile, and what she did, there is a kind of dialectic. It is not necessary for the person to exhaust himself in the fact that he did; On the contrary, people in respect of which we feel that they have exhausted themselves what they have done, usually lose their personal interest to us. At the same time, when we see that, no matter how much a person himself has invested in what he did, he did not exhaust himself with what he had committed, we feel that it is worth a living person, whose person is of particular interest. Such people have an internally free attitude towards their work, to products of their activities; Without having exhausted yourself in them, they retain internal forces and opportunities for new achievements.

This is why it is not about to reduce the history of human life to a number of external affairs. Least of all such reduction is acceptable for psychology, for which the internal mental content and mental development of the individual; But the essence of the case is that the very mental development of the person is indisputable by its practical and theoretical activities, its affairs. The line leading from what a person was at one stage of his story, to what he became next, passes through what he did. In human activity, in his affairs, practical and theoretical, mental, spiritual development of man is not only manifested, but also committed.

This is the key to understanding the development of the individual - how it is formed by making their own way. Her psychic abilities are not only a prerequisite, but also the result of its actions and acts. It is not only detected in them, but also forms. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe scientist is formed as it formulates it in his writings, the thought of a public, politician - in his affairs. If his cases are born from his thoughts, plans, ideas, then his thoughts themselves are generated by his affairs. The consciousness of the historical figure is formed and develops as a realization that through it and with his participation is committed, like when a sculptor cutter carves the image of human, it determines not only the features of the image itself, but also the artistic face of the sculptor itself. The artist's style is an expression of his individuality, but also the individuality of him as an artist is formed in his work on the style of works. The character of a person manifests itself in his actions, but in his actions he is formed; Human character - and prerequisite, and the result of its real behavior in specific life situations; Conducting his behavior, he develops in behavior. A bold man comes boldly and noble behavior; But, in order to become bold, you need to make bold business in your life, and to become really noble, - to make actions that would put this nobility print on a person. A disciplined person usually behaves disciplined, but how does it become disciplined? Just subordinating your behavior day a day, from an hour at an hour of steady discipline.

In the same way to master the heights of science and art, it is necessary, of course, known abilities. But, implementing in any activity, the abilities not only are detected in it; They are also formed in it, and develop. Between the abilities of a person and the products of its activities, its work there is a deepest relationship and the close interaction. Man's abilities develop and work out on what he does. The practice of life gives at every step the richest actual material, indicating how at work, in studies and work is deployed and the abilities of people are being worked out.

For a person is not a random, external and psychologically indifferent circumstance, his biography, a kind of story of his "life path". No wonder in the human biography, first of all, where and what he studied, where and how he worked, what he did, his works. This means that in the history of man, which should characterize it, includes first of all that during the training he has mastered from the results of the preceding historical Development Humanity and what he himself did for his further promotion - as he joined the continuity of historical development.

In cases where, including in the history of mankind, a separate person performs historical affairs, i.e. Cases that are included not only in his personal history, but also in the history of society, - in the history of science itself, and not just scientific education and mental development of this person, in the history of art, not just the aesthetic education and development of this person, etc., - it becomes a historical person in his own sense of the word. But every person has its own story, every human personality. Anyone has a story since it is included in the history of mankind. You can even say that a person is only inspired and is a person, as he has his story. In the course of this individual history there are also their "events" - nodal moments and rotary steps The life path of the individual, when with the adoption of one or another solution for a more or less long period, the human life path is determined.

At the same time, everything that the person does is indirectly with his attitude to other people and therefore saturated with public human content. In this regard, the cases that a person makes usually develop it, as they are public affairs. But at the same time, the person will develop its work, since his consciousness is a public consciousness. It is determined not only by the human attitude towards products of its own activity, it is formed by the attitude towards all areas of historically developing human practices, human culture. Through the objective products of their work and creativity, a person becomes a person, because through the products of his work, through everything that he does, a person always relates to man.

For each theory, ultimately, there is some kind of ideology; For each psychological theory - some kind of human concept, which receives more or less specialized refraction in it. Thus, a certain concept of a human person was standing for the traditional, purely contemplative, intellectualized psychology, in particular the psychology of an associative, who portrayed mental life as a smooth course of representations, as the process flowing entirely in the same plane, settled by the adhesion of associations like an uninterrupted working machine in which all parts adjusted to each other; And in the same way its own concept of man as a car or, rather, the appendage to the car underlies behavioral psychology.

His concept of human personality is also for all the buildings of our psychology. This is a real living person from flesh and blood; He is not alien to internal contradictions, he has not only sensations, ideas, thoughts, but also needs, and attraction; There are conflicts in his life. But the sphere and the real significance of the highest steps of consciousness is all shred and strengthened. These higher levels of conscious life are not external above the lower; They penetrate them all deeper and rebuild them; The needs of a person are increasingly becoming truly human needs; Nothing in its natural naturalness, they themselves, and not only the ideal manifestations of the person who are prescribed over them, are increasingly turning into manifestations of historical, social, truly human essence of man.

This is the development of human consciousness, its growth and rooting it is performed in the process of real human activity. Human consciousness is inextricably linked with reality, and effectiveness - with consciousness. Only due to the fact that a person driven by his needs and interests objectively generates all new and more advanced products of their work, in which he objectifies itself, all new areas are developing and developing, all higher levels of consciousness. Through the products of their work and their creativity, which are always products of social labor and public creativity, since the person himself is a public creature, a conscious person is developing, and its conscious life is going on and attached. This is also a solid psychological concept. For her, as her real prototype, the appearance of a man-creator, who, changing nature and rebuilding society, changes his own nature, which in his public practice, generating new public relations and in collective labor creating a new culture, which gives a new, truly human Human appearance.

It can be noted that the evolution of scientific ideas about the human life path to a certain extent reflected the social situation in our society. The concept of life path and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject of life was proposed by Rubinstein in the mid-30s, but then they disappeared for a long time from the horizon of psychological science. They did not further develop in Soviet psychology due to the social atmosphere, which was the features of our society and influenced the development of humanitarian sciences: the denial of any role of a separate person. To solve these problems, Rubinstein appealed in the 50s - in the most heavy period His life and life of society, when these scientific problems have become essential. In the 60s, the Soviet psychologist B. G. Ananyev [see: Ananyev B. G. Man as a subject of knowledge of knowledge. L., 1969. Research B. G. Ananeva was continued by his students (see: Karsaevskaya T. V. Progress of society and the problems of the biosocial development of a modern person. M., 1978; Loginova N. A. Personality development and its life path / / The principle of development in psychology. M., 1978).] For him, the age of man is basic in the characterization of life. Age, by Ananiev, connects the social and biological in special "quanta" - periods of life path ... .. In the life path, he highlights knowledge, activities and communication through which the person appears and is studied. Ananyev introduced the concept of social achievements of the person and allocated several periods of her life: childhood (education, training and development), adolescence (training, education and communication), maturity (professional and social self-determination of the individual, family creation and the implementation of socially useful activities). For the period of maturity there is a "peak" of a career. The last period is old age, i.e. Care from socially useful and professional activities while maintaining activity in the field of family.

But since in the public consciousness of those years due to the trend towards standardization, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe typical of life of all people dominated the unification of people, it was reflected on the concept of Ananya, who, on the one hand, sought to emphasize the individuality of the person, but on the other, he still could not depart from the tendency of unification, standardization of life. The concept of a life path, by Ananiev, took into account the social and age periodization of life rather than the actual personality. He failed to reveal the individual aspect of life because he did not add to the study of the activity of the person himself, which forms its own, unique life line. At the same time, the Ananian concept was a necessary prerequisite for the subsequent discussion of the issue of typical and individual in the life path of the individual.

Today we have the opportunity to reveal the individual features of the human life path. But for this you need not just to establish the correspondence of certain stages, events and the circumstances of the life of one way or another features and features of the personality, but to reveal the causal relationship of activity, personality development and changes in its life. We cannot plunge into the description of the individual history of the life of every person, because each story is unique. In addition, the initial personality dependence remains from the objective characteristics of life activity as a social process. But the personality is included in the aggregate of the causes and consequences of its life not only as dependent on external circumstances, but also as they are actively transforming, moreover, as forming a position and line of their lives within certain limits.

The person does not simply change throughout the life path, not only the various age steps take place. As a subject of life, she acts as its organizer, which is primarily the individual nature of life. Individuality is not only the uniqueness of life, which is usually emphasized by the concept of fate as allegedly independent of the person. The individuality of life consists in the ability of the personality to organize it in his intention, in accordance with its inconsistencies, aspirations (they are reflected in the concept of "lifestyle" [see: Lifestyle style. Kiev, 1982.]). The smaller the person thinks out, comprehends his life, the less he seeks to organize its move, to determine its main direction, the greater, as a rule, his life becomes imitative, and therefore, similar to the lives of other people, standard.

Different people are in different ways are subjects of life, since they are in different extent striving and can really organize their lives as a whole, combine its individual plans, spheres, allocate the main direction. The organization of life is sometimes associated with planning, with understanding of life prospects, the future. Of course, planning is one of the important components of living organization, but it does not boil down to one planning, anticipation. As already noted, modern social life presents a lot of not related to each other, he all the time turns out to be in different situations that require one way or another if not participating, then presence. The ability to organize life and is to not succumb to this life stream, do not dissolve and do not choke in it, forgetting about their own purposes, tasks. Therefore, the organization of life is the ability to tie and implement and implement the situation, so that they comply with a single plan, focused on the main direction, give them a desirable course.

People differ just according to the degree of influence on the course of their own life, mastering numerous life situations that can "split" a person on non-other parts. At one time, the Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygotsky, to designate higher mental functions, introduced the concept of "mastering" lower mental functions. For us, the concept of a subject of life implies an all-growing degree and expanding space of such "masterings", assignments. First, the child has been mastered by his actions to give them the right direction, then through action - mastering situations, then on this basis - the construction of relationships, and through their regulation is increasingly growing the possibility of organizing life as holistic process, given its variability and resistance.

Personality ability to regulate, organize your life path as a whole, subordinate to its goals, values, is highest level and genuine optimal quality of the subject of life. It simultaneously allows a person to become relatively independent, free to external requirements, pressure, external "temptations". But this is just an ideal, and in fact different people are found different measure The integrity of the life path, the different degree of conformity of the personality of its values, intentions [see: Tome, theoretical and empirical foundations of the psychology of human life development // The principle of development in psychology. M., 1978.].

Some people depend on the movement of life events, barely succeeded behind them, others will foresee, organize, send them. Some fall under the authority of external events, they can be involved in their own character, and even into business. They easily forget about their own purposes, plans, making unexpected actions for themselves. Other, on the contrary, live only by plans, dreams, create our own logic of the inner world, go to it, so that external events do not have any meaning for them. They are also not able to organize their real life. Such a different nature of the ability to organize life allows you to distinguish certain types of individuals from the point of view of the method of their lives. With this approach, we will see no endless many different characters and an infinite many separate manifestations of the mood of each person, and differences in a significant base - the ability to organize life, the ability to concentrate their strength and actions at the decisive moment, coordinate situations and events in the main direction. therefore different methods We consider organizations of life as the ability of different types of personalities to spontaneously or deliberately build their life strategies.

The types of human activity are characteristic of it for him to combine the identity of the external and internal tendencies of life, turning them into the driving forces of their lives. You can trace how these trends coincide (entirely or partially), support each other, other turn out to be disassembled. Some predominantly rely on social and psychological trends, i.e. surrounding people using social situations; others - on domestic opportunities, count on their forces in life, act independently; The third optimal ways connect the external circumstances and internal trends; Fourth constantly decide contradictions between them. Under all conditions, this typology discloses not just the properties of each nature, mental features of the individual. It primarily allows you to compare the peculiarities, a way of life of the personality, to identify the ability to solve the vital contradictions. The coincidence of external and internal trends in the life of the person or their collision, the opposition characterize the way of organizing life and the type of personality.

The life goals and objectives of the personality of the same type are fully focused on solving the life contradictions that she, strictly speaking, itself creates an inconsistency of his actions or, on the contrary, excessive activity, overwhelming the initiatives around others. She cannot decide them, because it is unable to change their way of life and understand that herself is their cause. Another type of personality is involved in conflicts, which, although they are deployed in a particular group (in the family, in the production team), are an expression of deeper public contradictions. In this case, the person either gains experience and social maturity, which then contribute to the organization of personal life, upholding its values, or is "grinding" by unsolvable conflict and then tries to separate his personal life from public.

Higher personal qualities, such as consciousness, activity, psychological maturity, integitivity, manifest themselves and form in the life path of the individual, in the specific process of its change, movement, development. The activity of the personality is manifested in how it converts circumstances, directs the course of life, forms a life position. The dynamics of human life ceases to be a random alternation of events, it begins to depend on its activity, from the ability to organize and give events the desired direction.

The life path is subject to periodization of not only age (childhood, youth, maturity, old age), but also the personality, which, starting with his youth, is no longer the coincidence with age. One person passes one social stage in an earlier, the other is at a later age; The young man turns out to be in Starikovski wise, and the old man is immature on youth. Personality acts as driving force Life dynamics, intensity, content of your life.

Its quality as a subject of life is not manifested in any arbitrary actions, actions (I do what I want), but in the actions that take into account the resistance of the circumstances, their misconception with the desired direction for the individual, their opposition. Therefore, internal intentions, goals are tested for strength in life, and the personality should be aware of their strength.

These general considerations, the Georgian school of psychologists specified on this example. The group of young people has formed a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe future profession, they made their choice, an installation on admission to the institute. Another group has no such installation, because they weakly imagined their profession, their abilities, opportunities. But how strong this installation is, as far as it does not only exist in consciousness, but also determines the nature of life actions as opposed to external adverse events, it turned out to be possible to identify only when young people began to take exams to the institute. Really persistent, persistent organizers of their lives can be called those young people who have received this institute for several years in a row, despite previous failures, and eventually implemented its installation.

Psychologists revealed a lot of personal characteristics, which seem to confirm the presence of an activity in humans: it is encouraging to action, claims, abilities, intentions, focus, interests, etc. But the difficulties of psychologists in the study of the individual were still connected with the fact that these characteristics and personality features were studied by themselves, outside of life use, often in artificial conditions or artificial methods. It is impossible to say that these methods did not give knowledge about the person. However, the real criterion of the activity of the personality (motives, desires, intentions) is its ability (or inability) to realize these aspirations in actions in actions, in the life path.

It is necessary to constantly identify the intentions, claims, the personality warehouse is expressed in the life manifestations of the person and what consequences are those or other ways of life for the inner world and personal warehouse, as its motives change, character, as developing abilities. For example, do character failures or weaken, break it? In other words, it is necessary to know how vital practicing personality (and not individual actions) corresponds to its intentions, ideas, value installations. The degree of coincidence or discrepancies between the life practices and values \u200b\u200bof its "I", the abilities, aspirations of a person can serve as an indicator of integrity or disunity, contradictory of personal structures, prospects or regressiveness of their development. That is why the study of the personality and its life path is important for psychological science, and for people who are implemented, apply, check their abilities, character, inclinations in real life achievements [see: the activity and life position of the individual. M., 1988; Life path of personality. Kiev, 1987.].

All listed abilities to organize life, to solve its contradictions, to the construction of value relations, we call a vital position, which is a special life and personal education. The method of self-determination of the individual in life, generalized on the basis of its life values \u200b\u200band meets the basic needs of the personality, can be called a vital position. It represents the result of the interaction of the individual with her own life, her personal achievement. Being such a result, the life position begins to determine all the subsequent vital directions of the individual. It becomes the potential for its development, a totality of its objective and subjective possibilities, opening precisely on the basis of a person-employed position, a kind of support, a fortress.

In the 70s, the concept of active appeared in socio-political literature life position. Sociologists tried to determine this concept through the set of roles that the person performs in life, but this designation is not disclosed, as a person implements its life roles (important is not only what a woman is a mother, but what kind of mother is; it is not important that a person is. Pedagogue, but what is he a teacher, etc. [see: Sarjweladze N. I. Personal position and representation of the life path in young people // Psychology of personality and lifestyle. M., 1987.]). In our opinion, the life position of the personality is a totality of her relationship to life. (Psychologist V. N. Myasishchev developed the theory of personality in which it is determined through a set of relationships.) But the relationship of the personality is not only its subjective opinions and views, these are the ways of its relationship with the surrounding people and reality. V. N. Myasishchev understood the concupebility of subjectively significant for the individual, and the life position involves not only the presence of subjective relations, but also their effective, practical implementation of the individual in life.

The above it was about one of the main relations to life - about responsibility. Besides this relationship that can be called peculiar life principle, there are many other relations: attitudes towards other people (including close), distinguished or indifference, or care; Relationship to work, to his profession, to itself (more specifically - to the place that managed to occupy in society, in the professional field), etc. Fear in front of life difficultiesThe person can take a contemplative life position, remove the problems of close people, evade their help to them, care for them. Its professional position may also be: working in a measure of the forces, not to set any tasks, to do only what they require. Unfortunately, such life positions were most typical recently.

The position of another type of person is concluded, for example, in a clear separation of its own vital world, interesting tasks for him, important for him from affairs and interests (official, family, etc.) surrounding. Significant relationships (communication, contacts) it is consistently and actively implements, insignificant supports "for the species". With such a position of a young man sometimes faced a woman; She in vain seeks to strengthen, conquer his attitude towards himself, without guessing that he can have the same relationship with any other in her place. This person will easily change one job on another, some friends on others, if the new situation will help him achieve his goals. This is an egocentric (if not selfish) life position.

Long and persistent psychologists and even sociologists (for example, Moreno) tried as the main factor to allocate and explore the subjective relations, i.e. Sympathy and antipathy of people. However, with this approach, the real relations of people from the field of view fell out, and scientists were captured by subjectivism, since sympathies and antipathies are often unreasonable and even unconscious. Although they affect life relations, but they cannot replace the real objective relations of people (the business relations of people, as a rule, are not built on sympathy or antipathy). "Life," Rubinstein wrote, is a process in which the person himself objectively participates. The main criterion of his relationship to life is to build in itself and in other new, increasingly perfect, internal, and not only external forms of human life and human relations "[Rubinstein S. L. Problems of general psychology. P. 379.].

The life position of the individual can be determined through its activity, but then it is important not only to reveal the activity as a psychological peculiarity of the very person and its consciousness, but also to show how she realized their capabilities, abilities, their consciousness in his life position. We are talking About how much she applied their abilities to what extent consciously she lives.

Above the examples of sufficiently serial positions were given. However, their split, contradictory options are also possible. A person considers himself a fundamental, likes to talk about his principles, but really uses his professional position for his benefit, it can deceive, bring it, to do. His "double game" ultimately besides material acquisitions leads to one loss (respect for loved ones, colleagues, strength of professional status, professional skill, authority, etc.) is lost.

Another type of contradictory position is manifested in peculiar life "throwing": a person makes decisions to promote his affairs (defense of the dissertation, "career"), it closes in a family circle, postponing the first to the "best times", then challenges Start the life of "re-", changes the family, work. The position of such a person (and he himself) is unreliable, unstable, chaotic, although in every beginning he takes everything to "establish", "arrange", "organize". He still does not know what he wanted and what he achieved in life.

Life position has the source objective characteristic - Personality participation in areas where social life is most intense, promising where many possibilities are concentrated. Some people begin life with what others are achieved by the end of life. This is a cultural environment, and education opportunities, and a more or less favorable social situation in which they turn out to be independent of their will and efforts. But there is also a "poor social environment", or the situation, deprived of significant opportunities, events. Finding into such conditions, the personality turns out to be in an unpromising life position, which objectively does not contribute to its development. But from a person as a subject depends on whether he will achieve higher success, will the more optimal conditions achieve. The personality as a subject of life characterizes the desire, the focus on developing, more optimal areas of life, the need for its own development.

When we are talking about the role of social conditions in the life of a separate person (with the equality of labor principles, rights, freedoms, etc.), they may also be more or less favorable for its development (on time and in the best educational institution, education favorable education Opportunities for the development of the profession, etc.) [see: Parygin B. D. Scientific and Technical Progress and the problem of personality self-realization // Psychology of personality and lifestyle.]. More favorable conditions In turn, they can increase the activity of the personality, which is more intensively (than the other under the same conditions) implements them in professional activities, complementing them with their personal efforts, the abilities that in the aggregate and forms an active vitality.

However, you can bring a lot of examples of families of large scientists, artists, i.e. People who granted their children the initial optimal conditions for the development, of which you can see how parental protection during admission to the institute, to work, etc. paralyzing their own motivation, needs young man. These favorable conditions should still "agree", coincide with the internal needs, opportunities, children's activity. Sometimes a young man receives so much that it closes the prospect of his own development and movement for him, deprives the motivation of achievements, the need to live on their own risk. That is why it is necessary to talk about the proportionality of objective and subjective moments in the life relationships and the position of the person.

And in the absence of favorable social conditions, the personality can achieve a promising life position due to their activity (escape from the province, from the professional traditions of the family, to enroll in the best educational institution of the country, to master the profession, to combine their studies and work, etc.).

Life position is not only a life relationship, but also a way to implement them, which is responsible (or not responding) the needs, personal values. A person can have active life aspirations, high moral values, but the way of organizing life (sometimes inability, sometimes fear, sometimes passivity in implementation) can contradict these initial "good intentions", his life position is not relevant to these aspirations, needs. Then he or begins to justify himself in his own eyes, or is trying to change this position.

Analysis of its life position gives in his diaries S. L. Rubinstein. In connection with the sudden father's disease, which was lost to lawyer practice and the opportunity to materially provide a family, he is very early (initially morally psychologically, and then vitally) became eldest in the family, supporting parents and brothers. The position of the seniority and the responsibility associated with it became its leading position for life, identified his relationship with loved ones, and with "distances", manifested itself in his personal, and in scientific life.

A life position is a method developed by personality under these conditions. The method of its public life, a place in the profession, a way of self-expression. Unlike subjective relations (meaning, paintings and even the concept of life), life position is a combination of realized life relations, values, ideals and the very nature of their implementation, which determines the further course of life.

If the main life relationships are integrated, meet its initial intentions, its position is characterized by integrity, focus and even harmony. If the main relationships are not related to each other, and the method of their implementation does not correspond to them, then such a life position can be called an unstable, uncertain, and the personality is insecure. Such a person is not ready for life changes, surprises, vital difficulties.

There are such variations of life position when it turns out to be torn off from real life. This happens with creative personalities when they cannot realize themselves in science or art, or with people who are purely externally, superficially participate in practical life and actually occupy the position of non-participation. Their life relationship is random, but it is disguised by their own illusions.

A life position is a certain current education, having a relatively fixed structure, which does not exclude its variability, development opportunities. Life position can be characterized by different level concreteness, ranging from empirically descriptive and ending with essentially abstract. Its important characteristic is the vital contradictions, which, as a result of such a position or, are exacerbated, or smoothed. For example, the personality is as active as possible, but cannot realize it in this way, and, on the contrary, the person has no readiness, activity, maturity seemingly in the most optimal life setting. Easy to receive material benefits corrupt the person, produce a dangerous illusion of the championship and permissiveness, form an installation on a slight life. Life position is characterized by both contradictions and a way to solve them (constructive, passive, superficial, etc.), which shows whether the identity can connect its individual-psychological, status, age capabilities and claims with the living conditions, is able to consignrate these conditions.

In the era of stagnation, the life positions of many people, as neither paradoxical, did not conflict with the public requirements due to internal compromises, which (consciously or unconsciously) were walking. However, the personal price, which they had to pay for this compromise, consisted in deep personal losses and in identity degradation. Taking a position "If you survive", "interrupt", people, while maintaining the life well-being, lost their own goals, ideals, courage and latitude of nature, became small alone. Wanting to preserve the possibility of creativity and self-realization in art, the person fell into dependence on the alien arts of people, believed incompetent estimates, turned out to be a connected circular place with the speculating talent and gradually losing his creative inspiration, turned into an artisan.

Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Strategy of life. - M.: Thought, 1991. - with. 10-75


Goals, actions, attitudes towards others, conducting personal life, the formation of relations, participation in the professional sphere. These areas concern the individual and in science are united under one term - the human life path. Since people during existence affect many areas, they study the life scenario philosophers, psychologists, ethnographers, sociologists. But, closer to the life of the Psychology. This science studies the formation of a person, setting goals, achieving conceived. What is the life path of the person?

The concept of a lifestyle

What is hiding under these three words? The human life scenario flows according to an individual scheme. There are no identical or similar stories. Personality differs from other creatures on a lifestyle planet. A person not only exists and passes the stages of development in relation to the temporary segment, but also lays the foundation of personal formation.

The concept of a person's life path includes many aspects and depends on the hall of human habitat. So the law establishes the norm to complete secondary education, society - or marry, continue. Socium to these concepts establishes time when you should finish studying, create a family. The norms are put on a person and make adhere to the installations. It is not customary to become a student in 40 years or marry 50. Wants or not, but subconsciously he builds a life path with the established norms. Small deviations and differences are an individual life scenario.

It turns out, the development of human life is influenced by psychological, age, public, social factors and personal desires.

The problem of a person's life path

In the scientific world, this question was firsted Rubinstein S.L. It is on him and his work "Man and the World" refer to the study of the subject in higher establishments and interpretation of the problem of a person's life path. In his writings, the author refers to a personal life of a person who has an impact on the development of life path. Each person has its own views on relationships, life and other spheres. The combination of these concepts forms human life. It follows the motivation of the personality and the individual scenario is lined up. The development of the life path is affected by the quality and depth of relations. With their change, the actions of a person are corrected, and the script changes.

Personality develops depending on the actions, decisions, responsibility. Participation in the development of relations is formed by the subject of life. It turns out that the individual is changing and developing during the life path. This phenomenon The author called the workshop.

A number of specialists were engaged in the problem of the life path of the personality:

Leontyev A.N. Its theory is based on the fact that the life of people is consisted of the actions that they practice. Based on this, an individual scenario is formed. Consequently, the life path is developing only from those activities that the specific person carries out.
Ananyev B.G. The main emphasis makes at the incident with which the person faces in life. Of these, individual personality life is formed. The incident is divided into two groups that are interrelated. The first concerns the environment and environment. it natural factors, social changes. The second group is formed against the background of life circumstances, in other words proceeds from the behavioral factor.
Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Theories are built on the fact that a person is dependent on a variety of factors: social norms, life conditions, structures. Personality relies on the conditions, conducts comparative analysis. the main task Individual is to compare itself with the established standards and find a place in life. At the same time, society is interested in the development of an individual. But, a person independently creates the conditions for obtaining professional skills, forms family relationships, starts social ties. From this comes the main idea. It is necessary to realize the life path as a problem, not tolerant of natural development, but connecting efforts and mind.

life position - the choice of man how to lead his life, which is displayed on life manifestations;
the life line is the possibility and potential of people who originate in the present and go to the future;
the meaning of life - includes awareness of the specific personality of life as a holistic car.

Influence of the age of individual on the life path of the person

The life scenario is influenced by age expectations. A person adjusts to the established norms, sometimes deviates from them. The changes concerning the advance of the next age stage are caused by the surrounding admiration. Thus, the person conquers authority. In turn, the backlog from age assemblies causes the public. A person reacts to such condemnations painfully. Of this, a direct connection is visible, as affected by the age of an individual on the life path of the person.

It remains to find out what age is considered when attracting a person to social norms. There are the following concepts:

Biological age. It does not always coincide with the number in the passport. To determine the state of human health is taken, it is taken into account, as the metabolism proceeds. The obtained data is compared with the average indicators of a similar individual.
Psychological age. The development of a person, an emotional and psychological component is considered. Then a comparative analysis is carried out, focusing on mental figures recognized by the norm for a specific age. From such research proceeds to conclusions: a hyperactive, infantile or too smart person.
Social age. The skills with which the person has this moment. The activities of the individual compared with the generally accepted standards that the average person must have.

The life path from sociology is considered taking into account programs, installations ,. Psychologists are studying the formation of a person's eye to life, the real representation of itself in the future. Sociology includes the level of optimism and representing the future by a person taking into account certain social groups and specific life circumstances.

Development and Life Path

Considering this issue, as a basis is taken to explore the Burera Sh. To determine the concept, the human life scenario was considered taking into account the development lines (97 species were found). The lines concern different areas: social, psychological, professional, family, labor. On the basis of research, 5 phases were derived, determining the development and life path of the individual:

The first phase is not included in the human life scenario. It is believed that from birth and until the age of 16-20 years, the person has not yet created a family and did not start professional activities.

The second period is dedicated to the search for the second half, attempts to establish contacts. From 16-20 years and up to 30 people try various activities. During this period, the first dreams appear, goals, outline of the future life. The second phase is characterized by thirst for actions and scattered.
The third phase includes a mature age of a person. Maximum threshold from 25 to 50 years. The beginning of the third period is determined by the creation of a family or a permanent profession. A person puts realistic goals, reaches them. Thanks to these actions is formed.

Fourth step from 45 to 70 years. There is a gradual decline in vital activity. Professional activity is completed by retirement, children grow up and leave the family nest. This is the time of results and self-help. For many difficult period, since aging processes include biological wilment. The elderly person is inclined to nostalgia, placing memories. Future plans are built taking into account the summary results and today's circumstances.
Fifth phase. At the age of 65, people say goodbye to work. The goals put in the younger become irrelevant. Human thoughts remain in the past, social activity is reduced. Personality focuses on hobbies, travels, rest. I don't want to think about the future, since the imminent end of life is obvious. The final trait of the life path is supplied. Man who fulfilled goals feels satisfaction. The person who has not reached their tasks is disappointing.

Choosing a personality of his life path

The man is so arranged that life mistakes and failures write off the deception of fate. And good luck assigns to his own account, telling what the titanic efforts were attached to achieve the goal. Start analyzing errors, to understand why it happened. From this, the choice of personality of his life path begins. Analysis and understanding, which will follow after the commission or actions.

The human life path includes income, success, professional activities and worldview. Attitude towards the surrounding world forms the life path of the person. What do you choose destruction or creation? So that there were no disappointments, put the achievable goals and do not live in life, irritating, angry and offended by others. The man himself chooses and forms a life path.

March 18, 2014.