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Cancer to all familiar. Love in the life of cancer. Cancer - Personality Complex and Multilateral

Classic representatives of the sign of the zodiac cancer seek to be the best in bed. The reason for such behavior is prose enough - this is not a desire to deliver pleasure to a loved one, and the desire to get the maximum power over it. Cancers prefer to dominate sex.

Cracks - Comprehensive Approach and Domination

All signs of the zodiac, the choice of a partner for a pleasant time and long-term relationship is almost the same - an assessment of the appearance of a potential partner, temperament and character. It is on the basis of this complex picture that a decision is made. The crayfish is still much more complicated, because there is a whole list of specific fetas, on which the image of an ideal partner is based. Which ones? The color of the eyes and hair, the favorite fragrance of perfume, behavior manner - each nuance is important.

As soon as the cancers find a suitable person, they strive for themselves to arrange to themselves and cause dependence. Seduced, remain inaccessible - the whole art that the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are perfect. In bed, cancer dominate. They are worried about their own satisfaction, so very often the racks get the role of teachers in the art of physical love. Since the zodiac sign is jealous, one should not tell them about when and with whom a sexual experience was acquired. Let it remain your personal secret.

Cancers are engaged in sex. Do not insist if you see that the partner is not configured to bed games. The need for carnal love in cancers is not so big that they put it in their lives in the first place. Be sure, choosing between bed and work, raks will give preference to work.



In view of the vulnerability and vulnerability, cancer is better not to make comments. As soon as he hears that you do not enjoy the bed, immediately go to search for a more loyal partner. On account of cancers a lot of "broken hearts", they know a sense in the destruction of relations. Craks are very sensitive to any encroachment to their freedom. If you dream to part with a partner, who is tired of you, more often talk to him on the topic of marriage and long-term relationships. It will take quite a bit of time as it will disappear without a trace of your horizon.

Do you have plans for cancer? Be a passionate, ready to have sex at any moment, shivering partner with compliments and praise. Cancer just manipulate. It is enough to determine its erogenous zones and periodically "stimulate" them. Sensuality and passion in relationships will gradually lead you to a stable relationship.

Compatible with other zodiac signs

Ideal will be an alliance of cancer and agun. It combines the complete opposites, which, as you know from school, attract each other. Relationships in a pair will be like weights. I hesitate to different directions, they will be able to find a balance.

The unsuccessful relationship with scorpion will be, Lvom. They have a chance to exist only as a surge of emotions, because they can destroy the life of both zodiac signs.

The recipe for the ideal relationship with cancer is not easy - do not cause jealousy and do not compare your loved one with previous partners. Do not insist on sex if you see that cancer is in a few other mood. At the same time, answer any partner's suggestions to have sex. Emphasize the superiority and significance of cancers in your life, even if the situation is completely different. Do not encroach on the freedom of your loved one and forget about open manifestations of jealousy. Only following these rules, you can plan long-term relationships with representatives of the Zodiac Sign of Cancer.

The material is prepared using the service experts.
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Gentle, sentimental, incredibly romantic girl, with an image of which you need to write love novels. And also - the faithful, caring wife, who will sacrifice all for the sake of loved ones. And this will find his happiness. All this she is such a mysterious and incredibly attractive woman cancer. A trip to her heart will take a lot of time, but the cherished award is so desirable that many men rushes to conquer exactly Rakini. And which type is suitable for her, and in general, who is she - girl cancer? This is in a hurry to tell the stars.

Cancer (Lat. "Cancer") is 4 zodiac sign that takes the astrological battery from changeable twins and transmitting it to the Great Lion. Symbol of sign - Two claws. This image is associated with the harmony of Yin and Yan's harmony, which in the philosophical sense means the image of maternity - the deep primary, generating everything earthly. And since the beginning of human history is lost in the centuries, then the cancer carries a certain image of mysteriousness bordering mysticity. Even planet patroness of this sign - Moon, which symbolizes mystery, sentimentality and family hearth.

Element of Cancer - Water. This is an image of a sensitive, vulnerable and thin soul, which perfectly catches the mood of others and seeks to help their loved ones. Colors bringing a cancer good luck, have "lunar" shades - silver, white, light gray. BUT stones talismans Again, they are associated with the night luminaire - first of all, it is a moonstone, and a leberry and toopaz. Even this description is quite enough to understand: we have an original, non-standard girl, which even friends often reproach that it is not from this world.

Nevertheless, if you pay attention to the famous representatives of this sign of the zodiac, we will find among them people who have an incredible depth of personality, kindness and genuine nobility. Yes, raks create a real atmosphere of a family hearth. Even communication with them is therapy. Take at least some examples - Meryl Strip and Pamela Anderson, Rachel Taylor and Mink Kelly, Selena Gomez and Cheryl Cole, Gina Lollobrigid and Fabian Tambosi. And the famous Lady Diana, tragically died in a car accident, for a long time became a symbol of identity, a simple human appearance, which contrasts so beautifully against the background of the magnificent environment of the British Royal Court.

Princess Diana with sons

Woman Cancer: What stars see it

Skeletons in the closet

There are so many of them in cancer that the cabinets are sometimes lacking. Yes, loves our heroine to live past. She romantizes his first love, loves to reflect on his ancestors, family history, traditions. In addition, the girl Cancer often acquires the objects of the antiquity to the house, stylizes the interior under the classic design. However, such a lifestyle changes noticeably when her life begins to warm a new acquaintance, which gives high hopes.

Psychologist from nature

Rakinya is a radio that can tune in to any wave. It is no coincidence that such a girl will hear an excellent psychologist who can only calm the angry person just a few words. She seemed to speak offended: "I understand you perfectly." But this is exactly what you need to each of us per minute of irritation.

Eashable shrine of family

Here and comments are superfluous. There is nothing more valuable for cancer than family, close and family traditions. She honors his parents, willingly accept their advice and in general a long time is influenced by relatives. A man should keep in mind that for her it is a norm, one of the landmarks in the life, with whom she is not going to part. Unworched cancer is impossible, so you just need to take these rules of the game.

Attitude to work and money

Meril Strip

Work rarely occupies a central place in the life of Rakini. She came to this world in order to devote his life to loved ones and relatives. Nevertheless, it does not prevent our heroine to achieve great success in the activities that she really likes. Cancer loves everything connected with children and beauty. Teaching, design, home comfort is what really inspires it.

If the work is associated with other areas, then Rakin seeks to choose a rather quiet, modest positions on which it does not risk falling into the situation of publicity and constantly in the center of attention of colleagues. Just the abundance of contacts is straining her sensitive nervous system. On the other hand, this lady will not be embarrassed by a monotonous occupation, which, on the contrary, soothes perfectly.

As for the money, cancer can be considered simply a model of economy. She tries to let all their income for the benefit of the family. No large spending on friends, colleagues and just acquaintances it does not allow if her homework needs some important purchase. A man who is valued by a rational approach to finance, such a lady is suitable as it is impossible.

What a man needs a woman cancer

Rakina needs a strong patron woman with a big heart. She is a classic lady that does not find out without reason what he deserves an equally classical man. And the stars are solidar with her:

  1. First of all, a man of cancer girls must make solutions solely independently. She is a supporter of traditional views on life and simply from principle will not go to the first contact. And he is not going to sit down their companion. Cancer like the feeling that she has a patron. So the only way to achieve her hands is to become them.
  2. It represents an ideal man as a person infinitely good, sentimental. Our heroine does not like rudeness in all its manifestations, and does not believe that showing courage, frank aggression is truly male qualities.
  3. Loyalty is an integral cancer requirement. According to their worldview and life values \u200b\u200byou can be any pleased, sharing its views even with other girls. But as for physical purity, there is an irreconcilable challenger of the truth. By the way, it is quite reasonable - after all, she herself is infinitely predicted with their half.
  4. Finally, a man must constantly take care of cancer. This lady simply loves attention, and not talked, and the present. If some girls find such a behavior model for obsession, then in the case of cancer, the situation looks exactly the opposite. You can check and make sure that personal experience.

How not to behave with a woman cancer

Stars warn that offend cancer is incredibly easy. And it is very difficult to see her reaction. The fact is that this lady prefers not to expose their deep feelings, but somehow she is forced to save them exactly until the moment they break out. That is why in the life of any girl of cancer sometimes unexpectedly assign moments when, at first glance, an unfriendly vanity simply takes out of himself, and the only thing that I want to do is to go down with your head in the pillow. And all because our heroine sails his resentment for a long time. In this regard, a man who dreams of conquering her heart must take into account several nuances:

  1. Never admit rudeness to Rakin. She is a calm girl and even in thoughts does not hold provoke you. Therefore, all manifestations of male aggression will be interpreted as frank weakness and rudeness. That is why this path is guaranteed to fail.
  2. Do not think to criticize the house and especially the parents of cancer. Such comments, she perceives in the bayonets, because he believes that whatever family is, it is worthy of respect simply by definition. All the conversations associated with its relatives at first are better not to behave at all in order not to generate extra questions.
  3. Do not shift the solutions on the gentle shoulders of the girl of cancer. Yes, in many matters it will cope without you. That's just this lady true wants that you said what to do and how to do. This is not a fad - such is her nature. She does not mind at all over her somewhere even guarded. After all, Rakiny understands who the owner is in the house. And willingly takes such rules of the game.
  4. Finally, do not turn away from cancer per minute of adversity. She very often experienced emotional differences - the tightening bands of the Handra, when she stays in an inexplicable longing. If you come to her help on such moments, you may not doubt: it will be infinite thanks.

Who fits cancer, and who is not very

Rakinya gently calm in his heart the image of the only and unique. Years are held, many ideals for obvious reasons acquire more real outlines, but the initial representations of our heroine about the present man as a noble knight remain unchanged. The girl cancer needs caress and care much more than the representatives of many other signs of the zodiac.

Just rakin is filled with romanticism, it works fine in the entire palette of human feelings and love manifestations. Therefore, the image of a harsh man with rather rough manners is definitely not her type. And if we talk more specifically, from the point of view of the stars, a picture of the compatibility of a woman of cancer looks like this:

  1. The greatest chance of mutual understanding and warm emotional contact of Rakin has with representatives of the native aquatic element. The union of cancer looks great and, because partners understand each other not with a half-clow, but from a semi-offall. Gentle fish will be able to arrange cancer to themselves like no other, and it is in the situation of confidence that their relationship will be blossoming in front of their eyes. Interestingly, in such families, feelings retain their freshness for a very long time, as if time was not powerful over them. With his astrological twin - a man, our heroine will have a rather interesting, harmonious union, although it is worth it in mind that in such a combination of a lady it is worth exercising more activity than she would like. But the combination with although quite complicated, but if partners manage to establish bridges, Rakin will feel like a man as behind a stone wall. Yes, and Scorpio will be happy to patronize so gentle and fragile creation.
  2. Extremely interesting combinations with earth signs of the zodiac. Reliable will give Rakin confidence in tomorrow. True, it will sometimes have to lead him by the hand, because this man is inclined to slow down with decision-making. Hardworking will create an excellent material basis for a comfortable life. And the assertive will do everything so that his faithful is protected from all sides of the cold winds of life.
  3. With fiery men, cancer will be less comfortable. Just these people have almost contrasting ideas about life. The brilliant loves to condes in society, so at home it will be much less frequent than our heroine. The energetic can confuse this lady with its rapid energy. In addition, Aries is a stubborn man who can literally suppress a more timid partner. Finally, the wind shifts. Cancer will not understand and will not accept a similar way of life, as a result, the Union can suffer greatly.
  4. As for the representatives of the air element, this is the least solid combination. Streamed will not be able to give cancer a sense of reliability, although it will ensure its deep human understanding. Windy, changeable will damn it with their possible infidelity and in general indifferent attitude towards a family hearth. A more promising looks like a union with who will incredibly fall into cancer due to the beauty of the manner, sophistication of the style and the aristocratic lifestyle. That's just the indecision of the scales can give rise to quite a lot of contradictions. In such an alliance, the lady should show more initiative, and whether Rakin will go to it - a big question.

Cancer in bed

Cancer is a real hot source that is hidden somewhere among the Arctic ice. Yes, in appearance, this lady is gentle and charming, but she gets used to a person for a very long time and at first literally repels him with his inaccessibility. On the other hand, a man to whom she trusts will be pleasantly shocked by the wokeered ocean of the feelings that the cancer literally hesitates on her faithful.

Yes, our heroine is not exchanged on trifles. She long and diligently sails his passion, playing the real spicy scenes in their imagination. And, as you know, the more restrain your impulses, the more effectively they will break out. That is why the bed of Rakin is always given without a residue. But only a loved one. That is, to the one who she completely trusts.

Woman cancer - she carries an image of a caring mother and a real keeper of home comfort. A man who takes care of the future of his family and is looking for the most tender companion of life, should rush to the storming of this fortress.

There is one girl who me ... how to say .... In general, I checked many times, but when I hint at her that I like it not only as a person, but also as a girl, she says that nothing but friendship can not be, and I do not understand why.

The site issued the following:

General compatibility: 52%

Physical - 48% - not compatible
Emotional - 57% - intersect
Intelligent - 80% - almost coincide
Cardiac - 18% - are not compatible
Creative - 62% - intersect
Intuitive - 74% - compatible
Higher - 22% - are not compatible

According to the sign of the zodiac (the position of the Sign in the sign) - I am cancer, she is fish (signs of one element).

Characters 3 and 3
Famination 5 (Her) and 4 (I)
Telerament 2 (have it) and 6 (I have)

So what's up?

Alexander, very similar to the fact that on your side of the sympathy much more than with her: with the "female" side of emotional compatibility of 57%, whereas with "male" and intelligence 80% and creativity 62%.

There is also a very well-working intuition for watermarks, 74%, but it is not so easy to reveal and feel from afar, without close communication.

Of course, our current script version on In-ContriR has not yet reveal many details (but we work on it). One of these parts is that women of water signs, being from nature soft and wound in the soul, try to choose a man in partners is clearly more stringent in nature. Because of this, they, by the way, often get on fire signs and burn with them.

In your case, it also plays the role that it is fish, which means "older brother" for your cancer sign. Perhaps the Girl Scorpio, whose sign for Cancer "The younger brother," watched you completely differently.

Good day! I already wrote you, apparently the long message came out, and you did not answer. I am worried about the question: why a man with whom we have good compatibility, as much as 4 maxima and in Pythagora everything is in order, preferred to me another? With which they have solid dissonances, besides, it is married. According to our compatibility, it should be drawn to me exactly as well as me, and I can not look at anyone because of it. We have common views and ideals, and his friends respect me, I am also not deprived of attention. I feel that your interest is mutual. As for the age, I have long been doing self-development, so it should come like it like. 07/10/1989, it is 5.11.1977, it is 11/15/1977. Help me to understand(((

Ksenia, your first letter dated November 26 last year is found and then separately you sent the dates of the birth of all participants. Well, quite powerful with your feedback. Sorry that he remained without attention. But, alas, everyone is simply physically impossible to handle everything. And long stories like you are not bad. In them, on the contrary, it is more information for reflection, more than 10 short reviews. One problem for long stories - the answers to them are sometimes written for 2-3 days.

Judging by the fact that even so much time you do not give up and try to get an answer, this situation and partner do not let you go and answer is extremely important. In this case, we will not make it up with deadlines, but in the near future we will try to deal deeper.

But we have the opposite ... I am cancer, and he is aquarius (July 16, 1995 and February 3, 1997). And it was I battled, as he says, he is nerves and it was he who opened his veins because of me and there were attempts to rush under the train. Most likely, the relationship of the bole and rabbit does not exist as personally does not act on me as written with you. Well, who of us is a rabbit and who is a boa? And I don't suffer at all over it, but he is drinking from me and I feel sorry for the boy myself is not my own.

Milan, and if it is not "Break and Rabbit", what? What are all these nerves, opening veins and rehearsal by the role of Anna Karenina in a male performance?

The total percentage of compatibility is 82% (not everyone in life is generally managed to meet such a pair)
Physical 96% (maximum)
Emotional 96% (maximum)
Intelligent 75% (high)
Cardiac 97% (maximum)
Creative 36%
Highest 80% (high)

About your signs - cancer (you) and Aquarius (he) - already said. Accordingly, it seems like "Break", and you are "rabbit" for him. However, the characters of Pythagora include serious adjustments to a couple: the confident leadership you have 1111 and soft 11. And the funniest in the final: the guy was played out in temperament: 5 he has 4 of you. As a result, the cards are confused as much as possible.

Well, whether you are 10 more years old, you would bring out of these relationships a completely different experience. And so the youthful maximalism and its characteristic inability and unwillingness to build something, appreciate and develop (alas, it is typical for 90% of young partners in relationships) multiplied by the advantage of the girl in age and character, and then all this erected a pair of past "Beak and Rabbit" led to a squeezing, but ordinary for such a couple, confrontation. The rabbit on the strength of its and the weakness of the nature of the partner won. Although rejoice, to be honest, there is nothing. Both all life will remember these relationships like a crazy house.

Hello. Extremely glad that it turned out to be on this site. And unrealistic surprised - a bunch of sites of this topic, and here it is exactly, understandable and interesting, fascinates straight)

Always paid attention to horoscopes, etc., but now it became more interesting. After all, it can really help in life. I have a cheerful story, in fact.

Right now divorced with the former wife (I - 10.29.1987, it is 06/18/1975). When I checked compatibility on your site and read the type of relationship "Break - Rabbit", just fell from the chair))) the word in the word as I had .. There was a "rabbit" for years)) But I do not want to say about it. Right now in the head only one girl (07/06/1989). The chip is that I began to meet with her, still being married, but soon "it seems like" broke up with her. The reason is probably mainly in emotions. I talked a little souls, but there were bursts sometimes. Or rather, my "stamp in the passport" is strongly oppressed, they say "busy." I felt that she could reveal, but did not make it fully as I wanted it. Right now she with apatine to me. The feeling that I got involved in. I want to return her, and I work on it. Your site gives strength and hope. I am pleased with her intuitive biorhythm, although it may not matter)

You can give any comments / extra. Calculations / Personal view of my story?)

And by the way, can add names for calculating compatibility? Or role does not play, what do you think?)

Antonio, you are one of the few lucky ones who wrote a review while for the site a new comment was written. Of course, the reviews that appear right in our eyes cannot be noticed.

But, I will not hide, attracted attention in your story, of course, the dates of birth of you and the former wife: 1987 and 1975. To gently say, not very traditional in public understanding. I remember almost sensible on YouTube the transfer with Malakhov about an unequal marriage. Let us leave the age of the age in which you got married, and pay attention only to the fact that today you have two weeks 27, and the ex-spouse ... 39 years old. Cool. The eyes of most readers, like mine, are surely rounded. I wonder what they will remain if we calculate compatibility on your dates:
- total 55% and compatibility in emotions (74%), intelligence (65%), heart (70%) and creativity (82%)
- characters 3-3, family 4-2, temperatures 6-5

Many could actually envy such a scenario. If it were not for the "Break and Rabbit" in the horoscope. Although I am confident that it is the specificity of the relationship between the "Break and Rabbit" relationship brought His spark into the rapid beginning of these relations, which caused a very controversial marriage from any point of view. Be that as it may, he began to be dizzy. Well, and the end, however, as in most novels such a couple of signs. But it will be what to remember. Although I had to survive a lot. But do not despair, Antonio, and do not hurry with a rapid decision on a new companion.

Still, if we talk about the prospects of your relationship specifically with a girl 06.07.1989, then rather no than yes. I see that you yourself noticed the lack of emotions. And not in vain. Water element signs are the most emotional. And their union, in this case, is logical that there must be the soil of general emotions. What do you see in the calculation and in practice is not observed. For all readers, I note that there, in addition to the physical and intuitive maximum, on the background, it seems to be a favorable pair of watermarks of scorpion and cancer, nothing else is observed.

Yes, you, as a man, moves the maximum physical compatibility, possibly, the maximum intuitive. But the real depth of the relationship, believe me, is felt after some time to communicate with a new partner. And doubts, emotional coldness, apathy, and literally the abyss in temperaments - 1 from the girl and 5 with you (with a maximum of physical compatibility with it!). All this does not add positive points to the forecast. I would especially like to note that temperaments 1 slightly feel under the pressure of temperaments 4-5 (by analogy with characters). And more than once he was discussed that, the higher the temperament, the higher the loyalty of the partner, especially in a pair with close temperament. But the lower the temperament, the higher the tendency to the hike to the left. So here, Antonio, your premonition may not fail you. In connection with all the above, I propose more soberly look at the prospects in this pair and not to build special illusions. It's just that in case of failure of plans, it will be easier to accept and analyze everything.

Names really do not play roles in terms of compatibility. This is more of the part of SMS predictions and other miracle services))

I sincerely wish you success, Antonio, in finding a harmonious pair!

For some reason, the calculation does not take into account when the date of birth in the extreme signs of the sign. In theory, the signs of Aries and Cancer, and the description of the plausible turns out when a couple of days shifted as for fish and lion.

Paul, once again for you and other readers to poison attention that the extreme dates on the signs were aligned with the Western Standard of Astrology. In general, it seems to me that this eternal dispute about border signs will never end. Therefore, it is better to analyze ourselves in personally deeper and take the position that the most coincides with reality. I can still say on the experience that the approved format is more accurate, because The overwhelming majority of people born in the last decade of their sign are a tendency to manifest the features of the next sign. What to talk about people born on the last day of the sign.

Name Pavel) is familiar with this site for about a year)

Mda where it was before a year old 4 years ago at least) when I thought that I was a loser in life and the fact that I didn't get a relationship) I looked compatibility, then 30% then 36% then 49%) and everything fell into place .. started Get acquainted at large percentages of compatibility .. Well, when both) you know percentage there are interest, but you will not order my heart)

About 2 months ago wrote a girl and the profile without her photos) and then it began .. Communication from morning to evening .. and so much simple) and humor chic) \u200b\u200bfavorite writers, directors, musicians, composers, general views on Life, both learn at the Faculty of Psychology) Even both coins once collectively) at the first meeting I was fascinated by it) today is scheduled for recognition in love !! Just thank you so much !!!

Deva Cancer

Physical 67% - compatible
Emotional 72% - compatible
Intelligent 67% are compatible
Cardiac 71% - Compatible
Creative 81% - almost coincide
Intuitive 83% - almost coincide
The highest 67% is compatible

Pavel, Super Feedback! I am supporting you now. Well, and, of course, success!

Hello! Previously, I wrote, but since I haven't received a response yet, I decided to deploy the question.

My husband and I are 10 years old in a pair of which 4 we live together and grow a child (he is my first man). Relationships have never been smooth: there was a period (before marriage) when I was looking for relations on the side, because Not enough understanding from his part. I left a couple of times, and then I decided to translate the relationship to non-binding sex. And so it lasted a couple of years: I talked with other men (more emotionally, than physically), in parallel meeting with my. I finally left the fear of being alone.

During this period, "free" relationships met another man whom still periodically remember. He is 18 years older than me. Sympathy arose at first sight. He showed the initiative (calls, meetings, kisses). But in no hurry to go to a more serious level. For a while it satisfied me (to meet with two men). But then, when the calls began to arrive less often and less often I tried to "shake" it. But because of his youth, it did it too clumsily and emotionally than probably he moved and gave reason to do what he was and so intended: to stop communicating with me.

A few months later, the suffering was completed with the fact that my "love" is unrequited. I finally returned to my boyfriend (future husband) who, already being a 30-year-old man said: "I gave you time to think, now it's time to decide on" - I gave it to understand what would look for a girl for marriage if I don't hurt. Understanding that in the pursuit of "dreams" I can miss the chance to link life with a little man forced ourselves to forget the past and a year later I moved to him and we had a child.

A joint life at first was like a powder barrel. We often swore, and shown that instead of calming me (I am through Chur emotional), he reacted doubly emotionally. To which I answered outdoorly triple ... A couple of times he promised me to "knock" if I don't get silent.

To at least somehow control myself I went to work. And it became a salvation for us - a kind of substitute for those men, communication with which in the period before marriage allowed me to keep relations with the current husband.

Husband complains that I work too much. But in general is ready to put up. I am satisfied with me, the fact that he is the perfect husband and father for our child. And provided that it will not impede my creative development, I am ready to put up with the incessant fear of what if on the moment we will weaken vigilance and give him more freedom than my security can guarantee, he makes stupid ...

At the same time, it sometimes wants to experience again what he felt in relation to a man about which he wrote above (((especially after the compatibility struck our compatibility:
Phys. - 44%
Emoto. - 54%
Intel. - 83%
. - 85%
Creation - 65%
Intel. - 72%
Higher - 71%

You can add the fact that our signs from one element (Virgo and Capricorn), temperament the same (5 and 5), character - he is 1 higher. Findity: I am "Spontaneous", he is a "family-idealist". It is confused by the fact that in this pair I "Parent", and he "child." Maybe it was the cause of its inertness? How do you see this situation? Very interesting, even though it's too late to change something.

P.S. For several years, fate faces us regularly. Every time he manifests sympathy. I tried to start a conversation and linger. And on the contrary, because of once a vulnerable pride, I was pretended that I did not notice this and tried to escape rather (I would not want the terrible situation of uncertainty when you did not call repeated)

And here I am a husband:
Phys. - 43%
Emoto. - 53%
Intel. - 59%
Head - 14%
Creation. - 68%
Intuita - 72%
Higher - 71%

Our signs: Virgo and Cancer. In the nature, he is a leader, in a pair he is a father - I am a child, and temperament slightly touched: I have 5, my husband has 3 :)

I know that here and so everything is clear. But for a brief comment on the above, I will be very grateful.

Alya, thanks for such a deep and unfolded story. Alas, before that I did not meet her nor your pseudonym in the post office.

Let's start with the review of the relationship of your and husband. To be honest, it was the impression that your choice, as it happens to girls, even having a great success in many men, was due to the fact that this partner was the best for you, and the fact that you just knew her husband longer than the rest Therefore, by default, your credibility to it was larger. Moreover, it turns out that he set you before choosing and sold his will in 5 units multiplied by the role of the "older brother" role in relation to your sign. You know, such situations are often surprised by the male brain, when, the girl who has sought many interesting men, eventually chooses a "guy from a neighboring entrance", with whom familiar from childhood. Just because it has already known his pros and cons, got used to him, found some kind of common language. And this, as we see, with your husband you have in a pair. Although it is strange that you are not accustomed to tolerating inherent cancer, like all watermarks, emotionality. But here it is rather the problem is not that the emotionality of her husband is too high, but that it is irritable for you, because Simply incompatible. More precisely, this is unpredictable swing in half of emotional compatibility. There is an opinion, by the way, that sometimes better dissonance compatibility than such half swinging levels. But the dissonances, except for a close to him in the heart chakras you do not have, and there is a little in every level. We see the highest compatibility at the highest levels, which gives a ghostly hope for the development of these relationships in the future. After all, how many times already mentioned, it is compatibility at 3 higher levels that influence the progress of relations in the long run.

Only, alas, a harmonious basis for a relationship without two "female" levels does not develop. The absence of a strong emotional and cardiac connection pushed you in search of new partners. Not in vain, you even mentioned that communication was happening with them more emotionally. However, you were chosen a compromise from the "perfect husband", a "little man", and just who had the will to influence you so that finally, to incline to choose in their favor.

It is said that all meetings in our fate are not accidental. So not accidental and for you there was a meeting with the man, which is much older than you, but, despite this, which caused those feelings that they could not fade so far. It is very interesting to his detailed compatibility in chakrams with you: You do not notice that it is, as if a more successful copy of your husband? To such an extent that, at some levels, the differences are literally in a plus minus a couple of percent. Only the main advantages of this mature man - finally, almost a maximum of "female" cardiac compatibility with you and a strong intersection in the "men's" intelligence. If these two detailed calculations considered an imaginary compatibility doctor, he would say: "Milk, and you have a pattern!". What does the image of a potential partner who have been rooted in consciousness meaning in consciousness due to unsuccessful or existing relationships.

It is difficult to say with what the appearance of patterns is connected. But it should not be noted that their influence on the partner's craving is no less than when there are high compatibility maxima. Psychologically, the search for a partner, similar to one of our former or current, can be due to the fact that our consciousness wants to make another attempt "of the same relationship", but that it has become successful. Surely, more than once we noticed how young girls say that they are "lucky" to certain types. So this is actually no luck, but the subconscious search for patterns in the opposite sex people. Therefore, Alya, it is very similar to that you are in a Capricor man just see a certain alternative to the current husband and a more successful possibility of realizing relationships.

And if it were not so, it would hardly have written. Hope for a more successful attempt is read between the lines. And, it should be noted that it still has the soil. You are on the brain on the compromise in the current relationship, write that "everything is so clear." But the heart chose that second partner. And, it seems to me that after a time after an attempt of relationships, the fate does not face you with him ... but pushes. Do not deceive yourself. Try to restore this chat and both will be more clearly. It is better to try and regret once than not to try and regret all your life.

Hello! I love to check your compatibility with men on your site. But! I am confused by one, here you have come to the Virgin, although I lion in the sun, I study the natal card, so I know that I am a lion. Therefore, could you tell me what my compatibility with a man, given the fact that I still lion) My date: 08/23/1991. His 07/01/1986. Thanks in advance.

Suura, if you take only chakras / biorhythms, then everything is pretty good - whole 3 very powerful compatibility:

But then some contradictions: a guy-cancer, being older than you for 5 years, has 2 times less severe character in Pythagora - 2 against 4. And also an unclear situation with your sign, as, however, and in most cases with border signs.

Well, if you take a lion and cancer, then it will be friends-neighbors "best friend and the best enemy." The pair is not that incompatible, but rather from the category of "live". By the way, the statistics on pairs of signs of readers in-contri and that couple turned out to be the most popular. So the cross should not put on it.

Negatively, in this case, one thing: the confrontation of your elements of the fire (lion) and water (cancer), where the victory will be with a variable success to get the older and experienced man-cancer, then more explosive and volitional lioness, that is, you. Only cancer such confrontation does not like it at all and every victory will not please anyone, but to urge. After all, what price she got. I will tell you so that usually men do not hold for a long time. Either go, or the inner rod breaks and they give up. A strong woman for a weaker man is an even test.

78% - cancer and Aries - excellent compatibility - net truth - there are no passion in sexual relationships, but everything is calm and firmly, otherwise - I do not think of life without your Aries! Close and beloved relative! Across each other - do not break! Communication at some top ... Thank you!

Natalia, even a couple of signs and different parity, but interaction can be positive. And with your 78% of chakram / biorhythms (this is powerful compatibility!) You can count on good chances. Good luck to you!

Hello! Interested in compatibility of the signs of the zodiac after parting with a man with whom it was interesting to be fascinating at first, and then simply unbearably hard. Having read, about how the woman's calf and man gets around, I was surprised how exactly astrologists reflect all the subtleties of such a relationship, as if writing with us))). Well, of course I rushed ... I began to watch compatibility by year of birth, then the date of birth (interesting !!!), and plunging into the study of compatibility with other signs I thought then: here would be a cancer. The relationship with the director was long and painful (and there was no other) that I wanted to just believe the stars. Six months later, I met my cancer, an understanding from a half-clow, ease of communication, common interests, etc. Of course, I checked compatibility on different sites: the ratio is harmonious, long, but as they write on one of the sites, he imposes a print of misfortune on me, and specifically, as it appears, I did not find it. Can you tell me? I 05/12/1983, it 07/05/1963

Opinion In-Contri and Classical Astrology:

Full calculation (on chakram / biorhythms General total 69% - above average):

Date of Birth 05.07.1963 12.05.1983
Biorhythms / Chakras
Physical 80%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 28%
Cordial 38%
Creative 89%
Intuitive 90%
Higher 73%
Zodiac signs Cancer - Water Taurus - Earth
Square Pythagora
Character 3 4
Family 2 5
Temperament 3 5

Another pleasant, as you have already seen, the pair "Senior Brother is a younger brother," where the calf, that is, you, Alena, for the elder. And, as it happens in most couples with placed zodiac roles, the same is confirmed in Pythagore - 4 in the nature of you against 3 in cancer. Although with a lot of confidence, it can be assumed that at the initial stage, more mature man-cancer with "gold", but nevertheless impulse character, will try to show itself as a leader. But over time you will come to natural roles, where you are given the place of the first room.

It is also extremely important (this is the second main point after a favorable compatibility of the signs) - high compatibility in all three higher chakras. For partners of your age and especially your satellite is key compatibility. Therefore, it is already necessary to start working on its disclosure, planning together life, share experiences and your life philosophy with each other - in general, to build relationships, also as a deep spiritual union.

I think, Alena, that already quite promising forecasts, you have read about your pair and including this site has found additional confirmations. It's not bad. Only here, I am afraid that the main problems will wait for you outside. What is there to say: a girl of 30 years old and a man 50. Surely in the eyes of the majority it will look at least as an unequal marriage by calculation. From the side of your surroundings: "The old man decided to rock ancient", "Why should you need it, I would find young." From his surroundings: "She needs money from you / property, and then it is divided with you," she was deprived of her father as a child, so now with you, but it will pass. " And everything in such a spirit. There is no need to guess - these are stereotypes of society. And that's why you need to do focus on the strongest and deep sides of compatibility in your pair to resist this public opinion. So that no one has any doubts about the fortress of your union.

Yes, your couple probably looks not in traditional format. Whereas in fact it is very harmonious. And it is unlikely that many know that man-cancer, even in the elderly, remains in the soul of a sophisticated romantic and a dreamer. And next to a much more young girl, such a man and himself acquires the second youth. So rejoice at your meeting, develop the soil of common interests, but do not rush while events are about marriage. Yet your chosen one has 2 and such, as a rule, you need some time. Although the initiative will most likely come back more from you, Alena. And there is nothing wrong with that, only, I repeat, all my time.

zY: about "printing misfortune." Naturally, I realized that this is the site. I saw him too. But he, alas, one of those who drive a few typical answers for all couples and, believe, "printing misfortune" there is a right and left to each third pair. This can already be called a chip of such a site. But there is also a lot of funny sites, by the way, to the Word, where are more popular than our, where all the couples are perfectly compatible with each other. Therefore, everyone chooses what he soul. And if we talk about chips, then in-contri, like you, I hope, noticed, there are no two pairs with an identical calculation. All individual. As, however, the people themselves.

Since I got a speech, then the site applies the calculation of Sinastria, which is almost very difficult to implement as a script on the site. It can be really reliable subject to two conditions:
- It is calculated by hand with an experienced astrologer (I am familiar with one of these and saw it)
- You know exactly exactly the time of birth and partner

And just at the same time, everything is not as simple as it seems. After all, they really only in rumors and memories of parents know at best what time was born. Therefore, when the error of our time is to take shape with the error of the time of the partner's birthday, then then the "printing" are obtained later in practice. And in the Sinastria, it may be that man born at 9 am and, suppose, in 10 already with a very different set of qualities. In my opinion, such an approach is entitled to life, but in it accents are often completely wrong. If a person, Taurus, like you, for example, then, first of all, Taurus and in the second and third queue has the quality of other signs. And no dominant qualities. And in similar calculations, everything can be turned out so that you will not have anything from the Taurus. Let me remind you that this can cause a difference in one hour of birth. Whereas in the calculation of in-contri, we see that the difference in the day or two in the date of birth will not lead to cardinal shifts. If only these days or two do not come to border signs.

Here, Alena. This is my opinion. You can argue or agree. I wish you good luck in love, development, mutual spiritual growth and, of course, I would like to write through the year, how are you doing. Happiness to you!

Romance, mysterious flickering candle, the subtle emotional perception of the world is something that lives than the dream of a dreamest of cancer. If it is in love, everything around is immediately painted into bright, delightful tones, and the desperation of loneliness disappears without a trace. However, his soul mystery is hidden deeper. His need for love is incredibly great - so much that for many crayfish, love is the main meaning of their life, pushing the career questions in second place.

Cancer can fully disclose in love and overcome its natural leaning only if it felt that next to him is a really reliable person. Feeling confidence, security for this sign - the background of the occurrence of trust, as a result of which the bud of their love and sensuality blooms. Of course, the cancers happen fleeting acquaintances, which is called "dating for one night", but after that there are no diligence and presses in their soul. They are looking for, they need eternal love, they strive for life to shine all the colors of the rainbow. When confidence in the cancer and his partner will be confirable, it is not averse to experiment in bed. However, not due to the grinding of feelings. After all, in the end, love ecstasy is the merger of shower, and not bodies, otherwise everything would be reduced to the purely technical side, the set of physical education elements.


Sexy Horoscope - Cancer

For this woman, born in the hottest time of the year, there are a lot of heat and caressing from the man. Although sometimes in her, the volcano can bubble, along the nature, it is rather timid and careful, and it imposes a print on the requirements that she presents to love. As for flirting, it is different. Even sometimes the diva is given as this woman restrained in its deep essence can be converted so unrecognizable, flirting and seducing the strong gender in all the rules of ordinary coquetry. A promising giggle, Tomno-headed eyes - all these things, in front of which no male heart will stop, are started into the course without the slightest oscillation. Definitely, loneliness produces a seeking effect on this type of women. They need a romance, quiet love confessions on a secluded bench in the park at the moon - who is its atmosphere, starting with distant school years.

It often happens that a female cancer, flirting, becomes a victim of its increased requirements, she does not care about its subtle emotional sphere. She feels sacred to their inner world, so it often treats sex too seriously, gives him a lot of emotional forces. To truly arouse, it should be seriously in love. It is for this reason that women crayfare rarely give a lover. But it is quite possible to miss the opportunity to miss the opportunity perfectly perfectly because it is patiently waiting for a call from a person with whom it agreed in advance. In general, the woman is distinguished by a somewhat old-fashioned taste for elegance. All new-flower twists produce a repulsive effect on it. She impresses the classic style of clothing, because the conservative facade for her is a sign that the person is predictable, which can be trusted, and loyalty for this type of female number one.

Isabelle Adjani, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Gina Lollobrigid, Princess Diana.


Sexy Horoscope - Cancer

These men love women, because he has all the advantages, with the exception of one -one not "macho", not a male male with a biceps. He respectfully refers to independent women, although it is drawn to charming, loving individuals. Cancer Men can be compared with a cute teddy bear, which can be squeezed, stroking and take a bed to bed. And psychologically with him is easy, the only condition - he must be sure that he has the right to count on genuine sincerity and love.

Many male crayfish with difficulty constrain the desire to destroy the cute bear imposed on them and literally strangle the partner in the arms. But so far, they can only go in their fantasies. In general, they are big children and easily succumb to infinitely crowdable affiliates and compliments. It is noticed that male crayfish impress the most innocence even when they actually stroke into the gun, and they cannot calmly skip one skirt. What is, that is: they are inherent shuffling, but the girls themselves do not pass the passage to them. So the male-cancer is destined to be a deep connoisseur of the female soul, and often women consider it their best friend. Many male cancers feel better in women's society than in male companies. Bachelor Party can even cause suspicions. Summing up, we can say that cancer is created for durable, stable marital relations, because it is important for him a feeling of reliable berth, and the intimate and emotional intimacy with the beautiful sex is given to him without the slightest voltage,

Celebrities, born under the sign of cancer: Alfred Biolek, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Sylvester Stallone, Nelson Mandela.


Sexy Horoscope - Cancer

The palm of championship is that it concerns the ability to evaluate women's affairs, of all 12 signs of the zodiac on the right belongs to the cancer: loves them selflessly! Gentle embraces constitute higher enjoyment in life. The trembling of voluptuous tomzion reacts his skin to the slightest touch. But it should be emphasized against cancer a special importance of a trust relationship factor. The duration of relationship only helps to strengthen sex pleasure. Disorder random ties do not attract cancer, because he needs time to warm up. An effective way to bring ourselves to the necessary condition is to take a shower with a partner with which they have been together for more than one year, and the best in the candlelight, in a mysterious half-man.

Erogenic cancer zones are nipples that you can try to bite. Another experienced tool to bring cancer to ecstasy - kisses and tongue tongue with the ears. Otherwise, cancer is surprisingly conservative. It is quite satisfied by the classic missionary position.

First date

The themes of fate, self-profit and romantic world perception give a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe inner world of cancer. Therefore, it is quite natural that the place of the first date is best to choose a restaurant, not like everyone else, with a special atmosphere, which has a contact of the hands. Pour your satellite some champagne - it will make it more brave and will encourage to seem on the light of God from his asylum. Give cancer with the opportunity to tell about yourself. You must restrain your desire to speak myself, even if he is attentive listener. Understanding, affectionate smile - this is what they are waiting for you. If you manage to establish confidence contact, it is possible that the continuation of your communication in the restaurant will be a boat in the moon. Without push, but confidently take the initiative in your hands if you have a feeling that cancer feels not enough confident. Kiss it on the cheek or repay the back of the hand brush. These signals will be enough to give him courage. We want to warn you that the further rapid development of events can catch you surprise: Your so-timid at first, the satellite will show such a glance that the case can end the bed.

Culmination of passion - the first night of love

Sexy Horoscope - Cancer

Let it be misled by the appearance of cancer: large, childish naive eyes can belong to loving with experience, and in a romantic one to drag mothers rocky woman. Robility and shower, having completed its functions, will soon be discarded as unnecessary. So let it not be unexpectedly what at first such a discreet cancer will be freed from his clothing at the first opportunity - where only all conventions are like! And the exciting event is to now be called not the "first night", but the "first day" love - will happen right at the workplace of your "modesty".

But truly in love with cancer behaves really as a small child. I want a woman or man-a cancer, so that a beloved friend or girlfriend gave his innermost desires, helped him to reveal. The little goat suddenly becomes terribly Mile and begins to swear that everything in the world would give to just be able to be with you, the most expensive man.

An ideal scene for hacking his serenade is, of course, a secluded place on the shore of the lake with a clear moon. At worst, he agrees to the mysterious twilight created by candles, combined with his favorite music, sounding soft background. In such a romantic atmosphere, cancer is experiencing a real rise and again believes in the possibility of happiness, despite the preceding, mostly disappointing, experience. Love for him - as a magical elixir of life, from the first night of love begins for him a countdown of a new life together. The rays of the new love again cause him to life, he seems to be born. And he will be amazed in the heart when he calls for the first time after you were together, and you will answer that they are now busy: after all, in his soul it still sounds the journal of love. Do not hope that you will easily persuade him to meet again.

New impulses - the pledge of the strength of the UZ

With the task of holding cancer in the orbit of its influence, only the same dreamy romance will be able to cope, as well as he himself. Cancer is tied only to a person with whom he has spiritual contact. Cancer, he needs a quiet, calm family harbor, but above all appreciates romantic moments - and the need for them is bumping through all his life - the precious communication of the shower, when he can be alone with a friend, look into his eyes and gently in the most Ear whisper the thrill words of love. Such a mood brings to him the dusury of a small restaurant, in which the sounds of the piano and where it can reset the cargo of everyday worries for a while.

You should take care that you do not forget to paint time for regular communication with your cute cancer. And even if you have a bunch of children, it should not be a hindrance: Leave them when there is an opportunity, and go along with your friend to dine without a hurry to a restaurant or wax somewhere for a short time, it is best, of course in Venice. These watches spent with the other in the atmosphere typical for the blessed pore of the first love will be for your friend a refreshing sip of spring water. If the opportunity to break out somewhere completely absent, supasite, at least candles and take care of relaxing music for intimate communication at home. Remember how you met, and tell your friend that you still love him: weaker than you will love tomorrow, but stronger than you loved yesterday.

Perfect Partner for Love and Sex

Sexy Horoscope - Cancer


Cancer - Thin Nature, he loves halftone. There is no greater pleasure for him than in the mysterious twilight to dissolve under the in love with the views of His only, not allowing any forcing events. But impatient Aries cannot wait long, all these "Cirr-Lah-Manirlich" is not in his character. Such an Natisk meets the contradict from the cancer, as he insists on his principle: the main thing is the relationship of the souls!

Cancer Tel

A devotee and good-natured taurus just a find for cancer. He can calm him when it takes life, and even help the case. And in the intimate sphere, the style of a soft, unobtrusive temptation of one perfectly combines with a careful research vest of another, and in this - the key to the strength of their union.

Cancer twins

Cancer may indulge in the game with chalken twins as long as he pursuantly himself with his heart. They are good together in a funny company. Also willingly, they spend their leisure together and enjoy the scent of the summer night. But the first autumn thunderstorms will clearly show that their shared life will be given to them not easy.


The ocean of feelings will open in front of them, which will certainly need to be used to the bottom. Romance and nostalgia will suck them deeper and deeper. And when they finally find the strength to leave their shelter - a sweet bed of love - at least one of them will have to be quite practical to take care of the redemption of unpaid accounts and replenishing stocks in the refrigerator.


They will have to survive the young romance. No matter how day and night. The sun and the moon, they also do not think apart. The expression of sincere admiration for the lion from cancer, causing the response dedication of the lion, are those efforts that suggest success. Both are unsurpassed specialists in part of Lask.


Cancer makes a great impression of the mind of the Virgin. The latter is very selective and is only an interest in serious relationships. In favor of this Union, there is also such a moment: people born under these two constellations well find a common language among themselves and have the ability to clearly and clearly tell another of their needs.

Cancer scales

The emotional catture of cancer is well understood by charming and inventive weights. As sexual partners, they also quite satisfy each other, because the relaxing light weight is so seductive. The only bad thing is that the scales love to pull before making a final decision, the crayfish approach, they insist on an urgent answer if they are together.

Cancer Scorpio

Everything is already solved at the very moment when they first close each other's eyes. Either between them immediately runs the spark of attraction, or it is useless to count on something! Cancer in some way only to him in a famous way calm the explosive scorpion. And in bed, he can also shim off his incredulous partner in what is able to inspire him a feeling of limitless love and devotion. There is some kind of magical connection between these two human types, which cannot be rational explanation.

Cancer Sagittarius

In Sagittar, there lives an indomitable spirit of Wolnitsa and a thrust for adventures that cut it and require immediate exit. It is very far from the representation of cancer about the ideal partner for many years. It is not easy for them to get along with each other even as good comrades, because romantic impulses will very quickly get squeezed for a firing, and, accordingly, there can be no voltage between them.

Capricorn cancer

Capricorn seeks success, to the implementation of its ambitious designs. With such an orientation in his life, he simply will not be time to try to divide the subtle emotional solrencies of cancer. Yes, next to him, cancer feels reliably protected, but this is not enough for him: he must constantly hear the words of love, feel the warmth of the hands of a loved one and generally feel with him one.

Cancer Aquarius

Cancer willingly pecks on an unpredictable Aquarius and do not mind experimenting with him. For a while, they can be good together, together they will overcome difficulties encountered on their way, and the everyday storms will not be broken. But everything will change as soon as cancer expresses the desire to poison the family nest. In this case, our aquarius in all pairs will rush further.

Cancer Fish

This is a meeting of two dreamers who, like no other couple, are migrating down. Prospects In this case, the rainbow, these two understand each other without unnecessary words and together erect their house - the fortress against the rest of the world. Fish - unsurpassed masters in part of the caress, and that they spoil cancer.

Cracks born under the sign of the zodiac celebrate their birthday of the hottest sometimes from June 22 to July 22. Light touches, mysterious views, evening with candles - cradies all this is like that. The world they perceive through the prism of emotions, and when their heart rushes from love from the chest, then the world around the surrounding is overflowing with all the colors of the rainbow of happiness. But these are such tender little men, inclined to uncertainty and shy. They are very careful and often hide in the shade. They will be trusted only when 100% will be convinced that the man is true next to them. After all, love and feelings mean much more for them than a career. Cracks for the time being are in the search for eternal love, and the sexual experiments will be ready for sexual experiments when the partner passes the strength test. Well, this is so common, and getting acquainted with these personalities closer, you will be fighting. Than? We read below.

How to win cancer?

Cracks - owners of a rich inner world, are located all perceive on a romantic way. An ideal date for them: the evening in a quiet cozy restaurant, located to an intimate conversation and "random" first touches. A little wine will help to liberate the cancer, and they will get out of their sink on the light of God. If you want to build relationships with this person, it is best to show a careful listener with an understanding and affectionate smile.

Cracks will feel comfortable only with such as they themselves - dreamers and romantics. For them, the main role is played by spiritual communication, and the need for it they carry through the whole life, if suddenly the spouse could not give it. And they will always look for a person who will be associated with a quiet calm face. Even in marriage, cancers are very valued evenings with a quiet unhurried conversation.

About the wonderful representatives of the sign of the zodiac cancer

Oh, these are real nymphs with the richest emotional world. For them you need to care for a long time, care for romantic and even old-fashioned. Loves when the whirlwind of attention develops around it when it is careful, care. But she is careful, and often timid when it comes to a serious relationship. But as for Flirt ... Girl Cancer Real Lighter! And where only its restraint disappears. Views, laughter, playful phrases are not a complete list of her arsenal. But the hour of Flirta passed, and everything falls into place: she wants the lunar night, candles, champagne by the fireplace. But it will be able to give her only one to whom it will take place seriously and allow to their real inner world.

For all the efforts, this girl will repay with unprecedented devotion to his man, sometimes even excessive. Having entered into relations, it will strive for marriage, children, creating their home. Sex plays an important, but far from a primary role. A man must conquer her with his reliability, enveloped caressing and warm, then she will be the best mistress, regardless of the sign of the partner's zodiac.

Sex life of cancer

Its restraint does not give her the first step, but more often it meets reciprocity. It fears to disclose not to be criticized. She needs a man to gradually opened the curtain of her smoothness every time. Encouragement, demonstration of true feelings, commitment creates a miracle, this woman will show their attraction so that a man will be conquered. But this nimph is easy to swipe with a sharp phrase or an incorrect gesture, all the works will fall as shock, she will go to the sink, and the man will again have to take attention, take care to reveal it.

She is sincerely in bed, does not know how to imitate the feelings, but it turns exactly. Women of this sign are very sensual, rapidly responding to the passion of the partner, can be crazy.

Her desire for reliability speaks for itself. Sex in the forest or plane is not for her, comfort and solid security confidence are necessary. You can truly liberate at home or partner. And when the relationship has reached a pleasant peak, most likely the girl herself will invite his chosen one for a light dinner with candles. And it will expect affection, attention, beautiful words, admiration. If the partner meets the trust, it will free from prejudice and will do what she likes in bed. Most.

And what does she like in bed most?

Remember that cancer is a very sensual sign and loves all nice tactile sensations. She likes not to rush, enjoy a pleasant prelude. He loves to caress men's genitals and gently play with the testicles. He feels pleasure, exciting the genital organ of a man with her fingers, smeared in cream to even lick them. By bringing the partner to almost the peak, it will interrupt, a little teasing, and will come back as a rider to give a man orgasm.

Her sensuality is manifested in the most unexpected situations. For example, she likes to use flavored substances during oral sex.

Most Favorite Pose During Love Week: Woman Cancer lies on the stomach, and the partner comes from behind. She really excites the feeling of someone else's body on his buttocks. And in this posture you can hide from a man during orgasm, the modesty of nature takes its own!

Women canceli are most afraid of rudeness in bed, often see her where it could not be. Therefore, they have a very strong desire for safe relationships. For example, with a woman. Lesbian love satisfies their desire for reliability.

And sometimes as a reaction to the rudeness of a man, women crayfare turn to dildos. But in general, in sex, they are very inventive and not inclined to extremes, more often loves traditional sex, but they add such a handful of raisins to him that a man feels in the seventh heaven.

On strong representatives of the zodiac zodiac cancer

Women's pet cancers do not impress macho, and often associated with comfort and family. In society, they love the company of witty and beautiful women, but raks are not so simple, as they seem. Their fast mood change can put in a dead end, and all the case depending on the cycles of the moon. The act is ready to stand on their to the end, assertors and even sometimes aggressive, but only worth it to this man, and he will beg for forgiveness for his behavior. And they are very hidden, often even the closest do not know what is happening in their soul.

This is a dreamy, sensitive man, very sentimentally applies to friends from the past, places where he lived. It has an amazing property to keep friends forever, meeting with them and after many years. Relations are very serious, it does not have to count on a light romance. He will constantly need confidence of love, wait for praise. But, like women cancer, these are very devoted people. True, and in return require the same.

I really appreciate everything that invests in the concept of the house. This is the place where it will always be taken, heated and fit. But sometimes he is waiting for too much, and disappointed in those who love. Disappointed, closes, not seeking an open conversation.

And breaking the relationship, easily moves to new. But to forget his most real love, the one, because of which the heart rushes to scroll, can't never succeed in cancer.

By the way, this man does not hold a long pause between acquaintance and bed.

Sex life of cancer

As well as a woman under this sign of the zodiac, a man in order to reveal in the intimate sphere, you must first build a reliable trust relationship with a partner. Therefore, sex without commitment with random familiar is not for him.

He likes to play the role of a teacher, gradually spending different tricks with a female body and commenting on that a woman feels, and, how and what she should answer. If the partner does not have enough wisdom to support this game, then intimate life will most likely violated. But if you surrender to the teams of cancer, to go with him this path together, the result will be very pleasant.

In the first phase of relationships, it is impossible to tear a cancer and behave like it is pretty, he is inclined to quickly disappoint into partner in such a situation, and close. He himself belongs to the tenderness, respect.

He likes to start a prelude not in bed. According to his will, sex can start anywhere, on the table, on the floor, just standing. But in peak moments, he will transfer his partner to bed.

Stars say that this sign is a real master cliential orgasm. He excites his woman with his fingers very gently, achieving a rapid reaction.

And cancers owners of excellent memory: clearly note what they like in bed. Their partner is most and enjoying this knowledge.

And what does he like in bed most?

This is the only sign of the zodiac from all capable of reacting so insanely to touch. He will definitely appreciate all female strokes and tactile affection and respond to them with hurricane emotions. Surprisingly, this man can be brought to the madness of deep kisses and the suction of the ushi. During such manipulations, they can even get orgasm.

The main erogenous zone of crayfish is nipples, stroking, plugging - any manipulations will be rewarded.

Cancers are very loved by the simultaneous touch of penis to the chest and the lips of a woman. This combination brings them to ecstasy.

But in general, cancers are very conservative, they enjoy missionary poses and are often content only.

So, what is the attractiveness of this sign? In my opinion, in their needs in sincere human relations. Stars say that canceli is the only zodiac sign capable of being perfect in bed, however, with the emotional filling of every connection. The battles drank ... They are like a timeless attitude to this world ... In the sense that the main values \u200b\u200bare still the family, children, home.