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The worldview in VKontakte what to choose. Statuses about the worldview. How to Edit VKontakte's Life Position

Most important in life

Do you know what is the most important thing for us in our life? Few people are aware that it is our worldview. The whole world is in our head, so our worldview is our everything. To deprive the human worldview means to take away the universe. With the loss of the worldview, we lose all their values. Surprisingly: most people almost do not think about the quality of their worldview.

Life is similar to the escalator, who goes to meet us, and if we do not go ahead, then throws us back. No movement there is no development. The idleness stupid and swims with fat, and the one who participates in debates and battles, acquires a quick mind and a prompt body. All our achievements begin in the head, so the worldview, as a guide to action, defines our targeted movement in life.

The world around us put a lot of traps around us (you can easily be convinced if, for example, running down the street with closed eyes - as they say, until the first lantern). We can bypass the obstacles to the surrounding world only thanks to an adequate worldview. The inadequate worldview makes us mistaken - stumble and break my foreheads. Errors are useful (it is not by chance that some motor transport enterprises do not take on the work of drivers who have never come across an accident) - "What does not kill me makes me stronger." That is, errors are necessary and useful not by themselves, but because they allow us to learn, i.e., expand adequate worldview.

The worldview is faith

The worldview (Mirosozenia, world viewing, worldview, horizons) is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in which we live. This is a system of beliefs about the world. Simply put, the worldview is vera (not to be confused with a narrower meaning of this word - religiousness). Belief in the fact that the world is such as it seems to us.

Sometimes they say: "Without faith, it is impossible to live," having in mind the religious faith. I think, however, that without religious faith you can live, which is proven by their existence of atheists. But without faith, in the sense of worldview, it is really impossible to live, because All our actions begin in the head. In this sense, all people are believers, for everyone has a world view. The disbelief is not emptiness, but also faith: Atheists who do not believe in God believe that God does not exist. And doubt - also faith. The emptiness in the worldview is not disbelief, but ignorance.

Garbage in the head will not replace knowledge, although it is not boring with him

Our head is stuffed by convictions about the world - information. Reliable or false? This is a very important question, the answer to which is to devote life and write a book. In our worldview, it is full of all sorts of beliefs and naively believe that all of them are true: in addition to the knowledge, there are enough garbage - everyone has their cockroaches in his head.

People are prepondebled in the correctness of their faith, otherwise they would simply have it. Therefore, they are usually not inclined to severe their worldview. Live with the well-established faith calmer - do not once again strain brains. In addition, it's nicer to drown in the punching of dreams and sweet lies than to swim in the cold ocean of harsh truth. A man who refused his usual beliefs, feels lost and unprotected, like cancer-hermit, lost her sink. Sometimes, to dissuade a person in his faith means, to take away his holy or meaning of life.

People cling to their views, as a rule, not because they are true, but because they are their own. Even from false beliefs is not easy to refuse: "You, of course, are right, but I will still remain with my opinion," stubborn people often say. Censing for his insolvent beliefs, they thus drive themselves in the network of ignorance, and their trouble is that at the same time they do not realize that they rested in a dead end.

If a person is able to rely easily and without delay, he stands for something, because he stands something, because it appears a reason for improving. Be prepared for revolutions in your brains. To carry out the inventory of your faith is just as useful how to make order in the house, cleaning it from dust and dirt, for the garbage in the head will not replace knowledge, although it is not boring with him.

"He, who has brains with garbage, is in
Presentation state. And since garbage in that
or otherwise present in the head for everyone,
then we are all in different degrees of others "

Adequate worldview
- The most valuable capital of man. However, people, as a rule, are not particularly careful about the content of their brains, therefore they live in the real world, but in the world of their illusions and phantasmagori. Few people think about the structure of their worldview, although this is the most important question.

The worldview of each person reflects the evolution of mankind

Humanity grows up. It grows with each generation, accumulating knowledge about the world - the culture is gaining. As mankind is growing, the worldview of each average person is growing.Of course, other factors are influenced by the worldview of people, in addition to world culture, and other factors are influenced: local features ("mentality"), personal differences (temperament, education) and others. Therefore, the worldview of different people in something similar, but there are differences in them.

By picking up knowledge about the world, it stretches to the truth as the stalk to the sun. The worldview of people at all times corresponds to the mood of the era in which they live. Now people are no longer the ones that were before our era were children, and now teenagers. And even, despite the fact that many modern people in the heads there are a densely medieval - full of superstitions - nevertheless, their view of the world is largely superior to the worldview of primitive savages or ancient Egyptians. And compared with medieval scientists, every modern computers - genius.

Pyramid of adequate worldview

Each person has its own worldview. People differ from each other not only by physiognomies, but also the content of the brain. But the structure of an adequate human worldview, its framework, has the same multi-storey form for all sober-minded people.

Our worldview - The system of beliefs about the world in which we live - is a hierarchical structure of information similar to a multi-level pyramid. At each level of the pyramid of the worldview, there are beliefs that have different strengths of our trust - from obvious to doubtful. Each next towering level of belief relies on previous levels - grows out of them. In simplified form, the pyramid of the worldview can be represented as three levels based on the foundation:



2 - obvious

information is

experience of other people


1 -Ships from our experience


FOUNDATION : Home Axiom Life

Let's go through the floors of the pyramid from the bottom to the bottom:

Foundation The pyramids of the worldview serve Home Axioma Life (GA) - faith in the existence of an objective world around us, expressed by the formula:

Universe \u003d "I" + "Not I".

Although it is impossible to prove or refute the presence of the world around us, nevertheless, we take a fortune on faith and waters on it all the other beliefs of the pyramid of the worldview.

First level Our worldview contains beliefs received directly from our personal experience. This is the main and most numerous level of our beliefs - it contains a huge number of obvious and simple knowledge about the world. This level of the most ancient and largely coincides with the ideas about the world of long-standing eras. It contains the most necessary knowledge for the life and is also important for a person as the ability to walk and reflect.

Here is an understanding of the three fundamental categories of being: matter, space and time and their fourth derivative - movement. Also at this level are approximately our undisputed beliefs: i am human; There are other people, animals, plants, etc around me; table is solid; Glass - transparent; Cucumbers are edible; nails rust; icicles melt; Birds are able to fly; People can lie and mistaken, but sometimes they speak the truth; traffic cops are sometimes mashed by striped sticks and others.

The conviction of the first level of the pyramid of the worldview was born in our head of our practice from the earliest childhood, when we started to know the world, and many of them were confirmed by practice repeatedly. Therefore, they are the most solid. We practically never put them in doubt, for our senses are the most reliable sources of information in the world..

Thanks to the conviction that other people are like us and can tell the truthFrom the first level of worldview, the second grows.

Second level contains obvious informationconfirmed by experiences of other people. For example, some people seem to me know from their experience that whales live in the World Ocean; I believe in this information.

If we want to have more knowledge about the world, we cannot rely, only on your experience, but also have to trust other people who have other experience and who can tell us about him. So the culture in society is distributed. Exchangeing experiences, people enrich each other's worldview. It is in trust that other people consists of the useful function of forming the second (as well as the third) level of our worldview. In order to efficiently know the world, it is useful to read the book of a researcher who has spent its lives to study some phenomena than all his life to study these phenomena.

The second level of worldview is younger than the first and in humans began to actively form with the advent of speech when they learned to exchange information more accurately and subtly, rather than with gestures and inseparable screams. He then repeatedly diminished the growth rate in connection with the advent of writing, typography, media and other achievements.

At this level of our worldview, approximately the following beliefs may be: cobra poisonous; Penguins live in Antarctica; on the north pole is colder than in Africa; Italy has the shape of a boot (cosmonauts will not be given to sit); Germany fought with the Soviet Union; Archaeologists find objects referred to as the bones of dinosaurs in the land; Iron when heated melts, oil is extracted from the bowels of the earth, gasoline from oil, etc..

The information at the given level is confirmed by numerous evidence of other people, and for us is almost as obvious as the first level facts. Sometimes we ourselves make sure it in practice, and then it goes from the second level of our worldview to the first.

However, there may be no obvious information here: stories about a snowman, Loch-Nesky dinosaur, about ghosts or aliens: "Suddenly, the aliens grabbed me and dragged in UFO." These evidence is dubious because they are approved by only a few "eyewitnesses", contradict the fundamental scientific concepts, as well as supported by the conviction that other people can lie and make mistakes.

Third level - Theory. This is the highest level of our worldview, because Theories are more complex structures that include information bricks from previous levels. As a rule, to open a standing theory, the mind of genius is required, and to develop it - observations, reflections and discussions of researchers of different generations. It is thanks to mastering reliable theories, a person knows how to design rockets, broadcast information to any point of the planet, and also systematically increases the average duration of his life.

Here are usually located: Theories: Probability, Relativity, Evolution, Big Explosion, Global Warming, Separate Food; Dietcond postulates: the more zagra and move less, the usually thicker layer of fatty fiber; Religious beliefs, astrology, conspiracy theory, faith in spirits, occult teachings, as well as closed slogans: "Nervous cells are not restored", "Salt and sugar - white death", "AIDS - plague of the 20th century" and other - All this is here, at the third level.

It should be noted that the third level is the most littered. In addition to faithful concepts, there are many garbage - superstitions, prejudice, unprovable doctrines and erroneous hypotheses, which are being introduced into the worldview of people in view of their challenge and lack of knowledge. Many theories are inflated, untested and not proven. In addition, often people tend to invent unrealious beliefs themselves in which they want to believe. And they forget that unreliable theories, even even very beautiful, do not attribute a person, and put in a puddle. The cockroaches in the head are mainly inhabit on the upper floors of the pyramid of the worldview.

We looked at the so-called actual Worldview beliefs, i.e. reflecting an objective world. Also in our worldview are present estimated The beliefs that permeate all the levels of our pyramid from the bottom to the top and reflect our attitude towards the facts of the world. "We live in a colorless world that paint yourself" ( Skileph). Estimates Make the world color. Estimates are subjective.

We live in a colorless world,
which is painted by yourself



Do you know why people love, hate, argue between themselves and what is the cause of all the wars of mankind? As it turned out, the whole thing is in the estimates.

All human joys, sorrow, disagreements and problems grow from estimates in the heads of people. A man is happy or unhappy not from life itself, and because he appreciates it. Our life is not from events, but from our attitude to events. Estimates make a colorless world bright, pushing people to actions and make them make a choice. And because All my life we \u200b\u200bare just that we are doing that we constantly make a choice, our estimates are a source of life movement.

Estimates are present in our worldview along with actual information. Estimates (opinions, points of view, tastes) are beliefs reflecting our attitude towards the facts. And if the actual beliefs of our worldview reflect the objective world (for example, the concept of "elephant"), then estimates exist, only in the head (elephant bad).

Our estimates come from the depths of our personality - they will give rise to instincts, they burn emotions and argues the mind. Estimates are formed by human needs, therefore, they are characterized by categories: profitable-unprofitable, the benefits of harm, like, do not like. In general, human estimates usually reflect the interests of people.

As a rule, the estimates are measured by the scale "good-bad". Let's say if the employee demands an increase in salary, it means that he believes that it is good; The boss is usually against, because For him, these extra spending are bad.

Estimates are characterized by categories "Good" and "Evil" (for example, hero, villain). Either reflect relative values \u200b\u200b(large, strong, many, fast, hot). In speech, evaluation are often expressed by the adjectives: beautiful, poor, wonderful, ordinary, pleasant, vulgar, wonderful, representative, etc. Concepts such as: righteous, sinner, well done, foolish, feat, depravity - express grades. Actual information can also take appraisal shades: pulled (still came), dumped (finally left), rope (thank God died). Many hot term terms (cool, dumb, buzz, sucks), cursive words (scoundrel, bastard, bastard, rubbish) - Evaluation. And Material words, usually, also express estimates (no comment).

Criminal arbitrariness, fair retribution, great harm, worst fears, the best favored - evaluation. Concepts: good, evil, justice, generosity - evaluation concepts. Different life principles, moral foundations, commandments and codes of honor - all this evaluation systems that are subjective and may differ from both individuals and in whole nations. For example, in our society it is considered to be killed - bad, and some natives from the Andaman Islands believe that eat your enemy is great.

Estimates are in the head of a person, and not beyond it. Each estimates from each other coincide among like-minded people and differ in oppositionists.

Against the facts, as they say, do not stick, but about the assessments, people are ready to argue all their lives than they love to do. When people oppose their personal assessments to each other, then conflicts begin - disputes, scandals, fights and war. After all, what is beneficial to one can harm the other.

Life position as one of the settings of his VKontakte profile, can tell you a lot about you. Also, you can rely on the completed data of another person, draw up for yourself his psychological portrait.

Fast navigation:

In order to go to the editing settings for your virt life position, go to, in the upper right corner, click on the arrow next to your avatar, as shown below in the image.

Click "Edit" in the drop-down menu.

In the next menu, it will be the same setting that we need.

Setting up the menu item "Life Position" VKontakte.

Here everything is simple in terms of management, you guide the cursor to the desired string and choose from the list ...

The process of selecting the right options is not so simple, for example, in paragraph "Polit. Preferences "You can choose those to which they hold in life, but if not particularly interested in the policy, it will correctly choose" moderate "or leave the empty string" not selected ".

So, in the rest, in doubt the correctness of the choice, it is better to leave an empty field.

After filling out the settings page, click the Save button.

How to edit vitality vkontakte from the phone.

To change the information in the configured section, you need to open the full version of Vkontakte in the mobile browser, for this in the upper corner, on the left, press the three horizontal stripes on the left, turn down the settings down and click on the "Full Version" link (link at the very bottom).

What to write?

Everyone has the right to write, then he pleases, there is no compulsory rule here, from the whole proposed one you can fill out only 1 - 2 points. If you leave in all columns "not selected", then your life position will not be displayed.

The position of famous people VKontakte.

Ramzan Kadyrov - The head of the Chechen Republic, pretended to limit the information only about his worldview, here he indicated "Islam"

Vladimir Zhirinovsky - Head of the LDPR faction, deputy of the state. Duma. Also, I also pretended to be filling out only my political preferences, here he pointed out "liberal".

Most fully filled information about yourself Pavel Durov - Founder of social. VKontakte and gene network. Director until 2014, now heads a new Telegram project.

Well, let's not list all the well-known people and their life positions, you can see everything yourself, especially all the most famous people are collected in one place,

Worldview -this is a system of views and principles of a person, his understanding of the surrounding world and a place in this world. The worldview substantiates the vital position of the individual, his behavior and actions. The worldview is directly related to human activity: without it, the activity would not have a targeted and meaningful character.

The first philosopher who addressed attention to the worldview was Kant. He called him like mirosozart.

Examples of worldview Consider when analyzing its classification.

Classification of worldviews.

In the classification of worldviews there are three main type of worldview From the point of view of its socio-historical features:

  1. Mythological type The worldview was formed during primitive people. Then people did not realize themselves as individuals, did not allocate from the world and saw the will of the gods in everything. Paganism is the main element of the mythological type of worldview.
  2. Religious type The worldview is as well as mythological, based on faith in supernatural forces. But, if the mythological type is more flexible and allows the manifestation of various types of behavior (just not to nape the gods), then the religious has a whole moral system. A huge number of moral norms (commandments) and examples of proper behavior (otherwise, the hellish flame does not sleep) holds a society in his hunters, but it combines the people of one faith. Cons: misunderstanding people of another faith, hence - a division by religious principle, religious conflicts and war.
  3. Philosophical type The worldview has a social and intellectual nature. The mind is important here (intelligence, wisdom) and society (society). The main element is the desire for knowledge. Emotions and feelings (as in the mythological type) are departed to the background and are considered in the context of all the same intelligence.

There is a more detailed classification of types of worldview, based on plants of views on the world.

  1. Cosmocentrism (Antique type of worldview is to look at the world as an ordered system where a person does not affect anything).
  2. Teocentrism (Medieval type of worldview: God in the center, and it affects all phenomena, processes and objects; the same fatalistic type as cosmatrism).
  3. Anthropocentrism (After the Renaissance era, a person becomes the center of the worldview in philosophy).
  4. Egocentrism (A more advanced appearance of anthropocentrism: the center of attention is no longer just a person as a biological creature, but every individual personality; there is a noticeable influence of psychology, which began to actively develop in a new time).
  5. Eccentrism (not to be confused with eccentricism in psychology; The modern appearance of the worldview, which is based on materialism, as well as individual ideas of all previous types; at the same time, the rational beginning is already out of man, rather - in society that becomes in the center of the worldview.

When studying such a thing as a world view, it is impossible to not touch such a term as mentality.

Mentalitet With Latin, it is literally translated as "the soul of others." This is a separate element of the worldview, which means a set of way of thought, ideas and morals of a separate person or social group. In fact, this is a kind of worldview, its private manifestation.

Nowadays, the mentality is most often considered as a characteristic of the worldview of a separate social group, ethnos, nation or people. Jokes about Russians, Americans, Chukchi, the British are based on the ideas of mentality. The main feature of the mentality in this understanding is the transfer of ideological ideas from generation to generation both at the social level and in genetic.

When studying the worldview as a type of perception of the world in the future, it is necessary to investigate such manifestations as

The worldview of a person is a set of views, assessments, shaped presentations and principles, which in the aggregate reflect the vision of the person of this world and determine its place in it. Life positions are also an important component of the worldview, which is often the easiest way to determine to which type it applies.

The formed and conscious attitude towards the world gives life a targeted and meaningful character, so the worldview is important for each person. The study of this phenomenon is engaged in philosophers and cultureologists, who gave the classification of worldview. In this article, we consider the most common, however, we need to consider that there are other classifications.

Main types of worldview

First of all, we note that the term was first voiced by Cant, but he did not exceed this concept from the world. The value that is accepted today has entered the shelling.

The classification of the worldview depends on several factors: first, the origin of the value system is played in great importance, which a person adheres to (for example, to allocate a religious worldview is an important defining factor. Secondly, an individual plays a major role in the definition. Thirdly, it is important how knowledge is about the surrounding processes.

Based on this, different scientists allocate two classifications:

  1. Mythological, philosophical, socio-political, natural science and religious worldview.
  2. The worldview of everyday experience, mythological and aesthetic.

Thus, the prevalence of different types of worldview is associated with the level of development of society.

Many know the social network VKontakte. But how, in my opinion, in Russia it is very popular. I am also registered in this social network, although I go to her very rarely, especially lately, because it has just been terrible and not surprising, now on this site there is a seas of schoolchildren on this site.

Although personally, I never fill the profile completely, I write only the minimum information about myself. Nevertheless, many people have a desire to specify information about themselves as much as possible (someone is just a very open person, and someone may want to meet with someone).

It turned out that many still do not know what worldview is. Probably most of them are schoolchildren who, instead of learning, do not get out of their gadgets. Especially for those who did not study at school, and for those who simply did not teach, they will explain briefly and clearly: the worldview is a human view system for the world around. And in the column "Worldview" on the social network, it is possible to either choose a certain, referring to you, or write something to yourself.

So, you can choose such items: Judaism, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Secondary Humanism, Pastastae (in the column "Life Position" by clicking "Edit My Page").

Although in fact it is not necessary to indicate something from these items, you can write something from your own, after all, in addition to the religious type of worldview, there is also a scientific and philosophical worldview, and mythological. But the point is not even in this, you can write, anything, at least "believe in yourself", even indicate Part 5 of Article 3 of the Federal Law No. 125-f.

No one can make you point out about your worldview, since "no one is obliged to report its attitude to religion and cannot be subjected to coercion when determining its attitude towards religion ..." (Part 5 of Article 3 of the Federal Law, September 26, 1997 N 125-f), but if you wish to specify your own worldview, then please are your business.

The worldview plays a rather important role in a person's life, since it is the worldview that gives a person: guidelines and goals, methods of knowledge and activities, the true values \u200b\u200bof life and culture. I did not tell anything special in this article, these are simple things that many have known for a long time. Nevertheless, I hope that my article was useful.

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